Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, August 27, 1862, Image 1
THE TELEGRAPH Is must= EVERY DAY, By GEORGE BERGNER TERISS.--Smous Elnecarnos. The Daux Talisman is served to subscribers in 0 City at 6 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will I charged $4 00 in advsuice. WilWI AND SEMI WiIUELT: ihILICORAPH. The TIILIOSAPU 14 also pablished twice a week dui* the !session of the Legislature, and weekly during thi reminder of the year, and liirnished to subscribers the fobowing cash rites, viz: tingle othscribers per year fleml• 60 T en si 4 44 ..12 00 ..2200 00 T wenty id it it Single subscribers, *setly.. rite LAW Or lINWI3PAYESS, Itibicribers order the discontinuance of their ewe- Paper, the publisher May continue to send them until *Fromages are paid. If attbscribers neglect or refuse to take their newnPe pers from the office to which they are directed; they are rsopousibie until they have settled the bills and ordered them discontinued. Alisuilantous. EAGLE WORKS, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Kraitrrieruzza. or BOOR-BINDERS' RULING-MARINES AND PENS, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND KAMM 10* GRINDING CDTTING-MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Mlle and "Fodder Cutters, SCHOOL FURNITURE, General Machine Work and Iron and EMS CASTINGS WOOD TIJRNIND IN AIL II BRANCH/Mg I SCROLL HAWING, PLANING, EX., MC., or Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Braes mile to order. Gear and Screw Cutting, &c. HICKOK'S PATENT WOODEN SCREW - CUTTING TOOKsr Cash paid for Old Copper, Braze, Bolter, &c. STEAM BOILERS, &O. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, ABOVE STATE STREET. CELLAR WINDOW GRATES, Of various patterns, both stationary and Swinging , : Saab Weights and various other building outings,. for .sale • very cheap at the ,[my24.lyl BaeLS WORK& NICHOLS & BOWMAN , WHOLESALE AND MAIL GROCERS, Corner Front and Market Streets, HAFEISBITRE, PENN'A., RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of the public to their large end well selected stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIGN. -IND DO MESTIC FRUITS, Including among others, SUGABS, SYMMS, TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, ORANGES lamoi ALSO rs, &C. , 10 • FLOM, FISH, SALT, BACON, - , I3IITTEBoic. We invite an examination of our superior NON EXPLOSIVE COAL OIL, The beat in the market in every respect, -to gather with au kin& of LAMPS, SHADES, BITBNEBB, WICKS and GLASS CONES, Goya . than any Awe in Barriabtep, We keep on hand alviays ail kinds of OgDAR AND WILLOW WARE AS styles and kinds of QUEENSWABE AND GLASSWARE, at the old stand, NICHOLS & BOWMAN, my2o Corner Front and Market Ste. BOOKS FOR F.4I.MERB, MICE Attention_ Id agriculturiste - is directed to tlm following workerwhich enable than Act:increase the; quanttty midi value :of !heti 'tahhe by adding science and the experi ments of others to their experience : STETTuOtiI WOE - -OF ; tEr; FARM, de tailing all the labors of husbandry and the beat way toped trm them. Price... +B6O COLEMAN'S AGRICULTURE and Real Economy - 4 00 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, by Allen,— .1.00 THE FARMERS COMPANION, by Buil .. 76 LECTURES ON PRACTICAL AGRICUL TURE, by. Johnston 60 THE AMERICAN FARMER'S new and uni versal handbook, 'with AOO engravings.: 2 GI RESIBASIC by MET OD OF MANAGING Weeks - 2A The Nature' and Treatment of Diseases of ' Cattle, by Dada WHIG'S AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY .76 BRIAR COWS AND DAIRY FARMING, and the production of milk, butter,, cheese, by Flint • 1 60 GRASSES AND FORAGE PLANTS, by Lynch • - 160 SAX N'S HAND-BOOK, containing the • -Wind; the Cow, the pig, fowls, &c., 8m..1 00 ME FARMER'S DICTIONARY and Tac tical-Fanner, by Dr. Gardner 1 60, ALLEN'S DOMESTIC AN IM ALS.. ... 75 THE FIELD BOOK OF MANURES, or American Muck Book r gb TIM HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, by Jennings ' 1 00 YOUATT ON. THE HORSE 126 HIND'S FARRIERY and STUD BOOK ....1 00 HORSEMANSHIP and the Breaking and Training of Horses 75 Standard Books, School liooks, and every thing in the stationery line, at lowest prices, at RERtiNER'S CHEAP . BOOK STORE. THE NEW.EDITION PURDON'i3 DIGEST HAS JUST BEEN PUBLISH BD, .PR/OE $5 00. A N ENFIBE new edition of this weliknown Law Book has just been issued. It is now distinguished. by the following superadded. features: The laws contained in the various annual Digests published since the date of the e i g lA elision (Nita)•have been incorporated in the bodiof the work. Many thoustuid new authorttieslia - VebtieaAted ; the report of .the revisors of the Penal.C6de has been embodied in the notes to the .various sections of it, and the appendix contains for the #rot time, the Acts of Congress for the Authentication of *ands, and the Statute of Fraudulent Con veyanpes, with full and elaborate mitivinf the declikins explanatory of them. .-Whis .irdikluts been prepared by the learned editor, Mr. BIuGIAMY, ,and its freshness and pprnkartekst value will be preserved by the continuation, of, the winual, Monts, which have given , Soithicit satisfaiMaa...c , ;or sale at 1 ;.. k je2it kiagToitt., KELL'attlit I G kiTORE ie the place to buchAsid UM Wpm. 0,\ 14 ' • . . .. , . . • . .... !--• • • • .. • • ,:., .: _ . . , . ~.... .. . . . .. . .. . •.. . . ~ , . . 7..".....„ ..,.., . 141 V. ~ . :i t • , •'' . ..i . . , ,•:." ..' :':, : .! .. .1 , ~....:.:;•: ';,:,..; . ,; 5. : ~: , . 4 'l . ' ' ' .. ..- „... , ~ '• •,.., , - • .... ~ _. . , • . .. ~ , , • . ..• . ~ .. . . Y 3. -.:...,_____-• "t'-'' -'4'.., - - 1„ , . ~,..:.; i .., ,„., . ; ..: r.: '..1.1 ::: r i , .1...12' ' ' .!:.::,..1.4. ti.P.l ~ .:.,i . ' 1 - . .., , H i .: • . • p.: , -- -- - - p ;f 7 ----71‘- J .--if, 4 7: , i -...- .... --r" -- z- -1 • .: , :t. i ' . , :: ,_ , .; . - ~, be '1 1 i „. 7- - -It; .; . . -t: :. • --- - —. -2 at, , ;. at --..------ .., ,-.. ,•• : - 1 \ '-_ -,-- , ..• ......:i - - , ,::: . -.':- 7.-) ;.-1_;- , .c.11 ,1 ' !... ".,Z" , ,_,Z. 1 1-7_!„_,. , ,-, 1 _ 4 ~:. .+4 , . ,._._: : - ,-- ..:.: . .. i . . , _ , ~ . . , .. I 4 VOL Ntw 2ibratianntnts: NATIONAL HORSE SHOW TO BE HELD AT W ILLIAMSPORT, SEPT. 2a, 3d, 4th, and 6th• DAILY ORDER OF ARRANGEMENTS The gates will be opened for the admission of the public, from si o'clock, A. M., until sundown each day. TUESDAY, BKPT. 2d. 8 o'clOck A. M—The Judges will assemble at the President's Tent to organize, ascertain and fill vacancies, and receive the Books of Entries for the exhibition. o'clock A. M—All horses entered for pre mium, exhibition or sale, must be prevent on the ground. 10 o'clock A. M—At the sound of the . bell, the WIAND CAVALCADE will form on the half mile track, in which all horses entered for premium, exhibition or sale, are expected to be present and take their places, as called by the Chief Marshal. After the grand cavalcade, all horses entered for premium will assemble under Mks flags de- Fignating their class for inspection by the Judges. 11-i o'clock A. M—At the sound of the bell, Classes Noe. 18 and 19, (Farm and Draft Homes,) will assemble in front of Judges' stand for ineection, after which they will re tire to the east part of the - grounds for the test ing of their strength, and qualities Lr work. 121 , - o'clock P. M—Dinner. The track will be open for promiscuous driving till 2 P. M. 2 o'clock P. M—At the sound of the- bell, Class No. 6, (Mares with Foal by their side,) will assemble In front of the ,Judges' stand for exhibition. 211 o'clock P. 111—At the sound of the bell, Class No. 7, (Breeding Mares,) will assemble in front of the Judges' stand for exhibition. 8 o'clock P. M---Trial of speed of the horses designated by the Judges. 4 o'clock. P. 31—At the sound of the bell, Class No. 5, (Stallions of 2 years and under 4,) will assemble in front of the Judges' stand for exhibition.. 5 o'Clock P. M—Trial of speed of the hotses designated by the Judges. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER an. S. o'clock A. M.—At the sound of the bell Chows Nos. 8, 8 and 10 (Fillies and Colts,) wil assemble in front; of the Judges' stand for ex Weldon. 9} o'clock A. ht—Trial. of speed of the horses designated by the Judges. 10 o'clock. A. 31—At the sound of the bell, Ola No. 13 (Fancy Idatehed Home, Geldings or ?Caroni) will asaembie in front of the Jude& stand for exhibition. 101 o'clock A. 31.--Trlsl of speed of the homes desigruited by the'judges. _ 111 o'clock A. 11—At the sound of the bell, C • uo o. 11--Colts (Stallions and Geldingsi 1 year and under 2,) will assemble in front of the Judges' stand for exhibition. 12 o'clock M—At the Botutd of tlla bell, Class Na. 17 (Saddle Morses,) will assemble in front of the Judges' stand for exhibition. 121 o'clock P. M—Dinner. The track will be open for promiscuoua driving until 2 F. M. 2 o'clock P. M—At the Bound of the bell, glass No. 4 (Stallions 4 years and - under 6,) will assemble in front of the Judges', stand for ex hibition. • • , 2/ o'clock P. M—Trial of epee' of the home designated by. the Judges. B.o'clock hi—At the sound of the bell, ()hes* No. 20. (Poiderunder 14 hands, &0., see, bill,) will- assemble' in front of the Judge l' stand for exhibition. - ' ' 2} o'clock P. M—At the sound of the half, Class NO. 10 (Family Horeah) will assemble in front •of the Judges stand for exhibition. o'clock P. M—Trial of speed of the 4orsef designated by the Judge*, . . THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4pf., • 9.o'olock A. M—A GRAND OAVALOA,DE of all; horses entered for prenalunt,' exhibition or sale; will Asks place on the bill' mile track.. • 10 o'clock 'A 11--Trial of speed of the homes designated by the judges.. 101; o'clock A. M—At the sound of the bell, Cues number 12' (Matched HOrsel,) will sum ble in front of the Judges' stand for (WOW don. 11 o'clock A. H—Trial of speed of.the horses designated by the Judges. 111 o'clock A. li—At the sound of 'the bell, cities amber 31. , (( in band,), will assemble in front of, the Judges' stand for exhibition. = 12 o'clock ii=grial of speed of • the bases designated by the Judges. , . • 121 o'clook,l ) .lll—Dinner. The 'track will be open fox promiscuous driving:tint:ll4 o'oloOk. 2 O'clock P. M—Trial of speed of the horses the judges. . • ,21 O'clock P. hl--At the sound -of the bell, Ofass number 8 (Stallions .6 years and over,) will ailsernble, in front of the Judges' stand for :exhibition., • - • . • 8} o'clock. P. M-1 rial of speed of the bones designated by the Judges. 4 o'clock P. M—At the siouud of the bell, Class number 2 (Thorough Bred Mares,) will assemble in front of the Judges stand for - • 4j o'clock P. M--Trial of speed of the horses designated by pie Judge!). . FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 o'olock M . —Grand . Entree of Horses by States, in competition for the PRIZE RANEE& The horses from each State:will be preceded by 4 banner bearing its name. 9 , 1. o'clock A. 11—Trial of speed of the homes designated by tht Judges. . Ni o'clock. A. M—At the sound of the bell, Oka No. 1., :,(Thorough: Bred. Stallionsi) wllt wisemble in front of the Judges stand' for ex hibition. 160'clodkA: lif —At the sound of the bell; Chas No. 14, (Cientkanee's spans of Driving, Norses,)-will assemble in froot of . the Judges stand for exidtittfoiL 11 o'clock .A. lit—Trial -of speed of the horses designated by the jndgeei .14 o'clock A. the , sound of „the bell, Claes No. 22, (Tandems Tridems,) assemble in front of the Judges' stand for ex hibition. 12. o'clock M--Trial -of -speed of the ho designated by Judges. - • Ico clock M—At the sound'ef Ae • : PP .1 Noe No. 16 (gentlemen s`' Driving,'.:Morteed tieeemble in front of the indges' stand 19t , . . clock P. W—Trial of speed of tiptoe* • . tad)* thejudges" ,t M--At the iound - . of the b6ll tiolOkisgiaseiettialof speed F of i thorcnaghtlred H o bstaftiatted by the Judge". Is O'clock P. M—At the sound of the= i e s: l l, l horses to whom promituoa hoe boa "INDEPENDENT IN - Ath TIIIKOS-4.EUTEAL IN NONE." • HA - REIS/3' 61-iV% , PA.: iiDNESDAT-,:if... _ 2 : 7, , 1862 will assemble on the half mile Click, at which time the awards will be announced from the Judges' Mands, and Inehliumillags distributed. Ito Chief Marshal "requests '.punctuality on the part of' , •the eihibiteirs, in- having their horses• ready for exhibition on the signal of the ball, according to- the' adiertised programme. Horses notvready for the exhibition as called for by the Chief.lfarshal may be rejected from the list of competitors for prmniums. If sufficient time has net .for given in the programme for the Judges to examine any one class, before the calling of another class, the first named class will ,examieed on a vacant part of the ground, if eo orderat by the Chief Marshal. • " ' DR. W. F. LOGAN, Chie,Marshal. FACILITIES OF THE FIAT NATIONAL Rarely has *guild public enterprise . been so highly favored with good fortune iwitsiincipi ency as the, next: September exhibition of horses, in .Williamsport. Not:.only have a great number of persons:applied fer'stalls upon the gronnds,'but Altatlognished men,. Whom it is an honor for any one to know,.kindly *rite words of encouragement and good cheer, as if to remove every obstacle to the ,waccesfpf the, exhibition. The. railroads tlins liberally vie with each-othenimaett-ofservice : Penutgly.anits Omitralllbtilrotuj. Philadelphittilt*Rilit Railroad. Philadelphia & Bkaing Railroad. Lebanon:Valley- Ennio& Northern Central Railroad. Catawiasa Railroad. Elmira & Williiiaport Railroad. *- Syracuse, Binghampton & New York Rail Fest Penneyliitufla Railroad. Lackawanntc&Slomnsburg Railroad. North Pennsylvania Railroad. Philadelphia, Wilmington & Delaware Rail Cumberland Valley Railroad. Lehigh Valley. Railroad. Central Railroad of New Jersey. . Delaware; Lackawanna and Western Railroad will carry horses and grooms free one way, and will issue half-fare excursientiakets tb Visitors. Thus it will be seen that Maryland ; New York, New Jereey and Pennsylvania are throwtcWide open to the exhibition, apd wonderful will it be,"if the masses stay at home. The indica tions are very promising. from -present appear arices. Many entries of horses haVe been made from each of the above States. The following are some of the: oted horses entered and sand. expected, for training on the ground The Arabian Eagle, Morgan Lyon, Pan Yaun, John 4211plti; ; George McClellan, 10. lAtarietHm, Bob BM: •ChWrielltrarile 'tonna Morrill, Bi'k Hawk ; M essenger, Geo. M. Batchln, Jr. Also,Eilifiltol7, the famous Stallion, formerly owned famou s byjay Minorlßotts, of Virginia don- Sscated by the rebels; and re-captured hi the Union army. Jr' *dated upou good authority that $20,000 have been offered for him" and re fused. Ileitides,theati ' . are. numerous dela . ndehbi. of the most noted in this dOttntry. Thor pugh-bred Messengers, St f.awretice and all the grades of Morgan and Black-HaWk Stock, give, promise of coming. The comparison of breeds will be one of the instructive features of the . exhibition ; their advertisement and sale,, 'one of the profits to the exhibitors ;' and the In qreased value and usefulness of the equine race generally, one of the public .benefits. a. :26-d2t . • • .11. W a . IS NEW ROSNWOOD PIANOS, kiln the beet makere i from , $2OO tipylipails., i. THE BEST - ~124.1IEWOZOMS MANUIPAOTURED INSTEU.; /LENTS, 1149X145,t0 slo o r (Sultan, Vlnlinij.;.KoiOadecirks,jFlt i tt'es, ' - Fifes, Dllll2lB, Panjos, Tamboorioes, Violin:and Galtar 'strings and Duni eel merchanOse SEEEET =SIC. LiOtat always on • band. 'Ili& sent by mail to any , part of the Only SQUATtE, ..i.SI;OI..R4SEWOO.I)- FRANIk = Spitable foritooktOr glaaniVand 4 1 kinds, 01 Pioturesalwaygon hand. • " A. fine assortment : of best plated OVE/NG GLABS-ES , Frorn smallest to largest sites. • Any style of franie made to Order at the shortest notice: • ' febl9-wksly I • ConfectioneryFrriit Store, THEM STREET, NEAR WALNUT, Harrisburg, P. pONFEOTIONEBY OF AU KEND,II, , • • FIUME AND. SALT 1118 14 ` And 3 , 690101 es of all Ueda, brought .direct iron lAA 'Enclkernparkets, twkif arreek,ano oiaronssed onaer - pEirspeet supervision, %Dos- tumetidg me to sell C 'Vetter end laheaper - article than asp in,thenewnet,, , : 130. 1 °tries trothirdistwace ;Headed MprOPlPtliiaad zoo& delivered to iin# tart by the'otti free or ~Charge, M ..- FREtH CANNED FRUITS - re tly on land_ HMI , UM] JOHN WEIL ••FIGE3 - ,Aiteri, Frau' es and all 411341111'a Nuts, at JOHN ' 8004 . 120 rd and "Nut. • myl nperior brands of eztra farailyAffoni. b Which FR warruk o give 'estlefention r ibr - . NICHOLS & BOWMAN: Corner Yront sod liarkek strew lEM IC= of _all kiattrifei e qalld ' ', l"3l 44 a a r tarva low/tele 0 • i'' z*. , ''" ' .' . : APP.': trot ind•NotAir. sti•ets. • joi , a „ ei: I iiiikakco ll r B6: l4 . velic lf : ilijiici4 ll l,l moi l loam thali'' .14 toWYN • 4 'v.s4l' IhSti ryg l " V '' 6 91'4 o'7 '. ii , . t .d . 1., '• BAKER'S Ooooa and Sweet Chocolate, Ibr at JOHN 11%141, aid Walnut D 7; Nanlibnert:tseni,tuts ,RomE, EXHIBITION WM. KNOCHE' 93 Market atm: -.2 ia amiti rg s , P a., ream 111 ' ' WM. • 93 'dirket street JOHN ORANGES AND LEMOAIS, • ' PINE APPLES,,SANANNA ly Tmg -ft' From our Morning Idition- fßO.lit ., . "OAK: The Bare of the. Militia. ••• • • • - You, Auguat 26. p4pecial Rarinttei go lhl Iliegryh t From the et4iinsoeof the. enrollment of the military of this placs iti .has been ascertained that nearly seven hundred -volunteers are al ready in the service, out of the voting popula tion of 1,900. pan it be possible that a draft will be regultdte from this place. B. LATER FROM EUROPE. Arrival of the Steamer Hibernia. HIGIELY " IMPORTANT NEWS. LEmm , nolt EL RUSSELL . TO SECRETARY SEWARD Eli g huu rs Nitioil Aatilut Ain Fairtmat Port; Animal 26. By the atetanahip - Mbernia which pained the Point title morning, we hsar6 received , the lowlag highly - interesting letter, •written by Earl Bussed to Mr. Stewart, in reply to sidle patch from Kr. Seward': SW. aoae z x o AUL STIWARD. FoinaGN °arm, :Lointow, July2B, 1862. &a :—I have'. left. hitherto unanswered a nd unoticed the despatch of Mr . Barad, ' w 'eh Mr. Adams delivered , more thee a month 0. I have done leo partlY bp:at* the ' Mili - events.referred4o lOU Were , Witte iipinio of Her Naiades gOvinurderit,plifitiabeh* is pot ive, and partly bactiusailiere lineup pro ' in it upon which-Her Majesty'e 6*o;nmelAt called upon to come to any conclusion ..' Es; to ettbseAuent ielbe date of Mr.fieward's letter has shown that hertklajesty's , Government, l in their opinion of the first of -them • points, 'were 1 4 1 444 1 mm t•:Victories Piave betaVgiductl, o versee have followed, potatoes have been h id in the moighberbootil bf the capital of e• rei t ~e 4 there4rwilitous have been acomn-1. panted by greatsir of iife in battle and in the hospitals. While Mich =Neural as the borithsss ton 14 have:pmad Ural& both bonito! of Cirons, mid wititthe ;irrociantatierie - of n. butler attNew Orleans, bear &ridable:4Elbn - . mallet bitt4rnent of the tariff): The "approilChr a 'PFAU wails° much insisted upon ity litr. Seward in. his , tharitatch, only- forewarns us that another element ;Of deatrnctioai may ,'liti added . to the loss of the property' and the waste of industry which already atllicts a-conntry to lately prosperous; At this moment they haie nothing more at' heart -thou to , see that the cOusurnutation which. the .President srieeksof in his answer to the Governors of eigh teen States, . namely: file: bringing of this unnecessary and. injurious civil . war to a epeedy. and • satilfactory ctutchishei. As to the course ot -opinion 'in this Couutrk, , the, i'reddent is• aware Mutt peeled freedom to cOmmeottrupon- all public events 'is In this country the invariable practice sanctioned' by law end approved •by universal sense or the nation.:.. I am, Ac., [Signed) FROM TEIghESSF4K ,Tbe Loss of the, Steamer Aix*. iitirmssfiTs or ; immainuoze. men-Residlo6 of gii*EWe*)lnllnrolltlC, • ' ' The list Of the pagkengent of the Acacia half been riketred.• Ur. -Robert &le., Owen I st 4 Mii.liichanbrin, Wife Capt. Richardson of. the Fifty third Ohlo regiment,;Jas Amt. It been stoertiliunt -that not more than thirty persons hit* ;lie - Oohed: • Breckintidge is MpOrted to •he storing his en= l'beicavalry am:vont ing sad are every man We l t fifty 'sem. . • Gen. Grant Asie ordared alLtioil-tnaldertte bare tote enrolled. - In #6.,46C'eti4bk.b/ Abair re spective-I States, it • . P;coltoiti4ll4 draft will be made , among them. Persona thin drawn will be artioad ro4o44trietits' Of tisii"Rwa States. , . FROM WOHINGTON. Elm Dix Noi doing New °noun. , , IVAxixneros, *nut 26. Major (enr o l Dix - *milli in CO/Oand at Fortress Monroe, Whither he returned a day or two ago. • Thislute rett the rumors that he wea , to supe , reede Ms* General Butlef at Mew :The State Department has beefs officiary ; formed of the , death of Dr. Choir*ol.,arel4L* : . ell, of Hartford, 'Cords-ts while eOg age 'mr.• Pothericlei expettlitiOirla 'search of in: /lewd waters of the Nile.. '' Dr. Brownell istrifed 113 Egypt in' the early part of last winter, gut int!t his death was occupied *p is S v e il, PP that Nibs. MAMMITS"BIr TJUJitiB44l,i4E. FREE • Yoast;-Ang. '26. Cott 436 firm. 1400 inlir 4k* -C Flour heavy, 1 1 491XiIiiii., - 1614 95; ;Ohio - 95! soas , 6o I_Mitheiii Al 4, r , 5 75. Wheat one cent • /0,900 Vat. ioid; clomospeo gi sci r 1 19; 91/1 - 01(16, 22; Red western r sl, las to ri.entuckrgl ggeld Offil - vera cent, sales ` - 13,000 solicit ;.;(- .1 I quiet. Pork heavy. Lord Arm at 9c @ 9t. Whisky . Arm at 31402. Sugar steady, Orleans 94110; Muscovado 9109. Freight drooping. Stocks steady. Very La,thsi from Virginia POPE'S ARMY 18 ALL 'keit:LT oprictuas ,A CORRESPONDENT OPEBATXCATS `,9N. 6 TILE ItaiBELS TEE RAID AT CATLETT'S Slaughter. of the Rebelsby Gen. Illokette [Bpccial Correipendetzee of the Inquirer.] . • • Wasznanotr; August 25. Haling left Warrenton at an early boor this morning, we bringDere from that point of the 'debt date, although we. write from Washing- • The stringent order of General Halle* pro hibiting correspondents from **msg. in the army, and any officer or Soldier from giving or selling them'any subsistence, and directiug all 'guardsAnd patrols to hold all such under ar rest, his made it 'diatonic the last week, to procure any edentate information, And to send it to you, or to live while making the attempt. We did succeed in all, however, but suppose, from the fait of its not appearing, that you have deemed it prudent, to withhold it, while others have iiiffilished that which is really inju riowt. The Wild and absurd Story coming from fidrper's'lrerry, while nearly wholly false,. has done harm. . Had thittuthleen published as we sent it , it .would - have relieved public anxiety, have given thei rebels no information : and the exul tant look ife have noticednoticed"since our return here upon ths many'sympathizers with the iretitil lion would not haVa aggrarated us. We left the army of Virginia andthe army of the Po tomac this morning. Where they now , are and what they are . goingto do wahmit. Suffice it, however: that both are not only , safe, but that there bag been no large battle fon,ght, no loss es of any account , sustained,. no panic, and no retreat I.' Neither are expcted by, tie ; we gay no retreat we have fallen thirty miles back ward, but we did . not Eight all day and retreat all night We marched, and the trains.also , in the daylight ! We held an ntifavOtable'piWition the rebel army, now massed to crush ,rt force that only went down to threaten while itoCliellati attempted to fin back, Which was at one time pronounced impolnible. We will not attempt 'journalise the Mogemente of; oath 'day. The reheianoW hold the Ibiitothauttocit river, basing , a`force Wpon hpth aides iithey tbithiten Warrenton Una the Shebat:49okt • valley. Lee and Jackson, with 80,009.,0f their beet men, ate known- to be hear Sulphur' Spri age, while . Jackson commands their extreme left. Lee is in command , of .the centre, and Genii- . els Stuart; Lea and Robinson have *bunt .6000 cavalry'snd one battery, of artillery, carrying on &guerilla war this - elder of the Rappahan nock: -We einnot streak of the preparations to meetthern, but we think they are. ample... Oa Friday eienilig ankh forces in undisputed posseesion hfiroth aid,* Of the _Rappahannock river; at the railroad, and,for'some miles upon both WO were Ontharailinad train that' halted for an hour ot Oki) at-"catiett's," thirty seen miles from WirahirigtOn, and thirteen from the river. ' - . • We were first startled by the report "we are, attacked'." 1 4014/3Fking to the side of the train, 'we found that the rebel cavalry were all around the cars, olden iridiiscrimitiris firing at once coMMenoed : `We grilittlY'rettinred to put on our shoes, knowing they were scarce in Rich- mond. On getting Oil the train we; fell into the - custody of the - traitil; cavalry, who were charging trii thArailioad towards the Station. In the Me ` and excitement ate gracefully withheld illy demOrisliatiOn of resistance, and in 'a lew`mbititellthe PurnellLegion opened a the into the f*Eaf teir eaciirt, and in Abe con fusion of the iiicinient wa i l& company with two others, eecaped mid* once made , for the . bar; racks tire rear •of the, station, where we aroused the men, - and'aien.took refuge .behind a dump; which strong' position we held until daylight did - appear, and secentrirad all retired. We were Ootti.huothed 'la* from tire sta tionoind weld 'see turd hear the , rebels for several . hours. Theft.' first. operation was to poldi pickets for abill tale around the station, anrithin At i eu — ri.,alr ~P.rieellers and to mar& them to` the tear. , The y were exceeding ly larlidefotut and looier their threats;; the most fearful ottani were continually poured•out. Thar attention Wm Arid ta%ned to the baggage train, which *brain,* Circle • around the ita don, itud - corleisted Of several, thousand, mak ing , *Whim molten Et motion of twelve- or fifteen miles *tot the exception of occasional firing,. they met: ith 110 Mildew% until about an hoar after the runiell,laigioniutd_ been mu rummied and taken Priionem at the station when enverirkvoiltryttnealPope'e baggage train caused a-stampede; which lasted for several minutes. They' emained` it the station until about 4'A, bt., when their pickets were diawn.dn and the RIISELL. - Aboat 'fifteen. minutes after their arrival, one Of the most terrific stories raged for about an hour or two_ that we have ever witnessed. The rain Pocire4 down in one continuous stream, aiiii itll to this drencVng rain that: we are in debted for:the safety of the thousands wwi gout.' They would not burn when fired, and there w as no other way to destroy them. They btiriiesiz, two of which were antler wagons; but the storm cameup while they were .plundering the others, and: otter that ft was too late. , . .. • . , . They took off over two hundred, horses of robe's trolion of WM* were very'fine—and twenty, from iffeDowCll, They secured all of popieebaggate, bit did root getctke moat nal nalAe th 4.1 3 44. titifa with $6OOO in Trent:try Notes, and not a staff officer was left &:shirt or 'Tinting., &go,. • From. Mclkow wesafe they sepored few : Abousand dollars, allottfi loaatitY AblxlßT . f..iOok bils wagons, wee Of "die took fr4ti:theln. AU sick ii/4 FAtt4el). from Abe hospital at to elatio n, bot2MOst of *ern were put on the stok*bOrees to ride, 14e medic al instruments ifenitiot-ri i ii;pd, but the medicines were taken. "- two separate attempts • tcv take ridge "west of the station near a .°; Ether were retailsid by the guard each . of • - • i bpr.witionerawho escaped uk fh kne said trkAPti atorouralfed ao f , „ .. Ontoi twolinapiaiganthwreach ed 7tpa l , Rue * J.,,l4,4Biterioderk.tb Col". 1 AOC tivrtta444 , l4.hortsboistaite: ld" tifilbouCtureihindred prisoners, some of whom were allowed to ride and some were wa lking. About two hundred were enlisted men ; the balance teamsten, &c. Among the acne were NO. -99. 1=1:=Z1 gii.Witiltiiitiliti fart. Having Procured Steam Power Presses, wean prepay ed to ex acute JOB and BOOK PRINTING; of every deeerlptleu, cheaper thin It (an be done `at' - my Mier establittonent in the country. R &TES OF dD V KATI SING.,.. E . _. Soar Hare or less constitute ens-bait 'square. 21 Ones or more than tour constitute a square. Square, one 4ty $0 21 “ 0113.41 loam 1 26 it . sue roostb ....... . ..... ........; 200 " 0. ' ' tireenionuie .... 4 00 Jilin months 600 ‘‘ ' 'OW par ....10 OS Onefilquere r inie day • . , “.' ":-: . 7 4111:ligkr14::[:40 . •••• .•••.. . 2 ' 4" ''"'"lbrairibkontbi • " ilk iio uib3 16 00 °mg so 00 noikeebieer red la the_Zoiimi om er before Marilee... Denbo, .1116 fir GIBRIF PLR a INE for each ineortim • Marrhgeis and Dalian to be abused an regular advertisements. Lieut. Keiphart, Qawtennaeteibarrolrs Bri gade. C40n9l Leonard, Marylead ' Parnell Le gion. ' ' Capt. Gelding, Qnirtermaster with Pope's train, and his Sergeant Major. '- Lieutenant Winslow, Kane Rifles. Lieutenant Moore, ,Quarterinagter Harris Light Cavalry. • - • Lieutenant New Jersey Cavalry. Flint Lieutenant Brook, company P., Purnell Legion, Kni'lle44. Secone'lletitenia Ilegarth. _Company B, Parnell Legion, Colonel Cleary,Becood Maine Cavalry. Mr. Sites saw General 'Stuart andOpaeral Lee conversing 'after the storm near .thn-road to camp as they were marched off in a hollow Alegre. Stuart was giving Orders about des troying:the Railroad bridge.. Out kale mile they had - a.battery of six gun4and_tbitteide of Warrenton was Robinson's brigader,olsavalry, making with Lee's brigade about four thou sand. They bouted they had ten thousand. When they reached Warrenton they were meta)) , the people with open arinr; everybody rushed out with food for the rebels, andall had bountiful larders supplied from our commissa rial; 'the prisoners got nothing ; they left about eight "o'clock W., in the direction of Water ton and S a yvllle , but Lees's cavalry'went off towards front Royal. They said that the main body of theitianny laid at Sperryville, and that Stonewall Jackson bad a column moving off to the right. After the Rifles were charged on a second time Col. Kane and Col. Myers, of Pope's staff, es caped to the rear, and succeeded in r a llying about sixty of them, and Made a charge down towards the station on them, they again ' charged upon them while they were plundering their `Wagons and drove them off, and they did not return at that Onint,. the result of these charges' Mtwenty rebels killed end wounded, file dead lint,on the Held, and sir horsed taken from them, and a number of prisoners releeinXL They took three largo eight bone ambulances from one of the train', and loaded them with their wounded. In all, the rebels lost some forty killed, wounded and prisoners. • Qol. Kane had two men mortally wounded. Privates J. Kenna and %Indict, and Ave others, wounded. Colotel Rene had out picket 'of sixteen men, under Lieut. Winslow, all of sileastware ham., It is to his cool and dozing 9qaduct, **gat of Col. Myem, that we are indebted. for the only checks these wen received. The rebels are:' now but few miles '.oast of Warrenton. We have lost' in the wain of skit wishes during-the-last week i about six hundred men. . - 4.1 s 'brigspsible ttigiiWal their names. We were refused by, olkers 'pop all eldesu list of names, sod are told It lily, ordeF. No;ietteizare allowed tn vett& by, doers 9r men,, nomad' are allowed to be emelt), any one under any condition, ao people are not to he alarried at not bearing en !row their relatives. :Wairtiii ; wear retaken 'by Gen. liic,DOwe/I on attnelarnoon, With a Mill 1081. The recent ./tains raised tho Rappshennonk neariY fifteen feet, but in I.few flays ja,„gan again beforded anyviliere. , _ On Saturday morning the rebels "etteelited to cross in strength at the isAlrold -bridge on the Bappeitanneck. Geo. Ricketts drew , up his artillery and infantry, a$ open are. upon the rebels with twelve or fifteen . places ,ar wkly. • . , , Several hours aftenntrde a'second latti s tr was mode. by thew to cross, when. Ric s battery opeued 'Upon them with temlble slepat ter. It firsuppOsed that at least one the :wed or fifteen hundred of the lebels'were No attempt: wee made'by the rebels to : reilittive the dead bodies cf.their.eetWere, hut agaba•end again they ' Wadi their ovs the kopLies of their' fallen comrades,' acid `as tepee, tlly were they'reptthel. , After driving *Egli Vac they failed' wain. to try it—Ties• bridgetiotas destroyed. • - • we ittisullancout LIFX INSUBANOL The Girard Life Insurance, Annuity: aSit Trash Company of Philadelphia. 011FICI Zffl. 408 OBESTIkrUZ • gaiarnra rawatbm.p,, CAPITAL ATA.4l3if9 .........:.:::.. . THOMAS PIRG WAY,-gogigigie, • JOHN; F. JAMS, A ntenil, CIOoITENV It to make RISURANCEi ON %) Lind en the moat mimed* terms. ~ Toff net as Executors, Trustees mad Guardians nridet last wilif•And altMeceieers sad- AMlgneets The - capitol being paid np and invested, ,ScHiMber a large and oaitawly more neitved l ed , elfre perf,cet sear sy to , the ireekfed.sit Itelpretnilinel may be paid yearly, blarpogi,x, Qv% the company, add a. BONUS Jerlodloyally In OW riuseeilbr Bib. ' The FIRST ROn Erntioreolivided in. camber lllititge SECOND BRIOSIO RdOetebeeP . lll44ll. the THIRD BONUS in December, 1864 Mei HteigOggw, BONUS in lain. idditionenre made' althea' re •• Turin rtoYOloroMo u ifsgtocultam. ics Wipe id tor wmPani. following-are aleir arateplea from Register I -.• •u. •• ," " •••• 7 Antotant • Fbitcy•aud Sam Bonin .or bonus tube Increased tolicy. turmoil adili•lou' by tutors additions.. No. 80 •-•- ;2600 - 10- UT SW , - 'Off SO " 132 '' - /3 054 :11 i• : 4 , 060 CO - 'i "109 - 1 ,, 400 - ' 1,400 00 • . 1 333 - 4000, - 4,876.00 - 0,876 00 Aliezdat: _Tiaburipapdi Tic NW, WILLIAM BUEHLER- .. elO-dly t rd; A P_A,RBSLLL;: .q PLUMBER EU -GAS. FITTE2I •z • ' • tai' I, AO &Mit 'nee door t o th 4 .2 W41 1N17 . 4010 . • CO* • r ". • .rt.a S:"488' dwellings, dhurehes, intitifieg i s bat/tuns, pacories, *O., doe* leadidelTot f ro w l 4p• W a workman line :MUM. Hydrants, „Wyk bows, Bath Tate , Likud fame leMipai Vraum-aolawle , - 11 Lend and nos il:Aft/rAnner,aettegei. steam— -A atm ofpublic vatronagOs lAsplarkll7, 20pOlbxt.--.4419KK, pr e nipay attended to. ofisom. `,AIIO,I I .IIEat'SUPPLY 2 , T iOnVULED GOLD - PENS I g ESTTENS lit 23 AMA Ponyiebine i nerisi e x` ' / ! -7 • itizifFeiP4-PolkOrg.` o,• ,{$l.l,TR:' 0, Sheet Zinc damaged , 1 13 Y` water, 0 for nalt low by AZ,z2• PUILVie, 721 din* N. N. cormar_souta end Penn strew., Phi S. &ADE from choice and selected Apples, and morotood IT no to be:strictly_ my. WU. WOK it - 00. ..../0 00 MUM MI MEI .ni ail •":.g 1