• •••••-•- - AMY • • •- , . • • • , ; • NI . 1 ELEGR P 'l. It BY GEORGE BERGNER. THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, GEORGE , BERGNER. TEKNS EiNnCINZMONt The DAII,Y TV.IORAPe is served to subscibers in the city at fi cents per wok. Yearly subscri r bers Will be charged gt oo in advance. WEEKLY AND WIEELT TZLVORAPH. The Tsui:sers alsOptiblished twice a week during the session of the Legislature, and weekly during the remainder or the year, and furnlehed to subscribers at the iothwing cash rat es, viz: Rosie .nbscribers per year gemi•Weekly..sl 60 Ten a a ..12 00 Twenty fl .f ,„22 00 Bin& subeoribers, Weekly .... 1 00 ROES OF ADVERTISING . . _ . ,tar Four lines or less constitute ene.half square. Right lines or more than four constitute a square. Ralf ttquare, one dty . $0 25 one woos—. 1 26 " one mouth . three months. ............ ~...... 4 00 o six months 6 00 one y.ar 10 00 Onet Square, oco Coy 69 ous week 200 (I one month . ... 6 00 ,‘ three months 10 00 " six months 15 00 II one year 20 00 /fir Scustnels noticesjoserted in the Local Column, or before Marriages and Deaths, RIGHT DENTS PER 1..1511t for tacit inaertion. gar !airtime& and Deaths to be charged as regular advertisements, glebital HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION. "HIGHLY CONCENTRA TED" main QNO FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positive and Spada° Remedy For Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine Increases the power of Digestion, and excites the ABSORBENTS Intl healthy action, by which the WATERY Ott CALOAREOUS depositions, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are reduced, as well ea PAIN AND INFLAMATION, and is good for MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN. BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUM% For Weaknesses Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early In discretion or Abuse. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power; Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness ' Dimness ci VISIOn, Pain in the Back Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushing of tile Body DrynessPA L he DCU NTENANCEEupIons on tbe Face These symptoms, if allowed to go on, whirs h this med Mine Invariably removes, soon follows IMPOTENCY. FATUITY EPILEPTIC FITS, IN ONE OF WHICH THE P ATIENT MAY EMPIRE. Who cam say that they are not freqtautly followed by those "DIREFUL DISEASES," "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware of the canto of their suffering, RUT NONE WILL CONFESS. THE RECOaDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, And the Melancholy Deaths by COSTIIIIIption, sea LIMA MOM% To TU. TRITIIt OP THE answinsan. THE CONSTITUTION ONCe; AFFECTED WITH OIWANIO WEAIOESS, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and Invigorate the System, Which Eintarnotros EXTRACT BEICaII incariably doe TMIAL WILL COKTKIIIIIII YOST BEEPTIOAL, FEMALF9...FEMALEIS-110116L118. OLD OR gesst4o, iStßeam, MAtterzykom cowrie on.. TING MARRIAGE, IN MANY AFFECTIONS PECULIAR TO PERALER, the Ixtraot Bache Is unequalled by any other remedy, as In OhWads or Retention, Irregularity,Psintelness, or Suppressio aor Customary Resonation', Ulcerated or &tritons state of the Uterus, Lesoorhces Whites, Stern. Ity, and Mr all Complaints Incident to the sex, whether arising from Indiscretion, Debits of Dissipation, or in the DEOMNII OR CHARGE OF LIFE. MO SYMPTOMS AHOY' NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT I lass so sou Ruses' Moms, Oa IMPLUSANTIMIIDI. 61141101 tINPLWANIr IND DANOIROI72 DIMEIIII. SEMIBOLD'S EXTRACT BUMS/ 01111 M SWEET DISEASES. In all their Stages, Little or no change In Diet ; Arid no Ingesure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions. Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra Allaying Pain and Imflammatio so frequent In the class of diseases, and Melling all , Diseased and wornrout ifaiter. Illouttilaw OPON Tscraeste ASO HATE BMX( SHE naratsOF QUACKS, lad who have paid Ham rasa to be cared in a short Wee have found they were deceived, and that the "POI. PUNT' has, by the use of 'Tow/tarn earattrazters, been bled op in the system, to brews out in an aggravated form, and PERHAPS AFTER JURRIARE. Use Rinsetow , s Erman , Ehnen for all affections and Susses of the VIRINART ORGANS, whether existing in DIALS OR FICRIALR, from whatever canto originating and no matter a HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases d those Orpos require the aid of DUMB CIO EELMBOLDII =TRACI BUONO IS THE GREAT DRUMM, And is certain to have the desired effect hi all Diseases ICR WHICH IT Id RECOMMENDED. Boidonce of the mint reliable end rerponsible character will accompany the modicum. CERTIFICATES OF CUM, ,brontB to2o yearn standing, WrIEL NAIL IXOWDI TO AND FADS, Price $1 00 per bottle, or six for $5 00. Delivered to any address, securely packed from obser 'ration. DIKRIBB SYMPTOMS IN ALL COMMUNICATIONS. Cam Guaranteed t Advice Gratis I AFFIDAVIT: Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of ttbo city of Philadelphia, H. T. Hatatioln, who being drily Morn, Both say, his preparations contain no narcotic, no tummy, or other injurious drugs, but are purely vege table H. T. HELKBOID. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 23d day of No rember, WIC P. RIBBER% Alderman, Ninth St. above Race, Phtba. gees letters for information In confidence to H. T. EEKMBOLD, Chemist, tE m . ‘ , I" South Tenth St., bel. Manna, Ph il o, OP UOUNTRALIPIPOLTS ANu In '' ll %`lOlPLED DRALTARR- Who endeavor to Atom: Annie em !RI RiPtitAlZ:r 111r2 °WS • 11114 "Cl3/1 Rehaboldvi Genuine Prep.:Z: l RY /6 di kwAraot 'ant & 46 " Sattai Improved Rosa axttln %N u ll Sold by O. K. defier, 1). W, Orals knavart. , • Wyatt, C s AND ALL DRUGILST3 SVERPWIIRRie. ASK FOR RELMEOLLPS. TARN NO &run. Oat out the adverdrament , and send for It, AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND ixoZtallitit. novimly DENTISTRY. D. GEO. W. S LINE, gradttate of the Baltimore College of Denril Surgery, havlngp er msnently located in the city of Harrisburg and taken the Mice formerly ocrapled, by Dr. Gorges, on Third street between Market and Walnut., respectfully informs the Mende and the nubile in general, that he Is prepared to perform all operations in the Dental profession, either Burgles for mechanical, in • manner that shall not be Repassed by operators in this or any other city. His mode of inserting artificial tooth ie upon the latest im proved scientific pramiple. Teeth, from one to a felt set, mounted on fine Gold, Slyer, nutria plates or the vulcanite Base. I take greakpleasnre in recommending the above gen tleman to all my former friends or garrlaburg and vi cinity, and feel confident that he will perform all opera tions Ln mientglo panne ; from My knowledge Of ainkly. • IntyllAllifi F. J. 8. 00114 AW. DR. JOHNSON 3341LL1T1-AdEC:OPLX3 LOCK HOSPITAL! HAS discovered the most certain, speedy. and effetcual remedy in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE WILDE IN SIX TO TMELVB EOM& No Mercury or Noxious Drugs. • A Cure Warranted, or no. Charge, in from one to Two Dept. Weakness of the Back or,Limbs, Strictures, Affections of the Is hineys and Bladder, Involuntary discharges, Ire- potency, General , Debility, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, I ad guar, Low Spirits , Conn: Won of Ideas, l's Ipitation of the Heart. Timidity, Tremblings, 'Dimness of bight or Giddi-, nap, Di sense of the Head , Threat, Nose or Skin, Affec tias of the Liver Lungs, Stomach or Bowels—those ter• cable disorders exiting from the Solitary Habits of Youth --those nem and solitary praciteas more fatal to the Ir victims than the song of :yrens to the Mariners of lays. sea, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &n, Impossible. • Young Men Especially, who have become the ;victims. or Solitary Flee, that dreadful and destructive habit which annual ly sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. Marriage. Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating mar 7 rugs, being aware of physical weakness, organic debili ty, deformities, he., speediT cured: He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. , may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and 00o fldently rely upon his skill as a Physician. Organic Weakness immediately Cured, and full vigor Restored. This distressing Aflection—which renders l Ito misera ble and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses tram not being aware Of the dreadful eenseqtences that may 0011110. NOW; who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the pow er of procreation is lost sooner hy those falling into im proper habits than by the prudent Besides being de. pr,ved the pleasures of healthy offhpring, the moat ae. Aims and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procreative Power, Norvions Irrattbtltty, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Censtitutlesti Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Hough, Consumption, Decay and Death. • Office, No. 7 South Frederick Street. Lett hand side going from Baltimore street, a low door.: from the corner. Fail not to observe BOMB and number: Letters must be paid and contain a stamp.' The Doc.' tor's Dtplomaa bang in his office. A Cure Warranted in Two Days. No Marorry or .Nauseous Drugs, Dr. 3ohnson, • Member of the Royal College of iiiirgeone, Louden, efad nate from oue of the most eminent Colleges in the United States, and the greater part of whose lite has been spent in the hospital' of London, Perla, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the most astonishing cares that were ever known; many troubled with ringing In the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were oared immediately.. Take Particular Notice. Dr. J. addresses all these who have injured themselves by improper indulge. ce end solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either business, study, society qr matrices , Wiese are some of the sad and melancholly effects pro -_____ . Boon sarLtin . Paluslykthe : . . 'Dimness ,r . Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitatlottof the heart, Dys pe.pay Nervous Irratibil ty, Derangement of thengestive Functions, General DebUhty, Symptoms of Consumption, liarraLiv..—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—loss of Memory, Confusion of ideas, De• premien of Spirits, Evil forbodings, Aversion. to domety, dell Diatrust, Love ofholitude, Timidity, do., are sonic of the erns produced. . Tammarms of persons of all ages can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. Young ken Who have injured thitaielvelby a certain practice In dulged In when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, oral school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not oared renders marriage impossible, and destroys both Wild and body, should apply Immediately. What a pity that &young man, the hope of his coun try, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of Rib, by the eoniequence of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons MOT, before centrum plating At little Nipecuie ; No Inconvenience; Marriage reflect theta sound mind and betty are the most Boos eery requitites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through lira becomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view 7 the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled , with the melanoholly nib Won that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. Disease of Imprudence. When the miegulded and imprudent votary of pleasure finds that he has imbibed the seeds - of thil palofut dis ease, it too often !wens that an ill timed sense of shame or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from eluestion and respeetabWty, can alone be. friend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms on. this horr d disease make their appearance, such as nl oersted sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the head and limb*, dimness of sight, destines, nodes on the thin bowl and arms, blotahes es the h aid, face and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall is, and the victim of awful disease become a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending hun to w that Urdissov. vered Country from whence no traveler returns." It is a mehuishony fact that thousands fill victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskilfultness of igno rant pretenders, who by the use of that Deorny Poison, Mercury, ruin the constitution and make the residue o Zile miserable. Trust not your liveS, or health, to the care of the many Unlearned and Worthiest" Pretenders, destitute of know ledge, name or character, who copy Dr. Johnsonl adver vertleements, or style themselves In the newspapers, regularly educated Physicians Incapable of Curing, they keep you trilling - month after mei( th taking their filthy and polsonouswas compounds, or as long as the smallest !be WI be obtained, and In despair, leave you with ruin. ed health to sigh over your galling disappointment. Dr. Johnson is the only Physician advertising His credential or diplomas always hangs In hIS office. Ilia remedies or treatment are unknown to all others, prepared from a life spent in the gr eat hospitals of PM: rope, the first to the country and a more extensive Pri vate Practice thin any other Physician in the worid. Indorsement of the Press. The many-tholutauds cared at the Institution year af terycar, and the numerous important Surgical Opera tions performed by Dr. Johnson, witneessed by the re porters of the 'Sm.' , dOlipper," and many other pa pers, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides hia standing as a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a euf/hdent guarrautee lathe afflicted. b kin Diseases Speedily Cured. Persons writing should be particular in directing their I letters to his Institution, 113 the -following manner : JOHN X. JOHNSON, IL D. of the Baltimore Lock Hospital, Baltimore, lid SALAD OIL. A 'lnge supply of fresh - Salad Oil. in A large end man bottles, and of different brands net received end Am sale by. FIRE CRACKERS by the chest or box j us t, received and Ibr sale by NICHOLS & 110ild AN. 1014 Corker Front and Market +treats. -PURE cider viurgar, warranted, tor sale sL low by Niclicms & BUWAL&N, J 7 owner nook oia makes amok EIARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 4, 1862 intirical Strangers. WM. DOCK, Jz. 1 CO ittiortaantons FREIGHT REDUCED 1 HOWARD & HOPE EXPRESS CO,'S MORT & QUICK ROUT TO AND FROM NEW YORK. Goods Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night Leave New York at n t P. M., by the Fast Through Expresit Train, arriving in Harrisburg at 8 A. M. WITHOUT -ORANGE OF OARS. Order Goods marked. via HOPE EXPRESS CO., General Office, 162 Broadway, New York For further infonnaßon enquire of GEOi BERGNER, Agent Hamussuma, Ang. 1861.-dtf PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Justreceived, at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE, a full supply of PHOTOGBAPIEW . ALBUMS, Embracing all the new Styles and Sizee ALBUMS FOR , 12 •PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUMS FOR 20 PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUMS FOB . 24 - PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUMS FOR 80 PHOTOGRAPHS ALI3M3 FOR 60:PHOTOGRAPHS. Prices tom Seventy-live Cents To Twenty-livelDollars BOUND IN CLOTH., WITH CLASP BOUND IN FRENCH MOROCCO, WITH CLASP BOUND IN TURKEY MOROCCO, WITH TWO CLASPS BOUND IN TURKEY MOROCCO, WITH PANELLED SIDES BOUND IN VELVET, WITH CLASPS-VERY RICH. BOUND IN MOROCCO; WITH "MAW MOUNTINGS AND OLASPS 'ICTURES FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. FORTWTS OF DMINGMERED MEN PORTRAITS OF DISTMGMHSEto WOMEN COPIES OF RARE ENGRAVIN'a u OOPIILS OF CHOICE PAINTINGS Any Carte de Thitie published in the country will be furnished to order. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Of any size nut in the standard styles will be made to order BERGNER'S Cheap Bookstore. PROF. ADOLPH P, TEU PSER, WOULD respectfully inform hie old patrons and the public generally, that he will aontinne to give Instructions on the PIANO PORTE, ME, WDEON, VIOLIN and also in the science of THOROUQB BASS. Ile will w'th pleasure wait upon pupal at their atones at any hour desired, or lessons will be given 1. his residence, in Third street, . few doors below tb german Reformed Church. derilft.e ts CALL and examine those new jars for Fruit, the best, cheapest auclasmplest In In market, for sale by 14101I1JL8 & 809111.4 m, jel9 Comer Front can Market street. DANDELION COFFEE I—A Freak and large supply of Ulla Celebrated CoTeel rut received by WI. WM, BOO,' Jr., eg io. NEWBOLD • HAM.I—A small lot of these es lebrated Haingfjust received. s-r 24 wm. DOCK, Jr.; t CO. - A SUPERIOR lot of Dandelion and hip Li. °Abe, tbr Bahl at the sore or JO dN W ISE nay ZING, Sheet Zinc damaged by water, for Ws ow by . ALM , PQM% YUL 4110 N. it *Tiler floutb Bag Ppna assets, Mts. elf ri tuatru EAGLE WORKS, Earthliurg, Pennsylvania. EANUFAOTOBIR 01 BOOK-BLIDEIIS' IIIIANG 7 II4IIDES AND PENS, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOARDS, AND MACHIN= 808 . GRINDING CUTTING-MACHINE KNIVES. Portable Cider Mills and Fodder Cutters, SCHOOL FURNITURE, General Machine Work and Iron and Brass WOJD TIINNING IN ALL ITS BRANORR4, SCROLL SAWING, PLANING, EIC., EiC„ LF Any dlachine of Wood, Iron or Bra made tia order. Gear and Screw Cutting, tite. HICKOK ' PATENT WOODEN SORNW CUTTING- TOOLS. or Cash paid far Old Copper, Brass, Bpelter, STEAM BOILERS, &O. PENNRYLVA I ITIA RAILROAD, ABOVE STATE STREET CELLAR WINDOW GRATES, Of various patterns, both staiioniry and winging, Fag' Weights and various other building castings, for sale very cheap at the [my2t•ly] SAQLb WOMB. BOOKS FOR FARMERS, THE attention of agriculturists is directed I. to the following works, which will enable them to increase the quantity and value of their crops by adding science and the experi ments of others to their experience : STEPHEN'S BOOK OF THE FARM, de tailing all the labors of husbandry and the best way toped , rm them. Price....B 60 COLEMAN'S AGRICULTURE and Real Economy 4 00 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, by Allen... .100 1 1 THE FARMER'S COMPANION, by Rue!.. 76 LECTURES ON PRACTICAL AGRICUL TURE, by Johnston t 60 THE AM V4RICAN FARMER'S new and uni- venial handbook, with 400 engravings-2 60 AN EASY METHOD OF MANAGING BEES, by Weeks 20 The Nature and Treatment of Diseases of Cattle, by Dadd 1 00 LEIBIG'S AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY 76 kiILCH COWS AND DAIRY FARMING, and the production of milk, butter, cheese, by Flint t's" 1 60 GRASSES AND FORAGE PLANTS, by • Lynch 160 SAXTON'S HANVBOOK, containing the Horse, the cow, the pig, fowls, &c., &c.. 1 00 THE FARMER'S DICTIONARY and Prac- tical Fanner, by Dr. Gardner ALLEN'S DOMESTIO ANIMALS...: THE FIELD BOOK OF MANURES, or American Muck Book. 1 26 TEM HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, by Jennings 1 00 YOUATT ON THE HORSE. e 1 26 AKA 166,11414511116‘auflistliwkisows,...„ HORSE'siANSME 7 Iind the Breaking and Training of Horses 76 Standard Books, School Books, and every thing in the stationery line, at lowest prices, at BERGNER'S CHEAP. BOOK STORE. ECONOMY. IS WEALTH CURE NODE COUGH FOR ONE DIME. The BEST and CH PEST Household BEND. DY the World. Madame ZAMOC PORTER'S GREAT • COUGH REMEDY 1 MADAME ZADOC PORTER'S Curative galsam is warranted if used according to the di rections, to cure in all oases, Coughs, Colds, It hooping Cough, sihma, and all affections of the Throat rid Langs. Mad'e ZADOC PORTEII'.3 Balsam Is prepared with all the requisite ears and Skill, from a combination of, the best remedies the vegetable kingdom affords Its reined ial qualities are based on ita power to assist the healthy ano vigorous circulation of the blood, through the lungs It is not a violent remedy, but emoillent—warming, searching and effective : can be - taken by the oldest per eon or youngest child. Mad'e Z lOC PORTER'S Balsam has been need by public for over 18 years. and has acquired its present simply by being recommended by tram who have us it to their afflicted friends and others. i • 11 R d 00 PORT unitive Balsam is sold at a price which brings it in the reach of every one to keep it convenient Mr eta. The tim.ly use of a single bottle will prove to be worth 100 time= its mat. NOTICE.—Save yopr Money t—Do not be persuaded to purchase articles at 4s. to St. whieli do not contain the v i r t u es o r a Dime Bottle of Madame Porter's Curative Balsam, the cost of manufaCturing . which is as great as tt at of almost any other medicine ; and the very low price at which it is sold, makes the profit to to e seller ap- parently small, and unprincipled dealers will sometime recommend other medicines on which tint proil.s are larger, unless the customers Maki& upon having Madame Porter's and none other. Ask for Madame Porter's Cu rative Balsam, price 10 cents, and in large bottles at 20 Ms. and take no other. If you cannot get it at one store you can at another. Mir Sold by Ml Druggists and Storekeepers at 10 cts and an larger bottles at 20 cts.. HALL & MOSEL, Proprietors. Wholesale Druggists, 218 Greenwich St., • NEW YORK Geo. W. Ray, gent, Market Square, Harrisburg. j2O-wly LIFE INSURANCE. The Girard Life Insurance, Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia. OFFICE NO. 408 OR&STNEI7 SNEER, (CHARTER PERPETUAL.) CAPITAL AND ASSETS 11,513,586 THOMAS RIDGWAY, President. JOHN P. JAMIS, Actuary, CONTINUE to make INSIIRANOE ON LIVES on the most reason able terms. They net as Executors, Trustees and Cluerdlens tindei last 'Wills. and as heostrere tied Assignees. The capital being paid up and invested, together with a huge and constantly More %sing reserved fund, offers a perfect secur ty to the insured. The premiums may be pata yearly, ball yearly or quar terly. -ilia company add a BONUS periodically to the Into:t rances for Ile. The FIRST BONUS appropriated in De cember 1844, the SECOND BONUS in December, 184 9, the TH I RD BONUS in December, 1854, and the IebURTH 1 BONUS in 1859. These addition, are made without re nulling any lacreas i n the premiums to be pa id to the compass- • The following are a few examples from the Register: Amount or Policy and Sum Bonus or bonus lobe increased Polky. [lnsured addition by future additions. t . `?..172 *MI $1, 1 e22 % 1z,21: 6 g 199 1000 900 00 1,400 00 A 338 5000 1,876 00 6,875 00 Agent at anieborg and viand WILLIAM BURIELKR elo-dig AFew Biaokaniithe and Carpenters can find employment at the Harrisburg Oar gimp, if *Oration be made immediately. W. T. HILDRUP, jy244OW enperlateadeat, BY TELEGRAPH. Important from Memphis. INTERESTING DISCLOSURES. PLANS OF THE REBEL LEADERS. e===l 110:04034:4;0144:k0A( 0 1*Aiiii:Wicis Offensive Plans Recommended, lan of Operation for the Remainder of the Campaign, =I BIG CALCULATIONS GENERALLY =9 The - Union Foroes to be Driven frord the South WASHINGTON CITY TO NI ATTACHED. e===:l lifswerns, Ang. I. The Bulletin of this morning has the follow ing from authentic sources among other inter esting items as to the proceedings of the rebels: We have some inkling of the subject dis cussed at the conference of all the principal military leaders, held in Richmond on the 4th . and and sth inst. It is understood that they to the conclusion that they must lose in ! ritory. The detensive policy was strotigl •a - tacked, and both Lee and Beauregard advised the invasion of th 9 North at three points, at /E Cumberland or Williamsport vania, from Louisville and Cincin nati into Indiana and Ohio, and from . Paducah and Cairo into Illinois. It is alleged that the following plan of oper ations forAlmemainder of the summer cam paign wased upon. First, the immediate obstruction of the James River, so as to in., • t impassable for McClel lan to use it • •, , anIT •ns for communication with the Fort _ . ttl their transportation of reinforceme. .. supplies. Second, t . ion of Williamsburg, Forktown and t , • a Peninsula. Third, the recovery 'of the whole territory of Virginia, and the suppression of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad; tor the recovery of New" Orleans, Memphis and the Mississippißiver and the expulsion of the Federal troops from Ten nessee and Kentucky. When there objects have been accomplished, then Lee and Beaurecard's plan was proposed. Fifth, to make the Potomac and Ohio river at once their basis of operations and frontier line, and to transfer the seat of war from Vir :luta to Maryland. „Sixth, to hurl Upon TireehAugtorr from Rich - • • smn_citwahrtrained_thonsand troops .eiiipture of that city. The liberation of Be timore and the invasion of the North at the three points named above 'becoming in turn the invaders, they hope to make it necessary for na to keep at home for 'he defence of our cities five hundred thousand troops. 1 60 76 From the Lower Mississippi Offensive Movements of the Rebels. The Rebel R .n Brownsville, Miss. DESTRUCT -1 ;" OF COTTON. The Rebels Chased by Union Cavalry. lisicenrs, August 2. The gunboat Carondolet arrived yesterday Vicksburg, but , brings no later news. .• agentlemen'frorn Brownsville arrived ever:lll4 bringing some particulars of the rebel raid, under Faulkner, on that place, on Friday last. Every man there buying cotton was taken prisoner, and one hundred and twenty thousand dollars taken from them. Four hundred bales of cotton were burned. Five hundred federal cavalry arrivedilthe same evening. The rebels fled and was pursued, and a slight engagement took place on ilatchee and Forked Deer rivers. A number of the re bels were captured. Ferries and bridges was destroyed by the rebels. Jackson was at Denmark on Saturday with 800 of his Cavalry. It is reported that Villipique was marching on Bolivar. Jackson used a pontoon bridge to cross, and forded the Deer river. Heavy cannonading was heard at Bolivar on Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday the telegraph was destroyed and portions of the Mobile and Ohio railroad were torn up at Humboldt. Canto, Aug. 2..—The Grenada Appeal of the twenty-eighth says the federals have abandoned the Idea of taking Vicksburg by water, and are now evidently awaiting the co-operation of het land forces. FROM MISSOURI. A. UNION FORCE SURROUNDED. Sharp Engagement with a Superior ReVol Foroe. Reports from Bloomfield, Mo., state that Col. Daniels with a force numbering lshe hundred have been attacked by five or six hundred reb els.- It was thought that Daniels would be able to hold his position until reinforcements which have been sent should arrive. [nom DISPATCH.) Aidvices have been received by Gen: Strong, from Bloomfield, Mo., that about one hundred of Coleman's men were surrounded In that town by some five or six hundred rebels, that a sharp. fight was going on, and that our troops thought they.._ could 'sustain themselves until reinforcementNiwhieb have been sent from Cape aereadean could reach them. Lettere from a rebel mail, captur , ed at Corinth on the 29th ult., indiciatta rebel govement an Ohattanoogivand , FROM FORTRESS MONROE. THE 'NEW MEREDIAO" OUT• THE FEDERAL EIRICT WAITING TOR HU AITAOK ON WOLELLAN'S ARMY. A MIDNIGHT BATTLE. Fri:•=l;#D•r Vii= - 1 1 ;0:4 411:4 44:010 TBEIR BATTERIES FINALLY &LEN= ..• The ' netels :Skedaddle. It io rumored and believed here that the "Newlierrimac" has come down the James river as far as Fort Darling, and that she is hourly expected to make the attempt to come further down. One thing is certain--all the Federal gunboats have passed up beyond Har rison's Landing and not one is in sight from that point or on the river this side. - A detachment of infantry and cavalry from M'Clellan's army made a reconnoblance down the Chickahominy through Diaecund and came on toward Williamsburg till they met onr pick ets, when they returned after report by tele graph to Fortress Monroe that in their recon noissance they had seen nothing of the enemy. We shall probably not hear of their return .to came until to-morrow, on the arrival of the mail.. row Harrison's Landing. al of the mailboat this afternoon t. ..me particulars of the attack made by tle rebel batteries on Gen. McClellan's position from oppositeVuxison's Landing. The attack *as made at midnight with, it is said, four batteries of flying artillery, some being above and some below the point of attack. They threw six twelve-pound shell, some round and others conical, but not one of them exploded. Their fire was intended, no doubt, for our camps, but many of the shot fell short and thus id some little mischief among the ship ping which was laying at the Landing and at anchor in the river. Several vessels aud steam ers were struck with fragments of shell, but none was hurt in them. It is reported nine of our soldiers were killed and only three wounded. The attack being made at such a late hour of the night, and our. army expecting rather an attack in wont, caused , some delay before our guns opened lire, when our seige guns were brought to bear upon them, and In lees than forty minutes the rebels were silenced. The firing was very brisk while it continued. Many of the enemy's shells were, thrown over among oar camp ' but these did not explode. All three which exploded Gil Much short of the camps, and this accounts for so few being injured. It is supposed that the object of the rebels in this demonstration was to draw the Federal gunboats down the river so as ..to enable their wane, Inglodingtae new Merrimac, to getout.- It is estimated that the rebels threw over five hundre4 shell, which lay this morning scattered over the field. Some lodged in the masts of vessels. All that is known of the effect of our tiring is that the rebels retreated, and this morning the trees where they bad their . bat• teries presented a shattered appearance,. and many were cut complely down. There was only one Federal gunboat near the Landing, which opened fire immediately on the enemy, but they had not appeared to notice it, as they were so intent' on shelling our camps. If the desire was, as supposed, to draw our gun boats down the river, the attempt was most unsuccessful, as not one made its appearance, lave the one previously there. • [nom DrePATac ] Thurorsitms,Aasar or ma Porous°, Aug. 2 Six hundred troop crossed the river yester day afternoon for the purpose of destroying the houses and woods on the opposite shore, which had afforded protection to the rebels. Every thing in the shape of a dwelling was burnt. • This was the point from which the repels shelled our shipping and encampment the night b efore. The affair wassuocesafuily accomplished ithout the loss of a man. The gunboats this morning were engaged in shelling the shore and houses down the livers. Five men were Übe' by the enemy's shells the night before last.and two wounded. Y&Milo • ,-Ileat, etc , at Suffolk. The Petersburg Express, of the 28d, ittmizes thus : From two ladies who have recently reached here, and through other reliable sources we have pbtained some interesting information from Suffolk, Va. The number of Yankee forces now there is estimated at eight thousand, but their efficiency is not regarded as being at all valuable, either by their own officers or persons who have recently inspected them. On Wednesday afternoon last, during what purported to be a dress parade, the heat was so intense that nearly tines hundred of the pa triots fell from sheer exbaustion ' and had to be borne from the drill ground to the shade. Conn de soleil occurs almost daily, and one of the Yankee officers remarked to our informant that, if this was a fair specimen of the "sunny s outh," he thought the sooner the - Union pa triots got out of Dixie's land the better. Generals Mansfield and Van Webber are both at Suffolk—the former in supreme command.— There are two military governors or provost marshals, Paul De Say, and a. Dutchman named Van Webber, a brother of the General. They are both much disposed to use their au thority, and in many instances are not slow in abusing it. The Episcopal church has been seized by the Yankees, and a member of the Duch Reformed persuasion, from Massachusetts, officiates in the pulpit every Sabbath. The Yankee Geller• als at Suffolk have appropriated the handsome residence of Nathaniel Biddick, Efq., and now use the building and furniture exclusively for their accommodation. The farm of Mr Rid dick, near Suffolk, has also been visited by the vandals, and everything of -value, even to the bacon - left for the subsistence of Mr. Itiddick's servants by himself, stolen and consumed. CAnuk, Aug. 2 STEAM BOILERS. nrAVING made e ffi cient and permanent t r i arrangements for the purp9se we are now peal prep tolpske S I RAN Bollak ot Pvety k Itkd, prompt. ly and at ressonaole rates. We ehall use iron made Op MLR I Brother, the reputation or winch la seoond to sore in then artet. None blithe best hands employed. Repairing prompt. ty anended to. Address RAG' B ilarriutionz. Ps. Cmato, August 2 DETERSIVE SOAP, something better than Ilanismgs Llow4old Sow just rtonyed ika4 tor Side )1 Nmota a BOWMAN, COM ItOpiod Market igritlia, PRICE ONE CENT. FOBT&ISS MONROI; 411!g ill* 1 /3