pailp etitgrag NO ici TO ADViratTlahata.—an Ad. vertisements, Business Natters, Mar. riages, Deaths, &e., to secure insertion In the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accompanied with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regu. lar Evening Edition are inserted in the morning Edition Without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA Wednesday Morning, August 6, 1862, MONA VOLII,TZERS. —A volunteer company from Carlisle and ooe Irom Lewisburg arrived here yesterday, and weut into quarters at Camp Curtin. Tim Scorn CITY Zuosorss.—Mr. Alfred Fager has opened a roll for recruits for the second Cif y Zuaves, Capt. Wesley Awl. His flag hangs out at the Fachange, Walnut street. i=cl= THE DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVENTION met at the Court House at 2 o'clock p. m. yesterday to nominate candidates for Congress, Legisla ture, and the usual county officers. I=l Tea GERMANS.—We un lerstand that a move ment is on foot among our patriotic German adopted citizens to raise a volunteer company, to be composed' exclusively of their own coun trymen. A GRAND FeBT/VAL.—The citizens of Derry and Londonderry townships are to give a festi val in honor 'of the "Derry Fencibles " at nummelstown next Friday. Several addresses will be made, and a pleasant time generally is expected. FULL—Capt. Henderson's company of volun teers—the Derry Fencibles—recruited chiefly in Derry township, this county, is full and will arrive here shortly to be sworn into the service of the United States. I=l 'lna Fawns IN MOTlON.—Recruiting offices for volunteers have been opened at Middletown, flummelatown, Union Deposit, Linglestown, Dauphin, Lykenstown and oaratztown in this county, and all meeting with a flattering suc cess. The young farmers are coming forward with creditable alacrity, in thia, the hour of their country's need. A HARE ISHURG= CAPTURED. — Information has been received here that Capt. C. C. Davis, of the Harrisburg City Cavalry, attached to the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, with fifteen of his men, while on picket duty near Manchester, were surrounded and taken prisoners by asupe ;Jur force of the rebels. ••.••••••111,,.....10 °MOSES OF THE RUSSELL GULRES.—The Russel Guards, CApt, Wm. S. Jennings, held an elec tion for additional officers on Monday evening, when Harry Hummd, of Harrisburg was elected as First Lieutenant, and John S. Morgan, of Fairview, Cumberland county, as Second Lieutenant. The company has received its full complement of meu and will go into goarteis at Camp Curtin to-morrow, THE " BIIORTA.i.ta." --Recruiting for • • Slick tails" is progressing rapidly, and there is little or no doubt that the proposed brigade of these favorite sharp shooters will be filled at an early 1. Application for authority to recruit for the brigade should be made to Moj. Roy Stone, at the Buehler House, in this ci y, and be ac e nuianied with proper credentials of character and ability. \VDUS DO ALL MA N/OZZIA GO T—lt was once uo interesting and popular inquiry as to what becime of all the pins, but the public mind is now more anxiously exercised to know what , becomes of all the nickels, three millions eight hundred thousand of which have been coined at the Philadelphia mint, during the past month. The coinage of the past month is, double eagles, $88,620; quarter eagles, $52,400; dollar pieces, ' ,s[ 'vtr) $6,C00; quartets, $13,200; nickels, 838,000. Toiel, $176,120. Total number of pieces coined, 8,628,286. • Tex sums of our city presented an unusual 1Y lively appearance today, reminding one of me mining times which followed the opening , of the great rebellion. The several recruiting stations seemed to be the "centre t,f attraction," esp daily with the young men, who are coming forward nobly to thereat work of saving our glotiout 'Union. Indeed, the number of enlist ments within the last few days, has encouraged the belief that Dauphin county will furnish double the quota of volunteers asked for pre vious to the 10th instant, in which me per tulseion will be asked that they may be formed Into a regiment by themselves, and officered by competent men from the same county. Such au agreement would be at once gratifying to our brav e volunteers, as well as a credit to the county, and we hope it will be effected. TIM DitilatENoll.—We want to call the atten tion of our young men to one or two facts. There is honor and glory in being a volunteer. of his own tree will respond to the c ' di of b e'ountry, and volunteers to fight her battles' wens tet himself, however humble his position, a proud and glorious name. re other years, when peace 8 1, au have been restored, and the Republic more giollo MB than ever, 'those who volunteered in their couutrp's defense, and tamped the mortalities of the sexvice will be the honored sons of the land. For drafted, soldiers there will be nu such honors. Go where he will, felt as he may, th e stigma of having been forced in the service will always follow him. He receives no credit for patriotism. You have your choice. The most of you must enter the service before this war is over. You are the bone and , sinew of the country, sod the country must have the bone and sinew whether you are willing or not. Will you be men, step up to "the music of tbs IJoion," and voluntarily enter the that you can remain he it without a blush, and retire from it with honor. Or will you wait for the draft, and instead of tramping through the wars with the light tread of the volunteer, %Try your musket, with a bowed head and,. shamed face? Now is the time for you to ask, Yourselves these questions. After neat Baum.' day it will be too late. Tun Ii'CLELLArt ZOI3AVES, tapt. Banvart, are progressing finely, over forty names having al ready been enrolled. Young men desiring to fall in with the Zonaves, can have that oppor tunity by calling at &invert's Drug Store, Jones' Row. Tas Bose Gcasis.—H. Clay Alleman and Jushua Weistling, Esqr's, have opened roils for a volunteer company to be called the "Boas Guards." Their offices are located in Third street, near Market, and Walnut street, near Third TOR BRNADTB OF LIE UT. AARON SULLIVAN.- The remains of Lieut. Aaron Sullivan, formerly of.this city, and a lieutenant in the Ninth Pen nsylvania Cavalry, who was killed at Tom kius villa during the raid of ilotgan, the noted re bel guerrilla, into Kentucky, have been recov ered, and were expected to arrive at Pittsburg yesterday. They will at once be forwarded to Butler, where his relatives reside. I=l THY WAS SPIRIT TOUT AROUSED I-Still Another Company in Harrisburg I—The Old and Steady Men Coming to the Rescue I—Louis Yaney, who served with credit through the Mexican War, and was Lieutenant in the old Cameron Guard, be lieving that his country need his services, has commenced raising a company, to be called the Dauphin Rifles for nine months or during the war. Recruits may be enrolled at the Brady House, at' the Park House, at Mr. Yaney's place of business, 102 Market street, or at C. .1. Jester's paint shop, alley, near the Court House. THE STATIC EDUCATIONAL - 00NVENTION met in the hall of the House of Representatives at the capitol,at 10 o'clock a. in. yesterday and organ ized by electing Chas. R. Coburn, of Bradford county, President, Rev. S. P. Bollman, Vice President, and Samuel McElhone, of Jefferson, Secretary. The attendance was much smaller than at the session last year, which is ascribed to the excited condition of the country. A res olution was passed providing for three sessions a day, the first commencing at 9 o'clock, A. u., and terminating at 12.30, the next at 2.30 P.M. and terminating at 5 o'clock, and the third commencing at 7.30 P. at. and terminating at 9 o'clock P. K. The subject of Teacher's Insti tutes vas discussed in the morning session at great length, and was continued at the after noon session. Among the delegates present are a number of ladies. A Szoonn Rom or Horton—The Telegraph Of fice Takes the Palm in the Combat of Valor and De votion to the Government!—We have never felt so proud of the craft, as we do at this moment. It is a pride founded on our confidence in and regard fur a class of men with whom we have been long associated, andwhom we had long re spected for their social virtues and manly in tegrity. This association is about to be inter rupted for a while—we trust in God only for a little while, during the time that the follow ing men, only yesterday busy at their cases, will be absent doing duty for the government in the army of the country. The list - embraces : GEORGE W. BENCE, HENRY C. HEMMING, BENJAMIN E. DAILEYJ, 4 THOM AR FORSTER. .LEVI.iikaBA4PPREISONT. t* , JAMES D. CULP, . J. JiLTON WHITESIDE, JAMES BARRINGER, EDWARD FOUGHT. These are young and active men, most of whom have seen service, and know what it is to handle the shooting stick, while all are ar dent for immediate and active duty in the field. Wherever they go, they will carry with them the, good wishes and kind regards of those who remain behind to contiihnte to the success of the country through the medium and influence of the TZLEGRAPI; w hile each man has the hon est 'assurance of the proprietor and publisher of this journal, Mr. George Bergner, that the sit uation they have thus voluntarily given up, will always be held at their command, when their term of service in the army has expired, or they have been honorably discharged. Again, we repeat, God bless. the.gallant men who compose the Roll of Honor of the TELE GRAPH office I Bum roa Sias AND Woman Bounces.— The following letter from Bev. Dr, Smith, well known for his services in the hospitals at Washington, has been received by the "Li dies Relief Society for s'ck and wounded sol diers" of this place : WAsorterrow, August 4, 1862. The wants of our sick and, wounded soldiers are, daily, in articles not supplied by the Gov ernment and which can he met only •by a care fid, personal distribution. Clothing they have, or can have, sick and wounded men need very little of these. Bat, you know sick men need GOOD lOoD—vegetables, /ruins, custards, flesh, eggs, good fresh butter with sweet well baked bread, and many other things which they do not get. I have been every day in hospitals since April 1861, and know that what the sick and wounded most need, are not thought of by persons at a distance, or by any who'do not see with their own eyes. 'lily heat is sick to sae so much that I cannot relieve. I keep a man servant who does nothing but attend hospitals with articles of food, which Mrs. Smith prepares in her own hops° and distributes with her own hands. In deed she and this servant attend to nothing else. We are all much worn down, and still the demand continues : May God help us in these times of need—of treachery and dishon esty. I am in the Lord Jesus Christ your friend and fellow laborer. It will be seen by the above what is specially needed in such places as our hospitals at Camp Curtin and elsewhere, and the publication of it will be useful in guiding the benevolent.— Contributions of any of these things can be sent to Mrs. s. D. Ingram, Market street, President of the Society. As vegetables and fruit are ttoW abundant, these can be supplied at small expense. Perhaps some of our farmers who see this notice, and are not called on much, would . 12ei . glad to supply some of the above wants. RD:7EI7MNG GOES BRAVELY ON.-Our townsman captain Wm. F. Jennings of the Russell Guards, (and favorably known as let Lieutenant of the Lochlei Greys in the three months service) has his company, the minimum number nearly full, but as he intends to raise it up to the maximum number, now is the time for young men to join o.Bzo class company---and any Attie &ens in j) e ..ds that you may wantiorthe campaign, promuredat the uheaplky Goods House of Mum & Fomces, wont and Market Sta. peuniptiiiitha titgrap-1), A MODEL ESTABLISHMENT —Among the many improvements lately made in our city, to which we can point with pride as an evidence of pros perity and as a determination on the part of our business men, no longer to remain behind the " light house," is the completion of Eby & Kunkle's large brick building at the eornar of Market and Fifth streets, which is alike creditable to the owners and ornamental to that part of our city • • ' The building lexiiitonly one of the largest; devoted to,the'gre47 blusinetni, outside of *aw Yoik, but the stock ch dlenges competioni 7 Wlthant 04it i tletrAimAtingplciijittY that the Arm keep on hand everything usually kept in a grocery ti&e,ilkuoripe'xiepted,) and that they sell at very small profits. Their clerks arrialikATststAihiniginifnithit i ve strict instructions under no circumstances what ever to misrepresent or tike . arivaptngeof ,any customer A:general invitatiOn'is extended to the public to visit the new building and exam ine-the extensive stock, whether they,purchase or'rAlt; Ws have receiv ed a vWy laige siwortment of Hoop Skirts, all rqualitisis'and pikes, from 76 cents up to $2 50 ;26 dozen of Marseilles Shirt Breasts, Collars and Cuffs to match, the whole set for 25 cents, worth 50 cents ; 10 boxes of Ribbon fur dress trimming, all colors ; 6 boxes of Belt Ribbon, all colors ; a large as sortment of linen and needlework Collars, and setts of collars and sleeves ; a large assortment of white Cambria+, Tacconetts, figured and plain Swiss Muslin, Brilliants, Nansooks. finest lot of embroidered French Cambric Bands ever brought to Harrisburg ; 4 pieces of striped good. , for Undersieeves ; 2 00 enitiroldero in fant Waists at all' prices ;20 'pieces Black Silk Lace, all , prices, some imitable for dress flouncing.or trimming of Nee shawls ; ; Lace Mitts at all prices, 25 cents up ; 40 dozen of ladies and gentlemen's linen pocket Hand kerchiefs. For wholesale customer Welteep a large assortment of hoisery and notions, such as Spool Cotton, Thread, Needles, Pins, Stock ings, Socks, etc., etc. S. Lawy. TO THE YOUNG OR OLD. Male or fare, If you have been suffering from a bebit indulged In by the iYOUI7I OP BOTH , WHICH CAUSE SO MR NY ALARMING SYMPTOMS, Il Undes them for Af_arriage, . And is the greatest evil which can befall MAN OS. WOMAN. • See ayinplcmi enumesated in advertisement, and if you are a eudeFer,„ - Cut out the advertisement, And send for it at once. ' Delays ere dangerpuu. ' for belinliold's race An other: ' . •: - ' dues "guaranteed. &ware of CownSerfetts Zatifdtiona., jyl642m HAIR Do t Wm. A. Batchelor?! Hair Dye I ~ . , The only Harmld Sh own and Reliable' DYerwn All others are mere Imitations, aildshould be avoided Ryon Wish to esoape,ridioule. , GRRY;4tED OR Ruslir, Ralf{ dyed . lostting to s , a beautiful and natural Brim Or Ittaok,Witiniu Yeast Injury to Hair or Skin. TARN XISDAIS AND DIPLOMAS have bete's` amid , ded to Wit. A. P4vampos done 18 9, awl over *MOO applicatione Wit been made to' the hair of Dui patrons of bis 1114100116Dpi. • Wit. A. RATORBLOIPS HATIC'DYE produces a color not to be, distinguished from native and is WARIMNTID notto injure hi the least, however long it may be contin• ned, and the ill effects of bad Ores remedied. The hair is Invigorated tbr life by thin splendid Dye. which is prop erly applied at No. 18 dond Street New York. Sold to all the cites and towns of tile United States, by Druggisth and Fancy Goods Dealers The Genuine has tho name "William A...Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four sides of each box. Who Weal() Factory, 81 Farelay St., oct2dBrwly. Late 233 recuilwaY. New Yerk JOHN WISE'S Confectionery & Fruit Store, THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT; Barraburg, Pa. CONFECTIONERY OF JUL KINDS, • - ORANGES AND., I.EHOMS, PINE APPLES, BANANNAS, FRFsH AND SALT FISH, And ve,eables or all kinds, brought direct from ih e Eastern Markets, telce a week, and purchased limier My y. riooai supervadon, thus eaeolidg me to sell a better sod cheaper art ole than any in the market. .9i - Or era from a eistsuce attended to promptly, and semis de ivered t, any pert of the cdy free or charge. FRE II CANNED FRUIT constantly on band Give me a cad. jai JOHN WISH. MILITARY CLAIM AGENCY BACK PAY, BOUNTY, PENSION & SUBSISTENCE • EUGENE'' 'Snyder; A ttOttieY' at Law, office, Third street, tiarrisntire, Pa.;,-will attend I. oodeotion of mi itary alai* undis..tbe act Assembly, of April 6, .1862 Baba ' ,at! Of discluirzed and uses turd soldiers. county undo* AO 'Of Contirekis, July, 22, 1861. Pensions and ohm, fur subsistence, sio. , jylo-dBin PO4A.DE HONGROiSE FOB FLUNG MN MOUSTAO HES, RE LLER'S i.RIIGSTOR k 10 0 o ß r. B u L g t: . .. d S o uga n r d Te d fin j u s ed aad Raw,) w,I -received and be solkat the lu Reit mtrket . Je2o WM D JCK, JR., & Oth ertHE general variety- of goods for 'act. :justua g the Nbe found at Keller's, is unaerpasseddle ttas city. jue 91 Market street CAN NED. Somatoes and Green Corn, at Jour; WI?-'`.myl , U 4 RA JELLY.--A ltitge supply just kir rPeefved ' WM. IDOCH..Ie & Co. APPJ E 8 Oranges and Lemons, at s TOHN WISPS. tnyl BABBIT Metal, a good article, for sale low by AT EX PUREE!, N. E. Cotner Sonthand Penn, and 17 South atreet,-Phtla, jy2l dlm* NEW MARBLE AND STONE YARD HENRY BROWN HAVING opened aMABB.Li Aim Sion Yea° on Canal Street, near Chestnut street, oppo site the P ansylvaela Railroad Depot, takes this method of informing the citizens of Hagretbarg and tion4ty thei he is prepared to do all Idnittn: mgble_rind stone work in a superior mariner, antroit the most reasonable terms, jele•d2m* Joner C. Slum !HUSHED, coarse and fine pulverized 4,/ sugar, lowed then aliy other place In town. Call and examine, • - ' IniluLSag BOWMAN, jyzs Corner Front and Idarketatreets. - BLACKING 1= - vrASON '8 "CHALLENGE BLACKING . IT_Lioo arms, assorted sizes, Just received, and tot seie at Wh*M e Priceg' 1)00K.-& co. dell F.bY PAPER. . jrWAHOY COLORED'Pairir, ready cat, for Ooveripo Looking,. Gloom gjapre tr Union sod can: non panernk-foi.salese • BIIIR/PIVIVYAP,BOOKSTORB , aOLD PENS 'Lagoa aisd VI Stock from 01.00 to s4.oo—warranted—at MAME $ Islol=lll. 3)Tetu Wixertistmtuts 8 U a A RI itintobop Morning, lugust 6, 1662. filiatellautons RECRUITS -WANTED. FOR THE 15TH INFANTRY, REGULAR ARMY. f\NErhuroired wore able bodied (mar 11,..,rf. HMI or uOmwried) men' are want. d to complete ihe Sewn d Ba tallion °I II a above re. ham'. ' Its Ilea 'quarters are pleasantly, loc test at "Camp 'Wissahickon" on the tanks or the Schuylkll, D. fir Phtlaselpbla, where rerri hi as weekly o.nt to be thoro gbly Ina reared betsre going into set Te a-rTice rio Jest, Ints.hrnit and rnersett r men are parduularly watt id for non;mmmis-I med officers, tO wt om ~s aith all recruits, every advantage of ad qanced bounty, pay, &c,, Is given. A pr.-oduni of two dollars will be mild any citizen or soldier for each accei tette re, nut presented by h m Further info•millon may be es &me l 1' a ,p.ied to , , at h oaceetr Second sure. t neat. h • Mark t hon-e, Bar r sburg, t a. i H. NO nlO +. iikiim .Capt. 16.,h II 9. lofty., keqrtvi kit .offic• r A PURVES, Scrap Iron and Metal. Merchant, MACHINE .& FOUNDRY FURNISHINGS, N. E. Cor. of . .Sca4lL, and gam, and Ni). 17 South Streets,, 'il/LADELPIA . . inS ot roppir f ... .. . ~ . 'si i i e . t .i f oi, u Bruce Red. 4, Zinc, " 0 Yellow, —Btfiel, . . Pig Tin, Borax, Bar " Pig Lead, Foundry Facings, Bar 4 . Audis' - Spelter, Vioes,P.les, itio., Antimony, ( Ad isetals, ' Rabi lit Metal, " Copper, B181:011 li, . 44 Brass, - Ironßar s•ildrs " Lead, Aio., &o. , - New and Second band Maobinests' and Multi:midis' Tools and &elm - lingoes baught aid sold. Artimes of uvery, d seri Um in use by Ilochirdste and PouVrymen, flirnisbed to orde , . Jar Cas h paid for Scrap Iron, Old Ra il s, and all kinds of metals. jytt dims INS If RANCE. Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMEBIC. OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1791. Charter perpetual. Capital and Assets $1,200i000 DIRECTORS. Arthur Carry, Samuel W. Jones, John : A. Brown, Samuel F. Smith, Charles Taylor, Aurbuise White, John R. BA Richard D. Wood, Vidltim Welsh, William E. Bowen, James N. Dickson, S. morns Wain, John t.aseo, George L. Harrison, Francis R. 0303, Ed ward H. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke. ARTHUR G. CuFfIN, President. CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. - AB central agent lbr the above name/ company, the undersigned is prepared to take Fire risks m any part of :he State or Pennsylvania, either annually or perpet ually, on the most favorable terms. Office Third street between Walnut and Strawberry alley, Burke's row. - - • WILLIAM BUEHI.ER ' Jell:l,4ly .16unsourg, Pa. . All Work Promised in One Week 104. PENNSYLVANIA STEAM DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. 104 Market Ntreet bet-tient 4th and. sth, HARRISBURG, PA., LER!r ver zdescrh description of Ladies d otemeaou ir: ,eyed; Cleaned and finished In the best manner and as the ihortest notlo. DODGE & CO.. - * 4 ***S . * 4,* 'HAPPINESS OR MISERY THAT IS THE QUESTION Proprietors of the 'PARIZIAN 0.03 NBT uff WONDB 59,, ANATOMY and MALI OINE'' bare deterndued reoirdles3 of ex - prise, to L sue der, (for the benefit of Buttering bnmauity) FOUR 0, heir mist instrucuive and isteresung Lectures on Mar riage and its Diaqualtrlcations, , ervoug Dada*, Prema ture Deane of manhiod, Indigestiou . Weakness or Du orrssion, Loan of euergy and Vo .IYawers. Gre.t, So. cal Evils, and those dal dies wide moat from your ,- ful ful les, excesses of Maturity, or lan.pruuce• or pb Is! elegy and Nature's Law * These hvalutable Lecture. oar , been the means of eolithiniug and string toot.. s ode, and will be forwarded free on tae receipt of four ammii s, by ad leasing shotiEr.a Y WINN= 01 'l2iier..lll AND lINDICISB, 563 Broadway, New Yora. jet9,lly ARRIVAL EXTRAORDINARY. A M&GNIFICENT 7 octave Piano from STEINWAY & SONS, NEW YORK. Alai) 41 OCTAVE SCHOOL . ORGANS, Price only $BO, Pancee mate, best nod ,cbeapest in mann. eiodeoue and m citadel merehao dim generally Pleture Pr.aks, a Gnome as3oesinent of our own Mau RE - GILDING Specially attended to. S. W. & CO., ifew Music and Frame Store, 14 Market Square. air Oali end see. jy.4 dist SPLENDID assortment of ghissware just receive!, easier was low by wtoaoL3 & BOWMAN, jy29 , Owner Frost aiad Market Areas. )(TRA, family flour, ohoioe brand, just end warranted to rye astletertuon, for use by NIGH ILS & 80F/lAN, /YIP Our. Front & Market sta. (111.bAP Sugars, brown and white, new %./ 'Orleans. Lorton's, are now waren for sale, et every grade to suit thu purchaser, at • Nft.thOLSA BOWMAN, 0 18 Corner Frost sad Y.arget streets. SYRUP and Molaaeee, no leas than trght tads, for Bale by ' - 211.11 Lair BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market atFeeta. VXTENSIVE assortment of Glassware, JU.incindinr.Telly glasses, Preserve Dishes, Goblet ; t. Lub ere, to., alistylee, Just received and for RIO /01Ir byr.ICLIULS & her Corner Front,& Market atree,e. WA=NTED. SbiITERAI, 'Machinists. Also a stout boy. is the blaotemith shop. Apply at the Lang WORKS. P1:111E .Cider Vinegar, which we wan ant to be Snadii solely from cider, just received and for enle law•by• - • • - NIOHOLT,IrPO4IIAN, jel2 , Corner Wont and hiarliet;Mreeta., . BUILDIAEG LO ,TX FOR r , BALE. tSIRABLN Ridge D Road and Boaa streets, on reasonable terms. Nor further partleu'ara enquire of . JOBN B. HOOVSN,..tgent, iyl7-dim* South, Street between Second and :Third. rj . ELLER'S DRUG STORY, ie the pla;t,t nnv rhoont tlMtrtinw Al Few Blacksmiths and Carpenter e , can nod employment at the Bartiaburg Car Shop, if epoication be made immediately. F. T. = MP', iy24-41.1w Soper intendant. , A SUPERIOR lot of Dandelion and Ris OoOee. for sale et the st .se of JOIN WISE. toy WHITE BRANDY FOR PR-EBERV-INGPURyOSES. A VERY eui)erior article, (pure,) just tiL iseelved and !tor sale by - PAO Vni• 1:912C• 01124E1t I VII4EGAR 11 1 vrAD - E from , Lta. , and oLN:skidded by nsto be Arlo*" pdfie, .42-8 m 4iitt.ll)oolP- 8r 00 ANISti oblze - tr . FreTysh and kw supply or Ude Colobroled WOW u it reoeirod 10 8 ] WM. 3KOCUF Olanb bates FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. RIIPOI Pa MILLER, of East Hanover cm 'ship, offers him oil as a candidate for iha of tUUNi'r co 40.1. 810 , tge. suiltha to the Upton Re uhlicau N mina! ing roase, too, si,d tdeeses if h tomi , at d and elected, to d snharge the d .ties of to, celt. , with Ede it) j 18- & to FOR. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. DAVID HE'RS l' of Month Han ,ver t a‘blp, olf.r< him elf as a cunt date for the alti.e or cou • 0 tjWI dl.;NEß,,sueleet to the Union . e.mhitrita N..mmatiug C ;nveotom, and pledges him-ell if we:emote ta , l e etted, t.; di-charge the dotie4 of , be 4.1110 e With 9 , iel ty je , a da .tc* QAMUltli PA -E, of tiwatara townßhip, ~ otouoces hint ep a. a can Pate to' too ',arca 0 tunny Con trd ew-er jc, a . ,ba d el , ca of t. .e Re pu d,-an C. urn. , cuoienoo ~ pr tnisoair onn , ate d una ele, te Ito discna ge the &Ale. of s.i ~ 111,:e for toe wood tte Lax la ere 0 , the, , oun , y. jyte . dlw •ane altfittllattraus EDGEHrLL SCHOOL, rRINCkT,ON, N. J. Rev...touts P. BUGEffiti, A. M, P * Rev. Taus. W. Cantu., A. MI, 'liars Institution, founded in 1829, is designed to prepare boys thoroughly for con-ge or f r tattyasioese life, the buildings ate large and eommo• di. us, and the gronnas embrace more then th demi acres. Bath of the erincipals ikyoto their whole tim e to the Febbol, ai ledthi t e department or-tnetnotion by competent teachers 'the - military instruction snd drill , (under the charge of an experienotd Instructor 2) is arranged 80 ae not to In.erfere with the regular stades, occupying a part of the time appropria'ed ta'exercise and recreation. Pupils are rezeived at any time and dharged only from the date of ads lesion: Thellet-5126 00'per session of five months. Nor circulars, or further information, address either of the Principals. Beereace is also made to the Rev. Mr. Cotten, Harrisburg. Front the Rev. Dr. :lodge ant the Rev. Dr, McGill, Professors in the Theoloyical &misery, Princedom, I Lava for several years been intimately acquainted with the Bev. Thomas W. Cattell. Ho has had charge of two of my sons, and I can safely say I have never Known a ny one in whose fidelity and devotion to his pu pils, I have equal conflienne. Ere is a good scholar and a sucressrul teacher. I know no one who has a greater facility in gainiug.the love of his scholars or who exerts over them a better. influence- lam aware of the responsibility in ape *king in snob terms of commendation of a teacher; bat lam ettistled lam doing nothing but simple joatoee to an excellent QUA in MU; the language which I have - here 'em• ployed - CHARLES Hi MG F. 1 have great confidetaie in the Rev. Jas. P. Hughes, aa a teacher, both in his aptness to give lustruction, and hie tam in the administration of discipline. !have had two eons under his care, ans from the most obseria lion lam free to recommend the Edgehill Fehoolt as one of safe and thorough instruction. jet 4 dim-rdistlfidlmj ALEXANDIR T. ?VOILE.. REMOVED. JOHN 13, SMITH HAS removed his Boot and Shoe Store from the corner of Second and Walnut streets to NO. 108 41IARKET STREET, Next door to Bayne's Agriculture Flare, where be intends to keep all kinds or Hoots a-d She* Shifters, he., and large stock of Trunks, and everything in his line of bu siness ; and will be thankful to receive the patronage of his old customers and the. public in general at his new place of business. All kinds of work made to order in the best styleand by superior workmen. Repairing done at short notice. [aruldtf] JOHN B. SMITH. W.EIOLEBA.LE CI3II3IIELLA MANUFACTORY-! No. 69, Market Street, below Third, HARRISBURG, PA. M. S. E 6. , NIANUFALTURBA OF UMBRELLAS, PARBOLS and 'WALKING CANES, will furnish owls at lAnii hH PitIDES than MD be boutht in, any of be Ramer!) CitlB3. 13 , 3J , 1L , y m Tenants will do well to Call and examine prices and quality, and convince them - delves of this fact. au23-dly 100 PERCH OF LlMETrrinrei STONE, FOR SALE Al' THE • KEYSTONE .FARM. tny•a•dif HARRIS MANSION FOR SALE. 'MIS handsome property recently occu .L pied by the t ri4.lltl.F. t .lter,d for sal.. It is welt auued e t,er f r a p i.ate Reddens or a B ardor; lech'ioi, being euppl ed wile gee, water, ba'b r0.1.116j halbr, lange; 'etc. fee ground outnain,ea it ab l e rut Tress and Stiraboery. the place will be out i low eau raw Salon given within reasonable .inte. Fur teenier . , ALL, th ply If. B. W e UGH, ur D. WE. B E .1,11 Executors of Estate Of Kea . . b. It. Waugh, tim i d. alt.ecodti CUMBERLAND VALLEY INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN, AtECLIANICBB ÜBG, PA. REV,. 0;: EGE S °NS AN ACADEMIC COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. f Profit - Sciteiatior 7st to Feb. lst.l Am " b uary lat. to JaJl suALLy : Charge 875 V) s43olar 1101- Sandfor aCu u ar. jyll3-Ital THEO. F. tiCH.E.FFER BOOK AND JOB ,rit,niTEß, NO. 18, ./112R4E7 HARRISBURG. ~ _ _ . . . • JorParticular, attet,tioa Rietti o- to I'M Wig, Ruling - and lading of.li6ilipad Blanks Aland - eats, eatleieS, Checks, Drafts, ttc: CAELos printed at $4 $3,44, and $5 per I/ousel:id in elegnut Style. _ . 120 . GREAT AT TRACTION . . CALL at No. 75 Market Street, where you will find a large and well sehnted stock of Plank and fancy Coslectionery of an kinds. A great vs. Nay to toys of every de.c.Nption, Lathe& 'Work Stands end Fancy Baskets, Foreign Fruit 32 Nuts, Dates and all other,srucks generally -cot la a confectionery and toy store. Receiving fresh supplies every week. QUI and essualnetur yourselves. Wei. 11. W.I.DOON ER, aprlB4l6m P oprietor. F'R.RBERVE 'JARS AND ~ . . JELLY GLASSES, sizes,, patterns_ and prices, just j• received laid for sale by 018 WV. DOCK, Jr., 44 CO. ATTENTION FARMERS Q CY THRS,:SNATROGRAIN CRADLES, 1.,.) RAKES,. sortini stONJL•J end MIMS in greett variety, to be aurae at GLIMERVS Hkrdwitra Store, jelo-dtf Oppigite,th.i Court °use CHEESE.'• FEW Boxes good Cheese the balance Oa large consignment, are offered at au unuemaly low rate to closeout the lit. To rot jj dealers there wilt be an inducement offered. Each box sold will be guar anteed as represented. • WM. DOCK, J.K.,es CO. iylS. . VANILLA BEANS, WE are offering for sale' a splendid i i tia nta. of Vanilla, Bean at low prlow, by the pound, ounce or Edney. • yr ttr•TSR'S DRUG STORE, 91 Market Street. • BIAMK WELL'S Celebrated IL) PICKLES, 3icrcvs, - rkiinavE3, Acc„ arc. A large ,apply of the ab4e; embracing every variety, just re. 41VCILi .n 4 for tal4 by [ lo] WM. DiX.K. Jr, &Co .. OUR newlyrepleniehed stock. of Tot tel and Fancy Go ode Is . unearpassod in this city and !Wag clinfidentni rendering, satisfaction, wo wont& tett oactinliii invite a Calf. ... KELLER, in. winter. Barest, two doortkeast olFourth. streak south ibis. ,: , .... . . _ EXT RA - F ikM.I.LY 4 FLOUR, choice l ot ~,R.,,i,„, Farina yfo u r , ail warranted by bbl., or e.clir,,Jcust riee i tied and for .6ale low by,: 1,...1„ I . .' ziaceo.s.&,,Balyitm, ~,,, , J 630 I ,:-. - - Corner , ' ilkat and 'MaAre riete . g - REM invoice of Mesein o . aOra ..,. nges and Loateon,aor sae by NICROLB Ai BOIrMAte, • ner Nrout and Market allleti. itliscellantons WM. KNOCHE, 93 Ilarket street, Barratury, Pa., CMEXI3 PIANO- . NEW IiOSEWuuD PIANuS , troin the bes makers, from $2OO upwatds. MELODEONS. THE MSC MANUFACTURE!) INSTBU• KENT'S, EIWM $45 to $lOO. Guitars. Viulina, Accortleous, Flutes, Fifes, Mums, Eaujos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings aud musi cal merchandise in general. . SHEET MUSIC. filk. LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on hand. Mullin sent by mad to any part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEWOO FRAMES, Suitable for looking glasses, and all kinds of pictures always on hand. A fine assortment of best plated LOOKING GLASSE B From smallest to largest silos. Any style of frame made to order at the shortest notice. WM. KNOOH r., 93 Market street febl9-w&sly COATS WHOLESALE AND RETAILS HAVING IziatbelotlYari,fot of north tibyci.roni I am enabled to supply the public with a COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE DIFFERENT VARIETY AND SIZES OF CIIABILAL FULL WEIGHT ALWAYS GUARANTEED. Orders respectfully solicited—whisk if left at the office,' loot of North street, or at the offise of Wm. Dock, Jr & Co, will race yo prompt attention. GILLIARD DOCK. beE) - vv . NI. A. PARKHILL, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER• Third &reel, next door to the Telegraph Printing ‘ITORES, dwellings, Office churches, public buildmgs, factories, ha., fiqed up with gee, lead and iron pip, nt a worcman Ban manner. Hydrants, Wash twins, Bath Tuba, I ifs and Varna eumpe, Wear Clo'ets, Lead an-' Iron Ms for irate; gas and seam. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. All work p-- mptly sUPoded to. myll^-48m. SCHIEFFRLIBT BROTHERS & CO., WHOLESALE D RUGGESTS, A ND DEALERS in Fancy Goods, Far is.. rumnry; &c. Mao agents for the sale 01 Raced Pair:ileum, Illuminating oil, stoerior to any coal oil • furnished Man• quantities at the lowest market rates. 170 and 172 William .Street, a27d6ml NEW gORK. FIGS, Dates, Prunes, Raisi , and all lauds of huts, at .1‘ H g WISE , . Store, Third and Wxlnnl. "1 vvolUi Iti.Lia rugarn, Wl/.1,0 Ink& biuWg r Jost rot.e,..ea and tot . »le to Nt HOL9 & BO .V".6.N . , Cor. Vron and Jis. ket n nets. j, 15 STEAM BOILERS, Cr AV ING made efficient and perenq.rnent IL A arra. gam iii f ',tarp ..e w e a a aaw pa ep to In S HAM BILB L of vary Kind rompt iy &11. At ru Ma& .10 r,t3.21. Waahaf Its s 00/ 111.1 a uy ..kAI • & Itretuer, the rcp lawn of wit eh is suet gd to 0 e In age g ar.t hoJe but the he t haude etepluyed. Repa•r , n± p•rmpt, ty at enAed dud. est .IC&G myaly ern. b DETEHz:IVE 80e.r, soteet.thig better than hurnsuo's household S.,op qua nue.vbd bud o. by rlGd Lo , & 131.)Wx.v, ie2, Coroor klyn, sad M rKet 4droots. NEW Patterns o Cual VII 'Amain), wit h .41 the rtx.),AL y /02prtosd uuru., s 1 bile by a du W a ',WS corner t • -olut 'LIM ,qttl •Ikre•el,. in • 19 FREES IiIITT.ER AT MARKET PRIO E. IXTE, HAVING fitted up a large Kelrier- V r ao i tur, bautu 6 watt, aka atm eine acme of our uwat Arith3fo w 1..11 ua wt b freeb Lad ,wont uuttcr regu a.l , wt.l ue •uab.od to au •ply u-r Gusivineis with sweet Irtekih tee Auld .11.1 Ld , .t Liana. Leyae W!& DOCK, Jr. & CLARET WINE !!! WEare clotuog out a V.tit Y 6UPERIOR Lor at. lea. Mut. wit CALL and examine tuoaa. new jars for ' , trial., ate tocr,t, %IL sp SE and s'inpum. w ILL aurae t r ~eaL by AR;tl,l..i & cIOW Coruer From. AuLt Marne, .treat. (AEANUES AND LEMON 6.-60 boas N.) , J use received and in prime order. aprlB W . DJuli, JR., & CO. ESFAC LNG jars, fruit cans of aU I. kinds, Zr sale low, by NICHOLs & BOWNE e N, Corner oront and market Avesta. 151:1 1 1 0131000 and segars of all kinds, for A. sale by I.IOIIOLS ac 80w61.N, Ia Corner trout, and market rtreets. LOVEisiNti'S ,bugaro and ryrups for sale low, by a.OstOL & Wet si,N, JY.A 9 Corner Irma and market stroetsc BROWN sugars of all grades, for sale low, by NICIIOIO & _ON/LAN, Corner Fron. anl Market etreels. BREAKFAST BACON: AVery choice lot, equal to the celebra tea (imported) Yorkshire, ,us: re erred. j 9 zsNM. OCK,J s. , & CO. _ _ BOLOGNA, A SMALL, but very superior lot of Bologna sausage Just received, by WM. DOCK, Jr. & 00. FWA6HING BLUE, an excel ': tent substitute for Indigo, for en le at the wholesale 4nd retail grocery more of NICHOLS St BOWitaN, corner of Front and Market streets. CLARIFIED New Orleans sugar, a che a p and balmalital gutiale,for sale by NICHOLS 41110WWALV, firvb I °erne. Front awl Market. Lt eels CEDAR 31:WS, - BASKETS, BROOMS and everything In the line, las received in large bujuidtos and for male very low 4 . ly se Jr , THE Bret in the market, just received .1 and for we by WM. DIXIE, JS., & WM. DOCK Jr &CO