. . ........... ... • ' :, .. .i- ; : - i.,.7 :: , - • ' ,:„ Lor • -•. . . I • - -- . . ...--...... ..71 4; . .. . - • , • !,;`: - -7 1 •,,i v , 1 . , . ~....„.. ~, .„,„.,..,:." ~. .,_ ''' ''. '4 l . :: - 1 ELEGRAPH. • . . 1 . BY GEORGE BERGNER. THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE BERGNER TERNS..—Sinop EIIBSOUPTION The Mir Tsusaaara is served to subscribers in the City at 8 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged it 00 in advanip. Wgitirri AND SZIII WISKIT I VILIGRAPH. • The Trunutarg is also published Twice a week dining the session of the Legislature, and weekly during the lemidader or the year, and tarnished to subscribers at the fobowing cub rates, viz: Eisele :übscribers per year glemTWeekly..sl 10 Ten Cl II 00• Twenty " fi it ..22 00 Stogie subscribers, Weekly 1 00 %MS OF ADVBRTISING tip Four lines or less constitute ene-halt square, Light lines or more than four constitute a square. Half Square, one d iy 50 25 one week ... 126 61 one month three mouths 4 00 six months 600 41 one ycar 10 00 Onerquare, one day..... .. one week one month .... three mouths.. six months..... one year _ . OfT Businets notices ionerted in the'Local Ctiman or before Marriages and Deaths, EIGHT OUTS PER LINE for taoh Insertion. Mir Marriages and Deaths to be charged as" regular advertisements. Etbical. HUMBOLDT GENUINE PREPARATION 44 HIGilLY CONCENTRA rBD ,, cabin .CIND FLUID EXTRACT RUCH% • A Positive and Specific Remedy For Diseases or the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and eaoitee the ABSORBENTS int t healthy action, by which the WATERY OR CALCAREOUS depositions, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are reduced, as wen as PAIN AND INFLANATION, and is good for MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN. HEUfBOLD'S IiXTRACT awn% For Weaknesses Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Earlyln discretion or Abuse. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves Trembling, Horror of Dense, Wakefulness, MINIS of Vlaion, Pain In the Back • Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushing of tee Body Dryness or the Skin Eruptions on the Face PALLID COUNTENANCE, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this mod loins invariably removes, soots* , Haws IMPOTENCY, FATUITT, EPILEPTIC PITS IN ONE OP WHICH THE PATIENT MAY EMPIRE. Who can say that they are not fireenently followed by hose "DIREFUL DISEASES,. "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware or the cause of their suffering, BUT NONE WILL CONFESS. THE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, And the Melancholy Deaths bPassiumfeksit, SUR AWLS 1111741313 TO Tall TAM Or THE AMBIZTION. THE CONSTITUTION °nig AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAKNIEB, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and Invigorate the System, Which HELMBOLD'd EXTRACT BUOHU innutriably dos 4 TRIAL WILL OONVIOIII THE MONT ezierictiL. EZl===l OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CORTEMPLh. TING MARRIAGE, IN MANY AFFECTIONS PECULIAR TO FEMALES, the Extract, Hoehn Is unequalled by any other remedy, as In (Morgan or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or Suppressio nof Customary 'violations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Uterus, Leueortuna Whiles, Stall ity, mid for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DZOLINE OR CHANGE OP LIAR. NO IeAKELY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT 1 Tuu xo maul BLa3AX, Mum, os umnimustrlkto. OINI POR SIMIASA= A= IMMO= DIBRAPAS. HE AZYRAGT DOWDY St SECRET DISEASES. In all their Magee, ' At Male nixpienee ; Little or no change In Diet ; No Inennvenionee; And fli) . It causes a frequent desire an A nirie strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obetruetlone. Preventing and OuringStriokiree of the Urethra Allaying Pain and ImflamtnaUenl so frequent n the ease of diseasert, and expelling ail roinmoas, DUk6O/NINS and worn-out Metter. sacktimms won Mecum RHO RAM BEEN 211:11 VlOTtlis OF QUACKS, sod who have paid nsorryos to be cured to a short ilme, have ibund they were deceived, and that the "Y01PON" has, by the Use "POWISIFOL MITSILNGIBITS, " been dried up in the system, to break oat in in aggravated form, and PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE Use Illomoral Irmo! Balm for all affections and diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever cause Originating and no matter or HOW LONG STANDING. Disease/ of these Organs require the