Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, August 12, 1862, Image 7

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    paiip elegrag
No .ICE To A DVEGitTidititti..-01.11 Ad-
VertlieMents, Business Notices, Mar
riages, Deaths, &e., to secure insertion
in the TiMEGRAPH, must invariably
be accompanied with the CASH.
Advertisements ordered in the regu
ler Evening Edition are inserted in the
morning Edition without extra charge.
Tuesday Morning, August 12, 1862.
FOUND.—On Wednesday, in the poet office; a
small amount of money, in bank notes: ; The
owner can have the same '.y proving property,
paying charges, and calling at the post office.
RumNzo.-111r. George Swartz, of the Ninth
Penna.Cavairy, returned to this city on Sunday
direct from Tennessee. Mr. Swartz brought
with him, and submitted to our inspection, a
couple of trophies of war in the shape of a sword
and a spur, both of which formerly belonged
to a Texas Sanger. The sword in a delapidated
affair, looking tor all the world as if it might
have done service in the ancient Roman wars,
and as for its ability to cut, it would harpy
make an imprersion in a fresh Chessire cheese.
The spur is one of the ponderous Mexican af
fairs, resembling at a distance a bull's halter,
with a pointed wheel as big as a modern sized
butter plate. As relics of the war they are
worth preserving.
Runuarrox m nna Pates or Cost.. The ad
vertisement of Wheeler's coal yard, in this
morning's TELEGRAPH, contains information
which will be gratefully received by those, of
our citizens whose limited means made them
look aghast at the sudden rise in the important
article of coal. Mr. Wheeler, in the style of a
public benefactor, has pulled the prices down
just as sudden as they went up, and will possi
bly continue to make reductions until the arti
de gets back to its old standard. The coal fur
nished by Mr. Wheeler is not only cheap, but
free from dirt and as it is conveyed to the
purchaser's door by patent weigh carts, he is
certain of getting just what he bargained for.
See his advertisement for prices.
The picnic of the Friendship Fire Company
comes off at Mamma's woods near Mechanics
burg, to day. Excursion tickets will be
issued by the Cumberland Valley Railroad to
Mechanicsburg and return for twenty .five
cents. Extensive arrangements have been
made by the Fire company as well as the citi
zens of Mechanicsburg for the accommodation i
of the large number of people who are expect
ed to be present on the occasion. Thera will
of course be choice edibles, swings, ropes and
all the other con„venieeces to enable the guests
to spend the thy in a sound of continued en
joyment. Weeber's String Band will be pres
ent and furnish music for 'de accominodation
of those who may desire to trip it on the light
fantastic toe. Alto ether, the party-promises
to be one of the best of the season, and our
°Miens who et MAlgt Cw? 4.735.44 . 4.1.-
log beat of the city for a day's mijOynsernt 'in a
"boundless contiguity of shade" should not let
the opportunity pass to line in."
EVZILYBODY is complaining of the extreme
heat. The thermometer rang- d not muoh be
low 96 in the shade yesterday and to-day. Last
night it teas oppressive, and people found it
very difficult to sleep, however good their di
gestions and clear their consciences may have
been. The early morning brought with it no
relief, and as we write the mercury ip slOwly
creeping up, up, up, until it threatens'tO dis
appear alts gather in a cloud of vapor. Havant:
tell us that the human system ie capable of en
during an immense amount of caloric, and point
triumphantly, Ars a proof their doctrine, to Mon
sieur Chabert, the- Fire Bing , olho used to sit
comfortably in an bven and cook beef-steaks on
his knees and boil eggs in his hat. It may be
so, but all we have to say about it is, that'it is
mighty disageetible, and that we shall not
greatly regret the dep trture of these piping
dog-days, nor be backward, in welcoming the
advent of the cool September weather. ,
Committee of Enlistments • of New York , city
have issued a series of recommendations, which
are worthy the attention bf the people of this
and all other free States. Among other things,
the Committee urge that "it is a plain and im
perative duty of the National and State Gov
ernments, without an exception, to organize,
arm, equip, and make ready for service the
whole militia of the States ;" and .that." it is
the duty of every able-bodied man to arm him
self and unite with some military organization,
or if there be none convenient, to form with
his neighbors- a rifle club or other military asso
ciation for drill and exercise in arms." We
agree with the New York ii'mes that this is a
good suggestion, and we trust it will be acted
'aea by the people at once. There are from
time to five thousand .fighting men , in in this
•nountir- 'White it would do them all eersonally
great deal of good, it would add immensely
to the mili tary Power and safety of the State
an d **Atka tO have them drilled in ordinary
military tactics, and in the use of weapons. We
aro into a war now whose issue no man Cu
tom", and which may give rise to Complica
tions which will imperil our very ex i kence. _
Bat with such a tremendous force as this State
and her ulster free States could put under lim o ,
actually prepared and ready to use those arms,
there would be no donot of the issue of this
war, and little danger of any others. It would
take but little time from those whose :'tff.Fue is
already fully occupied. A good part - of the
drilling could be' done at night ; and, instead
of tiring out those who am ,aliesdy Witry, it
would give them strength; Vivacity and ealth.
On Saturday afternoon there might be a turn
out for field exercise, or the larger rwmcettvers
of war. Wby should not this thing be started
at once f War is now the bushiest': of the
nation, and we will never have k ,plOttnant
prior mall we are strong enough t 4, eye come
and overawe ell foe; domestic and fare
will meet on Tneeday evening, the 12th inst.,
at 7 o'clock, at 'the office of A.l. Herr, Esq.,
in Walnut street, opposite the prison. A certi
ficate signed by the captain andlind lieutentmt
must accompany each application, as withcint
it no action can be taken.
• I
The name and residence of the applicant
should be written on the back of eackcertifi
nate, as it will facilitate action.
By order of the Committee.
010. BORGNIR, Prest.
A: J. HUB,
0. EDWARDS, Sec.
Carr. BOSIThatT, of Clinton county, (a soldier
in every sense of the word) marched Into Camp
Curtin on Saturday with one , of the very best
companies yet arrived. Captain Bnssert is the
Register and Recorder of Clinton county, but
has entrusted his business to other hands,
while he goes forth to battle on the call of his
county. This is what we call practical patriot
Faemets's Cormai. BAND accompanied one of
the Union county companies to this city, and
on Saturday evening serenaded some of the
prominent officers of the state government, as
well as some of our most respectable citizens.
The manner in which it conducted this serenade
was at once an evidence of their high polish as
musicians, and their patriotism as men. The
band is composed of the most finished musical
ability, while Professor Feehrer himself, is an
artist of rare talent and proficiency.
'Tzs Foxry Srxxli IN BATTLE; - Our tele
graphic dispatches this morning announce an
other battle with the rebels near Culpepper,
Va., in which the gallant Forty-sixth Penneyl
vania regiment suffered severely. Col. Joseph
F. Knipe, Lieut. Col. Selfridge, Major Mathews
and Adjutant Geo. Boyd, of this city, are all
represented as severely wounded. The names
of the following privates attached to Company
D, (Verbeke Rifles,) of this city, also appear on
the published list of those killed and wounded
in the action:
J. Kilinger, co. D. J. Goode, co. D.
A stranger, whose name we could not learn,
passed alive dollar bill of the broken Bank of
Holidaysburg on Mr. Lee,j in tiarket street
yesterday. For the purpose of guarding the
community, we give a copy of the note passed,
which reads as follows :
$6 $6
No. 817.
••• Will pay Five Douses to bearer on 1
demand. Hodidaysburg, Vine 18, 1858
Taos. C leLionowria,, Prest.
$6 Jos. Baowia, Cash. $5
It is alleged that certain parties bane over
$8,500 in their e osseesion, and we have no
doubt that great efforts will be made to pass
them on our business men: We trust they will
keep a sharp look out for them.
er's Mess" of the First City Zouaves desiring to
show their esteem for their gallant command
ing officer, Capt. F. A. Awl, last Saturday
- ` - m . : - s 'lk ° . "swmf'verek ,- Y.44 144 k
handiiiiiriecatop stools, of figured velvet plush.
The presentation ceremonies took place at the
Captain's tent In Camp Curtin: Mr. Edward
Fought, of the "Mess," •was spokesman for
the donors, and delivered the following brief
speech on the occasion, which was responded
to by the Captain in a proper manner :
Captain Awl—At the instance of some of
your friends, these articles are presented to
you, as an evidence of their respect for you.
We admire the patriotism which pronipted
you to sacrifice the . comforts of home to lead
us to battle. We honor the motives which have
moved you in the selection of your men, and
we take this means to give tone and expres
sion to our sentiments.
We go with peril our livettin defence
of our country, and if there is one thing- with
which we may solace ourselves for the loss of
many conveniences, it is the fact that; int you
we recognise one who will not only lead
where danger is the thickest, but also, one.ho
will care fur the physical and moral necessities
of our circumstances. We are proud of. our
Captain, and our ambition will be to madelim
and our country proud of us as soldiers. Wtth
these feelings wet* ypu to accept these tokimi
of our esteem.
A Suactzstroz TO . THE Ttantss:-4he proritpti
tude and patriotism with which the young
wen of Harrisburg have rallied to the defenc.
of their country at the call of the President, is
worthy of all-admiration, and 'deserves , Some
fitting expression of gratitede in their admir
ing companions and friends. better Could
any compliment be conferred npon them than
through the ladiei
Dauphin county furnishes some eight compa
nies in response to the call for the first 800,000
volunteers, five. of which are composed almost
entirely of young men of Harrisburg:. This is
certainly highly prahltworthy, and. merits some
complimentary acknoWledgnient. - We - suggest,
therefore, respectfully; to the ledies- 7 Mothers,
wives, sisters and sweethearts 'of theta' brave
and gallant soldiers, that. they organize them
selves into committees, raise contributions, and
provide and present to each of theseoompanies
handitome company - flag—or to the regiment to
which they maybe attached, a regimental)lagl
This `
would be a substantial complinient—a
compliment well merited, and one which, ?:com
ling from the fair friends they love so well, and
under a high sense of duty, leave with so. Much
regret; would be properly appreciated._ What
say the Wiest() the suggestion ? We:treat; they .
will - respOid to it with alacrity. Let these giV
lent men by 411 means have a FLAG fion* your
fair hands, and when they gaze upon .1t as it
floats above them in - the hoer of carnage and
death, an insolent foe before them fighting
to trample it in theAtulk.with . holy invitation
their cry will be
, "Forever float that standaid sheet I
! "Where breaths the foe but falls beforeitsl ,4
"With Freedom's soil beoeatli our
"Freedom's banner shall stream o'erne I"
Tame as eons in the remark of an old! gen-,
tlemma, teat young men who neglect to *ye
their country in this hoiar of its peril, idther in
thasemyor navy, will- bitterly-regrathert?after
that they eannotliume in theltMacte and - ,glo
which iwalt tbs*iiiikiktW:
also Reports-of theareekenridgers.
EAST flAuctuut, Aug. 9, 1462
Enrros. OF TILLEORAPH : —Loading Democrats
of secession proclivities, who have alwals been
opposed to coercion, and have done everything
that they could or dare do to discourage enlist:
meats for the army, and to make the war un
popular, and if possible a failure, as the only
means of restoring their party to power; are to
day e very active in cirdulating a report with that
view to which I desire to Nall_ your attention
and ask your Jprompt noticii•of in Monday's
TelegnOt -`..- • • -
They profess ; to have their information di-.
rectly from the volunteers themselves inpamp
'ar 491.:- 1 171 , !dcper9althati-tbssriM'ilf 490001
colt - died by voluntary iiihscriiition f or the pur
pose of payitig a bini4.4450 to each volun
teer who hastinlisted before the 10th of August,
is ditiii43ii - 8,40463;12:ai1dig . ,wA1e boon
ty promised the recruit before enlistment is re
fused, aid the sum.pf427, ottly,paid each man
on being sworn in. They represent the 'volun
teem in camp to be in a state of high excite
ment bordering on insanity; Many-Companies
threatening to march away In a body.
Is this another w ea ke 'device of the enemy, or
what is the explanation?
From the known pro-slavery character of the
men engaged in circulating this report I pre
sume it is, like others, designed to assist their
Southern friends by discouraging enlistments.
If so, is It not time that suck persons who
are thus actively co-operating with armed trai
tors in the Seuth, and doing their best to aid
and Comfort the rebels who are' slaughtering
our relations and
. friendS:te accomplish their
devilish, intent .to destroy the government of
our country, should be taken in hand and sum =
marily and' sternly dOilt with in some sufficient
way? Has not the ,time for action with trai
tots at home arrived ? Speak out, speak home
[The above allegation is -one of the: many
falieboods circulated by traitors
~ Tite'llounty
fund has already been paid to two .ffifferent
companies, and the other companies be
paid as soon as theYare'iegrilitrly muiterbd into
the service of the 17nitedt3tates ; apdAds fact
mast be.certilledtly °apt: Laws, the 'mustering
officer. , • -; .
Itujoomit-f. the'tiletitturer o
the fund contributed by the cltizpns of Harris
,burg',. and he wilt diticlipte.filla
• faith
fully , • . IREM.P.I
. .
of Live Stock received at the Harriebnrg 4tock
Yards for the week ending August 9; 1862 :
1,223 beef cattle, 624 bogs, 482 sheep and
864 Gorses: ' "
The sales during Friday o 1 beef otttle were
J. S. Blick sold 62 head at' $4'.28 per 100 lbs
M. Weilshimer sold 17 head,ht $4.28 per 100
lbs. gross.t H
D. Jonesisold ' 16 bead at $4.26 per 100 lbs.
George England sold 16 head at $8.60 per 100
lbs gross.
I. McElroy sold 16 head at $4.20 per 100 lbs.
Total sales of beef cattle 127 head.
The following droves of beef cattle were In
market this week :
HEAD. foixo;,.
`Tliiiiiars - White 68 W . 6lllshbinervb . ' , l‘l
J. Seldenric:ge 84 J. 81 Black 62
W. Gookley 12 H. :Ward 16
George England 82 A. Gre, nWall' , 117
J. McElroy 68 Gachenhimer & Bro. 82
Holmes Br. Pfeiffer 144 T. Hoffman 18
lienj.lir 86 Thomas Hoe 64
N. Safferty 15 -E. Williams 148
H. G. Palmer 82 8. Yingling, 82
J Mc r Acar LBB ,F;J. Huclairisou 164
tr.- Katie' . - 21 A. Gute nberg ' 16
Taos. E. CoollnAN.—Tttis` gentleman, says
'the Bedford inquirer,' spent -it' Wielette thit Bed
ford Springs, where a large number of his
numerous friends were gratified to see him.
No man has more personal friends than Tho-,
aims E. Cochran. He is perfectly at home ritit
every body he meets and always manifests
the disposition of a true gentleman. As an of
ficer he has all the requisite talents for filmi
ness and the Industry to confine him attentive
ly to his office.
lie,se-eliteted Auditor
General by an majority at the
comi9l clectiPnt ;
Ws havo received a very laige imuortmemit of
Hoop Skirts, all qualities and
,prices ' from 75
cents up to $2 60 ;26 dozen of Marseillee
Shirt Breasts, Collars and Cuffs to match, the
whole set for 25 cents, worth 50' cents ; 10
boxes of Ribbon for dress trimMiug, All colors ;
5 boxes of Belt Ribbon, all ; a large as
sortment of linen and needliiis - ork Collars, and
setts of collars and sleeves; a;large assortment
of white Cambries Xatconetts, figured :and
plain Swiss Muslin Brilliants, Haneuolis. .Ibe
finest lot of embroide'red:FrenClibambric %ode
ever brought to Hnillistinig,;"4 pieces of striped
goods for Undorsleevgs ;; 1 400 embroidered la
tent Waists at all prices; 20 pieces of Black
Silk Lace, all prices, swim, i . yard widefiultable
for dress flouncing or trimming of lace shawls ;
Lace Mitts atrall prices,
.25 cents up ; 40 dozen
of ladies`and gentiaiiiiinf &Men pocket Hand
kerchiefs. For wholesale customers we keep .a
large assortment of lobar, and , notions, such
as Spool Cotton, Thread; Needles, Pins, Stock
ings, Socks, etc., etc:
A goDIEP.SERAVIWIneri: — Amont the many
impievements lately, made in our city, to which
we cattEotnt with ,prAda k as ,en 3 evidence of pros
perity and as a determination on the part of
our business men, no longer to remain behind'
the " light house,'.' is the completion of by
& Kunkle's large brick building at the clrner
of Market and Fifth streets, which is alike
creditable to the ors and ornamental td that
: pttr , t of our ,
The building is ne't only (helot' the lark,est,
devoted to the grocery businesit, ontaidi3ofiNew
York, but the stock pliarges
Without going We mity salt-14 my
that the firm keep e m t d everything laity
kept in a grocery store, (liquors excepted, and
Jrot Viey,4tell Jit
,4y small profits. Their
erks are, civil and accommodating,, and have
‘einci 4/0090411 under PfLdrePPOteeces What
ever to misrepresent or take advantage of any
customer. A general invitation is extendedlo
the public to visit the new- building aiiid exaxi.
ice thp extensive stock, whether they purthase
lo:t"): 6 111.3113 M—A. small lot:Jol
m ji k ielniab i aA, L aki e laa,.
4.?“ s'l ivLINAI 17 •
eilkA blio 4
g, lluguot 12, 1062
bind with the, ge.rerall feeling for the success
of our . glOriouS old Union, and the pride and
gratitude we feel especially for the brave young
men that have forsaken their homes and
sweethearts, (not that they loved their homes
tintitiweethearts their country more,)
to throw their all upon the altar of their coun
try, we visited last evening Camps Curtin and
Simmons, and it is truly a pleasure to see how
easy the young men from this city who have
jest left the else and comforts ofi home, can ac
commodate themselves to a soldier's life. They
have our best wishes, and when rebellion is no
more and theg,feturn to their homes with
honor, the cheap dry goods house of Crum &
BOWMAN will oiler them a hearty welcome.
-- Mak .or , '
Myatt have been st - trenne , rom aWA alged hi by the
R Una, theni far Marriage,
And is the Kra ttp,t exit which can betel!
See symptom; enumerated in advertisement, and if you
are a iufferer,
Cut out the adveriimment,
And send for it it 'ones:
Delays are dangerous.
Ask for itelmbold'a
Take do other.
Cures guaranteed.
Beware of Couesterfoilcout 1 . 1414620i5. jyl6-d2oz
Wm. A. Batchelor% Hair Dye 1
The only Harmless and Rellable_Dye Known 1
. . .
All others are mere Imititiomi, and should be avoided
ifyon wish to escape
GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyad Instantly to a
beautiful and natural Brown or Elaok, without the least
iniury to Hair or Skil].
tied to Wx. A. Riimonoti ninre 18 9, and' over 200,000
applications have been made to the hair of the patroos
of his famous Dye.
Wit..A.BaTagnantos HAIR DYE produces a color
not to do dlithiguishi3ditom nature and Is RAMIS:NI=
not to-injuzu in the least, however long it may be milk.
ued; and thOill effects of bad Dves remedied. The hair
is invigorated forlii'e by. Chia sploodid Dye. which is prop.
erly applied at No. 16 Sond'StreetNew York.
Bold Well the ekes, and towns of the United States;by
flrugalsts and Fancy' Gotide Dealers
The Genuine has the trims " Williim A. Batchelor,"
and .tddrms uppit„n steel plate engraving, on the Mnr
61108 'of each box.
Wholesale Factory, 81 Barclay St.,
late 2331 roadway, New York.
New Tmtrtisimtnts
NOT a few ,of the. worr t (*orders that
afilict minki n arise find . the conrapt'on tha' an
cumulates In the , blood: : Of all the diva:merles tha
have been made to purge it out, none have been found
which could_ qual•in enact rash Upscronan kirsacr or
AR 4 APARitta. It chlut ell and moos es the t 1 , 041, in
'Alb ha vigor of healt mend purges out
th humor slack make dis ae. It sti o. lates
healt y unction• of the b :dy. and expels the disorders
th 4gow a d ran le le th • bl od. i s ecitmord nary
virt ma are not yetwwelv known, opt- wit n t ey arc it
will no longer tea t i neetl. n what remedy to emplo: in
th are .t ety of bilillang Mimeses that 'eau xi, an
atte a ive r. m •dy. En h a remedy, ibex could b rated
on, h a I ng beeu sou,ht for, and now, or the firs. time
cue ; üblo, have in e 1.1 wroth' they can depen t Our
spice ...redoes not admit c rt Bea eat thew it. aro , t+.
Hut the trial of A angle bo t p will sho4 to t d k
tha it ha virtues sdri aeimg :an) thing dry have 6. er
taken rufferers Iron.Ea- ,e , .411. us Swel ing -
and FO es, try it, a fl swthe rapidit, wth eb ch t
on es. Sk n B.sexwi,:t f Pimples, Pro Ides, B o thee,
.Kr op ions do • soo ...chime a out tie sy tem.
bt A okono Are, Rose 0 , - d•pirias, 4erer or Suit
Rheum, call Baud , aingworm km, e. o d not rp•
bornewhil. they tout bri '0;04,08.1.1y cured by Arab?.
Sea • - • -•
Solii,tas or Venereal Disecues is txpelled from Pe
ayst,ni ny daspr loot dose of ihis AnsAraart.t.s, an
the patent is pft a healthy I. s doe hod, lievor .1 ad the
granla Dawes are eaueed by se - othia in the blood,
arid axe genera ly sons can d by t i. Mutter or Saxes
rice slper b rttl , , or 6 O . daes [drip.
Far all M.. pur °dee of a ttn iy phyai . take Ataa's
OAIHMITIC M aus , wbi zti are ey-rywhere kn wa to be
, he b a purgavve t aI l Of* id 0. t e American 1e.7•
p e I rke *lb cents per Boa or 5 bore • for $l.
Prepared by Ur J. C. AYltk & 00., Low‘l , , Maze. and
pq,d y Drug,. la eyeryirrire.
eAd Iv is A / 0124avimmi laxi e4ll 1 14 4r w.. oseir ,0. lE. Bel
TATIVAL be offered at - public sale, on
V V Thursday, the ,lith day ,of Eeptember, at 2
o'clock; at' Brant's Hall In the city of riarrisburg.
hi ty-th ee mires of land with an excellent frame
howl • an d
e barn and outbuildina, situated partly in
tui City f riarrlecurg aid par lyln twat:wit township.
This property is situatrd on the i-outh of Mammals
toa n turnpike, a portion of able h ■ a bututtful
1 catkin on a till, dire tly facing the city of Harris
burg, to be sold in terse acre lo s.
3 Lei)", lot or rir ceortround sitdatedin Market Square,
adMoing roues: House, having a front of 27 feet and
Mite .ding 'bib< 157%" feet to 20 let 'alley, thereon
acct.,' a iwo story brick house with two story back
bri k ouliding hit'ioing the use of a tore" .
taut ..Illey cin .11arket S ;wird,: being one of. the soo,t
d ambles tuation fo • busmen or private res dench 7u •
the city. Yu- session given n nit of October.e= t.
C nd tioos of sales are 10 per cent. of the purchase
money to'lier-paido.,the day of age, ,the balance of toe
tom half of the purct sae money when ihe title is
made, and the balance in two equal an nal paymmit)
With inte estarora t e time posses aton beriven. ' To be
secured by bonds and mortgago, •
A *plan f the thi ec acre 1.. is ian be men at the loriot
and oboe store of A. Hummel, next doot to. the Court
House; Harrisburg. * - • n -
hue attendance !Elbe given by
hmieutor of David Hnoune.,
CALL at No. 75 Market Street, where
you.will and a large and well selected stock by
plain and fancy Confectionery of all kinds. A great Va
heAy-olltoyi 01 every description, Ladles' Work- Btitnits
and Fancy Baskets, I o eign Fruits, Nuts, Dates and Ain
other art.cles generally kept a confectionery and-tOy
store. deceiving fresh supplies every week. Cali !and
exanaleatir YocrSeives, ..W 11 .4 1 . - Xo l l lol '/PK I
&win-dem P oprtetor.
uF all &zee, patterns and prices, just
received and for silo by
018 WM. DOCK, Jr , a co.
Just the thing to carry in the knapsack. Price core
piece. only 88 cents, For sale at
-Q - ARMI.--A.--ALDRED,----Exeoutrix. of
the gets te of : al:Lomas Alure,d, Aced.. tate of the
city lof kflat4:- burg, Datbbia wady, L& 'lettere
imstame*c3':APPted to thezahrtbe Retest' r aD.u.
plan courdy, Mavis) data& ea lisarties indebted to said
°date to ma ke hiunedidamaymantil sad :tbo a having
o. aims to - tire =tat lear-vproperly a/Mho:abated ibr
.settimmat to therabore named aseastaiti istrx.,4lw
n - ATING. on handhand ; sn ixktiOrtinent
I I,
materials of go•d, relablr gags ity, is prepared tO
m o n vopon shore notice and In the best mauler.
~, nefirsann.rina. it I -o abide and ote* 290 i.
It table Mr - MR. 444 mitalon hind - seig-Pm
r iE =damped offals at ptiyl4o:aide a
feetfraat ant , 100 feet deep, tituated on Bun Mate'
..treetreter Pneert; Therbouse - urtn - tned - re b•t
dirmidern *re
igenuk;-Pordorshealnioniados sequfroursi flk
a-11111141111.4 "0 aids 4At 19} k azwAltgio•
U. :-bs-;.4x, P4ll tyArt4 74tria5
. ,
1011IIDOI PR MILLER, ef Easy. Hanover
offers himitlf as a 'candidate for the !of
no, couNry Ai SIONER. eubjejt to the Union
Reunblicau N :tntualing Couvent on, and pledges him
self it noniteat d and elected, to discharge the d Wee of
Ms Mee with Ede ity j , lB—th ste
DAVID , BERST, of South Hanovei
towable, Offers himself as a candidate for the
0111. e of COU silt 0 IikIVIL -BltifiEft, subject to the Union
tbrublkao fomioadng Conventlon, and pledges himself
if nomloatoi sod elected, to disciharge the duties of The
office with fidelity. jelB dswtcfei
S •
. .
AMU EL PAGE, 'of Swatara towashifi,
announces Inneelf .ite a cairaden - fOr the office to f
unity Coccini siooer, PUbj• Ot to the d elven of the
puddican Count? onventloa. He pr. muss If tiOndo ate d
mad electsito dneharge the andel of sai office for the
tOOd of the tax PC en of the county. Jyle dlw wte
i Licrllt![Ouy
EDGERILL 6011001.
Rev. JAMES' P. Huai:is, A. M.,
Rev. Taos. W. OsTrius, A. M., j rrthriPais.
THIS Inetituiion, founded in 1829, is
j designed to prepare boys thoroughly for college Or
far a bliaineea life. The buildings are largo and comae
dew, and . the grottoes embrace :more than thirteen
acres. Both of the Principals derole 'their whole time
to the school, aided In the departmbrit of Inatruotion by
cricapetent teachers .
he military instruction and drtlVon!Jer the charge.
of an experienced Instructor,) is arranged 90 ai not to
interfere ntgi tO rfgnlikk atadlelir or*ipy log a part of
the, brae appropila.ed to exercise and recreation.
farills are rem:died at may tibia 'sod pharked only from
the site of admission: Taarcii-111211 00 per session 'of
five months. . .
Por clroolart, or faitherinformation, itidrees either ot
the Prtneigutle. Re'ereare"-ielthro astute ta the Bev. Mr.
Cotten, Harrisburg.: . •
Front the
. Rem.• Dr. Hodge and the Hero. Dr. McGill,
Piefessors in the.lholoyical Seminary, Princaroti,
I have for several years been intimately impalated
with the Rev. Teemaa W. OftMIL Ile hes had .charge
of two of my eons, and I can safely nay,,l have never
•11011 n any one In whole fidelity and devotion to his pu
pils, I have equal confileme., is a good scholar and
a successful teacher. l know no one who has'a greater
ichOldrefor who exerts
over them a better Influence
am aware of the responsibility In speaking in snob
terms of eommeafition of, a teacher; but lam s ills Iled
I am dotug.po_thillu.bat,simple.JuilkdaLto:an—eszellent
man, In 11417; the. languar w,hicht )have.. hare dm ,
vlo3k d • 013AttL143110CGR.
I her siiat confidence In the Rev, Mts. P. Ifughes,! as
teacher; _b M 'his 'aptness to give instruction, and
his tact in the ad minittretton of died plate. 1 have bad two
song under his care, ani from the moat careful observe
don lam free to recommend the Edgehill .:chool as Ore
of safe and thorough instruction .
Je- 4 dtm.rdjylestlini Al EX ANDI. , it T. ,fi'GILL
militaryl gQ eothin g . a ow& g to n101%1 , 01; at short
...1 *e Aboa gene , al aBBO-to et of (I. Ulm, Csa Unreel
Voltage and ;lady taw* olothinf. tor civLian
A. LARGE supp'y just received and
AT ou,BEars HARDWARE 6sToße,
Oppiiiite tits Court House•
JOHN - B. 8 T If'
ETAS removed Ma' Boot and Shoe Store
from the corner or-Set:and and' Walnut streets to
' , text diior to Hayne's 'Agriculture Rare, where be iotunde
io keep all kinds of Baru a^d Shoes, Galt &c., and a
large 'steak ofTrunks, and eiritrythlnOn his line of lbti.
inner ;and will boAhatitful to. rattily, the patronage 01
Ms old customers and the. pnbliiin - general - at his new
;if hindoSai. All kliditof Work made to order lu the
onastyle and by superior werkmenAtepaltinifl done at
short [sprawl., v, s . JOHNB. MUTH.'
..a. cY Ai:Col:4 4 itiii.E
•--, No. 69 Market Strarbelow Third,
'f ; ' • ..-.. a 1./.:-: r
s • Mani=BMW, PA. '
r r: r r .1 0 1, 1 l Llf.
M . g. ',
L B ..E •
. , . ~ • ,
' i tit AN 13 FAPMER : ..OF., :17 MB RELL4B,
ai PARS6I4 and, WAILING LOANES, wiU famish
WO_ 4. l Lkitggßala&ti Una Au' be bandit hi AIM Of
7.1,11,1111.ern &es. ; Conntry:tattroltikete will do well to
call and examine prices -and quality, and convince them
deNee grA I it 0 . ..4. , t., r. , :.: jj :,- si2Ultd)7
Corifdoti.OotytStlitit, Store,
=RD STREET, , _: 1tt.4.11, WALNUT, •
Harrisburg, Pa.
" -4
t i CiNFECTIOkirEIY OF ALL 101411)8,
And vesetables of all kinds, brought direct from tb
Eastern Markets, twice a week, and purchased under my
pritoind empervision r thus.ea u lidg to sell a better
aodeheaper Xtleleyhan mirth the atiatkeL
..11017-Orlaidistanceatteitted hi promptly, and
nods de flared to any part of the city free of charge.
F R B H OSNHEO isnitmintly on hand Give
me a call. JOHN WISH.
W Pa tterns of CoallDilLamps, with
all the recently imiaroved haute Da.,saleibp -
i 9 4uirool., l4 .l C, n ki n C t " ll l ,l , .. • : e l ? 4.11;1;
ACCO and' ffigars'nr.'ill kinds,- for
i s -im I , 4OHOLEddr, BOWM N,
S. Oc6i4it .krunt asuillarket. Straits.
low, by 43 tOHOL , & POW yxu N s for
Corner Front andliarkes stmts.
..... ,
rip ROWN sugars of all glades, for Bale
Ay low, by OWMAN,
.1,15 • Corner Wrba aro Iflrket, .treetn,
GOLD' PENS I—The icitgPie, and best
!lock, from 31.00 to $t
' WiliPtarT4 Reit'ißAWlßll
,0314uniorbranito_otlxtri...luouly flour
*Wilk W4isl4llllrillii"."Bl7iirCtsbr
:••• • r •
t ra,
r t€W , 11
0 112 ;t 4 ,,E1,1i - Y1t:16r,904
lattlo (II
PPI Ed, Unuigea and Lemons, atJOIIN
, m7l
fillittria in the market, just received
audio* 10 ° DuCIC, Jd, kMr
ONE hundred more able bodied (mar.
tied or unmarried) men are wanted to complete
the Secnrd ihatallion or tt e shore re. imekr.
Its flea 'quarters are pleasantly low tad at 'Kemp
Wissahickon" on the tanks of the fithuylltllll, near
Phuladelphia, where rerru is a e weekly P.M. to be
awe ghly Instructed before going. into act ye
Honest, intadigent and Ellerptlll men axte pv40 010 .7 1 7
wanted for notn-airomisultned officers, to VroOM with
all recruits, every advantage of ad,anced bounty, pay,
ha., le given.
- A prtudom of two dollars will be paid any citizen or
Soldier for each acceptable Mullin presented be h m.
Further information may be oe true arp'ted to-. at
th- office on Second sum t near h • 160E4 boo qui Bar
ralburge Fs. 'moue. H. NOwl 0 4 .
iyiSkillm • °apt lgth If S. 10ft.., NPlrw,lop 000 r.
Scrap Iron and Metal Merchant,
N. E. Cor. of South and Penn, and No 17
South Streets,
4 01 EiZ . l:l4l" ked
Sheet bon,
4 . Zinc,
Cruel ea,
Foundry Facings,
Flees,' les, &a.
Old bends,
" Copper,
Pig Tin,
Bar "
Pig Lead,
S, eller,
Babt lit Natal,
S •iders,
Bar Iron,
New anu Second hand Machines' and Biseitenaiths'
Tools.and Steen, Engines bought a,d ir Id.
Anodes of kvary d soul tl in in use by Machinists'
and lounlrymen, furnished to order.
ifir Ouh paid for Serail Iron, Old Rails, and all Minds
or metals, Jy2l.
Narine Fire,and Inland Transportation,
Central Agency atifarriaburg, Pa., of the
Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual.
Capital -and Assets $1,2001000
Arthur 11,. Coffin, &tunnel W. Jones, John A. Brown,
.Samuel l± Smith, Cuarlea Taylor, Ambrose `Able,
John R. Met, Richard D. Wood, Wallin& Welsh, Wil.iam
E. Bowen, James N. Dobson, B. horde Wahl, John
nun, George L Barrio)°, Fr.snoti R. Gone, Ed ward H.
Trotter, Kdward S. Clarke.
ARTHUR G. Col- IS, President.
escontral agent for in ab ore name company, the
under:lvied' m orrpartal to Lake Fire dike to any pa t
of ho :late of Penusylvans, tether annually or per,wt
uallY, 00 We most favorable terms.
Office Mira street between Walnut and Strawberry
a.ley, Bu. We row
jai° dty ii.or.s , ,u.g Pa.
Prop.ieloreof the 'Peltl6lri N
11. CAB Rill' 'JP WoNDMIB. 6100011 Y and 111 DI
ME.' have dot«rmaued re. aidlesi of eko t 1 one
free, (ro.• toe benefit of suderrig bun:welt.) P.N R of
their matt instructive and i tereaunz Lvotures on Mar.
riage and As leagued iCatlens. Nervous Debt ity, Prema
ture Dent meet mania ml, indigestion Weakness or DJ
ar• mien, Loa or clergy and Vo •he Ore t
e,aal Evtb , ant those Val dies whin • tem t tram your 1-
iul fal lea, rxcessts of Maturity. or lan trance of Pa .61-
olo e y and Nature's law. Them I 'valuable Lectures
, ay. been the moans of enbehmlug 11 , 11.1 awing thou
s , ads, cad will be forwarded free on tee receipt of four
demo, by ad massing SlttMEe.• • Y PARFIAN Callerrt OF
Asmara AND likuiems, 563 Broadway, New York.
NOW offer for sale that valuable
prop-rty situated on the corner of Market and Filth
argots, opposite ales residence • if not sold on or ha
lbre the drat Of fispnimber unseat private sale, It will
be disposed oil at public outer? on that day, on the
prenLes. 4. IL
SPLENDID assortment of glassware just
received, and tar sale Low by
7y 29 Corner "'mut and Market streets.
.LIXTRA family flour, choice brand, just
received, and warranted io g ye satiaincvan, for
..•ne oy
. jylo NIGH- er..WerLN,
Oori Front & Marker sta.
CIAP Sugars, brown and white, .New
Orleans. Loverwqra &c , are now °Urea for sale,
of every grade to trult the Inrehaaer, at
ifit.bOLS & BOWMAN,
Corner Front sod Market streets.
SYRUP and Molasses, no lees than o , ght
kinds, for aide by Ni. 11. LS & SOWm aN,
018 Corner 1. rout and Market streets.
EkI'FITSIVE assortment of Glassware,
ineindlng Jelly glasses, Preserve Dishes, Goblets,
I,JuiVars, &0.,&c., of aL styles, Just received and for
rale ion by niCHuLd & istAtreiaN,
Corner trout & Market streets.
E,VERAL Machinists. Also a stout
boy in the blaciremith shop. Apply at the
415.41 isOLE WOhKS.
DIME Cider Vinegar, which we wars ant
to be made solely from cider. just received and for
Corner front and Mari et streets
lode low by
D ' RABLs 'Building Lots on Ridge
Road and Boss streets, on !monocle term. kor
twiner pattlettans enquire or
JudN B. a OVER, Agent
191741m* South street bt.twe.n Oecund an Thtid.
K ELLER'S DR I / 1 1 STORE is the phase
A NPR . ItIOR lot of Daudelion and M.
CA)frep. for ante tha <t r-nt an W .41" , my
AVERY superior article, (p!re,) just
received ma Ror side by
1.°31) WM. DOCK, JR., & CO.
OLDER.II I AriblEoAit 1 !I
MADE from choice told selected Apples,
and guaranteed by us to be strtctiy pure.
left k rx).
DANDSLION CUFF 611) I—A loft eh and
, largo aupply of this Celebromd CoUbei not received
by WU. 7001 Jr tr. ea,
CA.NNED Tomatoes and Green Corn, at
JOHN WC" awl
U kLA largp ly just
(T rrem.,o .ont K i &
" Lead, &e., &o.