Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, September 03, 1862, Image 1
- THE TELEGRAPH D 3 PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE:BERGNER TIC ittillosisSussesereow. The DAIS Tmeffiarla isterired,lo, •subncribers th . .i City at 0 Dente per week. Year* testi f ied:bees' will hf charged a t 00 ln advioise. • " Wll2/111' AND Bar¢ Wllla4 TUMMY& The tstatmani is abio publiihed twice a week durini the session of the Legislature, and weekly during the remaiader SA the year ' and 'famished to subscribers at the fbbowing muds -rates, via: Dingle': nbscrthers per year 60 T en • 0 -" 44 • :.„12 00 Twenty • n • tt .4 _22 00 Stogie subscribers, Weekly.... 6 ...... 1 00 LAW OT wiwavavgas. It subscribers order the discontinuance of their news papers, the varnisher may continue to send them until arrearages are paid. 1r subswibers nedlect or refuse to take their newspa pen from the office to which they are directs'', they are . responsible until they have settled the bills and ordered, them dloainiinised. itlistellatuous EAGLE Won.u.s, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. MANITFACMOBAR OF BUUK•BINDERS' BULING•i4QINBS AND PASS, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND MACIIEUNNI 1011 GRINDING CUTTING-MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Nina and Fodder Cutter., SCHOOL FURNITURE, General Machine Work and Iron and . Braes CASTINGS, WOOD TURNING IN ALL ITS BRANOI/IR4 SCROLL SAWING-, PLANING, EM, W Aoy Maclaine of Wood, Iron or Brass made to order. Gear and Screw Cutting, &c. HICKOK'S PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTING TOOLS. eseh pidd for Old Copper, Owe, Bpelter, &o. STEAM. BOILERS, &O. PENNSYLVANIA ABOVE STATE STREET •CELLAR WINDOW GRATES,. Of variom patterns, both sis.tionury and swingins. Fasb Weights and various alter building castings for sale very thpap at the (my 24-1 3 ,1 X Allbe WORKS. NIOIIOLB & BOWMAN ; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . GROCERS • • 9 `Corner Pront and Market Streets, HARRISBURG, PENN'A., 14 MP, ECTFULLY invite the attention of JUL, thepublle 10 their large and well 'elected stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIGN AND DO. GESTIC FRUITS, Including among others, SUGARS, SYktUPS, TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, ORANGES Lamolis, &C., &O. ALSO FLOUR hat, SALT, BACON, LARD,, BUTTER, &c. We invite an ezamlnation of our superior NON EXPLOSIVE COAL OIL, The beat in the market in every respect, _to gather with all kinds of LAM.PB,, SHADES, BURNERS, WICKS and GLASS CONES, Cheaper than any piece it ikwrisbary. We keep ore hand always all kinds of OEDAR, AND WILLOW WARS Ai styles and kinds of QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE, at the old stead, NICHOL'S & BOWMAN, my2O Corner Front and Market Ste. BOOKS FOR FARMERS. THE attention of agriculturists is directed to the following works, which will enable them to increase the quantity .and value of their crops by adding science , and the experi ments of others to their experience : STEPHEN'S BOOK OF THE FARM, de tailing all the labors of husbandry and the best - viay to perform them. Price.... 3 60 00T. MAN'S AGRICULTURE and Real Economy 4 00 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, by A11en.....1 00 THE FARMER'S COMPANION, by Buel 76 LECTURES ON PRACTICAL AGRICUL TURE, by Johnston 60 THE AMERICAN FARMER'S new and uni versal handbook, with 400 englavings..2 60 AN EASY METHOD OF MANAGING REFS, by Weeks 20 The Nature and Treatment of Diseases of Cattle, by Dadd . 