ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, THE NEW REMEDY PUB RHEUMATISM& A NEW IMMla n d iron A OBTAIN ACUTE RHEUMATISM, CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, BEISHIMITERM OE ZWIRY AM; - 1111117 HOW STUBBORN, No zA2m - e HOW LONG STANDING, PROPPLIMHT WILL OONCIUMEM, WILL CURB IT, WEAT re HAS DONS, rr 1,0499 AGAIN. TM wad nnmory, BI T 3131DICIaL Al:rigour T. Es ow IT • PATIINTB Mini IT, • AND TRIM A - - PENNSYLVAIIIA HOSPITAL.' Mace Onestat Boarrim. itztosemy C, MAY 19, 1880,-211eArret. 28, &Ingle, never was very strong. Two years.ago she had an attack of sante theism am,trom which thews' confined to her bad form weeks and sabserenhy hem 'relapse ter four more. Shales been well since then till last Baum day, while engaged in home cleaning, she, took cold, had pale in her back, felt cold, hot had so derided chill. TWO days later bar ankles ha fan so swell, which wio followed by swelling of the knee joints and of , the hands. She has now dull min in her shoulders, and her kondcles are very leader, red and patina ; both banes are affeetW, but the right matt so. This, then, is a case of acute rblumathim„ or, as It Is now noticeably , called rheumatic fever. , a wet remarked typical easetie wN carefully , watch We ease,and from time to time call your attention tette vari notlyieptonts winch gresent themselves., My of Object In Waging her before you now, is to call attention to a resuletwkleh has recently been recommiende4,,ln` the treatment pf rheumatism. • I Mean prohicticat,, . hwecittlud, of St. Pstetsburg, recommendeit 1120 Whoa term', having derived great ocean freed 113 In 260 cases which came under his care., Various COM: mandatory testimonials respecting 1% have " appeared in our Journals, and I propose therefore to give It another trial. I must confess lam always Incredulous as to ttie worth of new remedies, white are teemed as I P o cipee but this comes to us reconiriblecled so highly, that we unbound to give it a trial. SAME OASE•FOIIii DAYS LATER I Mafilkibtlo.-1 win now exhibit to you the-patient ter o,llbent I prescribed Propylamitie r ead dime. *heir. gig udder an smack oi acute rbenmattilm. - @Seedily team tt in domes of three grams every two hours Mounding it at night.) The day atter you saw , her, I ' d her much more comfortable, better than she ex pected to be for a week or more, judging from her other enact.., ( the patient now walked into the room.) She improvement has steadily progressed, and you cannot MI to notice a marked change in the appearance of her •ituts, which are new nearly all of their natural Else.— nor far oar experiment would have seemed very goo ts wwful ; but, gentlemen, we must with a,little while be ers we can give a decided opinion as te what is to be be result. Sere is another patient who was placed:on the use 01 :Sea a n medicine on Sunday last; she bait long been ' suffering from c !ironic rheumatism, and I found he; at that time with an acute attack supervening upon her ehrotikralketion. the wrists and knuckles were much -Wallet and tease. She took the, chloride of Propyla mine in threegrain doses every two hours, and you will perceive that the swelling of thajohne has much dilate shed. TEBBE DAYS LATER 1 I WY 26, 1800.—Thla is the case of acute rheumatism treated with propybunlno, the first of those to which I called your Munition at our bat clinic. She it stall very ottinketable, and la now taking three grains thrice daily. In this case It bee seemed to be hallowed by very sat isfactory restate. The second case to which your atten tion was called at our last lecture, has also continued to do well- I will now bring before you a very character istio case of acute rheumatism, and if the result be sat. factory, I think, as good jurymen, we suall justly render our verdict In favor of propykunut He Is a seaman, wt. 26, who was admitted a few days ago. Hu hat obealktual rheumatic pains, but not so as Co keep his bed, until eight dap ago. The pains began In his right knee, subsequenuy afiboted the left knee, and Mir, the gluts of the upper est:amines. These ioinuo are al swollen, tense and tender. His tongue is fused ; his akin, at present dry, though there has been' much sweating. His pulse II full and strong, and about DO.— He has now used propyluMue lbr twenty.lbur hour.. TlingtentWotan is what may be called& strictly typical ante atellniatfitru. " 'There warezpostmito cold wet, and this °zonate It lolloWed by. a *Ong of Ociffinut, severe idled tai paln,,heginnlng,lts It usually, does, In the lower joints.. There is Meer and the prolUse ewsettug, so generally attend/dwelt acute rheumausai I did net bring this patient Defers yon with the lases , doll of giving on electors en aft tee plats cantreeted with rhe , but to again give a trial to_ the new mug we are }eating, and to tudgbit „mu this Iluical can, as/have (salad It, than wnich thou co old not be a fairer opportunity for jesting the =Okla e in upsilon. We are, tberefOre, "avottilog the uge ot all ether toodloinat, even anodynes, that ther9 may be no misgivings as to which wan the efficient runway. You WWI see the cue of a future clinic. THE RESULT. a FAVORAB.Tat - VERDIVr., - Jeans, 1880.—The next of our Convehle ' °eats is the .onpi est aeuterheumidism before yea at our ottsio ot May mai, *Web I then called ' typiOli vase, and 'which it ' Wasrentszked mita fair :oppoistatte toe. teethe! the worth ot ourjiew remedy, Me was ilberefere , latee= • OM' in three graliailosse every twohours Ibr roar The meet hex got aloes very nicely, and istnow able to . Aim& about, m you see. Ido not tuseltato to eq•lthit 1 • battieneves min as severe a ease of awns rheumatism Olson reitered -1 1 0 health as this man has been, and Inekialbeing prepared to deolde pathos By as to Illy us or the remedy we have umr, ' , bound Idstate that ki the imam in which we have tried the Chloride o airlopylamine, the patients have regained their boa lib - Me earlier than underlie treatment ordinarily pur i sued. I wish gentlemen, ion would yourselves ly and report thiamin's. . for a failleport of which the above is o wader:died aireiftto see the Philadelphia JZvJoat sod Suryttial mi.. gß eit 1, tor report aPirrr ialc r trial by the.boetjhod ad authority in that country, and nukes It unneoinsary so give rouneroei 'certificates from astonished doctors aad rejoicing pedants. . 4 • was y IMOLVAI. iron . *Hi Lilllll 11413 ULT Wan IT ILO DONE, knock 3 Credahaw, I dim well ittlOWn 10 MOIL medi eel men, by whom the Op Propylamine has bean in. trodseed, have sold to us the =halve right to manta& tare it according to the original recipe, and we have Made arratigamanti of each Magnitude as to ample us IS scatter it broadomeamongst suffering hibmuilty. A WORDS DOMOBB. - - it yea prehWtO asa thimeeme e 1 in , catcher torm We hydra your atteation_toilhe - - haallOarawstaa Carnage Frawnetan;,, • Praia Fran: ham taquic,. Fon renal mera Oracrancamac,' pow Imam ratnutatira - e[ which we are *cook manalecturen. AsirWe chain so other virtue for this l lzls Prqpylamine than Is °onto/Wed IR Pore .Crystansed 011oride:ofgropy. mesa 'X= lILI3IIIIIII a. AND MAY RR YARRN ACCORDING TO ouulduass, HY ANY•%Mph {NYAVNAYONA, II : MIT KIND. Nig ta Harrisburg by ~ , • At 76 as. • Doran. !inky . tto sthyomm - - , • - iisotAiiutu mixiiiiorrutthe 00.; Maio, Boom No. _ ' 2:1. W. OM street% Pailodelago. 111.1616.11 " 1 " - IMLIAMItattiIBI4,IO ..L IRMA - =URN vu.# JOHN Y. NAM &OD.; COW': MSS T.. e EMIR /WOW- - II MUM Pliar aki IES ussof-0 , PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD I SUMMER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. Tbs Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows - MOTORS BEAD DOCTOB3 SWIMS, DOCTOR 3 WRY IT. THROUGH RSPRI:B2 TRAM leaves Harrisburg Sally' at 1.16 a. and antra at West Ybiladelphla.at 6.10 a. it. FART LERibuivas Harrisburg dirilY__ 2 (onPoia Monday.) at 6.80 m., and arrives at Weer Miladalphia at 9.16 a. DL TART RAM TRAIN leaves Harrisburg gaR.. (except M 1.20 p. ,'end arrives at West PMPLCUSipM; at 6J6 p. m. AHOOMMODATiON SRAM, via Mourit .4 4o_ ,9 Mayne narriabetrz up a, et., and ammo at W e lt Phila delphia at 12.25,1. in. . tußimagma AWOMMODATION TRAIN, vla Odom. bbs, leaves Harrisburg at 4.10 p. m.. and syphilis at Vast Philsdsipida at,o 26 p ut• MOORS WARM TRAIN kens Philadelphia at 10,86 p. m., Harrisburg stB.oo a. m., Altoona. 8.10, a m. sad arrives at Pittsburg at ITIN p. m. , MAIL TRAIN lowa Philadelphia at 7.16 a. m. , aad ar rives at Harrisburg at 17,80 p. m.; leaves Burrisburg at 1.00 p. m., Altoona, 7,00 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.16 a. m. TAPP LINE loves Milian°lpkla at 11.30 a. m., Harris. burg 8.45 9. m., Altoona nt 8.20 p. m., and arriving at Pittsburg at 11.45 a. m. 'HARRISBURG ACOOMMODATION TRAIN leavai Phil: dalphia at 2.80 p. sn., and mir' at garrlaburg at 8.00 MOUNTJOY ACCOMMODATION via Mount Joy Mavis Lancaster at 10.101. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 12.40 p. m. Northern Central Railway '1" I AT 0 IR, Close Connection made at Harrisburg TO AND FROM NEW Yonit. SLEEPING CARS RUN ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. i gN AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY sth, 1882, the Passreeer Train of the Northern Central arrive at and depart from Harrisburg and Haiti follows, viz : GOING SOUTH. TRAlliparrives at Harrisburg. 1.00 P. N. and leaves .' . 1.16 P. N. UPRISEN o arrives at " MU A. ii. and leaves 4 . 1.15 A. N. GOING NORTH. MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore at Sal 4...11. and arrives at Harrisburg 12A5 P. Rd. and homes North at........ ... EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Balmer. at.... .... 9.1 M P.lll. and arrives at Harrisin.... 2.46 A.X. iN 111VEItY WRICNBVIER D WIDINIWEIt • IT WILL DO AGAIN • molts Coif VSNIENT___ AND ALWAYEI /WADY FOB lIIIIIEDLS.I3 ON AND. ANTES - MONDAY MAY 6th, 1862. EASTWARD. WESTWARD SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Hapt.-Bast, Av. Pram Rama. garrlabarg, May 2, 1562 —thf layB4iti NOM TRAINS DANK TO LAD rim arid tears North at &Oh A. it; FARTaRBUBG ACCOMMODATION t otica Hairiabais for Baltimore at - L. M. Itaturoing--/eavot Baltimore at LOO P.M. The only trali feavigt Efarthburif 0 ,141 1 3 0 167 1 1 • be the Harrteburit loeoutedocletttu Trate, Booth itt 1.30-A. Y. For further lultormatluu hppty at the Mu, In Fernley! - yenta Ituilroeil Depot. - , Harrisbrirg, May 8,1882-1 y TT Q k TRIPOLI, Washing. 131' ‘`3l l • 1.3 haw. and RogEsk . b ' s 4 ' b ACHOLFI BOWMAN, U.,74 bibiameplookand Kirkallu arm& degraii),Tliantoliap Alornin.g, ingot 13, 1862. ID. ih. rasa ea., D W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, MARKET -STREET HAR,RISTBDRG, PEIvN'A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICLiNS, STORE- K.EEPERB AND WNSIJMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully all yoSar Mention to the largest and best Ranted stook in this ati, of rams, Autpactokts 4. PAINTS. Ogg virlditmui and Ghia% Dia•SOd Waft and Poday, dartlat Colors and Toolli Burning-BUdd. and dicohail,,' Lard, Sperm and Pins OIL, , -„ Bordaa, Vitali and Lamp Glob, C.aWc Soap, Spool's* aad Ciarklet • • :40 , Me' I aga., ihe.,,aga.;•&•:, With a pausal variety of *nagY ft TOIL #:11TIC1118. selected from the best manufaoturers and Pe Europe and tie country. Being very Ism a deeleMin ARAMS , ‘lP'Keni LEAD, 41 F LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND II ' 8 BRIM= IN ALL THIT I / 4 14g,pmmi, COLORS AND MOMS OF ALL KIM, We respectfully invite • call, feeling, coral dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their smith/Akin. TEETH I TEETH I I JON WISAND MUTEIMPOROBLUN Timm, IrAVEST i AIpIOINW: Ara):111-Al Of an kinds, direot from the Proprietor& ' Saliohifier 14 • Oorieentrated dye W4fileeile Agents fiklaioniikr, widoi4 wiped as let! as it can be pl!okeiteil in tie dthis... IIIAYRRIS:- DISMAL FLUID EXTRACTS coax, Olh . ailtitON 011,1 iteing large Ruminant In thole Ma, we 'oin otter inducements to• close tonyere. Coal 011 Lampe of the mos; impleved *Usene t vary cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to , burn Coal 011. k 'l • FARME,RB MID ,GRAZIERS Those of you girhwW►ve not glean our HMO AND OA " rEGB POSirOglid a trial hue* no thetr superiority, apd , the advantage they ire In keeping Eloise. and Cattle healthy and to r„xxipondition: Thousan de - 01 . 113 testily to the profit they have derived from: the nee of , our Oattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general' bealthtand ap pearance of their Cattle. Our knig experience hi•tfia, .buishiess gives mt the advantage of a thorough knowledgeef the trade, and our arrazsgenputs in , the cities are such that we can in a very short time furnish anything appreirdidnit to our business, on the best of terms. Thankful for the Iltwarl patronage bestowe on our house, we hope Ar_stricd attention to . business, at fair merit a hutting FIB Mail( Bilk and Londoit Twisted Chins in Linea an 't flog lines Ifirun IrSl* A Myr Eft WOI 411. Trout. Ick Trout Cupt. my 2 111COUlal ± Pe . - r_T W„ C AAA' IsW Rm. /411417 deterstyo. S oO cod. W tl a, P . lama Rooi an. d Nate. . io7ranted not iktOrp_the hands. /11 004 1 Ilk odor ant! 11, ' erdSrLimiNio.. Noir . „ xtemenr e aBllO . rtaritti i 7tantriw, • Ilk bis.ilowi 1• 12 • NO. 19 Pars fAribiind "Spiess 11 En (ease all, to tlloortm tpll3-dly KLE! test. No. 1408 toots, Liner nd mating tin e : tin inest_ 10 - dpi‘o, ' And Naoe,tnt _AWNANIN4 3r yonnand4farnekr sta si s; iiiisalktuous 26 Destray----Bate, Boaches, &c. lo Destsoy---Mice, Moles, and Ants. lo Destroy--Bed-lings. 2b Destroy--Moths in Furs, Clothes, ' 26 Dear --Mosquitoes and Flews. lb Desertw—lnsects on Plants and Fowls. lb Destroy---Insects on Animals, la. Eseefroy---ICiery foan and_ specie of Vermin. " oGiegtEtsr P a PP • VERMIN EXTERMINATORS. "ONLY INFALLIBLE MaWOMBS KNOWN..? 14101=11111lillapTLI EVERY - FORM AND SPECIES OF VERMIN . . Thom Preparations (unlike all others) are "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rata do nit die on the 'ltemises." "They ednie'out of their holes to die." "They- are the.: only infallible remedies "12 rw, and more established to New York Raid * 7 —the City Poet Office. Nair—the City Prime and Station lionees. Deed by—the City liteemeis, Shim &o. Ned by—the City Hoepftals,:Aims-Hooete, Med by—the city Hotek----'Astor'-;-813tNIcho led by—the Boarding Houses, &0., &c; Vied by—more than 60,000 Private Families. aria one or two tau #llPlisd is ressrolser# stailby ussPectle—gditors—Diskiv, 110 with vermin need be so- no longer, if they nee "Gown's" Exterminators. We have used it to our satis faction, and if a box cost $6 we would have - it. We had triedpolsonsibut they effectednothing; brit "Coma's" article knocks the breath oat of Bate, }flood:towhee andßO-Bum quicker than we cam write it. It lain great demand all over the country.—mss (a) Gangs, ?, MORE GRAIN and provisions are destroyed annually in -(Gant oonitty by vermin,_ _than would pay for loos of this ' Rat and Inseorßillei; Lananter iWiL) Hirt* • BMNBY . B.IMSTAB—We : are ladling your preparations rapidly. Wherever they have been used, Bats, tdice, Boachee and Vermin disappear rapidly. - Bow & arouses', • • . - Druggists, -Windsor, Md. MN II p lo w s a Budbug "Waimea" - "Costar's" Electric Powder, for Insects, &a. 250. 600; mit• , 11,110 Boars -Iternie am 'LAWN $8 $6 Sao Itrammapah Ist" 11041211, Ham; ao• WTIOIIII To prevent the public from bey* imposed upon by irieen and ROI, Persians kaitaticas, a new label has been prepared, bear ing a fee amai of the:ProplieW signature.— Rumba each boa, bottle. bithtskoarefully be fore purchasing, and trite nothing but 8 6 00 N. sars." I 0 iihierssee•- - by satesees Dees e= hi the large little& itif the ' Sltle NOWYOrk City. elan-Brothers & Go. , - bluebook, & Co & D. Bands taCb. " -et & Hart. Jain B. Aspinwall. R. & Allen_ - • • Rnekel AC*. , Th Fuller. • 41.61345. • Risley & Kitchen. • e a Rohinson. ant; Caw& 0n.,-t • At. • &Robbins. D. Aimee & Co. F. Welt& • Le a, Marsh & Ebtaihier. DLion & 40. Foz—ean mains. Philadelphia; Pa. T. . Dyott & Co. , , Faluxe,_ tOck a 00. 'F oti Elhoeroaker & OD., Co.' —ima mem. Da nue, Gleans, Eiwnremonnis and Rosa genendly in all COUNTRY Towns and Wigan= in the UNITED STATES. 1 Who A, I 1(4 4 eii HAREISEII.E.O. PENNA. ir aid by k . Gross 'Co, . C. L Keller Principal Wholesib) and Ilet l dl oligenil e at tiarrieurg; and l2y -thi:Thcomany ar e an., Amman and Bauma n generally. • gitir Gomm Dumas . can Order,ss above. - ' • Or eddresi orders direct— re pr . if PAC°, Tenths &c., deeired,'" mad for bB62] Circular, giving sad Prices] -• IiBENILY 0081 1 .13.. Panama Dalor-41.0461&busaiworii.. die Ow etkiNiobalso Hotel,) Kew Y BOMETHING FOR THE MILTS I firA NECERRTY IN EVIIRY-Hol7l3KHOliik JOHNS & OROSLEY'S American Cement Glue THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE GIIRAPERT GLUE IN THE WORLD. YOE YOST DIFILL . BLR GLUE DI THE WORLD. THE ONLY KILLABLE GLUE DI TIM WORLD• MR BREIT GLUE IN TUE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE D the only article of the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. SIMS your blazon Funltives. IT WILL MIND LELTHER, edam yoorlhetteeeyantroti BON Booty, ha. IT WILL MIND GLABB, love the pieces of that eiliontre Cat Glees Botue iniTLL MMD IVOBY, Dash throw away that I waken beer lake; a le way: re. Your brute's adas Cups and Saucers our be madsNo Roc* us DM& IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That piece hawked oat of look, Marble llosllo*.saa , ,bo ram ma strong at over. IT WILL MIND PORONLAIN , No isoNor liag r a that brokz a irt: did ad cost bat abhlDagwra MEND ALAILMER, That cavity 'Alabaster Vise a broken and pat caret lhalob it, .mala 11;Itartaliirotrr *ow whoa pot together. It Will Wend' &one Conti, Lava; and in fad ev e rything but Metals. . . Any attic!. Otameated vim AKERIOAN (mourn 014 1 1 will not 'bow yaws It fit mended. . .srea.aors. , ultfincy Etiataidotaptel about& Iwo ta supply of Johns CromiteliLioartaaa Genteat Citalaw—P. Y. -li n COMldent hilt* in toe Loons."—W. f irefs * qt shows retAy ; Oda , 00tonomods twit to ovary booSy''—indireadana. I We have tried It, and and 1t aa mend to oaf homes as ,n—Wake v a. fume. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. $lO,Ol, per pear rated In e --- Dualti b y Gas. Bonk J." AMERICAN OEIII3II GLIIt, Prke 26 Natal per Bottle. Price 25 (into rr Bottle. Price 2¢ dintiPor-8 0018 . Price PA Omits per Bottle Price 25 Ciente per Bottle. Price 25 Nate per Bottle. Very //arra Beditotimu to Whoksals Burn. TERM CASH. WPor sale b i ll e dn =l,eeo Storekeepers geoeirai y t the *wary. Corner or •Ilberly street Important to Rouse ()liriionn. Important to Builders. important to Bail Road Companies. Important to Farmers. it al sadveafewmyponaris, mid iteconeerne wry y. 301 500' CROSZarra: OEME7O ROOFVEG, The anespeet iuid 'most durable Booting in use. IT IS FIRE AID WATERPROOF . _ It cm be applied tO saw and ow soars of all kinds, sleep or ILLt; and to.flaustas Roma without removing Vie Mingles. "ha Coet,la Gaily about, Onairhlrd that of Tan ANDY'S , ferWloll6 d, DURABLE . Ibis &Wale los been tborOugidz-` tested in NeW York' Qq and all othir parts of the Vatted.dates, Canada, Weat Indigo Oestral and South apertea,on babilnya or at. krads,• each as P s 4 Foownsuo, Ominnass, Ran Roan Dares, on Nowa Bonomea ..generally flonassrott ; - principal Builders / orobtootta end •• ;'-; rt,„ Pau - four rant add lam to be and MOST DUBABLi G fn iise. ATUSArdllif / = A T K I N da d I • . . rin g fbr =ors OF ALL HINDS . hid 6 the ONLY'oalsolisdhadd itt the United Asks whiok eombines th e . very desirable properties of isassaity sod Durabdity, which are nolvenally aeltnow.. to be possessed by °DILA PASIWEI AND RUBBIJR. No Heat ia required in making application. The expense of applying It le trifling, as anonlinary roof can be °livered and finished the muse day. It can be applied bter.Teees ENG iod whew Mashed forme ri perfectly Firs Pupa surface with ii elastic body, Which nutria be Injured by HMV, Cow or limn, Amami of Maar }kw' s., nor any ox. tenni aotiow wh o tterer. • LIQUID" GIITTA PERCEA COLISIFT, Ike Oastfag Metals of all Hinds wbea imposed AO the Action of, the Wastime, and Elea HUMII:;4VNG AND REPEMMG mrrAz. • Tina Y 8 Ste only Sampan:len knownvinch will swamp ray refs `extreme changes of ibr kleith Oust wtost lISPildO to to bores tlrmly, taming a body equal Aosta at ordinary paint, oasts nom* lea lea :Ind will LABS TERMS TINES AS IMO ; andiron elasticity is not injured by tbe otetteediatt and expansion of Tin aid other Meth! Roo fit, aomeetient ad= sodden thug,* of the weather /teat set agAcur 00.LD Nil UN IN NARA , WIAL2ILIA AVID WILL NUT WASH OIE L o wy mi and Quer hietal Roof' can be ruddy repair ad with GUM PRECILA CitilliNT, oust' prevented from farther ght corrosion and f e y d% thereby ensuring: s per. hotly ti root for yew'. Thistement k peenhary adaptentor the et 1:11101 FtetLINW, STOTM,ILLNEHIS, SAM, AGM CULTOBAL DIPLIALWITd, &c., aro ibr general mane. leatmera use.. GIITTA PEIIOIIA. CEMENT Yee preserving and repaing-Tin and other Metal Booth of ewsty descoOptlon, from tie great elasticity, is not Mimed by the contraction and expansion of Metals, and will not Amu* Witold or ran In warm weather. , nlolloJOOAlealli 1116 ADAITID TO ALL OLINAIIIIL and WO sir prepared $o supply orders from any part of the tow. inXshort notice, GUM P 1100111.40 in reedy prepared for me, and GUM PARIOHA in bsrnfi, milk MU printed directions for &FlX allot - . Null noire Deal ad satistadory arrangements with responsible parties who would like to establish skew nivel In a tuarathre sad permanent badness. OITH:I 7 II , MS ARE CASH. *acm Priel all '"''we &alai to 411101 aer bummed Roofing having apptiaci them to *mid *MOM app be New Yore My and 70E(2113 CROOTAir o Bola memorAmtnuuni Wholemalu Warehouse 781Filliiun Meier ot Übe -ty Beeet. - :111111111T YORK! desc riptive aresurs ind•Prkoes will be forniebed SODA. Bitouit, City OrtiolOthi, justreofoiv• ad and foreav by ZIKIR )14 ALA v, - comer Poet al Wean stiews fOitT FOLIOS—WRITING, Dis *li entinklim . 111 0 60011 0 1 0 ,, ,, 1 00,4 sr It. Maas just i = r ni Chig Dada% rrinu..MEND WOOD, 'SILL MEND CHINA, JOHNS & CROSLEY Cade liittubdurersal 78 WILLIAM STREET, MOW YOU ROOFS OF ALL KIM AG =3 WARTED. 1:11 _ ___....._________ DAN'L. A. MIIENCH AGENT. , o F the Old Wdllower Liue respe,..t: Informs the pubis iil ,r tbla Old 011 •r 4 dm Um, (the 007 W. tow r Lima uo . is 5%,-; is tag City,' I. to In duoc•i4Jl o, •rttiOLt, tied ur,p3,-. min freight 1 13 low it 4 may oi ~ , . n.1,1, 4 ,1,4L : . • GoAnamad niraarg, :Ira 1,, ~, , L ew " ,u• z. 7 Lib" Lock iLv Ind ail miser tknital, POilAlel,,h a mai or e a .1 sad Hairs Ita,tro.da. DANL A. 1:1::-INctl, Ages: • r Goods seat to the Ware ti,aiP Ni a • r Zell at tnctimsn. Yoe a-te 124hsh, Philadeiptua, by .1 r., Harristurs, ready tor deriver} nazi o , ru kL{ oprau-rotoyl B, J. HARRIS, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware MITI' lc:: NO. 112 AIARKE7 S 1 HARRISBURG. HAS always on hand a Ill! a—, (WU and Japanned Ware, CAJK, Moves of Um beet reenu,ao lades, ‘iut., Ing and Galvaosed Iron certusb nianJfa vat missuosble rates. Regalriag promptly Ittonded !o A. C. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-L OFFICE THIRD STEEL mylOy) NEAR it ARKE . IMPROVEMENT IN t DR. P. H. ALLA , list, Manufacturer oi Mineral Plat: method that obviates every ebeeelm, to zr, Octal deem, emoracmg parted, bad nu] a Wee Only, of pore and Indentruct!vle muff, neereviceetar the aoccum in nen Oft La-11 axed therefore, rootlet:tette oder from we ere WI is usedln Mgr cOutrilOtiOu, U rrC Ca. adAlot or metallic Unite Hence tte...nt,; awed with eor• tnront, bea,lacLe. kr. J 3. north domed street, BA rrs Stun 4,112./lly )1(1. A.DOLPII r, WOULD respecti di) :ffica petrui.s and the public , a. aoalinnetu give tnetvictiont, no Cr. YIA: , LODRON, VIOLLN and nisu in iIIVLICIYL,. BM Ho will Win pleasure Riot flames lit any hour desired, or 4:31.4.A •Vp Wa residence, is Third • , Garman Reformed Ilisuttant4us UNLOS 1; f ATT.T.TARD AND BOWLING' SALOON, NO. 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR F/FTE. THE subeoribers having erected a larg „A. building at Ina Above t s e aprr,•.f id . SW above tudleatel, dag to ....Ail to g *I.CI.IIiJJ 0' ta. tie to the follow ; Tem itrstiriAvT, We drat do ..J. rooLu aliment:ll, la fitted up to dr4t-e.as.. ‘.ll time be e.tppte.t with the h.zt • • ut.: the Athlone cities, nyeincr lid, ant gp., Raids Ol game In season. tior,-e1 ever: style, and moats to be 12.1 es aJurs. Ut al. the celebrated brewpr.rs in tun eoutitrl. ;47..1,t4116, o. Wald. The in-pin Alley , ar BowiLug Saloon, , s u the reu, Ind evet-Aue three elleya of =piece collet, ~ weer. the lovers et time healtny eremitic cad ca.' . e. Mc Ballard *dim to up-stairs . .m:.l ep and coutahn three marble top c Mo.d:- c L. blee, equal to any made. liarnaborg has tong fw,l the want of gr.taU comma Ilion of thle toad, and as the preprtetori SO 00ndUCt It In a Old and orderly (17.1.44 , r, .13 rything to their power to ahlid tt a tan ton r,: they Lope to recelru a lateral au.tre of ,tuu,,c i ,0., jait-dti W1i..1.d.131 liciatAills FIRE INBURANOE THE DELAWARE TACTUAL SAFETY INSUALIIOR COIF/Si, IKOPAPORATSD /BBC Capital and Assets $869,15 'Si DIRECTORS. Win. Mart la, Bdmend A. reader, Th - ollitlus Asoll..PssinssoiJno. U.LinvisJa.s. Irrjualr , e. A . • _ Joesrna-r. - 1.11.t1 5 11 0E614, Cu. t Kelly, Eameel E -cokes, .1. Y. r'en..ußos, y Edward DArkuir Jena Brnwee, zpeek...rr ',Bernal C. band, Itubert iSurtos, J B. illaraed, hernia r. Eyr., JJtkil H. Suovie . bare, D. T. gargas, ?luso nr,e, s. U. lisrgzr, r us 1; . WILLL tit .11AKTLN, P &kid. Teo daa C. tLaND, rece r ,e33.313 BEERY LYLBUBN, rneraury. The undaegnad as spun tut .be 11,),r2 3.1M/7 pally, COQUINA" to tote kite Slugs in Us IFJ .4 a.. WILLIAM BUEHLER. Jolo4lli PORT FOLI05: wETTEND MUSKS, TRAVELING BAGS, FULIIItION AIES, And a general tualortateut of FANCY uoot have Net been received at BEE INEWS CHEAP BOOkSluitli S UGAR VIJE,KU 111S16 DRIED BEEF, bliOULuats, BODIN A. SAL'ike. tfa. kurs, and &gob mApply luec 1114.11 vo4 by 1.41,:n; Jr. &C: HARRISBURG COAL OIL DEPOT: VOR the safety of 4.l)u:tamers, we have 00.1bIlsood ato 10ti Lko.o. tod ..arolr of b'ruu sni Mirkoi atreeLs. sII our wit cie t sled awl we pod• sell noun except .uch prole to to coa•explOitve new and free Ir.= odor . sstar u praCualble. no oast PA Present the asiowitg 'witty celebrated b. Ands. 11.4. N.broot Lad L to. sr, lower taro can O: I eizawbere .c au, pica, caber arnoles.ou r rotaiL Also klll ausive as:ortineut of La Dire,Caim ans, itbsitel, Ws A tunas, dAruars, sc W wilt ete7 ebactge Ihne or mopboue lamps, so as vo be abed WI east oat. Oeli and eaual, younical .43,, et NIABOin & BOWMAN, Corner of Front sod Market wed aPrli BEAUTIFUL TISSUE PAP r. it, FOR covering Looking GI ease, Plccnro /KUM, oraamoodog Cc i trimm lig est Pl' to., and cacao as to mug ovor salads to ms stars, points, cirdss or fugoous. For sale at loyal !..Cllls - Siatt'S doORSTO RUBBER , GOODS ! Itubbe Balk, Rubber Watches, Rubber Rattles, Rubber Toys generally at BERGNER'ti CHEAP I:loogSTOrtti GT,ARS Jars for putting up 'ruff., .Ito celebrated illlvily pater, CheAP, pmpla sod d• fessue., warranted t.) gore eraosoo, jar r.seived sag ior sale by bIICEIJA4 h B o w A i m, 149 Corn., Irma awl Market strHi SIIGARS for preserving; call and also LDS at MCI:11,1.1 ar. BOWMAN, JYT Corner ',TOM Val Mar-et su,Bi. LV.EMUNd, raisoui o.coalauca rootired and tor sole by • NICHOLS it BOWiLiS, 1,15 Cor. Trout ant itar,et. stream LORE'S F 11 every Tuesday and I , ridaf X al JOHN WISE 'S Sion, corner of ittlrd and W ~ /rAi• " 01:104N15.---tiaite a variety 0 1 liddial .and eatertaliaag SHWWFV.I4,- F ' RESH Lemons and Rai.i.o , just re seined and for ludo low by , ?t iroa S' ' a Jed Corner Frnat!ii et:9oo POUNDS Ex tra. to ,pie °and Hams or by . A SMALL lot of oboicObried Fruit, at icjio-1.5 E 0 vius, corner,vruut and Vivkat 'street. RSEY J ay(! H tierces of these justly eolobpsed mar oared hew. rooeired sod amain Low cnilgt qiyaolitlas • 7)() efflAß ClDER.—Constantly on baud ‘J nig wain artiale at gas= a 110 rpi . AN, et mete& • a Sugai' y low who'. salt Ac., &CO.