glitg Etlegraf4. PEOPLE'S UNION STATE TICKET• AUDITOR GENERAL: THOMAS E. COCHRAN, of York County SURVEYOR GENERAL: WILLIAM S. ROSS. of Luzerne County HARRISBURG, PA Monday Afternoon, July 21, 1862. PERSONAL The Patriot and Union having for the last'two weeks made several personal, false and mali cious allegations against the Postmaster of this city, and after having been furnished with un disputed testimony that the charges made against him were utterly false and groundless, and demanding that the same should be pub lished, which testimony they have refused to publish, he has therefore availed himself of the only means left open, and thst is an appeal to an honest and unbiassed jury of his country. Several nits have therefore been instituted against 0. Barrett and Thomas 0. MacDowell, as publishers and proprietors of the Patriot and Union, and U. T. Jones as writer of the same. These gentlemen will therefore have a full op portunity of proving one and all of their sev eral allegations made against him. In order to show our readers, that the only charge made against him is fully contradicted, we print the following letter, a copy of which was sent to the Patriot, with a demand that the same should be published. The letter is as follows : BLOOMPIELD t July 16, 1862 There was a package of money sent by ex press from Key West by Capt. Woodruff to Geo. Spahr, Esq., Mr. Spahr having left home before the money arrived, requested me to receive and to distribute it. The money was put up, each persons in a sealed envelope, and addressed to the person to whom it was to go, the amount marked in figures on the outside. There was two letters for Harrisburg, one for Mrs. Mary Ann Tag, marked $4O DO, one for Mrs. Marga ret Umberger marked $l6 00. They were seal ed and addressed pronerl." --11 -....kburf. and a pos t age e t, oor each. Mr. D. J. - Meer- cr.- our place, wee going to Harrisburg and offered to deliver them, but when he returned he said he had not time to deliver them, and he took them to the Post Office at Harrisburg, handed them to the person attending the office, and told him what they were ; that they were sol diers' letters, and said to contain money. The man in the office took them and said, "all right." These were the only letters for any person at Harrisburg in the package. Who they were from, I have no means of knowing. I have a list of all the letters received that were in the package expressed by Capt. Wood ruff. Any further information that may be necessary, I will cheerfully give so far as I can. Have these two letters been delivered to Mrs. Tagg and Mrs. Umberger Respectfully yours, &c. DAVID MICKEY Mr. Rice deposited these two letters in the Post Office on Tuesday, and they were delivered on the very same day by the carrier. We for bear, however, to make further comment on the subject, as the case will undergo a fair and impartial investigation before an unbias sed jury of this county. If these charges had been of a political char acter, we should have noticed them as hereto fore, through the columns of our journal. Hav ing been engaged as polithal editor and pro prietor of several newspapers since the year 1887, a period of twenty-six years; we have hurled many a hard blow against our political adversaries and received as many in return of which we do not complain. But when parties make charges repeatedly against our pri vate character and official conduct as an officer of the United States government, we deem it not only just and proper to our family and the community in which we have resided for twenty-six years past, to vindicate our own personal character, but also vindicate that of the government which we have sworn to serve faithfully. Let a jury of our countrymel decide the question and we shall rest satisfied. COL. FORNEY'S SPEECH. The New York Tribune, of Saturday, publishes what purports to be an abstract of certain por tions of Col. Forney's speech, delivered in this city on the 17th inst., which places the author and the President in a wrong position before the country. The Tribune has the following as the language used in that speech: "He announced that President Lincoln had told him, before leaving Washington, that henceforth his policy should be as stringent as the 'Ma enthusiastic could desire. [Loud Applause.] That hereafter there will be no restriction in the employment of ail men to put down this Rebellion. [Long and loud applause.] No more doubting about the confiscation of Rebel property. [Applause.]— No longer need the Northern people be fright ened with the cry of Negro Equality and Emancipation." [Applause.] As the speeeh was delivered, and as it was reported for, and published in the Tstectwerw of Saturday last, neither the language attri buted to Col. Forney by the Tribune, nor the impression created by that lane/nage, was need by the speaker or sought in any manner to be fixed in the mind of the Convention. Col. For ney did not say that he had lately bad an in terview with the President relating to any subject, and least of all did he say that the President had confided to him the policy he in tended to punme in the future to crush the war. Here is whit he did declare on this sub ject, and this is the only allusion to the Presi dent in the entire speech: But now, that experience has shown that no modera tion can reach the authors of this great crime, the President will undoubtedly pro fi t by the lesson. And /am sure that the voice that goes up from this Con vention to day, Will invigorate and inspire him in the vigorous policy which is about to be inaugurated ; a policy which Heel sure wilt be as stringent and as de termined as the most exacting and enthusiastic of us could desire. Backed by the people, and empowered by law, there will hereafter be no hesitation sn the ny.* o f an mom Writ down the rebel/ion. JEFF. DAVIS'S ORGAN OPPOSING A VIGOROUS POLICY'. Nothing so alarms the organ of Jeff. Da vis in this city, as a proposition or a plan to Apply a vigorous policy in conducting this war for the Union. It groans with holy horror at the suggestion which urges the government to use any means within its power to put down rebellion, and would rather any time see a re giment or a brigade of gallant Pennsylvanians cut to pieces, than acknowledge the neces sity of arming negroes to cut the throats and exterminates the race of Southern traitors. White men are not of the account of slaves. Northern mechanics and laborers have not invested in their flesh the money of any of the political allies of dough•feceism, anti therefore such as these can be slaughtered without affecting the interests or the political prospects of the party to which the Patriot sings its praises. But if we use the slave, and risk him in battle, we peril his political influence and compel his master to risk his investment in the war for the Union. This is a fair inference after reading the article which Jeff. Davis! organ prints this morning on the subject of a more vigorous policy. In the course of that article, the Davis organ declares that The way to encourage the volunteering of white freemen is to cultivate unanimity of sen timent among the northern people—to lay aside party asperity, Sm. In the same paragraph the most violent at tack is made upon loyal Republicans and honest Democrats who are sustaining the national ad ministration, and this is what secesh means by laying "aside party asperity ;" and in the lan guage, we quote, the Jeff. Davis' organ talks about "cultivating unanimity" as the way to encourage enlistment. It must mean a unani mous sentiment in favor of the slave-holders' confederacy, and volunteering for the confed. orate . army, because such has been its effort for a year past. Bat the height of impudence is reached in the following question which the Davis organ propounds to the members of the late People's Union State Convention : "Why did not these leaders of party factions and cormorants of public plunder resolve to become leaders of regiments and battalions, and to take the field without delay against the rebel enemy 1" Barrett and ltfacDowell talking about factions and cormorants for office, when the very flesh on their bones and the life in their souls was placed there by the liberality of the men they now assail, and is due to the broken down fac tion which they now seek to revive. So far as taking the field is concerned, perhaps the members of the convention are fearful of an attack of that inflamatory rheumatism or , bronin diarrhcea which interfered with the valor — or - Ante tkie Davis organ. —But, badinage aside, the public have had sufficient evidence to convince them of this fact, that the party of which the Patriot is the organ, has no other political object in view than that of giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the National Government. The leaders of that party now seek a triumph that they may thus give assurance of their ability to render this aid to Southern traitors, and thus also encourage rebellion to continue its strug gles against the government. Thereforejevery vote cast for Barr and &looker, the dough-face candidates for Auditor and Surveyor General, may and will be counted equal to a bullet fired for the success of the traitor government. The article in the Patriot this morning proves this fact, and thus out of its mouth do we convict the Davis organ. TEE BOUNTY 70 VOLUNTEERS. We suggested in Saturday's issue of the TFLEGRAPH, the necessity of a bounty being of fered for enlistments, so that the burden and expense of the war would be equal among all classes. While making this suggestion, we also urged that this bounty should be offered without waiting for the action of the Legisla ture, but that the Legislature be at once con vened to give validity and force to any move ment which the Governor may immediately innugurate, looking to the military organize tion and the sum to be offered by a system of bounties. Some of our cotemporaries as sert that the Governor should assume this responsibility at once, and offer this bounty without the action of the Legislature. We agree in this conviction, and yet we are also convinced of the political and constitu tional necessities of convening the Legislature, in order that such action on the part of the Governor may receive the high sanction and endorsement of our law makers and custodians of the public funds. • The Piitaburg Evening Chronicle thus alludes to the same subject : Now it seems to us, that if Governor Curtin had the endorsement of the people, as express ed through county mass meetings, he might avoid the very great expense and delay of con vening the Legislature.e.t this untimely season, and himself take the responsibility of offering a bounty of dollars to each volunteer, trust ing to the patriotism of the next legislature for the proper authentication and legalization of his act. He could then immediately provide a fund for the purpose, and issue orders to the different military'subordinates as to the mode in which it is to be made available. Suppose an average bounty of $5O were offered to two classes of recruits, the whole expense would be only $2,500,000. Fellow citizens, the capture of Richmond ; the termination of the war ; the avoidance of a dissolution of the Union and a foreign war, and the perpetual prevention of having Pennsylvania bordering a foreign gov ernment, with its hostile line of custom houses and tariffs, would be worth to this State alone more than . a hundred millions. But the chief merit of this course is that the burthen of raising additional volunteers rests equally upon all, and not upon this or that coun ty, or upon this or that body of citizens who may be more patriotic and liberal, but no more able or interested than their neighbors, in send ing reinforcements to our sorely pressed armies now in the field. It would altogether obviate too, the objection to local bounties, mentioned at the outset of this article. Recruits having no more inducements to enlist in one place than in another part of the State, would join their own home regiments, containing friends and relatives of their own neighborhood, and offi cered by men whom they know and in whom they have confidence. To the liberal and pat- riotic in each county, there would atilt be left most ample opportunity for raising and spend ing money, to put in rapid working order the machinery of recruiting, in inilding public fennopluanta illativ (telegraph, illonban Afternoon, 314 21, 1862 meetings, proyidiog music, &c., keeping up part of the wages of employed recruits, supply ing additional surgeons, medicines or comforts to those who leave ns for the field. Tim hULAILATORY EHEUXATISH or the chronic diarrhcea , must have been at work on the body or bowels of the valient Soldier who presides over the columns of Jeff Davis' organ, else de cent men and a loyal cause would have been spared the outrage inflicted upon the com munity this morning. It is customary and notorious for the cowards and hirelings who control the secesh organ and cater to traitors through its columns, to make good their De mocracy by abusing John W. Forney or ap plauding slave-holding traitors and sympathiz ing dough-faces. They have literally emptied their heads, this morning, of all that it was possible for professed falsifiers to conceive or concoct. The mere personal abuse of John W. Forney by such men as Barrettand blacDowell amounts to no more than the exhibition of their own jealousy and hatred. He Is above and be yond their reach. He moves where they could never be recognized. Hehas associates where they would be spurned, and this fact, not his independent renunciations 'of dough-face loco focoism, has for years excited the envy of Bar rett and MacDowell, John W. Forney might be all that is mean, low and cowardly, and yet he would be the superior of the controllers of the Patriot ; and the day will come when some of those will again crawl at his feet, im portunate for favors and cringing for his recog nition. PENNiiTLYANIA'S NM AND WOIINDED List of Names in the Frederick City, Md., Hospital, • Southard Deming, 111th regiment, co. A, Capt. Bentley, Warren county. John Steuber, 27th regiment, co. E, Capt. Stahr,Philadelphia. Wiliam J. McMillan, Knap's battery, Phila delphia. Thomas Devlin, 78d regiment, co. H, Capt. Graft, Philadelphia. Philip Newkument, same. Wm. Cooligan, 73d regiment, co. E, Capt. Strong, Philadelphia. Charles Teestin, 73d regiment, co. F, Capt. Kelly, Germantown. - Charles Pollard, 73d regiment, co. E, Capt. Strong, Philadelphia. Thomas J. Manson, same. Philip Cober, 74th regiment, co. K, Capt. Hannm, Pittsburg. John Norratt, 109th regiment, co.' A, Capt. Semen, Philadelphia. Wm. A. Roberts, 111th regiment, co. F, Capt. Breden, Erie county. Joseph H. Brady, 111th regiment, co. G, Capt. Thomas, Erie county. Wm. Cory, same. Edward Potts, 109th regiment, co. K, Capt. Kerr, Philadelphia. Alford B. Crosedale, 109th regiment, co. A, John i g ga . re ' Toot*, iii9th regiment, co. D, card. Young, Lawrence county. John Seyfert, 109th_..kniment., Ato 0, Cant, Baker, Philadelphia. Joh Cole, 111th regiment, co. C, Capt. Fer guson, Erie county. David Mitchell, same. Edward Charlton, 109th regiment, co. E, Capt. Farnsworth, Germantown. Wm. Lake, 109th regiment, co. B, Capt. Limber, Philadelphia. Henry Sewall, same. August Schutte, 111th xogiment, co. I, Capt. Wagner, Erie county. Washington Brown,2Bth regiment, co. A, Capt. McCabe, Hunt ingdon county. Richard Larne, 109th regiment, co. la, Capt. Bush, Philadelphia. Henry Shivers, 78d regiment, co. F, Capt. Kelly, Philadelphia. Timothy Mahoney, 78d regiment, co. I, Capt. Hart, Philadelphia. ,Henry Burns, Capt. Scott, Pittsburg. Francis Joseph, 74th regiment, co. K, Capt. Misel, Philadelphia. Augustus Hartman, 73d regiment, co. I, Capt. Hart, Philadelphia. Sergeant 000. A. Koebel, 28th regiment, co. 0, Capt. Raphael. Conrad Reamer, 74th regiment, co. B, Capt. Meckeburg, Allegheny county. Griffith O'Kelly, 73d regiment, co. I, Capt. Hart, Philadelphia. James Millahon, 73d regiment, co, F, Capt. Kelly, Philadelphia. James Kenny, 73d regiment, co. PI, Capt. Craft, Philadelphia. James F. Lloyd, 78d regiment, co. F, Capt. Kelly, Philadelphia. Frederick Gilk, 73d regiment, Capt. Clare, Philadelphia. James Ecker, Capt. Gibson, Pittsburg. Joseph Walton, same. Herman Getel, 74th regiment, co. F, Capt. Amlank, Pittsburg. John Viehman, Sherman's Artillery, Phila delphia. Henry Bayer, 27th regiment, co. I, Capt. Eckele, Philadelphia. James Barnes, 78d regiment, co. K, Capt. Williams, Lancaster. Philip Conrad, 74th regiment, co. E, Capt. Balstetter, Allegheny. James T. Bigelow, 74th regiment, co. I, Capt. Smith, Washington county. Thomas Arts, 111th regiment, co. B, Capt. Corrigan, Warren county. Joseph A. M'Gee, 111th regiment, co. B, Capt. Corrigan, Warren county. Harrison T. Thompson, same. Jacob Eighmey, 111th regiment, co. H, Capt. Schlaudecker, Crawford county. Joseph Baugh, 109th regiment, co. 13, Capt. Ferree, Crawford county. Ferdenand Jardella, 109th regiment, co. G, Capt. Rush, Philadelphia. James Blissey, 109th regiment, co. K, Capt. Kerr, Philadelphia. Frederick Beck, 111th regiment, co. C, Capt. Ferguson, Erie county. Emanuel Rosenberg, 109th regiment, co. G, Capt. Rush, Philadelphia. Thomas G. Cochran, 109th regiment, co. D, Capt. Young, Philadelphia. James Campbell, 109th regiment, co. G, Capt. Rush, Philadelphia. Washington Ferry, 111th regiment, co. K, Capt. Pierce, Crawford county. Wm. H. H. Clark, 111th regiment, . co. G, Capt. Thomas, Crawford minty. George N. Fay, 111th regiment, co. G, Capt. Thomas, Crawford county. Lewis D. Gear, 111th regiment, co. B, Capt. Davis, Crawford county. Thomas Conn, 29th regiment, co. F, Capt. Kennel, Philadelphia. David B. Lowry, 46th regiment, co, H, Capt. Mills,rotter county. E. Richmond, 111th regiment, co. K, Mer cer county. B. F. Colwin, same. • Thomas MoKeag, 109th regiment, co. H, Philadelphia. Sergeant J Latour, 109th regiment , x , • G Philadelphia. Lewis Ott, 75th regiment, co. B,Capt. Semen, Philadelphia. David Hart, 28th regiment, co F. Walter Shuttes, 29th regiment, co. K, Capt. Ricketts, Philadelphia. George A. Post, 46th regiment, co. H, Capt. • Mills, Potter co,untY., - Benedict Fontaene, 74th regiment, co. A. Otto Smith, 27th regiment, co H. W. Comerford, 109th regiment, co. I, Capt. Lac.ock, Pittsburg. Sergeat John Somoson,2Bth regiment co. 1. Alfred Yeager, 29th reiment, co. F, Captain Kinsler, Philadelphia. William Riegle, 46th regiment, co. D, Capt. Brooks, Dauphin county. Shelon Merhand, 111th regiment, co. D. Capt. Alexander, Warren county. Albert Syfert, 27th regiment, musician,ready to return to his regiment. Washington B. Coder, 12th 11. S. Huntingdon county. Joseph Elderbrand, 84th regiment, co. D, Capt. Frick, Columbia county. Geo. Reighart, 75th Regiment, co. H, Capt. Sinclair, Philadelphia. Joe. F. Arnold, 109th regiment, co. H. Samuel B. Condell, 109th regiment, co. A, Capt. Seymour, Philadelphia. John F. Deigen, 87th regiment, co. C, Capt. Reed. David Rambo, 28th regiment, co. M, Capt. Wilson, Philadelphia. Cyrus Acherman, 28th regiment, co. B, Capt. Warden, Westmoreland county. John Metsker, 27th regiment, co. C, Capt. Reed, Philadelphia. Jonathan Waters, 111th regiment, co.G, Capt. Thomas, Crawford county. Henry Nuffle, 109th regiment, co. F, Phila delphia. Alexander M'Farren, 111th regiment, co. G, Capt. Thomas, Crawford County. Sergeant J. W. Baker, 111th regiment, co. A, Capt. Bently, Crawford county. George Robison, same. roseph Rice, 111th regiment, co. C, Capt. Ferguson, Erie county. Francis Baronsky,46th regiment, co. K,Capt Strange, Northumberland county. Jeasee Clare, 28tblregiment, co. B, Capt. Jor don, Westmoreland county. Wm. Taylor, 28th regiment; Philadelphia. Chas. Schmalloswitb, 27th regiment, co. C Capt Reed, Philadelphia. Roderick Fisk, 111th regiment, co. C, Capt Ferguson, Warren county. Jacob Obler, 78d regiment, co. B, Capt. Has let, Philadelphia. William Refford, same. James Bradbury, 29th regiment, co. A, Capt App, Philadelphia. Samuel Kay, same. Charles Jones, 28th regiment, co. H, Capt Ahl, Pittsburg. Frederick *Tetchier, 73d regiment, co. D, Capt. Moore, Philadelphia. Jacob Morris, 76th regiment, co. B, Captain &man, Philadelphia. Charles Goodman,7sth regiment, co. F,Capt. Goblin, Schuylkill county. Jacob Buehler. 75th regiment, co. A, Capt. Oswald, Schuylkill county. Martin Ewing, 28th regiment, co. D, Capt. Barr, Beaver, county. John H. Wagner, 74th regiment, co. D,Oapt. Smith, Allegheny county. Sebastian Phankunk, 74th regiment, co. F, Capt. Detricb, Pittsburg. Albert CauHer, 28th regiment, co. F, Capt. Coplan, Cambria county. John Coburn, 111th regiment, co. K, Capt. Pierce, Crawford county. A vo% From Washington. TEE SICK AND WOUNDED IN 'THE HOSPITALS. The Rebel Attrooities at Manasses Junction. WAsscuoTou, July 21. The number of sick and wounded in the hospitals within the District of Columbia and vicinity is 5,800. Thomas H. Hatsom, of Philadelphia, an cm ployee on the Orange and Alexandria ailroad Company, was crushed to death yesterday be. tween two ans. The following is an extract from a letter found in the post office at Jacksonville, N. C., upon the occupation of that place by the U. S. forces. It establishes beyond all doubt the truth of the statement heretofore made as to the atrocities committed by the rebels on the dead bodies of our soldiers. CAMP PICKENS, MANAMEAS JUNCTION, Dec. 2d, 1861. My Dear have seen more since I haVe been here than I ever expect to see in my life. I went on the battle field one day where the great battle was fought, and I I saw more than I ever expected to see or ever want to see again. I saw soldiers from Georgia grabble up Yankees that had been burned and saw them pull off their heads and snatch the meat, and pare off their heads and took the scull bones with them to send home for their folks to see, and there was a great many dead bodies of horses laying over the field, which caused a terrible scent. Your dear brother, Direct your letter " Hymon Caton, company I, 4th regiment N. C. S. troops, Manassas Junc tion, Va. FROM FORTRESS MONRQE• TIER REBELS PREPARING FOR AN ATTACH. ON SUFFOLK. All Quiet in the Army on the James River. The Rebel Army Falling back Towards Richmond FORUMS:I ' Mormon, July 19 I learn from a gentleman recently from Suf folk, that some little excitement prevails there on account of rumors that the rebels are build ing bridges across the Black Water river, which is thought to be preparatory for an att ack on Suffolk. Our informant thought the rumors quite likely to be false, but said the sutlers were care ful not to keep a large stock of goods on hand. The steamship Merrimac arrived here last evening from Port Royal. No news from that section. The mail boat John A. Warner arrived at quarter past three from Harrison's, and reports all quiet. No news from the army. The rebel army has fallen back ten miles toward Richmond. ' STRIKE AMONG THE LEHIGH CANAL LLBORKREI MAUOR CHUNK, July 21 The laborers on the Lehigh canal are on a strike for higher wages. They ask $1 87 a day; while they have been getting $llO. The strike is reported to be general. , No one , is *e mitted to go to work. • ' FROM GEN. POPE'S ARMY OFFICIAL DISPATCH. SUCCESSFUL CAVALRY EXPEDITION THE VIRGINIA CENTRAL RAILROAD CUT AT BRAYER DAR CREEL The Track Destroyed for Several Miles The Telegraph Wires, Depot and forty Thousand Rounds of Rebel Am ,munition Destroyed. Tremendous Excitement in lie The Rebel Jackson Reported at or near IMPORTANT ORDER, HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF VIRGINIA, July 21, 1862 To the Hon. Edwin At. Stanton : The cavalry expedition I directed Gen. Rlny to send out on the 19th, has returned. They left Fredericksburg at seven o'clock p. in., on the 19th, and after a forced march during the night,madela descent upon the Virginia Central Rail Road at Beaver Dam creek, twenty-five miles from Richmond. They destroyed the track for several miles, together with the telegraph line, burned up the railroad depot which contained forty thousand rounds of mus ket ammunition, one hundred barrels ohflour, and much other valuable property, and brought in a Captain who was in charge, as a prisoner. The whole country around was thrown into a greatest state of alarm. One private was wounded on our side. The cavalry marched eighty miles in thirty hours. The affair was most successful, and reflects high credit upon the commanding officer and his troops. As soon as the full particulars are received 1 will transmit to you the name of the commanding officer of the troops engaged. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, J 01124 PoPs, Major General Commanding. Weartsirroa, July 21.—1 t is reported in Se cession circles this morffing, that Jackson is at or near Gordonsville. They seem to received direct intelligence to that effect. The following order has been issued by Major General Pope regarding the absence of officers and soldiers imhis' command: H.RADQUARTRR9 GP TI ARMY OF VIRGINIA, Washington July 17, 1862. 1 Commanders of a corps d'armee—command ere of a division of this command may grant passes for the day to the officers and men of their commands, which must be signed by one or two staff officers who must be designated for that purpose, and whose signatures are to be immediately reported to the provost marshal of the corps d'armee. will not be construed to permit theirbearers lu o leave the vet.-wry spective stations, or to visit the city of Wash ington. Except as above specified, no officer or soldier of this army will be permitted to leave his command on any profane() whatever, without special authority from these head garters. All officers found absent from their commands five days after the date of this order, will be arrested and tried for disobedience of orders.— All soldiers absent after that time will be con fined and returned under guard to their regi ments for trial by court martial By command of Major General POPE. GEORGE. D. Ruacass, Col. A. A. G., and Chief of Staff. An officer who arrived to-day from Freder. ickstown, Va., says the effect of Gen. Pope's official order upon our troops was wonderful. Although they had not been officially proclaim ed when he left that town, a knowledge of ttleir contents had quickly passed from officers to men, and all were jubilant in view of the policy hereafter to be pursued. New vigor has been infused into our soldiers, and additional strength and courage given them, and their anxiety for active operations has been increased. The toast among them to-day was, "The New Orders." _ . . WARRENTON, Va., July 20. A cavalry - captain from Gen. Hatch's corn mend arrived here to-day. The same officer brought five prisoners of the 2d Virginia cav alry, who were captured by General Hatch at Madison. Col. Miller, of the Virginia militia, was also taken prisoner, but he has not yet ar rived. The names of the five prisoners are B. J Farrer, A. A. White, A. B. Bibber, A. M Goodrioh and G. H. Harrisson. Qen. Ewell's troops are reported to be at Gordonsville. Their number is not stated. Gen. Pope's recent orders are received by the troops with enthusiasm, but the citizens wear terrible long faces since its publication. • A Frenchman arrived here to-day who left Richmond some days age. He had been perse cuted in order to compel him to join the south ern army, and was finally put in prison, from which he was released at the request of the French Contiul. He had been keeping store in Richmond. He says everything in Richmond was very dear, coffee selling at $2 60 per pound, and sugar at 85 cents. Flour, however was held at $5, and com'metd was dearer than flour. He bought a harem and wagon worth about $lOO, for which he paid $450 in Confed. erate scrip. With this he made his escape. - 111111.011 CATON FROM CORINTH. ••110••=. Departure of Gen. Halleek for Wash ington. GEN. GRANT SUCCEEDS HIM _., l _ EXTENSIVB BIIIPIIENTS OF COTTON. Gen. Halleck's departure was unattended by any demonstration. Few were aware of it. He traveled in a common freight car without any guard. A !Special Order, issued before leaving, places Gen. Grant in command of his army and Gen. Pope's old army, together with the divisions of Glens. Quimby and Mitchell, of Kansas, giving him the largest force, next to Gen. Meklellan, in the field. The district of West Tennessee, under him,is to include the district of Cairo and Mississippi, and part of Northern Alabama. Cotton is coming out of West Tennessee - very freely. Three trains, comprising thirty seven cars, loaded with it, started for Columbus from points on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, yes terday, and immense piles are awaiting ship ment. The people fear burning by the guer rillas, and are anxious to sell. Prices range mm 20 to 25 cents 4verything is quiet along the Memphis and Catarleitton and Mobile and Ohio, . beldom Generally. Gordonsville. Coanrru, July 19 LATER FROM MEMPHIS. ----..---- Steamboats Ylred into by Rebel Cavell, Loursvnam, July 21. The steamer Commercial, Capt. Archer, from Memphis, arrived here yesterday. She reports that the steamers Courier and Eugene with troops, were fired upon when entering flreen river, by the muskets of a party of rebel cav alry. It was not known whether either boat lost any men. On arriving at M'Allister Land ing, two miles below Newburg, Indiana, the Commercial was fired into by guerrillas, one ball passing through the gangway without any damage. The steamer Belle,from Memphis to St. James. was fired into by a gang at Randolph, 11, The result is unknown. ARRIVAL OF RELEASED UNION PRISON EL, BALTIMORE, July 21. The steamer Louisiana arrived here tiati • morning from James River, Va., via Fortrr, Monroe, with 328 released Union prisoner s , w h,, were delivered up to us by the rebel, uc. , 1 , 2r a flag of truce, about ten miles below Richmond. They were captured at Savage's Station, an,i other places during the recent battles. A hit of their names has been published. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH PBILADELPHIA, July 21. There is a firm feeling in flour market ; 4,000 bbls. Ohio extra family was disposed of, part rt $6 76 and part on private terms ; superfin e ranges from $4 75 to $5. Rye flour sells at s3®l3 25, and corn meal at $2 75. There is a good demand for wheat, and 6,000 bush. sold at $1 27@1 30 for red, and $1 35Q1 40 for white. Rye has ad wanted to 50c. Corn active, and all the yellow offered sold at 60e. Oats in good request, and 3,000 bushels Pennsylvania sold at 42c. Coffee firm ; sales of Rio at 22c. and kLaguirs at 23c. Provisions quiet; sales of mess pork at $lO 50@l1, and 200 tires lard at 9c., cash. Clever seed wanted at $5 25, and flax seed at $2 25. Whisky sells slowly at 33c. NEW YORK, July 2L Flour s®lo cts., better sales 16,500 bbls. at $5(45 25 for state ; $5 4501.5 60 for Ohio ; and $5 40(gii 85 for Southern ; wheat has an ad vancing tendency, and the market is excited, the prices are 2 cen.s higher ; sales 200,000 bee. at $1 08(41 14 for Chicago spring ; $1 12@ 1 18 for Milwankie club ; $1 16®1 29 for red, and $1 34 for white; corn, mixed advanced 1 cent ; sales 75,000 bus. at 54®65 cts. for old Chicago ; beef unchanged ; mess pork 11 dol lars ; prime $8 55®9; lard steady at B®9i ; whiskey dull at 30,1®31 cts ; receipta flour 28,498 bbls.; wheat 100,932 bus.; corn 23,588 bus. BAITIMORS, July 2L Floor advancing and firm; wheat also new 445 c higher; corn quiet; oats firm; coffee very firm ' • whisky firm but quiet at 34@35 ; mess pork $ll 25. New York Money Markets NEW Yoax, July 21 Sterling exchange firm at 32 p. c. prem.; the money market unchanged. Stocks better and closing dull ; C. & R. I. 64/, -I Ills. Cent. R. It. 67, Mich. Southern 65k, N. . Cent. 93. Gold 120. Treasury, 7 3 10, coupons 1881, 93k; reg. interest. 9801. • New abnertigements NOTICE THE New Map of Dauphin county is complete and will be delivered to subscribers as rapidly as possible. Liy21.42t9 A. POMIROy. HOSE FOR SALE 800 FEET of good Forcing Hose for sale at 40 cents per fool. Address Robert b. Gill. Secretary of Hope Hose and Steam Fire Engine Company, No. 2, Philadelphia, onion street below See. ond. A liberal redaction will be allowed for cash. jy2l-dlt A PIIRVES, Scrap Iron and Metal Merchant, MACHINE & FOUNDRY FURNISHINGS, N. E. Cor. of South and Penn, and No. 17 South Streets, PHILADELPHIA Ingot Copper, " Brass Red " " Yellow, Pig Tin, Bar ' 4 Bar Plg Lead, Speller, Antimony, Babbitt Metal, Blamuth, Solders, Bar Iron, New and Second band ilachinests' and Blactstwihs' Tools and Steam Engines bought and sold. Articles of every cl , scription in use by Madill:Mks' and Formdrymen, furnished to orde , . Alifir Cash paid for Scrap Iron, Old Rails, and all tiuds of Metals. jy2l. dlm* sheet Iron, 4 , Zu. • Steel, Borax, Crucibles, Foundry Facings, Anvils, Vices, Files, dic., Old Petals, " Copper, " Brass, " Lead, &c., kc. BABBIT Metal, a good article, for sale low by Al EX. PCNVIP, N. E. Coiner South and Peon, and 17 South greet, Nils. iy2l. dime ZINC, Sheet Zinc damaged by water, for sale low by ALEX. PURVIS, .1y:41 dims N. E. Corner South and Penn atreets, Ma. WATER COOLERS. ANICE ansortment, cheap at Lyman GELbert's Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufactory, Market street. REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITH HAS removed his Boot and Shoe Store from the corner of Second and Walnut streets to IVO. 108 NARKET STREET, Next door to Haynes Agriculture Store, where he intends to keep all kinds of Hems a^d Shoes, Gaiters, A, an • large stock of Trunks, and everything in his line . of d bu siness ; and will be thantitil te receive the al at his n patronage ew of his old customers and the nubile in gener place of busineue. All kinds of work made to order in the best style and by superior workmen. Repairing done at short notice. [apr2difj JOHN B. SMITH. 100 PERCH OF GOOD B lIILDING LIME STONE, FOR FALB AT TEE KEYSTONE FARM SCELIEFFELIN BROTHERS & WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND DEALERS in Fancy Goods, Per nmery, rm. also agents for the ells ot Relined Petroleam, Illuminating Oil, superior auy coal oil • furnished in lam mmatidos at the lowest market rates, 170 and 172 Wiliam Street, YORK. a27d6nal NEW ANOTHER SUPPLY OF MORTON'S UNRIVALLEDjI GOLD PENS. EST PENS in the world, for 750, $1 25 ji $1 50, $2, $3, and $4, for sale at lebls-9 BCREFFEB'S Bookstore. FLY PAPER. FIadANCY COLORED Polon, ready out, for covering Looking (Ross Picture games, kn• a and other DOW mittens sale at BOGNIR'O for 013:FAP BOONSTOIO