Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, July 25, 1862, Image 1

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TERMS —Flicum Emcriwriox
The Deux Tstrosare is served to subscribers in lb. ,
City at 6 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will b:
charged St 00 in advance.
The TtLIGRAPH I+ also published twice a week during
the session of the Legislature, and weekly during ter
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the tobowing cash rates, viz:
:Ingle tubscribers per year EemiWeekly. Si 60
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33 .41.3LEM1 IVLC:OII.3MI
HAS discovered the most certain speedy
and effetcualtemody in the world for
No Mercury or Noxious Drugs.
A Cure Warranted, or no. Charge, in from one
to Two Days.
WeakneSS of the Back or Limbs, Strictures Affections
Of the Is idnvys and Bladder, involuntary discharges, Im
potency, General Debility, Nervousness, Dyspepey, Lan
goer, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the
Heart Timidity, Trembling% Dimness of Sight or Giddi
ness, Di rease ot the Head, Threat, Nose or Skin, Affec
tions of the Liver, Lungs. Stomach or Bowels—those ter
rible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth
.those silos= and solitary pract cos mom fatal to their
victims than the song of . yrens to the Mariners of Olys•
see, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations,
rendering marriage, dm., Impossible.
Young Men
Especially, who have become the ;victims of Solitary
Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annual
ly sweeps to ma untimely grave thou/muds of Young
Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intelle. t,
wbo might otherwise have entranced listening Senates
with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ectstmq
thing lyre, may call with full confidence.
Married Persona, or Young Men qtutemplating mar
riage, being .ware of physical weakness, organic debiti
ty, deformities, & 0., speech y cured.
Be who places himeelf under the care of Dr. J. may
religiously-confide in his toner as a gentleman, and con
fidently rely upon .ois skill as a Phy deka.
Organic Weakness
Immediately Cured, and full vigor Restored.
This distressing Affeettou—..which renders i tie misera
ble and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the
victims of improper indulgences. oung persons are too
apt to commit excesses trom not being aware of the
dreadful conseqtenees that may ensue. Nevi, who that
understands the subject vrili pretend to' deny that the pow
er of procreation Is lost. sooner -y tnose falling into ins-.
proper habits than by the prudent Besides being de
prived the pleasures nf healthy offspring, the most se
rious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind
arise. The system becomes deranged, the Physical and
Mental Functions Weakened, rLoss of Procreative Power,
Nervious Irratibility, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart,
Indigestion, Oonstilutiond Debility, a Wasting of the
Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death.
Office, No. 7 South Frederick Street.
Lett band side going from Baltimae street, a levy door
lrem the earner. Yaii /10t 10 observe and number
Lettere meet be paid, and contain a stamp. The Doc.
tor's Diplomas bang In bin office.
A Cure Warranted in Two Days.
No Mercury or Nauseous Drugs,
' Dr. Jobison,
Member of the Royal College at surgeons, London, Grad
uate from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United
Bates, and the greater part of whose life has been spent
in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else
where, has greeted some of the most astonishing cures
that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in
the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being
alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent
blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind
were cured immediately.
Take Particular Kotice:
Dr. J. addresses all those who havelidured themselves
by Improper indulge. ce and solitary habits, which ruin
both body and mind, unatting them for either business,
study, society ormsrrlige. '
These are some of the sad and melanchollyeffeots pro.
ducted by early habits of youth, viz Weakness of the
Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness f Sight,
Loss of Muscular Power Palpitation of the beagt, Dys
pepay, Nervonsirratibllty, Derangement of the Digestive
Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of- Consumption,
idiurrsicr.—The fearful effects on the mind are much
to be dreaded—Loss of Memory, Contusion of Ideas , De
pression of Spirits, Evil Vorbodings, Avers on to Society,
Self Distrust,Love of solitude; Timidity, dc., are some of
the evils produced.
nieces:me of persons of ell ages can now Judge what
Is the cause of their declining health, 'losing' their vigor,'
becoming weak, pale, nervous and. emaciated, having , a
singular appearance snout the eyes, cough and symptoms
of consumption.
Young Bien
Who have injured theniselrua by a certain practice In.
dulged In when alone, a'habit frequently learned from
evil companions, or at school, the effeets of which are
nightly felt, even'when asleep, and if 'not cured renders
marriage Impossible, and destroys both mind and body,
should apply Immediately.
What a pity that a young man, the hope of his coun
try, the darling of his parents, should be sn a tched teeth
all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the 'cOniequenCe
of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in, a
certain secret habit.' Such personssmer, before Contain
reflect theta sound mind and body are the most neces
sary requlkltee to promote connubial happiness. Indeed,
without these, the journey through life becomes a weary
pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly • earkent 'to' the view ;
the mind becomes shadowed• witttdespair and filled with
the meianohoily rail ctlon that the happiness of another
becomes blighted with our own.
Disease of Imprudence.
When the ml-guided and Imprudent votary of pleasure
ands that he has imbibed the seeds of this painful die
ease, it too often hapens that an tli-tuned sense Of shanse
or dread of discovery, deters him from applying - ha thistle
who, from °lunation and respectability, can alone be
friend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms on
this herr d disease make their appearance, such as , ul
Mated sore throat, 'diseased nose, nocturnal paini n in
the head and limbs, dimnese•ot sight, dealnese, nodes on
the shin bones and arms, blotches on the h ad, face and
extremities, progress ng with 'rightful rapidity, till •at
last the palate 01 the mouth ortbe bones of the nose Nu
Is, and the victim of this awful disease become a horrid
Object of cOmmiseratioa, tilt death puts • a period' to his
dreadfu l snUerings, by sending him to that Undiseoir
vered Country from whence no traveler returns."
It is a sissianchoily fharthai thousands fall victims to
this terrible disease. owing to the unskilfuliness of Igoe ,
rant pretenders, who by the use of that. Deadly Poison,
owl, ruin the constitution and make the residue -o
llle miserable. •
Trust not your lives, or health, to the care of the many
Unlearned and Wor thiess •Pretenders, destitute of know
ledge, name or characler, who copy Dr. Johnson% adyer
vertisemente, or style themselyes in the newspapers,
regularly Hdocated Physicians incapable of Curing, they
keep you trifling month after =Jain' taking their filthy
and poisonous'' , se Sccompounds, or as long as the smallest
Itra mn be ibtalned, and in despair, leave yott with' ruin
ed health to sigh over your galling disappointment-
Dr. Johnson is the only - physician .advertising.
His oredenual or diplomas always hangs In his office.
remedies or treatuunt are unknown to all others,
prepared trom a life spent in tho g • eat hospitals of Eu
rope, the first in the country and a mom extensive Pri•
vete Practice than any akar Physician In the world.
Indorsement of the Press.
The m a n y thousands cured at this institutton year afi
tali " ; and the numerous important Surgical Opera
tions performed by Dr. Johnson, witnessed by the re
garters of the "gun," J ohnson,
and many other ips•
pars, notices of which have appeared again and again
before the public, besides his standing as a gentleman of
Character and responsibility, is a sun/cleat guarrantee
Loth. afflicted.
bkin Diseases bpeedily Cured.
Persons writing should be particular in directin g thotr
letters to his Inotitutimi, in the following manner
JOHN;. ZOnNstast,M. D.
of.the,lfilticoore Lock Hocpitill, Baltimore, . old.
-SALAD; OIL. ..... .
A .„1,40 supply o f 'fieeh Salad Oil, in
Serge an d areal bottles, iutd of different brands
nos& revetvel and for sale b y.wig. Doug, ht.& CO.
FIRE' CRACKERS by the Oast -or box,
knot received and for sale by
Jel4 Corner Front and Market streeta
EW Patterns 01 Coal Oil Lamps, witli
au the recently improved buratik fOr sale by
corner, /treat and Marta& ertmlea
Le 2 . I'7, . •
t • tio (•••.-. •• ; „
. .
, •
Pennsylvania's Sick and Wounded.
List of Names in the Hospitals at Baltimore.
List of Pennsylvania soldiers in the. United Stales
Baykal; known as Steward's Mansion, West Bal
timore Street, in charge of Surgeon Dr. Ira. Rus
sel, July 18, 1862.
Joseph Gates, company K, 101st regiment,
had gun shot wound and is getting well. Res
idence, Mume P. 0., Adams county.
Thos. Davis, company I, 52nd regiment, re
turned to duty 6th of July..
Michael Kennedy, company I, 61st regiment,
had gun shot wound at Fair Oaks, getting
well. Residence, Philadelphia.
Geo. Caldwell, company I, 61st regiment,
had a gun shot wound at Fair Oaks.
Geo. Brown, company H, 102nd regiment,
had a gun shot wound at Fair Oaks.
Jerome Jennings, company .11, 85th regiment,
Geo. Britner, company: I, Bth regiment, cav
alry, wounded in the shoulder, getting better.
Residence, Philadelphia.
Henry Winter, company I, 101st regiment,
wounded in left breast. Returned to duty.
John T. Blum, company 0,23 d regiment,
Henry Conrad, company A, 93d regiment,
returned to duty.
Geo. McCord, company C, '93d regiment,
returned'to duty.
Jenniu's M'Cay, company F, 108 d regiment,
Thos. S. Anderson, company F, 105th regi
ment, gun shot, wound, getting better. Resi
dence, Utica, P. 0., Venango county.
Jacob Shafer, company D, 61st regiment,
general debility, returned to duty.
Sydney M. Clark, company E, 62nd regiment,
rbeuinatism, returned to duty.
Lewis Richard, company A, 101st regiment,
g•n shot wound, getting better. Residence,
Slatewick P. 0., Armstrong county.
Adam Shoup, company A, 101st regiment,
gun shot wound.
Simeon Springer, company H, 63d regiment
chronic diarrhosi, discharged.
Joseph Christ, company H, 95th regiment,
returned to duty.
Samuel Bolts, company R, 93d regiment, has
had the fever, getting well. Residence Anville,
Lebanon county.
Lawrence Goodman, rheumatism, returned
to duty.
Adison Sloan, (Corporal,) company 11, 101st
regiment, general debility, returned to duty.
John L. Griffith, company B, 85th regiment,
debility, returned to duty.
Josephus Jacobs, company G, 85th regiment,
general debility.
John Grayham, compa4 G, 85th regiment,
had the typhoid fever. Returned to duty.
Charles S. Barclay, (Sergeant,) company H.
102 d regirokit,lgun shoVwcinnd- at Pau. tOriks,-
James Boreau, company H, 61st regiment,
rheumatism, don't improve. Residence, Pitts
Henry R. Mifflin, company A, 951 h regiment;
has the brain fever, not improving any. Resi
dence, Philadelphia.
'Robert Allison, company C, 63d regiment,
phthisis puhnonalis, not improving.
John H. Cutter, company 5, 61st regiment,
gun shot wound at Fair Oaks, getting better
Robert Campbell, (Band,) 52d regiment, ty
phoid, improving. Residence Wilkesbarre.
David Smasser, company S , 61st regiment,
general debility.
John Funk, ceiripany T, 26th regiment, gen
Wm. A. Dennison, company H, 85th regi
ment, has dropsy, not improving. Residence,
Smithfield p. 0., Somerset comity.
Wm: A: Baisen, company A, 104th regiment,
general debility. Returned to duty.
Andre* M. Wilson, corporal, 'company C,
103 d regiment, has typhoid lesier and also rup
tured ; getting well of 'the former but' not of
the latter. Residence, Huntingdon county.
John Bush, sargeent, company C, 68d regi- .
merit, general debility: Returned to duty.
James Jones; sergeant, company H, 68d regi
ment, gunshot at Fair Oaks, nearly well. Res
idence, Pittsburg."'
Archy C `Kuhn, - coMpany' E, 15th regi
ment, wounded and discharged from the Berl
David Taylor, company E, 103 d regiment,
typhoid fever, with diarrhoea, improving slow
Residence, Brownington P. 0., Butter co.
John ,Taylor, company A, 101st regiment,
general debility. Returned to. duty.
Joseph,Adams, company K, 101st regiment,
has the'
Eli H. Bentley, company K, 101st regiment,
general debility, now well. Makes himself
useful and is a tavorite with the snrgeon: Re
sidence, Gettysburg; Pa.
John Duch, coMPany G, 104th reginient,
general debility, died July 4.
Joseph Shattuek,company A, 67th regiment,
has had typhoid fever, and now diarrhoea, int
proving., Residende, Rushville F. 0., Susque
hanna county.
• Chas. Keiser, company 13, 104th regiment,
Silvester Dale, company F, 103 d regiment,
general debility. Returned to duty,
. JaS. M. Davidson; company I, 103 d regiment,
general debility. Returned to duty.
Robert M.. - Watson, company C, 108 d regi
ment, general debility. Returned to duty.
Alden M.. Wilson, company B, 57th regi
merit,'gun shot wound:
Geo. J. Conner; corporal, gun shot wound,
getting better.
f Wm. H. Robb, company M, 102 d regiment,
IwOunded in ankle at Fair Oaks, getting well.
'Residence, Pittsburg-.
. J. H. Wright, company G, 103 d regiment,
has the heart disease and neuralgia, keeps
about the Same. Residence, Tarantum,
gheny county.
'Andrew G. Salyards, company F, 103 d regi
ment, has the weasels and his lungs affected,
gaining slowly. Residence, Leatherwont P.
U„ Clarion county.
`Wm. Taylor, company A, 101st regiment,
4eneral debility, returned to duty.
Jacob Graeft, company G, 102 d regiment,
- general debility, returned to dirty.
!Jacob Ideyres, company D, 103d . regiment,
consumption, improving. Residence, Venango,
Venango County. .
Bradort Porter, company E, 103 d regiment,
anemia, returned to duty.
John Swartz, company G, 52d regiment , . has
the neuralgia.
• Jae, Clark, company A, 63d regiment; rhea
rdatiam, returned to duty.
:Earnest Frederick, company B, 68d regiment,
,Vinerg ( 1 . 61 4 11 . th returned to duty.
• - •
.. _.. r... __ . '_ -
Samuel Gray, company R, 63d regiment, has.
chronic diarrhoea, retuned to duty.
Geo. S. Hanna, (musician,) company E, 63d
regiment, had diarihoea, returned to duty.
Samuel Bernhard, company 0,93 d regiment,
had typhoid fever, is getting well. Residence,
Camelstown, Lebanon county.
Evans Rush, company R, 86th regiment,
wounded at Fair Oaks, improving slowly. Resi
dence, Draketown, Somerset county.
Jas. Cowen, company I, 103 d regiment, had
the diarrhoea, returned to duty.
J as. Orr company I; 193 d regiment; has the
rheumatism, and is getting no better. Resi
dence, Harrisvitle, Butler county.
David White, company G, 103 d regiment,
consumption. Died, July 7.
Andrew S. Smith, cdmpany D, 101st regi
rnent;whad rheumatism. Returned to duty.
Nehemiah R. Taylor, company A, 98d regi
went, general debility. Deserted.
Augustus Saimaa, company G, 93d regi
ment, general debility, is well. Residence,
Nathanitl Winets, company D, 93d regiment,
'lves ruptured. Returned to duty:
Thomas Ayres, company 0,23 d regiment,
has the consumption, and getting nu better.
Residence, ; Pbßadelphia. • , •
Ambrose Meyres, company A, 52d regiment,
had the lung lever. Died, June, 26.
David Holland, company G, 62d regiment,
general' debility. Returned to duty.
Wm. Costello, campany G,--'s2d regiment,
has pleurisy and liver' complaint, and is im
proving slowly. Residence, Pittston, Ltmerne
Henry G. Weaer, had a gun shot wound, is
getting better. Residence, West` Newton.
Westmoreland county. ' • •
• Francis Dunbar, company A, 63d regiment,
gun shut wound at Fair Oaks, is getting better.
Residence, Braddock fields, Allegheny county.
Corporal John M, Thomas, company G, 63d
regiment, gun shot wound at Fair Oaks, get
ting well. Residence, Elderdon, Armstrong.
• Wm. Whiteside,• companw H, 68d regiment,
gun shot wound at Fair Oaks, getting better.
Residence, Pittsburg.
Henry Harris, company At, 63d regiment,
gun shot wound at Fair. Oaks,,improving.
Residende P: Allehenrcininty.
: Sergeant James McKain, company I, 103 d
regiment, rheumatism. 'Returned to duty.
M. Furgeson, company B, 68dregiment, was
wounded in the thigh, ar,,Fair Oaks, improving
slowly, wants money to, send home. Residence
Allegheny county; lost some of his clothes.
Hugh Bradley, company I, 104th regiment,
wounded in the knee, hurt the bone never be
fit for service. Residence, Philadelphia.
Wm. M. Smith, corporal,, company G, 63c1
regiment, was wounded in the right arm at
Fair Oaks, getting. better. Residence, Elder
ton, Armstrong eounty,
Allen Harnish, company E, 6th regiment, P.
R. V. C. wounded in the thigh badly, has also
the typhoid fever, not likely to recover. Re
sidence, Hickley Furnace, Centre county.
E. Heish, company E, 27th regiment, was
Wounded in,the-battle .of—Cross Keys, lie the
leg, has since had it taken off below the knee,.
lotting better. has lost all his clothes. 'Resi
dence, Quaketown, Bucks county.
• Wm. Mitchell, company K, 27th regiment,
was wounded in the leg at Cross Keys had it
taken off below the knee, getting better, near
ly healed up. Residence, Philadelphia.
John Guehing, company K, 61st regiment,
Was wounded in the lest arm at Fair Oaks, has
had it amputated below the elbow, now doing
tery well. Residence, tPittsburg.
Neal McGlaughlin, company E,. 115th regi
ment, was wounded, but rem ready for duty.
Residence, Philadelphia.
John R. Armor, company K, 111th regiment,
well, detailed as nurse. Residence, Ridgway
P. 0., Elk county.
Jas. Powell, company E,. 28th regiment, has
a sprained ancle, getting better. Residence,
Wise Port, Carbon county. His father had
eight eons in all, in the army, and he is now
here nursing this one.
Chas. W. Groyel, company D, - 102d regiment,
wounded in the battle .of Fair Oaks, getting
well. Residence, Pittsburg.
• John Groyg, company E, 98d regiment,
Wounded in the thigh, doing well. Residence,
Lockhaven, , Clinton county. •
Edward J. Suell, company D, 102 d regiment,
wounded in the knee at Fair o.llm, moves on
crutches—still lame. 'Residence, Pittsburg.
Jas. C. Irwin, company F,. 67th. regiment,
was shot' n the hip at Fair Oaks, getting well.
Residence, Mercer county, (Irishtown.)
Jas. Murphy, company F, 57th regiment,
shot through the arm at Fair Oaks,- doing
well. 'Residence, Mercer, Metter county.
' John Meyres, company I, 83d regiment, was
shot through the right lung at Fair Oaks—the
wound is healed up, bilt not well' otherwise.
Residence, Harrisburg. -
: John'Julien,' company B, 72d regiment, has
had typhoid fever, now well detailed; as nurse.,
Residence, Philadelphia.
Casper G-raeff, company G, Ist P. V. artillery,
wounded in the thigh, getting well. Reaidence,
Bermingham, Allegheny county:
John lirCilaughlin, (mnsician,) company E,
2a regimeut, detailed as nurse. Iteeidenee,
Thomas C. Morison, company 11., 111th tegi-
Ment, 'detailed as nurse: Residence, Shakely
vile, Mercer county..
J. B. Dobbs, (Chaplain's servant,) 11th P.
S. V. C., typhoid fever, getting well. Resi
dence, Forest county.
Luther Pratt, company, A, Bth U. B. infantry,
has typhoid fever, not sensible, but not dan
gerous. Residence, ;Frtmklin, Bradford county.
Robert W. Trees° ' company G, 102 d segi-
Ment, has had typhoid ', fever, getting well.
Residence Pittsbmy.
John IL Fink, company H, 96th regiment,
has had typhoid fever, getting well. Residence,
Philadelphia. •
'James Davenport, company G, 23d regiment,
has had typhoid fever, is getting well. Rest
dence, Philadelphia.
!Thomas A. Wilson, company I, 10th P. R.
V. C., has typhoid fever, getting well.. Resi
dence, Hartztown, Crawford county.
.John t..„ Flickinger, company 1., 11th P. R.
V. C., has had typhoid fever. getting well.
Residence, Horner Station, Indiana county.
'Arthur Conner, company K., Ist P. V. Rack
tails, has had typhoid fever, but now well.
Residence, Clearfield county.
Reuben Ferteg, company B, 96th regiment,
has had typhoid fever, - getting well. Residence
South Haven, Schnylkill . county.
:Daniel -Warner, company B,' Cad regiment,
has had typhoid fever, and now *ell. Resi
dence; Keyserville, Wyoming comity.
Jepson T. Little, company B, 83d regiment,
has had bronchitis, getting well. Residence,
Stubane, Crawford county.
Nicholas Warner, company S,•sth Pa. Cav , •
airy, has,had typhoid fever, getting better, but,
be sti r ll ia v n e d yr co - wz t ki Residence, Mi Itnisi , North tur
- Jesse Penrose, company B, .105th regiment,
has had diarrhcea, and getting better. Resi
dence, Brookville, Jefferson county.
Anson Parsons, A.ssistant Stewart, company
C, 111th regiment, well. Residence, Albion,
Erie county.
Clark Eighiny ; Sergeant, company H, 111th
regiment, has a, weak bait, has been unfit for
duty for three ,months. Residence, Spring
township, Crawford county.
Geo. M. Rhoa - ds, company C, 11th regiment.
P. R. V. C., detailed us . orderly for D. Bartholow,
Residence, Sunbury, Butler county.
Robert il'Bride, company, M, 6th 11. S. Cav
alry, wounded in the thigh, the ball still in and
lame; unlit for duty. Residence, Mlieesport,
Allegheny county.
Wm tiranwalt, company U, 75th regiment,
heart disease and getting no better. Reside.nce,
Philadelphia. the some hospital.
Wm. West, corporal, company I, sth S.
artillery, died of typhoid fever, May 22.
deuce, unknown...
Thomas I. Wright, company B, 85th regi
ment, died of tyirhoid fever, May 28. Residence,
-M. Beam, corporal, company la, 71st regi
reent, died Mama. 23; cause and residence un
Jas. Black, company 0, 23rd regiment, died
of typhoid feveradny 24. Residence, unknown.
Oliver. P. Henderson, sergeant. company E,
85th'regiment,idied of typhoid fever May 25.
Residence, unknown.
David Himminger, corporal company F, 85th
regiment, died of typhoid fever May 27. Resi
dence, unknown.:
D. K. Stinger, company G, • 85th regiment,
died of typhoid fever. May 29. Residence, Dun
maid, Pa. .
Jas. Giltiger, ,company 11, 104th. regiment,
died of typhoidt4ever May 30. Residence,
Reading. .4
Henry - D, 104th regiment,
died of typhoictlever, May 30. Residence, un
Frederick flask, company G, Mt regiment,
died of febris-typhoid pneumonia, June 10th.
Residence, Greene county.
Joseph R. Printchler, company H, 93d regi
ment, died of ,volnus sclopt, June 28. Resi
dence,.Northumberland,county, Pa.
Richard Swift, company H, 81st regiment,
died of febris Ityphoidis, July 2. Residence,
unknown. . •
Brownson Meerilecker, . company B, 11th re
giment, P. B. V. C., died of febris typhoidis,
July 6. Residence, Chester 'county, Pa.
Jas. Luogani company E, 83d regiment, died
of fetris typhEddis, July 6.. Residence, I;Va
terford, Pa.
David C. Ritch, company G, 10th regiment
P. R. V. C., did of typhoid fever, July 8. Re
sidence, biercea county, Pa. •
ltan, company G, 78d regi
ment, died • cause and residence nn
Allen N. Wilson (corporal,) company. B ,
gunshot arcluAd;"getting well. *Wanes,
*aShoppin; Wyoming County,
4. 'thaage„yr.,l44ol; dortipany A , 83d regiment,
unknown, returned to duty: "
ThODIELS Jones, company E, 62d regiment, re
turned to duty.
Rosell Gaylord, barber company H, 8d reg
iment, P. R. V. C.
Hugh Sterling, company K, 23d regiment.
Frederick Ingalls, company G, 12th-regiment,
P. E. V. C., returned to duty.
Ammin Geggler, company G, 12th regiment,
P. B. V. O. ' returned to duty.
Franklin Crane, company D, 83d regiment.
Edward McGrath, company D, Ist artillery,
discharged July 13. .
Jas. M. Faller, company H, 96th. regiment.
Wm. &alley, company B, Ist regiment, P.
B. V. C.
Charles E. Pettis, company K, 83d regiment,
returned to duty.
Abraham Miller, company D, 86th regiment,
had the typhoid fever, improving slowly.
Residence, Washington P. 0., Washington
i Pierson Musser, company A, Ist regiment,
P. B. V. C., detailed as commissary.
Daniel Gannon, company B, 8d regiment P.
11 V. C.; had pleurisy and rhematism, is Ina
Samuel A. Alines, company IC, 57th regi
Henry Fannacht, company A, 93d regiment,
had rheumatism and is improving. Residence,
Thos. A. Payard, company D, 95th regiment,
ordered to report to William King, at the gen
eral hospital at Philadelphia.
James Lee, cOmpany F, 95th regiment, had
the typhoid fever, is getting better. Residence,
George easier, company D, 96th regiment,
had the brain fever, is improving. Residence,
Samuel Leadom, company D, 93d regiment,
has the rheumatism, and is pot getting any
better. Residence, Lebanon.
Geo. W. Ayres, company 0, 28th regiment,
had the typhoid fever, and is improving slowly.
Residence, Philadelphia,.
Francis Remy, company K, 28th regiment,
had the typhoid fever and improving. Resi
dence, Philadelphia.
David L. Hawkins, company I, 111th regi
ment, has the diarrhose, is not so well as when
he came here. Residence, Cambridge, Cam
bria county. ' • • -
Andre Krauss, company A, 74th regiment,
has the rheumatism; was never tit for duty.
Residence, Eckley P. 0., Lukerne county.
Adam Ehrie, company a, 74th regiment,
ruptured, was hurt in the battle of Cross Keys,
improving slowly*. Residence, - Pittsburg.
Adolph. Rothe, company F, 75th regiment.
Samuel Bnerley, company B, 28th regiment.
,Jacob Hallam, company A, 75th regiment,.
has the diarrhoea, is getting better. Residence,
Christian Schlahauf, company A, 75th regi
ment, has rheumatism, and is improving slow
ly; Residence, Philadelphia.
John Wright,• company B, 47th regiment,
had rheumath3m and is improving. Residence,
Lancaster. ' '
Marion A. Wird', company B, 111th regi
ment, had the typhoid fever, nearly well. North
East, Erie company, - -
Charles S. Barclay, sergeant, company H,
102nd regiment, off on furlough. •
Frederick Wilhebn, musician, company I,
76th regiment, is weak, and does not improve
any. Residence, Philadelphia.
Julius, company H, 6th cavalry, in
jured in the side by the kick of a horse, is
doing well. , Residence; Philadelphia.
Jas. M'Cay,•company F,' 103rd regiment, had :
the typhoidfever, will lose one of his eyes, im
proving , wonderf ully. Residence, Watterson's,
Ferry, `Clarion county.
Richard Kline, 'cippany• E, 109111 regiment,
twaLKOPttued;,has also the cliarrhcea, the ,for
mer,no.better, the latter is. Residence,. Phila
Chas. A. M'areager, company C. 18th regi
ment Pa. Rifles, ward master, and is well.
[The balance of Major McCormick's report
will be published to-moirow, it being too
lengthy to be inserted in one issue without
cluding other interesting matters.—Rns.l
. :
Froni our ittorititig
FOBTIUSS kloNsou, July 23
A severely wounded Federal officer, who was
in the hospital at Savage Station at the time of
the vacation of that. place, learning tliat. the
sick and wounded ;um& be left behind, con
cluded. that he would not be one of the num
ber to fall into the hands of the rebels, and at
once started, off in the direction of James
river, as nearly as • he could judge and after
wandering about for several days, and traveling
as fast as possible in his exhausted. condition,
Succeeded in reaching the banks of the river,
and on the seventh. day got on board of a
transport, when he was kindly cared for.
While performing this tedious journey, several
ambulances drove past him, with no - other oc
cupant than a frightened driver, who would
not heed the cries of the wounded man for ,
help, or stop to take him on board, but drove
on at a furious rate, and soon disappeared in
the distance, making good their escape with an
empty ambulance.
Severalot the wounded soldiers who succeeded
in making their escape in this manner, and with
Whom I have had occasion to converse, have
given me a similar account of the conduct of
these ambulance drivers, and feel very sensibly
end keenly the neglect manifested towards them .
by, those frightened Jehus.
Hygeia hospital. at Fortress Monroe was
closed to-day, and.the patients have all been re
moved to Mill Creek and Chesapeake hospitals.
A flag of truce left Fortress Monroe this
morning at 10<o'clock with a number of rebel
prisoners for Richmond.:; General Dix returned
thii morning from a flag . of truce mission up
the James river. The object of .his visit was to
arrange for the exchange of prisoners,lnit the
result of his mission I have-not ascertained, as
it is not yet made public.. It is to be supposed
that he was successful, as iintnecliately on his
arrival at Fortress Monroe arrangements were
nude, and in three hours a . flag of truce was
despatched up tne James river with rebel pris
iinersemboard. The steamer . Canoitieus eon
yostel.thent np the:river. ...
The mail boat John A. Warneitrfrom; .Httr
rismes Landing, arrived here at half-past four
and reports all quiet and no news from the
army on the James river. '
The steamers Knickerbocker and Spaulding
ate on the way down the river with six hun
dred additional sick and wounded prisoners
from Richmond. One goes to New York and
the other to Baltimore.
Ncw YOBS., July 23.
The steamer Fulton, from New Orleans, with
dates to the 16th inst, arrived to-night
Purser McManus reports having passed the
gunboat Octorora, and a portion•of the fleet
for Fortress Monroe, off Pilot-town, which
would sail for Hampton Boads the next day.
The Fulton has 159 hogsheads of taiUgar ae a
cargo. She , also brings the.body of . . Lieutenant
De Kay. Among the passengers are General
Shepley, Colonel Curtmes, Captain Nelson,
Lieutenant Cowan, Captain Gould, Lieutenant.
Briggs, Lieutenant .A.ppleton i Lieutenant Say
ford, Captain Gilbert, Lieutenant Woodruff,.
Lieutenant Peeknian, Lieutenant Alfred, Lieu
tenant Wal len, Lieutenant McAffee, Lieutenant
Hebard, Lieutenant Hatchaway, Chaplain
Brown, Lieutenant Hayetc.Captain Palmer, and
469 sick and discharged soldiers from General
Butler's division. Private H. L. Miller, com
pany 1, Eighth New Hampshire, died on the
16th ; drummer Edwin Kilgore died on the
28d ; D. Sawyer. company g, Foirteenth
Maine, died on the I.Bth, and were all buried
at sea. - .
The New Orleans papers contain nothing of
importance, save local items, which goes to
show that the city is unusually healthy, The
administration of the City 14 mtheliently well
$43,000 Subscribed by Thirty-six Gentlemen.
A Monster War Meeting Proposed.
A meeting,of the prominent citizens, was held
to day at the. Board of Trade rooms to aid iu
raising the quota of troops .for Pennsylvania.
The,sttendauce was very large;.:Mayor Henry
presided. _Forty-three thousand dollars were
subscribed at once by thirty-six parties; some
subscribed two or three thousand apiece, and
none less than a thousand. .
A grand war meeting will be held on Satur
day afternoon for the same object. Councils
will act: 0,12 the proposes bounty appropriation
this afternoon.
• Near visas, July'2B.
The Louisville train came through all safe.
Conductor Taylor reports the road clear. The
alarm arose from the appaararme at Richland of
about thirty: Richmond rebels on their way
The rebel Forrest has skedaddled from before
Nashville. There are no doubts about the
safety of the pity., -• '
The buck river bridge has been repaired.
The T!,•141 ip clem'Taleskl via.
grtsattc tinting Cam
Having procured Steam Power Preoee, we are prepar
ed to execute 708 and BOOK PRINT NO or every
dencript;on, cheaper than It (an be done at any other
eetablbhment In the country. -
air S'our !lima- or less constitute ens-half square.
Right lines or more than four conAitut: a square.
Half Square, one d ty g 0 s
6 one weed....
...... 1 26
one month . . ...... .. —••—-• • • •• 2 60
" three months
six months 6 00
tt one y. ar 10 00
One Square, °Le deg . __ . ...... —..... 60
on 3 week 2 00
44 one month 5 00
tr three months 10 00
4/ six months. 16 00
" one year 20 00
syr [eminent notices inserted in the Loud alesnsrp, or
before Marriages and Deaths, RIGHT OiNll PER UNE
for each insertion.
NO,. 71
sar Marrtiges and Deaths to be charged as regular
Col. Edmund C. Charles, of the Tammany
regiment, who Was wounded in the recent bat
tles before Richmond and taken prisoner by
the rebels- and
,afterwards ; released and sent
home, has arrived here and ,is now-at the New
York Hospital. He, gives an interesting ac
count of his capture and a three weeks' resi
dence in the capital of the Corifederatd States
of America.
lie states that he was seht home front Rich
mond with the verbal explanation that he was
paroled until an exchange could be effected.
He was told that no formal obligation was re
quited of him. The aunt important point of
information gained by his brief sojourn in Rich
mond was obtained on his thparture for home,
being a sight of the new iron-clad steamer,
which the rebels are building, modeled after
the Merrimac.
This uutumal privilege was no fault of the
rebels, who dropped the curtains of a large
double ambulance containing the Colonel and
some wounded Massachusetts officers, as they
passed along the. James river , but the former
having the lower portion of the vehicle, and
the curtains being slightly short, enabled him
to see the bulk of the new war vessel, as it was
being towed by an old ferry boat in the direc
tion of the Tredegar Iron Works, it is presumed,
for the purpose of receiving her iron coating
This vessel is a beaked ram, and in this re
spect, and in being of smaller sins than the
Merrimac, does she differ from that defunct
marine monster. The new vessel had her roof
on, and a large number of men were at work
on her. Her guards were about six feet above
the water's edge. The ram was well beaked,
reaching about four feet above the deck, and
extending out six or eight feet. The Colonel
supposes this vessel will prove very formidobie,
and that she will be ready for service in three
weeks at the furthest.
Liar roof runs up to a peak, of such a height
that the sides rise at a sharp angle. When
ironed, and her machinery pat in, nor guards
will probably not be over oae foot above the
water. Being much smaller, she will be tar
more manageable than the Merrimac. The
Colonel saw another, iron-clad vessel, quite
ready for service, on tbe river. It was a gun
boat' apparently of about four hundred tons.
It ishis opinion that the rebels are constructing
several rams of the kind described.
In relation to the deaths in Richmond the
Colonel tells a sad story. He says the rebel of
doers with whom he came in contact admitted
that their owil and the Federal sick and Woun
ded were dying so fast that they could not bury
.them,,tior get vehicles enough to carry off the
dead bodies.
In retortion to the treatment of the wounded,
the O. S. A. Ooveninient makes no difference
between their own and the Federal wounded, but
private charity, does a great deal for the former
and nothing for the latter. The rations are the
sane that are given to the rebel Soldiers, name
ly, three ounces of boiled beef and a slice of
bread about two inches thick twice a day, at 9
a:. Bi. and 5 r. x.
While in Riariond he bad frequent talks
with rebel officers, from which he forms the
opinion that the working cimses of that city
are Union at heart; but the despotism of the
rebel government prohibits any discussion of
politics, even in toe newspapers. The rebel
Congress do little talking, and everything
shows the force and execution of a one man
Very many of the North Carolina troops,
and some of the Virginians, and a considerable
portion of the Georgians, are in favor of a re
turn to the old Union, but the more Southern
troops are earnestly in favor of continuing the
war. The Louisianians have a bitter hatred of
General Butler, and some of them have adopt
the war cry of "hang brute Butler."
The hanging of Mainford for hauling down
the United States flag, it was understood, me
'•klovernment"- were disposed to consider as a
Murder, and make a demand for Batter, and la
case of a refusal to such a claim, to execute Ma
kir General McCall, who is a - pisoner in their
bands. General McCall is confined in a prison
in Eighteenth, near Cary street, in Richmond,
along with about one hundred and fifty other
United States officers.
It is reported this mmning that the detach
ment of four companies under Maj. Lippert,
sent from Reeves Station by Col. Bayard, to in
tercept the gnerillas:who made the raid upon
Granville, had fallen in with the enerey, cum
pletelY dispersing the band, taking 'sixteen
prisoners and recovering all the-booty taken at
Granville. No farther particulars yet rixeived.
Eight Thousand Dollars Bounty Money Bailed.
An immense war meeting was held here last
night. The Hon. James Nill presided. Betio
lutioru3 were adopted *ling upon the people of
the county for men and money- Committees
wire appciinted to carry out the object of the
meeting. Subscriptions were opened to' pro
vide a sum sufficient to pay a bounty of $5O to
each -volunteer. sight thousand dollars were
at' once subscribed, and the amgunt will be in
creased in a few days to $20,000. One company
has been raised and is ready, to leave.
Nsw Yosx, July 24.
Mho Celia Smith, of Pitistmrg, was killed by
a piece of flying timber throsvn by the explo
sicpn of a boiler atHassardaville.
TERSIVB SOAP= something, better
th an a nt. tbon's Hottunit t nilskrr v re . and .
f c r 11" by oinialiontand M:iget
Nzvr TORY, July 28
PILOT MIOB, MO., July 24