giail l f Etlegrapt I ;WO A1f,MeE10J;11114PoM51111v iayksil AUDITOR GENERAL: THOMAS E. COCHRAN, of York County SURVEYOR GENERAL: WILLIAM S. ROSS. of Luzerne County HARRtSBITRG, PA Tuesday Morning, July 20, 1889. THE PEOPLE'S PLATFORM. ran UNION-L-THE CONBTuArIION—AND THE ENFOROEKENT OF THE LAW. RIBOLIITION ADOPTED BY A CAUCUS OP UNION'KEN IN CONGRESS, AND RATIFIED BY TBB PBOPLII Ol PIENNSYLNANIA IN CONVENTION, JULY 17, 1862. " ?hat we hold it to be the duty of all loyal men to stand by the Union in this hour of its trial; to unite their hearth and hands in earnest, patriotic ef forts for its maintenance against those who are in arms against it; to sustain with determined resolu tion our patriotic President and his administration in their energetic eforts for the prosecution of the war and the preservation of the Union against ene mies at home or abroad ; to punish traitors.and trea son with filling severity, and to crush the present wicked and causeless rebellion, so that no flag of disunion shall ever again be raised over any portion of the Republic; and to this end we invite the co-opera tion of alt men who love their country, in the at, , vor to rekindle in all the Stales such a patriotic fire as shall utterly consume all who strike at the Union of our fathers, and all who sympathise with their treason or palliate their guilt." NO PARTY. The old partizan hacks and plunderers, who have been feeding on the vitals of the country, as they managed to derive patronage from the success of the Democratic party, have been and still are sorely disappointed with the move ments of the people, and the decision of alt loyal men to cast aside, for a brief period, or at least until the Government is rescued from dan ger, the trammels of mere party organization. The cry of no party at first attracted the atten- tion of' these men as a splendid opportunity to repair their fallen. fortunes. The organization of the locofoco party having been entirely broken up and disbanded, the prospect seemed to be fair, that was a movement entirely divest ed of political distinction or difference, the op portunity would beafforded to get possession of the patronage of the government, and thus re vive the old acts of corruption which, through Democratic tendencies, have so powerfully con tributed to the present dangerous condition of the relations of the several states to the fede ral goeernment. This anticipation of "a good . time" in the no party movement having been . spoiled •by the action of the people, we And these same old hacks zealously at work endea,, vorini to prove that the country can only be saved bithe efforts of those who were most in dustrious in aiding 'rebellion to strike at 'the authority and existence of the national gov eminent. 'Thus for instance, the men who have put forth Slenker and Barr es candidates respectively for two of the most important po sitions in the gift of the people, are the same who were the most earnest in staying the heads et the government, when James Buchanan wielded its power; from striking a single blow to arrest rebellion. These men had calculated that rebellion. Would be profitable to them in more particulars than one, and hoping that the actionof the southern states Which bad seceded would' arrest the progress of Republican principles throughout the Union, they were willing that rebellion should go on, be cause it promised to rear another organization of the Democratic party, npon.the ruins of all the other opposition parties in the Union. The dough-faceDeMoemey of the north had promised the traitor Democracy of the south, all the aid . In their power to insure the success of the re bellion, with the , understanding that the move ment only had ,for its object the breaking up of the Republican party. But in this the traitors_ of theseuth deceived their friends in the north. When„ Ii was .too late for leading dough-faces to secede with any show of courage or manliness, from their sympathy for the rebel cause, and when the no party movement began to grow in proportion and importance; the very men who were bound in oaths and covenants to aid the rebel Cause, deemed such a movement at once a proper avenue for their escape from a direct alliance with traitors, and at the sanie time give them a fitting opportunity once more to get possession of the power and resources of the goy- . eminent. But in thia they were again disap pointed. =The movements of the people, con templating' a renunciation of mere party ties, at the same time insisted upon the most unquall •fied support of both the state and national ad ministration, in tendering all their aid in their power to crush out treason ; and bring traitors to oondign punishment. Here was a dilemma which the dough-faces of the north could not dispose of or meet. They were willing to re nounce party obligation, but they were loth to denounte old political dogmas. The Reeds and the Biddies, the Bigiers and the Buchanan of Pennsylvania, were ready to swear by any or ganization, 'by any party, with or without a name, ea that they could get possession of such a union of the people, and wield the prestige growing out of such a combination of men, for the benefit of themselves and their rebel friends. , When a union of parties was likely to foment discord in the support of the state or national adminietralion, the leaders of the Breckenridge wing of ihe locofoco parry were ready to join in au& ittiluvement, but the instant that the union Winkling looked to the support of a poll cy at oprpgqrotsg„ towards traitors, that gp4ol- meat the smile UV* banded together,i and dew' cratecttint arkilvrart4 frpedoin' by Ft:kited:lit „ . ..-r,* ing ti sir unalterable adherence to the very dogmas of Democracy, out of which slavery, treason, and rebellion hive sprung. The people of Pennsylvania can thus see for themselves how much in comparison to slavery and locofocoism, the Union and the govern ment of that Union are estimated. While the great mass of men are either in the army fight ing for that government or are at home strug gling to sustain,the power and the resources of the same government, that it may sustain and support the various armies in the field, the leaders opposed .to our political, Union are straining falsehood and using the meanest de ception to misdirect the few deluded men who still follow in their path. They have revived party, and seek to place it above public safety. They have made istmesmith the government for the purpose of: attracting its powers and aLteq - -1 tion from the *cid; of, crushing rebellion. Title' is the real object-of the men who put forth) Barr and Blenker,tiiirif this wan inscribed upon: their banners, no man would be deceived. in supporting, those semi-traitors and supreme dough-faces. TB.E CABLNET. Last week we received from the associated press telegraphic reporter, a dispatch to the ef fect that the New York Herald had potitive in formation of a resolution on the part of William H. Seward, to retire from the Cabinet of Presi dent Lincoln, by resigning as the Secretary of State. We refused at the time to print the, despatch, believing that subsequent events would prove the idleness of the rumor, and brand the Herald as a falsefier in this as it has been in many otherinstances, where the integ rity and safety of the national government were involved. Our readers. need not be told that we were correct in our estimate of that re port. The entire story, as fabricated by the Herald, and published over the country as an evidence of the woakness and indecision of the Federal Administration, has been proven to be a lie of the common Order peculiar to the trai tors who control that sheet. Secretary Seward has never had the remotest ideas of dtsertiog his present position. He feels that it is 'his duly to remain where he is, as long as the President desires his presence or he can he of any service to his country. The Heraldhad two motives for thus misrep resenting Secretary Seward. The first was the gratification of a hatred for the Secretary of State, which Bennet has conceived on account of the repugnance which the premier has ever evinced for the Herald. The second, and the moat malignant motive that was served by this falsehood, was the belief that a rumor of this description would hurry foreign• inter vention for the settlement of the war, and of course force the adjustment of our internal difficulties in a manner to result in the recog nition of the confederacy, and thus secure the eternal division of the American Union. If it could ho substantiated in Europe that Mr. Sew ard had retired from the Cabinet, the inference would become general among the governmenti of the old world, that his retirement mei induced' by his lack of faith in the ability of the. loyal , states to put down the rebellion: - This once established;and the Anonarchs of Euro. e con vinced of our wpalcoeser:lnt:nry;;;;Ainn Oinri hasten the . triumph of !,treason, while traitors would hurry forward the destrtietion of our Re publican governoient. Thus the Herald, on the ruins of a once powerful government, would gain a reputation for' prophecy 'which would recommend it to' the fivor of any despotism that would be invested with power, and perhaps become.its organ; .and thus, too,.Bennet and hie tribe would be rewarded. —This last lie should be- came sufficient to banish the Herald from the home and place of business of every loyalman in the-land. That it is in the employ-Of the rebel gevernment, there should no longer be any doubt. ' Let its presence, therefore, be interdicted, wherever there is a spirit of devotion alive' to the safety of the Union, as the worst enemy which that Union has unhung in the loyal states. THE FIEBT:;tIHSESSOR The new tax bill goes into operation on the Ist of August, 'and wribelleve that the very first appointment of an Asiessor under that bill was D. W. Shryrook, Itsq., editor of the Greensburg Herald. Mr. Shrytockis among the mostfaittL, fill of those in this commonwealth, who haVe stood up against that xnearLsentiment in favor of the rebel traitors, in •localities-such ailiVest motelaild county, where treason 'More or less abounds, and , we therefore, rejoice that he has been thus handsomely recognised by the fed eral government. Betides his loyalty' and 'un wavering devotion to sound national Republi can prinolpiee, 10;,Shryrdok is a man of ster ling integrity;and - highability. In his advo cacy of principle, he hair been unwed by,. the changes or.whims of individuals, and neeking only the triumph of the right, he has never fal tered in his duty to his sountry, whatever may have been the temptation to entice him to do otherwise. For these reasons, we congratulate . our friend on his appointment, and predict for him abundant - tracwei in the discharge 'of the duties about to devolve on him as an Assessor of the new tax. THE ruotnnarr, most disdainful, scornful, poisonous of the Rebel prisoners, are those cured of wounds to the neglect of Union sol. diers. Those who have recovered in our hos; I pitals on the Potomac are more confirmed trai tors than ever, - and they do not hesitate to talk out .their 44.Mb:create., They say our kindness to them while wounded and suffering, has nothing to do with them when they are welt. They evettsneer at no, and intimate that if we hope to conquer them by claufency and kind; ness we are mistaken. It is a fact, tapable of tiuhftantiatlon• by nurses, chaplains •and ear geons in our hospitals, that the °Spero espe cially are utterly incapable of appreciating h whit of the magnanimous treatment received at our bands... They are ingrates of no- feelings, save of the baser sort, and they only want the opportunity to prove how devoid they are of all refinement, and how ready they are to dirt play the most damnable treachery. Does not;: can Hot the government Bee thief and: in the new ,policy j ust adopted, be a little less tender :to t40.-.sick -and wounded . fall ;into our randdss4.,-Wembuldnoti baiahne , of &bur' rms. treated or abused, but after a battle ; tot* 1 1:bem•Vtiuntli eVerraroundettliffieraoldlitrii lug' for. flennogluanta glailp telegraph. timbal!ir mg' , ittlp 29, 1862 _ , TEE BRECKIRRLDGE IYOILCIIA*4'I The Sunday A;nterican, one of the oldest and ablest Democratic papers in northern Pennsyl vania, expresses its opinion on the late Breck inridge convention in the following language : Our neighbor of the Breckinridge Deward quotes the opinions of a number of papers in favor of the resolutions passed by the Conven tion at Harrisburg, on the 4th of July. Un fortunately, every paper thus quoted, like his own, has been more than suspected of sympa thising with the south in their unholy crusade against the Union and the government of the United States. No loyal or true _Democrat, of the Jefferson and Jackson school, Can associate with these Breckinridgors without endangering his . reputation. for itairiefism and fidelity to the Union. Gen. Jackson would have spurned such professed Democrats, and Perhaps hanged' the leaders as he thieattined to do :with Calhoun, ene of the same school, had he been President: when this rebellion broke out. Let these Men call themselves by'some appropriate title, slur not desecrate the name of Democricy cloak-' ing their heresies under a name honored: by Jefferson and Jackson. . ' EIJOIRIE S. &MOLD, of Lancatiter county, was yestreday mustered into the service of the United States, as a second lieutenant and mus tering officer, for duty in- Lancaiiter county, In assisting to recruit the quota of men"fizsd for, that county. Lieut. Reinhold is en active and efficient young man,,zealous for his country; and well qualified' for the service to which he has been detailed. . A 0- f„:„...--:..:<• , . . .. :, f ,--5:,;--,':-.. .: 6'l f ii ; (4 ,. .111 1 E,:ie -- . .R - A - v),T,.*‘-‘, .... ~... *rOil'Odr AleOtkiSaitaillitifloiteitay tr-r From Washington. An Army litedioal, Board of EtiM'iinera THE REBEL 0011$i MLMTILL 01 1 00M. HE IS ACQUITT Arrival of Com. Porter of the Mor tar Flotilla. AN ENGLISH IRONCLAD`STEAMER Alt TEMP TS W RUN `TBE BLOCKADE. She is' Captured . and Bent to New York. WASHINGTON, July 21. An army medical board; composed of Sur geons Brinton, Clymer,• and asslettuit surgeon Webster, U. S. Army, for_ the examination of Brigade Surgeons, and staff volunteer surgeons, aid assistantfaurgeons,and.contract physicians, has met in this city. The examination. is -a thoroughly prictical, one, both .with,regeiril to surgical operations And bed. side experience,. and is calculated to test the veal knowledge of /Litit .Richtriond papers contain- the:proceed ings of the court martial which tried COM.' Tatnall on the charge of the culpable destrnc tlim of the Merrimac. They :award him an honorable ac. uit ahe rnfrtrar o 94 a., urbuce.l tpcoln's Double Policy—His Perjury' io which it, says that the usurpations of the Gov eminent that sits In Washington have been so great and s totally: to dkaolvel any bonds that may wive been supposed totindAis 'M the northern Staten. The people are called utorn to endoro the .most extreme distrrisk and to make any , sacrifice, even of life itself, sooner than yield to a foe so disgusting and so' malig mint . ' ' . . Pommander T'orter of the, mortar flotilla ar rived here this morning via:Fortress Monroe— a fact which is considered of significant impor taPM. The Navy Department teams that the blockading fleet _recently, matureri_the Tubal Cain, a large, iron clad tnglish steamer off Charleston, whilelitteinptidgio - run the'bleck'- ada. She was heavily loaded. with arms and ammunition. The prize has b een ordered to New YOrk. " ' ' • - • • FROM PORTARSS MONROR, ,ts, : • The Rebels Concentrating on the James liver. Their Force Eatifiiitecl at 50,000. Gen. Jackson Suppled to be in Conimaid: SUFFOLK Tif-RL'A.TENtD. 11,111 OW THE REBELS ON OLOUOSOTKE •, • • 4 I. • L ' 1 A :They Seize the Contrabands and ail the NO NEWS .puoiei.HE ARMY. A REBEL MAIL CARRIER ARRESTED Thotisand tleitelOienuid in ids Cooirkiband Laborers Or Jimes River. I am affably Informed thatlarge rebel forces are now being concentrated•on-the line of the James river, abova the' jundion tho, „A.ppo-, mattock and Janiea filers: They _canie down from Itichmond-biiidecltichin'Ond'andyPeuers burg Railroad. It is believed that they already nnniber from fifiy ; to..6eventy thousand, and that Gen.lticlison to in command notarithaUkrid bar the rumor that he is liCpursult of General inforiniult is very confident that the yeb-. elEi are now Making abold stand at the above nauied place, and are 'bringing all - the. for.. :there they can spare from Richmorid, and doea not behave that is - lalacaafe. from: pt tack, as the rebelei are 'said tope within twenty mtles witkepostderable'fOrce,. . 'Night before last, a company of ow- Wyk came down Gloucester PPoint, ppi leis it e Yorktown and seized. and"carried off a lot 'of contrabands thatiad - gathirld lit that place, and also foroedillio the - rebel army all the male Inhabitants that could be found there capable of boa4tig liro to a : lot g ehipt Ibribei and tiakii4 -.. -their) trOphios; took *ow d4paxtuke. • _ , _ 1 LIU fiber:CaitgrY are 6 4. 06 t daily prowling. abcititAft 11 410 .3 n, . 8 4 1 4Viii4irA any kind and viriPallifg intitOe. beMlxvice A/kith* lirc#:lifido4 lo olo* 4diur 44 14 i. . ( *wire , % y ak.= •(,- Alb FR • „ `',l' I' NUMI TATN/LL. Inhabitants., r,7- - s - r -- c Possession. I=l sti*Olptoa, July 26 in the homed • vicinity of Williamsport, whether guerillas or the regular confederates it is hard to Attimine, for the guerillas often go clothed like the regular confederate cavalry, as by this disguise they assume authority which they otherwise could not, And commit many depredations in their masked characters upon the civilians,telling them they have authority, being commissioned and a detatchment of the regular confederate cavalry All is quiet on the JameS liver. No news from the army. Yesterday a man obtained a pass in Norfolk for the pretended purpose of going to North Carolina. He was watched by an officer, and folktwed-SeVirfid milei outiront roiliilk; when he took a pivate rod and watt *steering his course toward Richmond. The'officer to le up and arrested him, and found upon him about two thousand letters which be was about to carry'to Richmond. - He was taken back to Norfolk and lodged in jail to await his trial: He admitted and stated that he received two dollars apiece for convey -lug lettere between Norfolk and Rfeirmond. This Will stop the trireme': by Which letters and papers have passed to and fro. The steamship Massachusetts 'arrived at Fort. rots Monroe to-day,r. fix= Port Royal, on her way to New York. She reports ill quiet on the South Carolina and Georgia coast.• The steamer, South America left Fortress Monroe at 4o:.clock; this afternoon for... Tames river, crowded with contrabands. • FR 0 lit OH. .10. • Arrest of Preaches Suspected of Treason. Valla - naighitin. Implicated. ENROLLMENT OF THE MILITIA A special despatch has been received here from Columbus, Ohio, which state that the Rev. Dr. Brooks of Bt. Louls,and Rev. D. Hoyt, ,of Louisville, were arrested on Friday night at the horiie of the notdrione rebel 'Judge Clark, pf Ohio: •It is reVorted that linpoitant papers were found on them implicating Vallandigbam who will be taken to Cincinnatti. The OoVernor has , issued ordord to the asses sors to have an eniollment made of alt the able bodied mbn in the State, to be ready by the 18th of August: If' there are'not : enough irol rmteere rby that time drafting will 'be com meneed• • - • THR ADVERTISED RUNAWAY OFFICER. HE RISES TO EXPLAIN. =I General Pope's order offering a reward of 5 cents for the apprehendoc(of a certain captain, having been telegrailhed thienettititAbe coun try, is but due to.lflieioffibeii;sii• disgraced to place his reply before the public through the same medium. • It is as follows: . 2b the EditorOf the New .I' - ork Tribune. San :—Greatly to my surprise, my attention Wee the'evebing papers of Saturday, advertising me as a deserter from my comPanY, whictt is wholly untrue. - My re eignation, unconditional;' we e'Written; offered to and accepted by the Colonel Commanding, a day or two previous to my leaving. Said re signation was necessitated by an injury received chile In the performance of my duty, render jag me tidally unable to discharge the duties !Therefore, by _the advice of many of my .felidw . o ffi cers, Including both tie surgeons of the regiment, I resigned. For tber cause could Ilieve been induced to - f rt. sre4. galls fettrittetietied.thett-the .mmanding General has been grossly mulle t' 'raise]. TELEGRAPH. There is a firm feeling in the flour market, but less doing for export, owing to' he unsullied condition of sterling , exchange—sales of ttupo • der at16(46 26 ; extras'Jit $5 60, and extra fandly at ss' 75(01' Rye flour steady at $3 25, and corn-meld it $2 ,87i: There is ,gixal de mhtul for wheat-5;000 - 1ms. redaol I 800 '1 1 28, and 'white at $1 401 46. Rye wanted at 76c. Oord in demand, and '6,000 boa. yel low sold at 64c. Oats are active at 44c., and Dittmar. at 42i, Ooffee'fitni—sales of Rio it 22022 f. Sugar and molasses are firM. Pro vhdons are very quititstdes of mess' pork at $11; and lard. Whisky dull, and lower sales itt'Bo@telc: - " . , •Naw Your, July 28. • „ Flour dull ; sales 110,000 bbla. at $4 90® $5.05 for . State ; $5 46@55 55 .for Ohio, and $6 80®$6 . 115 for Southein. Wheat advanced 1 c..fof.whit 4 e ; sales 50,000 bush, at ®sl-. 12 a $1417 for Chicago spring ; $1 16®$1 20 for hlfiwankle olab,„ an& Al 27091 31 for , red wmtern.: Corn dull ; seles;80;000 bus.: at 58 C. Beef Aniet. , Pork steady. Lard firm at 83 5 g 91, . Whisk dull .at 281 c. Stock lower; 13. & II, : tI., 13 ,; Illa. Cent B. B. 661 ; . Mich. SoOthem i. N. Y. Cent. 98 ;IL S. 6's regin ter:eri, gat ; , coupons 89e ; gold 171 p. c. prem. -- ' '.• ' . -•• 1 3 / a uxoas, July 28:... , Flotir quiet and .unilianged, Wheat, actiTo; new white $1 sogsi 65 ; Red $1 3b@51 , :424 Corn idvincing white 6(4132 u; 600 - 014 46 e. Whisky, dun st.3o clubty . , WM '1)/em lAbilertistittetts W A.NTED.I. AA GOOD DOMMTIC to . attend to the general honseliork 'of a ®ill Apple, o.lBoi'Mart et street. Abod *ages 1I be given for a 'gc°P Delp., ]y2B•date . , WANTED. QBVMAL Carpenter or cabinet makers at the ", • BAGLE WORKS, 1311,EAKFAST BACON! AVery ohoieelot, eqttaf to the celebra rei (imported),Yozimbire; lust rwelved. ire : Yi It DOCK,& CO. GRAND UNION - ' PIC4IIO GOOD WILL 'FIRE - .' COMPANY I Company. respectfully mfotm the I Rsons of Brscrlsbnsg thatlher contempiate ingj at e• olo ;ili_:)/14keit woods near Middletown,. fib Y;Jetlf tut The win_ eave the TWilit7l nir4l4. ll .alboaNd4War'ilf ifticicst; wl Faro- for the rrOsn4 SIP agdaomiutonio the - grounds GO cents.' Good mule will be In attendance. 4611 : 0 1. Destine , Peat V.-Dautle; Oorge'Rhipaimi. VlnoenVOnrnipir, i2t4llws ComnaUee of Arrsigemezda , STEAM , BOILER& ...... ((TT 4 V IN4 liae itirvileit . and.pormatuent LA. arrareeetiror.iii9.... we are hew. Prik• i n ow to ni e 8 tint SOlrattei id MO kind, pretapjt- IT at reamonaliliiitaa, 'We shalt toe Iron nada by .klt.tii & Brother, tkll' qp itclrleehia Isepond to nor'! the tot, tt Nobs but thosbeiteitatairetapaiedAtiglitiiatirra leatieoded le., ,Adquak,,, 44 ,WO i. 017:44Y ' ' "- ' ' bait; a. .._..— . ......„,...,,.._. Z ~ BAAP,; easethinir better * 1y- '6.: z • lilletireallevotaad AZ4 agek- 11- ; Nsw Tonic, July 2S PHILADILPHII, July 28 PIDOLADEEPETA, July 28 Ntw '2tbnrrtismtnto. PUBLIC BALE• VALUABLE AND DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE WILL be offered at public sale, on Thursday, the 11th day of E.eptember, at 2 o'clock, at Brant's Hall in the city of Harriet:nut. Thirty three acme of land with an excellent NM* house and barn and outbuildings, situated partly in the City of Harrisburg and partly in Swatara township. This property la situated on the gouth of Hummel* town turnpike, a portion of which his a beautiful location on chill,.dle*.tly hobs the .eity_ of Harri es burg, to be sold in three acre lots. leo a lot or Woe of ground situated in Harket,Seuare, adjoining Jones' House, having a front of 27 feet and extending back 167% feet to 20 feet alley, thereon erected a two story brick% house with two story back brick building and *table, having the use of a three feet alley on Market &mare, being one of the most deniable situations for !maim= er private reedence is the dig. Poe/tendon given to let of October best. 'conditions of ales are 10 per *cent. of the purchase money to he paid on the day of sale, the balance of the one bait of the purchase money when the title made, and the balance in two equal an ual puma** with interest, from tee time posse, skin iegiven. Te be seoured by bonde 'arid inortgago, A plan rf the *tee acre boa tan be seen at the boot and shoe store of A. Hummel, next door to the Court Hoine, Hirtiaburg. I ue attendance will be given by e ' . 6.110.1102 BOUM L ani ALBUM HIIIIII2L, .W 24 s ixecutor of ` David Humme`, dec'd. GRAND'ArOVAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCEIT! son Mg gliftlerr ' Tint VOLUNTEER RELIEF FUND, A'T BRANT'S HALL ON TUESDAY EYBAIAQJITLY '29th. The Concert will bounder the harnediate direction of the - BEETHOVEN MUSICAL CLUB, Who will be assisted by MR. AND MRS. J. ARNOLD, Formerly of Cooper's English Opera Troupe AND NR'. . A• VOKLMEN, THE CELEBRATED P.RIMO TENOR, Also of the Opera, who are among the beat vocalisti • In the country, and who will Intersperse the entertainment with GEMS FROM POI I IIWL OPERAS' A number of eminent Musicians and Amateurs have also volunteered theit,set•iites. Tickets - 60'tenth; Wise had at nearly all the public places in the city. Bolts can be secured on Tuesday Morning snd afternoon at the Hall. jy26 dSt GAIETY MUSIC HALL Walnut 13treet : baticean 2d'and 3d. SOLI SUM MANAGI3I, 808 'DRABS'S ADMTSIKON 10 and 15 cads lINOLGRIIIRNT EITILIORDINLIT ! First appearance of • DICK BERTHELON, The Champion Bone I layer of the World, ALSO OP _ T. J. HOLLIS, The . Champion Jig Demmer, and General Performer, together with ;NM JULIA EDWARDS, the Bird of Bong. 'BOB EDWARDS, the Etblopean Jester and Dancer. 'DAN ROWAKD, the'ltrceislOr Banjoist. .JANE BODD, Eth'opean Comedian, *TOM MURRAT,drieb and Comm o Vocalist. J. B. DONNELL, hlualciti Direetor J. H. 17ANI30R si, Pianist. Bvfr.V. i'venlog with a New and Laugha ble • - • • Doors open at 7%, to commence at B'4. • • „LelEn • BUOD.,..tiumo, Manager.. . 1746-Iw.-`. 17241-Iw. ha rainager, , in OrliandditgioVus nubile the above artists, tilts have nu superb:ma In the world, has, gone to great expense; and relies on a generous public to rapport him in this new enterprise, the ...pals of which has never been ;presented to the citizens Of War , ritiburg. - ROBERT . EDWARDS. %rap QUARTZES, Plasstmeauc lannsia Harrisburg, Jaly .25,.1862. f GENERAL ORDER., 1 NO. 30. ' • { The offer of additional bounty to recruits having been elsewhere extended, the same pro vision for this purpose has been made is Penn sylvania by - Counties, 'corporations and by in dtvidual subscriptions. It is due to the arithori ties or citizens furnishing the tounty, zuggetitionts should be received from:. them re , garding the appointnient.Of (Sitters of Som*leti l raged in their respective distlieta. fftelroops now being rallied, have by the 'Noolamation of the Governor, : of the 21at iiist., bden apportioned among the several enmities.. Thia renders it expedient, in order to avoid con fuhion, that the number of persons engaged tux recruiting should-he'll:Silted. • - • . Tt is therefore bidered . • 'I. That no person shall, recruit men under 'general Order , No. 28, of this series, without .104 ,wr itten , authority : from , these e darters: ' ' ' 11. All persona already engaged in enlisting Men will report themselves immediately, and 'a p ply for such authority. M. County Corcunissioners, or other local' authorities, or the committees of citizens, as "the case may be, are 'invited to suggest the naines of fit pewit's fospfficers.of company ; be, ridge d . in i their respective distri ct s - e r ah persons have not already acted under the Bidider of Li sit Governor and Crenswcarfer-is•ChLf. A. L. RUSSELL, jy25.3t • .441stant General Penn'a. HEADQUARTIMS Pszcasmvauts irmalutlEot I* 28 1) 1862 . 1 rIPHE State Medic:al Boaid for the ex - .L ainiqutiOn of Aiiiitant Ammons of Agin syrunlaaegimenter, willpest in Philadelphia,. pitthe gall , of the Universality of. Penusylva-. tut on Mondlit 41i, 28th, at 10 A. IL, and us for Ova days. , Candidates will -.register their n &eget ,the andl,ta be examined in the adder of the register. About one hundred and. twenty vacancies are, to be filled, and those appointed.will be at once;assigned to liCtiVe dnt order of A. V. tiu RTIN, Governor of Pennsylvania. Hssxv H. Surat,Surgeon . General Pennsyl vania.i jy23-dtodtaul JOHN WISES Confectionery &Fruit tore, THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, Pa. coNFEcTioNEU .0k , ,,AL4 KINDS, • ORANGES AND LE/1102113„ , • PINE . . APPLES, BARAMNAS, FRESH AND SALT FISH, And vegetable. of all tied., tirothrbt Algid *inn the Faztern Market., taloa a week,sagt perabui t ia t umor my thvastuti supervision, tbusiaablidgt.s to giell a better anttcheaper article than oak biihe mat& Orders trout' a distance altendird - 10 pL'~mpLly~ and emus delivered to any part or the city roe of emrge. PRIN- 11 GAWP MEM muslin Uy on'•baud 1 Give ale - . $ JORN W 1131.: 0,IA: E VALUABLE; PROPERT t. Y ON ;.Ik4partioulaisletuodre of `:1- z 6- 2 t 1, . lie 1,, 3pilf42towSzs Coma of fio cont N 4 We otroots. New aburfitttnts. WM. KNOCHE, 98 Market greet, Barrisburg, Pa., DILLIER IN PIA.Nois XT EW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, fioni the be: /31 makers, from $2OO upward& MELODEONS. THE BEST MANUFACTURED ItsisTgli YEWS, FROM $45 to 8100. Guitars, VioHny , Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin aqd Guitar strings and m s s_ cal merchandise in general. SHEEP! , latr' THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS al wayo Land. Music sent by mail to any pert of the country. OVAL, SQIIARE, GILT AND ROSEWOO FRANCES, Suitable for looking glasses, and all klude of pictures always on hind. A fine assortment of best plated LOOSING GLASSES From smallest to largest sizes. Any style of frame made to order at the shortest notice. WM. KNOCITE, 98 Market street febl9-Wksly REMOVED. J 0 H }VB. SMITH [JAB removed bia Boot and Shoe store from the earner of Second and Walnut Mena to NO. 108 MARKET STVET, Nost door t Haynes Agriculture Stare, where he Intends t o keep& kinds of Bootkawd Shoes, Galt.ra, kc., and large stoak of Trunks, and everything line Of ba einsea and will be Mauldin to .reoeira the patronage of his old customers and the entail in general at hie new place of butdnows. all kinds of work made to order n the ban style and ti 4 superior workmen. Repairing d.ine at sliarritinhow rapr2dtfi JOHN 8. SMITH. WHOLESALE UMBRELLA NAMITAOTORY I No. 69, Market Street, below Third, HAII.IBI3IIRG, PA. M. H. LEE., .AIIANUFACTUREkt OF UMBRELLAS, ALL ritßaots mid wsuuria eAvgd furnish goods sit UMW PRIOR.; than can be booth' to env of h e g ia i oni c aw.. ithipt , r in robs 11,1 wns do well to and examitie mires and quality. amt eon rinse thorn - 'Beltran of this fact. au2B-dly 100 PERCH OF GOOD B lIILDING LIME STONE, ' FOII SALE AT THE KEYSTONE FARM. my2!dr HARRIS MANSION FOR SALE. IinHIS handsome property recently occu i_ pled by the PE .4NSELVAND. 'MAIM CaLLIGE Is offered for sale. It In well suited either for • private Residence or a B want Sch lel, beteg supplied with gas, water, bath rooms, heater, range, etc. The grounds contain valuable Fruit Trees and Shrubbery. The plane will be sold low and possession given within reasonable time. For terms, ho., apply to. MRS. S. S. WAUGH, or DR. WI! H. BOLE Executors of Estate of Rev B. R. Waugh, deed . e24-deodtr WHITE BRANDY FOR PBESER, PING PURPOSES. A VERY superior article, (pare,) just LIL. received and for sale by 1880 WM. DOCK, JR., & CO. JUST RECEIVED. ALARGE ASSORTMENT of Family BMW et different elylee pf binding, at 90c, $1 26 $1 60, fd, $B, $4 , SS tuadslo. Mao Pocket Biblee of latent styles and prices at SCRICFPER'S Booketera feblk y BIRD: Fountains and Seed Boxes, Ca. Ail nary and Hemp aced for sale by NICHOLS A: BOWMAN, Corner Front ad Market streets mylo EXTRA family flour, choice brand, just received, lad Warranted to gtve eatiariotion, for Me by NTOMI)LS L. BOWMAN, Oor. Front Jr Market Ste. WANTED. - Sb.VERAL Afachinists. Also a stout - boy ilk the blacksmith shop. Apply at the 3y15-dtr &WILE WORKS. ANOTHER SUPPLY OF MORTON'S UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS. II EST PENS in the world, for 'lsc, $1 25 $1 614 $2, SS, and $4, for sale at obl6l SCHIFFER'S Bookstore. NEW ORLEANS SUGAR! THE first in the market, just received and I b r sale by WM. DOCK, JS., lc CO. FREER BUTTER AT MARKET PRICE. WE, HAVING fitted up a large Refrig erator, and having made contracts with some of our moat reliable farmers to furn'sh us with fresh and iwpet butter regular! r, will be enabled to supply oar &Comere with sweet fresh tee cold butter at sit times. sity29 WIL DOCK, Jr.& CO. NEW MARBLE AND STONE YARD HENRY BROWN HAVING opened a MARBLE AND STONE non on Canal Street, near Chestnut Street, oppo- Otte the P. ausylvania Railroad Depot, faces this method ofinfOrining the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity that he hi prepared to do an kinds of marble and stone work la a superior manor, and on the moat ressoasine terms. 1010412 ms AGENTS I CHANTS!!AfER PEDLERS ! r: . . BEAD TIIIGS. ENERGETIC lllC;7lo73pnßiZifeaLlar day by oontabibig _Superior Stationery, Portraits of ELEVEN WCWMALB, and • piece of Jewelry. We guarantee rutt ier... Okla to quality of our goods. The gifts cons ist of nat tratieties and styles of Jewelry, all useful and vale- VIA. Circulars wile fell wheelers Mailed free. Ad dreis. L. B. MUMS & CO, 14186-ftlid 38 Beekruan street, New York. [V RUSHED, coarse and fine pulverized 'LI sugar, lower than any other place town. Can and examine, AL NingulS BOWMSN, 15C°!1ker Front alio Market streets. .1),2 CLARIFIED New Orleans sugar, a cheap and beautiful article, for sale by NICHOLS & HOWLI N, iv 26 00Taer Front and Market Waste. 110tROWN sugars of all grades, for sat -LP Wir t by NICHOLI & 60WMAN, Je4b Corner From and Markel streets. 1)IIRE-cid-'----er vinegar, warran BOWMAN , lop by NICHOL Ji26 Corner front Old market streets. A. Few Blacksmiths and Carpenter s can Lg. enhployment at the HarrlebFg car shop, if igipiication be made iniodixtel• opt 196441 w gO PENS I—The largest and best "toLDok, from 51.00 to $4 sit oo—war sros ranted- 4 it ursa s sooss. AllE-------IT Me t a l , a good article, for Bale wit' by . eta. eons , c or ner south um Penn, and 11 Fouth street, Paa. 11__Fj.------aila , . , and RiD lot of Dande on - as wo. mY 214: for_sale at the store or JO