ES THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED FgERY DAY, By GEORG*AE,RO-NER The MELT Tlolo9t tl l . fa served .ub ibers the City ate cents per week. Yearly subscribers will br charged 64 00 In ad vance. I • t • ' Wear= sun Bain wsitaiY i TeLSORAPH. The.Threcluara Is also publistied. twice a week during, the session of the Assr 6 dature, and; weekly during the reulaidderorthe year /Ord fOrnished to subscribers at the fobowtog cash •' , . Slag : übsOHbera het year geml• 60 Ten.. !f, 44 I ..12 00 ..2S 00 Single aribserilier64feeklii 1 09 'Utley I. trewsturus. - . . If subscribers order the discontinuance of their news papers, the publisher may Continue to send them until arrsaragetnure paid.. ' • • IS subscribers nosiest ur refuse to take their newspa per' Vold &rota= to which thily are directel, they are reiPousiblosturUlthey hrre settled the bills and ordered them discordlrtuad. • • itlisullatuous. EAGLE .WORIII3, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. SUNIIIACTURIng 01 80011-BINDERS' 111JUNG-LIIIINES AND PENS, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING ; *ACHIN KS, PRESS BOARDS, AND 7ILOUININ NON GRINDING CUM . a-MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Kills and`Fodder Cutters, SCHOOL. FURNITURE; General Machine Work and. Iron and Brats CASTINGS, WOOD TURNING IN ALL 118 BRANUM, SCROLL SAWING, PLAYING, or Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Brass made to order. Gear and Screw Gutting, &o. HICKQIC'S'H PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUING TOOLS. air Cosh paid for Old Copper, Bras, Spatter, &o. STEAM BOILERS; •BtiC. PENNSYLVANIA ABOVE STATE STREET CELLAR WISbOW GRATES, Of vicionapatterus, both steitontry and swinging. Snail Winans and various other building castings, for sale Very rh , ge at the (mylkly] E WORKS. NICHOLS Sr; BOWMAN ; *Hop: 4AT.,E AND .RETAM G . 'll Caner Front and Market Streets, HARRISBURG, PENN'A., ESPXCTFULLY invite the attention of the public tothelr ',sue end well selected stock of OIOCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIGN AND DO MESTIC FRUITS, Including among others, SUGARS, • SYRUPS TEA, S, COFFEE, SPICES, ORANGEB ". 11310116, acq., AC. ALSO FLO SALT, BACON, - .. LARD; • • HUTT EH, Am We invite an examination of our superior ; NON EXPLOSIVE COAL OIL, The bent in the market in every, reepe4, gather with all kinds of LAMPS, SHADES, BURNERS, WICKS and - • ousstoxEs, - - (Wier than any Awe in Baniaburg. We keep on hand always all kinds of - OZDAE AND WILLOW WARE All styles and kinds of • GUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE, at the old stand, .NICHOLti A BOWMAN, , in '2D Corner Front mayi,get so. BOOKS FOR FARMERS., THE attention of agriculturists is direoted to the following works, which will enable Mara to increase. the quantity and value of their Crops by adding science and the experi ments of others to their experience : STEPHEN'S BOOK OF THE FARM, de tailing all the labors of husbandry and the best way toperform them. Price....B 60 COLEMAN'S AGRICULTURE and Beal Economy ' 4 00 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, by A11en....1 00 THE EMMEN COMPANION, by Buel LECTURES . ON PRACTICAL AG/40UL- TUBE, by Manton: . ' 50 THE AMERICAN uni versal handbook, with 40(1 engravings.. 2 50 AN EASY METHOD OF MANAGING REFS, by Weeks, ... 20 PhirNikture and Trewiment of Dis use of Cattli, by Dadd... - .1. - 1 00. LEIBIG'S.AGRICGLiTiVAL CHEMISTRY 76 =OH COWS. AND DAIRY FARMING, and the production - of milk, butter, cheese, by Flint 1 60 GRASS M AND FORAGE PLANTS,`:by' Lynch 160 SAXTON'S HAND-BOOK; containing the Horse, the cow, the pig, fowls, &c., ik0..1 00 THE FARMER'S DICTIONARY and Prac tical Farmer, by Dr. Gardner .1 50 ALLEN'SJXIMESTIC ANIMALS 75 THE FIELD BOOK OF MANURES, or jiikietican Muck Hook, . 1 25 TIM HORSE AND: Sb4 _ DIS by :Jennings,:...4 . 100 TOGAIT ON THE HORSE . 1 25 R12710'13 FARRIERY and,ISTUD 800K....1 00 HORSEMANSHIP and the Breaking, and OxiiiigA, Males . . Si d .BoPks; Selma Books, ,e 4 ev e ry, thing la the stationery line, at lowest prices, at BEEKINER'S CHEW 130131 V SPORE. • _ LIFE 141 , 13-IT-Priv 1 4 1.0 The Girard lA;hininuiee; Annuity and Trost Company .01 01110, NO. 408 OE'INSONV7 SIREI . . (CHARTER PETWET,UALY: . • CAPITAL AND d@ptiT9 ............. 111438110 THOMAS RIDO WAY Prelidamt.. 