pail g (,eitgrapij PEOPLE'S UNION STATE TICKET. AUDITOR GENERAL: THOMAS E. COOHRAS, of York County.; SURVEYOR GENERAL: WILLIAM S. ROSS. of Lumne County HAERISBURG. PA Wednesday Morning, August 6, A LIBEL SUIT. In the midst of the indignation Which was felt by all true loyal men, cn tbe announcement of the fact that Capt. B. I. Dodge bad traced the fabricator of the infamous handbills, which have of late so seriously impeded enlistments in this city, to the Patriot and 'Union office, we wet e ni politely'sumoned before Alderrianltline, to give bail on a charge of 'libel preferred by Mertes. Barret and Mactelwel. The charge conteins a variety of connts, running' oirbi` a space embracing as far back as March 81st., and coming down to June 17th. Of course those who understand Mac Dowel and Barret, will be able to appreciate the motives which prompted them to this prosecution, but that the public abroad may fully understand the object of their movements, we essay a relation of the following facts : When the war for the Union was in augurated, the Patriot was identified with those who stood at the headof the rebel mob. That f act was not sufficient to condemn its editora,and might have been passed over as an unfortunate associationots much so on the part of the trai tors as it was on that of their Sympathisers, had the Patriot yielded to truth and honor, and es poused the cause of the country, Instead of doing this, and coming out boldly in defence of the government, that sheet used falsehood and slander to deter honest men from giving their sepport to the country. 'lt was an open question in this community, for months,. wbettere•MacDowel and Barret were not actu ally in the pay of the so-called confederate gov ernment. Their acts were such as to excite suspicion of this fact, while their printed and written words were als&mien Bete more than coroborate this aud point to clear and damnable evidence at once conclusive and overwhelming on th.s subject of their tremontible propensities. We pointed to these facts, and responded to public sentiment when we denounced the parties involve° as traitors to their country. For this, and this alone, we have been protecuted for libel— but tbe reader must remember that there is a motive fur this action which descends lower than any that has ever induced a man to a ma licious prosecution. Benoit and MacDowell were not satisfied with having tiaduced the officers of the fedrral government,' from the President to every member of his cabinet, but they must a'ngle out lees completions and more bumble officers of the government, and thus in a moment of passionate rage and bitter re sentment, whet their teeth on the character of the proprietor and publisher of this journal, by seeking to bring his Lift clots notions as Post Master of Harrisburg into butipiden andl dis grace. Had facts been, pioduced, the Post Master would have been ready to meet and an swer any charge growing out of such toots. But instead of this, when facts were affirmed to refute the 'f .he charges made 'nth° eititunns of the Patriot on the jestersol the administration of the Poet office, they mere meanly selected by Barrett and McDowell, and the hissing bate and cowardly lies suffered to becirculated among their readers, unexposed and unrefuted. In view of thee facts, the Post Master of Har risburg Prosecuted Barrett and McDowell for libel. '1 his is the true story of the manner in which Barrett and McDowell liave oondlicted themselves before this community, and the prosecution of Messrs. Bergner and Forney is a fitting *sequel the actions of these men as a Arm and as individuals. We do not know .when we have libelled Barrett or McDowell, nor have we time or in clination now to search the record to see in moat ibis° hbels coneiet. That must, be de teindued by a jury and defined by , the courts of this county. But the idea of libelling Tom McDowell will sound very strangely is this or shy other community. Hear it net, then, ye guardians of truth and valor I Hear it not, ye advocates of temperance and virtue. Heir it nut ye votaries of manly pride and honora ble principle. H e ar it not, ye ahadee the lamented and gallant Murray—that Murray who fell struggling at the head of his re giment, while sonic of those who should have supported him were gtussling whisky in the saloons - of Harrisburg. Hear it not ye gallant men who fell at Winchester, fighting without a leader after your Colonel had. fallen. Hear it not ye who died on the battle -field for the want of that direction and commanclwhich was denied to you by the coward and the cra ven hearted. Let the community answer. Let a jury of our countrymen answer ; and when it becomes libellious to expose cowardice and denounce treason, then Indeed will the lib erty of the press have become disgraced by that degredat:on into which base presumption and moral desperation have.plunged Thos. O. Mac- Dowell and 0. Bartett. Here we rest our case theun courts have put, their disapproval and with ering rebuke upon those who' have commenced this most malicious prosecution. But in the meantime our voice shalt never weary or our pen tire in denouncing dougteffoe sympathisers with traltege It is our mission to unniesk and pursue Guth ea 'these, and with God'a'fielp, shall do our duty ,' though hell itself and' rdi th e cr aven hearted Barrette and istietarivelhrbs the land omie our ocainsia • • THE OATH, OR A PASS OVER THE LINES. We alluded yesterday, in general terms, to the fact that there was more danger to be appre hended from the course of those in our own midst who sympathise with traitors, than those who are in arms and openly arrayed against the government. The same ideas and convictions have taken hold of some of our cotemporaries, and the alarm is now vigorously sounded, that those acting in concert againsfthe gOiernment, and are at the same time enjoying its protection and favor, should either be made to take the oath of alleglance,-or betompelled to'pass over the dividing line between loyalty and treason, and at once take np their abode among traitors. On this subject, the Evening Bulletin says that there hail been a very proper- disposi tion, which is giowing in strength every day, to set the seal of public reprobadoo on all disloyal men in the cities or, states which Stand by the Constitution and the - flag. The public grow more indignant every hour that rebel spies, treacherous office holders, and sneaking uphold ers of anarchy and disunion, are allowed to live unmolested among us, and are Permitted to spread their poison all around them. Not long 'since a;card of a moot insolently rebel char acter. appeared in the advertising columns of a morning paper, yet we hear 'Of no imolai:intent having been meted out to its author. There, have been in circulation for weeks open stater. meets regarding -.the: doings in the vicinity - of a- Government hospital, if not with the conniv ance of parties connected With it, yet.the pub lic) are not permitted to ;hope that the alleged. . • treasonable - practises thereindidged hi will be stopped. So, too, even in, gallantrAlleghry, county, 'a preacher of a PoWerful/deisominailon Is allowed to flaunt his disloyalty in the face of the people, and is upheld when he refuses to pray for the President or the army. SIMI Instances like the above could be multiplied were it necessary. We refer to them to show that if 'something is not done 'about 'Birch things, the rebellion will gain strength right here among - u& Alreadir craiim:hearted souls, who are afraid of taxes and drafting; are quer ulously proclaiming that the Government is too weak forth taskset:before it, airdvOn:a recent railroad trip we were made fairly sick by hear ing a weak old- soul declare that the country would do Just as well if North and South were separate& Ai we listened, the reflection sprung up spontaneously, that a creature with so little pluck, honor or patriotism, would not man enough to resent an insult to his wife or sister'. He would reason that if the insulted party did not "mind" the afront, it did not make any difference; that a quarrel was worse than Swallowing any degradation calmly. Treason flourishes bravely when,. allowed to go unpunished after reiterated violations of law. During Buchanan's administration this fact!received the most striking proofs. Every hour of impunity, every hour of vacilation strengthened the hands of the disunionists, and weakened the true wen etthe nation. By this time washOuld have testi:red' tits last* and should be acting on it. We , should be sending across the lines every man who, will not take the oath Of allegiance when he bed:lmes - me: petted of helping traitors: General Pope and the leaders of the southwestern armies act on that icril: -- They scam o • roppor rr a cour ageous course. Why should it not be done here,. where Trollope forted rebel "society that was not mixed," or in Indiana, where Wickliffe makes speeckes whlck " surprise" Mr. Lincoln, or iq Allegheny county,.whero a reverend teal tor withholds his prayers for the Administra tion and our breve volunteers I A little of the new and inspiring " vigor" of thegovernment, whidh has encouraged us all, lately, expended in this direction, will help the bounty funds and till the recruiting stations at a rapid rate, and we expect to see signs oflilirlthnut delay.. GOT. CV#TIN. We are pleased to learn, by Ovate advices direct from Redford Springs, thatthe health of Gov. Curtin' is` rapidliimpreving, and that he will be fitted soon again for these active and vigorous duties which haie ''''distinguished his administration 'of the State Government. In the absence of Gov. attain, every depkrtinent is kept up incluitriously and unfailingly In all their duties cud requirements, while such of the du ties Mr pertain pecoliarily and- only •to the Ex ecutiVe, are discharged under the direction of Gov. Chain While he is abseßt'es faithfullY as when he is present in the State Department.— Our military organis Mori and the facilitiewaf lorded t& enlistments, are under the immediate contra Of„.Adj; Gen. Russet so that in the abT sence ; of the Governor they are not impeded. Irtfact , the Departments are acting and-working great harmony, each deeming its own Suckers essentially to the success of the State. • po+. Curtin may possibly return this week, or at ;the furthest at the commencement of next week. In the meantime the people of the Commonwealth will , be pletwd to learn, of , his rapid "and permanent recovery from' his 'Attie severe indisposition. _ • 4 Tna FRA2 I / 1 :2488 Sawyrearronoirs sheets in the loyal states, is beautifully pins trated by , th e ionise of the Zmunitarleteirryericer.. , in reference of the mass war meeting held in Lancaster city, on Saturday last. Perhaps no more enthusiastkror respectable meeting was' ever convened within the limits of any city in the Union. Its officers were old and true friends of the government—men who had pas- Bed many years in that city as the representa- rives of every profession and all branChos of business=men of loyal instincts and -noble convictions- meniwhose ancestors had settled In Lancaster county and city, and had assisted in. bnililitig up the trade and prosperity which have eariChed .that locality. -7-men of all parties rallyini to th, common cry. of the linion, and yet Geiirge Sanderson, - the editor of the Dania crate Organ; mayor of that dty by favar of the secesh Influence, and .trumpeter. of I)nchanan, refused to refer to that meeting in any other way than a comm44tion'cf sllost4i Otimorii lines, lit which entire Movement was be lied and misrepresented. At the, same time, Sas:demon makes rtiiitiiin hiapaper `fitfilre in solent attack of the borfeiTaiate traitors on the Prisident,' and opens . bis eohlmps to the tirade loaritained- in the 14d* of Frikiih aulthei• We eubmlt thierinattigoe :of thiplio• iiihndomfairneausa a--rtistepeichneh of tho'ht. tentbui of ithitioiofoie pennegivattia Wen eltgraph itlebilistrap *laming. August 6, 1862. A DRAFT- ESCAPING ITS RESPONSIBIL- The necessity which forces the government to.order a draft, may be traced to the fact that there are a large number of men in this and every community in the - commonwealth, who have stubbondy refused to enter the service when it was notorious ': that they, of all others, shouldtake ußtrms in-defence of the govern ment,zpe having the meat involved in its per petuity. Such as these may be termed rebel sympathizers. They not only refuse to, enter tilers':evicts; ltifilieftiveteeii detected in en. deavoring . to.sedtme-, others from „enlisting, of ridiciding the service in printed and written hand bills, for the premeditated , purpose of diMinishing the number of enlistments, and theta of course aiding and . abetting treason.—: These - are ;the: men that the government are after.' They want them for 'service in the ritribi„ Where they can: he Mught a lesson.of lifeand death asit is inculcated by their rebel friends, and it is to be hoped that the draft will be;so managed as to embrace es many, of such people es possible There is still another alms, who are natural cowarelsand poltroons,•things in the shape of men abo have tio courage,no love of country; no , no regard for the past; n'eeateem, for tie present, no glorious, anticipatitam for the ;future! Some of these and changing their residences-and those: moat able are prospecting toms to various parts of the loyal states, in the hope . of ;thus ;escaping . the draft. We deem it =a duty to inform these pe thatlkey are purstnitg acourse' that 'makes them li a bl e to ihe first draft I ; Ali, :should at once understand that um nam.wrdu car ;BB; MAIM ?Mama ENIINNIULITON NOW DKr TAMEN 73Y TIM A84IBSOBB:' The enrolment now being made is merely intended pa a record for thanes Of the Goiremor and Adjutant General, as 'exhibiting thet strength of - the state, and also' presenting,. by Marginal notes, such pfg*lxts as have earned exemption by pastseryices or liberality in the encouragement of volunteers. If a draft is made it wirbe by the state mill tary authority, entirely Independent of the •re cord. .The proceeding wilt be hi , thiti manner. The cities end toWnthips will be'ditided into military districts. The citikeniketeach district Will *bordered to repair, on: w aertain.hour of a to , a certain- pointfor the draft -- These who do not attend will be forced thereby the ! military power. Those who, have tempo, rally removed their xesidemce Ito other• states will be:brought same power, and honor and justice alikifdintates,' that - these Who endeavor* unfair Means te escape the service shonld be first .placed in thelranks. We have , no doubt they will he So 'treated. ' The min Who nen** to att.irk:hia duty to hie country, while rendering.himaelf more liable to the•draft, bringirupentrinisell the acorn and contempt of all homarable men. The stain will follow him to his grave, pad will,descend with his fl a me to generations. Gov., Ctrarrs,"ta response to an :inaitatioll to be present and preside at the great war meeting Veld in .Lancaster Saturdai, '‘‘ , otet - the foll Owing eloquent and *neat letter. breaths the tine spirit of a nian and an patriotism so necessary for stmess in this crisis: l • Gsarrnsaner : Your`invitatiotildhe present at a .Mass tieetini oV the - bititeis - Lancaster county, to be held on The 2d Of Aukusf, to consult on measures for the sttppprt our, Government, 'wee-forwarded to me 'here. I lam here fcom necessity, an& deeply-die tressed that I atonot be an occa sion, of so much. interest. When in:Pittsburg at the great meeting of the : peopld'of Western , Pendsylvania last week, .called for a similar parPpse, I had the pleasure of announcing, the proMpl, and generous'action, of your , Commis+ siondrs, and ofwitnessing its .magioal effect on the loyal and patriotic fteemen of that part of Pennsylvania. • . When I can serve you in the great .woik perminitliy, or officially, I-anti- at lour service. We are ! engaged .in a war " Which` i tellint 'events have Made personal to every man in Pennsyl vania, wr the GOveininent which protects bhp in his rights' Of person - and prOperti is in the balance, and , three` months—one Month—or a period of time measured'hy days may settle the question. , . • Icanuot be with you in person, but feeLthat in spirit I am with every loyal man whofitands withemt flinching by his country in this the darkest hours of its hiatoky, and Ti4l, every assemblage'of men who meet together to cffer counSel and support to a Government ,ender which wr 'have grfiiwn so** !‘ Ration,. aid dived so pi:644one and happy,egie,periple. , • Very rtsivctfully , A q. CUBTIN. Messia. J. L. Beynelds,, B A. • • Sheaffer, W.-& Wilson, W..gar i peuter, 8-Livingston: , . AROUND norPsoni.--The follo,wing, extract from a letter to a Cincinnatian, ,w;rithau, by a gentleman near there,: states -a .danger tha really exists, although he-mar state' over strongly... For'tbe'rebels are brany,„ and their: leader's are crafty .4a. - dcemitte; Wheir-policy has long been 44:nmass:their. men, make a 'sud den ,dash at some: unpretticie&Peint, aikci then retire exulting. It would ridt be so. difficult a thing as many' inuigiue, oor,wetd4 it he dis tasteful to the minds, stomachs or-pot:lois of the rebels to pour a column of 100,000 men, In a hurried:march, on airoOst - any point nam ed betUuerriPhileAleiglia and Louis.: And se're,cent events show .thatl they will-de it, if they can,'lt is well' for ell • important 'points within one htindredirdlea of thelierder to ~be vigilant Itini,well inarsl,4 ilutlto„the ,letter : -",lam afraid we northern people are not awake to .thet dangers that impend. We lie still, relying on "onr'snierior nip:hers imd:re. sources„ while the; enemy straining every rierye,:and forcing into. the field:atiery element of 'strength for the. death' straggle. 'There IS :an otnin,,bta O lei !F e ffrOV.ot* "quif tOr., bolinia' theyare massing tnatiterun, army with Which they not;.Only hope losoveribelm our armies on the borders, .btitaravink: destroy = ed them, to'inviule thO;Nnfili,t4qading ror and deaf:010104 in, their cfnkrflei. end. ,what have we,to oppose.theml..Unarrnedaaasses of peoplelwill be •of ;he • lavail " Every Northern Eikt.!.. 13 4t 1111 Oriiiirim4P*lll: militia :440ti PrisParit , tAkizialt Aitl‘PeOnnktnouilicte.. of armwthenwOrldavor antrh4Witurtatdriutlet the eherniidiottitefilocuriorptialiFt;frts;tinlr'it.ive would isof~ belignitalia 1;014; *Pk. ITIES WORD Simms, July 28, 1862. •- I • ( t,P, From our Syentng Edition of Yesterday FROM YORK. TKB OF = TAB. =MONTI -FRIED RECRUITING STILL mum: Special .Dispatch to the TErroams." Yoax August 6th. ESSIGNIM, ESQ The good work is going on here. Our quota ls ready and the town is alive with geed and sturdy farmer boys offering to volunteer for the new call of additienal -800,000 men. Great excitement ! ' AMERICA. from Washington. ORDER FROM THE 'WAR DEPARTMENT. , . Employees .of Telegraph Companies 1 - Exempt from the Draft. Wssaugari, ,August 6 The following order bas j ust Wen Issued: WAR DYPARYntgIiT, WABILLNOTON, August b Ordered; That the-use of the telegraph lines being required for military purposes, all per sons actually employed--in constructing' and oparating .telegraphic lines at 'the date of the order calling for 800,000 men, he exempt from military duty as long as they remain in such service. • .18y order of the President< (Signed) EDWIN hi. STANTON, - &cretary of War. The National Republican denies the truth of tht Evening Star's paragraph;•that the negioes of Washington are organizing secret associa tions for-the purposes of protecting themselves in anticipation of a. riot and mob by the lobor lug classes of whites: The Republican says, the story is pure fiction. From "Gen. Pope's Army. Ambtdauoes Fired .Into , by Guerillas, Arrest of Returned Confederate Soldiers NEAR lArxr..a,Wastusurron,,August 1. . A field officer, with an , escort aooompaning sick from Front Itoyal hither; was fired on by a small party of guerillas. on• Wednesday night a. few miles , from here and in the• immediate vicierity of a house guarded by some of our troops. The•, shota.were harmless. , The. route. between Front• Beira and Win chester- has bees abandoned for , trains and • trairel, except under a strong escort, so trouble some had guerillas become, and it appears that theiy have transferred their deeds of heroism to this side. - General Geary's scouts, last night brought In three prisoners .fromi the, mountains who are reamed Confederate soldiers according to their confession., The:object of .this scouting party was to examine the reported:. mountain path way north nE Thornton's Gap, where the rebels &repaid to- communicate between Luray valley an. this region, as wen as to rout any preda tukktglthere. The enterprise was IMPORTANT REPORT. Thp • Rebels Evacuating Richmond ThOonthßank of the James River the Rebel ° Line of Defence, - , 1 GIZNYIIIA.L POPE'S ErakIIQUARTSRS, LITT= WASH • "mpg, Va., August; 1862. Information fro 13 various sources leads to confirm the be lief that the , enemy -have have really evacuated Ric mond,and taken , up the south bank of the Jam river astneline of.their defence. The rebel cavalry ; under General Robertson, are believed tola;ve been withdrawn from the Shenandoah valley,"leaving that part of the couritry to the defence of the guerillas alone. A PIEITILENOII' AT - RICEIMOND Wainiundron, August' 4.—Midnight.—lt has beert believeothere; in some quarters; for several dupe, that.tbe enemy bas been evacusting Richinond, there , being• a reasonable suspicion theta pastilence-has broken out in that city. FROM EUROPE. Arrival - of the Steamship Arabia Canadian Defense Question in Parliament _»~ Br. Joan, August-4, 1882. Tbte .steamer , Arabia from -Liverpool, with dates! to !the .26th MI.; telegraPhie advipee via Queenstown , ,to-thO:•27ilt was boarded off 0.40e1 Dace .011-Sunday , afternoon en route for lEialigr. and ,Boston. Tim Warner -Scotia. fronuNew York arrived at Q4eenatown on the 26tif: • - The.questionof Canadian defemce wandebated in thi) House of. Conimone, , when it was goner: , I'44li:intended thatnci dangerwas to be appre hended from the Pnitext States. • • LoidPalmerstoirsardAhat• England lad Milt all ithe: troops Jsha • could; and-it rested with Consilium to supply Whatever was requisite. It 3s:-denied that • Garabeldi' contemplates another expedition: = . CoMmerchil Cotton declined to. -td. Excess for American which' were easier, but not quotably The sales .of , the- Week have been 121,000 bales.. Breadstuff; are active : flour is 6.1. higher, wheat 2d. higher, corn 66;g 1 8 , higher, provisions dull and unchanged: Loans, July 26.—Consuls.closeed on Friday at 981 (4. 981. latest--...Ltvannoor,,-July 26 The sales .ot cotton , to-day were .2,000 bales, market firmer-but.sales unchanged. Bread: stuffs active and still. advancing, provisions guistirod. unchanged: Lcopoi, Julylti.—Coosobi-to•day closed at 90.4 94 discount,. Erie 88. 27-0,28. Bar ings.eircular reports! American seuuretlee as ratheipressedforsale,4nd quotations difficult to giv U. sa.a 65. Ditto Bonds 66 @U.! { The steamer Teutonic arrived at Sonthamp Eton on the 26th. 1 • • . , . TWO pgkEnnia. OFEICEItS ADVERTISED. fteugumermus,...iimer or VIRGINIA, Num StomaTruax, August 4, - 1862. First Lieutenant •W inflalcuPeen, of com pany E.,102d New York v Aupteeirs, and Lieu tenant William - Rain, Of Company A, 27th Pennsylvania ve/unteere, are reported hy their _colonels and nom:lmo:Aug generals as baying I :woe& pie eerticii, - gne usual ' reward w4l be paiiifftll; bleu IVEralooksite-1 P.T.' 2 9 4 94 11 d of A t t , itir4l llBl llol6L - ‘it.ko=d FROM LOUISVILLE. THE El ECTION All the Union Candidates Elected. Loutstruss, August 4 The returns thus far indicate the election of all the thorough Union candidates, in the county election to-day, up to 10 o'clock this eveniog. No reports have been received of disturbances in any quarter. . New York Money Market. Nsw Yoox, August 6. Sterliog exchange dull at 261 p. c. preogom. Stocks t:etter—O. & B I. 644; Ills. Goat B. B. 67f; Mich. Southern 661; Beadiog 66; Virginia 68 68 ; Missouri Cle 46f ; Illinois war loan 96 ; treasury, 7 8.10,11.021; American gold $1 14k; 11. S., §s, 1874, 86f. New 2thvertismnts PUBLIC SALE, TN pursuance of an Order of the Or j Cowl .of Deupbt county, will be expwee trs IE od Thursday, the xetb day ed waged Ca the preurseta A re ten lot or piece - of ground situate to . Fist Hanartr toe-aehfp, 111 the atm ty •-f Tumid, &Udder la th Bordust, Abeam. Rel. - ad 46'4 i avid. t , Unger, oontaang about seventy, . Loam perdue. Thereon erected a " LUCE TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING BOMB • ith bteement, a gond stable and carriage bons% w'th a goln o chard o (rift aid an lit 'el int we lof water. boddes other !woe vrtnents. This sp-op •.t is aboot foorteen inhes.fmnal Hat. nrg, n thel naettossi roa .„ • short dist,nee bei , w "Shell's teeerar and is a vary derr.ble lowa a. let' the e•iate of 1, hn J. de Itleodatio• will be givens d o od:h000 of pals made known John shell and John Garcerich, adnenistra tore of sad deo'd. Bair gng, Atm 5, 1862. fivr 14,24 is NOTICE. rp.HE South Ward School Direotorewill recetve. , proposals•ltor building. a -two :story brick school house, o $ the corcer of Fourth street and Blackberry *bey. The i aynruts w1. , 1 be made in cash, as tee hording progresses, raring fifteen per cent. Ml:completed. Plan and speelfieetton sear ho seen at the office of Dr. 0. ‘ehler. realat proposals must be handed to Jacob Hauser. President, on or haze An ens 12th. aiecuritles must accompany the proposals. ant.dtd FOR. BALE. THE undersigned offers at , private sale a TWO FRAME HOUSE, . . . 25 feet front ant 100 *et Amp, situated on East State greet near Filbert The house la, in Atood repair,: hens basement kildhen, waretgas and all the modern improvc menet Fnr turthertuformation env/train:l the eremiree. mil-01w* ILDWARD PARKS& WANTED. BY a boy 15 years of age, a situation in some buslnose—groeery. hardwsre or some thing similar Trre ried. Is ciaarririt-irely well odors• tod, toss lee, and would make,. himself' worn( to the twat of his ability. eddrese,oae weelt, trit," this aka. ao4-dBs WILLIAM BAYFORD, MERCHANT TAILOR, 86 MARKET ST., HARRISBURG, Is now prepared to furnish officer's military c'othing. a - tordlrg to re[ ulatiorta at Flied oti^e A h.o a general muarttreNt of ClothsOae: imerea, Veatlnga and reedy m we clothing for dent-aim WANTED. AGOOD blacksmith and helper or boy In smith shop, apply at EAGLE WORK 4, 504 dn. GAIETY MUSIC OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN EVERY EVERY EVERY EVERY NIGHT NIGHT NIGHT NIG liT. NEW NEW NEW NE* TROUPE TROUPE TROUPE TROUPE. rARs SPARS STARS STARS. ACTS ACTS ACTS ACTS. MONS - MONS. MONS. MONS. DE LOUIS DE LOUIS DE LOUIS TERRIFIC 'TERRIFIC TERRIFIC BAR BAR BAR . . ACT ACT Am . RERTHELO N BERTHELON. • ', - . - RALLIS HALL'S MURRY; PERRY, VANHORN, ' - - 808 EDWARDSJ DONNEL AND The Queen of Song, MISS 'JULIA kLNARDS. TA* Etas Tamale Fingers and Demers arj), *Reeled by every aside.: Dont all to come and see us: admission only and IS amts. 808 EDWIIIIIII, sole Lessee and Manager. eLII3. LIOM BE TEpa l conr, stage manager. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. QA R A. ALDRED, Executrix of ►the estate ,of. Thomas Aldred, deed., late of the city .of . 11afiltbuig, Dauphin county, having lette.s testairointa7 granted them by tbe Regiso-r of phin county, hereby 'notill , o a 1 parties indebted to said estatOo make immediate payment, and those having aat to present toem properly authenticated for settlement to the above named eMoutrii r . au2-8w PROCLAMATION: 317 HERHAI3, the Honorable Joan J. V - if I -.Pitensoit i President 4)C the court Of Common Pleas hi the Twelfth Jauicial District, consisting of th -001/11ties Of Lebanon and ;Dauphin, and,the Hon. Sean , sr: tAision and Hon. limos B. YntrXo, Alisoclate Judge') In Dauphin county,.havieg Issued Omar precept, bee ring _date e Dlth day .91 June, 1862. to me directed, for holdings Chart of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delliery , and Qaartor Seldom of the peace at Barrisburg, for the!countpottranotrini and to commence ox Tas 4111 MOIDAT OD ADODIT IMXT, being the Sern DAT OF ACTOUBT - , 1862, indto condone one weeks . Notioe is therefore hereby given to the Ceronor, dm of the Peace, Aldermen, and Censtablet of the sa id county ast Dauphin, that they be then and 'there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in. the 'lorestoottot said day, with their records, inquisitions, . esaminations,. and their own remembrance); to !initialler, things which to their (Ace sippertaitui I.olre - dirk and those who are bound la recognizance'to prosecute against the prhakuaDB that are or Shall. be in the Jailor Dauphin coma.' ty, be then and there to prosecute against as shall be Jest. Given under my Inthri, at Harrisburg, tbsedth day' et, August, in the yeiroir,enr. Lord, 1869, : and in thro eighty-Birth year of tits independence of the united States, J. Boas, shads -oniz • alrilaborg; Azi g ..- 4,.1862 C . O 1 "ude of ina,CUituery, tz, onodland Jam Asekites. for .ems 1 • $ ,-; . MOM &BOWMAN, Corner Front end Karkei stret. CHARTER OAK FAMILY FLOUR. UNEXCELLED BY ANY IN TEE UNITED STATES AND SUPEaruP. To ANY FANCY BRANDS OFF BRED IN PENNSYLVANIA 17 IS MADE OF CHOICE MISSOU4 ti it 111 Want air Debarred any pia 13 I i the city, f ree o f TERMS, Cash on delivery. JY3O WM. DOOR', Jr &c o , _ SHEET MUSIC , SHEET MUSIC. JUST RECEIVED, SEVERAL thousand pieces' of NEW a n d a vliely *dented, aomprising a s ay a so tment Steinway's Unrivalled Pianos. PIANOS FOR $l5O UP-TO $l,OOO , SCHOOL AND CHURCH ORGISS FROM EIGHTY DOLLARS. PRINCE'S MELODEONS &c. From Forty-five Dollars. 'MUM, and musical merchandiar of *yea ktrid AGENCY OF -ROWE'S SEWING MACHINES, LARGE PIER AND MANTLE MIRRORS made to order. Constantly on Land a large v4.riety of PHOTOGRAPH FRA M ES. Friunsa of every description made to order at the shortest notice. At the New Music Store of 8. WARD & CD. No. 14 Market Fq - aro, neer co'dor f. au Idly CLASS FRUIT JARS!! SELF SEALING. BEST AND CHEAPEST ! I CALL AND EXAMINE, WM DOCK, .Iv. &CO PUBLIC SALE. VALUABLE AND DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE Mffl WILL be offered at public, wale, on Thursday, the 11th day of Eeptember, et 2 o'clock, at Brant's Han in the city of , arrisburg vhf, ty th ee acres of land with an era Ile nt ir4191 ball! • and barn and outbuilditus, situated tartly in the City ..f riarrisourg and in zwatara to w nship. Tha property la eltuat , d on the -oath of liummoli town turnpike, a portion of sada h e a Neutral 1 cation on st hill, dire tly facing the city of to burg, to be sold in toree acre lo s. Also slot or pi ea ofground situated in Market Smut, ad 'pining Jones' House, having a front of 27 feet Id avuoding bat C ll7yj feat to 2J a 6 alley, there .a cr.cted a two story OrL2r house with two story oack bri -k utdiding and ~ having toe use of a three (set.alley on market .9 ,aaro, belut one of too *mo'it d era a tUitloll. to BAB ness e. - private res dance is 4 h..d. Po-anteIicILLIZIV 41 • lilt Of .oatnb,e esti. C nd tons of titles are 10 per cent of the pa chase money to ue paid o , the day of s de, toe balan eof tie oce bait of the pun:base money wit n he title is made, and the balance In two e q ual ,n uet p.yms to with ante est, from t e time posses skut isgiven. To be secured by bonds and mortgago, A plan f the tn. et acre I. ,an Its ?feu at b ,, et and ' , boa rtore of A.. Hummel, nex. doot to tae Court House, Harris urg. t ue atlendanat will be given lir Jyal-d'e THE PICNIC OF THE SEASON "TURN OUT ONE AND ALL," THE FaIENDSHIP FIRE COM?ANY, OF HARRISBURG, Will give a PIC--NIC, AT MUMMA'S WOODS , NEAR MECHANICSBURG . , ON TUESDAY, AUGUST TWELFTH, 'SR. 411 the citizens of Dauphin and Cumborlini Drum • ties are reapectfally invited to puticipste. .EXCURSION TICKETS, '- mobs Issued on the Cumberland fFalley Railroad Making the fare only ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS from Harrisburg to Mechanicsburg and return. Den- MOMIIIM tickets twenty live cents, admitting them In the woods All respectable ladies are invited without further charge than their tare. WEBER'S STRING BAND will be to attendance. The company have also agreed to .take their rim= Engine along anti give trial in . eeha nicsb urg durin. the coy, for the beneut of per sons . who have never seen it work. The cars will leave Harrisburg at 6.1.5 , and returning will a.e rued hanicsbnrg at 6.45, P. Y. .11 persons are requested to purchase their tic. eta efore entering the care . No eplritous or malt liquors will be allowed on the grounds and all persons are positively forbidden to Dome ou the grounds intoxicated SIILLI Van - . talitEW SCRUM, HO nERT FOUGHT, G. OR Managers. ' N H. It ishoped that our citizens wi 1 all join with insin having an oid style.ic, as oar object is to make enough money to make a payment due 0.11 our Steam ,ngtue. auLtim BUTCHER'S PIC-NIC AT HAEHNLEN'S WOODS. ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST THE BTH. UTEATHER Rermtting; if on the y contrary, on the Saturday following. n excel ent string band will be present for the ec coniodatiun of the dancers. Omnibuses will run from Koenig's Hall, Mersin' street" and the grounds every half hour. Tickets As cents, to be had of the following sortie' men. n. r ONG, V. FINK, J. SICIVIZER, - F. 800 Vait. jy294lws I g:4LIIABLE PROPERTY kt O. R SALE , TNOW offer for sale that valuable prop.rty situated on the oorner of Market and Fiftil streets, opposite abeeresidenoe ; if not Bold- on or be fore the fret of September next at private. mis It Will be disposal:toff at public outcry. OA that dab OIL i t rebus. .1. LI. yg d USE. jtd SLOTS FOR SALE. R - J. HALDEAL AN: will sell lots on ° d P North street snolllll3yllaillia avearo the It Apply co QM ring tJ ptsrehluse. ml. t d atm Wa444 streets,. issb PKIMN C.he_ese_frora New Yolk Dairies - jut te:tpr sale low by 'l.ll ' comer FicraniCirard IlAstreolgle. au4Aamtd N ew ab tints malts GUITARS, BANJOS, FLUTES, FIFES, ACCORDEONS PORTRAIT FRAMES. REGILDING DONE, OR;RPt]S«FLeiri ALB DT 1111.10D1, Executor of David Lie awe, d -07 d