Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, August 14, 1862, Image 6

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of York Courity.
of LuzerneTouray.
Thursday Norning,-August 14,188&
The Governor of Pennsylvania left the state
capital to-day for Washington city, where he goes
to consult with the President in regard tii;tl;e
military organksmions of this commonwealth,
the time and manner of making the draft, and
such other matters as will facilitate enlistments
and drafting in PennsylVania.
It it the desire of Gov. Curtin, if the acqui
escence of the War Department can be had, to
postikine the 'time - flied for the draft. He is
indticaci to this, on the assurance that there are
hun4ds of young and active men ready to
enlist; if they are permitted to go into the ser
vice under the same atuqiices and terms of
bounty which were accorded to the other men
now in the army. This only seems just. At
thedithe the call wee made , for the last three
hundred thousand Men, large numbers of the
people of the rural districts were engaged in
the work of harvest. That is now finished—
but volunteering is also finished, and nothing
is left for such men as these but to submit to a
draft, wlifch is regarded by many as ignomini
ous: In order that this feeling may be dis
pelled; and the brave men who are anxious to
volunteer may have as' opportunity to do so,
Gov. Curtin will propose to the War Depart
ment au extension of the time fixed for a draft.
It is to be hoped that in this particular His Ex
cellency will be successful.
Another and a still more important object of
Gov.: &kin, is to indirce the War Department
to vest the State authorities with power, to
give townships, boroughs, towns, cities and
countiee credit for!the meii treicrulted thus far,
so that the draft can be graded for 'Ruch locali
ties, and recruiting the system throughout the
Commonwealth. This seems only fair and
just, because, however we may attempt to die.
guisektne faor, there are localities in the Com
munwi•atth in which men have boasted of their
determination not to enlist, and in whiCh the
practice of interfering with volunteers hue
been openly encouraged. Such spots must 6.
reached, and if the Pretddentbdincides with the
propositio6 Of therattthotitietrirom this state,
Gov. Curtin is the man to reach and bring out
this niaierh&
Let nktope, as_vfe.ll for the
. system of re
cruitN, the, cause of the Union and; the c'b
ions of justice, thst Gov. Curtin willbe entirely
snettiesiul in his mission to.Waahington. •
Sr 42E CE"..W , amaurrAsz,
Hon: Ttrhi3O. Rada, PrSsidebt'of 60 Union
Eita6Vcou,riition, composed of iqitt citizens of
Peonsilvania, which saseigi44,in,litile. salty on
the 17tp.of,July fact, announces the following :
mortou,Mo 41%0,
John W; Fornty,
GtoATI, litsmerely,
Y. rrolor Smith
Bove ?titer .
W. ll.Ainey
Lethor -
0110eitgpie Tower
F. 'Penniman...
B. F.4!ewell..
D. ft. Cosklin
E. Cowan Warren.
titephib Gould Wil'Wapiti. —
John Youngman Sunbury.
Alexander B. Anderson.. Perry county.
David, leming t t Harrisburg.
' ' •
Sagniv NclipTi 1. Lanctistei-ciohaty. '
Peter art n,
D. Wilson Grove..... ..laower Ohail.'d,York co.
Robert G. Harlier.......Gettysburg: , g
M. A. Banner Somerset.
Samuel McCemant Blair county.
J. le. Meredith Kittaning.
George, vga*wtelclqa....Washington county.
Rub't. B.' rnaham ' 1 . Pi tts b ur g. '
J. W. F. White, ~. .
R. P. Roberts. - i „`, .Bearer.. -..
J. H. Robinson . Mercer.
James Sill - Erie.
Ames Myers...... Clarion.. ; —Clarion, - , ,
CYBUS P: iiiitELE, liVestmoigailli co.,
Those familiar with thememliersoftgaccuii-.
mitten, will at once admit-the fitness, of '13*(14,
man los the duty to which hiLinoi been callad,
while the-unanimity with which the loyal men
of all parties are thus United, is highly credita
ble to, theisopartial justice with wkdzhtho9nra
mittetuliati-liecii apporntea. Witheinerbfkriiie
personally to the gentlemen thus designated,
we cannot refrain an ;illusion to the Chairman,
Cyrus P. Markle, Esq. His high character as a
man, unwavering ddvoilcin as a loyal citizen,
and giotleteintegrity, - fit him above all others
to conduct a campaign whose noblest issues STO
!has which look to the rescue of theland from
rebellion and the protection of the government
from traitors.
—We invite for the labors of the committee,
the hearty oo•operation of the loyal press of-the
Whilst many other oonnties in the state
have l furntshed their full quota &aids the first
three hundred thousand• men callsdJor by the
Presiditit;*o feel proud to andEninbeAt Dati l
phin county his not only recruited the five.
companies 'dencanded from her, but that s he
' it 11 7k:fk . kOminal, 'corn . 11 6 440 U
the very beet man is her domain, and that the
very first regiment organiz'd will be com
manded by one of her sturdy eons.
Col. Was. W. Jsencreos, a native of this city,
formerly a Lieutenant in the three months'
service, latterly drill-master and commander
of Camp Curtin, and in every respect a true
and loyal soldier, has been appointed, on the
unanimous receinmendation of all the officers
in the regiment, by Gov. Ceram, to: lead the
brave men composing thts' regiment, We
feel sure that he will never falter and that all
his-datiesowill ba.diechargedhdtb.fully.
Capt. H. 0. ALLIILIN, of the Boas Guards,
has been promoted as Lieutenant Colonel. He
too has seen active service . as Major in the
three months' sertice, and will make an accom
plished and true officer, not oply to the men
tinder Ida immediate care, but ro his country.
Oapt."Lita, of the Carlisle Infantry, has been
Promotes] as Major. He; too, is a good and
ate man, and will do ;honor to the post as
signed The following companies com
poses the regiment which is expected to
leave for the seat of war to-morrow :
Jam& Guards, Capt. John C. Floffeaker.
Patriotic Club, Capt. John. F. Uhrich.
Lebanon Guards, Capt. Lorenzo L. Givens
The Hassell Guards, Harrisburg Guards, Doss
Guards and. Patriotic Club, were recruited in
this city, whilst the Derry Fencibles were from
good "old Deny," a township that never fal
ters in a good cause._
, - •
, The loyal citizens of Harrhiburg reified the
first subscription for the volunteers. And
now Dauphin county 'Ands out the first regi
ment for the war. Let other counties and
cities do the same, and the rebellion will soon
be at an end.
WREN Docroa Caw= lectured in this city,
dome mouths since, we denounced the spirit
Ind tife . of - his Venture, betause we be
lieved his course to he mischievous. When
Wendell Pgilliptt apper4ed in Brant's Hall and
addressed the people of the state capital, we
approved of his, disconnte, because thweenti
merits which he utterect on that occasion were
highly wise and patriotic. But our approval of
the sentiments then uttered, does not bind us
In admiration of the course whioh he has
,lace followed. We now believe that Phillips
'mad his immediate friends, in the attitude which
'they have since assumed, , have put themselves
beyond the support and confidence of those who
oppose slivery as a social sin 'and a national
disgrace, nnd Who are 'Omitted to agitating that
question inerely'for the purpokeof giving sti min
ions and virulence to the passions and resent-
Monts of men. A fair, open, consistent and
fearless opposition to slavery is manly, just and
becoming every American citizen. It is the
noblest work in which an intelligent man can
engage, and next to'the -preaching of religion,
the promulgation 'of freedom demands our most
serious aid and support. But the man who
mikes the reformation and amelioration of on •
triumphs Ind pregress of another, is neither a
benefactofol the one or a worthy representa
tive of the other. He -becomee-itt-reality a
miserable and' titdangerrous egitktor,`lmfair id
argument and ridiculous in theory. To make
an issue with.a great 'government, founded on
free principles, while opposing slavery, is far
worse then the who attempt such issue while
they defend,artd,riphold that barbarity. The
olgveholder, educated in the prejudlc aof the
institution, may be excused, to a certain extent,
'for thinking lightly of free government:chile
he it) t011aC101181:7 , Cci OtriDg to the -power 4 hitb
which the possession of slaves Invests him.
But toe} man who
. nnittnt of his • freit=:,
doin, and talks eloquently of the wrongs
of races, must 'either b., insane, rash or
Incompetent to judge between .right and
wrong, when title - It:LOC:le jiii4o: his me
`saws of civilization as 11 — his diFtady tri
umphed, in order that he may vent ilate a false
philanthropy; iffarlonlis to convulsion and an
archy fair its triumphs, and that would pull
,down the great , fahrie of a free government
,Which •
,one' rice, has erected, because the op-,
Prawns land the ignorance of the African
exclude him 'from a like enjoyment or a similar
achievement. Such 'conduct is treasonable at
this time, we care not whether Wendell Phil
lips makes it the excuse--foropposing the
government, or whether' the tither extreme is
taken, and - the uPholilers of', shivery make
their interests in that institution the pretext
of destroying freedom sod the government by
which freedern is defended and encouraged.
In this etraggle, thitie must be no issue,with
the government. Before we attempt to correct
thd i errors of our rulers, we must essay the de
atrriction of the wrongs of our enemies: 'The
government must be first seourelisustained.
Its'prerogativee, its majesty, its mightand its
destiny are all in the scales. Opposed to them
le rebellion. That tehelliOn Must Ite crushed.
If ilavery is , • wiped out by the effort, we wit
not complain. If loyal .slaveholders rally to
the support and defeat* of Ante` government, -
and in their hands slavery continues in • Wot
an", we have no right to object—no„ legal
power to interpose difficulties, but must wait'
theigreat development and progress of society to
c°riec4 t 3 i at wh i ch by se*.is ;assailed as an
evil, and by others maintained as a blessing
anti an honor. What we desire to save, is the
Union and - the' goVernMent. - What we labor
to see destroyed is the rebellion, - and not sla
very. The destruction of slavery is a work for
hihiself,land He surely will do it in His
own tame: The preservation of the Union is
theh,usinets of man. Is;t bim attend to this, and
the! laborer will indeed ` • became worthy of his
hire l'h Let slaireri stand upon its nirn nteritt.
Leti its ad's : ooMM fora, themselves ilito.antago
nism with free'dom still sterner and. , sterner,
until. the aspiratiops of the world beotune one
mighty and generondeffort for the establishment
offressicim in all its ladtirdee, , • .
West Ekeia Br.
Norristo vni
Bucks county.
d4tho gels* 44, the wti On, at
alOipper Court Honeejhat.General Jackson';
for4e o tflitujeKeuffered ieverely. The prie
like grata, awiLthiCilliCyveme,, •
•• heavily reinfoeved.
Hassell Garrido, Capt. 'Wrn. W. 'Tannings
Derry petioles ) Capt. Jas. Henderson.
Harrisbnig Guards, Capt. John J. Ban.
BosaHaards, Capt. H. C. Alleman.
Carlisle Infantry, Capt. John Lee.
Shippeoeburg Guards, Capt. Jaq. Kelso.
Newville Infantry, Capt. Wm. Laughlin.
pennepinattio. IDailp ettegaph CIA nibal) morning, August 14, 1862.
. .
_ -;---:::-• 7 • ----,-
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~s 1
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4... , .
From oar duffing Kditton of Yesterday
Further Perth:mien of. the Battle of
. . .
Jaickso6 admttis a 'hiss of 2;000 men
ft_ ~. , ~ .. .
-The 114344 ti v f Yrickibit's' , 6l - that, lid fears otir
troops. ,:• I ::1 7 ti; ' 1 - .' ~ :-,:;;!,;, ' 1 1. -! _- - x f=
On Saturday he engaged, with his whole
force, numbering at least 80,000 men, a portion'
of the corps of Gen. Banks, who bebateti nobly;
holding the enemy in check, and with the aid
of one division of Gen. McDowell's and Sigel's
corps, which arrived . lets the day, driving it
from several positions, and finally, from the
field 'of battle:
Jackson's. lms-can scarcely be less than 1,600.
our loss is much less. It was the bloodiest
battle of the war.
On Sunday Jackson remained Idle.; The
troops on both sides being exhautted; and on
Monday he asked fora truce to bury hitt dead,
a large proportion of which still lie on the field
of battle, pending which he escaped with his
vales This morning his whole arm'' was
gone, pursued by Gen. Buford with his 'cavalry
and artillery, which quickened his'price to wat da
Gordonsville, compelling him to burn the
bridges to save himself, and dbviously , not in
ending•to stop until reaching the fortifications
at Richmond. ,
General Pope hen'fully met the pehlte'expeo
The smeary show their beast' only'in the'val
ley of Shenandoah, - and thewholemuntry from
Manassas to Gordonsvillels'no - longer poloted
by the presence of armed rebels. lackaon's
servant has just came Into the quarters of Geo.
McDowell, and reports that Jickson admits a
loss of over 2,000 saen in the engagement of
Saturday. No wonder the rebel General ran.
The War in Tennessee.
A fight Near ()timberland Gap•
Re Captures 300 Fatted States Troops.
ICtsltritss, 'August 12.
dispatch froln tieri.iforgao, dated at Cum
berland Clap, says Do Courcey's bbigade and the
14th-Kentucky reglinefit, on the 6th and 6th
had Several engagements itithttevanson's
division;' In forte, the renalidritnrimbeting us
four tto one.
The rebels ldst 2.g5 killed and wounded, and
Ltent. Col. Gordon - Eleverilt, of Tennessee, was
taken prisoner.
Dur loss was 8 killed, 15 . wounded, and 66
frwo companies of the 16th Oblo
were surro.toded b . . but
e captured' a lot of forage, tobacco, and
• John Morgan left - Knoiville on the 2d, with
2,1)00 cavalry, en route 'to Kingston. Ken-
Aucity Is to be invaded. '
1. ,
.clumvums, Aug. 12;•,--johri . Morgan, a
organ, with
foide of 1,800 cavalry 'ma'am. pieces of artil
lery; entered Gallatin, Tenn. early this:morn
ing,' end captured C. L" &mine; .commanding
that'poet, with about 800,meli of the 28th Ken
tubky Regiment and al: hilted States freight
train, containing 60 homes and a lot of oats
real corn. ',Chefs yral no tight. Morgan was
still in possemlMit f .tiniiiawn at noon to-day.
Adjutant Generall'ennel declines to accept
the resignation of John IlOYle, a nephew of Gen.
li. le, 'ai lieutenant 'Onidttellifi the' . 9th Nen
tu ky Cavalry, ancrorders liitiAcijoin his regi
in nt.
/1 AIRO, Aug. 12.-4 'clerachnieittOf the 11t1i
Il nois , Cavalry; sentF.fronilcilivar yesterday;
at ' a party of guerillaslat 4.ktlitibtrY, five
in esteast of grand Junction, taking p." rebel
ciaptain prisoner and capturing ' . 27 , l3cirses •and
muleat The enemy was dispersed. ' • '
ilasavuss,'Augustjl.There has - been
great revoltilidnin 'thhi city to-day inWM:lnfos
_th'eVrovoet guard duties. The new Pro
vost Marshal, Colonel' GIV.m, requiree esiery
one leaving for their residence iu the country
to tike the oath of allegiance Tholie who re
fuse are allowed to go home, but are not privi 7
leged to return. The'Provost Marshal's office
is removed to the court room in the capital.
Governor Johnson la acting witli renewed and
in 'reading vigor in the punishment of traitor's;
*mother excitement among the secessionist's
wad the passing through the streets of gangs of
•neiroes, impressed from disloyal owners, to
work On fortifications, many'of them carrying
loaihr of bacon ham biscdit in bafrels and
other stores.
There was an engagement at Tazwell's, be
tween the Unionists add tebels on Saturday,
resulting in a Union victory. , ,
' I Priorranitimas, August 12.
Private dispatch received here, dated Cul
pepper, Va.:, this morning, says that-lirigadier
General Geary did not tom his -arrmin the late
Battle, as was reported= The dispatch adds
that the General left there, for. home, this
Ramatot Jacdcaon axon the Rapidan
FORCES x trßsurr.
t t CEDAR MounTem, August 12.
2b major General. Halkek : - - -
The enemy has retreated under cover"of e
His rear guard is now crossing the Rapidan,
towards Orange• Court Rouse. , ,
Oar cavalry and artillery are in hot portion
' Biajbr Generid`ComnitinAng.
ANOTHER !las, AT .PluiasHliiinalui... .
. i , , - -.. ~. , PwrramPliik, - Mgee6l32 ~
, tow
°Okla mill oteWilfeadelletivtiekkiArned
by drew Robirksoni- of Nowaedforkiind ed
ea ed:byJobn D4beenrmuuntfletewSrof army
bl ketei4was bonwid , mteidartoftetwbOn,, , ITlift
fireEmandestedt to 4heiNetrtitow'rviiiiliread
~spunileg‘thouffiek eiwthellitidPii,bove,
and" both wore destroyed. Loss $110,990.
Cedar Mountain•
Important from Missouri,
Surrender of Independenoe Mo., to
the Rebels.
LNXINOTON, Mo; August 12
The town of Independence was attacked yes
terday by a force of 1,500 rebel:, under Cols.
Hughes and Cantrell. After an hour's severe
fighting, the United Staten troops surrendered
Twenty of ourmennrereportel to hitiotrbeen
The nilifolieliwnts, which were sent from
here last night to assist our troops at Indepen
dence, have returned.
Great excitement exists here in consequence
of this defeat, and ever)body hi preparing for
the conflict.
Mums. Crev,,:battle took
place at Independence yesterday, about three
o'clock, between 850 .Federal troops, under
Liertr., Col. BueU,4lind At= 500,00 i 800: tuer-.
'Bak - cider the notdrioui CoL trughes, 'waisted
by Quantrell and Hayes,.resulting in the com
plete tont and surrender of our troops.
The lois on either side is unknown.
It appears that the town was surprised about
8 o'clockin-the morning. -
simultknOons movement was made upon
the c.emp, Buell's headquarters and the Pro
vost idarstuarfa.4ixt, which !Alert/ Ogle distance
The provosi.'riiiiiiiaPs office-Was' "entered by
citizens professing loyalty, and the arms were
taken and used against Federal troops. The
fighting lasted Sheet 'font inkna.
The troops, who iverealmost without officers,
hotly contested the ground, sheltering them
selves 13ehincitrees, fences, sta b les, &c.
Capt - Thounni,tof tile' milli* was taken pris
oner, almost- iiittbe oirtsetr 't- -
At one time, it is reported, the guerillas were
about gling up the ga mad and retiring before
the destructive fire 'Of our men, snd accordingly
had Capt. 'fhuntatiAwought of tlie house where
he was confined, and shot dead.
At this juncture a white flag appeared at
aolonel_Bnell'siteadquarteM,' when - the. rebels
returned and took possession of all who remain
ed. Lieut. Harrington and fifty men cut , their
way ihrough -them; and 'mule good their ea:
Moil of Ihe
.p:iso,ners were .paroled by _taking
the oath not to take up arms.
Ali who were present agree in stating that
there, were i no mounted, pickets stationed out
side of the,tovin that night.
A large quantity of arms,,and .some 20,000
rounds of ammunition, besides other govern;
went Property, fellinto the hands of the rebels.
On the receipt of the nevis of the surrender
of Independenceficre, thls oitt was thrown In
to a great state of excitement. All business
houses and saloons were closed, the militia
was cAlled out, and guards promptly placed
around the-city. = •
Awn vmmade for reinforcements from Fort
Leavenworth, .whiott was -promptly-responded
to byllent. Col. Burris, who arrived yesterday
at 4 Ced.ook4- P. s ' , with four companies of in
fantry and two of cavalry,-and • 'ten pieces of
artillery. Major Rawson', commanding the 6th
Semeas , regimentre also arrived , in due time trom
the Southeast.
iTheentirelorce under command of Colonel
Burris left this morning, at 8 O'clock, in pur
stiit of thwertemy.- •
LUX 'MON. Aug: 12, Later tidvices
from Independence say'that Lieut.'Col. Buell,
oommaudiug that putt, with 860 men, was
cOmpletely surprised at about 6 o'elock yester
day morning.
t Buell's men 'were' in - the batik building,
which, after four hours' hard' fighting, was
aced by the rebels, when Buell earrenderd.
64 4 0.001 1 44 1 4.ftWA5.
'IA. LLa 11111.1eLLUta.
;Oar informsnt, who remained till after the
surrender, 'says 'the rebels gave out that they
intended to- attack this 'city immediately.—
They will meet with it`wirm reception:
Battle of Cedar Mountain.
What the. 46th Pennsylvania
Regiment • -
ie. correspondent , of" the Philadelpkdi„Press,
who has just returned from, the field, says.:
,"No regiment in the : wholes bat Mtg hehaved
with more gallantry,than the 46th Pennsylvania
rglgiment, aol. 34ipe. They were also in the
tle of — Winchester, last May, but have not,
before thisliine,lieeu allowed the privilege of
,avenging themselves forlheir defeat on that oc
casion. They were on. the extreme- right, in
general Orawfog's..brigade, -and at tho corn-
. _ .
..encement of:the battle they were placed in
such a po,ition as to support- Captain Best's
regular battery. - . - -
43lenend.Orawford`wbrigade held their .
tion fora long time, Until theywere ordered - to
charge a battery of the rebels, which had ob
tained their range and was pouring a destruc=
tive Bre intathem. , Phe brigade- was•composed
Of theL46th Pennsylvania, sth Connecticut, 28th
New York, tind.loth Maine. The -8d Wigton '
she were in•the Anode, but could- not support
the other regiments. , The brigade. charged in
gallant style -until they camewithin a stone's
throw of the rebel batteryt(when two brigadea'
of the enemy came--out of their atitbush, and'
portredwoh a-destructive fire 'into -our. regi:.
%ante that retreat could not be helped. It was
at this juncture that'Col, Knipe-fell, wounded
in the head and.alsofin the arm. -Major Math
ewa also fell mounded in -the arm: The com
mend then fell, upon Lieut. Col.Belfridge,-who
gallantly led the.regiment nntil-ths7A were
we forced to retreat. The 46th a 6 one' time
h their colors ; taken , but . they gallantly ral
if , and, after a hand-to-hand "light eibeeveral
minutes, the colors were retaken , and brought
off: the field 'completely riddled I;ith halls.
The 48th went-into, the fight with over 500
men, and they can now only muster 148 men
able to ehoulder.a_musket.-:—,- ~ --
I ' Far or 0A8111.9=10, ,
The folielvhkijOiliskclfl 3 / 7 9 ctia4filiti so far
as known :
Col. Knipe, wounded -in the head and wrist.
Major Matthews, wounded in the artn.,
Adjutant Boyd, wounded slightly.' ' ,
Company A—Captain Bisenbisa, wounded and
ml sing iti f ientlwit felligsfralx, killed. :.This
company 'had shout 85 killed, : r muled and
,- Company B—Captain. Foulk, wounded and
missing ; Lieutenant Greatrake, wounded and
trussing ; Lieutenant Scott, wounded. The
casualties in this company amounted to about
company CL—Cript: Ltickenbiek wounded
Mnt: Wilson, wodadhd and missing. This
company carded. Mt, the fight 67 Men, 16 of
whim •have only reported at the• Present
writing. -
Company D-2,apt. Brooks, sliglitirwound- .
ed.: 40 men of this company arelnisaing.
Company B— Lieut. B. Jones, killed. ' 40
men are missing. ,
Company 1 0 —Lieut. Craig, wounded; Limit
Mathews,- wounded. 22 men of this company
are onlyAacoounted fOr. • ' -
compaay 4 , -lost officena Twatartwo
men nave4only-reinied. • - -
- o Gompany - 41 4 -liieutt Gorman - lindlgetit lielf
dd4eixma-rniadngil This compaxii was atiabil
idulihdated? mit Heiman' , havfitleiparted-.
4 4ompany-I'--'-CaptiOnfthirizdasing. Ekvilijr
mairbaiti; repaitedilavthla caznpaayt-'-`-" c""
c...clompany R—Lient. W. Caldwell and Lis.
A. ldwell both killed. Time are brotheat,
and a third brother, a sergeant in the sate
company, was wounded.
CoL Knipe end Major Selfridge are both in a
hotel at Culpepper.
The hospital arrangements of the left wing
were under the direction of Dr. Dann, brigade
surgton of General Prince's brigade,
by Dr. Bell, brigade surgeon of General Geary's
igade, and Dr. Vanderkteft, surgeon of the
102 d New York.
The hospital anangementi of the right wing
wtre under the omtiol of Dr. Chapel!, medic
director of Gen. Williams' division.
The principal depot of wounded was on the
left wing, where over 600 wounded men were
attended to.
The wounded, as soon as convenient, were
removed to Culpepper, wbero hospitals were
established in the churches and large public
buildings. The bobpital arrangements are of
the meanest kind. The men ate lying on ins
base floors, ebb scarcely &morsel to eat The
surgeons are doing all th their power to alle
viate the sick, but the' accommodations are
nor Yous, Aug. 18.
The steamer Caharnbe, with five hundred sick
and wormdcd from Harrison's Landing, arrived
this morning.
The French b irk Hatiet Balli, which was
seisol at - New Orleani, .hair been released by the
e : : ,Y M: ~ : ;144.
The Sixth Massachusetts regiment which
Was &insulted in Baltimore hes volunteered for
the nine months quota.
ID itb
On the morning of the 18th liana In.
lint daughter of Chu.d., and L. keno Itaoneart, aged
I months and 8 days. •
" The fd nds and relates' are respectful!. Wylie" to
attend the tunersilroin the r 'ldeate of her rarenti,
Beres Hotly ate Thmeday morning at fly( Webs*.
On the 18th Inst.; Joac F. fortamtn, aged 86 years.
The funeral will take plactstrom his late residence, op•
poelle tte t atholio cemetery; neat this city on I tidily
morning at Sio'cloos, to widish the relatives sad friends
of the firefly are iespeetfolly invited to attend without
further notice. •
New 20vertistments.
HARRISBURG, Pa , August 18, 1882.
NO. 1.
I. In obedience to orders from the General
in chief, the undersigned assumes control of all
volunteers in this vicinity under the recent call
for troops. As fast as organized and mastered
into service, commanding officers will report to
the undersigned In person for Instructions, and
hold themselves and commands In readiness to
move at once from this city to Washington, D.
C., <<r elsewhrre.
11. All volnateerwerho cannot be clothed,
armed and equipped or receive their pay, boun
ty, etc., inthis city, will be paid and promptly
provided for on their arrival at Washington,
D. C., where Brut. Gen. Oatierbeeleen weelEn. -
ed to the duty of receiving and taking charge
of them.
111. The Quartermaster's Department will pro
vide transpurMtina foribe troops by railroad to
Baltimore with. ill. possible dispatch, and, if
necessary, to the , exclusion of all passengers.
-- W. SCOTT KETcauta,
alB dBt) Brig. Gun. and Acting Inapt. Gen.
BOUT the PenneylVenia Railroad De-
NVlNtlears.l 4l /ort.liOnale *la-A
Nash sum Or 11:10. el. %mum. ...a .....• -, ..., .......,
prove property end pa for this adverti•exuera.
Parrieward, August la, illmi S. D. YOUNG.
aula dst
Saturday, August'leth, 1862.
REING the day appointed to hold the several
II Delegate Elections througbbut the county,
for the purpose of forming a county ticket to
be supported by the loyal citizens of this
county, I therefore recommend. that :the elecr
Mona tor delegates from the city of Harrisburg
-be held at the usual places for holding each
elections, between the hours of sever:Lind nine
o'clock, P. 11 in the respective.warde on the day
-above designated, and that-all loyal citizens at.
-tend the same and elect good and true men to
represent them in convention._
Chairman Px. Com. of the oity'ot , ,
4 BAIIRFL half filled with „sweet Ceifee
rt. was left at Wises Fruit and CorlectionarY Moral
wide') th • owner equated to call aad take ae ay, or
it will ha aoldlo r s Olaf&
aulB dlt ' JOHN
%Xi - AS stolen from the pocket of the
V V =dewily. dat the Depot of thelelneon Vs ley
Railroad, a VON:ET BJOK containing about one him
tied and two IV lbws in bank notes. The above re.
w rd will be paid for the deketion of tintilieet and the
reootery of the money. DANIEL RAY:FOR.
Two Brick Houses and Lots
Nor particulars enquire of
jy-25d2taw3in OornerofSeooni and Pine streets.
RS. MARY CHANDLER has removed
from Walnut :ireet near 'Third to Third strert,
three doors below raker, apposite Beres Hotel , where
she wiU continue the DBMS MAKING BUST W`s. and
respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal pat
ronage already bestowed upon her.
N. B.—AU kinds of sewing meetly execi.ted at war
prices. anlB dew
AGROVER & BAKER Sewing Machine
new and in good order, and will be sold on rea
tenable terms. apply at THIS OP I.IOE.
an 12.4130
WAS stolen fromthe pocket of the
. sot:nod er at 'he Penn. Railroad Depot, at nom
a-1 0 1111T1i. IitONAIII cantonal% between 180- and $lOO,
mostly in tr. 8. Treasury note' and one 820
. gold piece,
oad a r ote for SS 88, meted Jaly 4, 1858. togeller with
some papers of no volti% to any person but, the owner.
The auove reward will benign for the detection_ of the
thief and the recovery of the money by leaving It at
ear alto THIB MINX.
To recruits tor the
Pftwayinaitoiroluntpera, (001. THOMAS- WELSH,) now
at Newport News.
O'4B HUNDRED MEN ; of the that 'Alum are wanted
linmedlately for this regiment. ppla at
No 418 drohetreet.
A LARGE -supply 'Pat received and
• VOW oisti aireAp,
Oppo Ito ' tit) Court: lionoliteg
THE undersigned is now prepared to sell
opal at We toltusiog
Lczberry nut coal
822 25 per ten
Fr# a :6 Pr too
3 25 pzrt
.3, 3 lA,
3 00 15,1 LA,.
. 3 a 25 per ry
.3 3 p2r , o 2
2 41 52r c:
-•.@a u, arae
Sialtb'e teal ..... ..• •• .• ...... .®a 5 e r
.•.. .. ..3 309 1 , .r to;
151'Tne I arberry seal a rle trier c tna • - . 2
kens 9.1.1),, kis. euy, dens DA In. at: .
barn leaser dgt•• e mere h nt. 1
Coals( id by be b'it 13ad, cut loaf,
'bird tots and br the bushel.
Sip &Huai] of the best quality taLei and
op the
" egg "
ft " .......
" broken " . .....
Wllkesbarre lamp or cup . it
ak emboli .....
brok • •
en. • • • .......
Lfiens Valley out
Harrisburg, Aug. 9th dim J HES e
EUGENE Snyder, Attorno. 1",
office, Third Street, Win A e -,..:
te toe milted's° of midtary clef tns , col r .e
Assembly, of April '6, 1862 Back pay o' 1.
and deceased soldiers. Bounty under Act Lit L r
July, n, 1881. Pensions and claim for
- -
17 12 MADE OF
air wavered an pt..c in tile city, free of Share
TERMS, Qua on delivery.
17 30 W3I . rocs, Jr., &Co
Boron, August 18.
WH DOCK, Jr. et)
WILL be offered at public sale, oe
Thursday, the 11th day of September, at 2
dekwk, at Brant's Hall in the city of , arrisburg.
I/drty th - ee acres of Mud with an ern lien trame
hone sad barn and ontbulidiu,s, situated partly in
the City • , f Harrisburg and par ly in zwatarti toe osblp.
Thus property is situated on the -oath of ditmcgels•
toe n turnpike, a portion of hie s a •,‘ sunful
1-cation on a bill, dire tly facing the city of ileyns
burg, to be sold in to: we acre lo s.
clsoalotorpi .0e of ground situated ict Market 4 .loars,
adnioing Jonas' House, having a front ou - 17 rest sod
extending bac( 157% feet to 24 ee. alley, there It
erected a two story brick house with two st •r ! nark
ltd k building and • taol ha,g log the use of at as
fist elley on Market 9,nara, being one of t mat
degf•ga_ le s [nation• fo busmess a pricate rea atom tg
the city. Pcbsessinn sly :11 n nit or Otit're
O nritaaos of se/es are 10 per cent. of the pu clime
money to us paid o the day of s baler of L
OVID baLf Of the - runt as* money wit u Jar Lt:e o
nude, and the bilance in two CROW en p.; Li
with into set, from t • time possession isgi , ec. Luba
assured by bonds and mortgago,
4 plan • f the tee, re acre 1 .s • an br seer at ho
and *hoe &gore of A. Bummed, flex. doce to c e Over
„agi e liWzril.eilcgt_
o. vrlollllao en 13
lhe young and faselnlitiog French Palpease, late of the
Ravel 'troupe, and
dreengiged it an enormous asperse, aid ;WI appear
Inlay st 6 ht at tar Gakty.
aul: hO3ERr EDWARDS, Sole Propletor.
HE undersigned offers at private Bale a
21 feet front an I 100 feet deep, atuated on East Elate
Wag near Filbert. Tbe Louse to •n .0111 rep•• l ba a
banernent ktcbt LI, water 03 and all ;be modern to prove-
Manta. Ydr tanner lafortaa ion eo4 to on the oremFea
-• aul24llw• EDW A III) PARKER.
Enlistments for the War
Major George H. Bardwell, of the 116th Regi
ment P. V., is now at Herr's Hotel, where he
will remain until Saturday next, August 16th,
for the purpose of receiving recruits for his regi
The bounty in this regiment amounts to
of which is paid by the city of Philadelphia,
and the other $lOO by the 11. S. Government.
The regiment is now in camp near Philadel
phia, and only lacks two hundred and sixty
four men.
Squads or fractions of companies received,
and transportation furnished as soon as recruits
are received for the camp for the 116th.
Ap to
116th R-g. P. V.
eßee ac
tive honeeta rid reliable boy, between thf
of 14 and 18; cne from the a• uAu preferred. appy
at the eto-e of ifiCHOLS & BOWniAN.
au11.43t eArner Yrf•nt nod
ALL employees of the Philadelphia and
Heading sa , irmea company, who may enl , t
a lo ibe
ferries of be Lbitel :Attlee for tor porp .-e uf crbi
the t e e f ileri now inreitteeirg he thea t he of (Air coo ,
try, are hereby maimed, that t Air rrepe h. , ei. ow
. sit
will be kept open and gm. it thiim imm a a e 7 on
re itrzt; and th , it the fact of their Tomo eeieti',.:,°
deleted their e a' yin ittli eMergency, will be r ,',_
erect hero tier hs greatly le their facer irr pros ;ea w
10 7 lialtab • pontions in the servioo of tkcs cow i , ' r :
13HARLE , E. Milli Pre , dgi '
' 0 ,141 0 )
- Phindelpbia, !LUCIA ilth 1862.
PEIE south Ward e.ohool DireAtora will
et, tterf
wW moors p ro p ° ,Je for toil etreer a""
Whit school house, o the eon yr or
Blackberry al ey, The la y or o rr vi 1 made
ttem per or. ossb,
as tee badons Progresses, rev .14 oda.
completed. Plan and spteiil,l he 's een
the see of Do. C. • ellcr. tropouls must be
see handed to Jacob anima Pr, t, 013 •m• berme As.
gustl2th.&meth.; mug acraplay the proposal&
2,fePortile Pr the above will be received until the
m " *. bilks thorium having been extended to t : t two ,
N: 00 • Aning room of tbe American
iltir: *Caw. brad trinnen Wawa and,
"'Oat Aortas 9a4 a Frte. POlttat t
WO* I e Oinier ad
adattoto fe minas at tka te,
war, r. HOW.
D - 4 nu ,a6zerttseincuts
OR,Iv 1 , 13" H 4t L an
i+Lti Kr BUM t L,
Fiecutor of Dovid Uu a2lO d
The Few i ork Favorite I 11112M3 Donna,
it C 4 It u r 4