Vrrair6i. il DOI Wil WI II 1 IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGEI 6, 3=NER., t. TER/10.--81110212, • " Tb. Dear Tnuctiten is refired t o subsiriliers in the City ate cents per neck. Yearly subscribers will be charged $4 00 in - advance. Ti rAtittwnt74llol . l = .he t lished twice a wee.'. during the session of the Legislature, and weekly during the remaimds rottbe rokt,, and furnished to subscribers at the follow* Salb'![tea, Tit: bugle subscribare year Seal-Weekly. al op Wit! ,g 1 4t tc 00 • WO gp Single subsoribtaa4 Wee or mp* lof '" .... 00 all' Arima '1 i It subscribers mider.the dbcontinuance of their mews-, papers, the publisher may continue• to send them until agaaragee are paid. , , Itilubscribers neglect or refu s e tp take their amnia - pip Iran the once to which they are dtrecte I, they Are; ,Lee_lielellaie until they, have settled the Mlle slid ordered ,Ai1a914141144.0,; " Slioa MIN EAGLE 'QV 13, Harrisburg, renusevsaiia. SAIM/1011311111 OP BOOII4IINDEDW AULING,NAWINES AND PENS STANUDINGI PRESBIOB, • - SAWING *AMINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND mscathail Jos GRINDIEN9. CUTTING-KADEEENE Portable Older Mills and Fodder Cn tero, 80.4001, VIIENITII4E,, General Machine Work and iron and Brass - aeltar: N G S e , WOOD 113BNiitO IN' ALL ITB BRANOMIN; SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, EN., $ Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Braes made to order. Gear and Screw Cutting, &c. HICKOK'S PATENT WOODEN SCREW CIMINO TOOLS or Cash paid for Old copper, Brass, Speller, &o. STEAM , BOILERS, &O. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, ABOVE STATE STREET. CELLAR WINDOW GRATES, Of variOaspedierns, both stationary and swinging.. Flab Weights and various i other building ; ,onstlngs, for sale /retry cheap 4 the' , IniO4-1y) 14 t Lt. ,wpigcs. • NICHOLS' & BOW W) WHoJssulg, Axg, --GROCERS Corner Front a l idf,mar*C streets, HARRlsttract, ?rip* R'OPEC/TV:ILLY invite the attention of the public to their large and well selected stook of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ; FOREIGN AND DO- Hat Including among others, - SUGAE3, SYRUPS, TEAS, COME, • ' SPICES, ' ORANGES, s LEMONS,L&O.,I&Q. 'ASO FLOUR, Fliiiß, SALT, BACON, LARD, NUTTIER, fltc. - , We invite an examination of our superior _ NON EXPLOSLVE COAL OIL, The beet In the market' in eve y, relied, to gelber with all kinds of 4.l4try P#PES , I ; I I3BIPgRi4, Wlo,iT4l an d j 1 1 GrAlpyixoNio; Cheap &alp,/ plao iu.l4“TiOni. We keep on hand always all kinds Of OEDAR AND WILLOW WERE All styles and kinds of it , I QIJEENSWARE ARE GLASSWARE, at the Sold stand, NICNOLIS & BOWMAN, MY* Ocnine Mint Mad mirk& au. BOOKS FOR FABAERS, , d irected 1 attention of alOonititriata la directed to the following work!, which will enable t em to increase the ; quantity and _value of their' crops by adding science and the expert; retenM of others to their experience.: ' • NITIPHEN'S BOOK OF, WICS FiRM, de. talling,all the labors of husbandry and the beat way toperform them. Prlce., ..8 60 COLEMAN'S AGRICULTURE and Reid ! Economy ' ... 400 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, by A11en....1 011, THE FARMER'S UOMPANION, by /Mel.. 76', LECTURES ON PRACTICAL AGRICUL TURN, by Johnston., . .... 60' AMERIOAN FARMER ' S new and .... , , versa handbook; With 400 engravingt.. 2 , Ml' AM , EASY METHOD OF MANAGING: *gig -1 4 Weeks,.... 20 the Nature and Treatment of Disemes of , Cattle, by Dadd .. . .. . . ' .1 'OO 0:8 AOSlOCUTURM;(siiiiiiiikiyi =7O 1 7; s 4 CO Wl* AND VgrMVArmummtv,i arid the production of milk, butter, cheese, by Flint 1 60 GRASSES AND FORAGE PLANTS, by Lnkch 1 60 R,•.. AXTON'S HAND-BOOIE, containing the' ' Horse, the cow, the pig, fowls, &c., &c.. 1 00 THE FARMER'S DICTIONAjity xxso tea immityby Dr. Oar ...1 60 ALLEN'S DOMESTIC ANIMALS 76 THE PEP WON •ON MANURES, o r American Muck Book. 1 26 THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, by Jennings 1 00 YOUATT ON THE HORSE 1 26 .=.:.=1766 MO SHIP and the Breaking and Training of Horses_76 Standard BOoksi School Books, and every thing in the stationery line, at lowest prices, at EWNER'S tallf4o BOOK tifORIL THE NEW EDITI ON PURDOWS' DIGEST HAS JUST BEEN PUBLISH:EA .... PRICE $5 00. , k , ,,,r „ 1,,0 N MITRE new edition of this well knowa Law Book has just been issued. It is now # ri n oiyhed by the foilOwiitg superadded features : The laws contained in the vafloris wad pk i pt ig polished since the date of the eighth edition(lBsB) have been incorporated in thg R4,f.Of OA work. , Many thousand new authonileYhive bias cited ; the report of the reAtire bfrthe Nal Code'has been embodied in tinanotes to the , various section', of it, and the appendix 'mutates .for. the first time, the Acts, o f c on gress for the Authentication of Records, and the Statute Of traudident Con. veystnoes, with full Ind elaborate Rotes of the decisions exelanatery.of them. not Work has bean prepared by the iehrnett 'edit*, Mr. Wu' and its freshness ; ,and, permithent .#l,ll be preser v ed by the xim inflation+ , of th Digests, which have given ifikrOneh . I fm, -1I Adi • en ' 'tt /for sale at • • --- ''- ::-,' '„, ~....jf , , : IL• •'l•Zra ill -.- ... . . ( ir.i.}•.) 1 I 7 ' ' :d , iii .. : .t. , ill • ' .''..' 4 0 11 1 i' ! '. • " : 1 1 1 ~ .1 . tr. •-, .1 . ' .' .. . :=i ,f.„F: ,b. •-•• -:4 ~. t Vl' . . . VOL ,XVIII "' DR. ,JOUNSON paw L ..10SPIVIL AS discovered the most certain . , speedy ILL and effetoual round/ in tho world for • DISEASES' OF IMPRU.D.ENCE. aaistir ni Twrivn nom. No Merillrii or ,*onions Drain. A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, In from one =I to Two Dqi. ' Weakness of the Hank or,Limbh Strictures, Orations °Cline h idneys and:Bladder, Involuntary discharges, Im potency, General Debi li ty; Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Lan gan, Low SOFAS, Oonfusieu of Diem, Palpitation of the Heart; Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness' f Bight or Giddi ness, Di OM of the Head; Threat, Noes or Mu, nifec tiOnti of the Livra, Lungs, Stomach owl - Jewels—those ter rible diSorders arising from the Soldary Habits.of Youth —thole imam and solitary praetors/ more .iatal to their victims than the song of • rens to the Mariners of Dlr. acs, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, bo., impossible. TOW* Yen Bapeclally, who have become the ivkstims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful end destructive habit which annual ly sweeps to as untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the meet exalted talents and brilliant intellect, wbo might otherwbai have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eioguenco or waited to ecstasy the livinglyre, may call wish full coaddonce, . Mainage. . . Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weaknes,s t organkc debili ty, &0., speedily oared., ; _ Re who himself under MU . ' care ot religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and non thiently rely, upon I , ls skill as a Physician.'l. Owun'e Weakness pmnaliately Viiredi‘ and full vigor' esta:ed. This distressing Aillotion..wldrithrendere 1 lie 'misera ble and marriage impossible r la lbs 'penalty paid by the victims of impropte indidgences. t oung persons are too apt to commis emerges Midi hot being aware Of the dreadful sown t moo that May ensue. New, Who that understands We Nuttiest wilfprotend to daffy that the pow se of procreation is lost sooner sy those falling. Into im proper - habits thin by the prudent Besides being da. • prived the pleasurei of boa lthl'ollhpring, the Moat la rking and destructive symptoms to brith hody and *kind arise. , The system becomes 'deranged, the Physical' and made renctiorie Weakened, Lou, of Procreative Power, NersiouOlyritibility; Dyspepsia; 'Phiplustion of the Heart, Indigestion OonatinitionA I Debility,' a Waiting of the /ratan, Cala, 9 0 uctimplioni +Decay and Death. • . 2 .• MOO, Not tsoutWFrederiok Street. Lep, papa, Op" &Ong from Bigtimore., street, a few door. trim the Gurnee Vial not to chasm risme and number. 1,40. en limit he Paid add 'contain a stamp. The Boa' for ti Diploiltas hitt In his ofileiN 111 &Ciao- Warriintiit in TWO Days.', Memory or Naumann Dies" Dr. Minim; • • Kemberrof the RoyalColbgeorllergeons, London, Grad-. nate from one id, the MU ;admen; Oollegat in Me United hates, sad the greater part of whom hie has been spent in the hospitals Of-I,ondeci, 'Par% Philadelphia and else where, has effected 8010 Nine most astonishing auras that - were ever known • many trembled :with Tinging In the head and earn when asleep, greet nervousness, being alarmed at Midden hounds, bashfulneee, with frequent blthhing, attended sOmettotew with derangement of nand were euredhluitedbitely. • Take Particular Notice. Dt. J. addresses all thou whebatie injured theinselves by improper Indulge. mead solitary halide which. ruin both body and mind, untittlng them he either businesa study, society or marriage Tame are some of the sad and Melancholly effects pro • duced by early haidis of youth, vls : Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Palm in the ffeml, Direness Sight, Less of Muscular PoWer, Palpitation of the heart, Dye. popsy, Nervous lireilMhty, Derangement of the Digestive Function% Gene. Symptoms of 00111111M0011, hrtal a tii 4r Arai.—The Bernd effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas , pe-- premien of Spirits, kdril forbodinge, Avon on to Society, BM Distrust, Love of Wands, Timidity, M.; are some of the evils produced. THOOLUIDB of persons of all ages can now judge what In the; Carlo. their declining health, losing -their vigor, beriornirig wbak, pale, and emulated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms 41 " 411111 ne w " F- "_,I6MAr Who have bajniedlbenisederie by a emirate practice In (based In when alone, it habit frequently learned from evil companions . , or at school, the e ff ects of which are nightly felt{ es** whenesbiep, add if not oared redder" marriage hiipossible and deetroys both mind and body, should apply Imme diately. What. 1404 eyeing man, the hope of his coun try, the du Of Ma parents, should be snatched from all:prospects sad enjoyments of lUi, by the einsequence dellatinglrom, the mtli of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. .fluott persons moor, before contem plating reflect that a Mind mind imd are the most neces sary requisites to mum* SoMnbial happlatise without thee% the Journey through lifc heUmbe aiweary Philrimage ; tfta prospect hourly darkens is the view; the mind becorneriabadOwed witti . despair and tilled lv the melaziektakt reitotten that tai happiness or another bricoinesbWitot with our own. ' Nana of Imprudence. When the mlegelded end inignident votary of pleasure Ode that he has the seeds of tbla painful 'se, it emotion havens *Wan 1/1-um , ionise bf shameor dread e l f discovery, deters him from applying to these who, from biumben and nunintatthinty,, can alone be., friend him, delaying woe donedtnalonlil nymptoina thin borrli disease mike their • aplimarandei Mush at , u 1 rate ° s o re SbreeW dises* d d ogles Pernarnak Woe lii e had and Milk Mantes; of eight, deatnam,nedea on ihe shin bolteraid ante,' blblohea on the lk-ad,Pme and entremineak programing. with **hind 'tepiditytill M last the of the mouth or the benesrof the note All in v and,coiMptiaa of Una awfhl disease *mine, &horrid Oben of 'amiMWstion; tip heath OM a period to his drindfulretifferbign, by lending hita to " that triiniol6 voted Country from whence no traveler returns: l s- ' ' - Aett." 40149 4 ftg 4 4 OF QV/WO fen. yidlnutl,to tilioblo pious, airing to the otesellittlineee Igoe-, mot pnetenterti,iiheliY the well or thee &way PallOyir. Jiff filik , Illiarthi COMBOUtion the vedette o life miserable. I - Strangellia Tramcar). pea, or health, to the ego of the lows, Unbar d (Wor _tides' Preleaders, deiOufe lif itipow ,ledge; r Mande'', whdoopy Dr. Jofteon's 'dyer riremente, or style themselves In the newspapers, 'regularly Educated Physician* incapable of Oaring, they ! gant E t i r&Lpo c r o gri 4 == . lus: :litilyi Zrje ri7EtdOikur g`dispair, - leave you with mee kest* to sigh over your . galling disappointment. Dr. Johnson is the only Physician advertising. ltir. - .l.;rioPM.lillt97o ll Plonial lilWaYe haroditagg wil co . a rememesior treatment are unknown to all others, Prepared from a life spent billia gr eat hospitals of Eu rope.: thellrst lirthe . .ecantry and a more extensive Prl tatelfactine 'than an other Pnyrian,in the world. , . .. '. ' t M the Pri. ' ' • •• Thelnifitt . air sitied at thilr Initatittien year af year, aisd:thn numerous iniportaht Serbia! Opera off perormed by Dr: 4 .o lldatinillitriellestai by. , the re. ' the 4 Son," .0 Upper," and many other. Pl ,notices of which have appeared again and again ' the pablio, , bwides Mt standing ae iv =nasal= Of . tactet feareepolaibUtts:,-; is a sat:IMMO gulgirMnee ~ Mir/ 4 y Cared. #1,414,10 6 1en,..... ute,..be w.,irta in directing dog. *tell r " l # -7 77T , T 1140, Yl O,l 1 1 11,arer ( 7 ITOIA ~ .7440 .: iA - Pift, M. i '.— ' v i * utompro poog BoaPital; rialtimore Md. . . - E 1 0 1 BBELC likantrrOßY No. 69, placket Street billow Third, 44, p At '; 0 1 -611 M • ts:u E , - ANUFACTUKER UMBRELLAI3, `PAIRBOLS IIVATALING`CANES, will Hanle_ atuawas panes than embe tionebi IR um 1 2giAr: :CO/Wry ilwrobiati .wMI d 9# .a ZWl•l'!)itfrgnr7-11 Z;: . .: r ii'if;pi!!-.3.:,' I,t,TD,E I PFeNDE,NT I ALL THINGS • HARRiSBURG. PA MP RAY; ;AFTERNOON, AUGUST 25,- 1 1;8 , . %11 IEW BOSEWOOD PIANOS, iroin , imat makers; frenr42oo' upwards j • 1 0 3 _ THE MST ..: M ANUFACTURED INSTfLU , IMINIS,FROMANAto4IIO°. Guitars "holing, Accordeo FL ti TamirOnrines, Y lOl , lll mad Guitar strings and must nil merchandise in ) general. SECEET 11(178/C.. • THE LATEST PIMICATIONS always 'on hand. 'Made sent by nisil to any part of the country. OVAL,. SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEWCI FRAMES, Suitable for looking 'gimes, and all , kinds of pictures alwaya qn band. LOOKING G ALS E :Et From smallest ,to' largpet ebbs. Any id* of frame made to order at *ft shclrtPat k . , febl9-Weely FREIGHT' HOWARD & BOP; EMT & QUICK ISM N. ::E.,..w!NojiM Goode ,Ordered in Morning; Rioted . the alaine:Night. _ Lowe New 'Fork at 71 P. M., iv tieop Nmet Threigh MtKT! 16ein, errivbmg Hattiel/04 at 8 A. M. WITHOUT ORANGE OF OARt3 Order Goode marked . • via. ROPE EXPUSB CO., ChafieraV Office, 162 Broadway, New Yorki For further inkaloatiou eazdre of , GEO. BEEGN.ER. Agent ikAULIUBBIJEG, Aug. 1861.4 t LIFE INS . U . EAROF, The Girard Life Insunizioe, Anntiity Trust, Compaq. Philadelphia. OffiCE Na. . 408 CHESTNUT STEEET (CHARTER PERPETH 4I ) ' • oeritti, IND mins ; ROMA% =OHM BLEGWAY, , Preeideldi • JOHN' F. JAYA datesq l - „ . • corrrwuE to niake..WS:VRAITCE ON LTVEs On . the Maitre/don able tarsal.. liff eat es Ezeoutore, Treeteeedria nadir bet, Wille..ead se Bimelesre sad! ThP esPitel b 44041104 tato and *milk logallir with • base sad auisteatly Inure Feeensd fund, o ftni a farlisit awairtt Ur the Masted. Alm premiums maybe pet yeisitly,ll.4t yea* or eesat. e Gooapsny add a BONUS poriodkally to the Irmat rime. Or The BON US, spproparded ia cumber, laid, the MIND 'is owe to Desegober, 154_0, the Timm HUNK fir Deeimber, 1a54, sod theI'OURTH BONN is Ash*, , These.additions are mule' without ro-• quirl°lll ll 7 YrilWoa Ifs prepnwpmp to. be paid 60 abe The r winßare a TOW eza tildaa fromthe ''Begleterl' . i , Amount or ?odor . slop: .. .. Bunt . Doing or . boats rolibriaapd . - E .0110 7., 4.1 1 0 ,111114 - • iliddiliOn bytiot • rotiadilitiOno.,- 1 No. 8 0 ;,, 4000 41 , 1 67 liv i; - --° so 322 ;goo , }pp to ii 7, o,iite oo L , no ' ' 1000 409 14Q1 , $ saa 6000 461 r 6 'OD 6.6 7 6 00, AIWA a arriaburtaild vici alit, , '-, i i/413L WOUISAICA. ele-dly Confectitnery Vniit Store, CONFECTIONERY OF 'ALL HINDS, ' 011ANGO,AND LEI&PiR, .. • PINE - APPLES RANANNAS, ' FIRM /WO BA,lir And vegetables of ttld Muds, brought. Aired; 'Malts -lb* Eastern Markets, tartan a,woelt, and nun hnontnnaer ptreonat siipersision; 'Otus caselids, 084 f t, beti,r , and cheapen Shah any le the air Orders from a distance attended to promptirilitE 101 , 0ds. delivered to,any-part of Mg 047,fidelltphar FMK CANNED FRAM , .nonatatttly on hand AIY& me a. call:' - - " - MlitinsAt CIIMASUAND VALLEY 1111MTIMIL GA,* i il;*StE ' ' ..inzetzgambic, • . REV .1). itatOß:a. Itallinie We COMICIAL 'WOOL= 2.44",:{77iirritt s l t ig to t i hl a !leitmcwiak: cboxiialniktoWayeeselikiby sipplo.. a W%ytar y. „ Js6o 1101 , f 1 8 •P„a,teeft F,r,unforl, itaimas . .And/ Din magi? iYuleikiu,gitf f liFlSEllAxA , ,,Titted, sod =EI BM iittliantonicv W,M XNOCHE J," 93 4farhet sfreet,,BantWourg l Pai, _,• • mass to t • A finetunoibient of boot pfiited WM. KNIXIHE, 1,90 Markot street.; illiki Extiagss- , . oo.Ps TO AND FttckAi JOHN'WISE'S TEM.. BTNNNT, 'NEAR WALNUT, . Baniaburp, Pa " • . A ethindellei 163 isAt itftilitnot4"4l fit— • ===MMIIM ~ ~e~ •Thii:'li'.l*4lC..: War:: N - ... .has been - 01 . G .11 .:.., • •,, -- . - - - • - '"' . '•. - H,,::•••,-...: ,, ,,, - , ,, •,,,,' • - •- . 4 . li , jin** here for tyre, deg n, , .t at General Pope'i nitai.heifallin back. ifoni: hil advanced position toward the Rapidan, had. , -en the Rappahannock river as its defeniive , line. Supposing the news to be of that air.; not eater denoMinated . ."oontraband," it bai been -, prilillehed.'. It , aPPears. from thesec , counts the/title rebels have mused the wle their iiiiilable force in the vicinity of Gor-- , 7,, It. ' • 5: * 4. • 1?. ki l t ' °97eiterEVA.." cl'onit- J7.u. , -.7 gi ~_ . -tope. c. ,,,,, tu e , 4,liss i -`• (, ..,' ,-i;i- e ' ' li of didf r . . l 4Fi ! a more avallnble'tcnitiOni :40;410 - to - get . within s l oo.Ai i iii 44114 `cif 9144'. SleOleilirei, slimy, Which is probab ly concentrating between Waeli;- hidlre and . ft 'ding tlintiVein. Illbeldhlii iiiiof withdrinn ~ from the banks of - Ilici _James, river, have an lieaVored; by ' th*rfoinii: and idicniet-! line! of eemniunkarom i f in:A*lm .their whole fo upon Gen. Pope's-army -:,-bilfore it could be , ii.49e 1 .54 bY:.4le:AllitYl9.fAhe Potom a c. li:',lii Wide they- havino far failed, and the advantag44l . 1 ,ht?. - Fliiriatelletie ~,,i Anotmuent., temaini'i witk ne. The . advince. i ..,of . General Pope Ito the . Itepidan i river:,vias, no doubt, a feiiit'i to ,04:nr:t the .ettention .X,the..r.e.belE from . zAlncloisn'..& Movemente,:i and his - retrent now was also nvoirteMplated )leneeelty r - . The dOnjiiriiitlOre - nttlin t#o;l4 . t i iii: es, ha! hey, nA,.l4'e led liielleyn, i *M .;niWeigrikhjy ,aocampliolumi, ninlpperY hour that, paseeslwitliont ailiattle Is of alivantige , th tea. -5 Thnietientlnf.'.Pope is,' thineforti, - wit n'.:4iiiatai:; ! Every back increases ; hie strengh:. end,:-Multiplien the ~ , ~ rebel - .: heeeiOsiet thnAndertnitint. !no ivoito. of. 'the- next - few days tifilli , hoinpver;:be loisiiiia fOrnith!*tenee:)ntiiient ' the' greatest - bath Of' the war iiiiiMioni at any or it may pf• • • J • "' -- ostponed for weeks. -1 -' l ';. ' . • DIVHD EMU FR WTI 1 , , Tan Mars or. VlSArima.—The Ratiotua InkJ lipow pf this morning, mys ) : l , 1" LI I,' As: Many rumor" hive for the latit day or two been huitistriMudy &gamed reePeetioff e1h 11 3,,- ed military events, and moyetnents in - ithe De liertment of the Army offTirginia, it may be proper to state, from the informattonithekhaa reached thet,, there 11,1 M fonodattotO for weCt,le r-figifieftiewik:it tt m a ' OS to rinfavoreme to the, Usk*, in that quitter. 'ilonaiderabieskimmislAW been kept up lietnsamthe ,ativaraseti poets of the two armies, but nothing like a battle ha. taken Owe Polithin of th e different com mends of Gen. Popea army is understood hi have been taken.ln femir4littee. rwititcoaftrW plum' The moremeßts that have been , madd are Mutply.atrittettetio, • ' The eiel q ue ,""fl d'oroNie of the army of Gem McClellan,eafely effected the erre* ton'of their late poeition of the James river, are now rapidly assuming the netv.positiona sesiffned, them hY gaikorekln-Oblef, y • - .• [IA3 viva 44uttia: From Gen. Pope's Army. aim* mu Till, The. Rohde itepubled , in•everyAotion`; IN CANktINAIL RAPP/4AM= STATION, VA., 4 t •'' August 21, 1862. 1 . Alt 9.014•4 1 . front of marlines teiiltionaing. Lest @venlig reports map. ill of the approach of . a enemy in the (Druid - ono" a ford some two miletgalinieri&Ltilice on the ItappaktannociL •liraM OW Μ •Which diclinich splendid #viixtiktAledssi mounts* aid 'the Third New . Cork Vtreopkwed , toproetaidittittlat plead iriih the ICiglitylidghlh "%mistiest& and' "the' Third Maryland regiment, but the enemy did Sot Inake.thelrAippearance. . . ;. ... ililuriug thertight it wsathotight- they *oath tismiptito.fortilharivet. ettsoine point close yg with their . civairy, but our pate army being lik laced in position so as to defend all %hate tivikisibalieved their purpose ) was defeat . 3, The: L 'atire i army were • /udder- Mine - Ili ht, but most of the soldiers 'ebjciyed a hair =lavas Knell:hours. ~ ', 1 ., , t -,, 1 • . . . . . In the skkadlifidg yestendayWitli the mpg of the eneraYithe ilti l C 4 / 1 - en, Web was advance, lied In en w*" • e e, named R. O'Connell, bathe tyre, e nd 1 t ye who were out eff•and taken' prbsOsits: I The Ranh light , mtvairr, 'Which unstained • e most lost, did.'Oiteidelittlinty%; and - deeerire I.e highest pralse-krzlimatateadireas during the emetklt. The Ipsaisinot hitows.blit it is 3113.11.617.0aii i) The pioneer 'corps `df the different divisions . 1 • 01124 engaged during .h• 940 i• W o w' ▪ ' smith: °AU' it(' fidget to able batteries and.theirtatworts to moss the ver ln Rekaof necnigits., " ; • Tfiliirakett l trafbil hoax Oulpep .r are said to have — bestreiglft or nine miles ngpiandikke 901embi shave said there were MU to supply "Lk army At , * so_ line as t tid this deptttrinebt. During thekliglAnggeellielllaY and while the filjNy!eary, *we about making 'a ohaigenpost Cal 1417iarproni 14ea Ot itDt sere nn - .Rome fime.bun,dtidiand] fifty, 1 who had ttosiuther ill the woods, unobserved by -the 4 =Yr suddenly putuin and fired such a`Vol- 4 into thfflialiagi as Upland them to the right a et in Amble goielto Uteetn1011:1109 nceitdikstrs tdoommaildthem: *IMO was pmigtento bat he 'Oshilinit to ith•Ankis rejilkate , mapped if4 4 s4th e t. Attkyr 4116) he - Perfrltnr"Witalt he...tips/taw [lima arkoP 41: liras . tiosume&ibegi hoOp. (wow mown # 4 ,r7. -, :itON-- --, - , '.. f)) - l:ii.4ll.fle'gffil,ti.-. . . . i 1111.•5 ... ~, ~ , ; '=; . , - :.): -' •' ' i ' . ; I'4 ". ' ''., , 4 , .. 2 14 , !. - 1 .. ,f,".,..z.. - ..rpj .,, k ... . ii.,-i L.. 1 1 -.; ,' -i -.1 ' -1 . k t:1 • 11-1 . . 1 , 7! • '-'' I. ; ..:: .: :• i nCi ' ''. Ti is sr_ .:, . .. ..... ME • - I\ , tl 'NT CriTli AL ; N -t. - gr =IMMI , Private Griffith find' a 'llefkieant 'and tree men were left behind, hair* been bdoill i t on 11 4, =Arch, and oar !cavalry . being &lose 4411 they were taken prisoners. Their arrasi Were taken from them and marched toward the rear l in dontils folder threat& of having their ~ %rains • blown out. While they; were on their way,. our ,cavalry made a charge toward them, which (*used tbeirtap hire' bto make halite to 'ttieir lines, 'and f rifith hid behind' a bush, where he was tired by our men• for a rebel. Re finally reached our limes eßfelp , sThe others have;not beett+lntszd from. Ike saidliSiehele are miserably clad. ,Their ,clothes APO :tort and dirty; and the officers is badly clad Is the •privatou • ( !::' ,The , Pivot Jerseyaro said to ',have Charged into the middle of the enemy, bad were Surrounded by two regimente of Infantry, and.one half are salifto' have been taken' prim- From Washington. P ISOF $,8,,E1_131 ELEA S Weseuxams,,Aug. 28 Last evening, 0: 'Barrett, 'Th.oniets C. Mc- Dowell, John M. 'ldster 'and 'Heinle - S. lodes, proprietors and editors ot the•Harrisbarg Perfiliot and Union, had a hearing beforwßrigadier . Gin • seal Wad sworth and ; Judge Advocate L. C.Tter nor: They Were arrested - on 9th inst., .charged with publishing a handbill raleulated to discourage enbatments, and on examination they severally mode. oath (save -hlr. Jones) jot haying no Imoiledgi of the publication or in tended- publiration thereof, It "having been printed, by the appmntioe boys' in 'the ARM. Mt. Jones, the local editor made oath that he drafted the handbill for the boys simply as a joke; And without any intention of discourag ing enlistments. Having " severally given a parole of honor to do no act or' deed 'hereafter I disloyal to the Government, and claiming re Spectively that the' never had,, they were dis charged from imprisonment. ANOTBAR OOXWION WIWI= 410VIlitaiMiNT neAtiiPolni---NOVill iCiST WASIMITON, Aug. 28.—The' steamer Belvi dere while going down the bay, bound to. Fortress MOIIrOe, on WodnEgiday,Dight,,ClolBlll collision with the steamer Elm City , Theo Off the month of the Bilmatatmodk rwar. The Elm. City was loaded with . •about 800 regular troops. No lives, were hot,,but 'the boats were la much daMaged, that - taeg fat* :eagle tea ning fox; the time being . for re ~airs. The Elm City Is injured in the boitti`ind the 'l3eliridere in her wheel. ' FROM NEW OKIINAN3. 