10Eif If.' JAMB, ' Actuary, ' Q L INITINU E to aka INSITRANCEL: ON IVII4 on the most roma able terms. . s inter ' y m m a as giecuto, Trustees and Guardiam 1‘ Wills. and as Receivers ent Assignee s.. Tbasapiotl being Pohl de tali iirrem., together with large tind Constantly Were wing reserved fund , earn a pcsfockeentr t7,to the immured. The prem i u m zwiy bapidd yearly,haltyeari r or. mar. qhe company add a BONUS_ periodically to the lase. Mom Pr.lll. N The FIRST DONN appropriated in he. emirs_ r 1014 , the agOCIND. BONDS In December, Is 4 theanitta BONUS la December, 1804, and YOUSTII 2011178 in 1859. These additione are made witho u t mums any increase n.thp redeems to .bepa id to the CCoo The boD4ing are a few egainphr from the Resister : AmOW • and Boni I Bonus' Vl''Omani - toße increased Pan) • inland addekrs*: by obeli 'additions. L sop $d . . 1260 u . 4 11 , 1•% _ szc i tu • 7 t ...12 1000 400 00 1 400 00 'le ' 6000 1,676 00 , 0:676,90 Aitieka urg am viaikity p " - , .. murex BIIIIIIIIOi etas I= . . .. . ...._ ~ • • - - . ... - .. , ' ' •,,,.•• '-. ' - , . ~.„.,....:,....,i. N- •,. \ V ~e!. iiyik.„*. , „ , , ~ , . . . . .. • - • • , * ----:: - •XV)',ittw 41%.• - .. .. _ . . . . . , . . ~ . .. . _ ... . , .. . __ __ _,:- _ :_.;;_ 1 .= - __=_7, — . 3 . :- 11 ) . 1 ~ ..., .. le 12 tiltit Im. .., . ... 1 z.,__._ ..._... :,..., . , ~,..... .rik, 4, r',r, i !...,,,) •i - , ,7 . fr,... I , V• , t ---/, - i . .iI. , 0 . • , •:11 i'i i • , . . . .. ; . L '!- ,'-- ,`t? , .'' ,'.:'. ,----_- . . ' A - - • • - .:. , . '''.........." ..4- VOL XVIII DII,:....jOHNSON IB4A.I.eII'IMOMZ3EI LOCK HOSPITAL! HAS discovered the most certain, speedy and elfetemel remedy in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, in from one to Two Days. • Weakness of the Back or -Limbs, Strictures, ntleetiom. of the kidneys and Bladder Involuntary discharges, Im potency, General llehillty, Nervousness, Dyepepsy, Lan. guor, Low SPkite, DonitUtiOn of ideas, paipitattenoi the. Heart Timidity, Tremtilings, Dimness of sight or Giddl• nese, Di seas. ei Abe Head, throat, Nose or Skin; Affec- Lions of the Liver,. Lunist,,htomach or Bowels—those tor. able die orders . arising : from the Salary Habits of youth -Abase OM* and solitary practcas more lull to their victims tban the song if :yrent 10 the Mariners of Ulys• ses, blighting their mat'brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, 80., Impoesible. Young Kens 'specially, who have become b e victims of Solitary Vice, that UMW. *and destructive. habit which annual ly sweeps, to an, untimely grave thousands of Young Ken of the Mat - exalted talents and hmilisat wbo . might Otherwise hriVe entranced latticing Senates with thwthunders of eloquence ormaked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence, • liairiage• RAILROAD • . . lidarriedPersomi, or Young Men. contemplating mar being aware o[ physical Weaknese * orgauic debili ty, deformities, So., speedil cured. , • Ide who planet blmaelf under the care of ' Dr. J. may religiously confide in hue tonor -as 'a gentleman, and con ildently rely upon , pis skW as a Physician. , immediately Cured; and full - vigor nattered. : • This distressing Aftiotion..whicb renders 1 fie misera ble and marriage impossible—la the penalty petit by the , victims of improper indulgencee. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses Dom not being aware of tat dreadful conseq. duces that may ensue. New, who that undenitiumni thesulsect will pretend to deny that she pow er Of proar.ation is coat sooner vy thole falling into . int. proper habits than by the prudent Besides being de prived the pleasures of healthy offithring, the most te nons and destructive symptoms to both body and mind' arise. The system becomes deranged, the Physical and tieing' Punctions Weaaened, Loss of Procreative Power, Neririous Irratibility, Dyspepsia, Pelpitallon of the Heart, Indigestion, Ounatiuttiod.,l Debility, a Wasting _of the pram, polies, Cosieumption;:Decay and 'Death, Office, 1i0.,7 nouth•FrederietBtreet. :, /Aft liquid side going from Dulthavre Street, a law 'loot. grem the corner. Fall not to oboe. Hem and number. ' Letters must be paid end 'contain a stamp. The Dar tor's DiploMas hang in his office. A Cure Warranted in Two Days. ZVI) Yeristry or .trasseout Drugs, Dr. Johnson, Member. piths Royal College in surgeons, London, Grad uate from cue of the most eminent (Alleges in the panne Suites, aed the greater part of wham lite has been 'pent in the hospitals of London;_prAri . .7, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some er the most iiittonishing oure that were ever snown • many troubled with ringing i l the head and ears , when asleep, great nervousness, Dein alarmed at, sudden amide; bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended einnetbnett..ttith derangement of ininit vt Take Partieniar *Woe. . • ' , t Dr. J. addreseee all those who have injured themselves by Improper Utdulgth.cis and solitary-babas, wtunti nit* both body and mind, uolltileg, them for , either bunked, study, society or marriage. -; - TheK aid stole of the sad and midanchollyetfectii pro!, &need by early habits of vie:- Wiagness of the Bata and LIMOS, Palm in thelleadi: Diemen/ ...f digit% thin of Muscular Power, Pelpitellon of the heart, flit. popsy, Nervous Irratibilty, Derangement of theDigestlve Functions, General Debility, Sympto of .Consumpuon, 4,4 , S ymptom. - MharceutS.—The fearfuleffeets on the .mind are much to be areaded—iswe of Memory, DOM mion of Ideas , De pression or 8176141,5 4 / 1 tor bodings, Aversion to home ty ; Belt' bistrust;Love of bolitude,'TlmiditY; ha., are some td the;evils. produced. ' : , . : Titmouse@ of persons of all ages eau now judge what la the cause of their declining hawk, lostng their vigor becotning weak, paler nervous and emaciated, having A singular appearance - about the eyes, cough and symptoms Of eonanniption. - . .. ~.. . , . , - Young lien ' Who have injured themselves by a certain practice Ini d a wn' in when alone .whabit _frequently -learned . from e vil companions, or oeschool, the .effecist of which ere; nightlY s telt; even whenneleep„aiid If not cured renderw warriage'ilipoiloible . and deetreys both mind and body,l shoal apply I . What piety that, ayoung mat, the hope of his coon.: try, the *wing ot hii Paret3ta, ahoulti bit 'matched irotn , all prostients and eitiolinente of life, by the contequence, of deviating from this path of nature and indulging in . a! certain secret habit. , Such persons mar, before contem-i plating • . • iffitniagele reflect that a sound mind and body-are the moat neon. sexy requisites to promote eonnubia happiness. Indeed, without thess,the Journey through Ufa becomes a v iew 'ear pilgrimage ; thlairespect hourly darkens to the ; the.mindbersi,mewelmikewed .despair mid filled wit ti the melanthohy rent coon Oat the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. • • Disease of Imprudence. When the !unguided and imprudent votary of pleasure duds that he has imbibed the seeds Aphis pitfall' dis ease, it too often hope= that an 111-tffled sense of shame or dread If discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from elucation mid respectability, can alone be friend him, delaying till the constitulimud symptoms on this born d disease make their appearance, snob as ul oersted sorethr, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the head andlimbs, dimness of sight, desiness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches on the head, fare and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in, and the victim of this awful disease become a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful stifierings, by sending him to "that Ur diecov vered Coutdry from wbenco no travolor:rehnnis." It I. intinnenolny Inetilhatfino di,Wai fail -*canto to this terrible disease, owing to the uneadfuliness of igno rant pretenders, who by the use of that Deadly Poison, Magary, Vain theoonstitaticst and make the retitle o adiersbis: • . - • tangent. . . Tyco nor. ony lives or nerltb , to tdq We 0( the many Unkinmeand Worthless Pretenders, 'destitute of know ledge name or eltaraeles lOW, ?Mt:T. Johnson'sadver veraements, or style themselves In the newspaYera, regularly Adunatcal Plkuiciana incapable or Curing, they keep you trilling month orter wain taking their tiltny and PoliMenesuolle oemeollud n , or as long as the smallest the ash be ',nAw, Ju niata —Air, leave you with ruin ed health to sigh ova .r,.... ..,Ang disappointment. Dr. Johnsen lathe only. Physician aaverdelog. • the mellow* or niplonnol sIWAYs bulge to inn °MOO. lila remedies or treatment are unknown to ell others, prepared Work a lifenpant in 'the gr hospitals of Eu rope, the neat in the anntry end .a More estensive Yrl rate Practice than any other ehyelonn the world; The many tuounmos cured at this damnation yes, if. arra!, asd the numerous lisp:mesa Surgical. Opera- Ons perihrmid by*: Johnson, unlimited Sy the re:. petetels.4 the .13uxt,t , -*Clipper," and Many other pa• vera,notteower which have appeared agate' and agasn. paypreitheifi*Ps mat!litnas a getillsman Oharaaer sad 1 . 5i spicieus.guarrat.lee , Skin ilimeam bpi*, thly '.Cared. person, writ* shoal& be imirtiotilar% hi directing their kitten ibutimintrUlenoin Sne !f o llowing manner JOHN M. JOHNSON', X. D. Of itio -Bantiaoria took 1604 ....Biltaraore,, Md CAMP WRITING CASES PAPER, ENVELOP/2, • • . , . PENS, AAP ..PiNgLS. • ; Just. the thin; to earribo tho Iniuktik . ._ k Itulego i dete, ootxMo,nni. For sale •AsillaNßlt'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. (;ox=nweet Chocolate, Rg.INJA at JOHN WIBSW, mica sad Walnut my/ A agr 4,N : p E757: : . ;.1.N: 1 ..„4-Lit,•:Tilli..NHll.;*:. I . ;;itit A.A,:jIN.-,-„N.Qi,N,g Seim. IN SIX To 'maxi§ Boum. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs. Organic, Weelmes. Indorsement of the Press. ViMililio;pi (.1 HARRISBURG; - PA.:SATURDAY I AFTERNOON.: 7, 1862 FREIGHT REDUCED HOWARD & HOPE EIERREss:"..OO,:a. . SHORT - 4 . : Ka: eROUTg TO AND.FROM NE.YORK. Goods Ordered ,in tike Morning Returned the same Night. Lak it b the Feet Lam New. York at . , y Through ExPreeil arriving In Hanisbnig eta A. IL . WITHOUT ORANGE' OF OARS. Order Goode marked • vitya, EXPRESS CO, Galena .oifigie.:l6 . 2 tiroidway, New York For further inforutatton enquire of • Ci!4".- - BlilliGNEß, Agent tiamassusa, Aug. 1861.-dif - THE HEW EDITION UR t'URDO DIGEST HAS JUST BEEN PUBLISHED, PRICE AN 'ENTIRE new edition•of this mell knowit Law Btook:bitii jusebeen ironed. It is no* distinguished by the following superadd features:: • The laws contained' in • the' annual Tllgesti . published dude thit dale of SI eighth edition (1863) have been incorporated in the oody of , the work. Many thousand new authorities:have been cited ; the report of th' revisors of the Penal Code has been embodi ed Ihnlintes to the various sections q(it, wnd i thwAppewdbt ,00ntalbe- for the lluir 'Ohm; th ACte, Congrees for .the. Authentication' of BeCords,..and the Statute ...tit - Fettiittlent Con veyances,-with full and • e l aborate " dotes of the decision 'eiikanatorY of them. The work hat been prepared by the leariked edAor, Mr; Baiaaml, and its lteshoeeit lwil - iernianent Value will be preseiVed the aneilalgiveix so mach satisfaction. For sale etf: o je2B BißG)T,l44'ed.3oolloo4; _ • _FAMILY F 013,11.1 UNEXCELLED BY ANY IN. THE UNITED STATES AND SUPERIOR TO ANY FANCY B 1 `b () Bu OFF LIKED PENNayLvA.NIA 4.'DA:61 . 4v- CHOICE" HISSEgia .WHITE WHEAT. isie- Delivered my pia *in the city, free of their Tull, Cash Eli . 41.3 . 1047. iyao. wx‘,Dbas, Jr., &toe, • . . • • • • A kilitA:L .„very, atipprtor o_, o. Butogw Eiboage Just rec•ived by ..TZ9 cit'•:ri,.WW.PO4444r•Se• OLARET-ViTNE viTEAte closilig ant - a PRICY 511V.E.R10.4. LOr at /us than coat e • jy& - WU. DOOM. ;.a CO IICIPROWN augano 91 0, grwieiclir, Josle L: tow, by , 1.44:3101.3 koOMMO, joa6 , • . :Censer-Front and Market attracts.. .. P,ILESERYE- JARS • . . : JELLY GI LA SAE .. , , • ~ • - VITtNIVE assortment of Glassware, jurlltidiiki - jelly glaaatop, PrpsorTe Aphe4,l4leta, "lull. w 45 e, to:, .04:_ ; jest; tligillo rficelied j o r 'Aide iow•by - - 'IOMR.NEs BOWliir , 1,7 Qorner 1400 & Idatket street.; outhA 11 `l' VOKIMiI 11 lIRE ciderviaegar,, warran ted ; To;' @alb lostby tICHO4 a l.+WalO. . 125 .' ..7 ' " Clereer Fp:slt.all4 *irks,. strgeta. Utdit Qt nA .cgaer.ra Conveldinceptges, for ..111aLe Very I • ; • t * BOWMAN.. je/9 cormor,Frosi and LAO. btreet. IVHATB ..1311,AND 1 7. - - OPRPIIESERVIII,GPURPOSES. VERY superior.. article, (pure,) just received end for be l ie by , 0 30 • • WM. DOM; JR., & . VAN . BALA. .NS _ . AXTE are offering fin' sPiendid. IV if "iwat 00.1411* Ballast low priews,i; by Us and, Np„cso or - • • ipusani DRUG STORL 91 Market ffireo. EVPlrteana Sugars white and brown, juxt received and We by: „ littaols 105 par. prole ! audAiwicet 'wrests: 4 e1 49 1 . m. D.E fr o choite and selected Apples b : sodtputranteed by to to be strktly pure. DOM 6 00 Superior brandit of extra lawily flour which we warrant to give inAgtenon, for sale by NICHOIA a BOWMAN, aull Corner Front and Market ;street, 'obaree and finii pillverized sugar, lowed than any other place In town. Call =ague,'l LiLSk BuW/leN, 15 ,2 6 corner Front. anamarketeutetk.- C RESERVING jars; fruit -pans- all ktedrt sa nu low; . __.".00/.111 DOW.leAla,., y 29 um - niirrtont anduarket it set?. (JILL large supply just reembedby WM. DOCK, Jl4 £OO. qtisttltafteans mom= ttltg* GRIND DRIOIISTRITION. The Loyal Men of the State Capital itiousedr_ EVERY WARD REPRESENTED. FpoindLeo *of GO. Curtin, Ex-Clov. Por ter, Parma Brownlow, and Rev. Frank Moore. Ia response to the proclamation of .Gov. Onr tin; calling bait* loyal men of the Comanin wealth to organize and arm for any emergency which might arise in* the crisis in which We are involved, the citizens of: Harrisburg main. their respective . wards;• yesterday afternoon, and took the initial stepe In the "movement -•• • • This first movement was not followed by any actual organization: fe . ippeated only to . have the calling of the people together , for the put plisa - Of testing their tesisparleaving permanent organization for a future early day. • It ie expected that the arms will be furnished to each company to-daY,' and that an immediate organization be had by, the election of oft-, cers. After thls has: beenlsecured, the , disci pline and effeetiveneis of each - company will be perfected as epeedilY ThenompaniesOf all tbe irarda marched to the capitol grounds, *lnfra they aesembled arcn24(l the stow of the rear of the e capitol, and'were addressed by'governot' Guilin, Par-. eon Brownlow,.and other, distinguished speak Ghiv. Comm addressed ihe' i rissembl6d' Maw, remarking that hehgtl had, more than - one oc calm to hest the kilalty mul_patriotism of the people,of Ilaarkburgi• au& found them tree' unatterablein UMW devotion to . C 661404 Dia the non4u6fof the pea Ple9l illie4State..Cepital,- , to-day, excelled all "batirtio..ihareheraede_tolol:ausdis..aptiripe" iii , gui i shed 6., tb: n n iumes . They a had' PaC 4 ezianlAte. and new .proved theywere In earnest M their purpoio-th aldiln.proeedutfng tlds War t 4 AVl,c*, l 4o l `iiiiiiiirmit44o'.sl o .iinitisku. :ag*flOitileF MiuulL o 4.ost. the plan of thus assembling the potpie to organise and' drill , ins Military•cOmpanies,• '-Was demanded • by the higherit4444tio#,bi p!adl4liiatetir and Mo. i.The &apt. wig habitat AO it becomerhaverY man to turn his attention to the business of war. Every man in the land has a duty to petforinv Thif duty consisted in military !maybe, that kertice tiould• only be rendered after a thorough efficiency hid been seciiikl. plan proposed was the sur est in reaching thisknowledge, and he trusted, therefore, that 'the enthuilasin • displayed • to day, by the people :of Earrisburg, would not only be unabated, but increased, until every man had become a soldier At for active daty. 1 Gov. Curtin's remarks were. listened to with greikeitisfiiclion, and' after he had concluded, the venerable and dhitingnished tiritirqqvd PAC= . then . came forward and spoke to, the people. . .11e was glad to see so many of his old frienda before •hirithe was glad to wit ness this demonstistion on the part of a people in whose loyalty he had the most linpllcit con- Nance..., Gov, Porter.remarked that all politi cal wrangling should and must give way to the common tianger and iinperative necessity of de fending thestiveiU*ehtrand restoring peace to the country. He had been calleda politician— s partisan—but iii iAinniciel all party ties and gave up all i politioaliii titer - pick that he might the better serve his country in the lime ' et its .danger, He recognised no distil/16610n but that .which distinguished, between loyalty and trea I s o m He . eas pr t hlii country - L.-ready to support !tiny min who was lighting tri4lts: Alefentd, 'slid twilling lo applaud any adtithilstration that was !laboring for its, peacti. - ,.. Cild_ as he was, he lil'Utild not shrink from the duty of a soldier, !but would shoulder his musket /Whenever it be came necessary, to defendlis Pckititry with his ARP. He could not, -end would not survive ',the Illnionza When that • wee dismembered, he 1 i desired 'no longer to live:: - The remit' Ini 'of the 6-Governor were tidy' ImPressfie: As he iltooci - on . the steps, 'sustaining 1 . 0 venerable form by supporting himildtpri the iron railing, grey hair streaming : lalibe wind, his eye lasing with the old aidoicl oratory , his voice, hough wink Still ringing with the felvid elp• qiience so peculiar to hireself, he presented a ploture gladdening to, ' the heart of every man present. We anticipate a hippy influence from 011 . ) remarfie Of 'lttciv.gprteri end take the lib- Lbrty Of, thin publicly congratulating him on his ilb.y ; to,bepr s eeent on the cccasion .and ad ess his old friends. -.: - • .- , ' ' Parson BROW27IOW was then intiixtuced to the y. , f- Hi expressed himself . grati fi ed Wiiii ihtl i stidataoll before him, and:: secegted this . testiniony of a people eisembling in fo rce as hii eikieniecif the - strength'Ot .:110 loyal men efl i ennifyiviiPia. . fie - . issied 'the people thit 01 theirptrength_ was necessary to crash the 4, 111 ,°4i. 4 0 Riii!o 4 ifi. ) 4 444: that : gni . ramie erwdteadfully ikearnest either to succeed in bdiiiiiiig-up a bogus government; or of- pulling doWn'ill'thditaten o,f 'Or tinioit tO !.. !t "pinkie Bite of degradatiOn and ruin. ' He had.---ths eMdevelo consincebilittbat• it •-wasibelptir. dose of the rebeliptatend ti*,fttif *Os Oftlat . iite free sialifiagitialik ialeforiitirelni;ti. fee the war to the north. The capital of Feina- . sylvania` was al much ' - in danger as the capital of the Union:'Phjadefpliii and New York equally thebaced With' 'Washington, a 4 it was part of the great plan of the rebel letsliws to invade the mirth., sack ezir towns, ratifige the country, hold the 'ojnusnercial cities, and levy tribute tal the people. Now was the time to prepare tO . meet and frustrate these designs. Pennsylvania must - put forth all }ter mighty' energlea. She must arouse herself to the work of hot only 'assistingto restore the operations of the government in all thiatathe, but she must organize an army for defedoe of her territory from invasion He felt ante, from what he witnessed silica his arrival in Harrisburg, that the energy of the People wire being put forth ; he could not but be' convinctal that the reality 'of the war was aPpreciaild, and he was glad thus to behold, In 'the capital of one of the' mightiest of the loyal states; a demOnstration which augured so well for the cause of . the " , Ray. Faixor Mtaonis, of the Locust Street Medi* , odist Church, delivered' one of his peculisr4 eloquent nod fervid extemporaneous speechtis. It is impossible for Otto sittitekthe iittitirks ilif this gentleman, as they were of that 'glottlig description of rhetoric, argumentand Metaphor which must be fully reported'or - actually lidaid to be appreciated. He cot/fatted' that' this whit the second time he' had appeared its a speaker at' a publie meeting, add stfpposed that - sdihe would Impugn his motives. Be this sit it might, eet he felt it his duty to raise his voice forblebl - J log country, and did ' not deem it inoompatib a with his ladling ass Christititi minister to min gle in any assemblage convened for high na tional and pattiotie ; purposes. He took the ground that the !duty before the men of the; don was not only of a patriotic, but a Chris , character. °The suttees of our 'cause involved the triumph-Of religion 818 Weir VI liberty. .If we failed to crush the rebellion; if we were 'tilt successful in •restorhig pater tori:the . country our personal - interests, our doinestle ' securitY and our religious prosperity- would ali 'perish in the same storm - which 'made i Wreck'of ihe government. Rev.-Moore was' - perhapi moil) eloquent owthis °dation thin . ire have - eve!. heardiaim beforeoind4assicaesshilln WW an impression-iihrielf Will not soon be remo ve from the miftdsuf his hearers. 1 - I "' ' After a short Street patade,- the divisions of the different war& tiled off to their respeetivi headquarters, where they Will meet td-day 'at &entail& }MIMI We should judgethat at least a thousand - men appeared in the dreeti froni thsdifferent wards, and we anticipate that not lees than twelve hundzwican be tlina organized into companies berme ntenyidaYi." BY TERI :! .; . From Our Morning Edition Rebel Raid' in Maryland.; GREATLY EXAGGERATED RUMORS .. Crossing of Cavalry and Artillery a Nolands' Ferry. RUMORED MOVEMENTS TOWARDS BERLIN Probable Unreliability of the Whole Story . BeilititOßE, Sept. 6. ..The: American of Ude evening contains the „.. . . We learn that there has been great excite? meat duringlhe past night along the line of the Potomac, from the MoPocacy Hat.per's Ferry, in consequence of the most wild and im probable rumors that prevailed to the effect that the rebel Gen. Hill with 30,000 troops ; had crossed Edwaid's Ferry, and were encamped on the soil of Maryland. ' - Everybody along the line believed the rtt: mot., but PO one could be found who had moo tier cross the river, or who had met them iifteithey had crossed, - These rumors came to. ttr. /Smith, of the Baldtriore and Ohio Railroad, by telegraph during ;the night, and fiditi eo many different sources, , that he was almost in c i linetl to believe that :Maryland was really in #aded by an immense rebel force. Matteis thus continued until four o'clOck 'this ator,ning,,wheia the rumor changed its as- Pect, and it was again asserted that a small rebel fordo was actually in Maryland, but in so small force se tube considered no more than a rebel raid. • They were 'said to have effected tear crossing at a ford called Noland's Ferry, ii few mites above the mouth of the Monocacy, ebOtit Midnight, fully,ten miles this side of the 'Obit of kkicks, and took up a 'Hoe of march Westward, crossing the Baltimore and Ohio ttadroad a distance of ten mites from the ferry it four o'clock this morning. The force, according to the announcement, consisted only of a battalioa of cavalry, about tour, hundred strong, and a battery of two braes field pieces. limy are said not to have ' injured the railrood, or interrupted the tele graph, but proceeded in tiWesterlidirection, as ff attimpting flank the federal fordo station ed at raiati.C.4l BOWEL The_road ' they are al ieged to have taken wouid bring !hem out in ViCinitY - Of 'Berlin, 'a feW miles above the koiht of %elm, .wheke; If • die' feme was not surprised, they would probably have a warm reception. If this statement is true, their pur rime in striking so , far alone may probably have been td deaf oy the bridge over Catoctin leek, and thus Oct off the force at the Point of *irks from receiving assistance from the 9 f cw 4 ll at liarPer'4 l gefT , Y. At ten, o'clock a- telegram from Frederick tinctlonfannounced that &lug could be heard !lithe direction which the rebel force - took, it iris th ought that they had met with - 00Do dtiop, and that.a.lisbt was -progressing. .. Tqe fovea 4f LuesPufg, ig -ago sai4p, on the sailehiithbritY, to tia oncupied try a eoneidere bibloite,whieh 11 aboitruin Milesinl4dirdni. t upos i tat *hictt-thir.croosing have been effected. Orders were gent up last evening toiler**. gritaltt Ali. rt. 'keying pipe -area Steam Ptiwer Moro' ,were Par od z to exteete JOlVaad 4001 S: PitierENG, er nosey deeoripCon, cheaper than It •an be done at 'arty -otter eetsbnitunent In the OotibttY. R ATEki OF ADVERIISING. 40 . Four lines or gight ling, constitute eneinill square. or more tban four oiniantailie a square. Her sEquare, one 01 e ... $0 26 One wee- 1 25 16 we month.. ' three MOntni '''''''' •• • • •• • • •• • • 4 2 a 162 Ili months 8 00 " ' one yt ar 10 00 OnerE:4o4te, One . diLY ........ :'.. 50 one week 2 00 u One month - 000 61 three mouths.— 10 00 " six mush.. 15 00 " one year 20 00 Sr Busineasnoticas inserted in the Least thisann, or botOrantrfingliplind.:Menifiii, ;Mar 02.14r4 rut LINE foil eaksh insertion. i,- -, - s ' -I - - fir' Marriages and.Daaths to be charged as regular advertisements; ,NO. 10g.: burg to send all the locomotives endears at that station West, to prepare for any emergency, as there wall'a.rumor that a party of guerillas were seen in the vicinity of the 'bridge,three miles ,this side of Martinsburg. Up to Mel' time of going to press this afternoon , however, the tel- eiraph is working to all the station.; on the road, and nOOO-et the bridges have been de stroyed-as fai as' knoirn. CHABACTZR 01 THe RI/MOM We give these minor as they have reached us, from the most authentic sources attainable, and must say that we have west doubts as to there being one particle of truth In them. We do not believe that any rebel force has crossed the river, ItIMUNI it. a most despet ate venture, especially in so !malls ixidy, and that they could scarcely have pfaCeeded ten miles without something" positive on the subject having reached the oity before the Present hour. Our impreision is that a scooting party of Federal cavalry has oromed:the tailroaitat the point indicated, and that they have been mis taken for rebels: We learn that Colonel "Sullivan, Commissary of Subsistence„ yesterday an. order fur stores tor - the oommand at Harper's Ferry. Staring of the rumors "of their invasion tie this morning telegrapbeci•to know if the stores stfOrild - balorwarded, arid received an affirma tive atswer. This would. indicate that there was no fear of an interruption of the travel on the road entertained at that point. THE LATEST. Ilaif -pug ow a We learn just as we go to press that a despatCh has been received from Mr. Diffey, stating that the rebel. cavalry are possitively in Maryland, and that thefomased the line of the Baltimore 'and. Obio..Ratiroad about two miles this side of the Point of .Ikr_ks. The CM per this afternoon also contains the following A.xciting. rumors The city has been much excited by the re poet that the cars on the Beltimore and Ohio Railroad were detained this morning in con sequence of the rebel army having' crossed over into Maryland last n ght, at or near Poolesville in large force—Abe report having Magnified it Into a body' of 40 006 men. Such a despatch, we learn; Was received by an otfi tar of the redhead company, :but :it wee un official. /a subsequent despatch .received by Mr. Smith, master of transportation, was .re ceived, as we learn, at noon to-day, stating that regitnette of rebel cavalry and two - pilecetrof artillery bad crowed the river at Ni lea's Ferry, between the Monocaoy and the. Point of Rocks, no doubt for the purpose of making a foraging raid. These are the only partimilara . we believe that have been received hereof . a re liable character, . • • • *NOIR= ,scpauwr, „ of About four o'clock thfe morning one regime n t -ioaiairy, with two batierles of artillery, (noosed at the Point of Itoclui,land went north of the Baltimore and. Ohio Railroad, without, ciwever, interfering with it. They cut the dam of the Chesapeake and Ohlo,oigisal, and after that nothing appears to "be of their' movements. A large force is drawntipon the Virginia side, in the atd tudi of crossing, but the forces we have named are all that Is over. A general nizeasiiiees is felt along tie' line of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, but the track and telegraph Hoe hasasyet not been•intorter ed with. MARKETS BY IfELBGRAPH- Firmusiwina, Sept. 6. Thu flour market is quiet, with Well • (Also bbhi. at Ave dollars for superfine, and $6..:6ff for extin—reoeipbi light. Rye flour steady 441 slo (48 824, and corn meal $1 811. There Ad, a good demand for wheat, with sales of 12;1301/ bus , at 11 27®1 80 for PennsylVania redl rid $1 8201 84 for Southern.; ~1,090 bus. :new rye sold at 700. Corn is mime, and yellow is in demand at 70c. Oats steady; 350,8150. for new, and 600. for old. Coffee is;:dirti.-:43ales of Rio, at 220„ andleguayra at. 21028,10. ions held stillip:-10.000 pork sold on private terms. Ctoversee4 is:Paling at $6, and timothy at $1 76. Whisky kik slowly at 88€0840. . WILLIAM OATFORD. - • M.ERC UANT • TALLort, 85 . MARKET ST„ HARRIt3BIIIIG, 'TS now prepared to furnish Otloet's A. military ofotnbag, froordo g to ref aladaawat• alert swine Aweli Moral aseortment of Liothe, 003 IqW,OW ;Irootingo and ready' mane clothing fai eiridan4. slab liat FAMILY FLOUR: •WE INVITE the : attention of families who :BAKE THEIR OWNBREAD, *mow ateek of nour. We have Joel matted . • SEVENTY-FIVE- BARRELS or the rboicast (Wino Wheat) It Louie Flour that the Welb-rn Marco adorop. We rutivateii enr*ry barrel or bag we eel( to ba strict ly surer or. (jaee] • • • W tt OK, g PREEIR -, BUTT , ER AT _ 1 4 A-4 Ic E w P IS-I OE. WX,. fI.AViNG: fitted up a large Retri g , ... iv y *raw, and having made contracts with some of rt '110 : 411 illiattielOrttlOtO to fan di us wiat fresh and att butter restuartr, via be onabird to eutilly it a ontiithwith.whiirtesh 100 cold odder at gel tubas. *y2e wK well, Jr. - 11g CIA &URA W BERKILSI . . . . Le.NTB set out in favorable. weather ; . . - tor If mita. t wthn thy.) In August , ateptantbyr . 'gate: er : awl produce& fair orop the n-si'Pikinmer,' eftea enough to pa for the piano si94 ; p la.t4itgz, bcj4s i 4=04 an ebundant yield the following ktealOa s 'All the. beat vat halos fur gag at the g eokoke i ltur.. sfory, Barrieburit. - , , -atirilli • . ~.: _ ... • CALL and see those nice am! enes i p !:iii:. I, gar for preserving, din. , id NICHOLS g BOWILAW, 1; 1, , ,: , f . jel2 Corner Flout and Idarnet, nerynt n , i. EXTENSIVIC assortment of glasswareF, tumbleckjellyditasses, fruit dish,e4 . , ,111,o.,014.; ail'kinps,Just rocetvea, atcrfor sale WO -* NICHOL'S & 40WKANi - :14 Corner Flout =4 Market rip eta. - au2L i , .... 45111001 . BUlLdsitto., , •.,, ...: • . • AN11531 readd efficient mut vinnamen t - armajemmeta for Ake pliogeik,wipAira Dow .pfe- lOW to,ioce . drEAlli BOlLide el real laud, prompt , Cil.riktiteamosable name. -111rtretialtair hen made or 7 Addlev I Broteer, the reputation of mhlch is 'wad to -f l ea e fa Me e meet. 1‘ I imeibet the beej imadeoMlyo....RepairlagrOldi* ; i ueiadiii le. eddies: • MAMAS it ~.thi . gt . .. TAIII Harrleintre I . In , Vninges and Lemons, odei WNW& EMI BTOEEB OMR= rottyrsiin PUIDER PARTICULABI