pailp t(tAitgrapil. NO ICE TO ADVittiTiSSEIS.—AII Ad. ve rtimm cots,. Business Notice's,• Mar riages, Deaths. &0., to seems insertion In the TELEGRAPH, roust invariaidy be accompanied with the CASE. Advertisements ordered in the reign. lar Evening Edition are inserted in the morning Edition without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA Thursday Morning, August 7, 1862. la Town.—Gov. Alexander Ramsey, of. nesota, was In town on Tuesday, on a brief vita. to Ws relatives and friends. The Governor is looking remarkably well. Pollan. —ln ibe Post Office today, a small amount of money An bank bilk The owner can have the Fame by proving property, paying charges and calling at the Poet Office. • Bunt rem Doren.—Several volunteer compa nies from a distance arrived yesterday, and went into quartets at Camp Curtin. Additional arrivals may now be expected by every train, as most of the companies throughout the State recruiting under the nine months call, have been filled to the maximum standard. Yoramlaza n TOUR owl conwzr.—We will state for the benefit of those interested, that from this county joining a regiment outside of the county, thereby deprive their fami lies of any portion of tits relief fund of Dauphin county. RIOEIVRD mama Bomar.—The First City Zon eves, Capt. Awl, were marched .yesterday from Camp Curtin to the residence of B. P. Belker, Esq., in this city, where each member of the company received the sum of fifty dol lars out of the bounty fund subscribed by our citizens. Tao GSRMAN BUM, is the name of a new vol unteer company now forming here, under the auspice. of several of our principal German citl sena. A large number of names have already been enrolled, and more are being added daily. Rolle for signatures can be found at Wagnells tavern, Second and Chestnut streets, Martin Erb's, and the bakery of Mr. Geo. Dress, hi Second street, below Mulberry. STATS EDUCATIONAL Coxvoa.—Tha Corl - reassembled yesterdaymorning and was opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Ornik shank. Several interesting reports were pre sented and considerable discussion took place. The discussion In the afternoon was on Normal schools, and the course of study to be used therein. We would recommend an attendance of our citizens. THE ANDEIII3ON TROOP.—This troop of Penn sylvania Cavalry is now with Major General Buell, in the vicinity of Huntsville, 'Northern Alabama. Captain Palmer, who has ben sent on. to increase its force, has openedan offide 'hi the Pennsylvania railroad building, corner of Third street and Willings alley, Philadelphia. The additional men required are to be raised in all parts of the State, as was the case with the original company last fall. A certain number has been alloted to Dauphin and Lebanon coun ties. Only young men of inteligence, spirit and good character will be taken, General Buell having stipulated that they shall be of the same stamp as those now in the troop. litaßl7lll3G.—Recruiting Continues to go on very briskly, and most of the companies will be full before the 01. se of the present week. The contemplated theft has given a new impetus to the busineas, and many are now coming forward and enrolling their names who hardly dreamed of "going for. ,ta soldier" - ra week ago. Tho advantages of.cualisting are manifest. Those who enlist now receive the bounties offered by the United !abates Govern ment and the County Bonnty,.While those who are drafted receive no bounty whatever. Fill up the ranks, boys, and don't wait for the 'disi• grace of being drafted. IMPORTANT Ananst-2'he Publishes and Editors 0/ the Pa&lama Union in the custody of thelfili lary Authoriiia,--Brlg. Elea. Wad/net:lth, Provost Marshal of the District of Columbia, accom panied by a lieutenant and two privates, ar rived here at 8 o'clock this Morning by .the?l Brain from Baltimore, and, acting under the orders of the Secretary of War, immediately; proceeded to arrest Messrs. 9. Barrett attd Thomas 0. MaoDowell, publishers of, and Messrs. Montgomery Forster and Driah Loss, chief and local editors of the Patriot and Wm, charged with making certain public& tires of „a treasonable and inflammatory char acter. The parties were arrested at their re epective residences in tills city, bnt at the special request of Oapt. Dodge, they were per 'ratted to remain at home with the under standing that they should report themselves at the Mayor's office at e o'clock this morning.-- At the hour indicated the party were on hand, when they were conducted to the depot and left in the 7.80 train for Washington. The 0 ,4 1, although not altogether unexpeCted cheated quite a sensation in our city. So) . - ' arm itm atit —'"- ---Our country friends re sponded handsomely this morning to the appeal for vegetables for the tick and wounded . nt Camp Curtin. SOME) ten or twelv e large clothes baskets and tubs full of potatoes, squashes, corn, beets, onions, cucumbers, &c., were sent in to the - Ladies Relief society by the following farmers of this vicinity :—J. W. Vanhorn, 3. Idish, B. Olewine, A. Reel, W. Rummel, s. Grove, A. Bates, G. Hinkle, and J. Hite,_ ' There were also contributions of apple butter, corn starch, farina, sugar and milk sent in some of our citizens. A committee of ladies went up to camp this morning, with two wagons laden with the store of, good things, which' were fhb hands of the stewards of the hospital. It gives us much pleasure also to state, that the society received sometime ago, throtigh the hands of J. C. Bomberger, Esq., $ 21145 ' which had been contributed for . sit* and wounded soldiers by the engineer, agents And others, connected with the loal fre between Hanish* Lan**, r . ' the:Rolm, pat:Wally, on the 4th of ,701/- " Bre Tome."—The " him*" thing, not oa ice, now-a-days, is the bounty extended to volanteers. Boys secure it pan. may. Lightning never strikes twice in the ate place. Tim HABSIIIIIIM CITY Gnente—Capt. John J. Ball is recypildnit a company to hear the above name, for the nine months' service. He is an active, intelligent, and patriotic gen tleman, and, from hisipopularity and mei gy, we doubt not but that he *ill soon have his roll filled up. He has erected a tent in Market rquare, for the reception of recruiti, and young men about en lyting cannot join a better nom- Pany. ATTENTION, LADIIEB !-WANTED —One or two hudired patriotic young ladies —for three years or daring , the war—to take the place of about that number of young men—hale and hearty—now in the various Dry Goods and Grocerfy stores of this city, so that the business will not be Interfered with by the young men answering to the late call of the Preaidentfor troops. Applicants wil pleace notify the proprietors of the stores that the business will not lack attention. Now is the time for the young ladies to show their pa triotism. Who will be the first? The lisw Oats scsa 80LD11215. The call of the President for 800,000 troops, to be raised by a draft of the militia, and to save for nine months, is in addition to the same number of volunteers recently called for by him to serve for three years, or daring the war. In case the .first 800,000 are not forthcoming by the 16th of this month, then in the State where the deficiency exists, the draft is to be make for the fa quota required under both calls. Thus in Dauphin county, for instance, our quote is foi five companies of vol unteers, and we presume Elie companies of drafted militia—if but two hundred and fifty volunteers, are ready by the 16th of August, then the draft will be for seven hundred and fifty, the latter to serve for nine months, and so in propgrtion for a great or less number.- Those, therefore, who volunteer before the 15th, are entitled to the bounty offered by the boy eminent, which is $lOO, one•fourth ($25) to be paid at the time of being mustered in, and the other three 'fourths at the end of the term tor three years, the close of the war ; in ad dition to which, the Government offers another bounty of $3 to $5, and one month's pay in advance; and the city will also give a bounty. of fifty dollars—so that each volunteer will have at least $9O in hand when he is mustered into the service, to leave with his family, if he has one, or to use in any way he may choose.. Those who are drafted, however, receive no bounty money, and are entitled to no other advantages than thl honor of serving their country, and the regait‘i monthly pay and clothing allowed to the volunteers. DB,AFT. Written for the Telepaph.] Ho I far a draft, boys, stern and clear 1 But not of sparkling wine, That drowns the soul, and hide the tear Start forth in beauty's eye; Nor draft that sets the brain on tlre With belre.deeprintid-tiame. I sing not this, nor thus deiire, To taint old Freedom's name. Our draft is at a fountain, where The blood of man is poued In ceasless streams—nor sigh nor pray'r, Can stop its rolling, tide 1 We draft not from a goblet deep, That's filled with dregs below— That seals the drinker in a sleep— Eternal tears and woe The draft is for the steady arm, The fearless soul arid eye— The men that shrink' rom no alarm, And, dauntless, danger meet ! Let it spring forth; this draft, and bring Incentives for our cause— And as its stern decrees we sing, We justify its laws • • , Aug. 6, 1862. w. =I A' - Card to the Public. Having read a paragraph in the local col umns of the Patriot and ffilion,:thitimorning, to the effect that the names of those who were announced as having enlisted from the office of the TlLuaraanzo Tsrsoniru, vrerespurioul, and not employed reguiarlY in that establiihment, we take this method of correcting a falsehood, and putting the patriotism of the employees of the TKLIORAPH properly before the public. At the time we enlisted, we all held regular and steady situations in the Tntenaain offlceoitua dons wkich we freely sacrificed at the demand of the country for our services in aiding to put down rebellion. Ili giving up those situations, we were assured , by the authority of Mr. Sag ner, that every one of us thus enlisting, on our return to Harrisburg, should at once be re-em ployed in our old positions. We would have called on Hr. 11. J. Jones, the local reporter of the Union, and aaked him to make this explanation, but learning that he is ataint in answer to an important mimmons of the government, we mate the explanation in our own behalf. B. B. Dann, Jonas D. Crow, H. 0. Thnunan, J. ELTON WHIT:MDT, L. H. PsTromiott, Gm. W. Banos, J. E. Follow. Mr. Thos. Forster, one of the employees of this office, who enlisted in the Russel Guards, is out of town, and consequently, his mums could not be obtained to the above in time for tht% evening's paper. The remaining employee, Mr. James Bat:- Tinge; enlisted in the Eighteenth IL S. In fantry, and is with his company in Columbus, Ohio, which will also account for the absence of his name to the above card. TH3 MAN who will neither enlist himself nor ontribute toward the enlistment of others, don't desire to enjoy_ the blessings of free gov ernment: Re 'should 'etnigrate to Austria,* Turkey. The man who thinks more of lifs in a freemumtet. l'eAnde*such a creature with the D ;6Piroeld bre4io49llll. 11Ptiatikatnia 41100:telegtitglirtnuteatip itiorning_ August 7, 1662. or The very best. medicines now in use among us are those prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., of Lowell, Mass. He is a gradu ate of the Penn University, whose connection with that celebrated College of Medicine has conferred more distinction uprn it, than its Diploma has, upon hini. His r, medies have become household" . *Ords nut only in this country, but in almost every region - of- tbe earth'ibhabited by inan.- - extraordinary fame has-arisen:from . their e'xtraordihary . vir tues, and, these aKe . 'gertifiet by men .Of highest station... We ptffilish in our -issurfto g, a document signed by the Mayors 4 the .tanadas, Mexico, Peru, Chili _and Brasil, each of whom certify that iliek.p4siciiitls land druggists of theirrespective localitziesAave, given .their as surafieiof-ihe ririlitilfsoifeffectsitindimperior virtnes'of Dr. Ayer's preparations This is evi dence which should satisfy tlie'most sceptical, of their efficacy, and we beg our readers to refer to it. Especially do they speak with glowing Praise of his'S'arsapaillls."--the beneficial effects and truly remarkable cafes that have been re alized from'its use:.--.filite York Sunday Time. Sold by C. A. Banvart, D. W. Gross & Co., C. K. Keller, J. M. Lutz, Dr. Riley, F. Wyeth and dealers everywhere. Szvarra PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY. —Capt . C. C. Davis a Prironer . —From all accounts the gallant Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, Col. Wyncoop, has suffered severely in their engagements with the guerillas in Tennessee. The to:following ex tract front .8 letter written by private George Swartz to his brother in this city, gives us some very unwelcome intelligence respecting a por tion of this fine regiment. The letter is dated at Camp Puffield, Tallahorna, Tenn., July 80, and the extract reads as follows : " Not having an opportunity of sending you a letter for three weeks on 'account of our com munication being out' off hy . the Rebels, at Iduf freesboto,,lthOught now being tbaethe road is open, I would drop you a few lines informing you, that I am still in good health. Onr company [company I. Capt.' C. C De vise] since I last wrote you, has been badly cut up, and we can hardly number a corporal's guard. We had a very severe fight with the Texas Rangers under Col. Stains atManchester. George Herener, froth Carlisle, was shot dead. James Adams and S. Overton were also shot, but wißrecover. J. Flattery was shotthrough the foot, and is doing well.: :The _The worst of all, Capt. Davis and twenty men were out on-picket duty, when thirteen hued red' Rebels surrounded them and took them all prisoners, except seven of us, and marched them off to Chattanooga, •where , the whole of our Brd Battallion is confined. We can't muster five hundred men in our whole regiment fit for duty." Since writing the above, Mr. Henry Lutz of this city has received a letter from his son Hen ry H. who is a lieutenant in Capt. Davie' com pany, which gives a list of the captured party as follows : Capt. , C.:O. Davis, Harrisburg, Pa. . lst Sergeant, Geo.-W. Hoover, Carlisle. Corporal, Isaac Keith, Bucks county. • James Adams, Mt. Carmel, North umberland county. Privates, John Blany, Interne county. " Wm.. Davis, '• Si " Daniel Early, Plymouth, do. . " Wm. L. Gibson, Harrisburg. " Fred. S. Hilbish, Perty county. " Peter Talar, Wilkesbarre " Robert Stokes, do. - . " Michael Messner, Pottsville. " Andrew Dufford, Butler, Butler co. " Augustus Zimmerman, Mt. Carmel Northumberland county. MODE ON DBAITHIGBY TEE NATIONAL GOVERN MEET,-Whenever the President of the'United States or the Commander-In-Chief;-shall order a draft from the militia for public Service, such draft shall be made in the following manner : When the draft required to be made shall be a number equal to one or more companies -to each brigade, such draft shall be made by com pany, to be determined by lot, to be drawn - by the commandant of the brigade, in the presence of the commanding officers of the regiments composing such brigade, from the military forcei of the State in his brigade, organised, uniform ed, &c. In case such draft shall require a number equal to one regiment (to a brigade), it is to' be determined in the same manner. . _ ; . In case such draft shalt, require a larger mini.: ber than the whole number composiog the mid , tary force of such brigade, such additional draft shall be made of an equal number &Whittle milk tar) , roll of the ununifurmed militia of .each , town or ward , filed' With the city,Village or town clerk, &c. When such a draft is ordered, all males r& siding in regimental districts are compelled to enroll themselves; the enrollmerit is then to be filled (in cities) in the county'clerk's office. On the day appointed the mayor or e,upervisor of the ward, in presence of the regimental nom mender of the district, draws by lot from this list a number of names, In accordant, With, the, number called for by the - draft. Any ; maleAhutt drawn may provide an able bodied man as substitute, who is then taken in his stead. persons of the required age are exempt from, a drafting, except clergymen those incapaci tilted by reason of bodily ailments: 'llteloici militia law of the United Stela, passed* 1791,, exempts the Vice President, judicial and execu tive officers, memberaof oOngrese; custom house officials, post officers and officials connected with the mail service, inspectors of ports, pilotsand mariners in actual A MODBL MiTAßLlsmitw t —Among the many improvements lately made in our city to which we can , point with pride as an evidence of pros. parity and as a determination' on the part of our business wain; rio lohiniktO remain behind the " light house," is the completion of Eby it Kunkle's large brick building at the corner of Market and Fifth streets, which is alike creditable to the owners and ornamental to that part of our city. The building is not only one of the largest, devoted to the grocery btipinese, outside of New York, but the stock chillengea competion.— Without going into detail, we may safely say I=l - - that the firm keep . en hitnd everything :`usually kept in a grocery store; (liquors excepted,) and thatthey sell at very small profits. Their clerks are civil and accommodating, and have strict initriictioni under no circumstances what. ever. to misrepresent or take 'advantage of any customer kgeneral invitation is extended to the public to visit the new 'building and exam ine the extensive stock,_ whether they purchase or not.. NNED Tomatoes and Green' Corn, at IL/ JOHN Wro.S. myl Ili TEL' „ ,--A lar e VIE-vicerrotte g—#. II PPIY iust Nttitmor.- *kw. AT C WOriinies and .tinnonT. WIBWL my' Wa hive received a very huge as-ortn:ient of Hoop &Iris, all qualities and prices, from 75 cents up to S 2 50 ;25 dozen of Marseilles Shirt Breasts, Collars and Cuffs to match, the wliolti set, for 26 cents, worth 50 cents ; 10 boxes of Ribbon fur dress trimming, all colors ; 5 boxes of Belt Ribbon, all colors; a large ar, sortment of linen and needlework Collars, and setts of collars and sleeves; a large _atsortment. of-white CambricS, ,Tacconetta, figured anti plain Swiss Muslin, Brilliants, Nansooks. the finest lot of embroidered French Canal,' ic Bands ever brought tolHart isburg ; 4 pieces of striped goods for Undersleeves ; 200 embroid red In fant Waists at all prices ; 20 pieces .4 Black Silk Lace, all prices, s /- yard whi., euitable for dress flouncing or trimming of lace shawls; Lace! Mitts at all prices, 26 cents up ; 40 dozen of ladles and gentlemen's linen pocket Hand kerchiefs. For wholesale customers we keep a large assortment of •hoittery and notions, such as Spool Cotton, Thread, Needles, Pins, Stock ings,' Socks," etc., etc.,_ S. LzwY. • TO TER YOUNG, OR OLD. Mate Or FbnaZe, If youhhve beeneeffenne from a habit In dulged In by the YOOTH OF BOTH B.IZZES, WHICH, ATMS, Eio,ll I , IY .-AL &RUING SYMPTOMS, It Thi/Its them for Marriage, . .And Ls the gre4.4 evil which can befall MATE Olt -WOMAN. See symptom9Anutnerated,kl aditerlisement, and if you axe' : • Cut out ihe adveriimment, And solid for it at ones. Delays are dangerous. - Ask for nelzaboldhi Take no other. Cures guaranteed. Beware of Counter feats and imitations. 016-4203 ii.AIR DIE' HAIR DYE 11 Wm. A. liatchaioes Hair Dye 1 The only Harmless and Reliable Dyer Known I All others are mere imitations, and should he avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed Instantly to, a beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the leist- Injury to Hair or Skin. _ _ FIFTEEN iikDALS AND DIPLOMAS have bean awar ded to WY: A. BAUM:F.OR Singe IS 9, and over 200,000 applications have been made to the hair of the patrons of his fainoneDye. Wii. DATCHELOIPS MAIM DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature and is WARRIIINIIID not to injure in the least, however long it may be contin ued, and the ill effects of bad Dyes remedied. The hair is invigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which is prop erly applied at NO. 16 &Mil Street New 'York.. Sold in all tho cites and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy - GaAs Dealers Theaenuino has the name." William A. Batchelor and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four sides of each box. Wholesale Factory,ll. Paxelay St., :Late 2:38 rollaway, New York. oct2-d&wly New 2thvertisemtnts. NEW MARBLE AND STONE YARD HENRY BROWN _HAVING opened a MARBLE AND STONE YARD on Canal Street, near Chestnut Army oppo site the P. nnsylvatda Railroad Depot, la% es this me'llod of Informing the citizens of Harrisburg an i vicinity that he is prepared to do all kinds of marble and stone work in a superior wiener, and on the Most reatociabie terms. jelo-d2m* CRUSHED, coarse and fine pulverized sugar, lowei than other place In town. Call and examine, •- • ,11i.HuLS BuWilN, jy2s farad; P:ropt and Market &Wets. tiLACECt — N4 1 MASoN'B "CHALLENGE BLACKING Axi.loo great, assorted liizog,jast received, and to as a at Wholesale prima, wYI nOCH. Jr.. k Co. FLY PAPER.' ANDY COLORED Pixer:ready cat, for . coveringJE coking Gm ies, Picture F. amee, &a.. union antothor new patter= for sale at 1 If BEHANKRI CHEAP BOOKSTOREf CIOLD PENS I—The 'largest and beat Ur stock, irous $l.OO to s4.oB—warranted—at n2O , 81187888 8 BCtOIIBTOR6. ABBIT Metsl;'ii good article, for ' sale ju low bi- AT EC pußvw, N. h.. Cotner Southend Penn, and 17 South street, Philo. Jy2l alms - THE NATIONAL EXHIBITION OF IMPORTED BLOOD AND DIERICAD BREEDS Of HORSES, WILL BE HELD ON Keystone Park Agricultural Fair Grounds, Williarnsport, Pa., ON TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, SEPT., I, 1, 4 AND I, 1865. Premium Li.;t and Piize Banneropen to &Miters from Me Canadas and British Provinces. The managers flatter themselves that, al- though the past exhibitions held in other parts of the 'United. States have:bees eminently suc cessful and entirely satisfactory to the public,. the past 'experience will enable them to .Im prove somewhat in the details of the arrange ments, and in this connection they hope to give greater facilities for 'the deliberate exam ination and trial of horses intended for am., Williamsport is easily and quickly accessible from all directions. Keystone Park is unequal ed in its track for showing and training a horse. The managers' - design to make this a horse mart, worthy of its central position, and its 'extraordinary facilities. BOARD OF MANAGERS. A. E. KAPP, D.s K. JACKMAN, • PETER HERDIC, J. N. BA.GG, W. F. LOGAN, DENBY DRINKER, GORDON F. MASON, Col. S.G.HATELiWAY, WM. COLDE& J. H. COWDEN, EDWARD LYON A. E. If..APP, President. H. E. TAYLOR, Treasurer. W. F. LOGAN, Chief Marshall. GEO. M. D'PIII, Secretary. THE GREAT NATIONAL EXHIBITION Of Imported Blood and American Breeds of • HORSES Will be held on KEYSTONE PARK, Agricul tural Fair Grounds, IN. WILLIAMSPORT PA . ON TUUDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY • AND FRIDAY, September 2,8, 4 and 6,1882. Premium List and Prize Banner open to Exhibitors from the Canada& and - other British -Provirims. CVENERA . T., REGULATIONS _ lisntacz - TI) tma PARK. The entrance to Reistone Park for visitors on foot is by the Cater Gate, on Campbell street.. The entrance for Horses anclGarriagei is by the•N. R Gate on Campbell - street. The gates will be open for the admission of the public from si o'clock, A. x., until sun down of each day. The Chief Marshal and Superintendents of the Exhibition , will meet at the President's Tent at 8 o'clock, A. m.:of each day, to perfect the arrangements for the day. supER.DTTENbEins. A Superintendent will accompany each set of Judges, and point out the different classes of stock to be exhibited. They will see that Horses are provided with halters by their own ers, and suitably arranged for exhibition each day. GUESTS, REPORTERS AND JUDOS Will please report themselves on, their arrival in town at the, office of the Society, corner of Third:and Elmira.' streets, in Tayloes where-the Committee-of Reception will be In seasiot "Tardsfirad them 19 .thea ' and thalkainittel to tfienrimni einility within their power. Ohm 2 ve rtisements. REPORTERS For the greater convenience of editors and reporters for the press, a Tent will be specially set apart for their use, and every facility will be afforded them to obtain and transmit in formation. A Committee of Reception from the press Will receive their brethren from abroad on the field, and farther the purpose of their coming. JUDGES. The Judges will ass alias at the Tent of the PresiJent, on the ground, at 8 o'clock, A. X , Tuesday, to organise and fill vacancies in the Board, should any occur. Tire report of the Judges must be handed to the President's Sec retary before Thursday noun. • REFBESHMENTB Will be furnishtd for visitors on the &id at a moderate charge. A tent saloon for ladies will be provided with female attendatits. Ices, Coffee, Oysters, &c., will be supplied by a.competent confectioner. PRICES OF ADMISSION. _ . No Season Tickets will be issued. Single admission to the grounds $0 2.6 Chileretrimder twelve years of age, half price. Admittance to the seats opposite the Judges' stand Members of Public Schools; Seminaries or Colleges, may commute for admis sion with the Treasurer. *_ VISITORS -IN CAM-MAAR:S. For a four or six home vehicle and driver, -passengers being supplied with llckets, 1 00 For a two horse vehicle and driver, pait sengers being supplied with Tickets... 76, For a one-horse vehicle and driver, pas sengers being supplied with Tickets.-- 60 For a horse and .its rider 60 BANN ACCOMMODATIONS. Exhibitors will be provided' wit"" stalls. and bedding for their stock, in the NEW BANNS of the Society, and in stalls adjoining, to the extent of their ability to provide the same, (if notice is given on or before the .20th day of August,) without charge ; so that horses may be driven to the exhibition grounds and nerd not be removed till the exhibition is closed.— Gintin and hay will be 'furnished to those who desire it, at market price. Arrangements will also be made with public or private stable keepers for exhibitors who make early requests for the keeping of horses, and at a reasonable charge. ENTRANCE FEES. In angrier dion of the Superior Ofarod Griztuitously. Competitors for premiums of $2OO do do do do 100 do do do do 80 and over 80, 8 do do do do 80 and under, 2 Single Horses, under the saddle or in harness, entered for exhi bition, but not in competition for premium and subject to the call of the Mar5ha1............ Single spans, or Tandems,:or Tri dams Six in hand Premiums will not be paid on animals re movelfrom the exhibition, nnl• es such rand val has the special approval of the Chief Mar shall, and premiums not claimed within thirty days after tbe award, will be considered as for feited. Premiums will not be paid on horses which are unsound. NOTICE It is desirable that those, who intend to make entries for exhibition should notify thil Secre tary on or before August 20th, , that arrange ments may positively be made for their accom modation. Letters may -be addressed to the Secretaryat Williamsport : amsport; The Treasurer will pay premiums awarded at the business Tent, on the ground at the close of the Exhibition, and at his office in Williamsport during the follow ing month ; or will forward any premium not so paid, in such manner as the person entitled 4o , theisame,mardirect.— - - PREMIUMS CLAM No. I.—Thorough Bred Horses, Stal lions. Premium, Two'Hundred Dollars $2OO Speed will be consideredin making the award. Crass No. 2.—Thorough Bred .Mares. Premium, One Hundred Dollars $lOO Speed will be conidderedin making the ward. Cuss No. B.—Stallions for general rite, 6 years and over. First, premium,. • • $lOO Second do 25 CLass No. 4.—Stallions for gerieral use,„,4 years and under 6. First premium $6O Second do • . ' , 20, Crass No. 6.--Stallions of 2 years and un der 4. • First premium, $BO Second do 15 CLess No. 6. Mares with Foal ,by their , sides. First premium,. second= do .. CLass No. 7.—Breeding Mares. For the beat breeding-Mare; 4years and over, First premium,' $6O Second . do • 20 . CLatat No. B.—Fillies, 2 years and under 4. i First premium, $4O. Second do . • 20 Onus No. 9.—Fillies,.l year and under 2. First tpremium, ' $2O Second do lO Crass No. 10.--Colts, 2 years and under 4 First premium $26 On No. ILL-Colts, (SLillions or Geldings,)l year and u nder 2 _ . a__ First premium, $2O second do .... Crass No. 12.—Matched Horses; (Geldings or Mares.) - For the best span, 16 hands and over. First premium, ' $6O Second do 20 For the best span of . Matched ROMs, 14 .bandii, , and under 16. - First premium, - $26 Second do 4, 10 Cuss No. 13.—Fancy Matched Horses, (Gel dings orldares.) • ' First premium, $6O Second do 20 Size, action and speed will be considered in making-the award. Cum Na. 14. Gentleman's spans of Driving Horses (Geldings or Mares.) First premium, $lOO Second do 20 Size, action and speed will be considered in making the award. CLAM No. 15.—Family Horses (Geldings or • • Mares )1' For theliest Family Horse, four years and over, driving, color, size and action will be con sideredin making the award. First premium, Second do ...... .. .. .......... 10 I Cum No. 16.—Gentlemen's Driving Hones (Geldings or Mares) 4 years and "our, First premium,........... $5O Second do 10 Driving; color, Bias, ended and , speed will be considered in making the award. Dims No. 17.—Saddle Horses. For the beat gentleman's Saddle Horse. First premiiim Second do For the best Isuly's Saddle Horse. First premium Second . do - Cuss No. 18.—Farm and Draft Horses._ For the beet pair of Farm or Draft Horses. First'premiam• - • sto Second do . ... . . 4,74 Ciisitio. ; l9.;,aosiidngle Farm or Draft Horse. .......... $l5 Second do $ ',stir 2t brtrtistmento CLASS No. 20.—Ponies. Ponies, under 14 hands, driven double Tan dem or TiVern. First premium $l5 itoond do 10 CLAM No. 21 Best team six in band CLASS No. 22 Bed Tandem or Tridem team STATE PRIZE BANNER Will be awarded to the State (Agricultural Society) other than Pennsylvania, which shall, by its citizen", enter for zhihition the largest number of valuable horses, a Prize Banner, worth 1200. RULES AND RF.GULATIGNS FOR =HMI- TORS Exhibitors with horses are required to use the South Entrance gate on Cambeil street, in coin ing on to and returning from the grounds. Entries of stock may be made at the office of the Secretary in Taylor's Building, until Mon day, 9 o'clock, p. m., September let, when the books must be made up for the Judges. The exhibition of stock on the track will take place precisely at the time specified in the subjiined arrangement; and animals not prepared at the proper time and place may, at the discretion of the Judges, be ruled out of competition.— Stock will be marked with cards furnished by the Secretary, designating the class and No. 'of entry; and during the exhibition they nilst be placed entirely under the management of the officals of the society. If sufficient time has not been given, in the programme for the Judges to examine any one class before the call ing of another class, the firet named clams will be examined on a vacant part of the ground to be designated by tbe Chief Marshal. Ar rangeutents will be made for the trial of Draft Horses by testing their strength, docility, etc., at a load. Owners or agents offering horses for premium or exhibition will receive tickets of admi-sion. Exhibitors are requested to leave eafficie•it space around each horse or vehiee fur the Judges to pass freely. The Judg.s will in all cases withhold premi ums where the horse is not worthy or is un sound, though there be no competition. " Exhibitors entering colts of the age of three years and under, shall furnish to the Judgee evidence of the time of foaling—to be filed with the Recording Secretary. Pedigree of Blood Horses, and origin and age must , be fur nished, if required, for every horse offered for premium. The Judges will report to the Board of man agers not only the horses entitled to premiums, but also those next in merit in each class, to meet the contingency of any abjection which may arise to the award. Alt horsen not obtain ing premiums, which, in the opinion of the Judges, deserve special commendation, will be so reported to the Board of Managers . The Judges, if not satisfied as to the regular ity of the entrees in the respective classes, or the ages of the horses as recorded in the en tries. will apply to the Recording Secretary for information, and should these be any doubt, after examination, of their coming within the regulations, or if any horse is of au( h a charac ter as not to be entitled to exhibition in com petition, they will report the facts for the coot sideration of the Board of Managers, tha such course may be adopted as the case may re quire. The several classes of horses upon exhibition will be called for in the order indicated in the programnie; and precisely at the hour named, when a flag will be raised near the Judges' stand with the inscription, "CLEAR THE TRACK." When the hour arrives for the exhibition of any class of horses, the bell will be rung and a flag will be raised to indicate the class to be exhibited. All horses entered will be at 'he risk of the owners. The most effectual means will be taken, through the agency of the police and otherwise, to /paid and protect the horses ex hibited ; but the managers cannot be responsi ble for injuries occasioned by accident or other wise. $lO Reports of the doings of the Exhibition will be officially published. SALE OF HORSES Horses intende f for public or private sale will be labeled accordingly, and a portion of the ground will be designated fur their examination and sale. The services of an auction , er will be provided, and a time named for publio sales. The beeretary will givt uotke of such intended ..ales, if early entry le made with him to that effect. Such horses cunnot be withdrawn nutil the close of the Exhit , ition, except by written authority of the blanattets. COLOR o.b` BADGES. Members of the several Committees will be recognis d by the following badges: Class NO& 1812.—rhorough Bred borsos,Navy Blue hibbon. $4O 10 Class No. B.—Stallions, 6 years and over, Green Biutioo. Class No. 4.—Stallions, 4 years and under 0, White Ribbon. Claw No. 6 —Stallions, 2 years and under 4, Green and White Ribbon. Class Nos. 6 & 7.--Mares with foal and Breed ing Mares, Orange Ribbon. Chits Nos. 6 & 9.—Fillies, Black and Orange Ribbon. Claks Nos. 10 & 11.—Colts, Green and Red Ribton. Ohm Nos. 12 & 18.—Hatch and Fancy Match horses, Red and Whiie Ribbon. ClassNo.l4. GenesSpausof Driving Horses, Light Blue and Pink Ribbon. Class No. 15 —Family Horses, Red, Whit. and Bine Ribbon. Ulnas Nu. 113 —Gentlemen's Driving Horses, Blue end White Ribbon. Clow NO. 17 & 20.—Saddle Horses and Pon ies, Black and Wbitellibbon. Class Nos. 18& 18--Farmers' Draught Horses, Bed Ribbon. Claus Nos. 21 & 22.--13 est Team, Pink Ribbon. Board of Managers, Rosettes. RAILROAD-ARRANGEMENTS. No feature of the Home Show is more pleas ing to the managers, and we trust acceptable to the public, than the facilities offered for the transportation of horses and grooms to and from the &thibition. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL B. 8., PHILA.. & ERIE E. E. PHILA. & BEADING B. R, LEBANON VALLEY B.R , - CATAWISSA B. E., ELMIRA & WILLIAMSPORT IL 8., SYRACUSE, BINGHAMPTON & NEW YORK. B. R., EAST PENNSYLVANIA B. R., SHAMOKIN VALLEY R. R. will carry visitors, horses and grooms free, one way. The Lackawanna & Bloomsburg, Phila., Wilmington & Baltimore, and Cumberland Valley, agree to do as other roads do. There are other roads to hear from, which will, with out doubt, come into the same arrangements. Thus it will be seen that the State of 13nnsylint nia is thrown wide opext to the exhibition. The roads will collect fares on all horses coming to the exhibition, and return them free on pre sentation of the certificate that they have been on Exhibition,and are unchanged in ownership. The following is the form of Certificate referred to above: $2O 10 NATIONAL NOM SHOW. WIILLUOIPORT, Sept. --, 1862. 2b i.thwd Agents:. This cerdtlea that -- has had on exhibi tion and not sold Horses, at the First Na tional Hone Show, held at Williamsport, renna., on the 2d, Bd,4th and sth of' Septem ber,l2s2: jyl9-ilowewteX $2O IkK:ad 0 1 T.