Sakai. EIXIR PROPYLVATI,7,,. .4 • THB NEW REMEDY Rat RHEUMATISM; 32 10 1 Ilk m AtIIATAUNMI Y. ACUTE RHEUMATISM, _ . CHRONIC RIIIIMIATHA BEENDS4iisM off EVffter SIND; No Kano HOW STUBBORN, HOW LONG STANDING, PROPEGANINII WILL CONQDRIIIIT, WILL CUBI IT, WHAT IT HAE , IT WILL DO AG AIN THE BEST TESTIMONY, __ , - - HIST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. . • .. . • DOCTORS SNOW. IT, PATIENTS BEIZETE IT, ' . TRIED AND TRUK. =I PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL • MOM OINICILL HOEUITAI wane.) MAY 19, 18110 0 .-Ellea S., mt. 28, single, never was very siren. Two yews ago she had an attack of acute rheuma• tism,from which she was confined to her bed for Iw4 weeks and subseeentry from &relapse fel fourmore. She hes been well since then till last Satur day, while engaged In house cleaning she took cold, bad pain in her back, felt cold, hot bad ito decided chill. Two days later her ankles be. On so swell, which was followed by swelling of the Antra joints and 'of the hands. She has now dull pain in her shoulders, and her knuckles are very tender, red and painful; both lanais are atfected but the right is most. so. This, then, is a case of acute r hem, or, as it Is now fluibienably called, rheumatic fever. . Ms a well remarked typical ease We will carefully watch be case, and from time to time call your attention to the vaii one symptoms which present themselves. My chief objeet In bringing her before you now,. ie to call attention to a remedy which has recently been recommended In the treatment of rheumatism. I mean prepylannue. • Dr. Awenarius, of St. : Petersburg,, recommends it in • the highest terms, hating derivectigreat haunt from its use In 250 cases which canie udder hie care. Various, coin , , inundatory testimonials respecting it have appeared In our journals, and I propose therefore to give It &Other trial. I must confess lam always incredulous as hi the worth of new remedies, which are vaunted as apathies ; 'but this comes to us reccminiendisi so highly, that we , are bound to give it a trial. SAME CASE FOUR DAYS LATER I '24111600.1 will now exhibitio you the patient for whom I proscribed Propyiamiae, and we a then labor ing under an at*aok of acute rheumatism. She bail 'headily taken it in dines of three grains every twohours (intermitting it at night.) The day after you saw her, 1 found her much more comfortable, bettor than she ex pected to be for "Week or mord, judging from her other attack. (The patient now walked into the room.). The improvement has steadily progressed, and you Gannet ill to notice a marked changein the appeisrance Of her )late, which are new nearly all of their natural size; aur far our experiment would have zoomed verj enc. lawful ; but, gentlemen, we' must , itaito little while bo om we can give a decided opinion as to what is to be the result. Here is another patient who was placed.curthe of same medicine an Ounday last ; she has long: been suffering from a nronlc rheumatism, and I •fousid her at that time with an acute attack supervening_ upon her chronic affection. The wrist.' and knuckles were .much swollen and muse. She took the cilloride.of •Prepyla mine in three gram doses every two hours, and yeti all perceive that thie bWolak of the Joints has much dim's. shed. THREE DAYS LATER!! MAT 48, 1890.—This is the case of acute rheumatism sated with propylamine, the first of those to which I ailed your attention at our last clinic. She is still very comfortable, and is now takes three grains thrice daily. b this case it has seemed to be followed by very am isfactory_resalts. The second c-se to win& your atteu tion was called at our last lecture, has also continued to do wet h 1 will now bring before you a very character istic case of acute rheumatism, and if the resultim sat- factory, I think, as good jurymen, we shell justly render our verdict in favor of propylam ine He is a seaman, et. 2fi, who was admitted stew' days ego. Has had 0611kaiOngl rheumatic pains, but not:se as to keep his bed, until eight:days ago. The pains ilegan in his right knee, subsequently Mimed the left knee, - Ana later, the Wimp of the upper extremities. These mum are all swollen. tense and tender, the tongue is furred his akin, at present dry, though there hag been much sweating, lite pules stall and strong, and.about be.— He his now used propylamlue Pm twenty-four hours. This gentleman Is what may be tidied a strictly typical Ceme of acute rheumatism. There was exposure to cold and wet, and this exposure. tato/lowed ,by. a leaning 'llehiness, severe articular pain, beaming. es ft does, In the lower joints. There is lever and the profuse sweating, so genentlb attendant on acute rheumatism . 1 did net bring this patient oefure you with the sawn. li. of giving you a lecturi3 on all the points connected With rheumatism, but to again give g trial tee new remedy we are teeing, and to exhibit to you this typical case, as I have called it, than which there co old not be a fairer opportunity for testing the medicine In question. We are, therefore, avoiding the use or all other medicines, even anodynes, that there may be lb =p an to winch wee !the efficient remedy. you the case of a future clinic. Tff RE,~Uur. A FAVORABLE VERDICT. .{lMll9,.lll6o.—The next of Our convalescents is the ease Of acide rheumatism before you at our chide at May .110di r whisk' then milled a typical case, and which it wee remarked was a fair opportunity for testing thii worth of our new remedy, It was therefore steadily given in three grain doses every Iwo hours for four days. The patient hot got along very nicely, and Is now able m War. about, as you Roe. Ido not Mediate to asy that I hive nevea seen u severe a case of acute rheumatism ID soon restored, to health, as .this term has been, and Without being papered to decide positive 09 as to the Val. cc or the remedy we haveued, I feel 'bound to state that in the yeses te which We Uvalde' Atte Chloride o eropylanaine, the patients nave regained their health much earlier than under the treatment ordinarily pur sued. I wish gentlemen, you-would yourselves try it, tad report the retells. b'or a full report of 'which the atom is a tenderised Mead, see the Philadelphia Medical and Arvpical • Re forks% lila the report after a fair trial by the bestmed. oil authority In this country, and 'nukes it unnecesiary to era numerous certificates from astonished doCtore mad *doing patients. A SPSIDY MBA, AN EFFECTUAL CORE gBE SARI Bang Wan IT HAII DONE. Ms* it breathier, a Arm wail to most medi. md men, by whom the Elixir Propytamiwe has brit in. thinned, home itild to us the exeAssive right to nitOuTitS. tare it wording to the original 'recipe, and we have 3 . l ilstelitrauSetneuts of such magnitude as to enable us "' to Smatter it broadcast amongst suffering humanity. A WORD TO DOCTORS. 4 If „yen prefer tome the same ensedy is anithor form invitevenr attention to the Mumma PnornAmma Pin) , fitornolimullitinto, itnirlifing*Suni "tmtiikloixon Pier' mum% . of wideh we are the sole msaulaMaren. nap•We claim no other virtue for the Elixir Propylaw n . Von le oliandned In Para •Cryinanzeol Chloride ,of Prolip. amine. THiLIILa IS IND IIA Y BE TAKES, AOCOADING TO HIREOTIONE, BY EY 1N8 C 7141 WHO HaftallOTHAtail OP All KIND. bit kliarrftlrurg by . AT 71 an!. 4.2orna. Oltdfirl.auVieliddieued a. - - ' PROPILANINE naIVITMOTURINO Moos, Room No. 4, -- , • - Cor Fourth and Odorant streets, Palladia!phis. UV to - either of the following .---) Innlimas Arms .-SuLLoolgeonsNart. . Ria ,H4 ai nne gn ik co n allO., D. . & CO : PATER T. WRRIEFT & CO., zIIG.LNR. 1110711; -- T. Jfintinf prim &AM • . PR1141104, i. 4 17 Nttu aburtistnunts. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD I BUMMER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. . . . The Passenger Train. of the Penamptimahi itallroad Company will depart tram and arrive at ifaniabarg and Philadelphia as follows DOCTORS r i fa z DOCTORS 9 DOCTORS! TRY IT. . THROUGH EXPRESS TWI4 lama Haitabure daily at 1.15 a. J 03.., .and -Antrim at Wilat Plilladelptda at 5.10 FAST LINN leami Hassidim daily, (Maid, Menday,) at 6.80 a. m., artiste at' West Philadelphia at 0.4 TART MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (exempt Sunday) at 1.20 p. m, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.26 p, m. . I . ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Mount Joy, leaves) Hareem at 7.00 a. m., and arrives al West; Phila. delpiga at 12.26 p. m. . • • • _HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Holum- Ida, leaves Harrisburg at 4.10 p. m.. and arrivals at Wed Philadelphlist 9.26 p. m.._ nutouolliffeaten TRAIN kites Plillaelphla at 10.85 pon., : flamlaburg at , Bllo AMAMI 8.10, a. m. and arrives;at Pittsburg at 12.85 p. is. MAIL TRAIN 'wog PlAhulalphia at 7.15 a, M., and ar therat Ilatniaburg itl2.Bop. td.; Mama Railiallurg at IMP. Altboak, 'TOM p. in, and arrives iillTUalrom st 12.15 , .... -.. ; PART LINE teams Philadelphia at 11.80 a. m.; Harris 'borg'B.4s D. m., Altoona at. 8.20 p. a., and 'milting at Plitisburg 412.45 14 M. '. _ .... . - HARRISBURG-ACOOMMIODATION TRAIN keine MIL deiphia at 2.80 p. m., and arrives at Hartiehurg 'Ott g.,06: p. ta.; . - • • MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION t it Itotint Jo yleaves Lancaster at 10.10 a. in., arrival at Marasliurg a 12.40 - - • SAMUEL' D. 162111NG, - Supt. laic Inf. Penna. Railroad Harrisburt, Way 2, 1862.—ar • SUMMER ARRANGEMENT NMI!= .Alit LINE KOUTE . --• .7-, ; -4. - niRRI TRAINS NARY *0 NEW T ORN, P H I .I. A'D E 1',..; PHI A QN AND AFTER .101N.DA:7 ; 10A:Y sth, 1862, this Paisenger' Trains will leavo the l'itilir de phi' anu.Reading -Railroad-Depot, at Harrisburg, ror New York and Philadelphlacals foßmin, VII.: UPHAM LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.25 a. m., i on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad- Expreas Train from the Wait, arriving in New York at 6.15 a. m., and at Phila delphia at LOU . a, nr. A sleeping car Is lltacbed tO the train through from Pittsburg without change. .i NAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 6.00 a. m.., arriving in New York at 5.80 p. m., and .Philadelphia at 1.25ip. m. FAST LINE karat Harrisburg at 1.40 p. m., on arrival of Fennitrivanlit ,Railroad. .Fast .Mail, arriving in i Now York at 9.60 p. M ir and-Philadelphda at 6.40 p. m. I , VVESTWARD. . • -• FAST LINE leaves New York at 6a. re . / and Phiiade 1- pia at Ba. ni. arriving at Harrisburg at Ip. in. . , NAM TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, Butt-JAN SAeIPhIsi at 8. 16 p. in., arriving al Harrisburg an 8.10 pin. , .. . EMUS LINE leaves New York at 8 p. ni., i arri ving at Harrisburg at 3.00 a. in., and connecting .with the Pennsylvania &prase ' Train for Pittsburg. A siefping ear Is also attached to this. train . donirections are with trainsti the :Pmpurylilfiiie;NeritiiiinCeitial and. and - ileY i.g.ellroads, and at. Reading for Philadelphia ,: Pottsville, ' Wilkimbarre, Allentown, Easton, Arc. Baggage checked tkrough.'. ,Fire between New 'York end Harrisburg ; 85 00r; 'between Harrisburg and Phila delphia, $8 25 in No. 1 care, and 12 70 in No. 2, ~For rickets mother information apply to J. J. OL V DB, myB-dtf General Agent, Harrisburg. ' NoTthern Central Railway Close Connection made -at Harrisburg TO PIP FROM NEW YORK. • SLEEPING CARS RUN RN ALL • NIGHT TRAINS. ON AND AFTER MONDAY; MAY sth, 1862, the Passenger Trentof the Northern •Colitral Rallarny,artil arriveµ and depart from Harrisburg Sad *Blume as, foLowo, vi': GOING SOUTH. MAIL TRAIN arrive' at Haxibiburg... and leaves " IMPRESS l 4 arrives at " and leaves 44 GOING NOETH: .- man, TRAM leaves" Baltimore at BAO 4 M. and arrives at Harriaburg..... 12.45 PS; end leaves North at, 1.16 M. EMPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore at.... . . &go N. N. and wives at liarriabovg.... lagAtt, N. ; Nmt. 106 .V.e1k5.0041 1 04e4 44.• • • a 011 4. HARRLSBIDG - ACCOMMODATION . reeves Earrinbmsfor Baltinotre.4 4.80 A IL BelneiDlaS a -Baltimore ft .... - .;.;`:18.00 1' M. The only train leaving Harrleburg 'On Sunday will be the Harziaburg aooommodatitn Train; &kWh at 7.804 , X. Far bulbar inlannill9e apply ak,lbe fn Pen vt. +lonia Railroad Depot. - . 4.Frtaburg, May 8,1862.17 . IN - MVERY CASH, TRIND WHENEVER TRIED ItyWILL Do AGAIN MORE CONY 'NNW, 'ANDALIVAYR READY FUR IMMEDIATB tsp.)", ON AND Arm MONDAY MAY 6th, 1862. EASTWARD. WEST.W AR D. SUMMER ARRAiIItOEAKEINII -um ramie DART in Alm mow Row* BLAogivol4t 0014444 - d makiNf 'ha Atrartftgpavis,447,, 40. kikarte c a Ve. egi racist Avery mien Po awl for sale by plo] WM. BOOB; 4,41 001 pittnegOonia i7iiaailti iteltatttp44 abutstittp - aftitiiiii*':lttiOrifi' . .2o . 1862 D •.:Vy.:,•iq r!§s.:,l*.ol).-, DRU.G'GISTS, NO. 19 MARKE . T'STREET DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE. KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to 'our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully (nil your atention "to the largest and best Wasted stock in tins of DRUGS OHEMIOALEI & PAINTS. • MP, varnishes and Glues, Dyeatuffs, Glass and Patty, earning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Speria and Pine Oila, Bottles, Vhda and Lainp Globes, ca " 111 !' P 84 . 41 -= ° nig" Co cky ice; die I Arc"• ite &a. Sus 4 4 • 1 PERFUMERY & TOILET 4.RTIOLEB,. selected from the beet manufacturers arid Pe inroissof Eureisrandlthiiiiituitq.: Being very dealers hi PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED: Orr,, vialmoThs, ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALLITIFIR TABILTIEB, COLOM AND BRONZES OF ALL KRIM weiespi6i ij „ feeling, Oa dent that we can supply the -mats of all on terms to their malefaction. JOWL'S AND wErrEsts PORCELAIN TEEM, • • PATENT MIEDIdINES AND flAciA Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietor's. Saponifier and .ponoentrated Are • I Wholesale Agents ` for Saponifier, which we eel; as low as it canbe - purchased in the cities.' 151AYSB'll MEDWAL ,nTw) COAL OIL I CARBON OIL I Being large ' fritrause4rs in these Oils, wel Can Coat otter inducements t to. close' . Wiwi. Oil lamps of the most, improved : patterns, ery cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to 4ure Coal' O i l. , ..:.: . PARMER.§:.M.P , QRAZIXR B ,I Those of you who have -notAiyen our HOSE AND OAITLE POWDERS a trial know no their, superiority, Audi the eclynatage, they% ere io keeping Horses and Cattle healthy an 4 in g) • . - ... 1.006 M. P If. M. 1.1 ..12.56 t x. ....:116 .M. 'Thousands can testify to the profit they IMye derived from the use of our Cattle Brinier! by . the increasing quantity . and quality of mph, besides improving tlie general health andiap; pearauce of thair Cattle. t Our long eipnrienclitn the bushings give! us the advantage if 'ii il4i s tigh knowledge of the fri l t *ads, and *nit itrangeirientatik 'the citing are such, that we MI in, a very abort time* 4 anything appertaining to (air business; on he ! - • beet 6f-terrint: Traml4lll for the kkkierol patronage beatiwo on our house; we hope -by, strict attention to businear, a Oarefoi rielectloa of PURE !DRUGS at fair pricee; , and - the desire to please all; to merit a continuance of the favor of a discrim inating public. • . apl.6-dly •- . FISHIT'EF'''TAOKLEI ,- OF AILI, KINDS: L' Thres;genrr and live Ant Trout dint and.Hifrirout Lines.front 10 to AO yardslong. London Patent Trout Linea, it 46 14 Twisted Silk Pruitt Lint*, tt tt a ‘t China times Linos, u Linen an; Cotton ' al 4g Fkat lineetustished with Nooks, Corks, ate. - Dross Multiplying Book 10 tO6O yards. A lot of Clinics Trout File . Silk Wonzreut-teniersi-bottotllllNNl, Ceet.-- • • ‘;;;Agessadia ..,• .41 - AROOda, Limerick TAW" Ntaito# Th„444mg,,,,attay Trout and'. Wet llonink Limo , lei Trost and_Abter-Hooks,-Floatarlhiunais-and—Drinkint chips. ,KALI_IIIII3 DRUG AND FANCY, ISTORA, ml 2 - • 91 Ilszket A.: .irRE Fronh Ground and Whole Spice, mapper, Alsnioi, Oinnszotagmuun e w istei • n NYCHOLD .„ . 7 1 k, - je corner Skeet -and liankepiFidents- nl7. W43OAP. - .Licricireeonomicarkleterghly timikOapillpaid \MAI* ale Ihirrautedlnoc. to iajura tpe bands. . ; IWw li impel emolageseceie cider, and bv.t Uriiareyatiltable for every.: Rape& 4/or 41a kyr c:v Wm. Doak . jhowN3 o. : RA - I;4i twlrizmikawouluesOf Geiewere,„ at ce w AriA tautelor present:9r, at OLS kgrkiWire • . '" beat mad atradll. 1111'.. tp;, - ..: , totict..:o' iso., asT.tirt. HARRISBURG, PE! N'A Artist Colors and Took, Pura Ground Spiess With a general variety of WINDOW GLASS ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND lEEE TEETH 1 TEETH 11 RESTORATIVES HELMBOLDIS GENUINE PREPARATION "MG ILY CONON/FBA TAD" , - • ..COMPL4MIDSLUIREXTRACT SWIM 4 Near.) and SpsoUbittemeify For Diseases of the IsLADDER, - MIDNEYS; GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. Ibis Medicine inetetens the' newer of ' Digestion, and excites the ABSORRENTa int , . healthy action; by which the WATERY OR CALOAREOUS depositions, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGIBIUINTS are rednad, as well as PAIN AND INFLAMATION and is.good for . MEN, WOM.OIi OR CHILDREN, =imam =PACT DOWD, - • . For Weaknesses Arising Tom Enema, Habits of Dissipation, Eirlygn iiisoretion or Mime. ATTENDED wns THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS . Indhposition to Eseruon, lessof ; Power Ix= of Memory,Dnalty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, - Trembling, Horror of Disease, Dimness of Vision, • Pain in the Back Universal -lassitude of Ma Zuswilar System, Hot Wide, Flushing of tile Body TOM= of Abe Skin • - Eruptions on the Face IlLuacomilite.Nos, Theaosymptomai if allowed to goon, which this and Mine invariably remove; .mon follows •• • 11e01111NOT; FATUITY, EPILEPTIC yips • IN WOW WHICH THE PATIENT MAY PODIPIIIA Who can say that they are not frequently followed by Mee "DIREFUL D • "INSANITY-AND ( CONSIDIFTION." Shiny are 'attatil of atone of 'their suffering, BLIT NONE•IFILL cONFF2B. THE itiCiRDS OF THE INSANE Asnqms, Aid thelfelancialyllialla by Cbrumapttim, MR AMPLE WMOOPOIIe IVO MOTH OP THO APHOWHOIL Tllll43cogaironok9 l 4 o 4: „annul WITH • " O.EGANIO, WZAILNENJ, Regains the•sillot madkAte to stkingilien end • Lmigontte the System, Ifltcli Mistime% iirlieft BOCIIII (*WU* doe TIILIA IML 00=040 110 ff =Naval. FERAII23—FIKALES—PRILSLER, ' OLD OR YOUNG,GINGIA; HARRIED, OR CONTEMPLA TING MARRIAGE, E.= NAVY Alvtartorrsqlcuumt. TO rialiiLES, Me Mistreat Boon Is um:quailed by any otker nmedy, as In Moron or Retention, Irregularity, Pliss, or Suppremio nof Customary Resonation, latnn or goirrhons suite of the Uterus, Leueorhow .Whitrw, Stern tty, and for all oomplaints incident to tile en, whether arising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipatin, or in the DAUER OR CHANGE OP LOX um a/MOMS ABOVII NO FAMILY asouw BE wrramiT IT I Tam NO NM MASAN, MOUNT, OR UNPLIMIANVIINDI CUM /OR WOIDAITIANT AND Dill6lllollll MILMBOLD'S EXIRAGT BMW BM= DEEM& to all their Sages; At little Nipense ; Link or no change ; In Diet .; • : -No imonvenienoe; And no Expoure. It cline' sir frequent desire and shred strength to Urinate, therebrrewaying Obstruollo. Preventhig and Millis Strictures of the Urethra, 7 . Alleytog Pidn and Indasnination, so frequent to the glass* dieeaoa", and expelling..aN Poisonous, Diseased and tobrivesiVilniter: WliO HAVE BEEN IHE VICTIMS OP QUI/10M aid who hiveisid niaivAuk VI beim:nod hi a; short time, have found they were deceived, and thet the ' , PDX. SON" hoe, by the ties of "rowseito, aenevontne, ,! been dried up in the system, to brew' oat In - an aggravated fortikand , rziarArs APPEN MARBIAOS. Qa EforamIMI3IMILIOI , BIKIig for all affectlorus and cUseasecotAbo, ! : VIONARY ORQAXS whether erniting ip :MALE OR irk)title, Mem whatever ennee•orlglnating and no matter , f z . . WAG STANDLINIO. 1113 *se Proms paquire.thasid of DIUMI 1 10 • araiiimpl =Tuft Went! . - • • ' •El THE GREAT DIURETIC, • Judi. certain to have the dedired effect in eV Dawes ROA W1491./T IS: RROOWEENDRD. a eritia Id tatiableaad reepomible character rrin'iodcrieetthe weiuitos. mannewria:OF duke, Ireeill to* yang elandine, , Mill trams item/ TO • . SeardiCleAND YAM Price $1 00 - Wlkittle, or six Atr. $5 00. Delivered to anradthimf, ihaFiely Ouidted - trom Obser I*3lE* E VMS IN Ali. AXIMAILINAI4.IIO/19. Class Oiaarimuted I• Advice Eistatis I • . AFFIRM% . , • . 4E4Aerionailyaiiteirsithittire.nts, eh dibiicnOiw. of :OA w ca of Philadelphia, H. T. iiiihnota, who' bolas duly sworn, Both say, his preparations contaht no narcotic, no, merrery, or other Injurious. drugs, trot ire purely rage. tab's- • : - • _ , T. DIELKDDI D. Biront Sod subscribed-wore ma. *ht. Mt day of No Itioreber, 1854.• WM. P. MBUND; AtMnitas, • NtathM above Babe, Albin:es Were tor taco . :to g, :1 e: I obAnidg4 DePot i _lo4 Socittinkii - mg: 6 1 ,„„,„„ nam , INWI - 01WWW.ItS •-- AND UIkIPItINOIPLXDDNALit.9, Who eadeavor to dispose "ow =am own "and Horan" .iiresthoo Out MB ILVITIMICer MAXIM IT Higmbold's Genuine PrePernamt_ II • • 66 6, - ULNA Dacha, 66 64 46 s usavir ma k " Improved Mae Wash. Scdd by 0. H. Keller, D. W. Dross, J. Wyetb, 03, IND ALL DaLrallalti Brizerwszas. ANN FOR IiNLMBOLD'S. TARN NO 13TEIER. Oat out the Advertirplettt_ j_t_t_td soltoritilts AND AVOID uwo. , ON D URN. turd/WU • :PORT FOLIOS pittad mars, 'PRATELLING Mae, • PURSES, PORTKONAIRS, Aaii a general aasortinent f TAROT c 13 11 0(4)13 have just bean received aC : BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTOB,E. SUGAR CURED 11,AlitS. DRIED.BW, SHOULD.II23B • BOUM! SAUSAGE: fA large and fresh sapplyjust reedited b' el)* WIC DOCK. .&00 EcCURTOCER PECTORAL SYRUP; . 'VMS INVALUABLE SYRUP, WHICH Ig .1 entirely vegetable in its compositionOtss been employed: w ith wonderful summit for many yeats=inciliiiOura-Of Slimes for the AIR PASSAOKikand!LUNGS. For. any form of the Abwase ;Such AI _COUGH, TICKLING of the THROAT, SPITTING: OF BLOOD,'DWI CULT • BREATHING, HOARSENESS, LOSS OF VOICE,' and HECTIC FEVERS, its mai *ill ,ba_attended with the happiest results. _Wit( .ons of the_ best and