Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, August 26, 1862, Image 3

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    pailg titgrao.
vertlsementy Business Notices, Mar
riages, Deaths, se., to secure insertion
in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably
be accompanied with the CASH.
Advertisements ordered In the regu.
ler Evening Edition are inserted In the
morning Edition without extra charge.
Tuesday Afternoon, August 26, 1862.
received in this city to-day, we learn that two
deaths have occurred in this company recently.
John Mack died on the 7th of August, and
George Sanno, on the 10th. Wm, Kramer is
also reported sick in the hospital, but is doing
well. The company is now stationed at Beau
fort, South Carolina, and are reported to be en
joying good health generally.
The Treasury Department construes the Word
pedler, as used in the excise law, to be a person
who gains a livelihood by traveling from place
to place and selling goods and wares, or one
whose occupation it is to sell goods wlle trav
eling from place to piece. A farms whosells
Ms own products by traveling from hOnse to
house is not a pedler in the sense of the law.
T. C. N/CHOLEON, of the Beaver Argue, was
the city to-day, and reports that the enl'
meats in that region were rapid and euthusi.
tic Beaver county was asked for two come,-,
pies, which have been recruited and sworn in,
and she hae in addition four other companies,
which are full and waiting for transportation.
These companies have all been examined and
passed a surgeon, so that they can be attached
to a regiment as soon as they arrive in Camp
Curtin. Beaver county has indeed, done no
bly in furubbing men for the war.
Samoan's Orzaa HOIME, under the manage
ment of the gay and incomparable "Sam" has
become quite a popular resort, and the enter
tainments nightly given are spirited and' mu
dug. The entire ctmpany do their best to
please, and succeed admirably. Sam's telling
bits at men and things, never fail to bring
down the house. The rest of the performers
are loudly applauded. We notice a good
sprinkling of the fair sex at these entertain
ments, and where our lady friends patronize,
success is certain.
—... 0 .----
A Camels wuo resides on the Ridge road,
appeals to us to call the attention of the police
to the acts of brawling rowdyism and drunken
ness with which that neighborhood la constant
ly disturbed. Yesterday a beastly fight oc
curred at one of these rum shops, during which
blood flowed freely and profanity was as abun
dant as the dust in the street. The morality
and the decency of that part of the city appeal
earnestly for some protection at the hands of
#es police. These houses should either be
closed or the proprietors held to strict account
as to whom they deal out their firey poison.
Let the nuisance be brought to the attention of
the court now in session, and the remedy will
speedily be applied.
Tas Fin Lau NIGHT.—A large and destruc
tive fire occurred in the Sixth Ward, this city,
about half-past ten o'clock last night, destroy
ing a portion of the new and elegant row of
brick houses which were in comae of construc
tion by Mr. Daniel Boss. The buildings were
all finished with the exception of plastering,
and consisted of eight two-story houses, of
which four were almost entirely destroyed by
fire and the balance greatly damaged by water.
The fire was no doubt the work of an incendi
ary, as no fire had been used about the build
logs. Owing to the great distance most of the
firemen bad to run, and the great difficulty in
getting citizens to man their engines, the fire
gained considerable headway before their efforts
could be produced with effect.
Swoan PILIBBNTATION.-A very interesting cer
emony occurred last Sunday evening in the M.
E Church in Bainbridge, Lancaster county. Im
mediately after the sermon was concluded by
Rev. John C. Gregg, formerly of this county,
who had been recently commissioned a Chaplain
In the 127th regiment, P. V., (Col. Jennings
commanding,) who was about taking leave of
his congregation that had gathered to witness
the farewell scene, and bid him God speed, F.
Gall Forman, of Lancaster city, arose, and in a
brief but feeling speech, presented in the name
of Samuel Eby, Eeq., Abraham Conine., Esq.,
and Dr. B. H. Jones, a beautiful and costly
sword, as a befitting token of their esteem of
him as a man and minister, and their high ap
preciation of the motives which induced blink)
sacrifice friends, affections and the comforts of
home to the perils and privations incident to
the soldiers life. Mr. Gregg was much affected
by this unexpected tribute of respect, and re
plied with a degree of emotion and enthusiasm
that effected the entire au deuce.
These wonders of all who have seen them,
made their debut in this city last night to a
large and fashionable audience. For the past
four months tbay have appeared to no less
than three hundred thousand people at Nixon's
Cremorne Garden, New York. We must ad
mit, (which Barnum does,) that they are the
smallest and smartest little men living. They
dance and sing admirably, and the advice
given by the Commodore, to the old and young
is very good. He addressees the audience in
both the English and German language,
They appear with us but a short time, and we
advise all who have not witnessed their unique
entertainment to go to-night. They are as
listed by Miss Mary C. Ellinger, a young lady
Of acknowledged talent, who sings all the na
tional anthems, plays the piano with one hand
and the castinetto with the other—a feat never
performed but by her. She also plays two die
loot airs on the piano at one time. Professor
Brooks, a pupil of the Keystone Slate Blind
Asylum presides at .the violin, 'and sings
a number of beautiful ballads. Go tonight,
and be in attendance by $ o'clock.
—John Wilson, employed at Finley's bakery,
was arrested by Provost Marshall Kleckner,
this morning, and will be sent to Washington
Mnarazir Bomar Cosocrrms. —The Committee
will meet this evening at the office of A. J.
Herr, Esq., in Walnut street, opposite the pris
on, at 7 o'clock. Persons interested will please
take notice. By order of the President.
0. EDWARDS, Bec'y.
RMLROAD Accrom.—The mail train south,
yesterday, arrived here an hour and a half late,
in consequence of an accident which occurred
in the neighborhood of Sunbury, caused by
engine No. 85 running over a cow. No injury
was sustained further than the breaking of the
baggage car and one of the passenger cars. So
we are informed by a passenger.
Tan Dam:Pm—Corn, late potatoes, and in
fact vegetation in general, is suffering to a
great extent, along the belt of country com
mencing at Seven Valley, In York county, Pa.,
to within a short distance of Freeland's Sta
tion, immediately below the Pennsylvania and
Maryland line. While there have been several
copious and refreshing showers lately, north
and south of the locality in question, this strip
of land is parch and scorched so that it has the
appearance of a veritable Sabara—almost.
Galls ni Paoorecrrrvx.—We learn from a
iTimred of the genuine stamp—a crack shot, a
whole monied fellow, a good Union man, and a
gentleman of unquestionable veracity, that
quail, grouse, rabbits, ho., are unusually
plenty this season, as he bad reTeet opportuni
ties to observe while on wood cock shooting
trips to Marsh Run in the vicinity of Golds
boro' and the different localities in York
county, and to other favorite haunts of the
"timber toodies" in the upper end of Dauphin
TUN NATIONAL NOUN FAIN, to be held at Wil
liamsport, on the 2d, 4th end 6th of Sep
tember, is progressing rapidly. Horses from
New York, New Jersey, Maryland, as well as
from Pennsylvania are being entered. The
stallion, George H. Patchin, Jr., has been en
tered, and is known as one of the finest horses
in this country. The celebrated horse, Engi
neer, formerly owned by J. H. Botts, of Virginia,
will also be on exhibition ass thorough bred stal
lion. His time on record, 8 mile heats, is
5.421. $20,000 have been offered for him and
refused. Bath Patchim and Engineer are enter
ed as thorough bred stallions.
Or run Pusa.—For some weeks the secesh press
has been assailing the loyal and patriotic
preachers of this city, denouncing them as in
sincere Christians, and attempting to hold them
up to general scorn because they mingled in
their prayers a word of supplication that God
would bless the efforts of those who are now
battling for liberty and the Union. These at
tacks were so frequent and so virulent, that
Christian forbearance could no longer remain
silent without seriously placing in jeopardy all
that was manly and patriotic. Rev. Robinson,
of the Second street Presbyterian Church, on
Sunday last, while he did not bemoan himself
by a personal reply to these attacks, took the
broad ground of justifying this war by all that
was holy, pure, wise and patriotic. He proved
that war was a necessity. From the earliest
generation to the present, the conflicts of men
were made the corrective of their passions, and
out of.war, evil though it is, the grandest and
the greatest reforms that have ever blessed the
world, sprung. In a strain of fervent zeal,
Rev. Robinson defended the justice of the war
for the Union. It was indeed a holy struggle,
mingling in its contests the hopes of religion,
the prospects of freedom, and the interests of
civilization. He defended it, and urged it on
the support of his brethren, because it was re
ligiously, morally and politically just. Its suc
cess could demand no sacrifice at our hands
which was too great for our concession ; and by
its triumph we will be compelled to measure
our success in all that is exalted and noble for
years to come. The sermon of Rev. Robinson
was pronounced one of the ablest defences the
cause of the Union and the war for its preserva
tion, have yet received, and was generally ac.
cepted as an overwhelming rebuke to the dough
facet= which has attempted to silence the loyal
men who occupy pulpits.
In the morning of the same day, Father Ma
her, of the State street Catholic Church, preach
ed a characteristic, patriotic sermon. Than
Father Maher, no man in the same position,
has done more to support the government, and
doubtless he keenly felt the aspersions which
have of late been cast upon the loyal clergy of
this city. On Sunday he seemed inspired as be
addressed his flock on this subject. He es
teemed the struggle in which we are engaged,
as not a mere combat of passion—not only as the
effort of a few men for personal reknown—but
as a contest waged for the overthrow of one of
God's great designs when he made man : that
he should be See, independent and happy.—,
It was a war in which the issues equalized
all men. It would either maintain us all
as freemen, or degrade us all as slaves.—
It would either prolong the freedom of the
Pulpit, and encourage it in the promul
ligation of its grand Atha, or it would seal
the lips of every milliliter of God In the coun
try, and make them accountable for what
they uttered unto a tyrant Instead of Jehovah.
Father Maher declared that there must be no
faltering among those who beard him that
day. The duty before them was plain, and the
path in which they were to travel, broad enough
for all. It was the nation that now appealed
for support—it was God 'peaking through the
danger which threatened freedom: He who
refused to respond to this appeal, was worse
than a coward, and more degraded thane slave.
In a strain of glowing eloquence and unans
werable argument Father. Maher defended and
urged on his hearers the full' support of the
government. It was a sermon whith - will long
be remembered by all who were present during
ite delivery, and let us hope it will enlist those
who have endeavored to bring the loyal olergy
of this oily into diarepute.
fieuttouluanta Map telegraph, t fleabag ifternoon, 'August 26, 1862
MONDAY AvrzaxocoN.—The Court met at two
o'clock. His Hon. Judge Young being present,
President Judge delivered the usual charge to
the Grand Jury, explaining the law on the
several offences to be laid before them in his
usual clear and able manner. After having
concluded he reiterated a portion of the charge
delivered to the Grand Jury last week at the
Court held in Lebanon county, notwithstand
ing the fact that it has already been published
we republish it again, so that every one of our
citizens may read It. His Hon. Judge Pearson
said :
There is one other subject of great moment
to the community, to which I deem it my duty 1 1
to direct your attention. We are now engaged
in a most perilous struggle to prevent the des
truction and dismemberment of this republic,
sod on the success of which the existence of
this nation depends. In such a war it is the
duty of every citizen to stand by the govern•
went, lending and affording it all the aid in his
power, in consideration of the protection which
he has received and continues to receive, con
tributing liberally and not grudgingly to its
support out of his pecuniary means, lending it
his military service when of ability, and when
unable, urging others by his advice and exam
ple to take up arms in its defence. Anything
said or done, with intent "to oppose, embar
rass, or subvert the government of this State
or of the United States, or give information,
aid or comfort to the enemy," is a high crime,
subject to the severe animadversion of the law,
as by endeavoring to persuade any person from
entering the military service of this State or of
the United States, or from joining any volun
teer company or association about being mus
tered into the service, or endeavoring to induce
them to abandon or leave the service which
they have entered." For such acts the offender
may be fined to the extent of ss,ooo—and sent
to the penitentiary for ten years. It may be
supposed by these who wish to speak or write
against entering the military service, that it
will be difficult to show, in a criminal prosecu
Lion, that the perpetrator had any design or in
tention "to oppose or subvert the govern
ment," or to prevent another from entering
into the military service : but men's intentions
must very generally be inferred from their acts
and words. It one man strikes another on the
,read with an axe, or shoots him through the
body, we infer that the intention was to kill
In like manner if a man rails or writes against
the government, and against entering the army,
we naturally and properly infer that the inten
tion is to prevent the hearer or reader from
doing it. The law does not require that any
one should be dissuaded ; it is sufficient that
the act is attempted. If acts of this kind have,
to the knowledge of the Grand Jury or any
member thereof, been committed within the,
county, it is your duty to present the offender.
I have been induced more especially to call
the attention of the community to this law at
the present time, because it is more than prob
able that within the next three weeks a draft
will be made from the militia of the country to
fill the armies of the United States, in pursu
ance of the call of the President, and it is great
ly to be feared that this compulsory service
will lead to clamor and heart burnings. It is
the duty of every one to submit to the law
without a murmur—to serve with cheerfulness,
and if necessary lay down his life, or the lives
of those most dear to him, on the altar of his
country, in order to preserve its government
and liberties. Should the law be resisted,
should clamor be raised against entering the
service, or those who are regularly drafted be
advised to escape or evade joining the army and
performing their duty, it will undoubtedly lead
to criminal prosecutions of the moat dangerous
character to those giiing the advice. But' it is
not merely the power of the civil law and the
criminal courts which will be called into requi
sition ; the government has shown itself most
determined to pit down all opposition to Its
authority through the military power if neces
sary, and for that purpose we perceive they
I have directed certain officers to arrest and im-
I Prison any person who may be engaged by act,
speech, or writing, in discouraging volunteer
enlistments, or in any way giving aid or oom
fort to the enemy, or entering into other dis
loyal practices against the United States.
If seized, the offender will at least suffer tem
porary imprisonment, be put to great trouble
and vexation, perhaps to a military trial and
severe punishment. It, therefore, behooves
every one to cease all idle clamor against the
government under which he lives, do nc act
and speak no word which may discourage men
from entering the army, paying their taxes, or
furnishing money to carry on the war. Idle
talk and clamor, newspaper and other railing,
which in time of peace would be overlooked and
disregarded, will at the present perilous period
be treated as a grave offence, tending to weaken
the hands and power of the government, and
'giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
But it is not by direct- acts alone that men
may be discouraged from entering the service
of the country, and the law of the land be sub
, verted ; it is often effected by indirection, as by
r ridiculing the service, and endeavoring to bring
it into contempt. We must caution and warn
all of the citizens of Lebanon county against
any such acts, and conjure them not to give
too much license to their tongues and pens.
Although the liberty of the press is highly
regarded in Pennsylvania, and secured by con
stitutional previsions, yet that liberty cannot
be permitted to run into licentiousness, or be
used to oppose the interest of the country, or
subvert the law. Editors of newspapers are re
sponsible, not- only for what they write them
'selves and publish to the world, bat also forin
jurious or treasonable communications extract
ed from the columns of other papers ; they have
no right to promulgate and spread abroad the
Injurious writings of other editors; they dare
not disseminate treason at second hand. .
It is also said that a secret society exists in
this state, called the " Knights' of . the Golden
Circle," having for its object originally,"the con
quest and subversion of certaia countries situ
ated on or near the southern borders of the
United States, with which this goveinmen was
at peace; but having for its present object the
assistance of the revolted States of this Union,
by affording them information, aid and comfort,
and the members of Which' are said to be bound
by oath to assist those of the same society, who
are under arms in the revolted States, In prefer
ence to supporting the government in which
they live. Although I must be permitted to
express my doubts as to the existence of, any
such society, with such an object, in our midit
as .I have too good an opinion of the citizens of
Pennsylvania to give credence to every rumor
affecting their loyalty and integrity; yet I . am
bound to say that all who attach themselves to
such a society, having objects and purposes of
the kind mentioned in view, are guilty of a
conspiracy ; the combination is unlawful, and
on due proof of the object and purpose of the
society being of the kind and for the purpose
mentioned, I have no doubt that every member
might be convicted of the conspiracy, and pun
ished by imprisonment in the penitentiary,
whether they commit any overt act or not.—
I The conspiracy is the orates, and it is unlawful to
form any society having for its object the sub
version of the laws, the overthrew of the gov
ernment, or the protection of= traitors.
John Roof, from Franklin county, wee brought
before the Court on an attachment, he baying
negltcted to attend at the last Court against a
person charged with:adultery. After b e i ng in
prltnandedsbxthe Court for his neglect, he gave
ignorance of the law, as hie excuse for abeenti
lag masa The Court fined him five dollars
and subjected him to pay all the costs of the
different attachments, amounting to a snug
little sum.
Court met at nine o'clock. Very little busi
ness seemed io be in • readiness owing to the
absence .of witnesses.
Cont. vs. Jas. Mlntire and Thos. Mlllynn,
charged with larceny, were found guilty. The
evidence being c ,nclusive against them.
Com. vs. John, Christian and Jacob Zimmer
man, and John Warfel, charged with assault
and battery and forcible entry and detainer.
The parties reside in Jackson township. The
case seems to be a family quarrel, and occupied
the court the balance of ti.e morning session.
THE ENROLLIKRIT.—List of Deputy Marshals.
—The work of enrolling citizens subject to
military duty is progressing rapidly, and will
doubtless be completed in this county by the
end of the present week. The following is a
list of the Deputy Marshals selected by the
commissioner appointed to superintend the en
rollment, Hon. A. 0. Mester, for the several
wards and townships in this county :
Ferst Ward Harrisburg—Peter Bernhisel.
Seeond " " H. Murray Graydon.
Third " " Wm. J. Steel.
Fourth " " Wm. Bostick, Sr.
F,fth " " Geo. Garberich, Jr.
Sixth " " John Care.
Susquehanna Ibionsh . lp—John Reel.
Lower Paxton—Thos. Strohm.
East Hanover—Jacob Early.
South Hanover—lsaac Hershey.
Wed Hanover—Adam Heffman.
Reed—Wm. Boyer.
Derry—Geo. T. Hummel.
Lower Swatara—Felix Nissley.
Swatara—Joshua B. Elder.
Middletown—John J. Walborn.
Wiconisso —Hon. Moses 'Young.
.Mittlin—John Miller.
Jeferson—Junathau Spay d.
Halifax—John J. Landis.
Rush - George !Miter.
Washington—B. R Buffington.
Borough of Gratz—J. Laudenechiager.
Lykens 2bwnship—John S. Smlnky.
Millersburg—Martin Weaver.
Upper Paxton—Thaddeus Freeland.
Jackson—Joseph P. Lyter.
Lond2ndsrry—Henry Myers.
Borough of Dauphin and D.Poffenberger.
Meddle Paxton Township
Connewayo—John S. Feltz.
The following is a copy of the certificate of
authority of the Marshal's Deputies, and a
statement of instructions to them :
Miran &AT= Meaner:Ai 01110,
Eastern District of Pennsylvania,
August 19th, 1862.
Mr. --, Sir: I hereby appoint you as
one of my deputies, to make the enrollment of
all citizens within the - ------, of -,
in the county of , in Pennsylvania,
between the ages of eighteen and forty-five,
who are liable to military service, in conformi
ty with regulations made for that purpose by
order of the President of the United States,
dated 9th of August, 1862. In returning the
enrollment, you will give the name, age, and
occupation of each person enrolled, stating,
also, whether the person enrolled is already in
the service of the United States, and in what
capacity, and if he be in the Military Volunteer
Service ; state in what regiment and company
he is so serving ; and if any citizen within said
-- shall have been mustered into the
Volunteer Service of the United States, and
shall have since died in tliat service you will
return his name, and state the facts of his ser
vice and death. You will, without delay, Nerve
on each citizen enrolled a notice of his enroll
United Statee Merakel
The notice of enrollment' reads as follows
Office of the United States Deputy Marshal
for the County of —, at --, August —,
To —. Take notice, that you have
been enrolled as a citizen wi thin the of
-, in the said , county, liable to Military
Service. If you claim exemption from any
cause, the claim will be received and determin
ed by the Commissioner to be appointed for that
purpose, for the County, at such time and place
as he shall specify, by band bilis to be posted in
Hans rs Arrow= illustration of the fanati
cism among the priesthood, which is such a
sore trouble to some of our neighbors. It is a
glowing and eloquent tribute of a gallant sol
dier, to the justice of the war for the Union,
and proves that the "fanatical priesthood" are
busy with the pen, earnest in the pulpit, and
unwearied on the march and in tin hospital,
urging on the good cause. Read Mulligan's
letter, and then applaud the faith which
prompts a man thus to congratulate the "fanat
seism" of a heroic Catholic priest :
Camp Comisky, Irish Brigade,
Bth Army Corps.
" Mr. Dear Father Dunne:—By the Chicago
papers of to-day I notice your promotion to
the Crilonelcy of the 'Dunne Legion.' I bid
you welcome to the new vocation. I hail
your conversion from the Breviary to the
bayonet ; from 'taking heaven by violence' to
taking towns by storm. It is meet and just.
Your biography will need a stirring chapter.
Your history is too full of this 'vale of tears ;'
this martyrdom of parishes : this lean look of
Lent; how splendid will a chapter read with
the caption, 'Anna Virtaque
" I need not tell you, !rather Dunne, how
intimately in all ecclesiastical history St.
Peter and saltpetre are blended, shedding lus
tre upon many a mitre. The real orthodoxy
of the time is not 'Graben's Sermons,' but Bar
dee's Tactics. Men are saved now-a-days by
the doctrines of St. James, 'by fire,' and are
brought to that state grace by the 'apostolic
blows and knocks' of Hudibras. To be a
priest according to the Order of Melchlsedeck
is a great thing, but to be a Colonel according
to the act of Congress is, speaking mildly,
"But, joking aside, I have only a moment
before going on dress parade. I seriously hope
your good and patriotic effort, to rouse our
countrymen to their duty May be crowned
with immediate success. Destroy this govern
ment and what remains for our homes ? what
honors in our history ? I the past is the mem
'ory of greatness; in the future anarchy, self
.contempt and foreign scorn. Bather dare ell
now, preserve the government, vindicate its
Strength, and the republic, passed through this
crisis, will stand with such assured dignity and
firmness, through all the • coming centuries.
that no foe without, no Judas within, shall
ever dare raise an armed hand against her.
And history shall place some of this grand bal
ance to the account of yon and your Legion.
"How little, dear father,
did we dream in
our student days, as we sat under your profes
sorship in the dear old halls St. Mary, that
them things should come upon us. Then we
read of revolutions; now we fight them. I
think of those those often, amid the duties of
camps and the labors and dangers of the march,
with a rellish that lightens the toil. Good
bye. Success the !Dunne Legion.' The Irish
brigade.of Mulligan from the field, of Virginia'
bids it God speed. I recognise among the of
fleets many of my,ftienda; give them my beet
xeß _ lour pupg'od friend,
"J*li A. MULLMiII.
"To Tay Revered TA Duane, Mono."
The following card from the Chairman of the
Peoples' Union County Committee will explain
itself, but we must add that the appointment
which it announces is one which will meet the
hearty approval of the people :
Hemmen/to, Aug. 25, 1862.
GzORG BERGNER, Eeq.—You will please an
nounce that I have appointed Samuel L. Sarcb,
Etq., Secretary of the Union Republican County
Committee of Dauphin county.
Tag Fran Feu DRY Goons.—The steady ad
vance in dry goods has induced us to prooure
out first stock of dry goods sooner than in for
mer jams. In view of this we invite those
wi}tiie interest it is to purchase cheap, to call
and Baamine our new goods, just arriving to
day and during this week. Yours, &c.
A Mom, EerAnustmear. —Among the many
improvements lately made in our city, to which
we can point with pride as an evidence of pros
perity and as a determination on the part of
our business men, no longer to remain behind
the " light house," is the completion of Eby
& Kunkle's large brick building at the corner
of Market and Fifth streets, which is alike
creditable to the owners and ornamental to that
part of our city.
The building is not only one of the largest,
devoted to the grocery business, outside of New
York, but the stock chdlenges competion.—
Without going into detail, we may safely say
that the firm keep on hand everything usually
kept in a grocery store, (liquors excepted,) and
that they sell .at very small profits. Their
clerks are civil and accommodating, and have
strict instructions under no circumstances what
ever to misrepresent or take advantage of any
customer. A general invitation is extended to
the public to visit the new building and exam
ine the extensive stock, whether they purchase
Or not.
The undeareigned would respectfully in
form those who are afflicted with Rheuma
tism, Dyepepsy, Consumption of Liver and
Kidney, Coughs, Fevers, and all diseases
arising from impurity of the blood, that she is
prepared to furnish Mrs. Westhoven's German
Vegetable Medicines at very moderate rates.
I have also en hand a quantity of invaluable
Salves for sore Eyes, Frosen Feet and Piles.
References can be furnished as to their won
derful efficacy, whenever called upon. There
need be no apprehension in regard to my com
petency in administering it, se I have had it
on hand for the past six years. As they are
now sold at reduced prices, no family should be
without them over night. They mu be had at
any time at my residence, in Pine street, be
tween Second and Front,
Aul3 dlm
Mas. Bezr.:—Six years since I was afflicted
with the dyspepsy, liver complaint and Whin
matory rheumatism. Physicians failed to af
ford any relief. I then took of your vegetable
medicine and was cured in a short time. Two
years after I took the fever and ague, and again
you cured me. lam now entirely restored to
health. I have no hesitation in declaring that
I believe they are the best family medicines
ever offered to the public ; let them be tried,
and their virtues will speak more for them than
I can. My regalia) is in Pine street between
Second and Third. . Maar M. ZARGIU.
Ws mays received a large assortment of hoop
skirts, from 75c. up to $2 60. A large assort
meat of linen and needlework collars, and col
bus and - sleeves, at all prices. White cambrics,
jacurnetts, nantucks, brilliants, and plain and
figured Swiss muslin, at all prices. The finest
lot of embroidered French cambric brands ever
brought to Harrisburg—of infant's waists we
keep a large assortment. Ladies' and gentle
men's linen pocket handkerchiefs, ladies' stock
ings, gentlemen's one half hose, and children's
stockings of all descriptions and prices. Twenty
pieces of carpet to be sold cheap. Kentucky
jeans, eattinette and oassimeres for men and
boy's wear. We received 50 dozen suspenders,
at all prices. 50 dozen cotton handkerchiefs,
with borders, and a great many other notions
and small wear. S. Lawr.
Deputy Marshal
Win. 1. Batchelor's Hair Dye
The only Harmless and Reliable Dye Known I
All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided
if you wish to escape ridicule.
GREY, RED OR RUSTY NAIR dyed Instantly to a
beautiful and natural Drown or Mack, without the least
injury to Hair or Sinn.
ded to WM. A. Retonmon since 18 9, and over 200,000
applications have bean made to the hair of the patrons
of lila famous Dye.
Wit. A. SAT NDLOR'II Nidlit DYE produces a eolor
not to be distinguished from nature and la WallaMUD
Mat to injure in the haat, however long It may be combi
ned, and the ill effecie of bad Dv ea remedied. The hair
is invigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which be prop
erly applied at No. 16 Bond Street New York.
• Bold in all the cites and towns of the United Staten, by
Druggists and Fancy Goode Dealers
The Genuine has the name "William A. Batchelor, "
and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the fo ur
Ades of each box.
Wholesale Factory, 81 Barclay St.,
oct24l.lkwly. Late 283 Broadway, New York
THE undersigned is now prepared to sell
coal at the following
LorberrY 'nut coal. on 26 per ton
egg " 0S 26 rer ton
st•wo " 0 3 26 per ton
" broken " 0 3 26,per ton
Wilkosbanre lump or cupola.. 0 8 00 per ton
steamboat. 326 per ton.
3 26 per ton, broken. 3 25 per ten,
Lykens Valley nut 2 60 per • on.
egg 3 tO per ton
broken. 0 360 rat' ton
Smith's coal ................ 0 3 50 per ton..
1 The Larberry sold to a cleaner coal than the Ly.
kens Valley, kindles as easy, does not . clinker, and wilt
burn longer sod give more heat.
coatead b3rthe boatload ear load, single, half, or
third tons and by the bushel.
b the all coal of the beat quality mined and delivered
Harrisburg, Aar sth.ium JAMB M. WHHEL2R.
WILL be opened on Tuesday, Septera
bar 4 1182. It was chartered by the Leith"'
tw o with full collegiate power. In the eapaelous, build
ings wtteh were meted and furnished at a cost of over
sixty thOorand dollen are arrangements tor the coin.
instable quartering and enbeiming of one hundred and
AfrY cadets
• eerie, of competent and esparleneed teachers
will give 'Mir undivided atteoVon to the Educational
IMParlHnint, awl aim to make their instruction thorn&
Department Of etudes embraces
,n 4 pummel. PI! , 2°P conmereial and Sol
goaletjtMegible Iratt -rh d7llTitaryjilt u.. * alma trai ningar
assts wet o btained l4 a r at ibis Moo, or from
ourctith w ,
61. THEO [an; 'reddest, P. A. Bt.
A Good Appointment.
Chairman of Committee
Thum & BowitAN
To the Afflicted.
Nat) 2bvtrtistments.
TEE beet and largest assortment of Gold Pens
has just been opened at
Tbese Pecs are manufactured by C. F. Newton
& Co., of New York, and warranted to give
ull satisfaction. A trial will satisfy any one
examine the prices below
Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 25
Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 50
Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 76.
Gold Pen end Silver Holder for $2 26.
Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 50.
Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 75
Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $8 25
Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $3 75
Gold Peu and Silver Holder for $4 26
Gold Pen and Pencil, with Rubber Holder $5 00
Gold Pen and Pencil with Rubber Holder, $7 00.
HAJZlltavlthzC?llYaTd , foot of
i sun enabled to supply the public with
Orders rearisetfully solicited—which, If left at I ,the
Aloe. Mat of North street, or at the Mace of Wm.
Dock, Jr. k Co., will receive prompt attention.
HAS removed his Boot and Shoe Store
from the corner of Second and Walnut streets to
Next door to Has nes Agriculture Stere, where he intends
to keep all kinds of Boots a^d Shoes, Gattna, .143, and a
large stook of Trunks, and everything in his line of ba
siness ; and will be tharniful to receive the patronage of
his old customers and the public in general at his new
place of buslurna. All kinds of work made to order is the
best style and by superior workmen. Repairing done at
short notice. [apr2dtf] JOHN B. 8111TH.
Raring, Fire and Inland Transportation.
Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the
Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual.
Capital and Assets $1,2001000
Arthur U, Cain, Samuel W. Jones, John A. Brown,
Samuel P. Smith, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White,
John R. Neff, Richard D. Wool, wuit.un weisn, Wiltisen
E. Bowen, James N. Damon, B. &orris Wale, John
Meson, George L. Harrhon, Fr.mem R. 04e, Edward H.
Trotter, Edward S. Clarke.
ARTHUR G. poßii DT, President.
As central agent for tb • above name company, tl,a
undersigned' is prepared to take Pere risks sn any part
or the suite of pennaylvania, either annually or perpet
ually, on the most favorable terms.
Wine Third street between Walnut and Arawberly
alley, Barke's row.
jel.o-dly Harruinut Pa.
IS now prepared to fornieh officers
military cOotbing,acoordirg to reit ulations at short
nu d es. Au o & general anortme.t of Cloth! Oaszimoreel,
Ventage and ready moan clothing for cieniarm
SARAH A. ALDRED, Executrix of
the estate or Thomas clued, deed., late of the
city of Harrisburg, Dauphin county, having letters
testamentary granted them by the Regist•-r of Dau
phin county, hereby' [Mitts a 1 parties indebted to said
estate to make immediate payment, and haring
clams to present toem properly authenticated kw
settlement to the above named executrix . au2-6W
46, I
• Blow of different styles of binding, at 90c, 31 26
82, Sa, $4, 35 and $lO. 4.150 Pocket Bibles or dif
ferent styles and prices at SCIfig6,TER'S Bookstore.
TOBACCO, Cavendish, Congress and
Twist, for sale low by
Corner Front awl Market streets.
PRESERVING - jars and fruit cans of all
kinds end sizes, for mit by
corner, Front end 81Arket Itreets
9F all sizes, patterns and prices, just
received and sale by
1.3 WM. DOCK. Jr-, & CO
CHEAP Oil fer all kinds of machinery,
is small ami large packages. for sale by
COrilet Front •ad Market street•
APPLES, Oranges and Lemons, atJOHN