Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, July 25, 1862, Image 2

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    PAR Celegrapt
I , C"
0 14 '
of York County
of Luzerne County
Friday Afternoon, July 25, 1862.
July 23.—The County Commissioners to-day
voted to pay a bounty of fifty dollars to each
volunteer to the new regiment to be raised in
Lancaster county. It is expected that a full
regiment from the county will be raised 'for
nine months. The right spirit is beingaroused.
WEST Casa, July 23.—The Commissioners
of Chester county have authorized a loan of
$30.000 to provide a bounty for the volunteers
to fill the quota called for by the Governor's
Will not our citizens take the matter in hand,
and ask our County Commissioners to make
similar appropriations to raise the bounty of $6O
for the volunteers of this county. It is true
that the citizens of this city can and will raise
sufficient means to pay the desired bounty ; but
after all the proper way to raise the money
would be to call on the Commissioners and ask
them to appropriate the amount from the
County fund. All our farmers would then have
an opportunity to pay their equal proportion
,towards sending our noble young men to the
battle field. The Commissioners will meet on
Tuesday next, and we have no doubt if a meet
ing was called on Monday evening by the 'citi•
tens generally, and ask such an appropriation,
that they would act in the premises at once.
That now being collected from our citizens for
that object, could either be used for other pur
poses or returned to its generous contributors.
We say the County proper ought to bear all
these expenses, and not the citizens of Harris
Trot JEFF Davis ORGAN, this morning, prints
what it chooses to "call "an opinion," in the
shape of a characteristically mean and con
temptible assault on the..editor of the TELE
GRAPH, from the pen of John B Bratton the os
tensible editor of the Carlisle Volunteer, With
out knowing anything of the merits of the case
between Barrett and McDowell and ,the editor
of this journal, Bratton essays an opinion, and
gives vent to some of the same spleen which
lost him the respect and confidence of the peo
ple of this county, and for theexercise of which
he was compelled to leave Harrisburg or starve.
Of course Bratton hates the TELEGRAPH and
envies the success of its proprietor, as he hates
all that is loyal and envies those who win suc
cess by honest labor. With . Bratton, we have
no quarrel, and have long since spurned his
dirty sheet from our sanctum. His ingratitude
and infamous falsehoods unfit him either for a
companion or a contestant with honorable men—
and whate:er abuse he may hurl at the TELE
GB.APH falls as harmless and as impotent as he
has been in the habit of falling and crawling
at the feet of those whom he suspected of hav
ing patronage to dispense. Hon. John C. Kun
kle must re-administer to Brat ton the castigation
he gave him during the campaign of '6O, at a
meeting in Carlisle. On that occasion he was
branded as a liar and a coward, and as such he
slunk from the Court House in Carlisle, follow
ed by the execrations and scorn of his own
neighbors. Of course, then, with such a man,
we can have no quarrel.
Cert. McComrsy, one of the Aid-de-Camps
of Gen. McCall, has been detailed for service
as general recruiting officer for all the regi
ments of the Reserve Corps. Capt McConkey
is a brave and a patriotic officer, well qualified
for the service to which he has been ordered.
He fought gallantly in all the late battles
before Richmond, and - was wounded severely
in one of the most desperate of those engage
The Reserv's le now considered the most pop
ular and desirable divisicins in the army.—
It has covered itself with glory, so that those
entering any of 'the regiments attached td that
Corps at once shares the glory of those wbo"
are now recognized as leaders.
GOT His Does.—T. J. Jacobs, the editor of
the Ashland (0.) Union, who said that this war
was a "a d— d abolition war, and that
Abe Lincoln was as much a traitor as Jeff. Da
vie," and has on various occasions preach trea
son, recently got beautifully thrashed by a
lieutenant in one of the Ohio companies.
Jacobs was belching folth his treason to a
crowd, when the lieutenant approached him
and remarked that "the government paid him
$l2O per
. month to lick just such miserable
cusses,": turned in and "ivii•ed out" the traitor
editor. That Lieutenant should be detailed
for service in this direction.
Tin response to the President's call is prompt
and enthusiastic. Throughout the North, in
the busiest of all seasons, men are ready to
leave the harvest field and take up implements
of another sort. All that is required is the
direction of their strength to the object. Men.
undertake an enterprise with heart, and reso
lute courage when they realize that their work
is not to be wasted. In the faith, now wide.
spread that there is to be a new era in the
prosecution of the war, three hundred new rgg
iments will be formed without delay.
Commas, during the recent -session, has• ap
propriated about $800,000,000, including up,
wards of $560,000,000 for the - army, and
somewhat less than $100,000,000 for the navy.
Allegheny. County Aroused for the
The Union Nut and Shall be Preserved.'
4 The people of Allegheny county assembled in
grand mass meeting yesterday, on the west
commons, Allegheny city, for the purpose of
reasserting their unalterable devotion to the
National government, devise ways and provide
means to carry on the war for the Union to a
successful conclusion. The assemblage is de
scribed by our Pittsburg exchanges, as the lar
gest demonstration made by the people of Alle
gheny since the war began, some twenty thous
and pet sons .participating in the proceedings.
Hon. William Wilkinson, one of the oldest
men in the commonwealth, presided, assisted
by a hundred and thirty-nine Vice Presidents,
and eight Secretaries.
On taking the chair,
Judge Wilkinson, after
the Throne of Grace had been addressed by
Rev. Dr. Howard, spoke to the assemblage in
approval of the motives which had induced the
people thus to gather in their might. He as
sured the people that be' was with them in their
unexampled unanimity—that he approved of
the acts of the national administration—and
was against the negro rebellion of the south, in
sentiment, in head, and in hand. At this
moment, my fellow-citizens, it is a public hap
piness to believe that the course of events at
Washington, and the call of the President of
the United States' or a large additional force
in the field, plainly indicate an energetic policy
speedily to bring the war to a successful termi
nation. This is is the great and preliminary
object. Let all other political questions and
and controversies give way, and be postponed
to the more appropriate and happy era when
peace, and union, and the Constitution shall
again cover the land.
To. meet the necessary and patriotic call of
the President, the quota required to be furnish
ed by each of the loyal States will be fairly as
signed. That which will fall upon Pennsyl
vania, my knowledge of her patr'otism, of ber
devotion to the Constitution and laws, and of
the courage of her people, assure me will be
promptly furnished, and early on its march to
honor and to victory. The eyes of the country
will be fixed on the movement of the great
Keystone State of the Union—a commonwealth
bordering on three slave states, forming the
link between the populous east and the far
spreading west, and having its northern limit
almost within the range of the eyes of a foreign
nation, to whom any display of our military
attitude, promptness and power, can never he
anything but a spectacle of gall and bitterness.
And then, with what lively interest and intense
anxiety will public attention and watchfulness
be riveted on each county, to see with what
patriotic ardor and military spirit the young,
the hale and the stout, will hasten to, and vol
untarily pledge themselves, under the folds of
the star-spangled banner, to the service of their
country. 0, with what State pride and exulta
tion, at the dose of an advanced life, would I
hail Allegheny, county as standing at the head
upon the scroll of enrolled volunteers.
As .a Commonwealth we have never yet dis
appointed public expectation. You of Alle
gheny county have nobly come up to the mark.
You have distinguished yourselves for the num.
ber and bravery of your soldiers. Yon are
now asked by your government, which never
deserts you, but devotedly protects and cher
ishes you, in this hour of its anxiety, to dis
cbarge a universal duty, and assume the hon
orable character, by your own good will, of
volunteer soldiers—not conscripts, as in des
potic governments—not drafted militia, de
tailed by a chance lottery--uot substitutes,
bought by the money of the wealthy—but
volunteers. There all the honor lies, and
there is the basis of your country's gratitude
and care, generous protection and rewards.
Some reflective citizen in this assemblage
may rightfully ask me, Why this call for a
large additional force, when it is recollected
that, after the commencement of the insurrec
tion, regiments of volunteers were refused by
the War Department. I answer, war changes
its attitudes. There are many casualties—
many unforseen positions and necessities.—
This rebellion warfare spreads over vast and
distant territories, and the numerical force of
the treasonable confederacy is greater than
was at first anticipated. And yet, more espe
daily, it hos concentrated its whole power upon
one point, as if madly resolved there to try
the final izsue—to make it the field of conquest
or the grave of their army. That point, too,
rises in importance when you are told it is the
capital of Virginia, and also the capital of the
confederacy. If 'the possesidon of that capital
is of such vital importance to the rebellion, its
capture must be a glorious triumph to the
army of the Union, and promptly lead, as is
confidently believed, to the overthrdw of the
audacious hopes of the enemy. Many of the
regiments of the army of the Potomac, in
tended for this interesting movement are not
complete in the full complement of their num
bers, The volunteers called for are necessary
to supply the deficiency, and enable the War
Department to throw into the army of the Po
tomac the reinforcements necessary to give nu
merical equality to the combatants.
Judge Wilkins spoke further in support of
the government and in denunciation of the re
bellion. His remarks were highly patriotic and
encouraging. When he- concluded, His Excel
lency, Gov. Carlin was introduced,- and was
most enthusiastically received by the people.
His Excellency said it was certainly very plea
sant to be here to-day. It was an era in the his
tory of Western Pennsylvania. Above all, it was
pleasing to see the venerable Judge Wilkins pre
siding over such a grand outpouring of the
people, and to hear his voice giving expression
to such patriotic utterances. Eloquent reference
was made to the events which in fifteen months
had brought' he country to its present state, and
the belief, expressed that, as' this Government
had nobly withstood the shock of two foreign
wars, it would likewise withstand the shock of
this rebellion. [There was still great confusion
in the meeting, and we were unable to hear a
portion of the Governor's address.] The Presi
dent had now learned that we were engaged in
war, and he and his advisers must take the
teachings of history that war means violence.
If we take our enemy's property, we must use it
against him. The crops in the Shenandoah val
ley are ours, and we must use them. Every man
and every horse in that valley belongs to this
Government. [Cheers, and a voice, " Yes, and
every little nigger too." Laughter.] Looking
at everything that has transpired, it cannot be
denied that the campaign in the Peninsula is a
failure. Bat there is no time for crimination.
There were forty thousand Pennsylvanians
there. Those who have fallen for their country
we cannot help, but we can, we must help those
who yet remain there to fight our battles. This
is your war and my war, and for your children
and for my children. It is useless to tlame this
or that general or civil officer, and it is vain for
this Government to act unless the people shall
declare that it shall be maintained. Let us say
no more about the past—it must be buried; but
let the l;nei gies of the people of Pennsylvania be
directed towards the one great object of putting
down, the rebellion.
There was speaking at four stands, in which
Hon. John Covode, Judge Shannon Ex-
Governor Johnston, and other distinguished
gentleman presided.
Among the , resolutions passed, we find the
Reaoived, That the highest emergency hes
arisen for a more determined, vigorous and
effective.effort to utterly nerthrow all those
penneginania 'Daily sCclegrapl, PIM!) 'Afternoon, 'nip 25, 1862.
In arms against the Government, and this
Mass Meeting implores the constituted author
ties of the nation to an energetic employment
of all the means in, and to come within their
control, to whomsoever they may belong, in a
manner consistent with humanity and the.
usages of civilized nations, to crush out at once
and forever the rebellion throughout the land
the authority of the Constitution.
Resolved, That in boldly pressing upon the
enemy for victory in a cause so just, the ap
prehended danger of foreign intervention
should quicken the tread of our armies to the
scene of conflict, and prompt our Navy to new
deeds of heroism and renown, that this bloody
revolt and reign of terror may soon end, and
that then the nations which have conspired
with the traitors for our ruin, shall be taught
that no European power can ever, upon the
soil of this Republic, plant the flag of depot
ism or break down the spirit of liberty which
lives in the bosoms of a race of freemen.
Resolved, That we, a portion of the people
of Pennsylvania, loving our whole country,
and cherishing the belief that its presetvation
from the grasp of violence that is near at hand
hereby pledge to the National Grovernment our '
unwavering support in furnishing men and
and money to 'quell the rebellion; and we
most earnestly implore his Excellency, the
President of the United States, his ministers
and advisers, speedily to assail the enemy,
seize his places of strength, strip him of what
ever may be employed to retard the triumph
of our arms, and resolutely and with unflinch
ing energy waged more for victory over trea
Resolved, That our confidence lathe President
of the United States is not only unimpaired,
but hourly increased, by the boldness and wis
dom with which he handles novel and perplex
ing •questions of , State inseparable from the
present perilous condition of the country.
Resolved, That his Excellency, Andrew G.
Curtin, Governor of our Commonwealth, de
serves, and is hereby tendered the gratitude of
this meeting, for the able, vigorous and correct
discharge of the highly responsible duties de
volving upon him in placing the State in the
very front rank of the defenders of the Union;
for his unceasing care of our noble men who
are in their country's service; and for his well
planned measures for the comfort of the sick
and disabled, and that these humane exertions
will hereafter brighten the pages of our histo
ry, and cover his name with honor.
Resolved, That to enable our glorious old
Commonwealth place in the field
her quota of men, it is exptdieut to raise by
subscription among our own people such sums
of money as will be required as a bounty to
each patriotic citizen who .will volunteer to
serve in the army of the United States, rather
than have the Executive resort to the slow pro
cess of convening the Legislature to make an
appropriation out of the public treasury for that
Resolved, That a bounty of $6O should, in
the opinion of this meeting, be paid to each
able bodied citizen who will volunteer to serve
as part of the quota of Pennsylvania in the
Army, of the United States, (for nine months,
under - the recent pr.( clamation of the Presi
dent,) and that all who cannot serve their coun
try in the field, should freely contribute of their
means to sustain our cause.
Fame:. K. Bees.—A writer in the Union
County Press thus alludes to one of our most es
teemed and popuhr citizens. The compliment
is gracefully conferred as it is eminently de
served :
- Allow me through the columns of your highly
esteemed paper to recommend a suitable person
as a candidate to represent this District in our
next Congress. I will therefore bring forward
the name of Frederick K. Boas, Esq., of Dau
phin county, as candidate for that office, sub
ject to the decision of the Union Conferepa of
this District. Mr. B. is a man itt every way
qualsfied to discharge the duties of that impor
tant office, and we are satisfied that if he is
nominated he will carry the district by an over
whelming majority.
Lay down the axe ; fling by the spade ;
Leave in its track the toiling plow ;
The rifle and the bayonet blade
For arms like yours were fitter now ;
And let the hands that ply the pen
Quit the light task, and learn to wield
The horseman's crooked brand, and rein
The charger on the battle field.
Our country calls ; away ! away !
To where the blood-stream blots the green.
Strike to defend the gentlest sway,
That time in all his course has seen.
See, from a thousand coverts—see,
Spring the armed fpes that haunt her track ;
They rush to smite her down, AND M
Ho ! sturdy as the oak ye cleave,
And moved as soon to fear and flight,--
Men of the glade and forest I leave
Your woodcraft for the field of fight.
The arms that wield the axe must pour
An iron•tempest on the foe ;
His serried ranks shall reel before
The arm that lays the panther low.
And ye who breast the mountain storm
By grassy steep or highland lake,
Come, for the land ye love, to form
A bulwark that no foe can break.
Stand, like your own grey cliffs that mock
The whirlwind, stand to her defence
The blast as soon shall move'the rock,
And rushing squadrons bear you hence.
And ye whose homes, are by her grand
Swift rivers, rising faraway,
Come from the depths of her green laud
As mighty in your march as they ;
As terrible as when the rains
Have swelled them over bank and bourne,
With sudden floods to drown the• plains,
And sweep along the woods uptorn,
And ye who throng beside the deep,
Her potty and hamlets of the strand,
In number like the waves that leap
On his long murmuring margo of sand ;
Come, like that deep, when, o'er his brim,
He rises, all his'floods to pour,
And flings the proudest barks that swim
A helpless wreck against the shore.
Few, feAwere they- whose swords of old,
Won the fair land in which we dwell •
But we are many, we who hold
The gam resolve to guard it well.
Strike for that broad and goodly land,
Blow after blow, till men shall see
That Might and Right move hand in hand,
And glorious must their triumph be,
ONE OF 'Em.—The man - in "the city of Chica
go who is the most blatant and abusive in his
talk of Republicanism, designating them as
" nigger worshippers," promoters of " nigger
equality," &c., &., is we are told , by good au
ority, the father of at least , five children by a
negro woman—not a yellow woman, but a re
gular African, with all the peculiarities of her
race. And - it is hinted by our infotmant that
of these children four were slid into slaveiy
by their father, though their mother was free.
Of such are the secession Ifenincracy.—Ohi cko
' --
- - .,i. - .7i?- _, 7,--•,;. - -..' ; :-
,-7 \ '
Al?i , •
Enthusiastic Meeting of Citizens
Parisvraz, July 12
An immense war meeting was held at the
Court House last evening. The large building
was cramed to overflowing. John Barman
Esq,, preeided. Eloquent and patriotic speech
es were made by E. 0. Pairy, Capt. Lower,
Hon. Jae. H. Campbell,, F. H. Hughes and
Myers S. Tronse Eeq.
A committee was appointed to urge the
county commissioners to appropriate 25,000
dollars to pay the bounty to volunteers, (treat
enthusiasm prevailed and the right spirit was
War Meeting at Oswego, N. Y.
Oswzao, N. Y., July 20.
A tremendous war meeting was held here
last night, at which sr number of recruits en
listed on the spot. Ex-Speaker Littlej4n, of
the Assembly, has accepted the Colnelcy of the
3d Oswego regiment
The board of supervisors added fifty dollars
bounty to each recruit, in addition to the Na
tional and State bounties.
The Subscriptions to the Bounty . Fund.
Up to this time the private subscriptions to
the bounty fund, independent of the rail roads,
amounts to $16,000. The Readiog railroad to
day subscribed $260,000.
A special dispatch from Cairo to the Mame
Mates that officers by the despatch boat, from
Vicksburg, say that on their arrival at Mem
phis there was a rumor that the gunboat Ar
kansas had been captured. They are inclined
to believe the report, as an.expedition was plan
ned before their departure to cut her out.
A letter dated at Hilton Head, South Caroli
na, on the 10th lust., says . :
"All is quiet here, with the exception of an
occasional demonstration on the part of our
gunboats beyond Beaufort, just by way of
showing the enemy that we are alive and vigi
lant. On the morning of the 10th they went
up the river; partially circumnavigating Beau
fort Island, and succeeded in burning several
huts serving as barracks for the enemy.
"General Steven's Brigade, comprising six
regiments, with four others detached from
General Wright, are now on their way to Fort
ress Monroe.
"The editorial suggestions that Gen. Hunter
might, could and should attack and capture
Savannah are absurd. He has enough troops
to. hold Hilton Head and Beaufort Islands
against any force the enemy can bring against
it, uo more. Edisto Island will be evacuated
by Gen. Wright lAA few days, just as soon as
transports are obtainable. There are but four
regiments there." ,
The steamer . Ithode Island from New Orleans
on the 10th, and Key West on the 18th, arrived
at this port this morning. She brings no news.
Rev. Benjamin J. Wallace, D. D., editor of
Presbyterian Quarterly Review, died this morning.
NEw YOBS., July 25
The funeral of Ex-President Van Buren will
take place on Monday, from the old church at
PsUADBL•mrIA, July 26
There is a good demand for flour-5,000 bbls.
sold at $6 00®512 for superfine, $6 26(45 37/
for extra, and $5 75®6 00 for extra family;
2,000 bbls. fancy sold on private terms. Small
sales of rye flour at $3 25, and corn meal at
$2 87k. There is more inquiry for wheat at an
advance of two cents—sale of red $1 30®l 32,
and white at $1 40. Rye sells, on arrival, at
70 6 . Corn has again advanced two cents-8,000
bus. yellow sold at 63®64e. Oats are one cent
higher-4,000 bus. Pennsylvania sold at 44c.
Coffee is one-fourth cent higher, with sales of
Rio at 22@,23t. Sugar and Molasses are look
ing up. Provisions quiet—sales of mess pork at
$ll 00®11'50; 300 tierces lard at 9c, now held
higher. Whisky moves slowly at 33e.
Flour dull. Wheat steady. No receipts of
corn. Oats firm at 45®46. Whisky dull at 32c.
Coffee firm—Rio 21®23c.
Naw Yon; July 25.
Flour heavy, sales of 7500 barrels at a de
cline of 10c. State $4 90@5 00 ; Ohio $5 30
®5 45 ; Southern $5 26®5 30. Wheat de
clined-2430 and prices are unsettled. Sales
of 5000 bushels at $1 10®1 16 for Chicago ;
$1 14@1 18 for Milwaukie. Club corn de
clining ; Kentucky I®2c. lower ; sound old
65®56c. Mess pork unchanged. Lard heavy
at t3i®9l. Whisky dull at 297i®30c. Gold
is down to 15}.p. c. Sugar has advanced
Sales of New Orleans at 9®ll-i. $1,400,000
worth of gold was sold at the stock board this
mor ning at 141143.151 closing at the former
New York Money Markets
Money market unchanged ; 29 per cent. pre
mium ; stocks better ; the market closing
stronger; Central and Rock Island 64 ; Ills.,
Central 56j ; ills. Central Bonds, 92k ; Michi
gan Southern 56/ ; New York Central 98k ;
Reading 56 I Missouri 6's 46{ ; Tennessee 6's
514 ; Indiana war loan 98k ; Treasury 7's 104;
coupon sizes 18 81 991; registered 98k ; con-.
pone 1874, 87k.
HE first in the market, just received
and for sale by Wed. DOCK, JK., & 00.
PPLES, Oranges and Lemons, at JOHN
On the Zed inst., GSORGII WASHINGTON, youngest son
of Josiah and Mary McFarland, aged 6 Yeas and 4
For particulars enquire of
jy.2sd2tawSm Corner of Second and Pine streets
HUD QuiurrEns PzuNSTEVANIA Mnrne,
Harrisburg, July 25, 1862
NO. 30.
The offer of additional bounty to recruits
having been elsewhere extended, the same pro
vision for this purpose has been made in Penn
sylvania by counties, corporations and by 'in
dividual subscriptions. It is due to the authori
ties or citizens furnishing the bounty, that
suggestions should be received from them re
garding the appointment of officers of companies
raised in their respective districts.
The troops now being raised; have by the
Proclamation of the Governor, of the 21st inst.,
been apportioned among the several counties.
This renders it expedient, in order to avoid con
fusion, that the number of persons engaged in
recruiting should be limited.
It is therefore ordered,
I. That no person shall recruit men under
General Order, No. 28, of this series, without
special written authority from these head
11. All persons already engaged in enlisting
men will report themselves immediately, and
apply for such 'authority.
111. County Commissioners, or other local
authorities,. or the committees of citizens, as
the case may be, are invited to suggest the
names of tit persons for officers of companies to
be raised in their respective districts where
such persons have not already acted under the
By order of A. G. CURTIN,
Governor and Commander in•Cluef.
Adjutant General, .Penn a.
THE account of J. H. Nonamaker, As
signee of Elias Paul, of Jackson township, bag been
Bled in the Court of Common Pi-a, of. Dauphin county,
and will be con firmed on the 28th day of August, 1862,
unites cause be shown to Me contrary.
jy2s d2twlt ' J. 0 YOUNG, Prothonotary.
CHICAGO, July 24
CRUSHED, coarse and fine pulverized
sugar, lower than any other place In town. Call
and examine, at N 1,11,48 & BoW Ma N,
19 2 5 Corner Front and Market streets.
CLARIFIED New Orleans sugar, a cheap
and beautiful attiale,for Bale by
Come , . Front and Market steeete.
BROWN - sugars of all grades, for sale
low, by & edwmerr,
jab Q,roer Front and Market streets.
DETRE cidei vinegar, warranted, for sale
low by NICHOLI & B 'WMAN,
jy26 Corner Front and Market streets.
AFew Blacksmiths and Carpenters can
fled emolorm4nt at the Rarrlabur i g Car Shop, if
application be mada immediately. . .
THE Company respectfully inform the
citizens of Harrisburg that the: contemplate hav
ing a plc-nic in Fisher's woods near Middletown, on
Thursday, July The rant will leave the Penney'.
vaults Railroad depot at 7 34 o'clock, s. x. Fare for the
round t , ip and admission to the ground's BO cents. Good
music will be In attendance.
John A. stager, George A. Dentine,
Peter T. Dautle 'George Bingen:lm
Vincent Ors`tiger,
Commettee of Arrangements.
AS the south Ward School Board are
about building on the comer of Fourth street and
Blackberry alley, any persons desirous of haying the
surplus earth, (principally lo can have the
same, free of sbarge, by calling on the committee imme
diately. C. BIOMES,
BOSTON, July 25
jy23 d3t,
HARRISBITRa, July 23, 1862.
THE State Medical Board for the ex•
amination of Assistant Surgeons of Penn
sylvania Regiments, will meet in Philadelphia,
at the Hall of the Universality of Pennsylva
nia on Monday, July 28th, at 10 A. M., and
sit for five days. Candidates will register their
names at the Hall, and to be examined in the
order of the register. About one hundred and
twenty vacancies are to be filled, and those
appointed will be at once assigned to active
By order of A. G. CURTIN, .
Governor of Pennsy lvania.
RIMY H. Wm, Surgeon General Penneyl-
Janie: jy23-deodtanl
C.O. ZIMMERMAN, Quotes buying rates es
BANKING, follows, viz:
STOOK, BILL, fold ' 1 133 i to 1 1534 p
Awn Silver riew..l 07% to 109 p
Collecting Mace, Myer 01d...1 063 f to 110 p
No. 180 Market street, Old Denttuid Tres.s34 to 6 p
Harrisburg, Pa. 7 8-10 Trea3.l or to 1013 p
1723 890.
The farmers of Susquehannn and Swatora will hold
their Annual Harvest Home Pic-nic at Cold Spring, on
Faturt ay next, the 26th inat. The citizens of Harris
burg awl. tecituty are respectfully invited to-be present.
Hutto fir the occasion and everything to make the ex
cursion a pleasant oneovill be provided.
P. S. The train will leave the Schuylkill and Eueque.
banns ticket office, upper end of. Lebanon Valley Depot,
at 730 A. M. Fare lor the round trip $1 00.
GEO. GARVERICH, Agent S. &B. R. R. co.
Scrap Iron and Metal Merchant,
N. E. Cor. of South and Penn, and No 17
South Streets,
Ingot Copper,
1, Bras Red
" Yellow,
Pig Tin,
Bar "
Pig Lead,
Bar "
Babbitt Metal,
Bar Iron,
New and Secondhand Machinests' and Maclumi
Tools and Stem Unglues bought acd sold.
Arttains of every d-scriotion in ins by Machinists'
and Ponnorymen, furnished to order,
air Cash paid for Scrap Iron, Old Rails , and all kinds
of metals. jy2l dims
T HE undersigned offers at private sale a
25 feet front and 100 feet deep, situated on East State
atreot near Filbert, The house is in good repair, has a
basenterickifehen, water and'all , the modern impr
dlFor lortherinforiaation
PrDWARD P enquire on'the remises.
wo . -
"Dearest Gboaos thou hast left us,
Here thy loss we deeply feel;
Malls God who hath bereft us,
b e can all our sorrows heal."
Nor 12tbnertisemtnts
Sheet Iron,
" Zito,
Foundry Facings,
Vices, F.les,
Old Metals,
" Brass,
" Lead, aec.,,tc.
Mu) '2lllvertisments.
In the Name and by the Authority
Governor of the said Commonwealth.
To sustain the Government in times of com
mon peril, by all his energies, his means and
his life, if need be, is the first duty of every
loyal citizen.
The President of the United States has made
a requisition on Pennsylvania for twenty-one
new regiments, and the regiments already in
the field must be recruited. Enlistments will
be made for nine months in the new regiments
and for twelve months in the old.
The existence of the present emergency is
well understood. No patriot will pause now
to investigate its causes. We must look to the
future. Everything that is dear to us is at
Under theee circumstances I appeal with con
fidence to the Freemen of Pennsylvania. You
have to save your homes and your firesides—
your own liberties and those of the whole
I call on the inhabitants of thecounties, cities,
boroughs and townships throughout our bor
ders to meet and take active measures for the
immediate famishing of the quota of the State.
Let those who cannot go themselves contrib
ute to provide bounties, equal, at least, to those
offered by adjoining States.
The Constitution prohibits me from drawing
money from the Treasury without authority of
law, and I will not cast a doubt on the patriot
ism of our citizeigs by assuming the necessity of
calling the Legislature at this time.
This is no time to wait for Legislative action
and the negotiation of loans. Delay might be
fatal. To put down this rebellion is the busi
ness of every man in Pennsylvania ; and her
citizens will show on this occasion that they do
not wait for the slow process of legislation, and
do not desire to throw on the Treasury of the
Commonwealth a burden which they are indi
vidually ready to bear themselves.
The conduct of our men already in the field
has shed immortal lustre on Pennsylvania. Let
their brethren fly to arms to support them, and
make victory speedy as well as certain.
I designate below the number of companies
which are expected from the several counties
in the State, trusting the support of her honor
in this crisis, (as it may be safely trusted,) to
the loyalty, fidelity and valor of her freemen.
Whilst the quota of the several counties is
fixed equitably so as to fill the requisition for
twenty-one regiments, let not the loyal peo
ple of any county limit their exertions to the
enlistment of the companies named.
Our heroic sons of Pennsylvania have moist
ened every battle field with their blood; thou
sands have bravely died defending the unity of
the Republic and the sanctity of our flag, and
other thousands have fallen sick and wounded,
and their places filled.
Freemen of Pennsylvania! Friends of Gov
ernment, of order and of our common nation
ality ! one earnest struggle and peace will
again dawn upon us as a happy, prosperous
and united people.
Given under my hand and the great seal of
asthe State at Harrisburg, this twenty-first
day of July, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and of
the Commonwealth, the eighty-seventh.
By the Governor.
&metwry of the Commonwealth
2 companies
.16 "
Clarion and Forrest..
Elk and McKean
Franklin and Fulton
Forest (see Clarion)
Indiana ..
Mifflin , 1
Monroe and Pike 1
Montgomery 5
yontour - - 1
Northampton 8
Northumberland ' 2
Perry I
Philadelphia 50
Pike (see Monroe)
Potter. 1
Schuylkill 5
Snyder 1
Somerset. 2
Sullivan and Wyoming 1
Susquehanna 2
Tioga q
Warren .
Wyoming (see Sullivan)..
'INC, Sheet Zinc damaged by water,
for sale low by ALEX'. POSY'S,
0 2 d i m* N R. Corner Flnnth end P•nn
A GENTS WANTED in every town,
rl viliage and clly, to sell he soldiers compation, can
Niue from $3 to $5 per day. Samples peat, post
age Paid, on receipt or 50 cents. Pad for circular. Ad
dreBll W. Hi Hartley, bon OA Philadelphia, Pa.
jradlW w4l
C L OLD PENS I—The largest and best
stock, from ELOO to 84.00—warranted—at
81183 , 7188 S 80ORSTotta
lI.ABBIT Metal, a good article, for sale
low by ADM PURVAS.,_
Corner Son* and Plan, int 17 south street PA U "'