Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, August 08, 1862, Image 1
ff .-, ,---•• . . '.' t.-t • I:; ' '"• . . ,__ I HI _ ~ T / ELEGRAPH. - . , ! 0R N N ~..,__........, _.,./. ii' . BY GEORGE BERGNER. THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE BERGNER. TERMS —Smug Fuwolarriox The DAILY iltsCiaASs *served to subscribers In the My at a cents per Wok. Yearly subscribers will be charged St 00 In advance. WEEKLY AID OM WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. The Tzuossra I- also published twice a week during the session of the Legislature, and weekly during the remaiuder or the year and furnished to subscribers at the fol.owlng cub rat es, via: tingle übscrlbers per year Semi Weekly..6l 60 Ten 41 44 44 41 ..12 00 Twenty a dt 41 .1 ..22 00 bluets subscribers, Weekly .... 1 00 RAlli OF "DVISRTISING sr Four lines or fess constitute ene.half senora. Eight lines or more than four con:tftute ampere. Uelf square . one d y 60 26 tt one week.... 1 26 i , end mouth .. ......... ............ 2 60 0 three months 4 00 il six months 6 00 A, One y lir 1000 Onerq :i Imre, 4).4 day. 60 on , let et 200 41 ole month 6 00 '. three months.... 10 00 ‘.4. ale months 15 00 " one year 20 00 air flusinele notices Inserted in the Local ebiumn, or before Marriages and Deaths, EIGHT DENTE PAR LIDiE for tech insertion. Sir Marriages and Death" to be charged au regular Ildvertlsements. fiittrital. BELMBOLDIS ',GENUINE PREPARATION kIIfIGIILY CONCENTRA are , WHIN CND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positive and Specific Remedy For Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and excites the ABSORBENTS int. , healthy action, by which the WATERY OR CALCAREOUS depositions, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are reduced, as well as PAIN AND INFLAMATIGN, and Is good for MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN. agutBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, For Weaknesses Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Estill:in discretion or Abuse. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Powers Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of jaiscase, Wakefulness, Dimness ci Vision, Pain In the Bask Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushing of tile Body Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions on the Face PALLID COUNTENANCE, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, widish this med Wine Invariably removes, noon follows IMPOTENCY. FACIE F . , EPILEPTIC PITS IN ONE OF WHICH TEE PATIENT MAY MIRE. Who can say that they are not freqneu By followed by t hose ' , DIREFUL DISEASES," "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, BUT NONE WILL CONFESS. THE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, And the bleinnehdy Deaths by Cbisrumptiota, 11A1 AMPLE wassail TO 1811113:1711 01 tee 4J3811111110/1. THE CONSTITUTION ONO. AIITEOTED WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and Invigorate the System, Which Humours I(oratt•CT sulate A MILL 110.1. OODMCE MS MOM 1111:2140•1.. - • FMaJigi.•••FRWLAUETTSMILIaBB, OLD OR Immo, SMOGLA MAIAIAGE, RRIED, OR 0 - ONTEMPLA TIN M AR I.IE MANY AFFECTIONS PECULIAR TO FEMALES, the Extract Bootie le unequalled by any other remedy, as in Uhloroels or Retention, Irregularity, Patufolnesa, or Suppremio nof Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Sclrrhous state of the Uterus, Leucorhom Whites, Sterll by, and tor all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OP 'LIPR. ew entrrosas Astovi NO TAUTLY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT I 10310 =al Swam, Mum; oa ineuimunplud suus NUB WIPLWANT AND DaNGIIIIOII9 MUM% HIMMBOLD'S Exnuar BeICHil *WI citrus SECRET DISEASES. In all their Stages, At little Expense ; Little or no change In Diet ; No Inconvenience; And no Aloposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions. Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra Allaying Pain and Imdammation, so frequent in the slam of diseases, and expelling ad Poirononr, Diseased and nomad Mauer. 220USANDs IRON THOUSANDS IMO HAVE BEEN 21111; V10T.R.9 OF QUACKS, and who have paid =ANY sass to be cured to a abort time, have found they were deceived, and that the "PCII. SON" has, by the use of "POW/HUML artahmsna, " been dried up to the system, to breaa out In an aggravated form, and PERHAPS AFTER YARNIAME. pre EUXIKVAI IMAM Boom for all affections and &asses oi 'URINARY ORGANS, • whether extolling to MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever Ca2B9 originating and no matter of ROW LONG S VANDINGL Diseases 01 these Organs require the aid or DIIIESTIO HILMBOLD'S EXTRACT WORD IS THE GREAT DIURETIO, And Is cedilla to have the desired edam In all Disease* FOR WHICH IT IS RMOOMMENDED. Beddow of tad mod reliable dad retpoisalble character will accompany the medices. URTIFICATIS OF CORES, Aron 8 020 yearn dant If w i th Wits NAM KNOWN TO Si-SENOR AND FAME. Price $1 00 per bottle, or six for $5 00. Delivered to any address, securely packed from obser DESCRIBM SYMPTOMS IN ALL COMMUNICATIONS. Cures Guaranteed I Advice Gratis I AFFIDAVIT: Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of ',Um shyer Pbliedeiptds H. T. Hine:HOLD, WllO being duly sworn. doth say, his preparations contain no narcotic, no mammy, or other injarloys drop, but are purely yoga. labia H. T. BXLMBOID. 340* and subscribed before me, this 23d day of No van**, Au. WM. P. 'UNBEND, Alderman, Ninth St. above Race, addrualaban for information In °milldam* to P hila. 11 - T. KELM:WW I Chemist, Depot i :lo4 South Tenth St., bet. Obentnut, Why BE WAAL' OF It OUNTEItIPICILTS AND UNPRlNuipix o DEALEas, Wbo endeavor to dispose "up %% n ow e ma d "Oran „ ammusi ON MI SUKOOTATION Artsi m Helmbeld's Genuine Rreparauoa IS Litraet Burlin GC t; BarsaArthe Improved nose Sold by O. K. Keller, D. W. OMB, J. Niryeth, 0, A, Bannvart AND ALL DROOPISTI EVERYIVEIRRE, AK FOR RELMBOLD'a TAKE NO OTHER. Cat out the advertirement and send for it, AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND EXPOSURE. soirle4/3, DENTISTRY. 11A. GEO. W, STINE, graduate of the j." Baltimore College of Denial Surgery, havingper. - mauently Wooed to the city of Harrisburg and taken the Mhos formerly occupied by Dr. Gorges, on Third Street between Markel and Walnut, respectfully informs ble friends and the public to goneng, that he is p repared to perform all Operations in the Dental profession ' other leareitex or mechanical , in a Isomer that shall not be Imrpussed by Operators In this or any other _city. Die moue of Inserting artinotal teeth Is upon the latest im proved scholia° principle. Teeth, from one to a full ee t, mounted on lino Gold, Piscine plates or the Vulcanite $lllllO. I take greerawe in recommending the above gee. tlemen to all y former Moods of Harrisburg and M. Minty, sad f onddent that he will perform all opera. tham In a adenillio manner, from my knowledge of istie47. [myll4lta N. J. B. GORGIMI. B.D ittebtx4l DR. JOIINSON 33a.MerIliff.COEUEI LOCK HOSPITAL! HAS discovered the most certain, speedy and elndcual !woody in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. 118MXX IN BIX TO TWXLVit HMIS. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs. A. Cure Warranted, or no Charge, in Prom one to Two Days. Weakness of the Back or,Littibs. Strictures, Affesnoms of the ii Idneys and Bladder, Involuntary discharges, Im potency, General nebilny, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, lan. Auer, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings,- Dimness of bight or Giddi ness, Di sease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, /ace. dons of the Liver Lungs, Stomach or Bowels—those ter rible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth —those sscitzv and solitary practnas more fatal to their victims than the song of : yrens to the Mariners of lays• sea, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &0., impossible. Young Men Especially, who have become the ;victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annual ly sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the meet exalted talents and brilliant intellect, wbo might otherwise have entranced listening Senate. with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with fall confidence. Married Persona, or Young Men contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debili ty, deformities, speedi I cured. De who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and con fidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. Organic Weakness Immediately Cured, and full vigor Restored. This distressing Affection—which renders ife misera ble and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the victim, of improper indulgences. loans persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful oonseohencea that may ensue. New, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the pow er of procreation is lost sooner oy those falling into Im proper habits than WM. prudent Besides being de prived the pleasures of healthy oflispring, the most se rious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the. Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Lose of Procreative Power, Nervious Irratibility, Dyspepela, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Constitution., I Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Clough, Consumption, Decay and Dedth. Moe, No. 7 South Frederiok Street. Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a law door. Irem the corner. Fall not to observe name and number. Lettere must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doc tor's Diplomas bang in his office. A Cure Warranted in Two Days. No Mercury or Platueoss Drugs. • Dr. Johnson, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Grad uate from one of the moat eminentithilleges in the United States, aad the greater part of whose lite has been spent to the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing to the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden Bounds, baithfulneas, with frequent blushing, attended sometnnes with derangement of mind were cured immediately. Take Particular Notice Dr. J. addressee all those who haveheured themselves by spittarV hahna, WhiCkk ruin lhem`Qur either business, stpdy, society or marine. These are some of the sad and met:it:ebony effech: pr°o. dnoad by early habits of youth, viz t Weakness or the data and Litabs, Pains in the dead, Dimness Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the heart, , Dys• pepsy Nervous Irratibil ty, Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, azo.: maregyx.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—Loss of Memory, Contusion of Ideas, De pression of Spirits, evil Foroolings, Avers on to Society, Self Distrust, Love of:solitude, Timidity, Ass., are tome 01 the ends produced. TE1008i211%3 of persons of all ages can now Judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearance scout the ey es, cough and symptoms of consumption. Young Men Who have injured themselves by a certain - practice in (bilged in when alone, 'a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, sad if not cured renders marriage impostible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of ha cone. try, the darting of his parent, should be snatched trom all prospects end enjoyments of life, by the eon. equence of deviating from the path of future and indulging in a certain secret habit. • Shah 'Persons slur, beton contem 7 plating Marriage, reflect theta Pond mind end Way are the most helmet eery requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without then, the Journey through lire becom e s, a Weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to OW-view ; the mind bcomes shadowed with despair and ailed with the melancbolly rail coon: that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our owh. ' Mileage of Imprudence. When the tot-guided and imprudent votary of pleasure duds that he has imbibe, the seeds of this patella dis ease, it too often bapens that an 111-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, trent location and respectability, can alone be friend him, delaying till the conslituilmud symptoms on this borr d disease make their appearance, such as ui clouted sore throat, deloused noes, nocturnal pains in the bead and limbs, dimness of sight, detainees, macs on the shin bones and arms, blotches on the h-ad, face and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate orate mouth or the bones of the nose fall In, and the victim of this awful disease become a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to Ms dreadful sufferings, by sending him to " that Cediscov vered Country from whence no traveler returns." ' It is a oisfaucholly fad that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unsktifultness of igno rant pretenders, who by the use of that Deadly /Wien; Mercury, ruin the constitution and make the residue o life miserable. Eitcangers. Trust not your lives, or health, to the care of the many Unlearned and Worthier' Pretenders, destitute of know ledge, name or clammier, who copy Dr. Johnson's adver vertiedients, or style themselves in the newspapers, regu l ar ly Educated Physicians incapable ot Curing, they keep you trifling month after month taking their filthy and polsonousdess compounds, ores long as the smallest Ito can be obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruin ed health to sigh over your galling disappointment. Dr. Johnlon is the only Physician advertising. • lir credential or diplomas always bangs in his Milne. His remedies or treatment are unknown to all others, prepared from a life spent In the gr eat hospitals of Eu rope, the first in the country and a more extensive Pri vate Practice then any other Physician in the wor ld . Indorsement of the Press. The many thousands cured at this institution year af ter, year, and - the numerous important Surgical Opera tions performed by Dr... Johnson, witnessed by the re porters of the "Sun," "Clipper," and many other pa pers, notices of which hive appeared again and again before the public, betides his standing as a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a sufficient guarrantee bathe tasted. bkin Dismal speedily Cured. Nevi:Tin writing eiiiidd he Auteuil; in directing their tette:l'W 1 / 1 11 Institution, in the following wanner JOini X. JOHNSON, M. D. Of the Baltimore Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Md. BA.LAD OIL. A' , kluge supply of fresh Salad Oil, in large and small bottles, and of different brands net received and for pale by WK. DOCK, Ja. & CO. FIRE CRACKERS by the chest or box, jest reeelyedand ler We by NICHOLS & BOWMAN. Ml 4 Cfmeer Front and Benet streets. InIIJRE eider vinegar, warranted for Bale b*DT MUMS 11725 • arm* Treat god *aim an i ws. HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 8, 1862. Criegraplj. A SPECIAL negro° of the Keystone Base Ball club will be held Friday, Aug. Bth, 1862, at 8 o'clock P. as. Punctual attendance is requested as business of great importance will be trans acted. THE Harrisburg . City Guards, Capt. J. J. Ball, will meet at Brant's Hall, (entrance opposite Poulton's Billiard Saloon,) at 7 o'clock this evening, for the purpose of making arrange ments to go into camp tomorrow. -morning. The company will be filled by that time. Tam Gzassass will hold another meeting to organise a volunteer company this evening at Wagner's, Seven Star Hotel. All wishing:to join are requested to be present as the company must march to Camp Curtain on Saturday at ternoon. Come one, come all. A good baud will be present to enliven the occasion. BY TELEGRAPH. FROM CALIFORNIA. The Burning of the Steamer. Golden Gate. ADDITIONAL PARTICULARS. The Treasure Supposed to be Safe Private Dispatches from Some of the Passengers Saved. NEw Yom, Aug. 6. The following dispatch was received in this city to-day Sex Faarateco, Aug. 7 Tb Eugene Kelly et Co.: The steamship Golden Gate, which sailed hence on the 21st of July, took fire when 12 miles off Mansanilla, and was burnt to the way ter's edge. About two hundred of her passen gers were lost. Edward Flint is gone. Benja min Holliday and Capt. Whitney were saved. IL is thought that the treasure will be saved, as the ship has beached. The following private dispatches were received to-day : Ban Famiorsoo t Aug. L....riabv • I was saved from the burning ship liy lashing myself Ito the-forecastle ladder and jumping• overboard. I passed under the port wheel while under way and received serious injury. I was picked up by the ship's boat, and remained in it twenty hours before I reached Mansanilla. Poor Flint was lost. I will return overland. Please telegraph to my family about my safety and he alth. Benjamin Holladay, Edward Flint of New York went out in February 1861, leaving his wife in this city. He was a middle aged man. BAN FaAbolsoo, Aug. 7. To Allen McLane, President: The Gnlden Gate was hurned at sea near Kansan'lla • 200 of the passenger and crew perished. The ship is a total lose. Full par ticulars will be sent as soon as possible. Signed. From Gen. M'Clellar4 Army The Rebels Reported to be Moving in Foroe towards Malvern Rill. A BATTLE IMPENDING. ARRIVAL OF EXCHANGED PRISONERS• HEADQuAnntes ARMY or vie Poromeo, Thursday, Aug. 7th. At Malvern Hill everything was quiet, during yesterday. It was reported last night by deserters and contrabands that the rebels had been moving from the vicinity of Richmond all birge force towards Malvern Hill, with a view of re taking the position. Three Viousand and nine exchanged prison ers arrived yesterday afternoon from Richn mond. Those who belong to the army and are tit to do duty, were sent to their regiments. The others leave for the north to-day. No of ficers are among the party. FROM WASHINGTON. ARRIVAL: COMMODORE !MOM The Whereabouts of the Publishers and Editors of the Patriot and Union. Admiral Foote htui arrived here to enter upon his duties as chief of the Bureau of Equipment and recruiting. The parties arrested yesterday in Harrisburg, Messrs. Thos. McDowell, 0. %net, Montgom ery Forster and 11. J. Jcioes, Publishers and Editors of the Patriot and Union, were brought to Washington and dodged- in the old capitol prison. • - FROM BOSTON. MILITARY AFFAIRS The 88d regiment will leave on Monday and the 84th on Tuesday next, with full ranks and splendidly equipped, for the seat of war. The Governor has granted pensions to the Independent Cadets and' &hi battallion of in fantry, to form tho nucleus rest- , mentitfoonble months' service. FROM NORRISTOWN, PA. ENTRIMIASTIO WAR MkETING The Montgomery County Commissioners Suc cumb to the . Will of the People. THY GRANT A VOLUNTEER BOUNTY FUND. NORRISTOWN, August 7. We had another apthustastio war meeting here last night, to rilleeive the -report of the. committee to wait ultin the County Commis sioners to ask them t "'re-consider their refusal to grant the bounty to volunteers. The ma jot ity of the Commissioners, through the pres sure of an indignant popular opinion, have granted . the bounty. FROM FORTRESS MONROE RELEASE OF FEDERAL PRISONERS. Active Operatione of the Army. • ffalyern Rh Occupied Our forces Forrasss Mormon. Aug. 6. The released Rebel prisoners from Fort War ren and Fort Delaware; who arrived here a few days since; were permitted to be sent up the river, night before last, under a flag of truce. The flag df truce lmat which accompanied them returned last evening . and reports, that the ex change is being made satisfactorily, and that the same number of Union prisoners from Rich mond may be expected down the river to-day or to-morrow. Also that the requirements of the Federal Government,' is regard to the ex change, have' been strictly complied with, which is understood to mean that the release of Col. CorCoran and other officers, who have so long been held back by the Rebels, is at length about to be realized. . The reconnoissauce sent out by Gen. M'Clel lan on Monday night has resulted very favora bly to our forces. Our troops drove in the rebel pickets early yesterday mornitig, and the fight immediately commenced, lasting some two or three hours, resulting in onr troops taking Mal vern Hill, and which they now occupy in suM dent force to hold the place and oarry on other plans which are to Le made in connection with this very important move. The publio no doubt will be fully gentled with the activity of the Army of the Potomac, in a few days. The cap ture of Malvern Hill was : effected by our artil lery. Our loss is satallonly twenty killed and wounded. The loss of the enemy was , niuch greater ; besides the raptor* of one - htindred utvalrymen, with their horses and equipments complete, we captured a small battery. The mail steamers to litirrison'e, Landing are convoyed to and from there by gunboats. Pennsyltimila's Sick and Wounded: John F. Thatcher, Philadelphia, co. A, Capt. Markoe, 71st regiment, diarrbo3a ; improving. John E. Lewis, Lycoming county, co. G, Penu'a cavalry, debility and fainting spells from effects of measles. E. Solomon, Connelavtle, Fayette county; co. B, 85th regiment, diarrho3a and cold ; im proving. M. iladsall, Tankhannock, Lycoming county co. B. 62d regiment, diartkicei ; improving. John Iteignen, Berke county, co. B, 93d regi ment, debility proceeding from exposure and cold. FORBES & BABCOCK Di W. Holly, Town Hill, Luzeme county, co. A, 52d regiment, typhoid fever, disease set tled in leg ; slowly improving. R. M. Morton, Sharpsbnrg, Allegheny county, co. - B, 68d regiment, swamp. fever; improving slowly. Milton Myers, Antler county, company E, 03cl regiment, Capt. Mamie, dysentery, slow y improving. Jacob Danes, Lebanon, co. A, 43d regiment, Capt. Derr , fever and rheumatism, and wort, down with fatigue, difficult to pronounce on his situation. Henry D. Lewis, Philadelphia, co. C, 3d cavalry, Capt. Jones; chronic diarrhoea with pleurisy, not improving. Wm. Harris, Philadelphia, co. E, 71st regi ment, Capt. Neal ; chills and fever with hip out of joiut, improving. John W. Ingles, Fayette county, band, 85th regiment; strolled in falling over timber at battle of Williamsburg. John Harrison, Attleborough, Bricks county, co. I, 71st regiment, Capt. Thompson . ; linger shot and dysentery, iinproving. John Albert, West. Philadelphia, co. N, 71st regiment ; wound in arm, healing up and Loks well. John L. Meredith, Lebanon, co. G, 98cl regi ment, Capt. Maitland; rheumatism of agravated character, not improving. David Stambaugh, Sharon,Mercer county, co. B, 10th Reserves, Capt. M'onnell; wounded in arm, improving. Thos. H. Brady, Philadelphia, co. F,' 28th regiment, 'Capt. Thomas; gunshot wound In left hand with loss of finger, almost well. Edward Henderson. Meadville, co. I, 10th Reserves ; shot in hand, getting well. Hiram Sloan, Somerset county, co. H, 85th regiment, Capt. Treadwell ; typhoid fever, nearly well. Richard Hammersley, Clinton county, co. D, 7th Reserves wounded in band, doing well. Michael Somers, Columbia, co. IC, 6th regi ment, Capt. Collins; shot in arm, wound _ WAMINGTON. Aug. 7. Henry Heilman, Vepango county, co. 0,62 d regiment, Capt. Monka ; flesh wound in both legs, improving. Daniel D. Smith, Indiana county, co. 0,62 d regiment ; flesh wound in wrist and shoulder, healing. 411* H. D. Minor, Warren county, co. H, 10th regiment, Capt. Mays; badly wounded in thigh; dangerous. G. W. Wilson, Strattonville, Clarion county, co. E, 10th regiment, Capt. James B. Knox; wounded in left shoulder, healing. F: 0. Lyman, Clearfield county, co. I, 62d regiment, Capt. Means ; wounded through the leg below the knee, healing. Charles H. Snyder, Allegheny city, co. A. 62d regiment, Capt. Hull ; flesh wound through thigh, improviog. G. W. Ilanderbush, Reading, co. D, 8d Be ierves, Capt. Breinner; wounded in ankle, re ..overlog, able to walk with a cane. Wm.,Knechel; St. Marys,' Elk county, 00. 0, 10th Beserves,,Capt. Over; &eh wound in arm ...Above elbow, imprOTlllll. BOSTON, August 7 Report of Visiting Commissioners. COIiOLUDND. James M'Kae, Freedom, Beaver county, co. F, 10th Ildeervei, Capt. Adams; buckshot wound in neck, healing. Andrew Leek, Germany, Warren county, co. H, 10th Reserves ; Wounded in hand, one finger lost, healing rapidly. Peter Kennedy, Washington, en. K., Bth regi ment, Capt. Wished ; injured by tailing of a limb cut off by shells during a tight, Improving. Max. Marshall, New Cumberland, Cumber land county, co. H, 7th regiment ; remittent fever,- disease. checked. Henry Parker, Farmington, Warren county, co. H, 10th Reserve; gunshot wound above eye, healing up, but eye destroyed. Benj. Newcomb, Susquehanna county, co. D, 106th regiment, Capt. Duff; shot behind ear, and ball came out below eye, improving. Henry G. Shoemaker, Lockhaveo, co. C, 62d regiment; shot in leg; amputated. John Hoobler, Mercer county, co. F, 61st re giment, Capt. Bryson, shot in arm, amputated; nearly healed up. Thomas Limben, Mercer county, co. 0, 67th regiment, Capt. S. Hill ; wounded in shoulder; healing slowly. C. P. Harvey, East Troy, Bradford county, co. E, 62d regiment; wounded in hand; lost finger: hand greatly inflamed. Edson Hyde, Ulysses, Potter county, co. G, 63rd regiment; shot in left arm, bones broken; improving. John Mills, Philadelphia, co. I, 61st regi ment; shot above eye, lost eye ; healing. Lieut. Theodore Hutchings, Philadelphia, co. B, 72d regiment, Capt. Biagonnegal ; typhoid fever; recruiting rapidly. Capt. J. R. Weltner, Uniontown, Fayette county, co.I, 85th regiment; hemmtrage of the lungs. Capt. D. C. McCoy, Meadville, co. F, 83d regi ment ; wound in lett hip by shell; recovering repidly. Capt. J. J. Vaugham, co. B, 106th regiment, Philadelphia ; nervous debility; not improv ing. Adam Himmelberger, Womeladorf, co. B, 93d reglmeflt, Capt. Arthur ; fever, improving. W. O. Todd, Hickory, Washington county, co. X, 10th reserve regiment, Capt. McConnell ; buckshot wound in left hand and rheumatism; getting well. J. J. Long, HartstoWn, Crawford county, co. I, I.oth regiment, Capt. Ayr, wound in ankle; recovering. George Warnick, Allegheny city, co. A, 62d regiment, Capt. Hull ; shot in left knee, doing well. .1. W. Sedwick, co. G, 10th regiment Capt. Smith ; wound in head; doing well. Isaac D. Webster, co. IC, 6th regiment, Sus quehanna county ; general debility ; improv ing. Joseph Milner, Reading, co, G, 98d reglinen4 debility. Jeremiah Kohell, Keaton, co. 0,98 d regiment• ; Capt. Murray; chronic rheumatism; not im pruving. Jacob B. Funk, co, A. 62d regiment ; wound ed in left wrist ; getting well. C. H. Warnert, Philadelphia, co. C, 106th re asinel,6„,.9...nttr,Aßee.;_wmuudedie. left awulder by a shell, dotog,..siell. F. M. McQuade, Pottsville, co. G, 93d regi ment; d balky. Israel Miller, Messimer Mills, Berke county, co. F, 93d regiment, Oapt. Long; fever and rheumatism, doing well. Daniel Shay, Lebanon county, co. A, Captain Dunn; strained in back, improving. B. W. Graham, West Freedom, Clarion coun ty, co. I, 103 d regiment; fever and rheumatism, improving. • , Qeo. W. Weaver; Sunbury, co. D, 93 , 1 regi ment, Capt. Ramsey; fever, getting well. (leo. H. Williams, Philadelphia, co. A, Bth Pa. cavalry ; diarrhcek, diseasa not checked. Albert Wolfinger,Reading, co. G, 98d 1441- mem, Capt. Maitlan; rheumatism, improving. Griffith Lyttle, Palmer's High School, co. G, 49111 regiment; fever, doing well. David C. Eopiheimer, Berks county, co. 13, 3d regiment, Cipt-Breiner; wound in left leg by shell, rapidly improving. • James Allen, Espiville, Crawford county, co. I, 88d regiment, Capt. Brown;fleah wound in thigh, getting well- Arm. R. Lamar, Reading, co. D, Sd regiment; wound in thigh, doing well. Newport News Hospital. Isaac Hindman, Monongahela city, Washing ton county, co. M, 100th regiment; debility. nearly recovered. Lewis Crosier, Youngstown, co. E, 100th re giment; convalescent. Benne' B. Campbell, Hartagig, Mercer coun ty, co. G, 100th regiment; 'convalescent. Foster Ward, Monongahela, Washington county, co. M; convalescent and removable. John Johns, Newcastle, Lawrence county, co. H, 100th regiment; debility, convalescent and removable. Geische Hammond, Rochester, Beaver coun ty, co. K, 100th regiment; intermittent fever, nearly well. Rouert Culberson Darlington, Beaver coun ty, co. D, 100th regiment; convalescent and re movable. Wm. S. Kilgore, sergeant, Mercer county, co G, 100th regiment; remitte it fever, convales cent and removable. Hugh Jackson, West Middlesex, Mercer coun ty, co. B, 100th regiment, typhoid lever, quite John Dixon, Newcastle, Lawrence county, co. I, 100th regiment; debility, improving. G. W. Clark, Hendersonville, Mercer county, co. G, 100th regiment; hernia, nearly well. G. W. Smith, Washington, co. H, 100th regi ment; typhoid fever; quite ill. William R. Irwin, Lawrence county, co. F, 100th regiment ; convalescent and removable. Josiah O. Golden, corporal, Monongalia, Vir ginia, co. B, 100th regiment ; convalescent and removable. Sergeant James N. Martin, Darlington, Bea ver county, Co. D ; convalescent and removable. Corporal Jima, M. Cannon, Philadelphia, 00. H, 100th regiment; convaleectent and remova ble. William Toy, Darlington, Beaver county, co. D, 100th regiment ; debility ; neatly restored. Win. G. Dickie, Ceotertown, .Mercer county, co. G, Iooth regiment ; remittent fever ; im proving. Frederick Ran, West Middleton, Washington county, co. H, 100th regiment; sun stroke; nearly recovered. Thomas M'Keever, West Middleton, Wash ington minty, co H, 100th regiment; wounded; nearly. well. James W. Allen, corporal, Monongahela city, co. Al, 100th regiment ; remittent fever ; im proving. Heary ld'Hany, Darlington, Beaver county, co. D, 100th regiment ; rheumatism ; conva lescent and removable. Alexander W. A rostroog; Slippery Rock, But ler county, co. B, 3.00 ck. regbnent ; dyspepeda ; improving. Wm. H. Harper, MAI, co. B, 100th roe- PRICE ONE CENT. meat; debility; convalescent and removable William K. Henderson, liend.rsou, Mercier county, co. 11.10 th regiment; remittent tever; Itoproviug. William Ewing, Jacksonville, Batler county, co E, 100c12 regiment; remittent fever nearly well. Charles Moyer, Bakersville, co. H, 50th regl• meat; rtieumatism ; cunverlesi.xmt and remova ble. Thomas W. Alderson, Lenoziille, Susque hanna county, co. D, 450th regiment; remittent fever ; convalescent. Loughlin Quigley, Pottsville, co. 0,48 th regi ment ; convalescent and removable. George Edwards, sdineraville, co. F, 48th regiment ; convalescent and removable. Samuel Baughart, drummer, Pottsville, co. G, 48th regiment; hernia; improving. Isaac Kelley, Perryopolis, Fayette county, co. H, 100th regiment; necrosis of tibia; improving. James Culbertson, Venango, co. K, 100th regi7 meat ; convalescent and removable. Josiah Applegate, Elizabeth, Allegheny coun ty, co. id, 100.11 regiment; diarrhoea; improving. Charles Warne, Elizabeth, Allegheny county, co. M, 100th regiment; remittent fever; no marked change. Calvin Welch, Princeton, Lawrence county, co. F, 100th regiment; debility, improving. Robert Drake, Princeton, Lawrew:e county, co. F , 100th regiment; debility, improving. John W. Setchel, corporal, Bendersville, Adams county, co. K, 12th regiment; remittent fever improving. William Manger, Lancaster county, co. E, let regiment; rheumatism, bad, to be discharged. Joseph Mehaffey, Philadelphia, co. D, 2d re giment; debility, improving. Lorenzo Kelly, corporal, Crawford county, co. H, 83d regiment; typhoid fever, improving. Samuel Calhoun, co. A, 72d regiment; pneu monia, not improving. Thos. F. Wakefield, Philadelphia, co. G, 4th regiment; debility, gaining strength. Luther Middltopp, sergeant, Chambersburg, co. K, 12th regiment; recovering rapidly. Wm. P. Austin, Phcenixviile, Chester coun ty, co. D, 12th regiment; diarrhcea, improving. Timothy Connelly, Armaugh, Iniiiant coun ty, co. 11, 12th regiment; philisie, improving. Wm. W. Fish, co. F, 10th regiment; diar rhma, going to regiment. John W. Andersen, Beaver, co. F, 10th re giment; intermittent fever, disease broken, but weak. William Gibbs, York county, co. G, 12th re giment; (Ilan bee I, improving. Charles L. Zimmerman, Shearer X Boads, Westmoreland county, co. G, 11th regiment; constipation, impruviog. Henry Shupp, Lancaster county, co. D, Ist regiment; intermittent lever, disease subdued, leaving lameness. . John Thompson, Venango county, co. D, 10th regiment; typhoid fever, bad. James McMillan, Wallhiniston county, co. K, 62d regiment; &turbot.", bad. Thomas Dunlap, Atiegheuy city, co. G, 9th regiment; rheumat am, bad. Barsitia Dewey, Weitsboro, Tioga county, co. E, Ist iegimeut, rifles; acu e diarilicea, bad. Alezenderserge .nt, lion. sus Veuan go county, 0.. G, .93 , d regtintra; theurnatiam, bad. Jacob Lonck, ledianna county, co. E, 831 regiment; deuility, imineving. John U. Mitchell, Waterturd, Erie county, co. E, 8&.1 regiment; remittent fever, imprur lag. J. B. Coats, sergeant, co. I, 101st regiment; to be diacharged. Henry U. Connir, Philadelphia, co. B, 60th regiment; sun stroke, improving. • Bead Williams, Bingiuwn, co. I, 48th regi ment ; acute bronchitis ; improving. Oliver 0. Hatch, sergeant, Port Clinton, co. 0, 48th regiment ; iwprovlug. Benjamin Keller, Mahanoy, Schuylkill coun ty, co. A, 48th regiment ; remittent lever ; im proving. George Workiser, Norristown, co. D, Slit regiment; (barna, • bad. Thomas M ller Y ardleyville , co. K, 104th regiment ; typhoid lever ; improving. Julia F. Jones, Marten, co. G, regiment; typhoid fever ; improving. William H. Griffith, Norristown, co. F, 61st reglueut ; remittent fever; improving. John S. Moore, sergeant, Norristown, co. I, 61st regiment; cough; Improving. Amos M Quick, New Milford, co. H, 50th regiment ; fever ; retopse ; bad. Atnmi Sibley, Bockwayviile, co. H, 105th regiment ; diarrheas ; able to act as anise. George H. Williams, Warren, co. 0, 601 regiment; intermittent fever; improving. Hiram W. Wilcox, New Albany, cu. K, 60th regiment ; Mantras ; improving. Wilght, Schuylkill county, co. I, 60th regiment ; remittent fever ; bad. Benjamin F. Watkins, band blot regiment, Pittsburg ; remittent fever ; bad. William L. Jagger, Dingman's Ferry, co. I, 7th regiment ; remittent fever ; convalescent. J.' S. Schrenton, East Smithfield, co. F, 48th resiment ; fever s • convalescent. James Beightol, Moehanan Centre, co. G, Slit regiment ; gastritas ; improving. Uriali Forrest, Glengrove, cc. G, 100th regi ment ; remittent fever ; bad. Alexander M. lirKee, Irishtown, co. G, 100th regiment; debility ; improving. Sergeant Andrew Cole, Darlington, co. D, 100th regiment ; feet le from disease. Daniel F. M'Millen, New Milford, co. D, 50th regiment ; debility ; improving. Weir Gelott, Thompsontown, co. a, /00th , regiment ; dysentery ; improving. Henry Westlake, Perdue, Meaner minty, Co. 0, 100th regiment ; debility ; improving. James B. Page, sergeant, Pervine, Mercer county, co. 0, 100th regiment ; debility im proving. Thomas N. Armstrong, New Texas, co. 11, 100th regiment; disease abited, weak. Robert N. Glenn ' Slippery Rock,*Lawrenoe county, co. E, 100th regiment; disease broken, weak. John Johnson, Webster, Co. M, 100th regi ment; dysentery, improving. Benj. Taylor, sergeant, Monongahela city, co. M, 100th regiment; dysenterry, improving. VANILLA. BEANS. WE are offering for sale a splendid quality of Vatilibt. Bean at low prleeu, by the pound, ounce or singly. KELLEws DRUG taGali n 91 Market rarest. CRosa & BLA.CKWELL'B Celebrated PICKLE!, SAUCAS, PagiEgVll4, &a., ho. A large supply of the above, embracing every Variety, just re done and for sale by [ WW. 41 . 210i5, Jr , g Co. T"general variety of goods for ad. Aguas the • TOILET, 0 be found at Kam IS itnaturpas,49ll9 this city. Je 6 . " 91 Market street. icp MEER'S Ocioos and Sweet Chocolate jafor eirJa 101/N WSW, Third and Walnut mil