Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, September 01, 1862, Image 2
pailg Catgrao+ PEOPLE'S UNION STATE . TICKET. AUDITOR GENERAL: THOMAS E. COCHRAN, of York County SURVEYOR GENERAL: WILLIAM S. ROSS. of Lucerne County IJNION COUNTY NOMINATIONS CONGRESS ? • • WILLIAM J. ROBINSON, of county. (Subject to the decision of the Congressional Conferees.) ASSEMBLY, THOMAS G. FOX, of Humrue'gown. JAMES FREELAND, of Millersburg. - DISTRICT ATTORNEY, A. JACKSON HERR, of Harrisburg. COUNTY COMMISSIONER, 1 / 4: JACOB MILLEISEN, of East Hanover. DIRECTOR OE DIE POOR, DANIEL SHEESELY, of Lower Swatara COUNTY AUDITOR, DANIEL LEHR, of Oratztown. COUNTY SURVEYOR, THOMAS STROHM., of Linglestown. CORONER, JESSE B. HUMMEL, of Hummeistown. HARRISBURG. PA Monda3 Afternoon, September 1,`1862. A HUMBUG, Sp We are afraid we are very close to the truth . when we pronounce Gen. Pope to be, in our. opinion, a humbug—almost as extensive an in- 7 sect as Fremont. Buell, we fancy, is asleep; trying to dream out what the . war's about, problem that troubled him, so at first. Ulyasts has fallen into the poWei 'of the Cclops, and instead of poking out his eye, as his gieat namesake did, has had both his own done fot We fervently pray that the next shower may bring pa down a few live Guntrals instead of myriads of toads. We can dispense with the reptiles, but the Generals we want.:-4E'alriol and Union, (Tory organ,) of Saturday last. :" We submit the above as a fair specimen of these mean and cowardly attacks, which are daily appearing in the Tory organ of this ci While Gen. Pope, at the head of inferior nu berg, is pushing the advance of the traitor 14tp to the Capital of the country, while he is deftnil, leg the ablest and most manly leaders of the rebellion, and while he is proving himself this Most consumate General of the laid ; a journal that boasts of its achievementOo;this'Govern- . meat and friends, and prides_ itself on its de fence or thet—Oonetitutiola, °noun.. - ksim. a humbug. Pope is a humbug , in the estimation of the Breckintidgers and the organ; because he is leading loyal men to victory: FIIANK HUGHES is reaping an earlier harvest than even he, in his most sanguine moMents, anticipated. He has been solucicf , and so zeal ous in his defences of ,what; is. Oonstitutional, that the ardorof his adherents and follow era begins to outstrip the teaching of their tutor, and we now lesrn that in Hueltes! own county of Schuylkill, regularly organised bands of men are prepared to resist thedraft—and while doing this, these mien do not hesitate to declare that there is no Constitutional authority to compel them to take up arms in defence of the Government. This •: the latest construction of the Constitution, advocated by the Breckenridgera Of Pennsylva nia. It is the last sample of aid and comfort they are able to give their traitor allies of the . south. Their next effort will be to organise bands to oppose the passage of troops ei.'her over or from the state of Pennsylvania. Con-, stitutional Democracy, as thus defined, is equal to Constitutional secession. .__ .Mcmtonr.--flurgetss... e ttlagri k D ' 1, Dan ville. Gas. BUTLER. declares that as the slave owners' Con.imissioner 7 -Geigge A. , .. „invt ln. and drivers of the south have set the example Northairiptoa-7--Butg.tim4.-A, K , Green, illar. tin's Creek. Commissioner-W. H. Thomp , of a revolt against Constitutional authority, son. E saton. , .4...- they will have no ground of complaint if slaws Northumbeikord- r firrgvh-ff.t*or Pringle", Nortininik3ilald. , Co . .. m_rni , ,, sajonkano.L . Yoithg- i should revolt against the authority •Of 'their' non, Sunbury. ~ • ~. i :,,-, ..-, i masters. The slaves of the south as clear Perry-Sul geon-Issao Lefever, New Bloom. I,: • a right to rise and murder their. Masters, burn fi e id, 0 0.131 ,0 3 ippy l i ri . li skpl Fs . /z A aer i , dWellings and sack towns, as have those MaBi Bloorrift4 l • • -a 11 7. 1 q.:11 , 1 ~14 s • h l Philadalphlai-ony;---Surgernt-Ht- . S m i th bars to organise km the murder of the Union Amin - is-loner- ' Lain Gerhard. men of the south, LOA restitarieg.lo the authors Yhitadeluhia AColifiy-burgeon-!..-.Fpbraim. ,G. -! ,--.0. .• ..., , • ; ity of the federal goveiniuent, - .0 , Gen. Butax . -up, - k e ;• . y rdu kf or . cr ommk gie l ie r _vir m . 11., ,i.i::;.. u:i. l :.