aid of DIURS ITO ' REIAIDOLD'S EXTRACT WWI/ 'Li THE GREAT DIURETIC, And is certain to have the desired effect in all Diseases FOR WHICH IT IS RECOMMENDED. Evidence crf the sod reliable and riaponnlde character will accompany the medians. DINITIFKIATEN OF alliNl3, from 8 to 20 yearn stormyne, Wtrn NAXIM Knows vo &ZENON AND FAIR... Price $1 00 per bottle, or W.Mr $6 00. Delivered to any address, securely packed from obser ration. DX:CRIBB SYMPTOMS IN ALL COMMUNICATIONS. Curse Guaranteed I Advice Grath! I APVIDANIT. Personally aPpitered before me, an Alderman of the Myer o r T. astactoto, who being duly more, doth say, his preparations enable no narcotic, no table meroiry, or other Noxious drugs, but are purely vege- EL . RELIII3OLD. Sworn and subscribed before me,Mis T 23d day of No ware 1864. AN. P. HiRUND, Alderman, Ninth ta. above Race, Phila. 46 'ihna letters for inibrmation In confidence to H. T. HELIEBOLD Chemist, Depot, la 4 s ou th Tenth a. bel, Chestnut. Ma, imwettm or coUkrtniumitis AND UNPRINCIPLED DEPII, Who endeavor to dispose "or TEM O WN" and 'loam " ant7mse Int rex REPUTATIOS ATTAIN= IT Heimbold's Genuine Preparation s, Litract Inch% 4/ Ba Improved Sold by . 0. R. Keller, D. W, Orase ash Oran,, J. Erma', 0 A, AND ALL DRUQPIST3 HVER PWHERE. ASK FOR HELUBOLD,S. TAKEN O OTHER. Cat out the adverttroment and se tor it, AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND K2Po3ORE. novl3.ttly DENTISTRY. neatly GEO. W. j3TINE, gr aduate of the mmer() College of Denial rgory, hatringit located In the city of Harrisburg and taken the clams formerly occupied by Dr. Gorges, on Third street between Market and Walnut, respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he is p repared to perform all operations in the Dental profession, either eurgica for mechanical. In 11,1tailiDe? that shall not be surpassed by operators in thilor any other oily. Hie Mil of !Ruining artillabil teeth is upon the 'meat im raved minutia pciple Te O l k Gorr cue toa full eat, mounted on fine Gold, BUver l Pianos plates or the Vuletiddle )!line. flake great pleasure in recommending the above gee ileum to nit niy former friends of g ar bug and vi dotty, and feeloonkent that he will venni an efiere - Phu In a WWI& manner, from my knowledge of Ntlf Matt% (myLdtg L. J. L 00118As:D. DAL .f.r DR. JOHNSON Xf_ALetllsll‹,lt3El LOCK HOSPITAL! HAS discovered the moetcertain, speedy and cateual remedy In the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE: 11X41:117 TR BIM TO_ TWILV3 HOLUIB No Mercury. or Noxious Drugs. A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, in Prom one to Two Days. Weakness of the Back orLimbs, Strictures, Ageetiorte of the b idneys and Bladder, Involuntary discharges, Ins. potency, GenersiVebility Nervousness, Dyspepsy, nor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart. Ilmidity, Trembling's, Dimness of Sight or Cilddi. nese, Disease of the Head, .Throat, Nose or. Skin, Aires tiOna of the Liver Lungs, Stonison or Bowels—those ter rible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth —those awn= and solitary preset cas more fatal to their victims than the song of . rens to the Mariners of Ulys ses, blighting their meet brilliant hops; or anticipations, rendering marriage, &0., impossible. 2 00 6 00 10 00 .....16 - 00 20 00 Young Men Especially, who have become the ,victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit whin h annual ly sweeps to an untimely grave thorned& of Young Men of the most exalted talents and .brilliant wbo might otherwise have entranced listening' Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may ash with full oonfldomw. Itarri*e. - Harried Persons, orYoung Men Contemplating' mar riage, being n ware or physical weakness, organic debid ty, deformities, do., speedil cured. He who places himself under the care of 'll,fr. J. may l religiously confide in his horror as a gentleman, and oo.a ddently rely upon Its shill as a Physician. Vrgani` o Weekneme Immediately Cur' edi and full vigor Reltored: ' This distressing. Affection , --whlott renders I tie. misera ble and marriage impossible—ls the penalty paid by, the, victims of improper Indulgences. t oung persons are too, apt to commit ,eumeeses trout not being aware of the; dreadful consequences that may . ensue. New, who that, understands the - sage:a will pretend to deny that the pow-; er proormtion L lostsooner by inane falling Into Im-. proper habits than by- the prudent Besides' being de prived the pleasures of healthy othpring, the- most se rious and destnactive symptoms to both body. and -mind a tae The system becomes deranged, the Physical and Mental Panotionii Wealcaped, Losi orPrecreative Power, tient= Itratibllity, Dyspepela, Palpitation of the Heart, Outigestlon, Ckirialimilon a Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Hough, Consumption, Decay And Death. Office, No. 7 South Frederick Street. Left hand side going from Baltimore otreet, a taw door. tram the corner: gall not to observe name and number. Letters most be paid and contain a stamp. The Doc. tor's Diplomas hang in his dice. A Cure Warranted in Two Daps. No Mercury or Natneous Driuts, Dr. Johnson, Ilember (Atha Royal College of surgeons, London, Grad uate from one of the most emlnentOollegen In the United Staten and the greater part of whose We has been spent in the hospitals of London, pans, Philadelphia and else where, has °Rooted some of the most astonishing sures that were ever known ; many troubled with - ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with freqnent blushing. attended sometimes with derangement of mind were mood immediately. Take Particular Notice Dr. J. addresies AU Wow who Were Injured themselves by improper indulge. ea mud netball habits, which rein both body and mind, unattbig them Ibr either 'business, study. medial." dr m►retoel These azeitammaiMteemaikanammompecteuyelfsots pro ducsd by early habits of youth, viz : Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains In the Head, Dimness f Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the heart, Dys popsy Nervous Irratibil ty, Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, dm" Morrams.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be &loaded—Lou of Memory, Confusion of Idol" , De pression of Spirits, Evil Forbodings, Avers on to Some ty i Self Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, do., some M the evils produced. THOWIABMS of persons of all ages can now , judge what is the cause of their declining .health, losing their Vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearatice,auost the eyes, cough and symptoms of eonsumption. Young Men Who have injured theMselves by a certain practice In dniged In when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or atsobool, the abets of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage impossible, and destroys , both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that 'young Man, the, hope of his coun try, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all preapeat and enjoyments of Sib, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature and Indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons truer, before contem plating • in reflect that a sound mind mad ostuy are the most neces sary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey . through Etc becomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkats to tile view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and ailed , with the melancholly rellcation that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. Disease of Improdeace. When the misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure Inds that he has Imbibed the seeds of this painfill dis ease, it too often havens that an ill-timed sense of shame or dread er discovery, deters him from applying to thole who, from elm:Mien and respeCtabllity; can slone' be. Mend him, delaying till the Constitutional symptoms on this burr d disease make their aPpearance, such as al mated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal rains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, dearness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches on the h - ad," faee and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, fill at last the pa late of the month or the bones of the nose fall le, and the victim of this awful disease become a horrid object of commiseration, till death .puts period to his dreadfu 1 sufferings, by sending him to a that trediscov vered Country from whence no traveler returns." . It is a satiouchoUp fact that thousands WI victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskilfulloass of igno rant pretenders, who by the nee of that Deadly Poison, ikasory, rein theconatitution and make the residue o Tire miserable, Strangers* Trust not your lives, or hermit, to the care of the many Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of know ledge, name or chancier, who copy Dr. Johnson's adver- Yadkin/OW, or style themselves In the newspapers, regularly 'educated Physicians incapable or Curing, they keep you trifling month after month taking their filthy and polsOnoWtoms Compounds, or as long as the smallest Re can be obtained, and in deep*, leave , yen with ruin ed h e oth to sigh over your galling illaappointinipt. Dr. Johnson he the only Physician advertising. His credential or diplomas always hangs In bin dace. His remedies or treatment are unknown to all others, prepared from a life spent in the it eat hospitals of En. rope, Me fiat in the country acid a more extensive Pit. vita Practice than any other Phyabilan In the world. Indorsement of the Press. The many thotuiands cured at this huditutton year at teryear, and the numerous important Surgical Opera tions peril:mad by Dr. Johnson, willies:sod by the re• porters of the ititroW , . 1 0 Upper," and many other pa pm, notices of which have appeared again on e again before the public, besides big standing as a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a su ®dent guarran tee loth. allhetett. ItkiaDiseases Speedily Cured. Persons venting should be particular In directing their tatters to his Inetttutica, In the following maser : JOHN M. 4*OHIVEKLif, M. D. Of the Baltimore Leek Hospital, Baltimore, tad SALAD OIL. A' g ig° BTIPPIy of fresh Salad Oil, in large and small by , and of different bninds hut received and far sale b ley • WY. DOGS, JR. & CO. 1 FIRE CRACKERS by the cheat or boi; just reFelvo and lbr sale by NICHULS & BOWMAN. Nl 4 Comer Flinn and Market streets , NEW Patterns. of Coal Oil 411,134,8, wi th all the ramify yorovad burnala for woe by • 9391.9 a Bowman , mytil • - Van anitlarkat HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY MORNING, JULY 28, 1862. iti :Mt a Cettgrap. MAYOB. Kamm has received a letter through the, post office, from Lebanon, for Mrs. Sarah Kaddell, which she can get by calling at the Mayor's office. A GRAPHIC LETTER. Ihe Rowans:Nitta and the Regrets—The ' Sins and the Ma* of the'Doweraiie Party,f its Leaders and :Present Adherent,. Csimal,s, July 19, 1862. Dian Tgr.scutant.--As I have Made some dis coveries during my absence, I have thoughtit might not be amiss 'to _.malre A.:few of them known to the readers.of the TELEGRAPH. While in Lancaster I learnedthat the great father of all our troublevas rapidly leasiiis pale last drop of his Democratic blood with abroken heart, and new regrets sorely having entered into the plot to overthrow ilia government. He 'adraits now' that the Democratic party should have yielded up the offices to the nap= peaceably ; hard as it was, after fattening nearly a whole life-time on the spoils of office. He re grets sending Bigler, Globsbrenner & C 0.,, to Charleston to defeat Douglass. He regrets hair= ing taken the Stuffy for Breckinridge against the nominee of Wit Democratic party. The'effect of the-4th of July has made a re markable changeron him, it almost bends him to the grave to think that this great Republic has been brought to the verge of ruin,_ when he could have saved it. I suppose it ill ordain ed, that his miserable existence should be drag ed out in -doleful lainentatfon, that his bosom friends, Glasabrentier and Black may have a few more dark pages to add to the life of the old reprobate. He and his coworkers deserve to be hunted through all eternity by the spirits of the brave men whom they have murdered • by' bringing on this unholy rebellion. It seems to me that men of sense and common honesty who have heretofore voted with that 'party cannot but see that the socalled Democratic party stands pre cisely *here it stood whfai it cauf3ed the rrbel• lion—that they iOVe Breckinridge and his prin ciples as much as ever, and would reinstate him into full fellowship , the , moment tiihy would get the power. When did a Breckinridge paper take back any , of the praise they bestowed on him during the last hours that he stood up in the United' States Senate dppesing the war for the suppression of rebellion and the restoration 'of the Union. Opposing the sus pension of the writ of habeas corpus whereby the capitol was saved and the invasion of Penn sylvania prevented, which would have made our Democratic neighbors sing a different tune to what they now sing. Yes, those southern counties should sustain the administration of Abraham Lincoln by a solid vote fur the Peo ple's party on the second Tuesday of .October for suspending th, writ of habeas corpus and bagging the ring leaders of Secession in Wash ington amtliforyland- Who dqulato the ise.ders-of - this , somilltir i lieincieVa a tc party would restore these rebel leAders to place and power if they had control of the governthent. We see that they are using all . the means the devil can devise to re-establish their rotten party, and how can they"'ever have a party un less they haye it in the south._ Surely men In the ' north are not such fools as to vote with a set of political tricksters who seek to build a party ori their ciountiy's ruin.— No; thatgame is played out. The hand-writing is on the wall. They . pretend to be for the war, and secretly prefer defeat to our arms in every battle. They Claim to have five men in arms to our one, and yet it is a notorious fact that to every one who wants to enlist there are five locofocos trying to keep him back. They send emissaries through the country to tell the ig norant that the country will be flooded with ne groes; and as this last prediction has been prated so long and not verified I would not be surprised if these same negro-lovers would import a cargo ,of contrabands before the election and pay them to go about the country stealing chickens, sheep and the like, to enable these villains to establish one of their potificalprincfpfes. They will resort to - anything, no matter how mean it may be to bolster up their tory party. It seems to me that the best remedy for such out-laas is to give them plenty of rope, and like Judas of old, they will hang themselves. • Jam BY TRION F.pe‘dal dispatch to the Telegraph. FIRE AT. YORK A two-story frame hotel, belonging to. Mrs.' Whitemeyer, took fire this evening at 8 o'clock: It was burned to the first story. The furniture principally was saved. The firemen were all on the ground promptly, and did good service, FROM GEN. POPE'S ARMY TEE OATH OP ALLEGIANCE ORDM DESERTERS FROM THE ARMY; CAMP AT Waxinano, Fanquer county, Va.— Gen. l'ope's recent orders have caused great ex citement among the citizens of this vicinity,par ticularly the latest in regard to taking the oath of allegiance. it is asserted that there are not , more than two men in the county who have not taken an oath to support the Southern Con federacy, and that, rather than renounce this, men, women and children express their deter mlnition to go south. A large number of our soldiers have an idea that Pope's orders gives them permission to help themselves to anything they can find, and consequently they have been roaming through the country, killing chickens, sheep, &c. exten sively, some of them haiing been punished severely by their offrers. Such practices have nearly ceased. It is reported that parties follow the army enticing men to desert and furnishing them outfits of clothing for that purpose. A large number deserted within a week or two past, including forty or fifty from' he hundred and th New York, gives color to this statement. h: Mme doubtlein desert for the purpose of join ing titer regiments ' and , getting the boruity. m•mitinic t ofacerelhoc 6 4 0117/,theamielires accordh4oY. - t: ; FROM PHILADELPHIA Tremendous War Meeting in Indepen • denee Square. Forty Thotu3and- People in Council Large Contributions of Money - PRII.ADELPHU, July 26.1 There was . a tremendous:gathering in Inde pendence S q uare tiliS P. M., to pledge the peo ple of Philadelphia to the support of the gov ernment lu the prosecution of the war. The square was never wore densely crowded on any occasion. , tlibnciand were present. The assemblage were addressed from three stands by promiumt and local speakers, who created Mud( 'enthusiasm by their expressions of ratriotisoi and appeal 'to anus. The proceedings at the; principal , stand, locat ed immediately in the rear of Independence Hall, was opened by 'prayer by Rev. J. Wheaton Smith. Major Henry, on taking the chair, made an earnest appeal for men and means to aid the Resolutions unanimously adopted commend ing the employment of all power and means that the Executive can command to pot down rebellion; thanking the President for his change of policy in the treatment of rebel property; ac knowledging as friends only those loyal to the government, and all others, whether living in our midst or fighting in the ranks of our foes, as enemies;. pledging the support in resisting any foreign interference; approving the call of the President for additional troops; recommend ing every able-bodied citizen to units himself to some military organization to be ready for any emergency. Able speeches were made by Hon. Wm. D. Kelly, Es-Governor Pollock, Daniel Dougherty, Esq., Col. John W. Forney, and others. A letter was read from Edwin Forrest, en closing a check forone thousand dollars to carry on the war against the rebels, and restore the Union whose benign inflnence has, given more blessings to makind than all the political com binations of the world besides. Col. Fomeyalditi subscribed five hundred dol lars, and several other large subscriptions were made during the progress of the meeting. The enthusiasm was extraordinary. A manlfestation`of disloyalty on the part of one individual in the crowd, led to hie being ousted from the square in a very summary manner. An expression by one of the speakers that every means to crush the rebellion, even arm ing of loyalists whose hearts are with us though their skins are dark*, should be used, was re ceived with . applause. The influence of the meeting will undoubtedly have , great effect in stimulating recruiting. B A kA.. REBEL RAID ON FLORENCE. United States Commissary and Quarter Nap A Detatoluuent of Mitch°lre Army Captured., GREAT DESTRUCTION OF COTTON. A United States Wagon Train Cap- The steamer Evansville, from Tennessee river, brings news of %rebel raid in Florence, Alabama. On Tuesday last they entered the city, and burned all the ware houses used for the com missary and quartermaster's stores, and all the cotton in the 'vicinity. They als o seized the United States. steamer Colonna, used for con veying army supplies over shoals, took all the money belonging to the boat's passengers, then burned her. The property destroyed is said to be of great value. A small detatcbment of Mitchell's army were captured. They then proceeded down the Tennessee river to. Chickasaw and Waterloo, in the vicini ty of Eastport, and burned all the warehouses which contained cotton. ' YORK, July .27 Another band of forty rebels attacked a wagon train near Pittaborg Landing and cap tured sixty wagons conveying commissary and United States'stores. FROM THE JAMES RIVER Arrival of Paroled Wounded Union AUDACITY OF THE REBELS. HMADQUARTIERS AU OF TEM POTOMAO, Saturday July 26. } Five htmdred wounded paroled prisoners ar rived yesterday from Richmond. Two died be fore they arrived at Petersburg. They' leftyes terday afternoon for the Northern hospitals. More will be received to-morrow. A flag-of-truce boat, containing Col. Wright and Lieut. Col. Sweitsser, yesterday went to Wilken's Landing, twenty-one miles above City Point, to meet 'Robert Aid, formerly Dis trict Attoruey . for Washington city, appointed Commissioner by the Confederates to carry out the 'new arrangement for an exchange of pris oners. The iiChooner Louisa Hoover, containing 4,000 bushels of condemimd corn, anchored in the Middle of the river, was boarded last night about twelve o'clock, by a partrof rebels who opine from the opposite shore in a boat. After ahtting 'the schooner on fire they left, carrying fith captain with thdm. "The' aokOper was de ' cleggain,liecki,Dix,- Midge and 'Burnside ter's Stores Seized. tured, atm, jay 27 Prisoners. left here this morning after paying a visit to Gen. BrMilan. Gen. Marcy's health having been restored, he has been resumed his duties as chief of the Gen eral's staff. The flag of truce to-day brought down Dr. McGregor and Dr.. Stone and Grey, of the United Stites Artity, an d ßev. G. W. Dodge,'of • the Eleventh New York, who were taken 'pris oners at Ball Bun and just released from the prison at Salisbury, South'Darolina. FROM W.ABHINGTON. ARMY AND NAVY WOUNDED .S 0 LDI ERS: WM/33:NGTON, July 27 Lieut. Henry A. Wise, of the United Btatee navy, has been appointed assistant to the chief of the bureau of ordeSnce, created by'a recent act of Congress. This gentleman has been for some time engaged in the discharge of ordnance duty in the . Navy . Department with the utmost satisfaction and courtesy to all interested. Assistant Paymaster Beeman has been ordered to the gunboat Seneca, and Aseistant Paymas ter Hart, to the Pembrina. Geoige F. Winslow,. Massachusetts, and James Kintner, New York, acting assistant surgeons, ordered to report to Capt. Wilkes. Notwithstanding the large number of invalid soldiers in Washington and its neighborhood, everything for their comfort has been supplied with extraordinary expedition. No complaints of inattention are heard in any quarter. In addition to his duties to these sick anti wounded, Surgeon General Hammond has been visiting other localities and.setting a laudable example of prompt business and humanity to every one connected with his department. ‘PANNSIELYANIVB SICK AND WOUNDED. List of Names in the Hospital at Annapolis, Md• HELDQUAILTJIRS PUNSYLVABIA VOLUNTZERB, 242 "F" &Burr", WasnivaroN, July 19, 1862. - His aceilency A. G. Curtin, Governor of Pennayl- SIR : I enclose you list of sick and wounded Pennsylvania soldiers in general hospital at Annapolis, Md. The navalschool buildings are used for hospital purposes, and are pleasantly located, and the Internal arrangements are well adapted to promote the comfort of the patients. I conversed with all, and made a memorandum of the nature and extent of the wounds of every, man, but unfortunately I was caught in a thunder storm in passing my lodgings, and My haste to escape I lost my memoridume of ' " trV 4s rte=?w nu o nf f or the slight; but very few are confined to their wards. I also enclose you Et list of prisoners on parole, released and sent here. The 67th regiment, (Col. Stanntouj is sta tioned here. This regiment numbers about 760.. The sanitary condition of the regiment is very good, only five on the sick roll and but.two of these seriously ill, which is a cer tain indication of the healthfulness of this locality. The sick and woanded are very impatient to be removed to Pennsylvania. I could give no assurances that this would be done, but in formed them that your Excellency had sac ceeded so far as to have an order made which could'not be carried out without the approval of the President. I have made application to the medical director to have several of the Philadelphians transferred to that city, some'of these have families, wives and children; the others are young men whose parents reside there. I state as a reason for the transfer, that there they will be nearer to their friends and can have the pleasure of seeing them more fre quently. The Burgeon in charge gave me every assurance that he would aid in the ac complishment of this object. I have a great many enquiries after soldiers in hospitals here and elsewhere, and will visit as many daily here and at Alexandria as I can, and forward reports to you. If you should have occasion to enquire for any of. the soldiers in the hospitals at Annapo• lis, address Major Henry White, 67th regiment, who 1 know will take pleasure in attending to Any calls theffitate authorities may make upon him. Very respectfully yours, JAMES GILLILAND. List of Pennsylvania Volunteers in General ilovoital at Annapolis in 'ehargeof Surgeon Getty, U. S. A., July 16, 1862. Anderson Nicholas, company E, 81st regi ment. Apkw J., Cotporal, company E, 10th regi ment, R. V. C. . Allen, Samuel, company E, 7th regiment, R. V. C., wounded in back. Residence, Philadel , phis. Alexander, J. P., company I, 6th regiment, R. V. C., -debility. Residence, Bradford county. Arnold, John A., company E, 49th regiment. Allen, Benjamin, company 0,83 d regiment. Allen, D. A. 41 I, Ili 41 'Adair, N. W., company R., 106th regiment. Allen, Joseph, 6th regiment, B. V. O. Allen, James, company H, sth regiment, V. C. Aignew, J 8., company F, 10th regiment. Anderson, Henry, company B, 106th regi ment. Adams, James, company B, Bth regiment, B. V. O. Boyer, W. 8., company G, 26th regiment, chronic diarrhoea, resides In Philadelphia. Bigger, John, company B, 4th regiment ar- Wary. _ Barret, F. 8., company H, 12th 'rughnent, cavalry. Blair, James A., company 11., 11th regiment, E. V. C. Butterfield, Chivies, company E, .11th regi ment, E. V. C. - Bennett, J. W., company,H,-26th regiment. BroWn, James, . company E, 23d regiment, wounded in hip, 18 years old, mother lives in Philadelphia. Byers, B. H., company "D, 85th regiment, died Jtme 16, 1882. - Aumpany C, .10Lit regiment;died of wound July 12,_ 1862. Bare 4, Willifun,.oompany I 104th iegiment.' Bidlora,W. L., compan y regiment: &brad, - compliV A; -28 d mill- PRICE ONE CENT meat, wounded in ankle, residence, Phi!Mel Phi Bingham, Jones, company K, 101st regi ment. Bailey, Frank, company H, 6th regiment, R. V. 0., typhoid fever, convalescent. Residence lloga county. Best, Samuel, company G, 4th regimept. B. V. 0.,-wounded in Tight leg. Beidden*Phil adelphia, has wife and children. Boyon, Samuel, company H, 9th regiment, R. V. C., wounded in hip. Residence, Beaver county. , Burns, D., company H, 95th regiment, wounded in bead. Residence, Philadelphia. Burnell, W., company M, 27th regiment. Ball, Geo. A., company B, 72d regiment. Blanchard, Wm., company I, 10th regi ment, R. V. C. ' Black, Janie), company, D, 10th regiment, wounded in right arm. Residence, Washington county. Barton, James, corporal, company D, 81st re giment, wounded in left hand. Residence, Philadelphia. Bell, James,company I, 99th regiment. Michele*, war, company F, 7th regiment, 8.F.0. - Baird, J'., compyy K, 61st regiment. 13elham, William, company I, 101st regi ment. Batty, J., company G, 104th regiment. ;Burkholder, Wilson, company A, 7th regi ment, B. V. C. Bohkr, S., lskregiment rifles. Brown, John, company F, 8d regiment, R. V. C., broken arm. Residence, Beading. Boston, Samuel, company C, 81st regiment. Bennet, George W., Ist regiment artillery. .Bannister, J. T., Lieut. company B, 100th regiment. i3inaport, Samuel, corporal, company I, 96th regiment. iß , pin c iun, William, company B, 7th regiment Brandolph, Henry, coMpany C, 11th regi ment, R. V. 0„ wounded in belt hand. Reef. dente, Batler county. Clark, B. F., company 0,52 d regiment, wounded in left arm. Residence, Clinton county. Oree, Alexander, let regiment rifles. Clowns, Wm., company H, 57th regiment. Cox, Turner ; company A, 4th regiment, - .R. V. C. Crosby, John J., corporal, company E, 81st regiment. Dolling, Thomas, company f:n 7th regiment, 11. V. C. Campbell, John, company B, 8d regiment, B. V. O. Caw, Barnard, oompany G, 3d regiment, B :V. C. Cook, Thomas A., company E, 82d regi ment. Campbell, John, company I, 81st regiment. Cole, Peter P., company C, 57th regiment, 'Ward Master. Resides in Mercer county. Colman, Wm. company A, 6th regiment, R. V. 0., typhoid fever. 'kitties in Thoonisbing. Cole, W. H., company A, 67th regiment, wounded in foot. Residence, Bradford county. creamy, Wm. G., company D, 28d regiment. Cummings, Jas. W. Capt., company I, 67th regiment. Campbell, Mathew, company K, 62d regi ment, wounded in righthand. Residence, Fay ette county. Conlow, Michael, company A, 98th regiment, wounded in elbow. Residence, Philadelphia. Collins, John, wsrporal, company H, 2d regi ment, R. V. C., wounded in left arm. Resi dence, Philadelphia. Cavana, E. 8., company I, 62d regiment, wounded, two fingers off left hand. Residence, Jefferson co. Caffey, W. N., company C, 104th regiment, sick. Residence, Bucks county. Cupler, John, company F, 105th regiment, wounded shoulder. Residence, Clearfield co. Collier, Charles, company F, 87th regiaent. Crooks, John, company F, 63d regiment , Oreßritian, D., corporal, company B, 98d regi ment. Cravat, armies, companyl, 3d regiment, P. C. Chamberlain, Jno. W., - company ' H, 67th regiment. • Cale, Peter P., company C, 67th regiment. Clingingamith, Henry, company G, 11th regi ment, IL V. C. Collins, Thomas, company K, 7th regiment, R. T. C. _ Carty, L., company K, 61st regiment. Campbell, W. F., company A, 105th regi ent. Campbell, E., company G, 105th regiment. Campbell, James, company E, 106th regl meat. Campbell, Levi 8., company F, 6th regiment, R. V. C.. Coleman, Nicholson, corporal, company B, 9th regiment, B. V. C. Cavanagh, John company E, 82d regiment. Callaghan, John, company H, 96th regiment, wounded in left hand. Residence, Schuylkill county. Crouse, Win. company I, 7th regiment, B. V. C., intermittent fever. Itesidtnce, Philadel phia. Clark, J. 8., company B, 101st regiment. • Davis, Wm. W., company E, 103dregiment, diarrhoea. Residence, Bailer county. Bizet, Frank G., company C, 81st regiment. Davis, Wm. company 0, Ist Artillery, ty phoid lever. Wm., Lehigh county. Davis, David, company . A, 88th regiment. Duckworth, Samuel, company 0,3 d regi ment, R. V. C. Dunkelbery, Israel, corporal, company D, 52d regiment, died of wound in throat July 4, 1862. Dits, A. H., company I, 104th regiment. Dickson, Oliver, company A, b7ui regiment, wounded in left hip. Residence, Wyoming. Dean, Franklin company 0, 101st regiment, home on furlough. Denny, S. J., company I, 62d regiment, wounded in left knee. tesidence, Jefferson county. Davis, D. J., company C, 9th regiment, R. V. C., died July 7, 1862. Dunn, J., corporal, company 11, 96th regi ment, wounded hi right eye. Residence, Phila delphia. Diety, Henry, second lieutenant, company E, 72d regiment, home on furlough. Donohoe, M., corpora, company A, 8d regi ment, B. V. C. Douglas. R. 0.; company G, 87th regiment. Davis, Robert G., company B, 99th regiment. Disler, Louis, company D, 98d reghttent. Dias, William, company I, 68d regiment. Davis, Richard P., company 0,63 d regiment. Damonds, Wm., company I, Ist regiment, Artillery: Davis, Damond, company A 88th regiment. Dickson, Charles, company A, 67th re b iatent. Deoarop, A., corpond„ company A, illst zee- Tllie balance of the report will be published in to-merrew utotilinfee Tsratessra.l ICE2III