~jtD'ual ELIXIR PROPULikhIM, TEE NNW 11.12111 DY RECEIIMAT/Olidi A WSW ILEUM i e CJATAIN MAIM j "11 Abunc CEIRONIC XELIODULIDOI OBJentorIUND; BOW MIRK= No sMo t r ie MOM' now LONG STAMM% WILL OONQUIRAT, WILL CMI IT, DOCTORS DOCTORS warms TRY IT. WHAT ET HAS DON; IT'IVILLWO AGAI N., I 11111., Eat ZIETIMONT, east MITHOIII7. nooinns itiow re TS BILIEVK re, FRIO ANDISI4I PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL.' frimi OniasAL Hosereit Ettrootkl E KAT 19, 1860,—Ellea 51.,..it. 23, single, never was very sumig. Two years ago she had an attack of acute rhemes tiste,rom tribiebslte wiz confined tehirrbedibr Iwo weeks and subseqestly fronravektpeeferfourmore. Shehas been well since then till last Bator day, while engaged In house cleaning, she took cold, had pain in her beck, WC cold, hot had no decided chill. Two days later bar snicks be. pu so swell, which was followed by swelling of the knee joints and of the hands. She has now dull pain her shouldenr, and her knuckles are very tender, red a nd painful both hands are affected, but the right, lemon so. This, then, is a ease of acute rheumatism, or, as It Is now fashionably called, rheumatic fever. Itis a well remarked typical ease We will carefully watch the cue, mid from time to time call your attention to the vire ozWlti Om m which present themselves. lily chief oblecl lob her before you now, is to call attention to ii has recently been commmettlied w Lae t rhiamatiam. . I main prireigieime•Dr- Awenacietry, of St. Petersburg, renamed/hi it in ' the highestlekms, having derived greet necteot from its Mel In 250 oases which came under his °ere Various n om madder* testimonials reispecthig fl Wive appeared In, our journals, and I propose therarere to give it .another trial I mast centime lam always incredulous as to the worth of new remelt% eliice ate vaunted as speciffew ; bat this wines to us recommended so highly, the f t we sie bomid to ilve it a gruil. &ME GABE FOUR DAYS LATER I MAT 23, 1860.—1 will now exhibit to you the patient for whom T prescribed Propylenelne, and was than labor ing under an attack el smite rheumatism. Übe has steadlly taken it in deem of three grans every two hours (intermitting it at night.) The day ader you saw ber, found her'much more comfortable, better than she ex pected to be for a week or more; Judging from her other anus. (The pedant now walked into Ike room.) The durevement las deathly progressed, and you muted di to notice a mashed change in the appearance of her doM, which are new May an of their natural sine.— .Idis 'hie our experiment would have seemed,very, sue umeful ; but, gentlemen, we most wait a little while be. ,ore we an Mve a decided opinion as to what Is to be the result. Uwe le another patient who was platul on the use of .Ma mime medkdas on Sunday list ; the ham long been aufibiidg from* iaronia rheinuatbim, and I round her at that time with an acute attack aropervenhig upon her chronic afiYotton. The wrist. and knuckles were much ORONO and gnome. She Wok the chloride of /Prowls mine MAW** grain dotes every two hours, and you will perceive that the swathes of th e joints Imo much dimin• that THREE DAYS LATER I 1 Ilan 90,1860.—This is the case of acute rheumatism treated with propplannne, the first of those to which 1 called allentionat our bud clinic. She Is still very oomforiabis, and in now taking three veins thrkie daily. In tine mule it bas seemed to be followed by very int isikotory resells. Thb second caw to which your Mien ikon was called at our last lecture, has also continued to do well I will now bring before you i very character istic case of acute rheumatism, and if the result be Bat ton:try, I think, as good Jurymen, we snail justly render our verdict in favor et propy Munn He Is a leanlan, mt. who was admitted a few days sgo. Hae hail rheumatic pain% but not so OA tO keep bin bed, until eight days ego. The pales restart la hie right knee, subsequently allboted th e left knee, anti later the pinta of the upper extremities. These pieta are ill swollen, terse and tender. Ma tongue la tarred • his skin, at present dry . , though there has been much' swat life pulse is tin and strong, and abOot Re has now Wed propylaMine fix twenty-four boon. Thin gentleman is what may be caned a 'Wetly typical eons at mace rbsumatiam. There was exposure to Gold and wet, and this exposure la followed by is Seines of severe &filmier pain, beglimlng, as it usually does, In lower joints . There es fever and the reams~ting,hogeneral sweating, io genera( atnendlua on saute Actlistatilen 1 dlita mil littlii 4 1ille patient Ware you with the I num- Wier, you a lecture ea all the points connected with bet to again give a trial to tke netCreOledy we areand to exhibit 10 you this typical awe, as I have testing, celled it, than winch there no uld net be a hirer isFportunlty for toning the medicine in quastion. We are, thursibre, avoiding the nee of all Ohm IDbdlalsee, even anodynes, that there may be no as to which was. the I:Solent remedy. Tor li gee the eau of a future clinic. THE RESULT. A FAVORABLE VERDICT. 1.0 0 / 10119 , next of oar convalescents. Is the, mum of mouterheumathim before you et our CliZllo or May ion, l ou g hl nun mod a typical man and which It was remarked was a air opportuaity for testilm the wosth of our sew remedy. It was therefore steadily( impeosoltresassto dates every two hours Ibr four : Mimi, The NOM has got along very nicely, and is solvable ' sniillsilmot, as you see. Ido not AMINO to say that. r her item wen as severe a caw .ot mope rheautattsin so open restored to health es this man has been, and. without being prepared to decide positive by as to the val ue of the remedy we have used, I feel bound to mete OM In the oases in which we have tried the Chkirideio Propylsolue, the pinnate DAYS regainel their moon earlier than ander ihe treatment ordinarily par ried. nieh goutlemen, you would yourselves try sfill repot the Nolte. ter a tail report of which the above is a eondeneed extract, lee the Philadelphia Jfedioal and &apical pester. :Zile the report Mier aide trial by the Destined. thittoonntry, and makes it unneoemary • ea pinenumerons eertilleatee hero astoniehed dooms" and rejoining patients. BPIZDY CAI ali NIMIMUM OURS 'BRUM ItsBl7LT WRA? II RAS DONE, Ballads & Oreashaw, a firm well known to Most me& wal men, by whop the Sinn. Propylambse has been In. troduosd, have sold to us the entlesitre right to maniac. Owe it awarding to the original recipe, and we hese midi artioniiimisda of such magnitude m to enable is to manor it breadoutarnonpt sultring humanity. A WORD. TO DOOTORS. If rt uptake to cute the same emody In miMher form WI invite your attention to the Pen Oicriraustm Mau= Pummel , Pas IWernewurs Wpm, Prow Yearnemn (Waicainiesee, Pau lam norms:nu; et *doh we are sherds waauhetarers. u—We *lam no other virtue for the illeir Prepybroine than le eoetalned in Per. Crystalised eldorida,of Proppi, mists - • " Tffe 11111111 a AM MAT BS TAM 100ORDING TO reatirtoss, NY ANY wao 021114% MY ARANY ONN, iutuainnunsai or ANY BIND. Bold ta jibrebburg by as Is as. A morns. Orlon sy be addre e od to • vvoprtsiazzu muthaerusunre co.,- - 3oxim6Roomßo. aft W. Oor Rana mkt MGM struts, VI , to either of the Itekneteg =EI 11Noismis Aims* ORMINSHAW 4 c tg, marente - - • 11.1 • I:41: 11 • Roo. n inTassara. 7i co.. _ PIM T. i nti n 1110 .111;041111121-1 PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD I BUMMER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. Rho Meow Trains of the Pt:massy=la Mhos& Compaq will Owl from sad anise at garrisburg and Plifeidelphis u follows : witaxal lanceSs TRAIN liii+es Etanistinrg daffy Ai Mb a, in, and arrives at West Thlladiaptds st 6.10 m. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg dAUT, lex_se PlAelPl4ltt,lBondaY4 at 6.80 a. m..; and intro at Wen mat SW a. m. NAST MAIL TRAIN leaTeeHudsb . d i lly(exeePt Sunday) at 1.20 g. and Mimi, at West Misaidpida. at. 6.25 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, Ma Mount Joy, lames Harrisburg at 2.00 a. mi., and arrives at Wag Phfi dalphda at WM p. m. • • HADDIENORG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, Ida bolus. bill, law& Harrisburg at 4.10 ' p. sad wives et W' PbSidelplila at 0.26 p. m. „ THROUGH I:OREM Tun; leaves' Philadelphia at 10.86 p. m., Harrisborg at 8.00 a. m., Altoona 8.10, a. na. tied arrives at Pigaberg at 12.85 p•. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.16 a.m., and ar• eves at Ilarrisbarg at 11.80 p. ni.; leaves Harrisburg at 1.00 p. m., Altoona, 7,00 p. a., and arrives at Palaba% at 1246 a. m. , ! r PART LINE loves fidladelphrs at 11.30 a. m., IBM& burg 8.46 p. m., Alkalis at 11.20 p. m., and arriving st Pittsburg at 18.46 a. m. - . RARRIBBIke ACOO lIRODATION TRAIN leaves mu. &lig& at 5120 p. mi., and antrum at Ilserlsburg at 8.00 P.m ' ' : MOUNT JOY A.OO2YMODATION Ma Mount Joy loaves Liammter at 10.110 a. m., arrives at 11artisbarg at 12.40 p. m. SARUM D. YOIINEI, OKA, -tiltiv. POLVA. bbillroad Harrisburg, May 9, lest NM Alit LINE ROUTE affial Tani TRAINS DAILY TO NNW - TOIL • AND PHILADELPHIA ,QN AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY sth, ISA the Passenger Trains will leave the Phila. .de phis and Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphia, as Mown,. Ws • IMPRESS LINE leaves Banishers at 1.26 a. m., on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Expo= Train from the Watt, arriving in New York at 8.16 a.m., and at Phil& dolphia at "LOO a. m. A sleeping oar is attached to the train through from Pftta burg Without change. MAIL TRAM kayos at 8.00 a. m.. Gni viall la New Yalta& 6.80 p. m., and Philadelphia at 1.26 p. m. TARP LINE leaves Banishers at 1.40 p. a., on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad hit Bak arriving In New York st 0.60 p. tn., and Philadelphia at 6.40 p. PAST LINZ leaves New York at Ba, m, and Plitiadel. OWL at 8 a.,m. arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. m. WALL TWAIN ISMS New York et 12.00n00n, man& Adolph% at 8.76 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 810 IP to. ,• IEIII3B LINN kayos New York it 8. se., arri ving at Harrisburg atB.oo a., end g with the Pemisyteania Express Yalu for Pittsburg. A sleeping ear is ahe attached to this train . Ommeetionet are made at Harrell) with trains on the Van .eau Baukalft r III Hilkesbarre, Allenteent,MOM, - choke es Shrin. gyre between New York kui p =sburg, $1 00 ; bedews* .Harrisburg ad Phila. degtlB in No.l oars, and 12 TO hr No. if. 211 okeis or other information apply to J. J. OLT DB, Senors) Agent, Harrisburg, my3.dtf Northern Central Railway CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUMMER ARRANGE T. saammemm DAUM TO AND 117101/ 33A.LITIMOBJEI. (Nose Connection made at Harrisburg TO AND FROM NEW YORK. SLEEPING CARS RUN ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. QN AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY sth, 1862, the Panneager Tram of the Northern Central way will entre at anddepart from liarrlsbiug and Baltimorean follows, : HALL TRAlN:arrival at Harrisburg 1.00 P. M. and leaves " 116 P. M. WREN " arTiVal " 12.56 A, and lowa " 116 A. M. GOING NORTH. MAIL TRAIN loam Baltimore at 830 A.M: and arrives at Harrisburg' 12.48 P. M. and learn' North at.:...... .... UPRISEN TRAIN leaves Baltimore at.:..'.'.::030 P. M. s Ind arrives at' Harrisburg.... 2.45 A. M. and Moms Northut • &Os A. Ma ITARBD3RITBO ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leaves Berrielaus Ike' Baltimore M A. M. Beittridtill—latree Baltimore $t........ 8.00 P. M. IN'AYSRY CA WEJLAINVICR 0* 1.1, WRIOWAR, • • • IT WILL DO AGAIN. The osiy train leasing Harrisburg on Sunday will be the Harrleburgawaudatkn Train, South et 7.80 A. Y. For htrtber lnlxm tloc apply at the ONIco, In Pennsyl vania Retread Depot. Harrisburg, Kay 8,1862-29 1862. s it laxa 1862. ABR.A.NIt.EMENTL ,V. . CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND FRANKLIN LRANGE OF ROUREL—On and after Noway, mar Wiz, Ma, Plummer Trains will ran ich as Mow, gailminn znaepted :)) For Obumbersburir and Harrisburg : MORE LWAYS OONVIsm AND A fOR IMMRDIATR DSM di. X. P. LeaveHagerstowa. 700 245 di ..(ireeneastle......... 787 885 Arrive at. 8/7 420 { , Leave at .. ... ..ti SO /2 66 " liteppeasbUrg .. ..9 00 127 " Newville • 982 400 " CUrlisle .... ..... ... ..... 10 10 2 40 ,. " /lechaakeburg 10 42 812 Arrive at Harrisburg .--- 11 16 3'40 For Chombersimrg and Hagerstown: .. x. P. 11. Leave Xarrisbln . .... . ....8 06 186 o Neebaskeburg 847 216 " Carlisle 927 Sib "Newville. _lO 02 820 a Ethippensbarg . .10 83 400 " Chambersburg Arrtt:e.ll 00 480 " Obamberebiug Leave-11 10 440 " Greenatitte 11 563 80 Arrive at litageresera 12 86 010 O. N. LULL HO :1 R. R. Oakes Chambarsburg, lay A, 1862.417 1.. i. Chambersberg, Tja., 8. Inv AlidWalikeiti New 21.bonlisenteds. ON AND ADM MONDAY MAY 6th, 1862. EASTWAR'D. WESTWARD. ,M.TTUMM,TOI EASTWARD. WESTWARD GOING SOUTH. fiennogthania iDaitg 'ititgrapLidbag Amin, 'llumt 15, 1862. D. M. Grass sk D W. GROSS & CO., WHOJ.ESAL AND suntan. DRUGGISTS MARKET STREET BARBISI3O PEIVICA: DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORII: KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We- are daily adding to oar iasortraenkof, goods all each articles' as are desirable,.uid: would ieepliotVy Bali. vota%stOntion to:ttat largest antibeedreelortedrutiii/iin Qua city, of DRUGS OHEILOALS 4 PAINTS. •ans, and Olinik INP:aIItnIMP, Glass anod , Artist Cato= andirnida, Pare Ground Sono Burning Plaid and dhantiol, Lard, Sparat and Pins Oda WM.*. Vial/ and Lamm Globs% Coedle-Soap, Sponges and aorta, With a gamma variety of °. 14:1:140fe:4:VEIIIE0114:14f.i:Joq(e)Fol selected from the beet manufacturers and Po tamers of Europe and this country. Being very dealers in PAINTS, WU= LEAD, LINSEED OIL, 'MINIMA WINDOW GLASS, Amore cor,ort PAINT AND ARTISTS BDITIVEM ' IN ALL TiDiaDVAPMES, COLORS AND BBOM/3 OF All SWOP, We reqmstfmly invite a eaU, feeling, coati dent that we can tnpply the waste of all on terms to their, eatiareetkla._ TEETH 1 TEBTH 11 JONWSAND WTMCWEIPC,IMCLAIN TEETH, J:til3TORA.TrirEB =I Of all kinds, died flan the Proprietors. Saponifier and Ooneentraied Lye Wholesale Agee for &PonMar, which we eel as low as It can be purchased In the cities. IMAYER'S MEDLOAL StillD =TRACTS Oalip OIL r WAWA OIL I Being lame purchasers In these 011 s, we can Oiler Inducements to close bUyens. Coal OH Lamps of the most ' lmproved patterns, very cheap. AU kinds of lamps chinged to buns Coal Cill. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Those of you who have not given our HORSE AND OATIIE POWDERS a trial know no lim.r superiority, and advantage they are in keeping Home and Cattle healthy and in condition. , Tlibrusuids can testify to the profit they hate daiiied from the use of our Cattle ionderi by the increasing Tient* . d arni - quality of milk, besides imiircniiiik g4bierii hoaitii and ap pearance of their Oattku. Our long experience in the business gives tia theadvantage,of a thoro ugh knowledge of , ths , trade, and ,our ariangeniestiin the cities are such' that we can in a very short time furnish' apything 4tP 43 4 l . li p h i,gi o klb . : 6041.* on beet of termer Tbaukful for. the liberal patronage bestow(' pu our home, we hops by , strict attention to buaimus, a careful aelection of d rititil birtt at fair prices, and the dash* to . *espial, to merit a continuance of the faior:Oi a &mini biatint public: aplB-414 I' I B H - I '1 1 ,3::.0 Kla:1 - OF ALL 'KINDS. Three; four and Ave joint Trout Rods. Mk Ind Londa Patent- Hair Trou Tio t t " rd Limokfrin . 1n,M.40,3mr*, Th; W Twinned alit Trout Linn, 1 . 44 44 . 46 Chins WOO Lomb IA Linea and Canna Unne, " 1 44 4$ Most Lima fundshedr Hoots, Gmkn,Arc Bram Rs, 1.0. M , 6Qlankni A 101 of Choke Trout es, apk Worm Gut Leettlers, boHom linen, 3,0;9 fest. &meas. 14 Snoods, Muria Hooke, isn't., No. Tito Tront'Banorts,ll3rby Tiont:MoVlGmir, H Limer ick TrOurand Inver Rook, mats_ !Maks sad hag Com HEIHIra ANDYANGY Brom, mjr2 9l3lMket Otrokt. TOMS Fresh Giroinid and Whole Bpioe, pepper, alzpiqe, anumar a rcrod 11,14, at • $ corner Front kadifarkeitr siteetr. HP. W. .it Is ottowtokol and highly dettritlve:' R can Wm' no Rain mod will not. waste,,, It le i wattantod ant to injure the baiolit: B will itopirc an agree / ma „d m, ma thenati soitoble sway porpose.:. ljor Ms by , . WIL . o ,i At T ARGE , and extensive assortment of .I.l'o l 44awam melt% GO*. Dtdmis F b " I ,S 6 ?q,fSSPRY: ) , .102 Cow Frost lad filidtsilerets. ND. 19 ose., doe, dre., 4te,, d0c., 6 4&e., &e • C ., R • Kumamoto Z Dwiroy—Bate, %aches, &a. lo Destroy---Mlce, Moles, and Ante. 20 Disestp---Bed-Bogs. A Destroy—Moths In Furs, Clothes. &c. 36 Deercp-----Mowpdtoes and Flew. Destroy—lnsects cai 'Plants and Fowls. Diesoy-----Insects on Anizials; &o. 26 Ikstroy—Bvery form and specie of Vermin. i i gat r*PRIPP VERMIN . EXTERMINATORS.. "ONLY lidlaMll6llthEilliLlE ca M= plll7/XIS: EVERY FORM ,AVD 13FROIR8 OF VERMIN. • Those Pzeparations (tuillbliedile p ets) are "Free from Potions." "Not **me to the Haman Family," "Bate do net die ',on the ptekniees. " "They - come out Of their boles to die." "They Are. the orgy infallible remedial! known." . "12 yenta end more "established in NeW York : city. . Had by—the Olty.Post Office. Diteder—the City Prbsons and Station Houses. Died by—the Oily Stounces, Ships, So. Used Op---the City Hospitals, Alms-Hooses, ba./ Vied lw-41se Otkv Hotels—Us toe— St. Nktkai a go . Vadtv 7 -the Mang Houses, &0., /to. U by-inore Wes 60,000 Private irunities. 1111r8sa oar er ten =Spasm af 'Mat seeryvAssv • sad by the Pleple—lifetors—Deskra, Ins. HOINICICSIMIS---trotibled with vermin need be eo , no lounger, if they nee illostunr" Elibundhatore. We hive rend it to our satis faction, and if a box ant $6 we would have it. We hint triedpobrons, but they effeotednothing; but "Conran's" article knocks the breath out of Rats, Mlte, Roacheir and Bed-Bugs, quicker than we can write it. It is in great demand all over the.country.--Jfkkos (0.) Gan n& MORE GRAM and provisions are destzoyed annually in Grant county by vermin, than would pay for tons of this Rat and Insect Killer. Lancaster (Wii.).lhrog HENRY EAXMAR—We are sang your pre rations *Aft. Wherever they have been newt, Rate, Mice, Roaches and Vmmln disappear rapidly. Emma & Stourraz, Dieggists, Windsor, Md. "Costar's" Bat, Roach, &c. Exterminator. " Costar's " "Costar's" Bed-bug lb:terminals:lr. ."Costar's" " Costar's " Electrio•Pdwiler, for Imes, &o. It maw. AND SI,OO Brans swim AND RAMS $3 $5 Elms ros PrwruenoViukij Bun, Hama, .OAVTION 11 To prevent the public from being 'imposed upon by *niow and Big* Pernicious hatelions, anew label bas,been pbrepared, bear ing a fee simile of the Proprietor's signature.— Examine each box, bottle, or flask carefully be fore purchasing, and take nothing but "00S tars." or Said ,/kerywitsra=by All Wiraramarn DRMONTS In the huge cdths; • llomo of the Wholesale Agent* in New York City, Sohieffelin Brothers 'it. Go. B. A. Fshnsstook Hull & Oo • A. B. & Bands & 00. Wheeler & Hart • Janie, 4spinwall. *- Morgan & Allen. , • Hall, Bucket & Co. • Thomas & Puller. - P. D. Ofsia. Harrill, Risley & Kitchen. • Bush, Gills &llobbson. M. Ward, Oloest&Do. • Malmon & pllAilia; , ; D. B. Barnes' & (30. P. O. Wells & 0o: Lasalle, Marsh & Gardner. tr,all Dixon* 0o."' • oorGad Fox— sap mans. Philadelphia. Pa. T. W. Dyrolt. & Co. B. A. Fabricator& & Co. Hobert Shoemaker &tb. ; French, Richards Nktio.,—esto orrarea. sap irr • Amens, GAixoss,_gnu! and BAUM us generally In all. • Oorranzi Town and I • Varanasi in the lIINITIED *TATES. 444)1, I 0.13:.11'41i PEI. NAi or ikki by D. W. GrossA M G. L. Keller -- • f Principal Wholesale and Retail Agents at Harrisburg, • awl 7 iry the Daverume, Steer mums and Rearms generally. or Gararay-Daizsas cari order as above. Or addreas indent direct - if Price,' I **,_ is desired ,' -deed for Rem eliroulari gift Priam] , HENRY C°1311144g! •Di-Nc.triktx2 Aviodrii,44(l9xo, litat lißejl946. "1114raag7 Jolpts $$ grostegs. BOXITHEND FOR I= WOW 1 NIONEELT IN Mr/ HOINIKEIOLD. JOHNS & CROSLIFFS American Cement Glue MN STRATUM/8T GLIM IN TEE WORLD MR MIRLYIST OLDS IN MI WORLD. MN NOW DMA= GLITZ Ml= WORLD. TEI ONLY MIA= GLIM IN MR WORLD IBR mar GLOP IN MK WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Is the say Wide tarthe kind ever produced widen WILL WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL MEND WOOD, • Gaye your broken Fornilarn IT WILL MEND LEATHER, yoir Harness, Sun" Dem, IT WILL MEND -01.4811, Ban ais pleas of thai tepegliVithlti Glees &We WIITLL MEND IVORY, Dee% *row sway Ma{ brokeia Ivory yen, It Y wily; ro. ° Pabloi IT WILL MEND OHINAy Your, bruit= QdU Odysaud Swum* out beuridOiu good's mt. IT WILL ICEND ItARBLE That piece booked out of *ad* .1111iiisKmelos ' ' pit Ni.aeons ialar waver; IT WILL MEND PORWILAIN, No matter U that buokeu PltaT Obi DOI eat but AU% lice, • OM( savetts idaft woad. IT WILL MIND ALkIfABTER, That costly Abibeatir Vass o• trait tad you 'omit mita tt, mead It. It 1011 Hatt show was it pot tormlior. It will Mend Bone,:Coral, Lava, and in feat everythng but Metals. 41 : article=ed Wkik w A/ITM OJIMINT .QUJI nramns. I,,s v e l y g o aseksepen should have a eepitly of Johns • Cohere expatiate Cement Ghte.H-1. Y heel. "It Is so watershed to have la toe house."—N. It is always randy ; shit 00131111161111 Melt to eveti body.K—lsdcaratent. wire have hied h, aad hadr tt ea trail la ear bases as water."— Wake' flipiniC As lbw& ECONOMY IS WEALTH. 0000 per year' saved le every dimity by Gee. Bottle at AIiEBIOAN OEMINT GLUE. Pike 26 Omits per Bottle. Prioe 25 Oente per Bottle. Pike $l6 Corte pew B,ottle. Moe 26 Orate per Bottle. Price 26 °ante per Bottle. Price 26 Mots per Boitle. very /Arai - Rodrierkes to Whoinak Buyers TERMS CASH. ler r sale by all Druggists, aad Storekossers gestural ly shroftboottthe country. JOHNS & CROSLEY, (Sole liaeolketerers,)) 78 WILLIAM STREW, Oorner of Übertr dm* Important to Holum Owners. Important to Builden. Important to Rail Road Companies. Important to Farmers. lb au aski*lgkifstry eineem, as . sd &ammo may JOHNS & MOBLEY'S DIMOTBD GUM PIIRCOEIA 'CEMENT ROOFING, The Cheapest end most durable Roofing in nee. IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. II can be applied to inn end out soars of ell Idling, steep or Mt, endto Swum Boon without retaining the Shingles. Thu Cottle only about, Oas•Third that of Tla ASIDIT in TWICE AS DIIRABLE. , This article , has been thoroughly tested In New York City and AI other parts of the UMWCan edit, West ladles Central and Routh America, on b of all binds, suck es ltuntraMe,lototssas, Clattstume, Rem Roan Carom, Cass, and on Puma. Boxisures reterally 00•13130111ri An, bY the prindpal Arohltems and others, during the past four years, and has proved to be the CREAMY end lefff DURABLE ROCTLWO In um; it to Is every respect A WAIIIII, WIATIECR and nits PROW myelin kw WON Of ALL RINDS. This is the ORLY iisatentat eseassfaohnid its the United Saks which *Galina* the very desirable properties of Jigestieity and Disrehility, which are ant verully miaow lodged to be possessed by MTh/ PESO AND INDIA IMMIX • No Heat is required in making application. The enema of applying It lsindlinz i .nh =ordinary root osa be covered and anleheal the same day. It oan be applied by any one, • • and when Onabod forms_ n_pern•ftly; Pm*, SKr WO Aillb in dank body, nnlon cannot be Injured by Hair, Akan or lioauck ansonain of Itootilonm, oar any ox. Waal nonce nb.tover. LIVID GOTTA PERCEA. CEMENT, For Coating Metals of vll Kinds when exposed tD the Action of the Weather, and FERPRESEUVING AND RIPEABING METAL GOOFS OF ALL EINDB. ens m the only Olimpseitionknown which willanocess fully redid. extreme changes of aU climates, for any length of time, when applied to metal% to which It ad heres firmly, forming a body equal to maw of ordinary pant, omits much lean aid win LAS! TRIM T1I( A$ LONG and from its elastialty is sot Mimed by the emstractkin and expansion of ,11n and other Metal Koote amminusai men sudden (images of the weather Runnel CRACK GOLD 4911 ars IN WARN wzawkß, AND WILL NOt WARM RE. Leaky Tin and Mbar Metal Roolb can be readily rir ed with GOTTA PERCTIA ClintENT, and prevented from farther corrosion end leaking, thereby ensnaring a per fiotV roof for many ream. This Cement in prenhuly iidapted for the prenervatioa ett IRON RAIUNfin, REOTIO,RaNGIB; SAVA AGRI. alurpasz, wizawm, AatoUtio for general mane. recliners nes. . , , GIITTA PERM& OEBLIIN T Forand *deg Tin and other Metal Boob or every *pulp ban its groat elasholty, la not injured by gui ounbungoil and expansion of Meter, and will not crack cold or rah ih warm weather. Thus isitortakr are ADO= TO ML opium, Red we aro Prepared to 'VAT orders from any WI of the 00=11- try at short wake% tor EMU PER'i: BooriN G ea & no gy p r eened kw rums, sad GOTTA MORA Cl ipaft ye • - iar , ria, mita DUI .priated Olreorboaa for appll- Oak& AGENTS',WANTED. Wa will make Mona and asiktamary armagemasta with reapoualble partial who *raid him is establish Show warts in a lumina sad permaami MMus& OUR TERNS ARE CABS. We tan Mae abundant proof or all we claim iv Cave r 'et oar Improved Rooling_baMeo applied them to several thommad Roo in New York Ckty lad vicinity. zolon3 a taograrr, 801.1'3alititACTURESS, nrludesal- Wareluinlo7B William Bt., of 'Lite y WWI WSW YORK j dencsiiiillve Otreable iunt•Prlent will be foralaked ==2l • , QODA Mac*, Oritokers, jut reoeiv ) , ..1 andlor.fam 'MaqL si B 0 gm" PORT FOLIO&-- - WRITING DERR& ,Restkrenswasamilnestol•these medal az 4 0 40 1 . 1 . 1, 1 =g- - • %Chap Boasters, DAN'L A. IGENCH AGENT. 1 1 - 1 1 , the Old Wallowe r Line respectfully tur theme the Public tint this Old Dail.; lrampiina waling (the only WMlower Wm uo.v in eilst-nie. is a l b cn o .,) to le In snoosseat operaboa, and prepare] to aim hatt ; as low as any other indrruaLl line tietv.,ii., psgiggelp Harrisburg, Sunbry, Levniittrg, IV] liggsgport, Jersey Shore, Lock Hay.a and all o th er po,t, as the Northern central, Philadelphia and Eve and w.: lienuport and Mara Railroads. DANL A. MUHNCH, Ageut. a Harrisburg, Pa. Stade sent to the Ware Hoitve of Mes.,r. Pe: e i Evill a ranohman, Nos 808 acd OW Market street a , ~ Eighth, Philartelphta, by 4 o'clock, P. ir.., will am:, Harrlibatryr, ready (or delivery next morning. apra>irdmyl B. 1, HARR/13, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufacture! NO. 112 MARKE7 SIREE7, HARRISBURG. AS always on hand a full ais,rta. I II of TIZI iind Japanned War*, Goosin g atoyei of the best manutemnriee, Galin- Sp be and Galvanised Iron cbrinsb, mann& .r e , up at reasonable rates. sir Repairing promptly attended to . AL C. almaTii, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFIOE THIRD STREET, snylOy) NEAR MARKET. IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTIO DR. P. H. A.LLABA.CH , burgtlc, L': tat, Maaalacturer cd Mineral Plate tetttu, tt matbod that obviates every Jbject lou to tb Seal testa, embracing partial, bait and wke.l,. co- , Ohami only, or pore and indostructi.ir nunera,, isoegetteestbr tbeacocumuiailon of %Mill pirtp:' , , and therefore, no Mlentuvo odor from tn. , breaca, Yl la mettle their coaatruction, then , c.O e. u 7, or metallic taste. Hence the inaw aiva: ;3 a„,,, Bayed with vee Mac 67 , headache, , North casU. abated street, Harriehurg. 2.41 y lEOI. ADOLPII P. TEE. i'sLti. WOULD respectfully intern, Li: ,: patrons ens the public go/aurally, :hat oosteme to give instructions On the PlAlii, r, itk, 1 , , WDZON VIOLIN and also lo tit* =ewe o! I soßot ~i: 1,1 BABEL fie will Witt pi alti ispunoll.l.6 a, ILL , bowies at any Dour de emcee wit ire ;:reL, MS kles ratoe, le TO row 4,e,re beim; %. &Innen serormea eh derl:,-,. UNION tt r A Ll' ti T , 1,7 BLLLLIRD ABB BOWLING SALOON, NO. 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR FIFTH. THE subscribers having erected a large building at the above place, expressly ;dr tad par,. o. atat *bone Indicated, bog to sail the attentba tba pub lic to the following : Tea 111192•1311211, on the first no it, with .1 dining room atnacbed, ie hued up in itrst-cla.,a :via, and It will at all MN be suppled with the best (ASTERS to be had to the Atlantic Gilles, :opines - with terrapin, nab, and at lands of game in swum Oysters served ap tri every style, and meals to be had at all hours. The Ales of ap the celebrated breweries In the country constantly ou band. The Ten-pin Alley, or Bowling Saloon, Is in the rear, and contains three alleys of modern construction, wikere the levees of this healthy OIATCI,IIO Call enjoy tee miel v 2.; The Billiard Saloon is op-stairs --elegaatir acted and contains three marble top combination cth,teon Wes, equal to any made. Harrisburg has ioug fe'd the want of a grand noniein linos of this kind, and as the proprietors are deter:awe to conduct 11 in a quiet and orderly manner, &nil , er,i. rything In their power to make it a fasoaonaoie re-or they hope to resolves liberal share of public pus, WiIAJAM C. bicleiaDdlia s PAW YORK FIRE INSURANCE , THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE CuIPINI. INOORPORATED 18.5 Capital and Mots $869 DEMEXTESVIR, wao. manic, itoJannO a. Houclor,Thca:aclus Jno B. Penrose, Jno. O. Davis Jas. Traqualr, Wm Jewel O. Band, William O. Ludwig, Joseph R. IL Huston, George Lelper, Irogh Cra4, Kelly, Simnel IL sluices, J. H. Peorottoe, lieu-) • BdwardDirlingion, H. Amer Brooke, Spcacer 31, Thomas 0. Hand, Robert BuctOo i , Jacob P. Jones s B. InTeriand, Joanna 1. Byre, Jobe B. atsa,a,. burg, D. T. Morgan, Milberg, A. B. %rut, cu WILLI&M MARTIN, eaelog THOMAS 0. HAND, Vice Pre3.1.7. HUM LYLBURN, Secretary. The undersigned as agent fur ale ably: ZIALII.3I pony continues to tak e Huai Da -risaar4 vicinity, jeno.dic WILL/DI BUEHLER PORT FOLIOS 13111N(} DMICS, TRA VFT T NG BAGS, POBTRONAM, And a general amortruent of FANCY GOODS have just been received at BERGNEB'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE SUGAR CURED HAMS. DRIED BEEF, SHOULDERS, BOLONA SAUSAGE. Li A large and fresh supply just mewed. by 01)26 W.O DOCK Jr. ta HARRISBURG COAL OIL DEPOT, FOR the Safety of slimmers, we have elltllbbitled &Coil Oil Depot at the corner of (roe an Market streets. all oar oils are tested and we poi. Lively sell none except such as prone to be non-explosive, clear and free from odor as far as practicable. We offer at present the following Justly celebrated b. ands. Max. nolla, Robinson, Nabrons, and Limier, lower then Mt be poteisel elsewhere in this place, either wholesale or retail. Also an iIIG:UISiVO assortment of Lamps, Chien' men &Wee, Glass Cones, Burners, dm. Ws will also change fluid or comptuene lamps, so as to be used 110 dal OW. Call and satisfy yourselves , at lacsois & BOWMAN, null Corner of front and Martel street. BEAUTIFUL TISSUE PAPER, FOR covering Looking Glasses, Picture Frames, ornamenting Ceilings, trimming GPIPU &O, and cut so as to bang over strings in the snap: o stars, points, circles or festoon& saril ECIIEFI Per ER'S sale SSID RE 800 RUBBER GOODS ! R abbe Balls, Rubber Watches, Rubber Battles, Rubber Toys generally at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOULSTOM.. GLASS Jars for putting up trait, tie celebrated Kowa patent, cbeap, simple sad 6 - • factual, Warranted to sae a t befactionjust received afi.l tor sale by NIOIIOIB & BAUM, Jag Corner front and alaraet street. SUGARS for preserving; call and easy' sio at NICHuLS & BOWMAN, Corner From sad etreeta. jy7 L raisons, cocoanuts ice., jot received and lot side by NICHOLS & BOWDS , Cot. Yront ant Marge eco9,' EZI at LIRFSH jis FISH " " I ' l4 Ast, wrsa ' 3 Bwn , corner of nv" ,a Nurium3.-44nita a vane)" °I uset ui and entertaining bralaies—ene.a;— . ,•sti Pt)" .4* FRESH Lemons and ga 6 ) saved and far sale low b Ns g 'l2 ru Corner iwa 6.000 p 01705 carEd g A or retail by ASHALL % lot o lioicelitritgvHFA,rvuit, at Pi nor Trout and market street. I La EBBW M. —Ten tierces of the arw•se eelelessted sugar erarod Woe, received or so gm large or Elmo quantities . itrsi WM. au. L oLDER.--Oonstantly on lanriars, ry a GLta,nroroka• krt -7- 7 --- E —stuns arba gltittirantuns 3, just re BOWMAN, Ilarket Areal. F a Prima auel: s ale very low %takes]. WM. Duce JR., k CO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers