Paiip eitgrapo Ni) ICE TO AOVIKRIPINERN.—AII Ad. vertisements. Business Notices. Slur. riages, Deaths. &c.. to secure insertion in tile Tit:Lb:GRAPH, must invariably be accompiuiled with the CASH. HARRISBURG, PA Tuesday Morning, August 5, 1882 SANDS' CIRCUS COMPANY will arrive here to day and pitch their tent on a lot oppoite the Cotton Factory. ARRIVAL OF VOLUNTNEFS. beveral compa nies of volunteers from Franklin and Cambria counties arrived id town yesterday, and went Into quarters at Camp Curtin. A STATED meeting of the Paxton Fire Com pany will be held at their room this, Tuesday evening, at 7 o'clock. Every member is required to be in attendance ail business of importance will be transacted By order. I=ll DEAD.—The young son of Rev. G. J. Martz, who Was seriously Injured on the 25th of last month by falling bead foremost from the bal ony of his father's residence, at the corner of Front and Locust streets in this city, died or, Sunday from the effects of the accident. A UNION Menttio to encourage enlistments was held at Union Deposit, on Friday evening lost, at which Joseph Farnsler, Esq., presided. The attendance was respectable, and speeches were made by Messers. Wathurgton and Arth. A good feeling prevailed, and after the meet ing four persons came forward and signed the roll of the "Derry Feocibles." =I JOHN M. GLOVER, Merchant tailor in Market street, a few doors east of Third, in addition to his usual business, is now prepared to manufact ure military officers uniforms in strict accord ance with the regulations, and in the best pos sible manner. Oar military friends in want of anything in this line should give our friend Glover a call, as we are satisfltd, he will dress them up handsomely. Wm Pero a hasty visit to Camp Curtin yesterday, and found the First City Zonaves very comfortably quartered in new Sibley tents, in a healthy situation, at the Western end of the camp. The boys have been divided off into "messes," one of which, the "Bummers," is distinguished for the joviality of its natm bars, whose sportive and frolicsome actions keep the entire company In constant good humor with themselves and every body else. WORTHY OP IMITATION. —The city council of Erie have leased a large and commodious room, and pay a competent officer a handsome salary to instruct the citizens of that place in military tactics. The papers of that city says the plan has been found to work admirably, and every evening a large number of citizens avail-them selves of the opportunity thus afforded, to ac coke a knowledge of the art milaare. What say our council to a similar arrangement in this atey DISUNION CANAL . —The repairs upon tholanion Canal are almost completed, a force of at least 800 men having been employed last month. The greater portion of the Main Line is now navigable. The re-Ailing of the Summit Level commenced last week ; and, with favorable weather, continons navigation over the Main Line, and to Jonestown on the Branch Canal, is expected to be resumed by or before the 15th day of Auguetd •The heaviest earth-work dam ages art already repaired, and the reconstruction of the two large aqueducts over the Swatara Creek at Harper's and near Jonestown, as well as various other repairs, are rapidly approach ing completion. Tae ANDIRSON TROOP.—It will be remembered that this company was organized as a body guard to General Anderson, and was tranaferred in the same capacity to General Buell. It re ceived the official certificate of being the finest body of cavalry in the United States service.— its members are exclusively from the Keystone State, and represent most of our counties; Dauphin being ono of the number. Such sol dierly pride do they feel in their acknowledged superiority to all other companies in the depart ment of the Ohio, that they look down upon even the comparatively awkward regulars. The ranks of this troop are fell, but General Buell feels the want of more cavalry, and having ob tained the permission from Secretary Stanton to increase the troop to a battalion, he has ordered Capt. Palma to return to this State for the pur- Nee of recruiting. We understand that several recruits for the troop have been secured in this City, 11 11ITANY BOUNTY FUND Or DALUPHLIf COUNTY. —The committee of this fund, appointed at the meeting in the Court House on the evening of the 21st of July last, met at the house of Geo. J. shoemaker, Secretary, on the evening of Sat urday the 2nd instant. Present, Messrs. Gross of the 2nd Ward, Bailey and Shoemaker of the '/. 4, NVArd, Bostick and Brady of the 4th Ward ggle of the 6th Ward. A blank otitek or pay roll, prepared by the Treastirer 4 of the thud, was submitted to the committee and approved. On motion, the fun°w ltig resolution was con sidered and unanimously 'adopt e d &ga l a, That the Secretary IA nod is hereby authorised and directed to comspond with the; President. Secretary or committee s of the var ious towns and townships within the county, I n Which meetings have been held, for the purpose of raising subscriptions for a Bounty Fund, to be paid to such as enlist and are received as a part of the quota of Dauphin county, and to ascertain if they intend to be auxil , ary to our organ's ttion, and pay what subscriptions they colkot Into our trawsury, as a common fund ; or If they Intend to act as a separate and dis tinct organis Alen. On motion, the following resolutions were considered and adopted Resolved, As the Penes of this committee, that tbe contatesioned Officcis of companies are not entitled to any Bounty, to be paid out of this Resolved, That the Treasurer of the fond la aate uturired to pay as soon as the proper Mere plepa,ed, and duly certified to Win. On motion, adjourned, to meet at the call of the Preeident. OW. SISCINAMIN kkentOy•4' Tax RIGHT Srlarr.—At the War meeting at Derry Tavern, this county, last Saturday even ing the President, Henry W. Betterring, Esq. stated, that he would give each man in Derry township, who would enlist as a volunteer the sum of five dollars ; and the more who would accept his proposition, the better he would be pleased. He wanted to spend five hundred dol lars in this way. The offer was received with great applause by the audience, and a number of young men at once subscribed their names to the roll of the Derry Fencibles, under Cap taro Henderson. TEE Josrss Roust: has caught the patriotic feeling which pervades other establishments in this city, and three of its principle attachees have enlisted. Among these, we notice the book keeper, W. W. Reed, and the chief bar keeper, John Gross, both as gallant and as brave young men as have ever espoused a good cause or gone forth to battle for liberty. They will carry with them, wherever the fortunes of war may direct their steps the well wishes of the guests and patrons of the Tones House. At the same time, Robert Roland, the stew ard of the same establishment, also volunteered, and is now enrolled and sworn in as a member of one of our city companies. This is doing right well for one establishment. A Naw MODE TO EMBABRAS Tax GOVERNMENT has been in operation in this city for several days, in the shape of printed and written hand bills, posted in various parts of the city, and couched in language at once treasonable and incendiary. Toe object of those thus engaged is evidently to impede the progress of enlist ments, and it is time that the officers of the government ferret out this bold scheme of treason, and bring these traitors to justice. There is no mistaking whence these handbills emenate, or by whose encouragement and assis tance they are printed and posted, so that it the War Department issues orders to investigate and bring to punishment those thus engaged, there will be no trouble in bringing the guilty to justice. Public suspicion, often as unmistak able ae actual and positive knowledge of a fact, points to but one establishment as the spot in which these handbills are fabricated, so that investigation will sot need to extend over a wide space to develops the authors of this adroit and infamous scheme of affording aid and com fort to traitors. =I THE WAR SPIRIT IN THE COUNTr—INAUSiadie Meeting at Derry Tavern.—On Saturday evening, August 2d, 1862, the citizens of Derry township met at the Derry Tavern for the purpose of en couraging enlistments under the lest call of the Governor of Pennsylvania. The meeting wa s large and enthusiastic. The Deny Fencibles marched from Hummelstown and participated in the exercises of the evening. The meeting was called to order by Dr. Fox, who moved the election of the following officers. They were unanimously elected : President—Henry W. Kettering. Esq. Visa Presidents—Jonas Miller, Henry Miller, Jacob Behm, David K. Lands, Joseph Hershey, Dr. J. P. Borbeck. Secrefalies —Reuben E. Henry, 0. H. Hershey, 'George T. Elricht. . was-aeons cheating sight to -witness the etitidren of ra-v-a7tinno.ry sires gathering in the shadow of the ad"Thrtfith - which - hid descended to them from the men of 1719, there to swear anew allegiance to their country, determine that the plans of wicked men shall be defeated, and preserve scenes sacred in memory from the poluting tread of the invader. The meeting was addressed by H. 0. Alleman and J. Wesley Awl, Emirs., who held the large audience attentively engaged for more than an hour, and from the number enlisting during the evening, their appeals in behalf of the country were not in vain. The following resolution was offered : Wnsmoss, We are all interested in maintain ing the supremacy of the Federal Government by crushing out the present rebellion, it there fore becomes the duty of every tax-payer to make some contribution towards the encourage. meat of enlistments, and in order that all tax payers in Dauphin county shall bear some of the burdens of the war, and that these burdens shall fall upon all men in exact proportion to their means, it is hereby Resolved, That the county commissioner*, by the unanimous voice of the citizens of Derry township, are requested to make an immediate appropriation of twenty-five thousand dollars towards making up the bounty fund, and for the support of the families of volunteers from Dauphin county. The resolution was unanimously adopted amid tremendous cheers. Henry W. Kettering, Esq., and John Brehm, Jr., merchants of Hanadaville, each offered five dollars to every man enlisting, which quite a number obtained in the course of the eve ning. FROM ABARZELONG VALLZT—Grarid Bally of the Farmers.—According to previous notice'the citizens of Armstrong valley met at the school house in Flaherville, on Thursday evening the 81st of July, to take into consideration the state of our common country; when the following officers presided over the meeting : Prendrat—John Heiges. Vice Pruirkwt—lsaac Hoffman. Secretary—Uriah Novalett. After which Major S. Bowman, Dr. J. B. Hower, and Capt. McGann, addressed the meeting in an able manner. The following preamble and resolution were read and adopted Wlizszes, The present tryinsr times in which our country is placed call for our sympathy and all the lendable means that we are in pos liession of to put an end to this wicked re bellion. Resolved Ist, That we have full confidence in the Fri sident and his administration in the manlier fn which he is about to prosecute the war to its final termination. Resolved 2d, That we have fell confidence in Governor curthi and his State Administration, Mad tve.admi r e his views expressed at the mass meeting held at P.tteburg. Resolved Bd, That it is our duty as good and loyal citizens to furnish means and Well to put an end to this wicked and remorseless rebellion. Resolved 4th, That it is the duty of Lykens, Armstrong and Powel's valleys to raise one full company, and that we unite in our efforts to raise the same speedily. Besotted 6th, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the county newspaper. A committee consisting of Hissers. Isaac Hernia and A. I Shamnio r were appointed to coyect fund' and to encourage the enlistment volunteers. The mortinf adjourned with, *VW *al kW the Won. . ptuneglomikt Oak) teltgraph, - Euesbag Morning, luguot 5, 1862 was lIIMBRES or MB Cut Couran held their regular monthly meeting last Saturday evening, but transacted no business of any importance. BUILT cos. HIGIMPIRE.-Six more young men from the town of Higbspire, this county, arrived here yesterday and attached themselves to one of our city volunteer companies, organized and accepted for the nine months service. Highapire may well be called the banner town of the State, there being considerable more now than two-thirds ,of its voting population in the Union army. Bonne xe an Ganumintom fkaaspini , REannws.—An old - Soldier, who • ha s - Served sixteen years in the regular service, suggests the following factias 'inducements for volnn teen to enter old regimentc , - Volunteers entering an organized regiment will enjoy the following advantages : 1. They will learn more in one month in an old regiment than they will learn in tour or six months in a new regiment, for in the one case every old, officer and soldier is by precept and example an instructor, while in the other the officers only are instructors, and oftentimes but inexperienced and imperfect 'ones. 2. They will better escape the diseases of camp life among old and experienced soldiers than io newly organized regiments. Presuming that inefficient and selfish officers who have ne glected Weir men have to a great extent either resigned or have been displaced, the officers and men who remain in the old regiments have learned by observation and experience the means of preserving health, and will impart their knowledge to the young soldier. In proof of this, I know a captain in the army pf the Potomac who had been for years in the regular army, and through the campaign in Mexico, who has not lost a man by sickness. 3. There will probably be less loss of life in battle in an old organization than in. a new. officers will be less likely to ex pose their men needlessly than experienced ones. Old regiments will ire less likely to 'be thrown into disorder under fire. As a general thing, the men will be better cared for if wound ed, because of a better organization for the care of the wounded, and because the old sur geons have had greater experience in the treat ment of the sick and wounded. 4. Young soldiers in an old. regiment will share the glory of a veteran corps. And, finally, as it is presumed that all who volunteer, desire to render the most efficient service to the government, it is eats to say that ten thousand men distributed through the regi ments now in the field will accomplish more in the next six months than thirty thousand or ganized into new regiments. Hatatizacart Lava Srocs If.tartirr for the week ending August 1, 1862. Total receipts of live stock of all kinds at the Harrisburg stock yard: 1852 Beet Cattle, 1081 Hogs, 1190 Sheep and 658 noises. The &leg during Friday were : N. Tanner, 19 Beef Cattle, ® $BB per head, ay. weignt. 1000. Jae. Pic/Mister, 82 Beef Cattle, $4 80 per 100 lbs gross. Montgomery 8c Kyser, 17 Beef Cattle, 4 80 per 100 lba goose. J. Drlesbach, 84 Hoge, CO $4 20 per 100 lbs M. Fordyce, 82 Hoge, (ik $4 20 per 100 IN gr. Marks 8; Co., 68 &jiff 'Cattle, a $4 80 per 100 be groin. Total sales, 186 Beef Cattle end 166 Hogs. The following droves of cattle were in market this week : A KiIAD. George Lehman, . . . HE 82 Snyder & Boyer, . 86 Thos. Lamb, 81 Myers & Dixon, .. 60 Marks & Co., 160 Smltb & 8ei5,....108 Jae. Seldenridge, .. 84 C. Gerrard, 102 Jas. Clark, 60 3. Ns- u.. t1 0.a..... gt 0.A% crocnenutmeres-Bro. 96- BeWililami, - 7.7.756' J. Cunghenbaugh, . 16 H. Feder, 42 P. Allen, 57 Patterson& Wilson, 48 N. Tanner, . 19 M. Moore, 31 Holmes & Pfeffer, . 18 A Johnston, 16 John Darrah, ....127 J. McMillen, .... 26 Jas. McCollister, .. 32 Wilson & 8r0.....112 Montgomery & Kyser,.. 60 RBORIUMNO GOES RUMMY ON. -Our townsman Captain Wm. F. Jennings of the RussellGuards,' (and favorably knoivn as let Lieutenant of the Lochiel Greys in the three months service) has bis company, the minimum number, nearly full, but as he intends to raise it up to the maximum number, now is the time for young men to join a first class company—and any little fixens in Dry Goods that you may want for the campaign, can be procured at the cheap Dry Goods House of Dawn & Bowaixe, Front and Market Ste. A Moon Evreausamerr.—Among the many improvements lately made in our city, to which we can point with pride as an evidence of prce• parity and as a determination on the part of our business men, no longer- to remain behind the " light house," is the completion of Eby & Kunkle's large brick buildiog at the •corner of Market and Fifth streets, which' is alike creditable to the owners and ornamental to that part of onr city. The building is not only one of the largest, devoted to the grocery business, outside of New York, but the stock chillengee competion.— Without going into detail, we may, safely say that the firm keep on hand everything' usually kept in a grocery store, (liquors excepted . ,) - and that they sell at very small piofits.' Their clerks are civil and accommodating, and have strict instructions under no cironmstaneesiwhat ever to misrepresent or take advantage of any customer. A general invitationls extended to the public to visit . the new building, and exam ine the extensive stock, whether they purchase or not. WE have received a very large assortment of Hoop Skirts, all qualities, and prices, from 76 cents up to $2 60 ;25 dozen of Marseilles Shirt Breasts, Collars and Cuffs to matcb, the whole set for 26 cents, worth 60 cents; 10 boxes of Ribbon for dress trimming, all colors ; 6 boxes of Belt Ribbon, all colors ; a large as sortment of linen and needlework Collars, and setts of collars and sleeves; a large assortment of white Cambrics, Tacoonetts, figured and plain Swiss Muslin Brilliants, Nansooks. the finest lot of embroidered French Cambric Bands ever brought to Harrisburg ; 4.pieces of striped goods for Undersleeves ; 200 embroidered In fant Waists at all prices; 20 pieces of Black Silk Lace, all prices, some }'yard wide Suitable for dress flouncing or trimming of lace shawls; Lace Mitts at all prices, 26 cents up ; 40 dozen of ladies and gentlemen's linen liock,t HOW kerchiefs. For wholesidetitstomers we keep a large assortment of hoisery and notions, such as Spool Cotton, Thread, Ireedleti, Pins, Stock ings, Sockit, etc., etc. S. Llwv. If you have beaaantrarliis 'rola a babit lediaged fhb, the YOUTH OF BOTH MtirSil, • inflaa OMSK BO tit INT AL R Onitts %RUNQ SYMIIOIIIIII, thaw AfigrriNle, And is the gre,t-treval which csa betel MAN OR WOMAN. Fee symptom+ enumerated In advertisement, and if you ate a bearer, Cut out the adverilattnent. And mend ror It at =Op. Delaystini daisterose: Ask for reimbold'a Telte no, Wier; soon if Canaryla end iffiloNoni ;.#l6 l== TO Taz YOUNG OR OLD Nay or itmealo, HAIR DYE I HAIR DYE I I Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye I The only Harmless, and Reliable Dyer - Known All Others are mere imitations, and should be avoided if you wish to escape rllllOll/e. ORO', RED OR RDSTY HAIR dyed instantly to ■ beautiful anti natural Brown or Black, without the leas' injury to Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS have bu' awar. tied to Wn. A. Matommon sinne 18 9, and Over 200,000 applications have been made to the hair of the patrons of bis famous Dye. Wu. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE prod ocee a color not to be distinguished from nature and is WARBILIfiID sot to injure In the least, however long it rimy be contini mid, and the ill effects of bad Dyes remedied. The hair is Invigorated foriffe by this splendid Dye, which is prop. ally applied at No. 16 Bond Street New York. Sold in all the cites and towns of the United States, by Drviglibitil4nd Fancy Goode Dealers The GentOtte has the mate 4, William A. Beinhelor," wd address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four aides of each box. Whotwale Factory, 81 Par Play SL, Late 233 pooraway, New York octSd&wly Ntw 2htrtiatmtute JOHN WISE'S Confectionery & Fruit Store THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, Harrisburg, Pa. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS, ORANGES AND LEMOMB, PINE APPLES, BANANNAS, MEM AND SALT FISH, • And vezetables of all Mods, brought direct from the %tern Markets, twice a week, and purchased tinder my raonai superviadon, that enaolidg me to sell a better and cheaper article than any in the market. Jar Orders from a distance attended io promptly, and reads delivered to any part of the city free of charge. FRE:II CANNED Fltirirri constantly on band Give me a call. - JOHN WK. MILITARY CLAIM AGEN CY BACK PAY, BOUNTY, - PENSION & SUBSISTENCE EUGANE, 'Snyder, Attorney at Law, office,'Thlrd street, Harrisburg, Pa., will attend L.. we collection of mtitary claims, ondi r the act of Assembly, of April 16, 1862 Back par of discharged end deceased soldiers. county under Act of Congress, inly, 22, 1861. Pensions and delimiter subsistence, &a. jylo-dam POMADE HONGROISE IMR rya TSB MOUSTAC HEM, Jab KELLER'S LRIIGSTOR IS. • SUGAR! 100 BBLB. Sugar (Refined and Raw,) °fall grades rnd triad. Just- reoerved and rmi be the lowest ket vice& je2o - DJCK, JR., & (1). - "HE general variety of goods for ad j_ jading the TOILET, t~ be found at Seller's, is unsurpassed in this atty. J' o 91 Market street CANNED Tomatoes. And Green Corn, a JOHN wiep•z. myl JELLY.—A late supply just T rYr.broyl by WM . DOCIC iv & APP' Ed, Oranges and Lemons, atJOHN WIS.'S. my BABBIT Metal, a good article, for sale tow by A KIC PUB vII 4 , N. Is. Corner Southend Penn, and IT South street, P-Ile jy2l alms NEW MARBLE AND STONE YARD HENRY BROWN j_TAVING opened a illasme awn Swum 11 Tate (ni Mad Btrett, Dear Obestont -treat, oppo ttr P nnalyania iballsoad i I, w ; c :m4ta.a4.hil i tpl a tcg ITTMie " :O6 - 04:Maraig ornairble and ' ston e wt•rit in a superior manner, and on the most reasooable terms. jelo42m• CRITSHtD, enema and fine pulverized sugar, lowez,tban any other placts In town. Call Rau eadmine, L.HoLS& B .1,26 Corner Front aro blarkr.otr ets. NEW ORLEANS SUGAR! fplik first in the market, just received 1 and for sale by Wei. DUCK, Jig., &00 ORANGES AND LEMONS.-60 boas". Just received and in prime order. %V. MJCZ., Jli. , & 00. • LIMBER ' N e jars, fruit oans of all L kinds, for sale low, by NICEIOL3 &1301VtisN, Corner Front and market streets. i3'29 1 1 0BALCO and Bogart; of all kinds, for sale by NICHOLS &- B€PWM N, Corner Front and Market Streets. LUVfinlNtili. sugars and syrups for sale low, by NIOHOLi BO W ateN, I ra Corner Front and Market Areas. ROWN sugars of all g rades , for sale low, by KICHOi aWataN, 1.< 5 Career From ant Market, atreete. BREAKFAST-BACON *Very choice lot, equal to the cel ebra kid (imported) Yorkshire, Just re sired. y LOOS, Je., k BOLOGNA, A SMALL, but very superior lot of xi., Bologna sausage pat rocalved, by ~ .y29 • Wl[. DO CH, Jr. & Cu. CEDAR TUBS, BASKETS, BROOMS and everything in the line, Mt - received in large unanthies and ter sale very low by . JUST. ILEOEIVED. ALARGE ASSORTMENT of Family Bibles of different styles of binding, at 900, 11 26 *ll6O, SS, $B, $4, $6 Radii% oleo Pontos Bibles of dli• 'ere= styles and prices at SORBW7illit'll Bookstore. ebio-y FAMILY WASHING BLUE, an excel lent substitute for Indigo, for sale at the. wholesale ,and retail grocery store of NICHOLS & BOWMAN, corner of Brent and Market streets. PURE Cider Vinegar, whioh we war, ant to be made solely from cider, just received and for sale iOw by NICHOLS r 0 *MAN, mid Corner Front and Mar: et streets. „ B LOTS FOS” dALS. riS6IRA.SLeI Eiaildiog Lots On' Ridge _LI Road and Boa" titColefe,"_on rei;otiaale Items. 11.'or twiner knrtiou ara - eniture of ZOdNB. Elfin:lk Agent lyl7-dlme South street betwdat Feaoad ant TfiliC KELLER'S DRUG STORE is the plaet to him Paean,. 111mirin. 44, Few Blaokandihe and Carpentei a can dud ein.lo • meat at the klarrleberg Car shop , app leation be made Immediately. jy2All4lw. SUPERIOR lot of Dandelion ' R wee. lbr*lP at the et me of Jb -114 W i 36. my WHITE BRANDY FORPRESERVINGPURYOSES. /VERY superior article, (pure,) just redava . aul hr We by wmuOug, . 11 t., & CO. CIDER !! VINEGAR!!! MADE from choice mid selected Apples, andlpiannteed by its to be strictly pure. e 124 „ • Arm. sou Ai co. piNDAWOitOL/FFSS . i;'-;-A: Trials Ind' kap V i alt. WA:swi mit tut reosivel 4, • .1h "44 m Jr., a ao. RECRUITS WANTED. FOR THE 15TH INFANTRY, REGULAR ARMY. ONE hundred more able bodied (mar. vied or unmarried) men are wanted to complete the Seocuid Baitallion of tte above regiment. Its ileaduarters are pleasantly loc ted at "Camp Wheithiekoir on the tanks of the Schuylkill, negr Philadelphia, where rerruiti we weekly mitt to ba thoroughly instructed before going into name service Bones'', inteilipot and energetic men are particularly wanted for non-eommiftioned officers, to whom as with all recruits, every advantage of advanced bounty, pay, &c., is given. A. premium of two dollars will be paid any citizen or soldier for each acceptable recruit presented by bin. Further information may be on slued if applied tor, at fly. °face on Second etre, t near it alark.t. bows, Har risburg, fa„ TuOidAi B. 140in° q. jyl9-dim ()apt. 16th 11. 9. , Rearnhieti A. PURVES, Sorap Iron and Metal Merchant, MACHINE & FOUNDRY FURNISHINGS, N. E. Cor. of South and Penn, and No 17 ingot Copper, Sheet Iron, " Bra: a Ned. " Zinc, " " Yellow, Steel, Pig Tin, Borax, Aar " Cruo•b ea Pig Lead, Foundry Fadingaf Bar " An.lis, Suelter, Vices,/ lea, iko., Antimony, Old,,,NetaLs; Bahr hi Metal, " Copper, Button h, .fr. Swap Ader. - " Lead, 64., &. Bar front, New and Second band •Machinesta' sod Blacvntiths' Tools and Steam Raglans bcught ald acid. Articles of every d soil ti ni in use by klachinleta , and Foun , rymeo, furnished to orde... AE? Cash paid for Scrap Iron, Old Rails, and all kinds of metals. • jy2l. dim* INSIJRANCE. Marine, Fire and. Inland Tranaportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMEBIC. OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual. Capital and Assets $1,2001000 DIRECTORS. Arthur G : Coffin, Samuel W. Jones, John A. Brown, Samuel F. Smith, Cnarles Taylor, Ambrose Mile, John R. Neff, Richard D. Wood, William welsh, WS laid E. Bowen, James N. Dokeen, B. akprria Waln, John amen, George L. Harrimn, Franca B. Oise, Ed ward H. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. As central agent for to, agave'namet Company, the underagned Is prepared to take Fire risks in any par t of she state of Pennsylvania, ember annually or perpet ually, on the most tavorab tc terms. Moe Third street between Walnut and Strawberry slay, BorkePS row. WILLIAM BUEHLER, jelddly 114111riblIUR lf, Pa. All Work Promised in One Week STEAM DYEING ESTABLISHMENT 104 Market Rtreet between 4th and sth, HARRISBURG, PA., ki r HERE every description of Ladies' and Gentlemen' , Garments, Nene Goods, am., are eyed, Cleansed sad entalted la tad b eat -matmet,and at the shortest notice, DODGE at CO., NireLeiherly P.onriornrir. E The Girard Life Insurance, Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia. OFFICE NO. 408 CHESTNUT S7REET. (CHARTER PERPETUAL) CAPITAL AND ASSILTS.. THOMAS RIDGWAY, President.. • JOHN F. JAM S, Actuary, COSTINVE to iiiite*INSORANCE ON LIVES on the most reaaol'able terms. They ad as Executors, Trustees and guardians nuder Lest Wills. and as Receiveiswad easiguees. • The capital being paid up in t invested, ingather With a large and constantly Inure ping reserved fund, - offers a perfect seenr ty-to Uii insured. The premiums may be paid yearly, bah' yearly or quar terly. The company add a . BONIIS periodically ttilhe Insu rances for I re. The MIST BONUS avropriated in De cember, 1844, Me SECIOND B WETS D4oeintier, "194 9, the THInD Bi.NUS In December,lBs4, alit the rowan BONUS in 1869. These additions are made without re. gulling soy increase n the premiums to be pa id to the OtzliPettr• Ihe 'following are g few examples from,t¢e Regiiiier Sam . I Hoesls or :bonne to be - Increased /an of.Podcy and Policy. 1 .liorifiroini - addrion by Injure additions. l i No. 84 82500 .9.817 kJ " 182 8000 1,05 0 40 " 199 1000 400 00 'c3438 5000 1,875 00 Agent at aillabura and via of 4110-dly HAPPINESS OR' MISERY ? THAT IS TH-E,IQUE.STION CHE Proprietors of the "PAR.IbIAN Cd.WNST uP WONDERS. ANATOMY .and Ide DI °INV nave determioed reiardies3 of exp.nie, Li I sae few., (for the benefit of suffering. humanity). POUR or their most instructive and iatereaning Lebo:tree do ' Mar. Hide and its Disoualitications, Nervous Debility, Prema- ture Decline of manta od, indigestion 'Weakuessor Do- Loss of energy and VorlPeWers. the Gre.t So cial Evils, and thaw M ol.dies wbloo re3uit from youta nit fed lee, _Excesses ot &Warily, or Ignorance of Pere!. dory and Nature's law. These ' , trainable •Lecturea nay. been the means of enlirbittiag and living thou s•oda, and will be forwarded free on the receipt of four stamps, by addressing SECSErd iT PARLusa Daum or ANATOMY Alp,MiDll9lol, 568 Broadway, New York... Dlielt, Jr o ARRIVAL EXTRAORDINARY. A MAGNIFICENT 7 octave Piano. from STEINWAY & SONS, NE*YORK: Alec 41 OCTAVE SCHOOL ORGANS, Price only $BO, P.llnee's . nuke, best and obeapeat In market. kfelodeonainisliniwkalinerchandlke generally. Betas* Prairies, a obolee asbortment m oar own make SpeWalky at ended to. 8. WARD & Co., New Music and Frame Storic - 14 Market Square. . Call and ; • 13%4 dtt QPININDID gssortment of glassware just riailveCsadarr male law by bisChOL3 &BOWMAN, Corner Frost and Marlel streets. EZI EXTRA family flour, choioe brand, just reaavea, Ana warrimied to g ye eatterabuort, for tiatio NIGH )LB-& Bt)WrittN, jylo Front & Met kit Sta. W. T.RELDRUP, ctpreln6iudest CHEAPRaigare, brown - and white, New °donna Piver.iniff, Vic arknow, - were,* for Ealei Otero:y*64e In snit ituvunaer, lit , rilt,boL9 & B)WMAN, . Corner Front aud sr ket tree's. FE §YfrOP and- Molasses no less than a ght tor We by ai ~ Et Li et BOW ktia„ ' /111 pornor trout ani Market Erwin. . iva . E re, assortmentent of Glaisre, Including' Jclly glasses Preserve Jukes, Waists, iamb one, Am,pt al. styles, Just ret. vt4 and 'or los 'ow by • 44 P lOnulas isuaVel 1,97 _ ___,Oxpee,troutig-Market-streire. , - WANTED.! Mlikigubte•Al . stout busaisush esp. Apia* MIN, 1.141L1 WOOL Viscellantons. SoOh Streets, PHILADELPHIA I.OA. PENNSYLVANIA FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. 100IIDOf PH MILLER, of East flatiover sow ship , offers IdtweV as a candidate rot she eg COSSI SIONEIt, subjadt to the Unice Reeuhlicao N Westing Convert on, aed pledges him -0-1( it ocinieat d and elected, io d scheme the d Moo of the office with dde , ity j.lB- /tete FOR. COUNTY COMMISSIONE R. TAAVID BERST, of south Hattnver liJJ townahip, offal htm - elf as a candidate for the olh.e of COUNTY 0 ABU SIuNER, subject to the Union beoublican Nominating Convention, and pledges bewail' if nomloatai awl elected, t 3 discharge the duties of 'he office with fidelity jetB dcwaca SAMUEL PAGE, of Swatara townkhip, announces ffinvelf a= a can-Pale hr. no, offioa of wanly Co/.ml 'lobar. our J. ct to the d at: on of the Re publican Ceunty convention. He pr , imbue If t oedema d and elected to disaba , ge the dudes of sal office for the good of the tax pal era 01 the county. lyle dlw wie EDGEHILL SCHOOL. FRINCETON, N. J. Bev. JAMES P. Hamra, A. M, I Pr inci pals. Rev. Taos. W. °AMU, A. M., a THIS Institution, founded in 1829, is designee to prepare boys thoroughly for college or f Onaineas life. The buildlnot ale la, ge and comma- Wells, and the grounds embrace more than tb linen acres. Both of the Principals d, vote their whole Wm) to,the rehool, ailed in the department of Instruotion by competent teachers 't he military instruction and drill, (under the charge of an experienced lustructor ,) is arranged tat as not to erfere with the regular studies, occep)irg a pelt of the t me appropria•ed to exercise and recreation. Pllpila are re , eived at aoy time a.,d chard onl from the un i te of ad lesion. Tintam:—sl26 00 p er seam y en of gee months. For circulars, or further information. address either of the Principals. Ne ereace is also made to the Her. Mr. Cattail, Harrisburg. From the Rim. Dr. Hedge and the Rea. Dr. Afeaki, Professors in Use IkeOlOyicat Seminary, Princeton, N. I Y. have for several years been %Valaisly acquamted with the Rev. Thomas W. Oafish. He has bad charge of two of my sons, and can safely .ay I have never Known any one lo whwe fidelity and devotion to his pu nks, I have equal confluence. - He Is a good scholar and a sncoess'ul teacher. I know no one who has a proatrr facility In ginning the love at his scholsre or who elm is over them a better influence lam awtre of the responsibility in ape .king in such terms of commendation of a teacher; bu, lam a ui•ned lam doing Dothins bit simple Just. , e to an est:silent man. In uttha+ the language Which I have here em ployed CHARLES ht/DGff. I bays great conflderce in the Rev. Jae, R. Efogiteg, aa a teacher, both n his aptness to give instructiun, and his tact in the admioubauon of diecipi ne. I have bad two sons under his care. ant from the most careful observa lon lam free to re:owl:moo the Rdgehtll :chord as o.e Of safe and thorougn instracdou. je 4 dttn.rdjrl6dtmj FR' AND • R T. SUOMI. • REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITH HAS removed his Boot and Shoe Store from the corner or Fecond and .Walnut streets to NO. 108 _MARKET STREET, Next door to Ha' ne's Agriculture :'taro, where be intends to keepall kinds of Boole ai'd shoes, Gait rs. Arc., and s large stotk to Trunks and everything in hie lice of bit ; sod wilt be thaualui to receive the patronage of his old customers mid the lined in general at his new ph .e orbusiur. . all kinds of welt made to order le the best style and by superior workmen repairing d oe at short notice. [apr2dti] JOHN H. 81111 TEL WHOLESALE UMBRELLA MANUFACTORY No. 69, Market Street, beloto Third, HARRISBITRG, PA. M. H. LEE, rut ANUFACTURER OF UMBRELLAS, PARSOLS and WALKING CANES, wilt Cornish goods at WWER PRICES than can be bolubt in any of he Eastern clues. Country m •rohants mill do well to eau and examine prime and quality, and convince them selves of Gas Riot. au2B.dty 100 PERCH OF GOOD LIIILDING LIME STONE. FOR BALD AT TEM KEYSTONE FARM. my2T dif HARRIS MANSION FOR SALE. TEE handsome property recently ocon pled by the Ps •itsrLvarcr t ITMALE C tI..LOGiC offend for sal.. It is well hinted ewer TT a p [oats Reuldence or a B ardin t Soh *l, being suppled wits gas, water, bath rooms, heater, range, etc. The groundi contalnva uable Fru t Trees and Shrubbery. fbe OMNI will be ems low aed poss. salon given within reasonable time. For terms, dm., apply t $1,648 888 MES. B.S. WAUGH, or Dd. WM. H E LE Executors of Estate of Rev. B. R. Waugh, dec'd e247.deodtr I M{UND VALLEY INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN, REV. 0. EGE & BONS. AN -" ACADEMIC AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. { From September let to Feb. lst.l " February Ist to Jawlat. Asmum!, lat. I Cbarge3 $75 to $BO per SOEMIOO Jur Send for a Otral ar. S B *PSZ 60 4,050 00 1,400 00 8,875 00 THEO. F. EICHEFFER, BOOS AND JOB PRINTER, :41POAADi: NO. 18, MARKS? STREET, • HARRISBURG. Particular atteutlon paid to Printing, Ruling and Binding of Railroad Blanks, Manifests, Policies, Meeks, Drafts, Ste. Dane printed at $2, $3, $4, and SS per bousand in elegant style. 120 GREAT ATTRACTION. {`TALL at No. 75 Market Street, where yon will find a large and well selected stock of plaln and fancy Confectionery of all kinds. a greet va. day of toys of every de-crlption, Ladies' Wore Stands and Fancy Baskets, Foreign Fr Ats, Nuts, Dates and all other art.eles generally tete la a confectionery and toy store. * Receiving freak supplies awry week. Cali and exudes for yourselves. WM. H. WAUGUNER, &pall-dem P oprietor. PRESERVE JARS JELLY GLASSES, OF all sizes, patterns and prices, just received and for sale by 'OlB WM. DOM, Jr , dt CD. ATTENTION FARMERS SCYTHES. SNATHS, GRAIN CRADLES, RAKES, SOME sTONiid and in great valety, to be had 01161 , at GLLSERTA IDrdwere Store, Opunarte fit Court moo. JelO-dtt AFEW Boxes good Cheese, the balance of a large consignment, are offered at ad unu.nally low rate to owe. tit the ,ot. lo reach dealers tome will be an inducement offered. Each box moo will be guar ante. d as representad. Wit. DOX, JR.,dt CO. brig VANILLA BEANS, WE are offering for sale a splendid quad' , or Vanilla. Bean at low prices, by the pound, ounce or singly. 0. B.086& BLaCK wr, Lam celebrated pxonza, saubss, PRESEILVB:, ac, A large supply of the above, embracing every variety,jest re elveo pod tor Bale by Wll. DOOR Jr . & Cati. lUit newly replenished stock of Toilet kJ/ and Fancy Goods Is unsurpass•d m this city, and ieeling confident of rendering satisfaction, we weed-res pectfully Invite a call. IC9LLBR, 91 Market street, two doors east of Fonrtb.street. south tide. .EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, a choice wt l_7 4 m Erta Family V oar, all wartabtea by bbl., or a..ok,jaat rboeiveit and fa. ode low by MORO 3& RovvitN, Center neat and Mark 1 ample. ca invoice of Messina Oranges •nd Omi,for sale by Pacuoai & BOWMAN, • ace Prom and /dark* Matigste. Oranbibatto. itthstrilarttaus mEcHetNicsßoßG, PA C H EE SE. HELLER'S DRUG , , TO/111, go 'target :treat 0 jylo-dtel
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers