It IN I ;,- BY GEORGE BERGNER. THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE BERGNER. TERlfl3.—Stso2H E.uesonnmov The luny Tamura Is served to subscribers in the City at 6 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged , $4, 00 In advance. VirsairiX AND Sam Wawa,: YErvortsra. The T/ILtOILVit la also published twice a week during ti session of the Legislature, and weekly during the ‘emaloder of the year, and, furnished to subscribers at [be fobowlog cash rat es, viz: single tubscribers per year gemlWeekly..ll 60 Ten I/ gg 11 lg —l2 00 Twenty " II II .1 ..22 00 r,ingle subscribers, Weekly . ... 1 00 RATE 3 OF ADVERTISING toy- Four lines or less constitute ene-half 'square. Itlght. lions or more than four constitute' a square. nag :Rime, one diy 30 26 . OM Week.... 1 26. It ens month . ............... 2 60 ... three months 4 00 " six months 6 00 " one year 10 00 One Fquara, oce day...." ......... .... 50 01M week 2 . 00 ti one month 600 .. three months 10 00 six months. 16 00 One year 20 00 W Gamine% notices inserted In the Local Mass, or before Marriages and Deaths, EIGHT GENTS PEE LINE for each insertion. sr Ilantwee and Deethe to be charged as regular advertisements, filtbital HEMBOLDIS GENUINE PREPARATION "HIGHLY CONCENTRA PEW COIN , UND FLUID EXTRACT BITCH; A Positive and Spechic Remedy For Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL , and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine Increases tho Omit* or Digeslion,,and encase the ADSORBENTS lot healthy action, by which the WATERY OR CAUJAREOUS depositions, and all UN. NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are redhead; AS well air PAIN AND INFLAMATIM, andhagood for MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN. - LIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT DUCH% For Weaknesses Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Earlyln. Secretion or Abase. - , ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING EVYMPTOIIIB : Indisposition to glutton, -, Loss of Power , ' then of Newry, Millculty of Breathing; Week Nerves, Trembling Horror of Disease, wakefulness, , Dimness of Vision, Pain In th e Bask. Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot Bands, Flashing of tile Body Dryness of tke Skin, Eruptions oaths Face PALLID tXIUNTENANCIE, These symptoms, If allowed to go on, which this med 'eine invariably removes, soon iblitivrs IMPOTENCY. FATUITY, KPILEPTIO PUS. IN ONE OP WHICH THE PATIENT MAY =FIRE. Who can asy that they are not trepan tly lbliSared by t hose "DIREFUL DISEASES," "INSANITY AND OONSLTMPTION." Many aro aware a the Wee of their suffering, BHT NONE WILL CONFESS. THE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, And the Melancholy Deaths by WAS 1117L1 WlllllBBlO 1111111117111_471 8 =0X. THI OONSTITUnON AMMID WITH ORGANIC WRAICNRSR, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and Invigorate the System, Which fleumoto's EXTRACT SUOMI ineertabl doe • taw. WILL dolma& Iran nom swaurno.s., FEMALIIM—FEMALES—PEMALES, ULM OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIE E D , , OR CONTEMPLA TING MARRIAG IN MANY AFFECTIONS PECULIAR TO FEMALE, the Extract Boehm is unequalled by any other remedy, Ls in tailored' or Retention, Irregularity, Palntaloes", or tuppremlo nor Oustemary Evacuations, Ulcerated or &Uranus state of the Uterus, Leucorham Whiten, Sterll ity, had ror all complaints incident to the sex, whether sawing from Indlsoretion, HabiM of Disolpation, or in tho Dzarzrz OR ORANGE 01 Lllll. 01111=15 ABM NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT 1 :„ 11.114MBOLIP8 1417B4CTBOORTI maw 131103 ET DISEASES. In nil their /Sages, At little Nxpense ; Little or no change In Diet No inconvenience; And me It puns a frequent detdre an ß rX i mittrilhgth to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions. Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and Imgammation, so frequent In the cues Cl diseases, and expelling ail PcOcnouf, Mimosa and worn•out anoasainei UPON THOUSAWDIS IMO RAPE BEEN THIC 970TaL4 OP QUACKS, and who have paid NWT MS to be cured In it short tin have found they were deceived, and that the "101- PONi , has, by the use of iivownerne Auwanwilwns, I , been dried up le the 'veinal, to brae,' out in an aggravated form, and PERHAPS AIM MARALIait Oee H 111030106 Erni= Bumf for an affections and Macides 01 the URINARY ORGANS# whether slitting in MALE OR FEMALE, Prom whatever cause originating and no matter ROW LONG STANDING. Chimes of these Organs require the aid or MIRA rIO HILMBOLD'S EXTRACT MEW Ira THZ GREAT DIUREI!IO, mat is certain to have the desired effect In all Diseases Fos WHIOIi IT D 3 RZOOMMINDED. menu of the mod reliable arid respostibie character ill eccoopany the meddle. OZIWISICATZEI OF CURES, keyed tore yearn casedini, Was Naas amine to SCIENCE AND FAllla Price $1 00 per bottle, or lax for $6 00. Delivered to any address, securely packed from obser Talon. cams* SYMPTOMS IN ALL CONIIIINICATIONE6 Carea GTlLlAranteed I Advice Gratis AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of tho city ot Philgidelphle, H. T. Hataminn, who being duly 'morn, doth my, Ma preparations contain no narcotic, no mercury, or other tojeUirMo drop, but are purely yoga. B. T. EUCLIKBOIJ). 'Swam mid subscrited lefore me, _tbbs 234 day of No vember, ma WK. P. RIBBER% Alderman, Ninth St. above Race, Ma. address taunt' for inhortnetion In confidence 'to R. T. HELEBOLD L Clllemist, Depot. 104 Sootb Ten St. bel. Chestnut. Phile, lia %VANE OP 00tik.TEILFEITS AND ONPRINorPLED NNSIAR : a• ; • Who endeavor to dispose "or term own" awl Imam amour ox in Intrunn /Mann BY Rellllbolol Genuine PreparaUou 1, “ 4 . Lured Swint, s, 44 10, " Sarsaparilla, Improved Rosa Wash. Said by C. K. iCellor, D. W, Gross, J. Ny yeth, 0 a Straivart. AND All DROGPLIT.3 EVERYWIIER SK NOR BELNLD , s. TAKE NO OTHER Cat oa A t the adsestrem ß en O t and send for tt, AND AVOID .lISPOSITION AND EZPOSDNN aovla•dly DENTISTRY. D . GEO. W..BTINS, graduate of the llahlmore College of Dental if urgery, havingp er• m.nently located in the city of Barriabnrg and taken the Mee formerly °canoed by-Dr. Gortas, on Third street between Market and Walnut, rearectraDY informs Mends s ds and the public to general , that be prepare d to perform all operation' t o th e mud profession, either IWO* or mechanical, in a manner tblit shall not he Intrused by operator& In this or any other city. file mode of fuming artidelat meth is upon the latest Sin . roved eclentido principle. Teeth, from oue to a full set, mounted op ftne Gold, Giver, Pliable plates or the Vulcanite HMO. I late greakplessure la recommending the above 110 1 1 1 ueoria all my former Meads of Harrisburg nit: tea ks asil feed oonildeat that he will perform all oporei item la a soleatillo mariner, from my knowliskto . 41447 ' VW/4M ra.LfiIOWS.D.WJI Eettgraplj. ENLISTMENTS IN PTINNSYLTLNIL WAR DISPARTYENT, Washington, July 28, 1862. His Excellency,vli. G. CURTIN, Governor of Pennsylvania: Six :-1 have been directed to advise you that the system of enlisting recruits for nine and twelve months, adopted in Pennsylvania, has produced great dissatisfaction in other States, which have confined themselves to en listigente for three years or the war. Tals system, as you are aware, was adopted without any intention on the part of your Ex cellency or of the General Governinent to make an Unfair diatinctian between the States. The War Department entertains an earnest desire to act in entire harmony with the State Governments, and a strong sense of the earnest and effident aid which it has always promptly received from your Excellency ; and it is only because the Department is fully satisfied of the inexpediency of short enlistments ; the impos sanity of extending the system to other States, and the justice of the complaints already ad verted to, that a change is proposed in Penn sylvania. • -Hence the Secretary of War is compelled to ask your Excellency to change your s) stem of recruiting and let your regtriaents go to the field on an equality, in every respect, with those from other States. The mustering officer will continue to muster into service recruits enlisted for nine and twelve months, until the tenth day of August next, at which time it is supposed the change suggested Will have been completed. By order of the Secretary of War. C. P. BUCKINGHAM, Brigadier General and A. A. G. GENERAL ORDER I No. 81. HEADQUARTIMB, PENN A. Harrisburg, July 29, 1862. I. In pursuance of the foregoing communi cation from the War Department, no more au thorities to recruit men for the nine months term ofservioe will be issued from these Head quartera. • 11. All persons now engaged in recruiting squads for that term of service, under Oenerai Orders Nos. 28 and 30, of this series, are or dered to report their squads • whether com plete or incomplete, to Captain William B. Lane, 11. B. A., mustering and disbursing offi cer at Harrisburg, before the 10th day of Au gust next, that they may be mustered into the service of the 'United States, for the nine months term for which they have been enlist ed, and receive the advanced months pay, premium and bounty to which they will be en titled. After that date all enlistments for new regiments under the late call of the President, will be for three years or during the war. HI. Authorities to recruit tor. three years or during the war will be issued under General Order'lloo auoMtieseasadquarterarananu.per sons to whom authority has already been grant ed, can continue to enlist men for the three years or war term of service. IV. Persons enlisted for nine months may change their term of enlistment for that of three years or during the war, at any time before they are organised into companies. By order of A. 0. CURTIN, Governor and Commander-in-Chisf. A. L. Russza,, .Adjutant General of Pann'a. re= BY TELEG 1. FROM FORTRESS MONROE. 509 HEM) OF CATTLE STOLEN BY THE REBEL AMY. MOVEMENTS OF THE REBEL ARMY. CONDITION. OF RICHMOND. ARRIVAL OF RELEASED PRISONERS The Rebels Building Iron-Glad Gun The steamer State of Milne arrived at Fort roes Monroe this morning at "seven o'clock, from City Point, with three hundred and fifty released prisoners from Richmond. They were brought down to City Point in baggage cars, in charge: of• Dr. Callen, Medical director of Longstreet's Division, and received by Colonel Sweitser, of Gen. MoClellan's Staff. Every courtesy was shown to these prisoners, and our sick and wounded, whilst in prison, were kindly treated.. Dr. Burritt, the Surgeon in charge of the State of Maine, says the released prisoners were visited at Harrison's Landing by Gen. McClel lan and one of , his Staff officers, and the Med ical Director of the Army of the Potomac, Dr. Settematt, who examined the condition of the vessels. The prisoners were brought down in freight cars, for which the' Rebel officers apologized, saying that all their cars were occupied in send ing troops to General Jackson. In reply' to a question where Jackson was, it was replied that nobody knew where Jackson was, brit that they knew enough of him' to reinforce him. The rebels are building three iron-clad gun boats at Richmond—one, the "New Merrimac" 15 nearly completed, and ready for the guns to • be put on board—another, called the "Lady Davis," is now being iron-clad and the third one is on the stocks not so far advanced. A rebel soldier said their camps were about three and a half miles back from the James river—that they kept back out of the way :of the shells of the gunboats, for they did not like our gunboats. General McClellan Was glad to see the re turned soldiers and conversed freely with them. Ooe of them rem irked that he hoped to get well and help to take Richmond, to which the General rttplied : Yon will have to make haste It is reported thitt'tlie rebels have succeeded II delving of a large number. of cattle belong tbs emir ctrt r HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY MORNING; JULY 29, 1862. Boats. Forruzse Momuy July 27 There has been and still is a considerable number of rebel troops along the James river between City Point end Richmond, and also at or near Petersburg. They appear to be moving toward Richmond. One of one returned sol diers saw five trains carrying troops from Pe tersburg towards Richmond. Fifteen rebel prisoners were brought to Fort ress Monroe this, Sunday, afternoon from Suf folk, having been captured near that place yes' erday. Among them are two commission ed officers. SECOND DISPATCH On Friday evening the rebels crossed '.ver the river a little above Harrison's Landing, and took a captain off of a schooner and buroed the schooner, and then went acd diove away five hundred cattle belonging to the army of the Potomac, and these cattle were said to have been at least a mile within our picket lines. Owing to this loss, no beef could be obtained at Harrison's Landing for those on board the State of Maine.• This boat is in fine condition and attracts our attention for the order and newness with so many sick and wounded on . her decks. Dr. Jacks of Pennsylvania is on board sick from over exertion while among the suffering soldiers, There- has been and now is a considerable rebel force along the James river, between City Point and Richmond, and also at or near Petersburg, but they appear, by movements witnessed within the last two or three days, to be moving the Petersburg troops north, but we can obtain no proof that they are going be yond Richmond. The city of Richmond is iu a very bad condi tion, great care having been taken of the clean liness of the streets. The filthiest parts of the city is said to be the tobacco storehouses, which are now used for prisoners. So many being crowded away in them that they soon become filthy and not fit for human beings to inhabit. LATE SOUTHERN NEWS. EGROES HUNG IN NORTH -CAROLINA. The Frequency of Desertion from the Rebel Army. EXTORTIONISTS IN REBELDOM: The Yankees and the Negroes. Reported Massacre , on Roanoke Island. p a . 4 0140 DifVol I:0:1 %.11,,11N Two negroee were executed at Kingston, N. C., on Friday lest, by order of Colonel Sol. Williams, 0. S. A. They were found guilty of drumming up recruits for Burnside. TON NIXECIIIENOT ON DUAMMON TROY TUN MIS= = [From the Riot:mond lixamlner. July 25. There are anumbs tr of 'peopl in t h eAg e who are detained from active participation in the war by the confines of age or family. These people may do a most valuable service to the Government and make an important contribu tion the war by assisting in the apprehension of deserters and stragglers from the army, by giv ing information to the authorities of the places of refuge of these. creatures, by setting their faces against them, and by doing all that is possible to drive back to their 'posts of duty thole who have skulked from them and are roaming the country in the dirty and disgrace- , ful uniforms of soldiers. There should be no resting place for the feet of these creatures. Every man and woman in the country is able to do something in pursuing, shaming and driving back to the ranks those who have de serted their colors and their comrades and turned their backs upon their country's service. Let all ages and sexes in the country assist the goVernment in reclaiming deserters and strag glers, and in maintaining the integrity of our army. We trust the exhortation will not be lost upon the country. Desertions are reducing our army, defying its discipline , corrupting its- spirit and morale, and seriously endangering the fortunes of our cause. *Desertions, from the army are already nu merous and the country must do what it can to repair the evil. The fact is, however, that we should have heard but little of this military crime and public disgrace to our arms if the Government had had the nerve and the con science to execute the death penalty in its ann. les. The men who are responsible for this shameful and alarming frequency of desertions tp our armies are Jefferson Davis, George W. Randolph and Robert E. Lee. The crime of desertion is punishable with death ; ii is so by the Articles of War, the practice of cipilised nations, and the precepts of intelligent hu— manity. It is no time for a mawkish tender ness to trifle with the destinies of a whole na tion. The sentimental suspension of the pen alty of death in our army is not only a mis taken humanity, it encourages crime, sacrifices to childish emotion the efficiency of our Iroops,,the safety of our country, the success of our cause, and is a terrible cruelty for which our Government stands responsible in the eyes of God and man. An instance lately occurred Where, in face of the enemy, and in daily expectation of a great battle on the Richmond lines, a deserter who had been apprehended in the very act of enter mg the enemy's lino, and sentenced to death by a court-martial, was respited three different times. The consequence of this weak indul gence was a new crop of deserters; the hesita don of the authorities to execute the law was the signal for new violations of it, and to-day the country is filled with deserters, straggleis and absentees from the army, who laugh at the terrors of court-martial, and the penalties of having their%pay, stopped . and being advpy deed-in the newspapers for crimes which, by aw, custom and necessity, deserve death. The Government has toyed , with sentiment enough in this matter. The country is engaged in a death struggle. If we are subjugated there is no parallel to the horrors of our late, since the ruthless atrocities of Attilla and his barbari ans: In snob a contest the Government _must be serious, and not weigh the sentiments of preachers and humanitarians in petticoats against the safety of the country, the letter of the law and the doctrines of enlarged and en lightened mercy, which require that discipline and efficiency should be maintained in our army at the price of death to deserters. EXTOBIIOIO3II3 Dr BIBILDOX. [From the . Richmond Ranniner, July 22.]. In the development of the war we are wag ing theta is one lasting stigma on its moral chataeter. We refer to the almost outvotes" rage in the South of the yile lusts of avarice and extortiotOn'Whielinlitire Southern _ . chants have outdone Yankees and Jews, and have not only defiled themselves, but inflict a burning disgrace upon the nation, prostituted a noble war to the most infamous purposed, and blackened their country in the eyes of the world. Tne whole South &thinks with the huts of extortion The extent to .which it prevails in this city is enormous and shameless; trade is reduced to a dev ilish art to make money out of the distresses of humanity ; and that hypocrisy may be add ed to other diabolical accomplishments, the extortioners of Richmond take the upper seats in church, talk patriotism and give into the contribution boxes small pinchiogs from enor mous gains ; dandy preachers and hospital ma trons taking these filthy gifts of the plunderers of society as tokens of the liberality and patri otism of the &moil. The lengths to which extortion has gone in this' community are almait incredible. A single instance may serve as an illustration. Through the active and enlarged exertions of the Gov merit Clothing Bureau in this. city, contracts have been made with 'a number of mills in the south by which it has been agreed that they shall furnish supplies for the army at stipulaled prices. Some days ago an officer purchased at this Bureau for his use a piece of cloth at two dollars and sixty cents a yard. This, the Gov ernment price, was largely remunerative to the manufacturer ; it paid him a considerable profit, and he was satisfied to obtain that without grasping - for the uttetmost Abu of avarice and extortion. The price of the same style of cloth, manufactured at our doors in Richmond, was inquired at stores on Main street; the reply was, sixteen and eighteen dollars a yard. THE YANKEES AND THE NEGROES [Prom the Richmond Dispatch, July 18 It appears from statements in the northern newspapers that fil'Clellan proposes to employ negroes to perform the hard lauor on his fortifi cations, with a view to save his troops from the perils of sunstroke. This is the sort of freedom the deluded slaves enjoy when they get into the clutches of the abolitionists. They are worked to death, in order to save the lives Of a propor tionate number of miserable Yankees, not one half of Whom can lay as much claim to respect ability as the blackest cornfield negro in Vir ginia. We hope our authorities, in negotiating for an exchange of prisoners will make the in vaders account for at least a portion of the "con trabands" they have stolen, though in memo up their relative value it should appear that one nigger was equal to two Yankees. NAPuEIND NABSACRUI ON ILOANOKS ISLAND It is believed in Eastern North Carolina that an insurrection has taken place among the several thousands runaway negroes on Roanoke island. It is said that, becoming dissatisfied with the harsh treatment experi enced at the hands of their new masters, they took advantage of an opportunity presented while the Yankees were at dinner, and seized the stacked arms, fired into them and killed several. The Yankees, recovering from the panto into which they wens at first thrown, re took their Fins and slaughtered- almost every negro onthe Newbem on Monday evening, beginning at three, and continued until seven o'clock p. m. The Enquirer, of the same day, contains the following: We learn by a gentleman from North Carolina that the Yankees forces on Roanoke Island having become very oppressive in their measures towards the negroes in their employ, the latter, a few days ago, rose upon the Yankees and killed a large number of them. Subsequently the Yankees armed themselves with revolvers, and massacred about eight hundred of the negro laborers. The next day the - Yankees evacuated the Island. THE NEW CALL POE TB OOPS APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE BOUNTY FUND. Prompt Action of Northampton and Lehigh Counties ALLIZTORW, July 28. The commissioners of Lehigh county today appropriated $lO,OOO for the bounty to volun teeni under the new call, being $5O for each man required. Beam, July 28.—The County , Commissioners of Northa m pton ' county' had appropriated $BO,OOO for the bounty and support of the fam ilies of volunteers. Her qUota will be ready in a few days. FROM - NEW ORLEANS. Beauregard Reported Very Si& Niw Tois, July 28 Steamer Marion from New Orleans on the twentieth arrived here at three o'cloOk. The health of the city is good ; two thousand men are employed in cleanseing the streets. , The news of the exploits of - the rebel ram lir kansas caused some excitement litit Soon quieted doWn. lieauregard is very sick, es is reported bythe Mobile papers. The papers contain no news. FROM NA'SHVILLE. Rebel Raid on the- Memphis and Charleston Railroad. Naerrvuss, July 27. The 'Penth Ohio regiment, whilst guarding ihe Memphis and Charleston Railroad between Docatur and Courtland, were attacked yester day' by a large force of guerillas wider Stems and Ward, and some thirty or forty of the regiftwent ate said to have been killed. The road was considerably damaged but not so much as to cut off communication. A large rebel force is reported to ba near Toscumbia, and Cot. Forrest is reported to be at Carthage, with the object, it is supposed, of making a descent on the Louisville Railroad. Cotton nominal 48044 ; flour lower 14,600 bble eold state $4 9005 60 ; Ohlo $5 4606'66 Southern $6 8605 `B6'; wheat advenced 1 et., 196,000 bush. said, °Meek° warring $112424117 Milviattkie club $1 1401 20; ted $1 20® 1 81; white4l 8701 46 ; corn 1 , - cent lower, 97,000 buss sold at 62(456 ; pork heavy' firm, $B, 7EOB 87;.meat 81010 ' B7 ; lard firm whiekey firm at 48029 ; sugar firm at Sipa 11; !Mein thin, molases five ote.iier quint PANNBILVANIA'S SICK AND WOUND List of Names in the Hospital at Annapolis, Md. • CONTINUED. Doff, EL company S, 101st regiment. Donnelly, S. J., company E, 62d regiment. Donald, Franklin, company F, 98d regiment. Davinny, Mathew, company o,Blst regiment. Daisley, Mathew, company 0, 81st regiment. Devlin ' James, corporal, company D, Bth regiment, R. V. C. Doll, 0., company 0, 61st regiment. Elnt, George 0., company A, 104th regiment, dysentery, convalescent. Residence, Doyles town Bucks county. Elliott, Samuel B , company A, 7th regiment, R. V. O. Egolf, Joseph, company 11, 7th regiment, B V.O. Everete, John A., company A, 104th regi ment. Eichlan, Joseph, company X, 61st regiment. Ellis, Wm., company G, Bth regiment,R. V. 0., sick. Residence, Williamsport. Ehrenrichl, Levi, company F, 62d regiment, wounded in left arm. Residence, Pittsburg. Evans, Jenkins, Corporal, company H, 81st regiment, wounded in left hand. Residence, Carbon county. Edwards, Samuel, company G, 621 regiment. Erwin, Robert, company G, 62 regiment. Ensminger, Wm. E. company A, 7th R. V. C., finger shot off. Residence, Carlisle Edwards, Wm., company D, 23d regiment, finger off. Residence, Philadelphia. Ellingsworth, Robert, company H, 95th regi ment. . Fauket, 1., company 1, 101st regiment. Pecks, Harinan, corporal, company E, 4th R. V. C. Fritinger, James, company E, 61st regiment. Fahey, Peter, company G, 62d regiment; wounded in both knees. Residence, Luzerne county. Forster, Wm. A., company H, 33d regiment, wounded in breast. Wife and children in Phil adelphia. Fee, Win., compapy . E, 81st regiment. Fincle, George, company D, 9th R. V. C. Farren, Wm., company LK, 23d regiment. Fenney, D., company F, 280 regiment. Fisher, Abel, company G, 62d regiment. Fulton, Win., company B, 61st regiment. Fairchild, W.; company D, 61st regiment. Fisher, Job, company 0, 101st regiment. Frankenfins, W., company G, 108 d regiment. Frankenfins, D., corporal, company G, 104th regiment. Felger, J. G., company ID, 106th regiment. Fitzpatrick, Charles, Sergeant, company C, 09th regiment. Gray, Liam, company D, 49th regiment. George, Alphoni3o, company F, 88d regiment. Grembling, L, company H, 12th R. V. Q. Gorden, Win., company K, Ist Cavalry regi ment, lever. Residence Pittsburg. Goodrich, Win. H., wagoner, company 0, 10th E: V. C. - . _ • mpany I, 81st regiment. Leave of absence July 11, 1882. Green, Philip, company A, 28d regiment, wounded in right foot. Residence, Philadel phia. Green, Thomason, company 0, 96th regi ment, wounded in right shoulder. Father, mother and 'children in Philadelphia. Graves, 33., company H, 88d 'regiment, wounded in right band. Residence, Crawford county. • Giant, Andrew, company X, 49th regiment. • Gore, D. W., Sergeant, company H, 67th regiment. Golph, James B, company X, 7th R. V. C. Genni, Jacob M., company IC, 61st regiment. Grants, D., 62d regiment. Goff, B. J., Lieut.. 88d regiment. Gordon, F , Ist Rifles. Goodlow, W., Ist Rifles. George Robert, company. A, 62d regiment. Grogan, Charles M., company D, 102c1 regi ment. Gallaher, Patrick, company H, 81st regiment. Gaskerba, Charles, company D; 62d regiment. Grimes, John, company B, 7th B. V. C. Galloway, George, company G, 96th regiment. Greenman, Theodore, company 0, 96th regi ment. Harthom, David, company I, 105th regiment. Heck, Daniel . 8., corporal, company I, 26th regiMent. Heasley, John A., company B, Ist artillery. Haveratraw,Augustus, company G, let ar tillery, died ay 27th, 1862. Highbogger, James, company F, 63d regi ment. Hammond, John, company A. 81st regiment. Hudson, Balph 8., company' 11, 10th R. Y.C. Hill, Samuel, company I, 4th R. V. 0. Hall, A. J. company H, 4th B. V. C. Roll Andrew, company B, 9th R. V. 0., ty phoid fever, convalescent. Residence, Pittsburg. Henry, Wm. H., company B, 4th R. V. 0., pleurisy. Residence, Coatesville. Hoffman, Henry, company I, 81st regiment. Henderson, Christopher, company H, 11th R. V. 0., fever, convalescent. Residence, Arm strong county. Heldrith, Thomas, company D, 106th regi ment, died June 18th, 1862. Hamer, Samuel, company D, 62d, regiment, wounded in thigh. Residence, Lewisburg. Hampton, Augustus, company I, 104tb. reg iment. Huffman, Reuben. company A, 62d regi ment, died June 9, 1861. Hagen, William, company I, 104th regiment. Haknees, T. C., Capt., company H, 81st reg 'ment. ' Hawk, T. 0., tient., company I, Slat regi ment. Redden, Wm. A., company G, 106th regi ment, wounded in the side and thumb and finger cut off. Residence, Jefferson county. Hess, David H., corporal, company A, 106th regiment, wounded, hand and breast. Resi dem* Philadelphia. James, company B, 723 regiment. Hart, John, company F, Slst regiment, wounded in right arm, wife and children. Residence, Philadelphia. Henry, Adam, Sergeant, company H, regiment, wounded in right arm. Residence, Carbon county. Hayes, J. G. 4 company F, 10th regiment, wounded in right hip. Residence, Beaver co. Haas, Christian, company C, 4th regiment, wounded in left foot Residence, Montgomery ( county. Hunt, Jacob, company M. 62d regiment, wounded in right shoulder. Residence, Hun tingdon. - Hilbert, John M, company L, 4th- regi ment, R. V. O. wounded in head.. Realdence, 0114*,005intY. Niw Yogi, Jime 28. Ila bnaanel, company- F, 981 reel- Elea PRICE ONE CENT. Hoffman, J. H., company F, Bth cavalry. Harlan, Nicholas, drummer, 67th regiment. Hondell, Daniel, company G, let cavalry. Hilbert, Jonathan, corporal, 7th R. V. C., rheumatism. Residence. Perry county. Hughs, Jaines, company D, 23d regiment. Human, S., corporal, company D, 62d reg iment. Harris, A., company B, 61st regiment. Heady, 1., " K, 108 d " Hofferd, N., " G, 104th " Hoseack, George N., company F, 9th B. V.C. Hunter, John S., sergeant. company C, 9th U. V. C. Hatton; W. H. D., chaplain, Ist rifles. Haymaker, John, company A, 88d regiment Henderson, Wm. " E, 3d R. V. C. Hiliburn, John, company F, 98th regiment. Hutton, Thomas, company K, 7th regiment H. Y. C. Hobart, Wm., company B, 105th regiment. Hirst, Jacob, ?d 62d Hawk, Edward, " I, Ist rifles. " Janks„ Theodore, company F, Ist rifles, dis eased lungs. Residence, Carbon co. Irvin, John A., company H , 62d regiment. Irvin, George, " D, 63d " Johnston, Jacob, " B, 6th " R.V.O. James, B njamin, ‘• E, 47th " R.V.O. Jenkins, R. a, " E, 57th " Johnston, John L., company B, 101st regi ment. Johnston, Edward R., or.m.pany 8., 104th regiment, wounded left thigh. Residence, Doylestown. Jenny, Jaeob M., company EC, 61st regi ment, wounded leg and breast. Ettsidence, Pittsburg. Jones: Robert, company C, 62d regiment, pounded left thigh. Residence. Clinton co. Johnston, Charles F., colonel 81st regiment. Jenkins. Abraham, company E, 9th tee went, R. V. C., wounded in breast. Residence, Pittsburg. Jones, Benjamin A., company E, 6th regi ment; R. V. C. Jennings, A., company B, 62 regiment, Wounded in right hand and left arm. Resi dence, Wyoming. Jones, R., company K, 52d regiment. ....Jobs, Joshua, corporal, company C., 61st reglinent. Knox, James A, company E, 102 d regiment. Kendel, David, com..any G, Ist artillery. Kaufman, George, company H, sth regiment, R. V. C. Kaufman, Abraham, company H, 7th regi ment, B. V. C. nimbler, James M., company E, 68d regi ment. Kincaid, James M , company E, 63d regi ment, wounded, lost right hand. Rteidence, Pittsburg. Klere,Peter, company I, 814 regiment. Snap, Wm., company IK, 11th regiment, R. V. C., chronic diarbcoa. Residence, Brooks ville. Beagg, William, company B, 7th regiment R. V. C., wounded, lost right hand. Resi dence, DAupbin county. Aeen, Whitfield, company G, 67th iegiment i wounded, leg hurt and finger off. Resilience. Bradford county. Keeper, J. W., company B. Bih regiment. B. V. C., wounded in hip. Be idence, Arm etrong county. Kuhn, G., company D, 62d regiment, woundedhlleft leg. Beside-nee, Jefferson co. Oresque, James, company K, 81st regiment. King, Wm. H., company G, 9th B. V. 0. Kilpatrick, E., company F, l 8d B. V. 0. wounded in hand. /incidence, Northampton county. Keovner, W. company E. 68d R. V. 0. ty phoid fever. fiesidence, Allegheny county. Kande, Elias, company 0, 106 , h regiment. Kirk, Thomas Capt., company H, 68c1 regi ment. Kuhns, Daniel E., company G, Ist urinary. Knob; A., company G, 104th regiment. Kennedy, W., Lient , 68d regiment. Kent Charles, company I), 31st regiment. Brice, B. 8., company A, lath R. V. C. Kronen, W. 8., company K, 108 d regiment. Kreige, James N., company K, 81st regiment. Logan, D. W., Capt., company A, 106th re ginient. Lee, Win., company E, 81st regiment, on furlough. Lose, Cyrus, company H, 11th R. V. C., died . June 21. Lamond, John, •company A, 81st regiment, rheumatism. Wife and children, Philadelphia. Law, Jno. Lawson, company A, 85th regi ment, wounded in shoulder, severe. Residence, Washington county. - Lantz, E., company E, 62nd regiment, wound ed in left arm. Residence, Bradford county. Lane, Davis company C, 65th regiment. Lewis, George W., company I, 101st regi ment, wounded in right knee. Residence, Alle gheny county. Lear, Thomas W., company A, 104th regi ment, died June 9th 1862 Lenningson, Albert, company B, 52nd regi ment. Lawrence, Thomas, company E, Eigd regi ment, woundeo in back. Residence, Alleghe ny county. Lands, Agustin, company C, 12th R. V. 0., wounded in the arm. Residence, Tioga county. Lord, George W., company G, Ist artillery. Leharg, Cyrus,•company E, 93d regiment. Landen, L. T., company 0, 106th regiment, sick. Residence, Bradford county. Lyman, John, company A, slat regiment. Lehman, H., company G, 93d regiment. Lockard, George, company H, 2lstregiment. Lyman, Michael, company 1,26 ch regiment, convalescent. Residence, Philadelphia. Lafferty, James,,lat artillery. Lewis, Jefferson, company K, 68d regiment. Loy, Samuel, company G, 9th R. V. 0., convalescent.' Residence, Pittsburg. Lawson, L. T., company 0, 106th regiment. McCollongh, Jaa., company A, 63d regiment. Murray, Isaiah, company C, 631 regiment, diarhoea. Residence, Beaver county. Manly, David, company B, Ist art.ilery, in termitaut fever, convalescent. Residence, Ly coming county. McKnight, David, company (1 1 7th regiment B. V. C. Miller, Harry 8., company Z, Ist cavalry. McCutchen, George, company E, 68d regi ment. !dant-peke; David, company F, Bth regi- ment, R. V. 0. Myers, Simon ' company H, 18th regiment, died of wounds, June 12th. McClintock, 'shoe. J., company H, 86th re giment. Miller, Benj. company H, 104th regiment, wounded in right arm. Schnykiii s county. McCoy, Henry, company D, 28d regiment. Morrow, Jas. M., sergeant, company E, 101 th regiment, wounded in left thigh. Residtuce, Pittabmg. Morris, John cximpanir E , m e t reg i me nt , rheumatism. Besidence, , Manayunk. [The balance of the report will be published in to-morrow Morning's Tsragment.]