Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, July 26, 1862, Image 1
THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE BERGNER IER J—SiNaim FUIVCRIPTIoV The minor utiGic.r.i itsetted to 'sneer - Wets in du City at R cents per w. Or. Yearly subscribers will be cbsTisd Et 00 to advance. WEEKLY dHu Berl WIKKLY TELFGRAPH. . . . The Trt , Glum I+ also publ abed twice a week dui:4 the 'Jess on of the Legislature, and weekly during tut •oinaluder of the yea , , and furnithed to sub& ribere al ice fotOwing cash rated, viz: , , Ogle abecrlbera per year Pestl.Weekly. $1 60 Ti n II 44 441, ..1200 Twenty " " " " ..22 00 . :Angle subsorbers, Weekly FM= subs' Oben order the discontinuance of their sews pipers, the publisher may otrihnue to Lend them until arrearage4 are pelf. It subset ibers neilect or refuse to take their newspa pers frem the office to which they are direct." they are responsible Until they have scaled the bills and ordered Loam diSectitinUed. filcOtkal HELMOOLD'S GENRIII_E PREPARATION "RIO •LY MNCENTR A fEL" (XIMIR , UND FLUID EXTRACT WM! A Positive sod ,Spectile Eemedy , ,GRAVEL, For Weaves of the hLADDER, HIDE , 'EYB and DROPSICAL MILLINGS. , TM, Medicine itieremes the power of !titled; and excites the ABSORBENTS inai healtoy sott o h, by Which the WATERY CR CALCAREOUS depositions, sod all UN NATURAL ENLARGEWENTS are reduced, as welt sa PAIN AND INFLAINATION, and le good for MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN, • RELMBOLD'S I,X . 'DUCT BUCRIJ, ' For Weaknesses Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation , Earlyin discretion or Abuse. , ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWINGSYMPToms :—.. Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Powerl Low of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefuhiews, Dimness of Vision, pain In the Back, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushing of tliailady• Dryness of the Skin Ereptions• on Um Fade PALLID COUNTENANCE, : These symptoms, if allowed to go on,, which this pled . Leine invariably reMoves, soon follows , IMPOTENCY. FATUITY, EPILEPTIC TITS, IN ONE OP WHICH THE P ATIENT MAY EXPIRE. Who cap say that they are not benne& tly followed by t hose "DIREFUL DISEASES," "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many aro aware of the cause of their suffering, ' BUT NONE WILL commas. THE RECO P DS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, And the NetatscAoty Deaths by Consumption, BUR AMPLE wrOnnee TO Tilt Mime OP TOP AOSIRTION. Tit% CONSTITUTION °NOP: AFFECTED WITH ' ORGANIC WMAHNES3, Respires the aid or medicino to strengthen and Invigorate c the System, Whie.h thinnoin's EXTRACT SUOMI i*nentatdy doe ♦ IIIUAL RILL COll9lOl THE RCM SKILETICIAL. FEMALES-MIALES-FENALES, OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLY. % MARRIED, OR CONTEALPLA TINO MARRIAGE, IN MANY AFFECTIONi PROCIIIAR TO FM ALES, the attract Buohu unequalled by any other remedy, as In CMbroke or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulneas,' or Suppressio nof Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or licirrhous elate of the Uterus, Leucorhom Whites, Stern ity, and for all complaints Incident to the`sex, whether arising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or to the DECLINE OR CHANCE OF La& an frIMPTOKS novo NO SAHLI:I SHOULD HE WITHOUT IT I TARII NO NOR. ItLASAR, MIOURT, OR IMIPLIAiiiANT;IIIDI. ON! NOR ORPLIANINT AND DANOVROUS IMAM. . . RSLMBOLIY3 EXIRACT aiiciru SECRET DISEASD3. In ail their Stages,At 'MAW Reponse Little or no change In Diet ; No Inconvenience; And no Jikgrartire. ' . . It causes a frequent desire and tibias strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions. Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Palo and Indlainmatbn,so frequent In the slam of diseases, and expelling aft Pocsonota, Diseased and aoorawt Maas . THOUSANDS UPON THOUNiNDS RHO HAVE BEER 4HB VICTIMB,OI Q,D10,84 ; aid who lave paid HUTT 711115 to, be oared in ebprt time, have found they were deceived, and that the "P 9.1; SON" has, by the use of "roweerot Abut/mitres, " been (IMO up la the system, to break out bi . an. aggravated form, and PERELIRS' AFTER MARRIAGE. Use Hamsew's EITRACIf Boom for VI atrootious Wd diseases of the aittlsimmv ommAtels,, whether existing in . MALE OR Ov.mtifics- • ~. Froth 4rlistever cause 'orientating and no matter M ; , 'HOWWNG STANDING: utaeaeeeoAtheseOrg~aahirequire.theatdof DIIJRE CIO HEILIIROL49UTRaCr BErcau • THE GREAT DIURETIC, And to certain to have the desired erred in all. Diseases ion WHICH IT Id RECOMMENDED: Akficknce of Of most reliable and respersahle character sill accompany the medicos. CEETZED*TEE OF CURES, Pim to 20 years* standing, Wan NAXOS KNOWN TO - • MaCENQM AND FAME. Price $ 1 00 Per bottle, or six for $6 00., Delivered to any address, securely peeked from Omer tins. DEACRIDE SYMPTOMS IN ALL COMMITNICL&TI ONO'. cures Guaranteed ! Advice Gratis I AFFIDAVIT: Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of the coy of Philadelphia, H. T. Belatiioan, wile being duly sworn, doth say, his preparations eoutahr no nareoildrho =Teary, or other injurious drags; but are purely rage table . H. T. HILMBOTID.' Sworn and subscribed before me, Ibis 23d day of No comber, 18E4. WM. P. HI BEIERD, Alderman Ninth St. above Ride, Phlht. address letters tor Information In confidence to Hi T. HELHBOLD) Chemist; Depot, 104 South Tenth St., bol. Cbeetnut, PhDs, BE WAKES OF Cc/UNIT 10 IRP KITS AND UNPRINCIPLED 'ON &LEM, it no endeavor to dispose ."or Ittlin OWN" and "MUIR" titTiCLIE ON Tae REPUTATION &TUMID HT UelmbOld'il Genuine Preparation a, Littram Swin, " " flarsaparilla, " Improved time Want.: : Solo by O. R. Keller, D. W. Woo, J, Wyeth, 0 a. Ottoman. . . . AND ALL DRUGAISTI argarrzugßE. ASK FOR HRLSIDOLD'S. TARN NO OTHER. I a out the advertisement and send tor St. AND AVOID DIPOIIITIOIki AND EXPOSURE. novlB.tily LIFE INSURANCE. The Girard Life Insurance, Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia. OFFICE NO. 408 CEESTNUI STREET (CHARTER PERPETUAL.) CAPITAL AND ASSETS. .... 51,b43,886 THOMAS RIDGWAY, Pram Went. JOHN v. JAMES, Actuary, .CONTINUE to make INSURANCE ON UTZ+ on the moat ?marl able terms. fw y set as Ezeontorsi Trustees and Guardians under lase wills. and as Receivers aad Assignees. The capital being paid up and invested, together with • ) a , s- and constan , ly Wore Aug reserved fund, offers a 10, ;!e.t recur ty to tht insured. ter ye vuldums maybe paid yearly, half yearly or guar- The cutaMoN9 add a BLIMP periodically to the Insu rances to , I le. the FIRST BONUS 'approprialei in De., Calabar, 1844, th SECOND B WETS In December, 184 9, the TI31,1) usln December, 1864, and the YOUIMI BONUS in 18 69. I bese additlans are made without re- . qu'r' o Bacy Increase In be premiums to be pa Id to the: Company. Tau following are a few example• from the Resister I I AtWant Of 'alloy end Bum Bu Boone or bonus lobe Increased Insured addition by iuture addltiono. Policy 1 No. 84 $251.10 14 807 64 182 8000 1,050 '0 " 199 1000 400 00 4 883 6000 1,875 00 Agent at 08ratnirg and vlo n 1 =I DENTISTRY. D. "°. w. STINE, raduate of the Raltimore College orMental Surgery, havingper uninency towed, In the etWat Harrisburg and taut! the Mae formerly oceapiodirkgimr, Gorges, orrThirdi Mreet between Market mad walnut, respectfully Informs his Mende and the mama i n g enernl, teat he is prepared to perform all operations in the Dental proreesloa either gargles !or mechanical, In • manner tha t not be surpassed by operators lo this or any Mar city. The moue of inserting arthioloi teeth is ttgau the latest im proved scientific principle . Teeth, from oue to full eel in• tea Olt fine Mold no , Slyer, Plotkin plates or the Vu ' le.otte *JO. ---. I take great pleasure in reamimendlog the,ateXTIVIPI,' to %Worm all my former Mende or H arriatllfiA"- -_": oiouy, and feel OCelkient that be will perform all; or .. . _r • r . Was la a WWI° matter, from say knowlalge___.of azi WIN% DayB-dtfl F. J. fi. %AGM. A WIN ('• k , . iioll:Er.2; tCr.fliiilnr;. r---7 TT 7------ TT°'o' • ..• • / grtiam - • Le ''°!, I,: 4 ' . `‘,.N N., • , . /// 1111111111111111./.: 14, 1:in in g=eo. o , jo t htd m74 ) 4.Ript;on, , rlitapbtt ALA • • ~ ••. establiihment:: Es _e dourtr a y i , • • rar Four lines or less co Mohr Uses or more than four , ; . a. Half ; guars , one d y r , One .0 . •, . . ooe moth ' , . •,1 , vrt:fivir , ' ' • three months.— . , BIZ filOnenl.... ' ' par'One y. ar - VOL XVIII • qt tgrap Pennsytvatha's Sick and Wciiinded. lot of Nangs , in the gogitqls kttlialtiinoro. REPORT OF EAJOB•DAYID McCOBNICi Lid qf Penturylvarda soldiers in „Ai:United State): Geneial Bospizal in Camden strut, Baltimore,,en charge'of Dr. Robert Bartholomew, Azaistred Sur? peonU. B. A., July 17, 1862: T,,S. Newbold, company S., 104th regiment, had the camp fever, now better; waslialco rup tured,-and has the rheumatism. - Took sick' at Fair Oaks. Residence, idontgomeryville, Mont-, gomery county.. M Edward Donahoe, company D, 23d regiment, has rheumatism badly, not improving. Resi dence, Philadelphia. Henry berrick, Ctoinpany F, 74th regiment, wounded in the forehead in the - battle of Har risonburg, getting better slowly. Residence, ,Pittsburg. Clark L: Eighmy, company H, 111th regi ment, was hurt in the back; not able to move much. Residence,,,Orawford county. Henry Naomi:tan, company H, 98th - regi ment, has rheumatism, cannot move:much, don't - improve; Residence, Philadelphia 304 Preen street, .; , Cleo. W. Fisher, company D, 85th regiment, has had the Mier, liquoring of that, has the diarrhoea had, very weak. Residence, ,Freder icktown, Washington county. Fiederick Ingenue', company H, 85th regi mast, had the typhoid fever getting better every day, took sic at Fair fever,: Residence, Somerset, Somerset'county. l , 4: , t Hammon Miller, cOinpany,D, 27th regiment, was shot through the; hand, -hacilito have his left arm amputated. Wounded at the battle of Fort Republic; is getting along as well as could be expected; lost all his clothes. Residence, Philadelphia. • , Lewis Shilling, company I, 111th regiment, wounded through the ankle at Win Cheater, is getting better. Residence, Sagerstown I Craw- ford county. , ,„ Cyrus —, 111th regiment,; has the typhoid fever, is insensible, very bad, and cannot get well, could get nothing out of him. ' James McCaley, company B, 111th regi ment, has had the fever, getting well. Resi dence, Warren county. Asa Robison.. COMPany 43 7 894 sogimont, hue had the rheumatism, now well and ready for duty. Residence, Erie county. Simeon. Fisher, company E, 98th regiment, has had the typhoid fever, getting wail. Re sidence, Philadelphia. Allen,Mills, company H, 83d regiment, has typhoid fever, and is yet bad. Residence, Eel meat, Edo county. Abraham Martin, 'compariy . Br2Btli'regi .ment, has typhoid fever very bad, not, expected to get well. Residence, .Fayette county,. , George W. Leedom, (Orderly Sergeant,) corn pan's; Q , 98d'regirrient, has typhoid fever, get= dug better, wants to go bome. Accidence, Reading., Wm. Kaboch, company I, 87th regiment, had Boger mashed, until for duty.. ; Residence ; Adaixis county. • Manuel Fisher, company K; 52d, regiment, had, leg broken: on ,picket duty net& Newport Xtiwfl, bed, aiSo been Sick., His :leg will, have to be, set over again, but IS; doing as well as 'could be expected, lost all his .clothes. Resi dence, Pottsville. . John Price, company B, 4th Pa. Cavalry, was wounded in the leg in front , of Richmond; on - duly 1, is now very weak—lost his clothes. Residence, Westmoreland county. 'Franklin Fisher, company E, 6th Pa. R. V. 0., halt bad the rheumatism and neuralgia in the head, getting better of that; also complains of a weak back. Was in ' the Mechanicsville fight. Residence, Blair county; (Altoona.) Casper P. Mason, company K., Ist' Pa. Rifle regiment, came here with typhoid fever, get deg nearly well. Reeidence, Curveinsville, Clearfield county. M. P. Gerard, company 0, 111th regiment, has had the fever, getting better, lost all his clothes but what he had on his back. Resi dence, Springfield) Erie county: David Watta, company I, 62d regiment, wounded in the thigh at Gains' Hill, getting better. Residence at Soladayaburg, Lycoming county. Lost all his. Clothes. James Dean, company H, 104th regiment, wounded in the hip at Fair Oaks. Lost his Clothes. Residence Arwinna p.`o.,Rucks co. (leo. W. Grifford, coMpany.l, 11th P. V. R. C. died et febris typhodis, July 12. Residence, 11111.13.110Wi1. Edward Monkton,,company , E. 96th regiment, died of clironlo enteritis, July 17. Residence, Tamaqua, Schuylkill county. James Balptine, company...l3, 86th rcgimeut,. died July 2. ' -Cense and residence unknown. G: F. Gail, Company A,, 85th-regiment, died May 22. Cause and:reeidence uokaown. ' Chas. Dillin,ger, company A, 87th regiment, died March 30. Canso and residence unknown. Dilyart, company D, 104th regiment; died May 80. Cause and 'residence Unknown. A. Kegan, company B, 29th regiment, died December 27. Cause and residence unknown. 'A. Katz, company . H, 102 d 'regiment, died May ' Cause and residence unknown. S. T. McCollum, company H , 102 d regiment, died December 9 th, cause and residence un known. A 'WM F,ltP • A . —I, -ompany 8- artillery, died December 24th, cause and residence un known.. Wm. McMullin, compani I, 106th regiment, died March 24th, cause and residence ,un knOwn. • . • • ' AL Bri n ger , ': cpmpany 4, 29th regiment, died Dec. 24th, cause andlresideuce .unknown. E. K. &Angie, cornpanyft, 85th: regiment, died May 29th, cause and residence unknown. G. W. White, company fl, 1.1.4 h regiment, died May 24th cause..and residence unknown. Henry Fitery, company D, .98d regiment, died2July sth, cause and residence unknown. ,L 1 Gilligan, company H, 104th regiment, diediMay BOth, cause and residence unknown. Wm. H. Hess, company A, 2d regiment, P. R. V. C., rlied' Sept. 10, cause and residimce unknown. UM/ DU 4,950 00 1,400 00 6,015 00 Iy M 811E817,11, Rimy, .108 d regiment, died Julji 2, oar 4 and residence unknown. throes lamgan, company E, 11th regiment R t V. C., died Oct. 4, cause and residence unknown.. E.i Nadi**, Conila94 .88t4 regiment, at.'22, Cause and reddenolxiidoum. .:I. N DE; I" E:N .:;1...).i7:iik,i;'.j.,'',,1 . ..' i , ' : ; .,•1 : :,...,:,.'....i.t L: - TO I"'N'''G-'Sj:'"N:s 4. 6 'rl'a .i i i ii' 1 1 N ...'.N'o'N..,Y,:7 00110L1JDED , 11RISBUR4,-iPA SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 26 , 1862. • - From our.,Morningißdlnon. srj News frail th'ele t bel Capital THE EXOHANW 'OF PRISONER EITItAC FROM THE RICHMOND lINQUIRRILL The Relieltt Acknowledged as Bag erents by the United States. - REBICL; !N PIA 1 1 : 11113 B 11314118; RICHMOND , MARIipTS. , ANOTHER.GROAN AT THE HIGH PRICES. Arrival of DisUnguished.Rebels at Itiohniond. Another I!.eiri . Tictory to,end the TH.E ' BEAVER 'DAIL . FORAY, A GERMAN KIISPECTEW BIM In mot' , THE ARMIES B ELOW, i ar. WASHIFOTON, Juti , 25. The Richmond inquirer of the . 28rd inst. has been received: • Its leading editorials are , upon the pending exchange of prisoners: It says the basis of the exchange has been the cartels of 1812. , tele marks animportant era in the war. itisthe acknoWledgment of. our quasi nationality. We are by it made beligerents, and the Government of the United States treats with the government of the Confederated States through:commis sioners. • The publication of the heavy list of the= rebel losses in the late , battles before Richitiond is Continued is the Enquirer: - • ! The Seventh Virginia regiment, which was Tno engagement but that of Friday, 8 0th- of une,- carded about 226; and lost 111, nearly one-half. , • ' Counteifeit notes are alleged to be largely in circulation in Georgia. The Enquirer has another groan at the prices for marketing in Richmond. .It says' the high prince are atilt razing, and hucksters are makings a mint of aninelasteta.. 4 Among , the recent artivala ,Richmond• are Jas. , M. Randall; author' of thei secesh song,. "Maryland, my Maryland," and Mr. Bonfard, formerly law partner,with k -Judas Benjamin. Both are refugeealromblew Orleans: ; • - The .Enghirer'cliiims t tliat onkmoVe CAfeder ate victory will end - the War - , and that the corn missionera frit a trucetadtkArmiatitieciwillimeef, lik4dibineanctdisorda ap pear Kaye the ripper hand in Richhiad, and the Enquirer cbmplains. bf the- thogus military guard who shoot down men,waAtoelY, and, a great deal of mischief ~in the ,Way* of rObbing and I.rushing. It aleo t complains of straggling des peradoes from camp, whosel fixed.occupedion is stealing, stabbing, brushing sod•rowlying. Uunder the head of "Buell in a tight place,'! , the Enquirer has the following dispatch,: „t- 'Crierrtssooda, July 21; . The enemy is con •&,utrating a , large- force at -Tullahoonia, forty miles the other side of Stevenson. -Bneirs army Is' in a tight place. • , The Enquirer has a long list of. Hospitals in Richmond including Aiken army hospitals, six private hospitals tiad some thirty additional. hospitals j ust opened. Hospital tents, it is stet `ed,_are being erected in, Howard Grove, and Mayes & Debtils warehouse, and the Danville work-house in. Manchester, have been opened for hospitals. • s Dr. Garnett, son-in-law. to Gov ;Wife, is an nounced as not dead but,italivetand well. The inflated condition of theconfeoeratfpaper currency hag caused stoats to litr - np Propde tion. General Johnson's official repOrt Of . the Sbiren Pines' 'battle appears under date of June 24. He excuses himself for imperfeCtions in his report by reason of his: yet weak , condition from his wounds. . • He charges npon Gen. Huger the fact that the Confederate plan , to, destroy • Gen. Keyes' entire corps was not realized in consequence of HUger's delay in getting into position and ready foi action.. He claims as follows : • • We took ten pieces of artillery, 8,000 mus kets, one garrison flagjoAd four regimental colors, besides a large quantity of tents and attar) equipage. Major General Lorystreet re ports the loss in his command as being about 8,000 ; Major General G.' W. Smith reports his loss at 1,2138. Total; 4,288. That of the enemy is Stated in their own 'newspapers to have ex ceeded 10,000, an estimate of which is no doubt short of the truth. • - - ,The.Baqherer has the following : • • ”Capture of the 'Beavet—Dam Bridge Burners. - Gen. Stearart's cavalry are again• at`work; hav ing, just succeeded in overtaking a portion of the Yankee force engaged in burning the bridge at 'Beaver Dam. One lieutenant and six privates were captured and one killed. The prisoners admit having been engaged in the re cent raid. We have received the Richmond Dirpach, of the 21st instant, from ; which we make the following extracts: Till HORSY ON THE ONNINAL 14 1 / 2 .0AD.. • The train which left vitedrnatirday mor ning, for the Weat ovefLthe Central railroad, .waspbstructed in its progrestrhy a Yankee 'raid on Ream , Dam , station', istiout twenty-seven miles from Richmond. • . Oct 'nearing the above station, the train encounthroltieveral cross ties and trees, which had been carefully laid upon the track with a. view to thrivr the train off, but wkicthappily. failed In the object intended. • This brought train to a halt; when a titi-• am of the;neighborhood came up and infoiMed gk ii gola n luctorthat as Yankee - force had-Made its gy i co,at the station , a bout a kinaitit of a m eharqd, andiwere engaged in tearing-40e reilreatitraok. °atheist:4E46f this intelligence, ;t ad *rain ptithaok,wiiir all:4lbasible speed, and ,lores,abeixt tvgnolotock, v. - it. ~ Is is-0 6 9 04 that the Yankees had tired the depotitt Boa r Dam. War. 1 Ilmaktozaa, July 25 This a most daring i and independent •raid.lof of tiug Yanked, end Must have been effected by a comparatively small force, as they are not itoom be. Arr any "Alden:Ole !peahen ; in -tifitt"ibbiliti` ! The impression pievaila ' that the party committing` these depredatirns con efatedi pf i gtvalmacouts :kora Carolineithqfpl4 Sylvania conuttes, and that the raid was perpe trated svith,the hope , of;cpttipwoff aims tietween this city and the Rapidan. Besides Ostrtfcthig the railioad,the Yankees cut the telegraph wire., and we are thus unable to get positive information concerning the state iof 'Awry at Beavdr 'however, that ttie depot was destroyed by the Yankees, who retreated towards that point on the approach 'of the train,land a denie volume of smoke was soon afterwarde seen m the same direction. MILO W HICHY9ND ' 'Tlie utmost quiet continues on the hues in die 'licit:ll7'a Richmond, and there prob ability thatthe first annivareary.,of 'the battle of flantirsigis'will be Celebrated - by another at. tempt.of the Great Artny to capture the "rebel Qapital.':', The exchange of prisoners is pro gressing as rapidly as circumstances will allow; a large number of the Yankee sick and wounded haying been sent to City Point on Saturday, and others will be sent off by different routes. . A numerous fleet of Federal war vessels, gunboats and transports 'Jaya between Berkeley and. Westover, and McClellan has probably been already reinfqrced by. a large portion Of iturnside's command: A soldier arrived in Richmond on Saturday evening With a finger shot off, and xeported that he had been wound ed by a. Yankee -picket stationed across the Paniunkey river, while he was near the White House, on this side. • According to his account, the enemy's pick els4 extend through,the lower of King Wil liam county to the river, bit we have good reason for doubting it altogether. A gentle man who reached here two days ago from West Point reports everything quiet is that 'neigh borhocid. There are few if any, Federal sol diers about there, and but one gunboat has been seen since the great' battles, when the I whole fleet put down the York in great haste 'nd confusion. ' • - Hatters have been ;perfectly !quiet in :King land Queen since the affair at Walkertown, the inhabitants 'generally: believe that, te,' Yankees are so buaily'employed in their pre-' parations elsewhere 'that they have not lei sure to pay their respects to their late enter- Ulna' s. . • • DISBANDED' Tht'First Regiment Virginia VolunteerS bee, It is stated, been disbanded. ' It has been one of the bravest and moat' the army. When disbanded it hiailtardly over fifty men, the remnant of fortr-battlesi" ' ' ' ' FROM W/SHINGTON. )IELEASED UNION PRISONERS , fitl"3---"4" Ihr-T LLTER FROM Tull, gAPPL L 00 . Death of Major Fairbanks of the Fifth Michigaiv : Regiment „ . P A L ‘B , U• O'R TEE POSTAGE, STEM CURRENCY• -•.._ lintonditional Discharge of Union Burgeons 11 ,! 111 ChaPlainA, dab Arrival of Treasta7 Notes in California. WA4 13431 mt NY 26 !Among the reletteed Union prisoners that ar rivedliere to-day htLientenant Bartehorne, of . the Backtalf regiment. 'lleis on his parole add . is lin goridhealth. .„ , The stoat:nig, Freeborn arrived at the navy yard last night br i nging the prize schooner Sa bine which ' was, ciaptured recently in the Bap ptduinnock. . • The citizens along the, Rappahannock and PitutkaMnk are represented to be in great con- Sttirnation, eapecially those Who recentlytiesert ed. from the rebel cause land took the of al legiance to this Government. Manrandiag parties of rebel cavalry are said, to:be making their appearance, at times, in this vicinity, and irapressing citizens into- the serviee of the rebel Government. The_alarm is RO great that a large number ; of men sleep nightly in lboati Out in . the stream to prevent ,surprise : and capture: ' Major‘Faiitbatilts, of the Fifth Michigan . re,gi mtiet,-died this city tide morning, from the effects of amiisnid reciived on the 80th of ,Tune, in the battles'near TAdhniond.' Hisremains mill be taken'to Detroit. lasiar Falrbanks was a very alto ll uit.'officer; and was distingnish4ln the.battle of Bull Bun; where he acted as' Aid de ca mp 'ter Gen. _ Heintzlemen: lle'was previously, acting As sistant Adjutant General to that officer during tils!command of the army at Alexandria in the lfiree bionths campaign, and displayed an on tiring energy hi the conduct of the business of his!Depatinient. - ' On inquiry there is authority for saying,that all i the rumors, statements and conjectures abqut a division of counsels in the Cabinet and the' retirement of the Secretaiy of State, are , to tally without 'foundation. •An arrangement has been =Welly 'which the Post Office Department will furnish stamps for currency redeemable by the TreasbrY D9aTt" The War Department leinutl , focin Gen. Dix, that the rebel "authorities have ordered. the un conditional dilettaige . of all federal surgeons andiarmy chaplains, taken prisoner' in the 'dis chate of their 100th:bate duties. This is in accordance with 'the ibuimpielet them by this Govbritinerit.'• ' ' ' ' • Thts' morning the Se'crbtary of 'the TrefuMry received a telegramannouncing i the'lata,,lo.- yid in BanTrineiko' 'of a million of dol lars in United Mates' Treasury 'notes' pent throilgh less ban a 'month ago: They; are the that lot o€ notes sent by the Government Cal - " ••1 - ' ier Genets' Butterfield having recov ered i his health, passed through this city, th 4, aft4riicson on'hia return to the AraY of . gotoirutO.-" , Provost Marshall, Doter has isaßod Ar^, dekto the eiftlit'thaeaTt fon*OSsitti4 OdiOrs iini,fifintine2oqmptirt,, or ivwcitlijat3 sai 'or itousn'orill%Mti' in Waehhigton or Georgetown, with or without • paw, before or after ..tatoo, will be considered fit 'for dritY. Officers, of ; the patrol will send , them to' thi, Officer in charge of the "Soldiers Retreat ; " who will them to their regiments. Sdcretary Chase announces- that' the act 'to? ,•Prfnide intexuatievenue will be put into preei deal l ope:rapt:la na i the io of September, and all and 'any actin thin which in arid, act is roi quired to Id ifolie g iiikine the first: day of July dr Auguntoitilliti yetir lB62 ;shall &lone on or before Me firsA day oft September, .4862 ; and all parts of said act havin, ci gre*reekce tosaid dates of the hist dais of .1 ,uli ani ttu!t, ,l 861?; shall be taken and conitrirted having, refer ence to the first day of Septemlier,lBls2.' Collectors and assessors will be appointedi and whatever other thingsmay be pecessary,to,put the act into" practical' vrill be done before the date fixed 14 this notice::,' 11011 FORTUSS Arrival of Released '.UnioaPrisoneA FditOBNI M0N11.02, My 24. The steamship Daniel Webstei, Captain The then, from New York, 'reached Fortress Men roe last evening, on her way to Harrison's lan4ing, with a supply of, vegetables for the army, Which they have been suffering for fora long time.' .The flag of trucelboat Ganonicus wait up James river yesterday morning tuid.ireturned fairly this morning to Fortress Monroe, where she only remained ten minutes and steamed off in the direction'of York river. The steamers Spanldihg and Knickerbocker arrived at Fortress Monroe lait evening with six hundred Union prisoners from Richmond. The latter goes to Philadelphia and the foimer to New York this evening, The sailing vessels, sohooneis, &c., which have been laying up the James river for some time near James Island have, within a few, days, dropped down the river and anchored in the Roads juitabove Fortress Monroe.' ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER ,ADELAIDE BALuzolui, July 26. ThesteamerAdalaide, Captain James Cannon,. came into port this - morningfrom Old Point about seven o'cloek, with nearly 'WO hundred passengers, amongst whom'were- net leis titan thirty commissioned: officers of the army on the Peninsula. Of these, some few have resigned, some are on a brief furlOugh, and others go to their native States for the express purpose of re cruiting their commands. , :Coloner-Allen, of the Eleventh New, York Infantry, and 'Captain Cam breling and Lieutenant Itoors,of the Mew,,York, Fifth, CLouaves,)cairte - np on the Adelaide. Sur geon John M. Cuyler, of Portrait Monroe, also came np, and would prodeed to Wszhington on buitiness. Dr. puler has been nearly thirty years'in'the regular army, and looks well, not withstanding his arduous , labors since the com mencement of the war.• Some of the officers by the Adelaide are direct fr : n.fiatrlB°u's.in6lgp rf liskeamerjohn ATocksr.Hncrt4„%piedqtet :all along, the the flea C'b 'atloa ` statements made in some.of the Northern papers to the ?f -'feet that the Army is, demoralized. He pro nounces it in first rate ,order,,and,both,officers and men in gobd 1 It was expected that the Baltimore and Boston steamer,S. R. Spaulding, Captain'Howes, with three hundred , sick and wounded, soldiers on boaid, just released from Richmond, would come to this port, but it has been decided otherwise, and she left last night for tho North. Lieut. Charles Temple Dix has'been promoted to be Major, and 4eu,t. Wilson. Barstow has re. ceived the commission of captain. , Both these gentlemen are aid' ei-eamis on the tsff of Maj. (Jen. Dix, and their promotion is not only de servod, but,will be highly gratifying to m an y o f our citizens who had occasion to transact busi ness with Gen. Dix's department whilst in BA , timore. From Ha-per's Ferry ARRIVAL. , OF GEN. WOOL. GRAND MILITARY DISPLAY. • Haarut's Flaw, Va , July 24. On Tuesday at noon precisely a special train, udder the inimedbiter charge of William P. Smith, Esq., reached this place. with General Wool and staff, who .were received at the pars with due militaiy honors by Col. Miles and the battalion of MarylaridTfome Brigade Cavalry. The deep mouthed cannon' On the Maryland Heights bellowed forth its boisterous welcome, and tor miles around awoke the slumbering echoes Of 'the mountain , gorges. The sutetan tial brealitWorks on Camp Hill, erected under the superintendence, of that experiended.,and veteran soldier, Col. D. S. Miles, first Visited, and after being minutely inspected re ceived the approval of the,dititinguished visitor and suit. The several camps were next ea ambled and were fOund to be in' high state of cfeenliness and order. , All the infantry regiments' and cavalry ba l Milton then Marched to the parade .ground on Bolivar Heights, where they were reviewed in line and in column by General Wool, who iln mediately on the diarrumeal of the the , parade caused the leaning of the' followiig .general order. HEADQUARTKBA HARPZILB Fr&RY, VA., I . ' July '2B; 1862. GENERAL ORDER NO. 84. At the request of Major General Wont, com manduThg the Department, it is published to the :officers and soldiers of the conuuttad Ids great gratification and admiration of your . sol dierly appearance, proficiency in drill and dis cipline, on the review of yesterday, and that shortly he means to return and _witness 'your drill in the evolutions of the:line. By order of COL. MILES, Commanding Post General Wool proceeded the same afternoon as - fir aa Cumberland, tire western limit of his D'oprirtment. FROlf i:::.TIC:K7.6.I?v;URG. CONTINUED, BOMBARDMENT OF THE CITY. —Minikes, July 22.. n ''Piekilburgi Bayless no to Monday night, State that bur mortars 'have been shelling the .febel Iritti4iea for some home Without Inceivin# any C p l Co*Plis.d. Ora Farragot!st thiehAdlericed theirkuns while naming dosmiiitlnight:. I ' 4 Thb canal has been completed, bat the water will not be let in till the raver rises. ieEquare, oLe - ear owl melt 400 ale month 5 00 c. three months._ 10 00 " slz months. 15 00 one year9o 00 ,Iii"80131111PS noliceeb , serted - in the Legal &lona or before Marriages and Deaths, MIGHT usNt 2 PLR Liel2 for each Insertion. : ' ' . . 1 1 . "3 1 NO 72 , . Iff. Marllllo3 and neltha i te be charged as regular adverdsetaents. • FROM GEN.POPE I B a ii,MY NE GENERAL ORDER 'N0• .13. $ Guarding of Rebel Property Prohibited The Sohligi4o Battle igaiaat the ,Rebelii, Rot Hann Qoarrraes, Aanv or Vracirsia, Washington, July 2.5. Ileretifter no guards will be placed over pri vate homes or pilviiite property ithatever,--- Ckimmandio g *officers are relatable for the conduct of the troops under their commend, and the articlee of war and regulations of the army provide ample means for restraining them to the full extent . requkid for di.cipiine and efficiency. Soldiers were called into the field to do battle againstXite enemy,.and it is not ex pected that their force and energy shall be wasted in protecting private property of those most hostile to the Gevernment. No soldier serving in this army shall be hereafter employ ed, in such service. By command of [Signed] MAJ. GEN. POP& Geo. , D. RtIGGIJI, Col., A. A. G. and Chier,f of &air. From the Army of Virginia LL. DESTROYED. EVERAL ACCIDEXTEL Intercepted Rebel Letters, iko. Sutlers are now precluded from receiving supplies by railroad, on account, it is said, of 'lt and other contraband goods having passed in large quantities through• our lines to the Fnemy. Tne mill in which a large supply of cloth for rebel uniforms was found some time simie, near Warrenton, was destroyed by fire this Sergeant Ray, of the one hundred and fourth _New YOrk , Regiment, accidently, shot admaelf, „izetearday, tarough the thigh, and 'W. Chap man, of the one hundred and filth-New York, 'hough shot himself in the abdomen.— Though severe, it is not thought that the wounds will prove: fatal. Dennis Lawler and Lyman Gallop, lof the same regiment, were thrown from a wagon and badly injured. Our troops rejoice in the great improvement in their culinary arrangements consequent. on the new order to fornie on the enemy. They now enjoy the,delimcies of the season. Some of them have huge quantities of Confeder ate tes, cheaply obtained, with which they pur etie any live stock the country b Mir& . "Leiters .that have been intercepted possess some interest. A lady writing, to a friend says, the horrid Yankees have arrived. , There is Skirmishing every day about the Rapidau river. The girls in her part of the country turn their backs when Ihe Yankees come in sight. She encloses a dollar for the purchase.of tea. ,Other correspondents ezpress discontent and despondency at the state of affairs at Richmond arid throughout the South, and wish they ware at home again. Richmond is Said by others to bean immense slaughter house, the stench from w oh is almost insufferable. Some of the letters contain pictures of Jeff. Davis and other promi nent rebels. -A number of them contained con fi 3ilerate scrip, with directions to make purchases. There are no: military matters at present to communicate. FROM MEMPHIS. General Sherman in Command' of the City. Citizens Taking the Oath of Allegiance. ibtXPICIS, July 22. ajor General filerman has assumed coin mane of this city: He will enforce ail orders issged by his predecessors. . Four hundred poisons took the oath of al legiance yesterday, and a hundred and thirty received: pares Li go. South, It may be exp ct ed that upon Gen. fiherman's artivel,:the order reil'uiting them to take the oath or leave, would be modified, arid many have deferrmi the tak in& action until to-day, consequently the pm. vost marshales cfrit!eria thronged by applicants tosolkit passes:to go Suutb, and those desirbag to take the oath. CLARET WINE ut TE are closing out 26 VERY SUPEItIOR /Off LIP than cost. ELLER'S DRUG STORE is the place In Tnv Patmt Mow ItUILDING LOTS- FOR SAL el. B6IRABLei Building Lots on Ridge D Road sad Bow sweets, on teti , :onasie kerns. .hlor Witter parties ars OftqW/re of JO dN EUOVEN, agent jy.1741110 South slinet.between Peeend ant Third. LIG A RI 1 0 d 8810. Sugar (Refin ed . and ,Raw,). 'in grades and Riad , Just Medved and wal besoW,at the lowest market pncea. je2o Wld DiCK, & OD. PU general variety or goods _ for ad -11 leatleg the TOILET,' be found et Kellnety_la unnarplutesid In thin city. 3416' 91 Mcvkat etrea. fIANNED_ Tomatoes and Green Corn,"at . , min . . . nETERI3I.VE SOAP, sontettlinirbEittei' than Ragrimoige,ltourehoid Soap. Just. received and tor sale by • ' • )%IICHOLS At BOWM of, • corner Front end mAriret streets. . . fl k _IItiR4ELLY.—A large ento'plf just k i x i reeehred y• ' DOCK, it. t Cu. QtrIASIOrt Dandelfen just., re riodired ald for aalo , by - J ! • • 31,111WHAN, mirStS - ' Marta streets tRiRSH invoice or idessiaa Oranges and Lencei,lbe isle by NICHOLS & BOW T HAN. Writer prom and Market streets. 11 . fart+ wee. Presee 'Kei e4Par -1911. PIN+ NU 4rr every an be* dent id o.* 'Other VIIRIT3ING consuiate estettsir soars • eon:Anal?. • Equar e. SO 26 ... 126 60 8 00 ...10 00 to Protect their Property, GENERAL ORDERS NO. 18 CAM At WA.TNIILOO JUNCTION, kAIIQUIEB. CO, V& , July 24, WM. l*B. Jr.