THE TELEGRAP IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, V GEORGE BERGNE TERMS —' , 1 , 012 SOTOORIPTION. The DADS TE.LORAP ,I la served to subscribrs in City at S cents per et. Yearly subscribers will eliar b ed $1 00 in advance, WEEELr ANO SEMI WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. The Tm..0.0n le also published twice a week dui the session of the Legislature, and weekly during remainder ot the year, and furnished to subscribers the fol owing cash rates, viz: Hosts übscribere per year 60 Ten E EE It 11, —l2 00 Twenty " 6E 6E 6.22 00 bingis subscribers, Weekly THE LAW OF NEWSPAPERS. If subs rtbors order the discontinuance of their Doors papers, the publisher may Ctnh.nue to send them until larresrage4 are pal I. Irsubsot Mors ne,, lett or refuse to take their newspito. pars from the office to which they are directs t. they are responsible until they have settled the bills and ordered them discontinued. ifleititat HELMBOLOIS .GENUINE PREPARATION “111G'ILY CONOSNTRA TED" oOmpi , OND FLUID EXTRACT =CHU, A POEIMVO and Specific Remedy For Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and esettee the ABSORBENTS healthy action, by whbdt the WATERY OR CALOAREOUS depositions, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are reduced, u wMI as PAIN AND INFIIiAMATION and is good for MEN, womattoß =thaw HELIIIIOUYS EXTRACT BUONO, ..: For Weal aessta Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Eartrim. discretion or Abuse. , • ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPROILS : Indispoisition to Eltertion, Lose of Mrerl. Loss of Memory, ~ DidionlV orMrartOing Weak Nerves, , . Tram ling Horror of Unease, • i Wakefulness, Dimness of Un ease, r PAM In the Mack Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, i Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions on the Face. PALLID COUNTS:NANCE, These symptoms, If allowed to go on, welsh this mod Mine invariably removes, soon !Wows '' ~. ' • IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC PITS, IN ONE OF WHICH THE PATIENT MAY LIP/REt Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those "DIREFUL DISEASES," _ "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, BUT NONE WILL OONIFFME. TIM RECORDS OF THE INSANE AHYLUSS, And the Melancholy' Deaths by . Connonidion, HEAR AMPLE WITNESS TO THE TRUTH OP THE ASHERTION. THE CONSTITUTION ONCB AFFECTED WITH mama wzAraloss, • Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and Invigorate the Spleen, Which Hinstscith's EXTRACT BUCHU innariabir doe A TRIAL WILL 0031'170E7HE PORT BREPITOAL. FEMAIRS-FEMALES-FEMALES, OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CONIEMPLA TII4G MARRIA . t 1..1N MANY AFFECTION., Pi OUIJAR TO FEMALE, the Extract Beebe is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chloroals or Retention, Irregularity, Paintulness, or Suppreesio nOl Customary Evacations, Ulcerated - or Scirrhoua state of the Uterus, Lencorhora Whites, Eitel% Ity, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or In the DECLINE OR CHANOR 01 .41111. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT I Ten NO MOSS RLASAM 3 MiteMOt t OR lINPLIABANYMNEiI . CINI /OR ONPLIARANT AND %Wußaogti niamess.• .• HISLMBOIJAS EB7RACT BOUM SECRET DISEASES. In all their Stages, At little Zspenne Little or no change In Diet ; No inconvenience And no loposure. It causes a frequent desire and given strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions. Preventing and Curing Strictures Of CIIO - Urethra , Allaying Pain and Imflammation,so frequent • ha the olase of diseases, and expelling all foletark Diseased , und worn-Qui Nailer. ItiOuastaTh mom Tammuz* TWO HAM B.ERIV 2HZ TlOndigpi QUARKS, and' who have paid HEAVY taw to be cured 1n .a short time, have Munn they were deceived, and that the "POI. KM" has, by the use d 1 “Powakattl. A9IRINGINTII, " been Ibtea-thale the SYsterarta—brealLOUt In an aggravated torso, awl - /a2/40E. P.RREL4Pi AMR MA I .ace's Erraear Buena for all *notions and diseases 01. the • U4+ANAICIf ORGANS, Whether eldstlng in MALE OR FEMALE, From whideve H r OW LO N G cease alie G nat sr ing ANDi and noNe. matter r f tHRENISOS o f these Organs require the aid of DIURRINt ILEMBOLO'd EXTRACT BOOHO" IS THEAREAT DIIIRETIO, And Is certain to have the desired effect in all Diseases FOR WHICH IT Id RECOMMENDED. *Stenos of Me moat reliable and ramonale character will accompany the medicos. CIZTIFIGA.TEB OF CURER, IromB to Wd yawn standing, Win Man KNOWN TO _ IBIENCE AND FAME. Price 00 per bottle, or six for $6 00. pottverol to anyaddrem, securely pocked from Mier Tation, DESCRIBE SYMPTOMS IN ALL COMMUNICATIONS. Cures Guaranteed I Advice Gratis I AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of FAO city orPhiladelphia, EL T. lastudloto, who being duly sworn, (loth say, his preparations contain no narcotic, no mercury, or other injurious drugs, but are purely vege table H. T. HELM - BOLD. Sworn and subscribed before me, this Rad day of No vember,4Bs4. WM. P. HIBBERD, Admetus Ninth St. above Race, Ph ila. Address letters for information in confidence to H. T. lIELIKBOLD, Chemist, Depoto.o4 South Tenth St. bet. Chestnut, Phil; BEWARE OF CoUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINOIPLIID DEALERS, Who endeavor to dispose "0P lass own" and "myna" MICAS OS TEUI KIPUTATIOX ATIMAIAD AT Beimboldle Genuine Preparation ; "Lxtraet Rich% I, It " Sarsaparilla, " " improved Rose Wash. 5014 by Keller, D. W, Gross, J. Wyeth„ 0 , A. Bannvart. AND ALL P41791L4T3 EVERYWEI7II2II. ASK FOR :=AMBOLD'S. TAKE NO OTHER. Cat oulthe advertiseinent and send tor It, AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND UPOSIIRE. novlB.dly LIEF INSUBANOE. The Girard Life Insurance, Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia. OFFICE NO. 408 . OERSTNU.7 STREET. (CHARTER PERPETUAL.) CAPITAL AND ASSETS THOMAS RIDGWAY, President JOHN F. JAMES, Actuary, _CONTINUE to make INSURANCE ON um on the moat resign able terms. ie) , aet as &motors, Trustees and Guardians under last Wills. and as Receivers aad Assignees. The capital being paid , up and invested, together with a large and constantly ingretsin,g reserved fund, offers a 'Paled secuirty to Una insured. terly'The prem i um s maybe paid yearly, half yearly or quar . The mammy add a BONUS periodically to the Instt, 'ran" for 11% The itISST BONUS appropriated in De cembor, 1844, the SECOND B 'NUS in December, 184 9, the T.Mhlrl a"Rt 3 =l to December, 1884, and the FOURTH BONUS in 1859. Incee aeditione are made without re- Stimuli any increase " 4 '. PrOMIIIMS to be pa id to the vo Thefollowing are a fe w e xamele. from the .Resister Amouut. of Policy and Sum I BOUM or kuoult lobe Increased Ponly. I Insured add ion by No 84 L 82500 $ NT 50 . 4 182 8000 1,050 ‘0 " 189 1000 400 00 " 888 5000 1,875 00 alma at riaburg and via IA 61041, DENTISTRY. DR. GEO. W. STINE, graduate of the ordunwevonege of Dental Surgery, - havingp manently located in the oily of Harrisburg and taken the ogee formerly ()coupled by Dr. Gorges, on Third attest between Market tad walnut, respectfully informs his friends and the pubic in-general, that be is prepared to perform all °mallow, in the Dental profession, either for mechauleal. In s manner that shall not be surpassed by operators in this or any other oily. His MOO of Inserting artlticiat tooth Is upon the lateatAm proved deiellilite principle Teeth, from one to a full set, mounted OR fine Gold, Slyer, Mann/ plates or the Vulcanite Base. I lake great pleasure In recommending the above gen. item in to all my former friends of Harrisburg-and id• ninny, and feel confident that he will performAH ‘9POI:a.t lions In a scientific manner, from my knowleda 01 3 110 INUif• flayilAtt] lir, J. A. WHEW:a tr."P 1;" 4 H .... 1 /7 1R: 4 ' • % .A. tit.,9,)- Admiummi \,, , colflV*--_.." -- the 141' a ..., 7. -- be BO ----• r4;.-44..e I t! 1 1 l titnsDitilam 1 Wif,;:.4 -,-;:;.,_ 2, --- -) - 01 tOalii h a re ' al LZT. - - - -il ? * r ' l.%? ' 4 - - _,-7, - -,-- - ,T am ..•,# ---- . - VOL. XVIII. DR. JOHNSON 33A.MOZINECortiE7 LOCK HOSPITAL! kjAS disooveied the most certain, speedy and abtottal remedy In the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. swim EA BEE TO TWELVE HOVE& No Memory otAiWons Drugs. A Cure Wairauted tio Char ' isfrowop4l, , • to Two Days. Weaknest of the Back or,Limbs, Strictures, Alibalons t harms and Maddaygnsuiantery minamises„lm potency, General oesuity, Nonmusical', Myispeplyilint-' juor, LOW Splrits„Conntsion ofldeita.Yalpitatieno, the lined, 'Timidity, Trembling, Dimness of lniAt or Giddi ness; Dfsokre in the Head, Throat, Nose or- , Wu, affec tions of the Liver Lungs, Stomaoh-or Bowsis—thom ter disorders arising fromlbe Solitary Habits oS. Youth —those SWIM and solitary pdualcas more fatal to their victims than the song of :prmisi to the Marina's of Ellye sea, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipaidons, , rendering marriage , &u., impossible. - Wank Men • . Especially, Who have become . thelvictins of Solitary Vice, that dreldfni and destructivi tutbit whin h annual; ty sweeps to an untimely - grave then:wands: of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant ,intellect, Who might otherwise have ettleincied `listening ' , Senates with the that/Oma, ; eloquence or_waked, to. ecstasy. the Jiving iivi lyre may with full oonfidone;e. . lade& Perßona, otounielden•coitioniplatine mar. rligre; befog aware of tibindcal weaknetia,Organie debili. tYL_llefortalitilini BP o tnilif mired: ishilerho pliant himself under the- care of Dr. J. may religiously confide In his honor as a gentleman, and con- Woolly rely upon bla skill as it Physician. Organic Weakness , immediately Cored, and full Vigor Restored. This enaction—winch renders I lie misera ble and marriage Impossible-le the penalty paid'ily the victims of improper indulgences. cony puma are too apt to comma excesses trout, not being aware of the dreadful commit. endes that may ammo. New, who that cuiderstande the subject will pretendlo deny that the pow er of procr.ation is lost sooner 1 those falling hito im proper-habits thin by the prudent Rogues being,.; Prived the pleasures of healthy offhpring, the most se rious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system beciomeslieranged, the Phyalbai and Mental Functions Weacenoid; Loss of Procreative • Pbwer, Neck= Irratibility, Dyspeptia; Palpitation.of-the Mears, Indigestion, Constitution -Debility, "a Westing of the Prime , Cough Consumption; Deoay sad Death. - °zee, no. 7 Sontli'Fredariek Street. Loh bind sate going Vont Miltimao street, a law s poor. ut tro the 'Currier. • Zan not to .brative Demo and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Dec. tor's Diplomas bang in hie and. A Cure Warranted in Two- Days. .Nwitercury or Pidescods Derep, Dr. Johnson, Member of the Royal College oi eidtgOons, Lendon, Grad ante trent cue of the most eminent, tiollegai in the United dune", and the greater part 01 wheel* Me has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris Phlhidelpide and else- Where, has of some of the wont ihstoniahhig cures that were ever ILLOWIL • many troubled, With . ringing In the head and earn *ben asleep, great perrocanese, 'Magi alarmed at sudden wands, with frogman -wire oterentaun derangement of mind Dr. J. addreeinea 4%1E4i irh hatvaiulured thauselyea lake • • - by.improperindulge`baba. wh..h 7406A11. ,These are some of the sad and melenCliolireffects pro : deiced by early' habits ofi,youtit, via: Welkonait of the Rack and Limbs,`Paine in the tlead,' Mint:tea t Sight, Loss of Muscular Power , Palpitation of the heart, Lys pepsy Nervous Irratibty, Derangement of thoLligestive Flotations, General Debility, Symptoms, of Coniaumption MIMI/IN—The Fearful on the mind are much to be dreaded—Less of Memory, Contusion of Ideas , De. pressloaiot Spirits; avii Forbodings, Avers on to Society, deli Distrust, Love of nolitude, Timidity, ho., are seine of the evils produced. • Mumma of persuader all ages can now judge what Is the cause of their declining, health„ losing their vigor, bedomingireek; pale, nervous and emaalatedi' having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of eonaemption. - Young 'bleu Who have injured themselves by a certain practice in dulged In when Ambit frequently learned from evil compaulons, or at, school, the .effects of which are nightly felt, even Whenasieep; and if not cured renders marriage impossible, - anti destroys bOth nand and body, should apply imme diately. What a pity that &young man, the hope of his coon. try ilkkthgliniloriOn POreitts,ehouldlie. muthihed from au prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons aver, haters Genteel _ Marriage, ^ reniatthat a sound mind and hotly are the, most neces caryrequishas 10 promote connubial happinesii Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly *tens to the view ; the mind becomes aluidovieil with despair sod Riled with the melancholly rentotkon- that the happiness of another becomes b4ghted with our own. ' , . Mileage of Im prudence. When the misguided anti i m prudent votary of pleasure Ands eat he has Imbibed' the' seeds Of this painfel die ease, DUO often hapenethat an•til-timed same of shame or druid or discovery, deter* hiM from applying to those Who; from eduoation and respeambility, can alone be friend him, delaying WI the constitutional symptom on this horr d disease make their oppearance, such as ul aerated sore throat, diseased' IMO. nocturnal paina in the head tuidliMbiifdimnelis Of sight, diahtesit,•nodes on the shlwboneannd ants, blotches on the bled, face and extrwinities,,progressing with ;frightful rapi dity , till at last the palate the mouth or the bones ohe 11068 . fall in, and the victim of thisawfoi disease Weenie 'a horrid object of commiseration, till death pats a period to .his dreadin I sufferings, by sending him to ” that Unditioov vend Country from whence no traveler returnee" It it a welanchogy Act that thousands fall taints to thhaterribledisesse, owing to the unskillininces igno rant pretenders,Tho by the moor that Deadly Patton, Mercury, ruin the COBBaI/ilOll and make the reeidne o . . life miserable. Strangers. $1,643,386 Trust not your lives, or health, to the care of the many Unlearned and Worthleai Pretenders, destitute of know ledge, name or characler, who copy Dr. Johnson's adver evatleements, or style themselves in the newspapers, regnlarlyliducated.Physiedans incapable or Curing, they trilling month alter mouth taking their illthy And polsonousnms compounds, or as long as the smallest fee can. be obtained, anti in dappalri leave you with ruin. ed health to sigh over your galling disappointment. Dr. Johnson is the only Physician advertising. His credential or diplomas always hangs In his office. - His remedies or treatment are unknown to all others, prepared irom a life spent in the g' eat hospitals of rape, the Snit in the country anti a more extensive Pri vate practice than any other Physician is th e wor ld . Indorsement ofthe Press. The many moues -de cured at Wu institution year af teryear, and the numerous important Surgical Opera dons performed by Dr. Johnson, witnesseed by the re. porters of the "Sun," •TlipPer,” and many other pa pers, notices of Which. have appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing as a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a sufficient guarrautee skin Diseases Speedily Cured. Persons writing litiould be particular in directing their When to his Inititlittusi, in the following manner : 3033. - N M. JOHNSON M. D. • 01 the Baltimihe /.94 :Hospital, Baltimore, 24 .0537 Cusp bp . 1,400 Ob 0,87 b 00 BUMMER SALAD. ;OIL. Igrge 'supply of fresh Salad Oil. in large and small boalee, and of different brand! net reeelved end for sale by FIRE LR9CKEAS by the attest or box, just received aad fatale by Nicadipas BOWMAN. • . jel4 " ' and Market streets. . VIDIIIIO.I cider vinepT, warranted; tor We - - -dscueL4 & sWASAI.4, Coroseirrais WM Mad* mama . . "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS---NEUVRAL IN- NONE. HARRISBURG, PA.. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 14, 1862. Melia. WX. DOCK, JR. & BY THERM From our Morning Edition From Gen. Pope's Army. THE PURSUIT OF ..TACKEION SL 1$ TOIJND AND ROUTED. The Rebels Bade' Whipped in liaturdprg CAPTURE OF EINY OF on WOUNDED AND POSONERL Major Anderson, (Itiksf of Jaokson's Artillery, aii-pftwed: The Rebel Camp strewn With Deal t Men, Horses and Arms. Their Retreat Madt3 ki Great Confusion. 1ier...119118 - Dbabled by his We Injury ORS. 19IiLIARS 00MRARDS Ills CORPS. ELN*4O,ARTRaB Amor OP VIRGINIA, August 18,1862. 2e Ncier 11Whical -Ballad:—Tire - subjoined ra per. wan receivisi at Unetteelock thin morning : (Sighed.) -„J01:114 .POPB, • Mayor Ofenerat REARQUARTIRN OisVALBY ORIOADB, 1 . • WAR/ Aszair, VA., • Aug; 18. • lb OA Geo D. ltuyglw, Chief of 84::. I have the honor to report that idobedience to instructiorui received IIOM `the Major Gener al commanding the army of Va., thin morning, 1 procseued in the direu hid of Orange COuit kl i ause, lst Vermont, Out., Tompkins; Ist Ithaugluit 7 , 41. p l Amikow; Ist Virginia, Lieut. Col. Itionmortu ; fill Unitiki Water., (hal. Detureht, all cavairY regirtiorita, and four piceh ut ardbery. Abbut three or four miles - from your head quarteui I. discovered the pickets of the enemy, and bUOCk Mutt two large bodies of cavalry and tha wadi Mfg(' with `lootundi. A "smug HIM of • slurmentere was thrown out, vas) soon drove in the pickets. Whoa In range of the enemy a fAsy shale wale thrown, which dispersed him (in) 01 di rectione. Thu fummehkilit iu the woods - EMU lied by. Rapdan 4 sta lions. The cavalry ti.d. own-the' • • evtluust liothie roads. 1 Crooked river, writ u had ewolen to soot' to ratataatrudidaY , nolikszY49~o~WerlifiLL of tllO let, Vermont and Aim Virginia ,cavalry Wain tho river bud anitautted tub Robinson river, which wauliso lull and tuihu leot all to he eitrentely dangetoue. In' the pursuit a -good navy pnioners, wounded in naturday'alight, were iouud almobt abondunsii. ' ' - Major A.ndrews, Chief of Artillery to General Jdtlison, was tumid booty woundlict it Crooked Liver, iu charge oi au assistant stirgeoa. The flight of the enemy ittier ~ Saturday's fight was most precipitate and In great con tusion. His old camp was strewn' with dead men, horses and.arms. ' • His flag of truce yesterday to bury ids dead, afitiided some more time for his escape. The enemy to-day has the benefit of a sharp rain, whica pui.high. water betweintia.' I am, very respectfully, your ob'd't servant, (Signed) JOHN BUFORD, Brigadier Gener4 Wesarnicaos, Advicea from •Quipepper, dated .yesterday, say that owing to the severe injury received by Ekon."Bankmi CCIPM4 , 94 9f. VW /09nd Corps d'Arinee . devolvea upon Gen. Williams. l3rig. Gen. Crawford commands :Gen. Diviiion, and Gen. Green the Division 'of Qen. Augur, who is severely but nor danger ously wounded. Au escaped prisoner saw at Orange, Court Rouse, Gen. Prince and Capt. Wateg nin the hands of the enemy on their way to Ricknonli. Ca visiting the battle ground Many, if nut the greater part of our dead ' dicers were found, some partially, and ,others entirely stripped of their n'niforms. The' dead; Dnidn and rebels, Lay around promiscuously. GNAW. btuart and Early held. the Aeld and conversed freely with our own. ogicent about the battle. • They stated that the full brigades of Gene. A. E. Longstreettuid Ewell were opposed to our small baud of heroes, and Unit they were terribly out to pieces by our-fire, leadi4 to the interence thatthey - suffered" fully as much as ourselves. As previously stated, Stonewall Jackson com• mantled the field in porton. • - Gob. Roberts, of Gen. Popes aegis-Military Governcir of the post at Culpepper .:VA the day of the battle he rendered valuable assistance by his military experience. , • FROM TENNESSEE. IRBIL ACCOVNTS FROM RUT TRIODES. They. Claim a Vidor) , in the Fight at Cumberhuid ;Gap.. .NETt Yens, August 11. A dispatch in the Pachniond - papers, dated Knoxville, Bth instant, says :--:-After a fight of nearly tour boure near Tazewell, twelve miles from Cumberland Gap, the Federals were re pulsed with gteat slaughter, and were in full iet,eat. General Barton succeeded gaining the Federal rear, and Stevenson being rein • torced; flanked General Bowen's command, capturing the Federal army of Tennessee. The Babel General Caswell was assassinated six miles from Knoxville. The murderer was ar rested. • Lie our atternoon edition of yesterday we puh lietted deiapatches from Gen. Morgan, eommad lug the Federal knees at Gtimberland, stating that there had been eugagementa on the 6th and 6th lusts., in which the rebels were decid edly whipped. It would attire a day foe the news to gu froth ilasnifell to rooms; and it is undoubtedli the salmi ;fight of ,whiett:BllCh . contrary accounts are : gives ice tau eaaril From Gen. M'Clellan's Army Treatment elitelbele found with in the Federal Lines. Correspondence ~ between the Rebel Gen. tequidgen..llWahellim Haanqoaseraas, Dzemastatat MUM/A, I • ' July 21st, 1862. Gamest :—lt has come to my knowledge that many, of our citizens ettgaged in pegeetul avocations have been Amsted and imprisoned because they refuse to take the oath of stile-. glance to .tbe United Smash while-othars by hAtil,4tid ltarilt moment havobien compelled „IOW" an oath itor to bear arms against the Illovanuneht. 1 have lea tined that about one r enndred of r class have recently been relpsteediro - ItreBB Monroe. Tliis go azimut refuses to admit the right r of thlt a Mies of the 1-I4ite,d States tomcat our citizens and extort from their parole not to render militarfservice to their countrylmder the penalty of incurring' punishment in case they'fallinto thp hands'of yoUr . forces. I am diralad by the Secretary of War to inforin you that Such oaths will not be regard ed as obligatorY, and persons who take them will be required _to render military. aurvice. Snould your government twat the rendition of such service by these persons as a breach of parole and treat it accordingly, this, govern ment will resort to retalfaitiry measures : as the only meant) of coinpelling the observance of the.rules of civilized warfare. I 1111,0 the honor to be, very respecthilly, your Obedient servant, h. B. LEE, Generai Commapiitip, Maj. Gen,. Cho. B. MoCzatiaN, Cornruanuiog Artoy of the Potomac. HEAD QUIATEIIII3 ON 'EELS AMRT, Wadwigton, Aug. 18, 1862. Ng j. On. goo. Coninuyeling Army of •thiPoifinac: • Gattiaei,.-I have just:received from the Au j utqat Gteuerar e office yoar lacier 01 July 218 c, et4Otantr..aletter_from Gen: IL E. Lee, of July The letters of Gen. Dix and Maj.. Gen. Wool ,w,iii,furpfOryou with the proper information for,At-re.ply to Gen. Lee), complaints in regard to the treatment of prisoners at Fortress Mon roe. The government of the United States has never authorized any-extortion of oaths of &rice or, military paroles , and has forbidden any MetallAS to be resorted to tending to that end: Thsteinl of extorting • oaths of alle giance siad paroles, it has refused the ap ppeation,of several thousand prisoners to be perafitteld to take them and ^ return to their norues the rebel statee. At the same time „aut. Oolptinament claims and will exercise the light to arrest, imprison or Adana beyond 4t15 military ~ !area try--farsot or Punkn' , V'TCtin aei ifNe- 'tunable act, and it any person arrested vu/ untari&y takes the oath ~ oi allegiance, or give th. it military, parole und after wards violate their plighted faith, theyavill be punished ac cording to the laws and usages of war. Yon will assure Gen'. :Lie that no unseemly threats of retaliation on . ihis part *ill deter dila . gov, dinmenr iiiwful rights over cote persons and property of - whatsoever name or character. Vury reepectfulty your ob't Derv' t, (Signed) - H. W. BALLECK, eeneral-in-chief. U. S. ARMY, Hzenquartmiss OF MOH ARMY, WAXILLKOTON, Aug. 7, 186/ Qen. $...E.-Lee, Ocrnunending, Gatutair.:-Your letter of July 6th was re - 7 calved - at the Adjutant General's office on the 14th, but supposing from its endorsement that it 'required no further reply, it* was filed without being shown to, the President or Seeretary of War.- I learn to-day for the first time .that ,such letter had been reedited-arid inutten to 'reply: No' - authentic information has been received in relation to the execution d'either John Owen or Ilumford, butthem:his will be immediately taken to as certain the facts of the alleged executions, of which you will be duirinfotmod. I need hardly assure yolii'General, that so far as the United States atithoritiei are concern ed, this contest - will be carried r on'in 'strict au =dente with the laWs and usages of modern , warfare, and that all excesses will be duly pun- Iu regard•to the burnbi,g of bridges, U.,. within our lines by persons in disguise as peace ful citizene, Trefer you my letter of the 22d of January last to Gen. Price,l thick you will find the views there expresse, as ,not material Ay,ilifforing; from: these / :Stated in; your letter. Tii regard to retaliation by taking the lives of innocentpersons, I know of no modern an thoilty Which' justdies It excepton the extreme case of a war with any uncivilized foe, which has himself first established such a barbarous rule. , , The United Buttes will never counten ance such a proceeding unless forced to do so by the barbarous conduct of an enemy who first applies 'such a rule to our citizens. Very reepectfHtill. Oenertd-in-Chief cf U.S. Army. RE&DQUARME.9 AUMT or um 0. S., Ni , t Itomuuzzo, August 2d, 1862. f 1b the Gamma' &madly Army of the United States, Washington: GXNBLIAL 1 - --On the 29th of June last, I was instructed by the Secretary of War to inquire of Major Gen. McClellan as to the truth of al leged murders committed on our citizens by officers of the United States Army. Tue cases of Wm. B. Rumford, reported to have been murdered at New Orleans by order of Major Geutual B. F. Butler, and Cul. Jahn Owen, reported to have feen murdered in Mis souri by order of Major General , Pope, were those referred to. I had the honor to be informed by Maj. Gen. Itt'Ciellao, that he bad iefered these inquirieb to his government tor a reply. No answer ham as yet been received. The Preeident of the Confederate States has since breu crtclibly informed that numerous other officers of the army of the United States, within the Confederacy, have been guilty 01 felonies and capital offences, which are punish able by all laws humane and divine. Z. am' directed by him to bring to your notice a few of those best authenticated newspapers received from the United States, announce as a met that Major Ilneral Rueter has armed tile/eel& the murder of their mitigate, and has done all in his power to inaugurate a servile worse than that of the savage, as it papered& sothsc honors to the indiscriminate slaughter of all ages, sexes and conditions. Brig. General Phelps is reported to have in iated at New. Orleans the example set' by Maj. GerteralMunter on-the coast of South Carolina. Brig. General NOV. Fitch is stated in the same journals to have murdered in cold blood ten peaceful " citizens, 'becanae one of their 'men was skille s home. dbyme unkn while o in w ri ppers ingonourwhilcirdterLing his "I am instructed by the =President of the Con federate States to repeat the enquiry relative to the cases of Biumford and Owen, and to, ask whether the statement in relation to the action of Generals Hunter, Phelps and Mit are ad mitted to be true, and whether ,the condutt of these Generals is sanctioned by their govern. 'rent. I-vOn further directed. by histacelleney,;ths President. to give notice that, the evedt of not receivit g,a reply to these inquiries within fifteen days fiom 'the delivery of this letter,' that it wilt heamumed•that the alleged facti are true, and are sanctioned by the governmeit of the United States. In such an event, on hat Government will rest the responsibility Ofl-the, , retdbution of retaliating measures which. Shall be adopted to pet an end to the inerciless atrooi cities which now characterize the war against the Confederate States. I am, most respectfully, &c., [Signed) R. E. LEE. General Commanding From Wtshington. Wounded Officers from the late Battle BANKS OF ISSUE IN ;WASHINGTON. Clerks in the State Department entering the Service WASHINGTON, Aug. 13 The following officers, wounded in the re cent action near Slaughter's Mountain, are at the Metropolitan Hotel: Col. W. R. Creighton, Seventh `Ohio ; Mtijor C. E. Fulton, Sixty-sixth Ohiu ; Lieutenants Eaton, Reed and Ho v kius; Seventh Ohio; thipt J. J. Wright, Tortnty ninth Ohio ; Lieut. Stewart, company C, Twenty-ituutt Ohio . ' Lieut. E. J. Hulbert, Twenty - ninth Ohio ; W. N. Clark, company K, 'Sixty-sixth Ohio ; Lieut. Dice, company IL,. Tweuty-uinth Ohio ; Capt. S. T. Moran. The iullowing are the only regular .banks of issue in the Distiict of Columbia, /led received as bankable i namely :—.Bank of Metropolis, Bank : Ban of Was hington, Patriotic Bitnk of Wash ingtun and the Farmers' and Mechanics' Book, aed the bank of Commerce, Georgetown. This information is given for the protection of the distant public. To-day Semetary Seward formally recom mendttd to _the employees in his pcpartment :.agsa UUNalip gi a rit.f,„ k rtbe War . the age of forty-five. Of the entire number fifteen are capable for this purpose. The decre iary at the same time pledged himself to fur nish three substitutes. •` The Clerks prouiptly responded, and it is understood ten or eleven men have already been supplied by them, either personally or by sibstitute. The remainder , tQ complete the quota will doubtless soon be hitch 'coming. Two of the Clerks will deity° Washington to ; enter the service elsewhere: FROM FORTRESS MONROE. Indications of a Movement by Gen MoOlellan's Army. THE TRANSPORTS ORDERED TO FORTRESS 'MONROE. Arrival of 400 Discharged Musicians The steamer Georgeanna, Capt. Pearson, from Old Point, come into port about 8 o'clock this. morning, having been detained at the point of departure. The number of passengers on ixatru was not over one hundred and fifty, snit much lees than the average. Among the passengers Were several ofEsxirs of the United States Navy di rect from HarideOn's linding, who came down the river in the regular mail boat without mo lestation on either side.of the James river. It is lenrnixi from these officers that all the entire ft et of traneporte had been ordered , by. Arth.thui to leave the 'Unreel river and aikhor near Fortress Monroe, whiCh wee being done when the Georgeinna left. The seine aims also lepint It'd. the army.under the ewninaud of Gen. M'Clellan was preparing to move, but in what direction it would Le proper to state. Among the passengers by the , steamer was Colonel Owen, commanding the biity-ninth In fantry of Pennsylvania, and Surgeon C. CI Sombaugh, of the same command., The latter was quite ill, and in charge of the Colonel, who is absent on a short furlough. Just as the Georgians was leaving the Fortress whitrf, the steamer Georgia came in for the purpose of car ryink four hundred discharged musicians to Bal timore, She reached here about three hours behind the Geoigiana. lhe steamer Stepping Stones was at Old Point, with all her crew well. REPORTS FROM THE SOUTH Another Rebel Report of the Captare of Baton Rouge Rebel authority reports that Bitckinridge at tacked Baton Rouge on Tuesday morning last. Ke was at first repulsed with heavy loss. Gen. Clark, of Mississippi, and Col. Thomas Runt, of Kentucky, were killed. The repulse is laid to the ram Arkansas, which tailed to come to time. On the afternoon of the same day, Breckenridge is said to have telegraphed to the Grenada Appeal that the Arkansas had arrived and destroyed one of our gunboats and driven off our fleet, and that, he had captured the en tire Fedinal forces of that piece. SAILING OF * IIIE tagiNtEII'A.AI2I7FODAM. ,-itsw. Yeast, August 18. The steamer Amsterdam: sailed' to-day- ‘ith 90 passengers ark P;lo,l99o.dollaKs. gtraut Vrinting fiat. Having procured Steam Power Prows., we are propar • d t o e xe c ute jog ervi BOOK PdiNT NG or every Vacriptton, Cheaper th It tan be done at any other tabliatutent In the country. ger Four lines or lees coingli4te cue-half square. eight lines or more than four otute a square. Half Square, one day $0 26 “ one week.... 126 at 01:14) month f‘ three months 4 00 u six months . ... 6 00 one 3 , , ar 10 00 titte:Eiituare, One day 60 one week 2 00 If one month . ... 6 00 g• three months.... 10 00 4 t six months. 15 00 ft one year 20 00 14 gar Embless notices inserted in the Local Chhossey _a* before Marriages and Deaths, EIGHT GENTS PER LINE for each insertion. dir Marriages and Deaths to be charged as regular advertisements: NO. 88. Further Particulars of the Fire• Destruction of the Wissahickon Railroad Bridge and a Large Woolen BBL Robinson's. mill, a large four-story stone Structure, located at the junction of the Witt sahlakon and Ridge turnpikes is the Twenty find Ward, was totally destro yed by the about 8 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The first and second stories were occupied by John Dobson, who Was engaged in spinning yarn for blank et& ton estimated at $lO,OOO. Insured for $5,000. The third and fourth stories were occupied by Mts. Ann Halkyard for manufac turing woolen yarns. Loss -$65,000. Insured for t'86,000. The mill belonged to the Robe son estate, an d was valued at $20,000. Insur ed for $8,400. The building is a complete wreck, one , a portion of the wall rentaittlng. The Sines communicated to the large bridge by which the Philadelphia, Germantown and Nor ristown railroad =sate tnaWinaiihirken,and the suPeottructure was entirely ,distroyed. The abutments are not injumi. The bridge was 428 feet in length and 70leet in height, and consisted of three spans. It was built of yellow pine, acid was covered with tin.— The structure had been entirely renewed within a year or eighteen months. Bantu wive of the . abutments, it cost between $16,000 and $20,000, and is insured for $lO, 000 In the Royal Insurance Company. There will be but little interference with , travel upon the road. A little more time will be Con sumed ia.making the trip, as it will be neces sary to change onset the bridge. The railroad company will immediately replace the structure by an irok truss bridge, which it expected Will be completed in the course of a mouth or six weeks. A small Wilding used as a carpen ter shop was partially destroyed, and the dwel ling of Mr. Jonathan R. Moore, on the east side of the Wissahickon turnpike, made a narrow escape. The turnpike aloug the Wissahickon is completely blocked up by the ruins of the bridge The fire originated accidentally, and is attributed to friction in the packer machine. THE ENROLLMENT OF THE Appointment of commissioners for Penn6lvania. Hon. Wm. Millward, U. E. Marshall' ofothe Eastern District of Pennsylvania. was today commissioned by the Governor to make,the enrt.limtnt of the milttla of the State in the Eastern District. lion. Alex,. biuplook, Marshall of the West rooolved sizoilar, authority. Flour dull and firm, rather weak—sales of superfine at $6; extra at $5 96 and extra fam ily at $5 87W48 25. Rye flour is steady at $8 87i and cam meal at 28'25. Wheat dull and 2c lower—sales of 6,000 bus., red at $1 2 @sl 31 and white at $1 40®1 60 ; rye com mands 80®8246. Corn in good demand -and 6,000 bus. yellow sold at 64c and 1,100 - btui. white at 85c ; oats are active and 5;000 bus. Penna. sold at Mc and new at 89(442c. No change In groceries or provisions. 600 bbls. Obib whisky sold at 820. NEw Form, Aug. 18. Flour Srm—sales.of 11,000 bbis.. at $4 80® 5 00 for State, 85 40435 60 for Ohio, and $683 (Ififs 80 for Southern. Wheat advanced lo.— sales of 80,000 bus. at $1 1841' 21 for Chicago spring, $l. 17®1 28 for Milwaukeeldub. Corn advanced lc.—salea of 6,000 bus. at .58®59c. Beef Aniet. Mess pork unchanged. LirciArm at B}®9f. Whisky dull at'Bo4®Bl6. - Simmons, August 18. Flour steady ; wheat quiet—white 11' 55® 1 86 and red $1 E5(41 40. Corn dull at .66 @6B for white and 08064 for yellow. 'Oats at 50(452 for Pennsylvania. Whisky dull. Provisions quiet. Bauctuonz, Aug. 18 CIIKBERLAED VALLEY INSTITUTE FOR Y I OI7NG GENTLEMEN, MECRANZO9BURG, PA. nsv, O. ECM & SONS. AN ACADEMIC no COMMERCIAL ' COOL. BMW " { Y V ni rer27I6IIOtIZTS t. 2 chartztrttromierawn THEO. F. 13CHEFPER, BOOS AND JOB PRINTER, NO. 18, XeIRKB7 STREET, HAM:UM:MG. orParticalar attention paid to Printing, Ruling and eluding of Railroad Blanks, Manifests, Policies, Ohe aka, Draft, dze. . OM= printed at .$2, $3, 34, and 10 per housand in elegant style. CAMP WIITING CASES, CONTAINING PAPER, ENVELOPES, PENS AND PENCILS Just the thing to carry in the knapsack. ,psice com plate, on yB3 in.nts. k" eats at P BOOK eroßz. itZEGNha A CLARIFIED New orleaus sugar, a cheap and beantlfal attacle,for. sale by bi10130.4k BOWMAN, jyyr, Corner Front tu,d Itarket. We Cerao, Aug. 18 DETERSIVE (mantling better than Harrison's Honaphold Soap, jar reccoyad awl nr.-talis by • 'NICHULS Es BOWMaN, ja2 Corner Front and lit , rket streets. HEAP Oil foi- all kinds of machinery, in smell and *go bacluigea. for aide by , • N.CHOLB & NOWLIN, jel9 CornerTront sad Market street BREAKFAST BACON.: AVet y choice lot, equal to the celebra 41 (b00r...0 Turke4re._,llie re . Mired. 'IYA S " %141. rIXNE;J" , ., h cO. 80w0N.4. A113MA141.4,•: but , TAry, superior lot of 52/(i g gla 8111 ,‘9%1 1 0 MATV i ti xocri in,y29 RAM OF AM-NAMING From Philadelphia. PitmansPau, Aug. 13 MILITIA. I=l PEMADELPHIA, Angut 18 MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. PELLARELPIELS, Aug. 18 jyl64tel