t itlailp &gra . , NO f ICE TO ADVINRTISICRS4.-.All Ad. vertimentents, Business Notices, Mar riages, Deaths, Ose., to secure insertion In the TIALNINRAPHL, must invariably be accompanied with' the C ASII. Advertliementa 'ordered hi the ° raga., tar EvealsigAdttlen. are Inserted ID the morals, Editten'vrithout extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA Mondny Afternoon, August 25, 18011 THE LAME REMIT SOCIETE return thanks to Mr. Deal fora basket of tomatoes, to Mr. Mish for two baskets of squashes, and to Mr. Aught fora basket of tomatoes and a basket of assort ed vegetables. Acounurr.—A young lady, this morning, in passing along Third street, accidentally fell into one of the new cellar ways which are being constructed by Mr. Jacob Stehley, beneath the building adjoining this office, and received a slight cut in the head. GAIT Min Drs.—We are informed that there is a barber in a certain section of the city that has invented a hair dye whichrdolors the hair grey. He is making a fortune. In a short time every rebel in the city will be excused from the draft on account of age. AN ERROR. —ln the list of contributors to the Volunteer Bounty Fund, published on Sat urday, the name of J. C. Young was misprinted. Instead of 8. D Young in the first column of names, it should have been J. C. Young. The name of S D. Young appers in the second col umn. Both gentlemen havieg subscribed $5O, their names became confound( d in proof read ing, which will account for the error. PmyroinApa Amin's& —A large assortment of albums has just been received at Knoche's music store, including all the latest• styles of binding. Also, a new lot of those celebrated melodeons, together with all the latest musical publications. Don't forget the place, 93 Mar ket street, below fourth. See his advertise ment. Pro Nic AT Itmesismacra ISLAND. The pie the at Independence Island comes off next Thursday, and promises to be a very pleasant affair. Mr. Cole, the lessee of the Island, is a good caterer, and nothing will be-left undone on hie part, to insure the pleasure and happi ness of all who him on the occasion. Tickets 26 cents. AMONG Tall 13,2141131DFauoxsae who have lately arrived in this city, we had the pleasure of meeting Lieut. J. B Hutchison and Sergt. Mathew Hyte. These soldiers belonged to a Centre county Infantry company commanded by Capt. Hess, and were taken prisoners on the 2d of July, 1862, at Falling Waters, where they were betrayed into the hands of the enemy; and almost the entire company captured. The offi cers were conveyed to Richmond," and after wards sent to New Orleans, and then again re moved.from that city to one of the many rebel rendezvous of loyal prisoners, from which they were released by the late order for the exchange of prisoners. Lieut. Hutchison tells a sadstory of rebel brutality towards loyal prisoners, and is anxious to return to the service that he may repay some of those who dealt so unbumanly with him during his imprisonment. I=l Tao EV3IIO.IBNOY or Daum Sotrouts.—The Montreal :Gaziate, while inclined to disparage the Union cause, concedes to the superiority of drafted soldiers. It says:—"A draft will mainly fall upon the Agricultural Classes, upon men inured to fatigue and exposure, and able, from their general strength, to stand far more hard work than the residents of cities. Yet it may be urged that men forced into the service, as these men will b,., will not fight With the courage of the men who voluntarily came forward to put down the South. This may apply in some cases, to persons residing in the Border States, whose proclivities are decided Secessionists. But it should also be remember ed that in no country where a conscription has taken place have the conscripts Jailed to dis play fortitude and courage. What was the Old Guard at Waterloo, when it refused to surrender, and died with the historic words upon its lips, "La Garde nurse man ells as se rend pal t What but a body of conscripts? What were the 1111841 SUB who fought in the Grimes with a doggedness and determination which almost paled the deeds of the most courageous and hardy troops in modern times, but conscripts? People may say what they will, deduct all they may on the score of un willingness, but we cannot close our eyes to the fact that the drill master will have splendid material to worko nin the new levy." ---- a --- Aouctmeusar. Comma to Plaserrsamu.— Dahostion of the College Bei/4679.-I%e friends of agricultural education throughout the state are respectfully invited to attend the dedication of the braidings of the Agricultural College of Pennsylvania, to take place on Wednesday, the Bra of September next. They are reminded that tab institution is situated in Centre coun ty, nine miles southwest of Bellefonte, near the geographical centre of the state, and that it le accessible either by the Pennsylvania Central Railroad to Spruce creek station or by the Sun bury and Erie Railroad to Lxk Haven. From Spruce creek visitors reach the college twenty miles distant, either by private conveyance or by stage. From Lock Haven they reach fonts by stage, and thence reach the college by stage or livery accommodations. It is hoped that all the counties in the state will be repre sente4n this meeting, and delegates, repro sentialfis and ethers ere particularly requested to notify me of the fact of their coming, that arrangements may be made to receive them. Editors of county papers will - meat our sin cere thanks by giving this notice. E. PUGH. AssuesurnAL Cowes, Pennsylvania, An gust 2114,1862. N. B.—The Pennsylvania Cential Railroad Company has generously agreed to sell mow sionidoketato Spruce creek staticer - at half to oarial tare on the let, 2rd and lid of I_,Eleple‘M-, bar, good.to Mara until the 6th of September. =ME=;=E= Teri Lieftana Ceoverax. Bain, having been regularly mustered out of service, returned to this city on' Saturday, and this morning paid a very bandit:Mut compliment to the ivives of two of the officers connected with that regi ment. The band proceeded to the residence of Col. E. d Williams, and executed some of its beet music, and thence they baited at the resi dence of Major Jordan, where they also die coursed sweet music. Tne compliment thus extended to two accomplished and charming ladies, wives of two of our best citizens, on duty abroad in defence of the Union, was at once welltimed and deserved. At both resi dences the ladles entertained the members of the band in the handsomest manner. 4* COURT or QUAITSR SIMIONB.—The regular August Court of Quarter Sessions met this morn ing at ten o'clock, but owing to the absence Lf the Associate Judges, who reside in the upper end of the county, and could reach here until One o'clock by railroad, the grand jury could not be charged before afternoon. The Treasurer presented a large number of deeds for properties sold at a sale of seated and unseated lands, all of which were approved. The Sheriff presented also several deeds for properties sold at Sheriff sale. Silas M. Clark, of Indiana county, was ad mitted to practice in the several courts of Dau phin county. Geo. W. Shaeffer, Samuel Cassel, William Moore, George Manly, Daniel Yoder, Samuel Stauffer and Jacob Rodabaugh were appointed tipstaves. Amon:Kora THIB Evianto.—Com. Foote and Col Small, the two smallest men living, hold their first levee at Brant's City Hall this even ing, and from present appearances they will attract a large audience. Com. Foote is de cidedly a prodigy, far more so than Barnum's celebrated $BO,OOO Nutt. Their performances will no doubt be very entertaining. Sanford's Opera House still continues to be the grand centre of attraction for all fond of genuine dashaway fun. The troupe are excel lent delineators of ethiopean character, and never fail to bring down the house in roars of applause. Patronise the burnt cork opera by all means. The Gaiety Concert Saloon keeps on the even tenor of its way, to the great delight of admir ing hundreds who nightly patronise that mirth provoking temple Gf amusement. Duct nrs Elleaccr-Szvswni. —A letter received direct from New Creek, (Camp Jessie,) from private Will.am K. Parker to a citizen of this city, states that the health of the regiment at this time is good, the camp having been moved to a more elevated and healthy loaation. He remarks : "It makes us feel proud to see the giant efforts our loyal State, through its noble Governor, is making to assist in crushing out, forever, we hope, this monstrous and hateful rebellion. Glorious old Pennsylvania, thou and thy loyalVeople are foremost among the brave and good who are ever ready with strong anus and willing hearts, and with justice and humanity on our side, to grapple with the mercenary foe so long as our dear old flag is assailed or our laws trampled upon, through the instrumentality of disappointed, reckless and unprincipled devils in the shape of men. Mr. Parker states that there is no telling how soon they may receive marching orders to join some one or the other of the advance wings of the army. Anima Aconmerr.—Two Men Killed. —The other day, while the passenger trains north and south over the Northern Central railroad stopped a minute or : o at the passing point, Summit No. 1, to compare time, a report was circulated among the passengers and some of train hands on the train northward, that two men were seen lying close to the track a short distance below White Hall station, supposed to have been killed by some of the freight trains in the early part of the morning. The southern bound train was instructed to stop and see that they were properly cared for, and made prepar ations accordingly to take them on board. On arriving near the place where the accident oc curred, the conductor learned that the " Divis ion boss" and his crew had visited the scene of the disaster and found a soldier and a darkey stretched out at full length, both dead-drunk— so beastly intoxicated they seemed, that neither of them knew whether they lay in security within a foot or two of the crater of Mt. Vesu vius, as the giant "ten-wheelers" and snorting "camel backs" with their huge trains thundered past—or whether they were liable at any mo ment, by the slightest turn of their whisky soaked carcasses, to roll upon the track and be instantly killed. They were removed to some "sylvan retreat" close by, to await the evapo rated process of the vile tangle-foot, of which they were both brim full. From Frederiok, Maryland. • Flummox, MD., Aug. 22, 1862. Ma. Beausea.—Dear Sir:—The patients in the United States General Hospital at this place have improved rapidly. Yesterday and the day before about two hundred were sent to their regiments, and those remaining are- gen erally improving in health. Since I wrote yen last we have had bat one death of a Pennsyl vanian in the hospital here. Lewis D. Gear, of the 111th regiment, company E, Capt. Davis, died on the 19th. His residence was Crawford county, Pennsylvania. This is the third be longing to the Pennsylvania volunteers who have died here during the last six weeks. Der ing the last two days about one hundred Penn sylvanians returned to their regiments, and about one hundred are still here. The medical care, nursing and attention at this hospital gives general satisfaction. One thousand more patients could be comfortably accommodated here, and the government is about to erect more large frame hospital buildings. I sup pose that we will soon have an additional num ber of the sick and wounded brought here from the army of the South. If Pennsylvania sol diers must be in any hospital I would like to see them here.. I feel much pleasure, if not piide, in reading the account of the uprising in Pennsylvania, to rapport our government I knew that with such a population, and such sovernor to lead them, Pennsylvaniai G would not fall behind any other state in the Union In her devotion to owing and holy cause. I expected mucb from Pennsylvania, but she has surmised my most sanguine expectatiorsi. Maryland is now sending forward b0r..40 0 P0- rapidly. Washington, Broderick and Carol punting are sending companies to Baltimere d those counties will no doubt fill tw g .faii titas of Wdiers for /ma i/1 14161 A. Suer eon. EZEME 1211 S Vtutioutimttid Matti t degraiii,--Asitcattr s -' - :Aftunottif. -- litgust 25, 1812 PY ,-/CA WATIMING MILIE.-4 the Coda of Speciiimselons,l4W YOlt, on Thuisday, a milkman was prosecuted for adulterating milk at a pump. His counsel contended that the addition of water, was not an adulteration of milk. Mr. Hall, district, attorney, contended that it was, and that although some men might suppose that milk was improved by the admixture with brandy, and thus made milk punch, still, if a man purchased it as milk, he was entitled to the genuine, unadulterated article. The Court agreed with Mr. Hall, and fined the defendant fifty dollars. . Although the above case occurred In New York, it will serve as a warning to some of our dairyman in this vicinity. Hamussuaa lava Brom Hamm'. for the week ending Aug. 22, 1862. Totalieceipts of live stock of all kinds during the week at the Har risburg stockyard, 1,272 beef cattle, 1,944 head of hogs, 2,066 sheep, and 60 horses. The sales during Friday were : M. Crossland sold 59 beaf .cattle. J. Bussey sold 77 beef cattle. J. Valentine sold 21 beefoattle. At prices ranging from $8 75 to $4 50 per 100 pounds. The following droves of beif cattle were in market this-week : J. Bassey, 77 head J. Valentine, 17 head B. Stephens, 73 " A. Warner, 82 " tauchenhimer & 0. Erysman, 36 '• Bro., 60 " M. Crossland, 51 J. B. French, 16 " Thos. Lamb, 65 " M'Quald &C 0.244 " Wilson & Bro. 55 " J. Smith, 64 " L. tienneman, 34 " M. Johnston, 36 " J. W. Rutchin J. J. Driaback, 68 " eon, 183 " B.H. Coeheren,64 "iw M. Jeffries, 36 " H. Miller, 16 " E Stone, 112 " Tag FIRST Feu. Day Goms. —Thy steady ad vauce in dry goods has induced us to I:erre:lre our first stock of dry goods sower awn in for mer years. In view of this we invite those whose interest it is to purchase cheap, to call and examine our new goods, just arriving to day and during this week. Yours, &c. A Monts ESTABLlSHllliarr.—Among the many improvements lately made in our city, to which we can point with pride as an evidence of pros perity and as a determination on the part of our business men, no longer to remain behind the " light house," is the completion of Eby & Kunkle's large brick building at the corner of Market and Fifth streets, which is alike creditable to the owners and ornamental to that part of our city. The building is not only one of the largest, devoted to the grocery business, outside of New York, but the stock challenges competion.— Without going into detail, we may safely say that the firm keep on hand everything usually kept in a grocery store, (liquors excepted,) and that they sell at very small profits. Their clerks are civil and accommodating, and have strict instructions under no circumstances what ever to misrepresent or.take advantage of any customer. A general invitation is extended to the public to visit the new building and exam ine the extensive stock, whether they purchtur or not. To the Afflicted. The - undersigned would respectfully hi-, form those who are afflicted with Rheum!, tism Dyspepsy, Consumption of Liver and Kidney, Coughs, Fevers, and all Mamma arising from impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to furnish Mrs. Westhoven's German Vegetable Medicines at very moderate rates. I have also an hand a quantity of invaluable Salves for Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet and Piles, References can be furnished as to their won derfal efficacy, whenever called upon. There need be no apprehension in regard to my cow , potency in administering it, as I have had it on hand for the peat six years. As they aril now sold at reduced prices, no family should without them over night. They can be had a any time at my residence, in Pine street, be tween Second and Front, Aul3 dlm BALL:—Six years since I was afflicted with the dyspepsy, liver complaint and Inflam matory rheumatism. Physicians failed to af-: ford any relief. I then took of your veptinbki medicine and was cured in a short time. Two; years after I took the fever and ague, and again you cured me. lam now entirely restored,to health. I have no hesitation in declaringiltit I believe they are the best family medicines ever offered to the public ; . let thorn be tiied, and their virtues will speak more for them than I can. My residence is in Pine street between Second and Third. Mater M. &LRCM. Wa suns received a large assortment of hoop skirts, from 76c. up to $2 60. A large assort ment of linen and needlework collars, and col late and sleeves, at all prices. White candnics, jacconette, nantucks, brilliants, and tolidn and figured Swiss muslin, at all prices. The finest lot of embroidered French cambric brands ever brought to Harrisburg-4)f infant's waists we keep a large assortment. Ladies' and. gentle men's linen pocket handkerchiefs, ladies' stook/ ings, gentlemen's one half hose; and children's stockings of ail descriptions and wices. 'Natty pieces of carpet to be sold cheap. Kentucky pane, sattinytts and. cassimeres for men mid boy's wear. We received 60 doyen` enspendere; at all prices. 60 dozen cotton handkerchiefe; with borders,nnd a great many other notions and small wear. 8; law*. TO THE YOUNG OB OLD. Mali Or Banale, If vim have been suffering from s habit in Attigea in by the YOUTH OP BOTH OZZBA • . . WHICH 0 USE SO MANY ALARMING SYMPTOMS, It Unfits thels for Marriage, And is the greatest Oil, which can basil MAN OR WOMAN. . . See symptoms enumerated In advertMentent,, end if raft are a c nfferer, Cut out the advertisement, and send for It at once. Delays are dangerous. Ask for Belmbold's - 'rake no' ther. Ottrerintereetend , Beware of Counterfeits and Imitation. jyl6,42in HAIR DYE I HAIR DYE I Wm. A. Batchelor's . Hair lye The only Harmlees and Reliable Dyer Known 1 All others aro mere imitations, and should be setifiltid ',you wish to escape ridicule. GREY, RED OR RUST r HAIR dyed instantly to a beautified and natural Brown or Slick, without the lout Injury to Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN g DALB AND DIPLOYA2Rtsve been ewer• ded to WM. A. Baineston simee 18 9, Ind over 9011„000 of hsolglis eattons him been made to the hair of the patron' &moon DV& Wm. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE prodlice6 a abler not to be distinguished Dem nature and is watuantnue not to Injure in the least, however long it may ,be„ . ...lkeitils ued, and the ill effects of bad Dv es ronedleaL "rho hair Is invigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which in proP• erly applied at No. 16 Bond Street New York. Sold in all the cites and tows of the United Yhates, by Dreggiats end Fancy Goods Dealers- The Genuine has the mime "WHIM* 11. Satchel& and address upon a steel pl a t e ee i p k ving, on ow in 6 tides of each - box: Wholesale rectory, 81 EG,relet nitadomay.,, Imellia Broadway, New NEWPCIP: H L thmill lot .0 -these oclabrikd ms Jut reeeiveL ern WM. DO, Jr., 2 W. CHEAP~COAL YARD. T' undersigned is now prepared to sell coal at the tehowleg Lorberry nut coal. ...... egg " fit vs ' 1 . broken " Wit kegbarro lump or cupola. steamboat. egg broken... Lykeas Valley broken. -852 25 per ton 3 25 Per ton IS 3 25 per ton ig) 3 r 5 per ton 8 00 par ton 8 26 per tow tit $ 25 per ton • ......g 8 25 per tan, .... 250 per on. 8 0 per ton Seattle' coal. .... •er per r n too. ddb' The Larberry tool 11 a cleaner coal thau the Ly. taus Valley, binding os easy, does not alulter, and will biro longer atd give more h-at. Teal la Id bribe boatload, ear los I, stogie, half, or third tons and by the bushel. orthe /r . a II coal of the best quality mined and dAvered ;• .. PATENT WEIGH" CARTS. Harrisburg, Aug. 9th-dim JAM M. WHNELER HMADQIIAATSIB, Pituainvarna MILECIA, Summit Gumux's Omos, Thwrisisup, dugout 16, 1862. STATE MEDICAL BOARD OF PROBSYLYABLI. T HE State Medical Board will meet in the HALL of THE Mousioi RIPRIMINTAIIITAB, at Harrisburg, on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11th, 1862, and sit one day for the examination of candidate/ for the post of Assistant Surgeon in Pennsylvania Regiments. Candidates will register their names at the Hall at 8 A M., and none but those present punctually at 9 a N., will be examined. Citizens of Pennsylvania of good health and capable of active service in the field, can alone be rt ceivtd. By order of A. G. CURTIN, G vernor and Commander.in Chief. HENRY H. SMITH, anlilfdeodtd Surgecu Gerier.4l, Penn's. GEORGE CUNIKLE F MERCHANT.TAILOR. NO. 66 MARKET STREET. NOTICE To MILITARY OFFICERS. AVIN 11 on hand an assortment of 1.1,. materials of gold, reliable Quality, is prepared to Entsamp, von short notice and In the best manner, Officer' uni&nas. also lame! abide and other good' mutable fbr oaken *atilt on hand. sae -dlm Maim & BOWMAN 4 4(111R GOVERNMENT," by M. k o r Willowy, twain, the Constitution of the rune Rates, and of thole of the several States, firing the coustruction of their Provisions as determined Mend y by settled practice oronaudard authors; and Malvin We organisation and power of the different de partments of •he goverment isogonal and State, and paeral, the nature primmest:4nd mode of admin. nitration ef the Gowerpaseat. country. Price Si 00. Sold by M. Wilione3r, •Herrieburg, aad at book stores generally. sole dew ATTENTION VOLUNTEERS. ALL kinds of: Second :Hand Clothing, boots and shoes, bought and sold-at the Auction store, SestoodSlreat next to State Capital Bank. towis knivei and sum blankets, a drat rate artil lery Mid* sad sours tor an dicer for sale, No. 86 Sec ond Street. W. BARR, Anctionetr. anntatr IRVING FNMA= COLLEGE, XECHANICSBIIEG, PA. NtiHIS institution will open its next tension on Wednesday, lite or reps r. Ste. should enter promptly a the opening or the see. 111011. Per farther particulars, address antddsodstr A G. MAIL VIT, President. A FEW Boxes good Cheese, the balance 41. ors large consignment, are offered at an unusually low rate to Closeout Me Jot. lo retail dialers' Mere will bean inducement eters& Sash box sold will be guar antee d as represented. WIC DOME, JR., & CO. j;18 PRESERVE JARS . AID JELLY GLASSES, EE XTENSIVE assortment of Glassware, including Jelly gleam, Preserve Dishes, Goblets, Winkvers, his, he ,of ell styles just received and for isle low by • 2% lokou n dowacts, • •P 7 Corner Front h Market stroe!s. • MRS. L. BALL. WANTED. EYERAL Machinists. Also a stout )„.31 boy in the tolseksinith shop. Apply et the 1)16-dtf VAGLE WORKS. BLACKING Al l i oo ht w iN '8 "OH n !l l l i ,lN ,w il t E r ßLA :7. () .l .li , IN " G to . y ei Weolewela prices, dell BOLOGNA, A SMALL, but very superior lot of Bologna .aniage just received, by ray 29 WY. DOCK, Jr . & CO. FOR PRESERVING PURPOSES. A VERY superior article, (pure,) just AddL received Bad for We by ion WK. DOCK, Mt n & Co. CLARET WINE I virE are closing out aVERY SUPERIOR V V LOT at taas than coat SUGA RS of all kinds, white end brown, lower tbsa say boos be tows, by NICHOLS a BOWVAN, out Corner of Front sad Market (treat. OLD PEN'S l—The largest and beet stoat, from $l.OO to 51.09.-warranted--st 811101181 8 81101L8TORI. Qupenor brandi of extra family sour 1,3 which we warrant to give eagefeegoo, for eak by NICHOLS it EIOWYAN, Comer West and Market streets. EMI FrOBACGO sad aegara of all kinds , for 11 Ithb, NICHOLS k DOWILLN, 105/ Oinue Punk sad Mu tat Struts. LOTS FOR SALE. R. J. HALDEMAN will sell lota on itori4 moot Pinainvaatta _avows. ,t.O &igh• Allity comer Front and Walnut ' jyti.int ' ' ', s pares and Ante pulverized sugar, tunes than any other plans M tons. Can lan examine, TOM S& DGWllisli, jyth Corner Fruity mut Marks streets. RESERVING jars , fruit eau of all Wads, for sale low, by NEW& & BOWMAN, Owisr Fonst silAtilstltst st esti NEW Orleans Eingara, whit" and brown, just reebired en/ for sale ley by . NICHOLS ROWVIN, Our. West sad Market meets. !Xi ED mun AlA itni - r T umslor tr ail, BB it - h i er ß line, Mi um K ri NTh row t " . red noCß ;Bj_rt. in brae . ABBIT mood article, for male low by nava& s•oth swot, Pas. liyakaide sizes, patterns and prieee, just reo!ifved an tae rui b 7 . inr. DOCK, Jr., & 00 " lasehilner3s *Apar ' Asks : l ll: ll6 " nr a liss ads br La a acrwmast, _ *. imam je l 9 't gad Mutes dram. liknifethimps stJOHlit Ntw antrtistmints I=M - Mtgi LOW RATES OVA CONSTITUTION AND UNION i'BOOI FOg THE PEOPLE. CHEESE. WM. DOCK, dr., B Oo WHITE BRANDY WM. DOW( J 6,00 2musepsols. 808 EDWARDS, GAIETY MUSIC HAIL. Beat Conducted Place of Amuse , ment in America. OPEN EVERY NIGHT. NEW STARS I NEW STARS I I MAMMOTH COMPANY tr aPPearanceof the Great American Daneensee, MISS KATE . FRANCIS AND !ilkf:11111 , NAIIDOWTIZOI(z The Poetry of Motion, In New and Dazzling French Ballets MISS BATE ARCHER, The Channiug Young and Beautiful Spanish Dmfolllo MISS MOLLIE FIELDING, The Favorite New York Prima Donna. MISS JULIA EDWARDS, The Harrisburg Favorite Comic Poe ‘iist, and the Great GAIETY MDIETBEI BANB, Comic Singers, Dancers and Comedians. T. H. Hollis, Jake Budd, Dick Berthalon, Dan Howard, Tom Murray, Mast. Edwards, .1 H. Hanel, Prof. Vanzart and ligsnerous RO3 EDWARDS, s'ote Proprietor arid Manager NUM' CAPITULATES I 1 0 1 'delai:Y3:1DnIZOSIODWLIPiel9l Will appear for the first time is Harrisburg, at BUNT'S CITY HALL, ON MONDAY EVENING}, AUG. 25TH, 1862. And every evening during the week, And Wednesda? and Saturday Afternoons COMMODORE FOOTE COLONEL MALL, From Nixon's Cremorne Gardens. The Two Smallest and Mod retrials Fbrneat MEN Ever Exhibited in any cis or trans-Atlantic country. SMALLER THAN BARNUM'S 180,00 J wow t More Diminnitive than TOM THUMB By Eleven locket id ROOM COMMODORE FOOTE 14 twenty one years of age, but twenty-eight Inches in beigth, and weighing only 22% pounds. COLONEL SMALL sip- Is sixteen years of age, twenty-eight and a half tactics high, and weighs twenty.two pounds. The Commodore and Colonel will ride from the Hoist to the Ball every day, in their beautiful and costly carriage, grineirelly manufactured from tine red patent leather, trimmed with gold, and drawn by two /mad. Name ponies. The prevent Is the ooly occasion dist the will ever have of witnessing three two diantou Was specimens of hum►nity, as they leave ',homy for England. Hooka containing the life end full particulars relating to these diminnitive little men, also their songs and many valuable family receipts, can be purchased at the Multibillion Hall at the close of etch performs - flee. 11.1)MISSIOM 25 CANT?, Children under 10 years of age lb cents. Afternoon Performances for lbe especial accommodation of ladies and children, on which occa. eon the admission wilt be Ad* its 15cts ; Children 10 cents. Liberal arragemen•s made with schools. SANFORD'S OPERA . HOUSE• Third Street, Below Market, FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 22, 1862. SANFORD'S GREAT STAR TROUPE OP MINSTRELS. Will appear at the above hall o in a grand melange of Singing, Dancing, New Acts, Burlesques ha., presenting to the public the beat entertainment %the city. Doors open at 73i o'clock to commence at 8 Admis• Mon 26 ma, or Matra chairs 60 cts, Children 13 otst Smits can be secured without extra charge, For further particulars see small bills. 2twertisments THE MISSES SMITH'S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL ; 1210 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Will be re.opeaed cn MONDAY, SEPT. EIGHTH. THE course of study embraces the Latin, French and German languages, Music, Drawing and Piloting, together with the elementary and higher branches of a thor , ugh Euglish Education. The arisommonslizns are of excellent cbaracter and well ralcu!atet to ensure to the mils the comfort of a home Owing to the pressure of the times, a deduction of 10 per cent will be nwle for the ensuing year. anti-dlm WAS bat or mislaid, several days since an envelope, containing among other pa pers the discbargeof a soldier of one of the Pennsylva nia Reserve regiments, and two letters of recommenda tion any person finding said papers, or either of them *MU 'satiably rewarded on leaving them at the hotel Of 8. Yreabarn, Northeast corner of 3d and Walnut gra., or at this °Moe. ann.iitt* NOTIO ALL employees of the Philadelphia and Reading Radioed company, who may enlist in the rerviec of the Chalet states for the purpose of crushing the rebellion now threatening the ithertes of our coun try, are hereby mewed, that their ,respechre situations will be kept open and given thein immidately on their return; and ,that the face of their volunteering to detend their c .untry in this emergency, will be consid ered hereafter as greatly in their favor fur promotion to any suitable positions in the service or this Company. CHARLES K. SMITH, President. Philadelphia,/nowt Bth. 1882. dlm PRESS BUTTE'R - AT :MARKET PRICE. lITE, HAVING fitted up a large Retrig erator, and having made contracts with some of oar =Nit reliable farmers to famish os with fresh and sweet batter regaled; will be enabled to swig °sr emstomsrs withaweet fresh ice cold butter at all times. m72SI • WY. DOCK, Jr. & CO. LIE IJpdegrove Look Property, Canal Foy and Rockville House, situated five miles a Harrlabarg, is now offered Par sale. gee after guinea& in Weekly or app'y to • ' NUTS, NUTS, NUTS I ICA fide by th e bushel, a large lot of ahell-barkk at the warehouse, on Chestnut street w by tiursaliaarlber. WNW, A. MUEIVON, talfFdlw Agee' Old Wallower Liao. CLAMMED_ New Orleans sugar, a cheap d besulittal artioleifor side by. NICHOLS & BOWSLiN ,• Corner Froat an Market streets r i grgEgyg ..89AP, something better thailiarristitiV Hotisehold Seep, just soin receivedtim, and side tor NICHOLS k Oorner front end Market strode. firm 'Attratigtments. A ENTIRE N E W - 8 TOOK GOLD PENS ! i b E as t;t 3t ale en la o rr e la d eso at rt naen t of Gold Pens T BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. These Pens exermanufactured by C. F. Newton & Co., of New York, and warranted to , give nil satisfaction. A Marvin satisfy any one Examine the prices below Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 25.. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for Si 50 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 it& Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 '26 Hold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 60; Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 76 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $8 25 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $3 75 Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $4 25 Gold Pen and Pencil, with Robber Holder $5 00. Gold Pen and Pencil with Rubber Holder, $7OO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A N V or l th N s t u. ;- I:alsaetelytbz. u C p by r p d o te t r ° f I sin enabled to s ipply the publi ; with a COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE DIFFEBENT VARIETY AND SIZES OF UQ.A.L. FULL WEIGHT ALWAYS GUARANTEED. Orders respectfully eolkdted—which, If left at AO Offiee, toot of North street, or at ths once of W. Dock, Jr. & Co., will receive prompt attention. GILLARD DOCK. Jy29 REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITH [TAB removed his Boot and Shoe Store 41 from the corner of @area and Walnut streets to NO. 108 MARKET STREET, Next door to Ha) ne's Agriculture `tare, where he intends to keepall kinds of Boom it^d Shoes, Gaiters, &c., and a large stook of Trunks, and everything in his line of bu siness • and will be thankful to receive the patronage of his old ' customers and the nubile in general at his nels Ohm of business. All kinds of work made to order in the beet style and by etiperlor workmen. Repairing done ,at short notice. (WWII) JOHN B. 8111TH. PUBLIC BALE. VALUABLE AND DESIRABLE REAL MAZE WILL be offered at public sale, on Thursday, the 11th day of September, at 2 o'clock, at Brant's Hall In the city of Harrisburg. Tbirtythree acres of land with an excellent frame home and barn and outbniblings, situated Partly in the Oily of Harrisburg and partly in Swatara township. This property is situated on the South of Hummel,- town turnpike, a portion of which his a beautiful location on a hill, directly facing the city of Harris burg, to be sold in three acre low. au23 dlw Also a lot or piece of ground situated In Market r• . adjoining Jones' House, having a front rg r , - • extending beet 157% Bret to 20 10:4 „ lor erected two story brick house with •• • • 4.4 5 brick building sod stable, having trAlan feet alley on Market 114 mare, being" Ai_ desirable mituationa to- busmen er the city. Passesslon given in Ist of 0..v.."4 4 Conditions of salsa are 10 per mot. of te. 9.00 money to be paid on the day of elle, the br. 000 half of the purchase money When ft Nr mad*, and the balance in two equal annual with interest, front Vs time posses don *Orem To be Neared by bonds and mortgage,. A plan • f the On ee acre has ran be seen at the boot anti shoe store of A. Hammel, next door to toe Court House, Harrisburg. Due attendance will be given by GEORGE HUMMEL and ALBERT HUMMEL, Executor of David Humthel, deo'd. jy•2l64ts an2o-dif CHARTER OAK FAMILY FLOUR. ukuricErx pan BY ANY IN THE 'UNITED STATES AND SUPERIOR TO ANY FANCY BRAND S OFF BRED IN PENNSYLVANIA 17 IS MADE OF CRONE RIRSOUNI WRITS WHEAT. ti" Delivered any pia ain the city, free of charge. TRIMS, Cult on delivery. iY BO - t WM. DOCK, Jr., &Co, GLASS FRUIT JARS!! SELF SEALING. BEST AND CHEAPEST ! I t CALL AND EXAMINE, 3.0 4 WM. DOCK, JR. &CO WILLIAM BAXPORD. MERCHANT TAILOR, 85 WHET ST., HARRISBURG, IS now prepared to furnish o ffi cer's military Clothing, :cowgirl; to regulations at short node*. Ain generalassortmoat of Clothe Casanteren, lieratnga and ready made clothing for civilians. sob-dim • EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE- •• SARAH A. ALDRED, Executrix of the estate of Thomas Aldred, deed., late of the dty of Harrhirarg, Dikilphia county, having letters it:shin:watery granted to them by the Register Of paw' *Minty, hereby notifies ad parties indebted to side *Minty to make immediate payment, and those having to ;foment tom properly authenticated kir ttlement to the above named executrix- ml2-ihr JUST RECEIVED. ALARGE ASSORTMENT of Family Bibles of different styles of binding, at Kt. $l, $1 64A $A $3, $4, $5 mail% Alen Pocket Bibles of resent styles and prices st SOlLlMWRBookitere. - POMADE HONGROISE JOE MENG MOUSTACHES, Jee IDILLEWEI uItATEIBTOBt. W. P. HENRY TosAcoo, Cavendish, Congress and Twist, for sale law hp WIBERVING jars and fruit cans of all kinds and Mies, for sale by NIKONS & BOWMAN •weMr, Frost and Market Ovoids. OF weans & BOWMAN, Owner Front and Market street,: