paiip Etttgr44. NOIICE TO ADVERNISERIL4-Al/ vertisements, 8111101011111 Notices; Mar riages, Deaths, ite" to maitre insertion In the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accompanied with the GASH. Advertieementi ordered In the regu. lar Evening Edition are Inserted in the morning Edition without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA Saturday Afternoon, August 30, 1862 Smarms IN TOWN.—In glancing over the register of one of our hotels this morning, (Iffeisre. Coyle & Herr' e,) we find the daily ar' rivals for the lad twenty days to have reached the very large number of 8,000. RELIEF FOR ma NICK AND WOUNDED.-H. W. Hoffman contributed on Wednesday last, a lot of tomatoes, corn and squashes, and to day five baskets of tomatoes Also, Mr. Jacob Mil lateen a crock of apple butter. DISLOYAL Borrow; ImPanonno.—The Express published at Jackson, Ohio, has been suppressed and its editors put in Limbo for opposing en listments, Dr. C. H. Peters, of Fairfield Co., Ohio, has been arrested in Indiana and brought to Columbia, for treasonable practices. FRUIT TRIBTRR.—This being the fruit season. thieves who are committing their depredations in various localities of the city and county, should remember that they are subject to a fine of $6O and imprisonment in the county jail not excsedlng sixty days. A Paavaterws AGAINST klons.—A preventive against these summer depredators on woollen cloths, and also an agreeable perfume for all kinds of cloth*, may be made of equal parts of cloves, ntigmeg, mace, and cinnamon, all ground and mixed thoroughly, and sprinkled over the garments when packed away. NMPAPIKR PRESENTED: —The Grand Jury of Crawford county have presented the Crawford Dernocrca, published at Meadville, by Thomas W. Grayson, Esq., as a nuisance I They at first attempted to fan! Mr. Grayson amenable to the law against treason, but failing in that, they presented the paper as above stated, praying the court to take action for its suppression. As hzu FOR Bors.--Last week in a train running from Presburg to Vienna a boy, appa rently under ten years of age, travelling with a grown-up person, lit a cigar and happened to be smoking it when the guard came round to eollect the tickets. As the one held by the boy was only a half price one, the guard remarked that the directors considered all smokers as men, and required the boy to pay full price. The elder traveler was accordingly obliged to pay the other half of the price for his young companion. The fast youths in this city will take notice, or they may be caught in a similar trap. YOUNG MEN, ArrarrioN !—Captain Geo. A. Brooks, of the gallant 46th, which suffered so severely iti the late battle at Cedar Mountain, August 9, expects to rejoin his regiment in the early part of next week, and is desirous of se curing before hill departure as many able bodied, sober young men as possible; either for his own company from this county, or any other company they may select.— The usual bounties will ba given, and those connecting themselves with this regiment will share the glory it has already achieved in more than one well fought engagement, and receive the care and attention which only experienced officers can give men in active service, where they require so much. Capt. Brooks can be found at the store of Bell & Bro., corner of Second and Chestnut treats. RDMINBINILD AND lfforrarran.—For every man who falls in battle, some one mourns. For every man who dies in hospital wards, and of whom no note is made, some one mourns. For the 1 =blest soldier shot on picket, and of whose humble exit from the stage of life little is thought, some one mourns. Nor this alone. For every soldier disabled ; for every one who loses an arm or a leg, or who is wounded, or langreshed in protracted suffering ; for every one who has "only camp fever," sortie heart bleeds, some tears are shed. In far-off humble households, perhaps, sleepless nights and anx ious days are passed off which the world never knows ; and every wounded and crippled sol dier who returns to his family and friends, brings a lasting pang with him. Oh I how the mothers feel this war 1 It ever God is sad in heaven, it seems to us it must be when he looks upon the hearts of mothers. We, who are young, think little of it ; neither we think, do fathers or the brothers know much of it; but it is the poor mothers and wives of the sol diers. God help them ! .• Sea) Oeocaassom.—A boy shot.—The Jones town 2W.bune says : Just as we were about clos ing our form to go to press yesterday evening, we were informed of a most lamentable occur rence—the accidental shooting of a young man by a companion. The facts are briefly these : A young man named Gillis Hartzell was out gunning on Thursday, and in coming home along the Somerset road in the afternoon,, in company with two other boys in a wagon, they were overtaken by a young man named Boaf, who carries the mail betweea Jonestown and Stoiltiown. After riding in company for some time, (the boys meanwhile having their fun with each other) Hartzell, under the impreesion that it was empty, pointed his gun at the dish boy, and playfully told him, if he tild'rit be have himself he would shoot him. The young man disregarding the threat, kept on with his fan, when Hartzell levelled his gun at him and pulled the trigger, when to his amazement, it discharged, and Soaf fell from his horse. Upon examination it was discovered that the bill had taken effect in his face, and that he was already quite dead. Hartzell remained with the body until the Somerset hack came along, which took up the body and brought it to town. Hartzell came along and gave himself up. He claims that he had a difitinct .yeaollec tion of discharging his gun, blit,bad sin MOol- Meilen of having again loaded it, and was jUi dertlielbn linpression that it wee eal2V Vtfea‘ 10 MK !O *ldshoot. Nauru= Lzcson.—There Is a beautiful le gend illustrating the blessedness of performing our duty at whatever cost to our.. own incline; tions. A beautiful vision of our Vaviour had appeared to a monk, and in silent bliss he was gazing upon it. The hour arrived in which it was his duty to feed the poor of the convent. He lingered not in his cell to enjoy the vision, but left it to perform his humble duty. When he returned be found the vision still waiting for him and uttering these words—" Hadst thou staid, I must have fled." =I KILLBD ON THE RAILIOAD.-L young man named Obadiah Forshe, residing at Millwood, was killed on the Pennsylvania railroad on Wednesday night. He bad been attending prayer meeting at Hillside, and returning by the railroad about the time the fast line was due, he became confused In some unaccounta ble manner, BO as to remain upon the track upon which the train was approaching. The engineer did not observe him until within a tow yards of him, and then it wns too late to save him. The locomotive struck him, throw ing him some distance off the track, and killing him instantly. His remains were conveyed to Hillside and an inquest held, which terminated in a verdict of accidental death. RELIEF Or THE Szcz AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS. —A meeting of the ladies of Harrisburg has been called, in order to adopt more efficient plans than are now need to give relief to our sick and wounded soldiers, We have no doubt the meeting will result favorably. It is the duty of every woman, whether she has friends iu the army or not, to aid in every way she can to aid the cause. Who would not save a sol dier's life that could 4 Many poor fellows die for the necessary food, care and clothing in hospitals. Now is the time to prepare. While fruits are plenty, let them be canned and dried In abundance. Let the work of sewing and knitting be commenced and followed up indus triously by all. Let your friends, who have recently departed for different battle fields, see in your present activity an earnest of future care and support. It will eery- to strengthen their hands and encourage their hearts, and inspire them with increased zeal in the service upon which they have entered. • UNION BNPUBLIOAN COMITY STANDING COY sarrEg.—The Chairman of the Union Republi can County Committee announces the follow ing gentleman members of the same. . Harrisburg—First Ward, George Dunn ; Sec ond Ward, W. W. Boyd ; Third Ward, John J. Shoemaker ; Fourth Ward, C. M. Shell ; Fifth Ward, Joseph Strominger ; Sixth Ward, Josiah McFarland. Wiamisai—Daniel Praiser. Qratz Borough—William Hoffman, Lykan —Amos Hoffman. Aliglin—Christoper Yeager. Washington—Benj. R. Buffington. 4per Paxton—Samuel Pike. Millersburg—M. W. Moore. Halifax—George W. McConnell. Taekson—Robert McCully. Jefferson--Jonathan Enterline. Reed—George Colestock. Rush—John Maus. Middle Paxton—Christopher Shedsley Dauphin Borough—Gunge Hinter. Susquehanna—Jacob Hite. Lower &alarm—Martin Weitzel. Upper Swatara—John Witmoyer. Mick&town District—North Ward, Jos. Held soy ; Middle Ward, Henry J Malley ; South Ward, Elisha McCreary. Derry—Dr. J. Shope. &vith Hanover—John H. Bbersole. Wag Banover—John H. Backenatoes. Aid Hanover —Dr. J. Seiler. Wed Londonderry--Josepti H. Landis Ewe Londonderry—John H. Keiper. Cesegoago—John M. Shenk, Br. Lower Pccdon—Samuel McElhtmy The members of the committee are requested to meet at the house of Benj. Buck, in Har risburg, on Wednesday the third of September, 1862. ALEXANDER KOSER, Chairman. BARU= S. BARCH, BeerOkWy. Ler us STAND Toorrese.—Yes, let all good citizens, all true patriots, In Dauphin county and elsewhere, STAND TO/ENDIVE. It will be a sad day for the nation when the loyalty of the people has been displaced by jealousy, and they can think with any calmness on the possible overthrow of the Government. The semi treason which is willing to disturb the attach ment of the masses of their institutions, is more pestilent than open treachery. It deserves the reprobation of every lover of his country, for its dispirits the brave men who are now in the battle-field, and prevents the enlistment of others. It is a sinister support of open rebel lion. When 'the country has been saved, and our noble officers and soldiers have been deliv ered from imprisonment—when the Union has been restored, and the Constitution preserved, and the great aspirations of loyal men have been realized, then we can plan for the future, and settle the principles which are now in doubt. But in this day, and in this hour, brace the courage and sustain the nation's loyalty. Liu us /WARD TOGETHER. ...-.14,•.--... PROTECTION IN CASE ON A DRAFT, view of the fact that the draft will fall with severe hardship upon many men with large families, we see that several projects are recommended as protection in case of being dratted. It ia suggested that fifty or a hundred men, liable to the draft, form themselves into an associa tion, pledging each other that in the event of any of their numbar being called upon to quit their homes, they will subscribe sufficient to keep the absentees' families in the same amount of cdonfort and ease as that to which they have been accustomed. There are tens of thousands of our fellow-citizens incapacitated, by age and other causes, from serving their country in this her hour of need, and yet would gladly enroll themselves as members of such associetions, Bachelors, too, In many instances, would not refuse to participate in a movement which world render assistance to some of their mar rled acquaintances at the same time; their own claims upon the general fund would be little or nothing. The : expense to each in dividual in such sisociations as those proposed would be comparatively insignificant. A hun dred members subscribing fifty cants each, weekly, would, with the soldier's monthly pay, support comfortably three ftuniliett, if not titer% and three or four per cent. is as much as would be drawn from a hundred men under the draft. It is highly improbable that the ratio will ex.' peed this figure, if it even opiate it. -4 Pantol)luania ittlegrapi: triatirbap Afternoon, angitot 30, 1862 GREEN Cosa. —The Germantown Telegraph says green corn may be preserved by packing it tightly in casks or barrels and covering it_ with brine strong enough to keep cucumber's. The corn should be taken with the husk on Corn thus prepared, if kept covered with brine, will keep in good order for a sear or more, and will be sufficiently fresh for the table when holly& SANFORD'S Omuta Rouse.—Like a skillful commander, Col. Sanford bas so posted his great army of talent at the Opera House that not a person can escape the effects of a pain in the side, each time that his force charges upon them with their bright scintilations of wit and hiimor. This effective company receive rein forcements next week, when another advance will be made—not in price ot admission—but in quantity and quality of amusement. San ford's representations of the "contrab 'rid" are great. GREAT FLEA AT WRIRRTEVILLI.- Last night witnessed the scale of a most destiuctivo fire at Wrightsville, the lose at which is by some esti mated at $70,000, and the origin of which is said to have been incendiarism. The losses, as furnished by a friend and reliable correspon dent, are about as follows—making allowance for reporting in the hurry and confusion conse quent on su7l an occurrence : Messrs. Beidier -and Johns limb r yard, $lO,OOO. Messrs. Weiser and Merry man jointly lost in lumber about $5,000. Messrs. P. A and S. Small, Inca on tobacco stored in warehouses of J. S. Pusey, about $30,000. Messrs. McOonkey & Co., loss estimated at 1,600 bushels corn and 600 bushels wheat. Messrs. War. S. Boyd & Co., loss in groceries, etc., about $3OO. J. S. Pusey, loss of several warehouses and other properly, some $6,000. From these losses, some idea of the extent of the conflagration may be formed; the loss is immensely heavy considering the size of the town. To the exextions of the Columbia fire men is due the preservation of the surrounding property, much of which was barely saved by their nothing efforts ; as well as the even more important affair of the Columbia Bridge, the destruction of which is supposed (from various circumstances) to have been the main object of the incendiaries. It was on fire several differ ent times, but the flames were each time extin guished by the noble firemen, and the structure saved without much damage. The ladies of Wrightsville found their sphere in the good work, and cannot be too highly commended for their active efforts in furnishing the firemen men with refreshments while at their arduous task. Many believe that &anti was interested in the matter, as the destruction of this bridge would have been a hindrance to the rapid transportation which is demanded in the pre. seat state of the times. We would recommend that the utmost vigilance be exercised, and if the villains ate caught, we must try to have summary justice meted out to them.—Laneader Daily Express of 29th. THAT PATHIOTIO Suatoir.—From the corres pondence published below, It will be observed that the Rev. Thos. H. Robinson, of the Pres byterian church, has consented to repeat a ser mon delivered last Sunday on the "State of the CoUntry," on next Sunday evening. We have already expressed our opinion in words of ad miration upon the sermoa delivered by this talented minister of the gospel, and at this time only direct especial attention to the letter of Mr. Robinson in reply to that of Goveirnor Curtin and other prominent gentlemen. His letter speaks for itself in language not to. be , misunderstood. Let every one read it: H Awasßuza, August 27, 1862. 25 the Rev. T. H. Robinson, DEAR Silt:—The undersigned, believing that a repetition of your sermon, delivered on Sun day last, would be productive of a happy and beneficial effect, respectfully solicit you to fix a time sad place at which its delivery can be attended by the entire community. We cannot refrain from joining with this request, the expression of our admiration for the able manner IA which you have de -1 fended the etude of the Government in this, the dtirkest hour of its peril. It shows that the patriotism of the pulpit is as influential for victory as are the struggles in the field; for, without its approval purl prayerful aid, the success of the best cause would be rendered in deed uncertain. ' Your Mends respectfully, G. Curtin, Vied. korney, AtV L. Fussell, 0. B.°Davis; • • • DrWaababangb, Ones. L. Bailey,,- '- Wr Irvin, W. T .11ildrup, Thoa. T. Wiernian, Theodore Adams, John J. Pearson, Henry Gilbert, afiLll.llllil7llG, August 27, 1862. fe ha liiicOlency, Gov. A. G. Curtin, Gen. A. L. linseed, Ron. J. J. Pearson,. W. W. Irwin, T. T. Wierman, D. Washabaugh, Wiec Forney, C.S. Dayis, C. L. Palley, W. 'f. Hildrup, Theo. dore Adams, Dewy GENTLEMAN :-If any words of mine ,can strengthen that caned which is dear to every loyal citizen, I should hold myself false to country an to God if declined to titter them whenever any of my countrymen ;called for them. Accept my grateful acknowledgement of your kind words, to myself personally. Be lieving, as I do, that the firmest supportywhich Government can poeseseis found la the eon aeiections' adherence of its subjects to; it, as an ordinance of God, I deem it my imperative duty,_asr a spinister of the Gospel, to use my position in, quickening the patriotism and loy alty of the people, by feeding their enthtipiaam for country with the fuel of high ctiristiao principle and intelligent duty. I would have it'tidderstbod, now and forever, to Ili as may voice can reach,- that human - governmerit— our National Government—is not i . toy tq be spotted with capriciously, or a child's play= house, to be built up and pulled down at . plea sure, but an institution built up in the. taind • of God, and by his 'authority„ and that the highest voice of christianiticalla upon nil 0 0 ' pie to — vindicate Government as Goa's ordi nance; to restore the supremaCY - Of law, and to brand rebellion as equally a sin against God and a crime against men. It will give me pleasure. to repeat the die course upon next Sunday evening, Aug. ,Alati in the Presbyterian Church, dorner Market Square and Second Street. • •• Two Ivry truly, T. H. BONN )11 7 • , :. , .Tike , 15461- 119101 1PWIEdlY invited to,attaiad. MN Elm or m Wont) ANNOUNOID.—There is a man in Cleveland, Ohio, who announces that the world will to an end on the 17th day of August, 1863, and on that day a mass convention of the whole earth will assemble at Cincinnati to settle up 'he business of the past and arrange matters for the future. EXTRAORDINARY INDLIVINVERES TO ENLIST.— T!:ke Clcveland Leader announces that a very pretty young lady of that city, offers to kiss any able bodied, good looking young man who will enlist. Improving on title idea, the edit r of a Wheeling psper suggests that some of our pretty, rosy-tipped young ladies offer to marry such of the young men as will enlist after they return from the war. The XXlirim CONeasemoNAL DisTaler.--/d a meeting of the Conferees at th 9 Monongahela House, yesterday, Dr. John W. Wallace, of Lawrence county, was renominated for Con grees in the 24th District, composed of the counties of Lawrence, Beaver, Washington and Greene. Dr. Wallace served in Congress last session, and appears in ;his votes to have given his constituents much satisfaction. Capt. Spasm's Cavalry Company. Ma. BBIKINIR : —lt is impossible in the mul titude of military operations at this time, to notice all the particular movements and organi zations worthy of note. but will you not allow me to say as the opinion of a party of visitors to Camp Curtin last week, that that military encampment has never yet quartered a finer corps than the cavalry Company of Capt. S. Speese of Cumberland county. Dy the efforts of the Captain, this was recruited in a few days for the Thirteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, whose headquarters are now at Baltimore. In visiting the Camp, your attention will at once be arrested by the fine, manly forms of the men, and especially by the military and gen tlemanly bearing of Capt. Speese, whose meal and activity in the cause are equalled only by his courage. We learn that be has considera ble experience in the cavalry drill, and are sure that his company will be a valuable ac cession to Col. Gallagher's regiment. a Mr. Editor:—ls there no remedy by which the Northern Central railroad company can be made to atop running scrap heaps of engines through Mulberry street? The residents of that street are kept continually in alarm by them passiug through the street. Thor , - is not a time that them scrap heaps go through but that they set fire to one or more houses, last evening to two different houses, and this morning there was three houses set on fire by them. The Washington and Friendship fire companies were called out twice this morning, and the last time the Washington Hose company just got water on in time or we would have had a large fire. Some of the residents say they have done all in their power to prevent,them, and if there is not sometbing done soon, that they will take the law in their own hands and tear up the track. Can rat road companies do as they please in Harrisburg? It looks a great deal like it. Ratoducti.—We advise our correspondent to lay hie claims before the tinperintendent, Mr. Dußarry, who will no doubt remedy the corn plaints, if it is in his power to do so. Enema. A Mom ESTABLIBILIOM—Among the many improvements lately made in our city, to which we can point with pride as an evidence of pros perity and as a determination on the part of our business men, no longer to remain behind the •' light house," is the completion of Eby & Ktmkie's large brick building at the corner of Market and Fifth streets, which is alike creditable to the owners and ornamental to that part of our city. The building is not only one of the largetit, devoted to the grocery business, outside of New York, but the stock ch .11enges competion.— Without going into detail, we may safely say that the firm keep on hand everything usually kept in a grocery store, (liquors excepted,) and that they sell at very small profits. Their clerks are civil and accommodating, and have strkt instructions under no circumstances what ever to misrepresent or take advantage of any customer A general invitation is extended to the public to visit the new building and exam ine the extensive stock, whether they purchase or not. Wa nava received a large assortment of hoop skirts, from 76c. up, to $2 60. A large assort ment of linen and needlework collars, and col lars and sleeves, at all prices. White cambrics, jacconetts, nautucks, brilliants, and plain and figured Swiss muslin, at all prices. The fittest lot of embroidered French cambric brands ever brought to Harrisburg—of infant's waists we keep a large assortment. Ladies' and gentle men's linen pocket handkerchiefs, ladies' stock ings, gentlemen's one half hose, and children's stockings of all descriptions and prices. Twenty pieces of carpet to be sold cheap. Kentucky jeans, sattinetts and cassimeres for men and boy's wear. We received 50 dozen suspenders, at all prices. 60 dozen cotton handkerchiefs, with borders, and a great many other notions and small wear.. S. /AM. To the Amioted. The ' undersigned would respectfully in form those who are afflicted with Rheuma tism, Dyspepsia, Consumption of Liver and Kidney, Coughs, Fevers, and all diseases arising from impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to furnish Mrs. Westhoven's German Vegetable Medicines at very moderate rates. I have also on hand a quantity of invaluable Salvei for Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet and Piles . References can be furnished as to their won derful efficacy, whenever called upon. There need hello apprehension hi regard to my cora petency in administering it, as I have had it on hand for the past six years. As they are now sold at reduced prices, no family should be without them over night. They can be had at any time at my residence, in Pine street, be tween Sedond and Front. AulB dila AIRS. L BALL Mas. Ilaiv—Shx years since I was afflicted who the dyspepsy, liver complaint and inflam matory rheumatism. Physicians failed to af ford any relief. I then took of your vegetable medicine and was cured in a short time. Two years after I took the fever and ague, and agait you cured me. lam now entirety restored to health. I have no hesitation in declaring that I believe they are the best faiully medicines ever offered to the public ; let them be tried, and their virtues wilt ipeak more for them than I can. My residence le iu fine street between Second and Third. • Mawr M. ZARGIC TO VIA YOUNG OR OLD. . . Male or iignale, It you have been suffering from a bablt indulged in by the yoarsca .119TH S&XL9 wruCla CA S'S SO MANY AL ARMING dx ttrfOAIS , Unfits than for Marriage ' , And ia gretteet evd erhielt ban' betel MAN OR WOMAN. • Bee BPDPIOMa enumerated in advertisement,..and if you are a•rufferer, . a,' Cut out the advertisement, And sand for.* at mum. 'Wan afro derma' AM ibr ellabbla)u > vtlßlttihtrb Take no°other, • - si • Cares awrounied. if aridgrfeeliNd Initakma. 1711102 in , +~L.iCN+4. , :~r .i I:.slK-`•.. ,+L~.4ffi. r .lYta* +'-' rF~...._5+.~. F~~ ==l .....e......... Ifessostraci, Aug. 29, 1862 -....,... New alivertisiinents. PUBLIC -SAIiE• VALUABLE AND DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE WILL be offered at public kale, on Thursday, the llth day of September, at 2 o'clock, at Brant's Hall in the city of Harrisburg. Thirty-three acres of land with an excellent frame house and barn and outbuildings, situated partly in the City of Harrisburg and parity in 6watara to wnship. This property Is situated on the South of iinmmela. town turnpike, a portion of whic`i a beautlfal location on a bill, direztly facing the city of Barna burg, to be sold In three acre lota. he a lot or piece ofground situated in Market Square , ads:doing Jones' House, baying a front or 27 feet and exteuding bac( 15734 feet to 20 te3t alley, thereon erected a two story brick house with two story but brkk building and Ltable, having the use of a three feet alley on Market 6luare, being one of the most desirable situations lo business *r private residenoe In the city. Possession given tot Ist of October ext. Conditions of sales are 10 per amt. of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale, the balance of the one half of the pur chains money when the title is made, and the balance in two equal annual payments with interest, fr om t e time possession heaven, To be secured by bonds and mortgage), plant f the the to acre its s an be seen at she boot and shoe store of A. Hummel, next door to the Court House, Harrisburg. Due attendance will be given by t~sORQE RUM and ALMtitT HAMS bL, 1725-dts lizecutor of David Harem dtc'd. PURIFY THE BLOOD, NOT a few of the worst disorders that afflict manki arise from the corruption that ac cumulates in the blood. Of all the discoveries the! have been made to purge it out, none have been found which could ..qual in enact - Yaa'a tknePoILVD kunacr OF sAstisratutta. It clean-es and renova es the blood, is at Us the vigor of healt a into the -y.item and purges out the humor which make disease. It etiaidates toe healthy inactions of the body and expels the disorders that lg. ow acil rausie in the bl od. I s extraordinary virtues are not yet widely known, out when teey are it will no Sootier to a question What remedy to en/p/01 in the Vest variety of afflicting diseases that require an alterative remedy. Stith a remedy, that could be relied on, has Ling been sought fir, and now, lor the first tne, the public have m.O un winch they can depend. Our apace here does not admit candle:Lisa t t show its effects. hut the trial of a angle boat a will show to the sick that it has virtues surpassing any thing they bevel ever taken. Sufferers iron Elero: . ula t 'eerelnioUS Bwel ings and kOree, try it, aid see the rapidity with which it cures. Skin Diseases, Pimples, Peruke, Rio cher, Eriipions de., are twou ckauea out of tnii system. ,Si. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Eryliperas, Utter or Salt Rheum, .scatd Read, aingworse, Sc., not be borne while they can be ro speedily cured by ATEk's Batt er•RULA. Syphitias or Venereal Diseases is expelled from the system by the pr..looged use of this Saaasrmats.a, aro the patient Is left a= healthy as if he had never Gad the disease. Fenn* Diseases are caused by scrofula In the 'Wool, and are generady soon eared by tEdis Drumm or BAhlll PARILLA. Vries $1 per bottle, or 5 bottles for $5. For all the purposes of a Lindy physi.7„ take kaa's °All/Vale FILLS, wbi.h are everywhere ktiLmro to bi the bust purgative teat it Mimed to rue American lea. pie Price 26 cents per Box, or fi boxes for $l. Prepared by Dr. J. C. &Yak & 00., Low, L, Mass. and so d by Draggles everywhere. Sold by 0. A. Banv.txt, D. W. Grose& CO , 0. IL Kel. ler, J. 11. Lutz, Dr. Hey, F. Wyeth and dealers eve y where VOLUNTEERS, ll' YOU WANT LETTER OR NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, WRITING CASES, POCKET INKSTANDS, PENS AND SOLDERS Of every description and quality, you will And the largest assortment at BRUMES'S BOOKSTORE. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY AT WEST CHESTER, PENNI. FOR BOARDERS ONLY. WILL be opened on Tuesday, Septem ber 4. 1862. It was chartered by the Leglel tare with full co,le.gine power. In the capacious, build ings tve.l - 3h were erected and fu robbed at a coat of over sil ty thousand dollars are arratigements for the coin Portable guirtcriag and subalstlog of one hundred. end dtty cadets A Corps of competent and experienced teachers will give illfir.undivlded attant.on to the Educational Department, an I aim to maim their Instruction thorrngh and practical The Department of stud el embraces the following coarees :—Primary, Commercial and Sal entine, collegiate and Unitary. he moral trat lag of cadets willbe sarelnip attended to. / Cheaters may be obtaleed at this °Mee, or horn Col TI3EO lIYATC, President, P. A. N. att22-d2ww3in HARRIS MANSION FOR SALE. rrE.IS handsome property reoently °con j. pied by the PENNSYLVANIA PEMALB C iLLRGE offered for sat.. It is well suited either f.A • pi (vats Residence or a B arlint Soh toi, befog supplied with gas, water, bath rooms, heater, range, etc. The grounds containlealuable Flint Trees and Shrubbery. the place will be sold low and possession given within reasonable time. For terms, &c., apply to. MRS. S. S. WAUGH, or DR. WM. H. Bala Executors of Estate of Rev. R. R. Waugh, dec'd. e24-deodtt PRESEL BUTTER MARKET PIIIOE. E, HAVING fitted up a large Refrig erator, and having made contracts with some of our most to fume& as with fresh and sweet butter regularly, will be enabled to supply our customers with sweet fresh ice cold butter at all times. my2B WIC DOCK, Jr. & CO. THE MISSES SMITH'S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL , . . 1210 Spruce Bt., Philadelphia, Will be re-opened on MONDAY, SEPT. EIGHTH. THE course of: study embraces the Latin, French and German language., mane, Drawing and Pahang, together with 'he elementary and bigner branch's of a tioraugh Eugilen Education. The accoinakoJations are of excellent character and well calculate I to ensure to the pupils the oomfort of a home. Owing to the pressure or the times, a deduction of 10 per cent will bo for the ensuing year. au2l-dlm NOTIOS. A LL employees of the Philadelphia and li Reading Ralroad company, who may in the service of the tmitei ;Aisles for tun perp , ste of crushing the t ebeilion now inreatenlng ho Uteri ea of our coun try, are hereby assured, that tank respet tire situations will be kept open and give* them Inun d On their return; and that the lot of their volumeerlig to defend their Gluon y in this emergency, will be eoneid eren here after as greatly iv their favor ior promotion to any.aaitAble positions an the aerviCe'of this Company. ellsitLn .4 K. 86111E1, Prealaellt. Phl adelptna, August Bth. 1662. anti dim MBE Updegrove Lock Peoporty, Canal gr y anti Rockville House, situated eve miles 1.00•0 6tirtialdr.l 7 421 now offered fur sale. See &dyer- Isement In Weekly or app y w DuiB-clejmn;etlB63 W. P. HENRY. OUR CONSTITUTION AND 11001 FOR. THE PEOPLE • 440" GO Iif f ERNMENT," by M. liPHinwey, eon . aims the Constitution of the rake A f.tates, and of those of the several States, riving the eonstruoiion of their provisions as determined ju diciary by settled practise or standard authord ; and showing the organization and pow, r or the different de- Partuleite of. he Government, national and State, and in general, the nature principles and mode of admit 'straiten ef the Gova-nmest of our country. Price 11 00. likdd by Si. Wiiinney, at Harrisburg, and at book istoreslecerally• . ati74 dew - - • - - 1.1 It newly replenished stock et 'reilet ' and Fancy foods w atularwasead in thle CifX. laid jug coaltclent of rendering sallstactian, are weard tea 9 pacilally lavas a call. ,_ EWIR, al Vete Oros, two doors emit ocfahrtlistreet, month We. Nem itraftlistmtuts Ali ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GOLD PENS ! fritbeet and largest assortment of Gold Pena just been opened at BERGNEWS CHEAP BOOK STORE. These Penn are manufactured , by C. F. Newton & Co:, of New York, and warranted to give full satiefaction. A trial win satisfy any one Examine the prices below Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 25 Gold Pen and Silver liolderiii4l 60 Gold Pen end Silver Holder for,s! 76 Gold Pen and Silver Holderfei42 26 Gold Pen end Silver Holder for:s2 60. Gold Pen aid Silver Holder for $2 76 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $8 26 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for SS 76 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $4 26 Gold Pen and Pencil, with Rubber Heider $5 00 lipid Pen and Pencil with Rubber HoWei; 00 4 C0.4§1.1..A WROLE ALE AND RETAIL. HtVTileae(ths CtaiYlrl, foot of North et.ttelyupdby.l.F, I ago enabled to supply the public with a COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE DIFFERENT VARIETY AND SIZES OF CUCJIELat3.IV FULL WEIGHT ALWAYS GUARA NTEED. Orders respaetfully soliolted—which, if left at the moo, toot of North street, or at the office of WEL Dook, Jr. & Co., will receive prompt attention. GIL'LARD DOCK. Js2s) HARRISBURG COAL OIL DEPOT FOR the safety of crinsamers, we have U established a 031011 Depot at the corner of. Free ant Market streets. All our oils are tosted and we posi tively sell none except such as prove to be non-explosive, clear and free from odor as far as practicable. We offer at present the following justly celebrated bands. Mag nolia, Ro'ileson, Nabrona acid Liciter, lower thatican be purchase elsewhere in this place, either wholesale or retail. Also an extensive assortment of Lampe, Chim neys, Shades, elms Comets, Somers, ho Ws will also change fluid or camphene lamps, so as to be used tar coat oal. Cali and aatisf, yoursel tea, at NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner of Front and Market street. aprll INSUIIANCE. Karim, Fire and' ) Inland Transportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the INSURANCE COMPANY OF 1146TH MOM . OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual. Capital and Ames $1;2004000 DIRECTORS. Arthur 0, Outt/a, Samuel W. Jones, John A. Drawn, Samuel Y. Smith, Marley Taylor, Ambrose ;Whites John R. Neff, Richard D. Wool, Willis= Okay_ Prudant E. Bowen, James N. Dickson, 13. ionis Ira* John George L. Harrlion, Fr was R. Os^ . Rd ward H. Trotter, Edward S. turas. ARTHUR G. our Pr.:Watt. ORAELFU3 PLATT, Secretary. As central agent to 4 1 ).0178 name . company. the underilaued' is prepared to oat Pire risks m any part of ihe ritate of Pennsylvania, either mutually or perpet ually, on the most lavorab le terms. Otßce Third street betwoun Walnut and Strawberry Itu - ke's row. WILLIAM B Jelo dly HaIIMILB-4,... mann:lF pa. Ail Work Promised in One . Week _Lio• _ A kt r 441 Pb -1111t.71;fL 1.0 4 . • PEN NOY 1.17 AN/ A STEAM DYEING ESTABLISHMINT, 104 Market .Ctreet between 4th and st4 s HARRISBURG, Pe, WHERE every description of Ladies' and Gentlemen ' Garments, Piece Gondectio., are Dyed, Cleansed and Unshed in the best manner lad a t the shortest notice. DODOS & CO., NovB.dawly Proprietors. WILLIAM SATIND/LA MERCHANT TAILOR, $5 NURKET ST., HABBISBUItG,_ IS now prepared to furnish offiner's military clothing, a - oordir g to re, nladoos atf ;short nudo ASO a general assort moot of lloths t Owinioroo, Veetinge and ready made clothing for EX ECU T NO I ICE. SARAH A. ALDRED, Executrix of the estate of Thomas alured, deed., late of the city of ilarrhbura, Dauphin minty, having letters testamentary granted loth= by `the Regist r of ibu phin county, hereby notifies a I parties indebted to said estate to make inunedi4e payment, and than having aims to present teem properly authenticated kw settlement to the above named executrix. au2-61/ JUST RECEIVED. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Family Bibles of differeut styles of Wading, at 000..01 `46 El 60, Es, $3, it, St and SLO. .I.lgo Pocket Bibles of di& erent Styles sad prices at SOLIPSViiII'S Bookstore. POMADE IIONGROI4,, NOR FIXING THS MOUSTACHES, HAILLEPS LBUMOaa. TOBACCO, Cavendiett, Congress and Twist, for sale kw by BrEMS & BOWMAN, Owner Front awl Market. street/. E !! 23 P = Itk,SVIN 6 , jars and fratt-aiiii.of all ER kinds awl sizes, for sale by rItBOLS & Bowme' corner, Front and sitrces , *rasa., an" 1 QF all sizes, patterns and pricee ir , jest received and for Isle by 8 WM. DOM. Jr. & CO (REAP Oil for all kinds of machinery, 1.1 in moil and large Manage& for sale by N AMC% & BOWMAN, jel9 Corner Front and ?flatlet etreti. APPI i f , f3 k , Oranges and Lemons; st.llllN 1212111