........., . 0 " --- • i . - t.- ,-, I li : : " • .. - . 0 la ) 11 -1 4P I opx,, • - 0 i . I. . . . . BY GEORGI BERGNER. THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE BERGNER. 7EK319 EtnrcHerrov The Daus' TBACIRAPIi II served to subscribers in the City at 6 cents per torch. Yearly subscribers 8111 be charged St 00 in advance. WEEKLY ANo 85111 WIESLT frILFGRant. The TiLbORAPE 1- also pubiwbed twice a week during tbe sesame of the Legislature, and weekly during tbe rematuder of the year, and furniuhed to sub.seribera at tee Totowlag cash - rates, viz: !Wee .übsoribera per year Beat-Weekly-SI Sri T. n 4, t < tt t t ..1200 Twenty " re /I d ..22 00 htngte subscriber*, Weekly 100 g ogi OF ADVERTISING. Sir Four lines or 1080 constitute ene.halr square, glen lines or more Lean four constitute ampere. flail equate, one d y AO 25 o 0120 •••• 126 st 050 month ..... 250 taro months 4 00. six months 000 " One y ar . . 10 00 One Equate, 0. 0 'av on • wi ek oie month three mouths " six months.. " One year.... _ _ . Eueinen notices IPeerted the , Local Column; or bora, Ilarriapes ind Deaths , raGEIT , OENTS PEE LDIE for r aoh inserticn. gir alarrisges and Deithe to be charged al regular advertisements. glebical. HELMBOLOIS GENUINE PREPARATION 4. RIG It LY CONCENTRA FED' MGM 13ND FLUID EXTRACT MORD, A Positive and Specific Remedy For Mimes or the DLADDEB, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. TbDi Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and azoltrarthe ABSORBENTS WO healthy action, by w13.16h tho WATERY OR CALCAREOUS depositions, and all UN. NATURAL ENLARGItaIIiNTS are reduced, as well ae PAIN AND INFLAMATIoN, and is good for MEN, 'WOMEN OR CHILDREN. UELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BLICHU, For Wealmeesoe Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, gastrin discretion or Abuse. Ann DED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : Indisposition to Exertion, ' Lou of Power!. Lou of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of 'geese, Wakefulness, Dimness cl Vision, Pain in the Back Universal Lacitude or the Muscular System, Rot Elands, Flushing of tile Body Dryness or the Skib, . BrdpUons on the Face PALLID COUNTENANOE, • These symptoms, if allowed to go on, wblob this med Idris invariably removes, soon Itillows IMPHIENCY. FATUITY EPILEP73O LN ONE OF WHICH THE PATIENT MAY AXPIRE Who Cla say that they are not frequently followed by those "DIREFUL DISEASES," " , INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware or the cause of their anilbrtag, BUT NONE WILL CONFESS; " THE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, And the Metancitoly Deaths by ConstemOion, BUR ARM Imam 70 TEI TRIM 0? Tat Aaarawmat. THE CONSTITUTION ONCe, AFFECTED WiTa ORGANIC WEAR' E ms , Requave the aid of medicine to strengthen and Invlgotat,- the System, Meet IletmeouYe larittare nualiu i-variatay doe ♦ Taut. wiLL THIS YOST swerna.... FEMALES-FEMALES-3EMALES. i. 4.0 OR TOIING, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CONTEMPLA TING MARRIAGE, IN MANY AFFECTIONS PEOULIAR TO FEMALES the Extract Buohu L unequalled by any other remedy, 0 In tithereels or Retention, Irregularity, painfulness, or Buppresilon or Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Stirrhous state of the Uterus, Lencorhcea Whites, Stern Ity, and for all complaints Incident to the sex, whether arintng from Indiscretion, Habits or Dissipation, or in DEOLINE OR B OffA ms N Aß GE ovi ol LUZ NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT I , IMO AO NORA MAMA, IiNOAT, os triatieskarryirtot. Dlfl Irog lIMPLIAALBIT,A.ND DAD MAM DiSWUM' 1iELJ1130.41,8 .118711.40 T BtWORD 13110 BET DISEASE& ' In all their Stages, At little Expense ; tattle or no change In blot ; No Inconvenience; And tie Ingmlurs. It manes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions. Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra ,IG Allaying Pain and Enflammation, so frequent In the case of onuses, and expelling ad Poisonota, Amsted mid worn-wit Metter. THOUSANDS MUT THOUSANDS IMO HAYS BREW Ifs VICTIMS CP QUACKS, tad who have paid mart raw to be cured in a short time , have found they were deceived, and that the "POI Punk' bas, by tee nee of wrowskurtn, sorrinserays, " beet. dried up In the system, to bratc out in an aggravated form, and PERHAPS AFTIES MAILIZIAGR. Use Hunnossenlismor Men for 'oll Iliffeationa and dames at the OS MARY ORGANS, . whether existing In , MALE OR FEMALE, Prom whatever cause originating and no matter c r HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases 01 these Organs require the aid of muurio RIFLUBOLIPS EXTRACT MICRO Id TUE GREAT DTORETIO, And is certain to hive the desired elect In all Diseases vim %TICS IT Li RECOMMENDED. &Woos of Montag reliable and responsible 'character will accompany the medicos. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, /roma to 20 years: standing, 'wits NAM 'mows yo BCIiNMI AND PAWL Noe $l. 00 per bottle, or six for $6 00. Delivored to ins addrest, seourotrpaoked Dtim bbi . er Tation. DESCRIBE SYMPTOMS IN II OEMIBINICULTIONE, Ceres Guaranteed I Advice Gratin I AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before Meow Alderman of ttlio city of Philadelphia, H. T. $1&1111101.D, Who being duly sworn, doth say, his preparations contain no narcotic, no mercsry, or other Injurious drugs, but are purely vege table H. T. KELIIIHOI 15 "...r0 sod subscribed before me, this 23d day of No vamber,l 3 , 4 , 4, Wu. P. HIEIRTHD, e A Race, P address letter% for Ninth ldermanhihi. , R. abov information in confidence to 11F.LBLBOLD, Chemist, Duo, 104 *wall Tenth St be t. Vbeetau B EV Yjr,, E 431 ' k, kbV6.lleltblitika hlial .......,NPRlNtauto DEALERS, Who =deliver to dispose "o , *um owe and shit 111301.111 mt UM YIPITIATION ATTAIXtb Rembehils Ilennine Preparation ~ Id •'a Litract Bu.hn , • 88 Parsaptrilla, " Improved Rose Wash, Sannvsrt Sold by O. H. Keller, D. W, Grass, J. W yew, . AND ALL DRUGAIST3 EVER YISPRAIue. ASK 808 BELMBOLDVA TAXI NO OVUM. Cu out the adaantramedn and Bend tar 11. AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND EXPCOURE. uovltaily DENTISTRY. TA. GEO. W. STINE, gradttate.,of the Baltimore College of Dental Sergery, havingper m‘nently located in the olty of Berrlebnrg and taken the Mee formerly °cowed by Dr. . Qorgaee,, on Third street between Market and Walnut, rolliathtrallY Informs his friends and the public in Rolland, thathe la prepared to perform all operation!' in the Dental 'profession, either gargles or mechanical. ins manner that shall not be mriruised by operators lic thie or any other OltY. BP mode of tanning artificial teeth ie upon the latest IM. Droved mientiflo principle. Teeth, from one to a full set, mounted on ADO QOM %Ter, Plating plates or the Vulcanite Base. !take groat pleasure to recommending the aDaTIli gm. uman V) en my fancier friends of Harrisburg iniel of stroll, and feel Mundiat that he will perform all oomph nobsa ilsleanfia 1 041100; ft my knowledge of 1144117 ' [ l ll464tft It. J. om S. tiORGAIs. D. D 9hig DR. JOHNSON 3ESALLTINICI3Et.3II LOCK HOSPITAL! HAS discovered the most certain, speedy and Lifelong ' r emedy in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. Ramo IN BEE TO TI MM noußs. No *Mercury or Noxious Drugs. A Care Warranted, or no Charge, in from one to Two Daya. -Vettkoess of the mock' ot:LbilbariltrratiaiLilresilone dem Muer! and Bladder, Involuntary die Im. potency, General Debility, NeTVOOODOIO DYSPePHY, Lan. suer, Low Bplrits r Oonfusion of Ideas,. Pa ipitation of the Heart. Timidity, Trembling', Dimness of bight or Giddi ness, Di seats in the Head, Throat, Nose or Min, affec tions of the Liver .Lunge, Bach or Bowels — those ter. rible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of• Youth --those mama and solitary praot tea more istal to their vietlms than the song or : yrens to the Mariners of Ulys ses, blighting thefr most:brilliant hopes or anticipation'', rendering marriage, he., impossible. ... 200 5 00 ...10 00 ...15 00 ...20 00 Wang Men Especially, who have become the •victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annual ly Sweeps to an untimely grave tboutands of 'Young Men of the molt exalted talents and brilliant intelle,t, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of dawned or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. Marriage• • . • • • Married Persons, or Young Mew contemplating -mar riage, being aware ot.physiral weakness, organic) debili ty, deformities, &c., speedby cured. lie who places himself under the care of lit. J. May religiously confide in his honor as a:gentleman, mid con fidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. Organic Weakness Immediately Carey, and ; full vigor Restored. This distressing Affection—which renders J lie misera ble and marriage impoesible— is the penalty , paid by the victims of improper indulgences. 1 oung persons are Intl apt to commit excesses trom not being, aware of 'the' dreadful conseecences that may ensue. New, who that understands the subject will pretend to daily that the pow; er of procreation is lost sooner by those ninths into im proper habits than by the prudent. Besides being de- prived the pleasures of healthy ofespring, the most rious and destructive symptoms to both' body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the Physical and' Mental Ftmctions Weakened, Lass of Procreative Power, Nervions Irratibillty, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Coretitullon..l Debility, a Wasting of the Frame; Clough, Consumption, Decay and Death. Office, No. 1 South Frederick Street. Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a Jew door. Intim the corner. Fail not to observe neme and number. Lepers must be paid and contain a atimp. The Doc. tor's Diplomas hang in his Moe. • A Cure liciarr‘nted in Two Days. -No Mercury !famous Davin, Dr. ohnson, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Grad uate from one of the most eminentOolleges in. the United Mates, aid the greater part of whore We has been spent in the hospitals of London; paris, Philadelphia and else ,where, has effected some of the most astonishing cures ttutt were ever known ; many troubled 'With ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashllintess,: , with frequent Washing. attended sometimes With derangement of mind Were cured immediately. Take Partieulax Notice.- Dr. J. addresses all those who havelgiured themselves by improper indulge. ce end solitary habits, wbloh ruin agog, MLA o4yet.....M.Maii ..10.1 Mr miser Im study, society or marriage,..- 'these are some of the sad and melancholly effects pro. ducsd by early habits of youth, vis : Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness .2 Sight, Lois of Idusoular Power t Palpitation of the heart, Dys pepsy, Nervous leratibil ty, Derangement of the Digestive S'inictiouit, General Debility, Symptoms or consumption, ato;;; simerattr.—The fearful effects On the mind are much to be dresded—loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, De pression of Spirits, hvil Forbodings, Avers on to SoCiety, Self Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, .tc., are some of the evils produced. THOILUNDS of persona of all ages can now judge whet is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pals, nervous and emaciated, having a singularappeargane soma, the oyes, cough andaymptome of eonsumption. Young' Men Who have injured themselves by a certain practice in dinged in when alone, a habit teetantly learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt,: oven when asleep, and, if not mired renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and isidy, , should apply immediately.. • , Whet a.pity that a younginan, the hope of his coun try, the darling Mins parents, should be snatched Irom all prospects •nd enjoymeute df lifts, by the eomequence of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persona KUM, Atakora contem plating • Marthigeo . redact that a sound mind and two are the roma nem-, vary requiting" to promote ecinnublaUtuippiness: Inditekti without tbsiss, the journeyithreogli life becomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view the mind becomes shadowed with despair and tilled with the melaucholly rot °lion that the tailpieces of another becomes blighted with our own. . 4 . Disease of Imprudence. • When the mt,guided and imprudent votary of pleasure Ands that he has imbibed the. seeds of this painfill ease, It too often Wens that an 111-timed sense of shame or dread et discovery, deteht him from applying to those who, from elocation and respectability, can alone be friend him, delaying tai the constinidunal symptoms on this born d disease make the& appearance, such as ul canned sore throat, diseased noes, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of eight, deafness, nodes on the thin bones and arms, blotches on the h ad, face and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate at the mouth or the bones of the .nose fall In, and the victim of this awful disease become a horrid objector comuilieratlon, till death puts a period to his dresidfu 1 saffedings, by sending•lum to " that Urdiscov vered Country from whence no traveler returns." It is a eselaticholly flue that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unakilfuliness of ',so ma pretenders, who by the nee of that Deadly Paton; Mercury, ruin the constitution and•make the raddue o lue miserable. Trineritot your lives, or beeith„ to the care of the Many Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of know ledge, mans or character, who copy Dr. Johnson's adver vertisemente, or style themaelves in the newspapers, regularly Ilducated Physicians incapable of Curing, they. keep you trilling month after mouth taking their filthy end polsonousnom compounds, or as long as the smallest Ike can be obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruin ed health to sigh over your galling disappointment. lohinon is the only Physician advertising. His credential or dipkinuis always hang' in his office. 1111 remedies or treatment. areluthuown to all cam; prepared mole a life spent ill the gr oat hospice's cc Eu. rope, the MIA in the country sole )"more extensive Pri vate Notice than ally other Physiohin In the world. Indorsenient of tie Press. The malty thousands cured at this hunitutton year af ter year, and the numerous impartane Surgical Opera tions' performed by Dr:Johnson, witnessed by the le pesters of the Wanly" "slipper," and many other pa pers, makes of Which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing ass gentleman of character and rearmsibility, is a sniboient guarrantee Whet abated. *kin Diseases Speedily Cured. Pemba writing should be particular in directing their letters to Ills loatitution, in the Wowing meaner : JOHN M. JOHNSON, H. D. Of the Baltimore Look Hospital, Baltimore, • SALAD on. A 'Argo supply of fresh Salad Oil, in Lk large and mall bottles, and of dilatant breads net received and ter We by WY. Dom, Js & FIRE CRACKERS by the ohest or box, Ad receive:land Ibr ogle by t it U . :: eider vinegar, warranted for sale bry by • . ICHOP 6 /1 01 941 4 . ', ig-N f; , ' i': . Ooroer num ma itarlhe oat& 41101 cat Strangers. NICHOLS & BOWMAN. Corner Front and Market streets . . HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 5, 1862. gnu:.Rlvniistmtnts. NOTICE. ll' HE South Ward School. Directors will 1, - -wiv receive proponis lbr buiding a two story brick school house, oo the corner of Fourth street and Blackberry alley. The f aywnts wid be made in cash, as the bending progresses, reserving rotten per cent. till completed. Plan and specification cin be seen at the office of Dr. C. Seiler. Sealed proposals must be handrd to Jacob Hower. President, on or before Au gust 12th. Securities must accompany the proposals. anadtd WANTED. . BY a boy 15 . years of age, a situation 4 n tome businers—grocery, hardware or eome• thing•droilar•prelf.rred. oomparit vely well edam. ted, 1- ac Ivey and would make lalowelt weal to the *et of his abtity. addreakoneweek, "Aspirant," this e. . and-d 3 • FOR SALE. THE undersigned offers at private sale a TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, 25 feel front and 100' het deep, situated on Fast Siete street near Filbert. The bona, is in good repair, boa a basement kitchen, water gas and all the modern Improve ments. For lurtberinfbrmation enquire on the premises. any-dlw• . EDWARD PARKER. ILLIAM SAYFORD. MERCHANT TAILOR, 86 IdARKET St, HARRISBURG, IS now prepared to furnish officer's military c'othing, a^cordlrg to regulations at short nodes) Alma general aisortmeut of Cloths, Oss,imeres, Vestings and ready remise olothing for civilians. fastellatuous. PHOTOGRAPHIC Just rewayed.st BBRGISZEMBOOK p a full supply of iPHOTOGRAPIEW ALBUMS, Embruing all the new Styles and Sizes ALBUMS FOB 12 PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUMS FOR 20 PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUMS FOR 24 PHOTOGRAPHS. ALBUMS paR 80 PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUMS FOR 40 PHOTOGRAPHS. T M r rY T d IPrlces :from Seventy-Ave Cents " TwentravelDollars BOUND IN MOM; WITEt BOUND IN FRENCH MOROCCO,. WITH CLASP. BOUND IN TURKEY MOROCCO, WITH TWO CLASPS BOUND IN TURKEY MOROCCO, WITH PANELLED BIDE BOUND IN VELVET, WITH CLASPS-VERY 1110 H. BOUND IN MOROCCO, WITH HEAVY MOUNTINGS AND CLASPS. PICTURES FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. :L.):o;7:l4l4:lo4lo(zyvelielifiz):eDie.lDl PORTRAITS OF DISTINGIIIHSED WOMEN COPIES LOF RARE ENGRAVINGS I SIOPIFE OF CEOIM PAINTINGS Any Orte•de risitie published in the country will be furnished to order PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Of any size not in ,the standard styles will be made to order BERGNER'S FOR BALE. VALUABLE OzipIIT,B_ 1 8 7 , t.417RTY For, .. w irm sA por t . or oticia . 37-25424 was Corner of Ilekisit 17/3214.‘. ansrdlm ALBUMS, Cheap Bookstore. Etlegra,plj. Necessary Postponement. In consequence of a large number of the hands employed in the TELEGRAPH office having enlisted, it was impossible for us to publish the speech of Hon. Henry D. Moore, as we had promsied it should appear this morning. It shall appeai, however, in the morning edition of the TELEGRAPH to-morrow. flan EUTINT MAYORAL AT WOB.C. —Position of MathowelA and ihir4t—The loponere of a Bold Scheme to hp* the &manful Bnlistment of Soldiers to Defend the Union.—For several weeks past the good people of Harrisburg have been outraged and insulted by the frequent exposure of printed and written handbills, posted in various parts of the city with the evident intention of ridi culing and impeding the recruiting lately or dered by the War Depirtment. As a specimen of these adroit and slanderous Inventions, we Fint the following , : ATTENTION I COLORED MEN• The great Gen. James Lane has arrived in this city to day, and will address the colored citizens of Harrisburg in front of the Market House at four o'clock this (Monday) afternoon. Meal and Brethren, come along ! The government having granted him permis- E don to raise two COLORED REGIMEN 18, he will be prepared to swear in all able bodied col ored men who may offer, and he confidently expects to raise one company in this place. Arms, equipments, uniforms, pay, rations and bounty the same as received by White Sol diers, and no distinction will be made.,. Come one, come all. J. IL TOMBKINS, Recruiting Officer for Lane's &tared Iligiments. • This' last card of " " attracted the attention of Captain L Dod ge , who tele- 1 graphed the fact to Wash4titi, and asked instructions as t- how heshouihroceed under the circumstances. Orders were immediatelE returned to arrest the parties having any corr Itt4, election with the fabrication of these handttis,, Acting on these orders, P s rovost Marshal ClX nor proceeded tblerret out the office in which the handbills - in question were printed, and as if led by instinct or directed.by general public opinion, he at once proceeded to the Patriot and Union office, and there discovered the unmis takable evidence that the bill which we copy above, was 'printed in that establishment.— , When the fru:eves prowled home on the guilty ton 2 of tha hnynt lila /linen onni guia ....A 111~011' 4 114% col ored recruits, and that Irriah J. Jones had con cocted and written the same. Upon this infor- motion, Capt. Dodge telegialiited -to the War Department, stating the fact'as hi had learned it, and asking whether he should arrest Barret and AfacDowel, or Jones (the delectable and de cent) and the boys. This dispatch went over the wires late in the evening, and we did not learn, last night, Whether any orders had been telegraphed from the War Department in re tarn. No doubt the entire party will all be Bl rested to-day. We offer no opinion on theae:facts. The public that have been so long outraged, and the service which has been so min* damaged by the publication in question, will of course be fully satisfied' by the due course of the law. Justice, though' slow, is sure, and in this case, it will be cheered to its satisfaction by every loyal man in the laud. • 4 LIBEL 8012-VINDIOTIYISI2O AND MAIM 'Anuousso.—While Barret & MacDowell were writhing in the hands of the Provost Marshall, yesterday evening; 'strongly tutspected of be ing concerned in fabricating and publishing the handbills which have of late so impeded the enlistment of soldiers in this city, they essayed one last effort, before being consigned to Fort Warren, or some other fit abode of traitors, to .vent their spleen. on loyal men. They have actually brought suit against George Bergner, the proprietor and publisher of the TNLIIORAPE, and Wien Forney, one of the editors of .the same journal, for having writ ten and -published a libel against the afore said Barrett and MacDowell. Of course we are not aware of the fact of having libelled these beauties, pimps of propriety, and models of patriotism, bat in obedience to the orders of our friend Alderman Kline, Messrs. Bergner and Forney entered lbail to appear at court and answer all charges which Barrett and McDowell may be desperate enough to prefer. But we were constrained at the time, to reject the advice of the worthy alderman, contemplating a settlement of all our differ ences with our prosecutors, holding justice and our own honor at a higher value, than to be frightened from the pursuit of our own vindi cation in this malicious prosecution by those WllO have outraged all decency and defied all law, while following the business of giving aid and coinfort to traitors. If the•Txcaciaarn has libelled McDowell`or Barrett, then has truth become obnoxious to this community, and every effort to combat treason must be regarded as a libel on traitors. But we are not in fear of the Issue, and boldly submit' our cause to the laws of our country. Du &acumen or If= continues to be made with great vigor and success, In this city and county, and we learn that two new companies have bee' n-started in this city, as follows : Paeioncanli, Capt. John F. Uhrich, one of the bravest and most popular officers in this city. A beet:non men are Wanted - to fill up these naggligl4:4g. ‘ , 5 'lti9ob Cobol** ham remind &dhoti,' to 111- cruit a company, and has opened an office at Duncan's segar store, on the corner of Third and Walnut streets. Capt. Colestook is one of our moat reliable men, a volunteer officer of long practice and efficiency. He sacrifices the interest of a large business, that he may find opportunity to serve his country. Thi s co m. pony has assumed the name of the Pearson Guards, in honor of the iiiitinguished President I I Judge of this Judicial District. ' Adam's Express Compani, from their office in this city, emulates the glorious example of other establishments, by sending five noble, stalwart soldiers In the battle-fleld, namely, .George-Hynica, J. Gilman, J. J. Hinkle, A.- F.- Seeger, and John Humphreys. Tide are good' men and true, ready to do battle in defence of their homes, their Union, Constitution and liberty. God speed them 'to' the battle field and return them when the victory lids been won, to the scenes and the business of .their youth and their manhood. J. Wasnir Awn, Esq., second Lieutenant of Capt. Eyttter's company in the three menth's service, has commenced recruiting a company for the nine month's service, at his office in Third street, above Market. Young men de siring to serve their country, would do Well to attach themselves to his company. • BY THEIR From M'Clellan's Army. SUCCESSFUL EECONNOITER ING EiPEDITION. THE REBELS FOUND AND ROUTED. —.— Capture of their Tents, Camp Equip. 4 . # page and Commissary Storei. INIRI NOIIIOIB OF THE REBEL FLEET .17:0 rtuaew Merrimac not to be Ready for Three Weeks =I HEAD QUARTZES OF THE ARMY ON: THE POTORM Monday, Augalt 4, 1862. EVer since the firing upon our shipping at the mail boat landing by the entnny's batteries, our troops.have occupied the opposite shore. Yesteniay a reconnoisance was made-from t• t int k fonto thia corm ito witla'a 14 Averil and composed of 160 of the 6th United tates and 110 of the 6th Penn'a Cavalry with 4 companies of the Ist, Mich. Begt., Captains Outer and Bowen of ArClellan's staff ezcompdn ied them. At Cox Mills, three miles from the river, they encountered the 18th Virginia Cavalry drawn up in ling. Our men charged on them when they broke and run;.they, drove them to their encampment at Sycarncire Church, 23. miles far ther, where they again formed, but were in gloriously put to Hight, leaving behind all their tents, camp equipage and commissAry stores, which our troops gathered together and burnt. The rebels had two horses killed, six men wounded and two, taken prisoners. We had only a horse killed. Atter scouring the country a short distance further they returned to the rive-r. There is no further evidence of the rebel gunboats on the river this aide of gort Darlieg. information received here, sops to show that the New Dierimac will not be ready lor three weeks yet FROM GEN. POPE'S ARMY THE REBELS ROUTED. Eleven Billed---Fifty-two Prisoners. OFFICERS CAPIIIRED. THEY- RETIRE =IN HASTE. Haeoweanon or me Aim or _Drumm, August 8,-9 A. M. Maj. Gen. E. W. ilalkek:j No. 4, of the reconnoitering column under Gen. Cravrford, moused the Rapidan and pushed forward to Ofangetown, which was occupied by two regiments of cavalry under Gen. Robertann. Eleven of the enemy were killed and fifty-two taken prisoners, among the latter were one major, two captains and two lieutenants. Our loss was two killed and three-wounded. The enemy retired in such lunite as to leave their wounded in our hands. - The railroad and the telegraph dine between Orange and Gordoniville were destroyed. Nigoed.] JOHN - POPE ifafor General. Col. Robinson, Provost Marshal, has arrested between sixty and seventy citizens of 'Rappa hannock county who will not take , the oath of allegiance. Three days grace heti been granted, at the expiration of which time, if they will not swear to support the constilutiou and the laws, they will be sent immediately beyond the l ines. • Two intelligent German deserters from the rebel army came within our lines bet evening. They left Bichmond two weeks ago, and state that great distress prevailed in the rebel camp; that all the soldiers were living upon nothing but fresh beef and flour, with no salt, sugar or ooffee; that the regiments would ,not average more than 800 men. They also pretend to have overheard prominent rebel officers say that it had been at any time during the war. NEW YORK IUdMETS Nsw Yo=, Augnst.4 Cotton quiet bat firm-400 bales sold at 491 01,60. Flom' firm-16,000 bbls. sold. Wheat active-189,000 bus. BOW ; new whim Kentuc ky- $1 64. Corn steady-98,000 bus, sold at WAN. Mesa pork lower—Pales at $ll. Pro= *lens- firmer- at A9;e003046i.. :Lard dcdl, - tmd ,tie(97: A S Si Irrsithto dull. PRICE ONE CENT. FROM WASHINGTON. ARRIVAL OF CONTRABANDS. PROMOTI3NS AND APPOINTMENTS. WABRIFOTON, August 4. The boat from Acquis Creek has brought up over a hundred contrabands, who are princi pally from Carolina county, Va., many of them have been•away from their homes for a consid erable time. They were sent to the Creek on Saturday last, - On their arrival here they were at once di rected to the Onntraband Quarters. Among thenrare persons of all hues, ages and riots, inclnding a sprinkling of intents baulk old the women for the most part chikveti Indian fashion, and the meu 'bore on their shoulders immense bundles of luSl3B/1"- The Start of to-day says : We are it.formed that the neirges of this city are organising secret associations for the purpose of protecting theinselves, in anticipation of a riot and mob by the laboring classes of whites, similar to those which lately occurred in New Albany, (Indiana,) Cincinnati,(Ohio,) and other places. It is also alleged th at a number of Clerks in the Government employ, are aiding the neg roes in perfecting their organisations.—(Our informant is a colored man of this city.) An Army Order, dated the 24th of July, announces the following amongst other promo tions in the army of the United Stites, made by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, since the 4th of July last: PROMOTIONS Lieut. Col. Don Carlos Buell, to be Assistant Adjutant General with the rank of Colonel. - Major Seth Williams, to be Assistant Adju tent General Kith the rank of Lieut. Colonel. Major Julius P. Garache, to be Assistant Adjutant General with the rank of Lieut. Col. Capt. George L. Hartauff, to be Assistant Adjutant General with the rank of Major. Capt. Nathaniel E. McLean, to be Assistant Adjutant General with the rank of Major. Capt. John C. Belton, to be Assistant Adju tant General with the ra nk of Msjiir. Capt. Robert Williams, to be Assistant Adju tant General with the rank of Maj.,r. Capt. Wra...D. Whipple, to be Assistant Ad jutant General with the rank of Major. Capt. Chauncey McKeever, to be Assistant Adjutant General with toe rank of Major. . Capt. Albert V.. Colburn, to be Assistant Ad jutant General with the rank of Major. Capt. Geo. D. Ruggles, to be Assistant Adju tant:General with the rank of Major. Capt. Thos. M. Vincent, to be Assistant Ad-' jutant General with the rank of Major. Capt. Oliver D. Greene, to be Assistant /Win taut General with the rank of Major. Capt Samuel Bieck, to be Assistant Adjutant Gtifneral with the rank of Major. Assist. Surgeon John More to be Surgeon. — "Aisaiit. Surgeon Andrew K. Smith to be Sur geon. Assist. Surgeon Richard H. Alexander to be Surgeon. Assist. Surgeon Jos. R. Smith to be Surgeon. Lieut. &slab H. Kellogg to be Captain. Brigadier General Edwin V. Sumner, ,tobe Major Genet& by Brevet, fur gallant and to 101 l torious conduct at the battle of Fair Oaks. Col. S. P Heintz:in:tan, to be Brigadi-r Gen eral by Brevet, for gailmt and meaitorious oun duct at the btttle a Fair 0 iks. Col. E. D. Keyes, to be Brigadier General by Brevet, for gallant and meritorious oouduct at the battle or Fair Oaks. Col. Fitz John Porter, to be Brigadier General by Brevet, for gallant and merit"rioue conduct at the brittle or Chkkahuminy, Colonel Wm. B. Franklin, to be Brigadier Geoefal by Brevet, for gallant and nieritodutte conduct in the battle before Richmond. APPOINTidiNTs The following appointments and promotions are also announced: Capt. John Eye, of the Corps of Top. Engs. and Major General of Volunteers, to be Ihiga dier General. Wm. W. Keen to be Assistant Surgeon. George L. Porter to be Assistant Surgeon. David L. Huntingdon to be Assistant Surgeon. T. W. Williams to be Assistant Surgeon. Charles M. Colton to be Assistant Surgeon. T. M. Brown to be. Assistant Surgeon. Charles S. De Grew to be Assistant Surgeon. Edward C. Snrode to be Assistant Surgeon. Andrew H. Smith to be Assistant Surgeon. Van Buren Hubbard to be Assistant Surgeon. John Jamison, of Md., to be Military Store keeper. Sergeant Major T. E. Collins to be Second Lieutenant. Sergeant A. 8. Bainbridge - to be Second Lieu tenant. Sergeant John J. Adair to be Second Lieu tenant. sergeant Henry G. Litchfield to be Second Lieutenant. APPORMIINT9 NOT cormaitei) The following appointments have expired by constitutional limitation, not having been con firmed by the &mate: Henry Van Rensselaer as Brevet Brig. Gen., Q. S. A. Louis IL Marshall as additional Ald-de- Camp. Louis 0-Bailey as Second Lieutenant in the Fifth Cavalry. J. McKinstry as Brig. Gen. of Volunteers. John B. 8. Todd as Brig. Gen. of Volunteers. Randolph B. Marcy as Brig. Gen. of Volun teers. titewart Van Tliet as Brig. Gen. of Volun teers. Geo. W. Cullum as Brig. Gen. of Volunteers Andrew C. Kemper as Awist Adj. General. John P. Fenkeimeier as Aksist. Adj. General FREBB. BUTTER AT MARKET PRICE. WE, HAVING fitted up a large Retrig orator, and baring made contracts with some of our most • aliable farmers to furersh us wi.h fresh and sweet butter regaled will be enabled to amply oar customers with sweet fresh ice cold baler at all umee. now mt. DOCK, Jr. 81 CO. OLABET WINEM WE are cluing out AVERY SUPERIOR -T T LOr At Less than cost = CALL and see those nice and cheap Bil• &Jima for preserving, Sal:, at BIM :OL9 s itoWasN, Girlie* Wont arid Market streets, lel2 yeAtat'd Cocoa -kid Sweet Chocolate, „„U Sr mile at JOHN ME M, Tidt4 sad myl WIL DOCK, dr..O CO #