ititbitai ELIXIR PROPYLAIIINE, 210 NEW REMEDY MR REEEIIMATISM, a NNW BNIIIKD t A CIIRTAIN • /LIDINDIr. !f ROOTS REIRUMATIIK . cRBONIO RHEONOTRIB, XH7117/1.411101 02 EVERY HIND; BOW STUBBORN, No NAITO HOW LONG STANDING, PROPYLLMES r i WWILL LLI OONQUIRIIT, , CURB IT, WHAT IT HAS DONS, IT WILL DO AGAIN. nu B TESTDIONT„ UST riLDB7AL AUTHONITY. DOCTORS KNOW IT, PATIENTS BUM% IT, TRIAD AND TIM PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. Wear Omni Roams. Rams.] MAT 18,1880,—Ellen S., wt. 98, single, never was very @irons. Two years ago she had an attack of acute rhea's's tism,trom which she was confined to her bed for two weeks and subseqeatty from *relapse far four more. She has been wall sine* then till last Saturday, While engaged In Men cleaning, she took cold, bad pain In her back, felt cold, hot had no decided GM. Two days later her ankles ho pe so swell, which was followed by swelling of the knee joints and of the hands. She has now dull pain In her shoulders, end her knuckles are very tender, red and painful ; both hands are Wet but the right is most so. This, then, is a case of acute er r or, as It Is new !Oehler:ably called, rheumatic fever. Ms a well remarked typical ease We will carebilly watch the case, end from time so time call your attention to the vad ons symptoms Which present themselves. My chief object in bringing her before you now, is to call attention to • remedy which has recently been recommended to the treatment of rheumatism. I mean pre:Variable. Dr. Awenarlue, of St. Petersburg, -recommends it In the highest terms, baying derived great oenellt from its tee to 980 cases which came under his care. Various com mendatory testimonials respecting It have appeared in our journals, and 1 propose therefore to give It another trial 1 met confess lam always incredulous as to the worth of new remedies, which are vaunted es specifies ; but this cones to us recommended so highly, that we are bound to give its trial. SAME CASE FOUR DAYS LATER I Mar 23, 1860.-1 will now exhibit to you the penetrator whom I prescribed Propylamine, and wa s then Labor tog under an attack of acute rheumatism. pbe has Neatly taken It In drum of three grains every two hours (intermitting ti at night.) The day after you saw her, I round her much more comfortable, better than she ex pected to be for a week or more, judging from her other stem. (The patient now walked into the room.) the Improvement has steadily progressed, and you cannot tail to notice a marked change in the appearance of her Joints, ,'blob are new nearly all or their natural size.— Thur far our experiment would have seemed very sue awful ; but, gentlemen, we must wait a little while be fore we eau give a Mudded opinion as to what Is to be the result. Here is another patient who was placed on the use of -aa same medicine on Sunday last ; she has long been =Miring &ow:demi° rheumatism, and I found her at that time with an acute attack supervening upon her chronic alrection. The wrists and knuckles were much swollen and twee. fibs took the chloride of PropyLa• mine In three grain doses every two hours, and you will =lvo that the swelling of the Joints has much dimin- TREE DAYS LATER 11 Ka 26, 1860.—This is the cue of acute rheumatism treated with propylamine, the Brat of those to which I called your attention et our last clinie. She is still very comfbrtable, and la now taking three grains thrice daily. In this ease It has seemed to be followed by very ag hast:sexy resells. The second cam to which your atten tion was called at our last lecture, has also continued to do wel t I will now bring before you a very character. Wu case of acute rheumatism, and If the result be set, factory, think, as geDdiaryalol2, Iry shall justly render our verdict In favor of propylamin Be is a seaman, at. 26 who pas admitted a few days ago, Has bad ocaaskinal rheumatic pains, but not, so as ao keep his bed, until eight days ago. The pains began in his right Mies, subsequently abated the left knee, and later, we Musser the upper extremities. These joints are all swollen, tease and. tender. His tongue la ftirred ; his akin, at present dry, though there has been much sweating. Mt pulse is hill and strong, and about 90. He ha now used propylamine tbr twenty-four home. Tbie gentleman Is what may be called a strictly typical ease of acute rheumatism. There was exposure to cold and wet, and this exposure is followed by a tbellug of coldness, severe articular pain, beginning, as It usually does, In the lower joints. There is fever end the profuse sweating, so generally attendant on acute rheumatism. 1 did not bring this patient benne you with the I emo tion of giving you a lecture on all the points connected with rheumatism, but to again give a trial to the new remedy we are tasting, and to exhibit to you this typical case, as-I have called it, than which there co uld not be a fairer opportunity for testing the mmiletne In question. We are, therefore, avoiding the use of all other meditates, even anodynes, that then, may be no misgivings as to which was the distant remedy. You shall see the ease ix a future clinic. THE RESULT A FAVORABLE VERDICT. ' Jona 9, 1800.—The next of our convalemems Is the case ot acme rheumatism before you at our WWI or /lay Mtb, which I than called a typical ease, and which it was remarked was a fair opportunity for testing the worth of our new remedy, It was therefore steadily giventhe in three grain dues every two hours for four days. patient has got along very nicely, and is now able to walk about, as you wee. Ido not hesitate to eAy that. I have nema seen as severe a time of mute rheumatism se won restored to health as this man has been, and willituttbibm prepared to decide poldtiva by as to the val ae of the remedy we have used, L feel bound to state that in the taste In which we have tried the Chloride o Mepylatalue, the patients have regained their health Mee earlier than under the treatment ordinarily pur sued. I wish gentlemen, you would yourselves try it, and report the results. ll'Or a fall report at will* theisbove is a eendensed admen; see Ow Philadelphia Eableal and Sarptaal portor. It fit the report altar a rair trial by the best med ial authority in thlaioanny, and =nag LL unnecessary to On numerous certificates from astonished doctors wad raloicing patients. ♦ SPEEDY CURE. AN 1111110TUAL OURS *all Will IaSULT WHAT it HAS DONS, •.- BM&dr. & Crenshaw, a Arm well known to moat mall. eel men, by whom the Elixir Propylamine has ban In. traduced, have said to its the exelsisive tight trimanutaa , tom it awarding to the original recipe, and we bare made arrangenumts of sued magnitude as to enable us to meatus n broadcast amongst sabring humanity. A WORD TO DOO'fORB. U yen prefer to nee the same needy In anather form we ladle your attention to the pen Otteramine Camino Peorn.axma, Pon PiOntaillAll Pon Pconitnirom commomnamo, Pm Mame Plenums, of which we are the 101 l manunicturers. ime-We claim so other virtue for the Elixir Proodamme Wan km contained In Pare Grystaltmed Worlds . % Propy. asthma !Ha SLUM IS AND MAY U TAKEN, AODOADDID TO DIRD=OND, BY ANY ONI, 'BY may ONW, WHO HABAHNOXATHUI OF ANY BaND. field ID flan berg by L* 76 cent. • BMA Orders may be addremed to PitOPPLAZINN MANCIACTURING 00., aim. Yam No. 4, &R. Oor Fourth ead Obesaut streets, t'eihdslpble. ur to ewes of We Mowing lreolisale Agents. DULL= & OlUlNßasw MEN M. MOM MEECH, RIOIIARDe &co & cb., ono.. D. menuaugu./ Co, MR T. WDRIOS& 00, Ma= & 1/111Ta r , T'. mamas noun ;4 ant Ihosaaarash. U. • - PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD FIVE TRAINS DAILY 1 1 0 AND The Taseenger Trains of the Pussyleania railroad Quipany will depart wom and arrive at Harrisburg and Pldiade'phi& as followi DOCIRS = En, DOCTOB TO B DOaI'OBEI Tlflt IT. THROUGHEXPRESS TILUN lama Harrisburg daily at 1.16 a. m, and arrives at West Philadalphia'a t 6.10 a. m. FAST LINK lease, Harrisburg &S9'' ((except VoildaY4 at SAO a. at., sad arrives at West Miadelptila at 9.46 11. 111. PAST MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) stl9o.p. m, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.55 p. m. AOOOIOIODATIQN TRAIN, via Mount Joy, lama Itarrtabinn at 7.00 a. la.. and arnyea at West Ma delphhint 1225 p. m. HAREM; ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Otohms. Ms, Haves Harrisburg at 4.10 p. m.. and arrives it WaN Ml4l4lplds at 9 26 p. m. THROUGH EXPRIIa TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.86 p. m., Harrisburg atB.oo a. m., Altoona 8.10, a. m. and arrives at Pittsburg at 12,86 p. to. MAIL TRAIN leave' Philadelphia at 7.16 a. m., and rives at Harrisburg at 480 p. m.; leaves Harrisburg at 1.00 p. m., Altoona, 7,011 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.16 a. m, FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.30 a. m., !lurk bore 8.46 p. m . Altoona at 8.20 p. to., and arr iving at Pittsburg at 12.45 a. is. HARRISBURG AOOOIIRODATION TRAIN Mama PIS. &aphis' at 220 p. m., - sad arrives at Harrisburg at 8.00 P. 11 . - MOUNT JOY AOOOMMODATION via Mount Joy leaves Lancaster at 10.50 a. in., arrives at Harrisburg at 12.40 P. in. &Mal D. YOUNG, Supt. Bast, Diu. Penna. RaMOM Harrisburg, May 2, 1842 —Ol SUMMER ARRANGEMENT Allt LINE ROUTE TWINE TUBS DAILY TO NEW YOU, MID PHILADELPHIA d9N AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY sth, 1862, the Puseiger Train, will leave the Philo; phla and Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New Yorl , and Philadelphia, as follows, viz • AXPRISB LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.26 a. m., on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the Heat, arriving in New Tort at 8.15 a. in., and at Phila delphia at 4:00 w. in. A sleeping ear Is llttlaatilfd . • , • train through from Pittsburg without ohmage. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 a. in., arriving in No* York at 5.80 p.m.,aud IPhlladelphia at 1.25 p. m. FAST LINE leaves Har risburg at 1.40 p. nt., on arrival of Panwelvania Railroad last MAR, arriving in New York at 9.60 p. in., and Philadelphia at 8.40 p. m. WESTWARD. . EAST LINE leaves New York at 6a. m., and naiads L. pia at 8 a. m., arriving at Harrisburgat 1 p. m. 'AML TRAM Mavis New York at 19.00 noon, and Phil. adaltdda at 8. 16 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.10 pm. Y%PRBSEI leaves New York at 8 p. m. &M -iring at Harrisburg at 8.00 a. and connecting with the Pennsylvania &sprees Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping ear Is abut attached to ibis train . tionneotkets are made at Harrisburg with train" on the Pa n aylvu la, Northern Central sod Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Reading tbr Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkeabarre, AlWidow; Udon i Sto. Baggage obecked through. Faro between Now York and litutitburg, Sb 00; between Harrisburg and del $8 95 In lin. I verwandllitiOlntNer Far tickets or other information apply to my&dtf Northern Central Railway - , CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUMMER AIMILNGEBEENT. TRW was DAILY mum 11011 3E3 A. L T .1 ILE 0 8., El. Close Connection made at Harrisburg TO AND FROM NEW YORK. SLEEPING CARS. RUN ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. LiN AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY sth, 1864, the Paneoger Tra an of the Northern Central y _ ye et anddogarS from Harrisburg and follows, vie: NAIL TRAIN arrives at Harrisburg. and leaves " 115 P. M. EXPItiMS " arrive' at a 14.55 A. M. and Imam " 1.15 A. M. GOING NORTH. • 11t11. TRAIN leaves Baltimore at 8413 A. M. and arrives at Haniab0rg.....14.55 P. M. and leaves North at 1.15 P. M. =PIM 'MAIN leaves Baltimore at........ 9.80 P. M. and arrives at Harrisburg.... 2.45 A. M. and leaves North at aft A. M. lIARRINBIIRG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Team Harrisburg for Baltimore at ....7.80 A. M. Beturidug—haaves Baltimore at........ 00 P. M. LN Amy WHENEVERMD, WHENEVER TRIED. IT WILL DO AGAIN The only train leaving Harrisburg on anagaty will be the Henieburg stworamodattin Train, South at 7.80 A. M. For further Inibruistion apply at the Ogles, In Peasuryl viola Railroad Depot. Harrisburg, May 8,1802.1 y MORS CONY KMIEC AND ALWAYS nadir WM INSISMATI UBl TRIPOLI Washing lJ. S. UAW, Bensdand gogitab, sale by BOWMAN, - - eerie*terert siresee.. framegthattut ails Itliarapq, Ind Nap 2hatistntents. SUMMER TIME TABLE. FROM PHILADELPHIA ON AND orris MONDAY MAY 6th, 1882. EASTWARD. WESTWARD EASTWARD J. J. OL YHA, &moral Agent, Harrisburg GOING SOUTH. ID. Di Ones lk Co., D W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET ILiRRISBURG, PEAN'A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE• KEEPERS AND OONSIIMERS, We sv daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desdrable, and would respectfully call your ateutlon to the Largest and hest selected stook in thus city, of DRUGS OHEMIOALB é PAINTS. Olin viundihno and Moak D7.-Stotirs, Ulnas and Putty, Artist. Colors and Ton* Pure Ground Spices Burning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pine 01In Bottles, Vials and laussp Globes, Castile Soap, ppongss and Corks, ase., Btc. , arc., dm 4 86c., &e., ike With a general variety of FEMME:Ea & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the best manufacturers and Pe tamers of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, Min:ED OIL, VAENBSIES, WINDOW GLASS, MUM'S COLONS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL RINDP. I We respectfully Invite a call, feeling, confl dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH 1 TEETH 11 JONVBAND WIL/TES% POWIIWN PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES - o au tuuag, area from the Proprietors. Saponifier and. Onnentated Lye Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we eel ea low as it can be 'purchased in the cities. THAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS COAL OIL I CARBON OIL I Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can otter inducements to .oloee buyers. Coal Oil Lampe of the moat improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to Coal Oil. FARMERS AND GRAZERRS, Those of you who have not given our HO AND OLTLIJA POWDERS a trial know no' their superiority, and the advantage they in keeping Homes and Cattle healthy and 1 , good condition. i 1.00 P. 111 Thousands can testify to the profit they ha • ' derived from the we of our. Cattle Powders the increasing quantity and quality of besides improving the general health and pomace of their Cattle. Our long experience in the business gives the advantage of a thorough knowledge of trade, and our arrangements in the cities such that we can in a very short time bun anything appertaining to our bueinese„ on beet of terms. Thankful for the liberel patronage on our house, we hope by strict attentio business, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS at fair prices, and the desire to please a merit a continuance of the favor of a hating public. - api FISHING TANICL3 OF ALL KINDS. Tbree,lnir and Ave joint Trout Rods. bilk and flair TroutLbsse,from 10 to 50 yards • London Patent Trout Lime, "• 6, 64 Twisted Silk front Lines, " thins arose Lines, CI a 66 a Linen ato Cotton Unos, 46 6/ /6 4 Float Lines furnlatioi with Rooks, Corks, km? Btaaa multiplying Heels. 10 to 50 yards. A lot of Chows Trout Files, Silk Worm Ont Rwanda. Limier; bottom lines, kto'll feet. " " Snoods, Limerick Rooks, awn, !toil Trout Baskets, Kirby Trout and River R. er• I& Trout and Myer Rooks, ifloits, Sluts and I lag Cups. KRUM% DWG AND TARO( 210 my 2 91 Market - P . (.IRS Fresh (hound and ' hole Pepper, Aleptca, Cinnamon * Nutmeg and NICHOLS & BOW .113 corner Front and Narketr P. & W. C. TAYLOR'S Nis W Ai.. It is economical and highly detersive. tame no Main and will not wads. It is w to Injure the hands. It will impart an agrees and 4a thersdbre suitable for every • ale by WIL DOCK, CI4I34I3EATED DANDJILION origs good, nutiltwo, and toe flavored uow,orared for tole vork low by NIC/lOLO k 801 wwww ft ootwaeliseb/ si trap illorning, Inlp 30, 1862 filisuitantoui Rate Roaches &cr roy—Mice, Moles, and Ants. Bed-Bags. Moths in Fun, Clothes, &o. , Mosquitoes and Fleas. Insects on Plants and Fowls Insects on Animals, &c. Every form and specie of Vermin COSlErtiEtir l el" VERMIN EXTERMINATORS. THIN Y INFALLIBLE REMEDIES KNOWN.' RY FORM AND SPECIES OF VERMIN. Those Preparations (unlike all others) are "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats do not die on the piemisee." 'They come out of their holes to die." "They are the only infallible remedies known.' "12 years and more established in New York dty." end by—the City Post Office. Thedly—the City Prisons and Station Houses. Dad by—the City Steamers, Ships, &c. Vied by—the City Hospitals, Alms-Honses, &o. In,' &a Deed by—the City Hotela—listor'—' 1 3t.Nieho- Used by—the Boarding Homes, dm, ko. Eked by--more than 60,000 Private Families. orsee one or two *einem of what is everywhese aoseiby the People—Editon—Dealers, HOUSEKEEPERS—troubIed with vermin need be so no longer, if they use "Coma's" Exterminators. We have used it to our satis faction, and if a box cost $5 we would have it. We had triedpoisons, but they effected nothing; but "Comes" article knocks the breath out of Bats, Mios, Roaches and Bed-Bugs, quicker than we can write it. It is in great demand all over the country.—Medina (0.) Gazdte. MORE GRAIN and provisions are destroyed would pay for tone of this Eat and Insect Killer. Lama*, (Wis.) Herald. HENRY R. COSTAR—We are selling your preparations rapidly. Wherever they have been need_ I. Rats, slice, Roaches and Vermin disappear rapidly. Born A Siourrint, Druggists, Windsor, Yd. "rriertiVCostar'sr" Bat , Roach, &c. Exterminator. i" "Costar's" Bed-bog Exterminator. "iCkatar's" "Costar's " Electric Powder, for Insects, &c. 250. 600. Aso $l,OO Boxsa Bonus no PLUMB, $3 $5 MIN ioz Pinreniom, Slurs, Bono, Homo, ago., to. AUTION / / To prevent the public from being .., posed upon by . Spurious and Eighty Pernichnu . • •• , • , a new label has been prepared, bear ng a fac simile of the Proprietor e ' signature.— i :,, , .. . e each box, bottle, or flask carefully be fore purchasing, and take nothing but " ON. tars." . g Hold iherywhere—by 411 Wzorwatze Diumwurrs In the large cities. Some of the Wholesale Agents in New York City. Schieffelin Brothers & Co. B. A. Fahnestook, Hull & Co A. R & D. Sands & Co. Wheeler & Hart. James S. Aspinwall. Morgan & Allen. Hall, Ruckel & Co. Thomas & Fuller. P. D. Orals. • Harrel, Risley & Kitchen. Bush, Gale & Robinson. M. Ward, Close & Co. McKisson & Robbins. D. S. Barnes & Co. F. O. Wells & Co. lamella, Marsh & Gardner. Hall, Dixon & Conrad Fox—enn manta Philadelphia, Pa. T. W. Dyott & Co. B. A. Fahnestock & Co. Robert Shoemaker & Co. French, Richards & Co.,—exo man. AID HT Dimiensrs, STORM:WM and Ileum s= generally In all COUNTRY Towns and 'Paxson in the 'UNITED STATES. HARRISBURG. PENNA. go' sad by D. W. Gross & Co • AND C K. Keller , Principal Wholesale and Retail Agents at Harrisburg, and by the Damon's, Sums gssPius and Brum= generally. 'ICS, at ill or Corrantr Dail,was can order as above. Or address orders direct" . if Price, Terms, &c., is desired, send for [1862] Circular, giving mad Pri ce s] to • not odor, hr EL HENRY 8. COBT.A.II. PsUICEPAIi Dam—N(4Bl2 Broadway—oppo site-the Bt. Niabobia Newerork.ll - WOO* ,vans & drosltge. SWEETHIEG FOR THE TIMES! I orA NEmarg IN NMI HOUSEHOLD. JOHNS & OROSLEY'S American Cement Glue THE BTRONGEBT GLUE IN THE WORLD THE CHEAPEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE HOST DURABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUVIN THE WORLD. THE BEST GLUE IN THE WO D. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUt In the Onty article of the kind erer produced which WI LL WITHSTAND W ATER • IT WILL MEND WOOD, Save your broken Furniture. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Mend your Harness, Straps, Bens, Boots. bre. IT WILL MEND GLASS, 'lave tho piece* of that orptolaive Cut Ghia Battle WIITLL Mt.ND IVORY, Don't throw away that broken Ivory PM it Is easily! re. plied IT WILL MIND CHINA, Tour broken Chia Caps and Saucers can be moan's§ good as new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That Mew knocked out of your Marble Mantle'outfits pot on as strong as ever. IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No wetter It that broken Pitcher did not cost but aßshil. bng, a ehlMng s aved is a shilling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That sadly Alabaster Vase a broken and yon can't match 111, mend It, It will naTershow when pot together. It will ifend Bone, Coral, Lava, and in fact everything but Metals. Any article Oomentod witirAYKRICAN MINT OLD 2 will not show where It In mended. EXTRACTS. 4 .li'very Housekeepers should have • supply of Johns & Crosiers American Dement Mt is so convenient to have in tne house."—N. Y. Express "It always ready ; this commends itself to every hody."—Aidependant. "We have tried It s and And ft NJ =OM In our homes as water."— Spa* of Me Times. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. 510,00 per year saved In every family by Gee Bottle AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Reduction, to Wholesale Buyers. TERMS CASH. al -For sale by all Druggists, arid Aorekeepers genera ly throughout the country, JOHNS & CROSLEY, (Sole Mar ofeelue tt e,), 78 WILLIAM STREET, Corner nt liberty street. NEW YORK Important to House Owners. Important to Builtlers Important to Bail Goad Companies. Important to Farmer& lb all whom this may concern, and iteroneerne way JOHNS & CROSLEY'B PIENTED PurrAP,ItR4W OFAXE - NT ROOFING, The Cheapest and most durable Roofing in use IT IS FIRE AM WATER PROOF. It can be applied to sew and on) ROOM of all kinds, ateep or Id, and to Samna Room without $ removing the Shingles. Ths Oastls only about One-Third that of Tin AMBIT 1$ TWICE AB (DURABLE. This article has been thoroughly tested in Now York Qty and aU other parts of the United States, Canada, West Indies Central and South America, on headings of all kinds, such as Factotums, romans, Osunonis, Ran ROAD Diem, Cunt, and on PUBLIC Bonsaires generally Govaaronner Itinutnrcn, An., by the prineipal Builders, Architects and others, daring the pest four years, and has proved to be the CILBAIIIST and HOST DURABLE ROOFING In use; it is in every respect A FMB, WAIER, WEATHER and TIME PROOF covering for ROOFS OF ALL KINDS. Thi it the ORLI material slianufnefand in the Crated Stoles which eombinea the very desirable properties of faestioup and Durability, widish are universally acknow ledged to be posseseed by GUr2L PARMA AND INDIA RUBBER. No Neat is required in making application. The wens! of applying i!? trilling / as an ordinary root can be covered sad flinshedlit ."- e elude day. It can be applied by any one, and whim Waited forms a perfectly Mu PitoOr Bur Ince with an etude body, which GRIIOOt be injured by Han Oom or &MEIN SEIRCIMING of Soar Boum, nor any ex ternal Nihon whatever. LIQUID GIITTA PERCHA CEMENT, For Coating Metals of all Simla when exposed to the Action of the Weather, and ;0): 1 1 ;4 ; :111 eZjell:4 w :4,1:1 I e KgrAL BOOTS OF ALL KINDS. am* Is the only Composition known which will success &Sy resist, extreme changes of all climates, for any length of lime, when applied to metals, to which it ad heres firmly, terming a body equal to caste of ordinary paint, costa much lees and will LAST THREE TIMES AS LONGG ; and from ita elasticity is not Injured by the Contraction and expansion of Tin and other Metal ROO6, consequent eaten sudden changes of the weather R wawa MICR IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM WEATHER, AND WILL NOT WASH Oil. Leaky Tin and other Metal Roofs can be readily repair ed with GUTTA MORA CEMENT, and prevented from farther corrosion and leaking, thereby ensuring a per fectly tight roof for many years. This Cement Is peculiarly adapted for the preservation of IRON RAILINGS, STOV&B, RANGES, SAFES, AGRI CULTURAL DIP iIBNTrI, &c., also for geiterai mane. fecturers use GIJTTA PERCHA CEMENT Tor preserving and repaing Tin and other Metal Moors of nem description, from its great elasticity, Is no; Injured by she contraction and expansion of Metals, and will not crack In cold or run in warm weather. Thew meterieht sae ADAPTED TO au =taros and we are prepared to supply orders from any part of the coun try, at short notice, for GOTfd. PRNCHA ROOFING In rolls, reedy prepared for use, and GOTTA PERCHA Cr. VENT In barrels, with fall printed directions for appll cation. AGENTS WANTED We will make liberal and aatielketory arrangements with responsible partite who would Like to establish them selves in a lucrative and permanent business. OUR TERMS ARE CASH We can give abundant proof of all we aloha in favor of our Improved Roofing having applied them to koVetel thomand Roo in New York My and vicinity. JOHNS & CROBLEy, SOLN 11UNDFAGTURICE9, Wholesale Warehouse 78 William St., Opium. of Liberty Street. NEW YORKI Pall deecriptkre Madan and Prices will be furnished on application. oc3-417 §UGAREI Crushed, Pulverized and Re fined, for Bale by NICHE° & BOW kL4l'l, eb2l Corner Froni and Market streets. PORT FOLIOS - -WRITING DRSKS. A N entire new assortment of thee male ja. tides pint opened at Oho, BoOrigies, • . 33 tiloo. ~........_„.„ DAIT'L. £ MUNCIE AGENT, I 4 iF the Old Wallower Line respectfully ii ,. if Informs the public: shit thin Old Daily Fransporta. tam Line, (the only Wallow .r We now in exiet• ace ia tats Qty, ) 1P Is In sueeesatul opiration, and prepared to Carry freight as km as inty other l adantinal line netween Philadelphia, liarrisourg, .',llll.lhry, Lewisburg, vra. litublyoTl, JergeY ShOre, Leek Hat , n and all other points mi the Northern ientral, Pluladelph'a ant Ere and Wil liamsport sod Elmira Railroads. DANL. A. Illiiiiteli, agent Harrisburg. Pa. Goods sent to the Ware Rouse of Mn.. p eucek, Zell & 4lochmen, Nos 808 and 810 Market street 'Dove eighth, Philadelphia, by 4 is'eloc4., P. • arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery next morning. apratt•rdmyl B. J. HARRIS, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufacturer NO. 112 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG. H AS always on hand a toll assurtieent of Tin and Japanned Ware, Coating N., StovesOr the bast martmaccuries, Gutte •Su ) :•°f. uptea. nandasonab d Galvanised le Iron tlornisb, manure tarsi .11 ra /fir Repairing promptly attended to. ap,4,/,‘ 0 ZIIVIMERMAN BANKING aIrOCIL, BILL AND cowpiri 11,r 'dee beim removal from No 28 ; 130Ai-O(P.M 81'itEt BARRISURG. PA TREASURY NOTM TAKEN a r PAr. •61(24 da A. C. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE THIRD STREET, wylOy) NEAR MARKEL IMPROVEMENT IN UENT T ISTRV TAR. P. H. ALL-413.1C El, ziurg t3 o u lir het, Manufacturer of Mineral Plate Teeth, the 00 1, method that obviates every objection to the use "1 am Swat toetn, ettoracing partial, half and who,. fob ul , piece only, of poreand indestructiole minerai, were orf, no Crovexa for the acccomniallon eternal! particlrn of too! and therefere, no ollenqve oder from the breath, M 60 me U 94141,10 their ODUbisuctiou, there CM be lie galCaLir action or metallic taste Hence the intim Waal is not it uoyed With arse throat, headache, &c. Ihnce • Conn second street, Harriabnry net:l2-41y litisultanzuus UNION KESP AUK NYC, BULTARD AND BOWLING SALOON, NO. 119 HARKET STREET, NEAR FIFTH. THE subscribers having erected a large building at the above plve, exprasly for them...,,. sew above tudicatetl, beg to cell the eneedou of the pub lic to the following Tun Kianal:Maw, Ira the first dee., with 1 :lining room attached, m hoed tip in first-coos style, and It will at ali MOS be rippled With the best i,ll.lfEttS to be had i, the Atlantic hales, together with terrapin, Usti, and alt kinds of game in seszeo. Oysters served ap in every style, and meats to be had al all boors. The Ales et all the celebrated brea - eriee in the country constantly ou hand. The Alley, or Bowling Silas; is in the rear and contains three alloys of modern construction, where the lovers of this !sashay exercise can coley them wire, The Bullard SEIIOOII is upstairs—elegantly titled and contains three marble top C nnbinAuen Cll,illoll ti bias, equal to any made. Harrisburg lies Jong fait the want of a grand remelt adios Of this stud, and as the proprietors ore detcroolc to conduct It in a quiet and orderly =limner, and do era rything in their power to make it a fas donable rere: they dope to receive a liberal snare of public pore jalt.dtf WiLLldel C. MuFADD ICS s FIRE INSURANOE THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPLII. INOORPORA TED 1836. Capital and Assets $869,12631 DIRECTORS. Wm. Martin, Edmund A. Chuder, Tlrophlins Jno R. Penrose. Jno. C. Davis Jas. rraqualr, Wm. Byre, p James C. Band, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr. R. M. Huston, George . G. Lelper, Ruh Craig, Charles Kelly, Samuel E. stokes, J. B. Perinimon, Fleury :Aim. Bdward Darlington, H. Jene. Brooke, spencer Thomas C. Band, Robert Burton, Jacob P. Jones, Jame B. hiVarland, Joshua P. Eyre, John 8. Semple. Pau_ burg, D. T. Horgan, Pittsburg, a. B. Berger, Pittsburg . WILLIAM MARTIN, President. TizIOBAS 0. HAND, Vice Pmident HENKE LYLBURN, iSecrstary. The underaigned as agent f or the shwa =mad con patsy, continues to take Eire Risks in Harrisburg cad vicinity. WILLIAM Jelo.dlt BUEH.LER. ;PORT FOLIOS 1 wBITING TRAVELING BAGS, PUBSM, POBTMONAIES, And a general assortment of FANCY GOODS have just been received at BEEGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE SUGAR 'LIKED HAMS. DRIED BEEF, !SHOULDERS, BOLGNA SAUSAGE. Ifd. large and fresh sapply Jun receared by eb26 W DO.: Jr. 4CI HARRISBURG COAL OIL DEPOT, FOR the safety of oqnsomers, we have established a Cod Oil Ocpot at the corner of Frau ant Market streets. All our oils are tested and we pod lively sell none except such as prove to be nos-expletive, Clear and free from odor as far as practicable. We offer at present the following Justly celebrated b/ ands. bag- Delia, Robinson, Hebron and Lecher, lower thin can be purchased elsewhere in this place, either woolmaie or retail. Also an extensive assortment of Lamps, Chim neys, Shades, Glass Comm, Burners, ito we will also change field or campheoeelarnps, so as to be mad for tbatl oaL Hal and satisfy yourselves, at NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner of Front and Market area. april BEAUTIFUL TISSUE PAPr R, FOR covering Looking Glasses, Picture Frames, ornamenting Wngs, trimm og Gts Pipes dat., and cat so as to mug over swage to the soap 0 stars, pants, &ales or Lammas For sale at mytd t•CIIEFF CH'S HiaiHSTO RUBBER GOODS Kibbe Balls, Rubber Watches, Rubber Rattles, Rubber Toys generally at BERG-14E13'8 CHEAP 13{5i1481,0t3t3. GLASS Jars for putting up Iran, the celebrated-MilviLe patent, cheap, simola and ef thowa w4rraated to pre s shterion,jast received and tor ante by NICLIOLS & B AVILA.; Jel9 Corner front and Market street. ICl: URbAlf Oaucera, Philadelphia aiyle, for Mlle by NictioLs & bolgaLiN. w v 29 ..tornor M ariar • ••. L.bAtUtNo, tatouThs, o,Cuatauts _ita recaved and tor sale by NICHOLS & ROM:AM, " •15 Cor. Front ant streets. LIRESH. FISLE every Tuesday and triday _l2 at. JOHN . W ISES 'scare, corner at Third Bo ;Nl myiy N u riu ..b.—teut to a variety to unetul and entertaining „ rn , Cpl FilOolel4l4,- COAL OIL, Natrona, bragnoiia, Lucifer, and other non-explosive brands, 3.11 a low by NICHOL 4 0 BOWMAN, fbb2 Owner Fr , ,nt sod Hanoi streets. 6.00 p i POUNDS EXECS rrime sugar Curia Sarni for sdle Very low whol. sale Or retail by 051. DON. & CO. A SMALL lot of c ho i ce Dried Fru N it, at Ictto AL F.O mA, Coreer Yrout end !target street. MACKEREL in kitta, hail b Ws. and nbte., fir sale low y NICHOLS B .19,11.45, my 21_ amier Fr,via. sad Marketsrreets. f -- ---- AS.Etkb Chocolate and Cocoa, also Ilecker's Farina, for li m a s & Rowmizi. Corneryrons and MAO ' eats.