• I BY GEORGE BERGNER. THE TELEGRAPH Is PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, GEORGE HERON/ER. l'Entila —tiLsoi3 Strenitteries. The Mar 'll.lloKalii %Served to subscribers In the qty at a cents per w. ck. 1 early enbeeribers will be charged $ 1 00 in advance, Wm:Ls alga SIMI WIVE= TIIILTGEAPS. The Tzt..oliArn I- also publ shed twice a week during the melon of toe Legislature, and weekly during tam ',malodor of the year and furnished to subscribers at the blowing cash rates, viz: Hoyle Übsorlbers per year Bend Weekly. 81 60 1n ii it 1, ..12 00 Twenty , i ri ir .. ..22 00 tingle subseriherS, Weekly 1 00 B aTES OF A D vBE - MING. sir Four lines or Jesil cOnStlrei• ene-hair square. Mitt lines or more than lour oce.Altute a equate. . • ...a. Rail equate , one d y gola • one _wean 126 " one mouth 46 three mouths 4 00 66 ell mouths 4 00 46 one y ar 1000 OneleerelpA .rev ' O 60 on, wi ek 200 66 om month 6 00 It three maths—. 10 00 46 MI mouths. 16 00 u one year 20 00 gar BUILIIIO 4 B notices treerted In the Local Column or before Marriaos and beitths, EIGHT akin PER LINE for . ach iniertica. _ sir Marti .1304 and Deaths to be charged as regular advertisements. lllthicat HELMOOLO , S - .GENUINE PREPARATION "MOULT CONCENTRA (AMP( .CND FLUID =TRAM BUCHU, A Positive and Specific Remedy For Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SIFIM4INGS. This Medicine 1110111101111 the power of Digestion, and excites the ABSORBENTS int , healthy action, by which the WATERY OR CALOAREOUS depositions, and all UN- NATURAL ENLARGRRENTS are reduced, as well as PAIN AND INFLAMATIoN, and is good for MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN. lIELMBOLD'S =TRACT BUCHU, . _ For Weaknesses Arising from Emma, Habits of Dissipation, Early discretion or Abuse. ATTENDSD WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of &ease, Wakefulness, Dimness ci Vision, Pain in the Back Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushing of tile Body Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions on the Face PALLID tX)UNTENANOE, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this mod ICIOO Invariably removes, 80011 Mows IMPOTENCY. FATUITY, SPILEPTIO FITS, IN ONE OP WHICH THE PATIENT MAY MIRE. Who can say that they are not fruquectly followed by those "DIREFUL DISEASES," "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many aro aware of the cause of their Buffering, BUT MONK WILL COMMIS. THE RECO DS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, And the Melancholy Deaths by Consumption, WWI AYPLI WITNISB TO Tlip WITH OP ?HZ ASSEPTION. THE CONSTITUTION ONOI4 AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, • Remotes the aid of medicine to strengthen and Invtgorat, the System, Which Hameettee =MAC? SUCH imsartably doe ♦ via.. Irna. ammo" TWII MOST =CPI:IOAL. VEMALBS—FEMALES—TEMALES, OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CONTEMPLA TING MARRIAGE, 2,1 N MANY AFFICTIONs PECULIAR TO FEMALES the Extract Boobs Is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Uhtorte's or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or Supprestio nof Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or ioirrhous state of the Uterus, Lencortwee Whites, Steril ity, and for ail complaints Incident to the sex, wbethet arising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in Use MOLINE OR CHANGE 01 LLFR UM IMMO= AMON NO FAMILY SIioULD RE WITHOUT IT 1 • Lucc Too KW Miami, Manny, OR UNPLILLSANIT.M3DI lIINI NMI INITILEAWIT AND DANCIE6OUB DDICABIS. lESLIWBOLIP3 EXTRAG2' BOOED SECRET DISEASES. in all their Stages, At little Expense ; Little or no change in Diet ; No inconvenience; And mil Exposure. It clauses a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions. Preventing and Caring Strictures of tee Urethra, allaying Pain and Imdammation, so frequent ln the glass ot obieasea, and expelling all. Poisonous, Diseased arid toorit-mit Matte. THOlielanDe WON Tuotrassms RHO HAVE BEEN 2111 i VIOTtES OP QUACKS, sod who have paid navy ran to be cured in a short thee, have found they were deceived, and that the "POl. PUN" has, by the use of ..rowmumn. aenurrammi, " boon dried up in the system, to bream out in an aggravated form, and PERHAPS Ann MARRIAGE Dee Riuntomekirthaar Bonne for an adectlons and diseases ot the INARY ORGANS, whether existing In MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever COMM orialusting sod DO matter • t HOW LONG "'ARDIS°. Disease.' of these organs require the aid of DUMB rla HICLAIROLD'd RETRACT BOUM IS THE GREAT DIIIRINIO, And is certain to have the desired elect in all Diseases FOR WHICH IT IS ItIiCuMaDINDED. • Estdince of tee wee refiebie std responsible character Will accompany the medicos. CERTIFIGATAS OF CORE% trent) Oanyearm siandft, Wmt Nauss mow* To iii.IENCE AND FA MS. Price El 00 per bottle, or six for $5 00. Delivered to any address, securely packed from obser Talton. DESCRIBE SYMPTOMS IN ALL COMMUNICATIONS. Cures Guaranteed I Advice Gratis 1 AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of 'tho city of Philadelphia, H. T. EeLeIoLD, wno being . duly morn, cloth say, hie preparations contain ne.narcotio, no McVay, or other Injurious drags, but are purely Toga. ilble IL T. MILMBOID. Sworn and subscribed before me thia 2841 dty of No umber, WM. P. HIB BERD, Aldermen, Ninth 81. above Race, PULL AMireosietters tor information in oonfhleoce 10 H. T. lIELMBOLD, Chemist, Depot I E I 4 `month Tenth St. bel. Obestaut, BE "kIRM OF voukror.isFifikre AND UNPUINaIpLED DXALNRS, Who endeavor to li NK•e. "or mos man and "onus" Annan on res nermAnos Al TAisis FIT Nelmbold's Genuine Preparatio n a 41 Litract ,11 Nareaptrilla, • - •S IMPrOired hose Wikth . Sold by O. K. Heller, D. W. Gross, J , Wyeth, L Bauman. AND ALL DRUGHST3 NVER wan An FOR RELMBOLVS. TAKE. NO OTHER. Oat out the advertisement and send for it, AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND EXPOSURE., novlB4lly DENTISTRY. D. GEO. W. SPINE, g raduate of the Baltimore College of Dental irgery, haeingper llumenilr located In the city of Harrisburg and taken the Mae formerly °coupled by Dr. Gorges, on Third street between Market and Walnut, respectfully informs hie friends and the publio In general, that he p rep ared to prawns all oper.O(lns In the Dental profession, either Swaim or oiechauieal, In a manner that shall not be surpassed by operators th this or any other city. His Ineds of Inserting 'outwit teeth is upon the latest tin proved scientific principie. Teeth, iron), one to a fall set, mounted on tine Gold, lever, Phobia plates or the vulcanite Base. I take great pleasure In recommending the above gee. Oman to all my former friends of Harrisburg and vi cinity, and feel confident that he will perform of opera; Ueda in a adentifie manner ► from my knowledge 9f hi. 00784trj Y. J. B. 004e11kulf. D i 8. :11 DR. JOHNSON 313 49. 1-01 1 1 1111491 L LOCK HOSPITAL! LI AS discovered the most certain:speedy and efretcusi remedy in the world !of • • DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE RUM ES SIX TO TWELVE ROUTE. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs. A Cure Warranted, or, no Charge, hi item one to Two Days. Weakness of the Back or Limbs , Strictures, Affections of the b idn , tys and Bladder, Involuntary discharges, pousocy, Oeneral Debility, Nervousness, Dyapepsy, Lan guor, Low Spirits, Confusion of ideas, Palpitation of the Heart. Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of night or blddi nese, DI retire in the Head, Throat, Nose or tHin, Affec tions of the Liver, Lunge, Stomach or Bowels—those ter rible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth —those nom and solitary pract cas more iirsi to their victims than the song of yrens to the lisrliters'of lays. sea, blighting their most brilliant hopes or antiolpations, rendering marriage, Stc., impossible. Young Men Especially, who have become the -victims of Solitary Vice, that dreidful and destructive habit which annual ly sweeps to an untimely grave tdourande of Young Men of the moat exalted talents and brilliant intelle t, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with fall confidence. Marriage. Married Persons, or. Young Men contemplating mar rise, being aware of physical weakness, organicdebbi iy, deformities, ho., speedl y cured. He who places himself under the care of Di. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and con lidenily rely upon his skW as a Physician. Organic Weakness Immediately Cured, and full vigor Restored. This distreming Affection—which renders lie misera ble and Marriage impossible—le the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences„ 1 oung persons are too apt to commit ' excesses from not being aware of the dreadful emelt , env* that may ensue. New, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the pow er of proortation is Met sooner ey those thiling into im proper habits than by the prudent Besides being de prived the pleasures of healthy offlipring, the most se sloes and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weattened, Loss of Procreative Power, Nervious Irratibility, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Constituilon.i I Debility, a Wasting of the Frame_ i Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death, °Moe, lifo. 7 South Frederick Street. Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few door. Isom the corner. Fail not to observe neme and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. Ile Doe toes Diplomas hang in his office. A Cure Warranted in Two Days. No Mercury or Nauseous Drugs, Dr. Johnson, Member of the Royal College in surgeons, London, Grad uate from one of the most eminent i.killeges in the United States, and the greater part of whose lite has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringdig in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were cured Immediately. Take Particular Notice Dr. J. addresses ail tbuse who have layered themselves by improper Indulge - cirand solitary habits, which ruin both body and rated. ‘ll2fitlina th.m rnr n, nor 1..u . !5za.0,5 3 away, minima or marrtiga, • ^These itreadmifof the sad and xnetaneholly effects pro. ducsd by early habits of youth, via: Weikness of the &ma and Limbs, Pains in tho Read, Dimness Lf Sight, Loss of Muscular Power Palpitation of the heart s Lys pepsy, Nervous Irrattbil ty, Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, &So': Menrattv.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—lass or Memory, Contusion of Ideas, De• presston of Spirits, evil foroodings, Avers on to Society, Soil Distrust , 1 ove of eolitude, &c., are some of the milli produced. 'peousanna of periona or all ages can now judge what Is the cause of their deelieing heeith, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearance about the ey es, cough and symptoms of consumption. YOMIg Men Who have injured themselves by a certain practice In dnlged in when alone, a hank, frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which' are nightly felt, even when asleep, and it not cured renders marriage imposelble, 'and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. , Wind a pity that a yonng man, the hope of his coun try, the darting ei his parents, should be snatched 'rem all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the eon.equence of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons hoar, before contem plating Marriage, reflect tbata amid mind aud'bmiy are the Met noceis• vary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey througn becomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the 'view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and tilled with the melancholly rag GUM that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our .own. Disease of Imprn4ence. When the milpilded and imprudent votary °flit - entire fads that he has imbibe' the seeds of thie painful Ms ease, it too often hapens that an di-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, tram eruewtion and respectability, can alone be friend him, delaying Oh the condlthilunal symptoms on this borr d naease maks their appearance, such as ul canted sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the beat nod limbs, dimness of signs, fleetness, nodes on the shin bones and areas, blotches on the h ad, face and extremities, progress ng with frightful raplaity, , till at last the palate of the mouth or t hellonee of the nose fall is, and the victim of this awful disease become a horrid obpct of commiseration, till death pats a period to his dreadful suileriogs, by sending h m to " that VrdlaCoV vereil Country from whence no traveler returns." , It lea liftlandielly fact that thousands fall :delimit to thht terrible disease, owing to:the unsailfultness of lgoo aid pretenders, sho by the use of that . Deadly Poison, Mei an, ruin thilconlititution and make the reiddue o lite mikerabie. • • Strangers. Trust not your lives, or health, to the care or the many Unlearned and Wor tbless Pretenders, destatute of anew ledge, name or cbarader, who copy Dr. Johimon's ;Myer vertleenients, or style Anemsalves in the newspapers, regularly Educated Ph.velclane incapable or Curing, they Ireap you trifling month after month taking their filmy and polsonOnsw es compounds, or as long as the smallest lbe san be obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruin ed health to sigh over your galling disappointment. Ur. Join:woe is tha only Physician adverUslas. His credential or diplomas always hangs in his office. Els remedies or treatment are unknown to all others prepared irom a life spent in the g• eat hospitals of Eu rope, the Arai in the country and • more• extensive Pri vale Practice than any other Physician in the world. Indorsement ,of the Press. The many thousands cured at this institutton year af teryVw and the numerous important Surgical Opera tions performed.by Di. Mullion, Witnessited by the re. porters of the "SOSO lipperP and many other pa• Penh WAWA of WWI/ have appeared again and again before i t public, beeldee his standing as a gentleman of character and retrponeibility, is a entente* guarrantee kith* &Mete& bkin Diseases bpeedily Cured. Pawns writing should be particular in directing their tale's to his Institution, in the following manner JOHN M. JOHNSON, M. 01 the Baltimore Loci Hospital, Baltimore, Md. S&LAD urge Supply of fresh Bslad Oil, in nuts and small bottles, and of 'digerent brands rid received and for sale by . WM. DOCK, JR. At FIRE CRACKERS by the chest pr box jost received add hr sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN. jele - Corner Brost and Market streets, , PURL cideOeitieger, W arranted, tor sate lowb7, - Nicildret Ls.,vir,e4l.ll, comajpose and *AO HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 12, 1862. NICHOLS & BOWMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner Front and Market Streets, HARRISBURG, PFAM'A., D ESPECTFULLY invite the attention of 1 2 16 the public to then largo and well selected stockf of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIGN AND DO MESTIC FRUITS, Including among others,,i SUGARS, SUMPS, TEAS, - COFFEE, SPICES, ORANGES, LEMONS, &C., &C. ALSO FLOUR, FISH, SALT, BACON, BUTTER, &o. We invite, an _examination of our superior NON EXPLOSIVE COAL OIL, The best in the market in every -respect, to gether with all kinds of • LAMPS, SHADES, BURNERS,, WICKS and' GLASS CONES, Cheaper than any pWce in .Thirrietnay. We keep on hand always all kinds of CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE All styles and kinds of QTYEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE, at the old stand, NICHOLS & BOWMAN, my2o Corner Front and Market Sts. SHEET MUSIC. SHEET MUSIC. JUST RECEIVED. SEVERAL thousan d piece's. of NEW an d . irefully selected made, ,ecomprielng a very fel a:so: tment. Steinway's Unrivalled Pianos. PIANOS FOE 8150 UP TO $l,OOO. SOHOOL AND OHI7ROII ORGANS. FIODI EIGiITVDOLLABS. PRINCE'S MELODEONS &C. From Forty-five Dollars. VIOLINS, GUITABS, BANJOS, FLUTES, FIEIA ACCORiSEXiNS aid iitintoal 'm'iiialtiaaidist of *lnter kind," AGENCY OF • HOWE'S SEWING hIAOHINES. PORTRAIT FRAMES. LARGE PIER AND MANTLE MIRRORS made to order. Corurtarttly omhamia large variety of PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. Frames ofeyery description made to order at the shorted notice. REGILDING DONE, At the New Music Store of S. ' WARS & CS. auldly No. 14 Market near Colder's BOOKS FOR FARMERS. IHE attention of agriculturists is directed to the following works, which will enable them to increase the quantity and value of their crops by adding science and the experi ments of others to their experience : STEPHEN'S BOOK OF THE FARM, de tailing all the labors of husbandry and the best.way toperf,rm them. Price. .8 60 COLEMAN'S AGRICULTURE and Real Economy 4 00 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, by Allen. 5..1 00 THE FARMER'S COMPANION, by Buel .. 76 LECTURES ON PRACTICAL AGRICUL TURE, by Johnston 60 THE AMERICAN WARMER'S new and uni- veinal handbook, with 41)0 engravings-2 60 AN EASY IiErIIOD OF MANAGING . BENS, ty Weeks 5.... ' 20 the Nature and Treatment of Diseases of Cattle, by Dadd 1 00 LEII3IU'S AG iHOU L FUR AL CHEMISTRY 76 MILO{ COWS AND DAIRY FARMING, and the production of milk, butter, cheese, by Flint 1 6G GRASSES AND FORAGE PLANTS, by Lynch 1 50 SAIL'ION'S HAND-BOOK, containing the Horse, the cow, the pig, fowls, itc., BM-1 00 TIIE FARMER'S DICTIONARY and Prao tical Farmer by Dr. Gardner. ..... 50 ALLEN'S DO MESTIC ANIMALS 75 THE FIELD BOOK OF MANIIIIM, or Amerioan Muck Book • • 25 THE HORSE AND HIS• DISEASES, by Jennings 1 00 YOUATT ON THE HORSE 126 ' HIND'S FARRIERY and STUD BOOK ....1 00 HORSEMANSHIP and the Breaking and Training of Horses • 75 Standard Books, School Books, and ,everi thing in the stationery line at lowest prices, at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK SIVRE. DETERSIVE .SOAF, something better than Harriaon'a Wambold Soap jut received and tor ealeibir . 'NICHOLS at BOWMAN, Jet , Gower Front and M,rket Streets. rIEIEAP. Oil for all kinds , efs•machioery, k. 1 :1 1 * Vnati snd large DattairiarjA:iN, jel9 Corner Front and Market street. BREAKFAST BACON AVery choice lot, equal to the celebra ,ted (Imported) Yorkehire, just roreived. j 7 WM. IOOK, JR., & CO. BOLOGNA, ASMALL, but very superior lot o ~.Bologna sassege just received, by .r.v.e9 Wit. DOCK, Jr. & Co. CLARIFIED New Orleans sugar, a cheap and beasullni atticle,b3r sale by NUIROLd 'k BcrwyAN, - jyrlb ) Corner Frost arid [mica *uteri BAJCW6 Cocoadweet, Qlumolate. WEI a JOHN WlMlNdrel 61,14 Wslane inA Etitg HAREEM* FIRN ZOLIATEI, ATTENTION !—The members of the company will receive their bounty money at nine .o'clock this (Tuesday) morning. limbers absent from camp on fur loughs will take notice. By order of Cim. J. WEer4Y AWL Rory os HONOR.—The following members of the Locust Street Methodist Sunday School have enlisted in the service of their country : J. Wesley Awl, Captain. Fire got:laves. F. Asbury,Awl, Captain First City Zouaves. W: W. Jennings, Captain Russell Guards. John Eon:Linger, Lieut. First City Zouaves. user OM WOLVES. Robert B. Vaughn, Leßue Lerner, Flank Bcheffer, James Thomas, ,Louis Ltllinger t A. 0. Swope, Benjamin E. Dailey, - William Ripple, Carrel Charles, W. F. Ewing, Thaddeus Gowen, Levi H. Patterson. Rugs= GUARDS Jacob Gillman, Alexander McCormick ries zoomnts. Jacob Groff, .5 Edmund Glover, Geo. W. Miller, . Albert S. Quigley, Chas. A. Suydam, David Stouffer, . Geo. P.: Chandler, - Ross Meredith, !ines Myers. • • ABOUT INLISrU4G IN Zia IKAHINEI. James W. Forster. Win. M. Kinzer. Making a total of twenty nine. The above roll was read last Sunday and appropriate ad dressee delivered by the Rev. F. Moore, Pastor, and J. Wesley Awl, Superintendent. The Constitution. EDITOR or xs Tmsoaavu :—When I hear misnamed Democrats talk about the Constitu tion, it reminds me of the devil quoting scrip ture, and so far as the mere letter goes, his quotations were much more to the point than those Democratic quotations of the Constitutibn by men who never read the instrument they profess to venerate so much. A certain man residing near Chestnut street, whe, I believe, can neither read nor write, holdstbe soubioquet of " Vallaiadigham," of which he is amazingly proud—a name the present leaders of theiireck inridge wing •so much venerate. When this Mr. Valandigham talks about this Constitution, (he never reads,) he puts Daniel Webster into the shade ; not a glimpse of Daniel remains ; he contends in effect that that so much abused instrument protects treason and traitors from punishment; authorizes the extension of ela- Nary over, ad the States, and saves "to their southern friends from the confiscation of their slave property ; allows the separation of the states; allows the robbing of our Custom Rouses and !dints • thes el s ing i of our forts, and, in unteostutolions- ~17,ssets,”.ta-....,.,Ft- " %- petrated by the South. 1E1E1;1 this Me.‘Val laudighaak what a Constitution was, and what the object was in framing such an instrument? " Ch!" said he, " everybody knows that every Democrat does." I gave him my views, and bald it was simply an agreement termed by all the States that they would enter into a co-part nership for the purpose of carrying on the ha ennead of governing the States, that certain things were to be dune, and. some left undone, and that this agreement should remain in force uutil a majority of the States agreed to alter of aunui the same. Now this agreement or Con stitution has been violated by the South, after many years of unexampled blebsings and of prosperity under it, without a solitary just cause in bupport of their conduct; and have precipitated this great country into this un measurable ruin and trouble. And yet the Democratic party, over the great bulwark of the country, has sudJenly became the sympathizers with treason and friends of traitors. They are secretly at work to prevent our people from volunteering and enlisting to defend their country, and uphold and support this Constitu tion the Democratic leaders prate so much about. What tight, I ask, have the South to ask protection under this Constitution s when they so defiantly repudiate every principle it .contains. " Mr. Editor : If you can still continue the publication of the In3tORAPEI after the with drawal of the support of Gen. Roumfort, - .lwtm )ou to publish this. If it has no other effect, I wish to have it known that all Irishmen can not be gulled into an opposition to the Consti tution uud country they have sworn to support. DENN/8 MoCARTY. NeCLINTOCI'S` PECTOILL SYRUP. HIS INVALUABLE SYRUP, WHICH Ig entirely vegetable in its composition, has been employed with wonderml success for many yeas in the cure of diseases for the AIR PASSAGES and LUNGS. For any form of the disease such as COUGH, TICKLING of the THROAT, " SPITTING OF BLOOD, DIFFI CULT BREATHING, HOARSENESS, LOSS OF VOICE, and HECTIC FEVERS, its use will be attended with the happiest results. It is 0128 of the best and safest medicines for all fonns of BRONCHIIIB and CONSUMPTION. No /min= or preparation of Opium in any shape in this syrup. PRICE $lOO PER BOTTLE. For fale at BERGNER% CHEAP BOOS STORE. WM.. A. PARKHILL' . "PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER. . Third &red, next &tor to the Tdegraph Priding STORES, dwellings churches, public buildings, factories, t o., f itted,ap with gas, lose a.d Iron pipe in a wortmari line Jeanne. Hydrants, Waab basins, Bath Mr, 1 HI and Force Pump, Water Gloat a, Lead and Ironrioe for wawa, gas and mem: A share of public patronage la respectfully solicited. All wort py mptly attended to.. in78043m. SORIEFFELIN BROTHERS & CO WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND DEALERS in Fancy Goods, Per. cutlery, &o. Also agents for the sale •ot Retina Petroleum Mdthinating WI , superior to any coal oil • ftwnishal in ant quantities at the lowest market rates. 170 and 172 William AVreet, a27d6nal NEW YORK. Atilt newly replenished stook 01 'rune! VE and fancy Gonda b nnsorpaeudiu thh sky, and aanng confident of readering satisfaction, we would res. picifally mita' a can. Spr r - 1 911rarkei Wee; two da01 11 ,114 01 11 01 /rth nreett Mak z . ; - BY TELEGRAPH. From Gen. Pope's Army. THE BATTLE OF CEDAR MOUNTAIN ,_~.___ Full_ Pardonlars of the Fight. ALLAN CifillOß OF TN ,46TH PROSYL VANIL REGIMENT. I=3:=l They Were Mowed Down by a Ter rific Fire. Our Forces Retire beyond the Range of the Enemy's MIS. TWO GUNS i OST The Rebel Loss Greater than Oars• === MANY PRISONERS TAKEN. ARRIVAL OF REINFORCEMENTS. Ompappia, Va., August 9 In consequence of the advance of the enemy yesterday to this side of the Rapidan, Genera. Pope sent forward the Second Army Corps, commanded by Gen. Banks, to hold him in check. At. daylight this morning it was discovered that the enemy tad advanced as far as Cedar Run Mountain, holding , its wooded sides , and cleared' slopes. ' Only a small portion of their strength was visible. They .also held a range of elevations and ravines - westward of the mountain. An elevated spot a mile•and a half from the mountain, and a mile long, east and west, mostly cleared ground, was .selected , by. Gen. Banks as the bort place to receive their attack, and the forenoon was spent by, the enemy in mancevering, in which they only, occasionally showed themselves. At 3 o'clt.ck, P. u., a battery on our front, of a mile and a half range, opened on us, and their infantry drove in our pickets in the woods on the right wing. Afterward battery after battery was unmasked on the mountain, the slopes and every hill making a crescent of bat teries of nearly three miles, each commanding our position._ For two hours our batteries were exposed to cross and flank fires. The enemy evidently outnumbered us in guns and weight. We replied shot for shot till 6 o'clock, when they opened an enfilade battery on our right. General Batiks ordered to cease-&ring and charge this battery. The duty was assigard U. vrawniatteaurigitostsilia".attraskiti,..atad the 46th Penney lvania led thecbarge. Bettina tue battery wee a thicket of shrub oak, and before the Folly-sixth could reach the guns, they were mowed down by a terrine fire from the thicket. The rest of the Begade was brought, and subsequently the rest. of Williams and Augur's commands, but the enemies brigades were found at every point. • Tee battla ground was in a thick set wood, with a ravine'qn our right. there nearly all the enemy's infantry had been conctiled during the shelling, securing ihemselvoilium observation by expellieg our pickets. This probably was ole of the hardest contested fights that has been toughs Vir ' -Ic laateiluntil dark when our forces retired from the field; taking a new position beyond the reaoh of - the enemy's guns. From their advantageous position on the heights our infantry were badly cut up. We lost two guns. The enemy's loss is cer tainly greater than outs, as their dense col umns were frequently riddled by our artiller ists. We took many prisoners. Since your correspondent loft the field large reinforcements reached there, and for hnors shots had been exchanged. FROM WA6IIINGTON. The Restrictions upon Travelling. =::=1 WAlt DI:PARTYS:NT, WASHINGTON, August 11. The temporary restrictions upon traveling deemed necessary to prevent evaions of the liability to be- drafted into the militia, were not intended to apply to couriers with dispatches to and fiom the legations of friend ly powers in the United States. All authorities, civil and military, are consequently required to tallow such couriers to pass freely without let or molestation. (tigued.) E. N. STANTON, Secrdary of War. FROM .CALIFORNIA. The Destruction of the Golden Gate. Fausisoo, Aug. 7 Capt. Hudson at Mammallla on the thirtieth reports to the agents of the CioldenGlate here that a shelving beach and heavy, snits, where the wreck is lying. There is little probability of riving the treasure. He; with part of the crew'and officuiremained as agents and nil derwriters, protecting the wreck with the hope of saving additional lives. Third officer Scott, In charge of a boat containing from twenty to thirty bad not reached Manzannilla at last ac counts. DISAFFAOTI T ON AMONG THE REBEL GAR RISON A FORT MORGAN IN. MOBILE HARBOR. A letter dated off Mobile on the Slat. re ports that six men had deserted from Fort Morgan, reaching the United States frigate Susquehanna with considerable risk. They had all their arms and accoutrement? with them, and agreed to shoot each other rather than be re-captured by the rebels. They report the garrison at Fort Morgan to be from six. hundred to eight hundred strong many of whom are foreigners, and that but little reeistence will be made• by two-thirde of the garrison to A)ur forces; • • Two soutpsades of Nr,ht,...extMery, who 04- da4dled tria"philah t parlisottrolit Gaines. - BATTLE OF CEDAR MOUNTAIN• The Pennsylvania r.gimente engaged to the battle were toe Twenty•eighth, Forty-truant'. (or First Cavalry,) Forty-sixth, One 1-lundred and Ninth, and Line Rendre , ' and Eleventh. Collie's company of LH:WNW d'it.frique was alio engaged. • We have no-list of the killed in these regi ments, the only one mentioned being Major Hector Tyndale, of the Twenty-eighth regi ment. Brig. Gen. John W. Geary, arm amputated. Col. H. S. Strinrook, 109th regiment. Col. Joseph F. Knipe, 48th regiment. Major Matthews, 48 h regiment. Lieut. Col. Brown, 28th regiment. Lieut. L. W. Ballston, 109th regiment. Major Louis H. Pelouse, regalare. Captain Trotter, Co. I, 107th regiment. Adjutant Boyd, 46th regiment. Sergeant Wm. Haines, Co. B, 48th regiment Corporal A. Baum, Co. F, 46th regiment. Allen M. Knappe, Co. A, 46th regiment. J. McFadden, Co. E, 109th regiment. H. M. Signor, Co. G, 46th regiment. J. Ki!linger, Co. D. 46th regiment. E. Ashbridge, Co. G, 109th regiment. B. Brines, Co. E, 46th regiment. George Meyer, Co. B, 109th regiment. H. A Ziegler, Co. D, 111th regiment. W. McGarrity, Co. B, 46th regiment. Benj. Huber, Co. D, 107th regiment. E. L. Fisk, Co. B, 107 h regiinent. John A. Rockwell, Co. B, 107tb. regiment. Wm. Cline, Co. E, 107th regiment. Ellis McCarthy, Co. C. 107th regiment. John Manton, Co. F, 46th regiment. John Craig, Co. F, 46th regiment. C. MB, Co. A, 109th regiment. Geo. Rodgers, Co. F, 111th regiment. Robt. Meson, Co. F, lU9th regiment. J. M. Gill, Co. F, 109th regiment. W. M. C. Robinson, Co. A, let Cavalry. Edward Riley, 107th regiment. J. Moyer, Co. I, 111th regiment. A. M. McDonald, Co. C, Ist Cavalry. B. F. Ross, Co. D, 111th regiment, J. W. Chalma, Co. K. 111th regiment. W. Bemis, Co. F, 111th regiment. R Cough, 00. F, 111th tegimeat. Robert. Wallace, Co. A. 109th regiment. D. edcGuhart, Co. A, 28 h regiment. S. Biker, Co. A, 111th regiment. J. Goode, Co. D, 46th regiment. J Kelley, Co. G, 109th regiment. W. Southard, Co. F, 111th reiiment. W. H. Martin, Co. CI, 111th regiment. 0. C. Calleny, 107th regiment. W. W. Thomas, Co. H. 109th regiment. Jeff. Prescott, Co. A, 111th regiment. Diniel Turner, Co. I, 109th regiment. John Monition, Co. F, 109Lh reg meat. Robert Gilchrist, Zouav-e d'Afrique. Anthony Coyle, Co. I, 46th regiment. J. Basalt, Co. H, 111th regiment. A.l'. Dixon, Co. F, 111th regiment. Albert Lard. let Cavalry. Jamie W. Miteener, Co. G, bth Cavalry. John B. gagger, Co. A, 109 h Thomas J. Sweeney. Co. C, 109th regiment Gov. Morton has ufficially announced that all volunteers for three years or the war snit be received up to the mot Ding of rho 16th of this mouth, end after that no volunteers will be received or bounties paid. Toe preparations for the enrollment of mili tia and diafting, to fill the rec. nt order for 800,000, are going on rapid y, and will be com pleted by the 16th inst. Instructions as to the mode of contuc log the draft have beenreceiv ed from the War Department. Colonel McNeil again overtook Poi er's guer illas, yesterday, at Stockton, in the Western part of Macon county, ar•d atter anotber st,arp fight, routed them, killing and wounding a large number and capturing many horres. The rebels were scattered in all directions. Borne of the prisoners captured had taken the oath and given Londe. Six thousand cavalry have been already en rolled is this city, and further enlistm.nts are expected, there being now a thousand over the quota. The enlistment for the infantry regi ments are also progreasir g Surly, and there will be no necessity for drafting in this State on the first requisition of the Masi Govern ment. P I A. IV - C) EW ktOSEWOOD PIANOS, from the bee 11 makers, from $2OO upwards. MELODEONS. THE BMIT MANUFACTURED INSTBII /LENTS, PIM $445 to $lOO. Guitars, Violins, Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Esnjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings and musi cal merchandise in general. SHEET MUSIC. TICE LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on hand. Music sent by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEWDO FRAMES, Suitable for looking glasses, and all kinds of Rictures always on hand. NEw YORI, Aug. 11 LOOKING GLASSE S From smallest to largest sizes. An, style of frame made to order at the shortest notice. THL and most extensiva assort. moat of R 1 Bo 111 as city, ja,l, rroain I, Awl toe si e very low, by • 1.110.10 - 4 B al., sio* Garner lemoc aol klmrzet Meseta. PRICE ONE CENT. THE PENISTLYOIOO MIMEO. WASHINGTON, August 11 WOUNDED RECRUIIING IN INDIANA INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. 10 THE GUERILLA. WAR IN MISSOURI HUDSON, Mo., Aug. 10 RECRUIT/I , IG IN KEN LUCKY. LOUISVILLE, Aug. 10. Out tuuitzuum WM. KNOCHE, 93 .Market street, Harrisburg, Pa., DNAISIX IN A fine assortment of best plated WM. KNOCHE, 98 Market street fOl9-wally lITARD ELL & VIN S6s, Pickles and TT Cessige, f or sq. Jowl etuubis.