Slcbical E LIXIR PROPYLAMINE, r. rag NSW; laligl? 7 IVA RHEUMATISM; • NEW RIMED_ • CUMIN MOTE KHEUGATIGM, CHRONIC NEINGMATOGU, ItHIONLAIthat 011 EVERY KIND; HOW STUBBORN HOW 1"1215 HOW LONG STANDIG, mormutri WILL OONQUAGirr, WILL MG IT, WHAT IT HAS DONE, IT WILL DO AGAIN. 12tx131311NONT, BEST WEDWAL AIITHOKITY. moron KNOW IT, PATINNTS BRUM IT Mitit AND TRIM. PENNSYLVANIA - HOBI I .I.TAL Rim Omaas. Boarraz_ l‘xitte.,l So le, 1800,—Ellean., mt. 28, tingle,. emir mai very stroog., Two years ago she had an Week ofaouterbitunia tenn,trom which she Iran confined ut her tod for lir ,o weeks and subseqesny dots a Inhume for hitir morn'Shebin been well Insosthen tlitlam Ilaturnay, , while engaged inhouse eleanisg, site took cold, bad piths back, WI; Wild, Intt had no derided chill. Two days later her ankles be. gas se swell, which was followed by Snelling Of the knee joins and .of the hands. Wm *hat now ' dull plan In her shoulders, and her knuckles are eery tender, rial and painful; both hands are affected g but the right II Wet so. This, then, Is a cant of scuds rbrantatinn, or, as It Is new Inittionably called, rhiamitiki fever. Ms a wall moms& typical ease We will carefully Wattilith• - case,and trout ume to time cell year ettention to the vett- Mut spininess which present Wanwelven Ily chief **let ta bringing her befbre you now,, la to call tntsonoit - to a remedy reoeinly been' rectiminended hi the treatment of rheumatism. ' I Wald ?rapids/ 4m. ' Dr. Amenities, of- BC Petersburg, retoutmeede -tt • '.the highest terms, having derived , greas &Pak its use 200 Wes which came under Ws bare, ; madatory testletoslabs respecting It hotteappilartid hi' our journals, and I propose therefore Were is eaten* trial !must canfem asi always ineredlikombs * the worthrof new reniddlett, which are vaunted as smug* ; but this costes kr us recommended so highly dial We are bout* to give it a falai.: • - SAME CASE FOUR DAYS LATER I NAT SS, 111$0.—I will now *inhibit to youths Patient fer whom I prescribed Propylamlne, sad s then t h e wider an Attack c t unite rbetintatisin. She has Meadily Wigan in doses of three grains Gouty two Mere Oltdllo.whig it at MOM). The day, fter you B&W ber.4 I mud her muck more comfortable; better than She °l imited to be :for a week or 11101 . 0, judging front her other 'Sac% (The patient now walked into the ream.) The impromemenrhas !wedgy progressed, and you cannot to notice a martedthange in the appearance of ,her 'Ads', ebb* itioriew nearly stWof their natural Oise. Amy thr our experiment would have seemed' very jine. Wad ; but, gentlemen, w• tallAt wait • MAW while no. ire we can give a decided upinlen as to what is to be thereon% _ Here to another patient whd-ivaa placed on the-tiSiel .as some medicine on Sunday last:; she has long been meninx frron bromic rheumatism, purl I Immo tier al that time with an genie attack enpervenlng upon . 'her chreiteidltsiticti. The wrists tad lintles' Were 'Mel swollen mid Muse. Woe took the chloride of -Propila - mine in three. (Windows every two bourn and• yon will perceive that the swelling of the Maui has Buick Munn , TEM DAYS LATE It 20 )160.—This la the. ian of .assite . rheuteatiam sated With propylamine, the first of theta to which I. Need yea "Mention at our last clinic' swig still very . wrodintable, and is how taking three grains Otte deity. Venus. it has seemed to be followed by Ter iseteicay mealts„. The second case to which your stun tide MU called at our last lecture, Lae also matinee(' to do eels" Twill now bring before you a very character- WM lease of aunts rheumatism; and if the rank be eat. factory, I think, as good jurymen, we shall Pally render Our verdict In favor of propylastano tat. le; who Mak 'dieted afew dips ego.. Ihui had sciailional rheumatic pales; but not IN) as *Web* had, mill eight daps ego. .Tb• pains' ikon Mb% tines, sulmkuuktlY efrectediAMPleftkneetand lane tbeltditta of the upperextremities, . Thuile jMuto are alliniellen, tense and tender. Hit tongue is lurked' ; bla shin, at present dry, though there Ina been Mean swainieg,.... the pales istallud Maori& and about M.— He bAlL it ri used propylamine twenty - tone ems . This thmiinis wha t a m ay be called strictly typieal Mute matte rbeirmistiam. There wan exposure to cold mid wet, mid Ibis exposure is followed by a *sling 0.. awiesompuire artiouinr pain, beginning,:aait usualy ddooeess,,m thee kmerjolats. There 6‘ fever and the profMe eb generally Modell% du acute rheuniatiina Idid sat lembigthiepationt beau you with the i nteti *MO gMag yea aleetate all the. pinta concocted with rkatalatWnt, . but to again give a se*. 10 the goreinedy we are testing, and to exhibit to you this VROVilil have mined it, than which there oci old tot be a fairer opportunity for testing the medicine in quetion. IN are, therefore, avoiding the moo or all other medicine., even anodynes, that there may be no i =ivinic s aa to w o nt was the tient remedy. you EZBIItT. .11=•111 A FAVORABLE VERDAM. This 9, 11161 X—The nod of our coinleicente ti ' the Gass of acute rheumatism.before you at bur clinic of Mil Nth, whbh I then called a typical wue, and whith: was remarked was a fair opportunity for testing the Wee* of our new remedy, • It wile therefore steadily, gives is three grain doses every two hours for filer , days. 'bisliattent his got along very nicely, and hi now able td walk about, as you see. Ido not besetaUftei*ty that *I hive WM, seen as severe a ease °Canute. rheihtuatisee 'so seen restored to health as this man .bea without being prepared to deside welly" by as bathe wai.. nett the remedy . we , have oiled, 1 feet Wend .16 ate* that in the eases In which we have tried thetifiloride RPrgQ~glamina.tke Ponelotaboves :regain& .ffilliair.iteeith: earlier than under :he treatment .ardhoilar wed. I wish mammon, you would yonrospes try it, • end roped the rand& • • , Pour cfull report of whioh the al:44e le a' - ecouhmeed sunset, see the Philadelphia ..ltetinti end' Nitribkft Re porn% It is the report after • Valitrial by tlid bait and ad authority in this country, sod makes It uninmenary ee give ornuereue nernicates Venni' astonlithed 110Clors and riPolciag patients. - • ♦ PPICEDY CUR& AN EPTICTtiot. IMP Ablat WHAT 12 HAS DONE, , lkaibxst & Cressliew„ firm well kno wn to mostAfedl. Cu men, by whom the 1111ftir Profeinsitwe ,ifes bees In. troesionli, hare sole to ea the eichuhe right to manures. tire It senosling to the original WICiPC and •we 'hare wide arrangements of nth nnsontsdesi to Amble ne to eaSter It brosdnest swum* aagerlar, A WORD TO DOCTORS. :powder to nee the wane eImAY In anilther Rita W'S§ roar stkatke to the you Orneusim Own= PRopnikaa _ Pan Piorium — rigiciat" Poll PlaWfulawireekettfatzeo, tom lams PsornApi% of which we are the!Qle taitioihaturere. orWe clam so other virlie die the Elixir Propyliunine thin fe ciornahred Prp Crylitaqsed Oklorido or P r ep s , amtua . ; Taie anti a • 110111",CONt “NuiNT, WIAYII Y . VOR unAl• T 1 VSE, By Er Ana WHO juvauguximai OF ANY is AND MAYTAM. ACCORDING TO DffilleTiONS, 101 l tkihnisburg by • at 7111:11111:4 INTIM Oaten; nay be addremed t• - PROPI7.4MINI MANlntieiviuso Lido, Rocas 110. 4, I& W. ear Poingla Mid Chesnut :4 Philadelphia. to ether of the following im:a WWllamis : Agtmus auLuxE. ker kusw, FRENRIL,_ • 11 raw r: m CT- r ?I •T., 401111114:: . I. .4'. Psal m,. 00 , ~:4 -. acridly . PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND . • FROM PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY MAY 6th, 1862. me Pastiender Trains Of the Pennylvaila Railroad Company will depart troth and arrive at Hariisbarg and Philadelphia is folhiwa EASTWARD. DOUEOII9 DOCTORS WWl* TKVIDIEI TRW. THROUGH =PRIM TRAIN Mayas Iliniebarg at 1.16 a. m, sad atiiviwat ,West PAlladepßla 116.10 . m." FAST LIU lasescHarrjskarg.dsili, (except, motuisy,) at LBO ii M., 144 arrives as Weir. Magelphia 9.44 In. PAST MAIL TRAIN Mimi Ileirfabosig d (met m, and arilvoi won immailPhis •A 6.26 p. m. _ ACOOMIIHDATION TRARi, via Moans Joy' leaves Harrisburg at 7.00 a. a., and arrival at Wait Pidisf MINH' at 12.25 p. ni. _ HABRISHOIto AOCOHMODATION IRAN, via WM bla leaves Harrisburg at Lto p., ni mad arrives at Hat Miladelphia at 946 IN: - THROUGH Barium' TRAIN bane Philadelphia . at 10.116 p. a.; Ilairinisi at 8.00 a. ra.„ Altoona 8.18, and arrives at Pitgelburg at 12.86 p. m. MAILMAIN lowa Philadelphia at T. 16 a. tri., add ar riving flogiisbgeg m.; lanai Hargis' hilicat I.OOP. m., Altana" 4,00 p. my -and arrivaipt Pitiable( at 12.18 ii mi. . - FAST LINE Ifgarilinfladerla at, 11.80 a. m., burg 8 . 46'•p. m %; Altoona at .20 p. and arrivizig at PlUabarg at13:4111 a. la. AOOOIINODATION TRAIN leaVel 01piiis at SUN p. and:arrive.' Harrisbarg a& 8.00 . . • MOUNT JOY AOCrOItatODATIONNIa Koaat Joy Staaves k Or at 10.60 m ., . arrives at Harrisburg at 12 .90 111, • ' SAIRIEL D. YOUNG, _ Supt. ark 1.2 v. Penna. Rodiread Hanisbat, Kny 2, ISO Now •ARIN.IOIIIIII, MALI DRILY TO nw TODD, AND PHIX4AIjELP-11.1A cN AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY sth, 1863. the Paneenger 'hilts will leave Ole Piing itia and Reading Rallrimd -Depot, " Hardsbargi for New York and MOM*, am ? EASTWARD. - WRIER LINE leavestotrg at 1.76 a. m.; Ma ar rival of Pennsytvania Railmed lipr TAM' from the Wen' eniThltte: New York, ad.. 15 MAIL, and at Phila. dolphia at 9,00 A. m. A dapping car Is attached to OM irala.throngh front Pittsburg withotit Change. ILIA TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at SMI a. m., Maybile is Now York at GAO p. m., and Philadelphia at 1;11 TASY LINN Mama Harrisburg at L4O p. a., on anijal of Pennivivaida" Railroad Fast Nail, arriving Noyr York at 9.60 p. m., and Philadelphia at 0.40 p. m. WESTWARD. FAST MA lefties New York at oa. in., and rtilladtee phia Mt A. )0.; arriving at Hirrislikrg at Ip. , • NAM TRAIN Mates NeW York at 12.00 noon, and VW athephla al arrielng at Thuviabart at blO 1 1 In. • -• REPBllll6olll 4 ll6liiivoe NUw /Orli. at 8 p. sa. met. alma& Ilantstung at 8:00 a. in., and Connecting with the. yeungyrranteitiskrens Train for Platabiteg. dababgtnig tar Is plea 4001.4 to Oda wonwl • . • i actinsalknut are trade at Ilarriabur& m :th. trams on the Pandaylviutla,'Northern Central and beiland, Valley Railroad., and. at Reading 'for PituadOplugi 70tlielgoi tilllktsbarro, AllentOwn, /go. - • • Baggage cheated through. Iwo between. New York and Harrisburg, 86 00 ; between Harrisburg and MlA delptda $3 26 in No. Icarkand 8 2 70 in No. 2. . For ticket. or oats. tnforinatiOn apply to myli•dtf Northern Central Railway EOM mai nun To non mei BZ.IT'INORI33 Close Connection - made at Harrisburg TO AND FROM NEW YORK. . SLEEPING CARS RUN. ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS! ON AND MONDAY,AFTER Y sth; 1882, the Posiongor Tram of the Northern Oentral i 'hallway will arrive at and nePart awn Hardening and Balthnore as hhowo, vli : eonie s-ouTt *An TRAIN arrival at Harrlburg 1.00 P. N. mad leaved . I.IIP. 11. IXPRIES " arrives at • ° /2.661. Y. and leaves " lib A. Y. , .. . GOING NORTH. ' MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore at SID A. H. and arrives at Harrisburg 12.451P..1E. and leaves North at. 1./.6 P. M. EXPRESS TRAIN laiiarlialitinare at.:.:.... 11.80 P. IL and arrives at Harrisburg.... ISA a.'llL and leaves North at ROA A. it ..... HARRISBURG Atikilwitiothmacig TRAIN. . .. relive. Harrisburg - tor Ralnatent at ...,7.30 A. AL tetorolng—leaves Balloooro at . ... .... , LOO P. 4.- DT VERT CAlg . WHILIVIIVER - r=l), WainneVlAß TEED. IT WILL DO AGIPI . . The AdrirePn lea Tint H burg on elindar win j- be the The t testiorg'oeeolotatathn Traiq aceith at 7.80 A. M. For hiitheriebruiatlita apply at the Moe, In Pennell- Tit& Relined Depot. Etertieberg, Hey Is 1102.17 = & BLADIEWSLLI3 14 - 1 / 7 - aktranctrattaftvic niitt=tr t roriMl, L ... • • N:w. Wivatisantnte. ON MID AMR ''BT WARD SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ' J. J. HUD', General Agent, Harrisburg CHANGE OF SCHEPVLE.I . _ SUaLBIBR:ILBILANGEMENT. PlMOgnian , I:1 liadtgrANK- tiniefitiap 27, 1862 CIBEEEti !..y ioßoa§,4 `CO., D . R . UISi(4,IS3S '4 MARKET STREET DRUGGISTS, PILYSICUNS, STORE. ',KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are lhdlt addhig to our; eejortmeot of goods all each artiolee as are desirable, and would' reeptet!Olyetdl rtir ,tentlon to the 414 Veit sefitetetietochin this city, of DBOGS COEIMUI fs PAM& . • .. . u . on., varnishes anti , Canes, Pure Breland lipifte Burning Fluid Lea* Spina alld !IF! . 011* . . .; Beatles, Vials issid.Linimp Bieber, PERFIIIIIMY a .TOILET ARTICLES, Selected (rota thy' boot manufacturers and Pe turners of rcuips and this country. Being very Ibk-ft Molars In PIMA Whitt LIMD OIL, VARNII3I4B, WINDOW-GLASS; ANTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL TITER VAIII63IIIA 0010148 AND BROMISE OF ALL ETNA, We 'respect . foollngi coo dont that we can enpily the• want" of all on terms to their! antbifikenk r eiQNEI 4 AND w 8 Poßomui PATENT MERMEN AND HAIR Of all kinds, direst feral the Proprietors. Sapcnifie and - Lye Wholesale Agents for Saponifier,; which we eel as low as it can be purchased iwthe sins& CHLYfffili litlXo:4l4 FLUID EXTUOT*B !4 13 41-.4l l ltf,o l llWheilieW 'theiwollt, we aeu aer,4o l ,fleolftfi Coal Oil 140,peof lhs moskhapetreed pettenie, verir cheep: :en ofuteied to twit CoarOil. : , ..BAIIMERS . AND GRAZLtRS' none of you idiotism notigil!iiteriplial! iNTIPAr4O II knew so Ahear superiority, and the ild*itage .l4 tilefoni so " keePlng: Bes and 6440 43' 4 iii good condition.. - - • : Tliopeinde can teetify tithe path they ltvi derived from the use of;oniCtattlei tnnfiens the increasing, 411nolittYend=9 Yof mat( besides he :pitri4gikke general heatth and sp: peennice ottheftlititie. lialg:eiipettatce.:ta the Bustaiergtvee the advantage of a thorough knitiviedie of the trade, and Our arriegtgaen tail* the. cities are such that we Oda ilili . l4/0 e ff or t time famish anything appertaining to our burliness, on the beet qt ific" 4 . . Thankful for tho lltii* - !patronage kowtow* on ourhome; rtt.kopa attiot attention to taarinaes, a airehilielectidnitili tr at fair prissy: and the-clothe to lilotota all, to merit a coutinoince 114bICA13- fasting pOlattit. - - -apl6-dly JD. ID.A6ross SD Co., MEM EN EMI WHOLESA( AND ILDN.AIi NO. 19 HARRISBURG, PEIVN'A spa Patitt, Artist. Colors and Toth, Caitllc Soap, Sponge and Corks, too., dor-, ix. , Are., &s w am., &oi Wtbh general variety. of TairitEE T t t IMTO/UTIVBEI ~ ,1 .. f±...i;j. ..7 - ,ili - ,,,. -. ., : ;•••• ::;.1.,i, .. ::.....,.. *c04f4.., 0 44 1., . ~.0.44,800 oar Mtn_ MEM Mints Altbitai HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION 4119 ILY CONCINISA TED" CCIMAZIND ruin) nutter trucittr i 11 Waive and Spedlle &bawdy Tor Diteamie of the ItLADDIda, KIDNEYS, GILLYSL, and DROPSICALIWELLENGS. • Ilds Medicine inereasion the power of DieestiCa, an.d mites the AINIORBNNT6 UM healthy tenon, by which the WATERY OR OALOARROUS depositions, and all UN. NATURAL INLATIONICINTB are reduced, as well am PAIN AND INFLANATION, and is goad for KW, WOIMEN OR CRILDRRN. amaiours maker BMW, For Wea:ream orillog from Rommeo, ambito of Dissipation, Eortilin inorotion -or Abase. AMBIT= WITH TRH FOLLOWING SYNPI'OMI3 indispesition to ihertion, I of tower Lass of Newry, DiaWaltz of Breathing, Weak Horror of Her Dame, W ta, WlNOling, fnlnees, Dimness at Thelon, Pals in % ale ha Beek -thaversid failittilde of the Muscular baton, Hot Handy - • ' Flualdng of tfinßody Dryness of the 111 M, ' *options on the Fir. PALwz O:IIDITINANCE,. Those itoiptoaus, If allowed te go on, which thirsted loins in=totives goon follows Y IrATIOITY EIIiSPTIO FM . MONIIO/ WHICH TERPATIRNT Who can ow Awl thoyare sot frocpaost4 Mowed by those ' , DIREFUL MEOW onhLaNITY AND CONWIIMON." Many are aware of the came of their solitaine, Sin NONE WILL COMM. TEE RECO MA OF THE INSANE AUL_ Lad the lasitelsely Deaths by Crassumpliss, aim AMU 11 1 / 1 11FISa to TUB mum OF TEN AISSMICEO, Tan RonTINION O RGANIC rs; unr , RD tIVITI4 Requires the aid or nomtictoo to strengthen and lisszeineh lITTRAOT BR OM' isussrterr TIZAL 1111.1,0DAT1IB TKO SOK AZIMPI3IIII. FKRAIRS—FIBLAIRS-11DIALES, OLD OR YOUNG, RINGLROGARRIED, OR OONTSPLA TING ITARRIAGE, 2-IN RANT AMECTION•I PEOlnieit rO nmaxik , a te axtract Blom ss unequalled by any other re ii Moroi& or Detent Irregularity, bantam's% or aof Customary Itsonadons, Ulcerated or boos state of tits therm, Mummies Whites, &aril ity, sad for altoomplaints incident to the sex, whether arising front Indlacretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DZOLUPE OLUNGR vl Ol NO YANILY SHOULD Bit WITHOUT IT I Tali SO NOIII ItABAX, MIMI; 01 intrialaMnr PO) 0= PLR riermaart AND Daaasseue rimums. IifiLMBOLD'S zrzaAor 8CC11177 ono SERF DISEASES. In all their Stages,' Utak or no change in Diet , And foe Bariatire, It CILIUM a frequent deidre and ghee strength tdUrinate, thereby ran= Obetructrom Preventing and . Curing Strictures of tee Urethra, Allaying Pain and lunhunnuelon, an frequent. is as Waal of Waimea, and expelling" ail Poreonour, DUS4Sid and worii-olit Matter. =mune won %mime WHO ILIVE BMX Mg meats OP quAoxs, and who have paid- naaelvaia to be oared In a short doe,haveltinad they were deceived , and that the "tOl, MN" bee, by the we of "rowiervt, Aintanome, " been vont the system, to break out ht an aggravated Dorm, and PigitHAP&APZIEN BARRUGE. Use liblurootini Bosom for *ll iiirecuoin sa d Mimes of the • 'UNWARY ORGANS, whether existing in RALE OR FEMALE, from whatever raise orqpiriating and no metier • t ROW LONG STANDING. Digautes al these S INCTRACT Organs B MWuad of DIUB A CIO HILNHOLIP R 3 THE GREAT =MU_ And Is certain to have the desired easel all Dissenes MR WEIGH IT Id RIIGGIERENDED. loikrlol of Me mod reliable aced revocable character will accompany the medicos. CINITIFIOATES OF CURES, irmall OM yearn siomlimp, Wiii Nmosi lawn to WIEN= AND was. Price $1 00 per bottle, or adz for ;5 00. Delivered to say adds., securely packed from obser maim. =scum SYMPTOMS IN ALL COICKIINHATIONS, Cure. Guaranteed I Advice Oratlsl AFFIDAVIT. sgersonally appeared. before me, an Alderman or 'ISO city of Philadelphis,Rmitann, who eing duly sworn, doth say, Ma propoons Gowan no narcotic, no mercury, or Mem Injurious drags, but are purely vete. table T.BILNBOID. Sworn sad subscribed heforelne, tide 984 day of No Timber, 18fit. • '9014. P: RINEPAND;AthErfautn, NinthBt. abQ Eace,.1444., Asking kitten - 4i labwr . uou *xi taliNithit;" Depot, 104 South Tenth St.,_bel. chestnut, Ma, IEUDWARE OF GOUNTIDIUPEITS Who • AND lIIIRODICIPLEONNUALRS, - . eadeavar ta dia "pasnip oye" sad 1 .00113 i. ANISCUS w mi =srsti lOn 07.0011D* Heliabold'a Genuine Preparation a, a.. a. Luton Dacha, --.. . .6 I. " libproved Rose Wash. ' • Sold by O. Keller, D.lO, ORM, I. W 114301, .0 • asp ILLliiiloll474 SVERI'VECICE. ASK NOR Dild49ol:lPS. ~r xwe NO 'OULU. Oat out the advertisement and send tar tk • AND AVOW DIPONMON ANCr aPOSURA. •T rozaos 1 vßer IMZOM TRA - maro iteas, VinOlt23, assortment of And a general Miff GOODS have just boo meiv_ai at BUGNE3II3 CHEAP BOOKSTORE. SUGAR CII.RED 114,148. DRIED BEEF. gEOULDEBB, fit Imre sad freshguiplijui pl i )l4lll. .t 8 b AIISAGE.. eb26 • - - DO CK Jnt &Co . - 141.4TOCIV811(44 1 . 010.1 Spit . ort - ALUABLE STRIA",„ WHICH r lg eadrear* - oferiposition, has been employed with wonderful imecess for umnylrears - ht the core of - dhiesimi for - the AIR PAB.S.A(4O sad WOGS. For any. form of the dismal ' each a "CO DOH, 'TICKLING of the THROAT, ..SPIPIING OR - BLOOD, DIFFII 11R CULT -EATHING, 110ARSP o tghis a y..,00 OF VOlClVisilid HECTIC FRYERS; its - Mie wyil be amended with the happiest Mind*" It is one et the best and Rifest medicine. :fox an fornieof BRONOILMS and. OCINSIIMPTION. 'No lm amas or pnpsawkos Omni' in : any shays vt fki! sync. - mot $lOO PER 80/1U —. • A ir ow at NOMINEE% cap BOON: 13TOBE. s A El - I: op BBLS. Butatiliefizieciand Raw,) °tall grades and Woos jet received saa Wbe ;kat the lowest market price& jar' RY DUCIC, JR., a GI ExTR 4 I finally flour; a superior brand,. wbiejirrirarratit to giTo Wait* joilk. aet t sd sod far smie by ' • ruoams & BOWMAN, Comer Front-and litarkerstreats. . E" E assortment . of gl: - . asswar Jug recomed, sod for sale InIN by •~ : " , . , __ __—_. . . =HOW 11; BC/W*lMo Comer held and Mane, straem-' EMI :SOKLEFFWE /HMEEP * CO. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS NaLERS in Fancy Goods Pet, mer & NL WOO MOOS he the We. 01 9 1Iei tet ' om il4 = so,e , =Meet 41 =t W eteelet "4"3 : al et . e: 170 and 172 Wiliam A *re:, • NEW' TO.11,1C; SALAD OIL. ',NOItuPPIY of - Ir** .89,19,,i • • - 4 . 3,:quipuia.cisPalk kat* Notil9ti dimor heMb : 0 1 . 1 . / ff sg l i s • P 5 : 1 1 . 407 - WAN _ ^ " MMUS& BOIPLIA %me Frost mod &Suit stasis. BOXIMING FOR THE TINES E 1 filif - A N IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD JOHNS & CROSLETS American Cement Glue TICE STRONGEST GLIMIN THE WORLD, TICE afrainr GLUE IN .Tas WORLD. • TEE MOST DURABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THEVNLY- ItELLSEIMMLIIII IN THE WORLD. TRR BERT. OLDS IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE I. the only article or the kind ever produced which WILL . WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL MEND WOOD, IT WILL MKND LEATHER, irem nue Haviess, Straps, Belt; Boots, aro IT WILL MEND (}LASS, Save tie pieces of that ezpenelve eat Mau Botue WIITLL MEND IVORY, Dos% throw away that broken ivory tan, a is easily; ro. . IT =WILL MEND• CHINA , Your broken China Caps•and Boozers env be modess good as new, IT WILL MYR.D.ILARBLE, That piece inseam Opt .of yaw MarISM Mantle .ean!be pet on as alsnnig ae aver. fT *rust, MEND POROBLON , No matter u that broken Pitcher did not wet bat 641fi1. Rag, s'atitlthig laved le a enfillni earned IT WILL MEND ALABASTER; That wetly Alabaster Vase a braise and yon :can't attach it, mead It, it will novae show whew pot togetber. It will.Mende Bone, Qin'', Lava, and in fact.everything but Metals. Any Mate Cemented with AMUJCAN CEMENT .GLITA will show where It la mended. • Sarmseee. "EverY . liceintkeepare amid have a aw of Johns Wender. dmerlatt Wined WhuiP-. ay N. ,rtnede. "It la it 3,90111000114 to have In tae hose."—N. Y. ". Bis always ready ; thii - tinmmeanie Malt to every body."—lndeptadnat "We have tried*, and find ft se metal in Our homer se water."-- Was' *bit et the Mew At little lipense No iwonveniOnee ECONOMY IS WIULTH. nom pee-yesr saved in every Dimity by toe. Bottle - . AMERIOAN CEMENT GLUE, Price 26 Cents per BOUle. Price 26 dente par Bottle. - Price 26 beets per Bottle. Price 26 Cente'par Bottle. Pit* 05 atnita per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. 'try Lslord *Nations to ifiotelido Buyers. - TERMS CURL saitby Drigeste, StarAmpers genend - ji.tbrougtkout the.ammuitni. JOHNS & CROSLEY, (gale Ilan idiettir 4 *l4 • WILLIAM STREET, (km w r (F.l'Llwtr Important to Farmer lb di Khan this may mars, qtyCiteancenss every fOHNIO & CROBLEY.I3 OEMENT ROOFING, The Ohealieet, rind moat darabliii Roofing In use te 101,110 Olners. Important to Builders. Important to Bail Road Companies IT ISM:WARD WATER PEON'. it can be applied to Brim and ND uporo of all kinds, 'leap or tat, and id-Mimi' Boors without . . - esmovinig ths adagios. Ma Camas only abostlOnsallalrd that of Tin AND IT Illi TWIG% AS MatflAßLift. theteltAhlY Want In New York atria& aLI Ohm parts of dhe United &nee, Canada, West ladles %steal and Routh Ansenes, on. buildingsof all kinds; she& as Facitinlia, Youswensi, Oseitiiite, Ban ROAD Dm% Calf, sad on Rama Mandan generaty Gionorsision poursnak . doo. , Ay the principal „guilders. AndiliecAs and-others, luring the Past dam years, and has proved So be the CliNfArillf and MOSE DURABLE ROOFING% use; it is in every Tempos; 4 FIBS, VAINR, WILAINNR and' IM PROOF .4 :wenn ' for IRWIN .07 ALL KINDS. This it the ONLratateriAshisamefactecred its Oa Obiteet gates which combines the very desirable properties of stupidly en d peiraway, which are stribitimmlly acknow. hedged to be possomixl by PERON& AND INDIA 108811; . No Beat is required- in maincg application. The expense of applyftir if It trilling; as an ordinary roof e ig a lee cowed andflnished upkiilitue day. canlt ba appli e d one, and when finished forms a, patently. Pacer surface with as elastic body, which cannot be injured by anAjt, Cow or 9soara Saitunase of 14001 Bonnie, nor any ex. tonna action whateyer, s ••,• L.T Pin D •- ' • , • r• - • ••-•* . • •UTTA PERCHA CtidisirT For Casting lietals•of IU Minis. witerijiittitiod to the Action 4f thie-' FOR PRIBERVIITO AITOFFPF44O:4IOCEAL 11000tft/F kitt;rk Th i s is tb, only composition known which will smog folly real extreme of all climates. for any length of Wriewhen a rmedhi. ribinin, Col.*** s d. hem fi r mly femme body eqttal,tit men of ordinary". paint, 410011 lawmad 'will Laplr Wags rum jks Laic ; and from it; elasticity be 'aill'hijuind by thi contraction and expansion of Tin and coheir Akio' RtioliC,' consequent udon atic!disi chows of the magus Ica not CRAWL IN COLD es RUN DT tit4ati Imitate, AND WILL SO f ,W4SE!OI-1,..' • • Lenity Tin and oilier Metal Rode can bereadily ed with GUTTA qatister, poi werim a d , dtutber corrindnitend'hirgitis, trurrigii . Adui**4& & p er . Low . •• . This Ceinerihle pehil*iithipted . , of LBW DAILINO6; movie; LiNOIS, MC, ' CULTURAL t S NT d , lim,„ also for g maw GIITTA PERCI CEMENT for preserving and repack 7ln other Mita! R‘ofii fir nog, Ohonrilitkoh trqin 4 1 11(014 dastith-' hi Ottthlibred by ine iniitraction and expansion of lifonln, and win not Eraek 16 mid or ran in warm weetkai. - - lusematerimi ammonia in) nu imam* and ire aro jecpwd in lallot dram tram. kalt Rini %the cow anrs short sake, for GUTti Plggcan Roorma rositYParkt-Am_ins, . and AVM PIOCCIIA Ile- Man an* ba b with fdll priated ilinnikeip far appli- • ,we will mate peril. and 4 arnagemorts tofitespolibib lomirusi wi l = ll k , s=bnith 1 1414- rhea hi a , OUR TERMB yArA sOASH. We can gimvabsadmit proof of all we claim in favor of ourlinproved Bolen having applied them to several Womand RIM in New York City end vicinity. iFORNS caosray, DNA WsNentlyiNtgui Whalen' Warehonie 78 - Minim of Lib's.. y Meat. WSW YORK ltidl dasoriptive Ozonises and Prides wIII be lerShiltai of application. ocB-dly CODA Minnie City Crackers, pat rmiii . .4 mut for jam 1 7 • Nica - AS ili 110 IFIIA 4 ~.. e ` lOoreer Firroad Motet . '', , 6 _ APORT FOLI I,: VitrrlNG DESKS. - S entire new lidos jot ' at - • Cbser Antkiinni, Jotins & grosltas. Save your broken Furniture mow YORK r_gp.39y,g) GRIM PIMA ANNIE WARM, Busitusz drarbi. DENTISTRY. T\R. GEO. W. STINE, graduate of the Ajr Baltimore Collegeof Dental ftrgery, having per. rmulently located in moony of Rarrieborg ant taken the office formerly ocenpied by Dr. Gorges, onThird street between Market and Walnut, reopen:fully info rm . hi s friindaemd the pnblio Sn general,- that he is p rep &red to perform all operadons In the D ental proriesioa, either lee mechanical, in a manner that shall not be Seerpssetit by operators in this or any other city. line MORN et innetting artificial teeth Ls upon the latest Im proved scientific principle. hom one toll roll set, mounted on Gold, alibitee or the Vulcanite Base. I take greet plague in recommending the above gm- Wawa to all my femme *leads of Harrisburg and A cidly, and feel conildeat that he will perform all opera tions inn 104102t110 maones, from my knowledge of Lila ability. pay 3 derj F. J. 8. 00 dGen. D. D 8. DAN'L. NUENOH, AGENT, fiF the Old Wallower Line respectfully kfi informs the public that this Old -Daily transporta tion Line, (the only Wanowor Line now in ertst, , nee to this City,) 10 la ha amassed Operation, and prepared to carry freight as low as any otherindividual line oetweeti Philadelphia, Harrisburm Sunbury, Lewisharg, Wil liamsport, Jersey Shore, Look Hamm and all other nouns on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and W. Ilaumpart and Elmira Railroads. DANL. A. 11171 INCH, Agent. Harrisburg, Pa 130oditent to the Ware House of Messrs. Peacock, Sell & o'inchomn, Nos 808 and 810 Narked, street snore 10.ghtb, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, P. n., will arrive at Harrisburg, ready far delivery next morning. aprBo-remyl B. Z. HARRIS, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. idanntaetarer NO. 112 HARM 878EE7, HARRISBURG. LEAS always on hand a full assortment of lin and Japanned Ware, Clooaing and Parlor Stoves of the best mamma tries, Guns- Sonnitet., Rog lag and Galvanized Iron Wrnish, manufa tuna and pu t ap at reasonable rates. " Repairing promptly attended to. apr3o-dly A. C. SMITS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE MID STREET. mylOy) NEAR MARKET. IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY DR. P. H. ALIABACH, Surgeon Den tist, Manufacturer of Mineral Plate Teeth, the oily method that obviates every objection to the use of arn deka tea; embracing partial, half and whole seta of out piece only, of pure and Indestructla le mineral, there arc, no crevioas far %be &commutation of Innen particles of food and therefore, no offensive odor from the breath, as no me tal is media their construction, there eau be no galvanic "dhow mamma taste. Hence the twin , ideal le not an noyed with tore throat, headache, in. Mee trio. .1:3 North &Coed street, ilarrhiburg, • oetl2-dly 11101% ADOLPII P TEUPSER. wouLD. respectfully inform his old V V patrons and the public generally, that he will oonnnueinlive Instructions on the PIANO FORTE, ME LODEON VIOLIN and also in the science ol THOSOUGE HAW lie will with pleasure wait upon optimistt then homes at any hour desired, or le s son will be given s his residence, in .Third street, a few doors below lb German Reflwmed . Church. • deells.d It SitsuUantaus UNION assrlUitAN2, BILLIARD AND BOWLING BA/401i, . No. 119 MAREET STREET, NEAR MTH, ritHE r siibscribera having erected a larg e .1„ building at the above place, exprimaly for the puro e ms-above Indicated, beg to call the attention of the pub lic to the following : - TaaßaramtAyr, on the tint Lour; with a dining 'QOM attached, Is Wed up In Arat-clastwatyle, and it will at an times be suppled with Fie , beet °Yana to be had in the Atlantic nitiesSogether with terrapin, BA, and an klids of game in season. Oysters served up isetvery style, and meals to be had atall boom. The Ales of all the celebrated breweries in the country neushuilly on hand. The Ten-pht Alley or Bowling Saloon, le In the rear, =decanting threelila of modern constracuon, where the lovers of thle heal y exercise can entortheeiselves. The BUltard Saloon Is up-stairs—elegently fitted up, and contains three roArbletep combination , cushion ta bles, eqiud to any wade. Barrieburglas ions fait the want of a grand combin ation of this kind, and as the peeprietera are detectable d to conduct It in a quiet andordermanner, and do eve rything In their power tesnaluilt a fasidonable reser they hope to receives 'Mend share of .publio patio 113.dtf ' WILLWIre. McFADDIN FIRE INRURA.HOE , THE DELAWABE MUTUAL 6,122 TY INSIIRANOS COMPA.IIr. INCORPORATED 1885. Gapital and Assets $869,126 27 DIRECTORS. Wm. Martin; Edmund A. .9ouder, Theo*lus Paulding, Jae R. Penrose, Jae. C. Darla Jas. Traquair, Wm. Rim, Jr AMMO C. Rand,- William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. SNtl, Dr. R. N. Huston, George Gr. LeSper, Hugh Craig, Mertes Kelly, Samuel K. stokes, J. P. Penaltoll, Rel/r7 lidinikidnitrilagtot, EL Seam Brooke, Spencer IPllvaine, !bonus 0. Brand, Robert ; Barton, Jacob P. Jon" James legrarland; Joshua P. Byre, John B. Bempie. Pets burg, D. T. Mons Piusburg, A. B. Berger, Pittsberg. JEAR'TIN, President. TtiOdda C. HAND, nee PricAlag. HENRY LUMEN, greretery, • The undersigned as agent for the above named eimm. pa n 9. continues to take Fire Risks in parr erg alai etendiy. SIDIEUEEt.'" , jelo.4llt HARRISBURG' COAL OIL BEAM LOR the safety of oqoatuntra, we . have 1 established a Col Oil Depot at the corner of Free sat Market Mrs*. . oar Mime tested and we post , dimly sell none except =ChM prove to be two-explosire, char indleeetkont odor maim as pracileside. we oder at present the blilowitcrJustly gelebrated brands. &a lias, Robinson, Nabrona and Loader, tower than can be wureMoel Womb= in Utis plaint, editor wholesale or retail. Also an extensive assortment of Lamps, Chim neys, Shades, Glass Cones, Earners; Mm. We will also change fluid or campbene lamps, so as to be cued for coed eel. Osll and satisfy yourself*, at and a BOWMAN, appi_ Center of front and Market street. BEAUTIFUL TISSUE PAPtR, KOS covering Looking Glasses, Picture /ram% orsamoDung Ceihugg, mown Gas Pipes and oat so as to bang over strings to the shape o f stankpoints,ettairs or Bartow& For sale at tayol SCHEFIER'S BOOKSTORE. nbbe RIIBRE/1431001118 ! R Rubber LW* Watuhek Rubber &ow, Rubber Toys generally at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. . Jars for putting up fruit, the G celebrated livugt patent, then), ain 2 Pla and e legant% warranted to give swearaetionoost received an* **sal, }IIOEI9LB & ItiJWMAx, Jen Corner Trent and Market MIA. kIIGARI3 for preserving; call and min lee at NICHOLS & BOWMAN, 792'- Corner IrrauLand Martel, streets. 1: MONS, raisons, coctaumtgi &0., just _LA received and ter sale by moms & Bowiles, Cor. Yrtintand Itarket streets. Dzi tpREBEI F F:H every Teedday and Friday ju at JOUR WIEV2/3 Stare, Garner et Third and Wal nut myly kOTIONS. —Quite a variety of useful and eatertanung ._ coaled — mess —a :saFrpieFe. '( , ),, 4 • .e.l, `.:11 Lemons and Raisins, jud c re 90'0 sale Ira by • Nicarmia BOWMAN, - 1, :. -- Corner Front and Market strews. ei 4 oo .P°UNDSExtaPri t e tM rorsaiereryliv or i by WM. Milf. & 00,: . _ POLL lot of choice Dried Fruit, at • - NICHOJS & BOWMAN, '• Oorner Front and Market etre& !MY HAM I—Ten tierces of these inetly imp? oared harm, received enc. cr S.44lsl.l.2luirlaies; * co DOOR. Ja• • RA3 OlDER.—Constantly on hand 04 vow ropodor wads of Meru OW Wpm A AIL DOM Ja. a 0".