THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE-BERGNER TERMS.--Sneaui Fxrimmtenos The Dens - TZUGRAPEI to served to subscribers in the City at 6 cents per meek. Yearly • subi' l jetibefesirlit be charged IP 00 iti adTancel•: - •••., Wzzertiertoiliso WEEKLY The Tzttesarn ti also pubihrhed Wilco a week during session of the Legislature, and weakly during the 1-malodor Of the year, 'and furnished to subscribers at the fobowinginuth rates, viz: Tingle .nbsoribers per year OemiWeekly. SI. 60 Tell (t' is • • .12 00. Twenty' ti•a4ir ..22 00' Single, subscribers, Weekly ma LAW or NEWSPAPERS. If anbsrrlbers order the discontinuance of their news paperathe publisher 'may continue to send them until arrearSges are paid. If subsoribers neglect or refuse to take their newsps pars from the office to which they are directed, they are responsible until they have settled the bills and ordered them discontinued. . .` HELMBOLDISGENUINE PREPARATION ..HIG LY CONORNTR A tea" - COMP( ONO FLUID EXTRAL'I' pup au, A Poolilve.and Specila • ' For Diseases o[_ - the I - ILAMDER, W.IttIircS,;.G.RAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELL I NGS..' , , This Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and excites the ABSORBENTS int. healthy action, by which the WATERY OR OALOAREOUS depositions, and . all UN NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are reduced,'Se well al PAIN AND INFLAMATION, and is good for MEN, WOMEN OR,CHILDREN. lIKILMBOLD'S EXTRACT &MHO, , For Weaknesses ' , Arising Brom Exacting, Habits of Dissipation, Earlyin discretkak or Abuse. AITMEIDED.WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : IndispOsltioii to liliartion, - Loss of Power . Lists of-Memory; • Dillioulty of Breathing, Weak; Nerves, • Trembling, Horror of Disease,. Wakefulness, Dimniiiis ci . 'Vision, . Pain in the 'Back Univeisal Lassitude or the Muscular System, Hot Bands,' • Flushing of tile Body Dryness of the Skin; Eruptions on the Face PALLID COUNTENANOE, • - These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this med !eine invariably removes, soonlollows ' IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC la_ ,Ts IN ONE OF WHICH THE PATIENT MAT DMIRE. Who can say that they are 'not (rowdily followed by those "DIREFUL DISEASES," "INSANITY, AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware of the'canie of their suffering, . , EUT'NONEWILL CONFESS'. THE RECO. Rte_or THE INSANE ASTLUMS , . thisErtkritcdoly Deaths by Gbraiptutptiory nicsishmiud married TO TEI mum dr rail AMOSIWION, THE CONSTITUTION ONOr: AFFECTED WITH ORG4NIC WEATE ,4I 4 Requires the aid orniedicine Ostrengtheithad Invigorate the System, Whichi Haanonds. RETRACT 'BUCIFIC tuwariably dde A TRIAL WILL croimpe 11211.X0FIT SEXPTICIAL. • • • • ~IpIATIP-9.--FEMALES-11SMAle g oi, t•LD iftikEi):' obiiTiaink : TING MARRIANE, , ;.IN MANY ANFTLIYONB- pEoutreß YOYEMALES, Itztraot.Stlehil is unequalled by any other remedy,. as in Mblorolds - or Retention, Irregularity, Painftiblem, or . Suppressio Customary Evacuations, Uleerated •or Scirrhotta state it.thillUtertis, Letkioilices ;Whites, Stern ity, and for all complaints incident to she smr, !tether arising from Indiscretion,'Habita or Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR OR4ROE .01:4Mg; . . . NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITI*7 rfl Loam moigaitram,. Mlovar , oA .1734743A51TMED1 QINI I'OR VAPIJA-Stan 'AND MidUMW DIrIC I:IHELJEBOLD'S EXIBACI' tlalll7 = SECRET DISEASES.c ..• In an their Stages, At little Expeue ; Little or no change In Diet ; No inoongenielskr, And no Airposure. It CMOS a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions. • Previinting arid OnrinOtrictores of, preatiii, Allaying Pain..andinitladimation,: BO' fluvieet in the. Mese ot^disetutee,tand•nexpelling IP:(As*,,?;ipss e4 s,g and soar/Pout Matte.. • . • - oi 1-motrettati uneztitionhanne I ' • IifHOLIi&VB BERM - THE TIOrtaigO.PS24:4:O2CE,.. and who have - lurid -ake. , Megue: hi% be anted 'in It . time, hive dbund they , were' d ecuited; add that the: O POt. PONn bas t by the ulie of glioiriiikon Arritniamils, P; been dried up In the system, to bream' out in an aggravated AFTE : # ,1114414414.94; _ . Use IticuemOillilissuovliolilu;SSor sk.saricruani Wd TIIKINAWITOIWANS, whethermlialutinw, r.: MALE OIECPEI,gAA.K . From whabiver atoolloilethating HOW LONG STA NDIAA3t t ' • Diseases nu:these tirgankTreeeireiliSiiidi t EIHRIFROLOSFICTRAOT;BUOITTi - • • I/3 THRORRATI:TOREg issi ;" And is certain to have the desired effect hi air ea FOR WHICH /T I 3 RECOMIII4IDEOt ' . , . Bride= of the most reiiable issiVivaskindbis ikciia:cter will accompany the medice B . CERTIFICATES OF CURE/1, 1 • 20 yearn etardetur' Wita Names irstrOor SCIENCE AND' FAME. Price-$1 00 per bottle, or sit for $6 00. Deltrermlitto any NAdreas, 'securely obser 'ration. r. r. • DESORD3E SYMPTOMS iat COMMOMIOATIONS. Cures Guaranteed I - Advice Gratis I . . AFFIDAVIT: j i f _Personally appeared Wore me, an Alderman of !the elly of Philadelphia, Ei. T. Haranioup, who . belng dnly sworn, Both say, his preparations contain no "narcetict„.no table mercury, er other iniurioun drugs, but `are purely vege- . . • H. T. HOBLIEBOI.D. Sworn and imbeeribed bitore i nie; '2lkt IA7 or No' vember,U64. WM. P. HIBBERD, Alderman,, e kikktliat. above Bace'indla. ..... Address, letrers i er . Aefded ' ioe° cuaildenVkla) XIELIII34LD, Chalk Derrat;.'Hl4 Seidl% Tenth BC' bal. Oheetnut. Phil , 1131t.WAKM OF coukrzluntries n.AND;IINPRINCILPLED DllitutEs; Who endeavor to dispose 4 ios, ;ma -amt' and "Oman" merman of, 'r®BKPOTAXICiIi ATLI/211D BY Helmbold's Genuine Preparation e, if f Lat.rnot •Thichn u ' I.4roved Ruse lyaah,. , ! Sold by C. K. Keller, D. W; Gioia. W yeth, A. WW t v likuuwart. • - . AND Atl2DDßuciii,:gri4vEziririlsitz:' ASICIOIMIADMMVS. TANG NO OTDED: Oat out theadvertleement,and-senctior AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND'IIKPOSURE. novlSAlly =' l-- DENTISTRY . 4 ttlNEgraduate of -,the. DR . G' . •' ‘ 0 r HalthnOre College of Dental 0111 4 60; manentty located : inthe city of Harrisburg and takeirthe face formerly occupied by Dr. Dergas, „on Third street, between bliiket,and' Walnut ; Saspenfulfy,. informs hie friends andVlepiabliis Jew:Mend, that IM iet prepared perform alkepgralloite in the Dental profmntion ' either eureka ioi• meninanciii, in , a, manner that Wall not be suipasse(browatois In this or a n y other otty.: Mode of ineerthig 'artifiaMl pelFt4 . lll'lmon the jaunt. im proven scientific' principle. Teeth from'one tO A Da slft mounted en due .Goldv Enver, Ruins illateiCottlie.Vnicanite;ioane. •• ' • I lake groataileasnre In recommending the above gen tleman to all my, forma Mends of nHarriebrog and vi cinity and feel confident that he ,wlllTerform all 'Opera! acne In a . 501 ontitio manner; from -my :knowledge of hie ability. [filyS.dtfl F. J.S.. GIORGAn. 1)41 S. REMOVED. , d,OHN B, SMITH HAS removed Lie Boot and Shoe Store fromrom corner of second and Walnut' dzeitteto NO. 108.--.. MARKET STREET, Next door to Bityneengricoltore Siete, where he intends t o kappa kin& t or BOOM a^d •Shhee;'(liiit ens, 'aro. and large atoolo.ofTrinikvandwoorytlitnir Idelbieof minion ;• and wilt be therocfnlAo receive the patrimege his old cuntomers and the Anal& in general at Ma new pbtoe of Inwlnees. All kinds of work madetto order beat idyle and by iinperioi Workinen:lteiniirfnir done at sh ort n o tice,. rapr2dtg JOBB, B. 8.111711. OREAT ATTRACTION I CALLat No. 7.5 ,Market Street, where you eini Anwieferid od well ' selected rperr of "earn and fre:ioir Confeetllntery id' ill kirldi. A great :ve• nary or toys or efeififewiptioit, Ladies' Wors. Mande sad V Fancy Bask e t s , Foreign ella; Nnte, Dates and all ..._other artmles generally gala in a oentectionery and 'toy .. " " ' R "ewing fresh:supplies *Weir "weak . Clalt and agasatoefur yourselves. Wi t. WAGIKINKR aprlB.l6te P oprietor. _. .. ryas largest and moat iiitiviive'aasol: i_ moat of gl gg ixt g o cur uut reovigh, anf, ". MO YOU /OW, Ary = .--_. mulitid i sangt, , Ni - " 6 = - Corner Front alaltoteraelostreets• _____ - - - - - ikTEWBOLD .Bmalt 9F 1 thisevaebr -a waii Jul . *.4 • -..1 W N 'IC. Ti.. ft__ -w ail, or, Lt. Y a, r LAWNS itllti Catsup, for role aL JORN WlartS. aklY r V. 1 r , . Ii BM NM 1 VOL. XVIII fitintlicintoi4 WM.. KNOCHE, 93 Market street, Barrisburg, P q , • DEALIIR 121 ".- . • 3E" I NEW ROSEWOOD : IIOpp, from this bee makers, from $2OO upwards. r ,t mELoDEtws.- • THE BEST MANUFACTURED INSTEU- MEM FROM. $445 to POO. Guitars, Violins; AccOrdeonit, Flutes, -. Fifes, Drums, Ranjog, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar etiings and musi cal • • ONEET 31117,131 C. TJIE LATEST PUBLICATIONS always han;cl: l- Music sent ty alai to any part ot Country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT/ AND ROSEWOO ' FRANCES, Suitable for looking , glasses, and all kinds of pictures alwayspn band. . .1 A fine assortment of bestTlated LOOKrN - G. IiFLASSE From riiirallest to largest sizes. Any style of frame , made • to ordesr at shortest notige., 5 J WM. SI4OOIIB, 98 Market street. febl9•wesly #C 4 *-1- 1 1.1ad * WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. trAvING %aced thz Coal Yard, foot o jut: North street, lately occupied by 011). Foster, ' lam enableh to supply tba public irk!' a - : COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE DIFFERENT VARIETY AND SIZES OT. C;i1.1111..9.M ' •_ • ; FULL ' .WEIGHT ;ALWAYS ,GUARANTEED. (hairs rupsotfally eolirdemi=.which, if lift at Lthe office, loot or N,orth etreet, or at the, ogee Wirt. Dock', Jr. h Co., metro prompt attention. GILLARD DOCK. LIFE iN AN fI;F;. The Girard Life Insurance, Annuity stnd Trust Company of Philadelphitt. OFFICE NO. 408 CIMTIffII 821LEET. dAPITAL $1,648,886 , .I.THODLIE;BIDGWAY, President JOHN i..aeitss; 4 . tuary, , , ONTINUE : to -make INSURANCE ON on the tiOstre*naKe terms: .1 ftieY tat is , Executors, Trustees and' Guardians, under last Wills. and its Receivers aact Assignees. " The capital being paid ><p and Invested, together with . a largeland omistantly More ming reserved fund; offers a perfecli seatuty_ to the (mired. The readmits inalbe.paid yearly,'lultryear!y. duar.: terty. '• ihe tmpi r. ry add al BOffilff,.periodloaffy to the luau. . . rums tor The AITEIST BO VD4.itiiProfitintsd in De. (lamb.* 1844, 04i190)ND BM WS In December, 184 9, .the THIRD Bo=B in becember;lBs4, end the FOURTH BONUS 1859. these additions-are-made. without - quirinOny increase a the premmite id to the Company. The fhllowhgAre a,few expnple3 froei!the Register,: ;, .. Amount offodcrand . ~ `..' Sum . Emus or .bonna .tobminoressed Poliej. Innared. , adtbilon by intim additions. L N 0.89 991500. $ 987'59 01 182 [ - woo , . 1 , 0 6 0 to " 199 1000 400 00 is 33 8 MOO 1,875 00 Agent at rriaburg and vicinity; 'Jo-ay aosis mirizEt_ Confectioneryt Fruit Store, THIRD STREET, NEAR W/LISIIT Hariisbarg, Pa. _ coNFEonowT . ORANGES 0) tp4l4ol4lki L PINE AP-R 14181 BAN4NA 41342 , 11. AAD.SAL •FigH, dn.lll And orynit.iilude,lrongAt d ect, front e -Fantein ni(d Wire 41 1 ,s Od d*lni my paionai initiervitiOn;'lunr,nnablidg te snit st,,letter and cheaper article than 'shy In the mitrket.„, ja=, Orders - from ii,dlatanee'ntiended In..prlompi l lk,, soOda dediered to any part'Orlkepityrronoir "Aar ge. -..F.0.2.114041NED C pie FRIONV-oonetaxitik on land Give I. O. ' " " DM] visa. PARKHILL, 'M B R esn _ G - T:T: Bird door 6?thB;Tdegre f fr.fistal . :• - igettp); tlel STVIEZ, 43 4 11 /VITS, Ablic . b - raptor tr,a,ote. fl4cd up,wita,cati, L ead and Iron - pik fait wtrr i ha r e...'4 ,Laiukekj..llY.. beams, Bitte.Nbs, 4.'irearieTerce'eleap%'Witer" ukvietli; Lead an 4 Iroltriiktfer_wareaaaesuie.--steara...-4- share hubtiO Patron4g4 , 4 ( 1 ; , efi1r5447.5'5 01 144t...4,2 411 : /sort: Pr'mPti,"`"4"4.-Vi: bliL/TARTCLiAIikt! , BACK PAY.. 86110 1,71, 'PENSION IC SIMISTENCE • ••- VIIGENE 13ndliwi, . .Attorney . Law; lettuitenurgilfs., will. attend Ipe Of nary claims,. , under, the. act, of, deethOlk,'of`. f' AOC ' Beek' lief . oictaige4t and...deceased eoldlera.- nounty under z sac ef . Ofarblld; Irdt 24,18e1.: .Pensioncend alinik3 for isabiletebee;dio. ' • ' • jylo4l3m • CUMBERLAND VALLEY niSTITUO FOR Y,0111:G GENtLEM.EN,,. JfECHANICSBURG, _ :;1: REV. 0. EGE & SONS. Afe , kiDELIC AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. **Ale t i t m l r ulttitria?"'}Amv-war• nary, $75 to $BO per **won. prfiend for a anular. '. : ';,l•s• 0-* P E N : l)._U N:-.:31:,,i125 . .ii'..f.,:i. k: IA.11-L I:`;'..•N .i'- HARRISBURG, PA, MONtIAY','AItaitNedN:IAUGUS'T 18, 186 . 2 ", ;, •': r,,,,1 NICHOLS :21 7 !WHOLESALE AND RETAIL G h 1 M- 1 1. 11 ti tf. Cornet front Stark.* Street • • ITATURTRBIntrik- PFLIF/F% 9 RESPEC'I'I3 4 I!LT the Atiention of p. the publie to ; their lar,e atid•well.elleeted stock Ot 6 . 110P 1 / 6 8, Filigl6l .AliD DO fiESTIC FRUITS, Including' among Others, 'SYMMS • • . •-•:•':•• 'A - • SPICES, a• LEMONS, AO., &O. I EWER,- I .. FISH, ' • f, SALT, BACON, ' - LARDA. - : Cl 7 -7 ": SLITTER, &a Wei inv!Oian .exainination of, our: eaperier:.. JAION EXPLOSIVE , COAL Theibeetiri jrfeiig " y , ! i tiiitOdi,' to gettier kinde- of a. CLAMPS, ; SHADES;. %yr"- ICKS . and, 'GLASS CONES, Cheaper than any place. les-4 _.keexie/nny. We keep on,nand atwayaall kinds of CEA SE AND WILL lON WARE All etylee,antikitidenf „ QllEFAhliafrk AiiYALAUWIRE, at the eldanntd,NlO , pq . 1 ` aCoktei lltini - and •A _OA Ste. . . BOOKS -Fti.t.„F,A,RMEES, rg HE ittentionkof _L to , the, fel/Owing !.worlts;lwriich will enable them , 4 6 increasix „ tite:.quantity.and value , ot. their .propg by -.adding maim= tind -, thwexperil 'Meats of others to' their experilidce STEkSEN'S BOOK 'OF THE; FAR**, ' Calling all the labeits of husbandry" and' thertfest , Way iciperf •rni - thi3ni.- .B'o COLEMAN'S A.G.IIIOIILIIIRE Real ' Economy -,••• ; " ' 400 LANPISOAPE GARDENING, by'Alleif..: .1 00 THE!IeARMIaI'S COMFANION, by 76 LECTURES ONuPfIACTIOAII AGRIOUL= " TUBA; by iolmettin 2 q ) /41 THE AblEitidAN,L.Azh23 Mit/ andrini-' versa handbook; "ealsiiiiiitegrpa..4;so AN- FwebY 221 E - 1 -11013 OF MANAGING_ BEES, I.y WersEur. - . - .7n111 4 9::'? 2 9 the Nature and Treapuent'ej Diseaseas, Cattle, by Dada . 1 00 LEIS.IG'S AGSICOLYIJRAI CHEMISTRY, 76 Mliza WIY.S" 41.111 X AIKIVEARMING,_ ;. and the production - of milk, butter, cheese, by F1int.........,....,., 160 GRASSES =AND -- F ORAGE. ( tych 1 50 SAXTON'S HAND-BOOK, containing the Horse, the co*, the pig, fowls, Sto. l Az,. 00 THE. .I'`ARiliEt S''DICTIONARY e,MI gra6-„, tical Farmer , by .. . ALLEN'S DONimTIO „, ;75 THE 'FIELD' BOOK OF .71 :`L&NUIa or American Muckßabk:..: .' :.:... z .1 26 -THE ,HORSE" .1i":1;k: Jennings. , '" . ...I; AO YOU4n DriTHL HORSE, • , „1 - 2 1 6; HIND'S FARRIERY and 5TUD800.4,...1!00 lIORSESIANSHIP ' and' - therßreakirig' and ~ Trainirig'of Horses.. . .. StaAdard Books, School Books; and every, thing in thti"stsitio6erY line, at lowest' pri*, at BERGNER'S h CHEAP - BOOK SI'ORK" IfIcOLINTOCE'rIEd6RAL AYEUE, 'His IN#AIRABLE l SYRUP; vnuesa 1 entirely vegetable in its c,ompositiony has been ;employed .with - wlittilelftfrstiobbis for many:years in thje Furetof AStfalles fegthfilA.llt PASs4FES mid LIMICitI. 'hlori4ny fd f thb 'disease such as COUGH, ..TIaBLING of the SPITTINQ * OP', ISPIQQD,,,AIgyI z , cuur BilkitinKinoAstms,lzsis VOICE, and ILEUM PEVIIIST - its use will be attended with the:: happiest : , results. It is one q the „boat and safest-metli4ntaifox o all forms oCIAIONOIIIS; 0 1 ),CONSILWP : RIQN,, Ne'kultniziddr . PreFffi4 of Pi4uPlittk:rll)-42Pe 0 1 ,0 14 i ll filT• 'PAIOR s loo Pmai BO SFTOBor sale at BERONER'S 011u2 BOOK E. $8,887 50 4,050 00 1,400 00 8,575 00 111.0. Air*, NO. .'18; . .; '4'll )1.1: , I IT A DRTHBUEG: • ' igarritrumilar attoiltioniinitd , to Binding I of-Atgdlroad Binnktylidndegtai?onciadyelatinkii; Drafts, UA l o 3 .'irlittedat SA.S!ii-545.: 1 04,5A Per housanOin elegant ..)20„ CAMP WRITIMIQOABES, e : _ ENVELOPESI.t E, 1 `PENS AD'PEN OILS. Just the:thing to cirryittithe'mapaaok Price com plete, oily 88 senior./ or sale - itt . • BER9NER'S , HFiti Book. STORE. LA FPED NovrOrleanteintkpii itltiheap' beannital atticle, Ear inteltiy'; 7 +. NIOLIOAA! BowvAv i jr,s , Coyne.; Threntaod,Market, 40083 0 ETERSIVk " NiAk " , EidOkkhihg i:ot,toi . ieoefved ny, Apr' sate by - :? r - f L 3 ICHOi4 , .je2 ; Oorner Front eintliiilieteiteileng.l, ir)iteA.P fee..all icincia.i=tof machinery, 11- '"r°9 l itta # 4 / 6 P lArcit r aini jel9 *brner Friq , ad felercet BKFA PAST =BACONN :T . I A -Vedis6.liiioiOcit, eq4al to the reel6im'' /tug ibittlifOicti'Vdtkohti f , Jute re Oived. Jyks - s' • oh M. L OOK, ". • II3BftIOINING OiFfeii-1111 kinds of ma stibischlttreozot*ifeElibitiles;4ore.skis meirltAi 4.5"wq44.1.-.1 i el9- "4, `" 47 l! 7, s e irrTl L a n : d, WA' - . j - Abßa metal, a good alici*Violo 'SAW low t by A la roans, A. Z. COSBOf South and Penn, and 17 south Ones, ruaa. iyai cum* 111111 itttuittWite , • " • IMMMI t, i .1' '4, . ..7!' MEI _ . . !hie V erbeke Etilles.;--List tor •Rilled • i and Ws4 l fl li 1 i IS'kq 1 .s,akl ,• Correspondence fg,tne , 6 ,IEGEAPa.Y } UEAD Qirminsei, fin Be. I:Drv, 2D ARMY -'11•CORPB, Amor by IF:,& 01711.6PPICR, - VA., t , August 14,'82: i d, w o unded and missing of Company D, beke Rtaisy4iittillO g 't Va.VOI.; taken from official regimental: report : ' ' t " • lit wl ll l : l3 n lla t r ,i.3 l: lu tte r : ig peo ,fil lENl Dl 2 24 t n 4 f;:::: 9o l ii y ge i y .xi a 0 i n a1i c :F r L f :;: ,.. :1 7. 1 :136141 , 1 t . . 1 (3 ::: 1 : 43 :: rperal Alexander Rhoads, Ungiestowh. 5 11. :1VateBenjamili 2 DOneY, Georgetown.'' . I ,t "I'Ll - " - ' woMmin. Illarg.' j'. B. Potiger, ankle, , Halifax. 'Corp: John Yeager, and shoulde r, flri gliatoirra,T, . w. 0 .1. % . ..f ; , I 44 ' TkiV#te Thos. 14% „thigh, Carlisle: , i ,i h I `.` S. Pawiy,..side, leingkearo,wn., i -. .1, . Matthew Tailor, knee, Beiges. a I" , 4 , Joseph. Albert, thigh,'Willieibarre: i" ~ ‘.. J. Xillinger, shoulder and leg, Liu , :' .; . giofitomn.,, 4, •.. 4 ' • '• .1 A IJames Shannon, thigh,;Briffalo. . r..! ' Alex : W. OrthYleg„ Harrisburg... „„1. 1` 4,3,- Jacbb Good, leg, missing, Linglai -4 , n-th . ...:, ',,i. -, ~.. ' , lrr ' ' ,'I ~i l'? •', y geant S. Bernheisel, wounded and missing, Ha isburg. , 'C rl3Bral Tikal wounded l . !' - 's4S , iinget;'', and 1 , 1 -.. 1.1.• r, Prk , .ri 1. , 3''. moral Satauel,o.-Ntioe,./ missing; Halifai. mj P " T:te ;H J a e l 4n. ife;x ;:kti - 1 1 Z VZ f''' i ' l36 - /,' ng:Hea - ii ' 6ll. ''. ' p vete. John Hobser, missing , , Manada. -,' . 1 P P '2 t te e l * W i l h . i l3 '6 ao i: h iffi to ll iiti, ill in li i a ili fi fig : ; l° N ri ii ;3 w is6: 'll l4 n g f: P vote .I,ol4l.Geiger,. missing, Kaneda.. r P ate LeviNey, missing, Lebanon efluntY i Prlvate Win. Businser _missitig4lislifig,.. - PrifilW crniiitli, inieeing, Duncannon. Pr vete Joe . Sollenberger, missing, Harris- P.lil . ' - ..,, t r vate Wm. Selfred, missing; Birdsboro. ~.,. Flvao H. Weidensall, wounded and mix sing,t Morgantown.- ' . .-- • . • ' ' • Prvate Solo/non Tromleei-rshmiogi Duncan non. . - ' r,l - • • ,tia geant Bernheliel and private Smith have catme into camp—they havp boen,paroledn- PPlh qffei*Aecr, ,f an Major,' B ei , taptied horn this company, L. R. Witman, Is a prilf aer. but unhurt. - f" - a . , ...:. • . . e 711 kW' a. W • =MIME .g - - -• 6- {f Fiat' fooF iioinfog .Idiiioi. ' F . 4 : 0'...g . "V - 4V.lTi4iiiL Captore of an Xag fite#uaar CPI wan '7,omr,f Ang:? . .l. goy West 'later' s' rephiV. the capture o f the EngliSh steamer ColumbiaTwithu cargo of forty - ArMstrong,gtms, sey i eni thipitipidWeld riftas i 013iy 1 brit,Tiket s; add other articles intended for the 'rebels, by the U. S. gitilboat Santigo de o** ~ T PIPtCO4LEekia)IB a 4e3vlion propeller of fonituridred tons barthen,.and, the cargo cost $.261,000. • t ' lll4 feteiiiikitii Daniel &stet` h as arrived train" Harrison's Landing- with"hundred and `twenty-nine sick soldiqrs,u,C,', yFr ciin PhiladelEthia First Deliver] of Om:duo:4,l'or Spring- fteldlisskiida aft , "LI , • Artgrist 171 11:11 4e i tarr-beeiiqtdtb•#'llvelkc i trite*rinig privatcliontrAotoni'f6fiiliing"kirmg!tield in keit, itiregnrik tyirkegaiiiip fir s t to'de• liver the first 'toe. thU"-govpanient. This hat 'been 41:tiehdbitlit3 T 13iiileabna• armory._ 'Tee terdayl one thousand - grthrffreflrelliefed the Z. 13. arsenal of fir most pirlf , s_ctltork:MEidshig i 441 gp Passiskribikent*isikaoti without re: jeptipEi a single weapon, • Proprietors o",„9,keA rc i littitokoll i cplOtiAted- the event byuitibilinkPli iWitte,ele 84 guns•rind other J0)11010014 the 700 worknien of the establishosent.took part. The arsenal is no i sy urnie i on gt gankat thepte i er 100 frier dal; 'ani•Vill' the ataltionii to the Machinery now in progress will soon increase top) pevdayi Thel'l9 310 3 1 0 05, forming :,heret now . are conrestißK 4 18444 whiehr,sball,,be _supplied , with the first regiment rani tend in will! probably obtain_the ;thousand! al read' delivered. d • "I : TWO S - DAYB 4 LATEE Mit NEW DitokrAit,it..a:. Rom ,tiZIERLL =I itholejesiffinletejoir-thi Eelief of the Sufferinctoor. Y. M71, - 4!, Saxon, f4om,,,acw....Orleatta on foot viaW A on the,9 l o e , arfived. at Yuriiia , Whe' l 4r - advica are twoidays later. On t he htki, three ateasure-i.ar4y9dettP,' , ll(lo Orleans witil i fi rittr, k allefiddwit : 'Creolii, 9,000 tiblii.';')itoanoke, 2,700 bblart-Blaekstone, 8,186 bola Arid 888 Isa, c 4 i , 3:L481,3.4;946 bide. and 38 latticeE4l4g rising 1$ 000 pt4l, • . Gen3)3lttler'han t:4 ,fc li ttVg•.iir tint 'ol,4e;!Prifi arding, the 0 11 0. ( Athe; po?rg r , • liirttarektrirns; brammunittAis'asealiktilffl; .14 cy.ffe44l, 3 Aug-sk, t18326!4; 7,11.111 Onnas., No. 86.—1 s appears that . witLogeselteftitowtheideitttlitelpeor bfitlie fisSaVfiluirea mime extended zneasnies and greater q uires than have yet been made. It becomes a queetlun in justice upon whom should this burden fall. ClNiki - g - '',:. '':: • .L',i . ,„l. - r- , .::: ..:', ..•..i: '..:', - -, ~._-'',: i ...:',-,•;',., - ~ ...„ • •i• , , I - f ::- _ . ~ 4, .• N Lf TK A L I *NONI WNW Ctitry4. ME for the Rebels oagiAsL ; li .1 BUTlikß:,` =MEI m=l:E=ll REM 01 - early' upon . those Who have brought this great calamity their fellow eitiiens. It shouldlinotl be borne by:tiikEition of the whOle municipality, because the _middling, and working men , have player heen,heard at Lthe ballot -- box, nnamied by thiciattiand unmenaeed by ,Thngs and paid l'assassini"iif { against. peact :and good order. 7 Beside, More than, the , vote whiCkwas,elaitnettilor ;secession. hare taken 9iii'intibuof allegiapee to the United , States. The - United States doverimierit does its share when, It protects, defends and preserves' the People in , the enjoyment law, order and 'calm qiiiet. Those who have brought' ripen the city this stagnation of 'business, :this desolation' of the rearth-stone, this starvation of . the poor, and helpless, should, as far as ; they roam bsaable, kelievedistfeases.' .. There are tivicithisses'liiheo it would - sewn pe culiarly fit. should at; first, contribaci tes these individuabl and•corporations who; have indef.! the rebellion with their ,means;, end, seeorid, those' who have endea vored .to deatroy the commercial prosperity of city, utinn :which the Welders of inhabitants de-' tends-1 : - s "4.1 - -. 4 1 Iris brought to the knowledga of the Corn , mending Genera thatii imbscrintion of $1,250;-: 000 was made•by the corporate bfidieS,' business' firma and mesons whose names„arethet.forth in schedule "A.," annexed to this outer, and. thAt sum Placed in the hands of an illegal, body known•its 'the "Committee of Safety, for 'the treasOnable; porpoise Of• defending the city 'against, the .Gpvernment of. the 'Dated States; under Whose_ humane rule the city of New Or leans hid' enjeyed such unesampledprosperity, that Iserviarehouteis were filled with the 'trade of all_nationa who came to 'share her ircedocti; to, take.part in the benefits_ of.,her.connnerciai sutletkiritY; end this she was Coale • the repre- SentatiVe mart•of the woad.: ' The stupidity and watehffiffiesil With wh ich this innn.4oe cum was_spent was;only equalled bytlielolly which led to its being rased at all. The subricriber's to this:fund, by, this .very. act, betray their treationable r dertigricand'their abil ity,to pay at Iczat a Muck; suralle'r toiler the relief of their deaths*, ant starvingsneigh hors_ ".1" is , t a list, of, cotton . ; brokers, who, claiming to control t hat"great - intere.t., in New prleans; hitt& 'sh e'ie so Much indebtad t for her. wealth, published in the u ewspapefir in Octohef, 186,1, a coaaiitesto deliberately advising the planters not ,tik ; b:iLlg their, produce to , the city, ,a,measure which 'btought ruin at the same time infant the producerand the This act, sufficiently:testing the Malignity of thoad trai ors as well to.4o,Oovernweit" as; thele.neig,hbors and , it, is to , be regretted that is it ir , awlity . td j reifeie their fellow-citizens is not equal to that `talicitiewtor then's. In fazing both these classes toreifeve - the ,Orleanar-aca, : even though 'eta • ' t',l ‘ 2e sh i thAA ' v e lL -, i74 1 171 -1 :414we: ..i.thrimnatrzwat—i-t,..1, be roves b e to mike a, mistake Bavaria, having the asSess'-: merit* casy,and the puT4pq..4ov , 14,00. 1 ,, 1:r It hetheiefore`adered= FirsiThitt the `same' thiehedulialf annexe 4; marketi..L'A7 , and set against' the names of the several persons, business Jennie and cor porations therein descrihA, ,be and hereby are asseasedution each respeotiiely. Seciod—That Bard sums be paid to Lielit. *id ct;trield,• FinanciakClerk at his Office in the Custom House, on or before Monday; the 11th inst , or. that the property of-the-delin quent, be forthwith .seized.apd sold- at - public auction • `to pay - the amount, *l4 if necessary charges and expenses, or 'the patty imprisoned till paid. . • - money, raised:by this ;assessment to be 'a kind for the , purpose of „providing em ployment and food for the 'deserving poor. peo ple of:New' Orleans: • ' • - Ey order of Major General:Butler. • • , - B.,pAVIS i Capt. and.A.,A.A.-41. Theanpunts thus assessed in Schedule among the subicriberi to the one million and a quarter loan is $812,746i26 ; and the amount assessed onlho list of cotton brokers, who advised the brirning of cotton, amounts , to the sum of $29,- r 29oi all of which IS pillared! to be paid as above From Cumberland Gap. : The Reported Defeat awl Capture - of ''.' tU Federal Trod ]Fah Bobbin' Repulsed with' }roan Lois • THE UNION.. .A.HIIIII .:4IICCESEFUId. irrp 3 j a.t.15 Ji.azTerfyiDivislortQuarterinaster, , has just artientifrorn,Cnooerland .Gap,; on Vie 12th ioit.; sivirtg an authentic ftco.oll4t, the recent engagement there. Gens -DeCousey's --brigade' was attacked by l3tevensen'A rebel.divnaon the.9th' at Tue. well, and Col: Cochran's Fogrteenth.)Kentacky. regiment whipped . fOur rebel regiments. Cook ran *Wide - iire until they were within one nnetttedand4i.fty yards; and 'cheeks:ld their ad-.` van" ; The Federal loss; es three killed • and fifteen wounded; and liftragrißtlit,7tarcraik thenth ;regiment taken tdok a rebel Lieut e nant Colonel; .whom weexohanged for;the:flfty-seven prisoners. The rebel caters adnAtteditioiii of two hundred' na fifty killed and xottnded.- We took 'two hundred and tofrthen..wagenJoads of forage and seventy nelnetkWe, log the knapsacks of two regi niiiite. '" • ' ' • EIME There ha's been no fight it Big Cieek Gap as riziportediAionank.other engagemeut in the -vi cinity of-414P ce•Fazawell,.than.tpe foregoing:. ttip i rekiprO t lf 4tber. angtigsAkeotiii.*Pd l Pf titaedtting - to Wees of 'Gen. Carter's and Cut Bird's tintefi tAilitieri'fiiq' Gen. Morgan hadlistuci a special order Wink , . frig Gene. AaCeirgey ; and Cochran: or.theirial, iautry. . papep give a list of 189 retie killed at TaseWelf. • ' - ' - I"L' The Louisville: and Nashville 'tallies/1 has been recently so, much tignageci bp the ramie in the vicliallysfdallatin, by blowing, up tun elaaai iieitr'bi , itig'britig4;:thatilio or Ttbiet; weeks will ba-it - quirOdAblteiliii - Railroad cOuiwuiil n.Wit t lk Nashville; Via:. the Eilg , ..4.9 1 0.114!r94,1yi . 4 toouertow. "" ig4A l jg,is , r;4; L Y LA 8 - .5 E E 8; ? - 11F all sizes, patterns and prices, just receded and for ads by . 1 Ws. DOCK, Jr.,:k UO ME NO. 91. Louisuan, - Aitz 1&. ppm -priutfitg firt gotrig torocuredStelan Power Prewar, vreare'prepar ed to execute JOB and 8008 PRINT,NG of every description, cheaper th.n It .an be done at any other etablithment in the couctry. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Sly• Four lines or-- 103 S constitute enshalf square. Right lines or more than four constitute a square. Half `.square, one dip.... $0 26 one week 125 . " ens month a three months 400 .. 814 months 800 44 one y,ar 10 00 pneequare, one day 50 one Week -200 one month 6 00 Cr three months.... 10 00 six months. 16 00 ,5 one year 20 00 /Fiy- Rosiness notices ioserted In the Local Munn or before MardagesundrDentbs, XIGHT - pkNr, PER L INE for eachintertion. ..' ' " ' - ii:ir Marriages and Magus to be Charged as regular advertisement* •ROM KEN'TIJOKY, MESSAGE OF GOV. MAGOFFINI I • I FRANKFORT, Ang.l6. Avatoor Magotfin's . message to the State -411te plig Agin* condemns the invasion of ttie State by, ohn hiorgapt and.says the. Southern Bights med disapProve of it He reviews the present poillion. pf Ahel",ideral Government ; regrets the arrest Oteltlienii without legal process, recom menitis.thei adoption•oft the Oritteodon resolu tions as-a standing proposition of peace and set denient ; and, at the close, says : '1 hazard nothing in'saying that Thave been more untiring In my honest efforts to preserve, and !have made more propositions to prevent a armilutton.of,the Union (and which promised to - tiasuccessful if they had been adopted in time), than all of my busy, brawling calumni ator* who had their own vile purposes to serve." MB E filiacttlantons REIGHT REDUCED 1 HOWARD A HOPE CO EXPRES ''S MORT & QUICK 11011111 TO, AND FROM NEW YORK. lII=II Goods Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night. .Letive .Hew York at M P. M., by the Fast .Thicough.Exprelsi.tran, arriving in Harrisburg 'at A. , M. WITBDUT:OHANGE OF OAR& Ordiw i ,dooda n inarked " via HO 2- ePTI. , E ' S,S 60 „ • • General 'Office,l6g Broadway, Iktew . York For further 6nqidie of , . BERGITEIt, Aient .iiBPBUROP *Ai.. .1861.4 d JEAGLE WORKS, Hanizbuig, Pennsilvariilt. NANIIPACOMB. 01, BOOK-TINDERS' lIELLIE-11111INES IND PENS, ST'ANDIN'G} PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS . BOARDS, AND NADDINE9 HOE G-RINDENG UUII.ING-MACHINE KNIVES. Arnibla Cider' Kills and - Fadden' Miters, *; SCHOOL Ii i tYRNITURE, . General Nadine Work', and Iron and Brass 'C ASTINGS, aTio"ruarnia IN ALL ITB BUGLE: BAWING, PLANING-, EX., MC., or Any Machine of -Wood, Iron . or Erase =dein oldnr., Ckenr. and Screw Cutting, Ste. HicxoKte, PATENT WOODEN WHEW CUTTING TOOLS. sir Cash paid for Old Oippor, Brass, Bpolbar, &o. BOILERS, STEAM O &O. 1 3 1i'll"NBYLVAN - IA RAILROAD, ABOVE; STATE STREET. _ , ..0131.LAR WINDOW G-RATES, Of vadat; pattereta, both atationlry and awingioe. .Qtteh Witi4htn and various other building 'castings, for Bale very chenant the , (n1724-1y) ZAGL.t_ WORKS. .! - :7.0 , .E , NEW...':P-I.:T-3.9-.N: 07 P,lllll3ii6N 4 'S . 15 rE141.8 '1 1 , 11AS JUST BEEN PUB.LIEiHRD, , PgI.CE $5 00. A N,ENrias new minion, of this well knew.' .101. LatißOok hatilriSE beta baited. It is now dietingidshMl by the followihg superadded featturea : The lawsmontatned . in the various': annual Digeeht published since the-date of the eighth edition (i 868) have been incot . pprahrd la the body . of the work. Many thOusand new iiuthorities have been-card ;'the reEiort - 61 the revisory of the Penal Code has beett -Mabodled in the notes to tlie . various. sectionsaf it; and the apperidbi cont ains for. the first time, the Acts .of emigre& for - the iititheatiustion of Records, and the Statute' of 'Fraudulent Con- Veyanees, with, full and elaborate -notes of the 'decisions eulartatory of , thun. The , work has been . prepared by the learned editor, Mr. flaidenx,'" - 'Mid Its freshnesa and permanent yalue vilitielprescistiad by the continuation of the annual Pigepts,,which have given so much satisfaction. axle at BERGINTER'S 19ORSTORE. s B 17 T. T 14 .T "P ElAVlNG:fittedcapit large Reirie v orator, and having made contracts with some of our most .eliaole farmera to furs altos will fresh and ,sweet . Natter raga a•lN;irtil—tete-antibera - u lay 'kr •r 'Onstiimera with eweeefrestumi cold butter at eel umei. .1 1 : 1 314+' -. WM. DOCK, Jr. at., ATTEN/lON FAHAISRS I . QOYTHES. SNATHs, GRAIN CRADLES, RerEYS, BOY rq."_-.LONS-4—audditill.B—in .greed .gariety, to bp bad pagatspt, " • 0110111Fera Store, /09-11 g •. =9l)Vaite goon ods .z.: e tt , I FLY PAPER. .-''''','"''`,•• FANCY COLOKED Faker, ready cut, for cover i ag I Cwking GINESifs, Piawre Eames, en 3. Union and other new patterns for Bald at. WILLIGNXItIi OBE' BOOIibTORN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers