Slebitatj E LIXIR PROPYLAMINS, Mg raw REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM& A NAV BEIZDY, • CILBTAIN =MY, J ACUTE aBITMAIDDI ammo lt RELEtniankm, 03BOW Mar' LIND; LAja STUBBORN No Nuts j HOW LONG guilme, NWT WILL OCINQUIEV,IT, WILL WWI IT, WHAT ni Ha DONS, It WILL DO AGAIN. TM BUT =TIMMY, _ MIT XEDICAL AUTHOILIIT. DOCTORS ICNOW:I2, PAM:NTS BRIMVE ITEIAD AND TRIM PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITALI [Pan Clara. lloaret. Raeontad r MAT i 9, 1800,...1111en 8., mt. 28, single, never wae very strong. Two pane - ago she had an atMek of WM Means, tiam t irom which she was waned to her bed for two weeks and tut bseaenny from unthaws fer four more. She has been well aloe then.Wl last Star day, while engaged In house eleaninuabe took told, bid pain In her beck, felt sold, hot had fro deildodalS. Iwo days later bar sulkies be gin so swell, which was followed ay Wean of the knee sense and Of the hands. 2 9bs lids cow dub path it her shoulders, and her knuckles are very tender, red end ; both lianas are Woe but the right is most se. Tins, that, la a cue of acute r or, ea it Is maw flshlonably called, rheumatic' lever. It web ramrod typical'cue We will carefully watch'ihe case, and from time to lime call your &neon= to tae e arn Goa symptoms which presaat amain*. My Oblef 018tei 10 bringing her before you now, is to call etteatien to a remedy which nu recently been recommended in the treatment in rheumatism. lateen propylaea. Dr • evrewlus, of St. Petersburg, recommends it In the Wpm terms, having dertvectgreat .00negt from its we In 200 cease einclkoiuso under his ern , various win mandatory testimonial respecting it have appeared: in oar journals, and 1 process therefore to give It another tat. 1 meat amnia I. am always moradniumo Pio the lath of new readies, which are vaunted as amides ; hat thie comes to us recommended so mgh49 i that we are bound to give It 1 . 6 MAI. di AE OAS FOSS. DAYS LATER Mar 23, 1.1160.-1. will now exhibit to Ton the patient for whom I prescribed Propyisanlne, and was then labor Jog ander an attack of 4oufe rhennurhall. lib.: ban lieasily taken it in doses of three grains every two hours (mtermiding it at night.)- The day after you saw her, I toned her much more comfortable, better than she ex, pooled to be for I week or more, judging front her other attact, (The patient now walked into the recce.) The improvement has steadily prOgressed, and you canker ell to nabs a marked change in the appearance of her MO, which are new nearly all of their natural strict— rhos far our experiment would have seemed very Imo useful ; but, gentlemen, wo must wait a little while be. iore we can give a dedeted opinion as to what is to be the rata. Sere is another patient who was placed on the me of aa same =Awn. on Sunday last; she has long been sultbrlng from o brook rberenatism; and I !bead bet at that time with an acute attack supervening upon per direr& aillection. The wrists and knuckles were mna molten and Loose . ghs took the chloride of Propyla - mine In three grain dome every two hours, and you will perceive that the wean of the joints bee mach &mill iard. THREE DAYS LATER 11 NAT 900360.—Th1s is the case of acute rheumatism treated with propylaruhm, the first of those to which 1 Called your attention at our last clinic. Hie Is still very comfortable, and is now taking three grains thrice daily. In this cue it ban seemed to be followed by very sat isfactory reedits. The second okie to which your atten tion was called &Lour last lecture, has also oullnueci to do welt I will now bring before you a very character. Who mute of acute rheumatism, and if the result be sat, hoary, I thistle, ea good jury we shall justly render or verdict in favor of z iropylin.. Be is a seaman, IN. who WM admitted a few days ego. Has bad mast° rheumatic pains, but not go as CO Mc" his bed, until tight days Mo. The pains began labia right knee, subsequently Mated the left knee, and War, the Mints of the upper extremities. Thustrims are all swollen, tale and tender. ins tongue is fano* • Ills skin, at present dry, though there has been meek' sweating. His puha Is toll and strong, and about 90. Ho bu now used propylanune err twenty-fear hour,.! This gentleman Is what may be called* strictly typtral owl of acute rheumatism. There was exposure to mold and wet, and this exposure Is followed by a feeling of eeldnem„severe articular pain, beginning, an it usually does, Its the lower joints. There is Toyer sue she protest wade& so generally alltandant on acute rhea/manila. 1 dl4 net. bring this patient bettors you -with the Intima tion of string you a lecture se all the points consoled with • rialisa, but- - to !again give La trial to the r.....pinnedy we are testing, and to exhibit to you th is Case, ea called it, than winch there on uld i47 . l .. tria %tree opportunity for henna the, An - gasman. We are, therelbre, avoiding the use of ill lOW nutraineu, even anodynes, that Moro may be no =Aes to which Was the actions remedy. You m cue of a future clinic. THE RESULT. FAVONABLE VERDICT. af.lana 1860.—flu nett of our etonvalwasents le the sane at aenserheematisur before you at our clinic 01 May whieh I then , called I VOW Cans and %Moll wadrorarked wear a bar OpPortoolti , for toolingllia worth in our new remedy. It was therefore 'steadily even La three grain dome every two bouncer four daylt. the What has gin along very nicely, and is now able to lie& about, as lac see. Ido not heehaw to say teaul , Illeen as severe 6 OM 61' ensue , rheiumatieni MOM rewired to health en 'tiiW man his bee; and a... Shawn being prepared to decide positive by tO the Tsl. nor of the remedy we have need, 'I feel boiled toietste that in the main in which we have tried the Chloride elopymue h lenilue, the patients sumo resigned their health earikir than under the treatment OrdisuirilY pur• sued. I wish ionidemen, you would yourselves try it, sad report the remain. far a fall report of wtdeh the above is • eondeosed MMus, see the Philadelphia Malicei mid am** At is the report after stair trial by the besiled adhorlirtn thi•ooodtry, and makes It anneoemary to sive stuntmen oertifloates from astonished deckers sad iiipiolag INOMMIL ♦ SIMDT #441/111CAMMUI. lan B►ll' St BOLT WHAT ft HAS DONS, Min* AS Crenshaw, & Ann well bittern to mostinh• ealinen; by whoa' the • gliztr Propylandne lies been In troduced, bawl molt to us the explosive right to manure& titre It atoonling to the;°dead motile, and we have nods 'remnants of ma magnitude as to canto as In sooner ti broadcast smougat sabring humanity. A WORD TO DOCTORS. , II you prefer to use the lame woody le mother Storm We Invite your Mammon to the Pow eirrePlaso (Ammon PlurnAuniu, Poxillumucum LIQUID S, Pose Pstornquirsouracessaue, Pau bows ppgrruatour, at which we are the mote 011111dIRDIVIII. a-We dela:to other 'Moe Ihr the Minh* Progyhuntne thee Is ooatadned In Pane Clernallsed Ohloridept Prow =ft. MU= WI MID MAT Mt TAKEN AOOOADING TO DIRIaTIONS, VI ANT °I& MY WEL T 0111, WRO HABNIZONATOOI OF ANT NIND. bit tallarrtsburi by As 76 as. • morims. Orden may be addreamel te zPROPPLAMINI JURI72AOII7IIINO 104 See, Boom No. 4, aro Is. W. ooe beets sad Ohmage Weds, PaH2,611014 Qt Walther of th• tbllowing -2 =Lim a CILINDEUIV ramaca, mamma a 6., Jetty IL MARIS MM., . D. WIMMIUELL & DO., ma 1. pizarfa:44 Inaiesitie Aglow PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD I BUMMER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. The Pawner Taira of the Pennsylvania Company will depart mom and smite at Harrlsb E AßK Philadelphia as follows : EASTWARD. D00T0313 BEAD ", DOCTOBA Naming DOClTonti TIM IT. THRIXIM lIPIIKENI ISMS leaves flarrhibitrg daily at 1.15 a. m, and arztva at Wert rhlladaMbia at 5.10 m.. LOT LINE leaves Harrisburg dailg ri Lescept Henday.) at, SAO a. m., aad arrives at Weal elplua at 9.46 a.m. PART NAIL TRAIN leaves Berrbiburg dg/ (eleela &may) at 1.20 A crowd =lves as INA rnuttelphla at 11.245 p. m. - ACOOMMODATION TRAIN, via Maud Joy, WIMP Mardsbarg at too A. al., and arrives at 15445 MU delphia at 12.25 p. m. .gARAISMIIia ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, ida Cohan *yen luirrlstian at 4.10 p. as.. sad arrives 1$ Nast maqppitia, as 9 25 P. m. WESTWARD. EROUGH =PROD TRAIN leaves Pbiladelphia at 10.86 p. m., Harrisburg at 8.00 a. m., Altoona 8.10, a• m. and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.80 p. NAIL TRAIN leaves Pbiladsdpids at T.lll a m., and ar rives st Harrisburg at 12.80 p. m.; leaves Herrlebuit at 1.00 p. m., Altoona, 7,00 p. m., and arrives at Minim st, 12.16 a. ou FAST LINE leaves Pidiadolpida at 11.80 a. m., Harrls bun 8.46 p. m., Altoona at 8.20 p. m., and arriving at Pittsburg at 12.46 A. m. HARRISBURG ACOMMODATION ?RAIN leaves. Phil. delpWa at 2.80 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.00 Pm MOUNT JOY AOCOILMODAITON via Komi Joy haves Isuasistar at 10.00 a. m., arrl►essat Harrisburg at IL4O Y. IL SARUM D. YOUNG, Napa. Nut, Div. Pima. Railroad. Harrisburg, Nay 2, NM -.4lit NM AIR, LIND ROM TIM TRAINS DAILY TO NRIT YORK, AND PHILADELPHIA gNAND 'AFTER MONDAY, MAY sth, 1142, the Paiudiager Trains will leave the Phila. ist and Readies Railroad De at Harrisburg, for New To* aad Plilladelphk l / 2 u IbMwa, vL ZISPENHILTNE learn Harrisburg at 1.2$ L m., on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving In Now York at 8.15 a. m., and at Phila. d4hia at 9.00 a. m. A sleeping car is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without change. NAIL. TRAIN leave, Harrisburg at 8.00 a. in.. arriving in New York - at 520 p. in., and Philadelphia at 1.25 p. m. PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p. a., on arrival of Pewnsviviuda Railroad Tut Nall, arriving In Now York at 9.50 p. m., and Philadelphia at 8.40 p. m. FAST LlNSleaves New York at 6a. tn., and Philade phis at 8 a. tn., arriving at Harrisburg at - 1 p. m. MAU. TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil. adelphla at 8.16 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.10 p m. FURZE LINT leaves New York at 8 p. m. arri ving at Harrisburg atB.oo a. m., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping car Is alas attached to this train . Elonneodoos are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pensaylvarda, Northern Central and Omberlaa4 Valley Bowie &ached throVi. faro between New Ycirk and Hiviisbarg, $6 00 . ; between Harrisburg and PhUa deltr 25 In No. lldra, and $2 70 in No. 2. Jo, em or other Information apply to , • J.J. CLIMB * , • mill.dtf • Ilenend Agent; Harrisburg. IN EVERY OABI, WHENEVER:IW WHENEVER Taga IT IfflA. DO AGAIN MOREVONVMDIT_ _ AND HEADY nautautri b Sop MEM Fatimatunic( ,lady Aresitirapleav afttritoon, august 14, 1862. Nttu 2tnurtis=ift. ON en AIM • MONDAY MAY 6th. 1862. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. EASTWARD. WESTWARD. ME ttl. &Tan D W. GROSS & CO., WUOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET •STREET ILIRRISBURG, PENN'A. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods ull such articles, as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atentick' to the largest and•best selested Stook in tins city, of DRUGS OILEMICIALS.ik PANTS. varnishes and Glues. Dyeiltsdne; Gli4 "lid Patty, drUst Colors and Tools, Pure Gkround Sp,oses Darning bliakil and dleollioN Lard, Spann and Pine OW, Bottler, Vials and tamp Globes, COMM Sno t Symms. moil Corks, ow., loo n are., Jae; With a general variety of PERFUMERY 4 TOILET ARTIOLIOI, selected from the best manufacixtrers and Pe tummy of Europe and this - country. Being very ism c dealers In PAINTB, WHITE LEAD, • LINSEED OIL, VABNIEHEB, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTD3T'S BRUSHES IN ALL nom VARDLTDE, OOLOINI AND BBON/N3 Ala, WNW. We reepeottu feeljog ► oonfi dent that we can' supplfthe wait! of lin on term to their eatlefoothat. TEETH I TEETH 11 JONWSAND wErrEsis PORCELAIN PATENT IVIED IUISTOBATIVEB Of all Mods, direct from the Proprietors. Saponifier and Oonoentrated _Lye Wholesale Agents for clapoulder, width we eel as low as it can be purchased in the cities. fELANICIVI3 MEDIOAL FL13113 EXTRACTS mu, off,' CARBON oar Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can oiler inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the most improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to burn Coal Oil. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Those of you who have not given our HOME AND OATTLE POWDBBfI a trial know no their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horne and Cattle healthy and in good condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our aettae Powders by the increasing quantll6 o- and' quiditi of mllk, besides improving the general health and ap. pearana). of their Oatgp. , _ Our long experience in the business*Ovss as the adeentege of 46. theickih Wieldier& cif."the trade, and. our 411.110.0414tC*14.:4144 `Me Imdt thet *e:call iii a V . 11 4.:400 : 'ol o furnish anything ett litudness, main best of term. k ~ - Thankful, for the llberet ,patronage beetowe on out hboee, we hope by Otrict attention to business, a carefalseleoticat of • P:l7 D 1113 at fair piteeei mat the Meetreeeti tritiNse an, to merit a continuance of, the favor of a diaorim inating public. ap1.13-diy FISHING T_AVIELEI OF ALL HINDS. Tirreepibur and live joint Trout Rod& Bilk and Hair Trout Linea, (tom 10 to 60 yarp_logs . London Patent Trout Lutes, Whited Trout Linea, "f 4: " 4, China Wore UEO4 - • • - 44