Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, August 15, 1862, Image 7

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    pailp oTelegra#4.
vertisements, Business Notices. Mar.
riag Deaths, to insertion
in the es,
TELEGRAPH, must y invariably
be accompanied with the CABS.
Advertisements ordered in the regu.
tar Evening Edition are inserted in the
morning Edition without extra charge.
Friday Morning, August 15,1889
MAJOR ?dentin, of the gallant Forty-shah
Penna. regiment, is in town, the gust of Col.
Joseph F. Knipe, of the same regiment pike
Major participated with his regiment in the bat
tle at Cedar Bun Mow:rain, Va., and was se
verely wounded in one of his arms, from which
he is suffering.
and Ste; composed of Col. T. J. Crane, Major
yy T. Magruder 'and Capt. Christmulon, all of
the U. B. Army, ,arrived in this city yesterday,
and took lodgings at the' Jones -House,
where they will remain fpr' several days, to
superintend the organization and transportation
of troops to the seat of war.
Tax Onto. of the Adams Express Company is
open from 7 o'clock A. M. until 8 P. M.;for
the transaction of business. The soldiers at
camp and others who are continually calling at
all hours of the night, will please bear the
above hours in mind and make their callx_ao
cordtngly. E. G. Humor; Agent.
AMONG DID RBOSNT A831 3 7A19 at Philadelphia
from Fortress Monroe, is Surgeon Charles C.
Bombaugh, son of Aaron Bombaugh, and for
merly a practicing physician in this city. Tr.
Bombaugh is surgeon . of the Bitty-Ninth
Pennsylvania regim • ' nl. Owen, and has
come hone on furlo. .g quite ill.
_ ‘ , c v Fielding, a deer
singer Miss Kate - roher,.a dashing dart
suesm the new attractions at the Gaiety
Couceri Eiport. The latter lady does not Only
possess tl37advantage of ;a fine form, bat Is le
ridedly chissic in her poses, and it is quite re
freshing to watch the arch neeiefts with whip
she so gracefully sets forth her postures.
A. Cam. roa Luc wan BeisDA.Ora.-- A letter
from the Surgeon in charge of the Chesapeake
general hospital, near Fortress Monroe, to a
friend in this city, states that there is a press
ing want at that place for picked lint and ban
dages, the former of which is not furnished ,by
government. Here is a fine opportunity for
the patriotic ladies of our city and elsewhere
to show their patriotism.
BRIGADIZIL Gtassaar4 GRARY.—A dispatch was
received onWednesday by the wife of Brig. Gen.
Geary, who is at present residing in Yew
Cumberland, bri the opposite side of the river,
three mites belOw this city, announe,ing . his
safe arrival in Washington city, and that he
would positively reach home to-day. The same
dispatch bore the gratifying intelligence thSt,
although wounded - severely in one of the arms,
it is not of a nature sufficiently serious to- pre:-
elude the possibility of his early restoration to
active service. The fait telegraphire dispatches;
it will be recollected, stated that one of the
General's arms had been amputated.
floxeoomars AT m Darer—aught in the Ae6—
Ono of the Gang in Pr *.tren.—Yeiterday, ?upon
the arrival of one of the trains on.the Northern
Central Railroad, a passenger , named Loring
Gillis, of Buffalo, New York, felt a hand in
serted in one of his pockets, and before it could
be removed, he turned suddenly around, and
succeeded in coloring Its owner, a dapper, flashy
dressed individual Of thirty years, pr there
abouts, with "pickpocket" written all over lgrn.
Upon feeling for his pocket-I=k; containing
about two hundred dollars, Mi. Gillis found it
was gone. The "cheyaliek," like all hie dais
when o iught "dead to rights," tried to shut
01111 s. eye up with the Pvirtuons indigna
tion" game, but finding that no'"go," tried to
close it with one a . his 6,4. Here, too, he
mai foiled, for Mr. Gillis showed a superior pro
ficiency in the "manly art," and the "cheva
lier" was finally forced to succumb. During
the scuffle two individuals, supposed to be pale
of the pickpocket, were seen to finm• the
orowd, but from some cease were not*pureued
and arrested.
The pi.kpocket was taken. by Mr..Gillis
the Mayor's office, where he was subjected to , a
rigid search, but the 'stolen pocket-book-with,
Its contents could not be found, laving doubt
less been safely transferred to his pals during
the scuffle. The thief, gave his name as John
S. Brown, and in default of bail was committed
to answer.
Tam Fats Yaerigrnsi.- 7 -Ab,olit half-mt fotj
o'clock yesterday morning flames were diacov
ered issuing from the bakery of lifr l Curry Tay
lor, (colored) in the rear of - his residence
on Wtst Avenue, above Ninth street The
alarm was promptly given, but owing to 00
dryness and combustible nature of the material
of which the biiilding was composed, it,
together with thetasidence otliir. Taylor, and
an adjoinin g t wo egovy4ramer house; owned g
Mrs. Denrilog, an d 003 44dai a dwelling by..a'
white family also tLektiat d Taylor, were alkasost
totally:.enveloped is 9 , mes twfdroth,arrival of
the the,ppgretus. 'The Brem en 'pen:airing >
the beiery and tha residence or c urr y Taylor
cotti4ii4 possibly be saved from total desten
tion, directed their siforts principally to It
adjoining building of airs. Denning, in whioh
they fortrumtely succeeded in arresting the pro
gress of the'devastating element, not 'however,
until the root attic, and - one side of the rstimo
ture were burned to a mere shell.
The bakery and- resilepoa of Curry Taylor,
with one or two mina Outbuildings'werf
The fire originatieOrt the bakery and is sup
posed to have been thqyfork of an .1 4 031- 4 1 ffirrt
as the oven had not been used singe fOur O'o Op
Yesterday afternoon.
The furniture of the two dwelling houses was
mostly removed without damage,_ but the coo
tents of the bakery were entirely cot:mm*4
The loss of Curry Taylor is estbnated'at from
four to five hundred. dollars ; and that - of
Denning at from one to tallYpidred7:llli
Maki not /earn it eitJiey are hawed.
Turman ros xaa..G amx Thraxwou.—For the
accommodation of ladies and othini who wish
to avoid the press and confusion at, the door,
tickets for Davis' Panorama of the - great Rebel
lion at Brunt's Rail, next Saturday' evening;
have been left for sale at Bergner's book store
and Brady's jewelry store, Market street.
TUB BUCICTAILII .-)1 misapprehension exists
as to the Backtail Brigade. The Governor au
thorizes the raising of Buoktail regiments in
precisely the same way as the raising of all
lother regiments is authorized—Secretary STAB-
Tow, however, giving the aisurance 'that the
,Bucktail regiments, when raised, should be
kept together as one b rigade. , .
The wide epreS4 fame of the Bucktails, and
their heroism and gallantry in the field, led to
the request ind'cated being Made.
'rums LOOATION.—AIex. M. Orth, of this city,
Sergeant Samuel Pottelger, of Halifax, and Jas.
Shannon, of New Buffalo, all of the Verbeke
l;ffls, 46th Pennsylvania regiment, wounded
in the recent battle at Cedar Bun Mountain, Va.,
are at present located in the General Hospital
at Fall's Church, on the Orange and Alexandkia
railroad, between Washington city and Madeli
Frank Martin, of Georgetown, Westmoreland
county, of the mane ocinpany, wounded in the
knee, is in the Episcopal Church hospital, at
Culpepper Court,Ffnuse, Va.
A Rawer. Bean, In Capt. Porter's com
pany, of Cumberland county, now in Camp
Curtin, are five brother*, sow of Esquire Smith;
of Carlisle, who have , resolved to march togeth
er and die -together in the 'defence of their
country. This patriorle act is worthy of men
tion, and should greatly eneourage others to
fellow their example. In this connection, we
might also notice the feet that a Mr. Weik, of
Com Wall, Lehanen county, has four sons in the
Union army. The old gentleman. expressed his
willingness to give , them to his country, and
regretted that his inability to "bite a oartridge''.
would not allow him to enlist, but if they
wanted a drummer he was willing to go. This
is the kind of patriotism deserves honor.
TRANBPOSI'ATION Taooes.—We noticed,
during a hasty visit to Bridgeport, yesterday,
that the Northern dentrail railroad company
has fitted up a large number of house or covered
cars with comfortable seats, all in excellent or
der. The comPany, is ready, at a moment's
notice, with a number of first class new ten
wheel locomotives, to furnish safe and rapid
transportation for several regiments at a time,
and will, arheretofore, use every exertion for
prompt and speedy transit of troop over their
road. This arrangement, under the superinten
dence of J. N. Dulktrry, Esq., is of importance,
both to the United States officers, who have the
management of the men, and to the men them
selves, who desk . ° es little detention as possible
on railroads when once put under marching
orders. We have been informed that the
Northern Central railroad never was in -better
order than at-present, which fact speaks well
for our townsman J. Dearman, Esq., the eaer
getio and efficient impezvisor. The superbaten-
Ilt -Aaatil.
ness habits, but a gentleman possessing a vast
amount of experience on railroads and in other
important positions in public life, a feet that
will enlist his generosity and sympathy in be
half of our brave soldiers, who are hurried off
at the call of our beloved country.
Heavitsr Ifoun.--The observance of " Har
vest Home," implying that the harvest has
been got " home," and which, if we mistake
not, is gOnerally observed in this , latitude, dur
ing the Irtit week of August, ,is not, as, many
suppose, of recent or even modern origin, for in
the " Aoki Dies," and the "Saturnalia," and
the " Nun of Corea," we recognize its prototypes,
and although these GCCSSiOtiII wets marked and
desecrated by an unbridled license, and dis
graced by an abandonment Of propriety and
even decency, not to be thought - Of, -much less
tolerated in the present day, yet many of the
;observances which characterizes them, us .well
as the season at which they were held,, seem to
Indicate that the ancient Orgy and 'die modern
jubilee have si'commo'n or g . The' former
were celebrated with songs,-not always refined,
;dances, not remariable 'for delicacy, practices
not entirely chaste, and offerings of grain and
(fruit, and libatione of wine to the Gods—the
latter are stir : hailed with song iincl•ditin*, pu
410.0 and subdued, and ceremonies (blooms and
;beautiful, andelbeit if we daliot sacrifice, or
!pour out Matto* 'the imiensetf grateful hearts
still amends towards Heaven, rind if the juice of
the grape be absent, thepresence ofthe product
'of the currant and the apple imam ample
amends.. The harvest proper; is . eudvi, and
most heartily do we congratulate our lannets
;upon the abundance with which, from 8.11 itc
uounts, their labors have been rewarded, for
purely of no class's that deeliratien more
Iphatic or thaf avowal nuire,trne—" the laborer
;is worthy of his hire!! • .
Am Ensigns Wan= or hELTAIMON. , -- S
aveek or taw days ago- we publbithed an item
suggesting the propriety of dm dry good Mei
hbants batttakets employing lady salesmen or
l ealeawomeo, ancl thus allow the clerks to en..
diet in the service of their country: We have
just learned that this' suggestion hat been act
, ed upon by one of the largest dry good firms
in this city—the •Ifesers.- Hager and Brothers.
Three or tour - their clerks , hot ' waiting until
adies offered themselves to-tate their places,
patriotically volunteered in one of the com
panies of the new regiment, and are now 'at
Camp Lancaster. The 'firm accordingly sup
plied-the vacancies by the employment of the
!was number of ladies, Who no doubt,
'Prove comp etent . clerks. This is a move in
the right direction_, - and we hope ; it will be
generally adopted. by our merchanta—Lanias
ter Ezpress.
We suggested the idea of females taking the
place of such of the young salesmen in our
Idry-goods and grocery stores who d'aired to
t •
perve in the army, several days since, add have
received quite. a number of letters from ladies
hffering to fill their places, but up to the
B tkimof writing we have
act heard of a single
'Fiore the city . ir(which - Yicaficy - from this
'Fior e
hiss occurred. '
i - Att. iamarege in the Vatted 'Mates mends
tot west allegiance to I :thMiliihigif. f• '
~,t,f,---.*:, k it caw .'.: tt.".*2011M3 ri, I
Varna*mkt WailV arkgrai*, itioap Morning, %wpm 15, )862
Amiss AT OM CURTIN.-It is understood
that ten or twelve regiments have been formed
At Camp Curtin, but upon application at the
'4 l .kdjutant General's office, we were informed
t hat some alterations would most likely be
made this afternoon, and we therefore concluded
to defer the publication of the hots of compa
niesl of which they are composed, until their
organization was definitely determined upon:
It is also understood that several of the field
t 'officers of the new regiments have been select ed,
:but none have yet heel/ officially'announced‘.
. In the meantime the troop- at camp are be
;ingimpitormed and supplied with von. :and
I .llovitiallunspataikur left'. are „ohly...twait
inrorders to m0ve. , . .,,
' Tus DERBY Fsmatursti.—The following is the
muster reit, of Xapildri; enderackl'a company
, James Henderson, Captain.
Chriatian A. Niasley, fit Lieutenant.
William R . Orth; Rd - Lieutehant.
Charles D. Wise, -let Sergeant. .
David Hummel, Jr., Ali Sergeant.
Henry BoWinan, 8d Sergeant.
Jacob Doutrich,4th Ser i beant, ;
I Levi F. Landis, btliSer ant._
George r: dreeriftwUt, t Corporal.
Jacob Shaffer, 2d Corporal.
Grafton Fox, 8d Corporal. '
William H. D. Grove, 4th Corporal.
George H. Bowman, bth Corporal.
George Buser, 6th Corporal.
Jacob Stoner, 7th Corporal.
John Bale, Bth Corporal.
Joe. B. F. Hummel, Christian Hummel
Alliman, c Horner, Geo. H.
Baum, Abram . HeMburg, Geo. 0.
Brubaker,David Hoover, I. H.
Blessing, Hadrarnan,-Geo. W.
Binehour Adak : J. H.
:Books, George W. Kerr, Joseph
Bear, Andrew User, Jong&
Blyer, khan, Amos
Curry, Joseph Kissel,Henry
Coley, John ' Kurtz, Cyrus
Curry, John H. laingerstine, John
CarameLlilames - Brunel
Conrad Samuel P. - -Hintftibig;lohn - `
Conrad, : jilini B. - Manning, 'James
Demmey, David Matlack, Reuben, Jr,
Demmer, Le4rl
Meer, William Moser, Henry
Olinger; John Ifireprit, - Melon
Eisentroui,-Elias ' M'Clout;-FrederiCk
HllingeriGeo. W. - Rathemore, George
Earley, Thomas. Rainier, Jacob ,
Ebersole, Martin Bauch, *m. M.
Etter,, Philip W. Buth,: t l3
ForPr, 0
F.arygler„Jacob Sanders, William
Greenavralt,, Samuel Sildle,, John
Gramm, Jonathan Sleeser, Christian H.
ctriimM, Samuel -SPA Wm
GliMlolly John _
Gramm, Frederick Shellenhumer, W
HouSer, Frederick Strickler, Jacob .
Heintse, George Saltzerdames E..
Sblontop Spide,
Huoimel, Daniel Stimbsei, - William
Hess, John 'Spittle!, Jacob'
Hoover, Henry Tennis, - Samuel
Ilenderson,"john W. Withieel Eli
Heck, Joshua Wolf,
, Geo., P.
Heicker, L. F. . Wagner, john H.
Hummef, Alexander 'Argot, John
Kum& Bou ow TO;Flan ZOIINVIS.—The fol
lowing is the muster roll of the Harrisburg Fire
Zonaves :
Captain—J. Wesley Awl.
let Lieutenant—Alfred J. Fager
24 - .42.ww,0 1 .01W
let Sergeant — Ro ber t F.
2d " William •IL:Myers.
Bd George P. Chandler.
4th " Charles Elaydant.
- 6th " John Davis. •
Ist Corporal —Leroy - Parson.
2d " Jacob Groff.
8d " John HlCommas:
4th " Davidia. Martin.
sth " William B. Eapp.
6th' - William (411iller.
7th " William D i -Carson. ' •
Bth > " PatAL`ffinuegati. •
Music. , —F.dmuridtGloVbr rind' Mordecai Felix;
Wagoner—Charles H. Sollars. •
Bell, John Y. Myers, Marcus -
Bender, Jacob M. . Mather, Francis R.
Bernheisel, John Meganghy, Theo.
Bleyer, Abraham Meredith, Ross, Jr.
Buck, David Maddock, Thomas
Buck, David J. Miles, Geo. W.
Burnibe, David C. Miller, John IL ..
Case, William, Miller, John W.
Casloty, John A. Mytinger,John
Chaffinch, Samuel E. Netter, Go. A.
Cramer, John OgiesbyeJoseph J.
Pruner, Charles Oglesby, Wadi. P.
Davis, Joseph - Oftti, John rr
Deliaven, William Pray i -
Dickey, Harry 21 w 1 14$ AAR.
Busily, Thomas J. Quigley„ : Amtkrt
Roger, Joseph Reel,-Adam
Fas(er, Daniel . John , •
'Forney, John C. Ro4era,- , ,Obarlesi M.
:Frank, Charles .• Rhoads,„.JOhn •
Gardner, Peter RudYiPagn4
Gettys, William 'Rupp, Jacob,
;Gray, William M. Saul, Joseph-, ht.
'Hants, Laldsman Sawyer, Joint W.
Henning, John A.
Hobbs, Win. P. H `4.liStr,,,geOr
Hecker, Martin Shilte4gohn
Horning, lohrt Shoop, 41arney
Hynicks, John . . Shriver, pontelins
Jack, James. A. Smith, Jacob ..
'Johnson, William A. Siders, Jobn.W.
:Kissel, Solomon B. :.„. 4 Stittzelf.DaVid •
Koerper, John F. Stauff Ovid G.
Kreider, Frank AVt0 4 1614, 1 -Theo. G.
Lamm, Audio - Troutl John
Leaman Nathaniel -Vandiver ; Jets()
Lebo, John R. - ()bides R.
;Lebo John.. . _Waggoner, , Win.
, Leman, John B.Wslter, Geo. L.
-1_ , e9 11 1 13 , ,Wa - tere,,Devid
'Loy, elgiatias , Wound, William
The undersigned would respectfully in
form those who are afflicted with Rheuma-
Rem, Dyspepsy, Consumption of Liver and
Kidney, Coughs, Fevers, and all Aliseases
arising from impurity of the blood, tliat she is
prepared to furnish Mrs. Vresthoven's German
Vegetable Medicines &very moderate rates.
I haye hand wq:Cantitt of favribtabS
fiitiVes for `sore EYes, Frozen Pea "4 - a Pies.
References can be furnished: as tb' Itteir
derfal efficacy, when,evn called, nppppn. Thep
need be no ePPrgffie.usietsliil-eigaiikto cork.'
,potency In administering it, as I hate had it
;on hand for the past ail..4tlitm. As they are
now sold at reduced prices, no family should be
without 'thernirimr night. They can be bad at
:any timVir My reliance; in Pine street, be
tween.faxmnd . and Front.,
-Ana MBS. L. BALL.
I do hereby certify that I,'ldre. Bchnaebly,
ind_the Dyspepay very, bad for two months,
about: five , years ago, that Il tuok of this
geg i rmens,
.Vegetable Medicine, and in a few weeks
wascured. Idy husband Iwo taken of it, and
We will Convene With any who inay,wish to
know- whstoit , has done for? us . . Our health is
now'good. - .11 iimido FicrinA street, next
dor theta4chinch.
! FO
E 6083014.17.
No. 69, Markel, -.Street, b elow Third,
liaBBleßoll,o, PA. .
, -
8 L ,
PA w's and-NALKima asma, gra' .itinitekt
*,ocidir at*LOWILt PMO be bon;tht In any of
be Baidein ' ()Poetry tierotiaota - will do' atoll to
had and examine prices and gelidity, and ()olivine:o theta ,
aeleea of this faot. an23-dIY
To tlie
"Excitrema."—Thisappetus to have been the
motto adopted by the mercury in the thermom
eter for the past week, during which it has been
most swelterihgly hot. To 7 day was one of the
most enervating and oppressive days, in the
opinion of many of the "oldest inhabitants,"
being the climax for the summer, the thEr
mometer, In positions where it might be con
sidered to have had a decided advantage, regis
tering 96 degrees. The evenings have been
Particularly close, rendering sleep, except to
the overwearted, almost impossible, and al
though &Mug this condition brisk west *in&
have prevailed, they are about as refreehing as
the givingiout of a ftirtuice, the breath of - the
Slo:ion, or the blasts of the Sirocco. It fa
cilites' uh-to wish, With - the eccentric Sydney
Smith, that we might divest ourselves of flesh,
kud sit in'our We bones.
n _
-‘.. , {BPcnrossois 'irrwasar, HALLID,ZIK AND
Laa-:-The somewhat plain corresimdence be-
Omen Genera* Halleek and Lee, altar not be
construed to, have, anVtbiog to do .with the
cheapdry good at trilch * aild Harming, south
east corner of Front'and - Market:streets.
A Mono Eereemaanarrr.-Among the, many
improvements lately Made in our City, to which
'we cilo point with pride as an eVidenee of proa
lpgity and as a determination on -the part of
buy business men, no longer to remain behind
:the light honse,': is the completion of Eby
& Kunkle's large brick building at the corner
.of Market and Fifth streets, , whicir is alike
creditable;to the owners and ornamental to that
part colour
The building is not only one of the largest,
deioteil to the'grocery business, outside of New
York, but the stock ch tilenges . cximpetion.—
Without going into detail, we may safely say
that'll') firth keep .on liverifthfing intuit*
;kept in a grocery store, (liquors excepted,) and
'that they sell at very small profits. Their
'clerks are civil and accommodating,. and. have.
strict instructions under no circumstances what
. ,
ever to misrepresent or take advantage of any
customer. A general•inVitritiinils•extended to
the public to visit.the new building and exam
ine the extensivestock, whether they purchase
or not.
' Ws have received a very large .assztment of
Hoop Skirts, all i
$2 `6O
,and prices from 75
pants up to $2 '50'125- damierr a 'Marseilles
Shirt Breasts,:Oollars and •Onfts to match, the
, whole set for 25 cents, worth 60 cents ; 10
!boxes of Ribbon for dress Maming, all colors ;
5 boxes of-Belt Ribbon, all colors ; a large as
siortment of linen and needle Work Collars, and
I setts of collars and sleeve's ;:a - large assortment
of white Canibrics, Taccoriette, figured and
:plain Swiss Muslin, Brlllianti;Nansooks. t he
!finest lot of embroideredlirench Cambric Bands
!ever brought to Hariisburgp 4 pieces of striped
goods for Undersleev_es ; 200 embroidered In
fant Waists at all prices ; - 20 pieces of Black
Silk Lace, all prices, some yard; vide suitable
for dress flouncing or trimming of lace shawls ;
Lace Mitts at all prices, 25 cents up ; 40 doran
of ladies and gentlemen's linen pocket Bend
kerchiefs. For wholesale customers we keep a
large assortment of holsery 'aid notions, such
'as Spool CottoWthread, Needles, Pina, Stock
ings, Socks; 'etc.; eta! '- • -S. Lewr.
lovite YOUNG ot OLD.
mama cAuss so iutyy A.Ltat*so' SYMP . ZOSIS
It Unita Mag. fag' - .llfintioge;, -
And la the greetend evd Whir& den betel
MAR Oa WOM,u4.
See symnloins exituneiatedin'advertisement, and If you
are a e offerer,
Cut out the adverdeement,
'And;send coy. ,at once..
Delays are dangerous.
Ask tor tiehattoold'a
' - Take no other. '
Cures guaranteed.
Bonk if Cbimicribitt cad Anittatiogia. j0.6-d2cu
Wei L Batchelor's Hair tye 1
Waft:only Harraesc and Reliable Dye %Known.
-All ethept are mere imitations, and should be avoided.
!You wish , to eisesp*ridioUle. •
GREY, ItErt,tht DUSTY HAIR' dyed instantly to, a
begun fella ifatural BioWit Black, *Stoat the least
Injury to Hair or Buis.
FIFTEEN liihDALB AND 'DIPLOMAS aave been awar
ded 'to WM. A. DATOBII.OIt time 18 0, and over 200,000
`applications have been made to the hair or the patrons
Or his famotia.pye.
MLA: BATONELOR'S FLUB DYE- predates* a color
r not to be diatingutthed from nature and le wAssortic
; l ambda:a la thie laup,:hawerer. , RwitA-McAboxosin..
oed, and the ill effects or bad Dyes remedied. The hair
18 invigorated Dyei..which is prop
erly applied at No. 18 Bond Street New York.
Sothic' alithecitea,and tome ef. the United. States, by
I Druggists and Taney Geode Dealers
Ihellenubth bail. the name " William A. Batchelor
Ind address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four
Bides of each box. .
Who Wade Factory', 81 Fu.•lay St.,
Imo 288 Broadway, Swamlr.
MEW Auutrlumuunts.
SARAH A. ALDRED; = Executrix of
the estate of Thom as Ahmed, deed , late of the
Pig , 96iiAard=4 111 11. Dauphin %county,: haying , loco, a
testamental granted to them by the Resist. r 41D,u
plitnconnty,;iteribi natittratalparties indebted to said
aerate to ma tte immediate mimetic, and tho.e having
01.111111.- to. pre,ent teak -properly - authenticated' for
fetes:meat to the above named executrix. au2-6w
Walnut Street between 2d and 3d.
801110RP'EDWARDS. ...; sod Matagar.
tansaission to ail karts:of She Souse 16 ovule.
First appearance of
Whose, esSietio
,„performaneg,.tigyg regeiy,e4,,
ca tittering notices from the
pr, end link mst tutensive ci *Dirk °M Cl* Yore;,
Phifid-10.14- Begonu and other p cipaCchati„ writ
lave the ho-or Rclonlitiegliecgat,Asptilagjaiee i n Bar- 1
isburg ou ..
Monday Eveming , August 41th ',1862
engagement .
Ote Groat Favorite; Fiblopennt Coniciisas, in wanhatioft
wan the •
- STAR 4 - 4102 e i r 'TROUPE
Flu Jtvlis , Edwirdit, ilki-BerthelOtt, I. Hale, Mi
ter Perry; T; , ll.7libinaell, Prof. Vll.llll6D‘Xaster George,
the mill . Clowu,'ifou pe ' Loafa and the. educated dog,
Doors open at TX to commence at 8 eclooic.
11CFAVIN4 opened a kleanur AND 'l3To'sin
IX Ye= co Canal Bireet, near Onnentst Street, 01107 ,
atto,.lll . MiliiiijAinils - Raiiiiinseia, , faes airs •
pt luppr4tig the elhzeme Hilinkurgiand,,
peria-wetallt to it? 1 / 1 14001:14 , aniOni•ano. work
pi a 7 4 wilizigieikaltd '
- :400 • . '-
110111)01 PH MILLER, of east Hanover
ow , ship, offers hinvelf as a candidate for the of
se, t-OUNTY COIII4I-SIONER, subject to the Union,
Republican Nlmlnating Cooveutioe,, and pledgee him
self if nominal ettd elected, to disehamithe dutiee of
the Once with fldeqty j Am*
DAVID BERET of South Hantver
ta•Anship, offers him - elf es a candidate for the
OM.. of COINTY 031011-SIONER, subject to the-Union
gepUbßelin Nominating Convention, and pledges /miser
if nominutei and eleensl,3l Molars° the duties of the
Silica with fidelity. jel@-dasetc,
SAMUEL PA.GE, of Swatara township,
announdeithimtelt /I 3 a candidate fir the office
,o u gty.ajounigetboe r , anhject to the deoßion Of WO Re
publican County Convention. He prombes if nominated
end elected to diw t harge the duties ofaatt ddioe for the
good of the tax payers o! the edunty.. , "bit .01wwte
-EDIatHILL .5011001...
Rev. Isms P. Moms; A. M., I n
• ,
Rev. Taos. W. ambit, A. M 1 `rimPau
r PHIS Institttion founded- in 1829, is
designed to prepare boys thorOughlyfor college or
tw a buslneas life.. The buildings are large and commo
alone, and 'The grounds embrace mdre than tie mean
acres. Bdth of the erincipais devote their whole um.a
to the school, at led in the departinent of Instruotion by
competent teachso
The military instruction end cid', (under the ',charge
Of sn experienced instructor;) letaranged 8o mina' , to.
inierfere with trio reviles sunned, occupying a Pact of
the tme appropria•ed to imerbise and recreation.
Pupils are redelviyd sr any time audtbarged only-from
the nate of admission. Trine:—sl26 00 per mainly ot
five months: - • •
For circulars, or further information, addresit either of
the Principals. lie'ereace is also mule to the Rey: Mr.
thtteU, flarrlsburp,.
Prom the Roo. Dr. Hodge and the Rao. Dr. McGia,
Professors in the neekoicat seoetnory, Pritecdon.
have for several years been intimately acquainted
with the hev. Ttomas W. Cattell... Re has had charge
bf two of fay sons; and / Can safely bay I have never
viewn nk Ocala whote fidelity And devotion, to his go :
piis, I have equil conflienee. Be is a good scholvr and
sucressful teacher. I,kuow no olio woo his s greater
reedit, in gAniut the loviv of hlseeholare or who exert!
over them a,betier influence._ .._ _ ,
_ . _ ..
. .
I. am anfare of silo reaponsiNtlty in ,apoukkug - ta. -1111611
kerLUB of comnieidationi of - a teacher, littf rant' Ad-oiled
IBM doing nothing but simple -just ea to an ezlelloot
foia,... fn using Itin language tothich..l :have hare -em•
V l 4o l 'e. 1: : -.-- ' - : '- 1 - CailygenS WWI& '
have great confidence in the Rev. Jas. P. Hughes, as
a teacher, both n his aptness to give instruction, and
his *Et in the administration of discipline. thave ban two
bons under-his pare, an f from ilmmost eareithl etwerVa
ilea' am freetoretioniMoint the
of safe nod-thoitiftelhatimptiol.'.'
14 ef..F . :Xiii§7Dat T. 11'01144._
ILTAS removed his .Boot: and shoe Store
from the corner of Seined and iilahmt streets to
West door to Haynes Agriculture Viet*, where tie intendi
to keep all kinds of• - Boo'a*'d She Gaiters, &a., and a
.large steak or Trunks; and everything to his line of bu.
Innen ; and Wilt thansfutto receive the' patronage ol
hts,old customers ant.the politic in general at his new
plate•of bdditssu. All .Itindsotworkmade to order in the
best style and, by superior workmen, Itepairisordone 'al
'short notice. [apr2dtf] JOHN. 11. /3111111.
Confectionery & Fruit Store
liarr:kal. urg, Pa.
• Pairia itALT FISH,
And veAetables of all kinds, brought direct tram e
Eastern Markets, twice a vreek e ind purchased nadet.lity
personal suilervesion, thus esseEds ms to sell a better
and cheaper artiole thanany in the. market: ;
' /Er Orders from a distance attended io promptly, and
ioods deAvered to any part of the city free of charge.
FRE:fi CANNED FRIUITi constantly on hand Give
me a call. • [POI . JOHN WISE. •
. .
ILT AVIN G • otc,hanfi. aisoomeof, o f
AA. lais of la, rai blf irtSk•ity,, is prap,sred t•O
u,Aeugon shorc skstaup 41:1 4,1t4...5e5t manner,,
oft(Orfunif.ruis. Sinn* shlc!syisd, 'Auer ooda
sulsb . V,l4ol , ers' " out,lits4, 3 l3ins • a u s•cm.
••• • • -
CULL atNo: 1 75 . --Maiket•-Btreet; ' whaie
11..) you will Dud a large.aud , ,iveil,aetacted• • f a c i r . irf
plata sofirlauey nonteatonery °tali Wads.,a = gredt'va•-
noty of toys 01 every de-eripuoa, Ladies' Worx Btariga
auxl Flutay Flexuous, Übreiga - Irens, :Nuts; Orates itmt all
4,180 t grockes generally aeliviccalcoartietiouery - tuld toy
s m". itecOvinglreWxuPPUuszturePy P waelt. 'Call and
examloolur yourselves. WM. 11.,WAt4ONEEt t. ;
apriatua " E,,,ofinetor;
• P R:E 8 E R'V E J - A R - 4 9 .
J VaA- Y- S
all izee , patterns 'atd -
pikce4, juts
reoerred and for sale br"
VANCY GOLOAAD Faxey;reittdy out, for
'ens& owegroismido; 1 10 Dire 2,I FABei
urectaiiiiCatter-smorimitlrdi :for tistits'ar
ritEssl-11T TER
M IC E. T a E *
W,E P AAA, Att,ed-up a large Teti-4.
etsooi and baying made contracts with adult+ of
our most ..gia le farmers to tarn & us with _fresh and .
Skeet butter !rescued be enabled le. suiply 011 r
etisltdmersitp sweet fresh ice cold better at all times.
YVY. DOCK, .1r.,111.00
RAW,S . BOYMgrea t
STONE'S and'SFYiieff in
y.ri oty, to;boliad (mak at ' •
c':1" 9.449Eftri TUrtinAre Store,
,-,' .- OpposifdtlrWeourt• 'nose/
A FEW.Boxes good Cheese, the balance
of &Jorge consignment, are offered at an - unusually
love rate to close out the lot. To retail dealers there Witt
be au Inducement .offered. Each box sold' sill be guar
anteed as represented.. WM.I)(IOtE, JR.idc CO.
• JplB .
T OVEUMV§ sugars and syrups for
1. ale low, by . NICUOM & BOW melt
- Cotner Sroatadad-Shatet-elaiwts:
Bcrows ali PAPthiffor fa*
, lox. by • 141ta0L5'411:10WILIN,
, ' - oa4uppai ) m 4 Market Weft.
ON hundred more able bodied (mar"
rind or unmarried) men ar Wanted to tOrapie
the Second Bottalllon of tte above rertment.
Re Headquarters are pleasantly loc -tied at "Clamp
WisSahlakon" o the banks of the SchitYllog, near
Philadelphia, w=li recto ts we weekly stint to be
thorn ghly Instructed before going Into Retry" asaryice.
Hosea, inteillgent And ataractic men are pardoularly
wanted for non-smimhbinned °Mears, to whom as with
all recraka. every advantage of advanoed bounty, pay,
AC., 13 given.
A premium of two dollars will be paid any idtl' anrie Or
isoldier for each acceptable recruit presented by hits.
Further informaitne may be ob ainet if *milled for, at
the Moe tin Second tared, near *al Mark bonie, Har
riabure, Pa. T WM+ i H. NOttl 0 v.
lyliktlm Capt. lfithl3. R. %Mr.; Beiirnigna °are.
Scrap Iron and,_Metal Merchant,
N. E. Cor. of ,South ~.and Penn, end No 17
South Streets,
Ingot, Copper, .
a • u Yellow,
Plw Tin,
u. alter,
Bab ht. Metal,
Wemu 11,
ti •Iders
Bar koit,
New aid Second band NaobloestsP and BlaNcetatthE
Toole sod Steam engines bought add cold. '
Artiotec v ld ovary d sort Ulu In use by Nachtelstle
and-rouu foroished to order.
Joir cash paid fcrldorap Iron, Old Rails, and all binds
Cr Metals.' Jr/1 dim*
I N 8 Wit A N .0 E .
Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation,
Central Agency at Hartieburg, Pa., of the -
Incorporated 1794--Charter perpetual.
Capital and Assets $1,2001000
Arthur G,' Coffin, Samuel W. Jones, Jobs A. Brews,
Runnel y'. Emits, Cnarles Taylor, Ambrose Wirt.,
Jossßlohisrd D. Wood', im Welsh, Wil ism
E. Howeui James-N. Diotsun, S. korrb Wain, John
omen, George Harrbon, Frame R. Cbpe, Edward H.
Trotter, Edward S. Uarke.
ARTHUR G. OtIF •Ihl, President.
.- . .
• CHARLES PLATT, Setavtary.
ascentral apnetor rve name • company, the
inderaigne>l9sprepared to take Tire risks in any part
of the butte of Pennsylvania, either annually or perpet
malty, on the most lavorab le terms.
°Moe Third street between Walnut and Strawberry
Bn•ke's row
Batmen' g, Pa.
KO d ly
All Work Promise in One Week
- 0 UL
104 Market ''trees between Ati& and 54,
ITHERR-every description of Ladies'
and Elentlecaeue Garment% Ina* 000 d% at e
Dyed,'Cleatried and linfithed to the best manner and at
the shortest notice. ' DODGE at 00.t_
sHR Proprietors of the 'PARISIAN
E" have, determined regardless of expense, to beim
free, (for the beuelit of suffering, humanity) POUR of
their most instructive and isteresting Lectures on Nat.
Siege and its,Diagnabiloationo, wervoua Debility, Prema
ture Decline of manhood, Indigestion Weakness or ,Ile
preaSion, Loss of energy and VitalPerrars, the ere it So
chit Evils, and those Mal tdles whfca result from youth
ful Rd lea, Excesses of Maturity, or Igndranoe of Pti
Ology and Nature's Law. These isvaluable Lectures
toy. been the means of enlightning wad s wing thon
g , uds, and will be forwarded free on the receipt of font
¢ , amps, by addressing SECBEr/Lcif ?AMUR Cake= OR
*RAMIS AND Msoukars; 663 Broadway, Now York.
INOW, offer for sale that valuable
property Iltuttld tort the torpor of Market and Pink
streets, opposite tiers residence ;JR not mold on or bt
tore the Arm of Soptiember non at ' - priyato sale, It wil
bectispostal oif at public' outer/ on that .day, ou the
promi-es. J. H. Reellella.
SPLENDID assortment of glassware just
real& ed, and ibr age low by
17429. Corner Front and Market Areas.
I GOCTRA. family flour, choice brand, just
Xjl received, and warranted to g va satialaat.on, for
. NICK .1.8 & mt.:WiLLN,
jylO o.r. /*IOU & 31.tkof zta.
f '9It.,AP Sugars, brown. aced white, New
1,./ Orleans, Layering's, &o , ere now Wawa tot sale,
01 every grads to snit the tunneler, et ,
. IY II3 Conley Front owe Lean streets.
QYKIR and Molasses, no less. than eight
lands, for &ale by Ni B. LS & BOWMAN,
ty/B ~.Omper krubt and Market streets.
VXTEAIVE assortment of Glassware,
including Jelly : gleam. Preserve Dishes, Goblets,
r• tub Sr., So., ain, of alt Myles, just received and tor
tale tow sy sIOII.OLS to BOWMAN,
jyi • Corner Front St Market streets.
QEVERAL htachinists. Also a stout
bo , In the ultalrAgutli tillop. ADO, at the
;y 15-dif ideLb.l ORKS.
PURE Cider Vinegar, which we war• ant
to be mute bo.ely Irma oidcr jupt received end for
t.le low by -
Corner Prvut sue Mar atreete.
•11:),EaktaB.L4 - Building Lots on Ride
Road bud BMA 6 treats, on DM -01111D/C . l
to Wet paraioa ars *noire of
IR B. a ovEa, agent
riyl74llm* South !matt petwecn 4eauna sat IWrd.
yr ELLER'd DRUG 13TO/LE is the place
tr. boo Paipnt Modinfor.
ASUPERIOR lot of Dandelion and Kis
Coffee, fOr, sale at the sire of JO ay
AVERY superior article, (pure,) just
received and Air sale by
FADE from choice and selected Apples,
Iyl and guaranteed by us to be 'Wetly pure.
erl.d WO. DOOR & CO.
large supply a . Ora Celebrated Colreal recoil
Dal wid...none Jr., co,
('TANNED Tomatoes and Green Dorn, at
U.a_RA JELLY., large supply jxu3t
PPI E 4, Oranges an
W18"18. •
B first jc are itiorliet, just received
saslit iYi tv WK. DOCK, Milk CIOY
Sheet Um;
Cruesb ea,
Foundry Facings,
Aa• ihs,
Vices, Ines, So.
Old leetals,
" Copper,
B rim,
" Lead dto., dca
Letitotu3; at JOHN