pailg titgrapil. NO I 10E TO ADVERTISERS.-411 Ad. vertimments, Business Notices, Mar- Tinges, Deaths, Ac., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accompanied with the C ASH. Advertisements ordered in the regm. tar Evening Edition are inserted in the morning Edition without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA Thursday Afternoon, August 28, 1862 Tau Aumugo OF several companies took place this morning. The arms are distributed from the old locomotive house of the Harris burg railroad. WE Norio CO!,. SMALL (not the pigmy, but the gallant soldier) in town last evening. He has recovered from his wounds, and is once more ready for service in the field. WALKING on Third strees, between Market and Walnut, has been considerably improved since the completion of the cellars in the build ing on the corner of Third and Walnut. Tat LADIFS of this city who have been fur nishing the hospl'al at Camp Curtin with deli cacies, wish to act in concert. A movement is on foot to accomplish the above object, and a call will be published in to-morrow's paper. GEORGE H. MORGAN, formerly connected with the local department of the TELEGRAPH, has been made a cl erk in i he State Military Enrolling Department. He is an accomplished scribe, and will be of service in the position to which he has been called. A MEWING will he held in the Locust Street Methodist Episcopal Church this evening by Rev. A. Manship, to present the merits of his new hymn book—The Patriots Hymn Book. Rev. Wm. L. Gray, of Reading, will be present to take part in the ceremonies. THE LADIES of Shamokin, Pa , through Rev. A. D. Hawn, have presented Majer Mathews with an elegant gown as a testimonial of re spect from the "mothers, wives, sisters and personal friends of the members of Company X," of Col. Knipe's regiment. A PanAnnents CORRESPONDENT gives us a glowing description of a party that went on a fishing excursion of a week, down the . Delaware Bay. Samuel B. Lauffer, Richard Wildey, Jo seph Moore and their friends composed the party. It is said that they caught over One thousand pounds of Sea bass, besides a large quantity of other fish. Lauder is a splendid angler, and it would have delighted us to have seen him standing on the bow of a boat casting his Roes for Sea ban. .r--.....-...= ADATTABT GENERAL THOMAS, United States Army, was to have arrived in this city to-day for the purpose of conferring with Governor Curtin. The object of the visit of Adjutant General Thomas is especially to hurry forward the troops which now crowd Camp Curtin. These troops, as we understand the matter, have been kept back by the "red tape" of the Paymasters Department. Pennsylvania with her energies aroused as they are now, cannot afford to be retarded by any influence. The nation needs men, and the State only asks the opportunity to contribute them. THE PARCHED EARTH appeals for rain. Pant ing and weary men and beasts implore by their looks for rain. But the hot earth appeals in vain, and man and beast must suffer until the elements are moved by an inflaence which their visions cannot comprehend. For weeks the draught has been prolonged ; and its effects on vegetation are indeed destructive. Let us con tinue to hope that the clouds will soon distil their waters for our refreshment, because that is all we can do. Tax Dam/TR has been general throughout the State, and much complaint is made in the local papers as to the damage done. The corn has suffered considerably, the ears are not filled up, and the yield will be lighter than antici pated. Potatoes have also suffered for want of rain, while the grass is very ranch parched. The peaches, in many sections, are shrivelling upon the trees, and those that are ripen are lacking in flavor. The grapes are also suffering. The rains of the past few days, however, will have an invigorating effect upon vegetation. VALIIABLI Rem, ESTATE AT PlatLlO SALS.—By reference to our advertising columns it will be seen, that Benjamin Fishburn, executor of the estate of Daniel Flshburn, deceased, will offer at Public Sale on Friday, September sth, 1862, a first rate farm, containing 117 acres, situated in Derry township, about one mile from Hock eurville. The sale has been advertised to take place on the sth of December, which is an er ror, as it will positively take place on Friday, September 6th. The property is in excellent condition, and can be bought at a bargain. "Tarn FIINII I DWARIII. "—As we were pars ins along Market street last evening, we drop ped in to witness the performance given by the two smallest men in the world. Commodore Foote and Colonel Small, and we must admit, it was the most chase and elegant performance we have ever seen In Brant's Hall. They are truly wonderful, being more diminutive in statue, might, &c., than either of Mr. P. T Barnum's figures, Commodore Nutt or General Tom Thumb. They will hold their levees every afternoon and night this week. Toe prices of admission are to suit the times, for adults in the evening, twenty five cents, afternoon, fifteen cents; for children, fifteen cents in the eve ning and ten cents in the afternoon. Th e performances of Commodore Foote and Col onel Small will be novel, varied and inter esting to all. We are informed that the op. portunity to be provided will be the only one offered, as both these monarch schrimps of hu manity will shortly visit California, Australia s o d England. We may expect to see a large so d delighted concourse assembled to-night and to morrow afternoon. Parents, go, and take the children. Afternoon performance cOl3/men ass at three atcloa, at night, eight precisely. SOLDIIOI Daowiae —A private belonging to the Second Reserve Regiment, named Henry Cook, while bathing in the canal this afternoon was attacked with cramp, and before assistance was rendered, drowned. It is said that six of his comrades were present and witnessed the eight, but made no endeavors to assist him. His remains will be sent to his friends. I= A Goon APPOINTMENT.—Capt. D. M. Armoor, of Pittsburg, Captain of company A, 101st regi ment Pennsylvania volunteers, has been com missioned by the Governor as Major of the regiment, to date from July let. Capt. Armoor was strongly recommended by Col. Morris, commanding the regiment, on account of his fine soldierly qualities and gallant conduct at the battle of Fair Oaks. The appointment is a good one. APPOINTIOPIT OP BZVENOS AESUBOIL —Daniel Kendig, Esq., from Middletown, this county, has been appointed Revenue Assessor made by recent law of Congress. The appointment is one of the best that could have been made, he is au excellent business man and admirably qualified for this responsible position, strictly honest and fair in all his dealings, he will, no doubt, render general satisfaction and justice to all alike. Tait &cum Guanze, lathe name of a splen did body of men who have lately (attired Camp Curtin from Batler county. The Guards are officered as follows : (*lain, G. W. Hsu. First Lieutenant, WASIAK EMMY Sicond Lkuterumt, J. B. lioNe.ur This company takes its name from our illus trious friend, Col. Jacob Ziegler, himself one of the best and the bravest men in the Stare. All that we ask of the Guards is to preserve the name which they have adopted as spottiest] as ft has ever been, and they will do well. A YOUNG woman In southern Illinois, the mother of three little children, the youngest of which is less than a month old, writes to her husband's mother in St. Louis, informing her of 1 , er son's intention to enlist in the army of the Union, and adds the following expression of her own sentiments :—"lt is of no use for me to say how I feel about it. Re is my hus band and my at/ In this world, but the same God who keeps him now will still keep him and protect him in caring for so sacred a cause. lam often inclined to feel selfish about his going, and think, why should oar home be made desolate f and then, when I think of the hundreds of homes that are desolate and broken up by this terrible war, and how many more will be made so, I feel that it is no time for people to be selfish, and think that theirs is the hardest lot of any. But I tell him, if he goes, above all things to remember he is a man, and if he is spared to return home, to come home a man, and not a thing, to bring disgrace upon us all." Such a spirit as this everywhere exhibit ed, would soon end the war. As me matzo wave is just now occupied by a close consideration of the impending draft, we would suggest that a meeting be called of the loyal citizens in each ward, for the purpose of consultation in regard to matters of impor tance to every resident thereof. It is now as certained that every ward and township of our county will be held strictly accountable for its own delinquency as to its representation in the army. Whitever emergencies may arise under such a view of the case can be better arranged by a consultation of the citizens of the wards, than to leave them to the stern mandates of the law, which recognizes no differences as to the individual responsibilities of the people. Let the citizens of the wards and townships come together. Let there be a consultation among those who are not sufficiently cowardly to desert the interests of the country for fear of a measure which it has been found impera tively necessary to adopt in view of the danger which besets ns. It is only by a proper and equal showing of the enrollment that justice can be done in this thing of drafting, and let those who are endeavoring to shirk from it, be made to face the music. Mich good may be done by the meetings we propose. Let them be for consultation among our loyal citizens, and we promise that great benefit will accrue. 13Krox vs. Szcssa.—On a certain railroad train running out of the city of Baltimore, it matters not in which direction, there is employed a con ductor who is an unflinching Union man, obli ging, prompt, courteous and civil to every one with whom he has daily intercourse ; and just as determined and uncompromising can our . friend render himself when he comes across an "ugly customer" among his passengers, to try his patience and ruffle his usually placid temper. A short time since, it matters not when, while hurrying through his train, which was crowded to eicess with passengers, (the day being ex cessively hot, and the presptration rolling off the busy conductor's face like rain drops,) he came up to a pair of " coves " occupying a double seat, and wearing the unmistakable paraphaoalla of "city swells." "Tickets, if you please, yeifkmen P" said the Conductor. Swells.—" Got none." Conductor.—" Your fare will answer as well." Swells.—" Take this."—(One of them hand ing him an envelope, apparently filled with bank , notes or bank paper, upon which was printed in glorious red colors a female figure, holding out at arms length, a secesh rag, in im itation of the address of liberty, wearing the glorious flag of our country. Swells grinned and looked amazingly funny, as they beheld a shadow flitting over the hohest face of the ticket collector. auductar.—" Your on the wrong train gentle men i" Swells: •-" How is that I" Conductor.—" This pass is only good on the road to h-111 Pay your fare, ralkmen ' ,or I shall be obliged to put you off the train." Swell, No. 1, looked over the change in silver, while Swell, No. 2, pulled his head into his fashionable "choker," on the style a is tors take, while the other passengers carried out the joke, with the frequent inquiry, " where does tide road carry vat Ain't we on the wrong train r fitunspthania Mau tetegraph, gbutsbap lfttntoon, august 28, 1862. Com. vs. Margaret M'Manutt, surety of the peace. The defendant was ordered to pay the docket costs. Corn. vs. David Black. Fornicatiou and bar tardy. Guilty. Cora. vs. J. M. Sheck, surety of the peace. Not decided. Taus Btu —The grand jury returned a true bill in the case of Gee Bergner vs. 0. Barrett, Thos. C. MacDowell and 11. J. Jones, charged with libel. On application of the defendants, that they were not ready for trial, the cue was postponed till next court, and they were or dered to enter each one, security in the sum of one thousand dollars for their appearance. Court met at half-pad eight o'clock Com. vs. Calvin MacDowell, surety of the peace. Defendant was ordered to enter secu rity for his good behavior. Com. vs. Yellets charged with assault and battery on J. M Shen' occupied the balance of the morning session'. Jury out. As Tas Trio Fixai von TM DRAFT has been extended, it would be well for our businms men and others active in life, to limitthe hours usu ally devoted to their own interests, for the pur pose of assisting in raising volunteers Every man has his influence, Let him use it for his country. Every man has the power of doing good. Let that good be done for his country; If Are places of business men cliosed a few hours earlier every day, and a fitting place established where ail could meet for the purpose of preparing ways and means to procure volunteers, our queta would be full before the period of the draft arrived. This suggestion is worthy of some consideration. PATIOTIO FAMILIII.—We see many instances noticed by our exchanges, where nearly the whole male portion of families have gone to the wars, leaving none at home but the aged parent. 'I he following communication, from one of our subscribers, residing in Bradford county, we think, is deserving of a place In our columns, showing that Bradford Is not behind in patriotism or in furnishing men. The let ter is as follows : MR. EDITOR :—I do not feel that I am out done a great deal, although Esquire Smith, of Carlisle, and Mr. Weik, of Lebauon, have done nobly by sending each four sons in the army; and likewise, a man in Susquehaona county, who has sent four sons and has also gone-him self. I have four sons in the army, with are all officers, two commissioned and two: non commissioned, in different regi ments, and ' a nephew, a young man that I raised irom child bond, all doing battle for our country's cause. Although myself, a little past the prime of life, lam ready and willing to render any service to the government that, I can, to aid In putting down this unholy war. A. B. nueurros SPRING Hus, Bradford County, Pa. Tan DEICANDS OP Socrarr.—A. decent respect for our personal appearance. and to be comtort able is an instinct of our nature, while some perhaps did not admit the first proposition, we think none will object to the second, awl now as we have the disposition and have.made up our minds to comply with the reasonable de mands of society, the next question is what all this talk is about. Reader, the intention is to inform you of the large stock of Fall and Win ter Dry Goods, just received at Dana & Bow- MAN'il, consisting in part of Cloth Cloaks, Silks, Satin faced Talenciens, Wool plaids and an end less variety of Dry Goods and notions, at prices much below the ruling wholesale rates of to day. Don't forget our Cloth, Caesarian and Vag inas. We study to please.' aug2Bl2 t. A MOM ESTABLUINIMIT.—Among the many improvements lately made in our city, to which we can point with pride as an evidence of pros perity and as a determination on the part of our business men, no longer to remain behind the " light house," is the completion of Eby & Kunkle's large brick building at the corner of Market and Fifth streets, which is alike creditable to the owners and orpamental to that part of our city, The building is not only one of the largest, devoted to the grocery business, outside of New York, but the stock challenges competion.— Without going into detail, we may safely say that the firm keep on hand everything usually kept in a grocery store, (liquors excepted,) and that they sell at very small profits. Their clerks are civil and accommodating, and have strict instructions under no circumstances what ever to misrepresent or take advantage of any customer. A general invitation le extended to the public to visit the new building and exam ine the extensive stock, whether they purchase Or not. , The undersigned wOrdd •• respectfully in form those who',are afflicted with-Rheuma tism,Dyspepsia Consumption of Liver and Sidey, Cough s, Fevers,. and all • diseases arising from impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to furnish filoi..Weathoven's German Vegetable Medicines at .very' moderate rates. I have also on hand a quantity of invaluable Salves for Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet and Nes. References can be furuhlted as to their won derful efficacy, whenever called upon. There need be no apprehension in regard to my com• potency in administering it, as I bave had it on band for the past six years. As they are now sold at reduced prices, no family should be without them over night. They can he bad at my time at my residence, in rime street, be tween Second and Front. Aul3 dlm M5B. L. BALL. • Mss. Beres:—Six years since I was afflicted wit,' the dyspepsy, liver complaint and inffam oratory rheumatistri. Phyincians failed to af ford any relief. I then took of your vegetable medicine and was cured in a short time. Two years after I took the fever and ague,und agaiu you' cured me.. lam now entirely. restore 4 to health. I have no hesitatiou in declaring that I believe they are the best family medicines aver offered to the , public • let them be tried, tad their virtues will spea k torthem than can. My residence is iu Pine streetlietween second au4 Tbird. Maur Pd. URGER. • TO TH YOUNO'OB OLD. Mak to Fes, try= have been suariniernom a babitindinged ropy the maraca 10271 Szres, num 0 , 178 A SO MANY ALOVIIING SYMPrOMS, It thato them for iforrkto ) - And to the geettott evil which can befall MAN OR WOMAN. lee B ym r a,ata. analaoratad IXI adlfecrthumatept i Iliad, If you ugh et, 4.* 6 Qa fait the a4vertiattaent, mid aaa4 for 11.11% 01163. .. Delays are sk tor dangerous. A vehabeld's Talce*h Other. -t - ' Carel allarauteli. afflgre if (Thwitsrfie 1.194 Alltiliferir. ty*4ll4ta , COtTET PROCEEDINGS. WEDNESDAY AYTEBNOON THURSDAY MORNING TO the Afflicted. WM Hays received a large assortment of hoop skirts. from 75c. np to 82 50. A large assort ment of linen and needlework collars, and col. lam and sleeves, at all prices. White cambrics, jaccenetts, nantucks, brilliants, and plain and figured Swiss muslin, at all prices. The finest lot of embroidered French cambric brands ever brought to Harrisburg—of infant's waists we keep a large assortment. Ladies' and gentle - - men's linen pocket handkerchiefs, ladies' stock ings, gentlemen's one half hose, And children's stockings of all descriptions and prices. Twenty Pieces of ctrpet to be sold cheap. Kentucky jeans, sattinetts and casimeres for men 'and boy's wear. We received 50 dozen suspenders, at all vines.- 60 dozen cotton handkerchiefs, with borders, and a great many other notions and small. wear. . S. Lawn. HAIR DYEI HAIR DYE! Wm. 4. Mackelor's Bair Die I The only Han/lees sod Reliable Dye Known I All others are mere imitations, and abnold be avoided II r o ut wish to escape ridicule. GREY, RED OR4DISTY HAIR dyed Instantly to beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the least injury to Hair or SIM. FIFTEEN MaDALS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to Wa. A. listoestou since IS 0, and over 200,000 applications have been made to the hair of the patron* of his famous Dye. W. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from naturelind le wmutearien not to Injure In the least, however long It may be coati's ued, and the ill (Meets of bad Oven remedied. The oafs is invigorated for life by this splendid Dyo, which In prop. arty applied at No. le Bond Street New York. Sold to all the cites and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goode Dealers The Genuine has the same "William A. Batchelor,. and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the foal Ades of each boa. Wholesaba Factory, 81 Parrlay 81., octa-darwly. tato 43a Broadway, New Yivit cal 2butrtisments PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Just received, at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE, a full attpPly of PHOTOGRAPHIO ALBUMS, Embracing all the new Styles and Sizes ALBUMS FOR 12 PHOTOGRAPHS. ALBUMS FOR 20 PHOTOGRAPHS. ALBUMS FOB 24 PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUMS. FOR 80 PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUMS FOR 40 PHOTO:UWE& Mr.M l lM ' Vrl=rMrq Prices trona Seventy-five Cents To Twenty-Sive Dollars BOUND IN CLOTH, WITH CLASP BOUND IN FRENCH MOROCCO, WITS CLASP BOUND IN WILKEY MOROCCO, ViTIM TWO rglrTrn BOUND IN TURKEY KOROXXX), WITH PANELLED BIDES BOUND IN VELVET, WITH CLASPS-VERY RICH BOUND IN MOROCCO, Willi MEATY TiiOIINTIN4IS AND CLASPS WINES FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. ;M:1 V: CI 4 MO3 1 )010 t=l: Df T1:1 1f: o'et 1 "0 T,150 COPIES OF RARE ENGRAVINGS COPElia OF CHOICE FMMffOS Any Clark de - row. published in will be fundehed . to order, PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Of any size nut in the irteadard sty/es will be made to order. BERGNER'S Cheap Bookstore. ANOTHER SUPPLY OF MORTON'S UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS, DEBT PENS in the world, for 750, $1 25 13 41 60, $2, SS, sod $4, for sale at %bl 6 I EICHKFFEEPS Boologore. FLY PAPER . LIANCY COLORED Paw, ready cut, for j: cowering I osking Glossas, IPlotore Zanies, tes.. Dolton ans other new patterns for sale at eskomays OfIELP BOOK TORE CHEESE. A FEW Boxes good Cheese, the balance of a large cooslgninent, are Wand at an onnessiliy Low rake to cklae mac the lot. to nub dealers Uteri WI. se an inducement offered. Foch bog sold will be guar. entail as represented. Ws. DOCK., 3.8. 2 6 GO. j - WANTED. • • • SEVERAL Machinists: . : Also a ston be, is the Om with shop. Apply at the jyl64tt • RAMA al OEMS. BLACKING I MABONIT"CHALL - ENGE BLACKING. 100 Greer, ewsorted eisee,jact received, end toi we at Wboksele prices, • dellWW. norm, Jr.. &IX 7INO, Sheet Zino damaged by water, 1.4. f" "le low bar. • . M.qt !Valli Et, ):ca d N. B. Canna South and Peas &a ma, PM a. itAFADIC from choice and selected Apples LTI oad gummed by ui to beltrictly pure Mb 4 wl. DM; a CO czapericir brands of extra Jamily lour o:which we wastast to give sattogiotion for ram by ''' ' — NICHOItt ROWYLN, anll throw Nag and liseltet Ara*, RUSHi D 00111fila and fake pulierizad cs,a ripr, log e: teas any s o w pl6Olll 1111 town. CU sad dinialue, I ELlak 11. WilaN„ SY% Corner Front and llarlaeijitrfeda URINE Obsess fr9m, New York' Dattie* sair t teedvstandqw nate low 1 7 * 241[1101,11 * Minitel, 418 ' Onisehouaadlbrkei *efts. Ttw aDvertistments PUBLIC SALE. VALUABLE AND DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE WILL be offered at public sale, on Thursday, the 11th day of September, at 2 o'clock, at Brant's Han in the city of narrisbum Thirty tires acres of land with an exc ^Bent frame house and barn and outbuildings, situated partly in the City if kiarrisourg and parilyin .bwatara to wnshlk. This property is situated on the south of linnnels• town turnpike, a portion of %hien h•B a beautiful location on a bill, dire tly facing the city of Hama burg, io be sold in three acre lira. iso a lot or piece of ground intuited in Market Square, arlioining Jones' H 011230, having a front of 27 teat and mrteeding bac c 167% feet to Xe tee; alley, thereon erected a two story brick house with two story back brick. building and having the use of a three feet alley on Market A Aare, being one of the most deeradentumlonc for bustness or private residence in the city. Poesesaion given t.n Ist of October ext. 0 nditioas of males are 10 per coot. of the purchase money to be paid ou the day of sale, tbo balsa. or toe one balf of the purchase money when the title is made, and the balaure In two equal annual payments with into. est, front t e time posses sten isgiven. To be secured by bonds and mortgago, A plan the tht*e acre lc.ot 4an be seen at the boot and shoe store of A. Hummel, next doco to toe Court House, Harrisburg. tole attendance will be gtven. by 01 =GE HUMMEL mid aLlidlr RUM kiF to, dtr Exacutor at David Hamm , dvod. PURIFY THE BLOOD. NOT a few of the worst disorders that raid =ink! arse from the corrupt.= that au mutilates to the blood. Of all the discoveries tha Dave been made to purge it out, none have been found which could =al in eUect 'Melee ColdrellND exrcevr .a.learamma It clean es and enova es the Clued, in et 111 he vigor of (malt t into the yet 01 end purges out the bum, %WWI make die ae. It en as Lime t • =alt.y unction- or the b .dy and the disorders the% gow a d ran le in th bl od. t a e.trsurst eery virr,cesare not yet wisely known, out whrti t ey are is o w no ppm l e I) eineetiun mutt t moody to emplo, in its grs.t varety of nfolet ng diseases that 'Min re an alterative rein - dy. h a remedy, than could b., relied on, ug beau souoht cur, and now, or the firs: tine we i utolte have of it tin moth they can &pen/ Our vice here does not admit d. rt Ilea es t • chow its eel tee nut the mot of a tingle tat t e wilt show to t at k than It ha. virtues suriesting any thing they have ever taken. =lnters iron Em Lb, emoluelm Steel lag , and :ores, try it, a d sae the rapidity with which As Damps, Pimples, ray/es, Dm edit, drop tons Roo, rat ease out of toe ey: tom. s( Anthony's Arc, ROSS 0 , IS. Opel as, 4et er or Sitit Rheum, imtiti Bead, itioptetsuoi. fie. , st ot. , d not be borne wbil, they can be to speedily cured by Arsa's dart AreentLlA Sephiasu or reeved Diseases is expelled from Re system by the pr loog.d usu of this *4iss.A.ressms.s, an . the patient is kft a- healthy as if os hen never Lad the rema/e Memo are mated by surfed& hi the blow), seders genera 17 10012 bored by t is Itxrasor or Samoa talt.lLLa. t odes $1 per bottle, or 6 holder for gr. For all th, tut, ow, of a fairly ph) bike AYER'S Ca'ateric roars, 'rat h Are everywhere Immo to he he tw r purgative tuat t of:Baled to t.-0 Albericau tilo.)- p• trice to cows per Box, or +Shure•far S.l. prepared by Pr. J. C. AILYLK & 00., LuWal t Nase. and to d r y Drue.,Al a ereryw, re. otht by I.: A., u. W Groat& Co , 0. H. Eel aw, J. M. Lax, Dr. Miry, F. Wyeth end deetleil ory, Where VOLUNTEERS, IF YOU WANT LETTER OR NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, WRITING OASES, POCKET INKSTANDS, PENS AND HOLDERS Of every description and quality, you will find the largest assortment at BERG-NIB'S BOOKSTORE. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY IT WEST CHESTER, PENNI. FOR BOARDERS ONLY WILL be Opened on Tuesday, Eeptem btr 4 IN2. It was (bartered by the Leelat tore with full co lesiite power. In the capeeions, lnrta wti:h Were erected and fa unshod at a wet Of over ,city thousand dolnrs are arrangements for the com Weide qtwttrtug Cud pubtiotlug of ono hundred and fitly oadeta A co w of competent and experienced teachers w ill gin tb , lt undivided altenton to the EdUcatio. al Dep./meal, ant atm to mare their instruOttoli buorengh practical The Department of dud embraewe the ropeeine cou-oes :—Primary Commercial and Sot. sena; collegiate and Mt Mary. itu moral tralciag of cadets tun be coretwitt attended to. OremJars mss be obtained at this Mace, or from Col THIO lIYA'I'r, President, P. d. M. au22-•l2weBa FOR SALE. VALUABLE PROPERTY Two Brick Houses and Lots ON PINE STREET. For particulars enquire of S. JOHN KIIRRAY, Jp2islitaw3si Corner of Faison/ and Fine straits. FRESH BUTTER AT 'MARKET P BICE. WE, HAYING fitted up a large Reirig wator, and baring made contracts with some of our most reliable farmers to remit us with fresh and sweet butter reamed will be enabled to supply oar customers with sweet froth Me cold butter at all times. my. 7.9 MIL DOCK, Jr. & CO THE MISSES SMITH'S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, 1210 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Will be reopened en MONDAY, SEPT. EIGHTH. T"conrse of study embraces the Lana, Fr nch and German hodtgattgcs, Drawing and Fslotug , torthtr with he closes' racy and branch a ut a .nornogn E glen Folic tiou. The areOtaluAl Snail ani or Ina tnnut, character and well ra cu ate 'censure to the p. pi 4 the ewe) , t 01 a home. Owing to t' , e pressure o. tn. tunes a deduction of 10 per cent will be lbr the ensuing yea^. an2l-4tm NOTICE. A LL employees of the Philadelphia and is, Reading Ea 'Peed. eoupiiny, wto may ant , t In the alive Of • be 1 _nit& I :Issas for toe port) er the lowly:to oreatening Its Ebert as of our tea-, ry, are hereby:assured, 'dot r, nape Era stimuli BB be kept open cue Vv. n thaw two dIV • y on thew noun; sod •tt , t the (so( of their VQIIIII 4110rIZI; to deleted their • unto, to this irnerkeney, will be good& area bore tier as greatly i, mete r promi,tiogi t o any aultAb • paditions in toe a rob:Pilot this Company. clAaLs• I. ; atria, Preetoent. Phl'adripbfa, August Rh 1882. anti dim ANDERSON TROOP, A NT intelligent and respectable young CI, wen who wsh to loin tbia tro can gut soy hi fortnanon they nl.h by eallitig on the undersigned a" Coider's .10 Ogee, id rite' :zoo& e, wows am vgice 411 tie op aed for FOR del B. ay swot. mum lard a go 4re onimendation. wLL 4 NE anard.l.* Lance CorporA, Anderson Troop. 111:1E 11pdegrove Lock fropez ty, Canal gme , y ono ktockrlie itoive, I Lwow tyd WWI Above Rawl burg is now otrer.4 for oak. Xee favor liimoot Week ly or app yto &eq. al itls63 O CONSIIIVION LSD UNION. BOOT FOR TIIE PEOPLE. "OUR GOVERNMgNT , "byM. WM= y, coo awl tua amatitotiou of the rake „ aud fahoDof ih am:Aerates. em it beeouatoo too of their yrovidnue as deurrtauod ju mod ti settl-d wattle* Ix autodaqi author- ; d so d lo thdorirtoivttou end.po*.r or the our. r Itarttoo, its of be nova nutout,ualoata and maw and a m ato, the nature pr whiles sod mode or salmi* i4ralett unto, Govarasotat of - our toanui. Melt 09 lam ayer. lrlittolay, at garrisbard, and at book Mom goamilly. auld•daw New 2lbetrtiiiments. Al~ ENTIRE Tar GOLD PENS ! THE beet and largest amortment of Gold Pena I has just been opened at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. These Pens are manufactured , by C. F. Newton & Co., of New York, and warranted to give inn satisfaction. A trial will satisfy any one Examine the prices below Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 26 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 60 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 76 Gold Pea and Sliver Holder for $2 SC Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 50. Hold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 75 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $8 26 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $3 75 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $4 26 Gold Pen and Pencil, with Bobber Holder $5 00 Gold Pen end Pencil with Rubber Holder, $7 00 C0.ZaL.1....A WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HANVIVorth Il ec ea fa e te d ly tt u Cg by Y , a , r y t ) i . , Fo4 l . o t • or it , of lam enabled to sarply the ptibliJ with a COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE DIFFERENT VARIETY AND SIZES OF GLEAMY CICIAL La. PULL' WEIGHT ALWAYS GUARANTEED. Orders reepretfolly eolleitesi—whleh, if left at the olio., toot of North street, or at the Who of Wen. Dock,Jr. a Co., will remove prompt accent on. GILLARD DOGS. Jria HARRISBURG. COAL OIL DEPOT FUR the safety of olnsumers, we have establened a t 1 Oil Depot at toe corner. of Free vat Market streets all our oils are 1, sted and we pad (lvey wall none except such so prove to be non-explosive, clear and free front odor as tar as oracticoble. We oder at protein the iolloaring Justly celebrated le ands- Malt sae, Ro , inson, Nabrooa and L .erer, lower ghsa Can be pureness' elsewhere n Win place, either wnontealo or retail. also Cu seteesive assortnnint !safe, Chim ney:l, Shades, Oise Cones, 'tamers, &c. Ire will also cheap timid or camphene leaps, so as to be u-ed for coil oat. Oa' and eadasty yoursel :ee, at NICBOLS & BOWMAN, Corner of Front and Market duvet, &pill INSURANCE. Marino, Fire and] Inland Traaspartatiaa, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTII DIEM. OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual. Capital and boats $1,200400 DIRECTORS. Arthur G. 0311 hr, Simnel W. Jamey Julio A. Bruhn, Samuel t. Smith, Colorie• Taylor, amtwoes John R. Neff, Richard D. Wool, Willi= Welsh, Wit lam E. Bowen, lone. N. Thomson, 8. horde Wale, Jobs aeon, George L. llarrl-Ao, Fr.utes R. Oipe, kd ward H. Trotter, lieward S. (bloke. ARTHEIS G. COP rIN, Prairie*. CHABLES PLATT, Siortgary. Art central agent far ha aqove ulnae oomporty, the uuderelgoed' la prepared to take Fire Tints in any owl of the erase of Peaueylvtube, ehher atipnally or perpet ually' on the moat tavorab in terms. Moe Third street between Walnut and Strawberry alley, Burke% row. WILLIAM BITENUrit, fele dl • g, Pa WILLIAM SAMFORD, MERCHANT TAILOR, 86 IdABLET ST., EiARRISMIG, IS now prepared to furnieh otficier's military c'omlag, a cud , gtore g ula W. at ha l A. , oageno.alamorlo • t of LI Saa,o 4 4 home, Vassals and ready so.uo olotldn.; tor cirt.loa.. tats-Cro, EXACIITRIX'S SARAH A. ALDRED, Executrix of **Mate Of Thomas 4 ,te4, flee' i late if the city of Hard bang, Daaahte amity, bevies lend a testameatai `routed to these by the Resist r f piths county, hereby wall .e a 1 pantos ludeetot to , 5441 estate to mead hootedl—te payout'', and nto n haring e set M a s to at t e o r e th e e a above na med p e e a r w atsus ,- encie , e ar ALARGE ASSORTMENT of Family Bibles of different style Hissaing, at 90c. 11 21 Cl 60, lit, $3, $l, $5 acid 310. POCKEIL a isles or ilit crest styles and prices at soasEinal Bookstore. POMADE HUN GROISE JOB rixoka mi MOUSTAO HES, RELLER'B auceron. TOBACCO, Cavendish, Consrees and gals I,Ar ty IQUII - L9 & tiosrwAN, Ovine and Ativiret torpor& ISM ilkttBltiVlNti jars and fruit cans of all kinds and dies, for male by bh..rioL9 & DOWN 4& COlllOOl% Foot N rid .I..rem eft, W. P. HENRY. CM F all aims, patterua and iiricaa; 'just recaived sad for sale by • eIS Wg. ":Tr ai CO CHEAP Oil fer all kinds of machinery. i n k n o ll awl large wawa for sale b Li.CllO4l & t OW MAN, ele Qlroor Fra.t • nd 't street. A PPS ES, Oranges and Lemons. at4qllll ,aL, maim mei OF JUST REOEIVED.