II .........,..(-% . • , . I . . . . _ • ''''‘. . • • . ~ . . 1 1 4 , ~ _ i . . . . ./.. . I _„.„,.\,' - -- - -'-. -'-- - - -'---. . _ . BY GEORGE BERGNER. THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE BERGNER. TERin.-Sum= F.IIBSOREPTIOS The Dray TZUGRAPII is served to subscribers in the city ate cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $1 coin advance. WISELY AID Bstll WIINLY Tuurentarn. The TIMIGH•I9I is also published twice a week during the session of the Legislature, and weekly during the remainder of the year and furnished to subscribers at the following cash rates, viz: Single subscribers per year 2erai-Weekly..6l 60 Ten u u " u ..12 00 Twenty " " " ..22.00 Single subscribers, Weekly 1 00 RATE OF ADn=3I:NG sr Four lines or less constitute one half square. Mght lines or more than lbw conititute a square. Half Square, one day one week $O 26 . 1 25 " one mouth .... ~.. 2 60 • 0 three months 4 00 4. 6lz months ..... ..... 6 00 ', One year 10 00 . Put:mare, one day 60 one week 200 " one month • 6 00 ‘• three months... t - 10 00 .. six months 16 OD 41 one year - , 20 00 zer Business notices inserted in the Local alma' or before Marriages and Deaths, EIGHT CENTS PER LINE for each insertion. Afir Marriages end Deaths to be cbarged as regular advertlaemente. intbital HELMBOLD'S ',GENUINE PREPARATION wHIGHLV CONOENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BVJEIO, A Positive and Specific Remedy For Messes of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and excites the ABSORBENTS intn 'healthy action, by which the WATERY OR CALCAREOUS depositions, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are reduc ed , as well as PAIN AND INFLAMATION; and is good for MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN. RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUOHI3, For Weaknesses Arising hum Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Tarlylln discretion or Abuse. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : Indisposition to Exertion, Lose of Power Loos of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing; Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Ilisesse, Wakefulness, Dimnesi c$ Vision, Pain hi the Back Outvoting Lassitude of the Muscufgr System, Hot Hands, • Flushing of tEe Body Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions on the Face PALLID COUNTS:NAME, These symptoms, If allowed to go on, which this med loin invariably removes, soon Mows IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC JUN IN ONE OP WHICH THE PATIENT MAT MIRE. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by t hose "DIREFUL DISIAEKB J 'I "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION!' Zany are aware of the came of Ahab atiliertag, BUT NONE WILL OONEISS. THE RECORD:I OF THE INSANE ASTLUMB, And the Melancholy Death, by' adesusrptfon, MR AWL. Winne TO Mt UMW CM 21111 A/1811XIION. THZ CONSTITUTION ONO& AIITIOIM WITH ORGANIC WEAHNHISH Requires the aid or medicine to strengthen and Inatelhe s nom alampoura EXTRACT BUOEILI i r soisreobly doe yviem, • Tour. WILL 0111tTION rue HOST sternai. • IfyliLtim, • I OR YOUTTG, litataiLtXtitezwur nitpu titt curerawatiow TING MGR, FIN RANT AITEINIONS PEOULIAR TO FBMALRS, the Extract &who is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Ohlorosla or Retention, Irregularity, Pala illness or Suppressio nof Customary Resoustions, Ulcerated' or ll*thoas slate' of the Uterus, Lettcorham Whites, Sterti ity, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from Indiscretion, Habits of 'Dissipation, or in the DEOLINIIO2IO.IIANGEBIMPTOXTAII 0 NO FAMILY SHOULD BE 'WITHOUT IT I Tan No mom Bumf, Mau; oa smr,llm. COM VON WOUFILOT MID DAMMAM DIFWOIS. EILIIBOLIPS SZTRACT BUCHU Pit coos SEOEET DISEASES. Di all their Stager, At little Expense ; little or no change In Diet ; No inconvenience. And no It causes a frequent distant ,177 r, strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions. Preventing and Outing Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying bin and Indlatninatio so frequent In the elms of diseases, and expelling all t, Dsidased and taorwoug Matter. THOMSON lIPOII Tsetwasva IIHO HOT BON UM non= OP QUACKS, and who have pad nut to be oared In a abort Ume,have !band they were deodved, and that the "POI. SON" has, by the use of "rowstann. assounawne, " been dried up fn the system, to break out la an aggravated form, and PERHAPS AMER MARRIAGI. Use IlimandVa Cr.ffreeo Brow for all affection' and diseases of the . . . . . URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in MAIM OR 1 1 1114 ALIC, From whatever cause origtnatiwz and no matter or ROW LONG STANDING. Diseases of them Organs require the aid of DIURIGIO HILISSOLD'S maim DUO= IS THE MEAT DIURRCIO, And Is certain to have the desired' Wawa In all Diseases FOR mum IT IS RBOORMINDED. Barden°. of the sod reliable end retpowsble thereat dr aooompheY the medic "' COMMUTES OF MSS, Montt to2o yeast gat:dim, Wrta Natok "sows m SCONCE AND PAM Price $1 00 per bottle, or EL: for $6 00. Dellmored to any address, amnesty packed from obser vation. MOUSE SYMPTOMS IN ALL COMMONIOATIONS. Carta Guaranteed t Advice Gratis I AFFIDANTE Personally appeared bdore me, an Alderman of (the city of Philadelphia, H. T. Hicantan, who being duly sworn, dot* say, his preparations contain no narcotic, no mercury, of other Injurious drugs, but are purely cage. table Sworn and subscribed before this 284 day of No ',ember, 1864. wmAli t tum a 0 .4 1 =6 00, 11se letters for information in confidence to H. T. HELBEBOLD, Cbemiet, iIeMLYI4 Booth Tenth St. bal. Chestnut. Ph* m."f„ a ta Ob" cov.kTmarkarts --um:Taiwan mms, Who eadeaeor Tun , ow e, an d gyy run t, 112101.111 OS !® Rirolutton Witizam gebtsboldhs fie Preek mani 44 to Lxtract Bult n 4f 44 " bask;rill; IMPrO RosekWebb. Boldid Ved Nadas* by Of K. Heller. D. W, GrOns, 3. wy eth , IQ A, AND ALL DRUGILITA EVERY Wattnit. Asx FOR lIIMEMDPS. TAKE NO orRER Ord out the advertiooment and Bead tor ti, AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND Uposina novlB4ll3' DENTISTRY. D. GEO. W. STDIE, gradaate of the aanisi or e college of Dental Surgery, havingp Or me:madly located in the city of Harrisburg and taken the Moe formerly ocatiplad by Dr. Borges, on Third Street between Market and Walnut, respectfully informs him blends and the polio in general, that he Is prepared to perform all operation in the Dental prof/salmi either malice lor mechanical, in a manner that shall not be surpassed by operators in this or any other city. His motto of inserting artifetal teeth IS upon the latest Im proved ecientillc principle. Teeth, from one to a NI ftt, mounted on line bold, Sliver, Pliable. plates or the Vulcanite Base. 1 lake great pleasure in recommending.the Wm gen tleman to all my former friends or airrisbing sod- v - utility, and fool confidetit that he will perfornLalt opera: ilonslo a sfdeutigo name; itoin my know dila of bin isorp4tl:l f. J .8. WIG LI .11, . DR. JOHNSON 33.4L3GTIBir.C:110XLMI LOCK HOSPITAL! IHAS discovered the most certain, speedy end enteral remedy in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. mar. LS SIX TO ITSLV/1 HOLUM No Mercury or Noxious Drugs. A Cure Watramted,lor no Charge, is from one to Two Days. Weakness of the Sack or:Limbs, Strictures, ADAM= of the kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary discharges, Im potency, General Debility, Nervousnees, Dyspepsy, Lan. guor, Low Spirits , Oonfusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight Or Sid& ness, DI cease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin Affec tions of the Liver Lungs, Stomach or Bowels—those ter rible disorders griming from the Solitary Habits of Youth —those mesa and solitary pract cas more fatal to their victims than the song of z-yrens to the Mariners of Ulys ses, blighting their most brillittnt hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &c., Impossible. Young Zen lisped&My, who have become the ;victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annual ly sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might-otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full oonfldonce. Marriage. Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating mar riage, being aware or physical weakness, organic debill. ty, deformities, so., speedily cured. He who plat= himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and con fidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. Organic Weakness immediately Cured, and full vigor Restored. This distressing Affectionwhicit renders I lie misera ble and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. , It °nog persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. New, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the pow er of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into im proper habits than by the prudent Besides being de prived the pleasures of healthy oil:Spring, the most se rious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loma of Procreative Power, Minions Irratibility, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Hearty Indigestion, ConsUtutiona I. Debility, a Westing of the Frame Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. filoe, South Street Left hand side going from Baltimor Frederick e streeti a taw door. teem the corner. Wail not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doc• tor's Diplomas hang in his aloe. " Cure Warranted in Two Days. No Mercury or Nauseous Drays, Dr. Johnson, Member of the Royal College of Burgeons, London, Grad uate from oue of the most eminent Colleges in the United State*, and the greater part of whose ble has been spent In the hospitals of London, Parts, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the most astonishing sures that were ever known.; many troubled with ringing In the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed ht sudden sounds, baaldhlaess, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind Were cured immediately. Dr. J. addresses all those who haveirdured themselves by improper indulge ~ ce and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either business, study, society or nuArtage. duriid.by7aitijilisbthisaliretikisiss of the Bach and Limbs, Pains In the Read, Dimness a Sight, Loss of Vascular Power, Palpitation of the heart, Dys pepey Nervous Trratibility, Derangement of theDtgestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms- of Consumption, h isminT.—The fearful abets on the mind are much to be dreaded—Lon of Memory, Confusion of Ideas,De. wasion of Spirits, Evil Forbodings, Aversion to Society Self Self Dietrust, Love of bolltude, Timidity, *O., are some or the evils produced. Twosome of personsof sal ages can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of eonzumption. Young Lon Who have *lured themselves by a certain practice in dulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or atschcal, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured render. marriage brotesibl/r4destroya both mind and body, should apply imm What a pity that .young man, the hope of hie coun try, the darling of his parents, should be 'Latched from all praipeota and enjoyments of Sib, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature and Indulging in a certain secret habil. Suish persons attlar, before contem plating maniam reflect theta sound mind and to are th e most neces sary requisites to promote connubial happineso. Indeed, without thee*, the. journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the molest:holly reflection that the happhaess of another becomes blighted with our own. Disease of Imprudence. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure ends that he has imbibed the seeds of this painful dis ease, it toe often hatinati that an Ul-timed sense' of shame or dread of dbicovery, deters him from applying to those who, from elneation and respectability, can alone be friend him, delaying till the constitutiollal symptoms on this hoer d disease make their appearance, such as ul cerated sore throat, diseased nose, • nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful= rapidity , till at hit the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall is, and the victim of this awful disease become a horrid object of comellseration, till death - puts a storied to his dreadful sufferings, by sending him to that Undiscov vexed Country from whence no traveler returns." It Ia a afAlSChalf lbcf that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskliftalinews of *na tant pretender's, who by the nee of that Dersdiy:Pek on, Mecum ruin the constitution and make the reddue o life miserable. Eitrazgers. Trust not your lives, or health, to the care of the many Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of know ledge, demo or characler, who copy Dr. Johnson's adrer vertisements, or style themselves in the newspapers, regekeyirduoated Physicians incapable of Curing, they keep you trilling month after month taking their 1:11W end poisonousness compounds, or as long as the smallest !be can be obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruin ed health to sigh over your galling disappointment. Dr. Johnson la , the only Physician advertising. His credential or diplomas always hangs in his office. His remedies or treatment are unknown to all others, prepared from a life spent la the gr eat hospitals of Eu rope, the Arta in the country and a more extensive Pri vate Prarlike than any other Physician in the world. H. T. IMMBOLD Indorsement of the Press. The many thousands cured at this institution year af bhyear, _and the numerous Important Surgical Opera tions performed by Dr. Johnson, wilneessad by the re porters of.the "Sun,” "Clipper," and many other pa pers, notices of which have appeared again and again -before the public, besides his standing as a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a sainolent guarrantee lathe &Misted. Skin Diseases Eipeedily Cured. Persons writing should be particular in directing their 14 tters tO his huititutira, in the Wowing manner : JOHN B. JOILNIBON, N. D. Ot the Bakimono Look Hospital, Baltimore, Md SALAD OIL. Al'4l°supply of fresh Wed Oil, in arse and mall bottles, and of different brands lust received and kr sale by WIC DOCK, aII. & CO. FRE CRACKERS by the chest or bolt, Jot received aid tar sale by NICHOLS di BOWMAN. jel4 Corner front and Market streets. .i f low cider vinegar, ,warranted, for sale low by NICHOLS fs - BOWIILAN. 746 Colter trout vitt ibsket lamas. iitOts2., Take Particular Notice. HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 9, 1862. Eittegrapt. TEE HARRISBURG Rai &mem, Capt..T. Wes ley Awl, are requested to meet at Brant's Hall, this (Saturday) morning at 8 o'clock to proceed to Camp Curtin. By order. HARRISBURG Cur Goeure, ilerrsunou I—All the members of Capt. Ball's company are re quested to be at their head-quarters this morn ing at nine o'clock, to proceed immediately to Camp Curtin. LAYING A CORN= STONE.—The corner stone or, the WesleYan Union church, ,(colored,) on thy corner of South street and Tanners alley, will be laid with appropriate cerimonies on next Sunday afternoon at three o'clock. The public are respectfully invited to attend. PATRIOTIC DEMOISTRATION AT HIIMMELSTOWN. OFTPOVRING OF THE PEOPLE. ~~~ Yesterday • was a gala day for the citizens of this ancient borough and its vicinity. The peo. ple were assembled for the purpose of bidding the noble young men of old Derry township an old fashioned farewell. NONNI IN TIEN TOWN The side walks and streets of the borough were crowded with foot passengers and vehicles of all kinds from the surrounding country. The oldest settlers were on hand with their wives and children to witness the departure of their sturdy relatives and neighbors, and at the same time relating their own experience during the revolution and the war of. 1812, urging the men of the present age to do likewise. T PAR4DE Capt. Henderson soon formed his men into line and paraded up and down the Hain street, and we 131134 here make the candid remark that a finer body of men were never mastered into the service of the United States.. They halted about the middle of the borough, where the roll was called, and some one hundred and twen ty answered to their names, who were sworn into the service of the United States by H. C. Alle; man, Esq., who bad been deputed for that pur , pose. PAitADB TO TEE 01/41L1P.D. After the men had been sworn In, thei were Am2.^.• which had been aceadatily prepared filr'Bialr reception. The procession was preceditny the Hummelstown Band, which disconried some excellent music. PItOCEE . DERGIS IN THE ORCHLED After the company had been marched and counter marched through the orchard, and placed in proper position, the Rev. Mr. Smith, of the Qerman Reformed church, called the vast assemblage to order, whereupon the band played the " Star Spangled Banner" in a most stirring spirit. The Rev. Mr. Emory, from Palmyra, then gave out the hymn, No. 970 from the Lutherad hymn book, "Hear us 0 Lord in time of need," which was sung with impressive effect by the assemblage. The Rev. Mr. Smith then read the lesson from the 91st psalm, " He that dwelleth in the most secret places," etc., which he accompanied with a few well rimed remarks. The same g entle man addressed the Throne of iar ace in an elo quent and fervent manner. . THI OA2II . OF AIINGLiNOM ADNU9UST4= After prayer, Capt. Henderson announced that the man, who had spoken contemptuously of the complmy, and who bad refused to pay anything towards its support, was present, and that he presented him before the audience in the person of Jacob Pease, from West Hanover township. Mr. P. appeared to be penitent and expressed a desire to take the oath of allegiance, which was administered to him by H. C. Alle ? man, Esq., after which the compemy forgave the offender. 811RVICH coNnNtrED. Order having been restored, the Rev. Mr. Huber, of the Lutheran church at, Hummel*. town, addressed the assemblage from the Scripl tureJ. words : "Be strong and quit yourselves She men." The address was most eloquent. The Rev. Mr. Smith again took the stand, and exhorted the young men who:svere just entering the service to be strong and quit them selves like men in an eloquent and Christian-like manner. The Rev. Mr. Emory closed the exercises with appropriate remarks, and bade the soldiers "Got h s speed." He also spoke feelingly to the relatives of those who were about leaving to fight for their country. The 1006th doxology : "Praise God, from whom all blessings flow," was sang by the assemblage, after which the benediction was •pronounced by. the Rev, Mr. Steelier, in German. • - • xsc COLLATION After the religious exercises, the soldiers and friends were invited to a long row of tables, which were filled with choice eatables, and all pszties,present Egiatook of a splendid dinner, which had been bounteously provided by the citizens of Ifrunmelstown. After dinner the procession was re-formed and marched directly to the depot, where, after waiting nearly an hour, the , soldiers, accompa nied by a large number of their friends, left the scenerof thole youth for camp life. They ar rived here safely, and are now quartered at OitalP Curtin. , PROM THE LOCHIEL CAVALRY OFFICIAL REPORT OP TEE AFFAIR AT TO/DELES- R 0. Wirmaxe, 9th, Penn's Cavalry Sra : The forcescomnianded by Major Jordan at Tompkinsville, composed of 260 men of com panies C., i:, M. and E. of the 9th Pennsylv'a Cavalry were attacked on the morning of the 9th ultimo by a Cavalry force under Morgan, numbering from 1500 to 2000 men tAid three pieces of artillery. The utmost vigilance had been exercised by Major Jordan to guard against surprise,' the surrounding country being peculiarlyadapted to guerilla warfare. We had marched the night and day before to Celina in consequence of the iepoit of a body of men at that place. We found it deserted and no indication of the pre sence of an enemy. We returned to Tomp kinsville on the afternoon of the Bth and were first apprised of the approach of the enemy by the firing of our pickets at 5 o'clock on the morning of the Bth. In less than five minutes - from the first alarm the men .were mounted and in line. Our line was formed on the top of a hill in open ground, surrounded on three sides by dense woods. The enemy dismounted and ripened fire on us with their small anus. Having no chance for a charge, Major Jordan ordered us to fall back on the woods. •At this time we first became aware of their having ar tillery, by their shelling the woods. Finding .6M further. resistance against' such odds was worse than useless, we were ordered to fall back to Burkmville, 28 miles distant, via Mac- Mlllin'e Ferry, ten miles from Camp, hoping to be able to make a - stand at the river. This oad we found occupied by the enemy in large 'folce, and at' his point, Major Jordan was taken prisoner. The retreat was then continued by the old Burkesville road. Col. Owen having left Burkesviile we followed after and overtook him about 7 miles northeast of Albany. Our lolis four killed, fifteen wounded and 'twenty, rtirssing—who are paroled. Capt. Belt ,yeas sli ghtly wounded in the shoulder • Lieut. Campbell was wounded, and is a pr isoner ; Lieut. Sullivan was killed. Owing to the sud: denness of the attack, we were compelled to abandon everything except what we had upon our person. I have:shoe learned from reliable authority, that the,enemy Buffered a loss of 27 killed beeides the - wounded which' cannot be estimated.. Col. Mint. of a Georgia Regiment was mortally wounded, and died at Tompkins ville on the 26th ult. We all mourn the lose of 'Lieut. Sullivau, who, after being shot from his horse, dis Charged his revolver at the enemy befOre expiring. He fell gallantly at the bead of his company. The officers,and men of this batallion behaved most gallantly. t herewith append a list of the killed and wounded. Lieut. Aaron Sullivan, comp. E, killed. Capt. James Bell, " IL, wounded Lieut. W. S. Campbell, " 0, Efl2l " Kunkle, " A.ndersou PHIVATIN Private John -Kuhn, comp. M, ." Shannon, " " Campbell,. " C, wounded " Sidman, • " B, ''- Pile , 44 44 'II "( am St Id 44 R anch, tI 4, el • Wickline, " Morton, if CI 44 I remain, Sir, Very respectfully, "four obedient servant, Wm. H. Emus, Capt. Comd'g 8d Bat. 9th Pa. Cay. BY TELEG FROM WASHINGTON. WAR GAZETTE. No Persons Liable to a Draft Allowed to Leave the Country. Locomotive Engineers and Telegraphic .operators Exempt from a Draft. Wasausnort, Aug. 8. - - WAR GAZETTE. • Was DIIPARTNANT, Washington, Aug. 8. f AN ORDIR TO PRIFNIT DIN VIARION OF ISILFaRY DUN! AND FOR TEES SINETRNSSION OF DISLOYAL WRACTICAIS. iirst. By direction of the President of the United States it is hereby ordered, that until further order no citizen liable to be drafted into the militia shall be ,allowed to go to a foreign country, and all marshals, deputy marshals and military officers of the United States, are directed, and all police authorities especially, at the ports of United - Btates on the seaboard, and °nth@ frontier are requestedto see that this .order' is - faithfully carried into effect. And they are hereby authorised and directed to ar rest and detain any person or persons about to .depart from the United States in violation of this order, and report to Major Turner, Judge Advocate, Washington city, for further in struction respecting the person or persons so arrested or detained. Second, Any person liable to draft, who shall absent himself from his County or State before such draft is made, will be arrested by any Provost Marshal or other United States or State officer wherever he may be found within the jurisdiction of the "United States and conveyed to the nearest military poet and placed on mili tary duty. forthe term of _the draft, :and the expenses of his own arrest and conveyance to such bout, and also the sum of five dollars as a reward to the oafficer making such arrest, shall be deducted from tds• pay. • Third, The wilt of habeas corpus is hereby suspended in respect to all persons arrested and detained, and in respect to all persons arrested for disloyaLpracticee. - [Signed] EDWIN M. STANTON, , Acreiary of War. Nimmons applications having been made to the War De partment by railroad- companies to exempt the ir employees fronfthe militia, itlias -been ordOred that wine but locomotive et:4l Ssorruorr, August 4th,.1862. f Oman : ~ 0 ~ " a,• wounded -.--_ news, in actual employment when the order for draft was made, can be exempted. The exemption of telegraphic operators is upon the gionnds that they are practicing an art necessary to military operations, and which being known to comparitiTely few persons their places cannot be easily supplied. From Gen. HOlellan's Army --r THE lIPROITION TO MALVERN HILL The Rebels Concentrating their Forme near Malvern. Safety of the Gunboat Sande HIADQIIMITiItS ARMY POT6IAO, AngnSt 8 Gen. Hooker remained at Malvern Hill until 12 o'clock on Wednesday night, when he fell back to his encampment, leaving strong guards at Harlan& The Rebels moved down from Richmond on three roads, concentrating their forces . near Malvern. They thought our whole army was advancing towards Richmond, when this move= went was merely a reconnoisance in force. The gunboat Sarsfield which has been aground some days above City Point was got off yesterday, and reported the enemy as hav ing appeared in considerable' force. They made no further demonstration than to drive our men a short distance. FROM PHILADELPHIA; DISTRUCTIVE FIRE IN THE FIRST WARD. =I Steam Saw Mill, Lumber Yard, Dwel lings, Shops, go., in 11mos, Pamemmeale, Aug. 8 This afternoon, just after 12, a fire broke out in Dolby's stem saw and planing - mill, located between Bansom street and the Delaware, be loiv Almond street. The mill was a large two story brick building, and filled with combustible matter. Mae flames spread through it , with , furious rapidity. They soon communicated with immense, quan tities of lumber piled up on the wharf. They were soon in a light blase. • So rapid was the spread of the flames that bat little time was allowed the persona occupy ing the buildings on: the west, fronting on Swanson street, to remove their - furniture, &c. - Dolby's mill was entirely destroyed with all its contents. No effort could be made to save it. Seven large brick homes adjoining, with a large quantity of luinber, coal sheds and Col lin's block, and 9 pump shops 'were also con- FROM BALTIMORE. THE ENDOLIAMSNT AND DRAFT Of TOL DRUMM, The excitement in this city among the dis loyal residents in view of their enrollment for draft has been very great for several days, and we regret to hear that some loyal citisens,are sending their sons off to prevent their serving their country in its hour of trial. The office of the British Consul has also been crowded for several days by parties eager to obtain exemp tions as British suljects, embracing those of English and Irish birth who are unnaturalised, and also many who have, whither naturalised or not, exercised the elective franchise for years past. The excitement ambng the disloyal has been increased this morning by a rumor to the effect that martial law is about being proclaimed in Baltimore to prevent the further escapade of those who are preparing to fly from the draft end that dispatches have been sent to Philat delphia, New York and Harrisburg to arrest and sent back several hundred of those who left the city yesterday. We do not know what reliance is to be placed in these rumors, but have no doubt that some decisive measures will be adopted to meet the end in view. In toe meantime we are pleased•to learn that the enlistments are promsaing quite rapidly since the subject of bounties has been settled, and that our loyal citizens are preparing to meet the duties of the crisis with a patriotic zeal that is quite commendable. - • Large numbers of recusant Americans are flocking into Canada. One of the Canadian papers thus welcomes them : " They have ig nominiously left their country, in the hour of her peril, to escape conscription—three times three groans for the sneaking cowards'.' The Wheeling Press of Thursday learns that several secessionists, understood to have left town en route for Canada, to avoid a draft, were arrested by order of Provost Marshal Darr, and, being brought back, were lodged, in the Athe naeum. . REBELS PREPARING. TO IN VADE KENTUCKY. CommAm, August 8 Special dispatches from Indianapolis my that a gentleman who has arrived from Knoxville, Tenn., reports that -a rebel force of fifteen thousand infantry, with a proportion of ar tillery and cavalry, was at that place, expect ing to march into Kentucky at an early day. RECRUITING : IN INDIANA AND 01110. • CLIRCINNATI, August B.—All the Indiana regi ments but, two are full. Considerable. excite ment prevails throughout the. State. Recruit ing progresses with unusual rapidity and all the regiments authorized to lie raised will be full this week. The Ninety-third Ohio regiment, Command ed by Col. Charles Anderson, a brother of Fort Sumter Anderson, is now- full, 1,000 men hav ing heen recruited-in 15 days.: in Montgomery, Butler and Preble counties. The City Wine% Chamber of Commerce and Merabera of the Bar held a meeting tbie morning to consider as to what action was ne cessary in relation to the murder of Gen. Mc- Cook. - The contributions to the:bountylund reach. $BB,OOO. - Attempted Resistance to the Enrollment let. Unto, August 7. A skirmish took place yesterday near Point Pleasant Missouri, between the citizens and State troops, in which it is reported that several were killed on both sides. It seems that the dawns bound themselves together to resist the enrollment act. Troops were sent from New Madrid to enforce the law, and hence the colli sion. Sr. Louis, August 7.—Brigadier General Dav idson hp assumed command of the military district of St. Louis. Col. Merrill, formerly commandant of this district, lies been commis sioned a Brigadier General, and will leave for *Ali Missourithis evening, where he will di * the operations against the guerillas. *la meeting of the Merohant'sisDnion Ex change, held at noon to-day, resolutions were peeled agreeing to close the business houses at fonro'clock r. n., for the purpose of drilling and organising the loyal citizens for military service, and requesting the proper authorities tro cerise a suspension of business throughout the hity after that hour for a like purpose. IRE QUOTA OF CHESTER COUNTY MORE ' The quota of volunteers under the late call, for Chester county, is now lull, and there are 'men to spare. Seven companies, entire, have 'reported. They are under command of Cap tain Hawley, James, Witchcraf, Orly, Crosby, Stott, and Hinckson. Several other companies have a large number of names on their muster rolls, and the good work is going on. A company of one hundred and twenty men, under command of Captain Jonathan Taylor, left here this morning for. Harrisburg, and About three hundred men from Ea=ton, for the satne destination, passed over the Lehigh Val ley Railroad. Colonel Philip 8. White made a patriotic address a few moments before the cue left, and was . followed by Caleb Yohe, Beg. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. NUN YORK, August 8. Cotton flimer; 1600 bales sold at 47 48c. Flour heavy; 16,000 bbls. sold, at $4 9b®,5 10 for State. Wheat heavy; 186,000 bush. sold, at $1 12/41 20 for Chicago spring, and $1 86 (41 56 for white. Corn heavy; 66,000 bush. sold, at 54(468c. Pork steady. Lard firm. Whisky firm at awl. Sugar buoyant at 1010 c. Coffee firm at 22c. for Rio. Molasses quiet. Freights dull. Stocks better. PIANO,. ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from tle bee STEW makers, from $2OO upwards. MELODEONS'. THE MIT MANUFACTURED INBTRU MESTA, FROM $45 to $lOO. Guitars, Violins, Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, :Violin and Guitar strings and musi cal merchandise in general. SHEET MUSIC. Beirnaitu, Aug. 8 THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS al ways on band. Music sent by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEWOO FRAMES, Suitable for looking glasses, and all kinds of pictures always on hand. LOOKING GLASSES From smelled to largest sizes. Any style of frame made to order at the shortest notice. LIFE INSURANCE. The Girard Life Insurance, Annuity and • Trust Company of Philadelphia. OFFICE NO. 408 CIIESTIV7I2 S.7EBET. (CHA.RTER PERPETUAL.) CAPITAL AND ASSETS. 81,648,880 THOMAS RIDGWAY, President.. JOHN P. JAWS, Actuary, - CONTINUE to make INSURANCE ON LIVES on the moat reason able terms. They aet as Executors, Trustees and Guardiatia udder last ,Wills. and as Receivers and Assignees. The capital being paid up and invested, together with a large and constantly Increasing reserved fund, Wenn perfect securty to the insured. - The premiums maybe paid yearly,half yearly or quar terly. The company add a BONDd periodleelly to the Inn renew for hte. The FIRST BONUS appropriated De cember, 1844, the SECOND B 'NUS D.:ember. 184 9, the THUD BOMUS in December, 1884, and the POIIETH BONUS in 1869. These additions are made without re. gulling any increase n the premiums to be pa id to the Oampany. The following are a few examplet from the Register : Bainl Bonus or Policy. I Insured addition No, 89 I $2500$ 881 NJ $8,387 60 132 I 3 0 00 1,050 tO 4,060 00 199 1000 400 00 1,400 00 383 6000 1,875 00 0,876 00 Agent at arrisburg and via ty, WM. A. PARICHILL,' PLUMBER AND GAS- F . I.T - T E R.- . Third Street, ruxt door to the Tel s egraph . °Pee- STORES, dwe ll ings, churches; , public bunahogg,faccories,aso., fitted up with gm, bad and irott pipe Ina workman like manner. Hydrants. Wash Wen; Bath We, lift and Force Pumps, Water Closets, Lead and Iron Pipe ftw water, gas and steam A sharp of Public patronage le respectfully Solicited. All work pr.suptlyattennen to. mySallirn. VIGS, Dates, Prunes, Raisins , and all a kinds inn, JCINtr WISPS Store, Th ird and abut , : • r la.Y/ PRICE ONE CENT. THE WAR IN IdISBOURI. FROM ST. LOUIS THAN FULL. Wain Onanisa, august 8 THE LEHIGH VALLEY MOVING. Theruumm, Pa., Aug 8 Mist miumuuip IAiIVLACNOCHE, 93 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa., DIALER IN A fine assortment of best plated WM, KNOCHE, 98 Market street. febl9-whsly lAM BIIBEEML eiaaly Amount. of Policy and bonus to be Untrimmed by tutors additions.