Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, September 01, 1862, Image 3

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    gial;p etitgmt.
vcrtisentents, HusinesS Neatens, Hot‘.
riages, Deaths, &0., to uteetere insertion
in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably
be accompanied with the CASH.
Advertisements ordered in the keel.
Mr Evening Edition are inserted' in the
morning Edition without extra charge.
Monday Afternoon, September I, 062
another exhibition in this place, _to In' °now.
afternoon and evening.
o.anEn TO Durv.—Snrgeoa 0, ailemen,
foreaerly attached to the Bth Reserve leglinent,
ties bean ordered to report •himseliifOility
9th• Reserve regiment '
THE PBR4ON who took a 'large black soldier
over-coat from a stall in the Upper Market
House this morning, is tequested to leave,it at
this office. . ed it ;
mittee of this fund will please meet at the hOuse
of the Secretary,. No. 28 North Second street,
on this, Monday evening, at 7 . .o'cloci.
GEo Saoaa:siza, Seeretary.
TAKEN HEIt WOBIO.-A young lady 'of
Chicago, a few days since, advertised that if
any city railway conductor would enlist f4:ir the
war she would take his place. The offer was
accepted by Z. P. P. Beale, a conductor upon
the Randolph street route. Hereafter t the fair
"Nellie" , will titke . the fdre. 4
THE 127TH RacmENT.—Persona , who desireAd
semi snisill%packages to their' Mende , in .Colonel
yenning's reglinent, can have thett(SatillY de
livered, by handing them to Mr: William Rose
tie,,Sr:, who will leave herb to-morrow aiiba Pik
a visit to the regiment The packages ehonid
bo handed in by tan o'clock in the morning,'
THE OFFICII of the Adams Express company is
open from 'L o'clock, ADA * . fox
the transaciton of business. The T eol4iers at
camp and '
others' who' are - tontiniially calling at
all hours of the night, wily please beak.' the
above hours in mind rind make their'
E. G. HEerw.r,-Ageni'.
erecting a commodions freight depot' or ware-,
ho — use on the site•of the old statioa 'house at
Johnstown. The building is of brick, and will
conform to the liberal style of construction,
and also in its arrangements -for convenience,
which characterize the huildingiof this "road
throughout its entire length.
PARSON Thrownow, the great defender of the
Union, is announced to leCture in this city, on
Friday evening next, in the Locust Street Me
thodist Church. Of course this announcement
.will gather a large crowd, as the fame of the
Parson is as extensive as his labors have been
bold and useful. The Parson will 'arrive in
this city in the 8.40 p rn. tiain,'oriFrl4slsinext,
and-wilt at 100-sreerlorod. -by Arlo SoLarat_
FUMES. —This delicious fruit is getting plini
ty, yet not so plenty but what dealers Manage
to keep up the prices - to steep:figures. To
Say they could be had in the ,streets at, the
rate of about two dollop per btshel, while at
the same time they could be had in 'Baltimore
for less than half the money. People who wad
to can and preserve them need be in no h-nrry
—the price must come down. •
BAD Lung.—A wooden-legged amateur hap.
pened to be with - a ,skirmishing' party lately;
when a shell burst near him, smashing his ar,
tificial limb to bits, and sending piece of iron
through the calf of a soldier pear him. The
soldier, "grinned and bore, it",like tkutrt, while
the amateur . was loud , and•
. emphatic in his
lamentations. Being rehuired by the wounded
soldier he"replied, "Oh,' yae ; ail well
enough ter you to tear`it
,Your leg did*
cost enything, and will heal dp ;p9idrvVo
hundred dollars cash for'Mine." i
' Be=anTomerons.---A correspondent of one:of
our exchanges gays "As the tomato season
is now here, I will'give you my method ofbali
ing tomatoes. Many persons do not know that
they can be used except stewed or raw.' Hike
them baked better astfollows Aftr removing
the skin by Touring boiling ,Water' over theni,
put them iii 'a 'baking dish And 'seam `ll Ailkg
salt, pepper;sugarrandithtter. A little firair
and water should be added, and they'ihould be
baked in a hotoven for, lait ;hour,iwfieh they
will be found delicious and healthful ;
Samoa NOR TES e 0 L 1 403,. -An appeal was
made:in the - different churches,...yesterdaw fOr
such articles As. were neceeeW to contribute to
the relief and the comfort of the.,thousands of
gallant men who are now crowding the' hes
pitals in the vicinity of Washington city, Ale F
. and other localities contignous to the
army corps now operating in_yirginia. These
are wanted imutediatily ; and there is noiwhik
too important not to be postponed for - hurrying
forward such contributions. Every matt,. wo
man and child, howeverold or young, ,howeyer
competent or incompetent, tan furnish. come
- article that will be of service in these hoeipitals,
if is only the striping of an ourteeiii lint: or
the contribution of a angle bandage. latthis
be-rtimembered, and every hand at once buiy
• itselt in the noble work.
The following card of the Executivel Com
mittea of the Ladies Union Relief Society refers
to the manner and place of making these con
:tribal-one. We trust that the responses will
be of a character to show that the ladieb of
Harriehuig are not wanting in energy and li
berality :
The Executive Committee of tiler. 114.1411 es
Union Relief Society, give notice , that
bandages andFaa prepired in accordance with
the call of the'Eurgeon Gerierftl, Will be receiv
ed at the_store room of the society in the house
of Dr. George Bailey, -- 111 Market street below ,
Fourth, ever dyer' ing - th is week at six'eclock.
The Committeewill take - oharge . .of Iti-rything
intended for the wounded, and forward them
as 'soon as possible. By us-By - 4th°. ?reilident,
311 §%. 1 s *:gP i t7 j
. .%f;•.
liarshels have completed their enrolltnents and
retnrr ed the following as a list of the men sub
.lE:Ft to military duty, viz :
First Ward,
Second Ward,
Third Ward,
Fourth Ward,
Fifth Ward,
Sixth Ward,
1 i GOVERNMENT SMALL NOTER.-A few of the one
dollar and two . dollars of the Government is
sue have made their appearance. They are
4antifUl specimens of engravlnv., the one dol
14r bills having upon theta the head of Senator
Climie,:end those for two: dollint the head of
t lexander Hamilton. They read as follows:
' Act of July 11,h, 1862. Tbe,United States
illl pay the bearer one dollar at the :Treasury
New York—Washington, August Ist, 1862."
'These notes are a legal tender for all debts,
liublic and private, except duties on Imports
iand lnterest on the Public Debt ; and are re
ceivable in payment of all Warm —made to the
nited States. They will unquestionably be
f great service by facilitating small payments
letween different sections of the country.
" OMNIBUS QUAE PROSUNT sEeunerra," or " we
tabor for the good of all," is the inscription on
one of the chime of bells given by Dr. J. C.
.4er & Co., to the city of Lowell. That, favor
id place may have the belle, but they cannot,
Monopolize the Doctor's skill which:is made
available by his Cherry Pectoral and Cathartic
Pillii to all'alike—nqt - only inthis country but
inall countries where civilization and corn
erce have zone. While we admire the libel.-
ality , and, taste of those gentlemen in such a
donation to their native town, we will remind
our readers of the hallowing influence a chime
of bells spreads over the whole community that
hears them. They are few in this country, and
their influence is little known, but ask the exile
from his .home in Germany, France, England,
whether the chithe on Trinity Church does not
Make his heart leap into his mouth, and his
eyes swirrt . in the recollection It'briiigs of th e
'solemn notes his childhood, his - boyhood, aye,
and his manhood loved to hear at the soft ap
proach of evening in his ' . .
I We wish our generous. townsmen whom God
has blessed with means would , consider whether
!we too eannot add this one more attraction to
Make our children and ourselves love dearer
;and stronger and longer the place we call our
;home. [Madison, Ind. Banner.] .
Sold by C.. A. Bannvart, D. W. Gross & Co.,
C. K. Keller, J. M. Lutz, Dr. Riley, F. Wy&th
;and dealers everywhere.
. ,
REV. Roaursoturepeated-his great - sermon on
:the subject of thelustificatiim of war, last even
ing, in the Second street Presbyterian Church,
to a very large, attentive, and 'apparently highly
edified congregation. We alludediO this zees
terly sermon in this department list week, but
we do'not-deem it out of place again to refer to
it as one of the most remarkable productions of
the pulpit t el .theqnesent , aa,f. scholarly
characteristics, are of an order which show great
research and acquaintance with the history oft
the world. - It coritaincd passages of fact and;
argumentistOneelstartlinEr and.._,Eraate3,o,. •
?cured with imputable force, that war is a
means used by God for the correction of great
evils—that it is justifiable beCauseso'uied, and
th4t from all Wars, great reforms have sprung
and great`principles been vindicated or arab-,
' lished. On the point of the war for the Union;
the Reverend orator was emphatic and unan4
swerable.. The war wasjest—it was right—it
wairholy—it was 'sacred—because if it is not
waged to a successful termination by the fed
eraLgovernment,'all that is .just, right, holy
and sacred' must perish. Without a, govern,
ment to protect and :encourage. its promulge.
tion, religion itself would hesitate in con
tinuing its labors where all was in danger of
momentary anarchy and ruin ; would be in 1
duced to bid farewell to these states, and per t -
haps leave uslo the entire conquest of our own
vindictiveness and passion. i I
One fact in the sermon, should be daily de
from the corner of every street in the
state capital. It is, that the sympathisers with this
rebellion are equally guilty with those who wage 4s
conflicts for the lives lost,_the blood shed, the widore
hood and orphanage created, sorrow inflicted, arid
the resources wasted. Let the dough-faces and
the Consolidated Denweracy lay these words of
warning to their hearts, and take heed of the
fearful Tesponsibiliti (hey are daily assumiiigi,
h..-The loyal men-of Harrisburg are indebted;
Rev." Robinson :for . this"binst patriotic a
manly declaration of rndral - ` en i'politicai seri •E
ment. '3(1, ; „ ,
- ,
, A PATRIOTIC Morms.a.—We have received the
following communication from a gentleman In
the recruiting service of this State; "so far ai
heard from," is ahead of anything yet publish:
ed. We give the letter and incident as related
entire. • .
' WATAMSPORT, PA. , Aug• i
29 1862.
Ma. EDIOR :—Your notice, in this morning's
issue, of the very commendable spirit manifest,'
ed by " Patriotio Fathers" in furnishing men
for the army, and among those named, a gen
tleman from Bradford county, has reminded
me of apatriotio Mother, residing in the satire
county, equally entitled' to notice In your col
umns, and no lees patriotic than • those men
At the conclusion of a spirited war meeting
held in one thedistricts of said county, not far
from the thriving little village of Alba, called
for the purpose of raising volunteers, a few eie
nings since. After the prineipal . speeches bd
been made, a lady arose in the audience and ask d
permission to make a fewremarks. This be g
a land of free speech, of course permission alias
readily. granted.. and the lady proceeded. l
"./nozo have six sons in the army of the.Potaii, c.
and/ only wish, I had knouin, of this war twenty y rs
ago, I would have had six, more there now."
It is useless to clesciibe the applause thai I -
mediately ensued, suffice it to say, we had o
difficulty in raising the,number of recruits ex
pected, that 'evening, with all thanks to t. e
noble sphit of that noble hearted mother. B
our eyes about us, and contrasting the gene al
prosperous condition of Harrisburg, with a
distress and ruin which must exist in the loc l
ities where secessionists have planted I,,th it
blighting rule, we feel thankful' that mit 1 it
city has.not the foot pri is
of the murderous fop, but the obsap dry go s
hots% of Urich &
.13 ovirman continues to sap ly
the public wants : z , ~, , sel-4d2
Enrollment. In the Army
407 108
605 134
720 161
708 IEII • -
367 82
39T 64
. —...:• ~... _ ••••••=.....
tte ? 'Met - 5 tEll attf:
Abbott, J Lenker, E
Airmstrong, Leib,
Anderson, E K Lahr, P
Alford, J Lane, L
Armstrong, M Longabaugh, H M
Anderson, E Lord, E M •
Anthony, M.E McComas C
Anthony, A Mcßay, M $
Anthony, C 2 McLear,•M
Babb, A E McCrockey,
Baker, R McKee, C A
Baisley, E McNally, C.
Bear, A McKarrall, M
Bentley, M Mcßay,MJ
Betts, S G McComas, J
Blackburn, L licSimans, AE •
Blaney, B E Madder; R;.'
Bodine, J , ' Meguire, E
Boocks, M Miller, M
Bordner, A Miller, G
Bower, A H
Border, R H Michael, E • '
Brenneman, M Maneybeck, B A E
Brown M J Machltn, E
Brant, J Mete,'
Barkley, C Miller, M
Buchecker, R Miller, S M M
Bachecker, E L , Miller, M
Carter, A M Miller, J
Case, S Mikel, K
Carter, Marlial, E
Oampbell,•L Madden, R
Carman, T • Morris, 0 H
Oackley, S A Moyer, S'll
Cuningirma, B Moore, E
Conars, C Mustier, W
Crull, K Neldhainer,
Conway, J •-• Overholtzthr, A D
Coble, A Otter, A
oOndren, M Potter, H
Dean, 8 , ,Potts, M
,awson, 0 Price, A
Dasher, M A • Pruabst, J
Daugherty, B Quay, J
Duncan, .M Beissnelder,
Doyels, M J ,Rees, R A
Eberley, H Betts, 8 G
M A Rhoads, L A
Elder, A Ramsey, E
• • Reinhold, P
Xveus, 8 Riddle, 3•••
J - Ridger,,E D
'Ferrell, B „ Ritner, K
I Fisher, M. A Borah; C • .
Finney, Roberts, H
Feaser, S Bobiesori, T •
:Garrett, 8 K Rust, A , -
I*Geesy, M Schreadly, L • .
I Gatrett, C • - Schreiner, J .
r Gamber, S E Sadler, A A "" Gawin, - • -„Santo, it . •..
Loamy, A E • Shaffer, 8 •
Grissiuger, L ' Seiders, K
Green, F.• ; • Shultz,
Greenley, M Shaffer A
Guardner, E • Sharp, MA'• ,
Guiles, ° Sheasl4, B,M '
Grady, C • Siders, M .•
Hamm, J • Sipes, M E
Heiner, S A Sheenr, - B '"
Haut; . , :Sinith; , o.
Heberson ' , 80
Harmon, A K Smith, M G
Harrison, A &null, L'
Heckert, A' Sibbs, H' •• •
Hilt, C Steel% 111
Hiney, M A 'Straw M `
Hiner E .Stousler, M
Houpt, S _Stewart,
Holmes, _. B Swartz, E
Mocker, J 2 Sollamon, L
Hooper, F Sullivan, H
Hoon,,M C Settler, J -.- •
Herman; E Thonaas, Mrs
Hulsbar, L Thompson, L
Hummel, . Thomas, M E
Hammelbaugh, S Trangh, J
Jones, C Unger, S
Jones, Al Watson, A E
Jackson, E Weon, C
Tondo, Welsh, A E
Jury, C 3 Wallah, F
Kenerk, M . Witmyer, L.
,Kinzley, M Williams,'o
Soutar, J, ' ; Willis, K J
Kime, H E Williams, NE
Kriser, J - Williams ; K
King, C •••'• Williarns;tE
Krieder, 111 Williams,,S
Kinney, E M Wilkins ; A
Kimbell, A E Wilbert, E ,
Klopfer, 0 .Wind, E
Layton, M J 2 'Zook, K.
Ammons, JX. • Borst, Wir
Adamson, J B Boriden; - E .
Armstrong, W H ' BroWn; 0
Andrews, R • Brown, W H
Adams, Uapt hi ~Brickley,. Brickley,
Akdore, J 'Briggs, L
Anderson, Brown, :P
Anderson, J H Brow), S H
Eirttin, § , Brady, W Gr' '
Baggia; '-• Bradontitervl Et.
I 'BE10 1 . 3 :99; Br9w,PE4 o aßt. WE 3
I; Y4' .3
JP04eY.,,4 :
• b1PrP0.,.41.
.I.4IXEA 6103aPP:i:
.11.D1P.5904t?, ,149TLGfg.) ,_
Bare .
nrootp, W !
T 1
- ;" Buller )
13aughinin,;L: 1 1i.
Baulsbavgh, 3qr
Raker, C ‘,.
Barnwell, B • 'EnstOn, p
Ball, L jjl3geebYe.
Barton, W A
Blrgor, J Childs, .1 L , f?,
-Barton,-jr., J
Bates, .1 • Canevin, 'T
Better, .1) • Chrittor,
Balser X , Carr, J W
Baty, J ' Custer, J '
j3enner, J „Cable, W
Beshore, F W Carter, J W
Betor, 0 ' , Carrier, S S
Berry, J N ' • Cardwell, AV -•
R CarAicnAti'''• I
13 nder, . Cari; ' * '
•Bender, J. _ Carley, B W
BerkstresseT, J B Chidrey C
Beigstresser, H - Captain of Ist Artiltry:
Be•dte, J J , Camp, B 0 •
Beldleman, W Canhan, T G
Beek; j Compel, P ' i
Be Are; . A -
Bell, A M Carnonhari,„W47
Beady, EC Cuter ; ; ' 2
Billman, A H . . Clements, W E
Brislin, E- Catlin, C VP: • IT ,
Blankenhon, J Cookvill, C • ' '
J Cooper, J L
Bitoer, 'A. ' ' " Cook, W 4 . ,
Bollinger, H L Conrod, '
Bodder,R • Cd§tiritirt l 'Llinit W
Burnam, ' Conley, 0
Batiger, J , Cole, G
Bodine, L 'f 8 Cale,,llW
Booth, 0 . Coble, J
Boyer Z' Cromlich,
Bowman,..) M Crums, , Capt B
Bowman,"J Calliettson r g.,, t
Boyer, Zl' • Cruin, A
Nem abuertifittneuts
_ Crowell, S' 8 Keagy, W A ,
Cribbs, G D Kerr, R
Crosson, '4111.c.D Keef, - ,EL . . .
DeGrant, Iht f. • - 2 gdpf6r;.,,if
Demme!, A Kerns, F B
Danbert, Capt II - Killeg, W .
:"'"Dantrich J A El er, J L
Davis; R Ker.r, J
Dee, 0 - - 11..liS'lar, .J
Dole, Lieut Col 0 - 2 Kunekle, G W '
D,eligne, C 2 K eider, W W
Dleet , rs, N t;,l,K'.:ze, D
Davis, P' R Ka l g, J S
llark, QC Keffer, J
lltArs, JW ' - ' Krise, H ' • =
rpenr•inge, JKinsloe, R A
Deeker, Ig,' - •-, 40,4 ager, J .
1 / a rland, C S Kisner, P
9 4 ,3,, 3F. . :Kline, ! T .- ,
. , d il in ge a s Y YJ lr B . --'7-:"
1 '') llib l b e le A r,(l 4 Orll Moore
„Theiscrn,.al - Ili ;i1 : ; Leonard, L Ei•
1 Diehl, A Laughlin, G IV
!liken, C A Lsshell, IL 4
11106 - ,',7 J' :-:' Laidii, H
DOnnelly, 11, L.
~„ Litierl,D , ~. .
bonatioe, E Leyburn, Lieu R L
Doinilite,'S -'' - - ' :Livingslert'il'. - ' -
Nolen, J 41..: , LloYidr -P
Douglas; Z - Lloyd, J 8 ' 3
1 4 1 11;ii. 'Ai. - I ~%. ~.- --.: , -- LentW,T; l! -' 1 .., :.;
Dote n, K`' . ' '-' "Lett - , - a - '-
Eason, D
Edmiston, II Lehman, G
Egbort,;•D "7" •' ' Lenders , A .::
England, G . , Landis, J R
ldridge, W F - Littat, R H
Eldred, C F :" . : 2 Lewis; W H
Elwin, J 2... -UPI, J. . Skill!
Emery, II R '' Lipton,'Cant R
Eley, JF H ..: 2, Lenge', LM . .
Ettele, H
EPPIeY.` W :'' Lashell, R'lrl: L.':
Etter, 13,3 ~. - _.. . Linsay, ,I, .
Epperson, W P 2 Labe, C
Ethrek,4 L' ' ' ' ' Ddy, G '
Evans, WH, , Love, Lieut F M
pelt, J ' Lytle, J - -
Richer, D Lyon ; Cap t E
Fains*ortli; F A i.Y..... - 1,.J.,0ng; E+` p; ; . ;2 t.:*:!
Vinnen, J Louie, G R L
.Farrelly, E , M Lyter, J W
Fell, Lieut DM.
''' - Luckey. RR
Findley, W M ; :,.. , • Lockart o :ll. Si •
Fisher, C C McClelland, J B
Fountain, G P "- ' McCoaker, J''''"• :--;
Fairs, J - , ,McF.rweri,:„Ef, ,•
~ ,:„ ,
Fahe,J M - - IdoLan, A. '
Fend H - . . .: . ..<:_'r McNeal; W‘; ":;:
Fair, 0 . , -...,M.cAll i ister, A L
; Forrest, 8- ' ' lercL e tegi, A
!Forrey; J r It. i A': ,- :'o•Sicktichael, T .
;Forester, J N McConnell, ,J ,
iFeteman, R W McObrrelf; 04tiDli ;T. 4
Ins, W - -.. , 11 4K/1 1 93ri.J.1.1". ' , l
IFlender, 311 • ifcClafri, 413 2
.Forman, J 0 ' `;''-';'-'' ' MCKeeVer, Di
;Frick, W ~ , l; ;11,1 Mc lure, H S
,Frazier, W D ' - leckicliael, T
=Fried, G L AfaCoy, Capt
Gilmer, J
,Mclfe,V, M
Gee A
, Capt'`
. - Fl Capt-
Gee, IL - ceonnell, Capt T
Gettyii, S W — mai j
Gale, W ' Mc n, Lieut B L
Gork•ado, L --
• T_174,..
ids, T
Guill,Tl, J L ''•"- .--iir 11, a
Gai*C-, Eli/ 3 - „ . ."tqa all G V
Gert-ri& t h, J ' "'l—fig ii4irb A
(12#8 1 r.,ji-leul _O. -, ~ Maurer,, J,
J ' Mahan ' J
Gofer, E : , v-'•••• : , -`2 :. Min, ii3-' ' '
GoA, A C
Gzeanawaid, 11 urer, 0
Gzildin, 7,it: Q,:-. - ;:. ;;„;.-fs= Miticafolf,,J :
Gria-cs, J Martin, 13
Gre4 1 14111; J .11: '42 'i, ~,-,. 31Allon, E,.,:2-
Grratze, W Manges, C A ~
Goff, Lieut. '
EI,G: ,-, . , - Madden,, C ,
biriff, - II -
__y_,' Me w eill '_. ishiril
- crramus7 - m - v - ,.„
.', - aza,
Graham, A J ~.1 j 1 •Ate 4 r6erill
Goodm 42, R F- Makin, A
Grdham; J W ; :-.- Molars, E-, ;:t I;-
Gross, W 'Mattison, C
Hardwick, AP . . Marion G . - r; • , ..:
Hamer, J --'"' --- ' - ';'''''Maclillib''k, T' f- ' ' P " I -
Hawi:r, W H Miller, J A
Hasler, - F ''' '' • ''"- ' • Miller, J E -
Hawmert, H,R . ~ : Miller; J 0 ,; ~ , ._
Hamilton, Ii ...
Mitchel, T
EL.rtley, E. . Millar, W
Euyeg, s ' ' ' - billy, W '- -
Harmon, J P , Milard, M
Bart, G S '` ' ' • Millen, W
Ram - ,t.pri, W Miller Maj. T G
Ham-r, 8' ' Mitinger, S
Ilawelens, C, . - ;;'-.: . Miller, JQ - •
HAlL:man, T J tic 3 L,, Mills, Lieut. J
&learns, U E '' '' ' ' Mitchell; J D ' -
Hayes, W M , Mitchad, D
Ham- r, J Moon, G
Eayse, W Mors, 311 ,
Haman J: - ;:', • . .Moons, .).' W, '
Harley, W'll. Morrison, J H
ildarro, II - . 2 Mowry, Lieut. R G
Es,:tley, N B . Morris & Fisher
Markel, A (ship) ' '-' Montgomery; 'J B 1
Hawkins, , H ~ • .:;- Morley, , J-F ;--, ,
Ham, J.
~ Myres B F . ;
Harper, 'G W . ' '
„ '7llnsseinaan, to '' '
Harmon., J Mustard, 0:, • .
Hall S Meyer, Lleut A I
Haitlee; :WIT I ,'" -' ' - Myerly, G S ' .!
Hampfkni IL : I , - , . „MuxPity, W K •
Hebertun, GA - ' 2 Nelson, G '
Hispford, :D.:=:: ':•-: 'NM]; W M';.: '• ' I
Joreirrizn, H. J . • Nalay,:P . !,, , I
Ilendricki,B M * Newpher, J H I
Heck, L G - Noon; Litait. j'ID
Hagman, G (ship) Nubrenberger.,T _
ta t ..-4„ 3ox mir-4.:r.; ....:r, ::: •Nirik on .. ; 13: 0 0b:1r r ,..06 i
eaß)eri/AIRI;:W.: W.. -;,:......4.Wet5, MAI J.]) - --ill' I
liembeld, A . • Orr, J S . ;
Aleffner, j.; • r.:. .7.,-..,,,,,ti1itir,11J-1... r, . . .. m u 1
0 r. '
s n -etrickt,R 4.,S , . i Or-181 0 W,. 3':. j ,
mllegas, 6, O b ald, Lieut. J
' airiedne, OD' '' ' ‘' 'Oron;g -- 7- ,- '"" 0- •'
ficliman, D R Oyster, E ,
Hovey, R B Palmer, G H i
k . 11 0ever,1...N . ;. i '.. , -,• - Patterson,:Se ~, es . ' 2 I
, 0 P Patterson, W .H. „ I
' lidveatidk,'W ' '' 'Nubia, 3 ''''' "'' ' 1
Horner, G W ~ ~, ; . • Fainter, G W T., : , :li I
Mottensteirs„ J,_ II Philpot„ T ~.
iloffard,": L
JV t .t-`," ' ' PkikAr, 3' W I
Hooa, 1 .1 . , , „Patterson, 0 W...; -: -
Hefiker, J's . ' Pitrkdr, Cot. •
,Howard, H; • - :' 'Patterson, A 3. -' •• - I
Huff,( F H Pailor, J , ,
ElVlftriaii, E 11 Peoples,. P
E f ddirdii, - H — ' '' - ''.
"Painteis; .ri- _,!
, Hutchinson) Lleut Phakenbufg, R 1 1 '
' Huiic, J ' . , ' .Plame,.: :. .A. A {
Huidekopetf;l - ` '' '''Pittimiel, H I
F '
Hutcheson, C. ' • ' PPittman;B , F. .
James, Capt EF' . - ' Potter, 0 . :.•t .- -, ;
Jenson, F : - rowel, J & Win•Earir i
Johnson,' Lierit J 2 Porter, R ;,__."
d .','
Jefferi -s, LieA . tj. L / 14 1 :1014,. '
Johnson, b' .. 'r, I: ..,.: Rankin J., . .
Jefford, A &I Redman, 3---'
jaeii;lNPt E - T;"'''' Reba)," I "... ~.
'1 3 14, ~ 1-; - , geyser, . :, Tones, 'R, , ii ..: t .:, : , Richardo;'s,' -''' ."
j l / 4 yne,, w H , ‘14 : 00, JA' -' '
Joht.ston; B. ' u: ' ' t '' 'lllrobb, J
Jearey,4 :. ----- • - A ... :'••LL.,t . '" i ''• !
Jones;1 1 11. /1 "•"' ' ' P116 . 1:166 1...X - ~
-- 1 'l .
Hiegel:lie, 4 . :: ,:"; . ' Rnig - el, u N - e
Keder, J.,: •,. -, : . , : , Reiter, j 6; 1 i
Xinfilid.,l 7 l .47 ---- - 7 27WEi;;Jr0 1
- Jeoice, Mr';' '" ' ' 'l `R,Or 0 ~, i a il,
Xai l p; J . , if i " ';,'',, '-':"1 , ,Reynolds, J.W ..7. ,
Kr.pphain e r ~A, J, ' _ , Ritekey, , T•W- --;,, .-:, ...- 1.;
Keene, 0 ..-.L. , .. ,-- . Bider, D.' ' I._ I
K,t,,..:53. , '__ _ 'Winger, Lt. G• W _,
Kept:ll.p ~.. - - -r . ,-- 'Richey, 0 -' ' II E
Kehedy;':W -; - ":';d 4 1#4 , 7164t0n; DJ , _k, , i,zi• l
4 .llaitsi; 1.0.003k ii 6L-z_ltoisirts, TV - '
I I .:
NCte - ' Abrertionteßts:-:-
Robins L Stiffey, A
Rupp, Robins,
W Stona„.B,S,;
Sow, M sigyrarti,-J-sb•
S (ship) Sturges, S D
Ru sal, W Stucker, P
Rockwell. J. StewXXV
Sams, E
anto, J SYS ;;:ITS
Schneidar, A. SweetwOod; '
Schmaly, J Stroh, w Tr :
Scott, W Stone:l:H.' • •, J; , ;
Scharpf, L ( 81 4 Y Siumph, J
Sinners, T Stevenson, N N
Sat-deison, W
Sandles, W H Seohnir, H
sbott s w Thompson, J S
S'Fficiden, , Taylor;'W- •
Segne, a Tanner ,'S 'V 3
'Sherwin, If H, f d e.Thttrtitellar
Stabbins,,Lt..T_ F Thompson, A
Shhemaker, Tyr :7",Thihitae,
Shell, A Tierny, J
*oemaker r w
Schaffner, , "Tettmett;-.3. --•
Skeen, W Trimble Hai J H -
Seaton, J C - '• 2
'Shaffner, J - C "Vandivel : , J
Shaffer, E Yant*,
J I„Walters,4 A
Shilßer, C Wallace, J R
Shoaff.tall, J . • -Warner, B 0
Seaman, F A Warner,-N
Shoener, F HWatson, J
Shartzsr, S >i-E L *
Shearer, S •Wagoner, ; -
SteVens,4 Winker L ' •
Shaffer, W - Wahatkina, H
Shill,t 4 2l- • , , ,
Selnier, Wentlong, A .
Shaffner, J Wells, J
Shipman, J L Weiss,- J • r
Simexler, F • ' - Wells, Riddle & Co.'
Shirk, J Wells 'Alt
Shaiscnr, E • , whu:lniqb, L
SticcdcUis, G W 'Welistein, S
Settid, ,
„cWessell, TA
Shaffner o F . Weutkia W
Smith, A, 2 Weaver, H
~Wetzel, j
Sides, J
Smith.; C
Snigfried;X:i '; f. , '. Wilsbn,4l ll /11'
Silver ,W
( 41 ;W
WI, 0J 51; f Millman; la
Smith, H A Wire J
Snyder, E Wilson, J • • .
Side,J , Windsor,
Sibbo .-Wilson, J.O
C't " ' Wihitgle, W F
S parks, Lieut A J 'Wickman, H K
3 . B PrkAtt Wilt,tC-- ;
:Sponsler, Wister,
Soininaisi, Col ' .
R , • •- -Williams, Lieut S It * -'-
Spindkrirr .." WOodward,
Stuck, J A:D
Stackhouse, P - 41 " 4 Wcirth-itieut S
Stahler,.N !,.; • Worth, W
Stcine,F R Wright, S
Stark, G H ' Wrighti',D S
Suilingtort,Capt I Z ,Yougg, H
Swetland; , CaptG > 'Yeager,-
Stephen', • • Yoring. R
States, Lient P
Stevenson,W E. Zarger t iLieut J
Stewart, J f.7ANY,
Swift, J
... Ftgler; H
Ste*art,. •
~ ;.~'i ~ ''.r'
Arnold, J Frum ton, S
Aip.brust,JD . M.• 2 Fi•OUSr,7•W' • •
';l4tltintion, J .:. '2 liench, T.:B
Anderson, D . Foteythi RA• •
Arndt, H • • • "Fried, `q,lk
Aiu!er ,jt.' ' ' -FlenVerol t -
~ :, , o . - -Mow, -.F - •
Ardley, F' - Garver, 3 - •
Atidrews,ll - east, Capt
i Auntew, W;,- ~ , .
Genatialirm, G W
Barton, W. A. Gerould, G C
Babccruk;ll • ' - Gbh, S A
Raltoil,'S -- ~ Grepn, J
Bodiusp 14,
.:, i
,k.-, • Glover, ;J •
Bairing6_,r, 1 ' ' ' "Guldin, W C
f Ruler, H Given, J L
Bailey, G F draw, Wt . "' -''' -
1 Bayne, 3 ;.. - ,..A. , : ,- , d atax,
__Dn a,
Blair,.. Gs
Bcdine - F - e - t----N • f4.--,,,, tsreidtwily , " - "
• BOI4M - 41: -- :' •: i•i -, Gittiver . ,'3;
Bishbp, - 11P - ' - Graver, J
BolardiJ :•••'• -- : ft, ' •lialtrrultt; W.F. ,-:,:,
Benney, WHartman, A P
Boyer, M. P _ -
- '2• 'Heistand,.. J
• Balar, G.R • ' '‘ 2 Harninell; - .A ..
"Boii'er, L S ' "''' . Hetilat; W '
Beastly, - 11. "••;•• • -Heckman, G•W
Boeman, E , , -, i r, : Hartzell, Wla
80nd..3 . - Healy, 3 S
Bitte - rinsic V' • - Ileckart B. H• '
Bower, D .g: - .. :. Mae, WP • ,
. s
Bower,,S- • ,-, ••• - •• •Hartsook, Ar 3
'BronLtei; A L ' '-' ' ' • ' Ilaverstick'llial
Burrell, 3A. . , ,, Henry, A
Burk, H ''•'• c- Milled, ;.1
•Brobost, M. M. ' ''t Hanna, JW
'Clo.):Pberl'in., 3 S Heilies,'W T 8
!Christman, F Hess, •
Collins, -,-. Hareli p J '
Chandler, iW.S A V , tteenbicki, D
Carter; C - :•• , - Huber,- a c .
' o, EnNia.y., 3 A• ' ' 2 '. -
;: ,'Mkr-tian; 0
'30.1 1 ,.0 1 ; R :,: • 415.tint..H,8 .
Childsey, C ;:::. a , •! 4 .110 ff =a r il. C
Ciietiner f J S• ' - '''HilliardiS
- ifalderman H
is axles,4 i' , l.-_ , ..1t.:114 . . ri F - - . - . A • '' r ; i.• •
oe'r, IT '' ' tpckley,. isk
.. i
,Conway,lt G ' '. 1";' ( *fi: WS, . ii ''' '
Criitiner, A C L . ._ ifeman.;'S
•Cronalen On • , ... r 4: ,Ilines i TMA ;;.. ~. !.
COdarai, C .rf';' - 1 1 :' ' ; go/40beiTY, 3 : ' '
Creift,S ''' -- 2' Iliattlluilion,',oll - ,
.' •
Colvin l A W ,• Irvin, 4la . • 2
Clemetts, W 2 Johnson, W F
•Eciiii,elilin, C it, : M 4J4vrst t, J Li- - 1,1', ,
.. f i
OfetcylD ' - 'Jeffers, M -'- i
Co*, A '-i - tvi•Cd4,l?ea - , PA yl -.; •
aibinder,'D W -- Knefli, K
Oulhei, 4 , - li,thae, LI .$
'dilititi- G Rif A'' \ !. f Kepler; Jor G W •`sl-
Cornell, W H Kitzmiller, A
Confaire, S Keefer, G G
CgatnAn , ~.: Keliff,S.:•,,:,,. . t
C - JElesitt D2' , ' ..., ;,- :: 1 1 KiVettg:;EIN ' 2
'Cliali4i4.7-1 - -' , F•:"...,.. - g.eitig..43 : • •
Conrad, J C, ; 2 .. 4 - '''.....Kuypsel, FS .
Clark, R ' Knauss, - MrJ
Day, 3D. • -Kel l, P•
Tietweilii,.t J .. , .'„KrtrAii,,ll S ' ',-.•
De - ach, 81, ' •. ~ - Keineu, 8...
Dunkle,'ll .. , t i. .1 ,ilerPePrO-B
Dtie& - iiii'.*t" c '. - IKair . 6l . 7* .- '
Derr, ff. -..
. . Knauas ~A ~ • - • .
Darey, T Kahn, D , - . • •
Downey; D. •- -"r:.' Kesigle, J .
_::r, ,
.D anbeltt, L .. i ,2, K.unkle, J'-
'Dippery., G . ' . ' . Knepp f .P .13.
Dixon, FN. . Keener; W-•' '
tDgminite, G B •- • Klo tz, 41. j. '. '
boierr.cipt •- • - lifofz ivir, - g. ~ ,
„,. 1
'DOneghtliy, - A ' Kerr, C. - 4 . , ,
moiLvake..lelo-i .:.: i.a.: _, KikifielVA.' VT t' ' f
Dtonatidd; P Loman t M
- Dorwaid: A '' - ' ' :Labsj , n,,M .: ,...'
- Bigles,,„..E F.. _::„ La . nieoi, :. .. -
..enfeltrJ. . .......... J.t.'
,'R • • - - Lane; WIT , '
Evert, W , ,',-
~, 'Levan GW, :' •
-j G . . - Lukens ..J . B
ridk' DA I ' Lino .]: l :
-: i - '
Fliheaa,lnt 2.....-_ °__Lee,- -W -
er,g i nson, J i ~, .Losey; M.. , -„r.c r o • ..,
."Nit, It .s -- 4 :
~.,., . ..- „Lehman, 4 , -I,
l'iiw r , w,,.. ..,.,..., . ... ' Lewhy 0 f: . ': .. i
,- ,
, , ~...‘c,
- 1
.1:1 '
-Nero 2buer,tizmen—tz
- ,Lott, G D Sherman, H
de, B A Bchopp, A T
Lockhart, G Schnee, P K
Lpog, DL S. Shafell•J ..,
Lessig, R - Somney, H A
Ljttle, A Shutter, J C
Lbwry, S Sankley, T J
Luckenbach, Lieut &WShafer, P
Mahon, G 0 ' 2 Sharp, J
Ili/aturtrie li, 2 Sharpiess, AEt
*Cabe, 0 Shelborn, W '
McGough, 0 - Scott, W A
Xcliturtrie, Adj Smith, B
McEthare;.D A . Strauser, J
cClure, J Sibbet, WR •
,McGann, J K Benton, J
tAtcKain, J - '"' ' Sharman, W
ateCurdy, L 0 . Sauerwein ' J
McMillen, J Storregfel, J
Mcßride . , T Stringfellow, J G
McCurdy, S G Shank, 'J
McFarland, J A Sharron, P P
I.loCullip, A Shenton, H
McAllister ; J Sheatits, ,G
Marple, N D - Shawda, J A
Morse A B &divan, T
Maguirl, T Simon, -C . .
Merritt, T W Shultz, J A
illcKelvery, JW ' Smith, P
' McNennee, T Smith, J J
klinium, E 0 - Simpson, G A '
Maul,' D : Smith, 8 B • . .
Snyder, T B'
Mancill;:J "ti G. Snyder, C -
Idalks, W Snyder,- D:C •
Martin, W • Sigmito,-J S
vedier,:ty - H Singleton, S
Miller, J Shearer, 0
Moyer, A.- - geodes J P
Motganiroth, B Sour, 1. W 8
Moiriss Stotler, W J
March, T Stonemets, W
Marshall, G C
Stoner, J
Murphy, J '' S amm, W
Miller, J Stevens. S F
Myers, E$ Swcny, P
Moore, J 2 Staley, F or W
Mench A C
Murphey, J Staley, F M 2
Moore, It Snalfold, T
Moore; J ' 2 Sodders, E
Kitchell, J B Sloan, J
;taints, A . : Stein burger, D
!Mill ward, ,L Spiker, 0
Morehead, J C Tomlinson, J H
Murray, A • Truckenmiller, V S
Meyers, J L Townsend, D. E
'Murphey, E D Trumpf, J F
If Ivens, J Titus, J C
Nipple, J Treater, A
Nixon, W 1 hornpson, J H
Nearhoof, J Thom ps , m, JS
:Qirepfort,.W Teats, E F
Peterson, L Torbert, F G
!Parker, J W Terwilleger. H
!Penrose; G W Taylor, J W
Piper, M II Thomas, S M
!Preston, A Thompson, J H
!Parker, D Utter, L J
!Paulort, E Vandever, WW
:Phelps. 0 . . Varartsda'en, H
Price, D M' " Walters, D
Patterson, H C ' West, C
Potter, W White, TJ
Peirce, J H Wells, M
Peabody, J 0 Weamer, A 2
Quiggle, W AI Wetter, J R
Reynold, J W Walker, G W 2
Reitz, H Wells, E II
Reynolds, W•H Whittager, G W
Rankin, J, .B. . Warne, J
Ragen, P•.... Whitney, Al G
Row, X F -- Warg, J
Ryan, G W ' Wolf, J AI
Row, Wit , , 2 Wolf, T ,
Roads, J R Wilson,
Rolling, C H Warwrie 7 A
Rodgers, J W Wallace, J M. C
Bought, P T 2 Wilkheis, A
arninsrin7vir t 7 -- " - TriTra-, 3 c., -
Rupp, J Wolf, J
Robison, J A Wrudowmaker, J
Robertson, J Wood, J M
` uth, R 5 Wilt, C W
Roads, J R Wilkinson, J
Russell, E D Willcore, J
llow, U Workman, D
Romer, W Wright, C J
Royer, W Wolf, G W
Ruth, F B Yeager, D L
Rhode, H Young, J
Rankin, W Zeigler, W N 2
Ringer, F E Zdigler, W B 2
Raub, J . F • 2 Zechmau, Al 0
Persons calling for any of the above letters
will please say they t are advertised. One cent
due on each,
bfat and largestassortment of Gold Pens
has just been opened at
•These Pens are manufactured by C. F. Newton
co., of Now Yak, and warranted to give
`full satisfaction. A trial will satisfy any one.
Examine the prices below :
Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 25.
Gold Pen and Silver Holder for Si 60.
Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 75.
Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 25.
Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 50.
Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 75.
Gold Peden(' Silver Holder for 53 25.
Gold Pen and Silver Holder for 53 75.
Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $4 25.
Gold Pen and Pencil, with Rubber Holder $5 00.
Gold Pen and Pencil with Rubber Holder, $7 00 .
Of every description and quality, you will find
the largest assortment at
'And a general variety of Leather Goods, just
received at BERGNEWS BOOK STO.itE: