Etlegrapij. THOMAS E*.-000HRAN, of York County. SURVEYOR GENERAL: WILLIAM 13. 8055,:,, of .Luxeme County. RICHILIABU P Saturday jimplug, August 9. 1882. I'IIETEOPLE'S PLATFORBI. DM MON.-THE , 0011811TUTI6E-AND THE ENFOHOEMENT OF THE LAW.t.. Baiourgiox AtiOPTeD /IT A IDAZIOIIII 01 Ul CO , OgVall. AliD ItATIMD.BY ?Of p.*i of paraturgleutte ammonia/I, rain 17; 1862. 84 That we hold it to be the duty , of all loYai taw! to 4iititd by the (Anon in this hoar of 1 1 8 trial; to wide their Araks and. hawk; In earnest, patriotic 4 form for Su nisi .tenons: against those ,oho are in eras against it; to sustain with deter/tuned maw ti•e our *variant President and his administration is than energetic efforts for . the prosecution of the *emend the presersatiOn of the _Union. against. our met at home or abroad; - tor punish traitors and trea son with fitting severity, anti to crush the present and d iastess retidlisn. so that no flag of disunion me again be mud over any ;portion of the Ropubirt; and to dna end , we insi , e the ea opera: don ot all men who to their emastry, in the at t er to.rehmdla kali , the Stara. such a patriotic fire ai w4Tly IMAUM4 ail who skike at the Ifnion,of ow lathers, andatt whe . r sympathistwith their treason or Falk* their phs/4.' STOP MY PAPER Ruck wire "the peremPtori 'demands, yes= teiday, of Gen. A. 'L. iteumfort, the Democra- tic Theckloridge candidate for Asienibly. The lees Of six cents per week s (of athioli about one Cant is clear profit,) to their TZLIGRAPR establiih tient will be severely , felt, and if is -were' nnt f*the j fact, that, while we lost; orni sobecrith u tire person ofGensral:Anturifort, we added thirteen flaw subseritenatathe-daily and three to the rieekly- Tiemiciaivrilort the. niime. , day, we should soun be-obliged-to stop. While thus biddititfarevrell to the gallant illaitOitotimlort; and plaCing onAhis high record 6fis liberty of the 'MI* witlls As well give fair,,and timely notice •to , all who object to the "seal' of' the Tvilcieas in bilnilf of Ai - 4 9riiteit4ent and the IpidMi r that their eitp:poiNf;,thiejnornakitiitoi essential to its. success, , however mectsseip4 tarry-tm~tbeir , reform-end ptuilication . . loyal citizens of the stale capital will support the Tataiortapn, abundantly, earneatly, and in every ws !londute.7%% pe.• city. Tbe gallant 'men iwo are now mach.lng to the menet of the . government recognize 'the Tsui- Own as their orpfililind as snob s they will ie ti t 2 _ a lWi fie fil i fe ce 4*RlE dte lii y awliuMvso , kileeVer gyp, 14cumfortonsy.wq td crush it out - skopping his individualdirth aeription. we , Aroirahng tC,ldsnit that the arntiitJatee thol Onilltracn cop' elltinn -Will need all their epsrlecbengeeti 644g:a the Jefi r DilVibi organ, andos Weare4ndeliendent of so supportowe askaell. michns object to: the wa. advocacly ot,theiTzuoairin .to , give notice arid their nanlell shah be promptly erased Iron; our books. . r it bogy fair that the community should kn 6 w. VAere kts loyal and its disloyal arisen' atan't HON. EDWARD IicPHERSON. lirAWere gratified With the °announcement made yesterday, thaitheilio r ti; Edward McPhe4 son had been renominated for Congrees by Ili' people of Adams county, subject to the naiad , Lion of the CongreralonalOonfereeNamong whoni that county is to be represented. That , iJri `lllcrhilOon carried' Adams Coutity,la nof truri prising, because in that region, where his'peri anti virtues and political purity are go psi orally esteemed , he has hosts of friends ; no will-it surprise us if be receives the .unanimurni stqadastion of the Conferees of bis district, be; `o-ith;ar'be has earned their'conlidence, and is de fratwirigot their.suppork-uifia.eirvioes. in Cott; liTaillhfv,P*TllPX most -distitituhheid char acter. , actions,wrre always impartial, and itterole4 "Pitiiotic and independent—BO , that on etety question of vital public import ; "anCe;ylitposititiri could be Indicatd m truly piublemi are sulied by Mathematical principles: Let ni troPe, !hea p for:the honor of the `distr:Wl pat the services Of ;the 'couutry,- that- Edward may onOs More be returned to Con; "Tar people who Oust du the War aid" defend theakdon, in- Clinton county, have nominated, 'diet Oothig admirable and popular tick e t ' ' , 'l,cagfron—B- Rueh Pi tnitin,- Lock Haven. "' Arionbk —James Chatham, Lock Haven. Attorney—J. L' Doty, Lock Haven. Ontensnoner—John Willson, Lamar. 400er —Dr. •J. B L,lfeel, Lamar. Auditor—John McGee, Beath Creek. 216 Count* titirteyur.- B. Bob retrikin, theta' miidate for] Congreasj lea tdroog man in.& district he aspires to rei present, and it butwerdverg Abe onduisement oF thisgocgreselonakcdnertercwill undoubtedly ba: elected by the people. Thomai Chathiun, has a splendid reputation for integ* rity and ability, and without individualisio the rest of the ticket, we can only declare tha i it is unexceptionable aril highly popular. Twos ls t ainsioa ll in well informed cl e that the Venerable Oen. 6cott bag been soi Wired by the Government to give the benerita 4111 his experience occasionally at the new matt 'o,Nistruetion near Pailadelpliii: It is nut kehwa what, reply he has '.loyel; lo.dce4 whether the rumor is very ilenJ rrt West.4 " , ( 4 7 11 .1) 'So . enjoyment of eiiillantC.:bertl44 vista the Academy once in a while aiuc illmotione the adds. VOL UNIEER-DRAI7 It is maintained by the best journals in the country, and among these, with great force by the Missouri Democrat, that it is an , essential feature 'of on? system _of government to keep _sip /20 italdiThi army, cFcept it it one of mmely nominal strength, in times of peace.: The force of this argument is obvious, as our, form of :government contem plates, and the Constitution provides that the country should depend for its armies on the militia., The militia of the countryis defined by an early act of Congress, which prolfides at length for its organization and regulation, to comprise "each and every _able-bodied white male dtisen, of / the respective States, resident therein, 'ebb ia or 'shall be of the age of eigliteCi , yams, and turder the age of forty r flveyears,". with certain exceptions. (See act of Congress of Bth - of Kay, 1792.) It is obviF one, therefore, Wit with us, the duties of a citizen towixds'ihr &Wary in rep to Miiir tsar liervitm aMtllifalent-frol4, iitrjes fh which it is a part of the system and policy of the government to keep always on hand a Itelpi 'standing army, ready for varielergency t Under such a system, as in the European mon!. Atchl4, , those mama who :,10 not: serve me loaded alike In'tirrtait4,yeaceand war with the most oppressive taxesjcLeopport the expense o f the Irk , : 6 ,244te9n4if°2' l _ln wai alone, purchase exemption . itteir'• systcM contemplates that In CABO, of . war tlre standimi army shah Meet the contin g ency • Ours con! *l l o4* t 1 74 People, ”ihe AtiAe bodied white male citizens," shall bear the burden. The duty of military service in tithe ,of need, Is as clearly end,ttlideniably a duty, as' 18 the :obligation ,tO ,obey ' the ordinary police lama of the country, or to pay taiei,for,the support of the government, - The proper way of enforcing this obligation is drafting or conscription; by a ma,tbc'id which compel; ~with iimpariial Justice, every man who owes the obligation to strictly peri form It, just es another system compels a mart whootTei a,'peCti ihillfto the goVernateut 4.1,4 An :re ttjr; and as:lording :to strictjustice, wel might as well advertise for persons to pay the taus which = the Qoverrunent needs for .itc: support; as adiertise,i els we now do, for volunteere to pay i thie/ix of military service. The spitem of volunteering will do well enough when onfy,a few troops are , to be ittlited ;' l nfor'titereis always' a cOnntirweer, tsin claisibf petion; who; ,frini their- -peculiar character of circumstances, can much more "a idly. bear thribindins of military service than their nelghbors r and who are perfectly willing to do sot= &tine are wild and adventurous 1 vphite, who p' fir the novelty and 'excitement, ,orrte are persons whohaye,anatural liking for iioldleet life. nßut these classes are 'soon ex t h sted, and the moment , they are 'exhainsteti; VolCinteinint; as a t eyatla jaitna appeel to 'the ardent and patriotic..; it works upon:their, 'feeling!, Compels them to 'gto, and leaves' the dull end eelfi3b to their; enjoyment an:l'4e; it rio:eintect,niti.iiie,friMii *yid' willing kip, and ,failicto touch the coward and the shirker, Whai 'should we say t& itt:clysteni of pecuntarY, taxa' vthieli2,,pute Vie rinl ben Of the peuntry's and gard Wilt it beitilalliaetlie - rEoleg taxed to pay the bouritier i tididiaa &heelr shiret iThie is n answer. 'lke mere paying of a slight tax nothing tonztlieLrittir-rilao; irittifthe hard, toilsome, darigainue -iservice which the volunteer undertakerr-:-A man worth a halli milliputiygmgrindred dollars, and has done hie tigt t yrfog the hundred dollar* is folly wortn, it seems, the life which the 'volunteer, who takes the monet erina bounty, tlykdO7n on the .I.lciimoo,4lo.doc twitii a vengeance. .onearophLthink tha t i, the poor—those whom some of our aristocrats ill "the lower classes:" "the latxxing chases,': —wee° the only`pertiona interested in the pro .loTvatioXL . o f. 4 0•401 1 0rY. • - We are face to face with a terrible exigency, which demands the whole resources 'of every c . s kas? • Wi . 10.41•1 14- el 4 ttldliiiiP 1 :4 11 .a1i great rueolioed.nrance just after the Rol/Cy• lution, As. she sent forth` into the tanks oilier arthies her profesksiOnal men, , her artisfa, Mercharde and mapiitticinterikr-all theetrengt4 of the cenntry.withint regard to social posit ,ion, which, In :the 'great danger,. was totally hist sight of—so let us draft into our anatesi from all crag* strength ,suite ient Ad up the pfd regimeate; to raise any additiorial num her that may be required, and so put down the l rebellion. At present the government 'wept to `the posOion oils_ physician who hat; alkg knows he has the, power _to restore a.patient} but: who, from mere lack of decision, refines tomato those fl,gorons applications whld hbe aln,%atQua dePagi4 40.6541 unuor , TerYl oyes, the I,ifo of tbe.seirdrer ebbing gradually : Amy.- Give na tide dechdon, then, in the earnest'and onittl4l action Of,ti freeli army, and - the end will ' be a result which skillatrike terror and death, into the very heart of 'rebellion I. - • BLao MrLlTiarLilkaina.-=Elen. Lew. Wal= lac stied,loo 449154enVt1/PkeeAt that In the eleven regluitßts,:plidt. hie. land, foul hundred isirlik-roiti - men were detailed to l duties which the elect) could just as well per 4 form. The c'ciMinaiding officer of a regiment how kit:.T4rrig'n'sl4,ndkng,iaktYl-0 ffirsei* 114iublicxyl that O t is ,Zieadred were detailed for, such duties.' '..This is mo than'double the proportion given' by General' - latiltinioie American . 4. ext.N.4og 4podukof Combas 014, :LA' the! brave•ltintuokrtinancifiatiohlitt;" &asap- he i 6 , / wlll be betirt(l74eli/Oaniky Oil tie , d i ,SortutTy .1 9 WeeasAken:PAVLc, "4.q!ltll49uria; Hie him." Stich language would _not have; tin/Inttoljetl i to 14c,clay : in. , Baltimore twelve: months ago. s tr Ton Tanalunr DcAurritater has alwaidy recids•- 1 ed orders for the new pOatap:sdiarnik etOeneii do the amount, ,ot one ifunAred" tiani4uat dOdath. ,:thknowatampo wi,U be ready-for de-:, liirrylit wedge vetwoi lisoormic u s o t aktOWM" ooBll4lll %. l im 3 S Senator Chandler of Michigan, hive tlatOld Selz scribed $l,OOO to the War Fund in Detroit. ilenneulnania Malip ittlestno. -- Saturbat qflorning. August 9, 1862. . --:',... i " - ~ v ~ it - ; , ,7% , :- r Gam ' /, , 't. From oar ,Evening Edition of Yesterday From Washington. Important Orders from the War De= ,partment, TRITTOie TO BE_OiGllliYiluliT iVITIL NO PERSON LIABLE TO BB DRAFTED TO WAEOUNCITON, The following order was lashed this morning from the War' Department: ; ' August Bth . 1862. Ordered, First, That all United 14,4 Mar; 'lthals,.l3aPerintendents and Chiefs qf Police 'of ay town, city or 'district, be, and they are hereby authorised and direct ed to arrest end imprison any, persiin orpersons who inlay ,be engaged, by act of 'lva* or writing, in dls: countging, volunteer enlietments or in any Way giving aid and ibmfort.' to the enemy, or an) other `practice' against the 'United Sta es. Re out That immediaie report ,be made tq Major L b..Tutner, Judge AtlvocaUt, in order that such tiersons may tia.tiied 'before a mill- Ws , coiptniesicio. Third The expenses. of such arreikand pritonment will be certified to the,Ohlef dark 'ot*the War; Departmetit for,tiettlemeiit and pay ment. (81gried.) &rim M. &haws, Seeketary of War. An eider his been issued by the. War Depart ment prohibiting any pertain !tablet* be drafted froM leaving the co antis,. . . PROM ,CITAMJI,ERSBURG. 1 THE TW 41111 CENtlykEEtiiHE IL DEITEIOT , liom Edward ld'Pherson Re-Nominated for Congress. • , . . The thilon Conferiike day nnanitpOrplf nocoioated the Ron. Edwsil Yr Pgersi* for re , election to COll2OBBB frOm the Se,ienfienth Dis, trict, composed of the dhuntiee of - Somerset • Bedford; Paton, Fraoltlin' and Adams. FRONt TEtiiESSEE, Reported - of •Gen: Robert,lll!Cook. - 4 • • Cumerfree l / 4 _ Ornit.7, A. dispatch to t the Onsiaircicdlfeopl Der-citerd; Tenn.,' tap; Gen ;Hobert 4'look 'Was tinirdertd Yghlln riding in his day Ittergia yeretday, in advatiee of his britivide. • '1 Nog Angel& Robert was shot' by a tatty of guerillas' near 'fittien; Ala., yesterday, while he was /Mini loWarde Winchester, Tenn.Vilolf,iin an ambulance.--r His ternains,reached here last awning. Oapt; Brooke;:-who' was with the:%neral; - was cap. Lured.. • U *, - ' - ' • 1 - - =I MARKidTS, BY Ti4L SORAP . H. , : ~ X, A ux;kitsrmins, August 8. Flour market firm, bats Ws den: and. 8 ilea 100013615. at $5, for superina $6 .60 WO 75', forests, and $6.00 (4 7 00,,c for. extra family and fine, lota,. Bye dour s .Wle - sOn arrival al, $8 37+. (ii 8 50 and 1500 bble, „Meal on pill vate terms. Wheat in Rood .reqtfellt and 6000 bush. red sold at $1 80 @).l 05.115,8 ye is wanted at 80 cle. Corn is active, andifiQcOhnsh, prime yellow sold at 64 and inferio,r $4.60:0383. oa4 steady at 45 la 46 for old ant, 8,6 ® 88 can New O. flee steady,. sbuttiot. touch in demand. No change in Provbifonx. : Whisky firm at SO (4 81 ata, 3 Y . k , ' •-: ;.,Nivr Yoas, August 8. ' - Flour steady; Sales of 96.060.-bbis. -Masi firm but quiet; baits of 96,0001.bu5b.: at $l.-.18 @1 20 fur Chicago aortae, $1;19®1• 24 lot L 4i isiiiikro i cl9o, $1 war,B4bried 4d $gE4 fd .9 1 1) vedelA 0 cod' steady; fp of ,000 :, it 7466tgat Old. Pork' no at $ll 26 for maze sad $8 76 for pritke. Lar steady. .IWhisity 406 .at t ii % Raosi- preptillou 184.794 bblsi ;: wheat 94,6 ash.tfoluinqlB,2B` bush. Flour steady alth g. fait demand. Whoa active. Wl3lle Corn„steady, yellow declln:. 20. Whisky steadi - arB2c. Coffee dull. I "New York Money Market. Nem! Yong, Augusta,. eiobge val nes' dull' st26G'26 p. 43fOs' f*lbiliter.:4l l .4 l lti f l. 66 Illinois Centel IL 111. , 69e ; ILLnois Ceram bonds 961 ; Mlubigan Southern 69j; Central 98; Prins: coal 98 ; Reeding B. B. 69 1 Tenn., 6s. 60; ,:er tinh three,tenthal $ 1 Qh LoPPNI•BI4 488 1 . 991. On Thursday evening A ugust 7, 1 0 62, intuistonAtr. Joiv Meecestax,•Of NeWvyailait iti v entvi to ~inu.` da~ititis4huYii' . FOR 41EEE. Itorios jio l te4. 9to aigod,4:!*l ": 00i r& Hilt& I ; 'r''eouth Wsvra-P.6hooP • rendre 040 eliding" two-stere brlok !what. holistic/ Rh .t Gov Sr :Of toUIA I :area bud IftechOerry ey. The Lion littl* l lllo als4- 1 4 POO n .1.1 4 n proirivektest'.t en .per, till eoinVeted. Yin and sti - rtittirdn'e-zi ht the once of D - . C. rll r. reiniilsbuitelt •bel bald , d to neob.a veer on Or ,INCICAuI gnsc 49/' mg st 4•o93lPALithe.m?r% • .2- • '7Oll • • •••••.f • • rpligunderaignedof6iieott private i3ale; TWOrSTORY . RIiiiiIIETIOVSE I . o.o . Lkie i eWelp te, i'Mala.A' ' Ttie tads* /dad rettial twiimetietzpah,novaterasa/sirtalli.b a tindent hoproviai moo a. IF I' lartheriaturna.kout n lo n thevrepat r o: au.4-dtx* • - k-Rif gyp ,. P , SOSIR• - is r .gt e a ap 1 - 1 icroing E • 'hi ebjr 'iiiP - 111t' . '''' ~ , . .. , , • • , lz JAR- 'ion 'will' be made cm the -iobaiiri 'iiiirt, •S' utfauFlif Pally Ik.II co :sty, Peunsylva IsAirice br !ii , book .1 eieeet}eff thijr•_. s o t,.'afair iitizOl ton. ender .tbe tree b ilitkr_ itr*At,Pef' o ` Y;TaDia. '0 be helloed the .4, NRWiIENT BAlltplo be lezted .in tne boon it of "fiottifflilarF4W4llt4ll- lotlanix twithltii 040 •I='oh trey, Am ,m ourie t ,ws4.. tvileisteo - Iknoreaseit thel 'Wj. Rintaill€ll. 9 ..-4 , --,d..1. 4 firi- ' ! H. H. BUNIZEW.Ii. Pottsville, August II,1814'!. huldltwas INIM LEAVE _THE-101111TRY. Cittusio, Aug. 8, ; 'BAs. /Non, Aug. 8 lifl.l# t r tri',:iii'; --,'. '' ei 2thrertisments - PROPOSALS - FOR UNITED STATES MAIL PENNSYLVANIAi' Poor OFFICII ifIPARTKINT, Washingt"luly 81, 1862. PROPOSALS will be received at the Contract Office of this Department until 10 o'clock A.• M ,91:rueeday,Agpteto_beTA) igtp, for con veyinitbe mails OrtbrilitalAegiates to Penn sylvtulia, from November 1,1882, to June 80, 1864-,Joit the route! and by the schedules of le and arrivals herein specified. (Being, with some exceptions, cooks eetablished ty acts of Congress, approved June 2 and July 14, 1;862)wt - I ' • D:cisobsiannottriaed by October 7, 1862. 2774 Fr;m Ansonville, by McGarvey's and Westover's; to Cherry Tree, (Newman'il 14111a.P.,0„) 24 milesand back, once a week. Leave A:nsdniille Batrirdai at 7 a m ; Arrive at Newman's Mills by 1 p m •, Leave Newman's Mills Monday at 10am; Arrive at Ansortville by 4 p m. 2776 From alowrialit, (High Lake P. 0.,) by Lake.Conf6, l to Talimarestrille, 8 miles and back, 'once a week. Bidders wig proposes schedule of arrivals and dePartures. 2776 From Barneirville to braltaniiy City, miles and back, three times a week. - 'Leave Bameavide Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 10 a m; Arrive at Maiminey City 1y 12m • Letiieldahrinoy City Tuesday, Thursday and &sturdily:at - 2 p m ; Arriviat, Bartlesville by 4 p m. Proposals tor six times a week service are Invited. ' • 2777 From 13ethleheni; by Sticenereville, Wert versville, -and Itraideniville, to Peteral villa,- 1 .5 alp?' lack, threa,times a y . Leave ' Berbleheiri liredneeday and Friday at 91 a M Arrive. at pptereyill& Rkut ' lectie`reterafillii T uesday, Tfilii;l4l4 and Saturday at itta m ; Arrive at Bethlehem by 2} p m. 2778 from. 4etkilebein, 13y Banciverville and Bah, to "Sleekneniville, 14 miles sad -back, tlinie times & week. Leave Batillehatn Monday, %Anemia:3 , and Friday at 10 a in • i Arrive at Sleckneravilleby 2 p rn ; Leave •Sitiatnersi'itio Teriaday, Thursday and. Saturday at 6.a m ; . Arrive at Bethlehem by 9 a in. Proposals to bommence at Bath are in -vite: .- 2779 From Briokerville, by BberWslitore (Bar tsch: P. 0) and Lincoln,..toßphratah, 10 miles andback, six timeta week. Leave Biickerville daiiy, except Sunday, at 8 a M. Arrive at Eirhintab by 11 a in; Leave Ephratah.dally, except Sunday, at 2pm. Arrive at Briritervillehy 6 p m. 2780 From Calletiatiarg to Emlen.tori, 12 Miles anti bawls, once . .ire a►llenstinig liOnrla3i at q ! iuk ; Irtiirelietiolentoti 'by 10 s ni; Leaste'Eadenton'ilonday wt 1 p m; Artive at Oalleneburtby 6 p m,, , • 2781 Fiom Oajlensburg. b ; Lore, (Jefferson Fur .neee,P: Oses, and Oran ' 'berry, `te, Oil City, 80 milea and Utak, twice a week. -• • ' Leave CallensburgLhiondity and Friday at Arrive ir't Oil City 'by' 4 p in; Leave Oil City Tuesday and Saturday at • Arrive at.aalleesburg by 4 p m. -41leorkileitrlelfe aye nvtted. 5782 From 'Centreville, (Slippery Sock P.) by ...alviutt's,../ilds, ; to. Anandale, 16 miles and,back, mice a wprk,, „ Leave Slippery Bock Wedr?. y atl p m; aluive.atAnandalecby.kipm; Leave Amanda e . Wedeesuay at 9 a m; ' Atilie`aftifpßerY Rocrbrl.2ln. 2788 From Cbsikigtton,: :by l'ifilkstotte and Bacifrkgrt. Mink to Arroyo; 16 miles and back, ! ,on cci a t w i ek ‘-‘ • ' Leave, railkigton ElatnidaY it 7 m; Arttve at .Avro,f&bi 12 ui . Leave -Am:4v caturday at 4 p tni • Arrive at Clarington by 6 wilt. 274 From CoNtabla to . Silver 43pritiK, 4 miles 'and back lyrice Wedneediikand 'Saturday , at .2*pni;' . . • Arrive atAilvet• sprivg by 8 p m;• Leave gilver Spring Wednesday and.Satnr day at 10 a m; Arrive it Oobimbia by 11 Win. • Proposals tot tbree-times.a,week Service are invited 2785, *nil CoivdefipOTt i by _ to pen; V miles and back;"conce a week. • ••.• Leave Cciwchintpett Monday, rat 8 a ; Arrive at Shippealyb p m.;• - Leave Sh l ppen Tuetvfay at m ; Oowdehiphit - by" 1) - M. 2 7 86 Firuki.laaton, 07 MaLtin!e.GTeek, Boston ht _and eant Bethel, to'Dilre Ferry, 20 Mika ma back, 'oboe iciebk. ;LeafelGiiiton Thom* at'lly at ; Anitie at Dill's Feriby 8 pm • Lworti Dill's get:ryll}tinalliy , at 7 a rn Xrrlve at faitoo by:l2 in. PrOPoiali more` 1'1.444' - are Invited ; also'to tommetioS at Allartires ~oreK k and end at Mount Betbel. 2787 From Edenebuig,,,by Ffett Station and Btrengitainn, tiVlgivitruM's 'Mills, 80 sail 4 and bail,' once Leave Ebensburg Friday at Bam ; - Arrive at,Hevrman'sits by 4 p ra ; heave. Nellian's Mill's Saturday at 8 Airlve'afEbenebriig by 4. &U. • . • Eiroposabi 03MMen0e ayskitrongstowzi, • /Pat* Us 4 dintittlef eve invited. r • z7 BB vta, treobroy, L iknttaville. NeW Seinitylstx; Leid Gieen Gar to Holt, 14 miles andd beet, once a LeavuEiniceni.Satniday, at 1 p m ; AiriVe at Holt by 6,p m , ; ,, Leave Holt Saturday at 7 a m ; Arrive at Economy by 12 in. Soposals, to. commenm at Seventy-sii, 8 ions distance n re invited, 2789 From Forest Lake Centre, by Middle toirn . lickson 'valley, 10 - ooiles aod'baok,•"onoe a week ,LeayeXurest, Lake Centre Saturday at 8 Arrive at Jaclison alley 1;118, p ; ValleyhaturditY at 11 a m; Airivelit;lrdnatliakeCentre by 2 p m i • 2790 From Garland, by Squib.- West, (Eater-, prise,) Pleasantville, (Holland P. 0 a Plumer •itfid-'-ltheieville, to Oil City, -86 reilee,an& back, six Ames a week. .Leave ,Garland daily , except . Sunday, at Arrive at Oil City, - by 6 • Limits °deity daily, except 'Sunday; it 8 Arrive at Garland.* 6,'p oi r r ; 2791 From Greendbitig, Pleasant U nity. to Slabisteirn 16 lilies and' hack, thred • thaeaskvieek. ' Lealt 4 ,GretP4lNPX.Monds.i r -Wednesday, eed ii4archtYht,..l2l Arrive di Stiibliteiiii.ty 'Leavei;Stabistoein IfendityPWidnesday, :ozutSakuilayastifka ow; - Arrive at Greensburg by 11 &Alp,-• Proposal's to end at Pleasant thiitif ' miles Ins diatonic, are Invited. Dim 2thintietnunts ---- 2792 From Kittaning, by Burallalley, Smacks- burg, and bmitteo, telqinxutawney, 86 miles and back, minis week. Leave litttaning Monday at 114 a mi Arrive atlnext.tawney by 91 p in; Leave Punzutawney Tuesday at 6 a in; Arrive at - lEittaning by 24 p in. Appeara to be covered by existing service; if so; will not be let. 2793 From Lancaster, by Willow Street, Mar ti /IL-Am Pra - Vilenge,and Carmen .--4- ig uaiiie,l6 miles SD three times a week. Leave Lancaster Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 24 pin; Arrive at Quarryville by 7 p m; Leave Quan yville Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at..E4 a m; 1, Antra IttLancadtei by 10 a in. ... , 2794 Fiche' M;rvinsburg, by Acksoti Coniief, to -,Tanneasville , 13.- miles and back, . • 'imieeliveit'ic. I s om Leale II tubbing TneediY at.l2 m; &titre, it : •°' Oville by i lifp Mt ~ - -- - Lave . eitirkilliTutaday at 61 m; Arrive at ldervinsburg by 10 a in. 2795 From Matazow, by Slute'e oOrners, Dale villa, and Spring Brook, to Pittstoo, 24 mil eii and back, three times II Week. 1 Leive Mtwotow Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 4p m; - . .. Arrive at Pjttbton by 10 p in; Leave Fittetok lkionday, Wednesday, and Friday at :4 p in; Arrive at Moscow by 10 a.m. Proposals to end at Spring 'Brook are in vited 2796 From Nazareth, by iicerestoft, Sleek nersville, Patereville, Newhards, Cher ryville, and Berlinsville, to Slatington, 20 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Nazareth Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 12 m; Arrive at 6lmington by 6 p in; Leave Slatington Tileaday, Thursday, and Saturday at 10 a m; Arrive at Nazareth by 4 p in Frei:ools to enbracenanielsvMe, between .onerryville and Berlinsville, increasing distance three miles, are invited. 2797 Ft out New Blooralleld, by Dellville,Orier's Tavern, and Barthinger's Store, to Fen wick, (late litorleyton,) 20 miles and back once a week. Leave New Bloomfield, Thursday at 9 a m ; Arrive at FfimetickAr ft p M ; Leave renwick.Friday It 10 a in ; Arrive at New BloomtHd by 6 p m ; 2798 From Newry, by blue Knob and Switzer, to Saint Claireville, 28 miles and back, once a week. Leave Newry Friday at 104 a m..; Arrive at Saint Olairsvillis by 6 p m ; Leave Saint Olainitille Saturday at 74 am, Arrive at Newry by pm; 2799 From Oxford. by Hopewell Cotton Works, Glen Roy, Oak Hilt, Goshen, and Wake field, to Peter's Creek, 18 miles and back, 0 times ffireek:, Le the Oxford daily, except Sunday, at 2 pmt Arrive at Peter's Creek - by 8 p ; Limit) Peter's Creeklithly, except Snn ddy,'at 6 a jri Arrive at Oxford m. 1800 From Pine Grove, by Friedensburg, to Schuylkill Haven, 14 miles and back, once a week. - Leave - Pine GroveSsturday at 8 a m ; Arrive et Schuylkill Haven by 12 m; Leave Schuylkill Haven Saturdayat 1 p m; Arrive at . Pine Grove by 6 p m. 21901 From Reynoldsvide to Rockdale, (local,) 8 utiles and ten*, Pace it.week- Lets'in /or Reynoldb/a Tuesday at 1 p m ; Arrive at Boadate by 81 p m laaveoßoc 2802 Elder's Ridge, Long Run, Sb idy Plain, Cock ran'd Mill's; arid , adman's, 'to Kitten . leg;t6 miles and bark once a week. Leave salmi:or% Monday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Kittaning by-6 - 0 m. - Leine Kituinirig - Tuesdily at 6 a in; Arrive at Saltsburg by 6 p m. Proposals for twice-a-week service are in ' vited. 2803 From Schuylkill Haven, by Cressona, to Tremont, 16 miles and back, six times a week. _ - Leave Schuylkill 'Maven daily, except Sunday, on arrival of mail from Pbila delpbia-,laty at .1 m • Arrive at Tremont by 4i p m ' • Leitve Tremont daily, except Sunday, at 11 a m ; &rile at Schuylkill 'Bitien in time for Philadelphia, say by 21 p m. 2804 From Springfield Furnace 50 13ruce, 4 miles and back, once a week. Leave Sprjugfield Furnace baturday at 9 am,; Arrive at Brims by 10 a m ; Leave Bruce Saturday at 7 a m ; Atrive"at Springfield Furnacie by SA in. 2806 From Warfordeburg, by Mount Airy; Em maville and Chtrry Grove, to Bloody Ibut,.2l3milee anarbselt. once a week. Leave. Warforcisburtt-Monday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Bloody Run by 2 p m ; Leave Bloody Rini Tuesday at 6 a rai Arrive at Warfordsburg by 2 p m,, - 2806 From Washington, by: Amity; Teo Mile, and'.Clarksville, to 'Rice's 'Lending, 86 miles and'back, three times a week. Leave Washington Tuesday,Thursday and Saturday, at 1 p m ; Arrive at nice's Landing by 9.p p ; Leave Rice's Landing - Monday, Wednes• day:nd Friday; at 9 a m ; Airive at Washiugton by 5 p in. 2807 From Tannersville. by Mervinsville, to Mildeuberger's, 16 miles and back, once a week. Leave Tannerstille Friday at 7 a m ; Arrive at Mildenberger's by 12 m ; Leave Mildenbatger's,Friday at 2 p m ; Arrive at Tannerseilletby,7 p m. 2808 From Tioga; by -Bailey iCreek, Rutland, and Hariansville, (Aulditiville P. 0.,) to Columbia Cures Boadi, 20 miles and -back, thr‘ ee . times a week. Leave Tioga Mon&ty, Wednesday and Fri- day; at 10 a m Arrive at Columbia Cross Road' by pmy leave Columbia Cross Roads Tuesday, lbursdarond Saturday, at 6 a m ; Arrive at liege by 12 in. 2809 Froth 'Carlisle,' by Carlisle Springs, Star rett'a Gap,"Sberman's Date, and Warm Springs, to landieburg, 19 miles and back, six times a week. Leave Carlisle daily, except Sunday, at 8 Pm; Atrigeat Landisburg by 8 p m ; LWvelandisiiiihr, -daily, except Sundays at 8 a m • Arrive at 1 p m. For torment proposal, guaranty and =tiff! . catty and instructions as to the conditions em braced In the contracts, see pamphlet adver tisement July 811862, to tislound at the prin ciple postofilces along the routes.- . M. BLUE, Postlitistir General: sue draw-wow _ F A MILY, WASIIING gLITE, excel lent Subilitato IndivOtor mile it the wholesale and retail opeeg mania( NICHOLS & BOWMAN; , , _ „ (*tier of,Nraut, and Market mtre yte VICIIR.A.:7 A MILT FbOtrit, a'ehtiioe Cat Exirilhaiiiiintia, all warranted-by bbl. , 'or t awdrjait mania & awd roc arreliw by MEWLS k BOWYN, JIM Carrier trans and Maim meets. Nem ',.iJuits CHARTER OAK FAMILY FLOUR, UNEXCELLED BY ANY IN THE UNITED SPATES AND SUPERItA 10 ANY FANCY BRAND 4 pFF BRED IN PENNSYLVANIA 12 IS MADE OF CHO= 'IIIISSOUgt ii HITE Wlnit Mir De hared •n 7 $ 3 el, rye city, free of chug. TAMES, Cash on delivery. .1, 30 W v_ LOCK, Jr , &Co CLASS FRUIT JARS!! SELF SEALING. BEST AND CHEAPEST ! ! CALL AND EXAMINE, )7 80 PUBLIC SALE. VALUABLE AND DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE WILL be offered at public sale, Thursday, the litti day of Septem . 2 o'clock, at Blint's Hall In the city of arrlsh v q hi.syth we acres of land with La axe licit ir e: , bons :and barn and outbitUdlcma, 'Basted tie City f darris4arg and par Via watar t to. ash:; This property is altuat• d on the -outh of unmet:. town turnpike, a portion of *hie • h e a . .aut,:al 1 cation on a till, di, a tly facing the city of hi r tram cc be sold In t e acre lo -INISIoto pl 08ofroncid situatedin Market to z , ad °icing Jones' House, haring a front of :7 ieet atl.l site ding , bao. 137„4 feet to Li e thenm ex cted a two story br,k house with two at rt ~: k brt Is nutunin.4 taul haw lug toe use of s t tact 418 Y on Market d oar', coins one of t d-ara lee tua ., on •fo ins ness • private res detms the eitY MIL iu giv 1 n USG of Oct•ib•r •x: .0 ad t cos of silos are 10 per met of the pu chki mone y to o e veld o . the day of a de, toe Oahu rot. oho nal( of the pure+ ass money wn n he MI. Li made, and the oalam e in two equal in nal p., ms wlthin4 ast,frout t e time possession isgiven. Tale secarad by bonds and mortgago, A plan f %Le Stott Rem.' an be Feet at h , and rboe -tore of A. Hummel, ilex. clop, to t Court House, Hares nrg LAW AUSIDOSIL.:O will be given b te.0111 , .: PUIDIFL 551 ALB R HUH Executor of David Liu one , jrZfri.d's THE PIC NIC OF THE SEASON "TURN OUT ONE AND ALL" THE FdIENDSHIP FIRE COMINY, OF HARRISBURG, Will give a • P I C --N I C 5 AT MUIVIAIA'S WOODS , NEAR MECHANICSBURG, ON TUESDAY, AUGUST TWELFTII, All the citizens of nanphin and Gunberlsnd MEL • ties are respectfully larked to participate. EXCURSION TICKETS, Will be issued on the Camberiand Valley Behold making the fare only ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS from Harrisburg to Mechanicsburg and return. Gen tlemens tickets twenty flee cents, admitting them in the woods. All respectable ladles are invited whited farther charge than their tam WEBER'S STRING BAND will bee ittendenee. The oompany have also epe.l to talie th air kteareimpine along and piss a tr,_ • echo nice) nig durhik the cay, for the tenet I:: NI , sons who have never seen It work. The here liar riebnrg at 8.4 w, and returnint ha • meehanlestourg at 0.46, ie. at. ,11 perpors requested to purchase their tio.ets before entering eel:Lent manors will be allowed cr ttyr grounds and all persons are positively forbiadaa come on the grounds intoxicated SULU' , tin .14D, A NDRIM SCEVAYER. TOITOEIT, AB&aua l STitE 4 , 0 OR ati - Manager: N tt. It . is hopedthat our citizens wi I all join upCnba an old' style Nil; as our olbeat make enough mot* to make a payment nue pp ula Steam nglne PURIFY THE BLOOD. NOT a feW of the won t disorders *hat . Mid mania d at se 'roin the corrupt on the ClUlltaattas to toe blood. Of all the discover' the' more been made t purge if out, non •he •be a thane !which t.0.1d end In aat ru. UP .ITsto ,rr ar r 3.../AnaraulLia /a , 1-111 ee and cars el the r l od, h et 111 he vigor of haalt loco 'he y t to and purges oat th, humo r - uuich make die ae. It all a tar. , t. • bealt y ettlethea• of the b dy and exp:tb lb, Maar We owe d cart la In th bl otl. • e es tro•rd war virt , es are not pct wo err known, tt. t mb nt ey melt I.ld no misger Ie a ‘,nest •nWI at remedy to ern lo In $h gra t vac sty tt ,ftlletng ~ b e ohs teat eon r • en igte sive r.m dy. En he could b re led on, hsl ug been sou-ht ,r,allo. now, or the Ore. tie, toe I tad. have n, a a win, b thi Can dap= t Our space n.redimo not adm t o rt dos es t :hew it- eiro hut fhb trial of a single b , t r wit' Ain t i e if g (ha It ha virtucs lir, as-mg au , thtag re ever PoPoken. rulf•v•re ire deem fa .1 . .in us Seel Mgt ds to N. ete re. Sk is D swat, Pinepk., r,1144, B 0 dist, ArL p ioas ay $c - coo el. ague out 0' t ,y ten. rt Aethoey's fire, Rosso , X.ripdat, ii er or Set Mean's. :tiara Bead, hintrteorra So., a o d not ne borne whil , they cau be ,o aembly enrol by Avon hat 1301.31L1 AOC.= or Tagerfai Diseatet 1a rxpilled from the cyst 'm their 14.0. use of this alk,rallitte, ant the wt eat is ct ft a • laatthy ha ,f he boa [Wirer tad the about.. AtnaLs Diseases are canted by so'cfn'a in the blcod, and are genets ly coon oar. d by t,l. lixissrt of saes,. rice Stier bate, or 6 b•diles fur (5. Far all th, nr.Of ee ot fm ly pbsel . take Preod O.II3HaisTIO i h are a rywbere Ito We to bo the b purgative t I offeted t•t e Ao 'than $3. p irVe la cents per BOX or 6 bere fir $l. Prepared by J. ADP h hoW 1, and cod y la a everywt e e. Id by A B rt, W Gres& C,o , II). Kel• lr, J. M. Lets , lir. hi es, F. Wyeth .nd drau , s 1 where GAIETY MU - SIC HALL. OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN EVERY EVERY EVERY EVERY NIGHT NIGHT NIGHT NIG , iT. NEW NEW NEW NEW TROUPE TROUPE TROUPE TROUPE. B CAR , SPARS STARS STARS. ACTS ACTS ACTS ACTS. MONS MONS. mONS. MONS DE LOUIS DE tarts DE LODIS ThitRIFIC ERRIFIC TERRIFIC BAR BAR BAB BERTHELON BERTHELON. RALLIS RALLIS. MIIBRY, PERRY, 'UNBORN, 808 EDWARDS, DONNEL AND The Queen of Song, MISS JULIA EDWARDS, Three Btar Female Singers and Dancers are orPs" by every train. DOD ail to come and see Ps: Omission ovir " ad 16 cents. 808 EDWAPS, sole Leeme se_r !Wier. iN4 BE TtiuLOzi, :Aiwa 3094"' CAMP WRITING COES, coming t. PAPER, ENVRDOPES, PENS. PECILS. a ths Ahapsack- Pries coot Just the thingto car*" I plete, oa 788 "113 ' 6 ° 1:1 h 11,4. CHEAP coße SToaE. EXKorritirs NOIICE. QAB, 411. A. ALDRED, Executrix of Li Os edit. of Thomas 1 red, dee' , Ode cf the AT of Hort burg, Dee Ate eouaty, hoeing !et: "tiYlAlt7doorsema bpTtettlt; tit t 4 t f o u tsta the e ha lig tgtelisia bused' iiiitineadcav24 94. Lwow:orwiinc o na proper t , to ttwo 09T4 Paafd 410"1"1" 51144° WM DOCK, .I¢. ACT ACT ACT.