Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, August 06, 1862, Image 4
filebifal ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, THE NSW' REMEDY Fr)l2 RELEIII4AtIabIi A NEW NNACKDY, ♦ CERTAIN MANDY, j - AMITE ItBEIIMATISM, CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, REN11.11411.01 OR SPIRY .11.1. ND; ROW STUBBORN, No MAME 80W LONG STANDING, PROPYL4IIIIOI WILL CONQIIBMIT, WILL CUBS IT, WHAT IT HAS DONE, IT WILL DO AGAIN. TSB BEET TIISTIMONT, NWT 111DICIAL AumoluTT. DOCTORS KNOW IT, PATISNTS BiBLIEVSIT, TRIAD AND TRIM PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. iFsom OF/ULU Eloarriat Rireowni.j r MAY 30, 1860,-113lea 8., wt.. 28, single, never was very wrong. Two years ago she bad Rounick of acute rheum. lis to, from which she wits dm Oned to bar bed tor two weeks and suoseqeouy trona &relapse ter four more. !Oa has been well aim* then till last Batur day, while engaged in house cleaning, she took cold, bad pain in bar back, felt cold, hot bad se decided chill. Two days later tier ankles be. gait so swell, which was follow.d by swelling of the knee p.m& and of the hands. bile has now del pain is ber shoulders, and her knuckles are vary tender; red and painful both banns are athicted, but the right is meet so. This , then, is a case of acute rbeumsaism s as It Is new fashionably called, rheumatic lever. It hi.a well rem W remained typical ease e will carefully witch the case, soil iron) time to time call year alleutiOri to the vatle Cela symptoms which present themselves. My chief object In bringing bur before you now, la to call attention to a remedy which has recently been recommended in the Ireatment of rheumatism. Isamu, Dr Awenarlue, of et.. Petersburg, rhormlirt ill in the highest terms, hiring derives' greet Oiled I, from its use Io ii. 130 cases which came under his care. Various CO9l - teetirnOniels respecting it have appeared 7n. Our puree's, and I propose therefore to give it another trial. I must confess lam always mcredulous as to the worth el new remedies, which are vaunted as specillest but this comes to us recommended so highly, that we are bound to give It a trial. SAME CASE FOUR DAYS LATER 1 MAT 24 M 380.-1 will now exhibit to you tbepallentfer Whom I prescribed PrOpyladitue, and Wa s then abbr. lug under an attack of acute rheumatism. She has steadily token d in doses of three grants every two hours (intermitting It at night.) 'The day after yon saw her, I toned her much more comfortable, better than she ex pected to be for S week or more, Judging front her other "Um*. (The'patient now walked into the room.) ll* mprovement has steadily progressed, and you cannot II to notice a marked change to the appearance of her hits, which are uc w nearly all of their natural idle.— bar far our eaperiment would have seemed very sac metal ; but, gentleman, we must, wait a little while be. we we cat give a decided opinion as lb whittle 10 be he result. Here is another patient who was placed on the use ol -at moue tombola* on Souday last; she has , long been sullerlog from a oroala rheumatism, and 1 round bur at that time with an acute attack supervening upon bet °broods affection. The wrists and knuckles were much swolleu uud , wise. She took the chloride or Propyla. mine inithree grotto doses every two home, did you wiU passive that the swelling of toeholds hiw mach dioriln. [shed. THREE DAYS LATER 1 I MAT 28,.1880.—Thbi ie the case of acute rheumatism treated with propylamine, the first or those to which 1 called your attention at our last clinic hbo is EMIL very comfortable, and Is now taking tbreograins thrice daily. In this case It has soemtd to be loliowed by very rut islactory resales. The second o -se to which your atten tion was called at our hot lecLUro, has also continued to do mei: I will haw bring before you a very ClluTheter laUe case of acute rheumatism, and If the result be set. factory, I think, Mt good jurymen we shall justly render our verdict in favor of propylamin Ile Isa seaman, mt. 28, who was admitted a few days ago; HIS ham otlasional rheumatic pains, but not so as to keep his bed, unul eight days ago. The plains began in his right knee, subsequently &UMW the left knee, and later, the mints of the upper extremities. These faints are allinsollen, tense and tender. Ilia tongue is furred ; his skis, at present dry, though there has been Inca sweating. Ills pulse is full and strong, and about 90. Re has now used propylamine fur twenty-four hours. This gentleman is wilat may be called a strictly typical cum of acute rheum/aim: There was exposure to cold and wet, and this exposure is followed by a feeling of coldness, severe articular pain, beginning, as it usually does, In the toner johns. There is lever nod the profuse Sweating, so generally &Menthol on acute rhoumatum I did not bring this patient before you with the i air:st iffen of giving you a lecture on all the poloist connected with rheumatism, but to again give a trial to Die new remedy we are testing, and to exhibit to you this typical ease, as 1 have called it, than winch there co bid not be a hoer opportunity fer testing the medlcifne la question. We are, therefore, avoiding the use of all Other medicines, twee ano.lynes, that thorn msy be no missivigui which-was the efficient remedy. 4 ,Yen Moll mu the twee of a Mare clinic. THE RESULT. A FAVORABLE VERDIG'T. ;--1 • dons% 1880.—The nut of our cocivaleacenut is the case Mr acute rheumatism before you at Our clinic. of May 180, which 1 then called a typical case, and which it was remarked was a fair opportunity ior testing the worth et our new remedy, It was therefore steadily , given hi three grain dosed every two hours for four days. The patient has got along very needy, and Is now able to walk about, es you see. do not baguet° to sty teat I have neves emu as severe a case of acute rheumatism as shoe isolated to Wealth as this man eas been, and without being pruparectut dandeposluve tiy as to the Val tie of the remedy we have used, t reel bound to sta to that in tee sues to welch we have tried the Chloride ,ga Prupylatalue, gOo patients wive roitaieed their hea lth much earlier I WII2 under Ilse treatment ordinarily pnr , sued. I wish gauttemon, you would yourselvee try it, and report the results. For a full report of which the above la a eondensed annum., see the Phlladelpnia Medical and Surgical Re— cower. It le the report alter a fair trial by the but med ial authority in this country, and makes it unasaassary to glue 1111010t01111 acrinicatey from assuulaheu damns and rejoicing paUeute. A SNOWY CORN, - AN IarkSGTUAL OURS Tars dAlllll RcBULT WHAT Tr HAS DOgg, Hullo* dt Cirewthaw, a firm well known to moat medi cal men, by whom the Elixir Propyhunbee boo been in traduced, base sold to us the exclusive right to mannfac, tore it according to the. original recipe, and we have made arrangements of Etch magnitude as to enable us to scatter it broadcast amongst suffering humaatty. A WORD TO DOCTORS. If you prefer to use the same &only to another 'torte We invite your attention to the Pun OSTOTAMID Ouse= PIKIPTIANINII, • Pun Peornimme Lipure, Puss PIAOP TWAIN], OVICIMITHATED, Pula luaus Pacw'rumus, Of which we are thowile man abet/dem ,p -We akin uo other virtue Tor . the Elixir Propy lamina than in contained in Pure Crystalised Chloride.of ?ropy. amine. tag ELIXIR IS ANDIt&Y org TAk EN, AOOOAIIING TO DLOMIONS, sr ANY MBA,. IBY AMAX ONB, WHO LIASAHEUMATZARW ANY XIND. Bold In Biirrieburg by AT 75 on. a BOITIJI Orders may be addressed to PROPYIAMINI MANUI4O27IRING 00., , I. Me*, Room No: 4, a W. Car fourth arid Obeaant streets, Palladelphis. or to either or tee Mowing WOOUtiaWbgepti BULLOCK k CRINBR&M, FR/ MA RICHARDS k CO. JOHN M. MARIS kOO., WITHERFIL CO.„ - PURR T. WRIEUGT 00., MUIR k BIUTH, T. WOMB PKBOT CO ) 1 PluiLmousur.., mirf.4l, PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. no Passenger Trains of the Pennylvaida Railroad company will depart Mari and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows DOCTORS READ, _ DOCTORS LIMON); DOCTORS TRY IT. THROUGH IRE S:I TRAIN km, Harrlabarg daily MA 1.15 111. 111, and artrya at West phmalalphlasa t 5.10 a. m. ' FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily, (exisePt at 5 80 a. m., and arrives at Went PVl l 4o l Phis at 9 . 4 a. m. FAST MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg _daily (except Sunday) at 1.20 p. m., isid arrives at West Phikdelphia at 6.26 p. m. AOOOIIIIODATION TRAIN, via Mount Joy, Saves Harrisburg at 7.00 a. in., and arrives at West Phi a. delptila at 12.26 p. m. HARRISBURG AOOOIO2ODATION TRAIN, via Odom- Ma, haves iiirrigintrg at - 4.10 p. m.. and arrives at Wed Phibutalpbbt si 0 26 p. m. TRRouGH ExPREga TRAIN loaves Philadelphia at 10.86 p. m., Narrhiburg at 8.00 a. m. , Ahem 8.10, a. in. and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.86 p. m. RAIL TRAIN leave* PlitladelPhia at 7.111 a. nr., and a.r rives at, Harrisburg at 12.80 p. m.; leaves Ilarriaburg at 1.00 p. m., Altoona, 7,00 p. in., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.16 a. m. FAST LINE leaves Philadelpida at 11.80 a, m., Harris burg 8.46 p. m., Altoona at 8.20 p. m., and arriving at Pittsburg at 12.46 a. m. HAMM/Re ACOOMMODATION TRAIN 'loaves Phil. dalphla at 2.80 p. and arrive' at Harrisburg at 8.00 p. ni. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION via Mount Joy leaves Lancaster at 10.10 a. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 12.40. p. m. HAMM D. YOUNG. Supt. Raft, Diu. Penna. Railroad Harrisburg, Hay 2, 1162 —iitt Nl5l l Alit LINE ROUTE TIRED TRAINS DAILY TO NSW YOU, AND • PHILADEL PH I A QN AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY sth, IN% the Passenger Trains will leave the Phila de Ala anti Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelptda, as follows, viz • I:XPRIBN LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.25 a. In, on ar. rival of Pennsylvania Railroad gapress . Traln from the Wed, arriving in New York at 8.15 a.m., and at Phila. deiphis at 9.00 a- in. A steeping ear is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without ohaugo. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 a. arriving In New York at 5.80 p. m. and Philadelphia at 1.25 p. m. FART LINE leaves Ha rrisburg at 1.40 p. m., on arrival or Penirevlvaula Railroad Fast Nall, arriving in New 'fork at 9.50 p. m., and Philadelphia at 8.40 p. WESTWARD. FAST LINE leaves New York at 6a. in., and Philade I. raga at 8 a. nt., arriving at Harrisburg ati. p. m. WAIL TRAM leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil. adelphia at 8.16 p. m. , arriving at Harrisburg at 8.10 pm. SIMMS LINE leaves New York at 8 p. m. arri ving at Harrisburg at 8.00 a. m., andiconnecting with the PO=1'3 , 111)&111' Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping ear is also attached to thin train . Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Penosylvaubs Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville Willoasbarre. Alleateing , Baaptehrem....e.h , "~me Baggage checked through. Vitro between . New York and Hariisbnrg, 55 00; battalion! Harrisberg and Phila delphia, 13°26 to No. 1 cars; rind 52 70 In No. 2. For tickets or other Information apply to J.J. CLY DI, myit.dtf General Agent, Harrisburg. IN ZVERY CASH, WIDINNVER IRINA WiMEV= TRIED IT WILL DO AGAIN moitg coNv Ktmeri_ AND ALIA ASS RVADT PON 11111 1 / 6 DIATB USA TRIPOLI. Walking Blue, 'De So leelee, Be•salaaa kiiihrb, for sale by . Acinza*BOMUS, , ho4tas4 _ giennovimmtaiptattr ItiOugt 6 1862. Ntto %Dixrtietnunts. BUMMER TIME TABLE. ON AND MINN MONDAY MAY 6th, 1862. EASTWARD. WESTWARD SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. EASTWARD. Oran & Ca., D W. GROSS & CO., wao& ssAL cirri RETwn: DRIJGCT.ISTS, NO. 19 MARKET ST'RE.ET BASKISBURG, PEIVN'A.- DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE. KEEPERS AND OONEWMERS, We 4.0) dank ad 4o auvassortiiienkcif goods all , each, artkileiii as • are , deslralilk add would reepeotflllly #ll your atentloa to - ttatt largest and best, seledk iii*l f iku th , city, .of DRUGS ORMAIWW2I-&-PAINTS ow, "rollsikedand Glues , oyoStuffs, Cilais.opd Patti, Artist 16oltirOSS and Tools, Pore tiromAd Spices Biarnizig Fluid iiind:Altaikol, Lard, Speraa and Me 01la. aottles, Vials an4Liu,P,pilobfo, Castile Soap, sponge and Corks, age., &c.; 818. &Iv, &c.. itre.,-8164 With a general misty of MAT O= 1"01-41141L'ithla* selected from the .best utannfictureis tuni Pe turners of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, 'WHITE LEAD, LIMBED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL TREE VAETICIIII3, COLORS AND MON= OF ALL KINDP, cc o lit We respectfully invite a call, feeling, cord dent that we can supply the wants of 41 on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH!, TEETH!! Joir 8 AND vrarrEs , B PORCELAIN *ll3, PAtTENT MEDICINES AND HAIR ki6 , 4 Of all kinds, direct froth the Pioprietors • • Saponifier and Oonoentra,ted Lye 1 Whblesale Agents for Saponifier, which we se as IOW as it2nu be purchased in the cities, fELt.YER'S bIEDIICAL FLUID EKTBAOTS COAL OIL 1 _ CANTON Being large purchasers In' these Oils, we can otlei inducements to class bliyertr• coal 011 Isurms of the most . improve(liattanis, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to burn FAIWERS,WID GIiAZLERS E Thuile of You who have not given our HOME AND Oili.iTLS POWDERS a trial know' no the*4 superiority, and the advan lege they are in kPePing Hone 6 gqqclytt,i9 healthy and in condition.. • - . Thousands can testify tothe piofit theyjuivti derived from the Use of -our OattlesPoardifi :by the increasing quantity and quality of_ milk, besides improving the general liealth-tind` ap pearance of their Cattle, Our long extiedenee in the business give as, the advantage of a thorgagiulmowledge of =the , , j, trade, and our anangentents hi the elides are seek that We can in a very abort = time furnish . anything appe4ainini to oni t 41,28; oti.tbe beet 'of tennisi . .4 Thankful for the tit*g. pOriniage bestows - , on our house, we hope- hy Maki attiiiith4‘4 busiaess, a oarefulieleationbt PURE . Dtie:V-ci 8 at fair prices, and the desire lo please-1)110a merit a continuance of the favor of a dleorlur biatiug public. " • 'ap-Ifkili". _ FI B .T. N-131: TA - 0 Kl t El 4 2 OF ALL ICIIIIII3 "- ' - Three, tbur•and five joint Trout &NM. dilk and Hair Tront Lines:Yr= 10 to 50 yerdslOriii. ' 'Londtin Patent Trout Lines, a' T.46164.1a iallk front Lines, " aliMbrces Lmee, "' - . 1 .. laimoinj 0,4400 Li nos - 2 .1 at --is 11. float Lines furnished w itht Hooks, Oorintyko.: BotunUuMplyang Hecht 10 to 50 yards. A hxAf Choice Trout.Pbee. wk. worm, Gut Lee„iere, bottom 4114114 3to VAN*. ' threads. " ito , " ." ds Liribireirs,eiti 240...1108 Trout Baskets, Kir Patoo by Trout me 'Mid River Beam, Limer ick Trout end giver Hooks,'flosus. Masks and Drinking Copt ! KILLWB fITOBB, MY, ntliszket.Bize RN Fresh - Groin:id and Wtola Spice, Y Tapper, Alspice, Clanamoo. Nutmegs and Warez Ft .NICSOXS dailloFl4oll9,. cwief Front and 4 llokitti: steels. Cal - • - • u' &w. O,:TATLOR'SNAN.BQO4 la/ blecaniadddal and tA g t dt de*iliFe COP! tans nn Rosin and. will nft.otrtate. is warranted net to InjlT the hadd-a•S t Wilt Im Put an liiireintle_ • • Qualftlk-p4045711.:004. PurNse,,,or l ajOY .1 DOOR, 7a4M: A . .0,0, and OfKLOUSIVe assortment O crassware„ issaseng, Umbers, (foldabl meg foi dol., iko n and everytldne 1 or proffervjo vn t i o, Jon' - .. cOnfor iris* and l.4ll 11firs$44.= « *Hsußatumi Tb Dom - -Rita, Roaches, As. to Disstm---Mioe, Moles, and Ants. to Desivii—Bed-Bnirs. 2b Destre*---Moths In Fats, Clothes, &c. lb Demny----lioaquitoes and Fleas. lb Dam—lnsects on Plants and,Fowle. 26 Dimroy--Insects on Animals, Ito. 5b Dlikey-----Rvery form and *vie ofVermin. " 6C:O . eitna.9l3" VERMIN EXTERMINATORS. "ONLY INFAMBLIC BENCIMIES KNOWN.% ; • , MUMS • EVERY 'FORM - AND SPECIES OF VERMIN. 11•1 These Preparations (unlike all othersy are "Firm from P 012068." "Not diffgerons to the Human Family." "Rats do not die on thepeiniees." "They come out of their holes to die." "The are the only Infallible manes known. known." "12 years and more established hr New York ' Eked by--the City Poet Office. Thediy—the City Priem endlitation Howes. Used by—the City Steimere, &him &c. , Used by—the City Enepitehi, Alms-Houses, Used by—theclityliotels—iAstoe—'St.Nk)ho ,leit' Used by—the Boarding Houses, &e. ' Thar by—more than 60,000 Private Families. irav one or ha Bp isnass of what is everywhere sal by the People—Editors—lkakrs, ke. ROUSEKEEPEBS—troubIed wiih vermin need be so no longer, if they use "Comex's" Exterminators. We have used it to our satis faction, and if a box cost $6 we would have it. We had triedpoisons, bntthweffected nothing; but"'Coents's" article knocks the breath out of Eats, Mice, Roachee and Bed-Bugs, quicker than we •can write it. It is in great demand all over the country.---Marusa (0) Goats. MORE GRAIN and provisions are destroyed annually in Grant county by vermin, than would pay for tons of this Rat and Insect Killer. Lancaster (Wis.) Herald. HENRY B. COSTAR—We are selling your preparations rapidly. Wherever they have been need, Rats, Mice, Roaches and Vermin disappear rapidly. Earn & Sieutma, Druggists, Windsor, Md. Li "costar's" Bat, Bosch, ko. Exterminator. " Costar's " "Costar's" Bed-bug &terminator. " Costar's" " Cloeter's " Electric Powder for Image, &o Is 2513. 60e. 11,00 Wart Bonus mico hums, IS $ 6 00 119 ran PL.Oulficitn. AR" Boas, Ham, ko. .0111TION !I To prevent the public from being imposed upon by Spurious and Highly Pernicious k , riiations, a new label-has been prepared, bear ing; a fac simile of the Proprietor a signature.— Examine each box; bottle, or flask. carefully be fore purchasing, and take 'nothing but - 4 008- Atili•" . RIM gir AW - ..Thetorsfierv—by All Wirotsasta Dammam pt the large °Him Some of the W4oleeale Agea-taip, Ne . w Yorh City. Schieffelln , Brothers 'l3. A, Faluiestiook i Eltil) A Co A. B. &D.' Sands te - CO. ..Wheeler A Hart. James S. AspinwalL Morgan A Allen. Buckel A Co. . Thomas & Fuller • L IR D. Orate. - - Harrel, Ilkley. Kitchen. - & Bobinscet, - • M, Ward, Close & Co. • & Robbhie. - D. S. Barnes & . Jr, Co. - Liselle, Marsh & Clarinet. Dixon & Co. X-4111) ••• , - FQ Philadelphia, Pa, W. Dyott a co. A. ,NahnestOoik* Co. kpbert - Shoernaker& - 00. French, Richards &Co:,—assi _Ann ET DariGOrers,- 0104=14 Swinlinili and Berm rtio. ge nerally in alt--COMITIIt Tolima and . - -VELTAOSS in the IJICITED STATES. IR Het4 8103 1111121. EN N iscid by p. IW. Dross &. Co . • • . Keller ) clied Wholesale and 'Befall Agents at tw i tl w alrg, and by the :Dements, those ;awl ilstrag,eaa generally. Cove= MAIM can order as alma Or address _orders direct, if Price, --Sro - Terme, ~ ic desired, send for circular, OAPS 'iced hiceal - murgr $. .COSTA. er. Thdor=-Ne161.21--(Oppo pul -.84141 Wevalgailreihs lolins &; tgrailegs. ISOKETIONG FOE THE 11.1138 1 1 ors NECEEEITY UT MON HOUIMMOLD JOHNS & cßosurs American Cement Glue THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. TEE CHEAPEN! GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE MOST DIIIIABLII GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD THE BERT GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Is the only Mick of the klnd IrlerProdueed loddelk WILL WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL MEND WOOD, swe your broken Furniture. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, mod your Harms, amps, Belts, Roots, ato. IT WILL MEND GLASS, sate the pieces of that emulsive Cut Gluts Bottle WIITLL MEND IVORY, Do% throw away *al broken Ira ran, 11 Jo early, LTA WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken 'Mina (kips and iktiCelfi can be ramie's,. good an new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE. That piece 'mocked ant or year Marble Mantle * Call be' put on as strong sui ever. - IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No malice it-that broken Pitcher did not wet bet eabil. aldllblig laved is a shilling earned. IT WILL. MEND ALABASTNR, That costly Alabaster Vase a broken and you can't =kat tt, mend It, It illkuever *bow when put together It will Mend Bone, Coral, Lava, and in foot everything but Metals. - lay ulnae Cemented wilt& AMERICAN canary GLUM will not show where It le mended, MEERLOWIL "tory Housekeepers should have • supply or Johns & Coolers Americo Gement Glne."—N. F. Noes. unit' bonvenlent to have in toe boase.u—N. P. Area "Ws always ready ; this nonfoods Itself to every body.":—lndeweedowt. "We have tried It, mid end tin meth' In our homes as water."—WiTks' qf 014 2fratet. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. $lO.OO per year oared in every Dimity by One, Bottle of LMEBIOAN CEMENT GLUE. Price 25 Cents per Bowe. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Very Moral Reductions is Whokink Busters. TERMS CARL '/fir - lror sale by all Druggists, sad Storekeepers eenerai ly throughout the country. JOHNS & CROSLEY , (sate Manufactu re ,80 1 78 WILLIAM STREET, Corner of Überty street- NEW v /fax Important to Rouse Owners. Important to Builders. Important to Rail Road Companies. Important to Farmer,. se all whops Mb may conenn, and iteannanni every icHP II 3 41‘...,CRAPLEY'S IMFBOVID eurre PERCCELS: DEMENT - 100F/NG The Cheapest and most durable Roofing in use. IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. it can be sp..lied to saw and OLD noon of all kinds, steep or Ott, and to Swots Rome without removing the Shingles. The Cottle only &boat One-Third that of Tin AEI) IT IS TWICE AS OURABLE . This article has been thoroughly toiled le - AM York Qty and all other pares or the United States, Canada, West Indies Central and gtotch Amerlea, on buildings of all kinds, snclias Fioronice, FOOWDICINV, thWaOHen , Rad Roan Dims, Cane, and on Padua Bowmen generally Gerunstierr Binuesise, rto., by the principal Builders, Architects and others, dining the past four years, and has proved to be the CHEAPBST and goer DURABLE ROOFING in we; it is in every respect A FIBE,_WAI R , WEATHER and TINE ?MOP covering Tor ROOl l 4 Olt ALL KINDS .171 is is tAe OltiLY material impatifisdiped in Ms gaited Saba which combines the very desirable properties of yraiaSsay and Durability, which are universaily acluiow iiiedged to be possessed by QUIII PEROHA AND INDIA RUBBER. • No Heat is required in making application. The ewes) of applying it is trifling, es an ordinary root can be covered and finished the sawe d a y. It can be applied by any One, 'and when ilnletted forms a perfectly fine Paco, as r bore with an elastics body, whiob catalog be injured by Bur, Coto or &ow, hallaillar of Root Boone, gor say en (minaicUon irlutever. LIQUID GVTTA PERCHA CEMENT, For Coating Metals of sdl Kinds when exposed to, the Action of the Weather snd, PIDEICEM];ND AND ItiPBABitTGAIETAL ROOFS OF ALL HINDS, Tbs t h a only composition !mown - Which Will amen. tupy resdet extreme chances of ail climates, for any lanai of time, when applied to metals, to - which it, ad here. s firmly, terming a body equal to colts of ordinary mink cosy sc am hum sad will LAS' . ittftliM TIMM A. 9 LoNO ; and from itt elasticity not injured by the contraction and expansion of Tin and other Metal Boobs, consequent udon sudden changes of the weather win wog CRAOK IN COLD ex RUN IN WARR .AND WILL iwi we.sir Oil. Leaky Tin and ether Metslltoots can be readily repair ed w up . cairn. POONA CEMENT, and prevented from further oorrotdon and leaking, thereby ensuring a par zloty tight roof for many years. This cement It peculiarly adapted for the preserratios of IKON RA WM% STOTird, MANORS, BAT" AORI• CULTURAL DIPLRRINTA, ke., also for general mee .. between tae, GIITTA PEECRA . CEMENT Ter prewwwing and repaint Tin and other Metal hoofs of every description, from its great elasticity, Ii no c injured by the oontraction and expansion or Metals, and will not crash in cold or run in Warm weather. These material@ are ATIAPTIO To Au awns, and we are prepared to supply orders from any pan of the c oo n . try, at short sodas or GOTTA PEittIRA ROOFING is rarready Pori ter use, and GOTTA FREICGA CE in burrs with MI prinput threudcuut for appll aatkm.. AGENTS WANTED Ws will make Unseal and sallefitetory srmagements with responsible partite who would bite to establish them. MITES in a kwatlve and permanent business. OUR TERMS ARE LABEL We Gan give abundant proof of all we claim In favor at onelmproved Roofing having aPPlind them to Several 'lbwownad MO in New York Craw and vicinity. JOHNS dc CR.OBLEY 3 BOLA MANQYAlnvgirag, tinning Warehouse 78 William. St., Corner of y Street. ~- W YORK , l ii asospnva Orculga and Puns, will be fongebed Oik appllcaticki. o 7 • ` SOtqi.,Aiacrtit, City Crackers, justreceiv ea O a r 4 r, 8141 AT Mos /Ls a BOWMAN, Comer Front od Market streets.. PORT FOLIOS—WRITING D 1 iKti A entire new enartanent of-thew unentar A** Nat %ma d at - ookit • ' a REBONSWEI ut!Alp Bre, Business lEarbs. _ .._.„..._,....„ DEVI,. A. MUENCH, AGENT. O F the Old Wallower Lino reepeettully inform the public Out mix ad Daffy /ransporta. ten Line, (the only W.4now •P Lue oa' to exist.nee to this city ,) i. Is in BUCCe.ibtul Operatlon, awi prepared to freight aa low al any other indveLlual hoe oetweca putiadeiphia, Harrisburg, tinnbary, Lew,,,,,, g, wa. ibunsport, Jersey Shore, Lock Harse and anether pokey on the Northern Central, PhdAdelphia ant me 511 d, we. thimsport and Elmira Railroads, DaNL A. MUMICI.I, Age n t, Ihurishurg, pa. Goodssent tithe Ware House of 'Amin .„„,,, t, Zell& etwatunan Nos &Xi and `,lO ”a - ket Street aoove Eighth, Philadelphia, by 4 e'coJew., P. It , will arrive at Hambarb ready for dehvery next tnoretng. &pan-Maul B. J. HARRIS, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Itaneiact urer NO. 112 JIARIE7 871E17, HARRISBURG. HAS always on hand a lull ageorttnent or Tin and .I.tpanneu Ware, (looting' and p t r i o , Stoves of the beat manutac uric, Butte • Spatttu.;, Ins and Oalvalised Iron Owl:nab, manure-cure I .10 up at reasonable rates. jar Repairing promptly attended to. apr3u- C . ZI.M.M.ERMAN'- BANKING STOCK, BILL AND OOLLEGTINti oei , Has been removed from No. 28 Seam Si NI.. 130 MAKKrAr STREE'I HARRISBORO, PA. TREASURY NOTES TAKEN A I PAL ii*Det At( A. C. EMITS, ATTORNEY-AT -LAW, OFFICE THIRD STREET, hlY 10 Y) NEAR MARKET. IMPItUVEMENT IN DENTISTRY 1)It. P. H. ALLABACII, Burgeon De n net, Idanutacturerol Ahocral Teeth, the eel) method that obviate,' every objection to the .iee Mal teary embracing partial, ball and whol, acts 0! Ull Owe only, of pure 1411,1 indestruchale mineral, there no crevices for the aCAXAlMilltallint GNI:MaI particles of to end therefore, no oflenaive,xter from the breath, as eo ue lel Is needle their conatructiou, there can be no galrloit, action or metallic Wale, Hence the lathy Awl is set toyed with aura throat, headache, &c. Mitt, Vorte Second street, Iltrrishurg. oroll-dtv .011111/lialiturti UN 2;310S tt,l7 ~ BILLIARD AND BOWLING SALOON, NO. 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR FIFTH. THE subscribers having erected a /arg, building at the shove piano, csproxty fur lac pur., u• um above indicated, bog to e4ll the shention er too t)- ha to the follow ma : TH2 aa9rAI7RANIT, on the first do tr , watt 2 Wiling room attached, is tilted up in first-utsis style, Sad it will at all limes he 13,1ppled with the best .)I'SfEcti to be had in the Atlantic cities, together with terrapin, ash, and alt Mods of game in states. Oysters served np in every style, and meals to bo had at all hours. The Ales or alt the celebrated breweries Hi the country constantly on hand. The Tee-pin Alley, or Bowling Saloon, is in the rear, and contains three alleys el modern construction, where the lovers of this hesitny exorcise csa onjoy the Cllietre, The Billiard Saloon is upstairs—elegautly deed up abel contains three marble top Combination it bleat, equal lo any made. liarnsburg has .oeg felt the want of a grand cornir: Atkin of this kind, and as the proprietors are antenna. to conduct it la u quiet and orderly calumet., and du eve. rything In their power to mime u a fas Atonable re or they hope to receive a liberal attire of public purr. WILLLaM C. ife.FADDEN a CO. TIRE INSURANCE. THE - DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE CORFU'''. INCORPORATED 1835. Capital and Assets $869,126 31 DIRECTORS. Wm. Martin, Edmund A. ti'ouger,Th.o?tAbis Paulding, Jac R. Penrose, Jno. O. Davis Jas. rraluair, , Wm. Byre,jr, Janice C. Band, william 0. Ludwig, Joseph H. S,al, Ik, R. B. Heston, George G Leiper, Hugh Craig, Chartei Hellj, LiSMUeI E etokai J. P. Penutston, Henry -loan, EdWard Darling.on, H. Jane, Brooke, spencer SPllvehe, Thomas C. Band, Robert Burton, Jacob r. Jones, Jams B. blVarlann, Josnua Eyrc, John B. Semple. ha burg, D. T. Morgan, Pittsburg, a. B. Berger Patemrg. WILLIAM MARTIN, PrJelizient. TyOSAS C. HAND, Vice Pre. irknt. HENRY LYLBOHN, Secretary. The undoreigned as agent for me at) seuro.l con peak , continuai to take eire Kitts to LtserL"ourg add vicdulty. WILLIAM BUEBIER. Jell) tilt PORT FOLIOS WBITING DLSKS, THASTT.I NG BAGS, PORTINIONAIES, And a general ailsortmeut of FANCY OtX)DS have justbeen received at • BEER NER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE SUGAR CURED 11.AA16 DRIED BEEF, SHOULDERS, BOIAINA SAUSAGE. .5A large and fresh seidi.Y.lust receiv,d by elrle W,l. 0004 . Jr. it at HARRISBURG COAL OIL DEPOT. GiOR the safety of ulnaumers, we have establasued a LAJ 'Oil Depot at we corner oi r ruff sal Hanel. Streets. all our cif are tested eel We puti lively sell none except euah as prove to be sou-explosive, clear and Tree from odor as ler as practiceole. te. offer at present die lollowingiustly celebrated b ands. Meg pelts &deism, Nebroue and, tower arid cau be purchase i elsewhere in this plACti o either wuuleewe or retail. Also an ex.ensive usortmont of Lamps, Cuss neys, Shades, Glass Cones, warners, &c. %V., will slue change fluid or entnphene lamps, so as to be u.:ed for Wild 051. Cali and daL1111:y yoursel fee, at NICHOLS & howmAN, Corner of Front and liarbet Areet. aprll BEAUTIFUL TISSUE PAP iL it, VOR covering Looking Glasses, Picture Frames, oraimeming trimat ug (bs ripm so., and ma so as w usug over smogs in nle slap= u Stan, plots, &otos or &Caw& For Sale at rayed. cCIiEFl b.itS sooKsro RUBBER GOODS ! Rubba Rubber Watches, Rubber Rattles, Bobber Toys generally at BERGNEtro OHEAP BoOKSIO L • Jdru tur putting up fruit, 'the celebrated alibnbe GLeIP, siatOla and cf leec,is W.irrasted tog,ve s siscieaosst received and tor sate by NICHOLS & RJWItAx, Jel9 Cornor Yrout luau Maraca aLreet. L (WARS ter preserving; call and exam )0 hie at Meth....6 a BOWALIII, 1)7 Corner IrrOnt. and iSurset *lnes. tiliUN6, raisons, es,coanuts &C., just received and ter sate by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, cor. Front Lai t Mar siroelS• MD j1.0,E1611.F1611 every. Tuesday 3111.1 at, JOHN WlSa's Store, corner of aird • b. - tituta a Variuty oi ---111 " /" 21 LI and entertaining artietea--etirap— ,, +1,14,2' itESU. Lemons and jilat re F c•eived andfor sale low by BOWMAN, 'lOl4 . Corbel . Front nod Marius. sues 2. 6.000 POUNDS Extra Prime Sugar Oared Haws fur ode very tow whol. sale Or lotto by WM. ll.Cd &CO SMALL lot of caolue Dried Fruit, at •tcUOLS & el) 'MAN, Omer Fruut and Market Area. in:ERSPoin 4!— TPn tierces of these justly celebrated auger cured hams, received and kCjc- (121A -B ClDER.—Constautly on hand al " 2 7 fardor Brook of isreA cates am. DOOL, Ji. ft W. MEM