Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, August 27, 1862, Image 2

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of York County
of Lucerne County.
17NION COI " I c' • I
WILLIAM. J. ROBINSON, of Dauphin county.
(Subject to the decision of the Congrepsiolud
THOMAS G. FOX, of Huunnelstown.
JAMES FREELAND, of Millersburg. -
A. JACKSON HERR, of Harrisburg.
JACOB MILLEISEN, of .East Hanover.
DIW!OI 01 ism POOR, •
DANIEL SHEESELV, of Lower Swatara
DANIEL LEIB, of fliatztown.
COUNTY stotvirros,
THOMAS STROH;111, of Linglestoym.
oolong, •
JESSE B. HUMMEL, of Hummelstown.
Wednesday Afternoon, Anglia 1861.
We print, to-day Ths Address of the Onion
State Central Committee, to the loyal men of
Pennsylvania, and in order to make room
for this document, we omit our usual sum
mary of other matter. The address is a high
ly creditable production, reflecting great credit
on the chairman of the committee, Cyrus P.
Markle, Esq. Its tone is earnest, patriotic and
truthful. By its perusal we are convinced at
once, that its appeals to the loyal men of Penn
sylvania are based on the fact that if this loyalty
is not aroused to a full appreciation of the dan
gers by which we are surrounded, loyalty to
the government may be made the motive of a
persecution at once horrible and unrelenting.
The loyal menpf Pennsylvania must maks themselves
felt at the ballot box 'patty as forcibly as they are
felt on the battle field. If the secret enemies of
the Union are permitted to triumph at the bal
lot box, there will be little hope for those who
are now so nobly struggling in battle, amid car
nage and death, for the defence of the Union.
These are stern facts, and on these the chairman
of the Union State Central Committee bases an
argument at once unanswerable and eloquent.
Let no man fail to read the address, and let
all be admonished by its apppeals, to increase
the already noble efforts of the people of Penn
sylvania in behalf of the Union and the Gov
1761 Buats County intelligence" ask; why it is
that none of the Brockinridge leaders appear as
speakersor partaken in the . great Union war
meetings now being held thoughont the coun
try? Are their hearts so hardened by love of
—: •
paitY and lust of power that they have no word
of cheer for the cause of our imperiled govern
= meat? Have they nothing to say in behalf of
that beneficent Union that has always cherish
ed them?—and have they no words of condem
nation and rebuke for the infamous traitors
who are striving to reduce our beautiful fabric
of government to a shapeless mass of ruins?
.lave they not a single thrill of sympathy with
the thousands of brave men who have gone
out to fight under the folds of our national en
"sign, and to defend its purity from the attacks
of implacable enemies? If they have, why do
-they not come forth and join , their voice! and
= their hearth to the great' outionrings of loyalty
"that occur almost daily throughout our land?
..Are party attachments so supreme fh-their es
timation that they cannot be laid iwide even
when their country' is' to be saved ? If they
are, then God help the country in which they ,
live, and under whose nurture they .haTe dour
ished, and save our nation from the utter de
etruction that is threatened because of their
perverseness and insane devotion to a wicked
and inhuman system of oppreision !
.Bon. A. S. 11 1 01nre has kindly volunteered
to aid Gov. Curtin in the details and the pre
parations for the draft, a work at once fraught
with great labor and importance. The organi
sation of this force will require great care and
attention, and much depends titiOn the manner
in which it is officered and sent into the field,
as to whether it will be of theiervice designed•
when the War Department made the order, for
the draft. The material for an immense foece
will be found to exist in every locality of the.
state. Such localities are to be credited with
the force already contributed, with the dis
tinctive difference, that the number enlisted in
the regular service cannot be estimated and
oreditiA as an offset to what may be required
In the draft. • It is only those who have vol
unteered in response , to calla from the State,
that will be mated in the draft. To attend
to such of the . ' details of the work as would
have fallen on the Executive, Col. it'Clnre has
patriotically' volunteered, and we can safely
anticipate that he wit' discharge such duties
The organisation of the drafted force into
companies and reginients, will be made as has
been the other forces from this state, by Adj.
Qen. Russell. It is of course to this depart
ment that such work belongs, and 'we need not
write how well Gen. Russell will discharge his
share of this most important duty.
Jeri. DAVIS, in his message to the rebel Con•
graze, is very severe upon the 'Yankees' 1011
counterfeiting his Confederate shinpituteis,
and boasts that none, of the Southerners have
been mean ehough to engage in this business;
but the Richmond papers prove that Jeff. lies,
by announcing the execution. of a man who,
has been convicted of counterfeiting Confederj,
s t a Thum cotes. Treason attlijsirkg...aii
.y t V,~
..~ .1 ; C .w ~~-
Commeerce, Cothmonwealth Buildings, No.
618 Chestnut Street.
PiaLADBLPIILt, August 26, 1862.
Farrow Crites= In times of war the poli
tical organizations of peace are surrendered pr
postponedlo thepublic emergent lee. During
the Revolutionary war there was no party
against Washington but the tories or the trai
tors. During the war of 1812, the enemies of
the Administration of Mr. Madison soon be
came as infamous as the foreigninvaders them
selves. The war with Mexico was waged, as
results have proved, by slaveholding states
men, in order that one State more might be
added to the number they have lately forced
into treason ; yet the p u blic man who oppeeed
it soon became unpopular ' and its victoileas
general was nominated for the Presidency by
the very party that, dissented from, the , policy
which resulted in the war. These are the elo
quent teachings of the past. We are now in a
death struggle.with the most powerful fee to
human liberty on earth. This enemy is
strengthened by slavery in America, and sus
tained by the monarchies 'of the Old World.
The issue is clearly made—the contending par.
ties openly arrayed against each other. There
is not a nation, an individual, or an idea op
posed to human freedom-that is not enlisted
apinst this Government and in favor-of the
'rebellion. We are ourselves our only friends.
Within ourselves is our only hope. Wit can
have no ,sympathy from any other power in
the world—no sympathy that is sincere and
effectual: The State Central Committed, ap
pointed by the Union State Coutention, com
posed of the loyal men of Pennsylvania, who
met to consider what was proper to be, one in
this exists, have a simple duty to perform in
this their first address. They hats only to ask
whether the examples of the two wars with
Great Britian, and the admonitions of the war
with Mexico, shall be recollected or rejected:in '
this gloomy hour, and whether the American
people will cordially support the Governinent
in putting down this rebellion.
the State Central Committee would impress
upon the people of Pennsylvania that the one
gieatsubject for them to consider is the danger to
the Republic. There is no prejudice or opinion
that should not be poitponed, and, if necessary,
sacrificed, to avert this common peril. The
Convention front which the committee derive
its authority acted in this spirit, and It is now
your duty to come forward and sustain the candi-
dates that Convention placed in nomination...,
We make this appeal to all loyal men. They
only are loyal who recognize this war as one
waged for our national existence—who give an
ardent and unquestioning support to the Ad
ministration—who sustained all the measures
of Congress for the maintenance of the war
making power—who see in the Southern Con
federacy, and those who are in alliance with it,
the enemies of Civilization and Libertiy—and
who do nothing to weaken the bands of the
Executive. They are not merely disloyal.who
take arms in their hands, and combine them
selves into an army. He is a rebel who abjures
his allegiance and becomes an enemy to his flag;
but he is a traitor, who, while enjoying the pro
tection of the Government, and ostensibly Ob
serving his pledge of allegiance, contrives to
bring dishonor and defeat upon his country .
These rebels and thew traitors we are called
upon to meet. 'We must encounter them' n
the battlefield and at the ballot-box. The lbal
lot-box is the great source of popular power.
If beaten there, our victories will be fruitless,
our sufferings unrewarded, our sacrifices barren,
I and the glory and valor of our soldiers will end
in the triumph of the Southern rebellion and a
dishonorable peace.
It is unnecessary to restate the causes of the
war. Our opponents have made them the subs
stance of calumny and misrepresentation. Furl
answer, we appeal to the living history familiar'
to all men. We need not remind the people
that at the basis of the'liouthern rebellion there
exists a hatred of Northern men and Northern
institutions—of our social, political and revenue
systems. This has instilled their leaders during
two generations' Wedded to an institution
which has demor a lised them in demoralizing
their labor, and cultivating the earth by an
enslaved race of men, they have made their
slaves the source of eh political power, and
have ruled the nation with the products of slave
labor. The happy hours of our national pro
gress have for years' been embittered by their
Insolence. All legislation that looked to the
prosperity of the Northern States and protec
tion to their industry has been opposed and de
feated by them. With the growth of Northern
strength, as the'result of free institutions and
free toil, came the possession of political power
and the gradual renitence, to the encroachments
of slavery. : Nor need we remind the people of
the outrageuthat followed the efforts of the
elaveholders, to recover their unholy and des
potic dominion. The outrages upon Hamm;
the studied insults to Northern Senators and
Representatives; the'ceaseless abuse of the
Northern people, and the gradual concentra
tion of the military and naval power. In the
hands of the traitors, all' contemplated the res
toration of their aticendency, and enabled them
to inaugurate the treason which culminated In
war.. Streugthened by , a wicked Affniinistra
tion, and sustained by timid and treacherous
men ha the = free States, they were permitted
to organize an armed resistance, and to , make
fearful advanced, before the Goverhment could
strike .a blow in its own defence.