-.11 insists upon this construction, and in view di Alle a, i ,1 Pelee-Burg- on-V-Ineent- Emerson, 'Milford' the danger from the example which the slay ' . . ... COmuus-nm , -r-J . tobElienlaaws t .M els P. ch.,' , ~ owners have set their " property, he - Rife --Surgeo:4-). Tation,:Codderipcirt; . . given 'orders for the seizure of, all fire arms in Commis i wer-P: - .W.-:Erno . iii'ondersiyAt. I the hands of individuals, to preventsugh,Wea Saluylktll-Surgeonntitew H. LHaberstadt,l . . . Pottsville. .. ~ , _., ._,..1. 1 / I one falling into the hands of the slaves, sbo Comrws-ioner 7 -John P. Hob tr.„ i they resolve to follow the example of -- the masters, and revolt against Oonstitutional author: : kroy . C , mmissioner-, .. i,,,; .; i t s . - • Cu missioner-ialitiel A. 7 Sii.inrer, . . " ; . 7 . NEARiCENTIMILLII, Aug, 81-6, P. M. r Sutillicin•- SqigeoriF Ackleyeb`jam'in bashers - Last t ' 1 k•ld Do" - ' rt. '-., ;.,4 .-. •.: vW . - - '• a •, ' evening, , aborl five ococ , o 1 , 1E14 -d s t-w o . -- " lle a ' - ' - ' W *,dt,76i„,11,1 Halsey i left - flank *as .turned, it is :Said, ;by a; body cif ' l46. ' Elek , tin ---'Blll-e. L. 'a i ': -b4. ---'' !rebel cavalry, .suPposed • to: be .five thousand Mora ' I,' 0, i i:: i strong. - MoDowsm's corps being on the left cif Ci.m.mi.,-sioner---Verj; S. fient,res, Montrose. , 2{,,,,_,s urgeon _:ff . H . 1p1id,3,,- :]toga.-,4 , our army at ihesi-time,•and the rebel cavalry - , ' being supported by- Infantry, lioDowant.'s esk emmi'd n "r jb l iall F 4116 0!• `e lBb4l ` ° '' f tire' oOrps WRB BZWERWitatangVssipt. inasy., This Luton-Surgeon=' Luiz, ,-.' f riew 11 n I '' ' 46 -- i, ; • charge was fearful , I Oir officers say that-it ex m fierce Ampe noel ~ any ing they', C ,, mmisAoner--teVl23o4_,' W infl 6 d: - • ' • t ' Ey ' a - - . eeed, 1, Venango-Suigeiiii;4 l l,.w Daa,Citn(oyvin. or heard, or read IN, in history , Win Mission ei-Tlio's. ' dogi-' Franklin. '' : ever saw, f , , , li •, , . , ' TRE 'GROUND 'REGAINED• ' War..ed.-Surged,--.-. Oinruissioner , ;... • , - • ~ I Win a ri Br,n, Warren. Washington-Surgek. n-J. B. WiPon„Wash; liiieW not, Vkitt:the ground lost' bythie efiarge inkton. Commiss i oner --DaVid Aikin, Wash -: fiaa'beeß egained. This is imprObable _; 1 ins on - ' ' ' • ' c 1 '. • ring fcrunrea. arassa,irt. ' Weyne 7 SdigeonC.' King.' Cornirdisionek 1,,,,T;:k 0r enexny t accordiag .toJtheiraports,ot. pri- , Chirta' .'' '' ' - ' ' ',r I l'sC3eraiwho have been - ..rali.ehi*hdrlwho"-sennl ia' • Westmoreland 7 Surgeon J. W. Blackburb,;*i, e iuktiligenti has recentlyll4 . n . rereforceqd West - Y e‘ r t -12 ; , 00 1: 01 :940ne. - ArdVAball i enormously, and now includes the enit o ripl. Pletcher, YarahstOW . : ~ i wow in : th 2lo) :ef Tin* I: The Prugnei° iiryoniiiii- - ep _, , . Tman,Tunk 'i,,,,,,,,, go so lar as to say that, a , nordiug .to what , henna. .ConatrilaskuleY,_iNathan-Wells, Tunk-,•,they have ~404 1 11, ..the rebel array of Vigkda henna nuMbers about 250,000 men. d_ ,Tirk---Snrgeen--James lei.„ qhgarer, Yor4. .. , r i m imam i ' , 1 BROMIBBionet-W. S. Rowland, Tbik:"''' ' ' ' ..'. '. . ' ''' ---'---- " 1"n"N.- '' - j .... _ ----'-"''''-' - 1 They occupy the outer extremity of ltheold „_ . • . - Laotitllzza....To . niake lager beer the folloW-. b ß a u l l n i i i run liettle:fieht . at . present, their front at 'th -fertheit - point of the old field. liieg n receipt i s given': 'Take a barrel 'and iThey - licilinheir old rillelpits, which were dal; fill it with rain water, put in One - pair of old len . thli...illemarable 21st of Tuly, 186 L . Theyb °9tiN 4.:49 4 0 - I T 1 ! 8 ti 'as q bba • tkrenrcro aria impudent .' What- that. intention - At.. , 2e, two 849 rt cuiely is b! nrnr i t2r 4 k uli now nto anylpit l . th es:o 1 , shres E az eprig . of owqrinwrx)d, and:a-Ilittle4keati _m 701163811.' r•- 'a f KAT it fora year, and then " dish out." I am gratified to announce that our army was Tuz PENNSYLVANIA TrlsonApa.—This e. prising and spirited daily newspaper, wh has hitherto furnished our citizrns With the latest evening'news, now adds a morning edition to its rmer issues. HereallteK, if our citizens wish to obtain the very latest morning news they will have to patronize ,the .2eU! graph._. It is cheaper than most of the city pa i r , perk - and will, therefore, be more within the reach of the masses. Ayres & Lundy are the agents.— West Branoh. (Witharruport) Bulletin. We are right glad to find that our labofs are appreciated by our friends in William , port. The compliments of our cotemporary, joke:: with the fact that we circulate Some twelve hun dred copies of the MORNING TELEGRAPH in Wilt liampport, duriiii l the prTitt week,-art ( unmistakable evidenigthat thisjsournal is p . op:- .N. 4 -• ular in that region. :Ty UnamicrEa.-7-"lTat is not litllutd df Lokd Ruisell in Itis.rePly to Secreiiirffieware." Certainly not! Any hit that, rots, SteretarY, Se- Ward, or the present administration of; the United States, come from whatever quarter it may—from insolent England, timorous France, or the barborously inclined Confederacy of Jett , Davis—is not a bad "hit" in the estimation-of the patriots of - the Tory slecteh, organ. Ne ' yield - you the.enjoyment of many'tmetk."hita!" But take.otite.that some of them cl.mdit..t`strike ena•putyott befcirti , The people in yout true chalectere. litst of Mimeo an Comm'sslonora Exanilno 4 )tgn Cla:4lok, 4eMptlOn From 11005 The Govtator;iias the:tfoewing gentlemen iii-the:vationa colmties'toAxarinL tent the drafting, viz : ,T°:; Adams -Surgr on-Charles Horaer, Gettys burg. ..ConunLeionerr , ..oo,l._ . .Bufg, C. S Fairfield. Allegheny-Su - gem-A. C. Murdock, Pi .te' 1 burg. Commissioner-James L. Graham, Pitts burg. Armstrong—Surgeon-T. C. McCullough, Kittanning. Commissioner-E. Biffmg - .un, Kittanning. Beaver-Surgeon. , -Bavid , Sz. Marquis, ..Rochee-.4 ter. Cummiss:oner-Jatues P .t.v.rron, New Brighton. Bedford-Surgeoh-B. F. Harry, Bedford. Commitstoner-Jeremiah K. Bowles, Bedford. larks---Surgeoii-Mdrt.n Luther, Rey:clink Com mi.: iont 1-- Henry S. Kupp, Blair -Surgeon-J A. Landl.3; Holtiakie burg. Comuthstorker-Alexan fer Lloyd, Al:, tame Bradford- Surgeon-E. H. Maori, Towanda. Comm s.aone; -Joon A. adding, 'lowa:oda. Bucks--Surgeon-Wm. S. Efenliie,, D(446 1 ' 'town. CommizstoaEr-Joseph. S. Ely", LJYtei towu Butler-Surgeon-Wm.' Irvin, 13utler. 13;m: misoioner - Lewis G. Mitchell, Bailer. • Camktia---Surge n-John - Lowman, Joir-s -town. Commisdone - r--Mathfen S. Ea:r, E ens Matz. . „ CCM ron--Su - ge ..n-S. Gib EOll, CtEpwon Commissioner-L-3vi T. Mom% Cameron. &thou - *uige •n-E. 'Bietto-r, Ma i ne , Ccinimit-sioner=-,T l 'rns Pb 11 , 1. . -,. C/•-Su'gelari-JOhn" B Banta', .Cheeer. Tonarnisiiuner -Fv.nois C.: ?West Chart r Centre,--finrgeoti- M: Mroy, Milesbnig, Comraissioner-Wid, H. Blair Ihlteifonte. Clarion- Burg-on- Jamai Begs, Clarion. 'Commission-r-Itib-rt P MbQ Curil•mlle. Clintan-Aurg• on,- Wm. nothro*, Fior •ence. Commis onur-L. A. '' Mapkey, Leek Haven: Clay-Add-Burgeon-J. E. Hartsiviek-,. Clear= field.' Commi.elonerEilia-Irwin,• Clear field: Columbia-Surgefm--Wm. Seliter. • COmmis sioner - Harrison. • 'Orewfor'cl-Surgeon-J. ' T. • Ray, • Meadville I comm.zeilorerA. , fred Heidekoo'pe, Cumberland - I Surgeou -D. It. Mahen, C tr• ra lisle, 0 W: Atton, /id:Thin -SairgeotiMr. W. Rattle. midi Her. Commlisioner`-John H. B. itg, Har .ii.burg. De/mire-560am Joserili towland, Media. .Conimrssior. er--A•bel'Lodge. • - Brie-•-Surgeon-Charles,Brondez, Erie. Com . mer-R. B. Vincent, Erie; ; 2//e-Surgeou-S. L.: Vanva'zahl. Commis ; missionar-Chirles Horton, Bilge way. ..Fayilt -Eurgeon- Hugh Camptell, Unioa. town. Commissioner-.-Ellis B. Dawson. ITanklin--Surgeop-A.; H.. Senseny, Chan ' bet at surg. Commissioner-D. E...Wwaderlion, mbersburg. • • FOrai -Surgeon:4-We :1/I',Kaight. • . Commis- Allon-burgeon—lssae Fayles, -Fort Little, tom Comtniseioner—Rland Aston, Licking' Creek. , . . . . , Green-Surgeon -Wm. D. Rogers, ,Jefferson i Co in tniaiiener—Geo. L. Wyley, Wavuesburg, l ., Liunringdon---Surgeon- 7 -J. S. Grafi h„ Haut: ingclen..,, .Compsi6SiOrler-:-J.. Sewell Stewakt, IL.] n t ingri on • :- Indiana- Surge:A—R. J. lelarstiali, ' Blairs ville. Corn-, issioner—leart9 M. Watt, Indiana. Jefferson cßtd for,esi 7 Sp.:geou—W tir.M'Xiiiglat, lirockw,,y vil ie. Co!ntnitsioner—lsaas G. " Gor don, B.oolsViAie,,, -; ~ j. , . . . Airwata.B l . l rgt - on—George M.: Graham, Port, _ ... ..1 - - --' Sri .I' , -- ..- • i^ • -'' - IttlyiNt. -9 6 9 3 •Inlesio4qr--:-Fatta-IP-- i 'Vial ''' Rck - Riil A -- ",fLaiil4xis soutown. , . •. • . . . . . Langister--Bumeon—Dr. , Lerever, •X.encastp.. ...-422' : Fort - b- onelson. JamesCommidc-ioner—L lieynolds. ) .. - .lelfik . L.. ; , . A —.. Lawrence—Stggeop. 7 4 l4 111. Peebles„, New !!!! ,,,, Castle. Commissioner—Jsceli ylare3, New Cal 3 ..--- Ailother Flight At Boliver tle. ..../...,.. Lrbanon—Surgeon--Salithel Baum , Commis. _,L. .T• .T.,T _. sioner--Ad4rn . Grittibger" ' •= • '.• '- I THE REBELS_ ROUTED,. Lehigh—Surggon --Wm, J. Rolm g, Allentown. i .....—.,___ CommiEsioner-,H..3. anger ' Allentown. Luaerne--Sargeon--Geo. Uniubart; Wilkes barre. Cow ruissioner—JamesP. Dennis,Wilkiii b.,' re /.vconzingStrgeon—J. S. Cr , wford, Wil-i Liam pest. - Ccrninhisiciner-L.Cheirlei- L. r.yon,i M.ntourtville. Mercir—siDurgeon—B F. Gordon. Commit- 1 sioner--Thoe. M. It‘znor. - • . • Min—Surgeon-I.llmm Vonvalnh, Lewis 4 town. Commissioner—Geoiga Elder, Lewis- town. - . Monroe--Surgeon--E-nest Sollman- Long Tali ley. Coramiss;oner—Samuel S. Dreher,Strou* burg. . . _ • attKean --Surgeon—As% Fagnors'i Valley. Corn misEion er—Wm. Y. McCoy; Sniittiport. Nonlgomery--Surgeon--Wm. Corson, ,Norrigi town. CommJsaioner--James Boyd, Nprrisi town. - • El= pennevVania Eh:l4 I".ettgraptb illonbap 'Afternoon, Ztptember 1, 1862 , . 7 i "..:' "'*---'-. W , ....- 11. 1 ' 1 .;'"----- - U ,' , - ' . i it -N1 -.4 i -;,.;..1., .* -- - " . "- ' ''?;-. .i. ' ' i - . . ~ .. ...-' ',.. ,A?'''' . ' ' ' ' ,"...,.; --. ''-- - I '.' 191 h lII' . 2-,..- - ..,tl,- .- - 1, ."'''.''' . 1 :• .- ' .-- , • , -Ori l 4r, ' - " FROM: _WAS. TL. Additional List of the Wounded. T WASHINGTON, Sept. 1. Brig. Gent Bleiiker -States in a card that he is not on his firm as reported, but aw ordEnis here "'::teara Ther;is coneu.rrent :testimony as to fact . that i i . Is Col. Fletcher WebStiiir-(a im busetta was 150.7 verely if ricit;miertally lab t'; he was-take n Ifrom the field bi: tit 4 enaby orler. Of , „ Capt. Harmon, who was. ,...1.11V01111 ed In the shoulder., : ; The whereabouts et,the. foemen, is not knoWif. the laiteils Still ih this city. - . ADDITIONAL IJ.BT, OB OABILtItT/ES. ~; Lhitid rhos.- - ailliittbi, 131k1Missaaiiiiit4l wounded in cheek,leg and atm ; Capt. Ward s ' 1 ,20,h New York Militia,leverely ; Col . Hob,rtf,- 'd Maine,a reported killed, ; fe* 0' CorsliTr, 41 Viriscciiiiiit and raj .r Ma y, 19th Indiana, are eported killed; Col. Rose, severely; Col. KoP et., 93ct:Pnszlyfulia and. C.M. Conneli,.B3d - Ohio *pled ; Lieut. wife, 61st `Ohio, thiFe '.Gavin, ith Indiana, minket ball thr( breasl;•94o: l3 oltinsorr 741 t. Indiana clown and liitiiiiiedrJ. F . Strinie,V6ti vania, arm; Adjt. M. MrPhilips, 1011 arda..llesenves, right-hri .. ..'.!'it), 561 h• Pendayliraina; - fiteirlli ch, 56th Pennsylvania, hand slig: VlLartinan, l shth, Pennsylvania, arm Met's; do., hand; Jacob Canby, do., el train; do.; tirtihe' fingers of-the fish 'off ; 7Col. -Heys of 68d 'Pettrisylvania, in feet;.'Lieut.'S', A. Oraig'of 105th 1 nia,'woun6d iti arm-buth bf 'them nroUght tii' Washington.; ' ''; Col. Holies killed by Shell. • Wow Leasure', leg, deihitialy:" ' p oi. elex P. Major Kikkiici?d, MityirrDarnaoh;''M Laticaser, Major 1). M. Jones, • CAT Shilling, CApt_ Henderson, 'Capt. Oli Vangerdner, CaPt..3olin Hastings; 'Thompson,' Capt.l.bbert . Kiik• Copt Jy ; Capt. McHenry; l'il_pt.../yre, 'Capt. May, Lie,ut; Curt, Lieut. Men, Lieut. Parmon, Lieut. Spencer. .. _ . _._ , Lieut. Craig, Lieut..lll,=;Lieut. C. H. Snyder, t.; H., Milton, ;Lieut., J. L. Thompson, Lieut. H.LMover., Lieut. Itroakman. Prioners, _. ~ , litevenson, Lieut. Fpx, Lieut.'. Weaver, ut...,Marks, Servants Winters, 4t,ine„gane,. binson; Oorporals, Herbert; Thompson, Wormpler, Hoffman, M, Lourie. firditi the Arniy .off Yirgi u: No ante r joit yeiteiday, o ji BAf d' FUG J 5 RRARD . Despatches . reeeiVed from,. Fairfax Court House about seven miles from Centreville, state that no fighting Mal-been heard from there up to forces were heard 44444 1014101* jUvetrit„tle ':posittios for joining Gene Pope's army. 1R OM t - o , Al'lt o'. EMI Dispatches received ati Peadettfaiters hew state that the rebels are ,marching on Fort Don Olson for *he. purpoe l ,nttekeking lbe Itiinbei of farce Isicidt • "", • Memphis advises saysthat on the 25th Col \Voted attacked.t4req . thonsand rebels at Boli var, comple,tely routing them atter a short en gage - merit; One killed. Reba toes not stated. The rebel steamer Fahjiliit captured nn Ya Ago liver a few_ days since, arrived here. • Geu: Ontis', - E4ittrliris arrived. The General has leave` of alisence to attend the Pacific Rail rOad moiling, at Chicago. • HE WAR IN VIRGINIA Tllll ::AN ScDOWELVS DIYISteI STRENGTH , :OF' , THE ENEMY ,Sis Overwhelming Vnexpeoted • ai Rainforeements. The cii"W4i-digY . _ to 1143141.4 i *ihtlieliContest. THE CRISIS OF . TOff REBELLION AT . HIND Jackson's Advice To----His Alen The Last Hope of the Southern Coll fedrae .:3; • : F I -ft y 7: ti ; ,•; kagnifieent Vail Of tlll3 trnioi Tioop E;IMM2II t- , -:', = Plait. OEM WasmaToN, Sept . 1 Omao,lAng. 31. = lEEE reinfere dat noon to-day, by at least 60.000 (11 Wm 2tbvertisenter. ) • the rot st , t &city.; men w.- have in the ti. Id, in- ---- - - - - . ---,--1, lud ug Flea lin's _corps, Suirmer's corps, Por- t • ..H2antatrax , Res A Trek, 1_ I e tA is k 'lt: harti ' di' ' . Sad tai te • ' ' ': - W - Tris , • ..,: :1,1%62.. 1 ' ..., r. c..rps, ttins ;lesion, ,g c 8.. t dii6ibD, nose's diViiioli; of e.Ohi4 viktierVi "Eil! GENERAL oribEti„. L o.: -- -/-, • Western Vit., ie,la, tegetheiieirli - Galinefal,Stur...i ~. ',' No. 84 Ei P 1- .... .: . grsa,,,.new 4ividonxil the folloninti;•Penrit Iva- r - •:..:„• -.. .:ii - cf i- _e-a• ;- - e. • - ie- Y , Te mett'a riquifiltion tine State; lay the eta_legimenis of the TV w levies: 122 d, 123 d, President of tire 13 ' d fur addiftonal 124fh, 125th, 126th, I27th, 128th, 129th. th cavr , l3 „ . i it l or;en,ll,lle States, latter ma-ched from the van camps near p s .f u e ffr ir c il le;t ayin t ° p i an o' m ia; t t b three _ , reg n i . na n e g ra r t ii s . , Vaehingtorthis-morning-rwberet-they-..have.-Ai. 1-.l34;°l:t!te been lately locaTed, end whence they can be pithy as possible, be organiz d into regim nts. safely spared. i 11. Tee period for organizing the regiments 1 THE CONVEYANCE FOR WOUNDED,—BLUNDERING. having -bean limited by the War Department I learn that the pres.sine of hacks, omnibruesl to .reentyeays, say person authorized to raise a i etc., in,Washingterkior the conveyance of the i company, will to requirai to report the acme i wounded'froin theibattle-field, was neoessitat d , on or htfore the ticenti_th instant. ; lay,,a,sf.d... eticA-sAtAkt....ilti3i. --Q.Pattgrrnaster„'fi , _De_ - ,.1...,11/....,TrauspertadentAgStillr4l..Pe t ket, Camp i pertinent of the Army ~.the, the l i otiiinaci=the ;Curtin, will be furoished, on application to , Department having .failed to bring up the am-rapt. Wm. B. Lane ' U. S. A.,. Mu.stering and balances which were heed on the ritsinsula, Disbursing Officer, at Harrisburg, to whom re and of_which there WAS a very heavy supply. port mus t made. .: '1 , :,...., During today five hundred am bultiticet arrived fiS: - ..Actial and.nelic4a4 expenses for beard ...Washingttat. ing and lodging .cif—roops, raised under this '- tgeraar OFFICERS THINK OF THE PROSPECT. ~-* Older; will-be -,, e 4 ,........khi the haired States' Die- It w?e. the opinion of jading army_ offi .. bui ' la g' 3fi tcer. l4 tlbiaPoa t, •f ° ' a ptr.icla not ex" i irsiterdstonfi the 11-1 d tlift:vie shall The've ce4d l 4 Ole i` v l ' e r i Vidi t Y) s4 l 7 e 4i•• f43 o l = iii . k/ g a !fortulatefiiwe coryliii tlackEoil, 4.661 - . ' wmP l ak• -411 ' a:= m* 3lol .alt, e ,d III2 V-fo.. ItY cents'. j,.. ter day for each man musters ea into the service j Airdef 6: EDIT the other "fillet' Paden) rill - hi • of the lini . Vd •States, on the affidavit of the liturrounding them. _., . 'Officer famishing the men, accompanied bytlie . ' • • , einscenrat. - . --,. receipts of the party to whom the money, for Eight hundred prisoners were sent for • - Such expenses, wik paid. ':from this point rile :morning, to Al , ann. - 1 V. To ayoldnnduecornpitithinand interfer '4,ol,soo.that hays: b en for' enee amoneremniting offieers t lii the sarne conn eigton, Tlici . tiatai , numbercif ;prison t /e, the authorities to' rant • companies will be el by us is very heavy. Taylor's N. • .4 ..... , ,i.• Brigade has rot been in this fight. Sev- , tt ited. 1. VI. General Order, No 91, of the War De tidied of ita men, who were taken, bitv.e t Ju1y29,1862,'d ,partmen , prow ts esfollows, iroled. It hes not suffered as much as . .• - . • J - : • VIZ : • , . ly believed. l . , i ~ - `Each"company or troop shill have one etitalurntlirr or: A ertizolfsa. - , • Captain, one First Lieutenant, one Second theo ry intelligent prisoner, a commissioner Ammar; one su, eriattmentry 82cond Lieutenant, with whom I converse, told me the tone First Seigeant,one Quaitermiater Sergeant, i made an address to his a me, day be lone Commiery - Sergeant, five Sergeants, eight stet day, in which he lisped his men „to leorporals, two Tearrniters, two Farriers or Dark inte and fight to,the last, for if they smiths, one So:idler, one Wagoner, and seventy - i .i. -.-• then and there, all hope for the success- eight privrees." iblisiiiient rif the ECriathena Confederacy ii VII. General Order,•No. 105 of the War De it TA man sli - o reports that in grit ,ipartment, August 14, 1862, provides as follows, tattlelackson Made' a' very . narrow 0E- .viz : un capture. "The inspection of all cavalry forces, prepar- NUMBER OF PRISONERS TAKEN. `story to their being mustered into the service ms supposed well informed say t of the United States,, shall, hereafter comprise, • re taken at lettst 17,000 prisoners fr ' in addititm to the inuar 'Personal examination, trio :my in all the engagemente, hut man a Last of Horsemansthin to be made under the .were paroled on the spot and sent back, direction of the musteting officer ; and no per ,e. son shall be mustered int I the cavalry service, GM. SCHENCK, WOIINDLD, • • • • - • .. ' • 14; who does not exhibit Rucd hbreemanship and tri Gen. Schen& went foWashington last ev •i r practical knowlt_dge of the ordinary care sad' ing. He is severely wounded in the left arne treatment orhen-tit '' ;studd it is feared he will hate the limb. His di be , VIII. Advance d pay and bounty will paid,. as heretofore, as provirrtd by ordi ra of the War vision was in Sigel's corps. Brigades of General Stahl and General IllcLitiewere driven in by D lam, tI. . . Jackamhs-uien, but -*ere rallying when Gen. Ty order of - - A. G. CIIItTIN, Schenck left. Got, Ernest Iron Steinwehr's ' General, and Commander•in-Chief land Gan. Carl ;Schutz's divisions drove the ene- t , ' my hack bandsomly.uppn several occasions at - the :point -'' of 'the bayhtiet. Stibutz's division is ly cut up. General • Milroy's independent Brigade suffered severely. They fought well, dropping the, rebore like `k•i,pdsratt. - Kt...Cr-NS AND NOTteas WANTED. At ii-ast o soo additional surgeons are needed immediately, arsil4ahhongh come 31.0 are ex hid from, your city to-night, the cervices `t any more will :be aoceptable. Nbries are also wanted, and wank& not he doing- too much if es many as one thousand chiriiible men and Adj. General Pen;aiy/earria. ..-., L 14 153 E LL, :, , women would" ego , down to the dirk and bloody ground," end-perform-their-acts of patrionstn and charity. --- • • - • ' . , Polities , OF &YR ARMY 'YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. This afternOim our. whole army is roam , en Miles south ofiCentreville,,`heyOnd Butt nun, and notysithstandieg . that . the raid army this, received ,stich,- great. i r'einforeemetata, we are, driving the enemy at eiery point, and victory er. on later is oonsidered.cerinin. Jacks* ea _certainly era driven to the mountains.' II =Mot pare, thronTO - Th orongb74ree-to eri, e 5 ...14, for IfeintZelmaDlS _guarding the reed; and he nnot break through that biatore Corps, estai-; 'ally with our grand armies et is heels. .FROM ' TENNESSEE IE Official Report of the battle at Bolivar, • -LI Gas.: GuasT's,HEArIIARTEBS, Aug. 31. - .7o ifajor-General .17alleck, General in-Chief :_ • , - GEN - AnAL:==-Tlae follb*ing dispatch is receiv from Bolivar,. T6l3llBlifitie ,:—"Gol. Hogg, in com mand of 20th and 27th Obio,infantry and some civalryi-ivas attacked by about 4'ooo rebels yea leplay. 'Our troop well, driving, bark 'the enemy, those loss was over 100. Our loss is only 25 m killed and-' wounded. Colonel Hogg being ono of the number, {Signed.] ' :8 1 . - GRANT, • • -1 hiajor General Commanding. • EATII OF COL. WEBSTIM, OF MASSA. MIISEITS Boirrox, Sept. 1. A despatch to Gov. Andrews, states ''tha l t Col. Fletcher-Webster, of the 12th Massa6En setts regiment was mortally wounded m the battle of . hssisibsi . p died. MARKETS B Y ,TELEGR.A.PfLi BALTIMORE, Septemberl. quiet; sales of• Ohio at $5.50®5.75, Whe4t and 'unchanged. Curti qafeL- 1 white, 67C®;69;"yellosv, 64ca66. Oats steady. Whiskyi#dvanced ic ;•sales‘34,l _Bacon firm. ~, ~~~~~ a On Sunday; AtguiSt -81, Miss SARAH [Her funeral wile take PleiCe on Tiler:day, af ‘ terncsin at 4 o'clock,.froin the residence of be'. brother on Front' street above Locust. The friends of the family are4uvited to attend. `2tovirtisitintras . - . GREAT HORST FAIR. TO BE FELD AT . Williamsport,' Sept; 2d, 31 4th & sth TI3E Northern Central Railway ; company will issue excursion tcke's, from Harrisburg {e untruly allQ rettirni-gool from the first to the sixth ct September. • ; 'trains leave Harrisb'urg lit' 8.55 A.M., and 1.15 P.M. August2B, 1802. J. N. DIIBARRY; Supt. • STRAWBEgRIES, LANTS set. out in favorable weathei, (or if wit rei when 111'3'0 In August, Septiviibor or (Metter, will produeea fairttop the next Ertfuturr, one ; enough' to pa - ' for the VLACH and planting, besidds ansuring'anallundfint yield tbe fo lowing season. All the beet varieties for soli at the Keybionaggur sery, Harrisburg. • au29-illf , , WANTED, , cOiIBI2Iq. : EMPLOYMpNT.'-'-200 sa/- dle, shoemaker and - coach trimmers to a oirk oze In entry accoutrements.. Good hands can make, from $t 26 to S 2 00 per day. Apply-to- - - • • JGEIN A. BEA. & CO?Aewbarg,'CuMberland Co.; - au4.7 Or, COAL oil and coal oil lamps, of • qty lea ant sizEr, for Eale, by Imam s'al BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market etre Is. au`29 _BILEARTAST BACON - kiciioi64 lot; 'etpiaPtci the eelebpt' Aced (imported) Yorkshire. just retudvect:' ,572.8 WM. DO9X J ,Lco. 743 KEYSTONE NtIBEINILY,-11ABBISBURG. T should ' not be fergotten that this- I In - gacceesfol opereation, and cal !apply •-' - - • - -. • • • FRUIT AND SHADE TREES, ,EVERGREENS,: SHRUBBERY, GRAPEVINES, RASPBER, . STBAWBEICRUS: GOOSE BERRIE-VOURILANtIc BLACK- • RIES, • •. • of as gooduaittalitie3 anA vorietas, and at as reisOnt ' Lbl4 prices as . they are Sold utastant unrserieS. ? THE. LOCATION the nurarry,-Violn log tbo city—gives it adyrudagesi for transcortati. n to .3 parts of :tint country, poisesesd by t'ut few .wbors, _ Ariy- All artld!titi telidiv•dastred , delivered freo of kivigi. p a part2f thev! tY , - JACOB EVERGREEN TREES AND SHRUBS RE. planted by some experienced gul . ; cneis t 1 angnst, Fentembar and Oetober t in prel acy to a; y otkr iteezon; an with great sewn& fine asarrtmerit at the Ve. atone lkorscry, Harris- g • ' an3O-dtr WANTED—te . ' BAKER.-4)ne who Y tb raugblfuaderstands buiness--can bring recommend - alone of the same. litn3t be sober ind Ete4dy: will receive $32 00 'per month Rad bis board: atemy job La long as parties . agree. J. J. Mi It AN, au29.d4t Frederick Cii • .4d.• • FOR THE SOLDIERS. A N ., °` B r ZER ' ?ttli tr i ll i o t it j h u , setouosclonge of WRITING ,CASES. • Expressly manufactured for t4maoldfers. • PORT FOLIOS, POCKET INK STANDS' . PENcALS . ,' .PENS AND WRITING MATERIALS . . . OF EVERY 'VA - AIETY,; SOLD AT REDUCED RATES, PUB,LIC SALE VALI344E : REAL :.WTATE 1 ! Will b e . 401d at ,Publia - day of .SEPTEMI3ER, 1862, . ..... .. . N the premises', situate , in. Derry. tom* . /'ship, Dauphin county, about 1 mile from Hockerit - e, two m les from. Campbellstown, one mile Isom Derry station, on the Lebanon Valley railroad, on. the ptiblio toad, leading from the Horse shoe tamp', o to th 3 Colebrook road, all the real estate of llaniel Fish burn, dec'd., cornsisteng.of i afirst rate • LIMESTONE FARM , containing 117 acres, more or less, six acres of which good word lane, and the balance rleired,. well fenced, and in a high state of miltivatttn, thereon erected a large two story FR A.ME HOUSE, aft. and a large bank barn, 60 by 136 feet, and ie . 7eet high, a large stone out h use, wegda si ed, la - ge stone hog pea, and other out buildings. &pump wi h a never faille& well 'of "watir crey x 7 feet deep atthe door, with a first rate dst:rn under .roof at We outhouse, with ruining water en the farm. alp, a,..first Tate orchard of „choke' f ult tree, seper-tely - - nred 'With seven feet ' 'puling. There is air) on the farni 'a Lime kiln , with an abunlance of limestone, aid it Is one of the beet situations in the inuntry for the sate of lime. ' . : This p - operty Opine lands of Jrcob Heihey, Cyris Gingerich; {late John Gngerich,) Jonas Elner, Joseph fielohey and David Bust, is sftuatei in one of the toga fa-mirg- districts in the State,uonvenient to mills, II orUs echrol n. , cses and ehurct es, and is one rf the most dit; Arable farms in the amity, and weii worth the ettelle' Mon of caoitilisla. also, , at.the same ti'me and place, live acres of good{ CHESTNUT - SPROUT IJ-A-ND,i_ Situate 2 1 ,G [miles lion the fann t adjoining lands a aeorke'Bilabach - and others j e sons wishin viewthe propett.y_ ean call on thf!? Elie tueonstoence at 10 o'clock. A. M., of said day, when'affenda:ice wi PINS' eii3On"ardt inmate known by BENJAMIN FIEHBURN, Executlr.i : 10164/tw:11 41W,fAdler" Reading and' Tolksfreund" Lancaster, fikerk shbAbore, Seiid the paper regular to th- advertiser for four weeks and send the bill unme4l 0W;f: to tVii ale& for collected., liA-RRISBORGiFEHALE SEMINARY, ; TEE fall term 4111h;nopmence on Wednesday[ $d p* 41124-114 sect Is B. 1)/KON titnifiAld 2muzemtnto. GAIETY MUSIC HALL. GAIETY MUSIC HALL 1 GAIETY MUSIC HALL ! GAIETY MUSIC HALL ! Walnut Street between 2d and 3d• THOUSANDS WONDER. THOUSANDS WONDER. WE'LL TRY. SEE THE TALEN r. SFE THE TALENT. SATE FRANCES. MISS RATE FRANCES. --'-'"-XISSICATT - FRANOES . HAS ARRIVED. HAS ARRIVED. UNION STAR SISTERS. UNION STAR SISTERS. ave engaged at an immerse expense aid will alip eAr ihis evening in conjunct:on with beautiful and vo. Paint and dansonees. EDWIN HYDE, late of the Ns - . lOwery Theatre, New York, in his :tsk pearean R aditv s, Surlques,Coveic Songs, h e . . MISS MOLLIE FIELDING. MOLLIE FIELDING. MISS KATE ARCHER. .MISS'; KATE ARCHER. J..IILIA. EDWARDS. MISS Jtri, AEDWARDS. and the o.llErr mrrSTREL Dick Berihelun, Jake Budd, Dan Hovrard, Mast Edwards, J. H. Tranel, peak Vacant, T. H. Hollis,' Tan lituirai and Bob Diwleth. also numerous am:Blades, With new costume, new acts ADMISSI')N N. B —Owing lo the great expense erevirred by the management in obtaining thee° artet', he is °lige i to rare the pace a trifle higher, h plug this wi-I meet with the approbailm of my I aims. 803 EDWARDS, - 010 Protxletor a• d Manager. SANFORD'S OPERA. HOUSE. Third Street, Below Market, OP EN EVERY EVENING SANFORD'S GREAT STAR TROUPE OF -MINSTRELS. .• • •• Will appear at the above hal, in a grand mniangs or Sin g in g , Dancing, New Acts, Burlesques &a., presenting to the public the tewt ervertninntent lutes city. MIS EVENING, Iri& OPERA OF THE. RIVAL LOVERS. CM DINAH ; -sep 1-3 t Doors open at 734 o'clock to commence at 8 admis• aim 26 cts, bestra chairs 40 cts.,, Gallery 15 rts., Private B-xes 62 cts. Seats can be secured without cians. obarge. Per tlughei parlicuiarssee small bats. an26-dtt New Zbtiertiiktments. GREAT SALE OF FURNITUR E &C. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. SlllB6g. Wall be soil of the Mt. Holly Eptings, Cureberlind co., fa., the entire cmteets of the MT. HOLLY SPRINGS, CONSISTING IN PART, OF FURNITURE, • -HORSES AND 'CARRIAGE, AND AN INNUMERABLE VARIETY or EVERY oiscarmorir or gouap.aoLD..FIIIPTITUAE. An omnibuswill rue from Borkbolder's tr i toNtay of - ' • lun2B-dtilkept3 ATTENTION VOLUNTEERS. ALL knns of second Hand Clothing, bikelis and ebo, bonghtand Bold et the Auction store, Second Street next to,Stute Capital Bank. Pis tots, Cowie knives and Bunt blanket=, a drat rate artil • fit bridle and spurs ran officer f sale, go. ad Sec ond-Street. W. BARR, Auctioneer. aulfidti TECEO. F. BCREFFER, BOOK AND JOB PRINTED, NO. 18, IILeIRKEI STREET, HARRISBURG. • - • . . • air.Particalar. attention .paid. to Printing, Rtliill.l and Binditig of Raßroad Blanks, Mantilla* Policies, Mesta, Drafts, Sto. Gums printed at $2, $3, $4, and i 5 per honsand Is elegant style. - • • • do ANOTHER SUPPLY OF MORTON'S 'UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS, REST PENS in the worNi; for 750, $1 2 5 $1 50, $2, $3 , and Xi, for sale at fobl s- Y SCHBFFER'S Bookstore- . . ...BLACKING 1 N'S"CHALLEN4EBLACKING. ii joo Gross; assorted piaaa,just ' rezeivil, aad Us gala at Wholesale tidies,' • deli ZINC' Shed .:Zinc damaged by water, for sale low by . MAX. PURVIS, y 2.1 dtmt N. V. Corner Sarah and Penn streets, Phi a. 10111 RIME Cheese from .New York Dairies ix. just received and for :lisle law. by , NICHOLS & BOWiI4N, CoretYliout and Market streets. CM MALL and see.those nice and cheap Su IVJ gars for preeenterge. at NiCrIoLS S BOWMAN, lel2 Corner Rent and Martet trreetF. EXIENSIVB assortment of glassware, tumblers, jelly ginning, fruit dishes, he., de., og kinds, Jos; received, aniNtEulsegyegiaN, Corner Front and . Market rtrerv._ an.2l FOR RENT.—Two story brick itouseg with bane bnildings sittatedon Catabe land Street near Pennsylvania avenue. ttxth Ward. darrisn ud• AtlfY to • • A_ D. ItIITetERFPRO , . a 1424 Front Sir.- et, Barr isOrg • mackerel, in halves, guar tern M EW: kits, just received, and for sale low , by teat - 11er Front and Market bt et. ce. 11229 ETWELSIV e.- something better _,L a r than Harrlson t s p. a ed ived for sale by 'F OLS & sows- 01 . Corner logren and It rket streeta WANTED. BVERA_L • Machinists. Also a stow y o u is the black with shop. Appbr at the RK . , 13,154tf AGLF; WO _----------------, Pak; largest and most exteus!ve assort ..L. mot of else in the city, jtht recelTel, et ti for ale very loir by NICdOLs A .- Et )tt , +AN, 446' ' o,roPr and %lartzet c!retz , S - -- UGARS of all kinds "white and brown, lower than any house to town, by ICILIiALS BOSVa AN, trpet. ani Cornet of Front arkft.Market , qoLD-: T.E1 , 113 -I—The I+l .2., at awl ' . at stocky from sr.oo a Vir--warrante d- SHAM $.1611.... illat EMI 8. S. 8 iNFORD F. IdYe.M MLI WK. DOCK. Jr.. &