pap' ilteitgrapil. milt= TO ADVERTISERS.—AU Ad vertisements, Business Notices, Mar riages, Deaths, &0., to. secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accompanied With the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the reps. tar Evening Edition are inserted in the morning Edition Without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA Thursday afternoon, September 4, 1862 PARSON BROWNLOW will arrive here to-mor row, and will lecture in the Methodist Episco• pal Church, Locust street, in the evening. THE Republican Congressional Conferees of this district will meet in Sunbury tomorrow, to nominate a candidate for Congress. The nominations, in the different counties of the district, now stand as follows : Juniata and Snyder, J J. Patterson; Northumberland, Wm. C. Lawson ; Union, George F. Miller ; Dauphin, Wm. J. Robinson. =l= CAPT. JOHN SNEAD, of the II S. Artillery, and a citizen of Carlisle, was killed in action last week, near Washington. Captain S. was a meritorious officer, and will be long remember ed by the people of this city, for the soldierly hearing and gallant conduct. He was attached to the Fifth Artillery, which occupied Camp Cameron during last Summer and Fall. I= The OntICI of the Adams Express company is open from 7 o'clock, A. M. until 8 P. M., for the transaction of business. The soldiers at camp and others who are continually calling at all hours of the night, will please bear the above hours in Land and make their calls ac cordingly. Sep. I—dlni E. G. Ham, Agent REI•OPENCNO OF Fourru STIONT Rutin. —The Fourth Street Bethel will be re-opened for di vine service on Sabbath mornicg, the 7th inst., at 10 o'clock. Elder A. X. Shoemaker, the pas tor, will preach the opening sermon, and Elder E. H. Thomas, of Lancaster, will officiate in the evening. The public are cordially invited to at tend. d-3 t Passim Tasoccar.—Capt. E. H. Rauch, of the 11th Pennsylvania regiment, passed through this city yesterday afternoon on his way home to Manch Chunk. The Captain was severely but not dangerously wounded in the battle of last Saturday, by a Minnie hall passing through his side and thigh. The Captain speaks well of the bravery of his regiment, and contradicts the reported death of Col. Coulter. It will be remembered that Capt. Rauch left the chief clerkship of the House of Representatives last winter to serve his country on the battle field, and we are sorry to sae him wounded, but we hope that Providence will soon restore him to usefulness in the campaign. Tam Qum or THIS Carr.—From a careful calculation it appe►rs that the following num ber of volunteers are wanted from the respec tive wards In the city of Harrisburg. All of which can, and ought to be furnished without a draft : let Ward 2d .. 8d " 4th " 6th " 6th " Fifty dollars bounty is paid by the county for each volunteer before the draft, and in ad dition o this the government gives an additional bounty and pay in advance of $4l. A DAMPBRATE ENOWINTRI TN TANNERS ALLAY. —As Policeman Fleck was reconoitering in Tanner's Alley last evening, he encountered three burly negroes, who assailed him at once In a most , desperate manner. The mace of Officer Fleck was too much for the Africans, but before he could be reinforced by either citizens or associates, the belligerents evacuated the alley and fled ingloriously. In the melee, Officer Fleck captured a formidable bowie knife of enormous length, and a Colt's Re volver. He thinks that he will be able to re cognize all or either of these negroes, should he ever get sight of them again, and he is also of opinion that they are strangers in this vi cinity. It would be well for our authorities to keep a strict account of such negroes as find their way into this city, and for the police to arrest every vagrant negro found prowling in our midst. TH3 QUOTA OP DAUPHIN COUNTY.-ILL another column of to-day's TELEGRAPH we publish the official quota of volunteers levied on the differ ent counties in the State. It will be observed that Dauphin county Is asked to furnish 2,861 men, of which number 1,085 are now in the field, according to the return made by the Deputy Marshals, after deducting a large number of men now employed as teamsters, blacksmiths, bridge builders, &c. If we had received proper credit for these men our num ber actually employed in the army would exceed 2,000, but as we receive no credit for them we ought to devise proper means to recruit the required number at once, before the draft is made. Let all our young men remember that those who volunteer before the 16th of September re ceive a bounty of $5O from the county, and their mothers, if they have relied on support from them, are properly cared fur by the relief committee ; but if they wait for a draft none of these advantages will be extended to them. The city of Harrisburg, dividing the quota in Its proper proportion, will have to furnish some two hundred more men, whilst the other eight Oundred wil} necensary come from the town ships that have furnished very few. We would therefore suggest to our citizens the propriety of making proper arrangements at once to raise the required number by holding out additional Inducements for enlistments. Let those who are not able to go 'themselves, at once set to work and raise men and money to accomplish the desired avoidance of a draft. We can easily avoid it if we make up our minds to do so, It is the duty of every loyal man to aid the Qovernment, and we are certain that these sensations will receive a hearty response front *Tory ;Alm of thin county. SURGEON Gsoaos L. Parna, it is likely, will be detailed for service in the regiment which Centre county is preparing to march into the field. He Is an accomplished physician, and has seen some service already in the South, hav ing bad charge of the Brigade Hospital at James' Island, during the battles at that point, where he won the confidence of the officers of the entire division of the army in that locality at that time. It would afford us great pleasure to hear of his appointment as Surgeon of the Centre county regiment. Tus PROCLAMATION or Gov. CURTIN, published to-day, is an appeal to every man in the state, at once urgent and imperative in its council and demands. While the danger is not actu ally at our doors, or the heel of a haughty foe does not really press our soil, there is no telling when both danger and foe may overwhelm and destroy the commonwealth. Therefore, Penn sylvania must arouse and arm her citizens for self-defence and preservation. Dauphin county I must inaugurate the work—our people must not delay a moment, but at once and vigorously begin the organization of a Military force which will prove adequate for the defence of our fire sides, if not for the support of our friends al ready in the field, or such immediate aid of the general cause which any emergency of the fu ture may demand. It must be remembered that a portion of the Commonwealth borders on the territory of a state not too loyal—that this border is unprotected—and that should danger become imminent, the defence of the state must depend entirely on the citizens themselves.— This fact, alone, should have long since suggested just such a movement as the Governor now proposes, and stariug us in the face as it does now, it must and will arouse our noblest energies. It was the birth place of liberty, and if Pennsylvania is to be made the battle field for its defence, let it be so, but let our people also be prepared to make these battles at once the noblest struggles for a noble triumph Gov. Curtin's proclamation needs no further comment at our bands. It is at once wise and patriotic, as have been all his acts. It appeals, to us in eloquent language. It is practical in all its suggestions, and it now remains for the people to put it into immedidiate operation. I=l A MOD= Esranunwswr.—Among the many improvements lately made in oar city, to which we can point with pride as an evidence of pros perity and as a determination on the part of our business men, no longer to remain behind the " light house," is the completion of Eby & Kunkle's large brick building at the corner of Market and Fifth streets, which is alike creditable to the owners and ornamental to that part of our city. The building is not only one of the largest, devoted to the grocery business, outside of New York, but the stock ch dlenges competion.— Without going into detail, we may safely say that the firm keep on hand everything usually kept in a grocery store, (liquors excepted,) and that they sell at very small profits. Their clerks are civil and accommodating, and have strict instructions under no circumstances what ever to misrepresent or take advantage of any customer. A general invitation is extended to the public to visit the new building and exam ine the extensive stock,_ whether they purchase or not. Faux ma Aqua.—We notice among the late arrivals from our army in the South, Master Edward Waterbury. Although nature has not been liberal to him in physical proportion, he has all the bearing of a soldier, and we doubt not has done good service for his country. And like David of old, will leave a name for his tory, if there is a Gollabe lay around loose.— These remarks, of course, has nothing to do with the new and cheap dry goods at Urich & Bowman's. sept - 2 t. To the Afflicted. The undersigned would respectfully in. form those who are afflicted with Rheuma tism, Dyspepsia, Consumption of Liver and Kidney, Coughs, Fevers, and all diseases arising from impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to furnish Mrs. Westhoven's German Vegetable Medicines at very moderate rates. I have also en hand a quantity of invaluable Salves for Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet and Piles. References can be furnished as to their won derful efficacy, whenever called upon. There need be no apprehension in regard to my com• petency in administering it, as I have had it on hand for the past six years. As they are now sold at reduced prices, no family should be without them over night. They can be had at any time at my residence, in Pine street, be tween Second and Front. Aul3 dlm MRS. L. BALL Mss. Bem:—My youngest child was a poor sickly little babe. Every person that saw her thought I would never raise her. Finally, I heard of your medicine,, and tried it to the good of my child. She was about three months old when I commenced to use it. She is now two years and six months old, and enjoys good health. I would recommend it to all to give it a trial. I know several who have tried it, and all pronounce it good. My ettxe is in Filbert street, between Walnut and State. sep 3 11117001 TH WOLEINGIR. Wa users received a large assortment of hoop skirts, from 750. up to $2 60. A large assort ment of linen and needlework collars, and col lars and sleeves, at all prices. White cambrics, jacconetts, nantucks, brilliants, and plain and figured Swiss muslin, at all prices. The finest lot of embroidered French cambric brands ever brought to Harrisburg—of infant's waists we keep a large assortment. lAA:lies' and gentle men's linen pocket handkerchiefs, ladies' stock ings, gentlemen's one half hose, and children's stockings of all descriptions and prices. Twenty pieces of carpet to be sold cheap. Kentucky jeans, sattinetts and cassimeres for men and boy's wear. We received 60 dozen suspenders, at all prices. 60 dozen cotton handkerchiefs, with borders, and a great many other notions and small wear. S. LINT. TO THE YOUNG OR OLD Male or /book, If you have been suffering from a habit in dulged In by the TOOTH OF BOTH BILTEB, WHICH CAIIBK SO KANT ALARMING SYMPTOMS, It Unfits them for Monitor, And is the grettest eyd which can beta MAN Oft WOMAN. 000 sYmplotm enumerated in advertisement, and if you are a utterer, Cat out the advertisement, And send for It at once. Delays are (timorous. AM for nehnbold's Wm no other. Beware of CousiArtiitsgod aka 9ure3 6 11 ! need2a; ASTIPERIOItot of Dandelion and tti Ckgre., far sale ' the store of JO -1 V WISE.tor w ARK *tZDPLckIes and AIM,raZ,. Iptuntigloanict Alailv ttegrapfi, eliursoap 'Afternoon, September 4, 1861 HAIR DYE I HAIR DYE I I Batchelor's Hair Bye ! The only Hannlees and Reliable Dye Known 1 All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided ifyou wadi to eecupu ridicule. BRET, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed mutually to ki beaultfal and natural Brown or Black, without the least Injury to Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN Itto:DALS AND DIt•WMA.7. avraF• did to Wet. A. Ratoarlot slave over 200,000 applimaious have ;man wade to ttlo ti err the patrons of his famous Dye. WIC BATCHIIIO6'B HAIR Mt. ".Itwet color not to no distiugaighed from nate fe and 1:!ItIMIAD not to in the least, however long it may be contin ued, and the ill , ffecui of bad Dyes remedied. The hair is invigorated for life by this splendid Dye. which prep• ark) , applied at No. 16 (Mud Street New York. sold in all the cites and towns of the United Stale. 4, by D. uggiste and Fancy Genoa Dealers The Genuine haw the ;tame William A Batchelor," a.ddregg upon a steel plate engraving on the four -id..^ or each boa. oot2-dAnwly ASSIGNEE'S SALE, W ILL be sold at public sale, ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1862 On the pretotses, an elegant farm. situated In Lykette t'p., Dauphin ea., tue r, au from Millers , uvott'vWer running .hrough the came. containing tub acres, about 90 acres of which are clear and the ba anoo I of the best timder improvtments are a large double STONE MANSION HOUSE, a large bank barn, wagon sled, carriage hcuae and ell necessary out build nge, an apple orchard, bus do plumbs, pears, A , a fountain pump of never Ming a. Wain water. ihe laud is all I mod and in a high state or cu trvat'on. o. 2. About is acres of land, adjobeeng the above, about 10 . cres a which arc o ear and the balance In timber ; 'homed crested a large stone MANSION HOUSE AND TANNERY with about 40 vats, a large Bark House, Beam House and Currying stop, std all other ne•es.ry bn Li ma ; the th rk o is run by water powe-. Is one of the be:t 'wallies for bse k ; there could be got itom to 000 coed per year. Nee. 3 About 18 acres of land, of whlch about one half is clear, alt Havel and In a good state of too, the balance is of the very best oat and cbestaut timber. No. 4. a 9 antes of loud, adjohi'ng the above, of the beat amber. No. b. 2T I=o3 of woodland, adjoining the above, of the beat timber of dilfe , ent riods . . d. 4 41 aerf aof um , er lard , adjoining the above, all well limbered. No. 7, 23 sores of timber land, adjoining the 100 Ver euelleut chestnut and oak timber. No. 8 28 acres, adjoining the above, all we'l covered with good timber. • No. 9. 46 a tee, Mao adjoln 7 na t' , e above trattn, we: I coy red with all Maas or good umber, Tarr above rop erty will all be Bold at the EMI) VIIII) and plies. The. above land is ha a healthy country end within a short diEtunce of the coal reg Oa; where there is al• ways the beat market in Penney.vairds. Perrone wishing to see the above property ado do sk ba eating on stone, ou tne premims. Cr on the subseribers. Sam to commence at 1 Enhoce. P. M. J. 41.1 S MILLER., Eept2 dterls QtOßrili aktß CH, Agstgares. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY AT WEST CHESTER, PENNA, FOR BO&EDERS ONLY. WILLke opened on Tuesday, Septem ber 4 1862. It was thartered by the Lettish t ore with full co legisto power. In the capacious, build ings er,Lit were erected and furnished at a coat of over sixty thousand dollars are arrangements tor the com fortable elturkriog and aid:listing of one hundred and fifty cadets A c or ps of competent and experienced teachers will give ih'ir undivided altent on to the Educational Department, ant aim to malts their instruction thorengh .nd practical The Department of stud et embraces the folios ins couraea :—Prlmary, Commercial and Sol. entitle, Coiegiate and MI-itary. Tilt mask trailing of cadets will be carolu'ly attended to. Oboelam may be obtalued et this °Moe; or from Col. TElaO IiYATf, President, P. A. M. aa22-d2wwBin FAMILY FLOUR. WE INVITE the attention of families who . BARE -. THEIR OWN BREAD, to our stock of flour. Welrave just re:eived SEVERITY-FATE BARRELS , - of the Choicest (White' Wheat) Bt. Louis Flour that the Western Market affoide" , We guarantee every barrel or bag we sell to be strict ly cureror. [jaws] WM. DICK, & (30 STRAW BERRIES, i.aN b set out in favorable weather s (or if watt-re I whin dry.) in August, September or I) tuber, will produce a fair crop the nett Hummer, often enough to ps ror the plants and p leutlue, humid(' ensuring an a Luudeut yield the following season, All the beet varletlealur sale at the Keystone Nue- Eery, Harrisburg. au29-Stf ' CULL and see those nice and cheap tin gaga for preserving, &c., at NICHOLS ti BOWMAN, )el2 Corner Front and Market streets. ExTEN:iIV.II assortment of glassware, tumblers, jelly stns see, Yr Mt dishes, &c., Ste., of ad kioda, Just received, sod foreale very low. NICHOL'S & BOWMAN, au2l Corner Wont and Market streets. A V IN G made efficient and permament 1 6 A urraugemeute for th e purpose. we are now pre ps ep to make S Fethi BOtltlitti of every kind, Prompt ly aril at reasonable rttua. We shall use iron made by & Brother, the repetation -of which le named I S et eo e to the n arket. None but the beet baude employed. Repairing prompt. ty attended to. Addreeu 8A1311.11 WOREB, my2Stly Uarrieburg, Pa. NEWBOLD HAMEL—A small lot of these a lebraed Hams Juit reiritrad. r ^r9t WY. DOCK. Jr..; A CO. CEDAR TUBS, BASKETS,. - BROOMS and everything in the line, jut received' In large buantnice nod for sale very low by J,kieif., : TELEGRAPH OUT OF TOWN. LIST OF REGULAR AGENTS The DAILY HORNING AND MINING TELEGRAPH is sent every morning aid after noon, by the earliest trains that leave the city after its publication, to the following ALTOONA—Theo. B. Patton. ANNVILLE—G. W. Hodverter. BELL'S MILL'S—John Campbell. BLAIRSVILLEr—Wm. Behen. CHAMBERSBURG—George Tackey.. • CARLISLE—Win. H. Cornmeal. • CuLUM.SIA—Johu J. Sayler. CLEAUFEILD—M. A. Frank, 1-k DAUPHlN—Jefferson Clark. EBENSBURG—Ed. James. ELIZABETHTOWN—CharIes Hooter. GREENCASTLE—M. D. Detrich. HUDIMELSTOWN—Chas. Dipner. IIIGHSPIRE---F. 0. Allman. • • HOLLIDAYSBURG—A. F. Dillenbecker. HAGERSTOWN—O. Swingley. INDIANA—Henry Hall. LOCK HAVEN—J. D. Stratton. LEBANON—H. H. Roedel. LEWISBURG—SamueI Safer. MILTON—Dr. E. Eranciscus. McVEYTOWN—J. MEDDLETOWN—George H. Lenhart. MECHANICSBURG--John W. Stout. MECHANICSBURG—J. Eminger. MOUNT JOY—James Dysart. MILLERSBURG- 7 -B. G. Steever. MIFPLINTOWN—Weidman &Littlefield. MAPLETON STATION—Dr. Getty*. NEWVILLE—Jos. Laughlin.• SHIPPENSBURG—KeIso & Hilda. SELINSGROVE—Jeremiah Crouse. - SUNBURY-4. Washington. . TYRONE CITY—J.. R. Morris, Jr. WILLIAMSPORT, Fa;,—A yer & Limudy. WRIGHTSVILIS--:W. Mom. YORK—J. 8. Poja. Whalersle Factory, 81•Sarrlay St., Late 233 Broadway, New York New 'Abnatisemente STEAM BOILERS. REGULAR AGENTS Ntiu 2tbvtrtistnunts PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. Just received, at BEBONKR'S BOOK STORE, a full supply of PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Embracing all the new Styles and Size ALBUMS FOR 12 PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUMS FOR 20 PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUMS FOR 24 PHOTOURAPHS ALBUMS FOR 80 PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUMS FOR 40 PHOTOGRAPHS. ALBUMS FOB 60 PHOTOGRAPHS Prices from Seventy-five Cents To Twenty-Ove Dollars BOUND IN CLOTH, WITH CLASP BOUND IN FRENCH MOROCCO, WITH CLASP BOUND IN TURKEY MOROCCO, WITa TWO CLASPS BOUND IN TURKEY MOROCCO, WITH PANELLED &DM p: 001+PPI MINIVIDI4I3IIV:toPTRAMIN:II4 RICH BOUND IN MOROCCO, WITH HEAVY MOUNTINGS ANDICLASPS PICTURES FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. 6 10:01 1,31 14:KiniOalimiZreWil:milF1D4` PORTRAITS OF DISTINGDIHSED WOMEN. COPIES OF RARE ENGRAVINGS COPIES OF CHOICE PAINTINGS Any Carte de row published in the country will be furnished to order PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, , Of any size not in the standard styles will be made to order BERGNER'S Cheap Bookstore. INSURANCE. brine, fire and Inland Transportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the INSINIANCE COMPANY OJ' NORTH LIBRE . OF PHILADEEPHLL • Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual Capital and &lets $1,2001000 DIRECTORS. Arthur G Coffin, Samuel W. Jones, John A. Brown, Samuel P. Smith, amides Taylor, Ambroae White, John R. Neff, Richard D. Wood , William welsh, efiblam E. Bowen, Junes N. Dickson, S. laorrts Wain, John .;assn, George L. Harrison, Fr toms R. Woe, Ed ward H. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke. ARTHUR G. 001 1%, President CHARLES PLATT Smeltery. As central agent for th. 3 above name company, the under4gustr ta prepared to take lire Hits in any peat of he elate of Pennsylvania, either annually or perpet ually, on the most favorable terms. 01111ce Third street between Walnut and strawberry alley, Du lte's row. WILLLUit liarnsbury, Pa. JOHN WISE'S Confectionery 4k Fruit store, TEEM STREET, NEAR WALNUT, darrithurg, Pa CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS, ORANGES AND LENORE, • PINE APPLES, BANANNAS, FRESH AND SALT FISH, • And 913. eiablea of all sleds, brought direct from the Eastern Idarketa, twice a week, and paralleled 'timer my pu rented aupervedon, thus euaolidg ma to sell a better and cheaper article than any in the market. W Orders from a distance attended le promptly, and .. node delivered t any part of the city free of charge. FltE,ll CANNE • FRUITi ematan tly on baud Give me a cell. [jeka] JOHN Win. BREAKFAST BACON! AVery choice lot, squat 4 the oelebra te.2 (Imported) Yorkshire, just received. if 18 00 h. CO THEO. F. &ORBITER, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, NO. 18, /LIMB/ STRBET, HARRISBURG. srParunular attention pato to Printing, Ruling and Binding of Railroad Blanks, Manditete, Cheeks, Drafts, its Canna printed at lin, $3, •4, and St per housand in elegant P 24 ELL UP THE OLD REGIMENTS! PATRIOTIC and able bodied young men Who would arab/being drafted, drd who whit to ablate of the noblest regiments in the Aeld, and be oommanded by a captain of Afteen months service, -who sustains the highest reputation as a brave, temp erate and chriattan *dicer, should at once, enter co. 11., Capt. W. a. bodoson of toe pant keeentp.seventh beet. meet, P.T., now terrine is the gratin army of Mellor General Aiwa, Teatime*. BOUNTY $177-$lO2 IN ADVANCE. APPIy tQ W • s. Eketrer, Parer and Milituy Etna, Mar. ket street, or to Pim. T. H. Robinson, From tart et abma Market. ao2ll dU . CHEESE. . A FEW Boxes good Cheese, the balance Li. of a large otaudgruaerd, are offered at au Juniatunly low rate to memo= the lot. To retail dealers there wld be an lug moment offered. fah box sold will be guar anteed eirepreeented. WM. DOCK, AL, & CO. 178 LOTS FOR SALE RJ. HALDEMAN will sell lots on Lb Forth amt. lad Pinuphauls Amu*. 10 Owettah m = h to Pareease. Apply career Frost sad Walnut , biltbd POOKET BIBLES. A_FULL slsiOrtorent of Pocket Bibles and Tishman% for the soldier ., just ro. mired at 11130111WS BOODTOBIL Neu , 2thertizenunts. PURIFY THE BLOOD. NOT a few of the wore t disorders that afflict manki , d arise from the corruption that as cumulates In the blood. Of all the discoveries this have been made to purge It out, none have been found which could , qual In out A TeX% emuourrni Lavas= or SLIVAPARIII.A. It clean-u and renovrces the blood, in ihe vigor of health into the ilietem end purges Out the humor which make dista-e. It etimalaten tne healthy 'Unction! of the bitty and expels the disorders that pow a d ran. le in the bl od , t a extraordinary ' virtues an not yet widely known, but when hey are It will no longer to a questitai what remedy to employ in the great variety of ailllclng diseases that require an alterative rem-dy. finch a remedy, that could be relied on, live long beau sought fur, and now, roe the tire time, the rnblic have me on which they can depend. Our space here does not admit to show its effects. But the trial of a single boat .e will show to the sick that it bas virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken. Sufferers iron Parade, teroluk us Swel higs and Sores, try it, and see tho rapidity with which it cures. Skin Diseases, Pimples, Paides, Blocher, EruP*Ml de • are soon chimed out or the syrtem. St. Anthony's Are, Role or Brysipelas, letter or Sall Rheum, caLci Bead, hingworm, stood not be borne whit, they can be co speedily cured by ATEIOB Sait-AWILILLII gyphittas or Venereal DiJeases Is expelled from the system by the prdonged use of this Seeherexaxe, mou the patient h kft s. healthy as if he had never had the (theme. Female Diseases ate caused by subfula In the blood, and are gel/or:lay soon cured by the RlVaaer or 8.1101. t. !ABUJA. f rice slper bottle, or d bottles for $5. Per all the purposes of a Lastly physic, take Oitinszrio nue, th are everywhere known to be the bt et purgative teat it offered to toe American Peo ple Price 26 cents per Box, or 5 beret for $l. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowt 11, Mass. and tat d t y Dragzis a everywhere. bald by 0 A. BAnvart, D. W. Gress & Co , O. K. Kel ler, J. M. Lutz, Dr. 51 ey, F. Wyeth and deniers evety. whero All Work Promised in One ffeek 1041 6. PENNE3YI.7 A Drla. STEAM DYEING ESTABLISHMENT 104 Market c 'treetb , rween wiz anti 50., HARRISBURG, PA VV." )3 ERE every description of. Ladies' and Denttemente tiarments, Piece Goods, &c., are . eyed, Cleansed and finished in the best manner and at tne shortret notice, DODGIE & 00., Nora-dasrly P roprietors. NI -A, T-a T-2 OF '43 S. KEYSTONE NURSERY, HARRISBURG. IT should not be forgotten that this esrabli_•hment 13 add in suocetsiut o,vreation, an•i *ALI supply FRUIT AND SHADE TREES, EVERGREENS, SHRUBBERY, GRAPE VINES, RASPBER .RDS, STRAWBERRIES, GOOSE BERRIE.% CURRANTS, BLACK RIES, &c., &c., &c., Ac. of as good qualities and.variet'es, and at as reasonable prices as they are sold at dilatant nurteriez. THE LOCATION of the nurs-ry—aloining tie city—gives tt advantages for transcortatb n to Ail pa is of the country, possessed by our few others. Aar All articee3, when desired, delivered free of chary., in any part of the city. suUOtf JACOB MISR. COAL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HAV22 leaftitbCLaiYard,lOt of Nor .it.alyupbyo.v.Fost. lam enabled to supply the public with a COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE DIFFERENT VARIETY AND SIZES OF FULL WEIGHT ALWAYS GUARANTEED. Orders respectfully solicited—which, If left at the office, toot of North street, or at .the once of Wm. Dock, Jr. & Co., will receive prompt attention. Gummi') DOCIL 1'29 PUBLIO BALE. VALUABLE AND DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE WILL be offered at public sale, on Thursday, the day of September, at 2 o'clock, at Brant's Hall in the city of Harrisburg. Thirty three acres of land with an excellent frame house and barn and outbuildings, situated partly in the City of Harrisburg and partly in watara to waship. This property is situated on the solith of Humniels• town turnpike, a portion of widen halt a beautiful location on a bill, directly facing the city of Hartle. burg, to be sold in three acre lout. Also a lot or pi,ce of ground situated in Market Square ad;oibing Jones' House, having a front of 27 feet and extending beet 157% feet to 20 tedg alley, thereon erected a two story brick house with two story back brick building and etaole, having the use of a three feet alley on Market Square, being one of the most desirable situations fo business er private residence in the city. Possession given (mist of October .ext. bundAtons of sales are 10 per coat. of the ptyalin* money to be paid Oa the day of wile, the balance of we one half of the purcbase money when the title is made, and the balance in two equal twill' payments with interest, from tee time Possession 141vetb To be secured by bonds and morrow°, A plan f the tbi be acre kis can be seen at the boot and oboe store of A. Hummel, next door to toe Court House, Harrisburg. -Vete attendance will be given by Hatign and ALB&RT HIIHItiL, jy2tmlis Ezerutor of David liumme deoq. ATTENTION VOLUNTEERS. ALL kinds of Second Eland Clothing, boots and aborts, bone:Maud cold at the Anotion store, Second &teat nest to state Capital Beak. Pis tols, mete knives and tuna blanket-, a Ora rate arta bin, tidale and tins arr as calser f r as le, No. St &n -and Street. W. Baltil, Anationstr. atilt, Of • HARRISBURG COAL OIL DEPOT VOR the safety of o mourners, we have C established a 441 , 1 Oil Depot - at the corner of Frou ant Market streets. ell our oils are tested - and we poet. tively belt none except such as prove to be non -explosive, clear and free from odor es far as practicable. We offer at present the following justly celebrated brands. Mag a, ha, Ro Nat:worm and lower, lower than Can be purchase elsewhere in this place, either wholesale or MAW). :.n3O au ex.ensive assortment of Lamps, Claim - Geis, Ehadei, glass Cones, Hunters, &c. Ws will also change fluid or campheoe lamps so as kl be rased feu coal mil. Call and initial:: yoursel vex, at NICMOIS & BOWMAN, awn Corner of Front and Market street. DUEY. Uider Vinegar, which we warrant to be made'solely from older, Net received and for toile low by NICHOLS It E.° WhtAN, jel2 Corner front and Market streets. r r OBACA;0 1. and segara of ail kinds, for 1. Isla by tooool2 & BOWMAN, .11 429 • Corner Front And Market Streets. CALL tut(' examine tbose new jars for Trait, atm beet, cheap et and tempiest fn in market, for sale by NICEIVLS dt BOWMAN, 1,19 Corner Front sad Market street. tilAttei utteese trout Iv CM Yofk ihtlrlea I ) jinn received mid for sale love ny .t‘ I. HMS B BOW 11.1 N, J.TIS corner From i.nd market 'tweets. DSTSRSIVB SOAP, something batter than Martisou's Itoasekold Seep, just receivad and IN sale 1 4 10HoLs BoWicor, 102 Corner Front mid Market streets ICew ahtrttstments AN ENTIRE NEW STOOK OF GOLD PENS! T HE bes t assortment of Gold Pens a has jtuittte d la eno r pe BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. These Pens are manufactured by C. F. Newton & Co., of New York, and warranted to give frill satisfaction. A trial will satisfy any one. Examine the prices below : Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 25. Goll Pen and Silver Holder for $1 50.2 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 75. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 26. Gold Pen and Silver Holder fru $2 50. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 75. Gold Penland Silver Holder for $8 26. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $8 75. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $4 25. Gold Pen and Pencil, with Rubber Holder $6 00. Gold Pen and Pencil with Rubber Holder, $7 00. VOLUNTEERS, IF YOU WANT LETTER OR NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, WRITING CASES, POCKET INKSTANDS, PENS AND HOLDERS Of every description and quality, you will find the largest assortment at BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. HAPPINESS OR MISERY ? THAT IS THE QUESTION. j•HE Proprietors of the "PARI6IAN CAB - NBT OP WONDEdfi, ANATOMY and MrDI DINE' have determiued regardless of expanse, to t sue free, (for the benefit of suifering humsnity) POUR of their most instructive and i iterecuing let :tures on Mar riage and its DisguallOcations, Nervous DAdiike, Prema ture Decline of manhood, indignation Weakness or Do pression, Loa or energy and VuiiiPeWers. the Brett So ma Evil , and • dies whie, renal Crum youtn ful fol lee, excesses of Maturity. or Lon )rsuce orPl3 val. (dopy and Nature's law. These I.tvalunble Lectures bay. been the means or enlishtning ana swing thou sands, and will be forwarded free on the receipt of four stamps, by ad...cussing :WORE fA-.Y Rosman Gomm or ANATOMY AND kisoutt.Ns, 563 Broadway, New York. jel9-ely GECIRGE CUNICLE, MERCHANT TAILOR. NO. 66 PdAREET STREET. NOTICE TO MILITARY OFFICERS. lIVIVING on hand an assortment of Material. of go , d, reliable quality, 11 prepared to git 4..11 Ito, Upon short notice and Ia ilr3 beat manner, tame undartos. AlBO flannel shirts and other 400di Mutable for Wavers mint on hand weir dim MILITARY CLAIM AGENCY. BACK PAY, BOUNTY, PENSION & SUBSISTENCE EUGENE Snyder, Attorney at Law, office, Third street,. Harrisburg, Pa, Will attend to Ins collection of mtitary claims ' und. r the act or Assembly, or April 18, 1882 Baca pay of itscbarmai sod deceased soldiers. imunty ;hider Act of Congress, July, 22, 1881. Pen/cons and clams for subristance, lylo4illas Vii•kl. A. PARKHILL, PLUMBER £ND GAS FITTER• Third Street, nett door to the Telegraph Printing Oita ‘lnTOttEB, dwellings, churches, public buildings, factories, Lc., fitted tip with gas,lead at.d iron pipe ID a workman like manner. klydrits, Wash basins, Bath Tubs, 1 ift and Force romps, Water Clo.ets, Lead and Iron ri,,e for water, gas and steam. A. share of public patronage Is respectinily solicited. All work p. aptly attended to. my30.48m. GLASS FRUIT JARS!! SELF SEALING. BEST AND CHEAPEST I ...CALL AND EXAMINE. iyao WV. DOCK, Jr. *CO POCKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSES, PORT MONALIES ) And a general variety of Leather Goods, just received at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. HARRIS MANSION FOR SAUI. TEIS handsome property recently ocon pad by the PR ..NOltVinnla FRY& i 4./ .LL GE &erect for sal.. It as well suited *doer L.r a p, Nate Residence or a B aria./ 1.-:ch at, being supplad wile gas, water, bath rooms, heater, range etc. Tee groundsoonincin valuable Fruit Trees and Shirubbery. fbe place will be sow low and pOlillellelOp given within reasonable dine. For terms, he., apply t MRS. 8. a, WA4 UGH, or Thr WM. H Executors of Rotate of Rev. B. K. Waugh, deced eX-ceodu ALL employees of the Philadelphia and Reading ita.l.-.4 cOnip.ny, !Pt* may ani •t in ate service or be Ledtet t tates for toe purp of crashing the tobellion now wreetaulng .he Hoene/ of our coup. try, are hereby assured, that tuck r. spe tire ei t o ete ,„ wILI he kiwi open•acia two Is then/ 110S0 dive y Os their Drum; sod th/t the ram of tbetr venue owing to &deed their o,untry In thiS emereeoey, will be *end& area here 'for as greatly l a their favor /or promotion, to any indult.* positions w tne service of dun Compeer. OHO BLN: 4 H. 9MII Pre/finest. Phi adelphia, August Bth. 1862. TREUPdegrove Lock Property, Carta gr3cely and Rockville Bowe ' allowed STU Mlles above BerrLburgr, Is cow oifercd for We; Bee adver lament in Weekly or app y to aulB4delonlatlBB3 Tilt. largest, and most extensiva assort. Malt Of 4.1113 in the city, Ala received, lied form e vvy low, by sue NICtICOA & B sW 31&li, Corner Front and Martin afrengs. SUGARS of all kinds, white and brown, lower than any home In town, by etlCLlvt.s e BOWMAN, an% Cornet of Front and Market drag. RIO, Dandelion and other preparations of coCee, malt and pare, .ale low , by Ititita • bOICPIAtT7 Corner Fro t and saver n'fo. ts• au29 A PPI EZ, Oranges and Lemons, stJ'}UN ja, WM% W. P. HENRY