Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, August 07, 1862, Image 2
Eticgrapt PEOPLE'S UNION STA AUDITOR GENERAL: THOMAS E. 000111111 of York County. 8131tVEYOR GENERAL: WILLIAM S. ROSIg, of Luzern° County HARRISBURG. PA , Thursday :Meriting, august I, 1862. IMPORTANT ARRESTS. for months pest the loyalty and patriotism of the people of the state capital, have been outraged and insulted by the vieirince with which the plans and purposes of the geineru ment have been assailed and denounced:"'l3y covert meant and operations, the systeei of re cruiting Lim been most. feattilly Impeded and tear:melted—the public credit imperilled by We- Wing the public debt—the general confidence In the government iznp , iiteif by misrepresenting its policy- 7 and in a thousand ways, insidnous and desperate,:thssiinse of the Union has been Assailed at home, while Our brave brethren were abesaiiitriling their flies in its &Nance on the battle fields of :tbe south. Against these proceedings and thia most , infamous loondnc4 we have steadily intervened our influence and power as a journalist, but while tires eneggesi thcifir who were undermining the government and seeking to pull down its temples about the bads of, sought also to niuzzle alcriial tine, by instituting against un groseca4 tons founded on malice or pretexts of a kiwi Lwhigit, it was hoped, would intimidate ON in our . exposure of treason. Arlerigth the, attention of the government , hap.beiru dfrected to all these proceedings, and, yesterday the secret plots and deep games of -those who Were arrogantly gloryfying in the Vircii"Of the prosecution of the proprietor and onto gf thq,e,d, itprs of the Trwouals, were sud denly interrupted by the arrest of 0. Barrett ameit'lthothist. MacDowell," proprietors; and liforitSainery poster apd J: Junes, ;editors .r*rini and Union. These arrests were made in person by Gen. Wadsworth, Provoit II iisbui of-the Bnited States, waisted by Lis ' lieutrants ; and the: parties thus arrested are new ,on their way to ono or the other of the frestabi which traitors and rebels are confined. It irtiot for us to' write a' single word that wh i t i r t eiL4 as if we , were personally gratified 441 Obese ,arrestS, were made. We have no personal quarrel with any of the parties thus hatennto'crtmixidy, simplYbecause their personal iteStididi and attribut put them , outside of our smniatinothiand left. them untrnsted and un respected by the Idyal and decent men . of this oopmmilty„ That they will be fairly, and just- I**# wtih, no'man has a right to question, ' and that they may receive justice we ask that the illes ofUthe Patriot and Union, ftor a year and a half past, be thoroughly eiamined by the PFnyyll Marshal, or those having authority to littpose of the parties accused tßii Y I4TRIOT AN WORMER! the'lrao' Fork Braid, that occasionally lank for secession lam, begi os to find that Oasis a mighty necessity presde" the might iest action on the loyal I)64le'oitheland. it em phAtically declares that . a he who is not with us is against us." Lei this be the watchword of the hour. No real, earnest welt wisher of our Mile will - allow himseltto' be led' inio a diecua ka, of the morits of the contest or of . Its pro bable issue. To all true men. the right and duty are as clear and certain as the most familiar trultitt' and . obligatiOns, 'and he - who permits idnisalt to argue them in a measure admits that something can be said on the other side. No man takes. a candle out. at midday'to I provelo an unbeliever that the light of the sin,'which shines not more brightly to the .natural . eye than does the beaoon star of , duty in the heart of the patriot. Never until the North imitates .. the dogietiess 'of purpose of the Sotith' Will this wicked rebellion be climbed. , st.t this junpture, when we may expeet much: cavil and satire by reason of the proposed con sOription, should the true patriot do his whole dUty;'espeolallY In &daring with enthusiasm and, 000fidenoe the rigid and success of thit cause. Every man who utters a thrtught ()aka lated tsi dispirit his felloW citizens, or , to stir ap - di r ecentent and opposition to the govern ment. should be at once foroed into- the ranks. If, as is true, treason is the wickedest of Wpm,4.e who encourages It in the , smallest degreeshould not go unpunished. No man whtt understands the value of this Union but willfehderfnlly male an") , sacrifice for its main tainance ; and he who would , see it severed siCuld 4 the ranks have his errors corrected, and be made to see the truth. Let the whole oonstainitV resolve itself In to a 'detective oOrpi, and promptly' eport every person guilty o( .expressing a disloyal or compromising sen timent, and we will thereby get recruits and be rid of traitors in our midst. V„:10 events of twenty four hours in, this oity, sliOWs the necessity of this resolutiotten the part of all loyal men. We owe no mei service; moottnition, considerition ot: friendship, who is not openly, sad candidly for the Union—for the war, for, any,aritl. all measures theta will put dont thityebellion: Let thM sentiment be the guide In all tine relations—and whenever we And a nmoppcpd t to the country or the war, inspirit or in action, let-us put him down as a traitor, even if it best the cost of blood `&every stress Corner in the state- capital of Penn . WifteiTlO PET. ABL® Itormeti pave - A iltuftitlitflP bounty:, or R drafty f0n,..7 the iithent, ampOonnty t v;.l. • • THE MOUNTAIN HAS BEEN MOVED, AND The fag ends of the factions into which the old locofoco party has ;so long been divided, were busily engaged foi weeks past in drum. ming .together delegates sufficient to form a quorum in a county convention: They man age&to indite* a few decent men to participate thus inconvention,Onths understanding that the real objects of those leading in this movement be suppressed, that the participants in the conven tion might be preserved from the odium which wouldiittiftelf to themfhad a Mileiofiesolutions in consonance with the real feelings of those who ruled the convention, been adopted: Un der these circumstances, we have a-ticket of ir -reaphnsible old.and.yningliicks4 who haiefthe presumption to come-before the people on their own merits, and ask a loyal county to peril its loyalty by elevating them to positions of honor and responsibility.- If the purposes Of this convention looked to the playing of a good joke; it has succeeded admirably; but if the delegates &mildly and fairly believed that they could' deceive loyal men of P.mphin county by thus invoking their support, they have more andacity as doughfaces than we have ever placed to their credit. put' peculiar trickery, tbt3 convention has put' forth its candidates fn the shape of a miserable trap to catch the sepport'of honeit and tinenspectlng then. It is a trap without a bait--a - parti of miserable dowries without principle, a cies- of men as sembled to deliberate in convention; at a mo ment when the country isin great peril, neglect lug and absolutely refusing either to pan a resolution of sympathy for the government or of uttering a single honest sentiment' of cheer and endorsement of those who are fighting the battles of, the 'country. This is dough-flute loyalty and patriotism:; and on this platform -we are willing that the candidates should take their positicn. • ICKET ,The l iomination of William H. Miller, as a candidate for Congress, Was made to astonish the groundlingq wad bring down the house.— But the world still moves; notivithatandieg this important event, and now that he is before the public, it is only fair that his friends should ' state npcsi what emit hejs- thus so porcipously thrust forward as a candidatO to represent this Congressional district. , We know of nothing that he has ever done but coquette with fac tions'and hunt after patronage to give him any particular reputation. He certainly has no real qualification to represent any Congression al district, for we believe that he knows less of the resources and wants of the people orthis region of lennsylvania than any man living within the same limits. When we write thus we are only treating hinefairly. Gen. an d b n Rotufort i. Heok [lave been put ~ forth as candidates for the Assembly. While Beck was a member of the Legislature ho op posed the appropriation' of money to supra:l'st those who are engaged In crushing the rebellion, and he is known throughout this county as a bitter and persistent opponent of the war policy of the federal government. Boumfort is know . asan uncompromising partizan of the radical'Ao *goo° schooLand represented the county of Phil.; adelphia in the legislature' when that body was controlled b the worst infinenc:es of the Deino- 1 cratid rosi!tyf a Trelneseffefeetiik krio. y • those who are struggling to enforce the laws on traitors, because bis sympathies and associ ations have always been among those who are , strongly suspected of giving aid and comfort, to thereibellion. . , The other candidates nomated by the con-. vention may be judged by 7 the company in which they are found. Those who accept a nomination from a body of men who have no prinorples,to avow but those 'of 'sympathy for traitors, of course possess no principles them selves. In this light these meri can only' be regarded, and'as such they stand before .the people of Dauphin county. shall have more to write and print of the motives which prompted these nominations, as time and epace - afford us the opportunity.. A NOBLE AOT. We learn from the Chamberiburg pivach that in the absence of any action on the part of the Commissioners of Franklin county .to pay the promised bounty to our volunteers, Mon. A: K. M'Clure, placed In the hands of Capt. -John 'Dobler, the Commander of the company of vt lunteers who left Chambersburg on Monday. for Harrisburg,- his own private check, for $6,600, so that each volunteer As he is mustered in receives the $5O. Of course M'Clure will be refimbursed by the coin missioners of Franklin county, yet that does not detract front the munificence of his generosity, and the patriotic motive which prompted him to this, action. It proves that , Col. -M'Clitre has a highf regard for Ake great cause of the Union, a nd that noblp appfeciation of the va lor of those who 'tti forth to fight the battles, which never fails to excite the emulation. and encourage the devotion of the patriotic., —ln the name of every loyal man we, thank Olure for his generous confidence in, and support of his friends and neighbors. Mn VAN Ihraigir was the last of the old sue- Cession of Presidents, nearly eli of whom at tained to an unusually ripe age. If we except Washington, who died at the age of sixty seven, all those intermediate reached to within. S year or two of four score • while John Adams attained to the age of ninety-one; Jefferson to eighty-three, and John Quincy Adams te• t eighty- One- Daring the last thirty-yea rs , our Presi dents have died considerebly younger. idr. Polk was hut fifty-four ; General Harrison, sixty-three ; General Taylor, fifty-fortr, and M r . Tyler seventy-one, years old at the doge Of their respective lives. • • Semmerura—The portrait of ex-Governor ymour, of Conneoticut, has been taken down from the State House at Hartford. The Albany Journal suggests that Eleymolir lilihself be hung up in place of - - - i We suggest' that the same proceedings be 'carried out'with the Bigler portrait and Bigler Himself, in the Executive , chamber of this state.. No man in Dixie contributed mere to. the- initial steps of rebellion than Bigler, and; deeding sidthbispictureeand Lis person would be? fitting briblite to the rciyar outt- MentfotibbialwAraorisiesilfli ' gennoutuania Mak) elegraply_ Wirottat i litiorning, August 7, 1862 LO I A NOUSE I NEW PUBLIOATIO TUN AMERICAN ANNUAL CYCLOPEDIA and Register of Important Events of the Year. New York: D Appleton & Co. The publishers of this new and highly im portant work have forwarded us the first vol ume, which embraces information in a shape and of a eharacter, never before given tb the American people. As the Introductory volume of a publication that is to be indentifted with the progress and greatness of the American Peoik, We 1194 AN book before.. us :milk the delight which men can only feel in the real and subatintial.). • As a book of general reference and authority, the American Annual Oyckpedia, when completed, will be equal to an entire library embracing civil, military and social:affairs, pb lic documents, biography, statistics, commerce, finance, literature, science, agriculture and me chanical industry. As such it is a work with In the halide Of eveiY - 'Min in the country, And in view of - pia - chug it within the reset of all, it is published at prices at once fair antinoMinal. ME HUNCHBACK or Nom-Diwa By rotor Hugo. New YtWIP. Dick & fluigenold. 'This is one of those interesting, vivid and highly draniatie French productions; which make the romances of that country so drilling and so poetical.' It is in Victor Hugo)s :best style, and 'has been .faithiallg and accnrateiy a `translated into the vern a cular .by HenryL. , Williams. - I The Thenchback of Noire Dams can lie found Wt 13ergrier's Cheap Bonk Store, Market street. Tai CHAPLAII43.—The Philadelphia c:orrfe pendent of the New York qterrier makes noise dameging statements In .regard , to tbit lac+ herds" in the II Al eitialq. One chip& is reported to have "presahed-brrt - twice - eitice lie entered the; regti . nent4 ; 'iAtin'thAtite4 no ace of the privates, bat "was very attentive to the officers." A third "played cards regularly every, day, had kweachecljb,tit Once, and then to a little squad, a portion of whom played cards during the service." Many of the . soldiers sieeittect astonished *hen thiti on a certain. A r iesieu - ,-: that -It was Sunday— remarking that theyllid not know they ever had any Sundays in their regiments. TH3II3IIION ASrr: WAS,_ MID not CONSTIIII TION Al 3 rr Is."—lt is a singular fact, (which may be proved by tt xeg little °llama's:ma that the class of- pemons in . whOse mouths this expression is moat :frequently to be 'found, were originally sympathizers with Becessioe l tor at beslixmdtttonal Union men. And the ex pression is almost invariably quoted, not to condetnn 'and rebuke thobe who"are hi mina against the government, endeavoring to destroy it, but - sgainst - thostwho Afei indeitvoring to mit down' hn rebellion. .our :Zir.eiggg-SintikNi'.•fAleste ADAMS COUNTY' NOMINATION Special dispatch to iho Telegraph.] exernevaa,•August 6, 1882 The Union - ConVention, composed Cif the re -presentatives of the people, have'nominated„ the following Strong ticket : ' Congress—Hon. Edward McPherson. Senate—Col. John Woliord. Assembly—Joten liukby. • Distrilt Attorney—Win. B. McClellan. , Commissioner—Wm:J. Peters. Director—Levi D Mouse. Auditor—David Camino. SnrveyorJoseph Mitt. FROM MISBOURL SEVERE FIGHT inn PORTER'S GUERILLAS One Thousand of the Matrattden Attaok Two Companies of the Stale OUR FOROES OAPITIZATE. , t 1J (lON FOrit 11111It'AND 11 °UNDID. Rebel Lose lieventy-three Killed Union force in. Pursuit of Porter. Palmas, Mo., Aug. 6 • • A severe fight occurred at .Newurki Snow county on Friday evening last. About a tmnus , and Onerillas under - POrtet 'spprOsched•-tlie town an hour before sunset, , and Witeieet by parts of two companitwof -State militia, under Capt. Lair, numbering sevcapy i five men. The Rebels charged on oar troops and w ere repulsed, when they dismitunted and finally. drove Capt. Lair into the town, where a!ieverekittatiggle took place, resulting in the capitulation-of our forces, who Were Immediately. , paroled. Our loss was four killed: and four wounded. The Rebels acknowledged 78 killed and a large number wounded. • ••'. Porter's gang carried off the arms and camp equipnage of our tr00p5.,... } On Sunday the State forces of Col. Guitar sad Majors Chipper arid "Cildwill pular tbrbifith 'Newark, ,in pursuit, of ~Porter. On Saturday livening a band of one hundred and fifty guar 1111m/ took possession of.Alerantlts; 'Ma p :seised. all arms and ammunition they aid considerable other, ploidaftd(kiid About 800 men' went',4own op BitedaylroM . Xeoknk and arrested some ibitty rebel Byrn* thizers and took thenilo Kaki*. FrObi . Niiitthl - Offolm" . a," C= Expedition to Young's Cross &ads: PARTY OF REBELS ROUTED. Niw Yong, Aug. 6. The steamer Jersey Blue arrived today from Newborn. On the 2nd inst. an expedition Un der Col. Heckman of the Ninth New jersey Regiment had proceeded to Young's Oro Roads at the head of White Oak river, where they tad -a akinnish -with a party of Rebels, who Were completely routed. ° Col. Heckman, likir- 1 I geon Woodhilf and three ptivatio weiti aUgbt wounded, the Colonel not being disabbid haft -*4. 4 From Washington. Treaty '''lth the Ottoman Empire. ARRIVAL OF SEOESH SYMPATHISERS WmwKaTos, , Ang. 6th The treaty of commerce ; between the United . " States and the Ottoman. 'Empire is officially proclaimed. It is marked throughout with much liberality. Tobacco and salt, however, are not included among the articles which oar..cilistsm..arit..permitted,--tanto Ottoman deMlnions. lint, as a compensation for, *tip prohibition; no duty 'lrbitaver shall id the tiittirs" be kirk(' upon them when ex ported - from - the Ottoman Empirely dtisena of the United States. Six persons were recently arrested on the Rappahannockothile emmed in - shipping salt and.otherirtideafin gretitAtituM4 in the Richt mond market s awn the Over fur the benefit of our eleinietr: 'The prisoners were remanded to the old capitol:prison. DESTRlliirly . r: • FIRE IN NEW YORK. REPORTED LOSS OF LIFE. Nor Yottsc, August 6., The Rainbow Hotel;Noa. .181 and 188, Wil liamstreet wee itrOyeti ilri . this morning. the building kre. 120 - Beekman street, otou pied by McBp edoni & Baker, paper warehouse, Number, 127; Beekman ~ s treet,, occupied • by Baker, Hall and Sans ; paper warehouse, No. one hundred and sixty- ti ve t. tamp pit d by White &Co., envelope makers,'and Haman & Co., dealers in nph u latering matelials, were also &Wl:ltd. The buildings N os. 128 and 125 Beeknien, Nos. 161, 168 and 165 William street, were slightly damaged' by fire and wa ter. Two men were badly injured and two are missing. No'. persons are !yet known to tie killed, though the first reports stated that 10 were killed. FQR Epao PE. The 501 * ma u- r era , or A: i iis pee nit senil lind. e.t°lll- and with mishit $lB,OOO in specie. • MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. PRunummicA, Aug. 6 . The foreign news haa caused inquiry for breadstuffs And more firmness. in prices. The receipts and stock of fiesir , are small, sales of 8,000 Ols. at 5 dollars for Superfine, 6 60 for extra and 5 76 for extra family, Bye flour ad vinced to 8 87 106. 6 6: . Corn_ meal wanted at 8 dollars. There is.qgpod, demand for wheat, 6,000 bbli. sold at 1 8001, 85, And white at 1 4501 60: Bye wantid, at 80 cents. Corn con tinues in good req uest, - and 4,000 bush. yellow sold at 64 c. Oats are active,, and 6,000 bush sold at 46 foi Penna. and 80(89 for New Dela ware. No change in coffee, sugar and molasses are less firM; in provisions not mach doing, whiskey dull at 81.. Raw. Minx., August 6 Flour quiet—salts 10,600 bbls. at $4 954 5 10 for State; Ohio and Southern unchanged. Wheat steady--Salis4Pl.oo,ooo bus. at $1 12 al-19-for Chicago Scoring; $1 18(1 221 for Milwaukee , Olub - andasl 2831 82 for Red.— Corn steady-40,000 bus. of old sold at 67c. Pork steady. Lard firm. Whisky dull at • 291 GPO. " RAl:emotes, Aug. 6. Flour scarce; Ohio $6`626 00. Wheat active, new white $1:65(41 66 ; red $1 85a '4O. Ccifn ikotrifb, white 69c1470 ; yellow li4c 066. Oata &tit at fro.. Groceries dull and inactive. WhiSity,:iittiet at 82c. NEW YOBS MONEY MARBET Sterling exehangeAtill at 28 p. - o. premium. Stooks are-high v er : alld mor!_as_tive—Q4,.. B I. ,riqtnittatagrerviegmeg?: ILlesouri As. ; Tennessee 88 50k; Illinois war loan 88 . ; American goo 51 141. treasury, 7 8-10, $1 021; 8. 00,1111, laSit:ifik; re gistered, 90 c coupon _ /.BA, 86t. !T , t T or MI Z N HARRIEMITRG BANK: Amber 6, 1842 . . , TAP: kBAIENSi s • ••• .•`•• Loans and Diecionnta • 4688,861 98 Stock of the Codeinchiennilth 100,000 00 United States Loan - • 76;000 09 Spade 87,084 86 Due by other banks.. $898,861 86 _ Notes of other banks.. 22,764 418,106 88 Stocks, (at present market value,) 28,000 00 Bonds, do. do. 8,000 00 Beal Estate 14,500 00 $1,890,608.70 LIABILITIES. ..., : Circulation BlK . :46 4 690 00 Deposita 1,629 17 Due to other barb 46,418 70 $1,084,687 $7 The above Statement' 'correct, eo the ieet of my knowledge.and• belief.' • ' _ J. W.-WEIII, aohier.' Sworn and anbecribed`lefore toe,' dlt .Wurmerb Hune,'Alderman. Nin)--aborMiqments oE9Fitam. culutts MEROHANT'TAILOR. - . so - A'ithorsr . •snowrf NOTICE TO'MILITARY OFFICERS. 'I[AT/1113. ohr Lind, asiostment of int er im s Qf imd, reilsbk tos'iti,,korelleirldi to ix; ct wi; sborniace In'll4 o asl manner lowers nnifiainp._ %Ann•Anima Md. and. bow' *owls salable fot 0 11, ertintAt nu band 'OAMP - WJIMNG 048Ekil :-. /.I. , •corranuNG , PAPER, iraviimorzs, • ~ p ENS AND PEN usis: Just the thing to darili . hi tti knapeacdr. Price 4 XRR: ode, mmy 1311 OS For sits :Sa t e it- „ ItaltaNM/VDCHICAP 8008 STORK. • NOTIOS. (T BE Booth Nardi &hoot Directors will reptivl pgopralghe-firdldlng, a two akar inlet sehoortante, on the aria of /fourth street> and Blaettlarr7 alley. The payments will be made fitniab; SI the bolding programa", rearlinf on tlkeen oent. P le till comted. Ylait and aprOli hat an , be seep at he office of Dr. O. Fella, ESL* irOpocala man be ed to Jacob Honier. — ProaidoM, on Or . before Att ;nth. 'l3teattleeritlgt actomplartheasala. gaigagg...l MA, SALE. r. I undersigneid coffers at private: sale a ..,, sr TWO STORY WRA3IE HOUSE - haircut eat inOrfeet deep Muted on Sant State t nee rilleeetw—lbtlionewir 'l:[••••itn,r4"lo' _ , , ; kijnltennidlitbelead 'r ltor.l. at*dive- 20°' PURIFY THE BLOOD. LMT a few of the wortrdiaordere that staid Maki d arise from corrupt on MO so cumulates In Ale blood. Of sittithe discoveries tba have been mmill . .lto purge it outilson. ba‘e be n *nod which could In erect vie. t: lmam/ to-Acv of ElittkiTAßlLl A. I es arid fortovates the I 1e04.1e. .t IL .he Malt . iuto the y t m rnd purs*Ont the humor . eh make , dais e . It stimulates • tae beelt.y mot of the bdi and expels the diseirders 1,4 1 that gow a dinn• le in ui• bl od. us extranriteary virtues are not. yet 1110611 , known, net wh n t ey are is will no :onyx tea quest'. n what remedy to emi /0 • in th • grwit varety 41 efilletng caseates that , eqd e .. J an atterrativelioatlly::'Beirse~retrateaddlrriiillear on, ha I rig been monad fur, and now, 'or the drat tame. the a nblto have of at .'n wen h they can depend. Our tpaes utredoes not admit a rt flea ea t • t how it. &fent. Het the trial of s pipet) ho t e wilt show to tie sl k that It has virtues eurresernigtatythasg tin? have aver taken. :Adorers iron Sow L 1.., reform na Bwel ins. and :wee. try it, a d see the rapidity with which • t en es. Sk a Diatom RitepGa, Pa via, B adult, iikeptess Ste :ett- Mol ie elraorts get of the Sylare. •SC irtMaybritre; tat , Ailbffelas, Ildtar or Sall Ethersir,'#aski Beal, 'Migraine 'fn.; it 0 , d not be =One raft an be twspritty coartidby Ana's Sokiliator,. ",,,.. Direares itrystjpilled from the opt it Atli* toll ass of th ltyiludvxma, an 4 tavintr*lst JaatityLes little I:tytw:kad the eleetwh. .= ' ' 4, - '-' - ' Amato Dimon axe castled by. ..vials In the bbxrf, &attar, germs 17 Woo cured by t , 14 Ens= ow Sane. EaIULLA. Irk* $t per bottl; or 0 bmtlea fbrss. lfersB till tarPoNl of a rapar Ph711.3,' balm arra's Clammiest:l'4'MA' ari iv.'rYarturo kn-wo to be .11a b. r purgautblairl , ofsO,d to tie American l'a• p • came peattoz. or sbazas fur Prep witty Pt. ;T:lik AVIA &00.,`Lawal, at iva . an d and .y prudes iteryarto44 btld by 0 A 11. 4 147 b, ;rola & (b., 0. IL He /or, J. as. Lots, Di. id eh Y: Wyatt' .nd denier a eve 7- lame TN punniaoce of an Order of fin Or- Sams' r'oa•t of Daupta county, will be exywei rn s us or Thursday, the aSth Oar or august, us the prem'sen A t•taln lot or Oros Of, ground situate in vast Hanour torrnsldp, lo the con tir,lTreald, ad.oiting la di or .1 , hn Bordner, Albion Bohno and I laid !Moser, oontalog about seventy squaws perotoss. 'erlon erected a,- • - LARGE TWO. STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with Vgainnent, a good *table and oarrbige bons% with a gown o chard cw, dm Land - an sr Oen wad of water. be:0010*w Impr remota. This gtv is about fourteen =Pee fr. Han gn the Jonestown ma g, a sheet dlat nos bellw,.',libvird tavern "and is a very deny gblo loc. t a. lat , l7llofe agitate of vg lin J. :tell de , gg Attending% will be &on avd a wditionv of vale made kagara Ityr.Tolin eheu and'John Outmatch, adm Matra tors of sa d diced. Harr *burg, Ant. 6,18 g. tur Id 21w BOSTON, August 6 Is now prepared to furnish o ffi cer's military clothing, ar.vordirg to reg ulations at short natic• Al.O general assortment of Cloths, Cast amerce, Veathigs and ready made °lathiest for civet..., WANTED. A GOOD blacksmith and helper or boy In smith shop, apply at EAGLE W 011.133 aos (Me Nmir Tour., Aug. 6 GAIETY MUSIC HALL. OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN EVERY EVERY EVERY EVERY NIGHT NIGHT NIGHT NIGHT. NEW NEW NEW'NEW TROUPE TROUPE TROUPE TROUPE. ARi STABS STABS STABS. ACTS ACTS ACTS ACTS. MONS MONS. MONK MONS. DE LOUIS DE LOUId DE LOUIS TERRIFIC . lEREMO TERRIFIC BAR BAR BAR AOT ACT ACT. BERTHELON. BERTHELON.• . HALLIB HALMS. NUBBY, PERRY,. YANHORN, Bdß EDWARLIS. DONNEL The Queen of. Sam. EDWATLIA. EDWA:RDS. Tinos Raz Ho** Othipmandfribiaints au onpootad, by Dot ail to Como and Nes tati :saintirdon only 10 an& Mogul& • • 808 .EDWAREE, Mir-Louse analtantger. VW& RE THILLOtt, Rags Manager. IXECDTRIX'S NatlO.E_ ...- - .. IowARAH" LA. 'ALDRED; :'"lkreiattrix ' o Jim o'i• of Thomas Ahmed, ,dodo.. bite of tbS et , ' SW Moniabusit, Paortio comaty; hating. tett. e f , t ta•-y piatett so them br tistiltoght• r (ID 4- oourtty,twob. Doan a a I portteLiodebtod to raid; estate to took 4 tatioodido payment. and th° • .b•• 11 11 Cams .tet•preAsit $ ProPorlr• sittbetitlitatod hr imisaasat to Va. above mined *matrix. altz.ew. PEOGLANEATION: IrITHERE/41, How:Table Joni J. I 1 Pittont. Preknont ,of - the Court of common Pleas Mille Well % Je..telal District, conaletthg of tit: counties at Lebanon agegjiatipth n, and - the on Samo a Lamas and NOM Markt, associate Judges In Dauphin, county, having isened tuck precept, bearing date the MM. day t ot June,: 1802, to, me directed, for holdbgra Overt, of Oyer andleconner and General Jail Delivery and Quarter INNMN of the Peace at Harrisburg, * the county of Maputo, and to commence on Tag Ont moan' ocatillest tram being . .the 28m oar or Acorn, 18111; ma to inaleate one weeks. Notice N therefore hereby given to the aerator, Ins tbM of the Pace, Akkomen, and Constables of the said county of Ha** that they be then and there in their proper minims, et 10 Wax* In the torenoon of sa .d day, with their , records, inquisitions, esaminationa, and their own rememb lances, to do those Mugs - which to their olitoe Appertains to be ;eons, and , • those who are bog* to reecsmizances to promote against the primibers that or Abell be in the Jailof Dauphin coun ty, be then ind thereto prosechw against thlm as shall - under my - hand at Harrisburg, the 4th day of 'INNS, in the year , of our Lcird; 1832, and in the 'eighty-Math Tear of the Independence of the United states J: D. BOAS, Sheriff. Baintelt Onus 1. Harrisburg. Aug. 4 , 1862. j VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE . . , . Npw- offer for sale that valuable 1 city situated on the emnerpf,MaTirat . and Fifth tiCrles residence ; if riot . - told on or b e . the first of September next at private sale, it will di pos ed off at public 'oritorY' on ' that day, on the N_ _ , , , J. H. HAMM. JAL dtd - • p J, HALDEMAN will sell lots _on North street And l'onuoylnala imam .1 0 desiring to maw*. Apply corner Float mid 1 / 3 /q , - . 7y81.414-, raank....___.....- , ch ee s e . i frorn..,New York) Ran: Imerdernehneeneelinkeide low by •,......,:: —tin 4issta b * erzt - NlO/101** BOW MAN Xt. tr corner hake asotairliet streets. Lfll2 New 21buerttstmtnts !PUBLIC SALE, MERC/HANT TAILOR, 85 MARKET ST., HARRISBURG, LOTS FOR SALE. New ab 1 - 77 -. ""-ti s ;7-Its CHARTER OAK FAMILY FLOUR, UNEXCELLED BY ANY IN THE UNITED STATES AND SLIPERIuII TO ANY FANCY BRAND,s OFF gliEb IN PEN NSY uvANIA! IT IS MADE OF CHOICE MISSOUiit I%itITE WOW. Mr. Mitered *fly phi -e in vie city, free of clu zge TERNS, Cash on delivery. iyao wm. DOCK, Jr & SHEET MUSIC, SHEET MUSIC, JUST RiKEIVED. S EVERAL thousand pieces of NEW and ass* t vi , l7 stlimunt moo, comprising re r y k • aunt Steinway's Unrivalled Piapos, PIANOS FOR $l6O UP TO el,OOO SCHOOL AND CHURCH ORGANS FROM EIGHTY DOLLARS. PRINCE'S MELODEONS &c From Forty-live Dollars. VIOLINS, GITITAItS, nal m us! osl minium:llm of every kind AGENCY OF HOWE'S SEWING MACHINES, PORTRAIT FRAMES MOE PIER . AND MANTLE MIRRORS made to order. Constantly on hand a large r e iaty PHOTOGRAPH FRAM ES. Fruga l , orrery description made to order at the short=: uotlec REGILDING DONE, At the New Neste Store of S. WARD & CO. No. 14 Market Suara, near Cohler's auktly GLASS FRUIT JARS!! SELF SEALING. BEST AND CHEAPEST I CALL AND EXAMINE, i 730 WM. DOCK, Ju. &CO VALUABLE AND DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE WILLbe offered at public sale, OD Thursday, the 11th day of September, et 2 o'clock, at Brant's Hall in the city of ilarrisburg 1 Witty th - es acres of land with an exc dent frnma hone • and barn and outbulldiars, situated tartly in tne City riariisonrg and pardyin :mature to werair This property is situated on the South of kiummali. town turnpike, • portion of whioo h•s a butubfal 1 cation on a bill, directly facing the city of Errs burg, to be sold in three acre loss. also slot or pimeofground Mtnsted in Market iutre, ad 'oloing Jones' House, haying a front of 27 iine %nit extending but 1573 feet to 20 test alley, thus % erected a two story brook house with two story bask brick building and stable, having the use of • Ms feet alley on Market S mare, being ono of the 1120 desirable situations for hostile/0 or -Drivat• roe donna so the city. Possession given cn let of 00tOber ext. O , nd;tione of idea are 10 per mot. of the pu , &ea money to oe paid oa the day of mis t the balance of toe one ban' of the pnrcbaae money when the title le made, and the balance In two equal an nal paynorti with Into eat, from t e time posses don isglren. Tote secured by bonds and mortgago, A plan f the timer acre l .:8 ban be rem at 'he bad and shoe store of A. Hummel, next door to tae Coco House, (farm ,urg. I nil attendanze will be given b aub•dlm jy2B4's THE PIC NIC OF THE SEASON "TWIN OUT ONR AND ILL" THE FRIENDSHIP FIRE COM?ANY, OF HARRISBURG, Will gke a PIC-NIC, AT MUMMA'S WOODS, NEAR MECHAMCSBURG, ON •TUESDAY, AUGUST TWELFTII, AU the eltlrons of Dauphin and Cumhulind oun ties are respectfully invited tqplrtleip.ite. EXCURSION TICKETS, Will bs Issued on the Cumberland ,Valley Railroad making the are only ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS from Harrisburg to Mechanicsburg and return. Gen- Moment Octets - twenty ATV Bents, admitting them In the woods. ell respectable ladies are Invited without farther charge than their tare. WEBER'S STEINS BAND - will be in attendanee. The company have also agreed to take th eir blealn Engine along arm give a trial in • eche nice b urg chain, the nay, for the benet t of per• 10112, who have never seen it work. The care Will leave liar rieburg at A, at, and returning Will ma- • 'Mechanicsburg at 6.45,p. persons are marailted to purchase their tie. ets . 0 afore entering the are- No spirltous or malt liquors will be allowed on the grounds and all persons are positively forbidden to *time ou the grounds intoxicated sul,ur4N iLD, e N DREW °CHLATER, R 0 41/11T 7/017GEIT, ABRolid N srgaz, ct. 013.te: Managers. N t 3. It is hoped that our citizens wI 1 all join with makeving an old style a t es our object is to enough money to make payment due on our Steam Liken*. C1.431...1-11 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HAVING leased the Coal Yard, foot of North street, lately occupied by 0. D. rooter II am enabled to supply the publiC with a COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE DIFFERENT au44l4wid VARIETY AND SIZES OF aziinAtm 00gr'• FULL WEIGHT ALWAYS GUARANTEED. Orders respectfully solicited—which, if left at ,the Pater loot of North street, or at the °Oka of Wm• ?oak, Jr. & Co., will rocs ye prompt &Volition. GILLIARD DOCK• 1729 C PALP ,Oi 1 (or all kinds of machinery, Ea amaltiadaarge "Lamm for sale by NICHOLS* BOWMAN, Pie Cornor Front od Sakti street. BANJOS, FLUTES, FIFES, ACCX)RDEONS PUBLIC SALE• W ORqP,I3I7II‘IIFL aad ALB Br HUMP L, Executor of David flu clme , d•o'd