The election of Mx. Lincoln to the Presidency,
so fortunate to the country, and so fruitful of
saving consequences to the whole people baffled
the immediate purposes of the conspirators.
The alverearies of Mr. Lincoln's Adminigtre
tion are in , nearly every case the adversaries, of
the Government. They attack' the one
• to
' weaken the other. We recognize in the Ex
ecutive the embodiment of that authority which
can alone destroy the rebellion and rescue the
Republic. If the Executive arm Is paralyzed,
there can be neither unity among the people,
victory for our armies, nor hope for the preset
vation of the Government.
While the enemies of the war propcSe ad_
haring to the form of a mere party organization,
the loyal men have yielded their preferences
and systems, content to defer to the days of
peace the revival of disputa; which can only be ,
repeated now to the injury , of the common
Let the people decide whether that interest
is deserving of confidence which, in the midst ,
of war, refuses to abandon the prejudices of
party strife, and in the midst of national peril
devotee itself to the work of dividing the people.
The opponents of the war are' more anxious
to prove their hatred to a party than to the
public enemy. They insist that the "demon
Abandon" is the most dangerous foe of the
public peace. We can see but one great crimi
nal—but one great enemy of the Republic—and
luta now in aims against our countrymen and
brothers. To defeat him at once and forever is
our first and-most imperative duty.
The adversaries of the war insists that they
oontendfor the-Union as it was, and the Cita
etitution oat is. tWe, too, are for the Union
as it Wag; .but, not for the return of the armed
asasciates of the syntrathisers with treason' to
tee place& erelong occupied and Ito 'basely de
serted. And while we renew icur fealty to the '
Constitution as it le we also inrsLnpon' the ad
(Utica oflinteduty which Hid VPhfitilia cif the
War ata ateadllyi 'Wirer viii : ' — "AM ) t n( 611 0 - ,
want id the. laws,"tarhethe these ere for,
h :
be coriftscationofall rebel' i s tnerrif CIKIni, '''
_. i , . ' `` ' - -
Fit I
.M :17;1.
1 , i #lt..
Iptnnovivattict (Daily flidtgrapb, •111tonteirag 'Afternoon, Auguot 27, 1862.
. ;~ r;
'ClPtition'tit all's yes w oad to defend the flag
of the Union, or the punishment of the reck
less partisans in the adhering States who aid
and comfort the rebel enemy, demoralize the
p eo pl e , amtetralyze the_arin, theslxectiative.
ItanitilfrOrd, we hay - a-Ryon:saki to bestow
it is not for the murderbra of our country's
libertieg e lnit for the defendens of thottellberties.
The gallant Adler teach.: us by his example
to persevitre to devotion far ',our count*. He
offers hhislifele the ItepUblic with tutcomplain
lag ttpit%4Poses full uorffldepoli z in ,hhoope
riors, susiiins the Government of the United
States, and sees but one antagonist' him,
the rebel who strikes at his own heart and at
the-Tinionsf:these Btatet - Waltlitudd be un
worthy of the advantages of peace and of home
if we did not strive to imitate at the ballot-box
an example so freely set before_ us by our fel
low-citizens on the battle field.
In the fulfilment of these grave, duties, we
invoke to'the standaid of onr.conctry men of
every class and opinion. We scorn the base
-nese-thatinvokes party - htte of popular pre
judice. When we behold the adopted and the
native'citisen, the Democrat and the Republi
.fightinksble by side In the army,' we are
iced by gleklilaion:itoL".do likewise in the
` et its' of dill Met - • '
" Loyal men of Pennsylvania, it is for you to
determine between the friends of the govern
' meat and the.war, and the opponenta of both.
It is for you 'to debiate, for the sympathisers
witiUreedoin br the sympithiiers with slavery
and the rebellion. It is for you to decide
whether you...will btrprigtben Abraham Lincoln
of Jefferson Davis. It tildrjron to say whether
the traitors-shall be crushed or whether our
free institutions shall be destroyed. There is,
and there can be, no middle pathway. There
are, indeed but parties—patriots and trai
tors—those who are for the Union and those
who are against it. And all men who are not
openly_ for the Republic must be counted among
Its enemies.
It is a fact that you canna too carefully pon
der, that the leaders of the opposition to the
Government in this State are the same, with
discreditable exceptions, who encouraged the
PllicT which entiounotert the traomst to com
mence-the rebellion. 'Their terfole effort since
the war began-has been to divide the people of
the loyal States. They tuntoneced,: early in
lea, that Pennsylvania should join the South
in the event of a separation, and this, is their
secret hope to-clay. 'They would havahild the
hands of the Government that the rebels might
strike at its heart; and would have succeeded
but for-the Prompt courage of - President Lin
coln. They followed,the - fortunes of General
Etreckinridge up to the period of his desertion
into the ranks of the rebels. They repeat his
arguments in this their country's darkest hour.
Their plea for the Constitution was his plea be
fore he drew his sword against it. They clamor,
as he clamored, against the Abolitionists. They
deplore emancipator, even while , they , deny
that the most effective emancipationists are the
slave "holders themselves . They bewail confis
cation acts, whilejefferson Davis sequestrates
the property of all 'loyal men in the South.—
And, as if to complete the parallel, and to show
how sincerely they love the traitors, even es
they pretend to despise the treason, they see
our brave men perishing on the battle field and
in hospitals, from the disease of the swamp%
and the bullets of the foe, and discourage enlist
ments in order that they may be:relieved ; and,
while prating, of a ,lorgre exodus into the. free
States, to .ter rify our Laming whites, denounite
the employmertt of the escaped cOlored men of I
the South to lighten the burdens and lessen the
labors ofthe wide defenders of Ake Sag .t
We address you, loyal brothers and friends,
in the :earnest hope that you will not desert
your country lu this momentous crisis: We feel
that we have the right of• this great argument.
We are supported by Abe hope that all good
men are with us. Everywhere, in the free
states; the same, organisation for which • we
speak is supported": by. Wilms without refer
ence to former party distinctions. The Repub
licans have come forwardito - glvathis organiza
tion their. Reaction. The most 'distinguished
and, orthodox Democrats have joined= the ranks
of the great army of loyalmen, andfrom every
battle field our brave soldiers send us words of
approval end of thanks. Jo - Pennsylvania, the
great Peeple's party have , enrolled themselves
in this mighty inovement. z Shall it fail ? Will
you permit a few discontented leaders, the
relics of a debased andgnilty Adminietratlon,
who are, in fact, more responsible for the war
than any other class but the rebels
to :sway you from your obligations to yitur
coat - fry ? 'This cannot be—this must not be.
Evety inducegient invokes us to consolidate
and co-operate. . The• comfort and necessities of
our fellow citizens in the field of war—the sup
`port of Our patrietio President and our fearless
Goyernor, that they may fulfil their great trusts
effitiently=and threatening aspect of foreign
Powers—cell upon us to sink considerations
before the one absorbing duty of the hour.
- The nominees of the men of Pennsyl
vania for State offfcere Hon. Thomas E. Coch
ran. of Trak bounty; AO* * Amend, and
Hon: W. S. ROM, of Luserne, for Surveyor
General, deserve your united and ardent sup
port. Mr. Cochran has served with greet
credit to hill alld advantage :to ,the-State
for the last - three years tithe position for which
he is again presentedf -- He is known and es
teemed for his pumperson i al and aPright pub
lio character;'• andlits high abilities and extend
ed experience, are additional assurances that
he is worthy of the .euffmg. ell of .: tteksriende of
the'government.- ' - Gettfalkiße has belonged
to the Democratic-party, and is one of that
large and influential body of men who have
forever broken the - Shackles of the slave power,
and who see In the present troubles the oppor-
tunity to proire their' Independence 'of thole)
treacherous leaders who, during - theeatrying
times, degrade thenameof Demociney by using
it as a cloak for sympathy with treason. Be
loved at his own home, andlic a long eoursaof
public service having earned' the confidence of
the people and gathered it variable efperieecce,
he is emineetly fitted for 'the 'kr* ' that hal
been conferred upon him.. ''''' '' - '
To elect these - gentlent;' will require the
. •
concerted and Cordial bete ration o fthe loyal
citizens of the State. It' would be race,ticulpt.
ble if; with . every ether adyantage, we should
fail to win a' greet victerfiaOcteter for want
Of an effective and extentieclaikanization ;or it
we should, by diatienstonanitiong ouPielyee, on
minor iseies,Vve the iloterf Ito oar 'Wrens
ries. The duty of securing a strong able re re.
Mutation in Congress, to sustain the President
in all' his noble War policy,•:anit: to defeat the
Candidates of the Breokinridge sympathisers,is
paramount and bindia - e'Let us not forget un
we have also to elect a Legislature that is to
choose a United States _ ; Sensor, and that, in
every tainty. important officers arato be _elect
ed. rive act up to;the tail and to the counsel
of the State Convoution timer which we derive
our authority, we shall achieve a greatand• last
ing triumph. In thin struggle It
„itribe dinged'
all men to forego personal Neferences for the
common cause antigte - Who @hall refuse - to nw
spend to this sentiment is uoequal to theantei
responsibilities of the , times . To . accomp li sh
opmplete unity ,; aid, tO, prepatkfor,a ) sacc eca s o i
result, dt• is ad,ylgatilatAtal * ,thb ktYlikmen should
Meet together la their respective wards and dis
tricts frequently. These theionntains not
only of all power, banntlittenterging, of all
pettiotic purpose Anil -pbputer enlightenment.
Armed with the weapontrUf - truth and of love
of country, and strong:l*Uß sense of a perfect
li t
'underline:ol44 amoo ottrantres, me eau: defeat
all the hophieOf - but let ri4l9B,. ( spd i courage
our patili64erTanta- 'yi counc il, and gallant
brothers ttht Fed:Of batile. ---- ' •
~. -• • - ciPls624i3golipuk L. , • t
.11.11. , 13 ,,, , ~,, -, •
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k t unrsran,i ; c<arrfr—telL .
7!y} ) , .,.:< , ~,,, 4 ,, ,4 1,„,,,,i ~ ,.:4.:.:1 ..,..r.l .u.,,p
34 ..
Rebel Attack on Rappahannock
Withdrawal of the Union Foroes
All Quiet at Warrenton.
ALIBEANDRIA, Aug., 26. —By Mail
From passengers afrtving here to-day, it is
ascertained that on Saturday the rebels com
menced operations with a will, using their
artillery at Rappahannock station, and it soon
became evident that this position would have
to be abandoned, and about 9 o'clock the bridge
crossing the river was burned and the abut
ments blown up. Orders were also received to
remove our stores and burn the houses at Rap
pahannock slation„Which was accomplished.
We euidained no casnaltioton our side.
Everything was quiet . at Warrenton and
Warrenton dimetion, both on Sunday and yes
terday. The.latter place is nbas miles from the
former. -
Our troops are rapidly getting into position
'and everything goes , on well.
This side of the Rappahannock is now entire.
ly clear of rebel forces, or was at_the last ac
There is no definite information as to the
actual peeition or numbers of the 'enemy. It
was correctly reported in Warrenton, however,
that the rebels were falling back beyond the
Rappahannock, towards Culpepper.
Aeq. Sigel captured a large number of vie.
oners on Thursday, but the most of them after
wards managed to escape, owing to an advance
of rebel reinforcements far superior to the
number of our own troops, and the want of a
sufficient number of soldiers to bold them.
Some prisoners, however, were brought to Bol
too station and will be sent to Washington,
Dig Rebel Army Near Mat.
The Rebels Repulsed at Tort Bonbon
011faNNATIM, August 26
A special dispatch to the Commercial, from the
Ohaplain of the Seventy-first Ohio regiment,
dated Fort Donelron, 26th inst., says that the
rebels, under Col Woodward, the same that
took Clarksville, made an attack on the fort
and were repulsed, with the loss of thirty killed
and wounded.
Col* Woodward's horse was killed ander.him
and his saddle and pistols are now in our poll
The rebels sent. 'a flag of truce previous to
the attack, and demanded a stniender. The
question was put to the ntlicers, and every man
voted "No." The force of the rebels, consist
ed of foui hundred and fifty infantry, three
bundred.and•thirty-five cavalry trod two field
' •
pieces. - '
The fort was wider the command of Major
Hart with four ,companies of the seventy first
Ohio—Colonel Rodney Mason's Regiment.
The anamersiocs Lexington, my., despatch
says there is no occasion for alarm about Gen.
Morgan's position. A courier has arrived who
reports that there is no fear of starvation
among his forces. The rebels have 16,000 men ,
in front of him and 80,000 in hie rear, cow-
Mended by Gleuerals Bragg, Floyd and Kirby
Cueing M. Clay left to-day with his brigade.
Gen. Nebo:settee relieved Gen. Wallace who
will tale the field.
Col. 'Charles Anderson, of the Ninety-third
Ohio, has been . appointed commander of this
The`Negro brigade raised to repair the sev
eral railroads, leave. 4,merrow.
General Jana, B. Jackson, late Congrestuau
from the Second District of Kentucky, will take
the field immediately.
The &mite's Frankfort correspondens says
that an arrival from the mountains gives mote
Gen. IdnigSzi ' has repulsed a large force on
the other side of the Cumberland Gap, and has
, provizions and forage enough to last him thirty
days. Reis in no danger. • ,
Col. Ckfirstid has had several skirtniahes with
the enemy, repelling them every time.
Arrival of the Steamship Persia.
SANDY Room, Aug. 27.-10 o'clock A. M
The steamship Persia is now passing this
point. Her advices are two days later than be
fore received . '
The news relating to Garibaldi is very vague
and contradictory: ( -No coMmision is yet re
The Fete day of Napoleon passed by without
anything of political significance being uttered
in his imperial speech. '
The Liverpool breadstuff market bad a down
ward tendency. Consols 98i@lil8i for money.
' The army and navy atm& regards the mili
tary prospects of the south as lees hopeful, and
thinks they should be making offensive de
monstrations before the new northern levies
are raised.
The New York correspondent of the Ames
'charges the North with a loss of enthusiasm,
and says that if some signal humiliation befel
McClellan or Pope, the independence of the
South would be secured.
Napoleon's fete darpassed Off without politi
cal significance—he made no speech. He re
viewed the National Guard on the 14th,lhe
Brit three sines the Coup delelatt.
'he bourse was closed on the 14th and 16th.
The monthly tabus* of the Bank of France
show a decrease io.cesh of 725,000 francs.
The Patric thinks that after-the French troops
occupy the city, ?Oracle° mast propose to again
place the Meilean question on the basis of the
London Convention.
Nsw Tow4,lkug. 27.1—The Persia arrived at
TI• o'ciock. It is denied that the Tuscarora left
Amestotro by the Government orders. is
rewired that she received a telegram from
lAverpool that the steamer 290 was in. the
channel, and hence her departure. She was
tiipected back at .Kingstown.-
•The London Times content - is to give itgloomy
picture of American affairs; and says these is
no likelyhood - of a termination of the war. by'
ordinary- causes: The only chance of peace
being_nauddenand-unexpected Atterfer - ence of
c°M Wit Ilene%
The Morning Pest regards drafting as an is
sue in which a failure would be ruin certain
The Daily Naos attacks Ey — illuseellemde
i tO Se.ward aallicatisim * eat with digs I T id
#oif 1 : 4 7 4 .,Et Sitar Mr . Reehacia
' A 0 be Mortherastiths
_twat Asiii,. the Lees that, i t
, ' ImMilesi ,ishe samostrations the bet**.
~. .
Tlit statements relative to Garibaldi's move
ments are vague. He had quitted Castra Cho
vanne and arrived at Plane with volun
teers, which it is asserted did not number
more than three thousand..
The Wonifinned to advance:
Soms-po ',belie*, notwithstanding ap
'Manus*, there is at 'thq:',bottom a complete
accordixtreeeiGeribaldi a d V r ictior Emmanuel.
Ricascili said to favol - Garibildi's advance to
The GoveramerA with the
military Budget. The military commission of
the chambers have rejected the expenses for
the re-organisation of the army.
Ervespoor„ Aug. 16.
The Asia arrived to-day, and the New York
on the 14th.
The steamship dreat Eastern sailed for New
York at half past two o'clock this afternoon,
with a large number of passengere and a good
cargo. .t s t •
:Lona*, Sattirday evetriiig.- 2 ;The lines has
an editorial combatting and denying all Mr.
Seward's promi4s in his last despatch to Mr.
Adams, and -dissenting from his conclusions,
it reiterates its arguments against any inter
ference, and 'proclaims that England is no ob
stacle in the way of peace. The true obstacle
Is to be fotindin those who stimulate the pas
sions they ought to allay and urge on with all
their might, the ciateetrophe which they clearly
forges and are yet able to prevent.
Trouble between Generals
Re is Disguised as a Released Mauer
Passengers from Washington report that a
rumor exists there to•day that General Sigel had
shot General McDowell thrOugh the head, on
the battle field, near Warrenton, killing him
instantly. This rumor, preposterous as it seems
to bargains great . credence, and creates much
excitement, especially among the sympathisers
with Secession here.
The notorious George N. Sanders was enter
tained by Secessionists here on the 14th inst.,
and aided in his passage North by them. l He
came to this city in the garb of a releasedgni*
officer, and is said to have (*pies of Jeff Davit'
message, instructions to rebel agents in Eur Ope,
and an earnest appeal to the European Powers
in favor of a recognition of the Southern Con
federacy, on his person.
Squads of rebels are for ming here, and es
caping South, in order to avoid the draft.
There are many rumors on the street, but
seem to be'vague and unfounded in every par
4. French ship has passed Woods Rale for
this port, a prize to the ship Ino. She cleared
from New Orleans for Bordeaux with a small
cargo, and twenty-three days after was captured
off Carolina with a full cargo of cotton.
The steamer Great Eastern is coming, down
Long Island Sound. She left Liverpool, on the
afternoon of the 16th last. _
The Kangaroo is Vtlow, advioas
At hie residence in Baltimore, on V'e 14th instant, W.
NINLEON, only son of Sohn snd Lydia Id:Nelson, pirmer
IYoflisrsistrafg.. • - - *
Berrtsburg, ! elugust 27th, 1862.
NO. 22 f
91HE time for making. the draft in this State
1 is hereby postponed until September 15th,
Until that time volunteers will be received
for the regiments in Active service before the
last Call for troops was,roade by the President,
and .ad 4 ated4ed.s9the township, borough
or precinct where they reside.. , By order of
A. G. CURTIN, Governor,
A. L. BuSIaLL, Adjutant:General.
Herrisbetrf, Pa., Aug. 27, 1882
NO. 88. , .
It is'oidored that;
. 9:lder authority of the
following diepatch teemed from the Secretary
of Wet this morning. ' Volunteers. may Ns re
ceived into the Itegimenta heretofore accepted
until the Ist" of September. under , the terms
and conditions mentioned therein.
Mustering Officers continue to muster in
Vohmteera presented the accepted regiments
until the let of SepteMber.
Wieurecrrorr, 19,k A4l 271862
To Governor Curtin: : _ ' ;
No advanced , pay-or bounty Can be allowed
to any recruits for the New BegfirienteAfter the
period specified. in; the order Of Department
heretofore tuned. If -thaußegiments - ars 'fall
by the first ofleptembefitheir iiili be at cePted
but without bounty to those - recruits enlisted
after the specified date.--. The iinidttion of en,
lietments in the different Staten licintres the
order of the Department to reinaln uriChanged.
. Secretary of War.
By order of A. G. CURTIN Governor,
A. L. Bosteru h 4dfutard General Pomo.
A GOOD ostler wanted at the Railroad
gook, fn Micbanimburcgo man need, apply
but a E•ber and an lomat man. ff. W. lavia, Art,.
an2s dant
ATTENT.IO N.--Soldiers Stationary
Pastagen for soli, whOlesale and at *Tiaras
Hotel, nurser of Canal and Walniii Streets. au27 data
Q •
ELLING OUTA.Tt 4 OST;—lfra. Susanna
liatv offers for atla theintlaiscb' of her stook et
aStlf GIOODS,yet on hated; Storekeepers would mike
a lidolgain by catillog at the corner of Second and Pine,
immediately. au27 dltt
1„.7 prices will be paht 'ter 'Sable 'bolted flea of the
Kocesase who,are wliling.M ad an 'imbettttita in Mie
army--allera proleriad away 7411810141
No. 180, Market Slant, Harrisburg Penn. sag 27 alw
. .
RMY BUBSTITUTES.---pereons who
'ill omit mud U convaiuie to film their 'lnilinesis
' 3l 'l ,baTe 404 4 403 XUTMlAMiliball by applying to the
noisegslgued at lig - alike, No. OM; Market street, Ba
ssani*, Vititonto Ilte 1511 i 'day of ,NlPtoulbar..
auTflwds O. u. 'SIIIIIOIIIEAN.
A .YOUNG.. unmarried Pao of , good:
boibibt; Who writes aCitliod. toad, 30 .can kellp
btoks doable "cask nonoother teed apply to
-16u26 oat* F 334" & KUNKLE. '"
~ .. .
1.1, and BizteentAßenintent, P. V., Augnstaiduital
I, au,e ii b•i'AbY 0 yen 3 0 as recruits now in *a ir ,.
r waited in Cotodek ifeen;n's Beetle*, to re
phtla4iSphia ,belosaglit. seat Of Septlattell tit` b - mi.
pritii Into the rewire of the United Stater in orttei ~ to'
complete the that the saets, swag 4lit A u G wa s hi
Yrigtoilitiall /tir&Men rebitirellidittatalpipwr.
o. -or colonel D. =Mk ' ' -
L a=akilarlaVADOstiP.f.i
i 1 : - W °l 4 f i 14 14 04- 4 9119603NOWNOSBATiide4
l ito
, i
.3—'' . ...' eat .t v.. 1 .1..-Ampoit
k A 'f '', k
i ,I. -13 I.- 1 . . 4.{h.At 1-:-3 .: 4,-1; .'i it. . ....
i --
. 3
- i
BALTIMORE, August 26
Bouco t Aug. 27
NEW YORK, Aug. 27
Nan abtutitemtnts.
Ntw 2thatistmtnts.
dle,•shoemaker and coach trimmers to work on
Wolin. Accoutrements. Good bands can make from
$1 25 to S 2 00 per day. Apply to
JOlllO A. BRA & CO, Newburg, Cumberland Co.
Run d6'
THE tall term of this Institution will
ecmmence on Wednesday, Dept. S I, 1862.
5u244:1 slept let 8. IL DIXuN, Principal.
FOR story brick bowies
with back buildiap, eituated on Cumberland strati
near Pentraylvaola avenue. Sixth Ward, Plarriaburg,
au24 Ciao Yront *net, Barr laba..g.
WILL be sold at Public Pale on the
premises, Minato on the Berke and Denthtzt
Turnpike, and e n the lined* the Lebtomon Valley Batt.
read, about one mile feat or Eummeletown, on Thurs
day, teeptember 25th 1561, the fodowing date [bed Val
uable Jest estate, vie:
containing 117 acres, more or lass, thereon erected a
Rob Btna and other oat buildings, with en excellent
spring of running water at the door of the dwelling
house. Toe lend is well improved and is in a gctid
state of cultivation. There is flinty of limestone on the
vexing, imitable fer building and nicer purposes. Sale
to commence at 12 o'clozit. 11., on raid day, whet'
atUindatas will be given snd terns of sale maga ktgorn
Humme shown, Aug. 28,1862. an2ll-dltwti
Lebanon Courier, Reding Adler and i &noisier
Volk friend ple cc Insert till • ale, and send bill imatedi
'tidy to this office for cirillectimi..
TN pursuance of an order of the Orphans
X Court, will be sold on Saturday, Scpternt ev 27,1862,
On the premises, gloated on the publ:o 1 , 10 ivadlog from
Bar %bit , g to Huminelstown , being *bent two miles
from Union Def,o4t, tee itllowing dftcribcd real estate
Thereon erected a
other outbuildings. There is an excellent well of water
in the cellar of the hmse, and another near the doer.
A good orchard of fruit tree.% Is also on the premises.
.T• n acme of the above land i r in good timber. and the
balance is in a good aim's of cultivation, sad under goad
'rences. late the est tte of Jacob Wawa., deoeased.
Sate to eommetce at 1 o'clock, P. IL, when attendaree
will be given and terms of sale made known by
su27 wta SAMUEL verscseasr,. Administrator.
y .
Sold by DAVID HAYNES, 110 Market St.
au27 Btaw2w
137 North Front Street, Philadelphia.
THE Subscribers respectfully inform
their Mends and the public, that the (ad Baser) ,
on 1 - runt street, below Race, (where our name has been
for mob) , years on the egn boardsj bait
and is now exclusively occupied in baking bread for
the United States Government 'Clare, titer. torsde the
only place In the city where the
Old Fashioned Hand Made Family Crackers
are now manufactured.
We ace alsoprepared to rece're orders for Pilot and
Navy Bread, shipping crackers, and all the nits' variety
of fancy bisouits to any. extent, and invite all dealers,
wholesale and retail, to call and judge for themselves.
Philadephis, dog. 22d,111112. BD. WAVSON & Co.
war/ laza
ALL kinds of Second Hand Clothing,
boots and shoes, bought and sold at the Aunties
store, Second Street next te State Capitol Bask. pis.
tols , rowle knives and gum blankets, a first sate artil
lery bridle and spare lbr an ofAcer for sale, No. 86 'Sea.
and Ptreet. W. BAKE, Anetlonoir.
Third Street, Below Market,
Will appear at the above hall, in a grand melange of
Singing, Danomg, New Acts, Burlesques aso, primed's),
to the. polio the best entert ai nment Mtn, ci ,
Doors open at 7 o'clock to cummenae et 8 ' Admis
sion 26 cta, heats chairs 40 to., Getttry 16 sta.,
Private Boxes 60 eta, Seam can be accurA without extra
For further particulan see small Ms. ataldnt
Will appear for the prat time in Harrisburg, at
And every evening during the week,
And Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons.
From Nixon's Oremorue Gardens.
Thu Two ifstaitsid and Most Perfectly Amid
Ever Exhibited in any cis or trans-Atlantic
- country.
More Diminuitive than
By ffleads Incites in EOM t
Air 13 twenty one plus of age, but twenipeight
*chew in ltklgtb t and welshing cal ug gonads.
/a- la sinteen years of ace, twenty-eight and a half
laCbeii high, and weighs mea•y iwo pounds.
The Commodore and Colonel will ride from the Hotel
to the Ball every day, in their beautiful and costly
carriage, 'Principally manunactured from tine rod patent
leather, trimmed with gold, and drawn by two hand
some ponies. The prompt is the only occasion that the
citizens will ever hats of witnessing to, see CO (Lagoa•
itive specimens of humanity, as they leave shorty for
2004 containtotthe life awl full perteulars relating
to: theta dimituddre litte men, also their songs and
many valuable family reee4ts, can be purchased at the
Exhibition Hall at the elose of e'en petruttnitoca•
ADMIiIdION26 csNr.=, Ctifldren under 10 years o r
I 1 401au. eftercoon Performances for the especial
Seeommodation of ladled and altdrans on which nom
tchtir the admission wilt be SA Its leant; chganin 10
minx, Ltb ere iemmgerecnw made tmth gamete.
- subS dlw
,p assortment. of Glassware,
' moulding oeigy &am, Preserve Dishes, Goblets,
biers, ka., an Just received awl tisr
Nis kw • mums h BOWMAN,
ift - - - "On* Mat li Mal* stiTletl.