(Etie _) NU 1 C 'O.) ADV 1C1.4,1 , mir Ad. vertimmeots, Eminent. ntrogilir gar. 'loges, Deaths, &c., to aticitre , In the TELEGEAPHi must Invatin qe accom ponied with the . Advertisements order ,1 ga lar Evening Edition a rise • the m ornioiriEdition without extra:Ai ergo. HARRISBURG, PAy edoeSday Morning, August 18, 1862. Tug tion-commistdoned officers and privates of the Harrisburg Fire Zouaves, Capt. J. Went ley Awl, were each be paid the Bum ottifty dart hire yesttrday from the county bounty fund. Fovea.—On Wednesday, in the , post office, a small amount of money, in bank notes. The owner can have the same by proving property, paying charges, and callinwat the post office. Lvsszna Comm quota -of volunteers numbering, we should judge, about one thou- sand men, arrived here : yesterday and went into quarters at Camp Curtin. Ostssioit..4henames of Memo. Dinka E. /daft and John Ritner were accidentally omit ted In the list of employees at the State arsenal who have volunteered in the nine months' service. =I Couszorrort.—ln noticing the return of Mr . George Swartz to this city on Monday, we inad vertently Ptated that he was attached to Om Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry. It should have read the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, Pol. Wynkoop. Tits ARMOR OP Omosas from duty, by an order of the War Department, will hereafter affect their pay. Every officer thus absenting himself from his command, will be docked -{— This is one of the best orders that the Depart m ent has issued. /aroma New COtINTERPLIT.-A dangerous oonntelfAt 5 of the Commercial Bank of Glenna Falls, New York is in circulation here. Three of them were detected yesterday at one of the batiks. Genuine notes of that bank are not to circulation here ; and all notes on it should be refused, and measures taken to arrest' the shovers. Pm! Flax 11 FMB i 1 I—Attention Clams I No class of our young men have devoted "theme selves with mote dhinterestedtiess to the sup port of the military operations of the govern ment than the firemen of the country. In the larger cities where the fire department is an Important feature in the organisation of society, it has suffered its most vigilant and active mem bers to love their respective companies, throw ing down the Tanner and the pipe, to join other companies where more deadly weapons are wed in the discharge of their duties, but where danger is no less near or threatening. This noble spirit on the part of the firemen in rallying to the - support of the goviwnment, poses a duty upon 'those who remain at home, and who were never attacheilto • the fire de partment, which must not be neglected. When the fire bell rings its aktrin t ihosu citizens who were heretofore accustomed to remain quietly in their beds, and view the conflagration per fectly at ease, became they knew that ,the firemen were tractive $341/ 03 , Ultilt now . answer Vets strata:ins of the bell :themselves, and go forth: for duty in this branch of the public .service. We do not intend this as an appeal. It is a demand on every citizen which i darer not be neglected. Many of our fire companies in. Harriaburg have been actually converted into military orgatilia tons. The Are appatfittte must become neglect ed and the safely of the city ,placeff in great. Jeopardy from fire, if the citizens themselves do not organize and attach-themselves to--,these fire companies. Let this admonition suffice for the present. I=== NUM Luurs.—We have in our city a cer tain class of young men who are called "bloods," Mori& why it would not be nay to determine, since the 'good which should flow in their veins is replaced as far alkitris in tlieir power, by alcoliol; Ivhich they imbibe, under the various names which happen to most take their fancy. Thapoet's advice was to "Rise with the lark, and with the lark to bed;" and these men - follow the second part of his advice pretty faithfully seldom " seeking their downy" without a lark which would seem to quiett people of, gigantic dimensions. Three youdg men of our F. F. Ws—which being translated in varnaculam Is understood to signify First Families of Harrisburg—were last: night enjoying themselves after their peculiar fashion in the neighborhood of Front street. They _ imbibed " benssine oFktails," and ; ether mys• terious compounds, whose names are known only to the initiated at first Glass drinking 'sa loons, end sat there —" bousing at the nappy, An' getting tou an' 'limo' happy." until all sedate people bid brig ago retired to their four posters, and were 'isleeplag the sleep of the jut." Teen they issued forth into the moonlight, which seemed to have a very peon liar.effect on them, since shortly after one was wen mounting an adjacent awning post, , and bet Ween heaven and earth, like Maho• ,mot' 6 mein, while his companions were striving to follow an hla wake by bolding fast on to the • litiy,t9f,hia ...t. After performing numerous Augmetio feats here they adjourned tu a neigh losing curbstone and there satisfacitorily settled tae question tut to the pate ofoats. 1114 7- ‘9 VA a dog. brought a new idea into' their weds, and their vocal organs lastest once tuned 'anti brought into shape for waking th e in ktid g i4- arivi araikkat iiiiiiii - The.eehoes of a neigh boring street Were shortly afterwards wakened l by tbeirinelodious•voices, - and the siumberers of the kaufer timidity Itratin sugared a Similar fate. La eminent physiciah was" first favored, but having.no musical ear, he refused to be *harmed. ,et: lady In the neighborhood was tben bonerekbtit either from, strifpltia illiark a* sound, Or but from being tete:Ay:Over whelmed with the compliment, the trio received 110 credit for their labont: Finally, -having ea hausted their rrperreire they left, grumbling al the base blur.' ituee of4hen—aed woman, and were heard no more. 'What :became of. them afterwards, the gentleman -who furnished ue with these facts, and who I:APentatiOte OP • Arialwialt•iiigitt -44.-ragieg.tootiraeht- waa usable*? *444 ~ ~.. , ; , C.O W, I I'l l ripl. la . 1= Font ical ON A UMW. —The_irst red. iii me , .f vo untents-,titsisr the nips months . ; (• fit edlii — Cat ity Curate' yesterday, l 4 i i , comp `Of the following cempanteisr useell Guards, Capt. Wtti. - Wt. Jennings. D err y F el : L en-4es, Capt.. Jas. Hendqrson. • lintizrisburg Ghards, Capt. Jobf l 3. Bull. Bois Guards, Capt. H. O. 411i:lltialLi Carlisle Infantry, Capt. John Lire: Bhippensbuttentrds, Capt. 'Wig; Newville Infantry, Capt. Wm. Laughlin. James Guards, Capt. John o.'Huffeaker. Patriotic Club, Capt. John. F. Inirich. Lebanon Guards,'Oapt.lioreino L. Green& wait. Paz FUG MVEB PROM BALTIM9Ba r . -The party of twelve fugitivee from Baltimore, who were arrested at 'WElliamsport, Pa., last . Saturday; and stoppll over night &torten's Hotel; Ito this city, in the custody of a United States Mar, stud, charged with trying to evade the draft, were taken back to Baltimore on Monday morn ing, where they were examined •by .Gen Wool; who ordered the entire party to Fort M'ilenryt ROBBED AT ma Darer.—A stranger from Lock Haven had hie pocket picked yesterday at the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, of a Port monnaie containing between $BO and $lOO, most ly in 11. 8. Treasury notes, one $2O gold Pk", a promieary note for $BBB, and a lot of papers of no value to any person but their owner. A reward of $2O is offered for the recovery of-the stolen property. Um. Ifoitscm Poannr.—The fallowing ez tract from the letter of a young officer. in South Carolina to his sister in Norfolk will doubtlele be read with pleasure:by.Lieut:- Porter's friends here. It is a just tribute to his worth : "I am glad you saw Horace Porter. He is a noble fellow and well deserves all the honors paid him. I see by the papers he was ordered to report to Washington and was assigned to M'Clellan's army, where he will douhtle,s dbs tinguish bimself as he has done in this , depart. ment. For weeks before the taking of Prdaski i . while nearly all others were enjoying there selves, and passing tbeir time in comparatiie ease, he was hard at work in the swamps and marshes of Tybee, toiling through the long hours of the night in building batteries and mounting guns. - No one knew or saw anything of him then—but the result of his labors was shown olis the reduction of the fort, and he is now the recipient of the honors which his skill and bravery. so well deserve, has a bright future before him." • , Sormas Bisitiminum•'l l hat excellent peri odical, Hall's .Tournq Of Health, says that if you write to a soldier, Mend or relative in the at my, using a common envelope and a sheet of foolscap paper, you may mho aid, without ex,. ceediog the weight for which a three cent post, age stamp will pay, as much tea as a teaspoon will take up twice, or as. Much black or C. 4.• enne pepper, spoh as is obtained , ; ,from a good drug store under the name of "Capsicum," as ,you can take up at ronce with a common tea 'spoon, and the smaller envelope of .thin paper to hold either. Chewing the tea, a pinch ,at a time, every ;. hour . or 18,1 f-hour, while keeping guard, or under circumstances of great thirst, or of excessive weirinestior sleopiaetia,, will en liven, will modify. thirst, will :.invigorate, 'cc will waken up to a grateful extent,,considering the amount of ,tea used, and, ite perfect, safety from ulterior ill results, such as follow the use of alcoholic driuks. But a heaping tesspocin ful of genuine "Capsicum" is worth ten-fold Y in - 40etitter s'r of a•pinch will ' a save men's life--that quarter of a pinch being put in a sleepy sentinel's eye . If dont waken him up,.and everybody else within an Indian .is yell's distance, then it not a prime article of ' capsicum. A singiii • pinch in a glass of fiat ior warmish water 'will nullify these qualities, and besides eatisfyine thirst, will invigorate and effectually prevent that- uncomfortable sensation catalog. from hating drank largel • ,o, ../‘. ':r. A'Oed pinch, :, eaten at each M. ; ; 7 . :f t-. 4%,,1. i . ., ver, a cup of coffee or tea or water f,•,;. -- ,i ,'!`,,,-,:',:, will alWaire . hiiig. * orate ceation, • %,'-,-, .74c4' ;,,, --- ent &Mitt-arid . is, besides, a great an ~ :y); let of the diarrhea, dysentery, flux and : .. - • , esa," which, are the great scourges of all armies. A_level teaspoon of capsicum daily, taken in eating or drinking, .or both, or if taken a pinch at a time during the day or night, would do more real good, and that without any ill result,.than ten tithes the cost in' rrun and - qUinine, as a preventive against chills and fevers - , I.lquor and quinine initiate the soloier . into intemperate habits; they will wake up a love, a erliving, a slavery to strong drink, which pepper and water will ] never do. The latter invigorates. like food, the former merely.excites, then leavet weaker than before. A pinclifif dapeicrini-, *blob is simply pure cayenne pepper, will•riciAgiest deal more toward , warming up alicibiter, - toward invigo rating - hins,42ward., keeping Ulm vigilant ' , on guard, en and Modifying thirst - or, fatigue, than the best glass of grog ever-swallowed.— Capsicum goes farther, and iisMore efficient for all purposes than black pepper; if by express or privately, send 'half a pound at-s time, in a tin box. If *it have nothing &te l t° Bend in your letters, Benda few pins, or a.needle and some timed. Iffant . haya semi the'tirifeirben A String- or a-pin -would have been4prth :ten times lit ordinart Value.- Write often to:the soldier. Write long letters. Give all the.newa you can think. Of. Let every. line -be lull of love; of -kind, affectionate interest and :, en eouragement. Be sure to inculcate, a gebirons magnanimity toward those who oppose, so as to haste as few obstafiss as- posubts.46. a. cordial coking together again, when ',Oat .good time comae, as it' certainly - will; will; *forego*. - ,We are all brethren, presently estranged;- sons of the same eireiyand, taking enlarged view, ,iiii:- N iste g at: e ' charepter is pretty — vrell bal `armed. ' -••- • i • - ! ~ . , „ A Viler r Clews CURTIN eeD OLlLKO*l.—jm bled with the &oared "fielitti for the: . aue p ess of our glorious - old Union, and the irides and gratitude weleel aspeolallytor the brave young men that have forsaken Iheir homes and sweethearts, (nbt thatthey loved their home and sweethearts leliti:bittilleir;SQPWY)Pqr to throw. their all upon Ae.altar of their Ono try, we 'visited last evening Campu. Curtin and Simmons, and it iatruly a pleasoXe to see is ow .1410y_t t litgkylnlng_ . wen from thiscity who have lost iela the t .e.lse.anctoomforti of ,how; tile, IF: ccm#4o434ellminiseltres td.ri 'abider:6 HATO. here ourbest wishis,:and when rebellion ti no Wine tr - ittrffree- - with ZWlt i litteirtheese•orpuel & T itrldot: -04 ce2eqa -~, . qy •~, = ~,r , ewe' Puiose > ra -011-1111111 GMT RiBILLICIS-- ITS EsEurnvios.—Harry Davis, the popular ar tist of this city, having completed the additions to his great panorama of the rebellion, will, favor - our citizens and the public generally with its public exhibition, in Brant's City Hall, next Saturday evening. The original patio rama proved itself a gem of the fiat water, ob tained universal popularity, and was sought with the Utmost avidity by all classes of our citizens. The additional scenes bring, deWir all the , leadir4 events of the, rebellion Ur the; greetkatll4sl4 Malvern Hill, near Riehiliodd e all of which are 'delineated with a ff*lcfstesi, 'rind vividnestfra to make ittiliklenit'bi realize that thaßclalip',llnt. wpriwof--rat-40a1 cree l tious n lztrad Chi ierinine 11 ft fare. TheAloramao effects of the pap*, n11 . .114004 been much im- proved, and are calculated to produce s strik ing effesti'sVitkilm Nigooid Igp,_ predict for the panorama a succesid i ni career. FiAos irox dun BRAVA *article la yesterday's Timmnitiw, on the subject of the :ladies providing flags for the brave !men who enlist and go,from this city to assist in filling up the quoM . of rentisyfv*niai baa elicited "the following response : Hem/nano, Aug. 12, 1862 "A suggestion to the ladles" in your issue of yesterday, I hope will be taken hold off by the ladies of Harrisburg. Sickness in my family will prevent me from taking , part, but I enclose twenty.five dollars to be given to the commit tees of ladies that shall be appointed for the pur pose of presenting flags to eagh of the five coin peaks raided= in tide city. By all means lit the ladies give this alighttoken,to purtbrivet- vOl - that, our, haartsare with them la the good work. lespciftfully, a 1011419 MAGNER,. Milt., Editor of the ,21114 grap h .: This prompt and liberal response toa a pa triotic'proposition, deserves our com mendation, and is worthy of the emulation'of Many more of the ladiekof,HaniartUrg. We shall hold this eheph ltubject.tbl, the order of any committee i appointed , to.:Darryront the object suggested/and. in the' meantime`-repeat our appealfor mere of the material aid to en sure the-entire success of the suggestion: Who will be the; next lady, to, enroll:her name on thialist WAR Posray.—Here's a String of verses that no real loxer 9f l ,l4ll,ouurttry, oats, rend , without feeling an inclination to wield a blow. against the foul'rebellion: PUT: PE TrutooNw.; Come FrEenten.rif tire hind, Come `meet the lastrdeiriguttd • Hem'sa, piece ol wo:k 'bend, *Put le-iiirough h - " Here's a log ecrosslhe:lialr, We have,stumbfedlon Here's it.ploukh-shear 62, the clay,, Put it throtightt ". Pc • • • • :. 1.• Here's a country that's half free, , And itweitalor you and me, . ' fra.say erhatlis fate shall be, • = Put it through I While one traitor thought remains— While one spot its banner stains One link of all chains, Put it through Hear our brothers in the field, Steel your swords as theirs ruis steeled, Learn to !arid the arras they wield, Put it through I the 'shoe and:lockothe Store, ve en 4 Put it through For the Birthrights yet touski e. For the Bistorry et untold, For the Future yet uuroll4, • - Put-it-through! . `Lest:our childrenWiit withehame,- Oti.theiather's dastarkftlnisi Who gaire up a nation'tll3l*, Pat it through ' Father Abram, hear us ory " We can follow, we can die," Lead your children then and trY, Pat it through ! Here's a work of God half done,i Here's the kingdom of His Son With its triumphs just begun,_] Put it thorough l Father Abram, that man thriv Who with every . weapon, Wilt: Use our twenty j migioulivertivt.l Put it throtß*l 'Tilt to you.tho . Teuit *given! :'Tie by itottfie libiViiiirivren , I By. the Yery God ollifeAven, Drive it,througll/.: THE BOHM FOND. -All the co.. listed from this county' wiP,:,re.osiir of $6O. The BUM ie tO beLPAItt to t they are mustered Into seeviee by Esq., the Treasurer of the fund contributed . Pi:lke -4114* Over fifteen thousand, dollars! have scribed by the citizenr.o fS oityi. the whole of which ` nuorint tine , . over for that purpose. ~ ._,..,. . ; ~,. The County Commissianers, ikovratr; deem ing. it more ta t these moneys should Coliiii':'diiiiitly from.l the tax payers of the county - hattPpropritt4 a suml sufficient to pay . , ,CS man, ,onlia . tialimilit this county Ififlettilrectf2 , out. of , tlid Tre4ty, hria i l, appointed Mr. Kamm as disbursi agent. They hair&iilSC:agretd. to , rettint all t Evnioney "Paidiiitt l by l if.i2lielkar ?roizi''the f d raised by the plitiiiu, - .4,. ai'act Vhntt a.aume the whole indebtedneil - fOr the Velliratiter botinty fund of this county. Before the apprkpriatiork was made, however, twenty-five reaponsiblc.. citizens of this oounty gave a bond of `i n n-' demnity to the County Commissioners, for the sum thus exmded, trusting to the next leeislature for auatO r tity to legalize the loans made fiar`this ,pttrpose. C4Bkverail citizens-lhave also advanced the money to,thd.Ooluity Com• missioners, tuulthecc9p antes are now paid off as soon as theyitriietWitntristielve'the tioitnt• We must accord agpralse to the Pow stoners for their radii action in this mat Theluttly*A,ci:juty are the proper sons to pay, all ' these expenses, and, it wjlt city Who 4:4,,,YOZtkkAlf6lNAAkillindred thousant dollars, that have not contributed one pavqf the fond;raised ;by ourtmtriotiocitiiilis, , they now be compelled to pay sluti ;the 44a raised by our,Fitizeiasi* be used the support of the families who imveeorttril . the war. We , aid a ilt ; .lette iffs:, s4l.4.idA Z.Vit+4,-;i4o cheettay Imp* -1.31 1862. - A Mom Faxunautnxer.--.Among the many. Improvements lately made in our cityvto which we can point with pride lisin eviderun of pros perity and as a determination on the part of our business men, no_ longer to remain behind the light house," L the completion of F,py & Kunkla'a large brick building at the corner of Market and Fifth streets, which is alike creditable to the owners and ornamental to that part 0 1 our city. The building is not only one of the largest, devoted to the grocery business, outside of New York, but the stock chtlleruges competion.— Without,going into detail, we may safely say that the firm keep on hand everything usually kept Ina grocery store, (liquors excepted,) and that they sell at very small profits. Their dirks are civil and accommodating, and have Arid instructions tinder no circninstenoss what ever to misrepresent or take advantage of any customer. A. getunal invitation is extended to the public to visit the new building and exam ine the extensive stock, whether they purchase ornot. WE have received .a very large assortment of Hoop Skirts, all qualities and prices, from 76 cents up to $2 60 ;26 dozen of Marseilles Shirt Breasts, ' , Collars and Criffs to meta, the wholhisett- for :26.45erits, worth...6o`_cenut; 10 boxes of Ribbon for dress trimming, all colors ; 6 boxes of Belt Ribbon, all colors ; a large as sortment of linen and , needlework Collars, and setts of collar's and sleeves ; a large' assortment of white Cambrins, Ttexionetta,• figured and plain Swiss Masao, Brilliants , Nansooks. ita finest lot of embroldered'irrench Cambric Bands ever brougbt to Harrisburg:; 4 pieces of striped goods for Undersieeves ; 200 embroidered in fant Waists at all •prices ; 20 Ideoes of Black Silk Lace,,all prices, some } yard wide s' table for dress flouncing or trimming of lace tot la-; lace-lititts'at all 'prices, 26 cents up ; ,t 1 . zee 4 43, of ladies and gentlemen's linen po ** iNid kerchiefs. For 'Wholesale custom eep a large assortmentof hoisery and do nit sbch as Spool Cotton, Thread, Needles, Pi ~ , ::-.. 1 ings, Socks, etc., etc. : , ... TO THZ YOUNG OR OLD lids or Annals, If you have - been sollbrins frown nabit roars OPBOTH ,sleZll.9r VS'lllPf. WHICH' CAUSa; BO' IIL.NY AL 4/1. tine. ,dYMPfOBIB,. It Unfits Ws for Narrktio, ' And Is the gra .t.pt ev.t which on beta aux oft waius. See symptoms "numerated in advertisenteut, you area ratrarSi•,- . Cut out she advertisement, And Maid for it at" Ones. Delays are dangerous. Ask for belmtsild'a'', Take no other. - . Cures s Beware of Cbtueterftee and inultatimu. _ 2m DYE 1 HAIR DY Wm. L. Batcheloriis Hair lip The only Harmless and Reliable Dye Known All ethers are were undationi,and ~boald be avialled drat what w eknapo GREY FLED dyed .nutd. 3ll 9 I" u beaming and L.:attn . d BrdWii in'olaelc., blowy to Hair or Sena. Fit , 0.1.1 N i 4 DAIS A-1.40 h••, n W. A. antOtinoli intflO t 8 H, an : 071 r 200,00;1 arpliklatlOGlA tiVI., been Tade(y . .. tb.• trikr •,, or Ms tamon , Zoye a . Wm A. BATCHKI.A.AVB . 4 DYE It aluvos DU: to be dintiOguiSlieu from oa.t.ve aud wAnauctet not to pouro-Ju tan teem, Pow,e v, , r long it DJ • ! , 1) COLS :al nel, tald tbe ifeote be ~ 0. romelie I flw nair ininyigor*ed for lire by tbleide 11 . 1 uye„ won% prv. B ey applied at No. le land Street New Yo..k. - 01 , 1 1 all the eau:, .nsl4towds,..Y Lae Vnna.l sta.e,.., op Druggists and Farley Gooas Dealers The Gennute bar_ the.a,tne t'VF.llHeal ,Hatebelor," and addrega upon' a bteni Ode' engraving, on the four sides or mob box. Wholonle.Feotorr, 81 Far:lay St" Late' 288 Broadway, New York oci2-d&wly 1 . ' itt. - ;optuzi a ctrNkt;t, . - 11ERnH kli'T TAILOR. - _ . - '-',' ,__. `P; :': , ,"", . 3, 0. " ... ”;; ',., -tirlS,l:-• NOTIOR TO MILITARY OFFICERS. lIAVIIqa on hand an aßaortment 01 naterws of go ti, roiloblr qualty, Is prepared to m . a d .; upon short notice and M ail nest manner, Mame onitesms,, Ateo flannel shirts and otoor ocOill sa.t.olie forblVers outfit oithatid, " • sug•illm GREAT ATTRACTION. arlhoLL at Ne, 7Vhiarket. Street, where j you will kid a largo and well, aelt•oted stook a pla4ll,lllld. hippy U9llleUgglerT aid' kinds. A groat ye, riots , ' orb:U.B orevtiy • tivorlpnon;Laidlsii' Work Stand* and fianey,lasA.talata, ForeignWU ; Nati, Awes and all Q 443.3 a contactiodory and toy Vorn a , tlfannying,fetall-noppllos ovary weak . Cali and examaxuealr ,ap,41841,31, . uptietor. - tREB.ERVE JA.IIB Gi•LASSES, ekk' all siues, patterns and prises, just ‘,../ rearmed midi for silo by JOS WM. DOCK, Jr , & 00, FLY PAPER. VANCY COLORED Paaer, ready oat, for Covering I wiring Glossas, Piotere f.orome, &o. human Awe other now irettorna for sale at - BICBG,N BB'S OBEAP B itKoTOR antes en- E UTTER E T (AT LEAVING fitted up a large aetrig y y orator, and having made Contracti with some of our.most :,Haute ,armors to turn uh no wish freak intl, sweet butteriegtbitl. *ta be et/ebb:El ibooly 04 GUStunkare with berm, fruit)" tee cold- octttec ail utaes.' WU: DOCK, Jr. & Lk; bounty e men as .‘"Felker, ,Bounty is city. Bahl , d nearly -A paid ATTENTIOpi 'FARMERS-1 QUI 1111.1 S, 6NA.*H3, GRAIN LRADLILS, Ka liEbß, 110 Y rtui . Ipass abd. SLFu dttn.gtOo.. 'netY ' 10 be 4a4 OH at EGrdeer, Store; jelo-dg Opposite th Court ooze. IIEESE - ' - l ig i ; 0' : 43 Is doh the r. , ~ goo . eeee, balance of a large . 'nfoont, - are °Scrod anno ono:111dg lu.,,the to cops dm ro t. 'lO retail liaatera tune .wt.i uo allsnouationure Mad. iflush , box awe will be guar. .Lnte:d Iv raprcse ed. WM.. DOA, Itt.,/a CO. Eoiro INSTITUTE' TLEILEN, ' & SONS. gclic Apo& hiewitet lanbtiutre FOR:COUNTY COMMISSIONER. RMEMO! PEI Niff.LER, of :Eget Hanover lownsbtp, offers himself as A criodidate for the of u¢- iie OUNTY CO 41 AI SIONER. Bulled. to the Do.on Rashness N mineloos convert on. and pledgee him self ii nocatom g and elected, .0 d &charge the d aids or thn .stßoe with Ildwity PIB-At-0e FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONE& AVID BERST, of South Hanover D town.blp offer+ bimmlf ins s candidate) for the oflt.e of CQU•TV OAIOI aisteeci to the Union seimblican Nominal:log Convention, and pledgee !unmet( If nominates and enacted, t %discharge the duties of the (bee with fidelity XlB dO.ic• SAMUEL PAGE, of Swatara township, : , noownes tdinielt al a can Idol* fortno oflloo of ouncy cumuli *loner. eurj,nt to lbo d cl+ on of me Re puclicati G linty innvontion. He pr.mhes IX timid ate d Nutt meow to discharge the duties °fad onion for. UM moode V,* lax ere of the roontv, brit Ow *to 41fr f~it~i tJ . E , DGEHILL 801100/. PRINORTON. N. J. Rev. lutes T. aiXilisil t A. M. r &V. Taos. W. OATTLLL, A. hi., - $ Pis jnatitutio4, founded in 1829; is designed to prepare boys thoroughly for college or for a business life. The buildings are large and acestme: dims, and , the grounds embrace more then thirteen taros. Both of the Principals 'devote their whole times to the school, aided In the depariapeat or istitruotion b y competent teacher* - - "be m•litary instruction end drill, (under the charge dan experienoni. Instructor,) is arranged so s n ot to Interfere witiv9eiregular: Nunes, Waning a part or the time appreprittAKPM itemise arid _recreation. Pupils are re :eyed at any time add obarged only from the Gate of acizahnion; Tura:—sl26 00$per beintim ni dye months. For dictators, or Itirtber Information„ addrosa either of thehigatpelz. Re'ereace Ls also made to the Nev. /tr. Cottellellarrisburk. ' Prong the Rev. Dr. Madge ant the .Rev. Dr. Yana,' Profenors in the yheoloyina Sinninary Prime-Jon, N. J. I have for several years been intimately aogesional: wltb the Rev. Thomas W. Canal. Re ham .had charge of two of my BOW, and I can safely may I have never. flown any one In whoa^ fidelity and deeottan to his pits, I have egad confluence. Es lea good scholar and a snoresell teacher. kilow no one who bag • greater recility in gaining le love or his imbolars or who smuts over them a better Influence am aware of- ituf - teaponalbility in spetktog In such , terms of commendation of-a teacher; but lam sttlatted tam doing hotbina bat sint:ilo juste to'an e : nailent IMI4 - Tll nipir Traft‘jore ens• - - ' ' • 'ol3AWaffeßi/DGF. I bare great oonikleami in dm 'Rev. Jae: P. Hughes, as a dabber; both n his spice's to give instruction,,and me tam in the administration of disolohae. 1 have bad two sow under his care, ant from the meat careful obaerme tim lam free to recommend the Fogehill reboot as wie of tare sod thorough iustruailou. je 4 dim•ritjvlbdttni AIFXtND RT. Itl'atLL WILLIAM MERCHANT TAILOR, $5 MARKET ST., HARRISBURG, TRnow prepared to furnish officer's military esoiss a trlrdi , to reit ulatlont‘ at *bort t• Ah. 0 R en* , Al AMA • I • t tel a the, ON imaree, ARMY KNIVES AND FORKS. A LARGE supply just received and :-.IFOR SALE CHEAP, .ILBERTS HARDWARE i fiTORE, . r!. , mate the Court Houle:- REMOVED.' I Hd . NB. MITIE fIAS removed his Boot and Shoe Store from the coruer Reeoncl and Walnut lamas to NO. 108 itiARKET STREET, ' , Text door W Havne's agriculture Rare, where he Inten'de to keep all kinds of: Booi trtt. dhow_ (lattera, gru., mull a - zrualutTauriteeryclunglif.tde lino or tut . - sineaa ; and will be !baneful to receive the patronage ,ot tile old easterners add the public. le 'liberal erhte 4.00 othusioms; T i All kind, of work made' der lo the neat etyle athi.byluOerler done at 4 4 )11 49tikAl Jorr . . . . . . El ,W 0 L E.,8 1 4,4, ' UMBRELLA -, - -mANJW.CTORY ;11 , o: 89 'Market Stieet- below Third, ; •1 ve. ' • asaviaomto, re. Bit '.'' EC i ; I t ii : E •kf•- • " . „AN 13FACTURER'0JkBRELLAS_, ITX PAWLS aO4':WAWIT.6I . O,,OeNAII, will 11111/iSb 401 Wat tePNEßyalltgjilta;*ll4litiorht to ear, of ..ielastern cita. - Coaufry4 liOreldow will do wellAo deli 'end examine priest' Od duality, lid convince them aelyee of this act,. , • -,-••• , ~.• --, ,- : "3,4* marl wxsoB, CoTifectione7 &Fruit Store MED EMMET, NEAR WALNUT, Barrubtay, ret. cognerioridtr- 6" - P titf, KINDS • .oßAlltizif . PINE APPLES, BANANNAS, FBEeH ANIY SALT FISH, And veretabtes of all kinds, brouglit direct from !be Romero Markets, twice a week, and eneenated tumor Ely rsonai_sinkervAn . • thus enAnlidg tan to voica better iadchterpaEareeleatiosigi market. ifirroeliiiidroMilliftliWoir*poded prkomitJy, and nedidiiirered'kritiCY niFeinigrelt, rrne of charge. FRE H W 49 Ir,RPIT constantly on hand Give ate a cad.`_ - - 06261' " JOHN WISE. LCGO and •segarß• ofr , iXI 'lkinds, for ,b 7 • N;CIPLIZYCIWM 4 P I I • • • Conier YT S ' '1444 Sthal#B. ey tos bligar ß d rqp.e for finor---P- Lfflofrazeie ttam Coma Front and Market streets. N'lt.N. sugars uf. all 'gra -a - • es, for sale !gall:Malt • uorner vron -Ka - Market -rrrsts. 13,1”-Tn& I. irgeet and beat , from *l.OO to IN On—YrEvragted—.l - . lot , brands -• of extra latmly flour tywelpirrantio sive.Batildant-a to taelVi ,Azs . = NlCSCitti a LlClvraapa AIWA VI !inditifarkelit - - !..1'.i.r:,..?: , •: ir6 , , i1,..,..1.1.4.--,...;:;]:, illtsultautons RECRUITS WANTED. FOR THE 16TH INFANTRY, REGULAR ARMY. ONE hundred more able bodied (mar. fled or name- riect) men are weettA to ootoptite the See a d Ba tallion or u • &lore re. Wien . Its Rea quarts , ' are pleannntly loc tad at "(Amp Wissahickon" on the tanks of the Soltnyllt 11, near Pb•ladetpbta, where reeru Li a e week], sent to be thoro ghly inwrnmed before gang into et ye 5 , 11100 Ho lest, Inte.Mgent and eneeettt • re . rdoulsrly waot•d for non. . ;ommladnned otatatit .m m with ell recruit:l. every advantage or ad S.. ty, pay, do., In pie*. A premium dins dollars will be pald'ho tithes of soldier Ate anal linnet•table ree run presented by h 'm. Farther intbems'lon may be on a•ne 1 if anplted Hr, at th aloe on Second sure, t near h mark raburg, fa. T 10MA Nokia +- 191941 in °apt 15'h II S. Inft.., uelrullinv 01110. r. A. PIIRTE10; Sorap Iron and Metal Merchant, MACHINE & FOIiNDRY irIIRNISHINOrd, N. E. Cor. of South ancjiksan, and No. 17 Pont& 8 :s . • PHIL AD II I A . 84-13 c al:Med. " Yellow, Pis Bar " Plc Lend, Bar S,„ellter, - Andmony mab.in lhatinat, • S.ldert, Bar Iron, New and Second and liaohlooda l and Blinelminits . Toole hid Sienna Stisimilt britiht and s4.ld. × of *vary d sail tt n In use by Machthallie and Boon rymso, furnished to order. Cash paid for Stirap.Tron, Old Ka*, lie:lda Studs L ir metals. 1721. dim* IN SUR A N C E. Karim; „Are and Inland Transportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg , Pa., of the INSURANCE CONPANY OP NORTH iIIERIO OF .PHILADELPILIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual. Capital and Meets $1,2001000 DIRECTORS. MIS* G Cana, Samuel W. Jones, John A. Drown. Samuel . P. emltn, Onarlea Taylor, , istbrose Y.b te, John R. Neff Richard D. Wuo l, We .m welsh, WU lam R. Bowen, James N. Dmkaun, herds Wale, John -aseo, dye liarri,oo, Pr Aloe R. Otpe, £4 ward R. Trotter, Intward R. Uarke. ARTHUR O. C , .F I.:, President. CHARLES PLLTT, Secretary. As central AVIA fur tb a t n tree . moons% the Inlderoigned . lB oreps.red to take Art , risks in any rya - S of .he :tats - or Penusylvansa, etcher annually or parlors stalky, on toe moat favorable terms. Office This street, beloo n Wisisat and t•ltowbert, ntleyt Bu ke s row WILLIAM BUJILER, iele di • LI/aril:olD .. Pa. HAPPINESS OR_ MISERY THAT IS THE QUESTIO - N. Proprielore of the `Pahl lAN CAB NXT tar IPLINDIrtig, eIeoTUMY sod M D/- • . • Ilarmythmenzinied - rerrantiest of gap nasot L sae fre., (rot the benerlt of estirering humauity) MI X of their most Instrisodve and ititeresiusq - Lectures °elder- Maga sad its Disgosiliicatioae, ‘ervous Mbl.itf, -Prema ture Decline of manhood, Indigestion Weak oess or Do pr,esion, Loss or energy and - Ifit4Pairms. the Brad 80. cis' Evils, awl those tial• dies whit t rota I from you I fni firi ice, humus of MatoritY, or Ign taw or Pb yid. Ow and Nature'a law. These laviduable - Lemarer nava been the means or enlistitolog Liu string Leon smds sad will no forwarded free on Lae reoelpt of roar manna, by 'dimming diCedEra. •Y lax-ten Calmat or ANADANT AND IaN.DICIAri. 663 Broadway, New Yore. actlO-dat YALTAISLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. T NOW offer for . gale that valuable .11...pr0p.-rty situated an the tortorof Market and Fink street', opp osite Lies midence ;if not. sold an or guetba 01.4opiksinber neat at private sale, It irnt tadiaPtigat tor ai public *otos: on that it y, on We I. H. itaUtlL. . . . • jyil dtd QPIANDID assortment of glassware just molly rid, sod for solo /ow by Mt :WAS t , sowmart, iris Corner Front arid Marko strode. EXTRAE. , , familfloor, choice. brand just received, and warranted To gre eatialleit•on; lot .are oy NICH , 16 R ra.W.e.LITI, • jylo our. Front it MAT ket Ma. li~A ' Supra, brown and white; .1% ow V Odom., .Loverthirs, Qo , are now °eared for me, of every gradate auk the kuretiaaer. at 24.1ubOLS & BoirgeN, Corner Front aid elute' drew.. IM §YRUP and Molasses, no less than eight hinds, for pale by Nl.ll & SOWN AZI, ylB Verner 1 , rout and Market 4p:el& EXTENSIVE assortment of Glassware, including Jelly pusses. Preserve Dishes, avelas, A ere, 0., dm, of el. steel, receivtd. sad far isle low try .1% luliut. a isioriras PA; )31 • Corner trout & Market strews. WANTED. SEVERAL Diacilinista. A leo a stout. bo • .In the olaexamith.enop. hal- at the jj/b-dtt . kaliLa nOB4B. PURE Cider Vinegar, whieh we war ant to be made solely hot alder ja.t received and tor s4e low by muno, a a 0 4 MAN, Je/2 Owner Ilrai t tsind Mar et Sir B UILDING FOri nislzltt.a.l3Lo Both:ling Lots, on Bap Rood Ansi J3qa. etroolop,on.tecoodadt uroo.. 1., war pi. tiou arm enquire of - 30.-11.3. II OVER, ogedi buouna* solo. wefts' ut.two.o rooono so . KG- DRU :STU/LS 1e titfi, phut nrt I.no o.lppol 1441.141. n A 6IIPEKIOft lot ofDaudeliou au a nil A4i OoOee, tbr sale at the at v.. oi JO • W.,clr.! WHLTE BitANDY FORPEZISEBVINOPUBPOSES. A Vi.RY superior artiote, (pure;)- jut L received oura ibr side by WM. DCOCId. JR. Ik CO. •CIDER 11 1 NINEGAIi 1 1 1 MADE from choice .and mileoted Apples, and guaranteed by nate be strictly pure. .IS4I .M. ficeß a on. DANDELION "COFFEES I—A Fresh and large eupply of this CelebraZed Coffee' oat renamed by fja3l ,00i Jr., & CANNED Tomateea and Green Corn, at JOHN Who '-. myl U• RA Jea.LY.—i large aapply just T. ennkivori irk W‘l /At K4 , la ..11,••• Watuges and Letnutts, atJULLN 7r' ; myl tb' :mar: kekagg,inatiagroogirootre. WE OEM !Met Iroo • -Ziaia, • &eel. Bora; Crocelree, • Foundry Aginis• Aa.tue, Vices, it. tp , fro. 01d reti Js, Copper, 0 " Lead, be., ae.