Stbical: ELIXIR PROPYLAMR4JE, THR NEW REMEDY IVA RECIMMATIOrdi NEW BIKED_ A CERTAIN )111MUIDIF 1 J . ACUTE REWOMATIBML CHRONIC RESOWATUDI, kiliTatdial OE EVERY BIND; No morni mlisn i now sTIIHBoRN,_ HOW LONG STANDING, PROPI7.I WILL CC/NM/RIR, WILL OUBJ IT, WHAT IT HAS DONE, IT RILL DO AGAIN. THE DIST TESTIMONY, BAIT MEDICAL AUTROHTTY. DOCTORS KNOW IT Penzwra BELIEVi IT, WAD AND TIMM I=l PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. preom Ornam Hoisrmu. Rimmed its? 1860,—Ellea S., set. 28, single, never was very strong. Two years ago she had an attack of acute rheurna ttem,iroM which she was confined to her bed for two weeks and subingenhy from &relapse ter four more. Shahan been wettable, than till t Satur day, while engaged In house cleaning, she took las cold, had pain in her back; felt cold, hot bad ao decided chill. Two days later,her ankles be. pui se swell, whkh was followed by swelling of the knee joints and of the hands. She has now deli .pain in her shoulders„aud her knuckles are very tender, red and painful ; both tapes are affected, but the right is newt so. This, then, is a case of acute rheumatism or, 'es It to now fashionably called, rheumatic fever. his a well remarked typical case We will oareltdly watch the ease, WI nom time to time call your attention to the *le nes symptoms which present themselves. My chief object In bringing her before you now, is to call attention to a remedy which has recently been recommended in the treatment of riteumatisin. I mum propylantine. Dr. Awenarlue, of to. Petersburg, recommends it in the highest terms, having derived great oeaeltt from its use In 210 cases which came under his care. Various coin- Momdatory testimonials respecting, it have appeared in Our journals, and I propose therefore to give it another trial. I must confess lam always' incredulous as to the worth of new remedies, which are vaunted as specifies but this COMM to us recommended so highly, that we are bound to give it I trial. SAME CASE FOUR DAYS LATER I Way 23, 111600-1. will now exhibit to you the patient far whom I prescribed Fropylamine, and was then labor ing under an attack of acute rheumatism. She has Weedily taken It in'doses of three grains every twb hours (Intermitting it at night.) The day after you saw her, 1 found her much more comfortable, better than she. ex pected to be for a week or more, Pinging from her other *MOM (The patient sow walked into the room.) the improvement has steadily progressed, mad you cannot all to notice a Markedthange in the-appearance of her not, which are new nearly all of their natural atm.— :AU ha our experiment would have seemed very sue- Mehl but, gentlemen, we must trait a little while be lore we can give a decided opinion as to what is to be die result. - . Here is another patient who was placed on the sae of Waa same mailoins on Sunday last ; she du long been suffering from c Monte rheumatism, and I found her at that Urea with an acute attack supervening upon her Chronic effeetion. The wrists and knuckles were much 'swollen and tense. She took the chloride of Propyla • mine in three grain doses every two hours, and you will pereeive that the swelling of the joints has much dimly,- shed. THREE DAYS LATER 1 1 liar 20, likk).—ThiS IS the case of acute rheumatism elated with proyylaudne, the first of those to which I ailed your attention at our last clinic. She is still very comfortable, and is now taking three grains thrice daily. ID Ibis cue it, has seemed to be followed by very sat mikotery remits. The second case to which your atten tion was called at our last lecture, has also continued to do weir I will now bring before you a very character- Idle 0180 of acute rheumatism, and if the result be Bal. factory, I think, as good jurymen, we shall Justly render OW verdict in favor of proyylant; He Ina seaman, set. 90, who was admitted a few days ago. Has bad ocaasional rheumatic pause, but not so as to keep his bed, until eight days ego. The pains began ln his right knee, subsequently affected the left knee, and later, the Winner. the upper extremities. These joints MOW; tense and tender. Hui tongue is furred ; his skin, atpresent dry, thou& there has been much sweating. His pulse isMl and strong, and about 90.- 1/a has now used propylamine for moray-four hours. Mkt gentlest= Is what may. be called &strictly typical eue of acute rheumatism.: There was exposure to cold and wet, and this exposure is lollowed by a feeling of coldness, witeare articular pain, beginning, as it usually does, in the lower joints. There is fever end the profuse sualing, so generally etttendant on acute rheumatism. I dfd net bring ails patient byre you with the Inten tion of giving you a lecture en all the points connected with rheumathini, but to again. give a trial to tke now remedy we are testing, and to exhibit to you this typical came, as I have called it, than which there co uld sot be a fairer opportunity for testing the medicine guidon. We are, therefore, avoiding the use or • all other medicines, even anodynes, that there may be no =tint as to wrili f = e the eat remedy. You THE RESULT A FAVORABLE VERDICT. Jena 0, 11180.—The nut of our convalescents is the one at WKS amoral= before you at our clinic of May gash, widish I *mi called a typical case, and which it rim remarked Was a flit opportunity fur testing the Meth al our new remedy, It wee therefore steadily Om In throe pain doaes every two boars for four days. The paticat has get along very nicely, and is now able to Want about, as you see. Ido not Waiters to say that I have laves seen as severe a ease of acute rheumatism se noon motored to health as this man, bail been, and without beet prepared to decidepositive by as to the val. us of the remedy we have used, I feel bound to eta to that in the cases in which we have tried the (World, 0 Prwylarsine, the putouts have regalued their health Math earner than under the treatment ordinarily pur ged. I wish gentlemen, you would yourselves try it, sad report the remit& . Fora full report of which the above in a zondensed entrant, lee the Philadelphia Yedioal owl &Palm! Ra— pwter. It Is the report after a Lair trial by the best Med'. Sol authority hs this country, and makes it unnecessary to site numerous omuficates from utonlehed doctora sad rMoiollit patients. A lIPIEDY CURE E _ EFFICTIJAL CIIItt glig SAKI ZAPLT WHAT IT HAN DONS, Litaratt it CrantbaW, a firm moil known to mostmedl. tal Mati t by whom the Ellin lirojiylamine has been Induced, bay. sold to ns the radially° sight to mailurac. tun tt according to the original recipe, and we have made arrangements of such magnitude u to enable us to Mater it broadcast anionam elided/kg humanity. A WORD TO DOCTORS. •> If lea prefer to nee the lam anted) , in maw, form trhfittte your attention to the Osigtouno ceumura nuonazun Prnsfliontainas Damn, POla Psornman Cosworruarto, Pon len= Paerritannk of Which we are the sole maanhoooren. syyi-We daze so other virtue fee the glizir Prepyiemthe Shan le contained In Pare Crystalised Chloride of prow. =the. 1111 - Eirl3lll '" ' AND IiA.T BE TAKEN AOODRIONO TO BEEeTIONEI, , by ANY ONA,+ - WHO BADAHNIINATLIAN OF AN ONE, Sold bi,Ebwrrisbnyg by • • it no an. ♦ earns Orders may be addressed to PROPTLAJUNE MANUFACTURING co. , Otis, Room No. 4, ie. W. Cer Tirarth and Obemmt streets, Pinto&Sphts; Ur teeither of the rollowing -: *ll.olSitile Agent. BULLOCK 4 GRENSHAW, FRIORNI R JOHN If. , ICHARDS MAIM CO H.., ~ GEO. D. wiluom & iaa. co ; mica T. WEHIOT 00„ ZEMIN V. mums pica&-, sav7dly PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD BIMIIER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. The Piumenger Troia of the Penneylnnis Railroad Company will depart trom and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows : DOCTORS READ ' k DOCTORS Axmaa, DOCTORS TRY It THROUGH lIXPRE93 TRAIN leav= tiarelebnrg daily at 1.15 a. my and atriw at West Philadelphia a t 6.10 FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily, (except, Monday,, at 6.20 a. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia at a. M. PAST MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (erienPt Sunday) at 1.20 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 1.26 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Mount Joy, Wives Harrisburg at 7.00 a. m., and amain at Wert Phila delphia at 12.25 p. ,m HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, vls Bohm. Ms, leaves llstrisburg at. 4.10 p. m.. Safi arrive: i 4 Wait Phllsdelphis at 925 p. m. THROUGH RBPREBII TRAM haves Made,lo4 4 10.95 p. m., Harrisburg at 3.00 a. m., Altoona 8.10, a. m bild arrives at Plttaburg at 12.86 p. at. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.16 a. m., enar rives at Ilarrisburg at 1.2.80 p. at.; leaves Suitt~y at 1.00 p. m., Altoona, 7,00 p. m., and arrives at Pitts arg at 12.111 m. FAST LINE Imes Philadelptda at 11.80 a. in., Ravi& burg 8.45 p. In., Altoona at 8.20 p, in., and arriving at Pittsburg at. 12,45 , 1. in. , HARRIIIBURH ACOOMMODATION TRAIN kayos Fbil deiptda at 2.80 p. in., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.00 10. MOUNT JOY AOOOMMODATION Ma Mount Joy Nivea Lawmaker at 10.80 a. in., arrive, at Barr%bug 12.40 p. m.. WHAM D. YOUNG Supt• Rua, Pesma,Railroaid Harrisburg, May 2, 111412 -dtf SIIIIINtR ARRANGE MENT. Nu m AIitLINERou r cH. TIMES TUBS DAILY TO NEW .TOll, , AND • PHiLADEI,PHI A &QN AND AFTER MONDA,T, MAY sth, 1582, the Pameige4Yraihn tOillikiave the Pblla- M& and Reading Rallitied Depot, at Harrisburg, for New Torts end Philadelphia, as follows, ids • EASTWARD. OPIUM LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.25 a. in., el ar- rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Mt:sprees Train fromi the West, arrivingin New York at 8.16 a. m., and at Phila delphia at 0.00 a. in. A Bleeping car in attached to the train through from Pitts burg without change. I MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 a. m., arrifing in New York at 5.80 p.and Philadelphia at 1.25 pi m. FAST LINE leave% Harilsiborg at 1.40 p. m., on taloa' of Pennsylvania Railroad Fast Mail, arriving in New York at 9.50 p. In, and Philadelphia at 8.40 p. m. WESTWARD. • PAST LINE leaves New York at Ba. in., and Philade plea at 8 a. sn., IePTSS New York at 12.00 noon, and hit- arriving at Harrisburg p. sm. I t MAIL TRAM Adolph's at 8. 15 p. In., arriving at Harrisburg at .10 p m. EXPRESS LINE leaves New Pork at 8 p. in. stri ving at Harrisbnrg.a4B.oo a. la., and connecting withithe Pennsylvania Exprow Train for Pittsbnrg. A Glee fang ear is also attached to this train . - Conmsalonsese made at Harrisburg' with trains onl the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Resdl . ag for Philadelphia, Potts le, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Fasten, Ac. Baggage checked through. Fare between New ork and Harrisburg, $5 00 between Harrisburg and la delphis, $8 25 in No. 1 oars, and $2 70 in No. 2. For tickets or other information apply to J. J.CLVlill i f myB4lo General Agent, Harrißbnig. Northern Central Railway' • I . - Cr Immisla - an CHANGE'OF SCHEDULE. ECUNIMER ARRANGEMENT.i unpin TRAM near to ins now .13 ..6a. 1aT1M08.,33p. Close Connection made at Hartiebturg TO AND FROM NEW YORK. • • SLEEPING CARS RUN, ON ALL NIGHT TRAIN S.. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY ,h, 1882, the Paesenger Tram of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart from Harrisburg end Baltimore as follows, via GOING SOUTH. HAM TRAIN arrives at Harrisburg. 1.00 M. and leaves 1.161 N M. =PREIS " arrives at “ . 12.66 A . and leaves 1.15 GOING NORTH. HAIL TRAIN leaver Baltimore at 821 44 and arrives at Harrisburg 12.46 Pi: M. and leaves North at. 1.16 Fi H. EXPIRES TRAIN leaves Baltimore Pl N. and arrives at Harrisburg,... 2,46 & M. and leaves North at - 11044 likt . HARRISBIDIG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. r eaves Harrisburg for Baltimore at.......... 7.80 M. Returning—leaves Baltimore at ....." • 800 P,!111. The only train leaving Harrisburg os Sunday will be ibir Harrisburg aceommoitatia n Train,. Boma at 7.30 14 H. For further information apply at the Me, in vl. =la Railroad Depot. Harrisonrg, Nay 3,1882.1 y IN IiVERY 0.61311, WBBNBVIER THUD, wassmra IT WILL DO AGAIN MORE CONY, Mk_ ,b 11" ABS ALWAYS READY rOB DESIEDIATW USA, Non 2twatistmtnts. ON AND ANTED MONDAY MAY sth, 1862 EASTWARD. WESTWARD penneptuania Wad geltorttp - 4,srittog 'Afternoon August, 29, 1862 ID. D 3. g: ram; to D' W. GROSS'& CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PEMI'A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE• KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment, of goods'all 111341' articles as are ibmirmie, and . • • would respectfully call your Mention to the Ode largest and best selected stocklir this cny, of DRUGS CIiEIIIOAII3 & PAINTS. Olbi, varnishes and Glues, Dye 4 tuffs, Glass and Putty, Least Colore and Tools, Pere Ground Spices Burning Fluid acid Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pine 011* • Bottles, Viols andLameap Castle, Soap, Sponges and Corks, se. ; •141 e., &a., &D., iaa With a genaial moiety of PERPMEERY TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the Cast manufacturers gad Pe tamers of Europe and this country. Being very 161 4 ( - dealers In PAINTS, wErrit LEAD, LINSEED OIL, MUMMIES, ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARINIIES, COLORS AND BRONZEB OF ALL HINDS, i Olt \ -------- , - . -- 0 r \ ~(.. R L.,,,:.Ezlia, P 01 ~.,-•., 0 SCi ---------- : P We respectfully invite a call, feeling ► coma dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction; TEETH 1 TEETH !I JONWSAND mums POEMAIN Tl4+ll, PATENT MEDICINES AND H4IR Of all kinds, direct from the Promietors. Saponifier and Ooneentrated Lye Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we se as low 88 it c a n be purchased hi the cities. MAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID 11X.TRAsiT8 01.41, OIL I CARBON OIL, Being large purchasers in these Oils, we !can Whir inducements 'to , close buyers. Coal Oil Lampe of the most improved patterns, very cheap. All Wads of lamps changed to bum Coal Oil. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Those of you who have not given our HOilliß &ND (atria PV 1 11 7.01188 a trial know no thetir superiority, and the advantage theyiare in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in pxmi etnididon. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the useof oar Cattle Powders by the increasing quanttly and quality of milk, 'besides imprOving the general health andap. pearance of their Cattle. Our long experience in the business gives nil the advantage of a hnrOugh knowledge of ithe trade, and our arrangements' in the cities are such that we out In a very short time hunk& anything appertaining to our business, on the best of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage Weedy° on ow-tons% we hope by Astrid attention to bneiness l a careful selection of PURE DRUGS at'fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a continuance of:the favor of a diecrim Mating public. aplG-dly FISHING 'TACKLti OF ALL HINDS. : . _ AveTbres,lfour and e joint Trout Rods. mak and wit' Trous.UXl4.. trona 10 to 60 yards.1014. . Loilden Paint 'hil Um" t , .. - TaristedMlClWut - Lintk ' If 41. China Ones Leff,: . ti u if II Linen and Cotton noon, If if II First Lines furnished **Mattis, Corks, to . Brass Mrdtiplying 164 10 to 6 0 Yards. A lot of Choice Trout Ms. Nik Worm Gut Leaders, bottom buss, font f$ II st ri a & 14 y u Snoods„ Limerick Hook; asitt., No. FAGS Trout Baskets, Kirby Trout and River Hooks, gy m ., . Irk Trout and Rim Hooks, Floats, Flasks nod Drinking Cups. KILLMWS DWG AND FANOy no m m 2 91 Market litre' rash Ground and Whole pies. rftvir, 0111111030 N Nutmegs and Mice, a l - NIMOLS.A BOWMAN'S, MI corner Front and Varkett II P. &W. O. TAYLOR'S MAW SOAP. .I_llJe 11 la economical and highly tal ere i n. taws no Rosin and wilrtiot eh It in warranted 'Mt to injure the hands. le will Impart an agreeable odor. and is therefore imitable for every pfitypos e . p o i ale by - DOCZ., Jr. & Go. . bARGE and eitensiv o i Mani** ihishidlut Tieiblir NIO s, ( fake, Dishes latit Jor waseivb in HOW aNytweß, 3 11 Wm, hoot sad suns iireaL WINDOW GLANS, Akan% OOLOB3, PAINT AND RESTORATIVES Intbitat RELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION “EuGULY CONCENTRA T E D " CUMIN , UND FLUID RETRACT lICHU, A Positive and Specific Remedy . • For Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELLINGs. This Medicine Increases the power of Digestion, and excites the ABSORBENTS hit. beano) , action, by which the WATERY OR oneutEous depositions and all UN NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are reduced, as well as PAIN AND INFLAMATION ,and . Is good for MEN, wommi OR CHILDREN. • HELKROLDS EXTRACT MERU, For Weaknesses Arising ftom Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early In. discretion or Abuse, ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : Indisposition to Exertion„ Las of Power Loss of Memory, Dilllenity of Breathing, Weak Nerves, . Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness cf Vision, Pain in the Hack Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Not Hands, Flushing of tfie Body Dryness of the Skin Eruptions on the Pace PALLID CODETENANCE, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this med Woe invariably removes, soon follows IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC ya t i IN ONE OP WHICH THE PATIENT MAY Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those "DIREFUL DISEASES,* "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many areaware or the cause or their. suffering, ' BUT NONE WILL CONITZW. THERECORDS OF THE INSANE ASTLUMS, And gkeNdanchaty DifirrUu by Connbnphion, 111/131 AXPII WitIMBEITO 124 13111111 of THZ THE CONSTITUTION Ond AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, • Regnires the aid of medicine to strengthen and Invigorate the S • Which Hinannan'e lIETRAUr HUGH° . invariably doe • TRIAL RILL : ammo' Ts: lOfiiI3ICIPTICAL. OW OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR WATTEAU' LA TING MARRIAGE, ,IN MANY AIFECTION:-• PECULIAR TO MALES, - alit Extract Bunko is unequalled by any other remedy, as In Uhlorosis or Retention, Irregnisrlity, PURR'Wean, or Suppressio nof Customary lvacustions, Ulcerated or scirrhous state of the Uterus, isiucorbant Whites, Steril and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DROLINR OR CHARGE 01 VIZ, ITXPIONII ANOVA NO FAMILY SHOULD BS WITHOUT IT I TAM NO ion RixLut, HAMM, 011 umpumuairrt NO 0111 701 UNPINANANI AND DANGIBOWA DIU&N. HELMBOLD'B EXIR4CT ECCIIII CMS SECRET DISEASES. In all their Stages, At Dale Raper= ; Little or no change in Diet No inconvenience. • And no hicposurs. It causes a frequent, desire and gives strength to Urbino, thereby 'removing Obstructions. Pnwenting and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying Pain and linfhtuutudion, so frequent 111, the elan of disease', and expelling all POI4OOOIP, ;hallooed end worn-oat Halter. 113011 BAND. UPON Inousanins if HO RALF& BIEN 2HE VICTIMS 01t QUAOSE, and whohave paid , navy ran •to be cured in a short time, have Sound they were &Waived, and that the .t,POI - has, by the use of "rowans= andutramins, " been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated form, and PERHAPS AMER MARRIAGE. • '• the Rieuteote's =rams Bohm for all affections ; sod disesaestoi the U INARY ORGANS, whether waiting in MALE Oft • FEMALE, • Frani whatever erase Originating and no manor k f ROW LONG STANOINGi. Diseaseeei these Organ require the aid of DIOR/. CIO - HELISBOLD'S EXTRACT BITCHO - • . Id THE GREAT DIURETIC, 'And is eartain'to have the desired effect in al Diseases FOR WHICH IT IS RECOMMENDED. Noidasce of the mod reliable and resportak character will ademitpany the medices. autuncens CURBS; Fronk io2o yearu statalitah Wan Names KNOWN 10 • SCIENCE AND FAME. Price $1 00 per bottle, or six'for $5 00., Delivered to any address, securely packed front obeer ration. Melt lITYPTOMS IN ALL (XkIEiIMCIATIONS. Cares Guaranteed I Advice Gtratii d AFFIDAVIT: ' a ,Personally ap P eared before me, an Alderman of .ftho city of Phtladelphis, B. T. asuototh, who being Italy morn, doth say, his preparations contain no narcotio,. no mercury, or other injurious drugs, but are purely vege table ' R. T. IIKLMBOI.D. Sworn and subscribed before this 234 day of No somber, 1864. Wit. P. RIB , Aiderman, Ninth Si. above Bac., pus. Address letters los information in confidence to IL T. BEELMIOLD, Chemist, Depot. 104 South Tenth St: bal. Utiestaut. Pinht, BEWARE OF ootrierpoports • AND UNPRINCIPLED "DEALERS, Who endeavor la dispose "01 INEDit OWN" and "MEV ANNOLIN ON NIPUTAZION ATTAINED BY nalmboldNi Genuine Preparation e, o Liam* Bach% " " Sarsaparilla, " • •Dnproved Bose Waah. Sold by 0. K. Geller, D. W. Gross, J. Wyetb, 10, 4. liafinvart. AND ALL DRUGAL4T..4 lIVERKWaRRA ASK FOR lIIIIAMIOLD'S. TANK NO OMEN. Oat Oat the adventtrainent and send tor it, • AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND ,lIPMDRE, :PORT FOLIOS 1 IirTRITING DEBIIB, VI( PURI , TRAVELING BAGS, M PORTMONAIES, And a general alsortment of FANCY GOODS have just been received at r • • BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. QUGAR CURED HAMS, DRIED BEEF, SHOULDERS, BOLGNA SAUSAGE: Lk large andfregh rapplyjust received by eb2O WA!. - DOCK Ir.. &'Oo IIeCLIBTOCK'S PEGTOIAL SYRUP. rpm INVALUABLE 'SYRUP, WHICH Is IL entirely vegetable in its composition, has 'been employed with wonderful success for . many years in the cure of• dirstases for the AIR PAStAGES and LUNGS. For any form of the idiotism such as CV UGH; TICKLING. of the THROAT, SPITTING OF BLOOD, DIFFI CULT BREATHING, HOARSENESS, LOSS . OP VOICE, end HECTIC FEVERS its use will be attended with the happiest results. It is .one of the best and safest medicines for all forms of BRONCHI/LS and CONSUMPTION. No haulms' or migration of Opium in any shops in this syrup. PRICE $lOO FEB HOME. For sale .at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. SUGAR! BBLS. Sugar-(Refined aad Raw,), 10 ,,, c) °fair gradee endjillidi jest received and be am as lowest market prices. 4820 : • WM DOCK, JR., dt O.J. EXTRA family flour, a superior brand, whitti wasarnst to give e minion m, Just .te , Delved and fer sale by - NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market Meets UIXTENSIVE assort men t of glaa irw aT xi toot rocCred, and for rale low by • . . zlicameazowitANi' , corner Front and Mame; strew.. SCHIRBFELIN BROTHERS & WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS A ND DEALERS in Fancy Oaods; Pep, ftunerh ate. to agent* for Me male of Betined Pereleulk. ulimanating juPerior .to oil rumubee ia any quantities at the lemma m a rketes. 170 and 172 William Oreet a27d6ln] NEW YORK; SALAD OIL. A ' grge 'supply of fresh. Eslad. 01 largo, and small bathe, and of dlilorao l Tout reoeivid and for oak, by • : .Wll. MR, ic CO. , • 'DARE Y • I ,r. 5, --ir —4l-41-tutrt• hew j: lustreoavid mitt abreah, , tr- - • a ti cks j ust waned at OK ERE,..- i -TORT FOLMW-- .. 4 NICHOLS & BOWMAN. 1014 Oornor Front and Market straete. BiIaiGNEWB Obaslo ilookskave lalms . 8V trosttp. 8011ETHLNGIOR THE TIMES! I ' grAmmarrY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD JOHNS .& OROSLEY'S American • Cement Glue . THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. .. THE CeLiPEST GLUE DI THE WORLD. THE MOST DURABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD• TEE BEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE . Is the only article or the kind ever produoed which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL MEND WOOD, Save your broken Furniture. IT WILL MEND LEA.THLR, Mend your Harness, Straps, Belts, Boots, .k.o. IT WILL MEND GLASS, , Save the pieces of that expeosiye•Cnt Glow Bottle • WEILL MEND IVORY, Deal throw sway that broken Ivory PAD, it is eaailyi re paired, IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken China Cups mid Saucers can be made:as good as new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That place knocked out of your ' Marble Mantle _can be pus op WI ever. - IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No matter it tbatbrokeb Mabee diditot , ant but a BM ling, ashilling saved la a Wiling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That costly Alabaster nee a brokeu and you (met match it, mend it, it will never show when put together. . It Will Mend" Bone, Coral, Lava, and in fact everything but Metals. Any article Cemented with AMERICAN CitIIENT will sot show whirs it is mended. KXTILACITB. "every Housekeepers should have a supply of Johns eg Greeters avierhein Cement Glas.”—&. T. 7ue i. "It is so marrZeilent to.havit in toe house."—N Y. &pron. "It is always ready this commends itself to every body."—Zadipsedaid: "We have tried it, and And It as lutes! lu our homes as water."— Wake WOrit of the Them. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. 41C00 Par year saved w o o v r ery faulity oy Una , Route AILERIOAN.OEItENT Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Dents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cants per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. ilioe 26 Ceuta per Bottle. Very Leheral Bechsetions to Wholesale /layers. TERMS CASH. W➢br 1111le by I,ll.Drogglets, sad Storekeepers general ly throughout the country. JOHNS & CROSLEY (Sole manuracturem)) 78 WILLIAM STREET, Corner of liberty NSW Y ogtx .LlVOrtallt Pill/111814 lb all wow this may ~ern, amd iteetmeerna every body. ZONES .& =MILEY'S 131ERROTED GUM PUCKA CEMENT ROOFING, The Cheapest and most durable Roofing In use. Important to. Roue Owners. Important to Builders. - Important to Rail Road Companies. IT IS FIBS AND WATER PROOF- can be applied to saw and Ina goons of all kinds, steep or ,Ilot, anti to saumna Roars without rouninag the Bangles. . . The Castle onlgr WlCKane- that otTln AND IT 11 T nuitaimm. This article has been thoroughly tested in - liew York Qty and all 'other parts of the United States, Oinitda, Westludier Central and South Amersca,.on buildings of all kin* such as Fccanaist, Femmes, (Jetliner's, Ran Rosa Mims, CARS, and on Purim Maims genekaty ragttie! lentignei, ho., by the principal Builders, Architects and ethers, daring the put Cons years, and has proved to be IIatu.CHEAPRBT and ROW DURABLE ttoorom in ustezit Win every respect A FIRE, WAllift, wunigg.eigt , Thlig 1410011 covering for. ROOrd Cig ALL' RDIDS. This. is Ow ONLYiserenrai minnefecitsred in Qs 'Chita ROW soisibtnes the very desirable properties of and'btirrobility, which are untversally acknow ledged to be pessessed by DMA PERO& 4. ILED INDIA RUBBER. No Heat is required in making application. The expense of applying it is trifling, as an ordinary root Gan be covered andlinished the saute day. It can be applied by any one, .and when bibbed formes Turfectly his Pzoor sac race With . an &sift body, winch cannot beinjured by 140, asto or Amapa. of Amax Roane; nor any ex. ternal action whntevpr. OQtI.ID 0171 TA PERCHA CEMEIIT, For Coatkg Ma6sle of:"1 . 1 Kinds when ikspieed to tie-Actlon of the Westli ff 4 and FOE PIUMBVING AND BEIMARING Mtn& BOOBS OF ALL HINDS. Thu 16 the ontr•:Colalgalitins lomPwn which will Maws fully extreme changes of all elbnates, W. icy length of t ie, When applied to wietale,•to whit% it ad here; thinly„ trawling►body. equal to conni.of Romer, paint, Costs inch less and will LAST MI MS TIMES 6.1 LONG and from tte elasticity ia not •Mjured the maw -; s* end expansion Of Tin and other Metal 43e. Mimi*, consequent udon sudden changes of the weather • Woi COLD ene IN irr4m WZAIFIXD, AND - WILL NOS WJdg . OFF, Leaky Tin and other Metalline% eau be id with GU TA PERCHA CEMENT, and prevented from further nometien and latrlng,thereby ensurin g a g a my tight roof or many ,yetus. . • Tam Cement Is peculiarly - Minted for the preservation et IRON' RAILINtig, BTOVRII, RANGES, SOAK -gimp CULTURAL DlELfittliled, am., also foripmeraf mea t . reottment me. GIITTA yERCHA CEMENT " - , Ho preserving and , - ripaing Tin and other Metal Roo! of every description, iron its great eleaticher, is Doi ir by the contraction and espies/0o of metals, and wi pia ha crank 001 d Or - Mt in warm weather. • - - . Theleniatetiahi are ADMIND TO ALL moans, and we in prepared t o supply orders from any Pan of the ciao try.- at short notice , tor Guru PEIIGMA ROCIFINfI- In sclfs, ready prepared for use, and OTMTA - PI4EOHA4 CZ um in barrels, with MU printed dirmakm for SW nation. - - - - ' AGENTS. WANTED. We hell make' liberal and astialleatory oriroagemonte-,1 with reappoint parties who would like to establish them selves in" 6 Marano; and permanent btistatots. OUR TERitill ARE 'CASH. we aim gin, abundant tirool'of an we china in taro r • r ,...__ ol "l l l"mt Rclaachavi oig 0 ig vPlied. tiomn to oevopor ............ Roma in Sew orb Clay and vicinity . . . 10$0113_111c cztosr.LEY . Iteti ACVaNUFMIRICIIS t . '. Wholesal ' Winhotee 7111,117jhun st.,. dorser of Litiorty Strait. ' ' NSW ltoltiL r u n disuruove Clkaublia intd Priem will be butiiilbad °cadly GIOD hrie r BA. A 11 Q B ty Orackep, juaAr@c‘iv -ea iii: . Nita o cite v 1 raparltroall att-marketvahoes ' thattisibiO ar Busituss Olarbi. DENTISTRY. TIR. GEO. W. STINE, graduate of the Raft oors College of Dental Surgery, having per manently located In the city of Harrisburg awl, taken the °Moe formerly closepied by Dr. Gorgas s otatitra Street between Market and Walnut, respectfully Worms his friends and the public in general, that he is p repared to perform all operations in the Dental profession, either earl :or mechanical, in a manner that shall not be surrasell by operators la this or any other city. His 'Male of !needing art:Medal teeth is upon the latest im proved scientific principle. Teeth, from one to a full eet, mounted on fine Gold, Matins plates or the Vulcanite Base. I take greed pleasure in recommending the above gen. Ueman to all my former Merida of Harrisburg and vi cinity, and feel confident that be will perform ail opera tie= in a ecientlac manner, from my knowledge of his ability. intyB did) F. J. B. GOaGan. D DANI. L MITENCH, AGENT. (IF the Old Wallower Line respectfully A_ _lf informs the public MU this Old Daily lTansports. lion Line, (the only Wallow* Line now In exist- noo to this City,) is In sucensdul operation, and prepared to oarry freight an low as any other Individual lina uetweeu Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Surmary, iewisourg, Wil liamsport, Jersey Shore, Lock Havm and all other points on the Northern, Central, Philadelphia and Erie and Wil liamsport and Elmira Railroads. DANL. A. KIIIINCH, Agent. Harrisburg, Ps Goods sent to the Ware House of 'Messrs. Peacock. Zell & ::inchman, Nos 808 and 810 Market street 50 ore Eighth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, Y. x., wi l arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery next morning. aprBO•rdmyl B, J. BARRIO, Tin and Sheet Iran Ware Manufacturer NO. 112 MA Irh77 SYREEZ, HARRISBURG. AS always on hand a full assortment s of Tin and Japanned Ware, Coating and Parlor Stoves of the best manuiss , uries, Gnus SPoattn4, Mot log and ealvanized Iron Oornish, =Mak 'taro I tad up at reasonable rates. sap- Repairing promptly attended to. apr3o-dly REMOVED. JOHN. B. SMITH fIAS removed his Boot and Shoe Store from the oorner of Second and Walnut streets to IVO. 108 MARKET STREET, Next door to Baynes Agriculture Store, where be intends to keep all kinds of Booth iod Snow, Gaiters , &c., .and a large stook of Dunks, and everything in his ihte-of ba sinessi and will be thankful to receive the patrooage of his old customers and the public in general at his new place of buzinros. All kinds of work made to order to the boot style mad by superior workmen. Repairing done m short notice. lapr2dtil JOHN B. SMITH. A. C. SMITE, ATTORNEY-AT-LBW, OFFICE THIRD STREET. mylOy) NEAR MARKET. IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY TAR. P. E. ALLABABH., burgeon Den j„, tist, Manufacturer of Mineral Plate Teeth, the only method that obviates every objection to the use of arti ficial teeny embracing partial, half and whole seta of one piece only, of pure and indestructiele mineral, there are, no crevices for the acccumutatlon of small particles of food and therefore, no offensive oder from the breath, aa no me tal Is usedin their construction, there can be no galvanic salon or metallic taste. 'Hence the individual is not an noyed with- sore throat s headache, &c. Oetoe Co. l 3 North second meet, Harrisburg. ontl2-dry PROP. ADOLPH P, TEU PSBR. WOULD respectfully inform hie okl patrons sad the public generally, that lita wih oontinuete give lustroctklas on the PIANO leOltTE, UIDEON, VIOLIN and also la the science THONOtriiE. BAR. 'He will with pleasure wait upon pupils at tbetr name itt any hour desired, or /emus will be given a but realdeace, la Third Streak few doors below tb German Neibruoureburch. deole,ou ittisteUamtis - UNION ass." , R, &UANT, RTT.TX AM) AND BOWLINE} SALOON, NO. 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR THE subscribers having erected a larg building at the above place, expressly for the purp o nes above fildieated, beg to call the attention of the pub lic to the iblloaring Tits ltnermmurr, on the drat Boor, with a dialog room attached, is timed up in timeless style, and it will at all Mee be suppled wfio the best OYSTERS to be had in the Atlantic cities,together with terrapin, flah, and all kinds of game in maxim - (Waters served ap in every style, and meals to be Msdnt all hour. The Ales of all the celebrated breweries In the country conatantly os hand. The Tenpin Alley, or Bowling Saloon, is in the rear, and contains three alleys of modern construction, where the lovers of this healthy exercise, can enjoy themselves . The Billiard Saloon Is np•stairs —elegantly gated up, and contains three marble top combination cushion ta ble% equal to any made !foreshore= tong Pet the want of a grand combin ation of this hind, and as the preprletors are determine 41 to conduct it in a quiet and orderly manner, and do eve rything In their power to make it a ins,ionable reror they hope to receive a liberal share of puede, pure Jab-dif WILLIAM C. McFADDSN & CO. FIRE, INSTRANOE• -THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED ISSIIi. Capital and Assets $869.128 37 DIRECTORS. ziarenjilmund A. ponder, ThEachilue Paulding, Juo B. Penrose, Joe. C. Day is Jas. Irequair, W. Nyre, jr Jima C.Haust, William O. Lutiwi,g, Joseph K. Seal, Dr N. B. Huston, George. H Leiper, ugh Craig, Charles Kelly, Samuel B. ctokee„ J. P. Peaniston, Henry eaaaa, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brook; Spencer iPllvelee, Thomas O. Hand, Robert, Burton, Jacob P. Jones, James B. 16.'Farlare, Jeannie P. Eyre, John B. Semple. nos burg, D. T. Morgan, Piusbarg, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. WILLIAM UARTIN, Pleading. ThOMAS 0. ELAND, rice Preddent. HENRY LUMEN, &seretary. The undersigned.aa agent for the above named com pany , continues to take Fire 'Risks in Herrin) org and vicinity. WILLIAM BUEHLER. mml BEAUTIFUL TISSUE PAPER, EOR covering Looking Glasses, Picture imam, ornamenting Ceilings, ass Pipes and eta so as to nang over gulags in the shape o f stare, points, circles or festoons. For sale st raY6l. %UEFA EEL'S BOOKSTORE. • RUBBER GOODS R ubbe Balls, Rubber Watches, Rubber . Battles, Rubber Toys generally at I3ERGNEWS CHEAP BOOKSTORE GLASS Jars for potting up truit, the celebrated 111lriiw Patent, c h eap, Idalla and er• tostun, warranted to give s•usfaction,jast riroeivad and tor sale by NICHOLB dt BuWild; • Jell) earner Front and liarnist, Riney. :QUGA.RB for preserving; call and exam $.4 one at NICHUL3 & BOWM&N, .19 7 Corner Front aad Starlet streets. ijEh! o.lsiKraisons, cocoanuts &0., just received and for sale by tuonoLs & BOWMAN, Cbr. 'front an 3 Margot street:, Fal "Gt ' ' ISH every Tuesday and loriday at JOHN WISPS Store, corner of Third and Wal nut myly MOTIONB.,.(ante a variety of useful LI and entertaining girtiCies-4.theap.-4( ntail • yea VRIIBII Lemons and Raisins, just re nelyed and formate low by /i/cIIOLB & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market amts. 6.000 POUNDS Extra Prime Sugar Cored Hams for sale very low wheleisas or retail by WM. WOK JR, lb CO. A SMALL lot of Arnica Dried , Fruit, at Li tvICHO/3 di BGA`KAN, Corner 'Foal Viirtei street. EtfSEY HAM I—Ten tierces of these ,lay oetebratotsuipps eared hum received Ana or e otu /sig. . 3r s mut snanuttes O . . MB CIDER.--Constaittly on hand at very ouperter wide of Amu =an rem. Wir. DOCK, fit. CO. JR. a CO