100 LEIBIG'S AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY 76 KELM COWS AND DAIRY FARMING, and the production of milk, butter, cheese, by Flint 160 GRASSES AND FORAGE PLANTS, by Lynch - • 160 SAXTON'S HAND-BOOK, containing _the Horse, the cow, the pig, fowls, &c., &c.. 1 00 THE FARMER'S DICTIONARY and Frac tkal Farmer, by Dr. Gardner 1 56 ALLEN'S DORSETT° ANIMALS 76 THE FIELD BOOK OF MANURES, or American Muck Book 1 25 THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, by • Jennings 100 youxrr ON THE Nom 1 25 HIND'S FARRIERY and STUD 800K....1 00 HORSEMANSHIP and the Breaking and Training of Horses 76 Standard Books, School Books, and every -I,lllnibLlhe stationery line, at lowest prices, at .44a 0 MES's caw*? :1)004 i sFoNN. - - LIFE iNSUEANOE. The Girard We Insurance, Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia. OFFICE NO. 41:6 • 0lilintrV7 B.7IINET. (CHARTER PERPETUAL.) CAPITAL AND AUNTS $1,548,230 THOMAS RIDG WAY, Yreshisalt JOHN v. JAMBS, actuary, CONTINUE to make INSURANCE ON Live. on the moat mum able terms. _ yy set as Um/tors, Trustees and Gurdisas under last WIN& and as Revolvers tad Assignees. The capital being paid up and invested, together with a u rge an d uonatandy inure aing reserved fund, offers a perfect sem ty to the insured. ip premhuas maybe paid yearly,balf yearly or ow. periodically to the bun- Theqoaspatty add a HONDA mks fort•fe. The FIRST. BONM appropriated in Drr. combat, UM, the SECOND BONUS in December, 184 9, the IffEttD BONUS m December,lB64, and the BOURTIT BONUS in 1869. These additions are made without ra glaring any increaule n theprenuums to be pa id to the Company. The billowing are a few example from the Register : Idanouut or Polio,' arid gum Hone Cr bony! to be Increased Wooled I addlon by tutors additions. 5 4 : 1 1 12 * 42400 on bu PO/ 60 BODO 1 ,050 .0 4,050 00 /00 1000 400 00 1 ,400 00 n. / 113 5000 1;476 00 6,76 . 00 Mal M arriaboris suit vie nity, WWl= MEM' • L.„ k .-= .• • 2 4 r 'r! ;fr rt , •. 94 0 , e le • 1 -4 v , ifirr ' ' • 1.• 4,7 4 %. , • 1 ; le A •• b- . . , VOL XVIII • HARRISBURG, k , P WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON', I SEPTEMBR 3, 1862 . . DR. JOHNSON 33.ALIATIViECOXUE1 LOCI HOSPITAL! LXAS diecevered the most °attain. speedy and effeteual remedy in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE fill. M Ili SIX TO TRIM nom. Na Mercury or lioljous Drugs. A. Cure Warranted, or no Charge, in from one to Two Days. Weakness of the Back or,Limbe, Strictures, affeirdom of the bldneys and Bladder, Involuntary disehargetl, potency, General Debility, Nervousness by - spepoy j Lan guor, Low Spirjts Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation Ol the Heart. Timidity, Trembllngs,.Aininess of Inght. or C•iticit nese, aeiee te the Head, 'fbrolk, Nose or .Blon, t . do= of the Liver, Lunge, •dietriaCti or Bovirits--Aicere ter• rible ntiorders arising front the-Widen , Habits , of Youth —these swan and solltars pr4c4 Use more iitaLto the tr victims than the song of yreoa to - the Mainers of talk sea, blighting their most brilliant hopes or autioipetianb, rendering marriage, ht j impossible. . . • Young ken B3pecially, who have , become the victims of. Solitary Vice, that dreadful and deetructiVe habit Whitt li annual• ly sweeps to an undmely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, wbo might otherwise have entrianced listening &Mates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to - ecstasy the living lyre, may call whir fuliconfidence. itaniage . . . • RAILROAD, Married Persons, Or toe* Min Contemplating Mar ridge, being ...were or phydoeleressanam, Organic debi,i ly, deformities, Am., speedly , oared. He who pieces himself ander the eye of may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, andeou thiently rely upon his skill as a 1?r , ' immediately Cured, arm full vigor Rsatoreil.• : This distresiabg . Allaction—swhich renders lid misera ble and marriage Impossible—la the penalty paid by the victims of improper tadulgences. t oung persona are toe , apt to commit excesses from not being aware of. the &radial eouseq..entes that may ensue. New, who that understands Wesel:Sem win pretend' to deny that the pow er of proonatiou Is iost sooner those felling into im proper habits .than by We prudent ' Beanies being de prived the pleasures of healthy aspen, the most se rious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. Thi system beware deranged, the Physical eon Mental Functions Wesaened, lass of Procreative Power, Servitor Dispepslit Palpitation of the Heart, indigestion, Conatiunkm.4. Dejeility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. OSA; Iffo. 7 South Frederick Street. Left harm tilde going from liallinwre strest, a law door: tram Oa Corner. FlanOi to observe Seine and number. Letters must be pod and contain, a stamp. the Doc. toes Diplomas hang In lus oboe A Care Warranted in Two Days. Ave Ammo 9, nauseam Drain, Dr. Johnson, Member of the Royal College of pargeons, LOndon, Grad uate from one of theorem, embentGaleges in the United States, aadths greater park of wisps ,hte has bean spent in the bospluils of London, Paris, Prilladelpbia and else where, has effected some of the moat Istonishlng. cures that were ever mown !many tronb/ed with ringing 10 the head and oars when asleep, great nettousailabi,boing alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement a Wed were cured inuneellidelyt. Take -Noti Perielia Dr../. addresses ad those h aftedbitirelu i , dg.‘ byimproper indulge :Ad and eteluary• baba, iiitiarredu both body and Mind, unfitting th em for either business, study, moiety or marries". • • True are some of the Sad anit - melanebollyeffute pro duced by early habilit yoUtlt, t Weakness Sr ;so But end Limos, Pales in ihis Head,' Dimness a Si gh t, moos o Muscular Power, PiAidtation of heart, popsy, hlervouu Irrahbd ty, Deraugemeht of thelbgethve ruactions, General DeblLty, Syniptozns Consumption, , . MgsmLT.—The foirfuleffeeth oh the mind -are 'Much to be dreaded—lasi of liferhOry; COOluidOci premien of Spirits, l9vd ?Or boalsags; AlLt oil 6 1 e. 06 10 Self : Distrust, Lovesf Mditude Timidity , - .16. are Mine: of the evils produced. - • . Tnusamens of persons of all ages cad now judge Slut Is the cause Master declining health, losiig their eigsr, becoming.. week,, pala,, nervous and emulated, . baring a singular appearance adOut the eyes, weigh' and hp whims of eousumptioo. Young Mee - • • Who have Nosed themselvedby -a certain prootioe in dinged in when alone,; habit frequently learned - from ern or at sotiodk the .eibiete , of 'Width are nightly felt, even when asteep,=arni if not Mired' =Venders u motip impossible, Vindldeatioys both mind aid hody, &Odd apply immediaudy. What a pity that a young mum - the - hope of - Mt -coun try, the darlini butPirent4 ithoultbd snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of rife, by the eontequedee. of deviating from the path of nature and iada Iging ; in' a certatia secret habit, Subh persons Maw, beton, Pineal. Oak% ?edict. that wetland mind and betty are the mmt Marriallet aeoes etry -requitiltes to promote nanabial happiness. Indeed, without , Wog the tourney throageltra brownest a weary pityinglypike preepeot hourly darkens-to. the view ; the anal becomes eibitiewed wsh despair and tilled w:th the meleacholly retito4oo, OM the happlues9 or =other become's tohgeded•will bur owe. • • • 'Disease of imprudence. When the nueautded and imprnitent votary of pleasure Ends Matte his imbibe.' the ettedsof thts painful dia. mum, it too often Webs that antit.titned sense of ehame or dread et discovery, deters him fren . ritOlYint whcctrinablheation and teripectithihty,' cum aloha Mend him,' delaying till the bortatitutienal' symptOknii 'on this horr d damage make %liar • appeanintee, mich as vl cannot aore throat, • diseased .!was, nocturnal. pains In (behead and litibs,'Minnella illfht;datinists,' - hodee on the shin bones sad arms, bhflobesotithe:h ad; fano-WM extremities, progreismit: with -trtghtful reship", WPM last the palate et the mouth or the bones of that neamfial in, and the.victim of this awful disease Atomise lain* Id object of commiseration, till death puts ,e ;period to bin dreadful sufferings, by sending hum to that Undfscov• vexed Country. front whence ao traveler returns." it Is a eteloachollY fad that. thousands victims to Ws terrible disease, owing to the mightn't/hums of lane not premodern who by the 11110 of that Asa, P•if On, Mercury, ruin the constitution and make the redidint o life atiaerable.. . tnuagem Trust. not your liv es or hood', to the care of tha ma* Unlearned and Worthier', Premodern 'Manure C hiMet ledge, 'Moe 'or charactie,.yittii copy Dr..lohinioreiedne , vertisemente, or style themellete di the newe'mperii, regularly Bducated Physicians incapable pt Coring, they keep you trilling month after month Wag their IMO and potsonousinsa coinpintuds, or se loOk as the alnallest lee can be obtidoed, and in despair, leave you with .ruin ad health to nigh over your gather ill9r pofntmedt io. Johnson is the onlyPhysiciato ..OVertialog. Efts orpdeatla hangs in Jib" now. remedied or treatilliet are daknown no all ottletiB Prepared troni ; a life ;meat iv theii: : eat hes — pluda of KR rope, the drum the countryfied is wore Menem PO, vote Practice than any other'Pbysitltau lin the world. Indo*ieeet :Of. the Pia.. The many tboyeauda nu* at Um institution year 4 terzear, and the -numerous Important Spliced lipase thee Refeemed bj Dr. Jelnenon, eriteceseed' l by Dte, patter/of the .130 n,” adlipper,"lllo: ninny other le" perm, notices Ar which Niv.s appe4l , o4 -,agile and agaia before the public; nernbarr kin lauding as a , gentleman of character and responsibility, is a Cu &dent guarrautee was alitedd : : . pee . . bdily Cured. .R•rsana wrwag.nould P.Atießlat . direottugilleit tete:re an ItleAubtAtucil, Intie .4:oowlits ma ter JOHN JILJOHNSON. N. D. 1 t: 3 : VALPY INSTITUTE FOR YOU ' 'NG 4:IIINTLEMEN/ MECRANAMPROI P 4 R.E.V. O. Bag as.solts. AN MIMEO lUD COIDERCIAL SCHOOL. mums . 1 Prom 13eptember let to. Feb. let:; " rebnuuy Ist to July Z ia r rir o r t t r ro s no per won ` "I,NDEPEN - DENT 111 i 711(N44i- ffloii- Organic Ww!lcrielii Of thillaliallorlf IA I O/ 1011 Pfla 1 / 4 **laid* Md. . • • . et " . 1 llanton • REIGHT' -REDUCED HOWARD & HOPE EXPRESS CO.'S MORT 86 QUICK ROUTE TO AN D.FROM 'NEW YOR.K Goods Ordered in the Itlonibw , Returned -ttre ,dame ; Night. Lefty° .New York "lit 74 P. U., by the Faat Through Express 'Train, arriving in HarriebUrg at 8 A. lit. , WITHOUT ORANGE OF OARS. Order Goods marked via 11,9 PE EXPR*lttef General Waal. 182 Broadway, hew York. For further information enquire of GEO. BERGNER, *gent. ..• liassissaaa, Aug. 166i.-dtf TILE NEW EDITION •of • PURDOWS DIGEST HAS JUST BEEN PUBLISHED, PRICE $5 00. AN ENTIRE npw edition of this . Weinman LAW Book kao just been issued. , It is now distinguished by : the following superadded features :. , The laws contained in.the various annual Digpste pUblished since the date of the eighth edition (18.68) have been incorporateil in the peired ,the work.. biany thousand new authorities Aaiie Wen cited; the report of the revisory of the Finial Code his been embodied in the notes to the various sections of it, and pheiapponAlig o cfaitaiwifpr .the oft ferthe""luMikilitithi Records, and the Statute of Fraudulent Con veyanceti, with full,and Alaborate notes of We dedlloll6 exiilanatory theta:" The work his beet imepared by the - leenned editor, Mr. 'BILICIRMI, and its freitMeas and, permanent value will be presorted the continuation of the Marna Digests; Whisk have given so much satisfaction. For tilde at je2B BEIIGNEIi'B BOOKSTORE. „ . 011ABT.1; 'OAK • F A. Y 0 TJ B • UNEXCELLED BY ANY IN THE UNITED STATESAND SUPERIOR TO•ANY • =FANCY BRANDS OFF NEED IN PENNSYLVANIA I II IS MADE OF CHOWN SIIIIIOUttI HITS WNW. air Delivered en'', pia ato the dil a free of, *up. T EMS, 'CaSh . Oh jig() DW. BC/W(INA, A hatALL, but very superior lot of .414316 Bologna lUllll4{O AK received, oy ' .ey2e • WY. DOCK,Jr'. • CLARET WINE: . ! r E are closing out !%V.ERY. SUrkatlOß VIA' Loral lesstiunt co i ys WM. Oa. Jr aco 'DROWN sugars of 101 l grtides, for WO jup - low; 'by - NICROIA s nOWMaN, joltoS ta.,ter ymiki etrCell.; • ' P R.Fi 'W`YE JARS I_, A 8,8 E S.. ExTy..NSIV.N.; Inetudneg Jelly llesigik. Pieeecre Myth ar4, AG, &Ai ,or al' atslot, /*it reCIOVINI an 4.10 role low by . . .400/lAJL out/YUAN Corner lirout & Market 'aroma CID. 11111 0.7 uIIRE cider vinegar, waxianiad w itar an t le I. low by N/CHOLi i72b Corner Front and Market streets. .11BitIOATING Oil flit' 'kolas of ma y/ obery, In convenilenk paokagehjounnlvyary low ;. • , 2... NIMALSI !SOW/ILAN, jel9 . Cornor Front and Market alsoet. WI .L . T E B ANDY FORPRiit3-EllyllTer.rUli.Eoo - 413. A VERY superior article, (pure,) lust received and for twat) • • .0.30 • WMAIOCK. JR4 Ac 0 1 11, • • V AN BEANS. WE are offering for sale a splendid V V quality or Val9A Beau at WO prices, by WI pound, °moo or siqgly.- - KILLIVAS DREG AMR, " *1 Mittel alrort.m I\TEW Orleansßugaza :ewhite and brown, lastriterred as tot hile a kow by • I NIUHOLEIIir 80W11.421, • 106 ' Oor, 'Tom and Market valeta. if ADE tram. choice and salt:tad Apples AL sad. gbanorteed 'by tut to be staidly pure . ell 4 'M. DUCK ut 00 up e bar brim. o of_tatra jowl y flour which we weretat to give zesUoLotiosi, fat sale igiCROLW 110Wit&N, • looreengleatiinCittultet 'week mill PIitIISHtD, coaise 'kid' line . pulverized IV sugar, lowea than any other *see In town. Call sad examine, Ihnula* BOWitslt iPO Corner Front and Matheatdreins;: TIRE/SERVING jure, .fruit cans of • all 4 ,1 1014#184( ' idAßro Coniv t."1414114§) EN . 'AUL Door., /1. ifill/. (I AD. B ai r y j„ *1644 NE . olit A• L t - N i i :N - V'N E Nati gibindtbrtnents NATIONAL ~I IOIIBE - IHOV, W ILLIAMSPORT, BEIT 2d, 3d, 4th, and 6th. DAILY ORDER OF ARRANGEMENTS The gates4lll be opened for the sib:deka of the public, front 8} o'clock, A. M., CAW sundown each day. MEMVIDAI;JASPTEM4 I 4II Ai bi s - 1t Of all horses entered for - premium, exhibition or B ei% witiate.Plor, on the fialc tale -track:. " Vol A. M.—Triarof speed of the tomes designated by theitlges. tba sound of the:hell, Class number 12 (Matched Horses,) will assem ble in trout of the Judges' atand for exhibi- 11 o'clock A. H—Trialeg speed of the horses designata tiiis fudges:'' o'clock A. lif.-zAt the sound of the bell, ,Ohisslnumber.2/18 iiVituldij: will assemble in faint of the Judgeif.statid-for exhibition. '• . 12 o'clock Al—Tritil - df speed of the bonus designated by the - Judges. 121 o'clock. P. 111—Dinner. The track till be °pa for.promiscuous driving until 2 o'clock.- 2 o'clock P. of speed of the horlies designated by the Judges. ; ' • -21: o'clock P. M-LAS the' sound of the ixlit; class number 8 (Stallions' 6 years and over,) will assemble in front of the Judges' stand for exhibition. . . 81 o'clock P. MlLTrial O r speed of the horses designated by the 'Judgaii. 4 o'clock Y. M—At the iodine] of the bell, Class number 2 (Thorough Bred Mares,) assemble in front of the Judges stand for exhi bition. 41. o'chick P. kt—Trial of speed of the horscii desigualed by the Judges. rde# l -OWAbL 9 o'otObrA.. 4L lif=a-Orste MPER PAtieit,7 Of Hone' by Stow, the PECIZIMIN fhb MtreesltaireuctrStitiiiintlfepil •• y o'clpukr, A. 4—Trial of, rupee.d of the a baaaer beefing .its Anitifo. horses desigurited by tht Judges. ,• 10 o'clock A. M--At 14 a 140W/4 of.,the Class No. 1., (Thorough ,Bred; &Winona) will runernide in front of :the Judges' stand for ert hlbition. 10} o'clodir A. 14—At the eonnd of the belt Class No. 14, (Gentlemees spans of Driving Horses,) will front of the Judges stand for exhibitioh. I IP; eclock ( JCL-U*l Ori speed 'of the 'horses designated by the Judges. 111. o'clock A. the sound of the heft, :Chypii r- No• :(Viturezus Vrideine,), asaitable in front tpr . tiie Judges' stand for ex hibition. 12 o'cloclCH—Trthl :of speed ,rof. 'the heists designated by Judges. ci"clock,P. H-,-61 the isound of, the, dein bid: 18, ttlenifebien's will, assemble in front Mike Judges' stand L. ; : • . _ tk T 44.7 Medt . /Lomeli, designs by fee - ru es: 8 o'clock " the sound of the bell, thee will hint / X . 41 7 0f speed of Thorough Bred Horses designated hrthe Judges' •• • -- 4 o'clook :111L-stthe Wend of the be11,..41 - horses to whom premiums bins been awarded, will assemble on the 'half mile track, at rli thin the awards will •be announced froni the Judges' stands, and premium Sags distributed. The Chief Marshal 10411161131 i pniictiiali# on the pest• of !the exhibitors, in having think bevies-rev:l3qm' exhibition on the idgial 'of '44 bell, according4O-the adveribied progriniunts. Horses not ready for the exhibition is cAllest for lir the Chief khashid may =be rejected Irani .thivibittof conipetittinflor premiums. ihne has nsiVbain given in' the pregraisine fer'theiJectgea l tneicanibie any ate elle, :before the 'calling Of 'another chiss, the thst nsined'olaas east :lined on a vacant part - of the! puled, so onbinst bX the C h it milatbar, 4L. • ,r; ••:• • r r ; ; ' 'DB. - W. F. LcIGOTIt , ; °hie isnifail. ainc284124 • ' -..-. THE 7/11016168- SIIIITIVS ' - BOARDING, AND DAY . 86.1100 L . .1 1210 . BPI* atillawdeiphlih. . Will ni.rerelocliell tat , ~ . . ..! .1 .. ' .1 " MONDAY, !MFR.:EIGHTH:- . THE - ciiurse . 'of ' MAO . AtillwaOem - .the I F. q wo, Irtikai 1 aiWitle4gue languages,_ MIA; hriving.* righlieitliii 1100014: With' ate , tieskeibio WA tttlitst.brettAS II Mfitiattelaitt hoglumikeaoodoa; . T h lk C.0 041 ", 1 4 411 MP, ' : AMP" *Liestep axe 4.41 ea. e tic. mad* oj . c pu _tkek,emeXott .ot a i t home. Owing to tee press 'Wo ~M Nl,"e'deduetion of 10 per dim elm be Maht Makilityediei - -. :._,' - • - . , J.l-.;o 'l.• 4 .. ,2 1-4,:i 2 aa2l4llm . out cusiiru I." lOU 001 4021111. 4 4flu R 0 R eeiraisilthev O tbe Unltart tinteonstinodon Of tboar_reotaidas as deteranned Jo, diced y by settled prattles orstsiodaVisffases ; saff Bimetal taa.Corgenteditakanne arr ildilint di ff erent- de prrtettet.ta of be eerstiornettOrt asppliri .dt tilditstiiri. Voter d () 0 adt Ib l irs ' iti n e/ Pf e 6 °v• - ,?lffltgr IsrestliatTh ;Mas i * 00.! . Bad . kis, .11'llanicy, at Munpsr*,-- 014. be* storea 'generally.' • " tied Oe . . (-Vlt newly tepietkistiod: :stock •Of '‘'LX add waseile•odgis ammetaiksw OW. oity, iemmiapadess9pieopriatmoirman,wowould rim Realist!, finite • 91 " +'d• arm& at ivoloKint AMA, tirb ors eat e" • ci WANT - ED; &VENALWiDiati. !Elio' a at m* boy hi the blitiAiltkanipi sr the • - I , lkor . v . , 1,4:111 AMA; *nßiis4. " • rir:• di, Mr, u tt ) : C. • qe gtityao. THE NE WEI. • . _ We give tai-day Bitch' further reports in !ela tion to the recent battles in Virginia as are available. There is yet no official report of the battle of Saturday, but from other automat we learn that it was not as -severe as the battle of the previous day, and that our while folioed during that daY' (tilatardayi , did nut exceed 3,000.' The principal fighting did not'oconr until late in the day, wh'en the rebel reinforeeinente were precipitated upon the left 'Ot our line, held by Gen. McDowell, and it !Dwaine a neces sity to fall back toward Centreville. Our loss es were heavy, both in men and office's, :but that of the rebels was certainly as great. Gen erals Hatch; . Buford and Stahl are reported killed. Gda. keiiiney is seriously and den. Sigel slightly wounded. On the rebel side Gen. Eaten is reported' Itilled and Jackeon woUnded. . . The position of affiirias we understand them . now to be is, thatour troops are mas sed in front . . . , of Centreville; extending forward s o m e , three milei and holding the crossings of . till ltun. The Divisions of Generals Sumner and N'rank lin Gen. Pope and other reinforce (mute are• going forth from Alexandria. Gen. Banks Who wax left with his aivisien A Brietow Station, 'beyond Manassas,' alter destroking the' rail road pr6Pettfthere, fell back and joined General Pope without loss. It will assist the reader in Understanding the position of the op posing armies; if he will recollect, that though the present battles 'have been fought on or about the historic field 041611 . yet'tit,51o 7 . , , cation of the forces is different, In the cam paign of 1861 the 'Rebels came" up from the southwest 'towards 'Manasias ,Tunctiod; nbir they - hive 'approaehed it frOm the northwest; and the present army lines are therelore newly at' a right angle with those occupied in filly 1861. Our latest despatches -report that the contest between the two armies was not renewed yes terday. Whether- this apparent remit is con tinned on amount of the severe losses and ,e.v.- haustion of both sides , or is concurred in . by 4th.OPOoslog commanders for the purpose ,ot carrying out measures which each'deem neces-' eery, we have of course no information. It ap pears obvious,, however. that all delay must be advantageous to us. We are near our iappltee, whilst the rebehi can only.obtain theirs front a army 63•14:80 -, . 17 aujoiliAtw;ii . 4ll4 the Me:. gliy ' hill i*O .1 "0 1 007 lx , PcOn6Olid Wit , ,I tt force. 'lci thief' enportantpokits the advaeta is deoidedli With us, and each day of del a y _ ii dayfif defeat to the main purpose of - the f retied pampaign—that 'of Wiapid and ituocessful ditith on Washington. A later dispatch states that thery is no trail'? in - thii 'report tbat General Kearney—the opie-' armed fighting hero--Waswoiinded. The noun= try will rejoice that he i 8 not taken from ttpi Hod at dila i091)4111/t 1210111 , eUtt ! . . 1 A large number the wounded in the recent battles hayeinierilirimitikt . into WathimOon.4-- Very many of r l iom lire irrl . r4i# l 4.4 WRIPPA -, In order to make room ter the new mweAte xni vitlesceritiinthel2nsidtddiatroundWiehin l l. - 'ton _have been r removed ebutwkem , *iitetzf i t t d sever ht 6 lraii : Kied here /110 TVA an C i i ire 'r. temporarily rooMModated in the sithwel'Of ' f Maryland biotin/ -. I :,, .. .gt , , I• _ ,:i Fiom Our aioknipg KW Atop. I FRff'_WILLIAXSPORT.! Great Success of the National Horse F a i r . `A Large Number of Val:Liable Hereofto Entered. the Town filled With, Strangers 4wid f/itfoitdt to tholhtv,k The . • Ho rite - FBlr now :11Progr.001. here is ‘ great iicoeee. A. i-a- r g e ; nT4 • • of velue4 I horses have %—enteied, and more are e*Peet ed to - night Trief44, fitted with strasgeni Ais She of m ost exhi bitions 'ever held in this coun ty, i FROM WASHINGTON. Gen. MoOlellan in Command of thg Fortifications at Wallington • n t . . ARRIVAL oF WOUNDED soLDDHOIi &AD QUABATIRS ARMY, • • Araintarr GumLs - L's Onncs, - •Th'eskirtoon, Sept: 2, 1862. . Gilman 011.1) . 116, No.' —. By direction of did Presiderit t Maine .Ghneral McClellan wil l brie - conmand of the fortifications Of. Washing' GM end of tricips'fil- the defence of the Capital . Itiy s teildpr Otthe Watery of War. • ISignM3 • E. D. TO WNSENJ); A. A. Gen. • A trifh Wars having on Werd 6OO or 000` • 5.14; 1 4- 41 1 .6: *hie wounded in Eltitidny's tight ' trii:denetk this ratalilet .ronzarTairt - i4- They ! ;,I„,ssrpintliiiiiongstitlAis the 26tat 0010, 0 6thirol"! ate; Bbttr A laibe4-/ 44 1 td 4- 2.124 cam t edimil •24 PY ,244 charge rebel prisoners. NO 105. NJ:Lumina; Sept. grttaut tinting Pam Having procured Steam Power Presses, W Par ed to eseonte .103 and HOOK pitIZT _ army draaritaanl, rratalitra Om* It can Ink is to ' other : : , t i- r , eatabllehment Itltthr tmartly. ,.. , ... ,r' ..,...r , - R alE.;Or eDregIISHIG. _ ~____, sir Four lines or lets constitute ens -kldr -staare• Light lines or more than Roar constitute a aquas. Half " square, one day ...... • 1 .V 10 one week * n one m0nth........ ... ... .• • • •• • • .•• .... I ill a three months.. ............ ........ 41 00 ti ibt months 6 00 ~ one yta-. 10 01 One Square, one day.... lA _.... .... one week . ......... 200 one month 100 6 . three months 10 00 it Six month • . 11 00 " OM Yea" Ra 00 sir %MUM notices in the Load Mum% or berme Marriages and Deaths, inserted EIGHT ofArs Pen uNg roieach insertion. fir• biafftU and Deaths te be _charged u regular 1 4 YeFtfee0 - 0••• • From Gen. Pope,'s iArmy. Probabilities of Another Battle• CONDITION OF 1461 1 . ' l6 INDIC Pope Largely Bei&forced and Advancing. VireeemenoN, Sept: 2 The excitement that prevailed in thin eityou Sucday and Monday has considerably abated, and no fears are now entertained of further dis aster. General Pope had been largely reinforced at Centreville by freitit trtiotis, 'and • his commoni Ca don by railroad with Washington had furnished him with abundance of supplies and ammuni tion. His Wounded. nee. rapidly arriving in Washington by railroad: .and ambulances, and it was thought he would- • bq ready to .day for ao tive offensive operntions, having made an ad vance yesterday. In all these respects be has the advantage of the enemy, uid has of comma been able to recuperate and bring his army again into fighting condition more rapidly and effectively. General Franklin's Corps of the army of the Potomac, with the command of General Sum ner, had already joined him, together with the command of General ganka, which was tempo rarily cut off by the reverse' of Saturday. General McClellan has taken command of the defences of Washington, with all the troops and new levies in and about the city, his old troops having been.all forwarded to GenerairPope. Many speculations are afloat with regard to the condition of the enemy :or supplies and wa ter, but there can be no doubt that the plan of drawing Gen. Pope to the: South aide of the liappshannock, and then tuaiang, a:dash-in his rear, was contemplated for a.lng time previ ous to ibi having taken Amp, and th-y had doubtless. concentrated' Supplies there ftethe emergency. . • . The rumored death of the rebel. General Ewell, and the wounding of Gen. 4itoksort, is Stir generallY 'credited, though in so tierce a conflict they 'have doubtless lost many high of ices. • The propriety of making an immediate ad- Vince on the enemy is extensively diectumed, some preferring that time should be given for the organization and drill of the new troops, and others that the blow should be stricken at once, before the enemy has time to recuperate. Gen: Pope, however, knows the condithine of the enemy better than thee who themes the point, 'and will doubtless take such course as will be most to the advantage of the • cause. He is still being reinforced, which indicates an Intention to advance at an early day,' on the enemy, rather than fall back on' Waard4ton. Another Account. GEN. POPE LARGELY -RAINIM,4OIP„AAD ---" • 'ADVANOLNG. . •NVAggpstritili, Sept. 2A-tin Sunday morning Wimp tridir tof , attibulaweee, inumbering• 660, *ad Whacks,: rekiqeeded toitki tattle geld 'to uouTor tikither 9FirAtctuguigd., E4LIMUI: Land ffo'elooli la he Rairwas, fifteen ef , thtt.anibti- Luke.; *brittle adratitif elf the train, down a bollow, Were taiptared , by rebel 'semis. &I far abotti43oo wounded , have been reenoied the field. Thee, mgreniente were faelanded by Kai& W. C. Kirniy, of Kew York., , On sanctity morning at 6 o'clock oar army wasmithdrawn behind the 'hills of Centreville sE, & fgio, it is belleretioto,drworiout the enemy, Out they, ; dktnot advance.. (;itk lifignday i morn ing our army again advaboat i hret trp pollee toward the old battinliaild..• • There lama reittforeetnents ha* ar rived there, cansistiog of artillery sackhaantry, wake *to army perftrAlY. Ode. . _ - No' tiring took piece' after 9 'o'clock gatu*y fight. Kearney 's . Di;vision remained on the fteidafil 41 o'clock. .! ~! • :• , ,St l o. 2 l.l o tee ehelie were :thrown latothe enemy, bat, c) reepopse waside r Yesterday Etozwipg Gen. K - earperia had irelight-ekirmidt with 4.llkrowelay: In the reeentbattla Gen. Hatch was wonnii -Lball-paseed-Ithromh the brim and body, of 11 . bitolt bat and _fattened .on the dead were being buried . and the wounded removed from the late maim of nfliot madet a lag of truce., THE VERY LATEST. ALL QUIET ALONG TUE Arrival Gen• Banks' Cougiutd• HISS imps pr . am annum. Wmiut!fazwr, Decent advices received from the vicinigr of the late sangninary . Csnilict of 'our miller; fa Virginia, with the enemy, report affairs in that locality ad eotiparativelY qUiet: The news from, that quarter to-dtiy, has tom, considering the totemic excitement mid baste prevaleet, decidedly meager. • Rumors and stories of the most eitravigant nature have been • circulated throughout the city, a greatm4orlty of-which bare been found on inquiry to be entirelnuorcilable. Parties who left - Ceuta ovine late yesterday afternoon, report thit'the - Command of Gla. Bitoksi which hid 'been rumored cut up; COL& inenCed ;arriving at that point about :fis. o'clock P. 4. There can be little doubt of ..tbp correctness of - this repot t, as our informant states that he witnessed the arrival of this Coin mend. It is 'farther stated that a mart:Vol wenty-five miles was accomplished by them on bat, day ip order to reach, that positiou:.: .11 FROM PRILDEUII:I4.. TEE PRIZE STROKER:BEWPAp f Discovery o Baited Cam* , .„ . Mumma, Sept. S. At the bottom of the licijd of tbeforlie etas S uer Bermuda, three - immense rifled cannon were found, yesterday, of 7*, inch bore. Ake shells that were found InAtieliold wae miliaria Intended for du:tiepin one of which be - oirr&tolttrong, Bu, Alongside of iltfte bee, Pieeis ili etaticVeverig eeversf ciao di latge enOpsfireil- to voiltsio , rifles and man cannon. Iheriurea. re4;yet heeratakee from the hold of the chip.