1011411141141:iiiaoodP , 1 1 544:01 _ , . Arlie Pflllllollllloll of Otthionsof New Orleans to be Turned Over to the Walled States Authorities. By the stamen' Blackstone and Creole, we luiveßery Orleans detest° the evening of the fifteenth. ; The remains, of. Col. Boberte of the Vermont Seventh came on the former. All the property of John Slidell has been conisested by Gen. Butler. An order from filen. , Butler commands the taming - over to United Rata anthoritles of alt army in New Orleans. Count Megam, the - French consul, had writ ten a letter to Lieut. Wietsel, assistant military commandant,expreesing a desire that French-cit isms might be allowed to retain their arms for fear servile insurrection,to wig& Gen. Butler re plied to the effect , that the protection "of the 17zdted Bates waddle given in such am, and insisted on all arms tof the inhalistants," black and white, being under hievolitrol. FROM . FOMM:MONROE Vigorous Movements of the Aruiy. iroavaxes Mom% Aug. 22. The Richmond ire' of the S4th wants to ;know to where their friends luirf felioitels all ;are, that! used to g ive them reliable itub math)* Conotening the mewl:W*o.o Cienvng•liCo/0 1 i•- hin's'army, that they hear nothing irom them of late wherever • they go. HaVe thty gone over the Federal, Y ' • The. same paper else contains Jeff. Davis' me*. Cage In which ne speaks in the highest terms of his army, In having driven General McClellan trom the borders of their capital; and says that before autumn seta in they will hive recovered every hick of ground they , have lost. Se thinks that in future the Union forces • will have enough to do to guard their northern olden- .1. , The moitectikat now going on in the vicinity of Fortress Monroe are programing vigorously' stud micamttulty. • . telegraph, calffe across ;the bay wits re Paired yesterday noon, and is now successfully workinybetween Old Ptimeind Washington. LETTER ntor ra pakompit EZ. ll 9Criml .MANKON, WaLltraawn, August 22 11182 IV • Smorabk Thaw Greekv • • . Dias' Biz I have Put read , yorgu of the 10th, liddreand to myself through the New urk Tribune. If there be in it any statimente Or aesamptions of facklliddli I may know to be errOneoue; I 'do - iiot-rici* 'and - here centre- Tett there. •Lf there be in it -any inferencee 4/1 4 1 : i ploy, believe to be falsely drawn, I do hot 'ymiy and here argee,egeieet them. I If there it an impatient and dictatorial tone waive ) it In deference to an old friend stoat heart luiye always ooPPottd to be , • hit4,ibil policy I "seem to befurening,'?: mi* Ihs4W-ot meant to leave anyone in ii4Brt'ye the Unionu I " would - ! h i e , yreirf l pudef 310. .onultitidnotaiv, , ,Tka denationall authority can be . . liale nearer the Union Wit" the Una ao 1 ' , I have here, atated my r ,prpose according to my view of official ; and LinfoodAo_nfodi fication of my oftsigfresied parainal wish that all men everywhere C 0.414. be:free. Yowl,' . . 1 , ~.. ~.A. /,, ALHWLI‘. The Ratko:if .firfeliirnair in' piffifitang the foregoing letter 'makes ihe following comments: When the wary oriiinal Waif Of-addressing in the columns of the.New.,"jork Zribune a letter to President Liiiiiiit d „ fia T tlie name and by the authority !of. i•twenty Saillionse' of the Ameri can people, entered ..the head of Mr. Horace Greeley„ we suppote ilf. had little idea that his communication,, if eVer i regehing the eye.of his diethignithed aorresOndent, would receive from that pondeht the honer of a response.— Still nld believe expected or wi t eing.that w o theft - niti should hi of a nature lo give so much more satisfaction. to ,the,, f•kwenty-mil- Hone , of loyal ' en in whoseliehaff hessisum ed to- speak, than he r their-leifiededtat organ, is, likely to find in it. ',We ihopeohoweveniaat When Mr. Greeley has Only pondered thi - ,pii,h,y sentences of the President's letter he will be ',Melo 'rejoin, if he proposes' to" continue the ‘!cotrespondence," in a spirit which s h all be slightly less ,arrogant, dietatOriati and =lmo. IlioUB. " Twenty millions" of ; his coontreffien `have If right to claim this at his hands, in, de , arenas to the high office where infinintient he ventures to arraign Before , the 'bar of public 1 ophilop in their names-4 , ; ; .. POST :OPPIOE NOTICE. :Oiled After Slay bth, 1862, the this adios ciosed as folios*: ' SORTIEECIIN CENTRAL /14.11LA:14-D4 NORTH. Wax Ham—For qII - places between Harris- in, burg, Leek Eleven Add , lamira, -N. at... ...1.2.00 SOUTH.. Wax Idara-For . 411. Asps between Ilerrhi burg aid ldinore, „ Md., and Waibingtbn, 12.00 K. r. For York, Baltimore, Wasl4 ll o;9, • 'D. t, at , SOO Y. K. LEBANON VALLEY RAILROAD. EAST. WAY Itiu;,4or all 'daces betiefewitairis burg.. and A''Btadint; .; Fottndlie Easton..wnd.,. Pill'minipills, : j k . PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. WAY Mstr-4-For .811 bandtwW l •riarPr..k. Philmtelphia, at . . ......6.80 A. M. For i iiiiiiiiiiiii and a, . PthairAfir, at...__ COlunbiti,Tianosater, Plilledelphil'and New York, at.. 64. PI M. For Laneas . terillilladel- • • Phis iumi No, A9O R. ,M. WEST. WAY 161m,---por places between Harris ' burg and' Altoona; it' i 2.00 For JblifeltOWn and Plttsburg,'• ra. loinois•'• natl, Columbus and Cleveland, 0., at 2 46 For Lewistown, Hun- ' • tingdon, Tyrone, Al- • Hollidaysburg sndFittobllFlll 9 00 f" , CUMBERLAND FAleloEF RAILROAD. For Bleationirsburm Car- Hee tihinensburg, ChaMbersberg, Pa., and Hagerstown Md., at..T.00 /I WAY • MALL—For ' plame , between Harris- . - buritandC h l sn a bc T iba . rB, sastrflainz mul.sugoltursisk . , For Elliond, Pinegrove ? &malt -Station; *.• • - burn and Pottaillbi i „nellgokpi M. WARE IlOilrriail,•l I For loili6 1 0• 1 1,!?VrA • mulaaatini, VIA over; •• Ono' and ! , ingeko• town, onMendar, Wed rieadaT arl4sPidaY. For Lisburn and Lowyk- , • berry; Bisttkidity ' ' 2;00 P. It ilMelositolirs;—Preiio.llo A: U. to 8 P. M., •Adar from 11 IL, and from S to 4 • P GEORGE Bzwices postmaster., Nzw,Yozi, Aug. 24. ,-aßoss & BLkorvirkaili u,,proemisettaisitidiguiNii,s,lo34VAisaff. myyly of tha ab9r4.9 3 } 1 ),"1es 07 veVratilloso idled end tor NOW by Lit j -fxr 1 . balk co 1. Qrnew ,t9plAnighed, , mook Toi ft i ko panci, Goods if ; ip5 6 2:04 1 211, 4 0 esesa.orzekidering 4 9 - WO. doors . doSS of No* - Blinn - ' twin *kW: z 107177 , . , . •• , . ....t .L. ,„.. ett bait' 1 Har11 1„ ; . war 461070 .. ., litt Chablis t Ilia .. • ..., ' ... .........----- • e... - ,_,....), &MS Of_tiDYEßll2pla.„ - - ...... o ,__:" . " SFour Linea or Jena conetitble "olLeiuur 61 1 66 r0• nag or more than four constitute a equare. ..:rquarta one 6iy . ....... • ... ...... %I 21 u ono WOC•.. 1 26 l! - ' ~ :ens mn th .......... . 211 ......... .. a throe month. ..4 as " ' six mouths ' 6 ill lii a Si . ermloi, . 10 00 00 ' . ,als—ereek, 200 " •• ••' ~. R,AlLutt . 600 cf., 'ment6i... ' 10 00 '..t meettt • . aOO 4 , 41, year R , " • 20 co 4111- Ilasinen sepices inserted In the Local Illicao, or beibrollarringokatiel Detain, NIGHT.,9II(T2 PK Lin for each insertion. _. :sir Itinisow.ssitteatticetrikratuftsd ea regular . . ... r• . ~, ,, ,m, - il. . ~,,%. .-- was." If , tbeth kis therm alive the Union. unless they co nkl stS *pm tie* 840 8 rilevert; I dd not agred with *dn vllthetn be those who would net lase the they could at the same time ; jo not wee with them • . is , b ect in this 'struggle is toisfire;l:?,,,:sn• - s' 1. %! fed either tosave or tothistrlry ‘,2, ? ' 'IP I could save the Union without ft I would do it ;' and ff save it r * ail•theqlkwer ouldjdo is; ll Kkitt **am itby freeing lionrd and %king others alone, I would also do that:- What I do abort &every and the nobNed,raorr.-kdb. IShoimiMl,blAteve it helps t° 4 / a T9ltbi'l l q4lon; 5 11 411 what forbear, forbear becansekssitot believe it would harp to save the Un4p. I Irhell do km whenever I obeli believe w titin doing hp* the mule, and /Viand° storel•Whenever I shall believe doing mm Will helpctketatiee.3ti kfiag t r y t o correct errors when shown to be arrora,, And I shall adopt new views tbey shall ap pear to be time OIDIAII VINEGAIt II I lIRE aidei N;iriegar, warrant - 94;1. fordligo Ari g n i r b r - NICHOL; & B NOUN. OW ... Corner rroot sod Mfarkeillreetst infIiiRIOATING Oil for all 4 . 4 7 , in onceveniont plakaaS NiCaltlA PLOW ' 11 ", " by ' Gornor FrplAt bPirlf* pfiflofß Cheese from • New York Didriliso ,lees ieeelved and*lPw bJ +.l .111;,, , krgi NEHOLS k 50w!dAs 170 ;corner Fret end Martel+ elZiNgiv,) wevdobeitualliWitetwOliotolitt*. ' / 1 41.4$ ORlaliNgsellimei Slid Wa Ankiiji. 'ilie'plac"ii 4 barPateitkilidwiaiii: Mal MM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers