9ailp Q7eltgrao. NO i ICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Ad. vertisements, nominees Notices, Mar riages, Deaths, &c., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accompanied with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regu lar Evening,Edition are inserted in the morning Edition without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA Tuesday Afternoon, August 19, 1802 OUR usual local variety is excluded to-day to give space to the proceedings of the 'Union County Convention. To OfflClßS.—Military swords, sashes and belts can be obtained at the Merchant Tailor Store of Geo. W. Glover, Market street, a few East of Third. 1==:1 Tae Daorrra.—Powel's Valley and parts of Lebanon county have been...favored recently with refreshing rains, but other portions of the county are suffering from the drouth, and the corn crops will be seriously injured should it continue much longer. MILITARY ItgLIRT CommrrrEE.—The regular weekly meeting will be held this evening at 7 o'clock at the office of A. J. Heir, Em., in Walnut street opposite the county prison. GIORGE BBIGNER, Pres't. A. J. Hasa, 0. EDWARDS, Sec'y. -...........,.... ORGANIZATION OF A Bzunumr.—The one hun dred and thirty-fourth regiment was formed at Camp Curtin last evening. The companies composing it are from Butler, Beaver and Lawrence counties. Its field officers had not been appointed this morning. =I Somirrunto TAsrr.—The restaurant under Wyeth's Hall, has been remodelled and much improved, and is now one of the neatest estab meets of the kind in the city. It is a perfect bijouc of a refreshment saloon, and as the pro prietor, Mr. James Carothers, knows " how to keep a hotel," of course he is well patronized. PATRIOTIC Inerrrerion.—Loysville Academy, located in Perry county of this State, has given a striking example of attachment to our glori ous Union. All the students in the institution, with the exception of one or two, have enlisted under their former efficient principal, Captain D. Tressler, and are now in Camp Curtin, ready to march in defence of their country. ____.•.- An OMEN OE Sucoses.—A short time ago a beautiful phenomenon was observed on the moon about twelve o'clock at night. A bril liant vale composed of white, red and blue en circled the moon, which, whilst it excited the admiration of all who saw it, on account of its brilliancy and beauty, was regarded by many as an omen of the speedy triumph of our glort: one country's flag. Szaiovs Aconnerr.—A serious accident hap pened to Mr. John Bolton as he was returning home from Linglestown on Saturday afternoon. It happens that as he was descending a hill, a portion of the harness broke, causing the horse to take fright, and whilst attempting to stop , the animal he Wee kicked in the breast, caus ing a very dangerous wound, and a copious flow of blood from his month. Yesterday he was still living, but hie situation is thought to be critical. FATAL RAILROAD ACOIDIRT.—Thomas Free lan, a brakeman on the Northern Central Rail way, was killed on Friday at the summit, about twenty-one miles this side of Baltimore. The train in which he was breaking became sepa rated by the breaking of a coupling, and the rear portion shocking heavily against the front, he was thrown off and instantly killed. The body was taken to Baltimore, and an inquest held by Coroner Greentree. The jury rendered . a verdict in accordance with the above facts. Deceased was about thirty-five years of age, and leaves a wife and four children. =l= A Tomo LAW Slum Br HER Brurrinat.—A young lady, a daughter of Mr. George Dankle, residing a few miles beyond Linglestown, was recently severely wounded by the discharge of a gun in the hands of a ydnnger brother about eight years old. It appears that the boy was under the impression that the gun was not loaded, and snapped it at his sister for amuse ment or to frighten her. Unexpectedly the gun was discharged, inflicting a dangerous wound in her side. As she was stooping at the moment, the charge composed of small shot entered her body obliquely, and consequently injured no vital part, as she is still living and good hopes are entertained of her recovery. Mann GAME or Bess BALL. The much talked-of match game of base ball between the Keystone Club, of this city, and the Mountain Club, of Altoona, will take place at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning, on the grounds of the Keystone Club, a short distance above the Bound House. The nine selected by the Key stone Club are Messrs. C. Gemmel, Head, McGargie, Friel], Wallace, Grone, Snodgrass, Williams and Hunt. S. D. YOung, scorer.— The names of the Altoona nine have not been ascertained. The match has excited much in terest among the knights of the "Bat and Ball " in our city, and we have no doubt there will be a large assemblage present to witness the friendly contest. Tax Gazer REBRLLION.—We were present last evening during Davis' exhibition of the Pano rama of the Great Rebellion, land having hid the pleasure of beholding this triumph of art and science deliniation once before, we were impressed with the many improvements and ex tensive additions he has made to this National work. The Panorama now embraces in its scenery the most eventful actions and incidents of the rebellion, with portraits of distinguished statesmen and soldiers, who are instrumental in carrying out the great objects of the govern ment for its suppression. A work of this kind must be seen, and not described, to be pro perly appreciated. Let none of our readers fail to be present during the brief period of its ex hibition in this city. Tickets can be had at Bergner's Bookstore, Benumb; Drug Store and at . the Brady Timii• Datilbin County Union Republican Con vention. Pursuant to a call of the Chairman of the County Standing Committee, the dele gates from the several wards and townships of Dauphin county, met in the Court House in this city, at half past ten o'clock this morn ing, and were called to order by Mr. A. Weit ing, of Middletown, upon whose motion John S. Musser, of Upper Paxton was chosen as President, and J. A. Boger, of Harrisburg and M. R. Alleman, of Middletown, were seltcted as Secretaries. The list of townships was then read over and the delegate] presented their credentials when it appeared the following were present: Harrisburg— First Ward—Alexander Koser, George Dunn. Second Ward —John A. Boger, Samuel Sarch. Bard Ward—John J. Shoemaker, Dr. George Bailey. Fourth Ward—Mowry Nichols, Alfred C. Blunts. Fifth Ward—Chambers Dubbs, Jeremiah Douglas. Sixth Ward—Josiah' McFarland. John M. Laurie. Upper Svxdara—Jos. Baker, Jacob J. Bishop Low Peden—Jacob Balthasar, Cleo. Look. Lower Swatara—Martin Wetzel, Isaac Eber 'Susquehanna—James C. Corbit, Amos Fialer. Dauphin—Henry Learner,Joseph Cockley. Jackson—Wm. Enders, obert McCully. Dalifax—Wm. Taylor, Wash. M'Conne/1. Mifflin—Aaron P. Lark, Benj. Bordner. Washington—B. R. Buffington, Samuel P Martin. Reed—Wm. Lukens, Wm. Colestock. Millersburg—W. H.Moore, Jeremiah Gilbert Wiconisco—Jno. L. Forster, J. P. Hoffman. Gratz—Wm. Hoffman, Henry Ketterman. Lykens—Henry Moyer, Michael Wolf. Upper Paxton—John S. Maser, Dan'! Seal. Conewago—Jno. S. FoI4, Cyrus G. Shenk. East Londonderry—William Heidler, Jno. M. Keiper. West Londonderry—Jacob W. Hata, Joe. H Landis. Midddletown N. W.—A. Wieting, M. R. Alleman. N. W.—Henry S. Kelley, John M'Creary B. W.—Henry Lynch, Yetman Eves. Derry—HenryW. Kettering, Alfred Hummel South Hanover—J. H. Ebersole, John B Early. West Hanover—Geo. Cassel,' John H. Back instes. East Hanover—Henry W. Kelm, John Early. Middle Paxton—Philip Schaffner, Benjamin Sheesely. Rush—John Mans, Alexander Hunter. Jefferson—Philip Hoffman, Josiah Welker. NOMINATIONS FOR CONORRSS. On motion the Convention proceeded to nom inate canidates for Congress, when Dr. Geo. Bailey nominated F. K. Boas, of Harrisburg. Amos Filler nominated A. 0. Hiestor, of S.. quehanna. M. R. Alleman nominated A. Wieting, of Middletown. Joseph Cockley nominated Wm. J. Robinson. The Convention then proceeded to ballot, which resulted as follows : F. K. Boas received 27 votes. A. O. Kloster " • 8 " A. Wieting If 20 " W. J. Robinson " 18 " Neither of the candidates having received a majority of the votes cast, the Convention pro ceeded to a second ballott, which resulted as follows : E.,..Boas.xecelyed. A. 0. Hiester . A. Wieting . W. J. Robinson " Neither of the candidates having reoefved a a majority of thevotes cast, the Convention pro ceeded to a third ballot, which resulted as fol lows : F. K. Boas received 16 votes. A. Wieting " 20 " W. J. Robinson " 33 " Neither of the candidates having received a majority of the votes cast, the Convention pro ceeded to a fourth ballot, which resulted as fol lows : F. K. Boas received 25 votes. A. Waiting 64 21 " Wm. J. Robinson " 22 " Neither candidate having received a majority of all the votes cast, the Convention proceeded to a fifth ballot, which resulted as follows : F. K. Boas received 29 votes. A. Welting " 20 44 Win. J. Robinson " 19 " Neither of the candidates having a majority of all the votes cast, A motion was made and adopted, that when the Convention adjourn it adjourn to meet at two o'clock P. M. A motion was then made to adjourn, which was not agreed to—yeas 22, nays 46. The Convention then proceeded to a sixth ballot, which resulted as follows : F. K. Boas received 26 votes. di A. Wieting 20 dd Wm. J. Robinson " 22 " Neither of the candidates having received a majority of the votes cast, the convention pro ceeded to a seventh ballot, which resulted as follows : F. K. Boas received 25 votes, A. Wieting 14 22 " Wm. J. Robinson " 21 " Neither of the candidates having received a majority of the votes cut, the Convention ad journed until 2 o'clock P. X. AFTERNOON SESSION. The Convention re-assembled at 2 o'clock P. X , and proceeded to the eighth ballot for a can didate for Congrese, which resulted as follows : F. K. Boss received 15 votes. W. J Robinson " 38 " A. Wieting " 10 " A. 0. Relater " 3 " Wm. J. Robinson having received a majority of the votes cast was declared duly nominated. The nomination was then made unanimous. Dr. Bailey offered the following, which was agreed to : Resolved, That Wm. J. Robinson be author. ized to appoint his own conferees to meet sim ilar ones from other counties in this congres sional district. • NOVIRAMIONS POE AUSIIELT. Thos. G. Fox and James Freeland were unan imously nominated as the candidates for Assem My. DISTITSCT ATTORNZY The Convention then proceeded to ballot for a candidate for District Attorney, which result ed as follows : A. J. Herr received 54 votes. W. W. Hays " 14 " A. J. Herr, having received a majority of the Total cast, was declared duly nominated. The nomination was declared unanimous. Venneulvania mad litlegrapt), wan littrnoon, anguot 19, 1062 The convention proceeded to nominate a candidate for county commisidoner, which re sulted as follows: Jacob L Millison, Paxton, received.2o yoke Rudolph Miller, East Hanover .... 8 " David Beret, 8 gg Adam Ulrich, Lower Swatata 19 " J. Balsbaugh, " 4 " Martin Risley, Londonderry, 18 " Neither of the candidates having received a majority of the votes cast, the convention pro ceeded to a second ballot, which resulted as follows: Jacob Millison received 27 votes David Berst ft 6 la Adam Ulrich 17 " J. Balsbaugh 1 .4 Mai tin Nisivy " ..... ...14 " Rudolph Miller, " 1 " Neither of the candidates having received a majority of the votes cast, the Convention pro ceeded to a third ballot which resulted as fol lows : Jacob Mildson received is AO votes Martin Nialey ft ..12 " Rudolph Miller " 8 II David Nutt l' 1 IS Adam,lllrith " 10 " Jacob Manson having received a majority o all the votes cast was declared duly nominated The nomination was then made unanimous. The convention preceded to ballot for a can didate for Director of the Poor, which resulted as follows : H. Miller received 16 votes. Daniel Sheesely, L. Swatare, rec'd.4o " Jno. F. Stoner, E. Hanover, " 3 " Joe. Kremer W. Hanover, " 4 " J. W. Hats, Londonderry, " 4 " Daniel Sheeaely having received a majority of the votes cast, was declared duly nominated. The nomination was made unanimous. The Convention proceeded to ballot for a candidate for County Surveyor, which resulted as follows : Thos. Strohm, Linglestown, reo'd 81 votes Wm. W. Forster, Wicordsco, " 16 •' Preston Miller, Berrysburg, " 8 " L. Poffenberger, M. Paxton, " 16 " There being no choice, the saute of Preston Miller was withdrawn, and the conventiouvro ceeded to a second ballot, which resulted as follows : . Thomaa Strohm received 84 votes Wm. W. Forbtur " 22 4. L. Poffenberger Thos. Strohm having received a majority o the votes cast was declared duly nominated. The nomination was made unanimous. The convention proceeded to ballot for a candidate for County Auditor, which resulted as follows : Daniel Lair, Gratetown, received 84 votes. Jonathan Spayd, Jefferson, " 6 " F. Wenrich, " - 26 " Daniel Lair having received a majority o the votes cast was declared duly nominated. The nomination was then made unanimous. Jesse B Hummel of Hammelstown, was Dna nimously selected as the candidate for Coroner ONAMIGLIf OF THI COMITY STANDING 0011INITTIN On motion of Mr. Chambers Dobbs, Mr Alex. W. Koser, of Harrisburg, was anent mouldy elected Chairman of the County. Stand lug Committee. 26 votes 1 " 22 " 20 .. A motion was made that the Chairman of the *ending Committee have authority to appoint the members of mid Committee, which was agreed to. The Convention then adjourned sine die. BOUNTY FUND ON DAUPDIN.—The committee of this fund are requested to meet at the house of the Secretary, No. 28 North Second street, on Tuesday evening, the 19th inst., st 7 o'clock . The members of the committee in the several wards of the city will please be punctual, and bring their subscription books with them. Gao. J. Snoistansa, Secretary. As no newspaper will be issued in this place for some days, I take this mode of meeting a series of base slanders on me, which appeared in the colums of the Harrisburg Zelegraph, of the 15th inst., over the signature of "Timms," and dated at this place, the 18th. So far as the malicious epithets applied to my Father, by this concealed and cowardly author are concerned, I am not permitted tr speak; nor have I any explanation to make, of the in accuracies of an article that appeared in the Patriot and Union of the 11th, to which "'faw ns" assumes to reply. Those inaccuracies show sufficiently that the article was not dictated by any member of my family or by any intimate friend. Bat it is the specific falsehood of "Viruses" about myself that I desire to meet. When speaking of the tender of service to the Government by my old company, he says that when the company had resolved to go, "Young Bigler was of course compelled to yield and ac company his company ; ' thereby forcing the inference that I had been virtually, driven into the service. No imputation could be more un founded and unjust. Bo far from this, very many citizens, if not all know that I was amongst the first to declare my determination to go, and that I exerted myself to the utmost ( f my influence thereafter to raise the company and have it accepted by the Government. • Then again, he says that a "few hours before the commencement of the seven daye fighting at Richmond, this valorous young Bigler re signed and took up a position far away from the line of battle." On this point the over zeal of this slanderer lute defeated his purpose., for every military man knows that a resigna tion does not release the officer until it is ac cepted ; and how could the resignation be sent to the proper Department, be considered in its turn, with hundreds ahead of it and be return ed in a "few hours." With this complete an swer I could drop this point, but it is due to truth and myself that the circumstances con nected with my resignation should be known. The truth is, I sent in my resignation about the middle of May last, whilst the Regiment was lying idle at Falmouth, on the Rapahan nock, and when no one anticipated. a fight On the 6th or 13th of June the Regiments* ordered to advance towards 'Richmond, and no action was taken on my resignation till the twentieth of June, six days before the fighting commenced, when an honorable discharge reached me from the proper officer. It will thus be seen that had I been especially anxious to avoid the dangers and privations of the fight, I could have left the field immediately, for the North ; but I remained during the entire strug gle, and for days after it and did what I could properly, though most of the time I was too far exhausted to do much more than take care of myself. My position was peculiar. I had no command and no one had command or care of me. It may be proper to state, in addition that it is well known to many of my comrades, that although I was laboring, under a painful infirmity, which' rendered ins unf i t for woo COUNTY oomiussonna. DIRECTOR ON THE POOR. COUNTY BURYNYOR " 9 II couzar AUDITOR 0010311 _...,- A Card. on foot, as certified by both the Regimental and Brigade Burgeons I should have withheld my resignation had I Burgeons, that the Regiment was about to be advanced towards Richmond. - It does not become me to talk of my own actions. I only pretend to have done my duty, and to have an honorable discharge from the service for reasons deemed sufficient by the proper officers. I set vtd fourteen months to the best of my ability, and now I would not hesitate to stake all that I have of this worlds goods, that if the man who has blonlered me, because he hears political malice towards my Father, will L'lye the public his pr, per name, it will appear that h. has never served his coon tr3 in the field, a day :.1 an bout in his life ; and I hereby brand him, whoever he nuty be, a shuderer, poltroon and coward, and pledge myself, that whenever he comes ou from his cowardly retreat, and gives me his name, to convince him that there is quite as much cour age in my blood as he will choose to deal with. JOHN W. BIGLER. OLSAUJIILD, Aug. 16, 1862. A Mona. ESTABLIORKMIT —Among the many improvements lately made in our city, to which we can point with pride as an evidence of pros perity -and as a determination on the part of our badness men, no longer to remain behind the " tighqcoltse," is the completion of Eby & Kunkle's Urge brick building at the corner of Market and Fifth streets, which is alike creditable to the owners and ornamental to that part of our city. The building is not only one of the largest, devoted to the grocery business, outside of New York, but the stock challenges competion.— Without going into detail, we may safely say that the firm keep on hand everything usually kept in a grocery store, (liquors excepted,) and that they sell at very small profits. Their clerks are civil and accommodating, and have strict instructions under no circumstances what ever to misrepresent or take advantage of any customer A general invitation is extended to the public to visit the new building and exam ine the extensive stock, whether they purchase or not. To the Afflicted. The undersigned would respectfully in form those who are afflicted with Rheuma tism, Dyspepsy, Consumption of Liver and Kidney, Coughs, Fevers, and all diseases arising from impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to furnish Mrs. Westhoven's German Vegetable Medicines at very moderate rates. I have also en hand a quantity of invaluable Salves for Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet and Piles. References can be furnished as to their won derful efficacy, whenever called upon. There need be no apprehension in regard to my com petency in administering it, as I have had it on band for the past six years. As they are now sold at reduced prices, no family should be without them over night. They can be had at any time at my residence, in Pine street, be tween Second and Front. Aul3 dlm MRS. L. BALL. Mu. Bera..—ln justicelo you, and from a desire to promote the welfare of the communi ty, I take great pleasure in stating, what this medicine has done for me. I was afflicted with the dyspepsia for about one year and was un able to walk, sit or stand with comfort. I took medicine from different physicians without ob taining discoverable relief. I finally despaired of my recovery, as did also every person that saw me. Your Tonic strengthened my stomach, removed the swelling and gave me a first-rate appetite. I now enjoy good health, and would recommend all to give it a trial. My store is in Third street, three door from Market. • JOHN R. ODELL Harrisburg, Aug. 18, 1862. Ha um Clorti !--Thus we heard a love maiden say, who stood at the cam weepinglor him (who was about to depart for the seat of war,) upon whom all of her young affections ire centered. Dry your tears, fair girl, your soldier lover has gone to do battle for princi ples that rewarded the brave spirits of '76 ; he, like them, will return with honors thick upon him. In his absence, the cheap dry goods house of Moron & Bowmarr continues to supply the public wants. ....—.•,41b....... We have received a very large assortment of Hoop Skirts, all qualities and prices, from 76 cents up to $2 60 ;26 dozen of Marseilles Shirt Breasts, Collars and Cuffs to match, the whole set for 25 cents, worth 50 cents ; 10 boxes of Ribbon for dress trimming, all colors ; 6 boxes of Belt Ribbon, all colors ; a large as sortment of linen and needlework Collars, , and setts of collars and sleeves ; a large assortment of white Cambric°, Tacconetts, figured and plain Swiss Muslin, Brilliants, Nansooks. The finest lot of embroidered French Cambric Bands ever brought to Harrisburg ; 4 pieces of striped goods for Underaleeves ; 200 embroidered In fant Waists at all prices ; 20 pieces of Black Silk Lace, all prices, some 1 yard wide suitable for dress flouncing or trimming of lace shawls ; Lace Mitts at all prices, 25 cents up ; 40 dozen of ladies and gentlemen's linen pocket Hand kerchiefs. For wholesale customers we keep a large assortment of hoisery and notions, such as Spool Cotton, 'Vliread ll Needles, Pins, Stock ings, Socks, etc., etc. S. Laws. TO THE YOUNG OR OLD. Male or Female, If you have tieen suffering from a habit teindged in by the YOUTH 01 BOTH SEX/LS, WHOM CAUSE SO MANY ALARMING SYMPTOMS, 11 Unfits then for Marriage, And is the greatest evil which cam befall MAN OR WOMAN. Bee symptoms enumerated in advertisement, and if you are a sufferer, Cut out the advertisement, And send for it at once. Delays are dangerous. Aids for ilehnbold's Take no other. Cores guaranteed. Beware of Couisterreet and haitatioru. jyl6-d2m HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE I ! Wm. A. Batchelor's Bair bye ! The only Harmless and Reliable Dyer Snows All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided If you with to escape ridicule. GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed Instantly to, a beautiltd and natural Brown or Blank, without the least injury to Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN MaDALS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to Wu. A. Barciumon singe 18 9, and over 200,000 applications have been made to the hair of the patrons offs famous Dye. Wit. A. BATCHELOR% HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature and is weinnarrso not to injure in the least, however long it may be contin ued, end the ill effects of bad Dyes remedied. The hair is invigorated for hib by this splendid Dye. which is prop. erly applied at No. 18 Bond Street New York. Sold in an the cites and towns of the United States, by Druggists end Fancy Goode Dealers The Genuine bee the name William A. Datchelor,P , and address upon a steel plate *ignoring, on the four sides of each box. Wholesale Factory, 81 Parclay 81., ood-dkwly. Late 288 Broadway, New Yerk No) 24byttliinntuts. VANILLA BEANS, WE are offering. for sale a splendid quality or Vanilla Bean at low prices, by the pound, ounce or singly. KBLLIR'B DRUG STORM, 91 Market :Amt. • CRS & BLACKWELL'S Celebrated mum, HACCB3, ranagaves, &a, &C. A large supply of the - above, embracing every variety, just to eVed end for sale by Nil WM. DOCH , Jr., & Co. CEDAR TUBS , BASKETS, BROOMS lend evirrbing in the line, just receive' hi large banatities and for saki very low by & Co . AloftHamm RECRUITS WANTED. FOR THE 15TH INFANTRY, REGULAR ARMY. OE hundred more able bodied (mar. p ried or unmarried) men are wvuted to complete the &cord Baitallion of the above re. linen'. Its itralguarlers are pleassntb locAed at "Camp Wissahickon' , on the banks of the Schuylkill, near Philadelphia, where recruits are weekly sent to be thoroughly instructed before going into active service Honest, Intelligent and energen.:. Irma are particularly wanted for non-commissioned officers, to whom as with all recruits, every advantage of ad. attend bounty, pay, given. A. premium of two dollars will be let'd any Risen or soldier for etch acceptable recrnitpreeeuted by him. Further informslion may be obtain i I' applied for, at the office on second strei t near •h • Mark house, Har risburg, Pa, FlitdeAs H. NORTON, jyl9silm Capt. 15th Uy. left.., vecruitiu4 Officer. PURVES, Scrap Iron and Metal Merchant, MACHINE & FOUNDRY FURNISHINGS, N. E. Om. of South and Penn, and No. 17 South Streets, PHIL AD EL P HIA. Ingot Copper, Sheet Iron, Brats Red. " Zinc, ~ " Imo% Steel, Pig Tin, - - 4 Borax, Bar " Crucitse; Pig Lead, Foundry Facings, Bar " Anvils, Speller, Vices, Files, gro.• Antimony, Old metals, Babbitt Metal, " Copper, Bismuth," Brass, deldere, " Lead, gic.,Eita. Bar Iron, New and Secondhand Macblueste and Blactramithal Tools and Steam Engines bought sod sold. Articles of every d, seri triton in use by Machinists' and Ponnerymen, furnished to order. gar Cash paid for PamP Iron , Old Bails, and all kinds or Metals. jy2l dime INSURANCE. Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the DURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH HERM OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual. Capital and Asseti $1,2001000 DIRECTORS. Arthur G, Coale, Samuel W. Jones, John A. Brown, Samuel I. Smith, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, John R. Neff, Richard D. Woo], William Welsh, William E. Bowen, James N. Dickson, 8. Lords Wale, John damn, George L. Harritoo, Francis R. ihpe, Edward H. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. As central agent for tbd shave name i company, the undersigned , is prepared to take.Pire risks in any part of 'he State or Penusylsams, sit her annually or perpet wally, on the most lavorab le terms. Mice Third street between Walnut and Strawberry alley, Bu - ke's row. WILLIAM BUEHLER, jelo d ly Harrisburg, Pa. HAPPINESS OR MISERY ? THAT IS THE QUESTION. Proprietors of the "PARISIAN t. CABINET or WONDESS, ANATOMY and MEDI CINE" have determined regardless of expense, to bane free, (for the benefit of suffering humanity) FOUR of their most histructive and Interesting Lectures on Mar- Nage and its Dispalitkistions, Nervous Debility, Prema ture Decline of Manhood, Indigestion Weakness or De premien, Lose of energy and YualPsWers, the Great So cial Evils, and those Mal dies which result hem youth ful Jbl.les, Wears of Maturity, or Ignorance or Physt elegy and Nature's Law. These Invaluable Lectures have been the means of enlightning and saving thou sands, and will be forwarded free on the receipt of four Stamps, by addressing SCOW: ART Panama Carom or damn= An Imo" MI Broadway, New York. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. T NOW offer for sal & that valuable property situated on the corn of Market and Fifth streete, opposite Eby's residence • if not sold cm or be fare the first of September neat at private gale, it will be dbiposed off at public outer, on that dsj, on the premi..es. J. H. HAUSE. jy3l.dtd 'SPLENDID assortment of glassware just received, and br eale low by NICBOLS & BOWMAN, .1F29 Corner Front and Market streets. EXTRA family Hour, choice brand, just received, and warranted to give eatietaatica, for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, jylo Oor. Front At,Market Sta. ritIEAP 'Sugars, brown and white, New 1„,/ Orleans, Layering's, Ac., are now offered for sale, of every gr• de to Suit the I uroneser„at srt:HOL'S & BOWMAN, 1918 Corner Front and Market streets. SYRUP and Molasses, no less than eight Linde, for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, 1718 Corner FroLt and Market streets. EXTENSIVE assortment of Glassware, including Jelly glasses, Preserve Dishes, Goblets, Tumblers, Ac. , Ac., of all styles, just received and. for .ale lbw by MUMS & BOWMAN, Corner Front & Market streets. WANTED. ShirERAL Machinists. Also a stout boy in the blacksmith shop Apply at the 415-Ott RUMS WORKS. HIJACKING I fVf ASON '8 "CHALLENGE BLACKING j, too Geoss, aseirted ais.et, Just received, and lot sale at Wholesale prima, dell WM. DOCK, Jr., & Co KPILLEWS DRUG 8 IPORE ie the place to ...,r Pstrnt NPAfrih,• A SUPERIOR lot of Dandelion and Hi joi. °coffee, for We a< the More of JOIN WOW. my WHITE BRANDY FOB PRESERVING PURPOSES. AVERY superior article, (pure,) just received and for sale by WM. DOCK, JIL, do Co. OLARET WINE!!! wE are closing out a VERY SUPERIOR . LOT at, /est them cot IyB Wit.,JODOK Jr...lk CO gOLD PENS I—The lArgeet and best stock. from $l.OO to s4.oo—marmoted—et 8111WIPIIR 8 ROoftBTORIt. Superior brands of extra family flour which we warrant to give satisfaction, for sale by cuIINICHOLS & BOWMAN, Oorner Vroot and Market streets, NEW Patterns of Coal Oil Lamps, with eh the recently improved benefit for Wale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN'S my 19 Omer Front Rod litrtret %troop. TOBACco and segars of all kinds, for rale by NICHOLS & BOWMA N, Corner Front and Market Mesta. ORANGES AND LEMONS.-60 boesz Just received and In prime order. W. DUCH Y JR., & 00. BAKER'S Cocoa and Sweet Chocolate jars& at JOHN WIEW amylS, Third and Walnut New atittrtizentents CHARTER OAK. FAMILY FLO tJB. UNEXCELLED BY ANY IN THE UNITED STATES AND SUPERIOR TO ANY FANCY BRANDS OFF RILED IN PENNSYLVANIA ! .IT IS .ffApE O.F CHOICE MISSOURI WHITE WHEAT. Aar Delivered any pia oin the city, free of char g e TERMS, Cash on delivery. jY3O WM. DOCK, Jr., &Co, CLASS FRUIT JARS!! SELF SEALING. BEST AND CHEAPEST ! ! CALL AND EXAMINE. kap WM DOCK, .Ig. &CO GAITEY MUSIC HALL. Walnut Street between 2d and Bd. kOBRRT EDWARD' .........Pole Lessee and MaLager. Admission to all parts of the Home 15 cans. MORE NEW STARS IMMENSE ATTRACTION • Find appearance of MISS MOLLIE FIELDING THE GREAT FRENCH DANSEUSE, sib Whose erast.io periormanzes have received, with, ut exceptioa, toe most flattering notices from the press and the most extensive . ot the elite or N-ite Tors, Philadelphia, Boston and other principal can 5, will have the honor of making her first appeaninee f n Mar tinsburg on Monday Evening, August 11th, 1862. Re.engagement of JAKE BUDD AND DAN HOWARD, The Great Favorite, Ethlopeen Comedians, in connection who the 'STAR GAIETY TROUPE Miss Julia Edwards, Dick Berthelon. T. H. Holiis, Mat ter Perry, T. H. Donnell, Prof. Velment, Master George, the Baby Clown, Mons. De Louis and the educated dog, JENNY LIND . Doors open at 7% to commence at 8 o'clock. ganMbatts. NOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. pIUDOI PH MI,GLER, of Eaat Hanover :Lk township, offers himself to a candidate for the of hoe u OIJNTY CORtIIeSIONRit, subject to the Union Republican Thmlnating Convebt:on, and pledges him sent nomivatxd and elected, to discharge the duties of the office with thielity kill-A.4e FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. tIA DID BERS'I', of z;.outh Hanover jj, township, offers Navel( as a candidate for the nth m COUN Tit 001.6ii-SIuDIER, subject to the Union •iteptinlieen Nominating Convenient, and pledges himself if 'emulated agia emoted, to discharge the duties or she °Dice with fidelity. Jel3 desist. SAMUEL PAGE, of Swatara township, announces himself as a candidate for the (dace 01 Lounty Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Re publican County Convention. Re promises if nominate d and elected to discharge the duties of Said office for the good of the tax payers of the county. 416 dlw vine idiaLtilcuuout PURIFY THE BLOOD. NOT a few of the Wert- t disorders that afflict mankind arise from the corruption theta?. cumulates in the blood. Of all the discoveries the have been made to purge it out, none have been found which could equal in enect .vas's ODYPOITICD Earner OF OAIMPARELLA. It cleanses and renovates the blood, In stills the vigor of health into the system end purges out the humor which make disease. It stimulates the healthy inactions of the body and expels the disorders that grow sod ranale in the blood. Le extraordinary virtues are not yet widely known, but when toey are ft will no longer be a question what remedy to employ In the great variety of afflicting diseases that require an alterative remedy. Such a remedy, that could be relied on, has long been sought for, and now, for the first time, the public have one on which they can depend. Our space here does not admit certificates to show its effects. hut the trial of a single bolt to will show to the sick that it has virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken. Sufferers Iron Scrofula, gcrefutuus Swellings and Sores, try it, and see the rapidity with which it ours,. Sam Diseases, Pimples, kaiaks, Parches, Eruption efc., are soon cleaned out of the system. St. Anthony's lire, Rose or Epysipdas, 2rdier or Sett Rheum, &aid Head, Ringworm, he., should not be borne while they can be to speedily cured by ATER'S SAR:APARILLA. Bypheiias or Venereal Diseases Is expelled from the stem by the praonged use of this Sassaramme, and patient is tat A 3 healthy as if be had never bad the Aside Di leate3 are eaueed by scrofula In the blood, endue generally /non cured by Lis Exraecr or SARSA PARILLA. Price $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. Per all the purpouts of a family physic, take AYER'S CATHARTIC Ima, which are everywhere knewo to be the brio purgative tout it offered to tee America. Peo ple Price 26 cents per Box, or 6 boast fur Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYne. & Co., Low 11, kiwis. and so .d by Druggists everywhere. Sold by C. A. Rinvdrt, I). W. Gros g & Co., 0. K. Bel ler, J. M. Leta, Dr. Utley, F. Wyeth end dealers every- Where. POMADE au E FOR MING MO MOUSTACHES, KELLER'S LRIMS-Toßg eiDER HI VINEGAR !1 ! MADE from choice and selected Apples, and guaranteed by us to be strictly pure, ets-e M. BOOK & DANDELION COFFEE I—A Fresh and largo supply of this OskthrsZed Coffsei set received by Pa) Wit. WU dr., k CANNED Tomatoes and Green Coin, at JOHN WMOn. myl 'I "TARA JELLY.—A large supply just 11" • 1.13, •I.lU"' " k") A PP! ES, Oranges and Lemons, at JOHN Am. woos. yoyl THE first in the market, just received sad hr ode b 7 WM. DOCK, Xi, & CO. El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers