THE TELEGRAPH Is PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE BERGNER TEKMS.—Smaxa Etwoiseaos The DAJIT TELiORAPH is served to subscribers in tin City at t cents per week. Yearly subspri b ers will bt ch a rged $4 00 in advance. . : , e. wavar AND Saab Winans INIDGRAm. The TZIADDAPN is also published twice a 'Week donut the session of the Laglabsture, and weekly: during tht remainder of the year, And furnished to -shbaciibers at the febowlng cub rates, viz: Single subscribers per year Seml•Weekly. 31 50 Ten " " " " .32 00 Twenty , t tc c; .. ..22 00 Single subscribers, Weekly .... 1 00 7EI LAW or trawsestune. If subscribers order the discontinuance of their news. papers, the publisher may continuo to send them until arrearages are paid. If subsoribers neglect or refuse to take their newsps. pars from the office to which they are directel, they' are responsible until they have settled the bills and ordered them discontinued. riiu.ticuus NICHOLS & BOWMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCeRS, Corner Front and Market Streets, HARRISBURG, PESN'A., RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of the public to their large and. well selected stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIGN AND DO. INESTIC FRUITS, Including smog others, SUGARS, SYRUPS, TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, • ORANGES, LEMONS, &C., &C. ALSO FLOUR, FISEL SALT, BACON, LARD, BUTTER, Ac. We invite an examination of our superior NON EXPLOSIVE COAL OIL, The best in the market hi every respect, to gather with all kinds of LAMPS, SHADES, BURNERS, WICKS and GLASS CONES, Cheaper than any place in Rarrisbury. We keep on hand always all kinds of OEDAR AND WILLOW WARE All styles and kinds of QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE, at the old stand, NICHOLS & BOWMAN, my2o Corner Front and Market Sta. BOOKS FOR FARMERS, rVHE attention of agriculturists is directed to the following works, which will enable them to increase the quantity and value of their crops by adding science and the experi ments of others to their experience : STEPHEN'S BOOK OF TM. FARM, de tailing all the labors of husbandry and the beat way toped:Ain them. Price....B 60 COLEMAN'S AGRICULTURE and Led - Economy 4 00 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, by A11en....1 00 THE FARMER'S COMPANION, by linel .. 76 LECTURES ON PRACTICAL AGRICUL TURE, by Johnston 60 THE AMERICAN FARMER'S new and uni versal handbook, with 400 engravings.. 2 ,50 AN EASY METHOD OF MANAGING BEtE, by Weeks 20 The Nature and Treatment of Diseases of Cattle, by Dadd 1 00 LEIBIG'S AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY 76 MILCH COWS AND DAIRY FARMING, and the production of milk, butter, cheese, by Flint 1 60 OB,ASSES AND FORAGE PLANTS, by Lynch 160 SAXTON'S HAND-BOOK, containing the Rom, the cow, the pig, fowls, arc., &c.. 1 00 THE FARMER'S DICTIONARY and Prac tical Farmer, by Dr. Gardner 1 60 ALLEN'S DOMESTIC ANIMALS 76 THE FIELD BOOK OF MANURES, or American Muck Book 1 26 THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, by Jennings 1 00 YOUATI' ON THE HORSE 126 HIND'S FARRIERY and STUD 800K....1 00 HORSEMANSHIP and the Breaking and 'Training 01 UMW 76 Standard Books, School Books, and every thing in the stationery line, at lowest prices, at DEMMER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. THE NEW EDITION OF PURDON'S DIGEST HAS JUST BEEN PUBLISHED, —PRICE $5 00. AN edition of this well known A. Law Book has just been issued. It is now distinguished by the following superadded features The laws contained in the. various annual Digests published since the date of :the eighth edition (18N) have been incorporated in the pocky of the work. Many thousand new authorities have been cited; the report of the revisers of the Penal Code has been embodied in the notes to the various sections of it, and the appendix contains for the first time, the Acts of Congress for the Authenticaticin of Records, and the Statute of Fraudident Con veyanoes, with full and elaborate notes of the decisions explanatory of them. The work has been prepared by the learned editor, fir. BILLGI/ILT, and its freshness and permanent value will be preserved by the continuation of the annual Digests, which have given so much satisfaction. For sale at je2ll BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. THEO. F. SCHEFFER, BOOS AND JOB PRINTER, NO. 18, MARKEY STREET, HARRISBURG. sorPartioular attention paid to Printing, Ruling and Binding of Railroad Blanks, Manifests, Policies, Checks, Drafts, he. flaws primed at $2, id, lA, and per holieluni in elegant ektle. ' 120 OiaLP WRITING OASES CONZiBMO • PAPER, ENVELOPES, PENS AND PENCILS. ""tbO thing to carry in the knapsack. Price comm• IL% om 7 Sd amis. kor sale at WIRONER'S =AP BOOK KOBE. C 0130 3 & BLACK WELL'B Celebrated rio SAUCES, PRESERVE% ft., &O. A large auPPirOtthe 6 embracing every variety, just re. *Iwo:1,041.0r sale b) - . WIC MK, & Co. OURploy replenished stock of Toiiet and lsncy. Goode is, dosnrpansed this city, and ;wing ccedhlentot rendering satisfaction, we would rea inialuily invite &NIL Si Market street, two doors test ofyoorth street, south odds. Dal" Choosa-from New York Dairies P " "c a l v ed 1414 f" by 1117017*, BOWMAN, Corner From and Market streets. IUAL der vinegar, warranted, for sale ISi =l4Wlty , NICHOLS BOWMAN, iris Ovriurr Trost inik ~ •. :.\\ A y r // ',. . • • '' • ' 7` 4 l= - / euillow „ . lei MI - ' • . e .::": --'----- :,...7 --- -T. ri ~,,,,,,,.,_ ~,,..),., b T i; i, . , :.. , . , .. ...„. tt ~ . ..„.. ..) ._.„._ .., ~ -,-„,..•• -~ -, • -- ---- . • . . !, ; ,v, •-._;-,-..,-• :,.., - _ VOL XVIII Stebicat DR. JOIINSON XSAMIT2MCPXt33 LOCK HOSPITAL! HS discovered the most certain, speedy and &atonal z enwdy in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE ILWI IN SIX TO TIMM ROM. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs. A Care Warranted, or no Charge, in from one to Two Days. Weakness of the Back or,Limba, Strictures, Atestions of the }kidneys and Bladder Involuntary discharges, Ira potency, General Debility, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Lan guor, Low Spirits, Gonfalon of-Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tretobllngs, Dimness of bight or Giddi ness, Disease oi the Head, Initial, Nose or Skin, Affec tions of the Liver, Lunge, Stomach or Bowels—those ter rible disorders arising from the SOinary. Habits of Teeth —those water and solitary practices more fatal to their victimstbas the song or t-yrens to the Mariners of Ulys ses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &0., imposs ible._ . Young Men Especially, who have become trie.tvictitus of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annual. ly sweeps to an untimely grave - thousaude of Young Men of the must exalted talents and brilliant intellect, wbo might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call witttfull confidence. Marriage. Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating mar riage, being aware or Apical weakness, organic debtli ty, 41efbrunties, &c., speedily cured. lie who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously Confide in his honor as a gentleman, and con fidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. Organic Weakness Immediately Cured, and full vigor Restored. This distressing affection—which renders 1 Ile misera ble and marriage impossible-4a the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgence'. Young persona are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadlul eonseqt encea that may ensue. New, who that understands the subject wilt pretend to 0 any that the pow er of procreation is lost sooner oy tnose falling Into im proper habits than by the prudent , Besides being de. prived the pleasures of bealthy".billtpring, the most se rious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procreative Power, NOIVIOUB Irratibility, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of saag e „ r k Indigestion, Conattuttlonx 1 Debility, • Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. Office, N. 7 South Frederick Street. Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few door. trent the corner. pail not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doe tor's Diplomas hang in his °Wee. A Cure Warranted in Two Days. No Mercury or ffotueous Drags, Dr. Johnson, liteinber of the loyal College of Surgeons, London ' Grad uate from oue of the most eminent colleges in the United States, and the greater part of whose lite has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the most astonishing .:urea that were ever known • many troubled who ringing In the head and ears when asiesp,.great nervousness, beLog alarmed at sudden sounds, bashnilnees with frequent Noshing, 'attended Bantams with derangement of mind were cured immediately. Take Particular Notice. Dr. J. addresses ail those who have injured themselves by improper indulge ,co and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either business, study, society or Those are some of the ftd and melancholly allots pro • demist by early habits of youth, viz Weakness or the Beek and Limbs, Pains In the Head, Dimness f Sight, Loss of Muscular Power Palpitation of the heart, Dye pepsy Nervous Irratibiiity, 'Derangement of tho Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, I S N TALLT.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—Loes of Memory, Contusion of ideasDe presito of spirits, Forbodings, Avers on to sioCnety, , Self Distrust, Love of holitude, Timidity, &c., are some of the evils produced. THOMISM of persons of all ages can now judge what is the cause of their declining hesith, losing their ,vigor, becoming *mit', paha nervous &Ad emiliciathd;, having a 'angular appearance abiliit the ejes, cough and symptoms of consumption, Young lien . Who have injured themselves by a certain practice in dniged in when alone, a habit fonuently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage Impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that &young man, the hope of his coun try, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of lilt, by the consequence of deviatieg hem the path of nature and Indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons Roar, before contem plating Marriage , refloat theta sound mind and twdy are the moat 'noes airy requisites to promoto toiMnbial happiness. Indeed, without those, the journey through ilk becomes a we a ry pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind heeelhee shadowed with despair and tilled wit 6 the haelainehoity , seilectket that the happiness or another becomes blighted with an own. Disease orimpradenoe. When rtes Misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure ends that he has imbibed the Reeds of We Ji . sinful dis ease, It too often haPentr tharith tli-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from (Mutation and , respectability, can alone be friend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms on this herr d disease make their appearance, such as ul muted sore throat, diseased noes, nocturnal pains in the head and lin;ina, dimneell of sight, neatness, nodes on the shin bOnes and ants, blotches on the load, face and estremitles, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate or the ixotith or the bones of the nose fall is, and the victim of thlearwful disease beconie a horrid oblate of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadfu I but/brings, by sending him to that Uedigeov vered Country from whence no traveler returns." It iaa anclaitchany fact that. thousands fail victims to . this terrible disease, owing to the unskilfuliness of trio rant litiateoders, who by the use of that Dead l y Poison, Mastery, rein the constitution and make the residue o life miserable. Trust not your Dyes, oStran r fl g exile, t *. o the care of the many Unlearned. and Worthless Prothinders, destitute of know ledge, Dame or charade; who copy Dr. Johnson's adver vertisements, or, style themselves in the newspapers regularly Educated Physichues incapable of Curing, th keep you trifling month lanai month taking thei‘,ll.l4 and polsonotufness comixainds, or as long as the smallest It o on be emend, and In despair, leave you with ruin ed healt h to sigh over your gaUing disappointment Dr. Johnson is the ally Phlwichui advertising. His credential or diplomas always bangs to Lis es e e, His remedies or treatment are unknewnia ail others, prepared from a life spent in the; gr eat hosPitals of En rope, the that in the oontltrj ands more extensive -Pri vate Pruitt°e than enyhther Plitsician the wood. indarootioat of the Pre s. The many tboneeids mired at this institution year af. ter year, and the numerous . important Sergio"! Opera tions ptwformed:by - Dr. Solinson,wltnaeased by the re ported of the "Sun," " Clipper , " and many other Pa pern, notices of which have appeared again and again before. the public, besides his standing WI a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a sulligent guarrantee Attie faded. Skin Maio bpoedily Cured. persona.writing should be particular in directing meir tonere to his Institution, in the following manner : JOHN M. JOHNSON, M. D. 411 M the Baltimore Look Hospital, Baltimore, Mt WHOLESALE UMBRELLA MANUFACTORY No. ea, Market Street j below Third; itasansusci, Pd. H. LEE, ItKANUFAOTURER OF lIMBRELI PABSOLS and WALKING CANNG, WM"- gooto at LOWER PIQOAG than can bo bought In any Of he &Nan cities. Wonky Aterobanta WlGAowell OR and examine prim and qualltx, and uonvinne *BOO pa* or tigijolot. alol-ilit • • IktoEPE.NDENT IN ALL TIJINGS— HARRISBURG. PA.. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 23, 1862 3E:!„.lr. AL.:I I WCI /Ea STEW ROSEWOOD PIANOS,: from fiche best maker°, frau S2oo,upwards. • THE BEST ILINUEACTUEED INSTRU- ISM, FROM 146, to M. Guitars, Violins, Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar and musi cal merchandise in general. smirr myna THE LATEST PUBLICATIO4 always on hand. Music sent by mail to any part of the! country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEWOOD' FRAMES, Suitable for looking. glasses, and all kinds of pictures always on hand. LOOKING GLASSE S From smallest to largest shwa. Any style of frame made to order at the shortest notice. febl9-wiely HOWARD & HOPE MORT & QUM ROUTE NEW YORK. Goods Ordered. in the Morning Returned,. the sainii-NikAt. Leave New York at n P. H., by the Fast Through Hrprees Train, arriving in Harriabing atla A. M. WITHOUT ORANGE OF OARS. oAbr Goods marked via HOPE EXPRESS CO., General Moe, 162 Broadway. New York For farther lranunatlnnmakidraof. GEO.BERGNER, Agent. litaamanao, Aug. 11361.-dtf • LIFE I_NSITEANOE.. The Girard Life. Insuranee Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia. OFFICE, NO. 408 CHASTITe2 Witteir. (CRARTBIL PERPETUAL.) , GaPITAL AND ASSITS - $1,5111,885 .THOUS • GINO WAY, rrelddoit. JOHN V. JANSS, etdMirlio • CONTINUE to make INSURANCE ON LIVIi on the most tamable terms. net as Executors, Trustees and Guardians under last Wills. and as Receivers add assignee& The capital being paid up sal invested, together' with a large and constantly More thing reserved fund, Wen a perfeet sour ty to 1314 insured. : The premiums may be paid yearly, half yearly or quar terly. ' , lbe Unman/ add a mars pelithkianily to the Inge , rafted for iitt. 03;ilty1PrtlitrJain-i In Ds. camber 1844, theltdOGNO' NAIGS'in .I)4e neer, 181 9, the THInD duNUS in Dosaufildiyillad, and the lOU ATM BONUG,IO 135 Thanteaddinane are made without re Intring any Mouse nGte premiums to ea" id to the Lemptuty. The following are a few exempla', front the Register Policy. lngure lsalin 04". JOHN W/13V13 Confectionery tc, Fruit Store, TIMID STREET, NEAR WALNUT, Hanitisirg, Pa. CONFECTIONPSY OF ALL HINDS, °BARONS AND IMIO/413, PINE APPLES, BANANNAS, - FREW AND SALT FISH, Awl 'vegetables of all kinds, brought direct from the //estera Markets, t Mae a week, eau purchased sumer perdausi sum-vision, thus eneoltdg we to sell a bane and charmer article than .any in the market. r Ordlire from a distance attemied twpromptly, estd_ gads delivered to anyy, pert et the city_free of MVP. Faxzu CANNED 'Rum Osman tly‘on hand. Mee ma a call , IMM] 4OHN OIIIBERLAND-VALLEY IN: FOR Y,OUNG GISTLEMEW, MECRANICBBURB, ir 4. • REV. O. RGB & SO*, AN ACADEMIC IAIID COURICIAL SOM. swam iltme t b rlc u rs t Ar i el a i, v .uy. purges $76 Pa PIO per. sempkok. tea-Aend tkor (Arpulat. . jy/64114 IIIGI3, rrunea, - and ill jv mono of: .141011, as JuilS WISE , ' Mork Third :ea_ Waluut. - 1 . lot - of - andetion end ills j4l.ppAb, Ibr Ws as tb Nora vt Jon N RUMMY ~li~ct'llaneuu~ WM. KNOCHE, 98 Market street, Bannilpurg, Pa., DUI= LN MELODEON} A fine assortment of beet plated WM. KNOCHE, 88'itarke0 street. FREIGHT REDUCED I EXPRESS CO.'S TO AND FROM No, 80 I sac* I- 187 Au. 12.2 WOO 1,060. ; ' 0 " 190 1000 409 00 ' 831) 6000' - 1,371'00 Agent •t riabarg Ii viata e10411,y Et't Etitgag. Official Report of. the Battle of iILUX/tiAleftli, 111TH lisantaNT, Y. V. Ounp *war Culptilvr, Aug. 18th, 18132. Rox. J LNDBZW G. ClutTar,. Governor of Pennsylva SLR :-I have the honor to forward a copy of my cfricial report of the.part taken by the. One Entailed and Eleventh Lerman' hi the action of August 1862. Also list of killed, wounded and_ alleging. Respentiully, Your obedient servant, THOS. W. WaLEKEi, Major Comd'g., 11.1 ch Regiment, P. V rizaNtrianats, 111 Ta RlGnissa, P. V., t amp near Cuipq;pera 13.,. Va., Avg. COLONNG had.- the honor to forward, on the 11th inst., it-preliminary report of the part taken by the 111th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, in the tight at Cedar Mountain, six miles south of Cuippepper, Saturday, August 9th. I now have the honor to f award a de bated account, enclosing therewith a list of My regiment was first formed, under direo tion of General Prince, in a cornfield to the left - of the house used ea as a signal station, the battalion of regulars on my right. We arriv al here soon after the artillery thing commenc ed. " Remaining in this position about a quar ter of an hour, we were marched by a flank to the.right, the regulars being throivn out as skirmishers. I was directed to take position on the left of the first, brigade i commanded by Brigadiet General Geary, and to lie upon the ground. My left lay behind a part of the bat teries, and distant from them about forty yards. The Third Maryland were at my left, and a little in the rear. We occupied this po 'sitlon during the artillery fire, about al. hours, during which time, I lost three men by shell and grape from the rebel batteries posted to the front of our right. As soon as the musketry firing began ou our right, _General Prince (who had taken his stand at the right of the Brd Maryland,) rode forward to the top of the kuoll upon which we were posted, to see what was the order on his right. 'I asked the Gen:. eral if he had any orders to give me ; when he replied, "yes, let your men creep forward and de behind the hill in your front." We started in this way; but not, getting along fast, at his suggestion, I got my men on their feet, and marched saving until We were under the shel ter of the hill designated. Arriving there, the General ordered me to take my men forward Into a corn field, and from behind a rise of ground that he pointed out, to "crack awa at ...,/,‘.l L---.....,,.....-.5......,-k......f-.......y,50dtt5l Z. - • go and bring up the 3rd Maryland to your soli port."-- Arriving at the plate, I found I, could ,not, on account of the tallness of the corn, and the slope of, the hill from the enemy, get sight of them. I then marched my men to the slope of the hill fades them ' and commenced firing, but discoveretlat once . that my guns—Austrian rifle muskete—would not reach them, while theirs were telling fearfully upon my ranker I caused my men to sit down in the corn to wait the coming of the General with the 3rd Maryland. They were very soon behind me, their right overlapping-my left. I then caused my command to advance through the corn, part the way up the hill upon which the enemy was posted, and began firing with good effect. The rebels were very soon driven behind the bill, they firing from behind its shelter. I maintained this position, firing with delibera Lion, until my tire was so far in advance of any of my supporta,' that I thought the enemy would get to my rear ; and, having no support from the 8d Maryland on my immediate lett, I then marched•in retreat to a road running in front of where our batteries were first posted, where Gen. Prince had directed me to reform if I should have to retire. I there found the colors, and about fifty men of the 3d Maryland and discolors and about twenty-five men of what I was- told was the 66th Ohio on my right. ;flow on my. right quickly withdrew and halt ed about 200 yards in our rear. I kept this position about half an hour, when, the artil lery .having left, and the thing ceased, I hav ing received, no orders since entering the corn, and asking the opinion of Col. Ddwitt, of the 841.Maryiand, se to what was best, we couclud -4 that having with us only about 226 men, it, was lolly to try to hold our place without support, we accordingly 'Withdrew, the Ilid Maryland preceding me about 100 yards. 'II marched in retreat'in lute of battle to the crimit, , _renning in aline parallel with our first line of battle, anti to the rear of tue positiou our artillery. Passing this lu line, I faced to the right, and Mal to, the left Into the woods, auout a quarter of a inile to the left of the , poibt where we turned Off from the main road in our. advance.. Filing through these wOode, I found Gen. Green on the oppesite side, trying; to rally his brigade. / asked him if he could tell me the whereabouts of Gen.' Prince or Gin.' Auger. He replliiii that he could not, I told him I was trying to get my regiment out, and would now place .my regiment under his direalan. He'directed me to form line, which being :done,. the Ist MOW of Colorable and 78th New York were - fotmed on my left, and twin facing to the right, and filing to the left, we came into the rear, to the left of the posi tion held by our army. I placed myself undo; Gat. Oteen about eight o'clock, and we arrived in:bivouac about haltpaat eleven. I received WO little or no support frinn the 8d Maryland regiment on my left, nor, on account of the corn could I see troops on my right. Of 'nor command, I have to eay, both officers and men behaved- as volunteers fighting for their, country . should. behave.• My regiment T a hexed three hundred And. one rank and t thlbtenni."neetinary-fourchetilan, the e ut il ed find a mils slog,l found myself in the morning with about one hundred and seventy-five men around me. lify Coley bearer was shot down, and my colors lair IMicirable sears. Auteuil the milling, and the only officer that beta= detached in anrway from the regiment, w4 ; illUtedjutant, ;John A. Boyle. He exerted hinself during the day to his utmost, and no doitht fell exhahated, when we entered the woods. Be is iirbbably in the hands of the enemy. Muoget of Polley and 'bosom lo be beenalied by lobate 10A e. 43,487 Ise 4,060-00 1.01410 6,470'.00 a V EEL• Aggravate -to enter the fight... WPinkfied" 72 _ .98-421 pi,lr amt. IN THOS. M. ALIHEti • • AlqieiVxmandisprilla RV. Pl. - roz. coL. D. P. DaWrn, Ot!rnmandastir BOosie. • NNUTRAL IN NONE. Slaughter Mountaft.. List of Killed, Winindel and Mining of the 111th Regiment, Pommy/yank Volunteers, in the action of August 9, 1862, near Culpepper Court Rouse ; Virginia. _ Private Washingt. Huckleberry, company A; " Wm. McClellan, ' B 1 Corporal Eugene V. Sedgewick, • " C 4 Private Henry Murray, " 0, let Sergeant Thomas J. Shutt. " Corpoial James B. Newcomb, Private Henry &Rorer, " Patrick Tenney, woman. Sergeant Jefferson Turouitt, company A. Private Anthony 'Malvin, " Tyree Gnortiffin " Wilder Wailind i " Charles S. Reynolds, " John W. " Joseph G. Bradley, " Marion Day, " Milo Grace, Corporal E. A. Young, Private Silas Si ay, " John T. Watson, t • Charles dawell, t John Estelle, " Joseph Bateman " Wm. 13. Maitaiii, " Win. Brindle,' " Charles P. Scott, " V. H. Smith, " Wm. Wentz, " Jacob, Patter, Warren Mann, " calvan Blanchard, " Joel R. Gardner, " 'Matthias Stoecker, " Henry Ziegler, " Stephen Baker, " Charles Huttberry, Sergeant Jesse Moore,. Corporal B. J. Mattison, Sergeant B. A. Wood, Private H. P. Boyd, " S. C. Camp, " Sylvester Gehr, " H. C. Bites, " J. N. Miller, " J. J. Peiffer, " George ()niggle, , " R. T. Bikes, Sergeant David Marts, Private John Kean, • " Powell Rockwell, George Rodgers " Alexander Dixon, " Christopher Atkimion, " C. P. Varney, " George Bogner, " Robert Gough,' " William Bauchi - id, " Morgan Maßlek, " John Hughes, . " H. H. Bemis, " Abraham Higgernell, " Albert Ba,..liVairinw,- ; Donaell4roa,"..-•-• Private Morris John, " Hiram Prussia, " Samuel Eagle,. • " W. B. Warner, ' '‘ Michael McClinton, Corporal Adolph Tie, • " Jacob Moyer, Private William Braden, '‘ Samuel Davis, 6 ' Jacob tinging, " B. F. Boss, " Michael Schlager,* Geo. Schrekengebt, Corporal William Brook, Private William Sbonvir, '• Joseph George, Frederick &ever. Total wounded 1 4 9 41:N4F. Adjutant Jno. A. Boyle. Private John Brzion i company A. " F. Loiell, . " " H. Makin, . " A, Sergeant Cyrus Hays, " • A. Private William Green, " D. " WiLiamGibeon " D. Jonathan. Ociixhip, '` S. " E. A. sheidon " 8. " Wed' " " Solomon Clark, " " Samuel Grua; " I. " George Clary, " I. ToMI. missing. Killed Wounded. Missing Total loss THOS. WALKER, Major Cooed. 111th Pa. VoL IIIwLcLL~ i r I EAGLE WORKS, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. iusurrAcrurra or BOONINDERS' BULINU-IdaiNDS AND PUS, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND HAS POI GRINDING. CUITING-MACHINE SHIM. Portable Cider Mills and Fodder Cutters, SCHOOL FIIRXITURE, General Machine Work and Iron rand Beals c ASTI* IR 8,., • • WO7D TIIIININD ALL'ITS BRANOILItd„ SCROLL PLIAVING, EM, 87C., 111 r Any filaohblo of .W09( 1 1 BAL.% or 'Bran made to order. Gear and Bprior correiaiwic HICHOICB PATENT WOODEN SONEWVIIITING TOOL. Siff- Cash pidd la Old Copper, Bi a s. , Bpeltet; dro. STEAM BOIUM, &O. PENNSYLVANIA ABOVE STATE STREET CELLAR WINDOW: GRATES; Of Tubas patterns, both stational: ana atringtia:,titsp Wetghts aid 'various other. building 0 330, 85. 6 r 8. veer, cheap at the various_, BAGEo: wORICIEL -.801 BREAKFAST. -13 Au-ON • r - A Very choice lot,e9,lrLl tot ived he:pelebra ..stia 4tlsPoroo Y" ll2i njr. LOCK, 36. 4 a 03. .17P . , Tit , Nu oil.bran '14,1444:4 ,1404.10 r _mom In nun nu 1-110miet,4 tiMu PY' jel9 NO 96. EILLZD 4' E 411 E ..: „.. F. E 3 ....18 RAILRO AD, gitam fitSIMB. Mein pressured Steam Power Proem% wear* preps. si, to execute JOB and BOQ PRINTJIOI - (4.O } W desersoC Ulm on, cheaper It tem be don at , ~, estahlithment In th e countrye , .... It41l16 * 10.? aDVDRTI2II4. : ''' * ' ... * Sir Four T ines or tees CotustlteteTine4mir 620a40. light lines or more than four oonethate ampere. -- Ealfequare, one CY 110 26 one Wee% ......... 1 211 one thn th ........ ............. I all a three mouth. 600 441 its months 6 90 .. one pa* le so Oa l quare, one day...... ...... ....... ...... so one week 2 00 I. one month 0 00 1 4 c three 13100th; 10 00 I “ its month •. 11 00 " one year 20 **oo lar Busineet notice' nserted le the Local Clime before Marriages sod De a l hs, NIGHT 011420 Put Ll.92 et for each insertion_ - - Isar Marriages and Deaths to be °barged as render advertisemenal B: A. ; p I , 1 •"'..1 , . 1 TE ,I A I , . i : - - . j • From our Moroiriikilltion NOW FORTRESS 'MIK THE. EVACUATION Or WIL LIAMBORG. TSB TOWN REPORTED TO ELVA BEER BUSSED. Fuming Itfoulon, Aug. 31. Willlarisburg was evacuated by the Mien troops at four o'clock yeeterdsy afternoon. The guard was conunanded by Major Stetson. and consisted of Sire companies of the Fifth POUR sylvanis regiment. Theynsme.down and joined their regiment. It was reported that Witness' burg was burned last night, - but it needs 'can fin:nation. There was :a large:llre seen is that direction from dark until white hour lastnight. There has been no skirmishing since the army moved down the "Peninsula. FROM MO. Burning of Railroad Bridge,. -.- EXCHANGE OF PRISONRBS aproinew, August n Two bridges on the Marietta and-Oinetnnati railroad east , of Loveland were burned yeeter day morning, it is supposed by rebel sympse tbisers. A freight train ran through one of the bridges, and the engine and three care were wrecked, but no one was hurt. The bridges are being rapidly reconstructed, The first instalment of rebel prisoners leaves Indianapolis to-day for Vicksburg. The others will leave at the rate of 8,000 a day till they are all exchanged. Indiana has sent into the field 14,480 men since Sunday. Ohio troops are rapidly follow ' lug* From NoOlellan'a and Pope's Armies NO FIGHTING• Basruoisi, Aug. 22. = ism intalligence-freed , law artioNy that s any of the unfaveekable reports that ve been current for thd tvriity.four bouts. From-the Army- of Virginia we learn from, reliable sources that no fighting more im portant than oatpost skirmishing, has occurred since the battle of Cedar Mountain. - The Rebels are undoubtedly concentrating in great force at and near Gordonsville and the Rippa beruitock Is now the dividing line between the two forces. i The movement of Gen. 3fcCiellaril army is going forward with rapidity and energy. POST OFFICE NOTTO - .E. On and after May 6th, 1862, the malli at this once will be dosed as &hoes : • NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD. NORTH. War Main—For all places between Hard& burg, Lock Haven and Elmira, N. Y, at 12.00 M. SOUTH. War Merl—For all places' 'between Harris-. burg and Balilmore, Md., and Washington, D. 0., at -12.00 M. For York, Baltimore, Md., and Washington ' D. 0., at 94)0 P. X: LEBANON VALLEY iLinaoAD. • LAST. Wax MAIL—For all plum between Barrie burg and Readhig, Pottisville, Futon and Philadelphia, at ...... .7.00 A M. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. • _ War Mau.—For all places between Hartle• burg and at .0:80 A. IL For Philadelphia and lAricaster, at ..12.00 For Bsiubridge, Mariet- . ta, Columbia, Lancaster, . Philadeiphia and New York, at 8 15 P. IL For Lancaster, Philadel phia and New lurk, at 9.00 P. M. - War MAin—For all . • places between Harris burg and Altoona, at 17.00 For Johnstown and Pittsburg, Pa., Cincin nati, Colu walnut and Cleveland, 0., at 245 P. Y. For Lewistown, Mak tiogdou, Tyrone, Al toona_, Hollidaysburg and Pittsburg, 900 P. CUMBERLAND, VALLEY RAILROAD. For Mechanicsburg, Car lisle, Shippensburg, Chambersburg. Pa., and Hagerstown, Aid., at.. 7.00 A. It WAY MAm—For all . places between Harris- - burg and Chant beniburg, at .12.80 P. 'W. ISCHUILEILL AND oA SUSQUEHANNA RAIL=- For Ellwood, Phlegm', Summit station,. Au burn and Pottsville, at'l2.Bo P.M. STAGE ROUTES. -- For Lingleetown, Monads Hill, West Han-, over, Ono and ! Topes- , town, on Monday, Wed- • nesdav and Friday..!...7. A. M. For I4ribign and Letvis:, • berg.: On Ilttlrday grOffloeHoum 31; —From 6.60 A. to Sia - nditir 'from 74 to A. M., and front to 4 GEORGE BERGNER, Partniestors. WEST. .DAND ELION COFFEE 1=•:4: Freihrand Ism suppl 7 of this °debts:et coceo ast Noirk Eta) - •-. ! 6 ' . 1 t? O 41;;Vid arpaad l o:ll4ow,new--jara 11 01:014 tel l saisipe etasidaiiplest 41 pas ft , • • - Vigils *BOWMAN, or c - ,...4 1 P,r/1 41 9 1 .1114J1k0410111001:1