pail g Etlegrao PEOPLE'S UNION STATE TICKET AUDITOR 41=1:UM: THOMAB E. of York County sunvargoß WILLIAM S. PASS. of Laserne County. HARBIORIIBG; PA. Friday lording, Aignot itsuilf,COUNTY CONVIkNTioN.I The friends of the Administration and the op- , ponenie of the present unholy rebellion, ata,in vited to assemble in• County Convention for the , nomination of county officers, which taet In the Court House at Harrisburg, on Tr dscleY the 19 ph day of Angost, 18E12, as 1(1,1 o'clock la:setlpgs for the elegtion opdelAgates ,u1 4 11,10n hat 'highiViratiebsi z iihiAtipe of the &mufti, at the usual place of hgldiiig said elections, be twr s be ' 3 4 -11 $ 1 cp elf , five and mei*, and In e eiterilwards and boroughtWeen . the hours of Vend 9 P. M., on - Saturday the. 16th hist H. 0. 4LEiil.lllf, Chairman Republic:an Connty'Cotatnittee. CASSIUS N. CLAY: The objections which some of the border state men have raised to Abated/m/Ista of.OM sins IL Clay, is eliciting the expresaion of mach good opinion in his fever; throtighbuttha west, where the undaunted bravery and unguent/a/ ad 'chivalry of Mr, Clay are held in high re pute. 4 Conine M. Olayle a native of ' , Kentucky; inherited slaves from lie father, (who by the way'was a gallant voinateir - in,the service 'of, ids country In the war of 1812,) eat them 'free, ad heroically defying the “conserVative" fear- Inge of his friends in that state; dated to Wo.. cite, etnancipition in'Ketitticky. Be urged, in abort; the same p.,licy in Kentucky that Presi dent Lincoln now reoommends to the Borderi stet*, and his doing-00 gave offetuut to Sohn J. Critt nden, and Cistret Dains, and 'Charles A. Wickliffe, of Kentucky, who, wrapped np in the idea of slavery supremaoy, look upon one who assails it, even on economic grounds, es' a blasphemer and a radical. We do not know what Mr. Clay's military capacity is, and shall not know bntil It br tried. The objection to Mavis not his want of military skill or experience, but his radkalisw. /Slight it not occur to the Preekitnt thathe. himself is liable to the same objection front tliseegte.:pat_, the? Unit trot ilia of ttieut thought him the right man to be Preildent, beuttitie his declared opinions were by no means in harmony with the views of "oonservative" Kentuckburs? That if they had the power they would 'dbiplaile .It* tolopriew, and place a Bell or a Orittimden In thel'reshiency, because he, Abraham LinColn, Is too "radical" for Kentucky I Nothing in the whole; conduct of the war Is more despicable, thad this perpetual wlmper of lentucky. cooserintistn. Whatever is proporAci Which seeds to 'strike et the yebollion, the' piteous plaint of Keritisoki „ ImAtotit ' against it. The men who urged- 'Aemired nen andity" after the taking of -Blunter claim to' control the policy of.the gtivertiment hi, dealing with the rehollfon, niiiw * that such neutrality-is no longer possible. • We do not believe theeemen'speek the vbice of the totarmy of Kentucky. Tob much heed luit"booil given to.Po*OroPlOolltill to oPOok in the mime of Kentucky:: The liresnmption, any rate, of Kentucky, even weiw qther Boyer: smutted in -Garret Basis, attempting to dictate' the polity of the, government, deserves sharp Medan M, Clay may or may not he,theAlit the right plaokif tint* 9Onniiiind 9f thitfplitilltaryilWiot: But if the whhae caprices of such men as pretend to speak in the wow of:Kentucky are to controlM 01,1 4 01;49* , agic.tho.couwebraiso of go i .Ptidtner acolßreokinrWge, They would select a commandant whose would poi be offensive. rifirn 711 : 71 04 *. thifff " it';ist4 NttersOn recent grave wordy attack on the President rupi-the QabliteS, did he imagine that lite si . r , w Gene, Prank Patturson.ould so zoom carry out the design of hie father in that Pasaultv by giving aid and - cotufif the rebels f our hitt IP the Icidgenent'lnt eventhornet* loyal man. there is noAneetioning the compli oitriptOMPlethsr suet ' 'The one dieeetly and bitterly seeaile thellovernment which he was iterated rebetriryinit, While, the other comer hotrinon the echo of those words °tricot/x*lOn and betray 4, frankly and boldly chigk.witle having frustrated the plane of his superior officer to capture an entire division of the rebel army. In view of these facts; ifs,aBkr 4 h!irel aret*Lo•loy4 moikot pktiad4ptiis I Where are the.fatitere and brothers of those who fobght and Oak* the valleys andthe - * of 'Nip. gigs; *hile the Patterapps' ettit st 4 c l a mtat sat dakpince a government under whine bunutebus protection they have becomt,rich, and therefore,- -it wouldreeenr; dare:play trai tors Isktk:biriluttty b Whtc44f;oilt the mimes of Philadelphia I lse - and •terit there wretches, into the Delwwrinvoiliar 'sditcylkillif • Wily do' not the widowed tvliren and orphaned child reatipel those mean betrayers from the birth pine of freedom, and mark their exit 88 - 1112 area of release frum the presence of. two . of tlie wo o; ruaßthp ., t er.F'diegraa4 the Prowl..title of Arse r ricau cldlenship t ,Thees are questions which Philadefphisas ewer usher, if till desire to retain t h e 'P ec i t N d " likka r, e 4 tkfg /*I friiiidikthAPßlTAWAC None of our cotemporaries, that have so ably discussed Ma war, have so fairly depicted its true character as the one which compare* each conflict to the teachings of a stern school master, who inculcatea hie lessons with birch rods or ferule. The great lesson of its war has been bird but salutary. It WS given us a flood of light upon many subjeots that were dark and doubtful. It has enabled us to see ourselves, to see our enemies, to see Europe at large, as we never saw or suspected them before. it.hatP.PfAle4 l a new verld,„to ex ploring new paths of knowledge, eboirpened our vision, intensified all our facultiee. It ha: taught the - opportunities and the dangers of our situation, and , warned us against much that might do us, harm. - 000HBAN We have learned the folly of underrating oar enemies. We have learned that they ant equally brave, equally hardy, equally quick= . witted, equally endowed with martial quail-i ties -with. ourselves.; We have learned that; they are terribly it earnest in their efforts WI achieve th'elr elide, that they, are desperate 4Eri theirrestkieEt t e divorce: themselves fiSsrt';iisri that they sib determieed tb resist our effort& toi conquer; them, to the bitter end. We havi wed .4 114 . th9r !LOLA wary 44...013 1 Aff1.0* - scrupulous, that they, are as cunning at they are depraved,' ildsi"ififiet t 4 take ad vantage of our weakness; our blunders and 91 1 RAM1e 0 . 1 0.0 3 . cWet#R I4 b!eaIBeARIPIA B Y are ftdirourrpeert in - sidlitary capacity, and that, as aolditfift, lb* nikko" up' iri dash what they lack in solid hardihood. We have learned toot; •,4 17 c!f, 9 3 4.$110:allatB among grres them a compacprsess,and .ttitity. which we do not and - sterufbot Whilewe'encourage differences among ourselves,, and permit .those to live 'at chisr * ln'our 'whe are ripen, foil mouthed, and intrintlY ingagedin giving aid and encouragement to.treason. We have learned hew little native co-opera tion we are to -expect from e ,the ele ment" of the extreme South. - We haveletuas edthat that element, even where most preva- lent, is timid, torpiloionbtiel, esgetiveilthet it "needs watchers" ; theft by awl rpm, it ; that it is often treacherous and rxnustetfeit; that in many Instances it • is rather a stum bling !flock in our waY i than a.prop and email- Jeri. We have learned that, little by little, the poison of Secession has .Spread mom the people—that little by little it :has possessed d crazed them until public, sentimenthas,- iin. many sections,. beporne.almosta uidt. We have learned the follyof expecting sym-, :pathy from Foreign Governments and Foreign. Peoples. We have learned that we am hated 'most cordially where we had reason to look for 'moral support ; that we stand to-day apart and iaolated withunt eidetic or backer in any, Power on Earth. We have learned that we must not only fight the good fight unassisted, but under the shadow of the frowns of Europe. We have learntd that slavery, instead of. being an element of weakness, le an , element of Strength to toe Rebels. We havelearroxi that it is one of their chief .props and , staffs of sup port ; that the four million of Blacks held bendege are used as effective weapons ,with _ . 07i — eat we cannot sucoesaftilly fight the enemy and, protect " the Ipstltuilou " et .thirßarne time.; and' that if we ever lupe to,suooe.•d we Mt* .leave the latter to its fate. t We have learned that the auttest betwean pa and the . Confederates le reduced to.a Lion of pure brute temp.. We have leame4 that the arm Oakum atrkke. , ltudest, and the toot that can stan4firmesit, and the brain t h at can plot surest, will Kin the day. We have learned that no./onger 49 to "play war ;" that it will no longer do to administer emollients; that the disease's of that virulent natinti•that it dentandit , the most active ,mintidlea, We have learned that there la no middle ground-- no half-way house—between absolute triumph And absolute vinituthge. . . IV , Jottwos: larrinatz. takes . h noble positlim in Support of the administrations, both or the national and state gOveinments, ;aid by its Seidons course in defence of the war, it should be windy pato:edited by the people in tbe *Neon in which it is printed. On our' likal lo l urnils, we lost mainly rely for the, moulding , df public sentiment: lit this gronit Orbdi; and ai ii• ese journals are cotuineted, 'fairly discussing e position of 'the Fivemoisid, And giving its licy as ilberal an adtrooaoj ras truth and. 0 3- i ce I p tioi 4-ei nuic ti okOpsoile , thenintiliati will soon harmonise, and the few apostates ,lirho : yet, dare to piss their voices io localitienin , i'ents4litirlis, Wid car Willy ithiithe`froili4e I ;dirty work of giving:,Sid and, comfort to the 'gammon if:l66lles W - the' tritori. A. L Gni?, the editor of the Sei4tinet - has marked such a ilatir Soi!bbiseltaliil 100prtlittoheu.. nisi. i never falter, but trayersoit.nnbly and zealous ly to its glorious entf...l7' Tule lruattOah.ilitlethiee to be understood as be ing seemly eardastkowhen ltdeclares its li ly tp.Oniipiphanditi Oftorb4l3.ot thp Vs:wife:OA.; Cif 'en " ier gl ittiu g ixl byTte dash this nierning andi.Oan only reply that - while- the poor puppets who now control' thecolunins of that sewer of treat:in are titifilAefttcorußfeleetia. on 'humble wordaof loyalty , there,is naf llnr oo 'the part of`t6.tleoplet anotthe government! to understand the intent and meaning of .t.l# dltorials urnich . air serit in Its coltt - ft has 1 ' 1 90. 4 49P natatimis as it is Piklinsjaust and.. likes ,the 'aryl= of the revolution r kit •weatt It -le cowardly. Perhaps the spiiits' might aariet`the prey tit oentrollers' of the tory 4 rgan lack of uncleritariding, and rye itiggest pat a medium- be :at.: Once' consulted.' 13ht, let UB not betray onnicolves' into throwihg dirt ,01-orge fica4k:scaYedo.• Ar Maimin ileneml:heimarim,Monnoes that hi* not dietnib.. the relation of Insister mill slime, that no wages obeli be paid topegro la. h6rers until the oonitirdieldo whether they are slimes or free, and that they are not to w ear uniforms. - • - •chivainott Altimmirts instructions to the -es octagons of Maamehneetth tell them to bieltich, ailors d cttlsow4 j itk dO o lmimt, of men sufi., ,400 drag' _ . . qic goon maim 001 - 9analiii the troPPII 11 1 6 / 1 9athyt4 W, ..n. f.Ft• • fienncgthania 11Wing, August 15, 1862 TEE LESSONS OP THE WAR An Appeal for the Private • SeWeir lb his - ancy, Gov. Curria. Pennbylvania is again gathering her eons from mountain and .meaduw, from vale and from valley. They are rallying in response to the call of their country. They are making racrilicee of fortunee and of home, and are ready for the s Icrili t ce of life, if the safety of the government demands that it should be made. These men have rights, which ride higher than any ti, which they have heretofore had a title ; and in ammo , ion with those rights you have a duty to performof , the high est and most imperative importance. If you neglect, hls dinty,,you.jeopardisazast only the lives of the citizen soldiery, but you pail the safety of the Sfam: ; No plea ths , ,t i can be offered_ `in such a Aire contibigencf 'can origin' relieve you from the Joe. censure- of the State. No apology will save, you.-from the execration - of nz il 44$ ii4ff*,igsY. pour 5: of d. .. , or te te-amirope tayeigx) . ► fifty, . 1 . ead' ire d u teied ifytliofsmeds,. d the 81 .4-, r. will& eho have been victories, result in dis g race and defeat. .. The pest has proven that the men Who com pose our armies, who All,the maks, carrying the rifle and the pick, the sabre and the koval, are composed of tge moitdennelnis and *tell gent that.ever rallied to an standard. "Each soldier is an intelligent, cultivated and eleva-: ted citizen. He know' his duly thoroughly, and is competent for any service to which he May be But, Iliac, soldier' have been heretofore. 'disgraced' by their leaders. There is nowse to Arvin the fact,. You knoW it;. I know it, the world knows thatilteermiee which have been sent forward 14 the peveral states; kris bedtime' deMoralized by the utter incompetehoy and , corruption of 'their -officers., .The testimony of theta in the service cornib;i rake these assertions. Our disgraces ant. be traced tolhis con* And if you -¢9 not. put your foot down oat the"evil, it hi' neit neceiliaryi to declare what will be theLesalt. ." The independence and debTaiour of the tom. wander-in-chiefot the Ont., will indicate tAtte Wen:iv and effectiveness of. the regiments about being digittilsed." The liVee f orthe men are at your disposal. , Theiteothers, wives and waters of, the, state hold you .revetwible for the welfare of their krnapanO, fathers and brothers. Thilieliveir 'are in your bras, so _hr es the power and the effiblency 4 if the officers ako are to lead them: ate coricented, and as• - yeu select those °Owe with gregard for,the gush tlea, of a soldier, so only„will Aott-dieqbanle your day 114tiOnlar. • , Those who enlikiW' int die fast iliebliiitidrad thousand men; - diditoolifith the understanding that they wereAtibetkao74eil;.. Yon covenarAdVittithershadfr, - t yourM Benny would appoint the field Baleen —thatyou would select' thenfficers , :idoniiN'on , merit, Withotit re garditothelrecidirunnitiation, okiltiHinsqtir - the plots and plans of iiniwilibersi woo hold you to that covenant.. Violate Akaad you dampen the fresh and impi?tuous ardor of oar soldiers. -Be faithfal tethem, and you stim ulate the privates with -. te ;courage wbieh can alone be Preekil knowledge tieltlithoee who are to 'lead them are true men, ria4 dit*e/MllOl3/3 with themielvei rodp cif elle'tgi their country. .• Truly, , Ditb. 'Warn rung. Wistiait rßp,,yetik,. of !I4tharilta and 'Jacob Loyal.; aged S'yeas, 5 rappitha ana 21. days. • Brietthinerit, stied towlka • 'NfirreW ort 410101, . That tr Tars our Loontd,ono, no dootnia rt•tC I '1 'N- - cm00m. 0 0114 %, j ; a . or woe AqTlc& fot-htio Ifinobla r ea* AO two -okoacebtat as. tbe.imeettbititotAbo.. -bit ArbrAllVd• usicauteutot Ulrich :H Ikrickiar,; lats ot-Derim o sitine, Red). deed. All penal, lapwing themsebree to fixed eta mid please tome pay meet, end th heir: log eloms witt.please present them - 484M kibseribei!lbr yeathfsociao.- - JAWS .1/....10i414:011.1114.1ixe51at0t: • t , „ . SOCK pqR, tiros' AOP - 01 . it OUR GOVEBR'RENT" • BY M. VKINNEY. I 8 book is ' raii — ext•figialory s 660 e• mod aOs ariteis of otiVon in-tit of An `hart= rye! giving Lbo coa,uncgAao oftbe togogin t 4 9 p,pygh o , rate I tqatil, Ind • ritiofo or Um / a versratitoimia tern:own by JoOloail intgioilty, or derived ftina. ationaird iialbors; abOttilS, tau PrittiOutioP aull P 2 9" r°W M' w oot rarest departmt ortgovommvati iisatonal int tali, iad to PneoJ liA. 4sfutWlP i rouit laoikkof ail ra ion id the contimxi yite P.rioa SI Oct .4old py—ef.',lPgloney, • at -Harilsbort, tuff at book et .r" generally •t. t ' I Ankt3d4r NDEPENDENCE PCRipill?, EE, A (OFD PIC-NIC; *Ol oameof at NDEi'EtDENCE IRT:AND; On' Thttsdny, the tweityliret leg 0: 19 * - ils o r pa m p a ' ja trod " or,ez, be spactof to, mate tt, /it Atrtiktofdiai-,iimire„ The lbHoling gmedanenaireemmattnienvat , Wide/ ludo Sat On oh Frhhor , veva! t eetztot I!, , e'elech, le cionnieme tee arrangeedeidei ' -- - - •• flenri-Comit, • , -'- Jelin Louder, - firells Coiter,l7, ,:. - , AotztfirMY 4 . • G."Peiens, • 4 - ''- Mere Tough*, - li n qsal., .. ;1 usat•tAiga*, . . =, e ta°B 2. , , ..: . itlert.,,. ..,_ iwitzm 1,11. - 442,1`1, 4 - - - ,0h.,014,- Resinatilliogah - Win.,iforrie; . -VI E o ,l* ‘ rAnNifir. , Win.llttniche,*- '• tali 111 ODOM, Asko, R. 11•45 e,. ~ ',lkbildwarti, . . .. :.... .. Arta,:spattaihr. l..Neninieten of Arvenentive. 'l P : Ari ; * l ind 6/ i 09 . -7 .thretAill*Li I.'. - ... ---- - t pantkitag.: ifiliiirabl o oliN tv v pitilfaii,-triod.,t te - shee ' *IA o Colon nla in thn•T`Sciak. J 4o klbla . PlOACtit:ediadat*ff at lilts nags ot tobaliOn air Dial:Ain, tud the . 40n. Astaw .lorrons and'llonzigissis NJ Tome. -.'odnut lidgeliiii optitts -county hevi_q6 1641fKAPtir );I*Ting, • this 18th da y - hoe, 'MT ' to me area .. for sting a Court. of, Ow -sradrreturnertanas.43enerstY Jaw livery and Quarter Seselons or the Nee al itatrisfivtg,. I r asiteounty or Daunt* tend to 'doinniiiien'iditire ..trie ` T. °‘ a Ti r rICKI I :L.L_ II I 4 I. Val. -4 ,1 r Pa , Auligibw, 'and tir ' eln a on 6 eeee. - trD . Notice is leeevotetheirebfristren kor.litigOoronor . ,ores.o us of the Peace, Aldermen, and,Cepssabieg str, tip id epunir oir DiaphinPtitii they' beineit isidt that.' In Starr VYKKT.Perkß 4o l. l 9 ,, cocha..Arkzfits:limalsolust 'said miy, 'with ' Seer cookie, 'fikqujoutous, expeteastuee x 3- their' 6wo...neinentblitteek - A6 , - - do ' thel6-'6.11646 WO to - tleir giliclrpPlor*Git w -be Pp g 4,404, titk.3 ii 0 - *fa bawd in rewentiiieei to lit eieente *idiot the ' pees th i s ere yr Oa/ he tuft& Tillotlieneittmensur.: s e then and there to rateolstsi ig94l9ipt r zoo ; I Ginn tinder- ' Racorlfeotirdilit'r mem:, tie ' (hi' yeii. or — oin:' rost 2,_nit in e eighty•atath year ado hodeiendenowotehisUntted anew i ~ • • ' • ' semi s -, t -, J•D X 54 8. s b nc i lr ' ''• r " - ' ' : 1 .4 8, 4 1xwm. , ( L , . ,::..4.0.-Auftdoerut . BtA „ r AfION'S a tnALL.. IINO?gBLOKING. iio l otbaril maned lizailiea le t F heielis k P r t eea, di! let; a' " ' ti/08 " • " • a an exam opw.joro or lifinit; anifieiipiedP i hr 111 ' 410,, • f-fakk by . ' - Agatdold*MEWXAN. 4 . C r Brost ang af fa t t street, lITGARB of alndilair,-4 - hitVinir 6'6 7 1,44 b km, gnaw hausela town, • • . opfi er mihyok• Divots Quistiontsarsa Gamuts OFFICE, Pertszarmszt, Aug. 18th, 1862. PROPOSALS will be ready' ed at this office until Tueday, 19th inst., at 12 o'clock x., for one thousand (1,000) Army Wagons. Bidders will state the shori est timed delivery. Proposals will be received.** any portion of the above number. The rig)t is reserved to reject all bids deemed unra*nable, and those proposing to deliver them fit the shortest "time will have the preference. Security will be re spired for the faithful performance of the con trac* ,Allt.-I‘ ll 9/ 6 ..o.,b2644ookelLiitAxibids l- . phis 'lament to inspection. [Bignedt, G. EL CROMICAN, . aniCdta Dep: Gen II: S. A. HARKIII Pa , Augogt 18, 1862. GENERAL WIDER:I. NO. 1. L In obedience to. Wets `from the Generah ihchief, the undersigned seamen control of all volniiteettin this vidnity under the recent, call fortrootet.As Attu' 4katied and mustered Into service, CO IQ 64414 ollierswill report to the undersigned in person for instructions; anci hold'themselves and commands fn readiness to move stone from this dty to-Washington, Di 0., or elsewhere. IL All volunteers who cannot be olothed,', armed and f Alßped or receive th a Vy, bourti etc-,h 7 ; ,0 0 11 N) PIO p romptly Provided' or 011 their amvarie athingtont D. (1, where Brig. Gen. Casey has beom Neigh! ed to the duty of receiving and taking charge of them. Illribaktarteriggiiin'sjleptikitOnt *tit - for the,thsorr , td Ail • - . 13 ltitnore with all 'poreible illspatchTinC necessary, to the each/idea of all passengers. W: BOOTTVITOLIIIM, aliklit) Brig. Gea.,anti doting Inapt. Geo., DELEiIAtE ELECT/ONS SagOrdaY). Augiult /84t, 1862. R BIRO-the day appointed to hold the several Dshopittgiections throughout the county, for the purpose ot forming a county ticket to be supported bfittnit loyel ,, clibens of this coonty s 4 .therefour recommend Wet> the elec tions tor detwates from the city of, Harrisburg be held `et 414' usual phices for 'holding la& elections, between the hours of seven and 'bine 021 'P. it in3fterespective wards on the d& above tetii.and l tbstt et:loyal citizens at tend the mine artMectinad tuul true - men tp ibpritiliiet thank convehti T on: EM M*1131; Maim= jiz. Corn. - Of The of 420 REWA*D. WAS stolen from the ,pooket of ,the zulnert er at ihtilieno.Thillioad Depo', at boon, %PORTZ MONADl , cositalotog bartoen *BO ited , lloo, toOttki U. Treasury noun and ousgto gold pleoP, sud a rote for SS*, oededJuly 4, 1868, tore her watt sonte pipers Of *Ain. te any person but the owner. The strove Atrial* *dint pi& for the eeteetaun of the thief-mei the recovery or the money by Navin/ It at 13 dBI Itlllapritt)ft. ignitT NVISTI" TEN DOLLAR W.ILL GIVEN, eiD.DITI9N TO AL ir4 Nuarnis, Tb recruits for the •IreltlL IN ." liEtibrENT : Pelica n' a l th l te i nan ts t WEI.W.Ls-VP 311, ) now at Newponiteefa. 0N146.0.14614, or Arst 'Olasi, are wanted lit IMAM & MSS 41 1.3. `call-des ; • ;11p, a Arcp.attaot. :roult - FipainD 206 DOLT RECRUITS WANTED, COL. D. HEEIWT, CONIIANDISO. 172%i•itis -- NOW ENCAMPED AT 'HESTONIILLE, PIIILA. a . , TRANSPORTATION FURNISHED FREE OF CHARGE, r Pay to Date from.. Enrollment , 4 $2 kohl when Mastered 1010 Service ; • 604 row city roleoU; 'l4 OO 11013 ..V.Pit antes GeTeriment ;. • 1$ Ozo entniihie Ye* in lalvande ; Prprale Siporpfriton. Vply. to .(apt_ *OM A_ Peet. rapt:T6a. 8, Ili- One, Itserulting Itearritilich4 Tio 61, FUtti and Karma mots, or W4.'CiBo 'H.:AIoittIWtIGL, 4 Imola-et. Werra howl, Herri.barg, CCO:1116 . 3E-a . I 175:‘Irs T s p RINING laaiturthz Qoal.tard, foot of 11 vit' /1 " / x s"! l P le ! ib r 9-4,1910 r, , dam 01*,0 4 1 to Empty, the, ppiilko witit a COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF ` THE DIFFERENT , VA.RIETY AND SIZES ole - Cla 004 1 ;U: . F ULL I A..I 4 WA.YS GUARANTEED. . .. . . - ord.r! itviii 4 P4r 015,P4r , 0#44. trios, ioot , of :North. drat,. Or. At tba 4 01116 it of Thia. Do*, Jr. & Co., will recolve.proloptattmitlop. 4 3 1 * IG T" AR RP ° 41 1 -X• J 729 s• 3.41. , WV. tIOCIR; *thrtrtistments. IMWQVAt. RS. VOX bit/IDLER has removed ` from%Oat_ , IT•sa. ow Thud to. Vital slaw • daorabeis, w . ark st apposite Hare a Rotel.witere will aoatinucta. DKAM.MAKINCI-SULUUM„sad ' A W! ratlimaka• or tb • 'team , • her I . / All 77 .1 ar g vistly•coota at /todk X • ' - n. anll4lliry Nat) abeatistratuts WHEELER'S QFIEAP 00AIA THE tmdetsigned is now_pftpared to sell A. opal as the fajowing LOW RATES: i —. 112 26 per tom .. 326 nee ion .. $ 26 per tern. ... 3r6 per ton. ..... 3 00 per ton. t ~. 326 per ton II 26 per ton. 1". alio* to. . it 60 par on . BtO par ton Smith's opal. ... ................. .... 360. sr too. . 363 per too. • sir The Larberry walk a cleaner coal than the Iy keos Valles, Undies as easy, does not clinker, and will burn longer *LA glee mon heat. Coal add pyrite!' boat laid, Oar land, doe,, half/ or third Walt andloy ! .bushal the ' . . sir sm too of 4* btla quality *pod and barerial by the ' ' ' Lorberry nut cog, e egg st " etlye a broken "„ Wilkesbarra Imp* cupola. attarnboat a Lytton. Valley nut..... ....... ...... egg broken. ... ... ....... PATE*? WEIGH% OMITS. Rani : 'btu* Ativpdlia JIM *. Alfjp!Lia. AQM attikiNCY B&0E. PAY, Bourn, PENSION & EfingISTENCE . , . • , . VUGENE Snyde r , Attorney at Law, I,:j otdoe,'lldrd attee t 4larihtbarg, Pi:, aril attend tc too adttatkactir tat cialtps,,oailtr- du act ol ductal*, of aptB 16,11862. Bask. pas ofi_dcbarkod aid deeessed toddlers. ?Canty adder ACV uk Oonaromt. Jay, 42,1861. Peaalttarand-olaititt lir sabakitaoco, no; .17104111 m --- CHARTER OAK FAMILY FLOUR. UM:WELL= BY ANY IN THE UNTIED BTATES AND BIIPIERIOR TO ANY FAN OY ttiLA N DS OFF BRED IN PENNSYLVANIA ! If tit NADI; 01 4310I00" 11148$011111 W HMI - Want Al* /Mow ,Lim pia* In the eity,. ko• et oun. TRW/8, Cash oir deliver,. tom . lnc 'DOOR, &Oo GLASS F-ft,013"„ . JARS .I I SELF SE,AjaliG. BEST AND CalitioraT i ! I 'CALL AND EXAMINE. .b BO 111)31.,10-8ALZ VALUABLE AEI) DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE WILL be offered a.t sale, on Thursday the 11th day of Allotainber, at 2 o'clock, at Brant's BPI in, the city of Hitnishurii• Thirty three acres of land with an pestilent frame bones and barn and palbulidlogn, situated Partly in the Oity therthettarg and partlyin Pratara township. This property Is situated on the South of Hummel,- town turnpike, *,„pistillate of widen los a beautiful I , extlon On a hill, .*:l47.ta%nig the city let Theft is bun, to be sold in three ierelots. linalot or piece ofground situated in Minket %mare, adkrining Joned House, having a front of"22Teet and pleading bat c 157% feet - to 20 'ton Alloy, thereon erected-a two story busk holm with two story back brick building and ,table, having the use of a three feet alley on ktorketpilingsono of the most desirables tuations fro' bfreihess er private residence is the city. Catsestion given ern Ist of October «oat. 0 teditions of salsa are 10 per oent. of the puretlesse Money to We paid oe the day of sale, the balance of the one hair of the pureness money when the tills is made, and the balance in two equal an sal payments with tntel Pt, from t e tines posses Pon Leven. Tope aerated by bonds and mortgage, A plan f tbe thl Ce acre lets (An be seen at the boot and slues store of A. Hummel, nest dose to tos Court House, ilapistnerg o. Accedence AdEll be glcumby LutistOr of David Huouns74tc'd. 172*dts GMBH MUSIC HALL IMMENSE ATTRACTION. MISS _KATE' ARCHER, ikiiroun s sud t►wta.t[og From% Daum" tato of th Bang 'troupe, 110 d „MISS MOLLIE FIELDING, The New - Yaik k irivorite 'Friguneponea, Aram/mayd at au enormous !ninepin, aid will appear every nt„lat at the Gaiety; mad ROBES r EDWARD/, Sole Proprietor. FOR SALE. 'WE undersigned offere at private sale a TWO STORY FRABIRVOUSE 25 pm, front one 100 axe deep, eltehted on East State 'greet near Tilbfbrt. The house la in''sosd'repeir , has beseineat Weibel; wider gel sad all the hied.= Improve. mews. Tor lusher ltdbrmatire, sequin' on the premises. in 1241. 04 , ; = WARD PAMIR. ATTENTION ACTIVE AND DARING YOUNG MEN. . praistanents for the War ~Major George H. Etirdwell, of theljath Regi eat P. V., la now at rEitarr's Hotel,. where he ivii6remsin until esturdAY nest; Auguat 10th, for theparpose otreoettiog reprulti for Ids regi ment. - • The bounty .in Ws regiment- amounts to TWO-HUNDRED AND RIX DOLLARS-- $lO6 "qf wtdch is 'pad by the city . mid the other $lOO by the U. 8.. °ointment. The regiment Is now in. oeserneat Phllsdel phis, and only leeks' tire hundred and sixty four men. ' Squads or fraeiiions of companies received, and transportation furnished as soon as recruits are, received for the camp faiths 116th. 4PPIY to t*EoElle a BARDWELL, ..316th Reg. P. V. m&e, lea NOTIOe, • • ALL employees of the Philadelphia and Readtog Railroad company, who itail oast In the rorvini Of the Unitel htibee *trine prose of crashing the tebeillon ^now inrcatening , he Rberves of our coun try, are hereby that tech. crepe. site sheet/cub will be beet open and en them hear &ea s y on theft re'urn; and' thtt the fact of their veinal:sting 10 deiced their. *Aunty etnitreency, will be scold ere(' here .fter an greatly th their gator Per promotion to any sahib e ;tuitions In the service or this ComeneY °Beam: is SettTa„Prealdeut. Phi agelphhe !ingest gth 1862. antl.dtm NOTION, fIII3E South Ward School Directors will „I_ will receive proposals AM building a - tirtm FtorF brick school hoots,os , the corner of Four th , street and `.."`""' err i el'efs The mental trill made In oamb, is the p reaching 'Mean per oent. till completed. Plan and speciflamtlon c n he wan, 4 the olllos of Dr. C. Faller. rested proposal= he Banded to iamb Ernmite:PZeald4llo. op Or Au. Sinn 12th. Eremites newt accompanY the prof . 3ESTlFilkOrf OF SIM. PrOlmeile IbiAhie shove will be reeked midi the 90th tXtet., the time Wing been egeg.4.o to that thus. FOUND.` TN the dining room -of, the American A, Boise, hi Canal street between Wainnt and state, idt nuturdag owning, August Oat, a 11111 DOLLAR bill, the owner ran have by calllns at the h - WK-P. RDORTS. FOUND, A B21:1V the Pennsylvania Railroad De ria...the.sam_ smialiark Mode vitis. /1 "7 1 4. 7 um or IPPelle:. OWlnr 1 41 10 mi Pkoie , mikvat tor A* atirecueemea' me diet SHEET MUSIC, SHEET MUSIC, JUST RECEIVED. SEVERAL thousand pieces NEW iaOutraunyWed IDUEIq COMPlit/7 a Tery au Steinway's Unrivalled Pianos. PIANOS FOR $l5O UP TO $l,OOO. SCHOOL AND CHURCH ORGANS FROM EIGHTY DOLLARS PRINCE'S MELODEONS eq From Forty-flue Dollars. VIOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS, FLUTES, FIFEi ma ambit meroluuidize of every kin .1 AGENCY OF HOWE'S SEWING MACHINES, PORTRAIT PRAMEQ, LAUB PIES AND MANTLE 31IRM nude to odes• constantly on baud . a largo c‘rlny , • PHOTOGRAPH FR Atl ES. Frames oreoery theperiptlort made to order at t notice. REGILDING DONE, At the Ne'w Music Store of auidly EAGLE WORKS, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. BOONLIDRIIB' RULING-I/HIM AID PM, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND MACHINES POE GRINDING CUTTING-MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Mills and Fodder Cutters, SCHOOL FURNITURE, General Machine Work and Iron and Brass CASTINGS, woo TURNIN9 IN ALL ITS BRANCH - 0, SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, Elt., Vt. DOCK, JR. 100 Or Any Machine of Wood, Iron or Brace made to order. Char and screw Cutting, itc. PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTING TOOK or Cash paid. foe Old Copper, Brass, Spatter, &c. STEAM BOILERS, &O. PENNSYLVANIA CELLAR WINDOW GRATES, varkolepetterm, both Statiouiry alld Sast Wetchts various otter building cistino, for gale very ch• ap at the (] L WuRKE. NEWOrleans Sugars, white and brown, Just recoiled and for sate lo o by NICHOLS & BO .Vw.iN, Cor. Frog: and Market r.ete. EMI CRUSHED, coarse and fine pulveriva sugar, lower than any other plane In tog , LEti, and examine, LIMAS& B J/26 Corner Front and Mark,' stn. ets FOR SALE. AGROVER & BASER Sewing Machitid Law and 1111. good order, wad will bo sold on red. outdo term. Apply at THIS OF• IC .. aul2-4.30 VANILLA BEANS. WE are offering for sale a splendid amino , or vanilla Bean at low prizes, by the pound, ounce or singly. . . . . . CRM% & BLACKWELL'S Celebrated PICKLE, 9ACCS3, PECESERVE, &o„ Cc. A large amply 0( the above, embracing every variety, jal re - dived sad for sate by [,lC] WM. DOCK. Jr, RCo CEDAR TUBS, BASKETS, BROOMS VV and everything In the line, Jest received in large buantkies and for cafe very low by wv. :WK. Tr n "-?; ' Jars, rut cans o a P binds, Ibr sae low, by NICHOL , z at BONN 1 No JUST REUhIVED. A. LARGE ASSORTMENT of Family Mae Of dllfereut styles of biadtng, at 900, 1.1 r rj lat :r 5 l n " S'Orgmtvaratted: SUGAR! lO' BBLS. Sugar (Refined aad Raw,) of grades and dad jut received and mill be Ist ths Ingest market pees. le2o WM D Cg, JR., & OU. ORANGES AND LEMONS.-60 Weal Just reoelved sod In prime order. CO. sprlB W. LOCK, JR., & PRIME Cheese from New York Dairies Just received and for sae tow by NICHOLS & SOWN, .1.08 Cartier Front and Market streets. CALL an• see those nice and cheap tan Ws for pro Farling, Sta., at NICHOLS S BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market streets. 11108, Dates, Prunes, Raisins, and all amid sm., &crow,: WISE'S Store, Third and abut. by]. ExTR 9. family ;our, a superior brand wbleh we warrant to give s tisfacti n, just re eolved and fir sale by NIOROLq & BOWMAN , Corner Front and Markel rtreeta. FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. THE above reward will be paid for the apprehension of per oa, who stole the Nara from the pea or the noderAgusi la Walnut Etr. SHAFFER. et. anlo-ASt• WIL 8. EXTENSIVE assortment of glasswar jut reds ved, and foreste low by NICHOLS At BOWMAN, • Corner Front and Man et streets. LOTS FOR SALE. J. HALDEMAN will sell lota on Elt Nor th gayer and Penney Paints &VW/ _2, ti &Min to purchase. Apply corner tro-1,4r j . di Walnut streets. CLARET WINE!!! WE are closing ont a VERY SCPERTIDR LOT at imams cost. 1178 - • OLD PENS I—The brg2.l3 • and best 'Ginmoot, from si.os to stoo— , farr 4-4 LI • n ssii'FfS BfX)RSTORE. _ _ uperior---brands of a d us a ficti ftaj o l Y, fl a r t , l ; Qwhkh we warrant toNI OW .at sowso, - cot and bittriet streets. Sall NEW Patterns ot Coal Oil Idtlllp6, with 111 the rooentl improved 61:Wows for sale by Ma 101.3 &OtS.ii.iled • Willer FrOpt xtvi u.,ticat ,treeta. Ote---7:----------i3AOIXY:pd sepia Of a ll Dowielis: fOl z 4101101.9 & 'llll. Maw irat YAM ktOtl, lIMEI tin) ltmatuatments ACODIZEON EL WARD & Cl} No. 14 Market Square, near co der MA.NIIPAOTI3B2II. or lIICKOK'S RAILROAD, ABOVE STATE STREET KELLER'S DRUG r,TOSE, 91 Market Street. Oornst Frotit awl st outs. Cotner
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers