ithbitcd. ELIXIR PROITIAMINE, zrzw autitsvr - Eta RHEUMATISM, a NW HAMMY. sae 0101'AIN ILEILIPY • ACM liElnliallebh CHRONIC 111:1171147NOS OS svmar LEND; RHEUMATIDA No mum , I. HOW BTUBBORIS__ ING PROP FLAHII HOW LONG BTAND, f WILL CONQUIRAT, . 1 • WILL CURB IT, WHAT IT HAS DONE, rI . 11,1 4 DO AGAIN. THZ BEST MUMMY, MST MEDICAL AUTHOErrY , COOTOBB KNOW IT, PATIENTS MIME ITS THUD *MD TRIM PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. rFRON,OmmiL HoserrAL RlPOftilld . , Mar 19 , 1889, -flea S., mt. 28, single, neve r was very strong. Twoyears ago she had an attack of acute rheturut fism,irom which she wse whined to her bed fOr two weeks and subseeently from a relapse few four more. She has been well eines then till last Salty, daY, While'engititea in bonze cleaning, she took cold, had pain in her back, felt bold bat bad. BO Altelded„. AM. TWO *We later her anklei be gan so Swett, Wenn was followed by swelling of the knee joints and of the hinds. She has now' , dull pain In her shoulders; and her kmieklee are very tender, red and ;sinful ; both hands are affected, but the right lamest 80. This, then, Is a rime aerate rheumatiem, or, as it is now fashionably called, rheumatic fever. It Is a well remarked typical ease We will barifidly watch the case, and from time to time call your attention to the Vert .ous symptoms which prowl, themseires. My chief (Neel in bringing her before you now, is to call attention to a remedy which has recently been recommended in' the treatment of rheuniatism. I mean PropPlatiat: Dr. Awenarius, of St. Petersburg, recommends it ' the highest tittme, having derived great benefit frOm its use in 260 cases which came under his care. Various com mendatory testimonials respecting It have appeared in ourjournate, and I propose therefore IQ gro It &nailer IMustcoefeas lanildwitysAterisdalfts as to', the Worth or 'new" remedies, which are vaunted as specifies ; but this comes to us recommended to highly, that: we are bound to give It LAIL SAKE CASE FOUR DAYS LATER I Mar 29,1860.—1 will now exhibit to you the patient for whom I prescribedPropylamine, and wa a then Labor ing under an attack ot acute' rhiumatism. She ' has steadily taken it in doses of three grains every two hours (Intermitting it at night.) The &traitor you saw her, I found her much more comfOrtable, better than she' ex pected to be for a week or more, Judging from her other attack. (The patient non walked Into the room.) mprovement has steadily progressed, and you cannot, to ,notice a marked change in the appearance of .;her kits, which are new nearly all of their natural sire.— hut far our experiment would have seemed - very, euc aesfui ; but, gentlemen , we must wait a little while W ore we can give a decided opinion as to what is to be he result. : ' Here is another patient who was placed on the me of 4a wan medicine on Sunday, last ; she has long been auffeling from o !Ironic ihiumatiem, and I found her at That time with an acute attack supervening upon !her eltrealo aditetion. The wrieta and knuelifee were Mach swollen and tepee. Mae took the chloride of propyla mine in three grain doses every two hours, and you will perceive that the swelling of the Joints hu e much Minim: abed. THREE DAYS LATER II MaT 26, 1860.--This is the cue of acute rheumatism ailed with propylamine, the Hut of those to which I ailed your attention at our last clinic. She AA still very comfortable, and is now taking three grains thrice daily. In this case it has seemed to be followed by very eat.• lidactory resells. The second nate to which your atten tion was called at our bun lecture, nee also continued to do well' I will now bring before you a very character laths case of acute rheumatism, and if the result be eat; factory, I think, am good jurymen, we shall justly render our verdict in favor of propylaUn He Is a seaman mt. 96, who wee admitted a few days ago, flea bet edkihional [beamed° parry but not so as to kelp his bed, unfit eight days ago. The, pains began in his right knee, subsequently ainnted the left knee, ana Ike; the joints of the finial extra:hales. These Mute are all swollen, Luse and tender.. Itis tongue hi furred ; his akin; ifpreeent dry though there , has been mutt sweating. pulse.% till sad / strohg, and about Be bah now used prdpy initial& twenty-four hours. This gentleman is what may be called& atrial* typical ease of acute rheumatism. There win exposer° to coin and net, and , this expoiture is followed by a failing of Oldie* severe 'articular pain, beginning, as 'lt mustily does,' in the lower joints. There is fever . snd`the profuse Sweating, so generally iuttendata on Unto rheumansin I did net bring this patient before you with the inten tion Of giving you a lecture en alt the points conueoted with rheumatism, but to again give a trial to tie. new remedy we are testing, and to exhibit to you • this typical can, I have called it, than which there co Old DIX be a fairer as opportunity for testing the medicine in question. We are, therelere, avoiding the sae of all ether medicines, even anodynes, that there may he no nitingivillte as to winch was tno egiolent remedy. ybu Aral i.e the case 01 a future clinic. THE RESULT A FAVORABLE VERDICT. Jesse, 1860.—The next of our convalescents is the cane of acme rheumatism before you at our clinic of May 90th, which 1 then called a typical case, and which sit Was remarked was a fair opportunity for testing the worth of our new remedy, It was therefore steadily given In three grain doses every two hours for four days. The patient has got along very nicely, and Is nom able to walk about, as you see. Ido not timbale to that :I hake naves seen as severe a case of acute rheumatism so soon restored to +lndite as this Man has been, add without being prepared to decide positive 0.4 as to the val ue of the remedy we tutirli Used, I feel - bouid to state that in the oases in which we have tried - the Merida o , Propylandne, the padents 'nave reigabled their health much earlier MBA under the treatment ordinarily pur sued. I wish gentlemen, you would yourselves try It, and repinAtlte reaulitsi For a full report of which the above Is a condensed onetcsiess th! rhilatielphis Medical tied. airgteal Ri— mer. It is the report after a fair trial by the best med. cal authority in Ms isomtry, and muskeg it unnecessary to give numerous oeitfillissies from astonished doctors and relolehut petientl.. , • A CUah; ANIMIVIVAL imak ISE BA JO he SULT WHAT IT HAJ3 DONE, ...allaak & Oranabaia, a Arm well known to moat wadi. oat men, by whom the OM? Propylamine has been in. trodnoed, have sold to na the exclusive right to manufar. tire at amording .to the ;original • recipe, and we have made arrangements of such magnitude as to enable us to batter it broadcast amongst suffering hunaanity. A WORD TO DOOTORS. If you prefer to use the same moody to anetberyform Mip Invite your attention to the .PIMO OBTRAIMID Column PlOlll4/11al fan ilmfamara Immm, Pau ilimirnestora Consornterso, Pull bititoi *mann of mbloh we ire tbe sole man afacturen. igarWealalm no other virtue for the Elixir Propylamine bou V oontainod to Pore Crystalised Chloride of Propy. mine. • . . • UN KLUX IN AND MAY BB ' aooosoore To ontminomo An' WA , • • _BY WigHLY ONB, WHO HAHHEMONATINN OF ANY KIND. Bolus Hirriebarg by . AT MAU. A BOWL& Orders inky be addressed to PROPPLAM/NR MA A rI7I 4O2ITRING, 00, Mae% &On lie ? 4, • • OW !mirth. sad Mallet street% PERsdelptils. teetther of the followilli APlate • BEribtla , a CRENSHAW, FROVII, RICHARDS & CO, JOHN.M.IIS ARTS &00„ -- • • SEC. 0. WETHERFLUCOO PerEirT.,ivituark 00, " S zEIGLER k Menu; Maim mon a Oa ...barramana a- -Nap aimertisemtnts. PENNSYLVANIA: RAIL RoAD,:,; FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND . The Passengeir 'l'ralas or the Pennsylvania Railroad Company mill department and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia airfollows ' IgASTWARD. DOCTORS DEAD DOCrORS 118 Ail DOCTORS Tim TICROUGEE ROUGES TRAIN leave* Harrisburg. daily at 1.15 a. ra, and arrives at West Philadelpitia. at 5.10 FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily, (except llonday,) at 6.80 a. m., and arrives at W eat Pbiladelpblikat 9.46 am. • PAST MAIL TRAIN leaves Hirilatiurg daily (encePt Sunday) at 1,20•9. m, and arrlyea'at West Philadelphia at 8.25 p. m. • ANON, lIPRATION TRAIN, rta Mount Jay, aMvea Harrtabuyi at 1.00 a. m., sad mamas. at West Phila delphia 0.41.20 p. • . , • • HARRISBURG AOOOMMODATION TRAIN, 91a OR*. •blafleaTecHartlebarg at 4.10 p. and arrives at Walt Philadelphia at 9 25 p. at. • . • THROUGH =PREM . TRAIN leaves Philaddiptiii at 10.86 p. m., Harrisbarg at.ll.ooa. tn., Altoona 8.10, S. In. nd snivel at Pittsburg at 12.86 p. to. HAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.16 a. in., and ar rives at Harrisburg atl2.Bop. m.; leaves Herrisburn at 1.00 p. Altoona, 7,00 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.16 a. in. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.30 a. m., Hatrio burg 8.45 p. m., Altoona at 8.20 p. as., and arriving a Pittsburg at 12.45 a. tn. HARRISBURG AOCONSICHMTION TRAIN leaves Thu. datptda at 2.110 p. M., and arrival at Harrisburg at 11.00 p. ra.; MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION via Mount Joy Wives' Lancaster at 10.60 a, m., arrives at Harrisburg at 4.40 p. m. SAMUEL D. YOUNG Supt. Haat, Die. Penna. Railroatt Harrisburg, May ; 1862 —dtf IN AVERY CA§II, WHENEVER TRIED, WHENEVER TRIED. IT WILL DO AGAIN ARRANCIEDVENTI UMBERLAND VALLEY AND" FRANKLIN 'CHANGEft e i'CHANGE OF HOURS.--On and a manila, May Mb, 1869, Passenger Trains will rini daily, as follow, (Sundays Excepted :)1 For Chwabersburit and Harrisburg : A. u. r. a 4 700 246 ...• 787 330 . 1 Arrive at. 8 17 _ 66 8 130 121 Salppensburg Leave at ....9 00 I_l7 NewnMe.. .... " Clarinda . ..• ... .1 .. 0 10 29 82 2 0040 1 .. ................ Mecbanicsburg .............. 10 42 319 Arrive at Harrisburg ........ ...... 11 16 8 40t For Chambersburg and Hagerstown: i MORE COM+. NIENT AND LIAVA:VB REdry roR notKoreenp uss Leave.Hagerstown ...Geencastle. Chambaraburg, 4. .8 05 ad .8 41 2id .9 27 2144 .10 02 8 29i 10 53 4 .011. ...... 00 4 pox Leava..ll 10 41401 11 66 6MP .1486 8100 0. N. LULL, R. IL Office, Chambersbarg, May 1; 1862.-dly 1 Leave ttarraburg..... Ifeeleaficaburg.. " Carlisle " Aewvthe. Shippeesbarg... " Chembgrabang " Othimberiburg tireeneeetle Arrive at Hagerstown CROSS - 51.A.0.114 ELL'S Celebrittedi PICKLA&IIO.NIS, PREfigaVIS, 1114 ‘ ,, Ito, ',A kris, Lfteply ottthe Owe; Vorriubl r ekes sotkie Bel * y -DlOl vre y, i , Wm -mom .$. FROM PHILADELPHIA • OX AND AITIIt MONDAY. MAY 6tEN 1862. WESTWARD. SUMMER 1862. AIL ROADS ! Ifinla, 11 t rr* . P. AT O-2- 4 1-8 P QLo., GROSS Sk , ; ; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL .; 1:.;;•; D Rtfq (4,.._.-,s..'l';S MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PRIVAT'A , :::7,: . : . , • :- 7 , ',.., , : , ' if 'g 4 7 4. i - C . ..' , ;'4 .. '' . .; OkthiGlSTi, PHYSICIANS, STORt KEEPERS AND pONSITM.ERS, We are (WY adding to our assortment of goods'all inicJl articles as are desirable, and would respectfully hall your ateutlou to the " largest and*ooiarphat dock in this city, of D4I; I 42kIOWLICIALEI 41- PAINTS. °I PA vaursfl e h el 8 !/ 1 1/ fii"eps DY.Sij !int"' Artist Colors ■ud Tools, Pwrs SPICee . . Biarsdni Auld . and AlCobol, Gerd, Spitler and Pine oil■ Globes, dulthe Cork., ate., age., Aft , ac., VilLa.goottral . widety, of ~...)F„,l VIP Vi PERFUMERY. * , ,TOLLET ARTICLES, eelento item the .. pest diennfeepireire and Pe Being very lot, t'dealere In` PAINTS, muirz IMAD, LINSEED .014 VARNRRIES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S , • „ C0.T.4048, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES ' IN ALL THE vsturrizs, oorkiftil extl IiFONZEB OF ALL JUAN. {4 (.= R We respectfutly invite a call, feeling, coMI dent that we can. supply the wants Of all 'on terms to , their satisfaction. • TERTH ! TEETH!! ---- - /oaks AND warrEssPoßoinAlN Tam PATENT MEDIdiNES HAIR _ •,; RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direCt from . the Proprietors. Saponifier and- Ooneentrated Lys Wholesile Agents for Saponifier, which we Se as low as it can be parolnieeff in the MAYER'S rpcmcbg l FLUID Erman cola om CARBOR OIL I Being large purchasers in.theme Ofll4 - gre eian - . • offer inducements to close boyeio: • 911 Lamps of theunl i t luiplov s ed : patterns, veiry cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to .. huia c ( AP : 4 1 •01i *o FARMERS AM) GRAZIERS, ,•• • • Those of you who have not given our HOME iND CATTLE. PO WDICHB a trial know no their superiority, and the advantige ; they sire in keeping Horses 'and Oettle heathy and in good; condition. - •• . • • . Thousands can testify to the profit they hate derived from' the use of our Cattle Powdere'br the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improVing the 'general health and ap pearance of their Cattle: Our bug i rPel 11],.!1MIFM-Ped qe the Udvantige of u thorough knowledge of the trade, andoni such that we` ptia hl a very. shiiit time Mimi* anythlug - appertahAng to' ui budnees,'ou the best of terms. Tiusnkftil for e the liberel -4 pairninige bestow!a on our nous* we' hope try: arta, ottentiiii to business, a atrefniself r upari of • PURE DRUGS at fair prices, and the desire to please ail, it merit a . eoutintunumof the favor of a ditiothri . - hinting public. apl6 dlp • I' IN, a TE OF ALL zlims. t ThreeNbar and'are Ant Tient EMU. Bak aad Hatt Trod Elnit.llolll Ea 130Tatal,ielna London Patent Trout LW* _ Twisted Pia. Trout Lime. w a a 1, China arms - • 'w a „ • Linen ant Cattail' Liam, •• u Float Linea fundahed with Moolm, parks & a. Brain ii*Eslymg Rads Bo rios. ; A kW of ChelarTnnirPlieM - 11hlt WormOiliaLLeaders,:bottout lila, a tollfeet. 416 &ma. • " - " " kueede, Limerick Meeks, awn, No. ttoli .. ...Tiaitaukabt, Kirby Trout and River Hooka, let Trout and Oyer &oastFlueelbElteir. and Orklaii Caps. 1111LLERba DRUG AN FANCY' sTORI in , my 2 9l Market litre t. Jr 5 Rußs Fresh , 014 0 0 ,. pipp.,..trn,T,....trur i a pi e 4 4. ; ki - NI LS Jo corner Front nod Norte* oteott . - - _ .. , Tr P. & W. 0.-TAYLOR% Nb i w ,: i . .. .1 AL. it is sissisisaiso Ind LdtalstAtersint,Ljtaio a i tai no BaehraintWilreirto — waste, . It le warranted sat to injure the bands .:- It wilt Impart an agreeable od or and in there fore naltable .fer every m , p g . % .Lie by.. : L ARGE and eXtewaye to* .... gai j../ wasswarik insisiasi millwork Odblete, Siam Bewlitt.„ '.,4o.andereeptidat - --- 1 ' t). 12 ' - " Oallier.,!P* ll * WINS ISOJW; ~,, es fitpkOatr , 3, l 1862. tt EMI NO. 19 ~it~.tai;: lifI.MBOEWS GENUINE PREPARATION oBIGF4 CONCENTRA rED” , • • • comri .uNo . nuth ziraacr itrgarr, AGPositive and lipectilt Remedy. ; For Diseases of. the BLADDER,. **En, GRAVEL, Ind DROPSICALSWELLINGR: The liedtoine increases. the. Power. of . Digestion, and mites the ABSORBENTS int '+ healthy action, by Which the WATERY OR CALCAREOUS abpositions, Antall UN NATURAL EIII.ARGIMINES are reduced, as well m PAIN ANDINPIaIIATMIN;iiid to good for MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN. MEADOWS /Maser Buelll3, For Weekeessea • ;, ; a, Arising from maxim Halite of Disaipatlon, Early In discretion or Abuse. . - ATTENDED wrra THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS Indisposltkin to Esertfon, Loa of Power Loss of Mtln aot ri Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror Ofilffieesse, Wakefulness, Dininessial'ision, • Pan in the Bath Unlversat Lassitude of the Macular arattstl, got Hande, . 2 • Flushing of, Ma Eody Erynesa of the Bast Eruptions on the Pace. o PALLID arbnitHsNok, These aymptionsif, if allowed ago on, Which this hued loine Lavarably removes, soon ibliows ; IWOTENOT, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC F ITS INVOICE WHICH' THE PATIENT MAY EITIBRi : Who am thy Gat th are not ffieque• tly &Coined by these "DIREFUL D ,"' : • . . ..INBANTM4ND CONSENPTION.” Mani , allure of tifehiisit of their iutibring. • • • 'WV NOM WILL CONFESS. tHE RECORDS OF MBE INSANE ASYLUMS, Afid weMtkoWhety Defdat by ansumption, 21.4 *pawl *aim To nun onion dessonnod. • TBSOONSTITTITION ONO& OFFELTAD WITH °ROAM iiiRSHREAS, Required Mound of medicine to strengthen and Invigorate the Sy ttem Which Rziarixnes =TRACT Buono disestridbly doe TIWAL WILL 0011VICITIIII KOWI atErllO.lL FIIfiaLHItrEILHALES-4ElLtlift, .9,11) OH VW/if!,' " MARRIED, OR CONTICKPLA MG z, • . ' 4 =•tzmAzi unarms PECULIAR. to zzitai;gs; • the 'Patron Beau Is unequalled by • any other sisnedy, as in.thitorosis.or Retention, Irregularity, Pantomimes, or Suppresski aof Customary Avacuatiens, Masted or Soirrhous state'or the 'Uterus, Uncork= Whitey;%era it soka far rill Oomplabita incident to the not, *thither owing hosa DlAMOrtaliki Habits of Dissipatkw, in the L DECLLITiOR Offilfoll,9l l WE. - 4618 11110T0113.1116V1 NO FAMILY SHOULD 'IIE.WITHOUT IT I• °MrD IifELABOLDti JCZ7RA(7l'.ll(lelll7 :0031. e lama& . DISEASES... . In nit their. 3401. • 'Veal° ; Lane ce hC Chlthiteln Dietblo inconvenience; • • • • 'Antrim iteiforero. ' • It cameo • fretient desire and gtvesstrengthie Minato, 44kerepy leinelrlng Obstruotionn,, • end 0144 Strictures Prothrs ' bow Pain end - Indlitnidtien, sti (Mil:tent In the elan Af dlifeekeionnlvenpenlitea,U Paten/en, Dtseorad end moment Salter. r "'":1 WOO RAMA= Xifil wrats cut Q_CIACKS, and *xi ONOlialpt:tintyglnns to- heAired lnc short Ihne t have found therwere degolyed; Arid that the "POD OM" hag, bribe Mr a Prows's% A . mge "'been dried PP.r sYsteeth to Windt Qattist an aggravated Mint an d pmuqrginmilmikwx 17. e Hnruow!e Imam ifustu for all affections and (hien" VEIFARY ORGiBiS, Whether indithar in • . :REALM OR FEMALE, ire!awbagev-rLause orkgmathir andso.matter _IA? STMIDING. th mid or DIEIRE Digious Ule.elgura wow • HILMBOLDNI , .; i THE AT =MAO, And Is certain to have the desired • eases in sll Disehies DA Waggle . iteidgiviof tee MOW vdiatde sed:respossOle charade will acoosiOarty the Wefts& CERTIFICATES OF MIER Leona 020 yawn eirmidep, ' Wive SCIENCRANDTARE. Price $l. 00ieibOtge; or ids k; . s6 00. Delivered to say addrels,seetwely packed from Oiler DRIORISISYSEPDDISIN ALL COMMUNIOATIONEL Cues fituarasiteed I "Advice Grails I AFFIDAVIT: im personally appeared before me; an Alderman of Cabo any of Philadelphia, H. T. HiummOla, wno being 'duly sworn, loth say, his prepandlons contain no narco tic,, mercury, or oalier injurious drugs, but are pure mega table H. T. HELMBOLD. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 23d day of No amber, WNW WM. P. HISSERD, Aidernapy ' Ninth a'. above Race, Phila. Address letters ter infalmation in elgadence to H. T. HELHBOHD, Chow*, Depot, 104 South Tenth fit.,bel. Chestnut, nu BEWARE OF COURIVERBRATS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to dispose "or WM own" and Amass" ANIMUS ON WM RIPIITNTION MUM= BY HelMbOld'e Genuine Preparatta a, A /..nlrect Buchn, 6d 66 " Saraaparilla, " Improved Ram Wain. HaanvartSold by 0. K. 'teller, D. W, Gram, J. Wyeth, SO , A. AND ALG DRUGHSTi SVERYWIIERE. ASK RIB HKIJUKK,DPS. TAKIII NO OTHER Dal otat the advertiremat and send for It, AND AVOID DIKIKITION AND EXPOSDBK. novMdly TORT FOLIOS 1 WITTING DESKS, TRAVELING BAGS, FUMES, POBTKONAIES, And a general aelortnent of FANCY GOODS have pet been received at APPNEEPOMPAP.axagroaz. SUGAR CURER HAM. DRIED BEEF = SHOULDIO4IB, BOLGNA SAUSAGE. :fa large asei fresh supply just reeelved :by. eb2A3 ; WAIL DOCK Jr. & Cki IrCLINTOCIT PECTORAL SYRUP. THIS INVALUABLE ",,SYRUP,' WHICH entirely vegetable in its composition, has 44M employed with wonderful success for many years in the cure of diseases for the AIR PASSAGES and LUNGS. POT any form of the 'disease 'Noah as COUGH, TICKLING of the THROAT; SPITTING OF BLOOD, DIFFI CULT BREATHING, HOARSENESS, LOSS OF VOICE, and HECTIC FEVERS, its use will attended with the luippiest restdta It is one; of the best And mfest medicines for all fornis of 'BRONCHITIS. and CONSUMPTION. laude or misralion of Opivps ilk my th i ao in this "nip. PRICE $lOO PER BOTTLE. For sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK. , STORE.. 43 . L im 10QBBL & 1324mr (;Refined aid Raw,) of ail grader arid Mails jail received and irdi beep etlho /orreekidy)trit prices. , • ak EXTRA family ,flour, a anpanor brand, which Wirrint to give s usfaCtion, just re. solved and for s a le by Ei: nnnKnalgilnititabT aue Corner Front and li , rwhet streets. . • VICTIINSIV•E • aStortm ant of gi as swat jzd just reco.ved, and for tale low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, goroorPronisod Monet stroeL. ri-rcir;2l- EROIMMEE , WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, k ,No Fano.* Goode, Per ? ec. .9s o of tined rani-hod Limy quantifies al trelOwaat m arket rates. 170 and 172 William n 270644111 • NEW YORK.. SALAD vc t E ; A grito pply or 'fresh Salad Oil, in fuse end miff bottle! an 91 different binds lust repelved - and lit male by' jocck" - • t`KERI3 bY the chest or boi, ettroot h DOWXAN 2 1.4 itff' 7 L S ,691,11ARMaiditi* 'WOW. i Johns so qraerps. scarliitroxok TAE taus! ore thccitiOytiT,OlkitY EI4ISEHOLD JOHNS & OROSLEY'S .AmetieWi Ceinen.t Glue THE . STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD . THE CHRAPEW GLUE IN TH4it WORLD. THE MOST DUHABLE GLUM THE WORLD. THE ONLY RSGIABLE GLDR IN THE WORLD. THE BERT attek IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE L the only article of the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL MEND WOOD, Move your broken YOrnitrov. IT WILL MEND LEATH t-R, Mend yOur Barnum, straits, BoNI, Boots, Sic IT WILL MEND GLASS, Bore the Moose Or (het exiten s ilve Cut Rau Bows idh.ND IVORY, Don't throw away that broken Ivory Pan, It Of malty, re. paired. - IT WILL MEND CgIN Your arnken:China Cups and Saucers can be madr - a ' ...„1 good as 11911. IT WILL MEND MiRBLIt., That piece knocked out or your Marble 'Mantle cen be ;lton se stropme t e ever. IT WILL M END VORQELA_IN No matter if that broken . Pileher did not cost but a sh ling, • shilling saved is a shilling.esrned IT WILL gEND A11.1§48.11., . • . . , That cost ly Alabaster Taste a broken and you molt isateb It, mead It, it will nevershow when put together. It ' will Mondllone ' Coral, Lava,, and in -fact everything but Metals. Any article ()melded with AMERICAN CILMENT Alt.= will not show where it irmended. =TRACTS. “every Housekeeperirshould have a supply . of Johns 4sertstlers anterkult OemOnt Glue."-41.2”. Imes. ...It's so convenient to hart ,in tne house."—N. ready ; this oonttosuds Itself to eveiy ant. ~ W e have tried it, and And It es useful in our Mmes ae water."— Wt of the Timase. ,*(AIONY, IS WEALTH. MOO per year eare , ! .n every [amity:by 4ne itottie re= AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. - Price 26 Cade per Bottio. - • ;Brice 25 Cente per BOttle. Price 25 Cen*.peK.V o o l o. Price 26 Cents per .Bottle. • - Price 26 Cents per tiOttle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. . Very Le(k;W Reductions to. Wholesale Buyer*. TERMS CASH. aggrFor sole by all Druggiats, and Storekeepers wetland ly throughout the country; JOINS ar, CROBLEY (Sole*gfill*ctureefffin WILLIAM STREET, Oeraer of Liberty street. ENEIW Y ORE Impog;a n t to Panneis. 14-ail whotitikis stay concern, aid iteastcarts ;eery . mime a citost;tire `*i(PROYeD GITITA rsacaa OEN I ENT ROOFING, The 0110140116 luid most durable Roofing la use . Impintant to ROHM Owners. Important to Builders Iniportant to Rail Road Companies. IT iiku AND WATER . PROM'. It can be applied to NNW and au) coops of ail kinds, • ' steep or LA, invite' libruicita Roars 'withere ' ' IrOlnoyantlietailnglee. The Cost Is only about One•Thlrd that or Tin AND IT IS TWICE AS DURABLE. This article has been.thorotsrialy. tented is ?Tow York Qty and all other parts of the United Atatem, Zana 4a, West Indies Central and South'Ameries.,'Otrbailaings of ailkindsonichAs INNowne, Yomoinurs, Clatimostad, RAI L Roo porm t mud - . on, ;Palma BFnalle4 generiMy &Mightier/ , 7, - bk the prilict*,Aiilalire AraiWks sod lothersfilirint the' 'paid Idij yeah OJ baprovectio tar:the , l3llßAPFlNtiutd DURABLE. ROOFING in nseLit is in every.rosgann A FIBS, WUTRICA.siId n*-4 I i f 4 ;1 01 COY ,aring RP . 14 4 30 ,F Alt rhir ioffie ONATlragsleril *rorseurelerwri ix toe grids& Alie' Very desirable properties iof Mae** wet • , vireets arenniiereallyy 110$1110*- ed to bC.lllolilellilet • by , .912111 PIM:4IA , AND 8.g441A ' : • No Heat is toquired in making application. The Menne of applying it IS trifling, es an ordinary roof eon be covered and Hnished thereon° day. tt'oari be %Oa bY 010, and wheat:dished forms I perfectly has Now Bur la,oe with an elastic body, which cannot be injured by Haft Coo or Noma, Unmans of Roos Somme, nor any ax. tonal notion what:mar.. . • !LIQUID • - . _ GriTTAL Prim= DEMENT, tor Costi?!g *Ads of au mikdowien exposed to the Action of the Weather, and' FOB iItiCEIKIIViLit Aitti 11.11PiAitt&G kIiTAL 'lowa 9? 4 1 44 UR*. 111 4 1 0 only 001 4.1109 WW which will mace!' fully resin extreme 'cungw of , all alimates, , for. any length of time, when applied to Mettle; to which it ad heres firmly, teeming e body egtiail. tooter of - ordinary paint, coats much leas and will LABf THEME TIMES AS LONG ; and front elasticity Is not *jure(' by the anatractiolf ind'eXtminhilin ef Tin and ether Metal Rooth, woneeq. neatigdweintlden *loges of the weather Raiff not CRICK IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM W11421N111., AND WILL 4sTu7 WASH 01F. •• • • *lfetelltliolle • Tit MR Other Can be readily re p air. iaIaiIth•GIPPEATEROIWORILDIT t and Prevented from farther carrell= anit•itnililv,•theiceby ensuring a per. 01 0 1 1.141.!kt • , • Tweeigega inicoarly Odieted for the preeeriatitta of IRON ItAIIINGS, STOVR, RANGI SAM:.S3, AGRI. CULTIAAL DIPLE - 111Mtli, the.; also Tor general mane. lecturers • • r • - • • •, - GriTTA - rEliCit-A CEMENT . For preeervinexiii 4 6 1,4 4 1,RiTigt.sed, -other. Metal Roofs ed . byevery. deeriplift, !bat nis rest, elerheity , not,trenred the contritehod tad hipanstou of Metals, and , wit odi Creek. hi ihad•ii warm wearher. • • • mesa =Wish are awl= TO Au. atirierie, ant We are prepared to supply oriterafrOft shy Part of the roan at short notiodetor-41G14* MORA ROOFING hi eta* reedy prepared for ueiN And. GUM. FRRORA OR. MIXT It bane ht 4 with hiß'Prhtterdrreetiolei - &poll- WOOL AGs' WAN ; . mill make liberal and ealbfactory arrangemseis wnti respoiiible petite Whe'rreald Ilk, to establish then!. salves Isoi hterative and penman bulimia. .017R7ERMs ARE CASH. We eau Or) e.beedalit proig of all:We Claim in am* st oar tia'coll Roollisithaving 40110 'them to several thousand' to hi Neti Tart (kr and Vicinity. ZORN'S & CRINYLEY .O. lieuggrAcTuszes, Wheless! liarehease:7B William St., ; carter of lAborty ftr oa. 'YORK; Figlidesetipthre Obisulars and Priittii titi furnish 4 no applictailaa .. • I iatoDA kykedluad gir all by ' NiOfl ILI aBO weisv, IL. CollobrANimt .ottjilarket strewn . vritirrsti Digiii; - k 4s• ist % irr L ''s - f: 940-- eat 9t. Attu glint sr! AR ' It=dm''''t _arms amp Booluctio. ~, . Buzittess (garb& , DENTISTRY. DR. GEO. W. STINE, graduate of the Baltimore College of Denial Bargerydtkving per manently located In the city of Ilitrilsbnrg add taken the Aloe formerly ocsaoied by Dr. Glergivi, Tliard - street between Market and Walnut,: resPeCifully hitorms hie Mends and the public to general, that he in prepared to perform all operations in the Dental lirolessiott; *tuber "o at A y mechanical, in- cuasunarz that hhall not be surpassed b o r opera tors in thiltpr any other city'. His Moon oCinaerfWg airdnoial teeth la ! upon the latest tm proved sitlentlfic prlicitile. • • Teeth from clue to a full set, mounted on fine Gold, Silver, hatint plates or the Vulcanite Base. I take grist pleasure in recomm Inding the above gen tleman to all my former friends of Harrisburg and vi cinity, mid feel confident that he will perform all opera tions in a solentlfio mime; from my knowledge of his ability. finy3 dtfj F. J. B. 6046.te. 9. D 8. DAN' L. L MIJENOH, AGENT, iF the Old Wallower Line respectfully j informs the public that this Old Dally transports lion Line, (the only 'Wallower Line Lewin srlst.nue in this City,) is is In successful operation, and prepared to carry freight as low es any mberiudirtdual line 'oetween Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisours, Wil lianisport, Jersey Shore, Lock Hay o and all other points on the Northern ._:entnd, Philadelphia and line and Wil liamsport and Elmira Railroads. DANL. A. MU NCH, Agent. Harrisburg, Pa. Goods sent to the Ware House of Messrs. Peacock, Zell Ai -ancbman, Mn, 808 and 810 Market street aoove Eighth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, P. L., will arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery next morning. aprBo-i'dmyl • 8 1 . J. HARRIS, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufacturer NO. 112 MA.RK_E.7 87118E7, HARRISBITROt. i / ri alwa u d y j s on hand a fall . assortment rlor Stoves or the beet us ' anuiao ed . n i 7l a ea re :Clutteltos a t ad tnA, lug and Gaiiaulsod Iron '...*.ornish. manufa -turei uud pu t up at reasonable rates. 14- Repairing promptly attended to. apr3o-dly REMOVED. JOHN 'B....SMITH rjrAS removed Ida Boot and Shoe Store 1,1.• from the Corner of Second and Wakint streets to NO. 108 .JIARKET STREET, Next door to Ha:visesi Agriculture Store, Where he intends to keepal/ kinds of Boots w^d Shoes,. Ositent,; he., and a large stock of Trunks, and everything in his line of bu siness ; and will be thanidul to receive the patronage of his old customers and the pubds in general at kis new place of busitows. all kinds of work made to order in the beat style and by superlOr workmen. trepentag 'time at short notice. . (apt:Mtg. ; Jogs 8. . 6111TH. A. C. BRE/TEL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE THIRD STREET, mylOy) NEAR MARKET. IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY P. H. ALLABACM, Bnrgeon Deu . tist, Manufacturer of Mineral Piste Teeth, the only obvlateb every objection to the use of nrti- Octal teeth, embracing partial, half and whole MeV one piece only, of pureand mdestruchole mineral, here are, no crevices for the acoeumniation of Brasil particles of food and therefore, no offensive oder from thd breathable mi me tal is need in their a:instruction, there can be no.gaivente action or metallic taste. Hence the indiv Waal lb not an ueyed with sure. throat, headache, bur. Olbre. No. 48 North second street, Harrisburg. nal b.. illy t F. ADOLPH P, TEUTSER. WOULD reepectfully inform hie ola r . patrons andthe public generallyi Oat be will uontanue to giveinstruetione on the PLANo FORTE; YE LODEON, VIOLIN and OM in the science 01 TF.011;01NIE BASIL pleasure wait upon pipits at their aomat'at any nour 'desired, or lessons will be even a his residence, is Third street, neer doors below th German Reformed.Chereh. deollk-otl ItitsuLtangutut UNION , R•g•Sf A.Uti A:NT, Bars At WTI 'AND BOWLING SALOON. NO. 119 . DURK& 81Cliter NEA.II kTriH. THE subscribers having erected a larg e building at the above place, expressly for the pure o ne above indicated, beg to call the attention of the puli te to the following : Tim lianumuerr; on the.first floor, with a dining room attached, i 9 fined Up In firat-cleies style, and it will at all times be suppled with the best • viersas to be had is the Atlantic titles, together with terrapin, fhb, and all klub' of game in season.• Oysters served dp in every style, and meals to be had ac !loans. The Ales of all the celebrated breweries in the country constantly on hand:' The Ten-pin Alley, or Bowling &loon, is the rear, and contain three alleys of modern contraction, where the lovers of this healthy exercise can enjoy thereseires The Billiard Saloon is upatatnt—elegaquy fitted and cattalos three marble top combination initiate° 'ta bles, equal to any made. Harrisburg has song fait the want of a grand combin ation of thhi kind, and as the proprietors are deuwmtned to conduct Bin a quiet and orderly manner, and do ere rything in their - power 10 Make 'Ma faaidonable resor they hope to receive a hberalishare of public intro jail-dtf . • WItiLLAMQ. iIcFADDIN 800. FIRE N S If'R A NOE • DELAWATUD MUTUAL , INSCRANCK COMPANY. INCORPORATED /835. • Capital and Assets $869,126 37 DIBEOTOIIB. . Win. blartin,X4mund A. Ponder, Throettilne Paulding, Jno R. Penrose, dno. C. Davis Jas. Traquair, Wm. Eyre Jr Jame C. Rand, Wenn 9. Ludwig, Joseph IL tleal,Er. R. E. Huston, George O. Lelper, Hugh Craig, Charles Bony, 111111 ell E. tiolate, J. F. Penuiston, Henry Hain, Edward Darlington, H. Jenes Brooke, Spencer Wilvalue, Thomas C. Hand, Robert Burton, ann P. Jones, James B. bill'arland, Joshua P. Byre, John' B. Beinpie. Pitts burg, D. T. MorgaoPiusburg, _a. R. Berger, Pittsburg. WILLIAM MARTIN, Trodden. THOMAS 0. HARD, Vice Treading. HENRY LTLEURN, Beeretatv. The undersigned as agent for the abpve named cow 'pony, continuing to take Fire 'Maki to Harrisburg and vicinity. WYLLIAII jelo.dlt BIIRELLE/t. BEAUTIFUL TISSUE .PAP t R ) fOR covering Looking Glasses, Picture eramee,.ornua s nlie g CeHums, Mingling fiss PiPea and cat so an to ' ang over Otriovi • Irt the ebolPo 0 f stare, points, circles or festoons. Por sale •at myel SCH.EPI ERII BOOK.TQRE. RUBBER GOOl3 I Rtibbe Balls, . Rubber Watches, Rubber Rattles, Rubber Toys generally at RERGNER'S CHEAP Btx)Kgrolot. GLAS6 are for putting up fruit, the celebrated mete) patent, cheap, simple and ef fectual, warranted to give a,trefaccton, Jest meived and for sale by NICHOLS & BJWSILAtar ien Corner 'front and Menet street: SUGARS for preserving; call and exam Ina at NICEIuLB & BUW3I4Ig, 197 Corner Front and Market. Weide. I EISIONS, raison, oucoanUts just _ILI received and for lode by NICHOLS & HONH&N, Cor. 'Wont ant Haricot greets. jyl6 L"RESH FISH. every Tneedny and Friday j: at JOHN WIER'S Store, corner: Hdrd and Wa I. not mu NOTIONS. --unite . variety ot, useful and entertaiumg etriicieaL-eneap—ac . 1 • . wgrotio- -Cr CR :,VF. KASH .Lemene and Raimns, just re calved •ndfpr sale low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, • • • . corner Front sad Market Striate. POUNDS Extra Prime Sagix O. Cured Elam for ode vary lowirholtirelo . 00 or mu, by . WM. DLAJK JR, 11.()Q.: •.. A :SMALL lot of choice Dried Fruit at P•icuolo dr GQ 1 ,1141 ; ' Oorner Front and Market "sireet. TERsEy RAM I—'frn tierces of these tl justly ealehrited eugalr cured titnis, received Ana or 0a.A14 large or &oily CRAB Cthial•700 11 801/543r. on NO* very InD Irak ` bf idea. ems. WM. WOE, ht. 00.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers