etitgrapt. NO I ICV. TO A DVERTISERS.—AII Ade vertisements, Business Notices, Mar riages, Deaths, ate., to secure insertion In the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accompanied with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regu lar Evening Edition are inserted in the morning Edition without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA Thursday Afternoon, August 14, 1862. Mama Manumit, of the gallant Forty-sixth Penna. regiment, is in town, the guest of Col. JOseph F. Knipe, of the same regiment. The Major participated with his regiment in the bat tle at Cedar Run Mountain, Va., and was se verely wounded in one of his arms, from which he is suffering. Dormotrtsaan Answar.s.—Maj. Gen. Wool and staff, composed of Cot T. 3. Crane, Major W. T. Masrnder and Capt. Christenson, all of the U. 8. Army, arrived in this city this morn tog, and took lodgings at the Jones House, where they will remain for several days, to superintend the organization and transportation of troops to the seat of war. Twa Ovfma of the Adams Express Company is open from 7 o'clock A. M. until 8 P. M., for the transaction of business. The soldiers at camp and others who are continually calling at all hours of the night, will please bear the above hours in mind and make their calls ac cordingly. E. G. Ilsarcer, Agent. --...--- AMONG MR RECENT ARRIVALS at Philadelphia from Fortress Monroe, is Surgeon Charles C. Bombangb, son of Aaron Bombangh,. and ;for merly a practicing physician in this city.. Dr. Bombaugh is surgeon of the Sixty-Ninth Pennsylvania regiment, Col. Owen, and has come home on furlough, being quite ill. Tea GAIZTV.—Miss Mollie Fielding, a clever singer, and Miss Kate Archer, a dashing den sum, are the new attractions at the Gaiety Concert Saloon. The latter lady does not only possess the advantage of a fine'form, but is de cidedly classic in her poses, and it is quite re freshing to watch the arch navies with 'which she so gracefully sets forth her postures. A CALL YOR LINT AND BANDAOI9.- A letter from the Surgeon in charge of the Chesapeake general hospital, near Fortress Monroe, to a friend in this city, states that there is a press ing want at that place for picked lint and ban dages, the former of which is not furnished by government. Here is a fine opportunity for the patriotic ladies of our city and elsewhere to show their patriotism. BRIGADVOR Gunman GBARY.—A dispatch was received last evening by the wife of Brig. Gen. Geary, who is at present residing in New Cumberland, on the opposite side of the river, three miles below this city, announcing his safe arrival in Washington city, and that he would positively reach home to-day. The same dispatch bore the gratifying intelligence that, although wounded severely in one of the arms, dt is not of a nature sufficiently serious to pre clude the i. - ,..1a11)114.1. Qr lase vally 1.,24.c01ei,..5r t 4, 11 , active service. The first telegraphic dispatches, it will be recollected, stated that one of the General's arms had been amputated. PWITPOOENTO AT m a Darer-02Whi in the Act— One of tko Gang in Prison.—This morning, upon the arrival of one of the trains on the Northern Central Railroad, a passenger named Loring Gillis, of Buffalo, New York, felt a band in serted in one of his pockets, and before it could be remov v d, he turned suddenly around, and succeeded In coloring its owner, a dapper, flashy dressed individual of thirty years or there abouts, with "pickpocket" written all over him. Upon feeling for his pocket-book, containing about two hundred dollars, Mr. Gillis found it was gone. The "chevalier," like all his class when caught "dead to rights," tried to shut Mr. Gillis' eye up with the "virtuous indigna tion" game, but finding that no "go," tried to close it with one of his fists. Here, too, he was foiled, for Mr. Gillis showed a superior pro ficiency in the "manly art," and the "cheva lier" was finally forced to succumb.. During the scuffle two individuals, supposed to be pals of the pickpocket, were seen to run from the crowd, but from some cause were not pursued and arrested. The pickpocket was taken 'by Mr. Gillis to the Mayor's office, where he was subjected to a rigid search, but the stolen pocket-book with its contents could not be found, having doubt less been safely transferred to his pals during the scuffle. The thief gave his name as John B. Brown, and in default of bail was committed to answer. • Fran Taus MORNING.—About half-past four o'clock this morning flames were discovered issuing from the bakery of Mr. Curry Taylor, (colored,) situated in the year of his residence on West Avenue, above North street. The alarm was promptly given, but owing to the dryness and combustible nature of the material 0 1 which the building wee composed, it, together with the residence of Mr. Taylor, and an adjotomp, two story frame house, owned by Mrs. Dem:ilas, and occupied as a dwelling by a white family alao named Taylor, were almost totally enveloped ill eabefore the arrival of the fire apparatus. The firem e n perceiving that the bakery and the residenc e of Curry Taylor could not possibly be saved from total destruc tion,. directed their efforts principally to the adjoining building of Mrs. Denning, in which they fortunately succeeded in arresting the pro gress of the devastating element, not however, until the roof, attic, and one side of the struc ture were burned to a mere shell. The bakery and residence of Curry Taylor, with one or two small outbuildings were totally destroyed. The fire originated in the bakery and is sup. posed to have been the work of an incendiary, as the ovemhad not been used since four o'clock yesterday afternoon. The furniture of the two dwelling houses was mostly removed without damage, bat the con tents of the bakery were entirely consumed. The loss of Curry Taylor is estimated at from four to five hundred dollars; and that of , Mis Denning at .from one .to two hundred. ...W. could not learn if either are insured. Troxrbxs role xua Gasex REUELLION.—For the accommodation of ladies and others who wish to avoid the press and confusion at the door, tickets for Davis' Panorama of the great Rebel lion atj3rant's Hall, next Saturday evening, have been left for sale at Bergner' e book store and Brady's jewelry store, Market street. Tim &MAILS —A misapprehension exists as to the Bocktail Brigade.• The Governor au thorizes the raising of Bucktail regiments in precisely the same way as the raising of all other regiments is authorized—Secretary STA2i tros, however, giving the assurance that the Bucktail regiments, when raised, should be kept together as one brigade. The wide spread fame of the Bucktailk and their .heroism and gallantry in the field, led to the request ind'cated being made. = Taxi Loomme.--Alex. M. Orth, of this city. Sergeant Samuel kotteiger, of Halifax, and Jas. Shannon, of New teal°, all of the Verbeke Milts, 46th Pennsylvaniti regiment, wounded in the recent battle at Cedar Hun. Mountain, Va., are at preient loctitcd in the . General Hospital at Fall's Church, on the Orange and Alexandria railroad, between Washington city and Manes. . Frank Martin, of Georgetown, Westmoreland county, of the same company, wounded in the knee, is in the Episcopal Church hospital, at Culpepper Court House, Va. A PATRIOT BAND.- In Capt. Porter's' com pany, of Cumberland county, now in Camp Curtin, are five brothers, eons of Esqniie Smith, of Carlisle, who have resolved to march togeth er and die together in the defence of their country. This patriotic act is worthy of Men tion, and should greatly encourage' others to follow their example. In this connection, we might also notice the fact that a Mr. Welk,- of Cornwall, Lebanoncounty; has four sons in the Union army. The old gentleman expressed his willingness to give them to his country, and regretted that his inability to "bite's, cartridge" would not allow him to enlist, but if they wanted a drummer he was willing to go. This is the hind of patriotism deseeves honor. TRANSPORTATION FOR TROOPL—We noticed,. during a hasty visit to Bridgeport, yesterday, that the Northern Centrail railroad company has fitted up a btrge number of house or covered cars with comfortable seats, all in excellent or der. The company is ready at a moment's notice, with a number of first class new ten wheel locomotives, to furnish, safe and rapid transportation for several regiments at a time, and will, as heretofore, use every exertion for prompt and speedy transit of troops over their road. This arrangement, under the superinten dence of J. N. Dußarry, Esq., is of importance, both to the United States officers, who have.the management of the men, and to-the men them selves, who desire as little detention as possible on railroads when once put under marching orders. We have been informed that the Northern Central railroad never was in better order than at present, which fact speaks well for our townsman J. Dellaven, Esq., the suer- Re" and leiitie~l`'i man O - f - good practical bust new habits, but a gentleman possessing a vast amount of experience on railroads and in other important positions in public life, a fact that will enlist his generosity and sympathy in be half of our brave soldiers, who are hurried off at the call of, our beloved country. Hannay -Hoar—The observance of " Har vest Home," implying that the harvest has been got " home," and which, if we mistake not, is generally observed in this latitude, dur ing the fiat week of Auguet, is not, as many suppose, of recent or even modern origin, for in the "late Din," and the Saturnalia," and the " /Oat of Cora," we recognize its prototypes, and although these c.ccasions were marked and desecrated by an unbridled license, and dis graced by an abandonment of propriety and even decency, not to be thought of, much less tolerated in the present day, yet many of the observances which characterizes them, as well as the Season at which they were held, seem to indicate that the ancient orgy and the modern jubilee have a common origin. The former were celebrated with songs, not always refined, dances, not remarkable for delicacy, practices not entirely chaste, and offerings of grain and fruit, and libations of wine to the Gods—tbe latter are still hailed with song and dance, pu rifled and subdued, and ceremonies &corns and beautiful, and albeit if we , do , not sacrifice, or pour out libations, the incense of grateful hearts still ascends towards Heaven, and if the juice of the grape be absent, the presence of the product of the currant and the apple makes ample amends. The harvest proper, 'is ended, and most heartily dO we congratulate our farmers upon the abundance with which, from all ac counts, their labors have been rewarded, for surely of no class is that declaration- more em phatic or that avowal more true—" the.laborer is worthy of his hire." =X= AN EmiIICPLR WORTHY or hILTATCON.—A week or ten days ago we published an item suggesting the propriety of our dry good mer chants and others employing lady salesmen or saleswomen, and thus allow the clerks to en list in the service of their country. We have just learned that this suggestion has been act ed upon by one of the largest dry good firms in this city—the Messrs. Hager and Brothers. Three or four of their clerks, not waiting until ladies offered themselves to take their places, patriotically volunteered in one of the com panies of the new regiment, and are now at Camp Lancaster. The firm accordingly sup plied the vacancies by the employment of the same number of ladies, who will, no doubt, prove competent choke. This is a move in the right direction, and we hope it will be generally adopted by our merchants.—Laricas ter Brprai. We suggested the idea of females taking the place of such of the young salesmen in our dry-goods and grocery stores who desired to serve in the army, several days since, and have received quite a number of letters from ladies offering to fill their places, but up to the time of writing we have not heard of a single store in the city in which a vacancy from this cause has occurred. ,A*A . 3,ce,wriss in the hied Ststes &rake ire to mar allogience to the government. Pennsylvania malty elegraph, [Airship 'Afternoon, "August 14, 186 AFFAIRS AT CAMP CURTIN.-It is understood that ten or twelve regiments have been formed at Camp Curtin, but upon application at the Adjutant General's office, we were informed that some alterations would most likely be made this afternoon, and we therefore concluded to defer the publication of the lists of compa nies of which they are composed, until their organisOion was definitely determined upon. It is also understood that several of the' field officers of the newregiments have been selected, but none hive yet been officially announced. In the meantime the, troop• „ at (limp are be ing unifornied' and supplied' with arms ; and having transportietion toady, are only await inordere to move. 17. DERnY folloiring is the muster roll of Captain Henderson's company : Jimes Henderson, Captain. Christian A.-Nissley, Ist Lieutenant. William R. Orth, 2d lAeutenant. Charles D. Wise, Ist Sergeant. , -" David Hummel, Jr., 2d Sergeant. Henry Bowman; 811,Sergbant. Jacob Dbuttich, 4th Sergeant. Levi F. Landis, 6th Sergeant. George F. Greenawalt, let Corporal. Jacob Shaffer, 2d Corporal. Grafton Fox,. 8d Corporal. Williath H. D. drove, 411 Corporal... George H. Bowman, sth Corporal. George Buser, 6th Corporal. Jacob Stoner, 7th Corporal. John Bale, Bth Corporal. IRMIOLIES Jos. B. F. Hummel, Christian Hummel ?SWAM Alliman, Isaac Horner, Geo. H. Baum, Abram lifiunburg • Geo. C. Brubaker,.David Hoover • J. H. • Blessing, John Heckaman,Geo. W: • Binehour Adam Kiliwell, J . eH. Books, George W. Kerr, Joseph r Bear, Andrew - Kriaer, Joseph Blyer, H. H. Kriser, Amos Curry, Joseph Kissel, Henry Caley, John Knits, Cyrua Curry,. John B. . Longeratine, John Cammel, James Minich, Samuel ' Conrad Samuel P. Manning, John Conrad, John B. Manning, James Demmey, David Matlack, Reuben, Jr. Demmey, Levi Michael, William Elser, William Moser, Henry Ellioger, John Marquat, Melon Eisenhour, Elias M'Clout, Frederick Winger, Geo. W. Pathewore, George Earley, Thomas Painter, Jacob , - Ebersole, Martin path,. M. Etter, Philip W. Buth, , J. K. Forer, C. L. Spotty, Istael Farnsler, Jacob" Sanders, William Greenawalt, Samuel Spidle, John Gramm, Jonathan Slesser, Christian H. Gramm, Samuel Spayd, Wm. H Gundon, John Shapley, Rufus E. Gramm, Frederick Blaellenhumer, G. W. Houser, Frederick Strickler, Jacob Heintse, George Balmer, James E. Hummel, Solomon Spine, Henry. Humane), Daniel Smelser, William Hess, John Spittle'', Jacxib Hoover, Henry Tennis, Samuel , Henderson, john W. Witmer, Eli Heck, Joshua Wolf, Geo. P. Heicker, L. F. = Wagner, John H. Hummel, Alexander Yingst, John MIMES ROLL 011 m Fix. Zonavits.—The fol lowing is the muster roll of the Harrisburg Fire 231:Laves : Captain—J. Wesley Awl. ,„„ r` , William o . Ist Sergeant—Robert F. Bell.` - 2d William H. Hyers. , 8d " George.P. Chandler. 4th " • Charles Suydam. sth " John Davis. let Corporal Leroy Parson. • 2d " Jacob Groff. 8d " John M'Commas. 4th " David G. Martin. sth " William R. Kapp. 6th " William G. Miller. 7th " William D. Carson. Bth " Pat. H. Finnegan. Music—Edmund Glover and Mordecai Felix. Wagoner—Charles H. Sollars. PEP/ATM. Bell, John Y. Myers, Marcus Bender, Jacob M. Mather, Francis R. Berniteisel, John Meganghy, Theo. Bleyer, Abraham Meredith, Ross, Jr. Buck, David Maddock, Thomas Back, David J. Miles, Geo. W. Burnibe, David C. Miller, John H. Case, William, Miller, john.W. Cow, John A. Mytinger, John Chaffinch, Samuel E. Neuer, Geo. A. Cramer, John Oglesby, Joseph J. Cramek, Charles Oglesby;•WaSh. P. Davis, Joseph Orth, John Dellaven, William Pray, Q. Dickey, Harry Proebat, John Eisely, Thomas J. Quigley, Albert S. Roger, Joseph Reel, Adam Faster, Daniel Ritrier, John Forney, John C. Rodgers, Charles M. Frank, Charles Rhoads, John Gardner, Peter Rudy, Parini - Gettys, William Rupp, Jacob:. - - Gray, William M. : ..Saul, Joseph hi.. Hants, Laldeman Sawyer, John-W. Henning, John A. Selmer, Aaron Hobbs, Wm. P. H. Seltzer, Peter R Rocker, Martin Shiffier, John • Horning, John Shoop, Barney Hynicka, John Shriver, Cornoline Jack, James A. Smith, Jacob Johnson, William A. Sian, J ohn W. Kissel, Solomon R StetialeDavid- Koerper, John F. .Stauffor,- Olivia G. Kreider, Frank Thomas Theo. G. Lamm, Audis Trout, Thomas, Leaman Nathaniel Vandiver, Jean Lebo, John R. Varrdck, Charles it. Lebo. John . Waggoner, Wm. H., Leman, John B. Walter, Geo. L. - Leectire, Edward P. Waters, David Loy, Christian Virennel,-William Wierman, Samuel. The undersigned mould respectfully ins form those who are afflicted with Rheuma tism, Dyspepsy, Coniumption of Liver and Kidney, Coughs, Fevers, and ell diseases arising from impurity'of the blood, that she is prepared, to furnish Mrs. Westhoyer4 German Vegetable Medicines at very moderate' rates. I have also an hand a quantity of invaluable Salves for Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet.and References can be furnished' att: to .their Won derful e ffi cacy, whenever calf" upon. There need be no apprehension in regard to my com petency in administering it, as I have had it on hand for the past six years. As they are now sold at reduced prices ; no family should be without them over night. They can be had at any time at my residence, in Fine street, be tween Second and Front. AulS dlm MRS. L. BALI,. I do hereby certify that I; Mrs. &Mittel) had the Dyipepey very bad for two months, about five years ago, that I took of this Germs Vegetable Medicine, and in a few weeks was cured. My husband.has taken`of it, and we *Wei:inverse With anyivho may wish to know what it bas.done for use "Our health is now ..Wev reside ini.fie*ad 'Street; next door to the Baptist church. BUIL YEEPERION, SCHNAZILT. -4--- To the Afflicted. "Excarama. "—This appears to have been the motto adopted by the mercury in the thermom eter for the past week, during which it has been most swelteringly hot. To-day was one of the most enervating and oppressive days, in the opinion of many of the "oldest inhabitants," being the climax for the-summer, the ther mometer, in positions where it might be con sidered to have hada decided advantage, regis tering 96 degrees. The evenings have been particularly close, rendering sleep, except to the overwearled, almost impossible, and al though during this condition brisk west win ! have prevailed, they are about as refreshing as the givings out of a furnace, the breath of the Simoon, or the blasts of the Sirocco. It in clines us to wish, with the eccentric Sydney Smith, that we might divest ourselves of flesh, and sit in our bare bones. Coaassrounasoa eirrwsze G. HALL= AND 4m.•-.-The somewhat plain correspondence be tween Generals Haßeek and Lee, must not be construed to hays' anything to do with the cheap dry goods at Urich and Boomer's, south mid corner . of Front and. Market strteta. , A Mon* Eerasusfpoom—Among the many improvements lately made in our city, to which we can point with pride as an evidenceof pros perity and as a detennination on the part of our business men, no longer to remain behind the " light house, ! ' is the completion of Eby & Kunkle's large brick building at the corner of Market and Fifth streets, which is alike - Creditable . to the owners and 'ornamental to that part of our city. • The building fill not only one of the largest, devoted to the grocery business, outside of New York, but the stock ch dlenges competkon.— Without 'going into detail, we may safely say that the firm keep on hand everything usually liePt in a grocery store, (liquors excepted,) and that they sell at very small profits. Their clerks civil and accommodating, and have strict instructions under no circumstances what ever to misrepresent or take advantage of any customer. A general invitation is extended to the public to visit the new building and exam ine the extensive stook, whether they purchase • or not. Ws have 'received a very large assortment of Hoop Skirts, all qualities and prices, from 76 cents up to $2 60 ;25 dozen of Marseilles Shirt Breasts, Collars and Cuffs to match, the whole set for 25 cents, worth 50 cents ; 10 boxes of Ribbon for dress trimming, all colors ; 5 boxes of Belt Ribbon,. all colors ; a large as sortment of linen and needlework Collars, and setts of collars and sleeves ; a large assortment of white Cambric; Taciconetts, figured and plain Swiss Muslin, BriLliants, Nansooks. rhe finest lot of embroidered French Cambric Bands ever brought to Harrisburg ; 4 pieces of striped goods for Undersleeves ; .200 embroidered In fant Waists at all prices ; 20 pieces of Black Silk Lace, all prices, some yard wide suitable for dress, flouncing, or trimming of lace shawls; Lace Mitts at all prices, 26 cents up ; 40 dozen of ladies and gentlemen's linen pocket Hand kerchiefs. For wholesale customers we keep a large assortment of holiery and notions, such as Spool Cotton, Thread, Needles, Pins, Stock , inp, Socks, etc., etc. S. LIWT. :IPS:AVIING 15LD. been auffouilig from frolialiedlatog ;'1 Y 0037101 BOTH SEXES, WHICH crams 80 MANY ALARMING SYMPTOMS, • ifaMs then for Marriage, And le the greitett evil which cm befall MAN OR WOMAN. See symptom% enumerated in advertkement, and If you are a tnfferer, • ' - Cut out the advertisement, And !mustier It at once. are dangerous. Ask for Belmbold's Take no other. • Cures guaranteed. Beware of Ibunterfsits and Imitations. 3ylB -clitta HAIR DYE 1 HAIR DYE 1 1 Wm. A.. Bateheloea Hair Dye The only Hannlabs and Sellable Dye Known 1 All others are mere imitations, and .should be avoided ifyoh mish 4 to escape ridicule. GREY RED Ott RUSTY MALE. dyed instantly to,, a beatilifiliand natural Brown or Bloch, without the leut Injury to Bair or Skin. FIFIBEN IDWAIS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to Wm. A: Bummed since 16.0,and over 200,000 applications have been made — to the hair of the patrons of his famous Dye. . . Wm. A. BAINNIELOIO3 HAIR DYE precludes a color not to be distinguished from native and is WARUNIIID not to inlaroin the least, however long It may be coatis. tied, and the ill drools of Mmt Dyes remedied. The hair le invigorated tar lire by this spleadid Dye, which is prop. any appileckat No. 16 Bond Street New York. Hold In allthecites and towns of the tinned Stales, by Druggists sad Fancy Goode Dealers The Genuine has the name "William A. Satebeer," and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four sides of each box. Whole:ride Factory, 81 Fan:lay,Si., Late 288 Broadway, Now York ont2-d&wfy. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. SRAH A. ALDRED, Executrix of the estate of Thomas Aldred, deed., late of the city of Hirrisburgi Dauphin county, haying letters testamentary granted To them by the Basest, by of Delp pliht cotutty, hereby notithx ad parties indebted to said. estate to make immediate payment., and those having *alma . to present them properly authenticated for eettlement to the above named executrix. au2-6w , GAITEY MUSIC HALLS Walnut Street between 2d and 3d. RoBtrrEDWARDS . .. . ...Sole Lessee and Manager. Admission to all parte:of the Bonne 16 cents. Mo' 4,F# NEW STARS . lIIMENIE ATTRACTION ! Flat appearance of MISS MOLLIE FIELDING —.THE-GREAT FRENCH DANS/RISE, sir Whose tannin performand4 have. retzelsied, with 'ut'exceptton;, tee most datterlas notices from the press and the niosteisiensive ot . the elite or Msw York, Phi ad•lphis, Boston and other principal cities, will have the lio_or of making her lint appearance in Mar. rushing on Monday Evening, August lith, 1862. Be engagement of JAKE BUDD AND DAN HOWARD, The Gteat Favorite, =depots Comedian; in conneetton witn tho STAR GAIETY TROUPE Mtas .In Ea Edwards, tack Beithalon. T. M. Holds, Mas ter Perry, T. H..Bonnell, Prof. Velment, Master George, the Baby Clown, Mons. De Louts and the educated dog, JENNY LIND. • Doors open at TX to commence at 8 o'clock. • NEW MARBLE AND STONE YARD HENRY BROWN AQINTG iiifetied - Ofs*A. AND STONE Yalramr (twat Street, sear obestaut Aron, eipo Site t e Railroad. Repot tares tins*, hod of inrren4be Minna at:Harrisburg and vicinity that hR . Z. ,weilar, marble and stonework is Mainterjaild °nibs most rmantable Uinta 1•104.21ne FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. RUDOI PH MILLER, of East Hanover lowsehip, Ohm himself as a Candidate for the of hes of COUNTY COSIMIeSIONER, subJect to the Union Republican Nominating Convention, and pledges him self it isomisat^d and elected, to diecharga the duties of the offize.with fidelity. iflB-Jamte FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. DAVID BERSI' of South Hanover township, o ff ers him mit as a candidate for the cafe of COUNT? OMNI-SEWER, sdhject to the Union emblican Nominating ConventtO, and pledges himself ifnomiuetei and ele,ted, t discharge the duties of the 0 i; ce with fidelity. „fen dawte* AMIIEL PAGE, of Swatara township, announces hinmelf et a canOldate for the Mace o f minty CionimiEsioner, subject to the decision of the Re publican County Convention. He promises If nominated and elected to discharge the duties of sai I office for the good of the tax ['alien of the county. jyle diw wte EDGEHIIL SCHOOL. PRINCETON. Rev. Juana P. HUGHBB, A. M., t Rev. Thos.. W. CATTIML, ~M., j Princ AtC i pals. rItHIS Institution, "founded in 1829, is jp,_ designed to prepare boys - thorotighily for college or for a business life. The buildings are large and commo dious, and the, grounds embrace more than thirteen acres. Both of the Priticipais devote their whole time to the reboot, added in the department of InStrnOtlOU by competent teachers Ike military instruction and drill, (under the charge of an experiended inntrtiolor ,) is arranged tio as not' . to interfere with the regular .stadies, occupying • part of the time appropriwed to exereise and recreation. Pupils are received a' any time and charged only from the date of admission. Tnalse:—sl2,ls 00 per session of five months. 414-412 t Rar circulars, or further Information, address either of the Principals. He erence is also outdo to the Rev. Mr. Cattail, Harrisburg. - From the Rev. Dr. Madge and the Rea. Dr. Meat/1, Professors in the ZheMorleal Seminary, Princeton, N. J. I have for sevemii 'years been intimately acquainted with the Hey. Thomas W. Cattell. He has had charge of two of my sons, and I can Safely say I have never Known a ny one in whose fidelity and devotion to his pu pils, I have equal confilence.' He is a good sr..holar snd a sucreselit teacher. l khow no ono who has a greater facility in gaining the love of his scholars or who exerts over them a better influence. lam aware of the responsibility in ape eking in Boob terms of commendation of a teacher; hat lam 'Waded am doing nothing but simple. 3i:tetra to an extellent man, in mine the language which I have here em ployed. CSAULBEI 1:10D0g. '1 have great coutideoee in the Rev. Jas..P. Hughes, as a laugher, hoth in his aptness.- to give lostrection, and his tact in the administration of disciphni3. 1 have had two eons ander his care, and from the most careful observe tionl am free to recommend. the Uphill tiebool as Olio of safe Wed thorougb Justrnotion je 14 dim•relfell n'T.IOCA.ND ER T. IWCIILt.. REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITH. HAS removed his Boot sod Shoe Store from the corner of Second and Walnut streets to RO. 108 MARKET STREET , Next door to Harne's Agriculture :lore, where he intends LO keepall kinds of Boots a^d Shoes, Gaiters, Am., cud a large stork of Trunks, and everything in his line of bu siness ; and will be thankful to receive the patronage of his old customers and the public: in general at his. new uhrie of buainewt. All kinds of work made to order in the best atyle.and by superior workmen. Repairing dme at short notice. [apr2dtf] JOHN B. 8111TH. WHOLESALE UMBRELLA MANUFAOTORY I No. 69, Market Street, below Third, lIABRIEIBITIA, PA. 10 M. B. LEE, MANUFACTURER OF UMBRELLAS, PAMIRS and WALKING LAMM, will furnish scuds at LeWIDIPIIIOIiI than can be bought le any of lie Eastern cities. Country ntneohnots will do well to llgind.examine prices and quality, and convince tbein JOHN 'WISE'S Confectionery & Fruit Store, THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, ThaTishay, Pa. • CONFECTIONERY OF ALL RINDS, - • ORANGES AND 'LEHOMS, • PINE -APPLES, BANANNAS, - • FRESH AND SALT FISH, And vegetables of all kinds, brought dlreOt from the Eastern Markets, twice a week, and purchased Winer my personal supervision, thus enuolidg me to sell a better and cheaper article than any In the market. Sir Orders trom a distance attended to promptly, and toods delivered to any part of the city-free of char ge. FRE:II CANNED FRUITS constantly on band 'Give me a call. [je2Ej JOHN WIER. POMADE HONGROISE FEELNQ THE MOUSTAO HES, Je6 HELLER'S .t.RT.*TORS GEORGE CUNIKLE MERCHANT TAILOR. NO. 66 MARKET STREET. 'NOTICE TO MILITARY OFFICERS. u. AVING on hand an assortment of materials of Road, reliable quality, is prepared to nti..e up, upon short notice and in the best manner, °dicers uraerms. Alma Himmel- shirts and other geode suitable for *filters outfit on baud. aug-dim GREAT ATTRACTION. CALL at No. 75 Market Street, where - you will dud a large and welt selected stock of [gala and fancy Confectionery of all kinds. a great va riety or toys a every description, Ladies' Wore. Mona and Fumy Baskets, Foreign Fruits, Naga, Dates and all other articles generally Kept lu a confectionery and toy store.,geeepring fresh supplleB every week. Call and exasilefor yourselves. WM H: WAGGONER, • apritisd6m P oprinicr. PRESERVE JARS JELLY:OI_,A.SSE • S, just i f all sizes, patterns and prises . , t received sod for aide by yen WM. DOOR, Jr, & CO. FLY PAPER FANCY COLORED Pager,. ready ., out, for cover* °Acing Ghtsals, Picture E antes, he. union ano other new patterae for Bale at [LIMNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE! FRESH: BUTTER AT MARK - ET PRICE WE, HAVING fitted up a large Retrig- Tv Orator; and having made contracts with some of our most aspic farmers to farm& us with freSh and tweet butter reguiarl+r t will be enabled to supply our customers with sweet fresh Ice cold batter at all times: •MF - M. 110C441 &CO ATTENTION FARMERS SCYTHES, SNATHS, GRAIN CRADLES, RAKEI3, 80171111 STOMAS and RIFLES in great reedy, to be bad onus at GLIASIRPS Hardware Store, Jelo-dtf Opposite the Court ooze. CHEESE. AFEW Boxes good Cheese, the balance of a largo consignment, are offered at an unusual* low rate to close oat the lot. To retail dealers there will be an inducement offered. Each box soldwlli-be guar anteed as represented. WM. DOCIL, JR. , & CO. if lB . LOVIghiNG'B fingarn - and '"syrups for ale law, by biOROL 4 & POW te Jr 29 Corner:Frontal:id *Watt , BROWN sugars of all grades, for sale low, by NICHOLI I 80 Wme N , }rib Corner Frau, azul Market streets. aanbibatts. slitt uUftneug. glisallautons RECRUITS WANTED. FOR THE 15TH INFANTRY, REGTJLAR ARMY. ONE hundred more able bodied (mar. ried or unmarried) men are wanted to complete the Second Battalion of the above regiment. Its Headquarters are pleasantly loucted at "Camp Wissahickon" on the banks of the Schuylkill, near Philadelphia, where recruits are weekly sent to be thoroughly instructed before going into active service. Honest, Intelligent and energetin men are particularly wanted for non-ttommissioned officers, to whom as with all recruits, every advantage of advanced bounty, pay, do., to given. A premium of two dollars will be paid any chisel or soldier for each acceptable recruit presented by him. /further information may be obtained It applied for, at the office on Second street near the Market holm, Her. r Pa. THOMAi H. NORTON. jCktpt. lath 11. S. lone., Recruiting Officer. A. Pi:MITES, Scrap Iron and Metal Merchant, MACHINE. & FOUNDRY FURNISHINGS, N. P. Cor. of South and Penn, and No. 17 South Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Ingot Copper, " Brake MB " Pig Tin, Bar " Pig Lead, Bar " Spatter, antimony , Babt lit Metal, Blsmn L, Balder,. Hat Iron, ' Neft'and Second hand Kochi nests' and Blaeiteutitles' Toole and Steam Engine. bought anil sold. Artioies of every 4- &climbs in use by Maebh3tats' and fonnorymen, furnished to orthr. air Qua paid - for getup Iron, Old Rails, and an hinds or Metals. - Jy2t dtaio Shoe& Loo, " Zico, &eel, Bores, Crucibles, Foundry Facings, Anvils MA Wards, " C o l l Per, " Bros; " Lead, So., lira INSURANCE. Marine, . Fire and Inland Transportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the 12111ILMICE COMPANY 'OF NORTH /URIC OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual. Capital and Assets $l, 2001000 DIRECTORS. Arthur (I. Collin, Simnel W. Jouir, John A. Brown, Samuel P. Smith, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, John R. Neff Richard D. Wool, William Welsh, Wiliam E. E. Bowen, James N. Dickson, S. turns Wain, Joba mason, George L. Harrison, Francs R. 0 ape, Ititaraid H. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke. ARTHUR G. OOP/IN, Prearkfti, CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. As central agent [or th 3 aline name . company; the undersigned' is prepared to take Fire risks in any part of the State or Pennsylvania, either annually or petrinat natty, on the most tavorab le terms. Mee Third street between Walnut and Strawberry alley, 80-ke's row. . WILLIAM BUEHLER, fele d ly ELI romurg. Pa. HAPPINESS OR MISERY ? THAT IS THE QUESTION. 11HE Proprietors of the 'PARISIAN CABINET OP WONDERS, ANATOMY and MIDI DINE" have determined regardless of expense, to him free, (for the benefit of suffering humanity) PODS of their most instruotive and 'store/tang Leasure' on Mar riage sad its Disquallikations, Nervous Debility, Prams - tura Decline of manhood, Indigestion Weakness or Do presakm, Loss of eaergy and VitalPoWsre, the Great So. cial Evils, and those Mal , dies whine resatt from youth ful !blies, Excesses at Maturity, or Igner.ume or Pbysl• ology and Nature's Law. These 1/valuable Lectures rev. been the means or enßghtntog and swing thou sinds, and will be forwarded free on the receipt Oa' fear stamps, by addressing SEORE CA. Vir PaIII3IAN Uanalerr 011 dIiaTOKY AND hiretetaz, 563 Broadway, New Tort. Jan-sly VALIPABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE, INO W offer for sale that valuable propert7 situated on the immerse Market end Pink streets, opposite thy's residence ; if not sold on or be- DM, the drat of September next et private sale, it will Indisposed alt at public outer" , on that day., on the prazoLes. . J. S. HADILIO. jyalAta QPLENDID assortment of glassware just NJ received, and lOr sale low by NICHOLS At 20WMAN, jy29 Corner hoot and Harked streets. EXTRA family flour, choice brand, just received, and warranted to lore satisfaction, for awe by N.1.011.1.aS & boWAIAN, 010 Oor. Front & Market SIB. O.I:ISAP Sugars, brown and white, New Orleans, Loverines, Aro., are now entree for sale, of every grade to Bolt the Ittrehasar, at kilutiOLS a BOWIUN, OPIS Corner Front and Market ktreets. QYRUP and Molasses, no leas than eight ),„) kinds, for Bale by Mal,L9 & BOWMAN, 1718 Corner /front and Market suede. EXTENBIVE assortment of Glassware, including Jelly glasses. Preserve ashes. Gob 'ea, L...111S sni p 4hp., &h., of al. styles, pal Theatre& sad .tor rile low by clOllOLd & tiuriltsW, 197 Corner Front& Market streets. WANTED. SEVERAL Machinists. Also a stout boy In the blacksmith shop. Apply at the jyl6-41tf IutGLN nORBs. PURE Cider Vinegar, which we war' ant to• be made solely from cider, just received and for Hale low by NICHOLS* 0 o jeld Corner Prone and Mar. et streets, BUILDING LOTS Fog bALs, DEaRABLa: Building Lots on Ridge R oad ad d a tree% on renal/MOM krzos. tror A. tiler lartiou ars (mourn of JOHN B. II'OVIUt, Agog, 1317411n* South slut betsvotu ittooo4 out mt. KELLER'S DRUG STORE is the pkwo tin hnv Ptitant ttivititiva- A SUPERIOR lot of Dandelion and Hie 21. Wee, for sale at the at bre of JO 1 N W IBS . MI WHITE BRANDY FOB P"BESERVI - Na PIIItYOSES. AVERY superior article, (pure,) jut received and for Bale by J. 30 WII:DOCH, JR., 00. CIDER It 1 VINEGAR i MADE from choice and selected Apples, and guemaitsed by us to be strictly pure. 14 . M. DOOR' 00. DANDELION COFFEE 1--A Fresh and large supply of this Celebrated Codbel aat recolvbd by DRS) WY. DOW' Jr., g Co. CANNED Tomatoes and Green Corn, at JOHN wiern. myl ITARA JELLY.—A large supply just .L Aps WM • 1 _ie. &CO. s APPIES. Orartga' and Lemons, atJOHN myl E first in the market, just received eafi At sale by DbM, 00: