Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, August 14, 1862, Image 7

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    9atip litetegrap.
NO WE 'Di A OVeitt risir.tta.—All A; •
vertisements, Business Notices, Mar.
rtagee, Deaths, &c., to secure Inuertlen
in the TELEGRAPH, must Invariably
be accompanied with the CASH.
Advertisements ordered in the reign.
lar Evening Edition are inserted in the
morning Edition without extra charge.
Thursday Morning, August 11, 1882,
Tse Worm of forming regiments out cif' the
volunteer companies in Camp Curtin is pro
gressing as rapid yas circumstances will per
mit. Five rvginiebts have already been or
ganised, and will move ,southward as soon as
the War Department frirnisties the necessary
arms and transportation. • • -
130IINTIES PLID.—The non-commissioned of
ficers and privates of the Boas Guards, Capt. H.
C. ALLMAN, of this city, were.. eaoh paid . their
bounty of fifty dollars yesterday; by the
Treasurer of the Fund, R. S. ICalker, Esq.
Derry Fencibles; Capt. Henderson, received
their bounty yesterday. -.
F. L. BAYER, of the Mariettian, one of the
hebdomidal ornaments of Lancaster many, was
in our sanctum eaterday, looking as hearty
and valorous as a veteran. With shooting
stick or pen, Baker is equally expert, and we
hope soon to hear of him at the head of a com
pany or a regiment.
CAPr. JACOB M. ETeTBE, Of , the `lBth. United
States Infantry, has been (lined to Baltimore,
whore he relieves Capt. 1018 i. Wyse, of the 8d
United States Artilley, fn Ate duties of mus
tering officer. Capt. P. E. Forney will take the
place of Capt. Eyster, as recruiting officer of
the 18th UnitecLStates InfitarLy in thtiretty,
SOLDIER KILLED -A lOW Dip ago r as a train
tilled with soldiers was pilsigeg under abridge
near the Gap, Lanctustetvinkpa mat#141414%
on the tup of the care r witof natrul,we have ,
not been able lo was' istruiiik by the
bridge and so severely injciad -. ihat, he subse
quently died. The unfortunman belonged
to one of the Chester counthisompanles.
SANIORD --the indefaigpiblys manager of
"burnt cork opera"—notilesAw that he will
be on hand at his opera` hiipyH in ,this city
"with songs to greet us" on the ,25th inst.
He has organized an entire new troupe, com
posed of some of the moat cetOrated artiste in
the Ethiopian Minstielsey. "Wit." who will
make a e.fosation M. our Autism:tient loving
7 4 1 — .
Tam °Rua - RiasiliSit.-,rOur artist friend,
Harry Davie, Witt over head and ears in busi
ness yeaterday,arnittggg ataifigfor
tiun of file great panorama Qf ; the hellion,
at Brant's Hall next BaHday l evening t
is much nodosity existing in Our cicmmunity
to %hoses the additions made by the artist to
the panorama during the piiiamt-iiituitmeif
and we predict that !tale-appearance I;.ause
A " run" t oval to that which wet:o4,3w
exhibition in our city.
Tan Ammo RAILROAD COMPANY, through
its Pret.ident, Chas. F. Smith,. Esq ., has
sued a notice that all . its eat CloYees who may
enlist in the service of the United States for
the purpose of crushing the rebellion now
threatening the liberties of cur coitntry,,may
rest assurtd that their respective situations
will be kept - open - and given them immediately
on their return; and that the fact of their vol
unteering to defend their country ig„Air, emer
gency will be considered hereafter. .as greatly
in their favor for promotion teeny suitable
positions in the service of the CoMPany.
Carr. Wu. H. Bratia, of,ilo'slet. V., was
n this city on Tuesday eVening,en route for his
home. Capt. Blair is suffekin - g . with - a serious
optioal affection, which' has almost destroyed
his vision, and which must - renfier him incapa
ble of active duty for , a long period. He is a
brave and enterprising soldier, one of the first
to coypus& the cause of the government, and
up to the lime that his eyesifailed 'him,- was of
great service to his country and his regiment,
The good wishes of his man follow - him into
his temporary retirement, while it will elicit an
earnest hope among , all who knoli him that he
may soon be restored to his position at the
bead of his company, once more insigorpted
and qualified for active duty.' 7
roux, August 11, 1862.
Ma. GEO. BLEGNER, Dear Si you in
Your next morning:e issue state whether or not
the following blame in thfi Statil law la applica
ble to the three month's men. They b,rtainly
possess a discharge from the'army of the United
Stater : . •
"All persons who have a regular and b.4P9rlit'
bledlithafiii . roin the army or i navy of the
U iced Statee in pursuance of sorlaw of the
State," are exempt from draft.
Please comply with the request and oblige,
- Yours, Etc.,
O. F.
Vo are fully aware of the existence of the
clause of the act of Assembly to which our corn .
reel:tondo:it :riots; but - it will not exoneraa
any one from a draft. The clause in puede!)
is of ly•lntended to apply to -the - Bkaa . fiervictt,
and it in not at all ainutable •to the thre&
month's men who were called into service by
theljeiiiiiiiit r under the prov Ibibrat o f t h e ao t o f
Congress of February 28th, 1795.
A Main Mtn COWABDLY Aor.—We are s om
that there, should be a single representative of
a man at Camp.Curtin, who diograces- the hu
manity in himself, and insults the valor said
honesty by which he is governed. But such
neverthelesiiiie case, and
. jost such a mean ,
fellow stole a bible from the pocket of Bev.
Frank.. Moore, whiltObat divine was min
istering to the comfort. and the cheer of
the meu at Camp Cnitio, yesterday laftemoon:
The bible was _ a present from a dear friend,
and was of course highly prised on that 'ac
count. If the sinner who stole it returns it to office he will be doing something to
ameliorate his crime and mum hle :40164finCt•
The soldier has no better friend than' Rey.
Wore.- lie bee - been his advocate andliWref:
at.d shquid tkeitif2ro,not jitipaar4
thu et hill purfoiniegisi,
WS NUMB throw* of the
Bank of Pottstown, on Tuesday, which has for
its vignette a portrait of Buchsian, and on the
forehead of which was written the word trai
tor ! Public opinion is a sturdy judge, when
facts and circumstiiices are convincing against
a man.
1I =1
DROUGHT . —At the 'present time we seem to
be threatened with a want of rain. It is true,
we cannot tell what a day may bring forth, but
Nat now the corn requires a soaking rain, oth
erwise it will suffer materially; as it is in that
Oracular period of its dwelopment to be se
'Howdy injured by continued dry weather. We
look to Him who has promised the "early and
the lait,r rain" for a deliverance from the evil
consequences of a drought. A failure of the
corn crop, in view of the troubles of our coun
try, would be a very grievous
. national loss,
which would be more seriously fe4 from the
fact that the yield, of oats is but little if any
better than half a crop. We hope for the best,
and upward turn the eye ,prayerfully, for !be
propitious cloud.
Ar Exontsair Cannier:a:ie.—A recent ordi
nance of our City Council, which . tart'been ap
pr9yeil by the Mayor, enacts that from and af
t t the 9th Inst. all persons within the limits
of the cityof Harriiibu%;%tto may, be 'efflictol
wita, any coriVigious or infectious disease, shall
be required to.confine themselyes closely and
Strictly *thin. thi4r,reapective 4wellings until
sucklibte arther care produce a certificate from
some regular, physician, certifying that the per
tain so afflicted` has so far recovered Belo go
abroad:without endangering the , . haidtk of the
community ; and that any_person violating the
.pr i ovisions aforeeaid shall pay, upon conviction
tbereof, into the city treasury a fine of not more
Milan fifty dollars nor less'than twenty dollars,
td be collected as other fines are now by law
COMPANY BOLL Of ine BoCs Xfirittos..los Has
: ssuao.—The Boas Guards marched into Camp
s . .rtin on Friday, the Bth, and were examined
it Poet Surgeon Wilson, and noistered into
the United States service by Capt. William B.
Lane on Saturday, the 9th day Of August, A..
U., 1862. This company was * named by Capt.
Allem,p.,‘in compliment to Col. F. S. Boas, of
this City, and is one of the flneit loniting corn
phrties and composed of asgood fighting mate
rial as.ever leit'HarrisbuTg.
H. 6.'illeitan, Capteiti;Harrisburg.
R. E. Cable, let Lieutenant, Harrisburg.
1.T. , M. Wiestliog, 2d Lieutenant, Harrisburg.
Cheyne, Augustus L., Ist eergquit, Muria-
OSUMI; William 8., 2d Sergeant, Shamokin,
Iceene,Jatries B , 8d Sergeant, Harrisburg.
i'uvinger, flacons, 4th Sergeant, Millers
burg,"Pa: "
Oren, Jesse, sth Sergeant, Harrisburg.
Fisler Luther, Ist Corporal, Harrisburg.
Putt, William J., 2d Certioral,. Cuisiberhind
county ;
Hummel, Charles 8., 8d borporal, Harris
Eckert, John C., 4th Corporal, Harrisburg.
' Leepard, Joseph, 6th Corporal, 'Cumber/end
4411, oar 1,15111111/20411,04.-
~th iJorpunil, Ha ". •
Lebo, Henry, 801 Corporal, Harrisburg .
Hoffman, John W., flier, Gratz, Pa.
Krause, George W., drummer, Harrisburg,
Felty, Joshua 8., company Quartermaster t
Atkins, Robert, Philadelphia.
Anderson, Thompson, Millersburg.
Andergon, John, Dauphin county.
Brumbaugh, James A., Harrisburg.
Bidding, Henry, Millersburg.
Baylm, James, Millersburg.
Boalds, John, Harriiburg.
Bomgardoer, David, Lebanon county.
Behm, Daniel, Lykens.
Bitteintan, Thomas H., Lykenti.
Carichner, John, Harrisburg.
Douglas, Alexander, Dauphin.
Decry, Conrad, Lykens..
Driesel, Ned, Lykens.
Doubert, John, Harrisburg.
Emig, Adam, Millersburg.
Frank, Henry H., Millersburg.
Foster, Benjamin R., Lykens.
Frint, Frantz, Lykens. ,
Fisher, William, Columbia county.
Good,gaoob Harrisburg.:
J ••, .
Gallagher, John, Havre DeGrass.
Hildebrand, Thadeus, Adams county.
Heim Levi, Harrisburg. -
Heilheoker, Louis, Gettysburg.'
Heckert, Frederick, B-rrysburg.
Hoffman, John, Berrysburg.
Harper, James, Lingiestown.
Jury, Daniel, Lykens Valley.
Kanork, Michael, Harrisburg.
Klingher, John, Lykerus.
Klapp, Henry, Union county.
• Keener, Jacob, Lirigleetown.
Leepard, Wm. L., Cumberland county.
Lent; John, Linglesto .
Leeser, Wilhelm,Philadelphia.
Lane, Moses, Ha rrisburg.
Lehman, Jacob, Lykens Valley.
• . Lehman, Emanuel, Millersburg.
Litsel, Elias, Dauphin county.
Molts, John J., Cumberland county.
Michael, Lorenzo, Millersburg.
Miller, Joseph, Millersburg.
Myers, John, Dauphin county.
Miller, John W., Dauphin county.
M. saner, Daniel, Lykens Valley.
‘M'Oarroll, Charlea, Harrisburg. _
'M'Fadden John, H.rrisburg.
„Matter, Pe ter, Dauphin county.
' +rte' Henry A., Dauphin county.
P,lst, George WHarrisburg.
- Palm, _ Michael, LYkene
Poticher, John, Lykens.
Patterson, John 8., Harrisburg.
Potiger, Jonathan, Dauphin county.
• Potiger, Daniel, Dauphin county.
:Pyrtt, James, New York.
Richner, John, Williamsport.
Rutherford, Samuel A., Harrisburg.
Rice, Edward, Harrisburg.
Rheinhart, Ephraim, Lebanon county.
titeever, Wesley, Millersburg.
Speeder, John,Millersburg.
.Stteplar, Milli Lingelstown.
Steele, Joseph, Harrieburg.
Spoke Jacob, Wrens Valley.
Sieg, Samuel, Harrisburg. •
Siert, Peter, Harrisburg,
Timminy, Charles L., Cumberland county
Uhler, George, <Daupbilitounty.
Uriah, Benjamin, Lingelstovrn.
, Thisholtz, Isaac, Gratz.
Updegrove, John, Ls keno.
Walmer, Noah Harritburg,
Wi t tmas; John a L I I / 4 1.1.1ersburg.
Witnian,'Franklin, I.:Ykeris.
Williamson Thomas a, Millersburg._
" o - auto I al. ; ~
.1 ens.
Yeager Williligi..Horyiebekg.
171iiitti3rtCniit6,17eirToilf. - I,
g itc 44 , 22r4 1 4 - ivai , iiitt
-Ewe fat itifskaw.
cirelegrapti,Atralcag Morning /August 14, 1862.
SOLDIER'S RELlEF.—Contributions of vrgeta
bcs were received yesterday, for the sick
and wounded, at Camp Cuttin, viz: Tomatoes,
cacumbers, squashes, onions, cabbagk s and
beets, from A. Reel, J. Mish, J. W. Vanhorn,
Wm. Dial, P. Hocker, D. Hiphaid, S. Flick
inger, James Espy and Mr. Hargiat. In addi
tiOn, butter, eggs, blackberries and sugar, have
been supplied out of the , funde.of the Ladies'
Relief society Many of our farmers, who have
a surplus of vegetables, would do a good service
by sending them in
Tau .Plutamour of laelng r the-comer,qtdhisSer
the new ainrch ediff& — nliW t beirig - ere - deli by
the Wesleyan Methodist: congjegation, (Tier
ed) took place on Sibbith afternoon, under the
directionpf r phe'plittor,, RTV: ; Etivid
Stevens. 'iverithlng Paisede;ff pleasantly,and
although very f©w other, than colored persons
were present, the calleetiOn was a very credthi 2
ble one, as the figures will show :
.800IIITY 001+121213TIONS.
Temperance Beneficial eons of Rosh. • , .. $l2 00
Good Satnaritlin CoujicilisTo.',l, D> of T.. 25 00
Oofnmitree on Ist of Augusffhtival 12 00
Brotherly Love Lodge No. 896, G. U. 0.
of O. F 10 00
Temperance Daughters of Miller 10 00
Bishop Lodge No. 7, G-13 and D. of S.. 12 00
and Carpet Soci ty. 12 80
Pr sleyari Union Sinking rand 88 28
i Upton Sunday School. 86 1 71 -
Public collection 46 82
, •
TEE Forerx 7 likxwa ,Bstinismvue, —The v...
bike Rifles—Lilt ,of llid and twote;uled.—Adj dant
George W. l3oyd„gtadCakft: George A. Brooke;
of conipany fc(Veriieliffi Rifle's) both of
16 0Y - §4t,k-AnNlYisTll4 Aesio , t, a rrived
their respective residences in this city at noon ,
tO-day, direct from Culpepper Court Rouse.
Col. Joseph F. Erkipei_of the same regiment has
`460 the dity, but; we' have not had
an opporttiniiy-to see him.
Adjutant Boyd and Capt. Brooke were bot
wounded in'thei remit tbattle :with the , rebells
near Culpepper Court House, Va., the forMe
46 the fleshy part of the - lest thigh by aEI
rifle ball, which has
, not yet been extracX4
though the been several. 4,t_i!nefi
probed, and the latter in the left foot and
oho/ ob his enact, .Neithirr. of the .vroundlittilde
ci!nolideired dauWorilfiluM viith'Ahe propylat . riT
niate,recovery. .fli,everytiother.respect;
; •
seem lobe inttheenjoltderittfot bicellennteatt%
The . gentleiMen '0914 Enfpe; ff ;folB
slightly wounded in t4eAde 4,4,l4. f aibblAe
explosion of a bomb sheli AieittAyiitik,42o9f
his face. A portion of thfashellistimk ksiibsin
the head, tearing awityith i eldilh,witlicit'bk r,r - ,
ing the skull bone, ktkt, i by , itii; gonctfehai%h,
deOug the ColoneLdillirisessfotu;several
Capkdßrooks wointlinto , tho4bittle•witlr.slat
men of friyOditipiitif64: aim out with tfy
nineteen, the remmithif i having been either
killed, wounded or missing. Ile was the only
commissioned officer of his company il!the
salon, the others having heen detailed onlither
The following ie a list of the easualities in
•`/ ;AC+o, 7 477l447`'Nwr'" xp
reeks,. Harris/Aid
a rm, slightly.
Ist Sergeant Sinniel Bernbeisel, Harrisburg
wounded and prisoner.
2nd Sergeant Potteiger, Halifax, wounded' In
4th Sergeant Geo. Duren, Halifax, killed.
Corpora( Thos. J Nuvinger, Halifax,in thigh
Corporal John Yeager, Manilla, ankle. ,
John Hoke; Halifax, arontid Oct „and
Elias Eirly, Manacle, ankle. , . 1 •
Edward Rhoads, Manada;
Thos. Lyon, Caillsle, - thigh, severely.
John Houser, Mei:Jade"; missing:
Simon Powley, Manada, side, seriously.
Mathew Taylor, Halifax, both legs.
Archibald Griffin, Millersburg, missing.
Joseph Albert, Wilkesbarre, leg, badly.
Benj. Downey, Georgetown, killed.
Jacob Killinger, leg and shoulder.
James Shannon, New Buffalo, thigh.
Wm. Baughman, New Buffalo, missing.
Wm. Meese, Kuroda, missing.
Josep i Geiger, llamado, missing.
F. Martin, Georgetown, collar , bone broken.
Alex. Ilhoods, Ittenado;
Levi Neg. Monads, missing.o
Wm. Matte, Holifax,.bead r alightly.. .
Jiro: Weniick,llTitnnda, Lead slightly
Wm. Basinger, HalifaX; mhatig. •
Joseph J. Smith, Dunoannon,"Woututed 'and
Joseph Sullenberger, Harrisbritiiniiseing.
Alex. M. Orth, Harrisburg,' knee. -.-
Jacob Good, Halifax, shoulder and leg.
Wm. S ifried, Birdsboro, missing.'
Henry Weidensall, Morgantown,'lnissirig,
Sawl Tromlee, Duracannon, missing. -- .
In addition to the above, there ,areteveral
more wounded and missing, whose notnes the
Captain could not remember.
Wit have received a very larg. zortment Of
Hoop Skirts, all qualities atidlirittii;' from 7b
cents up to $2 50 ;25 dozen id' ktir a e:illea
Shirt Breasts, Collarsiind' Cute - to Matcb,'lte
whole set for 25 cents,' worth6olcents ; 10
boxes of Ribbon for dress trimming, all oulors;
boxes of Belt Ribbon, all dOlura • a hi*, as
sortment of linen and msadtiliiirk , Collars, and
setts of collarkaud.sleeves ;'a hirge assortment
of white Can:thrice; Tacouneits, figured and
plain Swiss Masao, Brillittifh4Nansooks. lee
finest 4ot of embroldefedifiren&uCtiditiricßanthi l
ever brought to Harrisburg ; 4ilieces of striped
good=. for UndensleeVes ; 2.6' In
fant Waists at• - all7pliailf of Black
Silk Lace, all prices, sqme * yard wide suitable
for drt se II mooing or trimming of lace shawls;
Lace Mitts at all prices, 25 cents up ; 40 dozen
of ladies and gentlemen's linen pocket Hand
kerchiefs. Fur wholesale customers we keep a
large assortment of hoisery and notions, such
a Spool Cotton, Thread, Needles, Pins, Stock
ings, Socks, etc., etc. ' b' LIMY.
Mate or letale,
Tryon have been sulltinna - ront-it habit in oulged in by the,
YOOTHOF BOTH 8,10134 # •
WHIM GA tr- - 0.: sotm • iry +lr. SYMpromS ,
R. (MAU Mr" for Merriam .
And le the gre.t-ti evirwilleh O baba
MAN On wolf
See symp'omo enumerated b•ve
adrtisetneot. and If you
are a r offerer, -
Cmt out the ad verllsement,
And send IM Kat Once.
Ask lor,r=eseklolel's ;
Take` no other.
Cure! guaranteed.
Beware of Onmaterfeits Rad istitzganitt s • .-jyle-c2tu
- .
ALL. and examine taose new •jaris for
pinta ? Ina beat chain .24 and Win p teat in in market,
lb , ear; by NIOut,IS & iO WILLA ,
itl9 r OrA..',Fr.cp a kiw. c 3Larket ttreet.
SUGARS of all kindas.irliita - fold brown ,
kJ lowa thin • •
I.IILItAS ag Bowit44-ai
any Cbroor at Front and Need stmt.
210 11
Way 4. .fite e lid9r!s - flap Dye I
Hart i ~, 1 ,A 1, •- ; ..
The only klese and Reliable Dye Known !
All others, imp ol e regaltridlomt, and „jibould bo avoided
if you wish icrothea - rldidult.
GRAY RRD D RUSTY lIAIR dyed itstantly to a
behutiKand Toro BrOwn or Blacit, without the least
- " n ficligtEDA.r,S4AND DifitniAS - tiav, been awar
deil 0 1911. A. 0411111111.01 shine 18 9, and over 230,000
ki , lll.itAtßine neve been ',wide to the hair ~f the patrons
of Mio fitment. itye
Wu A ilAittiKinws aim DYE - prottlies a Color
nut •ii be ihstinguialira from nature and 1- traigamnar
. ant to injure in tc.. lev,t, however long it tn., lti contin
at. . andillbe iii Betts of bail D , d9 remediei th. hair
is vigorated for hie by this splendid Dye wtaili Is prop
er applied,ut, No. 18,ilorid Street-New. York.
.i id la anitheditea aliDlowtid or tbe United States, by
S writes and Fancy Goode Dealers
be ihrtru're has ,he unite .Wfiliarn a lialcbelor,"
4. ktirtj'iiptirp,-dieli phtte engraving, .on the time
t l i
- 1 -rn each nx
, lyb.ololde Factor :•, 81 Farley St..,
324kikvitiyir s ' ' ! .'i tate 233 Broadway, New York.
• .
•q.ATIAH,4 I A".- I'LDRED, Executrix of
et the astute of Thomas Aland ; d e ed.. late of the
• ' of Hisirisbnrg, Dauphin county, having letters
- entary - ,gyanted them•by_the, Roulet. r Den.
.connty,,hgridoVnotitrekairpartles I"nde"bted to.rold
e to to makaimmediAte payment, and thoe having
a al.. to pre ent taw*. propedy .authenticated for
set rment to the above named executrix. au:24w
44 #TEY M 11S IC HALL.
it t
~: alrint Street between 211 and 3d.
P i * HT lit IDWARD. ...Ptile Lessee and Marager
A ion to nil puts of the House 3 ernts
B . ,!: IbR E. NEW 'STARS
appearvae of
,e - Wl:we sett-sic performawee have received,
Ink ut etceptio., tue moat a oterin! notices .from the
ft". and'the most 'skin -dye - tbi3 elti Of N4w'Yorr,
Pel sd-lphia, Boston and other principal Gni , 8, wh
havr se h0..0r of making her first ap.mar3riee in liar
[lOU* nu
ionday Evening, August 11th, 1362.
eo engagement
The seat Pavotite, Et toper. Comedians, In o , enaction
vita tla:
Mies Fdaarda, Dick Bathelon T. H. lIM te,
ter Periy, T. H. G.innen, Pro , . Vacsant, Ma=ter Geor e,
the Btby t lawn, ido;a. De Louie and tae Educated dog,
: 11ricirs open at 7% to commence at 8 o'clock.
HEREAS, the Honorable JOHN J.
PSSRSON, President of the Colon of Common
i V V
Pleas in the Twelfth Jw.lcial District,. consisting of th
concede' of Lebanon and Dauphin and the Lion. Sane
st LANDIS and Hon. Moue IL Ydugo, Associate Jnidgen in
nuphin county, havlug issued. 'tuck' precept, bearing
"dine the 18th day of JuselB62, to me directed, for
holding a Cour,. of Oyer and .Terminer and General Jail
Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace at Harrisburg,
for the county of Daunnin, and to commence es Tel 4TH
141ONDAT or AOOllll $617, being .the 26nr OAT OF AMID,
1462, and to combine one weeks. , • '
s Aotlue is therefore hereby given to the Coroner,
tiles of the Peaee„..Aldi3rmen, and Censtable4 of the said
county or Dauphin, that they be then aid titer in their
proper persons, at 10 o'cioot in the torenoon of said
diy, with tacit' records, inquiotioas, usaminati , ois,
and their own rentembiances,: to do, those things
which to their office appertains to be SOWN and those
Who are bound In reeognizstioes to prosecute against the
prisoners that are or shall be in the Jolla Dauphin coun
ty, be then and there to prosecute against them as shall
tha 4th dav of
e ghty Bulb year of the independence at the united States.
• J. D. BOAS, Sheriff.
Sassilers Orme t
ffJarrlsburg, Ang...4,-186.1L4
Keystone Park Agricultural Fair Grounds
Williamsport, Pa.,
-FRIDAY; SEPT., 2,1, 4 AND 6,186!.
Pronninnt List and- Priee Banner Ten taßtchibitors
from the Canada, and Braid: Provinces.
The mana L gers flatter themselves that, al
though the rgiatiiihibitlout held in other parts
of the United States have been eminently suc
cessful and entirely 'satisfactory to the public,
the past, experience will enable them to im
p!ove somewhat in the details of the arrange
ments, and in this connection they hope to
give greater facilitiesJor the deliberate exam
ination and trial of horses Wended for sale.
Williamsport is easily and quickly accessible
from all directions. _Keystone Park is unequal
ed in its track for showing and training a horse.
The managers design to. make this a horse
mart, worthy of its central position, and its
extraordinary facilities.
A. E. KAPP Presiden t .
H. &TAYLOR, Treasurer.
dEO. 141:1,-erGetriN Chief Marshall.
Of Imported Blood and Am.ricark Bleeds of
Will be held on KEYSTONE PARS, Agricul
tural Fair Grounds,
' •' • AND FRIDAY,
September 2, 8 4 and 6, 1862.
Premium List and Prise B.nncr open to
Exhibitors from the Oinadas and
rah - Cr 'British - Protium.—
• G Rf EAite'!i EG uj Zit) B
The entrance to Heyste ie Park fer visitors
on ibet ie by the• Center Gate, on. Campbell
street. The entrance fur Horses and... Carriages
ls'by the N. E. Gate on Campbell stvet.
The gates will happen for the admission of
the public from 81 -o'clock, a. N., until sun
down of each day.
;The Marl 'Marshal and SnikAntendents of
the gaihjuitlow will , m-et. at the President's
Tent at 8 o'cloOlt,-A. st. of 'i , ach day, to perfect
the arrangements for, theiday.
A Superintendent will accompany each set of
Judges, and ixiint out the different classes of
"Mock to be exhibited. They will see that
Horses are provided with halters by their own
ers, and suitably.arranged, for exhibition each
day. •
_ _ •
Will Please report themselves on their arrival
in town at <the office of tnei3Ociety, corner of
Third-aid. Elmira etre' ete c 4n-Taylor's building,
where the Commitbiiir'of , lteeeptibri'will 'Wick
session. Garde of admission be fniiitehe
thembiallibibitioniatid the Committee
win e tAnthem/mar civility within their:
New 2d vertisenunts.
For the greater convenience of editors and
reporters for the press, a Tent will be specially
,et apart for their use, and every facility will
be afforded them to obtain and trausmit in
A Committee of Reception from the press
Rill receive their brethren from abroad on the
field, and further the purpose of their coming.
The Judges will assemble at the Tent of the
President, on the ground, at .8 o'clock, A. x.,
Tuesday, to organise and fill vacancies in the
Board, should any occur. The report of the
Judges must be handed to the President's Sec
retary before Thursday noon.
Will be furnished for visitors on the Held at a
moderate charge. A tent saloon'fOr liidies will
be provided with female attendants.
Ices, Ouffee, Oyiters, &c., will be supplied by
a competent coutecaoner.
No Season Tickets will be issued. Single
admission to the groutais $0.26
Children under twelve years of age, half
• price
Admittance to the seats opposite the
Judges' stand 10
Members of Pubdo Schools, Setkinaries
or Colleges, may commute for admis
sion with the Treasurer.
For a four or six horse vehicle and driver,
passengers being supplied with Tickets,-1 00
For a two horse vrhicle and driver, par
swingers being supplied with Tickets... 76
For a one horse vehicle and driver,, pas-
singers being supplied with Tickets.:. 60
For a horse atei its rider 50
Exhibitors will be provided wit stalls and
bedding for their stock, in the NEW EARNS
of the Society, and in stalls adjoining, to the
extent of their ability to provide the same, (if
notice la given on or before the 20th day , of
nugust,) without charge ; so that horses may
be driven to the exhibition grounds and ne d
oot be removed rill the exhibition is , closed.—.
Giain and bay will be - fornished-tci-tbeiraTarno
desire it, at market price. Atrang,eMenta 'arid
also be made with public or private stable
keepers fur exhibitois who make early rt questa
for the keeping of horses; and at - a reasonable
In (lonsideration e the Superior A
Offenxi L'iratutowity.
Oompt ti tors for ptemiumsof $2OO $lO
do do do do 100 6
do do do do 'BO andoverBo, 8
do do do du 80 and under, 2
Single Horses, under the saddle
or in harness, entered tor exhi
bition, but not in competition
for premium and subject to the
call of the Marshal 8
Single spans, or Tandems, or Tri-
Six in hand
'Premiums 'will not be paid on mike de re
moved from the exhibitive, wal se such remo
val has the special approval of the Chief Mar
shall, and premiums not claimed - within thirty
days after tne award,. will IA considered Ali for
feited. Premiums will not be paid on horses
which are unsound.
NOTICE.. , •
It is desirable that those, who-intend to make
entries fur exhibition shonl4 notify the Secre
tary on or before Anima 20th, that , arrange
ments may positively be made for their accom
modation. Letters may be addressed to the
secretary at Wiliiamsport. The Treasurer will
pay premiums awarded at the business Tent, on
the ground at the olutie of the Krhibition, and
at his omoe in Williamsport during the follow
- - agar
_p_r_eliniam not
so paid, to such mari
to the aame, may direct. '
Cress No. I.—Thorough - Bred Horses;Bral
. lions.
Premium, Two Hundred Dollars... ;.....sgoo
Speed will be cousideredln making the award.
CLAN No. 2.—Thorough Bred Mares.
Premium, One Hundred Dullard $lOO
Speed will be considered in making the award.
Cuss No. S.—Stallions for general use, 6.
• yeam indlrief. •
First premium, $lOO
Second do' • ' ' '26
CLASS No. 4. Stallions for general ustc - 4
years and under 6.
First premium - $6O
Second do . ..... ....... - 20.
CLAM No. b.—Stallions of 2 - years and nn;
der 4. . ;
First premium, $BO
Second do 16
Quits No. 6. Maree with Foal by their
First premium,— ... $4O
t•econd - - do - ... 10
.7.—Breeding Mares.
For the best breeding! Mire, -4 years and over.
First premium, $5O
Second do 20
Mass No. 8.---Fillies, 2 years anctunder 4. "
First premium $4O
Second do *. - • ' 20
Craw No: 9.—Fillies, 1 year and under 2.
First. premium,...... . . .... $2/1
Sewn& do ....... .... 10
'Cisai No. 10.—Colts, 2 yeasts and under 4.
First premium......... . . .... $26
Second do ...... ~......... 10
Onset No. 11--Colte; (Stallions or Geldings)
year and under 2
First premium, ... . . .... $2O
Second .do 10i
Cams No. 12.—Matched 'Horses, (Geldings Or:
Mares) For the beet'span, 16 hand& and Over.
First premium,
Second do .... . .._._...... Y
.............- -20-
For the hest span of Matched Horses,-,-14
imder 161- ' •
First premium,....-- $25
&timid - ` 'lO
CLAN No. 18.—Fancy Matched Horses,. (Gel
, don& ' • -
First 'premium, $5O
Second do 20
Sisk:, action and speed will be considered iu
making the ward: •
awls No 14. Gentleman's spans of-Driving
(Geldiugs or Males.)
First preiniuin;. ' 8100
Second do 20
SAN action and, speed will be conbidereci
making the award. r• -
CLA/13 No. lb.—Tangly 'Horses (Geldings or.
_ .
' For the best Family Horse, four years and,
user, driving color. size and action will be con
sidered in making the award. , •
Fir st-pretuiaFt,
Second' do
Ci.5.,4) No. 16.--Gentlemen's Drivint:-Horsea
( alditigss'or Mares) 4 years and over.
First 'preinim;d,,
Second' do 10
Driving v tolor Slid , acnion4o4 , spet , ii will be
considered s king the award.
(less No. 17.—Saddle Horses.
For the heat gentleman's Saddle Horse .
Firrt premium - • $2O
decond do , lo
_. , .
For the best Lady's Saddle Horse. - -
First premium :4 .. - "$2O
. .
Second do , • 19
Cum No. 18.—Farm and Draft !Wrap.
For t h e . beet of Fte
or_nr-Draft SNOW. -•
irbr pretnit4o
Cnia.n4. ` fir t
loTO,,lft;,,fitiiiiillerarin or Draft Horse.
Ffist prendosi.•:i do . ....... 1116
NV" 2thriniistmtnts
Crass No. 20.—Ponies.
Ponies, under 14 hands, driven double Tan
dem or 'I Adam,
First premium.
liecond do
Best team six in band
Beat Tandem or Trident team
Will be awarded to the State (Agricultural
f3ociety) other tban Pennsylvania, which shall,
by ite citizens, enter for t xhlbition the largest
number of valuable horses, a Prize Banner,
worth 8200.
Exhibitors with horses are required to teethe
South Entrance gate on Oambeil street, incom
ing on to and returning from the grounds.
Entries of stock may be made at the office) of
the Secretary la Taylor's Building, until Mon
day, 9 o'clock, p: m., September Ist, when the
books must be made up for the Judges. The
exhibition of stock on the track will take place
precisely at the time specified in the sabji toed
arrangement ; and animals not prepared at the
proper time and place'may, at the discretion of
the Judges, be ruled out of competition.—
Steck will be marked with cards furnished by
the Secretary, designating the class and No. of
and during the exhibition they must be
piseedentirely mailer the management of the
officers of the society. If sufficient time has
not been given, in the programme for the
Judges to examine any one class before the call
ing of another claim, the first named class will
be examined on a vacant part of the ground
to: be dighated by the Chief Marshal. Ar
rangemente,will be made for the trial of Draft
Horses by tesiing_their strength, docility, etc.,
ati a load.
" Owners or agents offering horses for premium
or exhibition will reedits tickets of admi.sion.
Exhibitors are requested to leave Bethel° .t
efface around each horse - et vehiee fur the
Judges to pass fieely.
:Tne Judd .s will iu all cases withheld prowl
nuts whets the horse is not worthy or hi un
stand, though tht re be no competition.
Exhibitors entering colts of the ege of three
years end of.der, tuiniah to the Judges
evidence t.f..he time of g—to be filed
with the Reioid eg Secretary. Pedigree of
Blood Hoises, and origin and age must be fur
nished, if required, for every horse offered fur
The Judges will report to the Board of man
agers nut only the hone% entitled to premiums,
bet also thuee next in merit in each class to
meet the conteigeno) of any ehjecion which
may arise to tee award. Al hoiseenot obtain
iug premiums,' which, in the opinion of the
Judges, de,erve special oummendation, will be
so reported to the Board f M ant , g . rs
The Judges, if not satisfied as L. the regular
ity of the entrees in the respective classes, or
the ages of the hones as reeortied in the en
tries. will apply to the Becordieg d.cretary for
information, and should t e.e be any doubt,
after examination, of their ovming within the
regulationa, or if any hoise is of su• h a diame
ter as not to be entitled to exhibition in com
petition, they will report the facts for the root
sideration of the Board of Managers, tha
each course may be adopted as the easeenay re
The several classes of horses upon exhibition
will be halted for in the order iodinated in the
programm-, and precisely at the hour mated.
when a flag will be rained near the Judges'
stand with the inscription, "CLEAR THE
When the hour arrives fur the exhibition of
any class of horses, the bell will be rung and a
flag will be raised to indicate the class to be
4. .e&t1 horses entered will be at the risk of the
owners. The most effectual means will be
taken, through the agency of the police and
otherwise, to guard and protect the horses ex
hibited ; but the managers cannot bo responsi
ble for injuries occasioned by accident or other
Reports of the doings of the Exhibition will
be officially published.
' Horses intended for public or private sale
will be labetEd accordingly, and a portion of the
ground will be designated for their examination
and sale. The services of an auctioneer will
be provided, and a time named for public sales.
The Secretary will give notice of such intended
stiles, if early entry is made with bim to that
effect. Such horses connot be withdrawn ultil
the close of the . Exhioition, except by written
`authority of the Managers.
`Members of the several Committees will be
recognis-d by the following badges:
Clan Nos. l&2.—Thorough Bred horses,Navy
Blue /Oben.
Claes No. 8.--Stallions, 6 years and over,
Green Ribbon.
'Clam No. 4.—Stallions, 4 years and under I,
White Ribbon.
Class No. 6 —Stallions, 2 years and under 4,
Green and White Ribbon.
Class Nos. 6 & 7.—Mares with foal and Breed
ing Mares, Orange Ribbon.
Clasa Nos. 8 & Black and Orange
Class Noe. 10 & 11.--Colte, Green and Red
Claes Nos. 12 & 'S.—Match and Fancy Match
hones, Bed and While Ribbon.
ClaraNo.l4.—Gent'eSpansof Driving norms,
Light Blue and Pink Ribbon. .
;Class No. 16 —Family Horses, Red, White
aid Blue Gibbon.
Klass No. M.—Gentlemen's Driving Horne,
Bin hod White Ribbon.
class No. 17 & 20.—Saddle Horses and ron•
tea, Black anti White Ribbon.
thaaa Noe. 18& 19-=-Farmen? Draught Horse.,
Red Ribbon. ••
Claes Nos. 21 22.—BestTeam, Pink Ribbon.
Board of Managers, Rosettes. _
No feature or the klur,e nhuw, is inure plea*
frig to the tuanagem, and we.
.41tit ikaapt.ble
ti the public, than the tatilities ulferrd fur the
trausp nation of hums and groom.; to and
mum the Exhibition.
PHILA. & Elia: It N ,
tYOBIL 13. it
will carry visitors, homes and grooms free, one
way. The Lackawanna & Bloomsburg, Phila.,
Wilmington & Baltimore,' and Cumberland
Valley, agree to do art other roads du. There
at4e other roads to hear trom, which will, with.
out doubt, °tone into the same arrang•-menra,
Titus it will be men that the state of P num Iva
nia is thrown wide open to the exhib it a. The
roads will collect far& on all horses wining to
the exhibition, and return them . free on pre
sentation of the certificate that they have been
on Exhibition,and are unchanged in ownership.
Tile following is the form of Certificate referred
to above:
. $5O
Wauasopops, Sept. —, 1862.
fir Itagroad Agana!
We. cerderdtbat , has had on exhibt.
On and not sold Houle, at toe Fire[ Na moreav,aLim p tad at mantawitpart,
'Bd, 4th and 6th of Sego*.
tier, Mkt"
. 10
CLAN No. 21
Cum No. 22